RAMSEY LAKE INTERPRETIVE CENTRE An Architectural Response to Aquatic Environmental Public Awareness by Justen Waldick A thesis submitted in partial fullfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architeture (M.Arch) The Faculty of Graduate Studies Laurentian University Sudbury, ON, Canada © Justen Waldick, 2019 THESIS DEFENCE COMMITTEE/COMITÉ DE SOUTENANCE DE THÈSE Laurentian Université/Université Laurentienne Faculty of Graduate Studies/Faculté des études supérieures Title of Thesis Titre de la thèse Ramsey Lake Interpretive Centre: An Architectural Response to Aquatic Environmental Public Awareness Name of Candidate Nom du candidat Waldick, Justen Degree Diplôme Master of Department/Program Date of Defence Département/Programme Architecture Date de la soutenance April 08, 2019 APPROVED/APPROUVÉ Thesis Examiners/Examinateurs de thèse: Ms. Shannon Bassett (Thesis Advisor / Directeur(trice) de thèse) Dr. David Pearson (Thesis Second Reader / Directeur(trice) de thèse deuxième) Approved for the Faculty of Graduate Studies Approuvé pour la Faculté des études supérieures Dr. David Lesbarrères Monsieur David Lesbarrères Ms. Janna Levitt Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies (External Examiner/Examinateur(trice) externe) Doyen, Faculté des études supérieures ACCESSIBILITY CLAUSE AND PERMISSION TO USE I, Justen Waldick, hereby grant to Laurentian University and/or its agents the non-exclusive license to archive and make accessible my thesis, dissertation, or project report in whole or in part in all forms of media, now or for the duration of my copyright ownership. I retain all other ownership rights to the copyright of the thesis, dissertation or project report. I also reserve the right to use in future works (such as articles or books) all or part of this thesis, dissertation, or project report.
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