English Unseen Poetry Booklet (First Four Only for Revision)
AO1 Read, understand and respond to texts. Students should be able to:• maintain a critical style and develop an informed personal response •use textual references, including quotations, to support and illustrate interpretations AO2 Analyse the language, form and structure used by a writer to create meanings and effects, using relevant subject terminology where appropriate. AO2 Use of AO2 Use of Q1 AO1 Use of Q2 Level terminology terminology and 24 mark comparison and 8 mark Band and effect of effect of question quotations question techniques techniques 7-8 6 Critical, exploratory, Judicious, Exploratory, 21-24 conceptualised; Band 4 Top analysed convincing Judicious, precise. Top Thoughtful, 5 Examined, 17-21 developed; Apt, High effective integrated Clear, explained; 5-6 4 Clear, Thoughtful, 13-16 Effective, Band 3 Mid understanding comparative supportive Mid Some explained; 3 Explained, 9-12 References to Low mid identified effects support, range Some references 3-4 Supported, 2 terminology, Band 2 Relevant, some 5-8 relevant; Comments Low Identifies Low comparison on references methods Possibly uses Simple, relevant; 1-2 Some links 1 terminology, 1-4 Reference to Band 1 between text and Bottom awareness of relevant detail(s) Bottom reader choices 0 0 No work worthy of any marks Are there groups of Narrative viewpoint How the sentence words that belong Repeated symbols structures or to a particular Sentence structure and specific punctuation punctuation semantic field? reflect feelings or Opening and Closing What difference emotions within the Semantic field does this make to text. How does it Rhythm the atmosphere of Timeframe change or develop? the text? Considering how the narrative choice Can you identify a enhances the Analysing rhythm to the text? meaning of the text STRUCTURE Is it written in a overall.
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