Llangarron Parish Council

Minutes of a Parish Council Meeting held remotely on Tuesday 29th September 2020 at 7.30pm

Present: Councillors: Sylvia Matthews, Paul Bailey, Barbara Fisher, Simon Wainewright, Nick Saunders, Liz Dingsdale and Neil Wheeler.

The Chairman moved a resolution to exclude members of the public from the following confidential item.

1. Proposed Change to the Clerk’s contracted hours – The Chairman reported that there had been a very positive review of the Clerk’s performance adding that it will be necessary to make sure that his working environment is fit for purpose. Following discussion, it was RESOLVED to increase the Clerk’s hours from seven to ten per week to be reviewed after the NDP has undertaken a referendum. Councillors also conveyed their appreciation for the professional contribution from the Clerk since assuming the role.

Ward Councillor Swinglehurst and twelve members of the public were admitted to the meeting

2. To receive apologies for absence - Councillors Nigel Moore, Paul Lodge, John Norman and John Joseph.

3. To receive declarations of interest & written requests for dispensation – Councillor Wainewright declared a non-DPI against Agenda item 10.10 (Planning Consultation 202964)

4. To consider the minutes of the previous meeting held on 28th July and 25th August 2020. It was RESOLVED to adopt both sets of minutes as a true record and will be signed by the Chairman in due course. Councillor Fisher commented that she had not received a copy of the previous minutes.

5. Adoption of Standing Orders – The Chairman explained that the Parish Council already adheres to Standing Orders produced by the NALC (National Association of Local Councils) and HALC ( Association of Local Councils). Councillors have been provided with a revised version for 2020 and it will be necessary to formally minute their adoption. The Chairman mentioned that there had been recent issues regarding behaviour exhibited at meetings and the Standing Orders specifically refers (Section 2) to the standards of conduct required during Parish Council meetings. The Chairman added that it is acceptable for Councillors or members of the public to ask challenging questions of Parish Councillors who may respond where appropriate, but accusations or rudeness of a personal nature will not be tolerated. All accusations against a Parish Councillor must be referred to the Monitoring Officer at Herefordshire Council. It was RESOLVED that the Standing Orders for 2020 be approved and published on the Parish Council website.

6. Open Discussion 6.1 To receive views from residents on parish matters. The following issues were raised: 6.1.1- A resident outlined her objections to Planning Consultation 200782 by explaining that the access to the site was very tight especially for larger vehicles adding that the Highways Department cannot support the application. Moreover, the site is outside the village and NDP boundary. 6.1.2 A resident provided a brief description of Planning Consultation 202544 explaining that it is designed to initiate a dialogue with Hereford Wildlife Trust who owns the land about the plans for an educational centre at the nature reserve. The current application is designed only to make good the existing structure and added that policy CSU1 in the draft NDP lists Tretawdy Nature Reserve as a community centre. The same resident echoed the opposition to Planning Consultation 200782 on grounds of its inadequate access. 6.1.3 A resident expressed their hope that the Parish Council would unanimously support the proposals set out in Planning Consultation 202544.

6.2 Ward Councillor report – Ward Councillor Swinglehurst referred to the recent written report and was content to take questions. Issues of note include the 5- year housing supply (3.69 years) which is reasonable high, the figure has implications for the Parish Council given the high level of planning applications in the parish. Pollution in the Garron and Gamber is a major concern and mentioned her support for Councillor Moore’s work tackling the problem of flooding in the parish which she considered to be an important pilot for the county. The Chairman asked if, after the meeting, the Parish Council could be briefed on the recent Covid 19 outbreak at John Kyrle School. 7 Footpaths 7.1 The Footpaths Officer reported that the recent invoice for £550 (ex VAT) was within the footpaths allocated budget. All outstanding work has been completed apart from 3 stiles on LG39, 27 and 20 respectively. The stiles will be provided free of charge from Balfour Beatty with the only cost to the Parish Council being the labour costs incurred by the Footpaths Contractor. A missing step on LG1 on the boundary with Trehumphrey Farm was spotted about 12 months ago but since then it has become very overgrown and there is also a damaged stile. The Footpaths Officer has suggested that repositioning a replacement stile to the other side of the farm gate would offer a more effective alternative to removing the vegetation. It was RESOLVED that Councillor Dingsdale speaks to the Locality Steward about moving the stile and report back to the next Parish Council meeting. Councillor Dingsdale also reported that there are currently two finger posts down in which need either repair or replacement. 7.2 It was RESOLVED that Councillor Dingsdale instructs the Footpaths Contractor to install 3 stiles at LG39, LG27 and LG20 plus the repair or replacement of the two finger posts in Llangrove. Councillor Fisher highlighted an issue raised recently by residents concerning LG34 close to Mark’s Farm where it seems that Welsh Water are planning to lock gates which lead to an adjacent water tank which, in turn, would deny access to the footpath. The Chairman commented that such action would be illegal. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk contact Welsh Water for clarification as soon as Councillor Fisher provides further details on the exact location. 7.3 Councillor Dingsdale advised that, with regret, that it is necessary for her to resign as the Footpaths Officer but offered to remain in post until the next meeting. The Chairman thanked Councillor Dingsdale for her work and asked that any Councillors interested in becoming the Footpaths Officer should contact her or the Clerk.

8 Highways – The Clerk reported that, with the assistance of Councillor Lodge, the preferred locations for the speed survey in Llangrove have been passed to Balfour Beatty asking that this work be undertaken by the middle of October 2020 and certainly before the half term holiday later in the month. The Chairman added that progress has been delayed by Covid 19. Ward Councillor Swinglehurst agreed to contact Paul Hunter (Balfour Beatty) to explore if work could be expedited.The Chairman also added that it is important for residents to appreciate that there is no guarantee that a 20-mph speed limit in Llangrove will materialise from this process. Councillor Fisher asked if a survey of the grit bins should be undertaken in readiness for winter. Councillor Fisher will track down a map of the grit bins in the parish which will allow the survey to take place.

9 Clerk Correspondence – The Chairman highlighted the following correspondence. 9.1 A Tree Preservation Order has been placed on trees pertaining to Planning Consultation 200782. 9.2 A resident asked if larger vehicles using the lane from to Llangrove could be re- routed. Councillor Fisher mentioned that the process for acquiring permission to erect signage on the lane would be very protracted. 9.3 A resident had expressed concern that some verges in the parish had not been cut. Councillor Fisher suggested to meet with the resident to review the verges. It was RESOLVED that, in the first instance, the Clerk provide a copy, to Councillor Fisher, of the photographs provided by the resident. 9.4 Councillor Lodge has received correspondence from a resident who reported the failure of Open Reach to remove road signs in Llangrove following recent work. 9.5 A resident raised concerns that the environmental impact of the proposed 18 dwellings at Llangrove (P172905) had not been fully understood. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk invite the correspondent to submit her findings to the LPA. 9.6 Notification has been received about a road closure in Llangrove C1243 to Little Trewen Farm, in the vicinity of Llangrove Nurseries and Holly Cottage to facilitate a mains sewer connection. The road will be closed for two or three days during the week beginning the 26th October 2020.

10 Planning - To consider the applications to be determined by Herefordshire Council. 10.1 Planning Re-consultation 200782- Land at Llangrove, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire – Outline application for the construction of two dwellings. Councillors noted that the revised plans have removed one of the proposed dwellings, but the application remains mainly unchanged. For this reason, Councillors concurred that their previous objections remain valid and should be reiterated in the response to the LPA. It was, therefore, RESOLVED that the Clerk inform the LPA accordingly. 10.2 Planning Consultation – 202572 – The Rowlands, Llancloudy, Hereford, Herefordshire HR2 8QR – Proposed single storey extension. Councillors considered that the proposed extension would offer an improvement to the dwelling and were supportive of the application. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk inform the LPA accordingly. 10.3 Planning Consultation – 202583 – Rose Cottage, Prospect Lane, Llangrove, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 6EX – Proposed first floor extension with internal alterations, car port alterations with new roof over both the car port and the garage. Councillors had no

objections to the proposal which they considered offered an improvement to the existing dwelling. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk notify the LPA accordingly. 10.4 Planning Consultation – 202667 – Land at Isles of Dogs, Three Ashes, St Weonards, Herefordshire HR2 8LZ – Proposed Passivhaus – replacement dwelling. Also, a new single storey outbuilding on the site of the existing house. Associated landscaping and improvements to the existing site entrance and driveway. It was noted that the site of the proposed replacement dwelling is outside the parish boundary. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk inform the LPA accordingly. 10.5 Planning Consultation – 202853 – South Barn, Rock Point Lane, Llangarron, Ross-on- Wye, Herefordshire, HR9 6PF – Proposed ancillary living accommodation and car port. Councillors were supportive of the proposal for ancillary accommodation with the proviso it remains so and there is no action to introduce a kitchen in the future. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk makes this clear in the response to the LPA. 10.6 Planning Consultation 194213 – Land Opposite Tredunnock Farm, Llangarron, Ross-on- Wye, Herefordshire – Proposed single storey dwelling and new vehicular access. To note appeal against the refusal of planning permission. Councillors noted that planning permission had been refused. 10.7 Planning Re-Consultation – 202436 – Trecilla Court, Llangarron, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 6NZ – Proposed variation of condition 2 of planning permission 172419 (Two proposed dwellings with detached garages – Amended house types to previous approval 150650/FD) – Proposed revisions to house two and amendments to shared access from highway. Councillors considered that there had been no material change in the proposals from the previous application and agreed that their previous objections submitted on the 2nd September 2020 remain valid. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk inform the LPA accordingly. 10.8 Planning Consultation – 202544 – Buildings at Tretawdy Farm Nature Reserve, Llangrove, Herefordshire, HR9 6EY – Proposal for the renovation of derelict agriculture buildings and change of use to education centre. The Chairman commented that Councillors were being asked for a view on the proposals should Hereford Wildlife Trust agree to pursue this option. Councillors were supportive of the plans particularly as any further adaptions to the proposed educational centre would be made in agreement with the Hereford Wildlife Trust and would, in turn, be sympathetic to the needs of the wildlife. It was, therefore, RESOLVED that the Clerk notify the LPA of the Parish Council’s support for the proposals set out in the application. 10.9 Planning Consultation 202885 – Trecilla House, Llangarron, Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire – Change of use of granny annexe to holiday let (Retrospective). Councillors agreed that the proposed holiday let will bring new commerce into the area and would benefit the local economy and, on this basis, supported the proposals. It was RESOLVED, therefore, that the Clerk inform the LPA accordingly, 10.10 Planning Consultation 202964 – Cabback Lodge, Llangarron, Ross-on-Wye, HR9 6PA – Change of use of land to builders’ yard (Retrospective). Councillors were supportive of the proposals especially as it will lead to employment in the area. It was, therefore, RESOLVED that the Clerk notify the LPA accordingly.

11 Finance

11.1 The Clerk reported that the current bank balance is £19,317.58 11.2 To approve the following payments. 11.2.2 Clerk’s salary in accordance with employment contract (September 2020)

11.2.3 PAYE – September 2020 - £93.40 11.2.4 NDP Printing - £296.40 11.2.5 NDP Stationery - £20.05 11.2.6 NDP Postage - £312.58 11.2.7 Postage - £7.80 11.2.8 Lengthsman - £676.80 (TGC1183 & TGC 1216) 11.2.9 Footpaths - £651.60 (TGC 1172 & TGC 1179 11.2.10 Kirkwells (NDP) - £1176.00 11.3 Following discussion Councillors approved the adoption of the National Joint Council for Local Government Service pay scale effective from 1 April 2020 representing a 2.75% increase in the Clerk’s salary

12 Flooding – In the absence of Councillor Moore an update was provided by the Chairman who reported that a letter has been sent to landowners and farmers in the parish asking them to clear any blockages in their brooks and/or ditches. The lengthsman and Locality Steward have been invited to report to the Clerk any blocked ditches which need clearing. Councillor Moore is discussing with Ward Councillor Swinglehurst work to minimize flood risk in the Wye valley plus the Gamber and the Garron. The Chairman added that the draft NDP refers to flood risk in the areas.

13 Financial Regulations 2020 – Following discussion, Councillors agreed to adopt the Financial Regulations 2020.

14 Planning for the Future – The Chairman referred to the Government’s White Paper “Planning for the Future” which is currently subject to a consultation which ends on 29th October 2020. Parish Councillors (and members of the public) have the option of submitting on-line comments direct or they may prefer a collective response from the Parish Council. The Chairman conveyed a synopsis of her personal observations on the proposals which had already been circulated to Councillors before the meeting. Councillors agreed that a response should be submitted from the Parish Council, so the Chairman invited Councillors to submit their thoughts to the Clerk. In terms of the NDP, the Chairman confirmed that it would be beneficial to have a newly adopted NDP in place.

15 NDP – The Chairman confirmed that the Regulation 14 consultation ends on the 26th October 2020 and it is important for comments to be submitted. All comments will be then forwarded to the Planning Consultants for analysis. The Clerk reported that an application for an additional grant (£1K) had been submitted to Locality UK.

16 Grass Verges – Councillor Fisher reported that following a consultation in late 2019, Balfour Beatty, in conjunction with Verges on Wild (VOW), had omitted the first cut of the grass verges on C and U class roads for those parishes who had expressed a wish to participate in the scheme. The aim of the scheme is to improve biodiversity and provide a habitat for species. It is planned to undertake a similar scheme in 2021 which will, again, aim to identify and consult on verges which may benefit from a delayed cut but recognising the safety considerations form an important part of those discussions. The Chairman suggested that details of the nominated verges should be brought to a future Parish Council meeting as this should form part of the consultation. Once the verges have been identified and agreed this information will be forwarded to Balfour Beatty.

17 To note the date of the next Parish Council Meeting as Tuesday 27th October 2020

Meeting closed at 21.21