One of the advantages of growing up•in the South is having the opportunity to be around gracious people. Southern culture demands that we learn how to act hospitably to one another and to treat each other with civility and respect. Of course, some people and places do that better than others, and when you are the receiving end of true graciousness, you know what a gift that is.

Our family will be on the receiving end this Saturday, when the church will hold a churchwide reception for our son John and daughter-in-law Megan. Judy and I had planned to do something along these lines after their wedding, which 1ook place last month in Gainesville. Megan is from there, and as such, de­ served to have her wedding in her hometown. The situation was complicated by the fact that virtually all of the churches in Gai_nesville do not allow for out-of-town clergy to perform ceremonies in their sanctu­ aries, which sent John and Megan scurrying around town looking for the perfect venue. They found it in the Baughman Center, a chapel on campus at the University of , which overlooks scenic Lake Alice. Unfortunately, the chapel seats only 100 people, which affected our invitation list dramatically. But be­ fore we could plan anything, members of our church stepped forward to offer their services for a recep­ tion here in Tallahassee. Words cannot express our gratitude for your kindness and generosity.

Megan and John look forward to meeting you, along with her parents Joe and Maureen Deluca. Megan is a graduat~ of P.K. Yonge High School there and the . She is employed by Shands Hospital in their Human Resources department, which is where John and she met. Judy and I think she is a truly lovely person, as lovely on the inside as she is on the outside. You will find her to be a true sweet­ heart as we have, and we are happy you will be able to celebrate her arrival into our family.

And so, the Dortch family thanks you from the bottom of our hearts. So many of you have gone to so much time and effort in planning this reception. We do feel so loved and appreciated. I hope you will be able to join us this Saturday, August 28, from 2 to 4 PM in our new Welcome Center for the celebra­ tion. That way, we'll have the opportunity to tell you personally just how much we love each of you for your gracious and generous hearts. GET INV·OLVED . .

FAMILY CELEBRATION On July 23, Dr. Dortch's son, John, married Megan Deluca in Gainesville, Florida. Let's all congratulate John and Megan and celebra special time with Doug and Judy. Please join THIS SATURDAY, August 27, from 2:00-4:00PM in the new FBC Welcome Center! Our entire church family joins in the "gift" of this churchwide reception for the Dortch family.

The golf cart for rides near the church, and the bus for Retirement Center pick up/return, will be available. Contact Lois Walker (531.9701) for further information.

YOUTH fbctlh.orglyouth New series in COLLIDE : Welcome to the Planet: What on earth am I here for? Kick-off on Wednesday, August 24 at 7:00PM.

COLLEGE fsuchurch.com This Sunday, we will begin welcoming college students to Tallahassee. Here are some ways you can help us: • Stop by the front desk & pick up some promo cards about our College Ministry to use around town as you interact with college students. • Wear your school colors - Sunday, September 4. • To be a part of this year's Connect U luncheon on Sunday, September 11, please e-mail Zach ([email protected]). Connect U brings students and FBC members from different vocations together for lunch and networking.

YOUNG ADULTS fbctlh.orglyoungadults Foll owing up on last week's examination of baptism, join us for Veritas this Wednesday, August 31, at 7: 15 PM in Adams 317 as we explore the ordinance of the Lord's Supper. For more info, go to fbctlh.orglveritas.

FIRST LADIES fbctlh.orglwomen Fall Women's Bible Studies Begin September 14th - "Live a Praying Life" by Jennifer Kennedy Dean If Go d is sovereign, why pray? Can I change God's mind? How can prayer open my life to God's power and provision? With unde d- able insight, this J3 -week study tackles the complex theological questions of prayer and takes a detailed look at the purpose, pro promise, and practice of prayer, serving readers precious truths that can release the power of prayer in our everyday lives.

• Wednesday mornings - 9:30AM till 11 :30AM led by Patsy Faircloth at the home of Betty Gardner • Wednesday evenings - 6:00PM till 7:00PM led by Linda Smith in the Cafe Praise (3rd floor Adams wing) at FBC

All women of all ages welcome! Participant books are $10. Registration will take place at the first session of each group. Questions? Con­ tact Patsy Faircloth at ptfaircloth J [email protected] or Linda Smith at [email protected].

WOMEN ON MISSION fbctlh.orglwomen Register now for the WMU/WOM State Missions Connection - September 10, 9:00AM-2 :30PM at Bradfordville First Baptist Church. The cost is $10 per person and includes lunch an d materials. The registration deadline is August 29; please register through your WOM Group Leader or contact Donna Heald (dhealdtlh @centurylink.net or 224.3940).

201 1 MCGUIRE STATE MISSIONS WEEK OF PRAYER - All Women on Mission Groups will meet on September 13 for the Week of"Prayer for State M iss ions. A fellowship at 9:30AM in the church parlor will be followed by a time of worship and prayer for state missions in the Chapel at 1 0:00AM. Marc Johnston, Director of Church and Community Ministries for the Florida Baptist Convention, will be the speaker. All church members are invited to participate.

ANCHOR GROUP As we gear up for a full Fall, please mark your calendars for the following Sunday nights when our Anchor Group will NOT hold their regular meeting: • August 28 "Celebration of Praise" concert - 6:30PM at Bradfordville First Baptist Church • September 4 Labor Day Holiday Weekend • September 11 FBC Chordsmen Concert in Sanctuary@ 6pm • September 1 8 Building 4 Community Dedication Activities in the afternoon The Anchor Group will resume on Sunday evening, September 25, at 6:00PM.

GET CONNECTED , on the web: fbctlh.org by phone: 850.222.5470 SERVE IN HIS NAME THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR

D THE HOMELESS SUNDAY, August 28 hurch wil! participate in feeding the homeless with ECHO THIS SUNDAY, • 8:00AM Median Adult UI Bible Study, Parlor/Chapel August 28 at 11 :00AM. We could use your help to show people in our com­ • 9;00AM Traditional Worship, Sanctuary munity the love of Christ. If you would like to be involved, please contact Eric • 1 O:OOAM Bible Study options for all ages Hoover (528.8569). • 11: 1 SAM Contemporary Worship, Sanctuary • 12:30PM Youth Girls' Fellow.ship, CLC 2nd Floor • 6:00PM Family Group, Berry Home • 6:3 0PM Celebration of Praise concert, Bradfordville First Baptist ECHO ANNIVERSARY DINNER Our partner in community ministry, ECHO, is celebrating their 30th anniversary this year! You are invited to a dinner catered by Outback Steakhouse on Satur­ day, August 27 at 6:30PM. The guest speaker will be Sue Semrau, Head Coach MONDAY, August 29 of the FSU Women's Basketball Team. It will be held at St. John's Cafe - 211 S. • 10:30AM First Joy Choir, C-2201 Monroe Street. Please RSVP to Marta at ECHO ([email protected]).

FIRST LOVE fbctlh.orglfirstlove TUESDAY, August 30 • 5:30PM First Love planning meeting, Conference Room Our annual First Love community missions day is October 1 5. If you would like • 7:00PM CoUege tlluminate, FSU Moore Auditorium to be involved with the planning committee, please call Tom Perrin (2 51.0659).

FLORIDA BAPTIST CHILDREN'S HOME WEDNESDAY, August 31 August Request: personal care products • 11 :00AM Saints Alive! Bible Study, CLC Upper Room This month we are requesting items that will be used in the children's personal • 4:00PM Bible Study, Westminster Oaks care. These may include toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss, shampoo, con- • 4:45PM Fellowship Meal, Fellowship Hall . ditio•ner, body wash, deodorant, combs, brushes, etc. It is important for them • 5:30PM Youth Cafe, CLC 2nd Floor velop good personal care habits that will go with them throughout their • 5:40PM First Brass, A-200 ,t lives. • 6:00PM Children's Choir, Duval 2nd Floor • 6:00PM Childcare, Duval 1st Floor (Mother's Room) Collection bins are in the College Avenue foyer, the Welcome Center, by the • 6:00PM Adult Prayer and Bible Study, Sanctuary elevator on the first floor, and in the hallway by the church office. • 6:45PM GAs + RAs, Duval 2nd Floor • 7:00PM Sanctuary Choir, C-2201 • 7 :00PM Youth Collide, CLC 2nd Floor • 7: 1SPM Young Adult Veritas, A-317 • 7:30PM Preschool Childcare, Mother's Room

THURSDAY, September 1 BUILDING 4 COMMUNITY • 6:3 0PM Praise Team Rehearsal, Sanctuary

As we count down to the official completion of our Building 4 Community FRIDAY, September 2 • 6:00PM College Gymnasty, CLC Gym construction, please mark your calendars for our Dedication Sunday on September 18. We will have a combined worship service at 10:30AM, followed by a reception and tours of the campus. Invite your friends as we celebrate this multi-year process that has come to fruition! SATURDAY, September 3 • 12 :00PM College Tailgate, FSU BCM • 3_:00PM Youth ·FsU Football Fellowship, CLC 2nd Floor

The mission of the First Baptist Church of Tallahassee is to be a God-centered, Bible-directed, people-focused, caring body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ. led by the Holv Soirit 1n worshioina . servina . and sharina Christ. and in eauiooina believers to carrv out the Great Commission in the communitv and throuahout the world. ~ !f'.\ F i rs t 8 a p t i s t C h u r c h PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID IIJ TALLAHASSEE TALLAHASSEE ~ere ... for (le FLORIDA 108 WEST COLLEGE AVENUE I TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 Volume 17 I Issue No. 34 I Week of August 28, 2011 The Vision Newsletter The V1s1on (USPS 662-400) is published weekly, except for Independence Day and Christmas, by First Baptist Church, 108 West College Avenue, Tallahassee, FL 32301. Periodicals postage paid at Tallahassee, FL. All submissions are subject to editorial revision. Deadline for submissions is 1 0 days before Sunday publishing date. For submissions, address corrections, or to unsubsrnbe, contact: x132 I [email protected] POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Vision, 108 West College Avenue, Tallahassee, FL 32301. Service Recordings fbctlh. orglsermons

Our Traditional Worship service is broadcast on Comcast Channel 21 at 5:00PM each Wednesday.

If you would like to be on our mailing list to receive a free DVD of our worship services each week, please contact Lenoir (x201 ).

TH s WEEK FELLOWSHIP MEAL August 31 - Chicken tenders, fries . green beans, biscuits & gravy, salad bar, and Seaside Sermon Series: dessert

FINANCIALS Budget needs year-to-date: $1,693,461 Budget receipts 8/21: $27,125 Total receipts year-to-date: $1,352,833

DEACON SCHEDULE Deacon of the Day John 21: 15-25 Byron Folsom Deacons of the Week 9:00AM Cecil Davis 10 :00AM Rick Jernigan 11 :00AM Erik Eikeland

SECURITY SCHEDULE Traditional Worship 9:00AM Sunday, August 28 8:30-10:00 David Roe 10:00-11: 1 5 Jim Croushorn Bible Study 11 : 15-12:30 Art Pitts Wednesday, August 31 6'00-8:00 Charles Maynard Contemporary Worship 11: 1 5AM

The V1s1on (USPS 662-400) 1s published weekly, except for Independence Day and Christmas. by First Baptist Church. 108 W. College Ave .• Tallahassee, FL 32301. Periodicals postage paid at Tallahassee, FL.