ENGLISH VESOUL NANCY Venise MULHOUSE BÂLE Merey- Bonnay Vieilley Marchaux- Chaudefontaine River port Cussey- A 36 sur-l’Ognon MONTBÉLIARD

Châtillon- Vers le Rhin le-Duc Greater Besançon STOPOVER at DELUZ u Rhin ône a Pleasure boating or overwintering Miserey-Salines Roche- LGV Rhin-Rhône anal du Rh lez-Beaupré s / C ub o Ecole- D A 36 Valentin Besançon Chalèze Champvans- les-Moulins Pouilley- les-Vignes Champagney Gennes Mazerolles- i Tourism Office Montfaucon le-Salin Serre-les-Sapins STOPOVER at THE MOULIN St PAUL STOPOVER at THE CITÉ DES ARTS

La Chevillotte Chemaudin Saône et Vaux

Beure Dannemarie- Pouilley- sur-Crête Avanne-Aveney Français La Vèze Grandfontaine 3 RIVER STOPS Velesmes- PARIS Essarts Montferrand- le-Château Saint-Vit SUISSE Besançon CITY HEART Torpes Busy t V MOULIN S PAUL éloro

u t CITÉ DES ARTS DOLE e Vorges- Vers la Saône Roset-Fluans Boussières les-Pins Osselle- Routelle UPSTREAM FROM BESANÇON DELUZ

Villars- Saint-Georges

Byans-sur- 75 BERTHS

ADMINISTRATOR CONTACT Doubs Plaisance 2 HARBOUR-MASTER’S OFFICES Pont de la République 25000 Besançon – Drop anchor in the conurbation of Greater Besançon Tél. : +33 (0)6 71 17 91 29 and take the time to discover this cultural and (7 days a week) natural heritage : Historic City of Besançon and its fortifications designed by doubsplaisance.com Vauban and inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage list, caves and leisure base in Osselle, loop of the Doubs river FOR MORE INFORMATION, in Avanne, ruins of the castle of Montfaucon, castle of Vaire, open-air museum in Nancray, Eurovélo 6, hiking paths RATES AND CONDITIONS

and biking riding circuits near the Doubs river… grandbesancon.fr - Imprimerie du Grand 4vents Direction de la Communication Besançon - Photo de couverture - Février municipale 2019 : and many more surprises ! grandbesancon.fr

depliant ANGLAIS.indd 1 19/02/2019 09:26 STOPOVER STOPOVER at THE MOULIN at DELUZ t S PAUL 5 hours’ navigation away, centre of Besançon upstream from Besançon and Besançon Gr


© J.C. Sexe © J.C. STOPOVER at THE CITÉ DES ARTS centre of Besançon © Varlet J. Stopover located in a flowing water section of the river The stopover is located in the canal section Mooring available from 01/04 to 31/10, of the Doubs river, beside the Eurovélo closed from 01/1 to 31/03, 20 berths 6 cycle route The stopover is located in the canal section (+ 2 for large boats 38m in length) of the Doubs river Mooring available all year round, 30 berths Water and electricity during the mooring period Mooring available all year round, 25 berths Water and electricity between 15/04 and 15/10, Fuel station during the mooring period water cut off between 01/11 and 31/03, electricity Water and electricity from 15/04 to 15/10, on request only during off season water cut off between 1/11 and 31/03, electricity Wastewater disposal station on request only during off season Wastewater disposal station Harbour-master’s office at The Moulin Saint Paul Harbour-master’s office open from 15/04 to 15/10 stop open from 15/04 to 15/10 (reception and Harbour-master’s office open from 15/04 to 15/10 (reception and information desk, toilets and showers information desk, toilets and showers 24 hours a day, (reception and information desk, toilets and 24 hours a day, laundry, café, cold drinks, ice creams laundry, café, cold drinks, ice creams and bicycle showers, laundry, café, cold drinks, ice creams and and bicycle repair kits) repair kits) bicycle repair kits) Bicycle parking outside Bicycle parking outside Near the 2 Besançon stopovers • Shops, covered market, markets, cafés, restaurants in the city centre (5 mins) In the village • Sites and museums worth visiting: Fine Arts and archaeology • Fresh bread, café-restaurant (5 mins) museums, museum of time, house of Victor Hugo, guided tours, • Point of departure for signposted footpaths and discovery trails, digital applications, signposted footpaths cycle tracks, heritage trail with listening point • Bus/tram stop

depliant ANGLAIS.indd 2 19/02/2019 09:26