2017 CANSA Cycle Tour

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2017 CANSA Cycle Tour 2017 CANSA Cycle Tour Carletonville to Cape Town : 12 Stages- 25 February to 08 March 2017 CAPE ARGUS – 12 MARCH 2017 1 © 2014 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited TEAM INFORMATION Contact Name Surname Number E-Mail address Role Responsibilities 1 Navarre Kruger 766206785 [email protected] Cyclist Coordinator 2 Piet Groenewald 849542700 [email protected] Cyclist Co Coordinator 3 Anita Visser 791128725 [email protected] Cyclist Finance Manager 4 Lucy Balona 824595230 [email protected] Cyclist CANSA Representative 5 Christa Smith 0834441365 [email protected] Cyclist Accommodation 6 Gerda Smith 829349700 [email protected] Cyclist Accommodation 7 Ben Steyn 845102569 [email protected] Cyclist Transport and Vehicles 8 Robbie Scott 829255489 [email protected] Cyclist Cycling Spares Social Event 9 Jayson Scott 828756145 [email protected] Cyclist Coordinator Social Event 10 Toekie Erasmus 832897193 [email protected] Cyclist Coordinator 11 Sharon Pautz 844207244 [email protected] Cyclist 12 Neels Kleyn 829650879 [email protected] Cyclist 13 Hennie Dempers 721177223 [email protected] Cyclist 14 Brendon Pautz 799862569 [email protected] Cyclist 15 Marieta Dempers 828471580 [email protected] Back Up Driver 16 Lanie Smalbetger 825985424 [email protected] Back Up Driver 2 © 2014 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited ROUTE SUMMARY Date Town KM COVERED 128 Saturday 25 Feb 2017 Carletonville to Klerksdorp 86.5 Sunday 26 Feb 2017 Klerksdorp to Wolmaransstad Monday 27 Feb 2017 Wolmaransstad to Christiana 121 Tuesday 28 Feb 2017 Christiana to Kimberley 115 Wednesday 01 March 2017 Kimberley to Hopetown 122 109 Thursday 02 March 2017 Hopetown to Britstown Friday 03 March 2017 Britstown to Victoria West 126 Saturday 04 March 2017 Victoria West to Beaufort West 138 88 or 131 (Riders Sunday 05 March 2017 Beaufort West to Prince Albert Choice) 112 Monday 06 March 2017 Prince Albert to Matjiesfontein 140 Tuesday 07 March 2017 Matjiesfontein to Worcester Wednesday 08 March 2017 Worcester to Cape Town 122 3 © 2014 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Day 1: Carletonville to Klerksdorp Route info Distance : 128 KM First stretch through Fochville, only 128 km! We start at Gerda’s guest house and travel via Fochville due to safety. Start with the famous 007 hill out of Carletonville, double road up to Fochville. Continue to R500 pass Fochville turn right at Fochville station road towards the R54 turn onto R54 toward N12 turn left to Potchefstroom. Stay on N12 / Nelson Mandela road trough town direction to Klerksdorp . Ride through Klerksdorp up to the Chris Hani road and turn right to Klerksdorp dam 4 © 2014 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Day 2: Klerksdorp to Wolmaransstad Route info Distance : 86.5 KM Second day only 86.5KM, easy ride. Start from Klerksdorp dam resort, continue back to Klerksdorp, N12, turn right towards Wolmaransstad 5 © 2014 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Day 3: Wolmaransstad to Christiana Route info Distance : 121 KM Third day 121 KM. Continue on the N12 Via Bloemhof towards Christiana. 6 © 2014 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Day 4: Christiana to Kimberley Route info Distance : 115 KM Day 4- 115 KM. Continue on the N12 Via Warrenton towards Kimberley. 7 © 2014 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Day 5: Kimberley to Hopetown Route info Distance : 122 KM Day 5- 122 KM. Kimberley- Continue on the N12 pass Ritchie towards Hopetown 8 © 2014 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Day 6: Hopetown to Britstown Route info Distance : 109 KM Day 6- 109 KM. Hopetown, follow the N12 through Strydenburg to Kambro Farmstall and Overnight 9 Day 7: Britstown to Victoria West Route info Distance : 126 KM Day 7- 126 KM. From Kambro Farmstall through Britstown towards Victoria West 10 © 2014 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Day 8: Victoria West to Beaufort West Route info Distance : 138 KM Day 8- 138 KM. Leave Victoria West on N12 until it merges wit the N! Cape Town. Breakfast at Three Sisters ad continue to Beaufort West 11 © 2014 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Day 9: Beaufort West to Prins Albert Route info Distance : 88/131 KM Day 9- 88 or 131 KM. from Beaufort West to Klein Prins Albert and riders who want to test themselves can do the additional km through the hills towards Prins Albert (approximately 45 km not part of the official route. 12 © 2014 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Day 10: Prins Albert Road to Matjiesfontein Route info Distance : 112 KM Day 10- 112 KM. Prins Albert Road through Laingsburg to Matjiesfontein. Start in Prins Albert for a 158 Km ride!!!! 13 © 2014 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Day 11: Matjiesfontein to Worcester Route info Distance : 140 KM Day 11- 140 KM. Matjiesfontein through Touws River, HEX River pass and through De Doorns towards the Nuy Valley Guest House near Worcester. Big Day ! 14 © 2014 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Day 12: Worcester to Cape Town Route info Distance : 122 KM Day 12- 122 KM LAST DAY YEAHHH 15 © 2014 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Last Stretch: Cape Argus Cycle Tour Route info Argus Cycle Tour Distance : 109 KM 16 © 2014 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
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