“p˙01” — 2017/12/7 — 12:27 — page 1 — #1 Journal of Mechanism and Institution Design ISSN: 2399-844X (Print), 2399-8458 (Online) DOI:10.22574/jmid.2017.12.001 ON A SPONTANEOUS DECENTRALIZED MARKET PROCESS Satoru Fujishige Kyoto University, Japan
[email protected] Zaifu Yang University of York, United Kingdom
[email protected] ABSTRACT We examine a spontaneous decentralized market process widely observed in real life labor markets. This is a natural random decentralized dynamic compet- itive process. We show that this process converges globally and almost surely to a competitive equilibrium. This result is surprisingly general by assuming only the existence of an equilibrium. Our findings have also meaningful policy implications. Keywords: Spontaneous market process, decentralized market, competitive equilibrium. JEL classification: C71, C78, D02, D44, D58. This research is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Number (B)25280004 and DERS RIS grant of York. We thank Tommy Andersson, Bo Chen, Yan Chen, Miguel Costa-Gomes, Vincent Crawford, Peter Eso, Sanjeev Goyal, Yorgos Gerasimou, Kazuya Kamiya, Michihiro Kandori, Fuhito Kojima, Alan Krause, Jingfeng Lu, Eric Mohlin, Alex Nichifor, In-Uck Park, Herakles Polemarchakis, Alvin Roth, Hamid Sabourian, Yaneng Sun, Satoru Takahashi, Dolf Talman, Mich Tvede, Hao Wang, Siyang Xiong, William Zame, Jie Zheng, and many participants at Bristol, Cambridge, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kobe, Lund, NUS (Singapore), Oxford, Peking, St Andrews, SWUFE, Tilburg, Tokyo, Tsinghua, 2016 China Meeting of Econometric Society (Chengdu), 2016 Workshop of Midlands Economics Theory and Applications (York), and General Equilibrium Workshop (York) for their valuable comments which helped us improve the paper.