Issue 2006-1 FACS March 2006 A F~v1E C A AClvi l F C T . r-:.. MET.H ODS ~> T R· se sc~ rv1 S Z A UM.·L ·IFMSI·G E E E E E The Newsletter of the Formal Aspects of Computing Science (FACS) Specialist Group. ISSN 0950-1231 '- I·~, FACS FACTS Issue 2006-1 March 2006 2 FACS FACTS Issue 2006-1 March 2006 Editorial 4 On the Verified-by-Construction Approach 6 Obituary: F _X. Reid 12 .Conference Announcements 15 On the Formal Semantics of the COMEFROM Statement 18 Book Announcement 22 PhD Abstracts 23 FACS Committee 26 3 FACS FACTS Issue 2006-1 March 2006 Welcome to the first Issue of FACS FACTS of 2006. As usual we thank all of the contributors for their support - without them there would be no newsletter. Submissions are always welcome, so please do feel free to contact the editor, Paul Boca [
[email protected]. This is a somewhat sombre time for the editorial board of the newsletter, as we have recently learned that F. X. Reid [ long-term contributor to ttie FACS newsletter, has unexpectedly passed away. An obituary, written by Victor Zemantics, appears on page 12. Reid authored several articles over the years, and has been responsible for "educating" many PhD students as a result. As a tribute to him, we will reprint some of his "gems", starting with an article on the semantics of the COME FROM statement (see page 18). On a happier note, we can report that the FACS Evening Seminars are still proving to be very popular.