Present: Cllr J. Roper (Chairman), Cllr A. Baker, Cllr C. Bishop, Cllr Mrs P. Harris, Cllr P. Myers, Cllr Mrs M. Quirk, Cllr R. Streatfeild, Cllr B. Taylor and Cllr H. Williams In attendance: Mrs L. Kleinschmidt (Clerk) and District Cllr J. Osborne-Jackson. District Cllr Mrs S. Coleman and County Cllr P. Lake attended the Open Session only.

As previously agreed, the meeting was recorded.

Open Session

Report by District Cllr Mrs Coleman District Cllr Mrs Coleman reported as follows:  The appeal for the track in was dismissed. Enforcement officers are engaging with the agent for the landowner regarding the track surface.  The planning application for Newtyehurst Farm has been referred to the Development Control Committee.  The Neverworld event will not go ahead in the parish this year, and the organisers have applied for licences for four wildfire events in the north of the district.  SDC is concerned about the number of visitors and tourists in the district who may start anti-social behaviour as the weather improves. D.Cllr Mrs Coleman said that she has tried to get more police resources around the parish, in particular Chiddingstone village, which has been very busy.  The volunteer group will continue until the end of June, but this will depend upon restrictions in place at the time.

Report by District Cllr Osborne-Jackson District Cllr Osborne-Jackson reported as follows:  The potential reduction in speed limit in is welcome news. The B2027 is a fast and dangerous road.  The planning application for Commonwork at Bore Place signage has been referred to the Development Control Committee on the grounds of adverse impact on character, appearance of the area and of street scene.  D.Cllr Osborne-Jackson has been in touch with the stakeholder manager at Network Rail because the litter bins at Station have been removed, and the reason given is that people are using the bins for dog waste. D.Cllr Osborne-Jackson said that he will raise this issue with Direct Services at SDC to see whether a public bin could be placed on or near the station. The ticket machines and departure machines have not been working due to signal issues. The Department of Transport is working with rail operators to introduce a part-time season ticket which will help people who are working part-time or partly from home. More information on this will be released in due course.  D.Cllr Osborne-Jackson has had a one-to-one meeting with the District Police Commander, Inspector Mark Stubberfield, and raised issues from the Clerk. He has also has a one-to-one meeting with the CEO of WKHA next week and if anyone has any questions they would like him to raise to please let him know. He also has had one- to-one meetings with various chief officers at SDC.

Report by County Cllr Lake County Cllr Lake reported that there will be an attempt to raise the flood barrier at Leigh – this may have an impact on the parishes around Leigh with the River Eden and the River Medway. Concerns have been raised by KCC. Cllr Roper thanked C.Cllr Lake for all his support over the years, and wished him well in his retirement.

County Cllr Lake and District Cllr Mrs Coleman left the meeting at 7.35pm

Closed Session

149. Apologies for absence None.


150. Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest / Non-Pecuniary Interest on matters to be discussed None.

151. The minutes of the Chiddingstone Parish Council Meeting held on 16th March 2021 were approved. The minutes would be signed at the next open public meeting. Proposed by Cllr Myers, seconded by Cllr Williams and all were in favour.

152. To discuss the format of Parish Council meetings after 6th May 2021 The Clerk reported that existing legislation allowing the Parish Council to meet remotely ends on 6th May. The next Parish Council meeting on 18th May should therefore be held in person, however more information and guidance is expected. NALC and the LGA are campaigning for Town and Parish Councils to be given the choice. Lawyers in Local Government (LLG) announced that their court application, made with Association of Democratic Officers (ADSO) and Hertfordshire County Council will be heard on 21 April 2021 in the Administrative Court. The application seeks a declaration that the existing provision to allow local authorities to meet remotely within Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972 and the Local Authorities Executive Arrangements (Meetings and Access to Information) () Regulations 2012 remains, regardless of the expiry of the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020. The Clerk advised that the Causeway Hall Committee is meeting this week to discuss how and when the hall can be re-opened, and the Chiddingstone Village Hall Management Committee has said that it thinks it is prudent to await the end of summer term (mid-July) as, before then, any users are required to undertake rigorous Covid cleansing. Cllr Mrs Harris said that this was because the committee felt that it couldn’t guarantee that adequate cleansing would be carried out before and after each booking. Members agreed to wait for further advice.

153. To discuss the Mourning Protocol which was activated after the death of The Duke of Edinburgh The Clerk reported that the Mourning Protocol as reviewed last month was required to be used on Friday 9th April on the death of His Royal Highness, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. An announcement was placed on the website, on Facebook and Instagram. The Clerk will write a letter of condolence on behalf of the Parish Council. As agreed last month, parishioners were invited to sign the online book being managed by Buckingham Palace at www.royal.uk. Parishioners are also asked not to leave floral tributes in the parish.

154. Planning: i. To consider planning applications received i. SE/21/00937/FUL: Land at Reynolds Farm, Clinton Lane, - demolition of existing stable building and store, and the erection of a single storey detached dwelling house and associated parking and amenity space. Removal of existing sand school. Members supported this application. ii. SE/21/00964/HOUSE: Southview Cottage, Coopers Corner, TN14 6LB - installation of freestanding Air Source Heat Pump to side of property. Members supported this application. The Clerk reported that, since the last meeting, the Planning Committee has considered the following applications: iii. SE/21/00746/FUL: Henden Manor Farm, Ide Hill Road, Ide Hill TN14 8LA - change of use of redundant former dairy shed buildings to be storage of film and TV sets and props and other associated equipment. Members supported this application. iv. SE/21/00723/FUL: Land North of The Horseshoes, Road, Bough Beech TN8 7AT - demolition of Existing Stable Building and Associated Hay Store/Tack Room and Replacement with Single Storey Oak Framed Three Bedroom Dwelling. Members supported this application. v. SE/21/00757/PAE: Hilders Lodge, Ide Hill Road, Bough Beech TN8 7PW - prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 5m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 3m and eaves height of 2.80m. Members had no comment to make on this application. vi. SE/21/00863/AGRNOT: Field west of Kilnwood, Coopers Corner, Ide Hill TN14 6LB - agricultural building for general purpose use and grain store. Members had no objection to this application.


vii. SE/21/00811/HOUSE: 1 Oak Cottages, Tonbridge Road, Chiddingstone Causeway TN11 8JN - vehicular access. Members supported this application. viii. SE/21/00868/HOUSE: Truggers Oast, Truggers Lane, Chiddingstone Hoath TN8 7BP - proposed swimming pool and pool house. Members had no objection to this application. ix. SE/21/00854/LBCALT: Stonelake, Camp Hill, Chiddingstone Causeway TN11 8LE - refurbishment/alteration of existing first floor bathroom, including replacement window. Members had no objection to this application providing the Conservation Officer does not object. x. SE/21/00900/MMA: Somerden Farmhouse, Tonbridge Road, Bough Beech TN8 7AJ - Minor material amendment to 20/02113/HOUSE. The windows on the dwelling are in need of upgrade. Also request for a widening to the existing rear kitchen patio doors with new sliding doors to be added. Members supported this application. xi. SE/21/00815/HOUSE: 3 Oak Cottages, Tonbridge Road, Chiddingstone Causeway TN11 8JN - formation of vehicular access with new driveway. Members supported this application. ii. To report SDC notifications of planning decisions  SE/21/00583/AGRNOT: Vexour Farm, Hampkins Hill Road, Chiddingstone - covering concrete handling areas between existing buildings and erecting a lean to for agricultural machine storage. Decision – prior approval not required.  SE/21/00151/FUL: Store Building, Redleaf Estate Yard, Camp Hill, Chiddingstone Causeway - demolition of an existing storage building and erection of a double car port with log store. Application approved.  SE/21/00347/HOUSE: 27 Truggers Cottages, Truggers Lane, Chiddingstone Hoath - construction of detached timber framed outbuilding. Application approved. Cllr Mrs Quirk said that a condition is attached to the approval to ensure that the laurel hedge is retained in perpetuity at a height of no less than 2.3 metres. The garden shed was allowed to be retained.  SE/21/00180/FUL: Hoath House, Chiddingstone Hoath - temporary permission for 5 years for 3 non- permanent glamping domes in the grounds of Hoath House. Application approved.  SE/21/00382/HOUSE: Carberry Cottage, Tonbridge Road, Bough Beech - rear infill extension, alterations to roof to increase existing bedroom, alterations to fenestration and external materials. Application approved.  SE/21/00300/LDCPR: 1 Ryewell Cottages, Ryewell Hill, Chiddingstone Hoath TN8 7BN - Lawful Development Certificate for proposed erection of a detached outbuilding. Application approved.  SE/20/02571/FUL: Larkins Farmhouse, Hampkins Hill Road, Chiddingstone - addition of 4 stables to the North West of the dwelling outside of the residential curtilage, to include a hay store and tack room. The addition of a type 1 surface widening the track to the stables for horse box parking, and the addition of a 60m x 20m open manege (sand school) to the north of the dwelling sited outside of the residential curtilage. Storage barn and muck heap located to the east side of the sand school. Addition of open air swimming pool located within the sunken walled garden with changing room and plant room. Application approved.  SE/21/00863/AGRNOT: Field West of Kilnwood, Coopers Corner, Ide Hill - agricultural building for general purpose use and grain storage. Decision: prior approval required. iii. To report Appeal decisions Appeal Ref: APP/G2245/W/20/3271596: Land north of Oakenden Farm, Oakenden Lane, Chiddingstone Hoath TN8 7DE. • The appeal is made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 against a refusal to grant planning permission. • The appeal is made by Mr L Witchell against the decision of Council. • The application Ref 19/02164/FUL, dated 23 July 2019, was refused by notice dated 18 September 2020. • The development is upgrading of existing farm track to serve agricultural barn. The appeal is dismissed. The Inspector’s report states: “I note that the appellant contends that a chalk surface has been used elsewhere in the AONB, but I do not find it to be appropriate in this appeal site context. At the time of my site visit, whilst it had become ‘blended’ at the edges to an extent, it still appeared as a relatively stark surface at odds with the appearance of its more muted surroundings.


The development thus fails to accord with Policies SP1 and LO8 of the Sevenoaks District Council Core Strategy (2011) and Policies EN1 and EN5 of the Sevenoaks Allocations and Development Management Plan (2015) (ADMP) which seek to ensure that the countryside is conserved and the distinctive features that contribute to the special character of its landscape and its biodiversity will be protected and enhanced where possible. They also permit proposals where the materials and design, amongst other things, would conserve and enhance the character of the landscape, are of high quality and which respond to the distinctive local character of the area. The development also fails to satisfy a number of the objectives of the Management Plan, in particular OQ3 and OQ4 which seek to preserve the enjoyment of rights of way and the qualities of tranquillity, remoteness and naturalness. There is also a failure to comply with The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, which seeks to conserve and enhance the AONB. The Framework, specifically paragraph 172, states that great weight should be given to conserving and enhancing landscape and scenic beauty in the AONBs, which have the highest status of protection in relation to these issues. The conservation and enhancement of wildlife and cultural heritage are also Appeal Decision APP/G2245/W/20/3271596 https://www.gov.uk/ planning-inspectorate 3 important considerations in these areas. I have also had regard to the paragraphs that seek to support a prosperous rural economy. I acknowledge that there is a need for a practical and usable access to be provided to the proposed storage barn, However, even if a surfaced track is demonstrated to be necessary, for instance in the context of securing agriculturally productive use of the fields as part of sustainable land management, the appellant does not provide compelling evidence as to why the existing woodland track did not provide a practical access. Also why other surfacing treatments or options would not be suitable, apart from the references to the suggested use of ‘grasscrete’. In this context I note that, according to third party representations, the existing track was used by vehicles to access the woodland. I appreciate that the prior approval includes a short length of track finished in chalk, but it is not of significant length and is in a more discrete location, not on the route of the public footpath. I have taken into account the appellant’s proposals to provide new planting, including native hedgerow as part of the Woodland Management Plan and to otherwise enhance biodiversity to reduce the impact of the development, but whilst this may have the effect of screening it from viewpoints outside the site, it would remain evident to users of the public footpath. In my view, the harm arising would not be satisfactorily mitigated nor is the resultant conflict with the development plan and national policy outweighed by this or any other of the reasons put forward in support of the proposal.” Cllr Bishop said that the landowner planted the new native hedgerow under the Woodland Trust scheme. iv. To discuss the application at Newtyehurst Farm, which will go to SDC Development Control Committee See Open Session above. The Clerk reported that D.Cllr Mrs Coleman has referred the application at Newtyehurst Farm to the Development Control Committee on 29th April. She wants the committee to consider the evidence that there is no interest in commercial use of the site, and also for the committee to assess whether the affordable housing provision is policy compliant. Members agreed that they would prefer for D.Cllr Mrs Coleman to cast a vote on this application, rather than just speak as local member. Cllr Mrs Quirk undertook to attend the DCC meeting and speak on behalf of the Parish Council. The Clerk undertook to help D.Cllr Mrs Quirk prepare her speech for approval by the Planning Committee. v. To hear update regarding SDC Local Plan process The Clerk reported that SDC has received notification that the Court has refused their application for permission to appeal and SDC has not succeeded in challenging the Inspector regarding her conclusions on the duty to co-operate. The next step for the Local Plan is that officers will continue to move forwards with the production of an updated evidence base and engage with the Department for Communities and Local Government to agree a strategy that ensures a Local Plan can be put in place as quickly as possible. SDC say “please be assured that environmental resources in the District and the Green Belt will continue to be protected in accordance with policies in the current Local Plan and national planning guidance.” Cllr Streatfeild said that this is a serious issue. There will be another Call for Sites and developers and landowners will submit potential sites to SDC for consideration. This will cost a lot of money and take a long time. The Inspector found that SDC did not follow the procedure adequately. If there is no current local plan in place, then there is a risk that landowners and developers could successfully appeal decisions made by SDC. 74

155. Finance i. Members approved the following payments, proposed by Cllr Bishop, seconded by Cllr Williams and all were in favour. i. Membership renewal to Association of Local Councils: £481.46 + VAT ii. Membership renewal to Action with Communities in Rural Kent: £80 iii. Membership renewal to CPRE: £36 iv. Corporate membership renewal to Eden Valley Museum Trust: £90 v. Payment of £60 to Leigh Parish Council as half share cost of data backup service ii. To discuss CIL income The Clerk reported that the Parish Council has received £1,398.25 as CIL for the period from October 2020 to March 2021 inclusive. This relates to the Redleaf Estate Yard, Camp Hill. The amount received by SDC was £5,593. The total amount of CIL received by the Parish Council to date is now £20,659.38. iii. To approve list of payments Cllr Streatfeild proposed that the list of payments be approved. This was seconded by Cllr Mrs Quirk and all were in favour. Cllr Roper and Cllr Myers undertook to authorise the payments online.

156. Licensing The Clerk reported that Neverworld has announced that it will not be holding this event this year and they will be taking stock and considering the future.

157. Affordable Housing provision in the parish The Clerk reported as follows: i. Site adjacent to Chequers Barn, Bough Beech: Alison Thompson from ERHA said: “the option agreement is approved and I hope we will shortly be able to instruct the architect to prepare plans in readiness for an online consultation event. We also need to instruct the Ecologist to carry out a bat survey and great crested newt assessment.” ii Site adjacent to Bassetts, Chiddingstone Causeway: Alison Thompson from ERHA reported that she has now heard back from Laura McKenzie, Transport and Development Planner at KCC, regarding visibility splay guidance. At present ERHA is waiting for KCC to respond following yet another submission for consideration to be given to meeting Manual for Streets guidance. iii. Site Opposite The Rock, Chiddingstone Hoath: none.

158. To discuss the Pond and the Sports Field in Chiddingstone Causeway Cllr Roper reported as follows: i. Chiddingstone Causeway Sports Field – he has been working with Cllr Myers on this issue and advised that Village Green status can be applied for within a year from the date of the notice and the application can be made (i) by the Parish Council, in which case evidence will need to be gathered from local residents as to their use of the sports field over past 20+ years. A leaflet drop and feedback form for residents’ statements will be required. (ii) by the landowner, in which case evidence would not be required. Cllr Roper said that he has been in touch with the landowner’s agents who has raised the question with the landowner, a response is awaited. ii. Chiddingstone Causeway Pond – he has spoken to the agents for the landowner and discussed the request for Chiddingstone Causeway to be tidied up. The agents have arranged for the area of brambles behind the village shop to be cleared. The hedge at the pond needs maintaining and the area is overgrown. The agents are amenable to tidying up the area, but they are waiting for the bird nesting season to finish. It was agreed that the Parish Council should stay in touch with the landowner’s agents.

159. To discuss the Chiddingstone Fete Cllr Streatfeild reported that the previous fete committee members have stepped down and potential new organisers have been identified. There is no date yet for this year’s fete and hopefully there will be an update next month.


160. Chiddingstone Hoath i. To discuss damage to Chiddingstone Hoath Green by a vehicle The Clerk reported that a quad bike was driven over the green but upon inspection there is no damage to the grass. No action required. ii. To discuss request by residents for a replacement phone box to be sourced, paid for by local fund-raising Cllr Mrs Harris reported that in 2017 the telephone box was removed after it was damaged by an articulated lorry. Local residents want to see it replaced and will start fundraising. It will not be a working public telephone but could be used as a village library and would be an iconic traditional landmark. Cllr Harris undertook to discuss further with local residents and bring a proposal to a future Parish Council meeting.

161. To discuss the parking provision in The Close, Bough Beech The Clerk reported that a resident of The Close has complained that a resident of Chequers Cottages has parked a trailer in the spaces in The Close. The Clerk reported that this is acceptable as Chequers Cottages residents each have one space in The Close. However, two spaces are still blocked by a locked post. Members agreed that the Clerk should ask SDC to remove these locked posts immediately so that these spaces are available for either residents of The Close or residents of Chequers Cottages. The resident who parked the trailer there has installed her own lockable posts and members agreed that providing the posts are removed when the space is vacated there should not be a problem.

162. Highways i. To discuss the speed limit on B2027 through Chiddingstone Causeway including traffic survey results Cllr Roper reported that the results of the speed survey have been received and generally KCC feels that there would be good compliance to a speed reduction from 40mph to 30mph but additional speed reduction measures could be necessary, such as village gateway on the verges both ends of the village. There are cost implications. They have asked the Parish Council to undertake a 3 week informal public consultation and if that is positive, they will undertake a formal consultation and the decision may go to the Joint Transportation Board. The next step is for an informal survey of residents to be carried out, and the Clerk is waiting for response from KCC in this regard. ii. To discuss the replacement of the wooden fingerpost opposite the junction to Camp Hill This is pending the result of the discussion between ERHA and KCC on sight lines to the Bassetts site. iii. To hear update regarding the installation of wildlife cameras and CCTV notices in the parish Cllr Taylor reported that he and Clerk met the landowner of the potential site on Lockskinners Lane and written approval has now been received from landowners. Written consent has also been received from Network Rail to have the wildlife camera on Clinton Lane. Members agreed to proceed for the Lockskinners Lane site first as a pilot and then to discuss the purchase of a second wildlife camera at the May Parish Council meeting. iv. Litter Pick Cllr Taylor reported that the monthly litter picks are successful and said that he would liaise with other local residents to see if they would like to join the litter pick or to discuss areas that have recently had a litter pick in order to avoid duplication. Members agreed that the litter pick should now come under the Parish Council umbrella so long as there are not more than groups of 6 people in each area. The next litter pick will be on Saturday 1st May, and Cllr Taylor said that he will ensure it is Covid-restriction compliant.

163. Aviation None.

164. To discuss correspondence received The Clerk reported that lists of correspondence received have been circulated and drew members’ attention to the following: i. Item 3: copy email has been received from the following MPs who form the Gatwick Coordination Group: Tom Tugendhat, Sir Paul Beresford, Crispin Blunt, The Rt Hon Greg Clark and Andrew Griffith to Robert Courts MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State in the DfT regarding night flights.

76 ii. Item 4: GACC: the next Parish Council zoom get together will be at 19:00 on Thursday 29th April. Cllr Roper, Cllr Mrs Quirk and the Clerk to attend. Cllr Streatfeild will attend as a member of GACC. iii. Item 5: KALC: “KCC is working with the Crowdfunding platform Spacehive. This is an opportunity for community groups in your area to raise money to deliver projects locally. KCC can pledge up to £20,000 for projects that meet the following criteria:  Supporting community action in Kent particularly activities that are focused on supporting people who are facing financial difficulties or who are isolated as a result of Covid.  Supporting community assets and venues in Kent, that contribute to our local communities and local connections, improving wellbeing.  Helping to maintain the volunteering/social action we have seen during the pandemic post Covid 19.” iv. Item 6: SDC & CPRE – information on Uses Q and R regulations, Sunlight and Daylight testing for applications and Agricultural GPDO information. Copied to the Planning Committee. v. Item 7: D.Cllr Osborne-Jackson – copy of the first edition of Your Town Centre News for all traders operating in the town centres of Edenbridge, Sevenoaks, , and . It will cover the latest advice for re-opening your business and how the high streets are being promoted as safe, attractive and welcoming places to visit, shop and spend time. vi. Item 8: SDC News Releases: (i) SDC has secured £25,000 for a ‘Smart bin’ pilot to improve its litter clearing service. SDC will use the funding to purchase fifty ‘Smart bins’ for rural locations. The new, larger, wood cladded bins will include sensors that alert the Council when they need clearing. This means a quicker, reactive service when the bins are full and fewer wasted journeys when bins are not at full capacity. (ii) SDC will again be supporting local charity and voluntary groups by allocating £154,675 to help them continue their valuable work across the District. The grants will support organisations that provide services to Sevenoaks District residents, particularly those in greatest need. The funding from this year’s grant scheme will be particularly welcome to the charity sector after an incredibly challenging year. Funding totalling £51,135 will be made to 19 local groups who support volunteers, run community transport, help older people and people experiencing mental health problems and assist families across the District. vii. Item 11: report: “A large amount of our time is now being spent on Covid related calls and patrolling in the district to deal with any regulation breaches and provide advice and reassurance to all. This is also due to a reduction in other types of crime & ASB. Please be aware that there has been a rise in cases of Scams & Fraud. There is information on the Kent Police website and any incidents can be reported to Action Fraud - https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/ Any calls you believe to be fraudulent please make a report to the police via online reports or using 101. Another ongoing issue we are having is thefts of catalytic converter from cars across the county. Chiddingstone & Leigh: We had several calls for nuisance youths in the area and due to the increase in calls several officers attended the area and spoke with the locals to find out the cause of the issue. Patrols will be done in the area to keep an eye on any disturbances. Speed checks were conducted by two local officers on Penshurst Road in Leigh, due to the findings we will work to get more speed checks done in the area as several vehicles were seen driving over the limit. Work was completed with Kent Fire and Rescue to deal with a tree down causing an obstruction in Bough Beech. With the help of some locals the tree was cut down and the road was re-opened quickly. Several Covid breaches were attended by patrols. Patrols were made aware of burglary in progress in the area and multiple units were sent out to catch the offenders. No arrests have been made yet, but patrols will be done in the area to establish a high visibility to deter any crimes. Please ensure all outdoors buildings are locked and secure and think about motion sensor lights or CCTV to prevent such crimes from occurring.” viii. Items12, 13 and 14: thank you emails for grants from Stonewall Park Cricket Club, Chiddingstone WI and Chiddingstone School. ix. Item 15: Kent Police: Ide Hill Road, Chiddingstone – on Tuesday 30th March between 2:30am and 3:48am, somebody broke into a commercial property. x. Item 21: SDC – copy of training slides on Planning Enforcement. Copied to Planning Committee. xi. Item 22: KALC – upcoming events:  KALC Planning Conference 12 May 2021. All Day event  Strategies to Identify and Recruit New Councillors 13 May 2021. Morning event 77

 How to Engage with Young People in Your Community 20 May 2021. Morning event  Writing Effective Press Releases for Local Coverage 17 June 2021. Morning event  Getting Started With Press and Media 21 April 2021

165. To hear a report and discuss Parish Projects: i. Rural Swathe and Visibility Cutting The Clerk reported that KCC is in the process of re-procuring their contract from next year onwards, and they have asked to have a meeting with the parishes in the cluster. The parish clerks covering the cluster have arranged to meet him online on Friday. ii. Litter The Clerk reported that SDC has produced a range of really good anti-litter posters – one of which says that if the litter bin is full to take your litter home.

166. Items for reporting or inclusion in future agenda The Clerk reported that a resident asked whether the Parish Council would be willing to act as the legal entity in a contract with BT for the provision of fibre broadband in Chiddingstone Causeway and Charcott. As this request was received after this agenda had been published, the item will be discussed at the May Parish Council meeting, however initial comments from the Chairman and Vice-Chairman were that they thought that the Parish Council would be reluctant to act in this capacity, and suggested that the resident forms a CIC instead. This he has agreed to do. Cllr Streatfeild said that the Parish Council contributed towards infrastructure for fast broadband through Airfast to ensure at the time that as many areas of the parish as possible could access the service, and asked whether the resident could access these broadband services.

The Annual Parish Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 18th May 2021 at 7.30pm. It will be advised whether this meeting will be held in person or on zoom.

The meeting closed at 8.40pm.

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