Yorkhill & Kelvingrove Community Council

Minutes of meeting 16th October 2014 Kelvingrove Tennis Pavilion

Present: Gavin Carre, James Davidson John Gerrard, Susan McComb (Minutes), Wm MacIntosh. Antony Ownsworth, Don MacKeen, Neil McPherson, Wendy Shaw (Chair), Jean Taylor, Anne Weir Apologies: L Dunlop, Dr M Green, H Mirza, Bailie P Braat, M Stevenson, I Campbell-Lupton, J McPhee. Attending: Bailie Nina Baker, Sgt M Morgenthaler, Sgt G Orr, + 8 members of the public

1. Chairman’s Opening remarks and apologies

Wendy Shaw assumed the position of Chair following the AGM. She welcomed everyone and apologies were noted.

2. Call for Any Other Business

Request white line painting to define cycle path through . KHolmes Bunhouse Rd/Old Dumbarton Rd, KelvinHall construction hoarding

3. Minutes of meeting of 21/8/14 and matters arising

The minutes were adopted as a true and accurate record. Proposed WS: Seconded JD

4. Community Police Report

Sgt Michael Morgenthaler and Sgt Gerry Orr attended. Due to changes in the calculation of Ward figures, a verbal police report was delivered. Currently discussing internally about what statistics can be provided or extracted from the Ward figures as a whole. Incidents of note: Bicycle theft still a huge problem. Uniformed and Plain Clothed Officers are tasked with dealing with the ongoing problem. Sgt Morgenthaler advised anyone experiencing/witnessing theft of a bicycle to please provide as much info as possible asap to police. Stolen bikes often appear very quickly on the Gumtree website Security marking of bikes is an important aid to returning a bike to its owner in the event of recovery. Some bikes are recovered but often have no way of identifying the owner and will therefore be sold at auction. Another Bike Marking event will be held at the Bike Station, Haugh Road imminently and would encourage everyone to attend. There is however a cost to the police in producing bike markers and it is not known how long they will be able to continue subsidising this scheme. JD asked if any of the new hire bikes had being stolen. None were so far reported stolen. GC reported 3 men forcing close entrance doors in St Vincent Crescent and asked if it was common for bikes to be stolen from closes. This was not particularly common. Report of fires being lit on top of shop roofs at the rear of 1201 Argyle Street. Police advised to report either to them, or perhaps more effectively, the Fire Brigade.

5. GCC Consultation: Change of Catchment Area for PS and proposed closure of Kelvin Park EYC – Consultation now extended with addition of new proposal.

Consultation period has been extended to 10 November to allow consideration of the new proposal to relocate Year 7s to Hillhead High School Key points for inclusion in our response:


At the last meeting 3 points were made: 1. Request that a review of the catchment consider allowing children attend schools within walking distance. 2. Request that siblings would be prioritised to attend same school if family subsequently moves from catchment. 3. Request sensible alternatives to the closure and/or relocation of the EYC and assurance that new proposals have been properly considered.

Cllr Baker offered her thoughts. This issue has divided parents and as such she has invited parents from all sides of the argument to attend a meeting at the Council. She is not impressed with how the consultation has been conducted and has little faith in the accuracy of the catchment maps which accompany the consultation. Parents have reported that this problem is not isolated and is replicated throughout the city. She is also unhappy at the education department’s lack of awareness of what is happening in their own schools. There are a number of unsatisfactory issues with the consultation including: -: the deadline has been extended but the list of consultees was not. eg it doesn’t include Hillhead HS. -: It is unclear where the HS suggestion came from. -: Other options for the EYC which have been aired at meetings have not been included in the new consultation with the only option still being shut and disperse which would have costly implications for all other nurseries. Cllr Baker suggest the whole situation is a complete travesty. She does not support closure of the EYC unless there is a relocation to larger premises. The accuracy of the catchment maps is in question. eg. the new blocks of social housing off Ferry Road below Yorkhill Park evidently include many children however this was not indicated on the projection map which suggests they are untrustworthy. Suggestions could include re-opening of Kelvinhaugh School if it remains in council ownership: the improvement of Anderston PS as it is not currently in a good state. Related to this, in the recent released poverty figures, Anderston is the 4th worst in for child poverty, do they not deserve a good school?

It was suggested that a consultation response be drafted and discussed at a further meeting of the sub- group. Action Don MacKeen.

6. Current projects and initiative updates:

Traders’ Assoc - Has been renamed Kelvin Cross TA and will have a wider boundary. GC Currently compiling names and addresses of interested businesses. Cleansing – G Carre met with Eddie Scanlon and Derek Walker of Kelvinhaugh St Depot on 2 October. Having requested and received responses re cleansing issues from the community these issues were raised. Although these 2 individuals are committed to maintain the high standard that was achieved at the Commonwealth Games, the big problem is lack of budget. They are currently operating with two thirds staff. GC’s report attached to minutes. G-M Hair reported carrying out her own litter picks and that litterbins on cul-de-sac end of St Vincent Crescent do not get emptied regularly. K Cotter reported the poor state of domestic bins at Gray St/Sauchiehall St corner. Gavin Carre agreed to raise these in his ongoing dialogue with the depot management. Finnieston Public Realm – update on progress due soon. Finnieston Train Station – Meeting to discuss project to be convened. SMcC/WS/JG/LD Overnewton Centre – renewed interest in getting it going again among local residents Other - J Gerrard reported that Friends of West have a ‘decluttering’ scheme for identifying redundant street furniture. All encouraged to report items, eg disused public toilet at Charing x fountain.

7. Planning Sub-Committee Report – John Gerrard 2

Report attached to minutes

8. Community Planning Report – John Gerrard

Report attached to minutes

9. Office Bearer Reports –

Chair’s report, Treasurer’s Report, Secretary’s Report available at meeting and for noting. Attached to minutes.

10. Local Councillor’s Updates

Cllr P Braat – report submitted and attached to minutes. Cllr N Baker Forthcoming City Plan Supplementary guidance – Placemaking principles and Noise Abatement. Research and consideration being given to decibel levels not including effects of sub-bass. Upcoming events for next year. Science and technology event “Steam to Green” 250th anniversary of James Watt’s idea. Public engagement activity possible. Craig Tannock of venues 78, Stereo and Mono. Week long ethical Vegan food festival “The Only Way is Ethics”

11. Future issues and priorities – suggestions welcome

New primary school – clearly a need in our area. Yorkhill Estate masterplan following relocation of hospital Commission for Strengthening Local Democracy. Upcoming meeting on how the Council will account for itself with regard to the single outcome agreement. Focus group/Forum will be looking at overprovision.

12. AOB Overhanging Branches Corunna Street. GC will speak to Eddie Scanlon

White lines in park for cycling/pedestrians. SMcC could raise at further consultation event. Construction work in Kelvin Hall. Bunhouse Road. Needs protected walkway. NB to pursue.

Cleansing sub-group, GC will email to invite Sainsbury. Storing waste outside shop on Argyle St. NB Suggests asking manager for waste management plan.

13. Date of next meeting – 20th November, 18th December

S McComb 17 October 2014

[email protected] www.communitycouncilsglasgow.org.uk/yokecoco www.facebook.com/yokecoco


Report of the Chairman 16th October 2014

For those whom were busy on the 18th September 2014 and missed our last Council meeting you will note from Minutes of the Meeting there were lots of lively discussion on a number of hot issues affecting our area as well as looking to opportunities for improvement to our townscape and transport.

Our area has experienced significant changes in demographics, such as the large increase in student accommodation and the reduction of school age children. However in a city which is slowly growing I can report, the City Council’s Regeneration and Economic Policy Committee on the 30th September 2014 noted a report on ‘Demographic Changes Glasgow and Neighbourhoods’. This document can be viewed online at www.glasgow.gov.uk/councillorsandcommittees/agenda.asp?meetingid=13331. I would commend this report to you which runs to 23 pages and gives great insight to factors including population change, household change, changes in the numbers of the elderly and young, employment etc. The implications of these factors are set out in The Council’s Strategic Plan in terms of Economic growth, A world class City and a City that looks after its vulnerable people.

Although you may already know about ’Future City Glasgow’, there is a hub open until tomorrow adjacent to the Donald Dewar statue where you can have a hands on experience on what this is all about. As I understand it you can learn all about new intelligent street lights that will get brighter as you approach them, monitor noise and air pollution and find out about a hackathon ( don’t know what that is ), but is for those whom have modern mobile phones and tablets . This is all the result of Glasgow beating 29 other UK cities and winning £24 million from the Technology Strategy Board, the UK government’s innovation agency, in order to demonstrate how technology can make life in a city smarter, safer and more sustainable. For further information visit www.futurecity.glasgow.gov.uk or visit the hub.

There will be a Community Council Discussion Forum on Saturday 25th October 2014 at 9.30am in the Burgh Court, John Street. Two items of particular interest are, firstly, A Survey of Community Councils Annual Administration Allowance and secondly, Community Council Capacity Building / Training. Commenting on these matters I believe the allowance is not adequate and I don’t know what the second means. It would be useful if those attending could give a report at our November meeting.

I have fired of a very late objection to the Licensing Board regarding the application by the Islay Inn to have a variation in their license for the permanent placing for chairs and tables externally, based on the potential hazard to pedestrians using this busy 5 way road crossing.

I have received a letter from Sandra White MSP in respect of the Water Exemption Scheme, which I will circulate.

I can report the matter of Heras fencing and missing fencing in the area of Kelvin Way is being pursued.

Although some will know the Prince of Wales Bridge will be totally closed for the next week and then for a further 3 weeks will only be partially open, the recommended route across the Kelvin is by the Ronald Walker Bridge adjacent to the duck pond.

Due to unforeseen circumstances and considerable confusion at Glasgow Life regards our venue hire, where it our understanding that we have a special deal for a 3 hour slot for the price of 2 hours for the hire of the venue for our Council meetings, priced at £11.40 per hour is now being queried. I am not clear as to how our hire went from 2 to 3 hours as historically at all other previous venues the hire had been for 2 hours. It would appear due to the lack of computing facilities, communications between Kelvingrove and the HQ at Scotstoun appear to be hit and miss. According to HQ records we have only been paying £11.40 for the hire. However we have been paying £22.80. To further complicate matters HQ have advised there was a price increase in April 2014 with the revised price of £16.80 per hour. In addition our let could be the subject to any new price increase in April 2015. The ramifications are significant, if not in the immediate future, certainly beyond June 2015 if the special deal cannot be continued. Even without an increase to the current price rate of £16.80 we would be paying four times our hire costs just 2 years back and we would be using approximately 85% of our administrative allowance. If there is a price increase or the 3 for 2 deal had to end, then our Council would require to make the decision to pay the increased cost and subsidise this from reserves. Susan McComb and I will follow this through and get the matter clarified, with a view to seeking a long term agreement for our Council to work in partnership with Glasgow Life. I have also been advised that we are not vacating the venue to allow closure by 9pm. Please, can I ask we conclude business by 8.50pm in order we maintain the good will of the staff.


It has been proposed to have a Community Engagement Meeting in December and I would encourage everyone not only make a special effort to attend, but to engage with friends, neighbours, volunteer groups and religious bodies and encourage them to attend. I will not be able to attend, but wish the event well.

Antony A Ownsworth

______Secretary’s report October 2014

Communication Website SMCc continuing to maintain and update the Website which has now had over 1500 hits.

Facebook: SMcC trying to keep posts regular. Activity has increased with some posts reaching nearly 2000 people. We now have 98 ‘Likes’. It was useful for consulting people regarding pre Commonwealth Games issues like parking permits, closed footpaths and diversions. We should continue to develop this method of engaging with the community.

Internal Communication Although this has improved in many ways there is still room for improvement. I have investigated setting up a Dropbox shared drive for us all but it is clear that training on its use would be required.

Projects and Initiatives Delighted that we have initiated some projects, eg Finnieston Train Station re-opening, supporting the imminent relaunch of the Traders’ Assoc, other initiatives like the Finnieston Public Realm which we put a lot of work into a year ago, has not progressed, or certainly not with the inclusion of the community council. Promised meetings with Council departments have not been convened and a reluctance to update us with any progress has been disappointing. This obfuscation on behalf of the City Council reveals an unwillingness to work with the Community Council.

Planning Sub-Committee I am impressed at the work our Planning Sub-Committee do, tackling big stuff this year like the City Plan 3 and the regular planning applications for Student Accommodation and HMO licences. Also, I would like to thank John Gerrard for reliably and regularly producing reports for each meeting and attending the Area Partnership meetings.

Membership Delighted to have welcomed new members over the year and I hope we can continue to be more active in and representative of the community. However, we have a member who hasn’t attended or responded to emails for over a year. Should I write to that member on behalf of the CC giving them 7 days to confirm if they wish to stand down or continue? Agreement sought.

Community Council Discussion Forum Thank you to Gavin Carre for attending the last CCDF meeting at the City Chambers. This Forum plays an important role in communication between Community Councils but is poorly attended by other CCs. There is no doubt that support CCs from the Democratic Services at the City Chambers is being reduced but this Forum is a good place to voice resistance to this reduction in support

Susan McComb 16 Oct 2014


YORKHILL & KELVINGROVE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Planning Subcommittee Report mid September to mid October 2014

We commented on these applications.

1146 Argyle Street Change of Use: Shop to Restaurant. Refuse to be contained on premises until uplift. Signage to be agreed.

Former 145 Kelvinhaugh Street. Student Housing. Noted as increasing the density of student living in this area. Objection to removal of all foliage at west boundary without significant replacement.

No comment was needed on the following application:

1325 Argyle Street (Tesco) Window vinyls.

We have still to consider the following applications:

2/2 15 North Claremont Street. Change of office to flat. Determination of need for full application.

Flat 2 51 St. Vincent Crescent Internal alterations.

Clifton House, 1Clifton Street. Student Accommodation. Change to landscape design.

Proposals of Application: None.

Draft City Plan 3: Supplementary Guidance. Comment made on: Guest House provision Student Accommodation. Multiple Occupancy. Shop front design. Fume extraction from catering premises.

J.G. October 14th. 2014



Community Planning Report. October 2014

The Anderston/City Partnership met on September 25th.

Main items discussed were;

Participative Innovation. New initiatives needed to promote joint activity and better community involvement. A series of workshops is under way.

“Single Outcome Agreement” implementation. Equalities Working Group progress.

Area Budget: Awards. New system allows awards to be made for civic projects involving more than one city ward area. £5000 was awarded as contribution to work in Kelvingrove Park on repair and enhancement of the Carlyle statue, the HLI memorial and the Bengal Tigress. No projects were submitted from within our area.

Governance Framework. Area Partnership meetings to be reduced from 6 to 4 annually. Substitute members confirmed as permitted to attend with full decision-making rights. Only one elected ward member need be present.

The next meeting of the Partnership is planned for November 13th.

J.G. 14th October 2014


Cleansing Report Gavin Carre

On the 2nd Oct, I met with Eddie Scanlon, Assistant Area Manager for LES and Derek Walker, Depot Manager for the Kelvinhaugh Street Cleansing Depot. My intention was to discuss the various issues and hotspots that our area has and promote a good working relationship with LES.

However, it became apparent that despite the enthusiasm that Eddie and Derek approached community engagement and the cleansing of the area, there are issues that continue to affect the service we receive.

Firstly, the council tax freeze introduced by the Scottish Government is affecting the budgets of all councils, and with inflation and the increase in costs across the board, the budget for cleansing is being badly affected, with cuts being introduced for the past few years. This means that the depot is short staffed. During normal operational conditions, the different areas of cleansing i.e. refuse collection, recycling, street sweeping, bulk uplift are all covered. However, any sick leave badly affects the rota’s, with refuse collection being made priority due to the Environmental Protection Law.

The evidence for what cleansing can achieve with a full rota was made apparent during the commonwealth games, when they received funding from the organising committee and were able to hire extra staff. The deterioration of the service levels is not due to laxity or lack of commitment, but instead lies with a lack of funding.

As we are all aware, until recently there were issues with the behaviour and attitude of staff within the Depot. Derek Walker was introduced as manager to resolve these and there has been a drive to improve behaviour. Derek invites all feedback regarding the behaviour of his staff and will gladly approach any issue the community has.

I attach specific complaints made in response to my request, along with the responses. Many of these come down to a lack of funding, or supervisors being taken away from supervising by responses to complaints about the level of service provided.

Gavin Carre


Issues raised at Cleansing meeting 2.10.14

John – St Vinc. Cres - Our experience lately at 40 -42 in the Crescent is of haphazard return of bins, leaving them to be shifted manually by us to get them into the right place. – Supervisory issues, due to heavy paper trail work load. Issue will be resolved immediately.

Neil 1 – Lumsden Street/Lane & Yorkhill street - The issues we have had/have with the cleansing dept mainly consist of using the fence between the back court to carry rubbish over the fence from the opposite property in Lumsden St to Yorkhill Street, in the past they have moved washing on the line to achieve this. This consists of moving rubbish from round bins to our wheelie bins across the fence, in this case they have to double handle rubbish. This has almost been resolved (depending on the squad) and occurs on both sets of back courts. This has also been been the same for recycling collection. This has left a mess in the back courts due to handling black bags that are insecurely tied, of which never gets cleaned up after them. – Supervisory issues. Bin operatives should always sweep up any dropped items. Enforcement possible for resident perpetrators who may be guilty of similar issues.

Neil 2 – Corner of Dalnair and Yorkhill Streets - When the litter bin at the corner of Dalnair & Yorkhill streets is emptied, the bags are left on the street for collection by the lorries, this again very often attracts the seagulls & rubbish is again strewn all over. The bin itself does not close properly & is prone to seagulls pecking the bags when left wide open. – Commercial waste can be enforced. Pass details of incidents and businesses involved, along with times, to GC, to pass to contacts to deal with efficiently.

Neil 3 – Yorkhill and Overnewton - The cleansing never clean the gullies & pavements, currently Yorkhill Street and Overnewton are in a mess, in some places where it gathers looking more like a third world country. 8

The drain covers in the area are never maintained and often get clogged up during rainy weather, this has lead to local flooding until somebody (me) removes the source of the blockage, normally rubbish & mud. – Due to rota issues, bin collection takes priority. More funding required for cleansing for this to be completely resolved. However, Eddie is willing to deal with this as it comes up. Pass details to him.

Isla – General - I'm a NIV (neighbourhood improvement volunteer) and find myself constantly reporting dropped rubbish, overflowing bins, dog poop, public bins that the bin men have emptied then left the grey bag by the bin to be picked up which aren't picked up for 1/2 days and then the seagulls and foxes make sure the rubbish is strewn all over the place. Dumping of rubbish beside commercial bins. So yeah basically a lot of rubbish everywhere which is getting very depressing. – Continue reporting. Isolating issues results in quick clean up. If possible, approach council workers at time and report in person. They should be able to deal with it there and then. Will reconfirm regarding grey bags.

Gavin 1 – Minerva way, street, and Greenhill Place – Refuse collection men using Minerva Way for breaks.– Details of whether bin men are in breach of rules will be checked by Derek using trackers on vehicles. Operatives allowed 15 min breaks.

Hydro Clean up still not being conducted to a high enough standard. Cleansing should get in long grass and clean both sides of road, not just pavement side. Should be done every 2 days or so due to amount of traffic during peak times. Extra busy times i.e. Irn Bru Carnival, should be done every day.

Would Cleansing consider writing a letter of objection to street traders/burger vans in the area to cut down on litter? – Yes. In addition, residents should take pictures at earliest convenience of litter surrounding street traders vans and send on to GC or Eddie for enforcement. Current provision cleans up after every event.

More bins on Minerva Way/Greenhill Place. More regular collection. – Due to financial constraints, no extra bins can be bought, and currently at capacity for collection anyway. A daily inspection of bins has begun though.

Gavin 2 – operatives outside depot are seen to be spiting, and smoking in street. While respecting their rights to a break, spiting is certainly unacceptable. Behaviour reflects badly upon the entire depot, causing civic tension. In addition, one would expect the area immediately adjacent to depot to be cleanest, but is often not so. – Derek has been working hard at this recently, and improvements have been made to workforce. Any new complaints should be passed directly to Derek for immediate resolution.

Gavin 3 – Kelvingrove Square, particularly during summer, does not receive the attention it deserves. Quite often, bin collection is far too infrequent and should happen twice daily during parks busiest times. Additional staff must be assigned to clean around the park on hot weather days. – Community clean ups and encouraging Neighbourhood Improvement Volunteers to speak up will help with this. Speak to RA’s in area to get movement. Not priority until March, due to park peak times passed this year.

Gavin 4 – Old Dumbarton Rd has seen rapid expansion in pubs and restaurants on it, becoming far more popular. In addition, new student halls within the area have increased pedestrian traffic on it, which in turn increases litter. What can be done to decrease litter and commercial waste being left out. Can there be communal piles for commercial waste. – Cleansing is aware of issues and is slowly dealing with it. More attention to be paid, particularly during weekend clean ups.

Gavin 5 – Further down old Dumbarton road, there exists a large student residence, with an expansion proposed, and another across Benalter Street. Some students have no knowledge of street litter protocol, so can education happen, and can bins be negotiated with Kaplan to ensure preventative cleansing happens. – Eddie and Cleansing have already been engaging with student housing to try educating. However, I suggest approaching Liam King at SRC to tackle this effectively, over entire west end student population.

General notes: - Cleansing has undergone budget cuts for the past five years, and continues to suffer under the council tax freeze. This has resulted in less staff and an inability to fill rotas to optimum efficiency. Included within this problem are sick days and bin collection, as putrefying waste, has to take priority under H&S.


During the CG, extra funding was put in place by the organising committee, hence the vastly improved service. Eddie and Derek are both passionate and committed individuals who wish they had the kind of budget to provide a service similar to the Games.

Cleansing may help us with the commercial bins situation on Argyle Street, by providing enforcement directly to the private waste companies involved. Enforcement details will be confirmed by Gavin through Eddie Scanlon.

Cleansing are also having a direct input regarding changes made to street scape of Argyle street, and may be a source of information and consultation regarding Business Improvement District. Eddie has already spoken to Graham Suttle informally.


Bailie Philip Braat Report to CC Meeting 16 October 2014

1. OLD VICTORIAN TOILET RAILINGS, MINERVA STREET - you will recall that the toilet railings had been damaged. I had asked to investigate. Under normal circumstances, once someone has been identified, the bill for the repair works would be sent to the company/person(s) who have caused the damage. Unfortunately, Police Scotland have not been able to identify the culprit. Therefore, I had requested Land & Environmental Services/City Property to deal with the repairs.

I can confirm that costings for the repair work have been received by City Property. As the position stands, the work would only be able to commence after the on-site contractor (Glasgow Roofing and Building Company - who are working on the neighbouring building) has cleared the adjacent site. It is believed that the contractor should be off site by next week.

Once the adjacent site has been cleared and a charge code has been received, City Building will be instructed to carry out the work.

2. HERAS FENCING AT KELVIN WAY - Glasgow Life’s Facilities Management team have advised that the Commonwealth Games Organising Company were responsible for organising both the removal and reinstatement of existing and temporary fencing. These works were undertaken via the Organising Company either by their own contractor or under contract to LES.

There are some elements of fencing still to be replaced which Glasgow Life have communicated to the Organising Company, however, I have been informed that the Gray Street entrance has been reopened. I have been asked to be kept informed once the other fencing is to be removed.

3. TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF PRINCE OF WALES BRIDGE, KELVINGROVE PARK The Bridge is about to undergo repair and restoration work. Therefore, the Bridge is closed for a week in mid-October and partially closed for a further four weeks, whilst essential repairs are carried out to protect its fabric and members of the public who use it to cross the River Kelvin. The majority of the works have been scheduled to take place this school holiday week.

The works involve completing the restoration of the stonework and the disassembly and reconstruction of 11 metres of balustrades which had been dislodged by self-seeding trees.

4. JUBILEE GATES, KELVINGROVE PARK The Jubilee Gates have been restored and reinstated at Kelvingrove Street/Derby Street. The Jubilee Gates and pedestrian gates have been hung together with 2 elaborate main side panels. The sandstone columns have been subject to extensive repairs. One of the columns requires a main cap as the original was so badly damaged after 20 years in storage. This will be replaced in the next couple of weeks, as it requires to be carved by hand. Other works include elaborate gold leaf rosettes tack-pinned to the gates and 2 huge teardrop heritage lanterns.

5. PUBLIC REALM/BINS I have had some meetings with traders and officers, who have been tasked to work up various options and designs. I have arranged a senior officer(s) to attend the next Community Council meeting in November to provide a more detailed update.

6. HILLHEAD PRIMARY/KPEYC - CONSULTATION - an alternative proposal had been added to the original consultation document and therefore the consultation period had been extended. The new closing date for consultation responses to be received is 10 November 2014. 10