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Published online: March 8, 2021 ISSN : 0974-9411 (Print), 2231-5209 (Online)

Research Article

Quality assessment of groundwater at Laksar Block, in , India using Water Quality Index: A case study

Rakesh Bhutiani Article Info Limnology and Ecological Modelling Lab. Department of Zoology and Environmental Science, Gurukula Kangri (Deemed to be University), Haridwar-249404 (Uttarakhand), India Faheem Ahamad jans.v13i1.2435 Received: November 19, 2020 Department of Environmental Science, Keral Verma Subharti College of Sciences (KVSCOS), Revised: February 26, 2021 Swami Vivekanand Subharti University Meerut-250005 (Uttar Pradesh), India Accepted: March 3, 2021 Khushi Ram* Limnology and Ecological Modelling Lab. Department of Zoology and Environmental Science, Gurukula Kangri (Deemed to be University), Haridwar-249404 (Uttarakhand), India

*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

How to Cite Bhutiani, R. et al. (2021). Quality assessment of groundwater at Laksar Block, Haridwar in Uttarakhand, India using Water Quality Index: A case study. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 13(1): 197 - 203.

Abstract Urbanization and industrialization enhance the degradation of the groundwater quality due to the discharge of domestic and industrial effluents in the aquatic bodies or on the surface of ground either in treated or untreated form. Therefore, the present study was carried out to assess the groundwater quality at the Laksar block of district Haridwar in Uttarakhand. Groundwater samples (SS-1-10) were collected from the hand pumps of the study area. The sampling site (SS-1) was taken as control. The distance of all sampling sites from control site ranged from 6.3Km to 18.3Km. The samples were analyzed for various physico- chemical parameters viz Temperature, Electrical Conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Total Solids (TS), pH, Dis------solved Oxygen (DO), Total Hardness (TH), Calcium Hardness (CaH), Chloride (Cl), Sulphate (SO4 ), Nitrate (NO3 ), Acidity, and Iron (Fe) for two years (2017 to 2019). The data obtained after analysis was simplified using Water quality index (WQI). The maximum concentration of TDS, TS, TH, CaH, and Fe was observed at SS-6 that may be due to the direct industrial dis- charge of Sugar mill effluent on the ground. Based on WQI value, SS-6 (WQI value-150.27) was found most polluted site. Hard- ness was found above the standard limit (250mg/l) at SS-6 to SS-10. The Fe was also found above the standard limit of WHO and BIS (0.3mg/l) at SS-6 to SS-10. The study may be useful for managing the groundwater quality of the study area.

Keywords: Groundwater, Laksar block, Physicochemical parameters, WQI

INTRODUCTION (Bhutiani and Ahamad, 2018). Groundwater pollution occurs due to both natural and anthropogenic factors. Groundwater is the most important natural resource The industrial waste and domestic waste either in solid used for drinking purpose. It is also used for agriculture, and liquid form is directly discharged or dumped on the domestic and industrial activities (Sadat et al., 2014). ground either treated, partially treated or in untreated Out of the total quantity of water present on the earth, form (Kumar et al., 2018; Ruhela et al., 2020). The only 3% is freshwater. Less than 1% of the available leachate form the solid waste percolates through the water is accessible for drinking purpose (Verma et al., ground. Some pollutants get absorbed by the soil while 2018). Out of the entire sector, the maximum amount of some pollutants reached inside the ground and get groundwater is utilized in agriculture (Bhutiani et al., mixed with the groundwater. Similarly, pollutants from 2018a). Due to the excess use of water, two problems liquid waste reached the groundwater (Saleh et al., grow simultaneously. First is the reduced groundwater 2020). table and the second one is water pollution in ponds, About 16 % of all the deaths in developing countries lakes, rivers and streams along with groundwater are related to water pollution, which accounts for about through leaching as the maximum amount of water sup- 1.7 million deaths per year or 1 in 6 deaths (Biswas plied to the human society return as wastewater and Tortajada, 2019). Water pollution affects not only

This work is licensed under Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). © : Author (s). Publishing rights @ ANSF.

Bhutiani, R. et al. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 13(1): 197 - 203 (2021) the quality of water but also human health. Water pollu- 40 feet. All the selected sampling sites (S1 to S10) of tion is a great threat to economic development and so- the study area are given in Table 1 and Fig. 1. cial prosperity (Milovanovic, 2007). The causing factors The samples were collected in the morning hour form of many of the diseases are water pollutants (Jain et al., all the study sites for two years (2017 to 2019) on 2010). The groundwater constitutes an essential nutri- monthly basis. The samples were collected after 10 tional component for growth and survival of certain spe- minute of pumping from each site in a Jerry can of 2- cies of biota. The industry and seasonal activities are liter capacity using Grab sampling method and were responsible for the poor quality of groundwater in differ- transported to the laboratory immediately. The samples ent areas of the country (Jain et al., 2010; Bhutiani et were analyzed for the physicochemical parameters al., 2018b; Bhutiani et al., 2019; Kaviarasan et al., such as temperature, TDS, EC, TS, pH, TH, CaH, Cl, -- --- 2016). Therefore continuous monitoring of groundwater SO4 , NO3 , and Fe using standard methods (APHA, is made mandatory to reduce groundwater pollution and 2012; Khanna and Bhutiani, 2008). control over polluting agents. Water quality index (WQI) helps in understanding gen- Water quality index (WQI) eral quality status of a water source and therefore has Water Quality Index (WQI) is a very useful and efficient been applied to both surface and groundwater for the method, which can provide a simple indicator of water quality estimation all over the world form the last few quality and is based on several important parameters. decades (Kaviarasan et al., 2016; Khan and Jhariya, In the present study, the WQI was calculated using the 2017; Verma et al., 2018; Adimallaa and Qiana, 2019; weighted arithmetic index method of Cude (2001) and Vaiphei et al., 2020). Several workers have studied in- Brown et al. (1970). In this model, the components with dustrial impact on groundwater quality in different re- different water quality are multiplied by a weighting fac- gions of India (Bhutiani et al., 2016; Toure et al., 2017; tor and then collected using a simple arithmetic mean. Kwami et al., 2018; Bahmani and Palangi, 2018; Rao To assess water quality first, a Quality Rating Scale and Latha, 2019). The present study was undertaken in (Qn) was calculated for each parameter Laksar Block of Uttarakhand India to assess the hand pumps water quality (ground water) ………….Eq. 1 using water quality index. Where, MATERIALS AND METHODS Qn = is the Quality rating of nth parameter Vs = Observed value of the water quality parameter Sample collection and analysis obtained from laboratory analysis Study area Vio = Ideal value of that water quality parameter can be The present study was carried out in different villages obtained from the standard Tables. (Niranjanpur (SS-1, control site), Bhikkampurjeetpur Vi = pH 7 and for other parameters it is equal to zero, (SS-2), SultanpurAdampur (SS-3), Bukkanpur (SS-4), but for DO Vi = 14.6 mg/L Bahdarpur Khaddar (SS-5), Laksar (SS-6), Dabki Kalan Sq = Recommended WHO standard of the parameter. (SS-7), AkaudhaAurangzebpur (SS-8), KharanjaKutub- Then, after calculating the quality rating scale (Qn), the pur (SS-9), Raisi (SS-10) of Laksar block, located in Relative (unit) weight (Wn) was calculated by a value Haridwar district in the state of Uttarakhand. The aver- inversely proportional to the recommended standard age elevation of Laksar is 227 meters (745Feet). It is (Sq) for the corresponding parameter using the follow- situated between the towns of Khanpur and Sultanpur. ing expression- The Laksar block in the southeastern part of the district is a part of Khadar. Khadar is a localized term used for …………….Eq.2 the floodplains of rivers and areas inhabited by sedi- Where, ments recently deposited by rivers. It mainly consists of Wn = Relative (unit) weight for nth parameter fine sand, silt and clay. Unconfined aquifer is reported Xn= Standard permissible value for nth parameter in the literature in the study area which means that wa- K= Proportionality constant. ter seeps form the ground surface directly above the Finally, the overall WQI was calculated by consolidating aquifer (CGWB, 2016). Therefore, there is a great risk the quality ratings with unit weights using the following of pollution of groundwater in the study area due to re- equation- lease of industrial wastes directly on the ground and in aquatic bodies which in due course of time seeps un- derground from the earth along with pollutants. Some ………………..Eq.3 small and large scale industries are located within the Where, study area (R.B.N.S Sugar mill, Birla tyres, Shri Ce- Qn = Quality rating ment). Groundwater table in the study area is at 30 to Wn = Relative (unit) weight 198

Bhutiani, R. et al. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 13(1): 197 - 203 (2021)

Fig. 1. Showing the map of block Laksar with all the sampling sites (SS-1 to SS-10).

WQI scale and water quality categorization is given in of an aqueous medium to carry an electric current. In Table 2. water, conductivity is due to the presence of various ionic species. In the first year of study, conductivity RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ranged from 581.7µmhos/cm to 897.4µmhos/cm and in second year from 578.3µmhos/cm to 1019.6µmhos/cm. The results of physicochemical parameters of all the The minimum value of conductivity was found at site study sites (Niranjanpur (SS-1, Control), Bhikkampur- SS-1 (581.7µmhos/cm) and maximum value was found jeetpur (SS-2), SultanpurAdampur (SS-3), Bukkanpur at site SS-6 (1019.6µmhos/cm). The average conduc- (SS-4), Bahdarpur Khaddar (SS-5), Laksar (SS-6), tivity of both the year was found 813.0oCµmhos/cm Dabki Kalan (SS-7), AkaudhaAurangzebpur (SS-8), ±97.00. A strong positive correlation of TDS was ob- KharanjaKutubpur (SS-9), Raisi (SS-10)) during the served with EC (+1.00) and with TS (+0.97). study period from 2017 to 2019 are given in Table 3. Total Dissolve Solid (TDS) can be defined as a residue The correlation among all the parameters of defined evaporated filtered water. In the first year of (Temperature, EC, TDS, TS, pH, DO, TH, CaH, Cl, study, TDS ranged from 377.1mg/l to 582.9mg/l and in Sulphate, Nitrate, Acidity and Iron (Fe)) is given in table 4. the second year from 375.8mg/l to 662.5mg/l. The min- Temperature of groundwater depends on the tempera- imum value of TDS was found at site SS-1 (375.8mg/l) ture of both ground and atmosphere therefore varies and maximum value was found at site SS-6 (662.5mg/ with ground and atmospheric temperature. In the first l). The average TDS of both the year was found year of study, groundwater temperature ranged from 526.7mg/l±63.32 which was above the standard limit of 24.4oC to 26.3oC and in second year from 24.5oC to WHO and BIS (500mg/l). Total Solid (TS) can be de- 25.9oC. The minimum value of temperature was found fined as residue of defined evaporated water. In the o at site SS-5 (24.4 C) and maximum value was found at first year of study, TS ranged from 510.2mg/l to site SS-7 (25.9oC). The average temperature of both 708.9mg/l and in second year from 507.1mg/l to the year was found 25.1oC±0.52. A negative correlation 782.4mg/l. The minimum value of SS was found at site (-0.02 to -0.49) of all the studied parameters was ob- TS-1 (507.1mg/l) and maximum value was found at site served with temperature except nitrate (+0.38). SS-6 (782.4mg/l). The average TS of both the year Conductivity can be defined as a measure of the ability was found 647.9mg/l±62.97. Strong positive correlation

Table 1. Geological coordinates of sampling sites of study area (Laksar block, Haridwar Uttarakhand).

Distance form Sampling sites Latitude Longitude control site SS-1: Niranjanpur 30° 17' 50.6436'' N 78° 0' 36.4068'' E Control site SS-2: Bhikkampurjeetpur 29° 43' 57.2088'' N 78° 9' 32.7708'' E 6.4KM SS-3: SultanpurAdampur 29° 45' 39.3408'' N 78° 6' 54.378'' E 9.0KM SS-4: Bukkanpur 29° 48' 11.4768'' N 78° 3' 44.424'' E 16.3KM SS-5: Bahdarpur Khaddar 28° 29' 35.7216'' N 77° 18' 10.7712'' E 18.3KM SS-6: Laksar 29° 45' 13.8348'' N 78° 1' 17.3352'' E 16.6KM SS-7: Dabki Kalan 29° 44' 29.256'' N 78° 0' 39.5136'' E 14.8KM SS-8: AkaudhaAurangzebpur 29° 44' 42.3924'' N 78° 3' 3.3408'' E 11.4KM SS-9: KharanjaKutubpur 29° 43' 51.6936'' N 78° 2' 33.846'' E 11.4KM SS-10: Raisi 29° 41' 58.0128'' N 78° 4' 49.17'' E 6.3KM


Bhutiani, R. et al. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 13(1): 197 - 203 (2021)

Table 2. Water Quality Index (WQI) and its status erage sulphate of both the years was found 34.5mg/ according to Chaterjee and Raziuddin (2002). l±5.26 Sulphate was observed positively correlated with Water quality Index Water Quality most of studied parameters except temperature, pH Level Status and DO. Similar results of sulphate (20mg/l to 37mg/l) 0-25 Excellent water quality in the groundwater of Smalkhan in Haryana were re- ported by Kumari and Rani (2014). 26-50 Good water quality The minimum value of nitrate was found at site SS-1 51-75 Poor water quality (1.6mg/l) and maximum value was found at site SS-3 76-100 Very poor water quality (27.1mg/l). The average nitrate of both the year was >100 Unsuitable for drinking found 6.6mg/l±7.16. The minimum value of acidity was found at site SS-1 (61.3mg/l) and maximum value was (+0.70, +0.80) of TDS and TS was observed with iron found at site SS-3 (105.92mg/l). The average acidity of and moderate positive (+0.31, +0.40) with hardness. both the year was found 82.3mg/l±5.10. Iron is an es- pH is the measure of the intensity of acidity or alkalinity sential element of human nutrition. Adsorption of iron and the measurement of hydrogen ions in water and is from the intestine in the form of FA is an important part expressed as negative log10 of the hydrogen concentra- of human metabolism. The minimum value of iron was tion in a solution. In the first year of study, pH ranged found at site SS-1 (0.12mg/l) and maximum value was from 6.8 to 7.3 and in second year from 6.9 to 7.3. The found at site SS-6 (0.48mg/l). The average iron of both minimum value of SS was found at site SS-2 (6.8) and the year was found 0.3mg/l±0.11. Zaware et al. (2015) maximum value was found at site SS-10 and SS-4 reported similar results (0.01mg/l to 0.97mg/l) of Fe in (7.3). The average pH of both the years was found the groundwater of Raigad in Maharashtra. 7.1±0.14. Weak negative correlation was observed be- tween pH and other parameters except DO (+0.23). Water quality index of groundwater Dissolved oxygen (DO) in water is the indicator of the Sub index of each parameter and WQI of each site is health of water. The minimum value of DO was found given in the Table 5. The results based on the weighted at site SS-2 (5.9mg/l) and maximum value was found at arithmetic water quality index (WQI) calculated by using site SS-3 (6.7mg/l). The average DO of both the years all the parameters and taking Standard values of WHO was found 6.3mg/l±0.16. Very weak to moderate nega- (2011) and BIS (2012) as reference values and taking tive correlation was observed between DO and other iron as criteria pollutant at each site because of its high- studied parameters except pH (+0.23) and nitrate est sub index value indicated that from SS-1 to SS-10, (+0.69). the least concerning parameter was sulphate except at Hardness is the ability of water to reduce and destroy SS-2 (pH) and SS-10 (Chloride). At SS-1 (Niranjanpur, lather soap. Hardness in water is caused by natural Control site), the WQI was 46.46 indicating that water accumulation of salts from soil contact and may enter quality was in good condition. by direct pollution from geological formations or indus- The WQI values of the sites SS-2 (Bhikkampurjeetpur, trial effluents. Calcium and Magnesium are the principle WQI-78.81), SS-3 (SultanpurAdampur, WQI-54.66), SS cations causing hardness. The minimum value of TH -4 (Bhukkanpur, WQI-68.40), SS-5 (Bahdarpur Khad- was found at site SS-3 (89.9mg/l) and maximum value dar, WQI-71.40), SS-6 (Laksar, WQI-150.27), SS-7 was found at site SS-6 (389.0mg/l). The average TH of (Dabki Kalan, WQI-118.49), SS-8 (Akaudha Aurang- both the years was found 268.4mg/l±91.53. The mini- zebpur , WQI-132.17), SS-9 (KharanjaKutubpur, WQI- mum value of CaH was found at site SS-3 (44.8mg/l) 110.56), and SS-10 (Raisi, WQI-94.45), indicated that and maximum value was found at site SS-6 (319.0mg/ water quality of the study area was in poor condition l). The average CaH of both the years was found and not suitable for drinking at these sites. The water 187.4mg/l±92.30. Moderate positive correlation of har- quality of the site SS-10 (Raisi, WQI-94.45) was in very ness was found with TS (+0.40, +0.35) and TDS poor condition. The water of the site SS-6 (Laksar, WQI (+0.31, +0.26) strong positive correlation with chloride -150.27) was most polluted, while that of SS-1 (+0.72, +0.78) and iron (+0.70, +0.78). Jain et al. (Niranjanpur- Control site-WQI-46.46) was least pollut- (2010) reported the similar range of hardness (88mg/l ed. During site visits, negligible water polluting activities to 438mg/l) in the groundwater of district , Utta- were observed at Niranjanpur-control site. rakhand, India. Similar observations of groundwater quality based on

The minimum value of chloride was found at site SS-10 WQI in other areas of India have been observed in (43.4mg/l) and maximum value was found at site SS-9 Thirumanimuttar sub-basin (WQI:37.94 to 298.96; poor (143.2mg/l). The average chloride of both the year was to very poor) of Tamil Nadu by Vasanthavigar et al. found 87.5mg/l±29.26. The minimum value of sulphate (2010), in Smalkhan area (WQI: 89.09 to 146.67; poor) -- (SO4 ) was found at site SS-2 (26.50mg/l) and maxi- of Panipat, Haryana by Kumari and Rani (2014), in mum value was found at site SS-9 (43.8mg/l). The av- South Chennai (WQI: 45.62 to 622.10; excellent to 200

Bhutiani, R. et al. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 13(1): 197 - 203 (2021)

0.25±0.1 0.48±0.0 Fe (mg/l) Fe 0.12±0.1 0.16±0.1 0.24±0.1 0.14±0.2 0.19±0.2 0.21±0.1 0.20±0.1 0.19±0.0 0.22±0.0 0.45±0.0 0.38±0.2 0.36±0.2 0.41±0.3 0.43±0.3 0.38±0.2 0.32±0.2 0.27±0.1 0.31±0.1 0.28±0.1 0.29±0.1 0.3mg/l

1 90.0±6.0 Acidity Acidity (mg/l) 61.3±5.8 61.5±6.2 104.5±10.7 105.9±10.2 74.8±4.1 75.3±3.7 94.3±13.3 94.3±13.3 84.0±5.0 84.0±5.0 88.0±0.0 80.4±5.9 80.8±6.3 81.5±11.0 82.2±11.7 77.0±4.71 77.3±4.7 73.7±8.4 75.5±8.8 81.9±11.9 82.7±12.1 -



2.2±0.7 4.0±1.0 Nitrate (mg/l) 2.1±0.8 1.6±0.5 2.3±0.9 24.8±4.7 27.1±5.5 3.0±0.5 3.0±0.5 3.0±1.0 4.0±1.0 5.0±1.0 9.0±2.1 8.9±2.0 6.5±1.7 6.5±1.7 6.4±1.9 6.4±1.9 2.8±0.9 2.8±0.5 6.5±6.8 6.7±7.5 45mg/l


27.1±3.1 33.0±4.0 Sulphate (mg/l) 30.1±6.1 29.6±5.8 26.50±2.9 31.9±1.9 33.1±1.4 32.2±1.7 32.2±1.7 32.0±2.0 31.0±2.0 31.0±4.0 38.8±3.0 38.5±3.2 40.6±3.8 41.3±3.1 43.8±2.6 43.3±3.0 36.1±3.6 36.8±4.3 34.3±5.4 34.7±5.2 200mg/l

84.1±8.9 116.0±10.0 Cl (mg/l) 89.8±7.6 85.4±8.7 87.1±12.9 63.7±19.0 67.9±17.4 66.0±8.4 66.0±8.4 72.0±8.0 73.0±7.0 114.0±1.6 80.2±11.5 80.9±11.4 115.8±8.5 116.5±7.7 141.4±26.7 143.2±23.9 43.4±10.6 43.4±9.6 87.4±29.2 87.6±29.4 250mg/l

10) during the study period study ( the 10)during


83.3±13.0 317.0±30.0 CaH (mg/l) 181.1±51.9 173.6±48.6 83.3±13.0 44.8±7.2 48.1±7.2 203.8±20.2 206.2±17.5 77.0±21.0 83.0±17.0 319.0±25.0 190.3±45.7 190.8±26.5 295.2±19.1 295.8±24.5 240.3±18.1 240.7±22.2 236.0±37.9 239.9±37.2 187.0±92.9 187.8±91.8 75mg/l

1to SS


196.1±36.3 389.0±26.0 TH (mg/l) 247.1±42.2 261.7±37.6 185.5±32.5 89.9±27.9 105.0±20.3 284.9±15.9 285.3±16.2 181.0±15.0 181.0±15.0 385.0±28.0 259.7±26.1 266.4±27.8 376.6±23.5 378.8±23.7 322.1±20.4 325.3±20.8 321.0±37.9 324.7±36.9 265.3±93.1 271.4±90.0 200mg/l

6.3±0.3 6.0±1.0 DO (mg/l) DO 6.0±0.6 6.4±0.4 5.9±0.4 6.6±0.3 6.7±0.2 6.3±0.5 6.6±0.4 6.0±1.0 6.0±0.0 6.0±0.0 6.2±0.5 6.3±0.4 6.0±0.5 6.1±0.5 6.2±0.5 6.2±0.5 6.3±0.5 6.4±0.5 6.2±0.2 6.4±0.2



7.1±0.4 7.0±0.0 pH 7.1±0.3 7.2±0.3 6.9±0.3 7.0±0.3 7.1±0.3 7.1±0.3 7.2±0.2 7.0±0.0 7.0±0.0 7.0±0.0 7.2±0.2 7.2±0.2 6.9±0.4 6.9±0.3 6.9±0.3 7.0±0.3 7.3±0.2 7.3±0.1 7.1±0.2 7.1±0.1 6.5

686.4±26.4 52.6 782.4± TS (mg/l) 510.2±42.9 507.1±40.5 685.1±29.0 575.5±81.2 642.4±52.1 606.8±84.0 606.8±84.0 645.7±28.9 680.5±7.7 708.9±55.5 596.1±44.4 45.0 702.7± 679.6±16.8 692.0±26.4 23.6 663.0± 23.6 663.0± 662.0±34.5 662.0±34.5 633.3±60.5 662.5±71.1 -

566.1±26.2 28.5 662.5± TDS (mg/l) 377.5±43.78 375.8±42.0 571.3±24.9 513.4±74.9 494.9±53.4 512.3±91.3 510.3±87.9 552.8±24.7 551.0±20.8 582.9±24.9 511.9±42.4 40.7 516.0± 35.5 549.6± 32.6 556.0± 557.1±28.9 37.6 532.0± 522.0±45.2 47.9 518.7± 525.1±57.9 528.3±71.3 500mg/l

872.1±40.7 43.9 1019.6± EC (µmhos/cm) 67.6 581.7± 578.3±64.4 881.0±37.6 790.1±115.3 790.1±115.3 790.7±140.2 785.4±135.2 851.4±38.1 848.4±32.5 897.4±38.4 789.7±62.7 61.8 796.4± 54.8 846.1± 55.0 856.4± 856.5±44.0 58.8 823.6± 807.0±71.9 74.8 799.1± 809.1±88.9 816.9±108.6 -



25.7±1.6 2.9 24.5± Temp ( 25.2±1.4 25.3±1.3 25.9±1.7 25.6±1.4 25.6±1.3 24.7±2.7 24.9±2.2 24.4±3.0 24.5±2.8 24.4±3.0 1.4 25.7± 1.5 25.9± 2.7 24.7± 2.3 25.4± 3.0 24.6± 2.0 24.8± 26.3±1.6 2.0 24.8± 25.2±0.7 25.1±0.5 -

year year year year year year year year year year year

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Showing the physicochemical characteristics of groundwater sources at different sites(SS sources different groundwater at characteristicsof physicochemicalthe Showing

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SS Sites /parameters/Year SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS Aver- age ± Standards BIS (2012) Table 3.Table


Bhutiani, R. et al. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 13(1): 197 - 203 (2021)

Table 4. Showing correlation between studied parameters.

Parame- EC Temp TDS TS pH TH CaH DO Sulphate Nitrate Cl Iron ters EC 1.00 Temp -0.31 1.00 TDS 1.00 -0.33 1.00 TS 0.97 -0.29 0.98 1.00 pH -0.06 -0.26 -0.05 -0.06 1.00 TH 0.28 -0.49 0.31 0.40 -0.05 1.00 CaH 0.24 -0.46 0.26 0.35 -0.02 0.98 1.00 DO -0.15 -0.02 -0.18 -0.34 0.23 -0.61 -0.51 1.00 Sulphate 0.15 -0.18 0.15 0.22 -0.35 0.51 0.54 -0.24 1.00 Nitrate 0.00 0.38 -0.04 -0.09 -0.16 -0.52 -0.39 0.69 0.14 1.00 Cl 0.32 -0.36 0.34 0.43 -0.44 0.72 0.70 -0.60 0.65 -0.25 1.00 Iron 0.68 -0.27 0.70 0.80 -0.05 0.78 0.78 -0.55 0.57 -0.17 0.68 1.00 poor) of Tamil Nadu by Kumar et al. (2014), in different parts of Varanasi (WQI: 41.65 to 113.70; poor) by 2. APHA (2012). Standard Methods for the examination of Chaurasia et al. (2018) and in Bokaro district ( WQI: Water and Wastewater , Lenore S C, Greenberg A E, 38.85 to 228.16; poor) of Jharkhand by Verma et al. Eaton A D,(Eds.), 20th Edition, American Public Health Association, NW, Washington, DC. (2020). 3. Bahmani, O. and Palangi, S. (2018). Assessment of Groundwater Quality in Human Health Risk, Agriculture Conclusion and Industry with the Qualitative Indices in the Bahar Plain, West Iran. Asian Journal of Water, Environment and The present study concluded that the maximum Pollution, 15(4), 81-88. DOI: 10.3233/AJW-180060 concentration of most of the parameters like EC, TDS, 4. Bhutiani, R., Kulkarni, D. B., Khanna, D. R. and Gautam, TS, TH, and Fe was observed at SS-6 (Laksar) of Lak- A. (2016). Water Quality, Pollution Source Apportionment sar block of Haridwar district in Uttarakhand that may and Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Ground- water of an Industrial Area in North India. Exposure and be due to the direct industrial discharge on the ground Health 8, 3-18. DOI 10.1007/s12403-015-0178-2 surface mostly from small and large scale sugar indus- 5. Bhutiani, R., Ram, K. and Ahamad, F. (2019). Assess- tries, tyre industry and cement industry. The values of ment of suitability of groundwater quality in and around TDS, TH, CaH, and Fe of groundwater at the sites SS- Laksar, Haridwar, Uttarakhand on the basis Water Quality 6 (Laksar), SS-7 (DabkiKalan), SS-8 (Akaudha Aurang- Index (WQI). Environment Conservation Journal, 20(1-2), zebpur), SS-9 (KharanjaKutubpur) and SS-10 (Raisi) 41-46. were beyond the standards while that of nitrate, sul- 6. Bhutiani, R., Ram, K., Taygi, V., Ahamad, F. and Kaushik, phate and chloride of the groundwater were below the P. (2018a). Assesment of groundwater quality of Laksar WHO and BIS standards at all the sites. Based on WQI block in district Haridwar, Uttarakhand. Environment Con- servation Journal, 19(3), 123-128. values, SS-6 (Laksar) was the most polluted site (WQI- 6953/ECJ.2018.19316 150.27), while SS-1 (Niranjanpur) was the least pollut- 7. Bhutiani, R., Ahamad, F., Tyagi, V. and Ram, K. (2018b). ed (WQI-46.46) site. It is suggested that care should be Evaluation of water quality of River Malin using water taken that there is no direct industrial discharge on the quality index (WQI) at Najibabad, Bijnor (UP) India. Envi- ground surface to avoid contamination of the ground- ronment Conservation Journal, 19 (1&2), 191-201. https:// water quality of the area. The study may be useful for managing the groundwater quality of the study area. 8. Bhutiani, R. and Ahamad, F. (2018). Efficiency assess- ment of sand intermittent filtration technology for Conflict of interest wastewater treatment. International Journal of advance research in science and engineering (IJARSE), 7(03), 503 The authors declare that they have no conflict of -512. interest. 9. BIS (2012). Indian standard drinking water specification, REFERENCES Second Revision ISO: 10500:2012, Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), Drinking Water Sectional Committee, 1. Adimallaa, N. and Qiana, H. (2019). Groundwater quality FAD25. , India. evaluation using water quality index (WQI) for drinking 10. Biswas, A. K. and Tortajada, C. (2019). Water quality purposes and human health risk (HHR) assessment in an management: A globally neglected issue. International agricultural region of Nanganur, south India. Ecotoxicolo- Journal of Water Resources Development, 35(6), 913- gy and Environmental Safety, 176: 153-161. https:// 916, DOI: 10.1080/07900627.2019.1670506


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