MEETING. - 6th nCTO"ER 1919.

A Meeting of the County Council tras held in the County Council Chamber, Courthouse, Wexford, on Wednesday, 6tp October 1919.

Present:- Mr Michael Doyle (Vice-Chairman) and subsequently Mr John

Bolger (Chairman) presided.

JAlso p r esent~- Messrs W. H. McGuire, P. N. O'Gorman, W. Thorpe, J. J. Stafford, To Asple, N. J. Fowler, J. Redmond, J. A. Doyle, P. Qu i gley,

M. l6:8,ddoCk, R. Sca.ll an, M. Gloney, J. J. O'Byrne, J. J. Kehoe, J. Lynch,

N. J. C OWJJl8,n.

The Secret8, ry, County Surveyor, and IVi r R. W. Elgee, Solicitor, were

also in attendance.

Confi l"rnat ion of Minlltp. s.

The Minutes of last Meeting were read and confirmedo

Th lat~ Mr M. A. Ennis.

On the motion of the Chairman (Mr Bolger). Seconded by Mr Scallan, the following resolution was adopted:-

"This b~i ng t he first ~ eeting of the Wexford County CounCil since the

unexpected and lamented dea th of our l ate Colleague-~Irr Michael A. Ennis.

We beg to tender to his Sister, Miss Ennis , ovr deepest sympathy at th~ gr~a

loss she has sustained by the death of her brother. Not only has Wexford

suffered a great loss but the whole of Ir~land, as Mr Ennis has for many

years devoted all his time and great energies to the advancement of his Native Land b oth SOCially and economically. These and the 1'I'1any other

s rvices he has rendered will he a. lasting tribute to his Memory. Mr Enni s was for many years a prominent active and valued member of this

Council, and his exertions on behalf of the welfareof his Country - so whole-heartedly and so un·selfishly given- more par;icularly in the field of

local government deservft the recognition of all who are concerned with local administration. He spent his energies "without fee and wmthout

reward" in the service of his country and we deplore the removal of hi~

famili a.r f'i gll.r e "from I r i sh publiC life."

The late Mr .~.i.cha.el HiCkey, Garryrichar~

Mr Asple proposed, and Mr B'~yrne seconded the following resolution

which was adopted unanimously:-

That we off~ r the fa.m} ly of tbe late Mr Micha.el HiCkey, our sincere , © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 555

condolsnce in the loss which they have sustained in his demise. Mr Hickey

was for Wier1 many years connected "ith the publiC lige of the , and always discharged his duties with integrity and ability~ As our Colleague on the County Council he endeared himself to this fel10"

members, a.nd hi s dee. th removes from our community one "hose many good qual it i

earn.ed for him the esteem and respect of all with whom he cll!l1e in conta.ct."

Sealed Orders No. 43497-1919, and dated 18th September 1919, "as read

from the Local Government Board fixing a.nd Glynn Dispensary District

&9 the area of charge for improving the water supply at Taghmon.

Sealed Order NoD 44625 and dated 24th September 1919, was read from the Local Gcvernment Board fixing Broadway Dispensary District as the area

of charge for improving the water supply at Rosslare. 'tN 0 Order"

Wa~ Bonus-Countv¥ Surv Mvor a

Under date 16th September 1919, letter No. 41657-1919, Wexford Co., was rea.d from the Local Gover~ment Board stating that they "o~ld raise no objection to the proposal of the Wexford County Council"' to grant the County

Surveyor a war bonus of £100 a year to date from the 1st July 1919. Marked "Read"

War Bonus-Senior Assistant Surv yore

Under date 19t~ S~pternber 1919, letter No. 41657-1919, was rea.d from the Local Government Boa.rd stating t hat the;y would raise no objection to

the proposal of the Wexford County Council to grant Mr Treanor, Senior Assistant Surveyor a .war bonus of £30 a pear dating from 1st July last,

provided that Mr ~reanor devoted his whole time to t~e service of the

Councj 10

"The S~cre t.ary stated t bat Mr Treanor had refused to accept the

amount which the Council had granted."

Under date 3rd September 1919, the Local Government Board wrote

(letter No. 41839-1919, Wexford County) th~t they had assented to the extensions of tIle liMits o-f expenditure on roads in th.e Rural Districts of

Enniscorthy, , and Wexford, to £13623. 16. Bd, £7873. 16 3d and

£6606. 14. 3d respectively for year ended 31st March 1919. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES \ 556

Sealed Order of the Local Government Board under dat~ 2Bth August

(37,266-1919) fixing the road limit for R. D. Council at

£16305 fof financial year 1919-20, was reado Marked "Read"

The following resolution from Gorey Rural District Council was read:­

"That the Local Government Board be asked to sanction the extension

of the Road Lil'1 it of expendi tur to £6631. 7· 3d"

The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr Scallan,

seconded by Mr Cloney:- "That the Local Government Board be asked to extend t be Road LilT it

for Gorey R. D. Council for year ending 1919-20, to £6631. 7· 3d in compliance with the terms of the resolution of the Gorey R. D. CounCil."

A algamat10 & Transfer of Id~ & Idrone Districts.

Under date 25th August 1919, letter Noo 142M, 1919, Miscellaneous was

read from the Local Government Board forwarding copy of letter addressed

by them to the Board of Guardians of Union re Idrone and Ida

Rural Districts.

The Local Government Board proposed:- 1.- to amalgamate the Ida Rural District with the adjoining Rural District of Thomastown, and the Idrone Rural District with the adjoining Rural District of Carlow, under the provisions of Section 7 of the Local -

Government () Act, 1919, and, 2.- to transfer the Ida and Idrone Districts from New Ross Union to that

of Thomastown and Carlow respeotivelyo

On the motion of Mr Cloney, seconded by Mr Scallan, the following

resolution was adopted:-

"That -the Local Government Board be informed that, in the opinion of

this Counoil, the views of the New Ross R. D. Council should he favourably

considered by them as regards the proposed transfer of Ida and Idrone


Housing (Ireland) Act 1919.

Under date 25th August 1919, letter No. 145M 1919, Miscellaneous, was read from the Local GovernMent Board, stating that Part 2 of the Housing (Ireland) Act 1919, Nhich received the Royal Assent on the 15th

August 1919, made important changes in some of tee li!'itatlons imposed by © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 557

the Sma.ll Dwellings Acquisition Act 1699, and consisted of Section 34 of tbe

recent Act and might be cited along with the Act of 1699 as the Small Dwellings Acquisition (Ireland) Act 1699 to 1919. It would be oeserved that the section increases fro1'r £400 to £800 the limit on the market value of a hous for the purchase of which by its occupier a Looal Authority for the purposes of the Act of 1699 ma~ make advanoes, empowers the Local Authority to advance up to 90 per cent of the Market value instead of 8m per cent a.s hitherto, and substitutes 50 years e.s the matimum period whioh the

Authority may ~llow for the purpose of repaymento The Section also repealed the proviso in Section 1 of the Aot of IB99,

whioh fixed a definite maximum for advances in any particular ca.se~ "No Order"

Soldi~r~ & Sailors jn Lunatic ASllu! s o

Under date 2Bth August 1919, the Inspeotors of Lunatic Asylums

forwarded Circular containing instructions relating to the classification

and treatment of soldiers and sailors as "service" patientso

The following resolution was adopted on t~e motion of Mr Scallan,

seconded by Mr Cloney:- "That Circula.r from the Inspectors of IJunatic Asylpm8 under date

26th August 1919, dealing with the classificatio and treatment of soldiers and sailors a; "service" pa.tients in Lunatic Asyl,.s be referred to the

Enniscorthl Lunatic As.lum Committee for their guidanceo"

Audit.s- Public Bodj~s-"'---.

The Local GoverrJnent Board forwarded reports of their Auditor on his

audjt of the Aooounts of Gorey Union and R. D. Counoil in respeot of the

half-year ended 31st Maroh 19190 "No Order"

Importation of Sheep from Sootland Order.

Under date 4th August 1919, the Department of Agrioulture and Teohnical Instruotion forwarded importation tSheep from Soot1and) Order

of 1916 (No.3) Suspension Order of 1919 (No.2) suspending the Order

preventing importation of Sheep from Scotlando "No Order" Conveyance of Live poultry (Ir~landL Ord~r of 1Q19o

The Department of Agrioulture & Technical Instruotion forwarded

Conveyance of Live Poultry (Ireland) Order of 1919, dealing with protection of Poultry during conveyance by water rail and by road or , © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 558 exposure for sale eto., The O~der is Noo 482 under date 16th June 19190

"N 0 Order"

eriminal Injuries (Ireland) Act 1919· Under date 1st October 1919, the Local Government Board forwarded

Circular.. letter No. 42530: 1919, Miscellaneous, stating that on a considered

Opinion their Legal Adviser held that Section 1 (4) of the Criminal Injuries

(Ireland) Act 1919, should be confiDed strictly to payment of compensation for injury to the person and that the new Act did not make any modificatio in the existing law ~ith respect to payment of compensation for injury to property. He was clearly of opinion that sub secti on (4) makes tr..e general County funds under the Control of t he Treasurer applicable to the

payment, on demand, of all Decrees made after the 16th April 1919, for

compensation for injury to the person. "No Order"

Hay & Straw Movement Order 1919.

Under date 4th August 1919, the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction forwarded Order prohibiting the importation of hay and straw from Great Britain unless it was required for military use, or

not intended for use as fodder or litter for animalso

"N 0 Order"

Ministry of Pensions AdministT'e.tive Expenses Lccal Committee

Under date 25th Atlgust 1919, (P.L. C. 326 LA.) the Director General of

Finance, Mini8try of Pensions, wro.e that with reference to the Claim of

Wexford County Council for £1190 17. 7d, in resp~ct of the administrativ~ expenses of the County Wexford War Pensi ons Local Committee for the nine

months ended 31st December 1916, the actual expenditure for the period under review is in eXcess of the prq;ortion of " th~ amount approved for the period by £28. 13. 6d, and before repayment can be madeapplication should

be made to the Local Government Board for thejr approval of this eXcess

expenditure o On the motion of the Chairman, seconded by Mr M. Doyle, the follo\nng

resolution was adopted:- "That as the eXcess expenditur"e for Genera.l Administration in

respect of period ended 31st December 1916, was incurred by t~~ County

Wexford War P~ n sions Committee without the approval of, or reference to, the County Council, we decline to apply to the Local Government Board for sanction© WEXFORDof this eXcess COUNTY expe nditureo COUNCIL ARCHIVES 559

That the Ministry of Pensions be requested to have the Council's

claim for £1190 170 7d being 2/3rds of the approved estimate in respect of period ended 31st December 1918, discl~rged as soon as possible."


The Secretary stated that Messrs J. J. O'Byrne, James ~odd, A. Kinsella ­

and p.O'Neill, County Councillors, had resigned their Membership of the War

Pensions Committee. Several attempts had been made to fill the vacancies

but without success. On the motion of Mr O'oyrne, seconded by Mr J. A. Doyle, the

resolution was adopted:-

"That Major Little, Berkley House, New Ross! be appointed a member

of County Wexford War Pensions Local Committee, vice Mr J. J. O'Byrne,

resigned." ..: Cl~rkshiD in County &l~v~IOr ' R Office: ------~.~.~~~--~~ Applications from the following were received r.~ Clerkship,

(8horth8.~d Writer and Typist) in the -County Surveyor's Offioe:-

Annie Cullen, 89 North Main Street, Wexfordo

James nelR.ney, Q,U F1.y, Wexford. May E. Duggan, Dock Cottage, Rosslareo

Statia McGrath, Coole, .

Bridie Wil~on, Bellevue,Macmine. Eileen Maude Norton, 42 Rutland Square, Dublin.

A Poll was taken with the following result:-

For Miss Cullen:- Nil. FDr Miss Duggan:- Mr M. Doyle.-l. For Miss McGrath:- Messrs Cloney, and O'Syrneo-2

For Mr Delaney:- Messrs Quigl~y, Maddock, and Scallan.-3

For Miss Wilson:- M ~,3sr s Fowler, RedJl1ond, J. A. Doyle and A'sple.-4 For Miss Norton:~Messrs Thorpe, Cowman, McGuire, Stafford, Lynoh, O'Gor~an, and -t he Chairman (Mr Bolger).-7 Miss Cullen and Miss Duggan having dropped out a second poll was

taken with the following resulto For Miss McGrath:- Messrs Cloney and O'Byrne.- 2 For Mr Delaney:- Messrs Quigley, Maddock, M. Doyle and Scallano-4

For Miss Wilson:- Messrs Redmond, J. A. Doyle,Asple and Fowlero- 4 For Mi ss Jorton:- Messrs Thorpe, Cowman, McGuire, Ste,fford Lynoh, © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES \ 560

o 'Gorma.n, and. the Chairman·-7 Miss McGrath having dropped out a third poll was taken with the

following r~sult:- For Mr Delaney:- Messrs Quigley, Maddock, Michael Doyle, Cloney, · and

Sca.llan.-5o For Miss Wilson:- Messrs Fowler, Redmond, J. A. Doyle, and Aspleo-4 For Miss Norton:- Messrs Thorpe~ Cowman, MoGuire, Stafford, Lynch, o'Byrne ,

O'Gorman, and the Chairman.-B Miss Wilson having dropped out the final poll was taken between Mr

Delaney a.nd Miss Norton., with the following result:- For Miss Norton:- Messrs Thorpe, Cowman, MaGuire, Stafford, Lynch, J. A. Do,le, o 'Byrne , O'Gorm n, Asple, and the Chairman.-lO.

For Mr ~ Pela.ney:- Messrs Quigley, Fowler, Maddock, U. Doyle, Cloney,

Redmond, and SBallano-7·

Mr Kehoe did not vote. '

On the motion of the Chairman, seconded by Mr Stafford, the

following resolution was then adopted:-

"That lAiRS Eil"en l.faude Norton, be appointed .Shorthand-typist in

~ the office of the County Surveyor at a salary of £70 per annum, and that the County Surveyor arrange when Miss Norton will take up duty."

"Miss Norton returned t hanks for her appointment."

University Scy.: . shi~ _Scheme~

In connection with the appointment of Mr Thomas Bookey, Ferns, for

payment of alanoe standing to the credit of the University Scholarship of

his daughter (Annie Bookey) deceased, which had been referred to the Solicitor to the Council, Mr Elgee, the latter wrote under date 5th

Septenber 1919, that the Council v{Quld have no pOyler to pa.y th~ expenses

cla.imed by Mr Bookey, as they had no funds availa.ble to rn(,et them, as of lie (Mr Elgee~ course on}tij se Bookey t s death her Scholarship lapsed. presumed that at that time all the money due her bad been expendedo Duubtless it was a hard case but the Council 'ould have no power to pay • the expenses presented by Mr Bookey, as they did not come within the

ambit of the Scholarshipo

Under date 22nd S~pt~mber 1919, the Enniscorthy Urban Technical Instruction Committee forwarded a resolution asking the County Council t o

increase the annual amount of University Scholarships (£50). A. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES \ - ---~~-- 561

Student would not be taken in a hostel for less than £46. 10·f while £31 was only alloca·~ed u!lder Scheme and this with fee for University and cost of books was far above the monetary val we of the Scholarships whioh were

intended to provide a University Education for the children tSf parents who

were unable to pay f9r it.

Mr William McAuliffe, to vlhom a Universi;1J1 Scholal'sh1p had been awarded

wrote asking the Council t o increase the an1 0unt of Scholarship or to

defray all hiS hostel and college expenses.

Mr William M. Ryan, Wellington Place, Wexford, wrote asking for an

extension of his University Scholarship in Commerce for a furthe~ two

years for a postgraduate courseo He was prevented by ill-health from

application last year.

The Finance & Roads Committee submitted the following recommendation::-

"That the County Council be recommended to extend the UniverSity

Scholarship of Mr William M. Ryan, Welling)on Place, W.:xford, (Jlho has

obtained the degree of Bachelor of Commerce) for a further two years, as provided by the Council's University Sc~olarship Schemeo"

Miss Mary Kehoe, Mulrankin, Bridgetwwn, wrote that she had passed with

Honours the examination of the National University for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science. She h~d been advised to puraue.. research work in Industrial Science during the comi~g year under Dr Ryan, Professor of Chemistry, and would feel grateful to the Council if they would kindly

grant her an extension of her Scholarshipo

Dr Hugh Ryan, Professor of Chemistry, National University, wrote under

date 23rd September 1919, that he had great pleasure in strongly

recommendin an extension of Miss Kehoe f s Scholarship to enable her to

devote the coming year to a research in OrganiC Chemistry which may have

important industrial applioations.

Mr James O'Connor, 166 Peel Road, BootIe, Liverpool, wrote asking

the County Council to pay the balance of £8. 10/- on his first year's University Scholarship to enable him to tr~vel to Dub11n to interview the Educati n Officer relative to obtaining an ex-service Student's UniverSity

Grant 0

1~e Finance & Roads Commit~ee submitted the following recorrmendation © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 562

MThat Mr O'Connor be informed in referance to application for payment of £6. 10/- balance of his scholarship for first year, tbatthe Finance &

Roads Committee would ha,ve no objeotion in recommending the County Council to pay him same if he were about to take up his Scholarship, but the

Co~mittee consider Mr o'Connor should experience no difficulty in obtaining the amount necessary to cover his tra.velling expenses to Dublin in connection with &ward of ex-serviCe students' University Grant from the Liverpp 1

War Pensions Committee."

Under date 6th September 1919, Mr O'Connor wrote that as the

&ppointment s Department of the Ministry of Lab our had fully inquired of

Iren looking for ex-aervict'! students University Grants, as to any money available for them from o~tside 'souroes, he con91uded that in his case the ex-service grant would in reality be only supplementary to the scholarship

money. As to applying to Liverpool War Pensions Committee, he knew from regretful experience what hie ~fforts would be worth, and he knew from his OYJn lot and that of others t h.e length of time which would elapse before the

&~rjv 1 of any monetary aido That is, on the doubtful supposition that he would be considered entitled to such aido The ~6. 10/- for hich he now applied (to alloW his to cross to Du~lin in order to be interviewed) was required to assist him in obt&inin the ex-service student grant which

in turn would ~nable him to continue his soholarship-

As regards the award of fourth Scholarship for the forthcoming year

the Finance & Roads Committee had made the following recommendation:-

M'I'hat Ur Edward John Redmond, a candidate for the award of University

Scholarship from the Wexford County Council, be informed that a statement

has bee:1 rrade to the County Council that at the outbreak of t he War his

parents were living in Waterford, and it was after August 191., that the

family came to reside in Harbour. The Council request his observations thereon, and also as to the date when the family last left

Waterford to take up residence in Courtown Harbouro"

From statements received from Rev John O'Grady, C. C. Riv~rchapel, it appeared that the parents of the boy Edward John Redmond lived in Waterford for a short time but on the outbreak of the War his father being

& soldier went away, and his wife and family came baCk to reside in

Court own Earbour in April 19150 The father and mother lere natives of Riverchapel and tho boy was born in Riverchapel and had lived there with © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 563

his Mother and Grandmother for years. It w&S a fact th&t the parents were

not livtng in the County Wexford for the five years preceding 1919-

In connection with the claim of Mr Bookey the following resolution

was adopted on the motion of Mr Cloney, seoonded by Mr O'3yrne:-

"That Mr Bookey b~ informed that the County Council are precluded (aucording to the advice of their Solicitor) from payment of hospital fees,

medioines etC., But they would be prepared to entertain & olaim for

pa.yment cf travelU-ng eXpenses or cost of books if particulars of these items when supplied a.re approved of by the Solicitor to the «ounty Council."

In connection with the aptlication for increase' in amount of Scholarsh

'llhe following resolution was adopted on t'le motion of Mr Scs.llan,

seconded by Mr Kehoe:- "That no action be taken to increase amount of University Soholarshipo

That the En!liscorthy Technical Instruction Committee and Mr W. McAuliffe, be informed that if any varjation is to be made in the syllabus of the Council for their University Scholarships, including p.mounts granted for

same, jt cam be effected by Notice of Motiono"

As regards the applioation of Mr William Ryan for an extension of his

University Scholarship, the recommendation of the Finance & Roads Committee, as given above, was confirmed on the motion of Mr Cloney, seconded by Mr


In reference to the application of' Miss Mary Kehoe, for an extension of her University Scholarohip, the following resol~tjon was adopted on the motion of Mr Cloney, seconded by Mr O'Byrne:- "That University Schola.rship of Miss Mary Ke'hoe, be extended for !hne year to enable her to oarry o~t a research in Organio Chemistry."

As regards the application of Mr James O·Connor, for advanCe on his

Scholarship for travelling expenses, the recommendation of the Finance ~ Roa.ds Cornrrittee as given above, was confirmed on the motion of Mr Scallan,

seconded by Mr Kehoe."

The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr Cloney,

seoonded by Mr Asple:- MThat conSidering the facts raised in the correspondenoe ith Mr

Ja.me 9 0' Connor as to payment of the bala.nce of his University Schola.rship © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES \ 564

the County Council a.re perfectly willin ' ','fi o pay amount ·of his scholarship

when he takes up his Scholarship."

As regards award of fourth Scholarship, Mr Fowler stated that he would give notioe of motion for next meeting to enable the County Council to

award their fourth University Scholarship to Mr Ed~&rd John Redmond, as he

(Mr Fowle~ considered that ·to all intenDS and purposes Mr Redmond and his

family should be regarded as reSidents of the Count yo"

Claim ~or Extra Police Paym~nt.

In oonnection with the olaim of the Authorities of the R. I. C., for

payment of £53. 3. 2d for extra police, a resolution had been adopeed by the

Council to obtain Counsel's opinion as to whether t'1e Council "ere ld.a.ble for payment, seeing that the claim was made in respeot of half-year ended 31st Me.rch 1919, and was not furnished to the Secretary of the County

Council until 16th July 1919.

Mr Elgee, Solicitor to the Council, submitted opinion of Mr John E. Walsh, B. L., pointing out that it was a general rule of law that the Crown was not bound by Statute in the absence of any express provision to that effect, and in his (Mr Walsh's) opinion this rule applies in reference to Lhe restrictions as to time prescribed by Section 51 (7) of

the L. G. Act and that the Police Authorities' are not bound by these Accordingly they are not precluded from pressing their re str ict ions 0 olaim by reason of the fact that the time limit imposed by the Sub Section

had exp iredo

On the motion of Mr Cloney, seconded by Mr Redmond, the following

resolut on wa,s H.dopted:- "That Pay Order for £53. 30 2d be issued from meeting of the County

Council to be held on lOth December 1919,to defray claim made by R. I.

Constabulary Authorities for extra police in res~eot of half-year ended

31st March 1919."

Proposed Agreement as to ' Wag~s

Under date 13th September 1919, Mr O'Donoghue, Organiser, Irish Trnnsport & General Workers' Union, wrote that on behalf of the men he

accepted the new scale of wages proposed by the Councilo It was however

not ~ustomary for Trade Unions to hind the men for s~ch a period as

twelve months, but it was improbable t1~t any further demands would be made on ©the WEXFORD Council'Y'i thin COUNTY this period, COUNCIL unless ARCHIVESvery exceptional circuJr.stance \ 565

Justify same 0 •

Mr R. F. King, Irish National Agricultur&.l & General, Workers' Union,

which is principally concerned with quarrymen, wrote t~bt from information

to hand he thought all the men \'fere aatisfied with the cash side of the

sett18ment, but were not cont~nt to sign the agreement, as most members were

of opinionthe,t the signing of any such thing would hold therr S0me wllet,

a.nd whilt'" the~1 believed tha.t for the period mentioned no further increases

ill be asked still there is the object jon that cannot be got over."

The following recommendation of the Finance & Roads Committee was

confirmed on the motion of Mr Scalla.n, secondl"'d by Mr Cloney: -

"That th~ o.tt en\., jnL or t il!! Organising Secreta.ry of the National Agricultural & General Workers ' Union, be 8alled to.. the terms of the acceptance t)f t he agreement between the Wexford County Council ar"d their

Workers as set out in the letter of Mr 0 'Donoghue, Organising Secret&ry of

the Irish Transpor·t &: rt~l1.era.l Workers ' Union, and that he be requested to

furnish to the eBuncil a oommunication couBhed in similar terms as otherwise

the Council oannot regard the agre~ment as accepted by t he National

Agrieuitural & General Workers ' Union. "

Application Increase "to. ,

Unc.er date 12th 3ep.tember 1919, Mr M. J. 0 ' Kell;r, Quarry Overseer ~

Ballynabol , Wexford, wrote applying to have his wages increased from £2

to £20 10/- per week, the latter being the wages paid Mr J o J . O' Gorman

the other q'\.J.o.rr y ov"r;3eer. He was overseer in charge of five quarries and also of the roads between Ballynab8la and New Ross. The work re quire d

a good deal of travelling, a~d the cost of living had been steadily

increasing as has also the amount of v'fOrk in connection with quarries and


On the motio ~ of Mr Scallan, second~d by Mr M. Doyle , the following

re corcn: encla. ~ i on of Tl'i1.ance & Roads Cornrni ttee "as adopted:-

"That Mr M. J. O' Kelly be informed that his wages w~re fixed at £2

per week at the meetil1.g of th~ County Council of 20th August, and as it was

then accepted by the representative of his Union, the County Cbuncil b e

recorl1.mended not to take further action in the circuTstanceso"

Applj cati on Co Court Cri~r for Wa.r Bonuso

At a recent meeting of the County Council ttn application for Yiar © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES , 566

Bonus was ccnstder ed from Mr Timothy Long, County Court Judge's Crier, ,,,hen

the forlol1:ing re solut ion was adopt ed:- "Trmt the appljcation of Mr Timothy Long, County Court Judge's Crier, That in the rn eantime he be for War Bonus b~ ~djourned to next meeting. asked to supply the follovting particulars:- (1) Hew many times per year is

he on duty in County Wexford, (2) Are his expenses paid by the County Court

Judge, (3) Row many other Counties does he serve."

Under date 4th September 1919, the following reply was read from Mr

Long:- "In reply to the resol.. tion of the County Council of the 21st ulto., I wish to say tha.t I attend Quarter Sessions in County Wexford four times I also each year. My expenses are not paid by the County Court Judge. serve the Counties Carlow, Kildare, and Wicklow, for eaop' of which I

r~ceive £10 per annum. I most respectfully point out that these sala.ries were fixed in t~e ye&r 1636, when the value of money was very different from what it is now a.nd when the Crier t r avelled on the Ca.&irm&n's Carri&ge and hotels were

cheapo Trusting that the Council will take a favourable view."

"It was deCided that the application of Mr Long be referred to next

meeting of the Fi:tfll nc ~ &- Roads Committee,,"

Resignation of Vr Moore, Rate Collectoro

Under da.te 16th August 1919, Mr N. Moore, Rate Collector for No.3 Colleotion District, wrqte tnat owing to failing health he was unable to continue in office for the then current half-year, and forwarded certificate

from Dr O'Brien, . He had been 35 years in office and was 70 years of age. He was sure that fter his long service the County Council would

gr&nt him the amount of supera.nnuation to which· he was entitled"

In c onr..ection wit'1 the superarmuation to be allov/ed Mr Moore, the Solicitor to the Council, Mr El ee, wrote that Mr Moore was entitled to

the retiring a.llowance provided by Section 6 of the Local Government • (Ire and) Act 19190 The County Council at their meeting of 20th August 1919, adopted

the following resolution:- <- "That the question of the resignation of Mr No Moore, Rate Collector

for No.3 Collection Distrlct, be referred DO the meetin of the Fi ance © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 567

& Roads Cornmittee of 3rd September 1919, o.nd, in the mea.ntime that Mr Moore be requested to nominate 8. deputy Collector in order ~o close the collection in respect of the half-yea.r ending 30th September 19190"

Mr Moore in comp11e.nce with this resolution appointed Mr Ed",ard Ryan,

Bal1ygoman, as his deputy to close the collection for the ha lf-year ended

30th September 1919, a.nd the nornin ..t, D had been confirmed by the Councilo

Under date 12th September 1919, the Local Government Board wrote

(44013-1919, Wexford COo,~ inquiring if the Sureties of Mr Moore had

approved of the appointment of Mr Ryan 8.9 deputy, and a.dded tha.t "the suretie

had not been rf ~ lea.sed from tbeir obligation under the bond of Mr Moore

until the full year's rate had been accounted for".

The Secretary stated that Messrs John Cullen, St Tenants, Cleariestown,

and Thomas French, Johnstown, Duacormack, sureties of Mr Moore, had been furnished with a copy of the letter of the Loca.l Gov~rnment Board (No~ 1919, Wexford Co.,) and had written that they were satisfied with the

appointment of Mr Ryan, as deputyo

Under date 24th Septerrber 1919, the IJocal Government Board wrote (l"t ter

No. 47407-1919, Wexford County) that in view of the concurranCe of Mr Moore's sureties, they would not object to the appointment of Mr Edward

Ryan as ceputy for the completion of the collectiono

The Secretary stated that Mr Moore had out on the 30t h Septemher 1919,

£1697. 2. 9d, and t~at the books were handed the deputy on 30th September

to close the collectiono ttMr Elgee ment ioned that as the Local Government Board in their letter

of 12th Septetnber 1919 (44013-19) pointed out the sureties of Mr Moore

should not be relea.sed for their obligation under their bond until the

full year's rate had been accounted foro

On the motion of Mr Scallan, seconded by Mr Cloney,the fol1wwing

resolution was a.dopted:- "!ha.t Mr No Moore~ Rate Collector for No.3 Collection District, be

informedthat in the opini on of the Local Government Board, and of the

Solicitor of the Council, it wa.s not possible to release him or his sureties from the obligation of completing the collection for tbe year

ended 31st March 1920, either by himself or by his deputyo Thltt the question of fillin the vaca.ncy in the office of Rate Collector vice Mr Moore be© adjournedWEXFORD for COUNTYt he present, COUNCIL and th ,t ARCHIVESt 1e question of the amount of 568

superannuation to be ajlowed to Mr Moor be consid red at meeting at which

new appointment is to be dealt witho"

E miscorthy R. D. Counoiland District BT'idgfllR o

Under date August 16th 1919, the following was read from Enniscort~J .~ R. D. Council:- "At Wednesda.y's meeting of the Council the County Surveyor made

&pplication to expend £100 on Newtownbarry Bridge by Sudden D mage Order.

The following Order was made:- itCounty Surveyor be asked why this 'IOrk W8.3 not done last August when his attention was called to the matter. County

Council's attention to be directed to the matter. Also the County Council be requested to have all the Bridges in the Rural Dis\rict of Ennisoorthy

inspeoted at onCe and a report as to their oondition be submitted to this

Council within a month as sever 1 complaints have been made concernin

them. " "The Secretary stated he had furnished a oopy of this communication

to the County Surveyoro"

The following recommendation wa.s submitted from the meeting of

Finance & Roads Co~~ittee o~ 3rd September 1919:- "That Mr Barry, County Surveyor, be instructed to have Newto\'Vl1.barry

Bridge repaired during the present good weather. That Enniscorthy R.D~ Council be informed that the County Surveyor states that during last Summer

it was not possible to obtain cement for the work, and in October when cement was availa.ble the weather did not permit of the work being oarried oute That as requested by the Enniscorthy R. D. Council the County

Surveyor inspect the bridges of the District and present a report to the

Distr ict Council within the peri od spe oifiedo "

"The above recornmendat ion of t he Finance & Roads Committee wa.s confirr:r:e

on the motion of Mr Asple, seconded by Mr Cloneyo~

Po~t1ng Valuation Notioes. Under date 1st A.. gust 1919, William Donovan, Enniscorthy, applied an increase in the amount of £2 allowed for the posting of valuation

notices in the Enniscorthy Rural District &S the distance covered to the

va.rious places at which Notices had to be posted was close on 15 miles.

On the ~otion of Mr Cloney~ seconded by Mr Redmond, the following recommendation of the Finance & Roads Committee was a.dopted:-

"That Mr Wi.lliam Donova.n, Enniscorthy~ be allowed a sum of £3 for the © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES , ----~--~------569 posting of a.ll future valuatjon notices in the Enniscorthy District."

Dam g~ Moto~ Car.

Under date 1st September 1919, Dr J. B. Keogh, Carrigbyrne, Newbawn, wrote that on that day in a rain stor. a heavy traction engine and two lorries laden with heavy timber bad passed. over the road from Carrigbyrne to

New Ross, and if this were allowed to continue the road from Carrigbyrne to

Cullenstown. Chapel etC .. , would S

town to Foulksrnills, which was a disgrace to any County, even this, He intended ·to seek redress fDr the injury the roads are so generally bado to his motor car caused by the execrable condition of the road opposite the

Chapel of on 25th May 1 st. The Finance & Roa.ds Committee submitted the following reoomrnendation:­

"T~t Dr J. B. Keogh, Carrigbyrne, Newbawn, be informed relative to his

letter of 1st September as to motor lorries passing over Wexford-New RosS

Road~ tha.t the County Counoil have no power to prevent these vehicles , using the ror..ds, but trmt:, proceedings are pending against the owners for

d~me.ge which they have cat. sed to th.e roads.,"

"The above recommendation was confirmed on the ~otion of Mr Cloney,

seconded by }tr- Redmond."

Arising out of report of County Sur~eyor to Finance & Roads Committee

the following recommendationsof the Committee were submitted:- "That the County Surveyor be . Roe.d BOfl:rd & Ertt1.i<>cort'\, - N"n Ross ROl'1d :- requested to apply to the Road Board for a grant for the repair of the Road

. from Enniscorthy to New Ross."

Ferrycarr1g Bridge:. "Tha.t we e.pprove of the steps t ken by the County - ~urveyor to have the railings on the bascule of Ferrycarrig Bridge repaired.

HThat the County Surveyor be instructed to nredei e Kilmore Harbour:- apply to the Department of Agriculture & Technical Instruction for e. grant

in e.id of the dredging work necessa.ry at Kilmore Harbour. 'Dh~ f:ishermen using the place are considerably hampered as it is only certain st~ges of tide they can get in nd out of the harbour, and it is almost impossible H at present to berth coal vessels at the pier owing to the siltage.

"That the County Gorey Town CommiSSioners. ~d er~ct 0 of Pig P ns:- Council be recomnended to grant the application of Gorey Town Commissioners © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 570

for the erection of permanent pig pens in Market Square, Gor8Y9 provided the

structures 8.re put up to the satisfa.ction of the County Surveyor, and the,t

they be removed on two months i notice in writing served at anytime by the

County Council on the Gor y Town Commissionerso"

B llyconnick & Ballingly Qua rr 1~u : - "That the County Surveyor ask Mr ') 11'e.,

o'ConlOr, r(l!'rr . ~r Cont,ractor, what is th.e lowest price for which he will

l Out the work of quarrying in the quarries of Ballyconnick and'Ballinglyo"

"The above Recommendations were confirmed on the motion of Mr Scallan

seconded by Mr K~ho6o"

PoiRons & Ph Act Li c"nCeso

On the Plotion. of Mr Scallan, S~conded by Mr Cloney, the following

resolution was adopted:- "That Poisons & Ph rmacy Licence held by Mrs Margar6t Roohe, Bally nne?

New Ross, be renewed for twelvemonthso"

Cinema Licences.

AP~liC tions for Cinema Licences were reoeived from James Moore,

Kilmore, for Kilmore Hall, and Thomas En~is, Bridgetown, for Bridgetown

Halla The County Surveyor reported that in his opinion K11more Hall

oomplied with the regulationso

The applioation for Bridgetown Hall had only been received or. 6th

oct obero

On the motion of Mr Scallan, seconded by Mr Cloney, the following

resolution was adopted:- "That licence under Cinematograph Act 1909 be granted Mr Ja.me s Moore

Kilmore, for Kilmore Hall. That our Secretary be empowered to issue

lio~nce under Cimematogre.ph Aot 1909 to Thoma.s Ennis, Bridgetown,provided

the Count;y· Surveyor reports tha.t thi sHall compl ies with the regula t1 ons

which have been made under the abovernentiuned Acto"

Cloh men Bride 0

lir John Browne, Contraotor, Wexford, wrote under da.te 20th September

1919, that the Enniscorthy R. D. Council ha.d refused to pay £16. 10/- for

work done by him at Clol~mon Bridge under Sudden Darage Order~ Ther

was also L lwlf4 nce dl,. . i "'l 011 the Contraot for repair of the Bridge. He wished the County Counoil to deal finally with the matter. Failing this,


he would be obliged to take legal proceedings o In reference to letter which he had received from the County Surveyor re Weir, he was not responsibl

for injnr1 done to land adjoinin the bridge, &s the Weir w.s left open for

the c o nY~ n :i ~ n oe of' th~. Fi .~'h"1ry Board of Consel'vat ors ..

Proposed by Mr Kehoe, seconded by tir Stafford, and passed::- "That having oonsidered the statement of the 'County Surveyor9 and of our , Chairman, as to the amount due to Mr Browne, under his claim on Budden

Damage Order for work at Clohamon Bridge. We consider the amount clai~ed

by him (£16, lO!~ ) should be paid."

"The County Surveyor stated he had received on 1st October a letter from

Mr T. J. Murpl).y, Ryland House, stating tha.t he wished to know what the

Council intended doing to compensate for land washed away while weir

t Cloharnon Bridge was open, Unless he Tas compen3at~d and protection for his land {)uilt ~1J'! wonld take proceedingso"

The following resolution was adopted on the notion of Mr Stafford, seCon

ded by Mr Kehoe:- NTh t Mr Bro", ,' ", , (Co '1tractor) be, requested to interview Mr T. Jo

Murphy, Ryland House, as to his claim re damage to his land etco, and

to the Councilo Also as to how he stands as r~gards Mr Murphy, the Coo Council, and the Fishery Conservatorso"

Blastin.l? at Doran t s Hi 11 O.uarr •

The Finan~e & Roads Committee submitted the following recornn -endation:-

"That in view of the fact that the dwelling house of Mrs Borthistl~,

Effernogue, Ferns, was injured by" stin at Doran's Hill Quarry, as well

as her crop ~ inj u r~d, til question of the amount of compensation to be paid her, be a.gain referred to the County Surveyor fnr a further report from·

Ur Ennis, Assistant Surveyor, for the dlstricto"

Under date 13th August 1919, Mrs Borthistle wrote that she would be satisfied to settle her claim for damage caused by blasting operations at

Dor an's Hill Quarry for £5 ." .

On the motion of Mr Scallan, second~d by Mr Kehoe, th~ recommendation

of the Finance & Roads Committee was confirmedo "The County Surveyor stated that the report had not yet come to hando"

".ClaiT"l or Quarrying.

Under date l~th August 1919, James Keeley, Rathquile, Adamstown~


wrote cla.iming £3 0 10 •. lOd balance due him. for quarryin in Barmoney Quarry.

On the motion of Mr J. A. Doyle, seconded by Mr M. Doyle , the following resolution was adopted:- "That as Mr Treanor, Senior Assista.nt Surveyor, considers that tr:ere

Were onll approximately 15 cubic yards of ~aterial remaining in tbe quarry . ' after breaKing, we offer Mr James Keeley 1=/- in settlement of his claim for

quarrlingo It

Cla.im for IncreA . ~ed 'N ·r Bon~s by Roan Contr ctoro

Mr James Brien, Glenteigue, Glenbrien, Roe.d Contrattor, (through

Messrs John A. Sinnott &- Co., Solicitors, Enniscorthy.) Vlrote a.pplying for

an increase in the Jlll,!' Bonus on 11is Roads a.nd considered he 'le.S unfairly The difference Mr O' Brien' tree. ted a.s comp&red with other contract ors. Solicitors contend~d, was £92. 140 3d, whicn was a serious loss to himo

Tbe County Surveyor submitted tbe followjn Report:-

"1 am in receipt of your letter of to-d&y's da.te enclosing letter

from Messrs Sinnott & Co., Solicitors, on behalf of James Brien, Glenteigue From the Solicitors' communication. which l~tter 1 noW return youo it would appea.r that 1Ar James brien cunsiders hinself a.ggrieved on account

of the difference in War Bonus allocated by the County Council to contract ers who prepared their own materi 1, as ~gainst contractors who obt~1ned At tbe time of fixing tbe War material from County Council Quarries o Bonus it was considered that contractors doing all the wcrk of preparing

their own rr.aterial would be entitled to a higher W!lr Bonus t }8.n those wbo

obta.ined material prepared by the County Council, a.s the prj ce of t [liS

latter wa.s a fixed item, arranged &t the time of taking the contract,

but could not be increa.sed tYough the cost on the Council of prepa.ring The 2/6 referred to in Messrs the material ,"as greater than formerlyo Sinnott's letter as allowed the contr ctors is not a correct statemento No contractor was allowed this, but the several district Councils ·were asked to, and have Made good the difference bet~een the cost of materjal

and that charged contractors. The a~ount allowed ing material from Council quarries was four-sevenths of 20% which works a.t something under lli% and nor 12-:k% as stated, L,e., that the extra. ~ Bonus was calcul ted to cover the extra cost of preparing materi~l ,

andLhe 11-Jt' in both cases was calculated to cover the extra labouro © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 573

Und~r th!'!se circumstances I do not c'onsider Mr James Brien has any

special gr1evance, ilnd if the matt,er be taken up by the County Cour~ cll,

every contractor in the County who prepared 'bis own material can make the

same. claim. I should not that the statement that Mt Brien had to pay 6/6 per cubiC

yard fO l stones is misleadingo The County Council hs.d not hing whatever

to do with the cost of rna terial tcMr Brien, and though it rna.)' hav~ cost

him 6/6 we have no evidence of sarne, and he wa.s not certainly cha.rged that

by the County Council. I should further note tbat he obtained the use of County Machinery at the forMer price, and the loss on same flas rna.de good

by the District Council."

On the motion of Mr Cloney~ seconded by Mr Quigley, the following

resolution was adopted:-

"That Mr James Brien, Glenteigue, Glenbrien, be informed that no action was taken on his cla.im for increased Wa.r Bonus on his roads as the circumstances of ea. n 'class of Road Contractor were considered most by the County Council when the amounts of War Bonus for Contractors was

fixed .. "

App11cation for rele~qe from Road Cnntract. "

The following was read from Patrick Bailey, Clohamon, Ferns,

Contractor for Road No. 36R:-

"Will you kindly leave these few lines before the Council to see

would they do anything for me. I have taken a road from Clohamon Cross to Strahart Cross for the sum of £340 9/- to apply 132 yards for which I cannot do it now for which I would be incliaed if I could. I have lost £20 per year on it and this year labouD has gone up more, so I think no

law would compel me to make it. I could not put out stmnes at 6/- per cub1t yard, rise them and break them a.nd spread them, so I hope you will .

put up this road for fresh tender."

On the l;)otion of the C \1 airman~ seconded by Mr Quigley, the folloYling resolution was adopted::- .. "That the County Council cannot flee their way to release Mr Patrick

Bailey, Clohamo~, from his contract for Road No. 36R."

Proposal~ for Payment o

Proposed by Mr Scallan. Seconded by Mr Kehoe, and adopted:-

"That the several Proposals for Payment of items of s lur i~s and oth r © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES \ 574

fixed amounts in respe ct of qua.rt er ended 30th September 1919, a. nd as recommended by the Finance & Roads Committee 8nd by the Proposal Conmlittee

be and re hereby doptedo"

Proposals for Works o

Proposed by Mr Scallan, Seconded by Mr Kehoe:- "That the several Proposals set out on Form 20 for County-at-Large

Works presented to the Meeting, be ahd are hereby adtpted, subject to any

modifications entered thereon and initialled by the Chairmano"

C nfjrmatlon MinutAs PrODOSt 1 Committee.

On the motion of the Chairman, Seconded by Mr Scallan, the following

resolution was adopted:- "That the Minutes of Proposal Committee of 8th October 1919, be and

are hereby confirmed."

KilA.nl"!l"jn Farml'!T's Association and t h~ Roa.ds of t, heir District.

The follo ving resolution 'Nas read from the Kilanerin Farmers Un i on:-

"That we the Kilanerin Farmers' Union are of opinion that the roads "­ in this district want some improvements, and the first step to take would be to modify the quarry system at Ta.ra. Hill County Council Quarry, as the stones are broken so large that it takes them two yea.rs to ma.ke a surJtn.Ce

that you can pass over with any kind of safet,. If t be tonnage on all renewing contracts was reduced 25% and that 25% go to pay the workers ' increase and the We&r on machinery, and break the stones to 1~ inch gauge, we a ssure you t he stones will be sa.tisfactory as in. this hi] ly district the

roads are getting t oo much material of a very unsuitable quality, most of

t hem not 2 inch but 3 inch gaugeo Th.en the contractors are busy all seasons collfllct. 5ne t"rletn a nj throwing them in the gripes, also tearing

dOVin the ditches and throwing the rubbish out to try and Cover them. This should not be the Case as there should be "fines" from the quarry

specified for that purposeo This change would not entail any additional cost on t he ratepayer or on the contractoro. We have formed this from our ideas on the condition we see the roads in, and from the information of

some of the very best contractors in the district who ~re prepared to give

information by word, if required."

On the motion of tD~ C~~irman, seconded by Mr Scallan, the following , © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 575

resolution was &dopted:~

HThat t:lt' con:rnlH:l lltti.:i.on from the Kile.nerin Farm~rs' Union be r~ferred

to the Count.y Surveyor, nd that he be requested to compl)" v/ith the lIiahel

of the Association as regards the maintenance of the road of their

as far as he possibly cano"

Oulart Cou~thouse ,

Under de>t~ 5th August 1919, Jir P. Cooney, Oulart, \7rote:-

"1 duly received your letter enclosing copy of Mr Elgee's letter re rent Oulart CourthoL.se and note his remarks. I beg to say I have decided

to extend my Shop bJr letting in Courthouse, therefore I will be applying

in cours~ for pessession of same. Messrs o'Connor & Co., Solicitors~

will give due noticeo"

A copy of this letter wa.s furnished Mr Elgee, Solicitor to the County

Council, who wrote as follOws under date 16th August 1919:-

"In reference to your letter re Oulart Courthouse, I have been looki~g

into tht'l Jilb.tttllr altd l.3 ·~. ~ r as I can learn from Messrs Stopfol'd & Turner, Agents for Mr Bruen, this Courthouse was held under a tenancy from yea,r to

ye r, and therefore would be determinable by service of a otice to Quit.

This llot iCe I would say should be a year's not iCe and therefore, if no~v

s rv~d, would run to September 1920, and as Mr Cooney wants the place to

extend i s Shop, I think the late Act of Parliament as to taking up

p.ssession does not applyo This being so t think your Council should now t ke the necessary steps towards providing new Sessions house for the


Under date 15th August 1919, in connection with the question of fuel

for and cleaning of Oulart Courthouse, Mr O. R. Lee, Petty Sessions Cl~rk.

Oulart, WI' at t.'! : :-

"In reply to ;/ our l~tter of 7th insto, I beg to sta.te that the

landlord made an allowance of £2 per annum for coals and cl~aning of Oulart Courthouse. For sornetiwe past I have to pay this amount to the

woma~ who cleans it and lights th~ fires, so that all the fuel is paid for from my own pocket, but while the landlord was paying this I could

net well appr.ach the Ceunty Ceuncil for a granto

At least one ton ef ccal TlOu:"d b~ required ea.ch ye r, and the sum

which I aIr, lll'ehdy pa.ying £20 ff

"The Secretary stated that Messrs M. J. O'Connor & Coo,Solicitors, , © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 576

Wexford, M,d served notice to quit on "he County Council to deterrrine the

tenancy of Oulart Courthouse as from 30th June nexto"

On the motion of Mr Scallan, s~conded by Mr Redmond, the following

resolution vias a.,loI- ted:-

"That an annuHl Rum of £4 he e.llow~d Mr 0 .. R. IJ~e, Petty Sessions

Clerk, for the purpose of cleaning the Courthouse and providing fuel for


- New RORS Tr in 8~rviCp. .

At the neeting of the County Council on 5th August 1919, the followi~g

resolutibn w s -dopted:-

"That we consider ~he Dublin & South E~stern Railway Company, should

favour bly entertain the request of the New Ross Urban Co~cil for a

conaection with the town of ~lew Ross by the train leaving Dublin at 6.5 p.

m'1 inste d of as at present by the train leaving Thlblin at 10.15 a.m., as

with pr~sent arrange~ents persons having business in Dublin must spend two

days in going ~,nd retllrnHig. It

Under date 20th August 19191 Mr John Cog 1 n, D. & S. E. Railway ,

wrot~, that '-'l~ W8,S 'lorry he could not see his wll.Y to recommend any alterat-

ions in the service at presento It was clear that the 4 p.m., train from M cmine junction to New Ross and Waterford, better ser\res a. larger

number of pe ople than would be the Case if t he train were altered t 0 await

the rrival of the 605 pam, train from Dublino The cost of working en

extra pf.LB GOn,ser traLl J ,t veen New Ross and llacmine Junction would

undoubtedly l~ve a large deficit while t~e ser ous position of the coal

output would not warrant the Company in running an extra train for the

convenience of so few people s he w s convinced would use it.

"No Ord~r as t e train service is so much disorganised at present • and further changes in the Do & S. E. Railway System are in contemplation."

G~ Appl1.catio f or 1 i bean 1 t , •

Mr P. Hanrahan, Borough Surveyor, Wexford, applied for 50 Ibs of

gelignite for quarry work for the Wexford Corporation, and would be

obliged if the Council could l~t him have the amount from stocko The

Corporation would replace the gelignite and pay proportion of the expenses

• of the escorto • On the motion of Mr McGuire, seconded by Mr Scalla,n,the following © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES \ 577 resolution was adopted:- "That the application of Wexford Corporation for loan of 50 Ibs Gelignite be agreed to subject to the conditions of the letter of Mr Patrick Hanrahan9

Borough Surveyor, (under date 15th Septernber~"

Arbo r Dal-

Und!r date 27th August 1919, Mr Robert Barton, wrote bringing Lnder

the notice of the Council that under a recent decree of Dail Eireann,

November 1st had been de cle,red a general hol iday for the purpose of holding

an Arbour Day, and asked the Council to co-operate in Making Arbour Day a

National festival~

On the motion of Mr Cloney, seconded by Mr O'Byrne, the following

resolution was adopted::-

"That Mr Barton be informed t~ the Wexford County Council are

to support any steps which may be" taken for the establishment of an Arbour

Day in Ire lando 'I

Irrecoverable R teso

On the motion of Mr Scallan, seconded by the Chairman, the following

resolution was adppted:-

"That the Finance & Roads Committee be empowered to deal with the

examination etc., of Irrecoverable Rates r~ceived from Rate Collectors in

respect of half-year ended 30th September 19190" -Member Gener 1 Council I~ish Co Counoi l ~ o The follol'ling reSO lution was adopted on the motion of Mr 0 'Byrne,

Seconded by Mr Q.ui ley';'-

"That Mr Mich:3.el Doyle, be appoi 1ted as a representative of this

Council on the General Council of Irish County Councils, vice Mr M. A.

Ennis, deceased."

N .tional Development Comp ny of T~~land Ltd.,

A Circular letter under date 27th August 1919, waG ren.d from Mr Jo

H. Rice, Secretary to the above, calling attention to th~ fact that the

Compan1 had succeed~d in arranging for an advance of £150,000,000, for Irish Housing repayable at 5 per cent per annum in 50 years. "No Order"

Frozen Me t for tb~ Ar~y .

The Irisb Ca~tle Traders' & Stocko,mers Association, forwarded © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 578

re901ution learnjng with surprise of the intention of the Militarl

Autborities to restrict the supply of home killed meat to the Troops statione

in Irel nd from. 1st January next, to one day a week. The Association

regarded this 80S a breach of faith on te pa.rt of those at 'Ihose instance

Irish F&rmersh~d increased their flocks and herdso

"The re solut ion was adopte d on the motion of Mr Scalla.n, se co nded by

the Cbairrr1&n ."

Condemn tion of Murders & Outr ge30

A resolution was received from Westrneath County Council condemnin

the Murders and outrages that re occurring in various parts of the

Country, whioh were a stain on the Na.tional char~ctero They hoped the

warnin 3 of t e C tholic Hier rcry would put an end to those cowardly .

and criminal follieso

"The re ., olution from Westmeath Co Council was ado ted on th~ motion

of Mr McGuire, seconded by Mr Quigley."

Irish Superannuatert Emp~:~~ ARsoc1atio 0

The Offic"ra of o.hove wrote u:lder date 20th September 1919, a.sking

the County Council to adopt a resolution from Dublin Corpore.tion askin

the Government to introduce legislation to en~ble local bodies to increase

the pensions of employees as the plight of the great bulk of these

pensioners now approaches the stage of destitutiono "No Order"

We xford Gas Company.

The Wexford Gas Company forwarded copy of an applica.tion made to the

Board of Trade for an Order that the Stt1.tutor~ Provisions regulating the

pri.ce of Gas in Wexford should be l'1odified by a.uthorisi.ng the Comps.ny to

declare 8. dividend on the "A" Shares of 72 per cent, and on th!"B" a.nd "C" Sh~res of 3i per oent, notwithsta.'1.ding that the price of Gas may exceed the price provided for by Clause 26 of the ~exford Gas Order 1903, as

modified by the Wexford Gas 'Tempor~ry Increase of Charges) Order 19190

On 1J!le mot.ion of Mr MoGuire, s"conded by Mr Quigley, the following

r3so1ution was adopted:- , "Tha.t we confirm the de oision of the Wexford Corpora.t ion a~~ regards the application of the Wexford Gas Company to th~ Board of Trade for power to

pay dividends on certt.in abares nd to increase th.e price of Ga.s, as the

natter is one which most conCerns Wexford to:vno If © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 579

Prosecutin~h1 Re d Contractors.

On the motion of the Chairman, seconded by Mr Scallan, the following

resolution was adopted:-

__I "That the County Surveyor be empowered to proceed against the

following road contractors, or take up their roads under the 54th section

of the Gra.nd Jury Act, whichever course he considers most desirable::- .. -o j 31R Daniel Grace , 46R John Hayes, 53R Patrick Freeman, lo6R Patri'ck KellY7

171R James Evoy, 172R John Byrne, 163R Ja~es Ahe~rne~ 164R John Byrne, 139R

Patrick Reilly, 63E, 74E Thomas Dempsey~ 64E, llE, C. Mullo,~36E Pat:-ick

Bailey, 354E John Waters, 131G Michael Byrne. " -Ballymj tty Villa.ge HH.ll . On the motion of Mr Asple, seconded by Mr 0 'Byrne, the following

resolution was adopted:- "That Rev J. Murphy C. C., Ballymitty, be allovled to bring out wall

OIl Road 13BW at Ballymi tty to the extent of ab out two feet in order to

allow of erection of proposed Village Ballo"

Illne S8 of !AI' Curr&n, As 5ist nt Sur-veloro

In connection with the illness of Mr Curran, Assistant Surveyor, Mr

Barry, County Surveyor, produced a certifica.te from Dr Ryan, that Mr Curran

would require at least three weeks leave of bsenceo

The follo~ing recomrr,endation of the Finance & Roads Comrrittee was

adopted ?n the motion of Mr ScallBn, seconded by ~r Kehoe:: "That the County Surveyor ma.ke arrangements for Mr Treanor, Senior

Assistant Surveyor, to carry out the duties of Mr Curran during the latter ' s

illness nd that means of locomotion by motor car be provided Mr Treanor

fDr the purpose."

Ballingll &. Ballycon ick QuaT''''ies.

I As reg rds the working of Ballingly and Ballyconnick Qu~rries, the

County Surveyor read a letter from Mr 09Connor, late Contractor, stating he could not carry out the work for less than 6/- per cubiC yard. The

amount paid in other quarries was from 4/6 to 6/6 p~r cubiC yard ..

The following r e comJ:~ndation of the FinanC~ & Roads Committee was

adopted 0'1 the motion of Mr Scallan, seconded byA:r Kehoe:- tt1J,'bat Mr Richard O'Connor, Waddingtov1n, Cleariestown, be off~red 7/­ per cubiC yard for the working of Balli-..J"8ly a.nd Ballyconn1ck Quarries,"


Co Cnuncil Staff and Irish Cleric 1 & Allied orkers' Unicno - _.. . - ... -

Under date 6th September 1919, the following letter was read from Mr

D. Log~e, General Secretary, of above Un i on:-

"I have been instrl cted by the National Exectt tive Council of this Unlon to forw&.rd the following claim on behalf' of our Uembers employed on the

Staff of your Council:- That ~ l ~erovisions of Award 64 of t"le Conciliation oad Arbitration

Board be made to apply in t}-leir' ca.se, and that &11 ccrued rrears be paid

with out delay."

I am further instructed to point out t'ta.t the provisions of t~is

Award he,ve bee~ made e.pplic~ble to employees in similar Offices in Ireland."

The a.bove cO($lunication was considered at Finance & Roads COF 'r~' itt!"!e

of t1le f':01.rlCil on 17th Septer!lber, when tr_e following recommendation was

adopted:- MThat the letter ~rom the Irish Clerical & Allied Workers' Union

a.s to &pplication of A;vard No. 84 of the Conciliation & Arbitration Board

to the Sta.ff of the County Council he referr~d to meetin 0 t he Committee

to be held o~ 6th October 1919-"

The f~llowing resolution was adopted on th~ motion ' of Mr Jo A. Doyle,

Seoond d by the Chairman:- "That the d~mand from Clerical and Allied Workers' Union, on behalf '

of the Melrbers of the Ste.ff of the County Council, be discussed in


The following resolutions were ~dopted:-

Proposed by Mr Micha.el Doyle, seconded by Mr Lynch:-

"That the salary of Mr To Cullen, Clerk County Surveyor's Office be

fixed at £110 per annum."

Proposed by Mr Kehoe, seconded by Mr Fowler::-

"That Mr J. H. Gadog n, Clerk in County CounCil Offi c", be granted an

incres.se of £24 per e.nnumo"

Proposed by Mr M chael Doyle, seconded b .'!!-r 0 'Gorman:-

"That Mr C. H. Ricnards, Clerk in County Council Office, be gr nted an increase of £25 per nnumo " Propos~d hi Mr Thoppe, Seconded by Mr McGllire:- ( "Th t '.,ir Tre nor, Senior ASiistc.nt Surveyor, be granted an increase of

~!50 per© WEXFORDa '1.num. tt COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 581

Proposed by Mr St&fford, Seconded by Mr Scall&n::-

"rr'ha.t Mr T. A. Frlzelle, Accountant, be granted a.n increase of £25 peT' anmlm ...

Pr oposed b~' the Chairma.n, se conded by Mr ,M ic hae 1 DO~Tle:-

"Tha.t no change be ma.de a.s rega.rds thlt pre sent sal rie s of the ordinary s8ist~nt Surveyors."

. An lysti! s Report .

City L£.bor'e.tor7, C'tl.atham Row, Dublin" 11th August 1919.

Report of Sir Cb I'le s CLTT'erOn, C. B., M. D., Publi c Analyst for th~

County of 'vexford, on a.rt icles submitted to him for Analysis eluring the

Quarter ended 30th anne 1919·

160 e.rticles were received from the Food Inspectors, R. I. CO? as

follows:- Article. Number.

Milk 41

Butter 39

Buttermilk 12

Whiskey 11

Margarine 11

La.rd 7

Wine 7

Brandy 4

Chees 4

Gin 3

Cocos. 3

Rice :3

Tea ?

Oa.tme 1

Bread 2

S It 1

Must~rd 1


Tohacco 1

B',:ss Ale 1

Crush~d linRlJed 1 © WEXFORDCastoI' COUNTY Oil COUNCIL1 ARCHIVES 582

Arti~le NU'Tlber

O'Conl1.ell's Ale 1

Pepp r 1

Total 160

On~ cert1fict1.te T s sent to Sergel,at Doyl~, Enniscorthy, for spe.,iman of milk deprived of at least 36 per cent of its fatsQ

For the GU8.1-dians of Gorey Union nine drugs {ere a.nalysed. Tf11J were incoDrl'}ct. .,. For- the Gl'nI eli ns of En'liscort'rvr Union tt/elve drugs ,,rere e.ne.lysed.

One was incorrect. For Shillel gh Union wbich is pa.rtly situe.ted in the County Wexford, six drugs were &n lysed. One was incorrect.

Total analyses •..••... ..•...... •.... l~l

Adulterated & defective articled...... 5

C. A. Cam .rona


(Sie .d)_ ... K ~ __ Presiding Ch 1~ •

DB. ted t, hj f' ! t' day of 191q.