ware ordered to 100,000 frooca to relievo tb* etrlkere of tb* Condor, whlob Delegot BIG STEAMER ASHORE. Loir* oo*l basin. The premier, M. WM- lUy, her* been Instructed to proceed to Town. Tble Indicates a belief In dsok-Hoasesao, eeked for • poetpoeemont Cape the oontra- of tbo motion, pointing ont the! the (J Tnjan official olrcl^t thel 1 and will he ettle I. leoo mekere ere (till on etrlks end that controversy amicably parliament and lb* government oonld WHITE’S LOSSES. not Intervene In the etrlke. be Wrecked on Reefs at St. Bat, SI PPKKSSINU THE NEWS. added, afterwards, when tbsrs may be need for help, tb* goverament would i:iagllah Paper* (haling Under Mary’s Bay. ooaelder the matter. Tbo motion wa* fltgoron* Censorship. then end the Hone* poetponod adjourned. London, January 14.—4 a. m —Tbe newspapers were reconciled during tbs CONSTABLE LAWLOR DRI NK iarly days of the war to oable censorship, Head Low in the Water and on A London Them To Be taking it for granted tbat full n*rn tires Daily Reports rent mail would ail dvliolencie*. by Lewiston’s Famous Liquor belsrr supply For some weeks, however, even the mail Fire Aft. B lu au l uforlunate (uadlllou • , iorre*|>ondt>noe that has arrived In Lon- Nine Hundred. don baa shown signs of habitual scissor* Lewlelon, January II.—Eugene K. Law- Nearly Ing by tbe oenscr Pages are renumbered lor, who hat been acting at a onnatnble without ohronologloal or logical connec- In Lewiston, bat whose eleotlan to Ibis tion, leaving lb* happenings described What ifEoe Is Utnlsd by some if the blty offl- Impossible to Tell quite nnlntelllgible in many cases. The o'als, sun tbo prlnolrul llgara teday In n editors, noting pcssibly in concert, are most tentallonal trial at the munlol|i>1 Her Name Is. laying thesa facts tefi Pt the public and oonrt, being arraigned cnaotargeof insisting tbat they be permitted to know drunkenness. War Will Give Out Nothing Office and to print tbe facta. The Daily Mall At a late bour last night Lawlor was formally aooussa tbs war office of "doctor- found by tbe polios siupllled In an all*y ing” In editing offiolal deapttohra before way. Be was taken to tbs station, About Them. Not at all Likely Thai It Is a pollne their l«euanoe and oites partlnular*. Inc and when be oame to himself this morn- Portland Bound Boat. ing oonfeoaed to one of tbo olUoers that be bad been 1 drinking. # In tb* foes of thti, however, he ein ployed *■ oonneel ex-County Attorney Oeket of Auburn, end put up tor defenoe St. Johns, N. F., January 11.—A large that be bed been rendered Insinslble by steamer, believed to be a paee*nirer eh Ip, ‘'knookont Methuen’s Recall Has Been Par- drops. m whose name cannot yet be ascertained, City .Solicitor Holmes appeared for the has been wrecked on a teef In Si. Mary's stele, and the trial lasted all day. Tbe Xhe Confirmed. bay, stout live miles from shore. state presented tbe strongest of proofs tially I head low In vessel, which lies with bar that I.awlor woe drank, among tbe wit- clearing the of eruptions, and preserving, purifying,, ^■>*0R complexion unsightly tha water. Is on tire aft. and beautifying the skin, scalp, liair, and hands, nothing ho pure, so sweet, nesses being two prominent physicians, A Several bars been washed oil so speedily effective as Cuticura Soap. It removes the cause of disfiguring persona who te:,ilU*d as to tbe condition of the Quality h„ „Ue viz.: the inflamed, before eruptions, loss of hair, and baby blemishes, clogged, irritated, tbs deck daring tbe day. Ju«t respondent. them the leading Cigar in or condition of tho Pores. Cutktha combines delicate emollient In tbe sluggish nlubtfall others were descrlbsd »u wiiuwaua derived from the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing AiHUUg yi*»«u**.u u/ properties CirricniA, that these will ingredients and most refreshing of flower odors. No other soap, however expensive, rlgslng. It la feared defence were Allle Drown and Frank NEW ENGLAND. 9 Now Hakes Doers’ Position is to be compared with it for all purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. It com- perish before daybreak. At this hour, McManus, two well-known pugilists. Every Day bines in at One Price — 2?> Oknts —the best skin and com- A favorite in hotne, club, One 8oap namely. p m., It is Impossible to bear any further Brown testified that he raw Lawlor at every the best toilet and in tho world. plexion soap and baby soap be or office. of choice “AH particulars nor can any obtained be- a notorious house on Llaeoin street, and Hore Nearly Impregnable. Every judge 8oM thronghout th.* world. P. ttbk Ditto *kx> Cub*. Coxr., Soto rropt, Cuticcba Rbmboikb. has about die Skin. Scalp, liair, and llaxtda," frto. fore morning. that Lawlor drank eight glasses of beer cigars to his knowledge. He raid that Lawlor PERFECT CONFIDENCE In The above dispatch waa reoelved here was ornzy drank and flourish revolver TUB TValtt & lioud lilackstones THE WEATHER. about twelve o’clock last night. A end club, and them weapons were taken No. 53 BlacKstonc Boston. PKEtiti reporter routed a stoamshlp from him; that Brown and MoManaua St., (flic1*1 out of bed at the Falmouth hotel took Lawlor from the house carried him NATIONAL BANK —4 m.—Al- bow realized to the fullest ext-nt the CHAPMAN he and 4 London, Janaary 12 a. by soon afterwards and showed hlin the de- to the p'aos where was found, nee to oonllnu war office who scoffed at bis him though the war cilice droll sugg’btioD. of Portland, .’luiiic. tie wns asked If he thought the went after a team to take home; spatch. hne been Friends of Lord Methuen Insist he Is was the report that Lord Methuen only 'learner ashore could be a ship bound to that whlfc they were gonts La’vior t\odied to England, Inquiries made by a broken iu health; that the strain of many Portland, tie said that he did not sea found by the police. oerreepondent ut Methuen’s home In campaign! has shattered hts naturally how it could be, though of course there Mohlnnous corroborated the evidence Wiltshire huve elicited the Information nervous system. Those who kno w the CAPITAL, S1GO.GGO.OG was a obunos that the ship was bound given by Brown. he hi* hie circumstances and the situation on Mod- the name of Graves that, when received wound, nere. tit Mary’s bay ii far out of tha A hack driver by burse threw him and and der river tqually well and who are will- to allied In tbe he was heavily spinal and Undivided Profits, $25,000.00 course of the ►hips which sail from Port- that early evening Surplus other ing to state facia plainly say that If the ship stepped by L*wlor and that be got from Injuries supervened. land for English poitsaod Methuen's mind Is Con- Solicits the Recounts of Baiikw.Mer- aud Although the number of deaths from unbalanced. Boston, January 11.—Local forecast: ashore >veri bound to Portland she must his back, was struck by Lawlor cuiiltle I'trms, and and enteric fever at stant proof of this has teen coming to Pori»orntion«. Snow tun to and been also threatened him, Lawlor drawing dysentery Ladysmith to fur- ing rain, clearing Friday; huva met with some aooident by Individual*!, and is prepared have been published by the war effioe the notice of the officials of the war eftloe fair warmer oil bar course, tie that ll a revolver. nish its the best facilities Saturday; Friday morning; forced thought for two weeks The commander of patrons where slnoe Saturday'^ fight, nothing has been past. colder winds shift- be that the was forced to run Lawlor testified tbat at the bouse and liberal accommodations. Saturday morning, might ship the Modder river forces has fcoraburd**d he drank but given out regarding the losses In tbe en- ing to south and southwest, diminishing for Newfoundland’s coast because of the the oarousal took pluos 1 be war office assert*) that it the gofcrnmsr.t with some of tho most Use whiob Is mentioned as burning aft. a part of a glasi of ginger ale, and tbat gagement. in force. remarkable over facet v«d from Intel esi Paid on after this be remembered till he has nothing to give out. messages Deposits. II.—Forecast lhsre 1s no possibility of the steamer nothing Washington, January Armohair critics, who. In the absence a genera! in aotlon. Uno received a fow mentioned a Dominion liner or on awoke In tbe polio* station. lie denlsd for Maine: turning into rain in being is a of the it Snow, of or official descriptions from days ago fair sample r*8t. FOR SAVINGS. Allsti the only two lines which the strry told by t*»e ofttoers wnu said reportorlal SPECIAL DEPARTMENT southern at liner, contained three words: “Darkness portions; Friday cloaiing oonftsiei to b*>n drink- the seat of war, pour forth pages of con- just come hare wKh passengers as no ships arc Lawlor having Infcrutens and Ctrrespondsnoo Imifel. night; probably fair Saturday; easterly and conclude that not after dawn." In that It was thought ing, but this story of tbe oltio*rs was jsoturn •pinion, neighborhood It is stated thoie with gales shifting to westerly. ‘.or cf much Is to be exptoted of the JJrltlsh by acquainted CCI.LEN C. CHAFXAN, Frcsitlcnf. possible that the ship might b* one of the norroccratdd by th» nlgut ^a,. the hosts la South Africa until Lori Koberts the inner workings and plan of campaign boats which run to tit. John with the building who beard tbe talk. THOMAS 11. EATON, Cashier. WEATHER REPORT. have had of time to think adopted by the war office that Lord LOCAL mail. The oourt after bearing all the evlucnoe ■nail plenty Time the hero of Orodurmun, who llIRKCTORSi Portland, Jao. 11, HO)—Ths local and tbe argument, found Lawlor guilty and fresh levies shall have arrived. Kltcbner, with Lord Robert* arrived at Town the the whole Is working now for the Poers. Each day Cops CULLEN C. CHAPMAN. SETH L. IAR3ABEE weutter bureau records following: REPUBLIC OR EMPIRE. and lined him $6 and costs, makes more difficult the three today, will proceed immediately to Mod- 8 a. m.—Barometer, 30.313; thermome- amounting to $18. beleaguered t. M. STEADMAN. FERLEf P. BURNHAM. der river. He not take active held dew — 1: rcL was may HAVE YOU SEEN ter, 0; point. humidity, 59; Tliat qufitlou Ilrfure American fXUe oase was appealed and Lawlor positions. BRICE M. EDWARDS JAMES F. HAWKES Only of the but will the direction of wind. NW; wind velocity, 5; of his command troops, put Ex-Uuv. Bon (well. put under bonds $!&0 for appear- .THE. HEKRV S. OSGOOD WILLIAM M. MARKS. state of weather, clear. People timy» column in working order again and thou ance In tbe Supreme Court whloh meets AT LADVSHITIL ADAM P. LEIGHTON. thermome- LOSSES someone else General 8 p. m.—Barometer, 30.208; was assign probably ]el MW&FU 11.—About 600 !n Auburn Tuesday next. Lawlor ter, 17: dew 7:1 rel. humidity, Washington, January Colville to take Methuen's point, to and after some trouble place. committed jail were 00; direction of wind, N; wind velocity, poraous attended an anti-Iinpcrialint (Jen. \tLite's Forces Apparently Lord Methuen in eddltlou to his ether succeeded in ball. PLANS. 7; state of weather, cloudy. held In Masonic ball hero to- furnishing Decimated, SULZEK’S meeting eccentric I ties has quarrelled with a num- ARTIE tbe few weeks Lawlor Max min. 9: mean The weather was wet and During prat II. — temp., 20; temp., night. disagree- ber of officers under him. Washington, January Representa- has !u several sensational soenes 14; max wind 15 NW; The were ex-Senator J Ii. figured Mail tive Sulzsr of New York announetd today temp., velocity, able. speakers London, January 12 —The Dally Three of them arc Colonel Arthur .0. and two or three times has precipitation—24 hours, Henderson of ex-Gov. UouiWdl In this city that we would call up Id the House to- Missouri; 14We l**arn that In tbe attuok on Colon#! and Camp-' to seize at the of says: Jsget, Gough Captain of Massachusetts and attempted liquor point morrow the answer of Secretary diage to Representative the bell, whom he ordered home. They ar- WEATHER OBSERVATIONS. a revolver. It is understood now that hl9 Ladysmith last Saturday, January 6, Information Lentz of Ohio. Mr. Henderson asserted CIGAR hla resolution calling for rived In London today. commission as a constable will be revoked were officers Tim nrrrifMiltnrnl nnrfm nnt irmllmr the are the testi- Uritlah losses fourteen the of In that Filipinos proved by Colonel is a vindication respecting deposit government ih* oltv ixmnoll Gough seeking for Jan. taken at 8 of Admiral and others to be by killed, wounded and over national banks He condemned the ; bureau yesterday, 11. mony Dewey thirty-four by odurt martial \then Gough at- but b%lci meridian tbo observation for capable of self-government and that our hundred non-commissioned officers coarse of t^e treasury district, p. m., time, eight tempted to d.'bouie tte plan of tho Mag In Tin Cans ? time what in whole history was antagonistic tothevub- MR. HEWEY CONFIRMED. that he could Dot say at this each section being given this order: and men killed or wounded. ersfontiln attack, Mtthuen ordered him of a action bn would ask tbe House to ink? on direction of state of juga tlon of the|llteriies people. under arrest. The London Is con- Temporature, wind, "The Doer we hear, ure eiti- press Ex-Gov. tioutwell by the moral losses, the Secretary's respansa. weather. passed Xamril For Appralaeralilp of Port of siderately the true rtatJ of TWENTY-FIVE 3000 suppressing considerations incident to any compre- mated at between -000 and Boston. 32, E, cloudy; New York, 30, Portland. affairs so far as Mttouen’s aliment is hensive treatment of the ROBERTS COMMITTEE UN DECIDED NE, rslu; Philadelphia, 40, NE, rain; Philippine war, concerned, but the papers do not htidtaie Washlnwton. 30, W. rain; Albany, 24. NK, ana addressed himself to tha of January 11.—The Roberts questions WAITING FOR “HOBS.” to print the hard facts about the battle of Washington, snow; Buffalo, iW, NK, snow; Detroit, 28 11.—The Senate ARTIE business and labor in which this country, Washington, January committee held a St Magersfonteln, which are reaching Lon- investigating protracted N, snow; Chloago, SO, NW, cloudy; confirmed the following nomina- Tbe Dlvlilou Vaugu.rd at Table v: he said, whs rnuoh concerned. The speech today executive session today in of reach- Paul, 28, NW, cloud Huron. Dak., .6, don through the malls, all of which go to hope tions: Frank U. Morris of Ohio, to be NK, clouty; Bismarck, 24, E, cloudy; was a severe arraignment of the adinlnls- IL>. In the of an officer that ing a conclusion, bat i?o muny legal show, language Jaoksnvllle, 04, H, clouJy. auditor for the war department; W. W. ID.—Tne Cape Town UlUAKfe were discussed that a final re- Loudon, January “the attack was that of a mailman." qmstlou to be auditor for an Brown of »uv J dependences, end muds appaal tbat Pennsylvania, V.C1 CBjlUUU CU H Vi 'Ih« ilxHth nf Ford Wmirhono. nom I sult was net reached, nor was any *voie in a Tin. FUNERAL, OF DR. M’GLYNN. the James £. Packed they bs to set up Independent navy department; Hswey, gays: was ono taken, indicating the ending of tbe com- permitted graphing Monday, mundtr of the Black W'awh, of New 1.—The funeral to- free from any dictation by IU DO vi lunuimimino, uo much tet- peal Icoked on the faoe of of tbe and the estimated, the 1U00, bo continued, tbe futnre the assignees, A. H. Shaw Cbarte* bread and ment are plentiful and snld: 'Don't blame me lads.’ We hear ter than wood for kindling flr*-s. But all at a time when the bait supply is more 1L BIG BaGS 10c. dead. For four hours a oompaot stream nation will bo deeded, when tbe laborers A. Coombs Among the oredltorc or tbalr gairlson had not then touched ths ‘bnllv' he remonstrated with Methuen, before we grocers can explain necessary to Franoe ever. French ti^an Into the church an an end to were Franklin C. ere of humanity pound will have opportunity to put representatives present beef and blacolt supplies. Luxuries left oarnp about the far the battle, fishermen must secure Newfoundland plane the 23th street entrance. a colonial em- through tbe schemo of establishing Payson of Portlaud, representing Lang- sosroe In Ladysmith, but the hospitals but Methuen only told him to obey or- (TALK No. 88.) b^it this or their will be a yesr fishery —-- tbe of oom- pire to bs followed by degradation ley Burr, the Enterprise Rubber are well supplied with milk, and the ders. Wauchope no doubt went out to fail arc. THE CAUSE. PRIVILEGES FOR CUBAN VESSELS. the laboring population through competi- pany, and C. F. Morey & Co,; F. W. horses are in good condition." dsatb. Be had shouted to find previously are a oauere for tbs east tho There good many MANY FER1SUKD. 11.—The bill en- tion wltb tbe laborers of and Ooolldgs of Portlaud, representing Hlnea ‘Don't blame Washington, January the Argyll Highlanders: Sometimes It la only a of tbe laborer of tbe east. eye trouble, B. January II.—Advices Cuban vessels to the rights and products obeap Bros, of Portland. me for this. 1 received my ordeio and baa Viotozta, C., titling cauee of fatigue. The ties ar.* work- A statement of the financial standing METHUEN MAD. by tbe of Jaran tell of the vessels of the most to obey them.' With proper handling n# Glasses strsmshlp Empress privileges INSUKliENTS KESISXED. ing tou hard and need rest. in States Mr. Pendexter was submitted by the The Cifucml'* Mind Probably have the Boers oat In twu of a fierce storm sweeping the Japanese favored nations United ports Eu^lUli could cleared of tba work and r Uevesttaln. no.—Col. do part coast on December Hi H5 to the Sen- Manila. January 11,—5.30 p. assignees. It showed that for assets there t'ubalaucrd. boars. As It we ware taken luto the hy whlob junks was today favorably reported was, Hometlmes It is an Inherited defect! were lost while t»wed a'o Senator from the committee ilullsrd, with the Thirty-ninth Infantry, waa merchandise or atosk In store valutd butcher and left there.'' being from Osaka by Berry shop Of tea a sere re illness la the ''ace*. Cslainba 11.—A spsclsl cable to Kete and 171 on commerce. Iho clause tbo moving In three columns from at 116,001.70, real estate, esiessed valuta Chlcigo, January Dozens of other letters are printed, all person perished. making Sometimes an accident- or Injury. attacked ten oash In banka and to the Chicago Tribune from London A tidal wave acoompanled by the provision retroactive and providing for wltb two guns, companies less mortgagee $4,000; of the same tone. Whatever General Lord Sometimes advancing aj;e. storm caused 411 to lore their the of hitherto collected of Insargenta strongly entrenched on tbe on $1 471,HI; aooounta receivable, says: Lieut. Methuen, do tar us known there is uo Insanity In persons refunding money hand, the If tire easily or of the oolumn advancing to cause, your eyes llvse. was out of Euuta Tomas road. Tbey resisted stub- chattels and effects, ooramsnder buck of the stricken the bill. $070.14; personal Methuen's family present Is not as as It is to be relieved your vlelun good ought bornly, thrso stands. Twenty- The total of assets above la $13,443.05 Ihs relief of Kimberley, but It Is understood making (100. generation, generally to hat** eyes ex- within two weeks. Later to be, you ought your four of the rebels were killed and sixty less taxes due oily, u preferred claim, of his oammaiid three of bis sisters have been back- all amined. You ought to knew jvel were taken. The re- he will be sent to Cape Town end eventu- prisoners Filipinos $433.65. ward from childhood. U and them the be rsaohes what the trouble give treated tbelr wounded towards as Hat pre sentad to ordeiel home. When Eng- carrying The llubllitlei par ally I am thor- These facts have attention th»*y require. Lake Teal. One Amerlean was killed the meeting representing sum due to land he will be retired. Big CAMP OF BOERS HOUND. oughly equipped for making careful and two officers ware wonnded > ut of town, $H0,- been continued by an ttilclsl of the war slightly wholesalers, mostly I will be to con- Tha Standard examinations. glad £50.70; notes to First National offloe. London, January 12— payable sult with at any time and Ull a sad one. Al- dated Mon- you DEPUTIES KEASSEMBDE. bank $5000; Jane M. PendexVar, $4833; Lord Methuen's oase It haa the following despatch APENTA you what you ought to do. If you frail al- Chamber of Onslow b. Pendexter, a brother cf W. W. ways a man of rather physique, day from Frsre Camp: Paris, January 11—Tha don't need glasses 1 will tell you so. TIIE BEST NATURAL APERIENT WATER, M. U. a cltver boxer und au all round “Onr patrols have ssarohed both flanks Deputies reassembled today. M. Dea- Pendexter, $1708 13, and ClalPn though total of be showed signs of breaking of the Beer position. They round a dens), on bis re-election to tbs presi- oumpany, $1137.81). X'be liabilities sportaman, after tire mllet east of Colsnso, BUDA HUNGARY. a ere thus 63. down almost Immediately taking large oamp BOTTLED AT THE SPRINGS, PEST, dency of tbs Bouse, made speech stren- $38,(35 M. WENTWORTH, his division. After the bat- In anticipation of a British A, uously urging tbat tbe truoe la party F. E. (southard as attorcey for Mr. command of evldsntly of PROF, von FODOR, the oredlters cents tlj of Belmont General Wolsely suggested attempt at a turning movement." Under the Scientific Supervision warfare wtalsh was to prevail during tbe Pendexter offered fffty Practical all Mr. Pendex- to the war offloe that Methuen be re- Optician, ooming year of tbe exposition should he on the dollar fur olalms, CKUIdEKS TURNED AWAY. the Institute, Royal University, headed. 510 1-9 Congress SC. Director / Hygienic continued Indefinitely. Bis remarks ter agreeing to pay expsnaas of assignees, lieved. His advice was not 11.—It Is asserted that dec. The offer waa taken under consider- The wisdom of too aged but keen cone- Berlin, January were warmly applauded. and v.>* Buda Pesih. of the British is ths German cruisers Boh walk be Office Hours—ui^kui 11. Uolllvd. Socialist, moved a vote of ation. monder-ln-chief army i


_ <9 / 1 GKN. WIUFON NKVKK BAID IT. YEARNED TO BE WICKED. Dally Chronical avers that there sarins to MR. MOODY’S WORK. DIRECTORS APPROVE. FANTASTIC MESSAGE. Waahlngton, January II.—The follow- ha an offlo’al conspiracy against letting A FORTISSIMO PASSAGE. The Mad bat Vnalrartiv* Tale ef A ing latlar was mad* public at the war de- tbs train ha known. Meeting In Mete l’erk to Devise Beet I#r« loan* Man. parliuent today: Mean# to Carry 1C On. For nmril reasons Theodore (Jinny, •* Boa. tl. 1899. WILL USE "EXPANDING” BUIs- Mataniaa, Cute, aged 19, had made the thickest kind of a To tha Adjutant General of tha Army, ta LETS. Maw York, January ID—Tor tha pur- to Sell Fitch- hit as the gay young man about town at Left a New York Waahlngton, D. U.t Willing u village of 900 natives. He was the only London, January Ik—4 a.' m.—Lee- Bomb Explodes Sym- pose of darlelng tbe beet means of carry- by ( through Military Channel*.) one of the family on the baud wagon. Uetford oanrtdgrs arc running ahort ing on the work of Ike late Dwight D. Concert. Suicide. Blr:—The Asacolated Free* represents burg to B. & M. The rest put in ten hours n day and paid tbe Blrtlsn and, aeoordlng Moody, me tubers of the oammltteee from In magaxlnee phony tire* In thla laland and others board; yet, with the snap lie had, Theo office Har- parbapt to serai-ctHelal report the war the Bible Hoawt Chleago; Mount was a lobster in the of condition. hare maliciously cent to the press In pink to fall back temporarily npon mon Institute for young men and tha ^e ftonictimes of an evening he guzzled a§ pnrptFci United States the report that I had Ad 0 CM “Bark IV.’’e»pandlng ballets, seminary for yeusg womsa at Northfleld, many as two conclave*—half soda water 100,0 I would not servo under General Wood, on of most f Whlob are already la storage In met here today. Among those and half milk—and then poured top Mass., but would eommleelon aborlly resign my Three lluve them n charlotte, composed entire- Smth Africa. Ike war office, however, Consternation Among a Sannd* r*s present were Will H. Moody, the rldest Life is a to tnnffirially Signified queen Builfsqne Affording In the army. 'Thla report le entirely with- ly of sweet soda, with a squirt of rasp- has issued a s trlct order to volunteers eon of tbe evangelist F. A. Flit, son-in- out foundation or authority. It has been Their Consent. berry sirup to moke it real red. (bat the 59 ronnds of “Mark IV.” given Theatre Aoditneo. law; Kev. H. Torrey, euperlntendent of Him. the rule of my military Ilf* toaerye loyal- The conafable, who drove nn fxpresi them rnnit be need In practloe at home. the Chleago Institute; H. M. Moore, ly aud laltbfully under whomsoever the wagon day times and wore the star at superintendent of the Northfleld instl- bad shellfish of his own, and on NOT PAYING ANY BILLS. President might plaoe In ouinmand orer night, tnte; Col. J. J. Janeway, euperlntendent this account Theodore was able to rule II.—Lord Strathoona me and this will oontlaue to be my rule London, January of the Institute at Mouot Hermoa.North the town uud boast loudly of bis drag. denied last evening. as long aa my eervlora are required or the and Mount Hoyal of Har- C. A. Boston; Fleming are Dr. He played a plugged alto horn in tlio Work field; Hopkins, be Edward S. demand Exceptions an Interview with a representative Probably Said to Important Interest! of my oharge wore and a whole- In H. Hevell, Obloago; Ira 1^ Ban key, hand, store clothes, cf tbe Dally Mall, that be bad mads an my attention. Webb’s and State’s. barked lady who could claim no ties of vard Students * Brooklyn; D. W. MoWllllamr, Brooklyn; to bear the oost of Boston. It hue not oeen my outtom to notice blood or marriage washed his white shirts oiler to tbe government J. D. Northfleld, Mam.; Heorge Sargent Cutler, of the but this 0 for him at so much per. Sometimes she of any portion of tbe Canadian contin- larcpruwntatlone press, Keith, Campello, Mars.; C. U Ballsy. more report has been *u widely circulated got it per shirt, aguin per week and gent Ms and Charlec K Otis of Wlnthrop, that It seems to oali for different treat- often perhaps. Yooksrs, X. Y. T'he inerting was In Whenever Theodore was strong enough, GHEaFbRITAIN’H REPLf. ment, aud I would thank you to make sroret and after It was oonolnded, formal Formal of (ho Hoard he sent his collars aud cuffs to the Troy And Was Intended For Next Wife koown the eabataoM of tbl* Uttar In Merlins Had Been Charged bjr a furore announcement was made that the work laundry in the city and created It Is That American lloods Helmed Were •ueh manner as may seem best suited to office Sat- Class. be oontlaned under Next Tneidny. calling for them at the express Day’s History of Mr. Moody would With Desertion. done Slot Contraband. correot the Isjury already urday evenings. the rorm of the Moody memorial endow- Yoors respectfully, While making these frightful scars on ment. The following advisory oommit- -The answer James H. Wlleon, the path our young lobster just Washington, January 11 William primrose tej was nelsotsd at the mrellngt ached to rah! rah! and be mistaken of the British to Mr.Choate's Brig. Uen. Volunteers. yell gurenrinent K. James Morris K. His Dodge, Taloolt, le the Associate ! for a member of the student body. respecting tbs eelanrse of Cambridge, Mars January 11.—The It prurer to state (bat 11.—Knll-uail matter* representations Anson Stokes, D. W. New York, 40011017 11 —Leering oal/ Uouton, January could have wrenched their bank taeetre Jraaup, Phelps Jr., Press never handled In lie the parents American Uour and other goods on the explosion of a bomb In bander*’* him to report* In New at continue to McWilliams, 1». Willis Jamts, John B. a peculiarly worded note behind KncUml prase*nt account jamming him through a univer- Mnsbona and at Harvard tonight while live or *lx Item complained of by General Wlleon to three vessels, Beatrloe, Ira D. nil of New Intimate that ho wee tired of tble world, oooupy greater attectinn then anything sity, with others like him, but they got to Kennedy, Hankey, tbe effect that he woold not eery* under baa been received. hundred were quietly listening else lu financial ’lbe ctatoa of tha lack of and so saved Marla, people B. U. MoCormlok a mao supposed to be ltd ward V. Sargent olnlea. wise to bis savvy, orobtn- York; Keltb, Cyme General Wood and would In conse- Tbe amounted to a partial the strain* of boston bympbony resign matUr It summed In the in- the reply % and Ylotor V. Dawson, all of Cbloago; 01 Uoetun, or ballon' bong Harbor, tonight up money. as far as It a undden end to the uf the latter’s appointment. hadn't the to wear a white answer, icry satisfactory goes, tra, not only put committed eulolde tonight quence ncunojrnunt that the directors of the He gall John B. Converse and John Wanamnker Staton Ieland, in of tbe obaraoler of some uf tbe oonosrt, but for a few mlouUi, by rea- of the three plug hat with *99 painted ou it pink, disposing of C.A. of Boston at the Kaetern hotel la thla oily by tak- Fitchburg railroad, exclusive whloh threat- I’blladelphla; Hopkins because the town had no college. Theo goods seized, but tmally deoidlng broadly son of tha panto followed* of When WANTS UKHOCHATB TO WITHDRAW members of the board representing the and Fraaols Whits of Haiti mors. Ing a large quantity morphine. have told a curriculum from a lie re- the ruab for the couldn't whether or not food stuffs are to ened the live* of many In and and Dr. W. Seward waa deolded to Issns an to the discovered he waa breathing hit last Prank foil, Ky„ January II.—Got. Tay- state, Webb, repre- lie two recitations, and when h« the *fflolent It appeal cuppy in as contraband. The British gov- door*. Fc rtunately, through contest the Vanderbilt interest, hare on garded pnblio to subscribe tbe |8,(KO,OUU that he died before the arrlral of the lor today Hied with tb* election senting tried to pnsM on ordinary bunch of talk the of of a number of nooT-headed men, ernment adopts precisely point action wore ins a motion to tha liem- officially tu the Boston and am required to meet the expenses of tbe pbyttolans who summoned. committee require signified view tbs seized goods that the turmoil was oaimed.and the audience* when uot in regarding institution. letter found read: "Life is a burlesque. ooratlo members now scrying on tbe Mainj their approvul of tho offer of the ices of a middle man. Still, vma siasuiutu by tbe star* uep&riiusnt left oonslderablyaiclted. a of his Theodore was Inclined to be quietly,although William H. annouuoed that the Good bya, old work!. Years ago you committee to withdraw laltsr to lease the FDonburg for term cups, Cheat* in the note waa found attached Moody often his mother and embodied by Mr. As an alarm olook late all was In the nature of a for- at a of tire quite heroic, driving wuirieiiu* nuuiu uoiu <■« would have nerved me bettor. Of The motion ninety-nine years guarantee a fast walk in her to the Untiah the am iuin # AM fkii nn.ifuVA.Al mn.l A Ai. (ulU about the at on tbe subject addieased to the remnant* of the bomb, college an village the homing and succeeding summers as efforts fall me. Onoe more, good bye. mal pretest. It wsh supported by Choate re- the whole Hide bar buggy, with one leg dangling office. In brier, Mr. authorities tonight believe cent on common that a formal foreign usual and that a nutuner of "Another ralnoarnatlon with ohanged affidavit charging that names ware the stock; on the Large speakers over the side. at fellows: affair was intended as a joke of ports bad to addresses environments will possibly prove more fraudulently drawn by the clerk and that meeting of the dlreotore the Fitchburg Theodore remained in a It 12 ulready promised give Meanwhile That the answer is highly satisfactory; class, and that exploded an history onngentel. For this last aot In the faros the Democratic members now serving will be held next Taeudny at which waking dream, lie thought lie was up that it la broad and liberal in terms. The hours ahead of time. CUOATK LKAVKS WALDO JAIL. of ’Ufa' attach all blame to me. are all disqualified by reason of partiality olliolal vote to thla effect will be talu n against the higher education anyhow. the British govern- The whloh was one of the the barber position msupied by ooncert, Belfast, January 11.—Frank Choate of "Sleep oblivion. Rest. MorphIne* and for the contestant. and it only remains for the thne He raised piuiples and eluded ment is that food stuff* in transit to a r* senes uwm wjp uircuwju hair down his back. tfuiar Montvllle, who has been in tbe Wnldo tints. J— G— A dteu. Adieu. Semper stote directors to announce tbslr position until bis straggled destination can be regarded as was the end, when His room was tilled with corncob pipes, hostile Lerrtoke, nearing county for nearly a month on sus- ALBANY STOOD 1HK 1 EFT. In the matter but thla they will not do Jail Fidelia. wore a of when are a and a crash fr om the horse skulls and swords. lie contraband war, only they (hero came jar of having something to do with A M. 3 to Moni- until have had a formal oonferenre picion "15 grains. F. & 33, Newcastle, Eng-, 11.—»The they on bis force*. It is not the of the that January badge of the Dum-Dum fraternity supplies for the enemy's little olcsst at side stage, the and Ures at was with Governor Crane. thefts Montvllle, tor St. Johns (Chap.), Hampton, new United titntea cruiser which sat all to of Almost Im- (Blue). Albany, chest and often up night yell. sufficient that they are capable being was heard all over the hall. the court af- brought before Wednesday Richmond (Consist.) was an ollloial trial off this the of the big intercollegiate it to (Commandeiy), given port On day used for the benefit of the enemy; mediately after smoke began pour " ternoon on twn Indictment* connecting •The Widow’s ton.’ January 9. bar endurance trial football match in the city Theo burrow- that are so in foot In the door so that the completed must be sbowu th«?y from the crooks cases The read- a mack- him with the Montvllle The manager of the Eastern hotel said of a continuous run of ed into the push, wearing yellow at the thus of at the today, oonalstlng through their destination audience, already tauly frightened was waived and two a tin horn ing of the Indictments that Sargent had oome there Saturday s& hours under natural draught. The intosh, chrysanthemums, the seizure. The British government became almost fiantic and a rush on if. From report, was under $200 bonds for morn- and a cane with ribbons Choate placed night and remained until Monday test was very successful. 'Tbs ship be- PE-RU-NA does not olnim that any of the American was made for the doors. The orchestra Cures Catarrh Wherever ..ocated. uoon until midnight his face was never the two charges, on his own reoognlzauce he was the YorkvWe ing whin in polio* haved well In a heavy esa. The result of cun : German bark Marla and and some A :.urc, sife, time-tried remedy th:»t and after the game he ran amuck goods on thj ol course had ►topped playing court held In Waldo coun- shut, at the Supreme uourt, to answer the charge of desertion, the trial was aa follows: Average speed Catarrh il Aflections of every ties, ription. the British bark Masbon* were contra- d In the rush for the its iu the Tenderloin. of the members joint In Choate has always claimed Sold by all Druggists. Write di«uoverrr, ty April brought by bis alleged wife, Josephine, per hour 19.54 knots; revolutions 149; Ohio. He looked like a real student on the of war. The British is conceit was at an no Dr. S. H. Hartman, of Columbus, band government exits. The end, Innocent and before his 1 that he was just who claimed they were married about live bor«e coal consumed 144 tons lie will advice you free, and when a coarse hackman re- the facts lu to the made to the power 6.(24; rampage, Investigating regard attempt being oomplete am Inno- relsase said to the reporter: “I weeks ego. He then gave his age as 35 21 hours. marked, “There’s a sissy f<-r your life,” the was at per sdz9d on the third vessel, but an investigation at bosom gjods symphony, cent and It's all just as 1 told yon end said be was a trained nurse In so that Theo could hear him, his Beatrice. Mr. Choata’s message einbod once in tbe closet.What little there back to begun Montvllle. 1 know nothing about tbe case Sailors’ Harbor and that his family swelled with pride, and ho went relied Snug led succinctly the authorities upon was of fire inside was easily extinguished sen- HE KNEW HOW. the a made man. In one day and and have served nearly a mouthed lived at Plymouth, Mesa. village thi British to sutLalu and then the remains cf an alarm olock, at nominal he the by government teno* for the Whs* re- the fact that he expense completed guilty party." Notwithstanding Blamrr'i Snrrcaftil limit For S THE DAILY PRESS its It so that Lord with what to be pleoee Von boned smelt, flounder, clam and lobster position. happened together appeared leased hs very and on of Bos- appeared happy claimed to be Edward S. Sargent l.adr of the Kitchen. for Sun Juan the British ambassador, was Iron were found soattersd courses and was ready the Fauccefofce, of an pipe, the audience room was "E reaching congrat- ton, be registered at the hotel as F. after that his the after ho re- Von Blumer, asserting hill of life. with s/cretary shortly about. were in ulated by a party of friends who Fuller, Boston." who has been unsuccessful for two Soon after Theo accepted a his Both toe the arr and wife, graduating ceived message. secretary by this time janitor Iwd C an waiting to take him home. On the table was the above letter wbleb weeks in securing a servant, did uot always be found at the periodic lucrative portfolio as rear brnkemau on and Lord Faunosfoto appeared to he brought with a very tangible theory as with a Masonic bade wae pinned to bis uu the proper tact, has volunteered to stores of: a gravel train and has been a good pro- at the made toward n of the authors of tbe MORRISON TO BK ARKKSTKD. gratified progress to the Intention fetch one home in 12 hours. Now, after ever since.—St. Louis Star. veal, acd also a badge of the Odd Fellows vider the cases. ststed that K. W. liob^rta street eettlement of “infernal machine.” 11c New York, January 11.—District a hard search, he appears in com- lOOCcngreis order. day's A B. Merrill, 247 was said in Mr. he a satobel he the llarktoun Point of View. Nothing directly during tbe afternoon found Attorney Andrews, after a couultatlo n pany with a Celtic strange, whom N. G. Fessenden, 620 From a 604 said the Choate's original message, ncr in sup- beneath one of the Mats and thinking with Judge Appel, Alfred Morrison's shows into the kitchen uud thereupon W. H. Jewett. “Uncle Gabe,” inquisitive WANT MR. LINDSAY TO STAY. I. A. Ubbev. 670 think twen- which came later, one of the he Mrs. Von Blumer. white man, “when do you the p^tretntury message it belonged to studente, put counsel, announced today that he would joins Hurague, & McKlm, 40o Congress street Rev. G. D. Lindsay, formerly of Port- Mrs. Von rttumer—Hovr did you man- F. A. U36 Congres surest tieth century begins, in 1900 or 1901V' explanatory of the preceding message, it In the closet. Tbe bande of tbe alarm cause the arrest of Morrison (or homi- Jellisoa, WIA the will be retained as pastor of the age it? thus Ailitoa, Congress street “Well,” replied Uncle Gabe after touching a release of the selzsi goods,bnt clook had stopped at 9.20 and It is land, 135 street cide. V. B.—Busiest in the world. B. I„ Donnell Congress slow, assured manner of a man accustom- the Pleasant street Methodist oburoh In thing J. Fredericksou. 10 India street of course a fair inference from thought by the college authorities that Morrison Bhot and killed his wife at C. unless there Just told her to come, and she came. J. J. Ik'urdwcrth. 63 Middlestroe^ ed to grappling with complicated prob- on two of the tbe theatre Waterville for another year statement that tbs goods some one put the bomb In Mr. Vernon, N. Y., several days ago, Mrs. V. B.—You didn’t find her right N. K. Hatch, 3 Exchange street lems and throwing them three times out Is an unusual turn of events. The people 41J Commercial street vessels had been found to be not contra- with the Idea of throwing the history that he mistook her for a burglar. aff, did 8. P. Dennis, of live, “ef hit wuz watuhmillious, 1 saying resolution you? C. S. Cole, Cor. and Oxiord street either will or have there In the of the church by the following Boyd on de twentieth band, is that they be, class, which would meet Afterwards ft was discovered that he had V. B.—Well, hardly that, my dear. J. W. Peterson, 177 Middle street know I wouldn’t begin that released. Is that presented 'Tuesday evening showed more W. P. 70 streot bund'd ontell nftnh I had finished de been already It probable morning, into contusion. A detective, married another woman to I’re been to every agency in town, Currier, Exchange previously for .1. W. Westman U6 t uunmuii I street British will voluntarily and they want him as their pastor another or nud walked steps, which, if nineteen huud’dth.”—Chicago Tribuue. ibe government however, was Immediately engaged the woman he shot. less, Joi n 11. Allen, 8H1V, Congress street as seem to be fair. year: one on top of the other, would Dennctit , 046 make suoh amends will Investigate ths affair. Morrison today Is almost a maniac, placed Congress the U. J. Ho L. on. UOVs Portland street Xeedlrsa Fenr. in the the official "Resolved, That we hereby testify to have led me through pearly gates. Later day following The explosion and the inolpient panic his Insanity being oaused by smoking T. M. «.ien P. conoe.les the Newbtrry doing 's Sennett qualification virtually him into the harbor channel where there Shaw. Too Ennlly A mil hie. started In this several weeks limlfr the firm name cf Ilia New Enulaud V. ii.—She mentioned it, and I said I Bull!—JohmO. city ago, N. 11.—C. S. :ara American contention that the goods wore were four feet of water, and undertook to that Berlin Fulls, McTawk (who has been holding forth culminated in a monster mass meeting Mercantile with knew you could arrange beautifully BiddeXord—A. M. Burauam. and < Exchange, headquarters not subject to seizure, pructloully UIUI MHU lUCWUni oo. W. for five minutes at the other cud of the In Hall citizens or puuuu between you. Bi tdgton—A lugulls. it not Utty tonight. Leading In this oity Is looked up at the polios P. Shaw. heat disavows the seizure; being team ami man were lifted from the water Mrs. V. B.— Well. I’ll go down and see Brunswick—F. teleffhone wire)—And then—can you nearly were 1>. there ot every nationality present station charged with embeaxlement. Bangor-J. Glynn. what I am claimed is any evidence hostile with tackle. Price then jumped on tha her. What’s her uame? liurbor-C. F. lveuuGtoa saying? many ofllclils. Boothbav destination. including public Mayor Newberry bus branch cllloea In Haitford it taken a L. Frmk. Tired Listener—Yes. Your acoustic horsy's book and galloped away and was V. B.—Delia. 1 tell yon. Hrownlleld-Jay -1- Leonard preaided and the speakers were and other and was first taken Into Cape Ell rubelh—Dyer i Jose. are magnificent. Have plaoee man, after to arrange these things. *• properties simply found this morning leading the horse. all, •• F. Marnner. A Prnnd. 1L U. biulth Tribune. iiev. George Young, Joseph custody In the former ulty this afternoon Tact did it. Cuinoerund Mills—li. G. Start. you ueurly finished?—Chicago Mrs. MctJarleiu—1Thot Grippe Is the cause of the traglo oomedy. piano lamp ye of Lowell, liey. John M. Fleming, Hey. charged with embeszlemcnt on six Mrs. V. B. (entering kitchen ouiy to Camden—Freu Lewis. sold me is no an Oi wuut to Cornish—L.B.Knl^hu A I’nriali. good, ye George C. Mueller, Ur. latrea and J. K. count*. Other hare been find Delia backing out)—How do you do, MAYOR ROBINSON IN BANGOR. chargee pre- Deering— N. J. Scanlon, to take it back. not are Hungry Harry—Don’t have nuthin barker. ferred agalDit him by New Haren parties Delia. What, you are going, Deerinn; Center—A. A. MeCona Dculer-Eh? Why? (Bangor Commercial.) Daimwiscot.a—M. 11. Caiinge. do wld that swell In the golf togs. The following resolutions were adopted: and he will hare to faoe twelve counts. you? Mrs. MeCarlem—Divil a chune con we ha-«t Deering—H. A. Golden. Tired -not? Hon. Frank W. mayor of Delia—Yes’m, I am. Oi’ve bin rcfllctin Timothy—Why Hssalved, That we express our slncftd Robinson, Newberry ’boomed" hla ex- Falrneid—E. H. r.vaus. he’s out of it.—New York exobange an won’t suit. Hungry Harry—He ackshally says gil Weekly. Is at ths the matther over, the place Farudiigum—H. P. While3s Ga for the oitlzens of the South Portland, Bangor Kxcbauge. and sent uut circulars broadcast an recreation.—Phil- friendship tenslrsly Mrs. V. B.—But what makes you tliiuk Freeport—A. W. Mllehex wulkin fer exercise I lie arrived on Thursday noon In com- Taken Care of Previously. Afrioan republics and We rejolos In tbslr sdrerllslog for "Silent" partn ra It la that? adelphia North American. of T, Wuiunorei “Is it a fact that rats are the first to Lrave and valiant defense of their homes pany with W. W. Carman this olty several Fryeburg—J. alleged that he teoured dotes. It Della—Bure, ma'am, your husbnud is Gardiner— IJu*9ett Bros, leave a and will remain for a snort time on pri- W. Ftileli. Doable Action. sinking ship?" and their liter ties against a poweiful la also alleged that Newberry mad* col- altogithcr too palaverin. Them's the lire n's Laiwltug—8. < r»riiki11 — LerinouiL for a “It wasn’t so in the case of the only vate business. makes most L. J. SilIleus—Money will do anything and unscrupulous too. ledtlona and failed to turn orer the koind thot always the 3. H.-8. M. Leavitt Aii 1 ever saw sink. There were no Robinson hasn't visited man. ship Hseolyed, 'J hat as oltlxsns of a sister Mayor Bangor trouble.—Life. Gore—I'. B. Bussell. was a money. that's the reason rats to leave it. It Chinese ship." in a number of and this is his first kiiiglitVilte -L. B. Bradford. Cyuicot— Perhaps wa pledge ourselves to extend years —Chicago Tribune. republlo, Keunebunk—J. U- man reciprocals and would do anything “oonslstent with call since he wav elected to the oblef F1UHT WITH BLIND TIG EH tiettlng Even. L- Miller every aid aad oomfort Keunebuukport—C. for mom y Philadelphia Record. of that town. He is known Church Usher (confidentially) — That Liveiuioia fel!s-L. Nnwrona. A Broad Distinction. our cltlzemhlp" to the gallant Uoers In magistracy January & WiusUla. Wblteaburg, Ky., II.—During is Mrs. Lewiston— luse. stop to tho present secret or otherwise, between the govern- general high land, Berry Long and Henry Campbell even with her. nolWatoiboro—J. compare North American. So H»tou-c. S Staple-i. double benefit liberal accident ment of the States and that of which he directs. Frieud—You have given her one of the lluieaiu Untied rerolvere were drawn and two hundred Norut Htratloru HU.—J. 0 of with the Stone policies today, cr other Mayor Robinson hept his identity best pews in the church. *Norway-P.F. Of Harlem’a Smart Set. Great Hiitzln any monorohlal shots exchanged Taasee Hall and Henry- A Kinuall. old-titne limited benefit 'concealed during his stay, Usher—Wait half an hour. She’s William* and ao-oalled modestly were killed and Dave Sutherland AO. Noves 7 forms before the She—That fellow Jaw ley is a broker, power, protest against any Leap window will technical It was oat of his right where a stained glass N. Conwav-t. 1!. Whitaker. isn't he? ouurtesles extended to tha govern- though finally dug and mortally wounded. ■ PREFERRED being Henry Campbell throw a red on her nose.—New Uld Oreuaid—i ba«. fogs. on the light He— *es. •cent of Great lirltatn oar slvll or signature Bangor Exchange regis- Sullivan were also by Arch Leap and Henry York Weekly. Oxford—C. F. Storbird. She—Has he when he entered the dining room got any money? military authorltlea at the expense of ter, and wounded. Fbllipps—VV. A. I*. Cragiu. entered the field. — An. Preoio. He—Yes; he’s got mine.—Harlem Life. there be was generally pointed out for liieuwjud A. the cause of human liberty In booth Inducement to Ilnrrr. Kuinlord Falls— F. J. Bout his oftioUl Africa position. : FKCE DELIVKKY IN GAKU1NEB. Customer—How long will it take to put Korklar.d—Duun A Carr. It It Ilrthr now an 1 Able to Give Information. An & Wall Paper Co WE DID IT. That It la tbs earnest desire 11.—United States s small on this shoe? *• Amateur this a Resolved, Unrdtner, Jauuary patch a. J. llustoa. Tragedian—Is dagger lisve of the of tbs Units! b&atee that sioo. o Cobbler—A bout ten minutes, I guess. ."■■auford—Traft'in Bros, .il the other companies that I see before me? citizens $IOD Reward, Irspeotor Bullinan of .Boston, is In tl KiMrly I’ll smoko a bkowhegau—II. C, Graves. lu-en forced by the Fist oor President shall defend the the with Customer—Then cigar MerriBu'k Returned Soldier (in the audience)— dignity The reader* of this paper will be pleased to city, making arrangement! bouUi Portland—J. F. pelltloutololloftltheImdet -TheFKEPeUBEU while I am *• A 8ou. to Not much! That’s a Cuban and of the nation and learn Hint there la at least one dreaded disease for the establishment waiting. *1. Kicker —bill it Maud, tile tiwurllut p.iblh' IU liaua wutchaytee. Integrity guard Postmaster Noyes •• that science ban been able to cure In all Its Cobbler (after the first whiff of the N, k. Gordon. patronize tbe company— 'the l-RKFERRED--- —Chicago Tribune. with oare onr commercial rights n free t-m tor GardI ter W. Bead, the jealous stages, ivua that is Catarrh. Hail's Catarrh of delivery eye have it done in uln>ut two fcoulh Windham—J. that vuitle the oth-r companies l/ice cigar)—1*11 bouth Paris—A. D. hturtevaut liberal eon!rods, upon the high seas. Cure is the only positive cure known to the The city will XL* allowed thre* carriers Tribune. public tlinole benefits and Merc Comment. medicai fraternity. Catarrh beleg a constitu- minutes, air.—Chicago South Paris—F. A. SUurtletT & (’■>. That a of these resolu- with two and Received, copy tional disease, requres constitutional treat- and ooe substitute full soutli Waterbdro—G. C. Downs “What a wonderful time and money Streeter, tions be forwarded to the President of ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is takes nrernally. eaoh Saco W L. three partial deliveries day. The Art «f Girins Presents. B- A suviiig device the telephone acting dlrecth up n the blood and mucous sur- saco- U. Kendricks Go. the United btatea at Washing ton, U. C., chair K. L. Preble. “\es—for people who borrow the use face of tit* system, thereby destroying the “That isn’t a very comfortable F1KKIN WINNIPEG.- South Bristol—N. W. C. F. DUNLAP, and also to President of tile foundation o' the disease, mid the *. ife guve Gamkga of it."—Chicago Kroger giving pa- to sit iu, old man. Aud your \V. Recentd. tient strength building uu the constitution Iboraieum—H. Walsh. Transvaal. by lit. Minn., Jsnuiry 11 —A Win- a handsome chair Christinas.** ami assistinn naiu e io doing its work. The Paul, you easy Vinal Haven—A. 8. YlnaL State a comforta- boro—Geo. Bliss. Agent, Mockery. have so much faith tu Its curative nipeg special to the Desintoh sayei Win- *4Yrs, she gave me very Waldo proprietors r. White. PARLIAMENT TO MEET. that thsv offer One Hundred Dollars ble chair, but l can’t sit in it.” \V?k*Paris-8. They cheered the actor powers, nipeg wae (lilted by a ssrloce flro todar WNeassett— Gibbs & Rundletr. derisively. for any case tnai it falls to care. Send for lists EXCHANGE rw "tVby not?” D. 86 STREET, “This,” said he as he dodged, “is what London, January 11—The Queen has of testinw.uULs. The Manitoba Prodnoe company Watenrllle—W. Spalding. a Address. K. J. CHENEY ft CO.,Toledo, O. "Because my wife Is alwsys occupy- Westbrook—W. B. Boothby. I call halioa mocker//*—Syracuse Her- the of Ptrilaintni log and stock were destroyed.involving a

I ^ J


lUUISiH nad SUHPRISK PARTY AT MR Affb MU' I" The Westbrook Electric LI|W HOME. Power eompany here Jest completed the MRS. W. K. ALlgEVS hall on Pitt street tbe fo< Ul elnb Officers of Cloudman work for lighting the Wedoceday evening Ignoranc of Proposed owned by the Oakdale Hall eseoeletlen went In n body to tbe home ef Mr. and for and the kail was lighted last evening Mm. W. K. Allen, on Urand street, and Railroad Deal. COAL. Post Installed. eli tbe the tint tine by eleetrlelty. Twelve taking poaeeealon of tbe parlor, gave Wliking Willow Furniture and teen eandle power lights are In nee for ooonpanti of tbe booee a genuine tor- Wicker Cktirs • the lightning of the ball prlee party. The evening wee pleneantly Wicker chairs soon become soiled, but they Free- Ike same oempacy has Jail connected wltb garnaa, e'o. Lillian Willard, A Fall Assortment it Lehlfti ini paaeed eta bs cleaned lo look like saw with the hones of Mr. W. P. Carr, 74 Ulen- lea belle Pierce and Ktva Mevrimaa gang, tor Domestic Use. Other Install Their Nothin" in of Pnrrlms of N. Burning Ceiis Organizations wood street, for Inoandeaoenl lights. while Mina Bring* mad aeverul eeleo- Story Gold Dust Waking Powder f eandle eleotrlo wai a feature of rocnhpnta* (Seml-BItumlnous) and A Ivreoty-Bre power llcna A "oandy pall" Offieers. corner of i ll. N. Y.C. and warm water. Use a scrubbing brush; when light has bien plaaed at the the avanlog'a aport. Hafrasbmenta «e»i 1,1.11. by Georges Creek Cumberland Coals are water becomes the least soiled, get fresh; follow Ferret nud Dyer atreet, Ktet Deering, •erred and a gcod time wae had all ami with a soft, dry cheese cleth, and wipe dry Ur general steam also one at tba corner of Wood street, unsurpassed around. White iron bods can also he washed by this j l'keee ere e of the use. Llbhytown. llghte part method, but must be wiped dry quickly. forge of A RUNAWAY. a Amber oontraoted for by the olty Franklin. Into Oak- TV" ahwwn it tftfcan (raw onr Irta 1<*ok!at I Genuine I.ykens Sallej Electrics Put 9 and 10 o'clock to Leasing the Denting. The oontraot railed for the lc- Between yesterday Oppo3ed -tot out ror uuirsrwonit | Canael. tbo delivery of Cole arcs, ■nnl fmn on r«qu«*t to Kngllsb and American oetloo of so many additional lights from morning wagon dale Hall. Kaet TMt N. K. rAinSANR COMPANY, time lo time anti! each time ni the entlie wae lu front of n bonee on High Fitchburg. Constant- Chinan*. »t. ksala, Nnw Vnrti, Onntsn. Above Coals etreet when tllofa sudden tbe borne took number aboald be located. | Hand. It Into bit bead to to more comfortable ly On A Urge steam boiler and other eppera- go ... IOO--.* In tbo stable. Tbe animal TELEPHONE tne was unloaded at the Deering Kleatrlc quartern District on dotted down tbe etreet and jnal OFFICE: Other News of Peering Light and Power company's nation wildly Favors Having an IinlrpeiKleut at tbla time Dr. Lowell ohanoed to be Forest avenue, yesterday aiteraoon. Tba & 70 Sts- anil South Port land. out of the back window or Thur- 7b Commercial Exchange toller la tj be placed In position at once looking Lino in Now Fu^land. rlll'a (tors. Tbo doctor lost no In the new rart of the power ititlon drag SHIPPING RECEIPTS. to tha middle of the nearly oompht*i. time In rushing NEW DESIGNS and at much eelted the bridle The euzlilarr imam plant for the beoe- etreet peril hint The Knrn t «re to give. oom- of tbe borae and almoet brought np .OF. Dap.l llt of the Portland Klectrlo Light Llo.ton, Janunrr II.—Ur. W. Seward entatlon Pranoslm" of tb. p.rt on bis banacbae. Tha doctor was drugged "Itepre pany will theiefore soon be In readlneea. Webb, who la closely allied with the Van- " Merman a of Vlotor several but resolutely clung to tbe of 1.' masterpiece end be of great assistance to tba latter feet, derbilt and New York Central Intere.t Wedntadar evening, January iitth, at reina until tbe aaimal was brought to a CHECKS dago, company In the ever.t of any trouble and who I. In this oily, was aiked today at Odd fallow.' ball. 'lh.y .rj to be Falls.. ■landatlll He than quickly conducted .ON ALIe. the power itallon it Great about the report that tba Vaaderbllt lo- Mile*. Bernadette the team to Its own owner. ■uiited by Moreen, Mies Hattie M Wyman, bookkeeper for t-rests and tha New York Central were and Mr. A. Oarlr. of tbls Poisson, Girard and Wood en- to eecure tba New New the Deering Coal company, A WANDKHKR. trying York, "Le belment ti'iUrrca her BANKS olty. Tb. comedy tertained a party of about tblity of Horen and Hartford. He nlfp PORTLAND About 10 o'elook Wednesday night ae will aim oe given. mott tntlmats friends from the Friends' "I know abaolutely nothing about aueh oflloer. of Cloudman Poet, No. 100, 41 Conductor Llttejabn was pasting wltb With New Date, 1900. Tb. church, Oak street, at her home, a proptsltlon." installed Wednesday even- hie car along Broadway, be dtaoorered an G. A. H.,wm Spring etreit I ait evening. Helreehmeote Ur. Wehb la a director of the Fltohburg Gen- Individual wandering almlearly along the lug by Department Quartermaster were served during the evening end a railroad. He was asked about tbe pro- We arc for nod Sliip and when headquarters duplicate triplicate eral Hose. of Weatbrouk. Xhs all. Helds. On bla return trip Maybew general good time was enjoyed by pored lease of that road to the Boston and labor ACCOUNT BOOKS Wilton’s store, oorner of ping, City deliveries, Salesmen's older books and following Installed: Commander, The funeral servlees of the late Mrs. reaching drag Maine. He said t ist the mattir would hd ward senior vloe-o.mroan- and Front streets, tbe same man and error saving mefluids of all kinds, which we would In variety. Anderson; hi Ion Chamberlain are th be held this al- Sawyer Dctbedsolded Get I the next Tuesday, great vice oom- bobbed again. The oonductar uer, Alpboneo tiwett; junior trrnooa at ^ K o’olook from the realdeuoe up when tbe direct me t "I think It Is be pleased to show you In practical use at our otllce. f the mao VUBIIF* nuueuuu, vuvwt wt ewv 7 bla oar and approioklng lUBUUFI, of her son-in-law, Mr. A. F. Hill, •topped rsry quest'ouable what action tha direc- M. W. found him to be a tough looking cus- day, Frank Adams; shaplala, KaoklexT ttreet. tors will tike," he added. "For ray own W. H. Holaton; not clad for aero weather htiles; adjutant, quarter- tomer, aultably pait I think It Is a pnttr good thing to maatT, Hubert Osbsok; offlosr of tbe and mlnna a bat. In faot a handkerchief MANIFOLD LORING.SHORT& HARMON. hare an Independent line In Nsw Eng- F. E. BACON CO., 001111 John Moservs. A olam was tha only head covering. dec2J guard, anpper MORRILLS. MOU. 1 iuuuu iur riwui'urK iu bare teen served after tbe Instal- "What are you doing round here at tbla was to gaol shape, anti, aa I aay, I do not know Manifold Printers, Bookbinders and Paper Rulers. were not tha asked the conductor. j, lation, but as arrangements hour of night?" II not be a 11 why would pretty good tblog ter_f..n Indaf isrv Aamd the A. E. the oomradee who has b*en »o MOORE, perfected In season, enjoy- Mr*. A. T. resbody, to have an Independent line In Ibla sec- riraiiuro an will receive pupils m crayon r. ed the evening by an Informal oanip Ur* seriously 111 for the past t«n days, la still reply. 184 MIDDLE STREET, PORTLAND, ME. Freehand Academic Drawing from life, still tion," the pbancea oondaotor at once took obarge of life and ctst. also In preparatory study for and smoke talk. In a sinking condition and The Home of tbe dlreotora of the Fitchburg Illustrating. offloers of Wade Hons of small. the man and him to Coneteble Tbe Camp, for her reoorery vary taking It appears, oppose the lease of tbe Bank Port- road, Ftudlo. M First National Bulldlug. and their Ladles' Aid soolety offloara of Kcokameecook tribe of Fowler turned him over to the ofllDer for land, Me. Veteran* lba road on tbe live pet cent basis believing Janl-atf eodlrn at a Installation this oare and attention. )an3 wers Installed joint Bed Men are to be lnslltutnl evening the neoMiury that six per oent oonld be obtained. nt U. A. K. wae before Judge ceremony held last evening as Bed Men’a hall by Dlatrlot Deputy The man brought Kobeit Codman, cbalrman of the execu- were Installed and to be NOTICES. hall. Tbs ollioers by Grand Saobem Ira C. Strout of Cumber- Harford yeeterday proved tive committee was asked this afternoon of from the BriM& Mercantile Insurance Warren North the do hereby agree Division J. l'hlnney land Mills and still elHoers. Theodore Smith, who escaped, He Go., We, undersigned, Adjutant about tbe matter. said: two 25 bot- Mills of tbe Maine division, entertainment about 0 o'olook Wednes- OF 1.0\ DON' AND KDlNUtlK.II to refund the money on cent Cumberland The grand beneUt marine hospital ••Yea, we expeot oppoeltlon to the leas* tbe Installation Portland Ue seemed to be mentally tles or boxes of Baxter's Mandrake Bit- S. of V. After ceremony planned ty the employee of the day atternooo. at the meeting of the dlreotora. Home of were served and a friends for the an I was sent back to the Insurance in the World a Fire Business. ters, if it fails to cure constipation, bil- refresbments general Uallroad company and unbelanoed the directors piobably will express their The Larjrrst Company doing time by all. Messrs. “Jack" Whltzel and the iousness, sick headache, jaundice, loss of good enjoyed benefit of hospital by judge. Qlsnppsoval of the meeting. Just how l,o«ir at Ilia Great Clitraigo Fire, October, 1*71. Tbe friends of Miss Anni» Bragdon, s wta held last evening at cannot I •2,332,101.00 paid sour liver "Tom" Boyles strong the opposition la we tell. I.oitm at the Great IJontcin Fire, 1072. appetite, stomach, dyspepsia, HOSE CO. 1742,007.SO paid November, graduate ot tbe Uorbam Normal sebool Bed Men's and was largely stt nded, MEETING KNIGHTV1LLE tbe three dlreotora Lomi at tl»e Great SI. John .\. II. Fire, June, 1*77. ot any of the diseases for hall, do not know whether • MX),000.00 paid complaint, to learn that In Deoembsr, will be pleased over two hundred people being In attend- The Hose oompany enjoyed the Commonwealth will op- which it is recommended. It is highly Knlghtvllle representing Ai.LI.OSSK* PROMPTLY ADJL8TKD BY LOCAL AilKSTl. situation In a have even- she has obtained a private ance. lbe affair may be said to one of the pleasantest meetings last the lease or not. recommended as a tonic and blood puri- poee day and boarding school In Boston. been a snccess Unanelally as there were a ing In Its history. There wae a very "A vote of tbe dtiectora la Kepresented In Portland by : Sold In and tablets majority fier. liquid bottles, Mrs. William J. Suilth has returned that were remarks were large somber of tleketa bought large attendanoe and happy sufficient to carry the matter, lint the In boxes. Trice 25 cents lor either. One she went Tues- of the NORTON & HALL, 17 Exchange Street. AUSTIN & SHEARMAN, from Lisbon Falls where not represented in the audlenoe of last made by Mayor Heynolds and eaob dlrectoie have been In tbe to sab Fitchburg of cither guaranteed give Install the offloers of tbe from Portland package day to Pythian evening. The money realized tte oaptalne of ton several South habit of having harmonious meetings. R. CUTLER LIBBY, 28 Exchange Street. Deerlnj Disfrlsf- isfaction or money refunded. »f that town. the the ohuroh arnlTeodtl .Sisterhood assembly entertainment Is for the benefit of oompanles. In the Vestry of 1'hsy have agreed pretty well on proposi- If. GUTTY A Naomi Ksbeksh were C. CO., Tbe offloers of ledge two gentlemen named above, they having near baked beans, coffee, eta, have been Iu fact, tbe Me. by, tion! that adopted. Monument Sq., Portland, be Installed evening Jan- of the Poitland Hall- the returned are to Monday been lo the employ served. Sapper over, party directors would not bo disposed to do 10th. Kaob jfamily may obtain two but have been unable to and In ao uary road oompany, to the bow bourn indulged anything against a formidable opposition. from Mrs. M. W. Stiles. for several months as a result of with of oards. tlokets work “old time smoker" games I hey require a nearly unanimous vote. lbs next meeting of tbe Ammoncongln sickness. The entertainment last evrnlng A vote of tbanks waa extended to the I We do not anticipate any great opposi- 1900—GREETING—1900. will be held with Mrs. Johnson extended •• club Wednesday was given by Meters. "Honey" ladles for toe generous help tion, however, to tbe leaee matter. Wlnnlfrad Cordwoll. “A Trip to Cuba,” and “Hilly" Nlokerson specialists; Miss which contributed so much to the suaoess will be THE AUEHICAN HIDE AND non ducted oy Mrs. Maty Qulnbr Bernadette Moreau In piano eelectlons; of the entertainment. the for tha meeting. Bros. In a bout DEATHEH COMPAN Y. programme Noyes friendly eparrlng COMMITTEE. our friends for their of DKMOCHATIC TOWN We thank all very gen- A publlo Installation uf tbe offloers and Prof. Bill In his up-to-date perform- J. a W. Eeligtnan Sc Co. ot New York, O K. will be held The Demooretlo town committee met to Mlzi ah chapter. S., ance of sleight of bend, lid ward J. Quinn and K. H. Ouy & Co. of Doeton, oiler at erous patronago the past year and wish ail mam- Chairman 3. Dyer Monday evening, January £J. fiach the well koown dialect reader, as also at 3 last night. A.'.S. 101 and Interest Amerloan Hide and and Tertiary Blood l'otson ware eleo ted es Primary. Secondary tor will be entitled to two |tloket«. Messrs. and In a olever presided. The following leather t) cant first mort- Permanently t'med. You can be treated at Benny Godfrey oompany par It have taken Christian Union additional memters In their various liome under .ame guarantee. you Tbe Young People's exhibition of sparring. Them were also gage 21-year sinking fund gold bonds due Iodide and still ha>e aches oall the first cau- mercury. potash, of tha Unlverealtst eburoh have voted to several other that want wards with power to 1019. Tbe total authorized and tiiSris. Mucus latches In .Mouth, Sore strong specialties September 1st, Ulcers In connection onu to ordsr: Ward 1, Freeman Willard; are Throat, I'l uples. topper Colored Spots, observe young people's day to make np the programme which was Issue la $10,000,000 of whlob $1,555,0X1 A NEW YEAR. or PROSPEROUS ot Hair on the body. Eyebrows All* tA H. Smart. J.W. Lowell, any part with the statu organization. Kaob soolety nuevla^ that Hklifafftlnn rtf rII. 'l hp Ward a, Sumner reserved by tbe oompany, $2 445,000 hove falling out, wri e to observe the last Fred Ward 8, Charles A. Tilton; CO. In the.stata Is expeoled nffair was a suooeflB nod much oredtt Is Lrooks; been taken by tbe vendors and $3,2X1 000 COOK REMEDY In Ward Horace F. Davis, George U. invest- for Sunday January. doe the employes of tka railroad company t, bave been sold or withdrawn for 328 Masonic Temple. Chieaco. 111., proofs Ward We solicit tne most A sermon will be delivered for done Weeke, Jr., Marshal K. Williams; now of cures, a pi'al frx‘ special for tbe work they have In selling ment, tbs balance uf $2 000,000 being cured the worst M. Stan- obstinate cases. We have the beneflt of tbe and a collection tbe Interests of 5, Scam man, George The book soolety, tickets and furthering Stiphen cfit red to the pnblto. mortgage pro- eases iu 13 to 60 days, loo-page J. D. Hosooe Hen- nee^j taken fur tbe benefit of the state work the entiitalnmenti wood; Ward 6, Hoyt, vides for a sinking land sufficient to par- J. ™ lleolnb Division, Hons of Temperanoe, members of tbe *4,JChe Dlstrlet eon; Ward 7, Flank Skillings,Andrew bonds at 115 oent euob JOHN J. The chase $150,000 per E. C. JONES & CO. '^YE COODY, it wui voted that the ward caucus lire to hold SQOlsble next Wednesday School” of Kookameecook circle, are re- Cash, tear. II not so obtainable tbe amount to 18 at 7.80 In at evening at their hall, quested to meet at 13 Florence street, beheld F’ebrnnry p. in.. be Invested In securities approved by tbe Law, ward rooms. Mayoralty Attorney Alotornian 8. 'X. Raymond of the Wrst- Saturday evening at 7.30, on special busi- their respective trustee of tbe mortgage, whlob fund, — TO convention to he held 1U at REMOVED bruck division of the Purtland Railroad ness. February with Its accumulations la estimated to bis the at Vbo offices. 396 CONGRESS ST. oumpaoy has resigned position, 7.30, olty amonnt In twenty years to at least $4.- resignation to take effect Saturday night 500,000. Tbs entire Issue of bonds Is re- i nlou Miitmi Hull ling. of this week. Ur. Raymond leaves the GOItHAM. deemable at 115 and Interest. The tout Tm.Eriio.NF. Clinton Slmonton was In the city yester- AND for the BRIDGE CROwITwORk! 844-5._jan:tcod2w* employ of the railroad compuoy authorized capital stock Is $15,000,000 of day. Ue hns just returned from the West I.ri ■■■<• examine your teelli nu.l leii whul iliey r. qulre ami a lu the 7 pnrpoee of aooeptlcg position whloh ons-half, $17,500,0X1 Is per oent Hi niu be suve.l. The following of Gcrham where be has been engaged in talking up whul uiy charges will be. Any u> UIU 89 MADIf C innoblua of the 8. D. Warren paper stock with shops to dis- oomolatlve preferred prefer- OPEN EVENINGS. ■ fill* lll> Grange were 1 rut, jU'd by Past Mm.ter the labor question. He Is likely mmmv, mills. Ur. Raymond Is a machinist by- ence as to dividends and assets and $17,- Willis J. Bickford, .misted by Mr. Frank cuss the matter here during his stay In DR. E. P. Y. IVI. C. A. trade, and the position whloh he Is to 501,000 Is oommon stock. Ot this capitali- BLANCHARD, Bidg. P. Johnson: Master, Wm. J. Cortbell; our midst. Is said to be one of the best. The of end aooept r. w cnM. tenner at the Lovell blcvole zation only $13,000,000 preferred overseer, L. T. Thcinbs; leotnrer, Mis. vaoanoy with the Portland Railroad com- • 11 K/m linn nf novn nmn nfnrlf h it Vet hMfi la. Card F. P. Johnson; steward, Charles H. factory, ami Its former superintendent, be filled Mr. C. P» and Book, pany ie to by Pleok, sued; upwards of (7lXk100 preferred WHEN TRY have stood the test of years, to They and- Chaffin; MSI Is tact steward, Charles L. hn> just returned from a business trip *JN DOUBT, formerly In the employ of the WestLroak, (350,100 coiuiuon stock of said laauis to be and have cured thcrosands cl Francis 8. black; Boston. nf Nervous Diseases, such Windham and Naples railroad. Grousrdijpreasurer, held In trust by tbe company for acquir- Dimness. Sleepless* isoretary, Frederick 1). Soammon; gati Barry Uoss, who was foreman of th e Debility, Ur. IViu. Hammond, an employe of the ing additional properltss or supplying ad- ness and Varicocele,Atrophy,&c. JOB keeper, C. P. Jason; lady assistant polishing room at the bloyole factory, bas They clear the brain, strengthen PRINTER, 8. D. Warren who Injured Tbe oompany paper mills, ditional worklug capital. the circulation, make digestion MlIKTEKS' EXCHANGE. steward, Battle Baimon; acres, Mrs. L. returned from Woroester, Mass. his foot several weeks ago, Is able to get owns over 75 per oent of tbe upper leather and impart a healthy St., l’oriliiiirt X. ohorlster, W. W. Woodman. 'l'be special meetings at Bethany rerfect,ftrnuintntly. Unless patient* 07 1-2 Exchange out of now tbo aid Xhombs; their bnsl- doors occasionally by Inslness of the UnlteJ States, ;en worries them into or Death. A joint lnttallatlon of the J. K. Adams church this week are being well attended Insanity. Consumption of a oanc. ness being tbst of insnufacturlng upper i> t o.\e ,, with iron-clad l-gat g larautee to cure or refund tU« PRINTING A SPECIALTY. and tbe Ladles' Belief ourps will and n good luterest Is manifested. The Address. PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Cleveland. 0. FINE JOB Ur. John B’.aks of Provldenoe, for- pest leather and not sole leather and aoourd All order, by mail or telephone prom pill take plaoe at tbslr hall Monday evening meeting tonight will be led by Mrs. B. C. U. OlITY Si CO.. AGENTS. PORTLAND, ME. «P odueliy merly of Westbrook, Is in the olty on n lngly tbs cotnpsny Is not a competitor of attended to. January l&tb, the post will be Installed It. Q. Clark of Portland, The public are brief visit to friends. the United Stales Leather company. All by K. C. Swett, assbtsnt adjutant gen, Invited. of the plants aoqulred by lbs oompany eral of Maine U. A. K. Xhe Badles' Be- Kev. Mr. Newoombe will be one ot the RATES. uie now working at their full ospaolty LOW TELEPHONE lief corps will be Installed by Mrs. Sarah speakers at the bear boro Sunday school and tbe entire output Is sold for at least For Women. Li. E. Putnam, department president of convention, to be held at btroudwatar, days In advsnoe at satisfactory Dr. To! man's Monthly Jlegulator has brought Maine W. K. a sixty The Knack women. today. Portland, Me., Exchange. happiness to hundreds of anxious prloss. The report of tbe Audit com- is no other known Xhe members of the Gorham Grange Mrs. Wabers and daughters, who have There positively remedy has examined so and pany of New York, wblob to medical science, that will quickly Invited and most pleasantly entertained been visiting bar daughter, the wife of A YEAR. safely do the work. Have never had a single tbe books of tbe different ooncerns con- ONLY $25.00 Of Good is failure. The and most obstinate oases the ladles of tbe Crystal Spring boas# Kev. Mr. Newoombe, returned yesterday Printing longest by the shows tbe are relieved in 3 without tail. No other stituting company average into the days evening a very Interesting pea- to ber borne at Wreohara, Mass. the artistic insight will do this. No no danger, no Tuesday of the same to 1-e un- remedy pain, annual net earnings (1,- 6-l’arty Metallic Circuit, “ Interference with work. The most dlrti^ult nut contest or same, also dancing, and The] manv friends of John H. Parker, art of all arts.” more than three times the u preservative eases treated through corres- Ct5,?4S, being limited service for Telei>liouc successfully other amusements wen enjoyed. Alla# who was formerly a musician at Port pondence,and rne roost complete satisfaction amount required to pay Intenet on tbe ul UesiUcucc. With us printing is not in Instance. I relieve hun- was served and at a late hour tbe will be to learn that he your guaranteed every supper Preble, pleased Tbe dreds of ladies whom I never see. Write for (4,445,000 bonds outstanding. upper mechanical—we treat it as an company returned to their homes baa been promoted to the rank of quar- further All letters truthfully happy leather Is carried on particulars. -d ar- Industry largely by anspereu. Free confidential advice In all with the best wishes of all for Mr. Willis termaster! sergeant at Battery E, Can you nfford lo be without art should be treated. of a or delicate nature. Hear old established bouses lu tbe Eastern mailers private and tbs ladles of the bouse. stationed at Atlanta, Ua. iu mind this reiuedv is safe under I. Bloktord tillery, States and In tbe large cities of tbs Mid- ttl Wouldn’t it be wise for you to absolutely __ every possible condition and will positively Railroad Commissioner B. I, Chad- Tbs funeral of tho late Mrs. Mary Man- dle West, where most of tbe plants to be leave no after ill effects the health. a trial order with us ? upon By has been the week In ter will take this afternoon at S are ^situated. Experience bus place mail securely sealed. $2.00. Dr. K. M. TOL- bourne who past plaoe acquired shown that tbe Industry cun be estab- Malinger will furnish ull par- MAN C'U., a70 Tromout St.. Boston, Maes. 4oi. Rogers of Elm street. Is ment of upital for a aonelJeralJe period. Th'E THURSTON PRINT E. 11. The value ol tbe god will of the various FIRM OF FEBS TO SETTLE. visiting bar aunt, Mrs Ilannarurd, NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE 97 1-2 EXCHANGE STREET ooncerns wblob this oompany has ar- Sherman street, Portland. MONEY TOflNEO. Boston, January 11.—Fracols Uatobel- oaired Is oonssquently very great. A Mrs. Marshall K. Williams 'PHONE 30 PORTtANO, MAINE der and oorapany, provision dealers, who Mr. and statement of Thomas W. Hall, president AND TELEGRAPH CO. whose bouee at Kblghtvllle was burned, of the company says that It is estimated Heirs to failed after the big Squire failure, nov27 and others desiring just that the savlug to be effected by tbe oom- are stopping with tbslr daughter, Mrs. borrow on HEAL today made an cffef to their creditors btnatlon or tbe different firms will, In money Mlnott at for The oiler was to Frank L. g Pleaeantdalo, tenners lnoraase ESTATE, NOTES, household which was aooepted. tbe opinion of lauding the winter. tbe neteumlogs to more than 12.750.010 MISS A. L. SAWYER’S Entities* pay S3 par oent, SO per cent to be cosh furniture, piano*, elc. Ira T. Warren, who bas been wbloh would show 7 per oent A WOMAN’S FRIEND. and 80 oent to be note#, or to make Mrs. annually, per on and over 10 per oent on tbe strictly confidential. her sister, Mrs. Stewart Wooster preferred A BLESSING LONG LOOKED FOR. an entire cash settlement of 10 per oent. vliltlng (oramon Tbe beaks and etock. subscription School of Shorthand Typewriting SAFE AND RELIABLE. at Bradley’s Corner, Bearing, for tbs at tbe office of the bankers The Urns'* liabilities were but will be opened ar aucl from *180,0J0, 03 Throw ort all b anxiety, any twb bas returned %o her borne att n o’clock a. iu. on Wednesday, Jag- Centennial ltlock, Exchange.St., tbs book assets were In excess of past weeks, cause wlialovr r, by using one box only. Uy largely end otese at 8 ui. on the Portluml, Maine, eonf.dentlal. on Forest avanue, Plsaeantdal*. uar/ 17 will p. mall $?.00. All business strictly SHAWMUT LOAN that amount Its affairs were Inter- rw- Ger- CO., same day or earlier, llie right being Thorough Instruction given In shorthand TliK GERMAN M KDK AI CO., B«*rib«, Mies Minnie Longbian of Knight*tile, FOKTCAND AGENCY, B« mingled with those of the Squlree. net e rved to allot eiuol'er amounts than ap typewriting, correspondence, &c. many. Addiess, Market Me. Mu. Janjdim* •8 St., Poriluud, left fur O.-oiand, Ha., Wedneadsy. for ur to n guy applications. l&augooatt U5, I'ortiaud, decs dU merely in porohases, bnl In indorsements. pile! jot

• • .— -ii— —.... „j_.■ s -1.. ■ --1 —L- .. -1. THE JOTH CENTURY CONTROL- «*»*«*t rwAneiAj. niTAMCIAL. •ray a as baring awn than too town- mtm-iAk THE PHES8. end naan, and though Lord Kitchener ARMY. baa lad ermine It baa ban agalaet larger .To the Editor of the Preos; Fill JANTAKT 11 1»00. aaragaa and not agalaal whit*' baba, DAT, To th« confused minds regarding tbs there to no qnretiog boa Load Koberto of tbs 2):h eentuy, tbs follow- a beginning BONDS THRU* baa dlapiayed great ability aa eoIdler, ing may present n proof that tbs 80th PAIT.T PRFBS— but It eomellmee bappena that a man wbo osntnry begins aftsr 10tO ends. American Hide & Leather d I In Rdtnncn or V »* **>• •n<1 •* oaa brilliantly emnmaad end rent a Py Uw T—I. *6 There are 100 In a Company years oentnry. la af e the year. email army fella abea put obarga The year I ended Deo. 31st of tbe year larva oaa. Our own olrll war fnrnlabad By the month, BO cents. 1. First Six Per Cent CITY OF WESTBROOK, ME., many denioaatretlona of that sort. Mortgage The 8 Jan. 1st of tbe year 8, of year began PRESS Is delivered at these rates Napoleon had plenty generals REFUNDINC The DAILY and ended Dee. 81st of the year 3. FOURS, ir.ornlnf to subscribers In all parts el who oould command a division or oorpe •very Carrying out tbe same prlnotple: I>ne I RIO. Portland, and In Westbrook and SouUi Port- wltn algnal atllliy, bat vary few wbe Fund Cold Bonds. The year 90 began Jan. 1st af the year Sinking Twenty-Year land. were to manoeuvre a large oompetent 31st of tbe STATS PRESS (Weeklv>- ’00, and anded Deo. year 01^ MAINE army. It li equally true that tactics that at the bat It sms not tbs end of tbs the year, SI in advance, or $1.25 oentnry. Tefal authorized Inane ... SI®.000,000 OF By bare been very suromaful under oertalu CITY BELFAST, MAINE, end of the year. Tbe 1st osntnry snded at the olose of the conditions and clreumstanoes fall under Of which rnmrd ...... 1,533.000 For six months, 50 eents; for tnreo months. year 100-Dee. 31st, 100 A. U REFUNDINC others. When tbe reinforcements arrive FOUR8, 26 cents The aeooad osntnry began Jan. 1st, 101, Present issue...*. S'*, 113,000 _____ Knglandwlll have In Houtb Africa an army One lOlft. and ended Dae. 8lst, 300. are delivered of times larger Subscribers whose papers not nearly 100,000 men, twenty Jan. Tbe third oentnry began 1st, 801, STOCK OF promptly are requested to uotlfy the office of than any Lord Hoberta has ever com- OAPITAJCj CX3MPANY. and endfed Deo 31st, 800. FOR SALE BY No. 07 Exchange street. the DAILY PRESS. manded. Against tills army will be pit- Continuing to the 19th oentnry. (1) Seven Per Cent Cumulative Preferred Stock, with preference as to dividends and assets (total authorized Portland Me. ted a civilised foe, brave, sturdy, steady, Tbe 18th oentury began Jan. 1st, 1701, issue *17.600,000) fl3.000.000 and snded Dto. 1900 exceedingly expert in tbe use of tbe rifle. 31st, (2) Common Stock (totalauthorized Issue f 17,600,030) ...... 11,600.000 or toe PRESS who are town The ltfth oentnry began Jan. 1st, 1901, Pations leaving Koberte nor Kttohener bae ever Nr 1'her Dee. 1000. the addressee of their nnd ends 31st, Total Issue stock .... & may have SWAN temporarily present capital *24,600,000 BARRETT met auah a foe aa this. It oanaot be The 3dtb oentury begins at 13 01 a. in., changed as often as they may desire by papers said that either of them Jan. let, 1001, and ends Deo. ulet, 3JOO. Reserve unissued... f10,500,000 notifying the office therefore, __ If these are nut oorreot I would has yet demouitrated that he poeaeiaae figures Honkers, be glad to near from the other side. kind of talent that tbe situation It la suspected that Husila Is going to just the IHVINU A. FLINT. Bonds dated September I, 1899; due September I, 1919. of Welch ha has to meet requires. Tbe Urltlab Falmouth, Jan. II, 1100. take advantage KngUnd’s pre-oooupa- Coupon* payable March and September. 9 MAINE. that PORTLAND,II ill! tion In South Afrloa to annex Persia. publlo feels every oonUdenos they _Jm will suooead In doing eo, and very likely WRITE FIELD 18 ALL KIUUT. It If the prloe of sugar should slump It will be juttlUed, but It must be To the Editor of (As Press; Principal aid interest payable In gild coil of the Undid States of the present standard of might and fineness or its equiialent. would bo agreeable to a great many pec boras In mind that tbelr conlidsnor In lommrtf Inwnrtrrmnfo a reoeiit tbe I notloe few are Interested In the In Issue of PRKH8 pie, but very Uuller was scarcely leas before hie disas- mvboimumo an artlole In regard to tbe tloanoer, or prloe of augar stojk. ter at lugeln river than It la now In COUPON BONOS OF $1,000 (AH. Wl TH PRIVILEGE OF REGISTRATION OF PRINCIPAL. juiiuuij I Insolreit oon iltlon ot the and might say flickered Koberto Kltobener. Filipino courage up again town of Wbltetleld. >t Is a inlilaka The a stout Portland Water Co. Slock. yesterday and put up pretty tight town of Wbltcfleld Is all light, la jns- TRUSTEE OF MORTCACE: our The usual result fol- against troops, CURRENT COMMENT. tloe to sgme uf tbe buslneai men of Port- COLOVUL TRI9T COMPANY, \KIV YORK. Staniish Water C?. Stock. A lowed, however. good many Filipinos land wbo were kora In Whltelleld, Hon. were kills 1 and the rest disposed. Por land Stock. TOO MUCH COLUMBIAN OKATKOY. •ISTKXNGr FUND. Compan; and other*, I The intimation to d Lord Methuen is (Hartford Conrant ) UonneU.lL'extcr ktu-ell, Me.. Water Co. 5's. to hafH t ie Mtateineot (orreoted. for an unnunl *luklng linul Mufllrlrnt to *150,000 l»rp value ot Norway. raiher a wish Tb« inortKBgp provide* pnrrhnse throws a deal of t on It's pity that Mr. Beveridge Insane, good llgl I the town referred to In the *o 1* lo In m-ciititirH did not tftre poibp and NtippcM) bond* at not even-ding lit par rant. If not obtainable, Milking fund be InveMeil Maine Central R. R. 7's. of io which he •tderty Jodloloua that strange daapatob his friend tbe cbauoe to take hie apoeoh In re. eat article waa Somerellle. Tbi* Inml with It* aeriiiiinlntioua It I* eat I mated, K. W. P, approved by the TrnMee ol the mortgage. will. that the battle at naru auu inv utiumuinu uru* N. clalm»d Magersfonteln squeeze a/i amn Rahway- J.. 4's. JifTcraon, Jan. 11, ItOO amount In Iwrat) year* to at lariat Ilia ot *t.500.000. was the one of the lory out of It. A simple, modest, matter- bloodiest century. but no ol even of-fast statement of what he saw and entire l**ua redeemable at 115 and Intereati partial right eoiupuliorj redemption Zan-sii le Ohio. 4’s. much herrd In the and the Imprts- lor There is no danger of getting too Philippine* FINANCIAL. slaking Innd. ______•■Ions ho brought back wltn him would Lccal Bank Stocks; a so information on the question, Philippine have been much more to tbe purpose. A OFFIlTRIt OF THE COMPANY. of so every rtquest for facts regardless great deal of what hr said In the .Senate $3,000 Essex Unlo’. N. !■ Water Co. 5’s- ■>riol be true and time- loan. I.I., but we wlBh bcnet-t Jack imenaT 2d Hre-P» nldrnt. 3d Vlre.Pia.ldml $18 000 N. Water Co 4 s. welcomed. ly, could (with l*t Vlee-Prealdent, Lakensod, J., KaKt.efT) that he had delivered his tid- II. .V l IsfMlriilh, £. 1*. While, ItirodoreN. Ilnlglit. Uko u man of ibis world. $30,000 Water Co 5’s- German excitement seems to have been ing* Treasurer heerelnry, lnlianapo!>s C. W. Ildtl. € harles A. IlMkHI allayed somewhat by the satisfactory assur- ^_ $100,000 Memphi;. Tem Water Co 5’s ance* given the German ambassador by PERSONAL AND PECULIAR. Attention is directed to the following letter of Mr. Tliomia W. Hall, President of the Company: Brockton A ron- W.ler Co-. the Urlttsh government. Tne fcbnpsror’s New Bedford. Middleboro & offick ok $203,000 Ohio, 5’s. New Orleans represent* more than tbe scheme for a big navy has profited, how- AMERICAN HIDE AND LEATHER COMPANY. of Street First Gold 5s. IttOO. _FOB SALE BV. ... ever, fro u the agitation. total valuation of the rest Loalslana Ry. Mtge. NKW YORK, January 4. A \rw and pays more tban half the taxes. KU'E JANUAKY, 1020. YIcHar*. J. A W Selifcmiiii Coiii|»aiij, York. M Paul who has been bleroulede, just The Club of Now York will ‘*1>EAR MILS. lu answer to your rcuuett for Information in regard to American Hide an.l Leather Coin puny First Mortgage Sir Munlolpul Itoail Owned «nd rated MASS to he will Opr by Year Cold Bonds. I to that Cue total authorized Issue la #lu,ooo,nu0 bon da, of xvnloh #n,445,Ooo biolahf.l Spain, declares that rUer for the cultivation and im- Per Cent. 81n king-Fund Twenty beg nay prizes b « a isam d. bond* in the of tho Ol tin st* bon da, *1.000,000 may only be from RLRCTIUC COMPANIES. b inds have leaving #1,565,oOO treasury Company. treasury iefraln disourclng political questions s bonds are In provement of uninviting quarters of the la-ued upon the acquisition of new propoitb which shall oetom subject to the existing moi'lgaae. The payable twenty H. M. & Go. while in exile. It would have been much unsold from date, namely, on September 1, ltilb; coupon* are payable March and September, and tho principal and interest are payable Payson vlty. The above f 200,000 bon Is constitute the years les a fund for the llr^t in gold « Oln. The Trustee of tho mortgage la tho Colonial Trust Company of New York. Th mortgage provi sinking Katabll.hed better for him If he had formed hi* In tbe coun- portion of an I sane secured by mortgage 1834. 'The largest filtration plant not over 115 cent, und Intel eat of #160.000 bond* annum. If bonds cannot be bought ut 115 nr less, th© sinking upon the electric railway operating from the city purchase at per per a manner to th© I'rtiston of the Bonds In fund are to draw which is resolution to eschew politics somewhat try Is at Albany, N. Y., wh:cn purifies ot New Bed lord to Taunton. Middleboro, Bridge- fund is to be invested In satisfactory mortgage. sinking interest, or used In of bonds. The bonds cannot be redeemed for sinking Iuml purposes, water an I having a total trackage of likewise to b In vested purchase outstanding partially 32 EXCHANGE earlier. gallons of iiudsou Liver water Brockton, und uotlca as in Uie marl ;age. ST. 15,(DO,COJ about 32 utiles. but the entire l*auo can be redeemed ut any time ut 115 interest, upon provided dully. The total authorized capital stock of the company Is # J6,000,C00, of which one half, or #l7,5ou,b0<>. Is < per ©tut. cumulative lan.kllf__ to def end the 1* common stock. Of tills ili/atlon, # I "■ o Halfour’s attempt govern- in St. Paul during C Slock, ... $350,000 preferred stock, with preference as to dividend* and assets, und #17,500,000 cupft only !,ooo. Lulldlng oi>eratlons nplcil of this of and # J50 Oo0 common of the South ot preferred nml #i 1,#oO,i»Oo ot common stock buva been issued. and upwards #700.000 preferred Trent's management Afri- in accordance with Mass, laws.) or the last yiar cost neai If $1,000,000 more (Fully paid stock will be held in trust for the company for the purpose of acquiring additional properties supply mg additions working capital. can war ha* him Into more trouble Hide an l Leather Company and covered by it* mortgage were formerly those ot got tban the avearge yearly expenditure for I'ftrat .11* rlgiigc Bonds, $325,000 The properties now owned by the American BONDS absolute silence could have done, A Co CuiCAOO. Hall, Hakiht A0 u t «».. Sheboygatf, Wia. than such purpose*. Mass. It'd Coni’rs.) \Y. N. Kisknpkatii (Authorized by \Vm. But keu III hikk Co, Miexvaikke. bnuiPJ Dow A Co., Boston. .1 am ks Hkinnku Lk a rum « o., Boston. lucked the most he has done seems to A bond ls*ue 1* not found t $300,000 Whitt linos. A < .... Boston. Behnakp A Fkikiiman, Boston. Wai kj it Uxki t o., ni« \oo. K. Corn 1 A BOSTON*. United States 3’s and 4’s have been to supply the opposition with sulliclmt to build two new High school A legal Investment for Bl SWELL, Hi IlliAUl* A Cxi.. BonTOS. J. 1*. HANK A Co.. Boston. C- •’Hon. Cumberland 4’s fct Milwaukee, and COO more County weapons. buildings $5), Maine Savings Banks. Alley into* A Co., Boston. M. Koumon Leather C«»., Boston. H. K. Thomi-soa a Boston. must be raised. Lambeal Lkaihkk Co., chicaoo. John Blake, Lilenvili.e, N. Y. Joseph IIecht A Sons, New York. Maine Central It. It, 7's There seems to be of evidence For price and special circular apply to plenty Uf the fund of $1 000,000 set aside io \\ m. Tiui> A Co., Boston. Portland Street It. I!. 4 .a’s that the mind of Lord Methuen, the Brit- now about cent, of the business of the United States. The business Philadelphia fur library puniaoB, $4*00,- These properties represent seventy-five per upper-leather Portland and Leather is that of UPrKR LEATHER and not aole AND ACCORDING- Water Company 4’s ish commander at Moddcr river, is un- too will he spent on a main building and of the American Hide Company manufacturing leather, LY THE COMPANY 18 NOT A COMPETITOR OF THE UNITED HTATES LEATHER COMPANY. Standish Water balanced. To this condition might be at- tiMi.btO for branch *•. E. H. & Company GAY books of these shows the uv. CO., The report of the Audit Company of New York, which ha* examined the concern*, rage annual net 4’s tributed bis hi* men lloer if is dan explorers are now busy in sev- d tire American Hi«le and Leather to be the (Guaranteed) leading against earnings of all tin: properties as operatid separately before they were acqu.r b.> Company thr «• time* tl«ea moan t t Mierewi wn «lie ss.l r>,wi*o Iioiium breastworks the strength "of which he was eral section* of Liberia. Large stretches snm « Texas of who has plants acquired by Magazine Dallas, Tex., F. F. in udvuuoe t juices. The estimated or the Company a id be from *iC>,00o,oo() u> 430,b<'<>,u annually. generals in South Africa, for they have TALBOT, Representative. day*J satisfactory output West Tunnel 5’s 1 itely been visiting in the Last, publishes 'i'he upoer-lcftlher indiisti v is w'ell known to be one of the most conser\ ative aud stsblo industries in th- country. It has been Chicago all done the same l’ortland, ... Maine. in Slates aud in cities oi th Middle YN where most of the thing. the In the Lone Star largely curried on by old-estaldished houses the Eastern thfU large cst, plant* Worcester & Clinton St. only inkgaxine has shown that the can be established upon u reliable and lm.*U after State. J.mio dtf ! acouired are situated. Experience industry paying only long The testimony in the Clark bribery in- experience and the inves ment of capital for u considerable period. The value of the good will of the various concerns which this Railway 5’s lirst In The Constitutional Convention has Is consequently very great...... is out a facts company acquired Erie & Tele- quiry bringing good many The demund for all the articles produced Is constant and unfailing, while the records of the business for a period of twenty Telegraph Ohio contained as delegates live who business. not particularly creditable to the legisla- five years show few. failures than in any other mercantile or manufacturing 5’s afterward were elected Governor of the hitherto for each to all or many of the various classes of good* embraced in the trade. phone Company testi- It lias been customary factory produce tors of Montana. Indeed, if the thut class .>f is for which it is a situation on Gas 4’s State and four who became Uuiud States MERCANTILE TRUST Now each factory acquired by the comp my manufactures goo peculiarly tapled -y and Lewiston Company use of ihe best and of mony is reliable, it would seem as If al- Senators. struct ion. By this division or labor, as well us by the common patterns methods manufacture known to lire 1 lie mu effected in these various and in St. 5’s trade a letter article l« being produced at less cost of manufacture. ing respects, ononite* Quincy Railway most every one of them wus euaoeptlblc Sii James of Town of In which 1 Increase lie- nci Sivswrlght Capo oi administration, transportation, etc., will, in the opinion lea-ling tanners, concur. earning* to iu.»rc Gas & Electric Co. 5’s band Ish men t* of 'The Vour. irul,. Quincy to tho hard cash. bos turned over to tbe Lritlsh Govern- M>nn •8.T90.000 anuiuUly...... COMPANY. IA1.-M.4S *■ 1IALL, l*rc«idcnt... Gas A Electric ______Galesburg best protection against the Ailing of ment hi* two large estates to be used as a Me- the Co. 5’s seats In the National Senate by bribery hospital and convalescents' home for the 57 Exchange St., Portland, The nest Company, aci'ortlinq to the above estimate, should therefore mike following showing: .. Prices and on Is the election of bom-et and incorrupti- army. Not enruiujfN, say... •2,750,000 further particulars On the eve of retirement from the presi- Interest on •*,4 13,000 bonds 506,700 ble legislators. Corruptible legislators Capital stock, $io»,ooo.oo Animal rliargc ;.. application. of (he frirst National Lank of Chi- are the fountain head of the trouble, dency (entirely iiivi'sinl lu l uiird Samuel M. Nickerson •2,243.30b and It will never be thoroughly remedied cago, presented Slnlr* Builds) $10,00} to that institution’s pension fund. Sinking fund, S»jr ..._*72,510 until there Is a reformation there. Undivided Profla, $•.*0,000.00 Prlncbss Hunry of Dattenburg delight* Uslnure available fur dividend* *2,070.SOU FORTUND TRti I CO. o tllf Like all criminal trials that attract In religious books bb* postezee* a book- TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANK- 7p,f rent Ultldeuds ou *13,01)0,000 Preferred Slock .. Ul 0,00 case full of seriou* work* and devotional wide attention ths Mollneaux trial ap- ... •urpln* ... •l.lon.soo poetry, in which her favorite passages are pears more like a content between oppos- ING BUSINESS. all marked. Lqiml lo over 10 per rent, on •11.300.000 Coinniun Mock. log counsel for victory than a odtefully Allow* Inlcrral on Accounts INVESTMENT Mgr. Jfrederlo Els, the new Homan to at the Subject lo cheek and special guarded investigation get truth. of New York have made the Catholic blsbop of Sault St*. Marie and rates on demand und lime Cer- Tlie Audit Company following report: When a government witness Um tilled In a Marquette, iu a native of Germany, fifty- tificate, of Me** us. J. A W. 8elioman A Company, that Deposit. way militated against the guilt of four und oaine to this Credit. years old, oountry Traveler*’ i.i llrrs of Mills Building, New York. the prisoner, as the young woman did when he was twelve. selected securities SECURITIES. Curefiiliy Dear Sirs: whom District Attorney Osborne called In a suit to recover the of a for Investment on baud. prioo bicy- ulways »We have made an audit of the accounts of the following firms and companies for perlo Is vary Ing In each case from four to ten on Wednesday, the govern men r. cle sold on the Installment plan, an to wit: proceeded years, Ilridgton & Saco Hirer H. It First has decided a A A Co. A Co. C. T. Roenitz Leather Co. to destroy the effect of her evidence by Albany court that bicycle TRANSACTS GENERAL TRUST \V N Blsendrath Hull, Haight 4's. Leather Co. l)ow A Co. James Sklnaer Leather Co. Mortgage that she bud been 1* not a necessity to a girl under age \N m. Becker Stephen insinuating tampered A Co. Beruutd A Friedman. Co. ■ UUII Ml It UUIIICOUUi White Bros. WsrtkerOakley uiiford. (Me.) I’orrer Co. First Slort- VlUfKIUK BUSINESS. A Co. J. 1*. CTaue A Co. K. C. Cottle A Sou. with by the defence—not a pirtlcl* of Bus well llnbbard gage 5’s. Ihe Chinese Minister to England states and Inter- Middlesex Leather Co. Watauga Tunning Co. J. B. Weed A L0. proof to that effect, but only an Insin- Correspondence M. Bub-.on Leather Co. B. K. A Co. Ilunifo;d Falls & Water Co. that.ha will make some suggestions to Alley Bros. A Co. Thompson Light uation which it was hoped would weaken i.umheau Leather CO. John Blake. £ Joseph Hecnt A Sontt. First rution or me \ in *rii an ma<* hum i.huui oinpunx of its First Six United States courts knows that they week. His valuable estate on Blgh street the Issue of IT* capital stock. the execution of It-* First Mortgage and Supplemental Mortgage, and the issue Mortgage National Bank l*« t cut. Sinking-Fund Twenty-Year Gold Bonds to the uinouni of ■?«. 14 5,000. Is to the local Casco are inadequate to their needs. The post- given hoipUl corporation We are of opinion the American Hide ami Leather < otnpnuy lias been legally organised; that It lias legal power to issue cap- .or.. seventeen value of stock and set euteen & office business needs the whole building. and $2X0 Is left to the Methodist Eplfco- ital stock to tin- amount of million five hundred thousand dollars (f 17,500.000; par preferred MASON MERRILL, million IIvo hundred thousand dollars (4 17,500,0'»01' Sinking Twenty-Year Bonds, CAPITAL. AND SrilPLlM sped ot the execution of said mortgages amt the issuance of said bonds Is in due conformity with the laws of the state of New Jersey boilul to the This is the to the Inskegee normal and Industrial ng pcstottioe. We are, dear sirs. Yours respectfully, solution which Allen Institute at Tu*ke«ge, Ala.; $5000 to the Ot turie A BONDS. Congressman pro- To Messrs. J. & W. skliuman A Co., Seward, Stakli:. in his milli introduced into American Homo Missionary society and Helium an A Skliuman. poses recently New York. ______the Rouse. The other is the construe $uiXW to the Congregational Home Mis- only MILLION be had at the offices of the ONE Copies of the Mortgages may undersigned. New a new Ihe residue of his Trenton, Jersey, tljn of postoffios which sionary society. proper- ou ^building, Application will Km* inode to have the bonds Haled the hew York ruid float on Mori. Exchanges would probably be mere expensive and ty with the exception ot three personal Gas. and Electric, not so lo some for on remembranoee, is given to the American HAVE BEEN TAKEN BY THE AND f3.200.000 HAVE BEEN SOLD OK satisfactory ways, DOLLARS. OF THE ABOVE NAMED BONDS B9.445.UP9 VENDORS, First Cold 5’s, duo 1949. aooount of the street noises the oorner of Monday feohool Union, American Mis- WITHDRAWN FOR INVESTMENT. THE UNDERSIGNED NOW OFFER THE REMAINING #3,800,000 BONDS FOR SUASCRIPTION An absolutely First Mortgage upon American 101 am! interest. PAYABLE AT THE OFFICE OF THE Colonial 1'rnat Company. New York, ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1000, Middle and kxohange street Is not.a sionary association, Baptist on AT the only gus and electric lighting sys- Interest Puid FOR DELIVERY. N. favorable looatlon for a court, wbiob Missionary Union and American Board WHEN BONDS W ILL BE READY tem of Trenton, J. lopuiallou Ml HN< KIPITO* HOOKS Wil l. Al. OPEN %T THE OFMCKM OF 1 HE t'NDEKMIUNED A I 10 ON LOC K A. 31., ON IITD* supplied, T6JJIO. needs quiet for tbs easy and proper tran- of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. TIME DEPOSITS. NENDAY* IfMIO. AND WILL CLOME AT 3 0*1 LOCK P. Si, ON THE M A HE DATE. O It EARLIER. FOB SALE BY saction of Us business. JANUARY 17, SOON THE RIGHT IS RESERVED TO ALLOT SMALLER AMOUNT* THAN SUICIDE OF NAVAL OFFICE*. ALLOTMENTS WILL BE MADE AS AS PRACTICABLE, F. 1 APPLIED FOR OR TO REJECT AN1 APPLICATION. CHARLES FLAGG, Great things are expected of Geu. Washington, January 11.--The follow- Drafts draw u ou National Provincial Hank of London. In or 1? Ext Sf PoriliiiKl* was received at the England, large linn^ Roberts and Gen. Kitchener, and the ing cablegram navy for sale at current •mall amount*, rate*. octJO Telephone Mo. 1M*L eodlf Uritish publlo will be greatly disappoint- department today from Admiral fee U ley, ( urreut ArcuuuU roc^vctl ou favor-, J. db W. BELICrMAIVT db CO., able tnum. ed if a more favorable asueot is not the Mouth Atlantic station: speed- commanding t'orrrfpondrncf solicited from lndt- ; Mills New York. ily given to the South African cam- Montevideo, January 11. vlduals, Corporations, Banks and Building, TUTORING others to accounts as well paign altar they take command. Lieutenant Commander F. E. Green desiring open as frost those wishing to transact Hank- in gramm:ii' iind lOgh .rtiool Yet neither of these ofEoars has ever par- committed suicide Wednesday evening. ing business of a ay description through E3- H. GAY db CO., terms locluum this Hank. grime*. Special a son have been made for burial formed task at all parable either Arrangements 131 Devonshire In Shake *,>rare. in its magnitude or Us difficulties with ashore. A board is ordered to examine Street, Address RATE ’IAV BOXY, STEPHEN R SMAU. PtmIM. lilt W oodlords SI., the one that is now devolved upon them. into the circumstances of the case and re- Mass. MARSHALL R GQDI.HG Cuhitr. Boston, Wood(or4.. Me. Lord Roberts never commanded an port. IsbTdtl January 11, 1300. jsn.dliw

• *

a re-dlno*. anamination ba staked that AWBKMBirr*. I imiuon. BANK MEN DINE. Ua men. Ibatfi.lM, given blm last Jana Ip Mr. iotas cm JOHN L. STODDARD'S Daly had bean given far tha of SUCCESSOR, iaan.l Dinner mg Lw*l Aeeeelatlea at hnlf Interrat la tba Madisonian, a paper Falmniitb. pnbllrhfd In bla (Mr. Ulerfcn’a) town. Fred W. Cowan, a railroad ooodaoter Burton Holmes' Illustrated Lectures, lb* fitit annual meeting ana beoqutt of Mlosonla, ., taatlHed to going to •’ tk* Bank Man's association at kla city Montana State Senator Helena daring tba fitting of the lejl-n- CITY HAL L, waa bald at tba Falmenlh hit’l last •wa- ture at tbe lnetanoe of W. M. Blokford, in*, and It was a moat enjoyable o*eo Received $10,000. who askad him to see a re for Mr. Clark 5 Evenings, Feb. 1st, 8th, 15th, 22d, •'on for the «S nasnabara and lavlaad Thursday the enpp rt of Hpetger Stiff the Montana Hirst* wbo wars In attaadase*. March 1st. bouse of repreeentlvee. The wltnew taitt Tba nasatin a waa Ini bald at • o’clock Hawaiian Grand Canon of had aald that op kabjoets Manila. Japan Revisited, Islands, fled that Mr. Hlakford l.anri. nod tbs election at officers resulted ao Arlssna and Mokl to that time, the fourtberoth of January follows: CROWDED HOUSES EVERYWHERE. Paid That to Vote for *r. Clark for had been unable to (attire last, they ( osrst Tickets. 82.90. 82.0»,arrordlnc to location. Wllaon. 82.09, President-Bum Stiff’s for Mr. Clark and that Seats now on sale as CressOT. Jone* A Allen's, fInlf fare on M. C. R. R. to holders of tickets. I,. aupport Vtea-Praddent—Uaorga Knight. l. S. Senator. for that jaoedtf BteguMcy—F. W. Woodman they ware willing to pap fIB,080 Treasurer—Carl F. A. Weber. support Tha wltorse had euggseted that r. vat to tha PORTLAND l„... to the at Stiff committed Conrad, THEATRE, Tba meeting afar, nil adjourned \ offer of II should ba made to him to prlante dining room and tha Main* room, 5,ICO when the vole waa r ..J 19 n.wl ..I -. IE-41 where a splendid banquet wan partaken afrnplp alap away Paid in Ten not any vota for a candi- of. Tba mao waa ssaasthing very Money reached, eaetlag date for the Senate. Mr. Blokford bad unique and novel, tba bnppy thought of THE FUNNIEST FUN SHOW OF THEM ALL Thousand Dollar Bills. aaked for time to esc Mr. Clark and when Proprktor Nunns. It was enclosed In they bad next mat, had told him that the oovar of a regular bankbook and In- DAD IKT HARNESS, wonld bo If Mr. HUB wonld side of tba book was the following; 111,00) paid A Lively Hackee iti three acts by Kenneth Lee, introducing refrain from voting and that fl'IOO would Bank Opens at 8 *0. be given him for hie eervleee. Later Mr. OTIS B. THAYER and BEATRICE McKENZIE. on Witness Denies That He was Blrkfurd bad said that Mr. Clnrh had he- Oysters Interest. A laugh from start to finish. Everything new and bright. A whirlwind of Olives. 8MB wonld roine apprehensive that Mr. laughter, mirth aun song. An ocean of fun. Member of Furl ion. oalled Daly not aland bp tbe bargain and had nnd AO cents. Chicken Okra, Mots i alien' Style. Friers. ■->, if5, :iO aald that ba had Celery. tbe deal oB. Mr. Cowan 3IKXT ATTRACTION —A Mnn of Moinlnr. Tneelsr snil W.ilsi idnr* never mentioned the proposition to Mr. Fillet of Sola, Tartar Sauoe, SMB. Bboount Potatoes. The wltners aald that when Mr. Camp- JEFFERSON THEATRE Washington, January II.—Washington Comedian- Kcnat Cranberry Sauce. bell bad approached blm Brat, ha bad un- Engagement of the Kminent Turkey, Campbell, attorney for the uirnsorlallaU Tenderloin of Beef, el a Hobie. derstood that tha use of tbe moaep wee to 0 oant Flavor. la the oast of A K. Clark of Montana, Apple Krltteis, per ba exposed, whether bp Senator Clark or Urern String Bean*, his re-dlreet examination of wit- W. WILSON Peas, began known that GEORGE are so Sweet Potatoes. anyone elss. Ue had not And his excellent company, including the Lcnni Howe Ladies’ Orchestra, X. Har- The cakes of Ivory Soap shaped that they ness Whltrslile before the Senate commit- Mr.Cambpell waa a supporter of tbe Help ris Ware, Director. be entire for or divided Howe. tee on prlrtlegrs and slastloCH today by may used general purposes, Chicken Salad, a la Clearing faction. Tba plan for him to taka the THIS AFTERNOON-Laly Deadlock’s Secret. TONIGHT—The Gae'nor. n libel cult which J>) M and 203. asking concerning end mark and EV15IXU Pru 11; Mr. 20c and \ vtinkk Pi:i< tv*: M with a stout thread into two formed cakes for Cream. money from Wetoome perfectly No Pictaat Ioe bae bean brought him (tha wit- agaluat It and then turn It orer to ‘THE IRISH ALDERMAN" toilet use. For use is a Fruit* or 'lime l^oaos. Idtentlfp any put to, Ivory Soap quick ness) by Dr. Cole, a member ofl tbs ever on the Coke a la Chapman. Whltealde, had been agreed uron between the greatest fare* comedy grafted Green Die’* greatest grin*. commission. Witness said tbs Art In every Act. f*cre.»m* In every Seen*. Mirth In every Movement. Laughter In cleanser, safe and Receiver's Urt*. cnpltol He hod not any absolutely pure. bltnaelf and Wh Iteslde. every Line. Delighting Dilemmas. Convulsing « llniaxe*. Not a Burlesque. or Travesty, hut Depositors’ Crackers. salt has been deeiaed In bta faror. Ha WORD OF are each as hlrnsdf. the ttareit KmernKt <>f ir.-:i i: i' »m \ Men < ist >f the Merriest M(march of Mirth. A WARNING.—There many white soaps, represented to b# "just good Bank Cheese. Intention of holding the money tpolitan National to his In- Perfect of Pre-euiinetit Popularity. Funnily famous as sir.king star* In other as the 'Ivory';" they are Not. but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities oe said also whan asked explain be said he was Players produc- Cashier's Coffee. Replying to a question tions. TlKSlJ lY ami \V KPN KSDAY, January 10-17. Hprcial WKI>XENDAY the genuine. Ask for "Ivory” Soap and insist upon getting it. to ■ exact time# that he bad ability pacify a a 11 ness la this case. MVriNKH. Ono Price all jver the House, ‘SAe coprmanT ito3 av tmk enocrtn a oamblc co oinciknati cnlp Bank Closed. bad an of half a doxan oonrerra- 1 average "Witness and deteotlve, von mean, Sext Attraction—January IS, 111, 2d, Mary Sanders in Little Sell nnd the the bead of the tions a day with Wellcome and Charley Marchioness. President Wilson sat at suggested Mr. Footer, to which the reply a few words called Clark, Senator Clark’s msnagerr, daring " table and in gmotfnl wet. Yee, If yon oall It detective work bis asroalstlon with titate Bank Examiner Timber lake. the entire time of brib- young curort soloist also cfswrTS special upon to go Into e combination to expose AND DRAMA. with senatorial MANY-SIDED LINCOLN. MUSIC Mr. at and them In ocnnretlon the mention. llinberlake sroke length ery. aorae most facts regard- oontest. lo '^hls afternoon # the company will gave Intarestlng He etited that when the *‘i«,000 FUN! FUN!! FUN!!! DAD IN HARNESS. both the national and state banks Ur. YYBItaaide raid mat ne nan ueen a Humor III* Safety Valve —III* L’«* of It present "Lady Dead look's .Secret, "and to- ing _AT THE OKFAT_ of these of Ur. Clark until Ihe senator- SIIuhIIod*. The fun at tie Portland theatre la»t night the attraction will be Mr. George of the eta*e. He said that both supporter Mr. Welcome, the latter laid It down on In Many Trying on- ftart were in a ial election of 1833, whan becoming evening wan fa# nad furious from W. Wi'son'a greatest success, "The classes of Institutions (Uttering a steam radiator In the corner of the that Ur. Clark waa money Mock Trial ami “Dad in Harness” can b* Boat Builder." condition. Twice a* many people ere rlnoad using not Interested In the Court to ilnlfeh, Governor, tie Deaf Old room. "I wss Lincoln ha* been very unjaitly present- kind. banks of Maine to aaoure votes for blmaelt down as a first clasv show cf its depositors In the cavings Republican on the wall to which Mr. Wel- under the of put picture ed many to the pnbllo as a profane auspices THE 1KI8U ALDBBMAN. hs He had be- by a in three act#, in which an as there were votes oast in the state at withdraw. not, however, he said. It is farce, come directed my attention,” amf obscene jester, 'i'heso accusation* into election. One come Identified then with the Daly fso- old (carried man get gay and falling W’e are premised nn early visit from the last gubernatorial "I was after the monsy.” looking are wholly false, lie had a Laturel gift BRAMHALL LODGE, No. 3, K. of P., " 18V8 nuJ set for him a bewitching l he A farcial- In three In the state Is a tlon, and ns late aa antagonlaed he had not the snare by Irish Merman," blooming person every Speaking of the fact that humor that had lawn oalilratid the on the of by Hon tauicr find# that tne ways of with all the and so- In these banks. tha polloy of lbs Daly managers to Mr. Wel- feinule ly national, political depositor kept some of hie promisee natural conditions In which he grew up CITY fusion. At this Mr. HALL, tranareisor at first seanilngly easy at cial characteristic* which him The second was National Bank question of point sail that ne did not the distinguish speaker come, the wltuesa In tbs sparsely settled West, where judges waa withdrawn the end are hard, fierceness. In Greater New York’s cosmopolitan life, Examiner Hatch. In the course of his White*Ue temporarily to deoelre that sort Tuesday Evening, Jan. 10. approaching consider It wrong and lawyers traveled the circuit and rat b't tattoos are he should In order to allow State Yreaaurer T. K. It is a bright skit, the and make him a wonder to the outside remarks Mr. Hatoh said that of a mao.” One of our most citizens will be Ha had In the barroom of the village Inn during respected and t-o lines no means (tale. He will be think there was occasion for any Collins of Montana to testify. 1* re- charged wiih BREACH OF PROMISE. comical by world. Impersonated by hardly “Whether a ralsxeprramtatlon where wasevrr In to their evenings, humor are B. national banks In hla the FJOGO turm il ovrr The central flgur.s Otis Thayer Charles F. McCarthy, for years Edward opposition between tbe ptsuasion be said la the noire connec- and al- of sponsible,” demand, lie told many storliv, regntor Court '.'tiles, startling Devel- and Beatrice McKenzie, who are suo- not'd in Irish and tha banks. the stnt IS by Ssuators Whiteside,Clark whom you ar» Hurxlgnn’s coadjutor pro* savings tion, “depend* upon roost tome purpose .* and Moliar. lie Idantl- ways aptly lllubtiating opments, l udicrous ilitatious. by a competent cast, and right auctions. “The Irish a Herman” will be ~Hon. Charles K. was then intro- Madison, Myers for whlob It ported Libby making It and the purpose he had in vlsw. It was this love cf the here it ciu be arid that the female con- seen at the Jefferson next and duced and the members fled and described eaob of envelopes LOCAL HITS. Tuesday congratulated Is mode.' humor that occasionally mastered hitr, the and exhibited tha AS KVKATHO OF RKFI.VKD H \ tingent ure the best dressers that we have 16, 17 and special on organized tbit association containing money Wednesday, January having stun wbeu almost lu the of despair, of the oomm Ittee depth a?en on a Portland etngo for many a day. matinee 15 ull over the house. which he looked as a bentdi'dal if bills to the members CUT' OFF HIS SON. Prices 13 and S3 cell's. Tickets on sale at bargain upon and that saved bl:n when tue a.l7«r oori tn.detall. He Jones u Alloa’* on aiui after Thurs- Tie scenery is exceptionally good ami benevolent organization. T’hs Ideal while be described them II.—The Interesting Cressey, NOTES. not.a Boston, January was often strained to lte utmost tension day. Juimary 11. the Mr. tha bad been handed t) him wan brought by organization. banker Is a broad-minded, sagacious and aald money feature of the will of Benjamin Frenob open at 7.30. Court called at 8, JaiiDXHSt commit by his oeaseleis and exacting responsi- is a very clever comedian and Corse Payton has jnst purobartxl the citizen. oy tha legislative Investigating dealer, Tbajrtr enterprising the pioneer photographer supply bilities. trok the part of the‘ lively old man” Lee Avenue Academy, Brooklyn. Not Dr. Seth C. Gordon followed. He had tea. was the oil with TWELFTH ANNUAL probated today, catling I have many tin es seen him when was then recalled and with a good deal of humor and unction counting the money expended upon the a admiration for a bank,for Ur. Whiteside of his son Wil- always great a $5 bequest each adopted sorely depressed by the disasters to our lines were (tun- eecured all tha vailnua enrol opus as hav- Ml** McKenzie's coat builxdng since *831, Mr. Payton the men who sometimes would work Identified fred his William, la both In- and nephew army and the clouds which the A ugel a to him to hold for him- ning rn l set fc*»th ti gcod advantage it for $15 UUO lee.-; than was paid for the in order to llnd one oent missing ing been given absolute made In a ENTERTAINMENT AND BALL night stances the gift being of taorrow had so widely scattered over uaet attiaotWe peisonality. SLe noted structure In 1870. in the aooounts. self and Messrs.Clark of Madison cmnty, substantial re- OF TUB ooldoll wbloh rsroked the home* of toe land, aud wondered with that boldness suit d to ull Kobrrt i£. of Alderman Moulton was the next and MoHar. Ihe exactly Johnston, manager Mary Usyers raembranoea In the will Itself. break un- I Madlvon whether ho must not suddenly lielief Association of lie Port- a iventurers—the wife of a Hon tamer. Sanders s company, which preduoes He presumed that he had bean Stole Senator Clark of county lelt to the widow. tptuker. property cbletly Is der the fearful strain that whs upon him; He stated that he was Mr. Robson stored a hit as the grotes- Dickens's "Little Nell," and the called to represent the olty govern* wus next called. Mr. Krenoh's death land Fire l)e|iiirlnient upon A short time before bat often when he drank the oup of sor- Doolittle at the Janu- he had a close s Democrat that had gone to Helens quely pnnctiinonioua Mugby. “MarobionejS;" Jefferson, ment, whloli, said, quite son asked tbs court to l or the Benefit of their Relldf Fund. his adopted |adopt row to the hie face would Instantly his Inclined toward Mr. dregs His make-up wun indeed notable and ary IS, is at the Falmouth. interest in the banks of Portland, lbs more favorably his as an Insane a guardian for father, brighten like the sun suddenly eaoapiug enocres lluu) toward other candidate " Interpolate 1 songs won many banks advanced the money to the olty Clark any the ouurt refused to do so. person but from a cloud nml throwing lie refulgeuoj City Hall Thursda Evening, Jan. 18, Miss ChamUerlsin was excellent as the OBITUARY. and we then go ahead. He stated tbit the for the Senate, but that be had changed upon the world, as he would halt in bis Best of Music, llandsono and Attentive Alda wife of the parson, while Sylvia Starr, did not know what would be dene In his opinion after be had Investigated the AS HOKE. and the and Unique Dance Orders. Mr. Clark STILL painful expressions begin. ‘lly who has bet recently joined the com-1 this olty without banks. The business methods of his namesake. Tickets admitting and two 11.—The way,*’ and follow It with a ►tory Illus- fl.oo, gentlemau Is to te to amended, Richard MhS. LUCY BANBOKN. of the Lanka In Portland bos been testified that he had received $10,1)00 In Blddeford Pool, January aiiis*. Ladies’ ticket, :6 cents. jau t> tst piny, always he bad been discu s- British cohooner Beeele, bound from Bos- trating the subject Thurman gave an enrneit 1 in persona: ion done on the highest plans of honor. $1C0U hills from United States Senator The many friends in Portland ol N. which Ing. it was this quality of humor that UNDERWOOD SPRINgT” vv>is well seoonded in his love Woodman of Westbrook said Clurk's Ur. Welcome, on Janu* ton lor Pert Hilbert, S,, and epi- Hussell D. manager, the Daniel W. Sanborn, general superinten- the life etatlon ua was Lincoln's safety valve. It was Spacious Dining Hall always open. Music stles Florsnoe Elliott, who dressed thnt his the largest ary 1807. and that the money wbb glran stiaudeil near earing by Boston Maine city represented 4, Car l and Hm .Kin/ Rooms, all with open ilres dent of the and railroad, ashore. only relief he had from the issp’DsiblU- her trt and acted in excel- establishment in this him on the express oondltion that ha was January Is still brilliantly lighted by eloctncitv and healed by i> handsomely learn of the of manufacturing will regret to death Mrs. ties and so: rows which would have steam, decorated with and evergreen. Kenneth Lee contributed effec- of b inks in to vote for Clark ns as his vote waa pains lent tarts. section and one the largest long excellent menu from which to order. Sanborn, who died at hvr homo in Som- THE TEACHING OF DIPLOMACY crushed almost any other man. An tive action i\i the lion t:\mer, and all in proportion that there is in the country. wanted. Us detailed the preliminary Game and fisti dim ers a specialty. erville, Wednesday evening, the 10th Inst. In the early summer of 1S63, Colonel made for Dinner, Dancing or was one cf tho best sorn here to be annexed Ur. Ur. Wel- the Omaha Bee.) Arrangement* all the cast When Portland Is ready talk with Welloome, saying (From Card with or without cars at Mrs. Sanborn had teen 111 fer some to be orr.yy and I culled upon Lincoln, iu parties sjiecUl this seison. to Westbrook Mr. Ytrodooan said that come said to him: We want you with ue Teaching diplomacy promisee office of Portland ,v Yarmouth Llocliic Rall- and bore her with General ta tim*. suffering within a few yeirs to company with Cameron, sug- w v Co., ofllce 44o Congress stuci* Catvhy songs were introduced during Westbrook would be glsd tc have that end wg want you hard, adding, 'we are come general Telephone and iortilude. litr less will b3 that the President should tender u t»1^3. patience to Aroerlova universities and college* AT gest _norSkitf the along »hii line Mr. Thayer, idea realized. going to get the votes necessary sleet wu play.and felt not her Immediate mission to Governor Curtin, use keenly only by two shoouls for this have M's* McKenzie and Mias Starr ar.i de- Hon. Albion Little commented on the our man and If we don’t g)t them one ready purpose nealth whs 30 Severely broken that hla and but by a GOOD NEWS family connections, large In wlt^ a ot mention. which character- we will them another.' bean established, one oonuectlon friends believed be ojuld nut survive serving special hail care and painstaking way go’, ♦# ro «4 acquaintance who learned to highly and an- for re-election. Koroey was w. of will ized the woik o( and Welloome wbst there was In the University of Pennsylvania, i-amualgn This ll-built piece comedy the bankers "I asked >1.1 friumi if unit Curtin: appreciate her admirable of ol qualities "and he other In City as a branch be repeated this afttruoon and evening, clerk*. It," tbs witness aald, replied: Washington Juuierou non Curtin were bitter fuss, mind and heart.. The establishment wlti t-Tj performances on Saturday. 'ibe pleasant exurolses of the event og "1 here's ten thousand dollars for you Columbia University. whoso lotdicourso was con lined strictly to SKATERS Mr. and Mrs. Sanborn were fer many a school the University of official iDuU'Th, and Caiueron and I hud then came to a olose. you ohm ply with the condi- of similar by We have transformed the HASH HALL THE Jit RTON HOLMES LIDTURKS. provided our resiuenrs or loruana, wcere rue; to tb< never been friend*, although \l>H Into the Finest ice Kink In the years tions. ihe oondltion was that I vote for Michigan has been recommended political UKOI It is a short time uow before tho relations were refer .state, and wo w*;:t you to the merry throng only had a largo circle of fileuds. Upon Mr. of of that Institution by Hi friendly personal join NOVKL INSUKANCE CASK. Ur. Clark as long as board regents disturbed had never hi21a In lecture lit liurton noimes s iiiuh- required." I supported o,)eui w Sanborn's as n chance appointment general super- Mr. Welloome Lad told the witness that president, l>r. Angell, and undoubtedly bis political aspirations, and be bad will find ;t pcriect surface, go»xi aids, t afei course, which Is to be given io City Kuetar of Portland hns been re- even to get warm, and if y at wish, hot chocolat*. intendent they moved to Somerville, Judge the recommendation will bo never l.e<-u nay friend disturbed ho would put the money In Ur. White- adopted. cakes, can ly and elgars, In fact everything to hall five Thursday evenings, commencing tained as oounsel in an aotloo wben 1 was tne nominee uf my MatH Funeral css vices will te held at brought of our eduoatlonal institu- regular make have some merry, he iltnysport. We side's hands tor him, but the latter re- Other great desired Curtin out ol you Feb 1st. Tbore who hare not aheady William A.Morrison of Weat Stewarta- party. Cameron l&ten to a first class place in every respect Somerville at 12.30 p. na., Saturday, the by tions be to follow these ex- rifn plied that that was not satisfactory, that may expected tbe way because be had a mere friendly ho that no lady will fee! undecided about secured their course tickets should do so vs. the ¥ ire Insur- 13th. town, N. U., Niagara ul I desired him w us he did not doubt Mr. Weloome • word, amples, so that In a fsw years schools candidal© for Governor; coming. The moon Is ith and will add at once, and not until all the of New York aod four because 1 believed it was much to the The are delay bfrt j ance company will he numerous and lu a lit- out ol the way enjoyment. proprietors but that be "must we the money." diplomacy death. Charles F. and Hermann K. Tibbetts, both well sat- are as time will surely be a DK. MIL.TON W. 11 ALU other on a choice telweeo retirement aud taken, oompunles nqulrlug Interpre- win nufu an lu the Mr. Weloome bad then told hint that tie while tne country .arm; All that Curtin known city. b ruth to hear this illustrious suoceisor famous agreeing, therefore, M>.MI«NlO\ lOc. g Hiddeford, January II.—Dr. Milton W. tation of New Hampshire's so far as Institu- the bllle were roe roe, bat that the 'old of men prepared, these'' should retire, we went to the President to o Sioridard. 'The colored with law created janlidlw- pictures Hall of Koxbury, formerly of Saoo. died valued polloy Ur* insurance for ask him to open the way lor Curtin’s man would arrive from butte that night tions can prepaie them, taking posi- which these lectures nre illustrated art at bln 445 Kox- salutes sf 18Ui withdrawal by tendering him a foreign home, Kino Hill avenue, by|tbe of with tions In the and consular ser- Alt 1 ION '.ALUr and he would bring plenty caeh diplomatic It was the lirst time that Cam- pronounced to be among the finest in bury, Wednesday of penumonla. This polloy provides that when property mission. him. Accordingly the money—f 10,tUO In floe. eron and I had asked the same favor at the oiurtry, while the moving pictures, He was born in about tifty one Is destroyed by Are the Insurer O. BtlLlT ft CO, Auctioneers. Ca^ro, totally bllle—wus him by Well Special education in the requirements his hands, and Lincoln was much amused which ere the features |1,Cl» glrenfto among strongest years ago Ho was educated In the Casoo shall psy the amount of the polloy, re- service has been at tne situation. oome tbut night. for diplomatic lacking of then? lectures, surpass anything ever and of fraudulent lie said that, of* course, with snob a IlmiselioM publlo schools French school at gaidlees any representa- In this and until now has never Fnrnitare, Carpets, Alter counting It he had plaoed It In oountry combination in favor of Curtin he would seen on Tioketi now on sals fraud was not any stage. Providence, H. 1., Bowdotn oollege and tion! of the Insured, If been thought of. That It In said Etc., at Auctiou. an envelope, marked the envelope and seriously want to give him a lutmion, but, at Cressey, Jones & Allen’s. the Maine medical school. For a number intended or Inor eased risks lnourred. for eafe wise to some attention to it has beet he; “I am in the position of young Sheri- handed It to Mr. Whltealde give ON FRIDAY. Jan. 12th, at 10 o’clock a. m of years he praotioed his profession In dan when his lather told him that he ROSSINI CLU B. He eald that when Mr. Wellcome urged by snob men as Mr. tirjes of Kng at No. I lu State street, we shall sell general lag. cease his rakish life and take a wife Suco, and About twelve years ago went to LI HUNG AY SHANGHAI. land, who in an artlele in an Anifcrlcac must household furniture, carpets, utuing furniture, At tneir concert yesterday morning the gave him the money be had called him to which he answered: ‘All very well, lurniture. etc. Boston, and he has practiced In Koxhury magazine some time slnoe, dlaousud the crockery and glass w;we. kitchen 11—Li a corner of his room and hold- father, but whose wife shall I take?’ d4t Rossini club gave the following pro- Shanghai, January Hung Chang ovgr Into aubj ttt very tborougly and pointed out Jam# ever since. He was examiner for the Bos- Hi added that he want d to give Curtin gramme; has arrived here on his way to assume lag the bllle np had eald that he had a the course of study that should be pur ton district of the Provident Life and a mission, but the missions were all full, the of Kwan. he wasted to show him. sued, and Professor Bourne of Yale, whe & CO. V\ial Solo: Vlcero/Bhip Liang One engraving and. said he: “Whose mission shall 1 F, oT BAILEY Trust company of Philadelphia, and wes treated the matter from the point 01 a, Du list min all, Bradkuy Attorney Footer, reprewctlng United view of the educator, lh* lat- take?" a in bin bar of the Massachusetts Medical practioal that be should Aactioaeers and Commission Serelanb b, Ucchte Z dr, Nevln States Senator Clark, cross-examined ter said in regard to the nature of the It was agreed, however, Rrr. bmlth. soolaty.the Mason* and the Odd Fellows. contidrr the until the next morn- Street. Henry Stats Senator Clerk at the afternoon training required of candidates subject Nulearootu 4tf lubange speoisl u»e to call to Piano Sole- Serenade, Stojowskl Dr. Hall was well known In In uur de- nlng, wben he n*qua»t*d Koxbury for administrative positions w. x Miss Holmes. session. The wltnew eald that be had rtoelve his answer ldld so, and he gave r. O. BAILKJf. C. ALLIS and He was an extensive that iu thoroughuesj and ex- tf Dorchester. pendencies letter to Curtin tender- «*u * Solo—La Cnprlceiosa, Matt 1 tlret wet Marcus Ualy about lo days bu- tent It should not be Its4 than that de- me an iiutournph real estate owner, and erected a tlm a brsc-oiase mission at the olose Mitt Sargent. recently It’s in isuy. Uu of our own and ing Scrofula fore the legislature manded lawyers physi- adjourned of his Gubernatorial term. Curtin gave 1 Vocal solo—“AhI s*tu Uorrai,” from large block at the corner of Blue Hill cians. "This means two or three year* Jc’A f>. Borneo and Those little kernels in the •aid he had received |5,;So from Mr. Ualy public notloe of his acceptance of it, ami Julht, Vaooaj avenue and Warren street, In which li of distinctively professional training rest- Miss Rogers for him as bis oounwl In his retirement from the Gubernatorial repreetntlog ing on the solid foundation of a regular In South Portland. Jan. 11. William II. Went Jubilee ball. He leaves a widow and two neck! Has but within a few weeks there- Vocal Solo—The World of Dreams, child ever one He sieo eald that before a or scientific contest, til 1 month 13 your trenaactlou. course of study in college of worth, aged years days. Cowen *ans. The lunernl will take next after a number of the leading counties I place to school." Thle course, Professor Bourne I Notice of funeral hereafter. Midi had them? You the meeting of the legislature January the state instructions lu wife of Brown. Friday. know some- should embrace and gave peremptory In S mejvllie. Mass. Jau. If, Lucy, bad a of said, geography the I be should Plano Solo—Andante Cantabile, laet he had not high opinion and hie favor, and demanded Dau’I W. Banborn. ethnology, history, eooaomloe law, lie at 1/.3U o’clock, from times become Mr. that his not be permitted to relive, wa» [Funerra! on S.iturday Stojowskl they swell, Fred Whiteside, believing lauguages, religions and folk psychology. No. 90 street, 8oui> Miss Margaret Jordan. ISLE OF SPK1NGS ASSOCIATION. nominated sorely against bis will and her late lesiuence, Myrtle conduct In the state cap ltol location He exert seed the opinion that with the ville. Mass. Vocal Sclo—Cloche, Saint-Saens and end in a le-slscted, but narrowly escaped giving Albion B. painful, soften, been facliltlM for Instruction at hand, in lu Rum lord Falls. Ih?e. 27. Dollls, Miss Fogg. The Annual no of the Isle of matter had not exemplary. Indeed his life ns a sacridce.—A. k McClure filing surprisingly short time it would be so aged 59 years 3 months, Plano Due—Marche Gorla a scar. Give such a be had raid before the which lu Saturday Evening Post. Mr s. subti le O. Triumphale, Springs Association was held Thursday child grand jury tirt for our government to Philadelphia lu Saco. Dec. 28. Lewis, aged Mrs. Smith, Miss Mary Jordan. ly practicable 69 Henry Mr. Wnlteslds's o.nni-etlon have as candidates for for years. afternoon at the office of Judge Wing In Investigated sppointment In Bangor. Dec. 30, Chaticu II.. son of Wm. as MARRlA'jiS GEO KG K W. with the matter that he believed he had the oolonlal service men thoroughly 18 years. WILSO^ Auburn, with a Urge representation ol Kcczer. Aged Scbttft&rnuUicTL equipped for Intelligent and efficient ad- lu Bangor, Dee. 30. William 11. Palmer, aged At the Jefferson “Harbor the The of acted In a "scoundrelly manner." yesterday membership present. reports ministration as tbnae at the disposal ol lu otlsfietd. .Ina. 2. Alplieu* S. Holden and 35 years. as soon as the kernels For this reatou hs bad declined to widow of David Eights’ 'and “The Mystery of Romany the officers were most, satisfactory. just join England. Prance. Holland and Germany. Mr*. Ada Green Stuart, both of odslield. In Bangor, Jau. 10, Bridget, 79 7 months. Mr. Whlteatds and Mr. In their Trained men for the oon In Kluxftelil. Jan- 1. Arthur E. Kemptenand Noonan aged years Bye’ were the attractions. Mr. Kendall The t'.Vnion of officers resulted In the Campbell diplomatic, In Dec. 24, Ca'.hartne liagley. form- The little swell- sular and oolonlal servlcee are certainly Miss I tael B Likin. botU o« Phillips. Isleaboro, Weston as an J Miss of A H appear. scheme to the alleged bribery pro- and Mis. lJz- of Belfast, aged Htt years. Romany Bye choice Hon. Savage ox Auburn, expose interest* hevu In Furinlugtou, Seth M. Newtou erly to*be desire. Perhaps our In West Hancock. Dec. Mrs. Sarah Uas- oonneotlon with the zie Lnee. ... 28, Florence Haiull on as lleckett adds Dr. E. of will less and less oeedlnga lo eleotlon in the for ths Gerty prcstteiit; Thompson Dover, ings grow not greatly suffered pant la Hath. Jau. 2. Thomas A. llcory and Miss cott. nged 89 years. Senator to the made on the M. S. ol of a United Slates until Mr. want of such men, but our broadening A. lu Bucksport, Dec, 28, Daniel E. Wight, agea good impression vice-prestdeut; Campbell Mary Ilnyes, _ and soon will alto- de- Miss Clara theatre of tbie Mr H. Hutchins ol disappear Whltealde'a raoord aoould te cleared op. relations will make an Imperative I11 Saco, Jan. 1, Joshua Smith aud 70 years. going population oily. Augusta, olerk; Wesley adminis- In Bar Harbor. Dee. 30. Mrs. Lizzie U. Hap- tha mand for representatives and Roberts. Wilson vrna as usaal lu his as treasurer. Ueo. C. Continuethe Emul- He hue, however, acojpted explana- E. aud Miss wortb, 44 }ears. funny part Auburn, Directors, gether. trators thoroughly qualified for the duties lu Rucksport. Howard Churchill aged and Belie Hutehiars, both of Urtaua In Augusta, Dec. 29, Miss Emms Howe, aged Boen Knlvett. mention shouli S. S. Hersey. Albert Young, Au- tion made by Mr. Campbell had then lfcese the schools will so fer aa Flora Special Wing, supply I11 Bell Dec. 28, Daniel anil Miss 23 years. sion until the child has Wellcome. Ha Is ast, Ingalls be given to the company's dog Rover, burn; George M. Coomb#, Dr. H. C. good agreed to meet Mr. declared needed Instruction ooncerned, though Nora Seekloa. In to an that ha .lid oannot men the character and and Miss funeral of the Ellen c hamberlain who pliyod hi* nart with almost human Bradford, Lewiston; Dr. B. T. Sanborn flesh and a rwponas Inquiry not they give In South Berwick, John W. Booth [The late; color. te the faction—neither be- taot wbioh are as essential as education. F. Hoe. will take place this Friday afternoon at 3.90 healthy belong Ualy Susan .. intelligence. Mr. James the and M. 8. H. F. and all and o'clock, from It he residence of A. F. Hill, No. 1 Hardy Campbell. Augusta; $oc. $1.00, druggists. fore nor alow the meeting of the leglsin- However, the new Impulse Is in the right in Farmington, Jau. 3, Win. U Kennedy SCOTT & F. Russell. lUckl a street, Woodfords. juifffe* *td Mies Alloe Carle/, the Farm ham, Portland. BOWHE, Chtmiats, New York. tme. |. direction and therefore to be encouraged. Misa Mattie j —- ■ -■ _ IBUMM. MAINE TOWNS. Mr. Charles Rbaekfrrd's, of North Kay NATURE OF ELEPHANTS. unM bis band and made Ms attar ala wm going to strike Mm little OM again | railroads. mood, loot Wednesday. pbants pall him to bis hat, aad ha waa and kill bar 1 Bind, tat laatoad af kit- Tba roods ato lo a bod condition. It Is aa doalla at a lamb. Wa bad aa more ting bln trunk tha that want Into aaa of ■ Unitrated the ■tar? ef the Keeper Unable with him far a year iftarward. his i;ii another whoa Items .f lalirnt by Oar l-ac.l good neither sleighing nr on wheels. by Upon ocouelon, CASCO BAT STEAMBOAT CO. Whaa wa wars la ha at Tenth aad Uailowhlll ho actu- •fOld Name*. Oeltongln, Tag., attests, Cor d.a Is. an knonksd oat tbs respon NATIONAL AMERICAN WOMAN to road OB bla haapar, Ignorant fallow, ally aaa satlrs otda at (■Mia House and haoahod him through • fanea and brink slapbaat honM la wklnh ha aat Wharf, SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION. than demolished the fenoa. The men sa- eonOnsd. Xha aaat Moon wo trnoollod Portland, He. NOHLKUORO. (From the Philadelphia Time*.) around with fall TRAINS LEAVE PORTLAND The Annual Coorentlon oapad by dodging setae pasta, Homao wall onoodh. In the of CmhhcIm ■•■4*7, Ski. lit, 1899. Tblrty-Sesoad The am Ok lbs For Noblcboro, Jan. 10.—Mr*. Allots Rolf killing la Col boa. la, lint I had no trouble with Homao. I tied HOT tha show wlntorod In Uetoeru, oa Uwliioa, 8.10 a. m, fjo, 4.oo. •s.on p, rn. of the National American Woman Ruff- WKKK DAY at tralaar him and than tba man panlohed him. Jinn & Millar's Inna. It was hofotbot TI.HR TAILIC. For Ind Pond. AlOa. •od ton, are la booth Uardloor, for tha other day Patty Korepeugb, up m., IA •«.<» p rn. race Aisoelatton will be bold In tbo It didn't do any good, however. Ha beat Knasso klllod bis keeper, William P. For Form f lip Uatl.i.Pnli, ■•■•ml, For tor * Hell'a Clroua. by aa Montreal, Quebec, Chicago. fi.10 a. m., winter. lorepangb that uni 11 ba was badly used Williams, In Dewmber. itoraso got a ».qo. #.45. s.0#, a to.. 2.IS, 4.00. t.ts p. m. Churob of Our Father) owner Thirteenth elephant up, For < •c oo p. m.. reaching Montreal at 7.00 a.m. Emma from Prrtland, ipaot elaphunt, adds another to tha long Hat of but ha would net give la. It la remark- 01 on him and Williams happened to tors Island, 6.44. ia.40 a. too Chapman ami L streets, Washington, D. C„ Feb- p. 111. and T.oo u. m. tboar who haro mat thalr death able what lll-wlll Homeo bad for that bin back, whaa as a hash Homao For a week at her father's, Deaoou Alden through qolek Mint OM Ilrsal lll.monl l.laart., ruary 81 h to 14th litolnelvs, 1800. fallow. Charles Hrads la In that knocked him down and than kasslod oa the malevolent Initio its of them balky right Trvfrthsn'i l.andlnc, Praha laland, 4.JO, TRAINS ARRIVE PORTLAND Cnapinan. recently. The Nineteaatb was oalled ones an elshsut a spite against a man him, break lag slmsst erery bon* In bit 7.00. §j». 10.30 a m.. «.ta p. m. Century by who boar a gats From Lewiston. *8.10, 11.30 a. m.. 5.43 and 6.46 Jackson Plummer, a respects! farmer, brntse, onjuetly reputation he never forgets It. The ataa I’m talking body. Homao, bowsvsr, was aaourely For Puart'a m. p. m. 67 for doolllly. about would net go nasr tbs elephant chained and could do no mors mischief. «!»d Deo. ltUU, sged yeare, of Woman." From Maud Pond. •8.10, 11.00 a. m 9.45 Century ohlldrea to olroot after and that was tba wisest thing Hs rsmnlned torn all winter, and Id lha C. W. T. CODING. General Manager. Frank Guentbncr le home from Port- You who take yoor that, dot? p. m. bine* the dawn of history exceptional he ever did In bis Ilfs, for Homeo would spring 1 was mat for to oooqm-r him. dll %lth From Chicago, .Montreal, Hntbrr, *8.10 land. performaaces meaagaiie adjonote, have killed him at the urat ohaoea It was the old Whan ho sow women have demonstrated by tbelr high sorely Wall, story. a. m.. 5.45 p. m. one hundred where thorn paohyderma are fad With roan and him two mo h* If be Geo. W. Oliver baa told abilities a* Inventors, skilled workers, Wa got another kept became tirrlbly enraged, aad dream than We had a old time bad bran • Otbei thousand pins logs to Bath parties, and poets, artists, tsnobers and raters, that In peanote by ohlldlah hands, little years, and high not toan chained I would bass Daily. trains week days. In It was oo Jan. 1863— to JSffilF BOSTON the domain of intellect woman was not maniacal and Inatlnctt ot Chicago. US, killed. Wo got him down and began Sunday *raln leaves Portland every la to the ore'll. of tba tempera SnndJ5 hauling the ban I'll naval forget the date—when Homeo punish btm. It took us all Hatordny and for Lewiston. Gorham and Beilin at 7.30 a. ni. nnder of nature, but under those beasts. little more than Rollins bee sold one hundred tha It’s only on bis He was looa< at U.nry of statute and custom. Rut, for the mass tamed keep*. Sunday night ana until Mondar morning Pullnian Palace Sleeping Cara on nlgbt two at tha wlnt*r tbe time. He knoeked tbe man sc for tba before was all tfaoutar.d pine loge to C. C. Robbins, of women, the nineteenth oentury hat yaare ago whan, qnar- bo halloed. 1'too he rlgbt trains and l'arlor Cars on da> trains. Barntim & Cl at drat tlma ha struck him that ba could not naala. and Is hauling tbam on to Pema- been tb* only epoch In history whloh has tan of tba Bailey rent, Bristol, get at him to kill him. He waa knocked This waa my last with Ho- given them opportunities as woman or Coon., an eleven experience Bridgeport, alaphant under the seats aad Homao after him. mao. He lbs qold pond. rights as human beings. died la ISOM In Cbloago. and have feet high weighing three and ona-half Hut tba man recovered himself la tlma who bod Mia Luella Morang child,whs To state the difference la the position people him In eharrge punished Ticket Office, Depot at foot of Vndla valued at and a feature of and ttew otl of tha Homao tern aad shot him so often that klllod {& besn at her fathers' L. Guenthner, has of women la all Helds of between tone, $<1,000, building. they J., activity out was tb* of this cen- was to the piece Ha smashed the seats, and him at last. Korn so was a line follow. The screw Street._ returned to her home In Everett, Maes. wbat It In beginning tha show for twenty year*, pat superb, now, •feel, steamship after doing aa much damage as be oould Ho was tbe greatest ot hi* day. •tJOVKRlfOll Cant. John Thomp- tury and la now at Its close, would bs to death after two with elephant wlto of Thomas G.PDIsbury. daya' dosing prussic Inside be broge down the doors and Ua about Use toss and waa son. the stniineli and steamer & Elizabeth, present a series of brilliant transforma- weighed and elegant BOSTON MAINE K. «. mold booauee tba davelopmeott marched Into the streets of worth at the If *’IIAY MTA 1 K," A. C. Iienntson. alter died Jan. 4th, 84 jeers. tb* oreatlon* of alarming Cbtoago »10,0t0 lowest satlmats. o I.tfert Ort. aged tions, surpassing tuaglo natelv leave Franklin and 'id. 13JJ of hla forbade around the Court Hoc si. This was early be had been bandied r ght from tha first Wharf, Portland, X. V. Puffer le In Portland, where be Aladdin's lamp. mao-klUlDg disposition IndU Wharf. ltnst.23. 6. to p. m.. Old or and no snow to make movement along the path of liberty urea, elephant trainer, Worcester, >ew York. etc., etc. Jan. loth sleigh- the Homeo waa oauelng the as la done la rliard. Aaeo, Heu 7.00 tbs reward ibat Is vouobrafsd lo id meantime, phant's bask, frequently J. P. I.tHooM K. lien. Manager Blddeford, nobunk, highest an amount of tha experience 8.45. 10.00 a. in.. 13.20. 3.30. 0.20 ing. given greatest evoltement A large crowd bad streams. THOMAS M BARI LETT. 6.2c, human effort. Tb* greatest men of the * AgC.iL that line, to which tha elephant Djek oolleeted and the elephant was rushing deciodtf p. tn. Kennehnnkoort. 7.00. R.46. 10.00 V1NALHAVKN. oentury have walked with us; poem have i>. IT.. 12.80. 8.80. 6.25. o. m. Well* The animal thsm lha streets. They had sung for us; prophets have inspired us playe an Important part. through THE EARTH’S JlAGNETI8M. Moaeli. North Henvlck, Dover, Jan. 8.—Mrs. John Clark board eideWiJka than, elevated about a Vlnalhavea, with visions of suoosm; statesmen have killed several and Jack mae- 7.t'O, 0.45, n, in,. Somersworth. keeper! only tha 8.4» ;«.3u met with a severe acoldent Friday night made courts and forums with elo- foot and a half from the street, and International Co. Kochas'or. 7 OO. a. in., 1*2 80. p. in. ring her a Northern linn In from her home across the stool tered by using sharp pitchfork, on tbeas, for the elephant was Steamship Alton Bay, Lak*port, .ind going In our stones have blos- people kept acorrh for Its Cause —■ quence behalf; Prof. Rowland's FOR Ion, 0.45 m. n>.. 12 30 m. Woroostor (via to the about 7 o'clock p. m., wbisb he Into her aides at tba afraid to gat on the beanie. As soon as p parsonage, somed Into roses; eoora has become ap- plunged Borner*worm 7.00 a. tn Concord on however aadCJeaerol Interest In Ills Itgort. Waaohoaior. when she slipped anil breaking her the streets, > fell, plause; timidity, opposition and Indlfftr- lcaet show of disobedience Asa reenlt anybody appeared EattDOf4 Lsbrv Ca ais. St J«tt* N.9 .Hatton *.$• and North, 7 OO a. tn 3.3 p. rn. Dover. K*e. wrier badly and eptaloing the other, Knireo went for them and and drove ffaeorhllL I avnact, 7.0 '. 8.45 very ence have ebanged Into a grand chorus of hla be the and all parti of New Brunswick. Novi Scotia, tor, Lowell. besides her knee and shaklDg her experience, pronounced them to the sidewalks In this way be a. in., 12.80. 3.30 p. m. Boston, A4 06. 7.00 hurting of for woman's before the Prince hdward Island and C»|*e Hi c ton. The appeal equality the cunnlngaat, olear of 8.45 a. in.. 12.30. 8.30 P. rn. Arrive Boston up generally for a lady advanoed in years. “full-grown elephant kept the streets wagons, oarnagee (Philadelphia Press ) favorite route to aiul SL Andrews. law. Cumpobello 7.26. 10.16 a. m.. 12.46. 4.10. 7.15 n. m. Leave Ia was a narruw esoape Iron) death. Dr* mod treacherous and bloodthlraty beast horse cure and everything. I got back to aN. 14. Let ns then olose the nineteenth century that How- liostou for Puritan I 6.6». 7.30. 8.30 a. m.. 1.20. and were saininoned tbe hotel about 11 o'clock and then beard Xhe annoanoemsDt Prof. Lytord Raymond with a convention whloh sbnll le a aver the butcher among Winter Arrangement. 4 15 Arrive in Portland lu.lo a. in., jubi- that played oa p.m. fll.6u and set tne broken bonea ami made her about Homeo and went to look for him. lead, of Johns Hopkins Ualrerelty, la 6.00 m. lee for our successes and a preparation for mank Ind.” On and after Monday, Nov. 6, Steamer will 12.10. 7.60 p. ae comfortable ae I Urat found Juliet—sht bad got out, too of poFSlble. the twentieth century, which Is to be the traok of a eolation of the problem leave Railroad Wharf, Portland, on Mondav SUNDAY TRAINS. the doll tlmea In ocr town tha A11 thla brlnga to mind a talk the nar- —and got her home without any trouble. Despite not man's nor woman's, but humanity’s. cause earth'a le .»mi at c an p. m. Returning# leave Then 1 went for Homeo. I watched him the of tbe magnetism Thursday Hrarhoro Bead*. Pine Point, Old Or- town officer* feel very nmoh enoouraged Rllzabstb rator onoa bad with fatuart Craven, the ht. John. Kastport and l.ubec Monday only. Cady Stanton, Honorary as chard Haco.Blddeford, Benaebunk.Nortb on the tinanolal outlook for this jetr and a little before I called him and I found particularly Interesting. Tbe eaitb, The Monday steamer wdl run dliect to Ht. President. veteran trainer, and tba man Horwick, Dover, Kxotor, llavorhlll. Law- to able to meet all and elephant he was baa. He had not seen me sod so Is the John, reluming immediately to Kastport and hope be expensre Susan R. Anthony, Presdent. very all know, la a huge magnet ronro, l.owell, Boston, 12.55, 4.30, p. iu. over. who anted aa obetetrlclan for Baba, whan for over a week and when 1 called him by Lubec, in liosiou 8.22 bnve a email surplus Howard Vloe-PresIdsnt-at- are Arrive 6.18, p.m. Anna Shaw, didn't ana. Beth subject to oertaln magnet- through tickets Issued and baggage checked The officer* were installed In on the morning of March 10, 1810, at rains he threw np his bead and following Large. for the for the to destination. g*R>~Freight received up to 4.0Q EASTERN DIVISION. De Valois K. Friday know where tbe round oame from. 1 ic obangee day, week, oommindery, X'., Rachel Foster Avery, Corresponding Twenty-third etreet and Kldge avanna. p. nt. Boston and way stations 0.00 am. Rldda- K. Sir Frmierlo S. called and then ha taw me. I cried, UvmiH anu w fvi iuu| |»uuia| awuu on iuv tickets and staterooms Pine evening, Jnn. 5th, by KenratnrT. of what again For apply at the ford, Klttery, Portsmouth. Newbury the In tbla city, tha winter qnatrtere “Come bera*' and he did oome, Um Walls, Past Grand Commaolsr of Alice Stone Blackwell, Keccrdlng sec- eleven-year sun-spot period on the eon. port, .Salem, Lynn, Boston, 2.08, 9.00 a, uu, of with Past waa than & Unllsy’e Ureal con- oane as a Hash of lightning, and as he other Information at Company * Office, Uailroau 12.49, 6.1*' p. in. Arrive Boat MB, 6.57 a. Ml Grand Commander; Maine, Cooper Is with • retary. I Xhli sun-spot period oolnoldint Wharf, foot of Stale street. 9.05 m. Leave Boston, 7J0. Commander, K. 11. Lyferd, ae Grand don the lint born In oame 1 want. made far the building 12.40, 400. p. Harriett Taylor Upton, Treaaurar. Circus, elephant J. F. I 13COMB. in Airlv* Poii- and got Into tha room on one change In magnetlo activity, «upt. 0.00 a. 111.. 12.38, 7.00, 7.46 p. Capt. General: Laura Catharine MoCul made It* dressing periodio nov4dtf II I*. C. HKTtSET, Agent. 12.45. 10-40 Clay, Waugh captivity appeiranoa. of whlob was elevated land. 11.45 a. ilk. 4.30, 19.15, p.m Auditor* tlda the entrenos, end this ohange In the eon'e magnetic E C.—Sir S. A. Crawford. loch, obat with Craven wae tba Homao *■ I N DAY. Tba Intrinsically a few feet from ground. Old oertaio Gen -K. W. Wiley. Carrie Chapman Catt, Chairman Urgas- field, as Is well known, lndocee Interesting, but In addition pmaanta tba oame In and stood to the entrance, and NEW VOKK DIKKC'T EINE, Blddeford, Klltery. Portsmouth, New Chaa. lzatlon Committee. tbe field cf the l.» Capt. Gen.—Sir Libby. feature of exhibiting him at a there he staved looklno for me. He was changes In magnetic hnrypwri, Salem, mi. Hostoii, 2.00a. IT... W.—Sir H. L. peculiar 12.45 Arrive Boston, 5.37 a. in.. 4.09 S. Raymond. UKNEKAL. INFORMATION. defender of the elephant while piling frantic and If he conld hare got me would earth. Tble Inteiplsj of magnetlo and Maine Steamship Co. p.m. J. W. —J. H. Sauobrn. me cure. arouod tbe nrnnf neon nreof la eubetar.tlstlon of the hare killed I got across has dazzled Iflaeil Heaml lty DarGght. Prelect—Sir W. S Carter. Tbe hotel headquarters will ta at' the eleotrlc fctreeere spaoe Arrive 1'orllaud, 12.10, 10.30p. in.. statement mala by Charles Keade a hero building and opened au tbe windows E men's and has been a 3 TttlPS per week. A-Dally except Monday. i'raaa.—Sir X. Libby. Higgs House, ccrosr Fifteenth and U of tbo malevolent qualities ascribed to tbe and doors, ao as to mako It as oold as many Imaginations itecoruer—air cnn. oiuwnuu. waa blttsr weather—and tbna field for crank Krduccil Fares ^3.0(1 Ouc Wnj. street*, ebon* ten minutes' walk from the animal, lbla Is Craven's story: possible—it favorite epecnlatloh. W. N. A I*. DIVISION. S.H.— Blr V. J. Orbit u. atall. Hall and Mmi. “in the story of Charles Baade," said freeze Romeo into going Into hla and men like him loved to talk The steamships UoreCu B. K.—Sir F. S. Hamilton. Churob of Our Father. Street ears run Keely leavo Franklin Wharf. Station Foot of Preble Street. be, “there'! a great deal of bosh. Of Rut tha fever waa on bins bad. and that Iiatian alternatively W.—Blr H. W. Fttleld. both between tbe two about harneaetag tbe elherle wavee and Portland, Thursdays and Saturdays ways place* oonrse, them have been some bad ele- would'n work. 1 than want baok to tbe Tuesdays. tor Worcester, Clinton. Aver, Nashua. W. H. Urown. Industries mesne at C p. m. for New York dlrecL Returning. leave Sentinel—Bir Hates for room and board—l-'.uO par day be takes one animal Unsung room and threw a pleoe of running the world'e by Wlndnam and 7.3b a. in. and 12.30 and Blr phants. but single Pier 3*. E, K., Tuesdays Thursdays and Satur- Eppingat Capt Gen.—Bir I. C. Uleilden I bread to him and an ear of oorn of tbe planetary dynamo, p. in. for each person, two In one room; 13.00 and oondsmna the whole family. say days at & p. na. K. H Koberte. 1 fooled as mueh Xho prerequisite ti any.utilization of filled and lur- For Manchester, Concord and points North at per for one person In a room. there's no oooaalon to have any trouble around, making These steamers are superbly After the Installation ceremonies wblub day stresses that move the most 7.30 a. li'. end 12.30 p. ill. an If he’s handled, noise aa poaalble, but appearing to the electro-inagnetlo nlshed for passenger trave1 and afford music and A list giving tbe rates of o:her hotels with elephant properly For Kocbester. Allred, Waterboro had bten Interspersed with the Alter a while 1 band- from sun ot or the harneeelneg of convenient and comlortanle routo between and some huusss with con- but. like Xom Elliott, tbe trainer In ba unconoerned. earth, and 8aco ltlvei at 7.80 a. in., 12 w and 5.30 all were Invited to the ban- good boarding as a Is to Portland and New York. readies, etc., a of tbo tn this ed an ear of corn to him from the the earth great magnet. get in. Hue ohloken venient street oar aonoeations to tbe book, good roauy keepers LI.SCO MR. p. quet hairwbsre a very sup- wltb room and ba It In hla some Idea as to bow tbe earth‘a magnet- J. F. General AgenL For Gorham at 7.30 and n.43 o. m 12.30, 3.03 has been for wbloh ap- oountry have bean brutes—men very dressing put month, ocudtf awaited provided by the wiles church, prepared, and what tha lotluenoes TH09. M BARTLETT. AgL r, :to and d.20 in. per them, E 1330 little wbo knew little abopt bat oauld not eat. At last ba did eat a ism Is caused p. a sooial ply to Lucy Anthony, Diamond Intelligence, Cumberland Mills. Westbrook of the Blr Kalghis, after which abort ot bread, and then 1 spoke to him. and tbelr variations are. and what their For Westbrook, street, Philadelphia, Pa. elephant* and nothing anythlug pleoe Junction and Wood fords *t 7.30, i*. 15 a. in., hoar was prvlltably spent. 1 believe rtold'hlm to Into hla atall. Ha hssl- effects. Though seemingly profound, It As It Is dealrable that tbe hotela know alee. Now, there was Komeo. go 12 jo, ;t.o*. 6.30 ami U20 n. m. than walkad In. Nuw Is not an abstract matter for savants to soon as how that If 1 had him In charge he tated a minute and Trains an ive at Portland from Worces'er at BHOWNFIKlD. as possible just many thay kept to DOMINION LINE. In knew be wae all and I followed over, but a problem of Inter*st from Kocbester at 8.30 a. 1.28. are to expect. It Is well for those plsnnlng would bs alive today and the best card I right qnsrrel I. 28 p. in.; in., Jen. 10.—Lombetmen are tbe one, since, If the rise end fall of 5.48 ni.; Irani horlnm at b.4o, 8.30 and Urowntleld, to Attend to write direct to tbe hotel ot the Let me tell yoo about and * ion bad chain around hla foot, evrry aud p. country. 1.23. 4.15. 5 48 Hi. waiting anxiously for snow, although Idea o( and that waa the end of that troublo. We magnetism attsets the weather, 10.60 a. m.. p. tbelr obuloe, securing room. Ue sure to Komeo. end you'll gel n good planetary Portland to via. 1' it T. A. Boston. of snow a few mads In turn means a variation In the sea- Liverpool Queenstown D. J. FLANbL.Ua. G. the light fall days call a baa You the same man with him. hat chain- this state that you will be iu attendano at tba what they elephant. kept From dt* and aided lumbermen to so that be oould be fed sonal climate, and this good or bad crops Jegb good sleighing convanllon uud expsot our rates. see, they have spells that corns on them ed Romeo np From some extent. And on or bad r.*et eoonomlo Liverpool Hallruad Hates—The usual rate of a —a kind of fever—and they become un- without an; danger. good crops to Portland Portland, Farmers and dairymen are tilling their went at and that touch the pooket of all fare uud one-third.for the round trip has manageable. If a sneil comes on when We Into quartets ilelevan, questions m. lee houses tr. Dec. M to come baak. I’d had fall In wheat financial orlees and quality. Kutes, MBs U. National 1 don't tblnk they'd bars tbs spells. Uut telling me Well, prloee, Sat. Dec. 17. *110111411. Wed. Jan. 10 concert gave Mary Hay, and famine means of the waxing J«n. 13 The Bookalexla company 107 VVui 1 j New about Komeo. .He was one of the eight a little trouble with the proprietors years by 1 hur. Dec.V ancouver, Sat. entertainment Monday Headquarters Building, and of sun 7hur. Jau. Domiuim, bah Jan. 2a a very intere-llng that llnrnum bad brought from the Island did not go until 1 had telegraphed baok waning spots. 11, 't Is York. the from John Thur. Jan. 1M, ('ainbronmn. Sau Keh. :i and ‘Juesday. he whistler pcsesessed was called Cunada to them. 1 got an anawrr right awa; ac- According to dlspatehts lii rffitd December f, IHf)1). The Executive Committee of Ceylon in ItsSJ. He and Ol toman no almost skill, with clear preliminary I went. Prof, ttowland has shown that •Roman carry passengers. with phenomenal be held a then. He name here with tbe cepting in; terms and It appears Hopkins of Medina will in committee reputation to tbe tones tbat toald be beard In all parts own that as scon as Hom^o found I bad ins a revolving body somewhat similar Irani! leave FnloivSlatioii, Htdway Square, room at the ohurcb, from 0 to 10 a >D., of bavlDg killed two men In his g SERVICE. and In time and tune. weald near earth on rr- BOSTON | '.or station* uanu d and intermediate *tai:, a« the ball, perfeot Htb. Xheee elephants travelled he got frantlo ard no oas go develops nsagoetlsm being Thursday, February country. of Is IidloWt: For Bangor T'Oainl 10.25 a. in.. The audlenoe were well plessid. or bim. He was all wben he anw ms volved, and tbe amount magnetism To via the will be Elizabeth uround tbe country two three years, right l.ivcrpuol Qiicenstowit. Belfast 7 <*» a. bsh le It Among epeukers to tbe of the revolu- *12.35* 1.20 ind *11.00 p. in. For D. W. Tripp, warden, making were E. anil all right till spring. We kept proportionate speed Cady Stauloo, Susan B. Anthony, Clara and then four of them bought by ata;ed 111.. 1.2<) and ll.on i), ni. For Brunswick, for those that have been ac- und in a room a tion. Or oouree, the problem Is at pres- New England. Dec. 20, 12.30 V. m. Interesting B Colby, Harriet Station Uletoh, Vir- K. and J. Motile. of Delavan, Wle who Romeo Juliet adjoining \ugnstn ami W'atrrvlllr ?.oO and 10.25 a. customed to llsli through the Ice for friends used to ootne and sae ent In tbe early stage of laboratory ex- 5.l'J oo i‘i. Bath ginia D. Yeung, A. Emmagene Paul, sent them to their show then travelling barn, and RaTTS « F PASSAGE. ni *22 ... 1.20, amt *D P- Kor pickerel. The recent law lo regard to afterward. 1 them. One da» a number of ladles came perimentation, but If Prof Howland suc- an 1 LrwUioii il;i Brunswick .00 raid 10.25 Street in tbe Couth. Xwo years Hr»t Iielurn seem to well under- Superintendent Cleaning Depart- demonstration ws may (Tlita~p)n.OO and upwards. u 5.10 and *1LC0 III. » or ltocklund Ushlng does not be in New York to go down and wanted to see tbe elephants drink. ceeds In making a m..'•12.35,1 p. ment, First Ward, Chicago; Mary Church was engaged —$100.oo ami upwards, according to steamer 7.(81 an 5 In in. For SWosvhe- and seme may hare violated the animals and aa soon be In fur anut ber application cf a. in., 12.35 p. stood, and and take of them. I went to I turned the loose, practloal accninndaii >11. Terrell, Annie C. S. Feun*r Carrie oharge di- and gait 7.O’! ». in 1.10 and ll.OO p ir». For Fox- law unintentionally. was and as Romeo Into tha 1 taw be bad the knowledge. This may be In the or Chapman Catt. Jackson, Miss., where tbe show got light Nrroail Cabin —To Liverpool f.ondoM. f35 croft uiMlltireeuvlllr 1.20 ail I 11.00 p.m. For a on 1 osn tell 1 those la- rection of an Increased grasp un weather >ol or BALDWIN. There will be two evasions daily, except went Into the tent as a spectator, 'lbat spell ;ou got Boston to Liverp Queenstown, $7.30. Him kopart 7.on a. in.. 12.35 and 11.00 p. 111. For of us as could. or It he In the Hue ot In- L London, I.oipIom llui hor and For fireeu- on tbe of was the liret time I saw Uumeo. I walked dles out sight qulok the; chaofce*, may Steerage—To verjund, Bur 12.V. 11.00 p.m. Last Baldwin. Jan. 10 —After nearly a day the Congressional Hearing, tbe to and B. uud as toon as Komeo Juliet weut out to tbs trougo and drank, dustrial dynamics. Anyway, p.sil- derry, Glasgow. Queenstown, $22Jri v111e untl iliiultou via Oldiown Busle Drost when the morning aaaslon will be omit- past the elephants according to learner. Wash- year of sickness Mies passed Roinro stood bis head. btlltles are nut Insignificant. & A. It. It. 12.36 n d 11.00 p m. For ted. saw me he me. He knew at ones but still, sbuklng r. P 450 to the Jau. 8, aged seventeen. spotted Anpiv to MrfiOWAN. Congress ington t o. it. II. 12 c> and *11.00 p. in. F >r higher life, man. He threw up his 1 went within a half dozen steps of him Nation, converted about two Four afternoon! will be derated to a I was an e'ephunt street. J. B. KHATING, room 4. Hrst Vlntt'i w a in Urn g 7.H‘ a. Ill 1 2 > Slid 11.00 p. IU. Becoming years ago, said: come and he dlscnndou of metbedv of work, under the bend and smelled me all over. I paid no anil “Romeo, here," al Bank Building, Cll A Itl.FH A sit ION, 047A or Vnncrboiu. St. Stephrn. llotilton. she at once united with the church and into & of the Chairman of the National attention lo him, tut walked on In- did oonie and 1 sprang up tbe barn, STEAMERS. Congress street, or DAVID TORRANCE Woodstock unit St. John 7.00 a. 111. r.nd Cbrhtlan Kndeavor society. Bhe was a obergs loo: of India street. Mr*. Carrie st* ad of turning to tbe next person and where be did not dare follow. 1 got a CD., general ageuls, II. 00 p. 111. Ashland, Presque Isle, consistent member of both, Organization Committee, tiov.4dtf Fait ll« lit t’urlhou via B. A A. K. being always Komeo follored me shot and losdul bulb barrels beaell; Fort unil all in bur to alu the Chapman Catt. Thla will be of Interest looking for apples, gun Ijrwlstou uimI Mechanic anxious to do power Romeo onme to me K. ll."Op. m. For and to utl state worker* as well as as far as bis chain would let hliu and and went to tbe door. cause of the Bavlour she lored. Bhe en- value Falls a. Ill 1.10 ami .15 p. in. For Hum- me until 1 and 1 “U»t“—that la, to thove who look forward to beooiuinz kept bis beitl turned toward culled, atop—and ford Falls, Fui in ngton and Phillips 8.3) tered the Blandish High school in the fell That left the tent 1 followed the show to as be come 1 llred Into his trunk. rt. 1.10 IU. For limits and Kangeley of *08 and had just commenced her seooiul National Organizers. BOSTON and PHILADELPHIA. LINE in., p. a and 1 Into ALLAN \\ and next and there 1 him little got taok MO IU. Km l.ruMini, luthrop with the Address Kayraond the duy stopped p. term, when taken typhoid fever, be off and SAILINGS. Waters llle 8 a m.. 1.10 p. m. SUSAN B. ANTHONY, showed the mauagrr my papers. Before tbe born. Then wept began TKI*WEEKLY 3) terminating u In coneumptlcn. Funeral mounds and break fences. Halifax & Trains leaving Portland 11.00 p in.. ■ this I wanted to keen Ineugnlto und take to upset ba; Liverpool, scrvloes were held Wednesday, at tbe inurui, Sa m*es not connect to Belfast, Dover ine man wno to make It short, 1 bad two da;s From Boston urday, Good- 17 Madison Street, Iiooestsr, N Y. • look at the eleDbanta. Well, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. and Foxemft or bevond to I I s Boat Baldwin church, HeT. Mr. wltb him. 1 would go Portland Service. Bangor, except RACHKLLFOSTER AVERY. had the elephants before me was juat and three nights worth and Washington Co. It. K., and leaving win olliclatlng. Upon the oasket rested came From aa iteude out wltb tbe gun and wben he for Philadelphia Monday, Wednesday H.oo in. does not connect to Skow- carna- Corresponding Seo'jr, auch a man Charles dssorlbosjln p. .Sunday a hunch of sevunt eu dainty white ..... and umnM nnl af.itro urht it T rtilleil I 146J N. ft id Street Philadelphia, Pa. lorn hdlintt, a low, drunken brute. When and From From From hegau. tions tbe sift of the teacher and students he Friday. heard Chat 1 was to him, he Urea into hi* trunk. After awr.lle STEAMER. Portia ud. Halifax. of the liigu school win attended in a he replans From Central Wlmrf. Uostoo, 8 From Liverpool. WHITT MOUNTAIN DIVISION. MRS. STANFORD'S FORTUNE ALL mad and would not stop without my llrlng ,but It p.m. seventeen rcsss was terribly gave up everything 1‘lno street Wharf. FhilaUelphla. at 3 t>. in. In- body, also pink given by a tie while. i. Bartlett 8.50 a. m.. and 5.50 in. 1 wauled to keep him. That was only for lit surauoe effected at cllic s. 5 N ii 3 .11 Jau eel For p. the Christian Endeavor and the GIVEN AWAY. though •* Society Aa soon "In the third 1 was asleep, and for the West the I’eua. It. it and 4 Jau. •Californian 20 21 Jan For Hi hlgtotk anti Harrison 8 60 a. lu and two night he left and I took oharge. night Freights by Sunday school. A mother, sisters me und said the lines. i-, •Pa.lslan 10 Feb 11 Keb 3.5<) n. in. f or Berlin, Groveton, Island as saw the 1 saw something one ot the men awoke South iorwarded by connecting a are left to mourn. (Leslie's Weekly.) I elephants direct I.mik No. Mrullni u mill and brother was off more 3 Feb. I Nuraldian 21 Feb I'tiinl, was The man had gone away elephant up-H?ttlag hay- a. 1.00 iu. For It is staled that Mrs. Leland Stanford, wrong. Meats and room Included. Ite«*r Fulls 8..V) in. and p. Windham. without Borneo securely. ricks. 1 started after him with tbe gun. ”^.No cattle carried on these steamers. Aluulrrul, Ml. hb : widow of the California mllUcnaire Sena- fastening For freight or passage apply to F. P. WINCt Luurulmrg, ChlrMcu, was fast- It was a cloudy night, and 1 could not after arrival of Flint- 11 ml .43 p. m.. then 8.15 aud 9.13. or tirId, Phillips. Mr. Stanley, proper career, though him. lie rushed hack to the barn. Tne next day we trap- Belfast, Londonderry Queenstown, $23.50. iu. could not get very near Leave Underwood Spring for Portlaud at 0.10 Itniuford Kallt, Lewlitoii; 5.20 p. the or Mrs. Win. Stanley, a short forbids thut it should ever become a seri- A for me lo Prepaid cer till cates $24. guests after ue as far as bis chain would let him, him. bole big enough a. and until p.m.. then 1.50. to Hkotv lir^on. Urttrrvllle, lugudR, un- ped in., hourly Children under 12 years, half faro. Rates time ego. ous rival to the great, old-established was out lu the elephant Hocklultd. Hath; :> 35 p. IU. St. dohu, ISnr and we kept oat of his road, punoblng get through 3.10, t.5.30. 4.IU. 4.30,5.10,6.40,6.10. 6.30, 7.10,8.40 or from other pouit* on application to Mr. Mark Merrill ice iversities of the East. laud- llnrbiii', Aroostook Couuty, Mooiehrsil began hauling him with all the time. Sometime* house opposite ths door, and rapes and 10.10 p. m T. 1*. MeCiOWAA, 4*iO CuugreM St., a poles Fa ke n Hiinstor■. 5.45 P- in- H«»»#elcj, from the river this week. Mrs. Stanford has perpetuated family to the loft were fastened lo tbe tloor First two aud last trips ouilttei Suuday. ml be get hold of the olubs we threw at him ing Portluikil, Mr. Fcw Utou, memcrial and established a monument •3.35 t3 uovdOdtr Itoom FarmiUBtoii. Huiuford Fall-, He threw near the door. Then 1 went lor Komeo, Sunduv. Sunday. Koirkii 8tr*ui*klp Agency, 4, POLAND. and then we all stampeded. Fort- 8.10 p. ni. C’hlcauo. siontrral, Uurlirc, ami that will last for all time, but experienoe went ! Ftrat Vulloiial Gunk IfuildluK* these clubs hack with furua enough to out and when he saw me he for me. 1 all Whoe Mountain points: f.v a. m. dally from as while it is wise la Mil. Mnlur Poland, Jan. 11.—Huaalness Is booming demonstrated mat, him all ran Into tbe stall, through tbe doorway ... Itai Hat Lor. Hath and FewU- a man In two. We fought night, H. A. A. 1 India St, declddtf Mailgor, new of the Poland Co. In one s lifetime to bestow generous bene- tbe ALLAN, a. ui. Moudav. from at the plant Dairy hut could make no headway at all. ei- and out on tbe other side by bole. tou ; and A50 daily except The Ladies’ Uoivervallst Circle meets factions, it is not wise uurlng one's life- and whan he Halifax. M. •lolin, Kar Harbor, YVuter- to him. The next morn- Komeo followed, got past ___ time to away all that oept aggravate % llle and Augusta. today with Mrs. J. 1. Cblpman. give substantially the show moved and 1 was bound the planks with the rones lo them 1 as in the ing on, •Dally. A gay gathered at Waterhouse oue possesses, morn especially If, to raised the and cried ’‘Hat." 1 had party to follow with Boniso. We managed gun GKO. V. KVA NS, V. T. & G. M. lust for a social danoe. Af oa«n of Mrs. Stanford, numerous near rel- him with tbe hall evening the chain from his fastened to the never disappointed gun. Steamboat Co. BOOTH G V. 6i I A. survive. gel leg Portiam & Eoothbay F. I-;. BY. ter the dainty souvenir order was danced atives and then we let uud he stopped. Then the men In the i California Excursions.! doc2dtf other three elephants out of The writer recalls an instance in which behind him tbe refreshments, consisting faccy l hero loose. I was oa horseback loft raised the planks by *TK.4MKIt KA'TKItPRISfC leaves Fast New liberal already cake and wtra served and n very wuiltby lady In made and we had blue. I waa In front < to *t ». m. Wednesday and crackers, fruit, and led the way. As soon at Houioo ropes i Washington, O.C., Los Angeles j> Roothbay 7 Monday. the company then a social hour in gifts to a favored institution and deLr- slier with ths and In his rear was a big Friday for Poriiand, touching at So. Bristol, passed saw me ho cams for me pulllDg the gun, to bestow Kan enormous for- RooUib-tv Harbor, & Rumford Falls Mr. Waterhouse’s parlor. Among those mined upon me hols. We soon stopped the entrances up and San Francisco “■! ., ,. Portland Ry. with him. He kips going £ leave Franklin Wharf, 1 or Hand, ; were: Mr. and E. Mar- tune. Not after this deoieiou was elephants then to secure ; j Peturuin*. Mrs. E. long with and modern PlnUeh prefect at a paoe. Well, I saw a wood bare, lunnnged j Most tourist sleepers light, ami satin d »y for ate in re- lively When * t wtde vestibule ..b*ervKti‘>n cuds, lush bad. at 7 a. m. Tuesday, Thursday gin, Mr. ltobert L. Kimball, Mr. and reached found that Ler opinion the Into It. the feet with nocses. j» at Harbor Dec. 4 1899. ahead and led elephants elephant's! I **-:»t*. tiro retiring rooms for Fust Boothb iy, touching Bojthbay In i:rfcct Mrs?. Frank Dr. J. A. Ness, of to a minor matter oonosrnlng the tied we threw him und uyholetered ]fe Gray, gard Then the luen managed to get a chain wo got him up < f ladies. Smoking room, ard comfort IF and So. Bristol. wus the every PEPAETCKKS Elmwood Farm; Mr.and Mrs.Fred Ayer, institution not given attention one and this then I burnt him. It was the llret and aud convenience. Personally conducted. I/ir.d at Five islands r,n signal. fastened to tbe on Kuineo, ^ | jr Union Station Mr. and Mrs. J. E. of Min- thut it deserved by it* managers. I ever burnt an elephant. He octlldtl ALFRED RACE. Manager. 8.:tn A. M. and 1.10 1*. M. From Qalniby, properly around a tree. They got another only time Stopover Allowed at Wtsldrtcton. !► Gan- Mr. Henule It nd t tki her to discover that they put bar hot Iren | lor Poland. Mecliaulo 1 alia, BuckAeid. ot; Mr. Leon McKnighr, did long we had three fastened to never shrank. An inch of mind obaln.and Illustrated pamphlet* supplied by Urn. Dixiielu and Kumiofd Fails. Mr. Phil H. Everett. Miss Mattie It waa time to change her regard- ele- was his body, hut be did * and Maoliiis Stoanrtaa; C> Cobb, the tree, which we made the other pressed against Poriiand. Ml. Peson From Union Miss liar in toe of her uo no E. E. Cl RRIKR, Bi. E. A. $<». Psr. Co.. m. t to and 5.15 i». m. Davis, Miss Eva Kecord, Clara May ing purpos** disposition this means we got not move. 1 saw that It would STlt. HUNK JONKS. ue phants pull, lly * 9 State BOSTON blation lor Mechanic Fall* and intermedi of East Poland. iti ts. Mrs. hlmiord luav net have and Then we heat him i Street, Jordan, Borneo's lag so held that he ooull not good stopped. ..MlSS.jt Service resumed Friday, March 31,1890. on ■tatious. 1 oland of In- such an expelrenoe, b t »ii»r a gift' s until he halloed. He govs up I G. P. DANIELS, Bf. t P. A.. So. By., t Jones will leavo Colony Pilgrim Fathers, move it on lnob. He was as well with elute which date the steamer Frank at Uumfoid luUi for has lighting < 228 F*o p. ni. train connects stalled their ollicers at the town hall. mule and her irjptltv ohunged We and we took the ohatns off at Washington St., Portland on and Fridays at 11.00 p. as he however, all the time. I retty soon, Tuesdays Bcmis ltan^elcy Lakes. tho it she has taken cannot be could, 1 cut | Bar Harbor and Mac a las port f»d Tuesday evening, Mr. E. G. F« ssett, cf hands, ps the and during the once. Romeo was all right again. m. tor Rockland, laid nooses on ground BOSTON.^ASS. lamuujiS. Returning leave Portland, being Installing ollioer. The Borneo Into them. Then tbe shot from His trunk,and bad no mole and intermediate retraced._ struggles stepped oct* endlm Maehiasnu! t Mondays aud Thursdays at 4 a. Installation was and a free supper We trouble with htui then. publlo DAY ADVENTISM AND we lmd him by ull four lags. Next arriving Poitiand at li.OJ p. in. connecting was strvtd. SEVENTH^ and O'lirlen bought iiu.. the elephants to tbe ohnlu and then "In IStio Foretaugh with trains forlBoston. SABBATH DESECRATION. put season In a I nv GRAY. Borneo's leos from under him and the show. We got ulong that G Es. Jan. 11.—Mr. Wilfcar Rev. Martin D. Kaeelaml, D. I)., of down he went. Then tackled way, Dfy Mills, Frank, und In the fall we In the old dspot Portland. Maine.mar2Tdtf tu with clubs. He lought and fought, quartered III tlxo Pino Bolt. who Li.i been ut work Lawrence,Mas*, Boston, seort tary of the "sabbath Protac et street gored a bis hole In the ground with his In Philadelphia Twenty-third for the past year, is vEiting lit* parent*, at the Second and that winter of live League,'' will speak head. Hut he soon gave np and halhxd and Kidge evonne, V. GUST IN-MACK it’, M. D., Mr, and Mrs John Frank, of this place. and on next hear un opened the clrous At Tenth Callow- The Attlelmro House Sanitarium, proposes Mr. James O. has to Advent chuorh Congress Place, enough. When you elephant cry 1AU11A Whitney, beguu bill streets Romeo into tbe etreste to spend Febtuary and Mar ok in southern Reward. on Prer- that you knon he's subdued, it’s got $100 out Ice on Dry pond. The loe Is uuout Sunday evening, at 7.10, "Tho way, round, aud In addition to a party of her once hear one and was racing people Pines, N.C.. at this ent Status of the Sabbath in a very omllar cry, and you day of a lluiiicd num- one foot in thlckuesv writing. Question," after him he followed own phtlanta will take eliarge l Electric U.tit Company will he it know It again it's just like a but whan I west Ihe beuetlt.s Of this rpHE PortUn Mr. C M rill, who made an naslfr.n*. ,r* Q-v-tijc of whlob will touch deo!- you ber of others wD^.ietlre 1 to oue who will turnisn evi- to me back to Ihs olrons. It ear here that pay $ 100 auy oii of Scvjuth mun that’s Well, Bom beautiful ellnuve under tlm unusual eruditions of ment for tho banebt of bis creditors seme *1ve*y "Tho Relation day Whipped. his He hnd dence that will couvletany person tamper- soon as we could I put out eye. of t enuiue home exnorienced m-.ulcal c ire, ■> tlo with creditors to Bubbato Dr halloed, and just ag gil accidentally life, with their or machinery. tiu.» a his Adveutlsnr Deseoratiop.'* und down and refer- ing lines, lamps chains off he was tree. Hut hB wri a bad spell there knocked aud agreeable associates. Circulars and has r<- *. Is business. England is a very Inti rcaticg speaker, the 1>R. HlISTlN- PORTLAND ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY heoould not and little Juliet, his oompunlon—uct the orig- ences on application. Address Mr*. Ls av A Mjree and Mrs. Thomas and is cordially Invited to he so exhausted that get up Geo. W. Brown, President. everybody was dead. Juet as Kcuieo MACKlK, AITLEBOHO, MASS. Jan5J3.v we had to V.s f istened a chain inal Juliet—she Q»lnt cf tbi> place, attended the circle at present. Seals free. I help him,;

$ -1. ^—————■ E!IL «w ADVERTliBUim. KW AnVRItTIRRnRMTIi nw M bore bo male- KNWINK TWO’.M FARTY. ATTACKED TRES1BEAT. martyr dbeagb poimj w m\m i*ku\ opening with aa Muck on tha Kapubll Opm Hnw »4 Right Regal Hrr*p- STANDARD CLOTHING CO. o»n far la a meoaare “an party bringing IlM U M»r Manta. | utterly oootmdlotcry Of (ha Bt. Loo la pl>t*orm." itngiae Two'a aempear kept open boom ; TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR wu do- Bafarrlng to tba of Secretory point npon whloh Information reply but Bight and they t*aat)d their gneats Expert Testifies to Find- Sensational Speech by (Jar* to tha Senate be ssil “the eesrelary ML la a right royal manner. It was to oela> of tha Is net ao I roe- Ur. Hoar said bo wm la genaral aeoord tfooaory absdlutay biate tba alteration* which here been ing It. Senator rent ot ear so as as ble contention Pettigrew. with ail ouilragoc's Ideas fra M tbe rase mossy made In tba engine honae aad tka I lotion. Be would he to ham the oer that tha Talas of gold noerr ohoagas Annual Hark Down glad ladder Sale addition of the now combination to « _ Proaldent and would mmm to Indiests (a Ma reply rmpoodoaoo between tbe track and chemloal angina. Ibis angina oouimlselon at Baris but would the rmitattaa of the two booses of Una- tbe peace co-upnoy kae an enviable reputation, not bow. He wanted, greed, respecting Me Van moll cm with not tnrlot npon Mat only at Ora llghtere bn* aa boats. They In. Tells #f Uu kath of wn ilHoat rseominaadadloa* curtain New York baaka, he gives a rea- Roger* Sa \s Informal I’hHij^incN however, tbe dleUnot sent their InrltatlemMo a great many of Prow dent to tbe son for depoiltlng tba money of tba gov- • and lastruottan 1 tUe the prominent residents of weld owe and Her Mother. oramaot hr national banks that It Is in Sopmufi Pallipplne commission Mr. lexica su* also to elty cfflolali, es-elty offioiaU and COOP CLOTHING. of Hr. Petti naosseaty to do so te avoid ormtreating grated that the resolution pram 1 Dent members of tba fire depart- laid on the rlroolatlon and that to It to tbs ■row and hie own substitute bo keep ment In other of Ike a parts ally, Urge at the Ur. Hoar wltb hi ■ would disturb tha bueloem at l,oi. of these new good. we could not bn; today price the table and that of treasury number of whom aoeepted. bo adopmd. tbs oonntry. It seams a Utile strange we offer them, but we prefer to clove out .moll lot. nud supply proposed amendment User Id parsons were seated at tba A Kutnow Powder He that the Seeielary eoa end*retend tbal our patron* with the newest style, us they route ■'on*. Because He Wants a *o this Mr. Pettigrew objected. tablet at eight O’clock when the dinner asked In his reaulotlon for spool do looking np money to the treasury Taolu had wia served Ik the mntn hall up stairs Sold to F. Cornish. GREAT BARGAINS INI wbleh hr desired. It mad* diet nr ha baa lores and at the same time Renomination. information, the greater part cf them wera located, BOYS’ FiHE REEFERS to hr what iafor think It Is to am tba com- BO dlflerenos him, Bald, aeoeeeary only while others were coattered about In tbe nation tbe Maosaobnaetto Senators modity gold upon whloh to danp Men’s Overcoats. smaller rooms on tho second floor. The with Ulster Collar for Boys 0 to 10 years, Ur. then launohed moaoy ovary ftnoaolol wanted. Pettigrew although foreign waa a notabls one. Thera assemblage marked down tu $3 OS, 3.90. $3.43, These first class and desirable Into a rather seuaetlonal speech, contain trouble takas gold oat of tbo ooturtSy and very were present men of all political faiths of Other of Interest In the admlatstra deaostts It la a vnalt. Testimony $3.00. winter garments can be bought now Nenntor Lodffe’n Resolution for lag bitter attack* npon foreign all walke la life aad representatives of financial lower than will see them for a tloa. Mr. Aldrich In charge of tbs the These prices are very low and now yon again T every profession. The time preceding Moliueox Case. *!. *n?i. Mil naked to have me arrangement while. $4.50 to flft.00 are the range It wm evident, ho Mid, that tbe object dinner wat passed la a most agreeable la a good opportnnity to buy them. long 0s made regarding that measure. He naked of hut 301 cannot tell of the administration wat to kssp manner. Uaptala Hardy aad hie men had prices, anything If other desired to Information from the and It nay Senator apeak up- for the by this. IT 1111 ougki (o see I he tailed people nude every possible arrangement 50 lino all wool double breasted (I sal on It. stylish I wm quite m evident that tho poll oemfert and ooavealenee of their guests Overcoats. Mr. Joe re of Arkansas, replied that ao tuo Piece Suit’s for to 10 auareas of the President and of the Me An excellent supper wmfmrred, tbe mom- New York, January 11.—In the trial of Itoysf. Washington, Jonuary II.—A' epirlled Democrat waa ready to spook on the bUl, SPECIAL SALE OF TROUSERS publican party was of greater oonorrn to bers of the engine company prosing Uoiend it. Mollnenx today for the mur- years, marked down from 14.50 to only and at timer sensational debate wad pre- but he ensured Mr. Aldrtoh there woe DO tho Imperialists than whether the Infor- thammlroe to he very efficient waiters der of Mrs. Kate J. Adams by for Men and Young Men. $1.25, 1.50, Hated in the Senate today on the to It poisuu, $3.30. A special bargain. alp for should reach tbe Fili- disposition daisy uodoly. mation naked and caterers. was 2.50 and 4 00. ALL REPRE- Philippine question, the basis lor the expert testimony given by Rudolph 2.00, pino*. Soch on objection to the sending Following tbe sapper oame many a resolution of In- A. Witt hails, an expert in chemistry, PRICES. speech malting being form the Senate for three weeks—an Oct one of these Vf tier Suite for SENT MARKED DOWN to tbe tienate ol Information as that It varied with an exosllent enter- offered eereral daye ago by Mr speeches who testified to finding poison iu the quiry to tbs ample time m which to prepare for tm would be oommanleatod Filipinos your boy 4, 5 or 0 years, whtlo they are Al*o value* at Re- Pettigrew of South Dakota, to which discussion. be had a he brain of U. C. Barnet. great $5.75. war ridiculous since tbe already Therefore, right, end Filipinos Counoilman Elmer Uerrleh preetded wont and sabetltutae were proposed. Mr. Pettigrew to Inalat that the bill ahould be dis- Mm. Florenceiva Rogers, the agoing. You regret it you duced front 48.00. were In of It. aald, He tilled this daugli- In possession noted sa lonatmaater. attacks 1 the admlnlstratlon'e pnlluy ef as sonu as ter oi the murnereu woman, was aiso can sare liiilf 3.90 “The trouble with tbe imperialists." posed possible » eredltabls manner and prices. $3.15, Sale of Fancy VcsIh at $2.0 0, a position la very the Philippines He daotared that sys- Mr. Teller asked If there were to be no on the stand and told In detail the cir- said Mr. Pettigrew,*' la that thry have In Introduoing bis epestkere bad many and 3.90. 2.AS and 2.9S. tematic effort was being made to prevent In of tbs measure. the death of her ooDfouoded tbe Internets of the people of speeches support to make and many grace- cumstances attending from the witty remarks aoonrate Information reaohlng To this Mr. Aldrloh said ha was unable the Unltjd States with the political de- to mother from tho supposed brouio selt- brutes and that It ful things ray. people of the United be wore sires and ambitious of tbolr puny Presi- to reply. Henublioana, thought, U. was the first zer. Gustave Kutnow, of Kutnow Bros., to further tnc can- The Hev. A. Wright waa a polliioal schema to vote It. dent and him and his suoosss as prepared upon and hie of the engine testified that there was entered upon Mr. for renomlnatlon regarded speaker, praise didacy of McKinley Mr. Toller It as remarkable more Important than a rightful treat regarded and bla of tbe the books of the firm an order for CLOTHING company appreciation STANDARD The dlsoueston was ter- CO.. ra-elsotlon. and that a measure of auoh lmpertanoe should ■neat of the Flliplncs.” manner In whlob tbe firemen entertained a of for "II. mhated a of oonsldaratloa sample package powders by resumption In- to a vote without dlsonsston from all 1205 Middle Sit. Hr. PntClgrew said b> wanted tbs go their was eloquently worried. Hon. 1620 Carl K. oi the onrrenoy bill at two o'olock. Mr. guest* Cornish, Broadway.'1 formation whloh be wm seeking, whether sides. Fred & E. H. ^ • sit-.firtf NivkHil nifidft nn flliiLQrite W. H. Cooney, Mayberry, Trommer, of the firm of The lioessler, W. C. WARE, Manager. Mr. Aldrloh that he had not de- tne miintm rugaruea one puouoauuu at replied K. Aldermen _l«imil3t ___ of the national ta- Sargent, K. Hatley, Ilaaslac Chemical Identified a speech go the question the bill bscause H needed no de- Company, n m with tbe Interests fended H. compatible public tdpragna, Ltawt, Johnson, Walter| letter received from Mollneux flanoos. feme It spoke for Itself. Us hsd merely .about after or not. Brown, preeldent of tbe common oonaoll, | Before Adjournment the Senate, Its chemicals and especially those used in Is to be made to explained provisions. Geo. tbe bill con- •'If any amendment Counollmeo Barks, Huston, Griffin, prolonged debate, passed At the of Mi. Aldrloh the making enamel colors for china and It’s A Pieasant Reflection the be saW, “It ought to be request A. Hev. W. & Bovard, Chief En- $ additional powers the direc- resolution," Dow. ferring npon Unaaolai measure was an til glass. He said his firm dealt in cyanides to that the Information should postponed Eld tx-Sherlll Slammer, F. after tho tor of the census made rend gineer ridge, 1 two o'olook Monday next. and that prices on chemicals were given ba transmitted to ths -Senate If not In- J. Ilsley, A. B. Hall, ee-Alderman Gup- dinner is over, to thii.k that eve rything j Consideration of the census measure to Motineux. Howard Adams, brother went off as it. T A concurrent resolution offered by Mr. compatible with tbe President’s interests till, George W. Beal. George K Lstavor, precisely you planned conferring additional authority upon tbs of Mrs. testified to at “Henkel’s Seal of Purity” flour will { of Delaware, directing the Score as n candidate for re-eMotlon. Xbe fact Collector Arthur Earns worth, Rogers, arriving Kenney Deputy to that more • director of the oeaaus was then baguh, on tho afternoou of tho mur- help you feeling surely of War to make «u> estimate for the this whole business Is bound up In tbe Thomas S. Caughltn, James A. Oonnel- tlie house tary Is, than any other thing. candidate Mr. Hoar withdrawing an amendment Assist- der and to a on the side- J titproveresnt of Mohan harbor, Delaware President's desire again te be a lan, H. N. Blake, M. N. Floyd seeing gloss 11*h a flour—it never goes X offered. period be bad Dresser was contain ths was adopted. At tbe conclusion of morn- of hls party for President." ant Engineer Ustob, Walter F. hoard which said to wrong. ♦ Mr. Pettigrew offered an amendment >ur for It ♦ ing routine buslneis, the resolution of Mr. Ptlrlgrew then devoted some time and many others spoke brially. poison bromo seltzar and that he had Ask y grocer dlreotlng the dlreotor of tbs census to fcitd by Mr. Pettigrew of $onth Dakota, to a discussion of the oensoring ef de- Nearly all of tbe (peakers had some- seen this glass put away. ooUsot statl&tlos lu retard to the distri- several days ago together with tbe substi- spatches from tbe Philippines. He de- thing moe to suy about tbe engine com- Mrs. Rogers' testimony wsa mainly a Commercial IVlillingCo., bution at wealth. In regard to the extent j tute for it offered by Mr. Lodge of Maseo clared that important und slgnllloant pany and were loud lo their praises of review of the circnmatances preceding DETROIT, M1CI1. * to whloh machinery baa displaced manual cbneetts, was then laid before tbe Senate (acts had been stricken from new* de- the engine bouts. A mem moth phono- tlie murder of her mother. NOT!'—Other < ommere 1*1 Ml Is produes to the and and attending JX Manila and from official labor and In regard private musical selections are: “Henkel's Royal Star Pastry Flour." The object of both the resolution and the epauhaa from graph furoiebed many Mrs. X Indebtedness. Tba amend- Following tills Mr, Weeks asked | 4hlg;iest Krade', “Henkel's Fsncy straight substitute was to obtain from the Presi- reports because It was regarded by the corporation and Mr. Gus Nolan favored tbe oorspany Flour"; “Henkel's Whole Wheat Flour." a number of concern- + ment was defeated. Rogers questions Farh brand the best In Its class ou the not with in that be as nndoisltable that they violin It waa u late hour + dent, If lccotupat'hle public powers with selections. Ask about tUenj. Mr. Ailen of Nebraska, an ing lier separation from ber husband; market. your grocer # ter<*st§ all information in regard to tbe should reach the Amsrlosn people. proposed hefow the gathering broke up. Capt, amendment for the collection the private letter box which she had ...... Insurrection In the Philippines Mr. "Ae an lostsnon of this work." be said, providing Hardy and bis men are to be congratu- ♦_...... of statistics relating to trusts, and that rented and her consultation with as- Ledge suggested that both Mr. Petti ‘tbs Haiti treaty was mangled and partly lated upon the suooess of the affair. was defeated a viva voce vote. district con grew's re-olutlon and his own substitute suppressed until after tbe elaotloa la too, by sistant attorney McIntyre PORTLAND POSTOFFICE A and took te withdrawn nud that the rcsoJutlcn of Uhlo. lie disco set d at length the procla- sharp amusing oolloquy KILE1 WINS OUT. corning this cose. between Mr. Allen and Mr. Till- ftr d Mr. Hear be as a subsil mation Issued the Preaidant, daolartag plaoe by adopted by WOMAN’S LITKKA K Y UNION. man of b'ontb Carolina over the amend- C tote for boUi, amending Mr. Hoar's reso Chat It was In snob shape that Uensrnl W ill Hr President of Datlos'b ouimyu COIIIIKCTKD TO OCT. 3, 1890. Mr. Tillman oltlolred It and 41r. Tho next afternoon of ths Woman's be or recommended It should he ment. Counell for Year. PURITY lotion as might deemed desirable Otis changed ICnsuIng OFFICE HOCK*. that Mr. Tillman bad Union will he held advisable. In order not to provoke host ill! leu on ths Allen charged Literary Saturday, •Aft* over side of trussls. at Pine street church. Sub- Poe master** j! 9.91 resolution offered Mr. Hoar of tbe Subsequently, he gone to the the 11.—The organisation January 13, Office, (Sundays except The by part Filipinos. Bo,tun, January a. in. to 5 m. ■ Mr. some heat declared eondnoted Men- p. call for Information It was altered materially, and as al- Alien with C utmon Council wbleh has keen ject, Philanthropy by was sweeping Ip its said. of tbe t ashler's office, (Sundays excepted.) 8.00 a. that Mr. Tillman would tlnd It dlfflonlt tone elub. Committee —Mrs. Harry If. relating to the Pli'.llpplne Insurrection, tered, was published to the Philippine a matter of oont mtion sluoe the new KISS m. to 4.00 p. in.: Money order department, ‘.'.00 Mrs. A. Kaok- n. m. to 6.00 m.: 9.00a. As drawn It was to In explaining*!)!;! (position to the jieople effu t *d White, ehatrmmn; Henry p. Registry department* oat Mr. Lodge said his desire for all In- uutlvea. originally year aaute In, was unally tonight ni. to 6.00 ni. Grace of p. declaration of war and of ths state. Ue said there was a dispo- leff, Miss K. Curtis. Glimpses formation concerning the ins err cotton hls mind, a flat and Daniel J. Klley will be the president il beyond doubt Oaicrol f* twerp, (Sundays excepted.) 7.30 earns la sition .Senators to say: "Ths some of our Modern Philanthropists, Mrs. a. in. to 7.00 p. in. Sundays 9.90 to 10.90 &. iu., was to that he to offer an when and kls Madera among fer tbe year. Although the He- grest proposed Aguiaaldo coming 1.00 to 2.00 in. be and be bad no Idas Welden H. solo, "Saviour's p. eo re- public damned," Norton; — amendment exu ndlng its provisions. It to posteeslon of tba original they publloan members at a caucus this altir- t arrien' Jhtliverle*. (Sunday* exeeided.) In mere was Intention to Infor- Promise," Kate O, Miss Ida business section of the tween and had been stated he that there was It. ‘“The whole wretohed busi- any gathur noou voted to bis candidacy, tt Llppa, King city High said, garded support India streets at 7.00. 9.00 and 11.00 a. in.. 1.30 and Mr. vehement- mation regarding trusts. that Tnrhox; Sociology and Philanthropy, danger of an uprising In Manila by the ness" declarer! Psttlgrew, was with the ticit undent tndlug 5 p. ni.; in other sections at 8.00 a. in.. i.oC p. in. The bill wae wltbout further ob- Miss Uraoe K. Curtis; reading, "Tribula- A TRADE at Office window, 9.00 to l).oo with the of murdering ly, was one of oonoealment and dupllolty paseod all of tbe previous inciting of Sunday delivery Filipinos, object proceedings a. ni.. l.oo to 2.00 p. m. Collection* from street the of tions of a Chserful Giver," W.D. Howtll, Americans and all foreigners. It had Intended to deceive not only pec pis jection. this ytar’s oouncll, lnoludtn* the one at bane* at 7.00 and ll.oo a. in., 4.0J aud 8.09 p. m. A bill the limit of oosr of Miss Mary Seldvn MoCobb; solo, "If I t.09 nu been stated also that Filipinos had tbe United States but also tbe Islanders Increasing wbleh Mr. Klley took tbe chair and de- Simda) s, p. only. the to Were a Voice." Mrs Lewis A. Gaudy; AND IlEPAItTt’RK «»F MAIL*. threatened to tliow bomba Into the funeral themselves." Indianapolis publlo building $2,- oiared ble own election alter ths tempor- AKUIVAL Southern and Western, intermediate of hie that the was cell 3d up by Mr. Fairbanks intluenoe of Eduoatlon on Philanthropy, MASCOT froston, substantiation 600,000 the procession of Ueneral Lawton. He In charge nty president had adjourned meeting, oft'ces and connection* via. Ronton & Maine from ths were of indlaos and passed. records and Miss Elisabeth Prinoe; poem, "Seng for railroad (Easiern Division.) Arrive at 12.13, wanted Information upon these points as despatches Philippines should be expunged from tbe con- for and ft.oo and to.45 p. in.; close b.oiaud 11.45 a. m„ osnsured la ths Interest of tba adminis- Tbs tiensta then at 6.10 p. in. went In- te made. The the Ragged tobools” Mrs. Browning grocers, druggists well ns upon others tbst a fresb rtart would ft.oo and 9 oo p. m.; Sundays, arrive 12 45 p. m., a to executive session and soon afterward Miss "Roly, Holy, Holy," a. 5.20 and y.uo in. Mr. Lodge wanted to know wbat infor tration, Mr. Psttlgrew quoted from let- latter arrangement, however, when It MoCobb; duet, fectioners. It is easily bandied, close 11.45 in., p. Miss Mre. froetnn. Southern ami Western, and interme- as Mr. Hubert hi. Collins, adjourned until Monday. lo Its Gampana, Tarbox Goody mat h‘Xi the govern men t possessed to ter written by came to a vote, wee cegetlted and it5 diate offices and connection*, via Poston ind at Ma- the is Maine railroad. (Western division) -Arrive at Associated Press representative place-a reetton that the records of tbe THE ORIGINAL RAMONA. price low, YORK COUNTY DOCTORS. 10.43 a. iu ft.50 and 8.24 p. in.; close 9.09 and 8.09 this letter Mr. Collins related woe oar- and tfce Tag u logs. He wanted nila. In meetings be approved, and old fashioned Mo- an 11.50 a. and 2J0 p. in. Agalcokia previous San Francisco, Jan. 16.—The oxiglnal purity iu., the u. Tin Maine Centni! Railroad—Arrive especially to know how tbe Filipinos had tbe substance of an Interview npon rled a vets of 1)9 to 81. By this vets, g—fin Socle* by of tbs heroine In Helen Jaokson's famous and a. m.. 12.45 and »>. 15 ni.; close wbloh he Animal Mretiug of York Mrdlral lasses taste make it the 2.00 4.90 p. treated American and £>y sui.Vb subjeot of oeneertng despatches the of the session at which candy ami a.m.. and 9.90 prisoners, proceeding, novel of "Ramona" Is still In 9.00. u.43 11.43 p.m. Sundays, *7* living dose a. there being wide divergence of Infcrmn- had had with General Otis. Ml. Petti- Mr. Klley declared hie own election, seller on the market. arrive 12.43 p. m.; 11.45 ui. Southern California, and to now an old biggest Intermediate offices ntul connec- statements of Mr. Attgusfa, tion upon that point. If the government grew read the Uolllns, were retilted and all necessity for anetbpr tion via Maine Central isilroiid—Arrive at 2.C4 woman. She would never until rveeatly Blddeford, January 1L—The Ycrk We stand behind and ».0J a. 12.45 and 6.15 in.; dose at had information relating to the enoour in whioli he had said It was tbe evident election done uway with. every pound. m.. p. 6.00, convent to have ber taken, but an 9.45 and 11.4k a. n.. 4.18 and wo p. in. to County Medical society held its annual picture aaemeiit received Aguinaldo and the desire of the officials prevent oertaia Tbe were entirely devole /■ Intermediate office* and connec- by prooeeillnge was mads to her lest summer ttrimnpton. meeting today at Motel Thatcher, the appeal by raili oud—Arrive at insurgent* from the United States and of excltiinecl and the oouncll was in ces- tions. via Mann* Central members the International Uoll Collection, and aha 12.45 and 0.15 p. in. ; close *17.45 a. ui. and 12.13 t had the States. When be had visiting Iwlug entertained by what effect that enoouragemer bad United (Colllne) sion leas than an boor. p. in? the Blddsford and Saco Medical club. was finally persuaded both to make tbem tbe eontae of tbe rebellioa, be Sled a despatch containing information Mr. Klley to order at 7 o'olook Stockland, Intermediate offices and conneo- uprn rapped a doll and to sit for e Dr. J. A. Fellows of West Buxton, Dr. photograph. Hot is via Knox and Lincoln railroad—Arrive the tsenate and the people were which be thought was proper to send to and aftr the olerk bad read Mayor Uuit’s thought This was a remarkable eveat, for 2.45 and oo p. in.; close at o.oo and 11.43 a. in. beau Martin Coffin o! Bar Mills and Dr. S. B. truly entitled to it. the Uulted States, he had Informed oall for the meeting, the vete was liken Dcc*irn'i| uitoriucuuiio uuices *uiu lumicv tbe Indians have a in regard had been Marshall of Bar Mills war* elected to superstition linns, via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at x Ibis was most Important and the by the oentar that he Instructed the motion to annul the proceed- • point upon and It Is almost 12.46 p. id ; clone at 12.16 p. m membership. Officers tor the year where to such things, Impossi- COUOyTiKENT, Senate and were anxious for the to out out anything that might hurt the of meetings with tbe result island Pond, VL. Intermediate offices and people ings prevloue ble to an eld Indian. It Is as when he chosen as follows: gst quite connections, via Grand Trunk Hallway —Ar- troth. It was u matter, too, ol common administration. Subsequently, nlieidy announced. Although It bad Manufacturers. 7.00 President—W 1'. Goodala. dUBonlt ta snap a picture with tbe kodak, rive al T.ou, 1L45 a in.. 6.00 p. m.; Sundays that tbs antl-lra had desired to send a story relating to the antlel that tbe motion would a. close at 7.30 a ul. l.oo and 7.30 report perialtalio league President—A. H Weeks. been iwted and baa- in.; First Vine tor tha wily Indian la observant, Sundays 7.30 p. in. had been urging oar soldier* to oppose use of silver In the Philippines, the cen- Second Vioe President—H. I Dargln. tens to bide his faoe In hla hands They a ortuua. X. H.. Intermediate offices and con- tbe war. This work, blr. Lodge thought, sor had told blin that his lnstrnoiions Secretary—L K Willard. voted In lu favor. It booawn evident ae nections, via Grand Trunk railroad—Arrive at believe that to have their picture taken grotesque figure oonsiftts ot a light bhi* 7.w» aud 11.46 a. in., aud 6.00 p. in.: Sundays 7.00 had hud little effect because of the inslg were ts allow nothing to pass him which the roil call pruoeeded that the inotlou some grave disaster must In ooDssqaeoce muslin skirt and a rad cloth stun waist a. ul, close at 7.30 a rn.. l.ou, 74tu p. ul buu* would be to William no a. m. aud 7.30 m. nliloanoe of the persons engaged in It holpfui Jennings Randall. wee doomed. There was. however, belted with a Ltjwu ribbon. It Is rough days at 8.00 p. J. A. befall their tribe. Mutttren/—Arrive at 7.00, 1L45 a. m. and G.00 Little attention had been by the In the United States. E. E. Lan- demonstration when the final result In construct Ion, but as the work of iia- paid llryun Auditors—W. J. Maybory, of tbe same p. m.. close al 1.00. 7.90 p. m. Sunday close ▲ superstition probably iiiona It Is tallied, and it is probable ah3 government to this treasonable action Mr. Pettigrew declared that the Presi- ders, U. J. Emery. was unnounoed, but instead there wee a 7.30 p. in. oators exist* among them la regard to will not make another. M/w/r/on. rt., lntcrmedlato offices an l con- himself the war la the Commutes on Publication—L D. Den- “because," said Mr. Lodge, "no sensible dent really began wondering look upon the faoes I he Indian woman was via Mountain Division M. C. H. It.— S. J. C. M. quizzical, a tor It is almost to gst aged paid nections. nett, Landers, Sleeper. doll, Impossible * 00 ul ican wants to oonvsrt a bore Into a Philippines, was responsible for It. of many of the members, whiob showed money for the doll and eseravd pleased Arrive at'8.40 p. m.; close at a The following resolution was adopted oaa away from aa Indian. Tney are Bartlett. X. II.. intermediate offices and con- be "the administration had did not under- on the receipt of It, but afe-r she bad "If," said, plainly that they exaotly uecltous via Jdouulaiu Division M. C. it. it.— unanimously. mads Intoxicated sometimes In order ta the money she began to repine. bad a of honor In daaUag with the bow It had spent Arrive at 8.50 A ni. and 8.40 p. m.; close at 8 a spark stand happened. w she bad not and “Whereas. Senator 6a.’linger to. again be persuaded, only to regret whan saber She iihed given It, in. and a.oo p. m. It would have told Uwneral olerk of m Filipinos, Joseph O'Kane, the present feared that some misfortune to her tribe mediate offices and con- preheated lo hi. uUI-rltlnotioi what they have dons, Uvea when drives heeler. X. II.. intei Merritt to lay the whole truth of the In- the council, was re-elected almost unani- was sure to ensue, bo that, doubtless, for nection^ via Portland & Hoc lies ter railroad — of Banal* Mo. It starvation owns! un- bill dealgnatid bill HU, to by the parts months to come the winsome teach Arrive at l.t5 aud 0.00 p. in.; close at C.30 a. ui. tentions of the government before Agui- mously. many 'Hmol.eJ, That the York County willingly with hla treasure, tor they are er of the Indian school will have the op- and -.oo in. naldo and hie associates." than took the commun- Mills, Gorham and Westbrook Dr.BuHs The oeuncil np of her anclsnt friend. ('umberland Medloxl deem this bill a men oik; held as sueh many tribes, which hand portunity cajoling Arrive at 8.45 a. m. L45 aud 0.00 Mr. be- soclity atten- by ISaetorappai | Had this been done, Pettigrew ication from Mayor Hart, celling One of the of Kamos* shows in. COUGH SYRUP lo th. of eoiMoe and tto welfare them down from ta pictures p. m.; close 6.30 and 12.00 a in. and 5.30 p. bars program generation genera- btr at the favorite of the old $| lieved that half the trouble might tion ts the neoooelty of passing the eewer pastime In- South Portland. Wxlimrd and t Cottage— and sometimes as a mark ape at humanity. tion, particular dians, weaving a basket. The women 11.00 a. .630 W SAVES LIVES been avoided. loan order of tl.0UU.U0U and Hating that Arrive at 7.30. in. 8.00 p. m.; close "Bawlied, That we Mrntatly petition of affeotlou bury a doll with a favorite are teen commonly bo employed and the a in-, t 30 and 6.30 p. na. we had ilred the llrst shot wblob was over 000 9 Dou't a Lag That unless money forthcoming owner of the doll collection a ami Cash Corner— Arrive 7.30 despair ! Matty baby our United Btalea Senator. Bad Keprenen- of tbe and dolls are often found gives plo- PI earnntdale family, as ami 11.16a.m. and 4.30 in., eiose 7«0a. ul 9 been saved to its raolbrr Hr. had hostilities, nebody de- tutlae to front the First dt.trtot must be laid off. The order reseat turescue description of their Industry p. by precipitated OnngreM employee lx Indian graves of old and dates .oaml 6..S0 m. aha saw It In her travels last summer. and p. 9 Bail. ore nies. had then tried to aeonre of Maine Co nee their influence la every minor and oon ‘ihe owner cf the International doll Coagbs dangerous—they Agntnaklo passed. .Several petitions this honorable ta defeat Mid bill.'' several On# sees groupt ot Indian women at 9 gro-.v quickly. The little one’s life a of hostilities bnt had been way reorleed and colleotloi, a Uoelon woman, has ISLAND MAILS. suspension muaioatlona wen referred, work laughing and joking ovnr each 9 on of tbea' Indian relics la her possessloa depends you! Irritated lung told General Otis that now the hrst of It reminds ai of by tight- A NOTHFAST BIOKM. and at 7.4* p. ns., the mooting visit In ( allfcrala last others' stories, and /Votes 1st and—Arrive at 10.01 a. m.; close at must be soothed and during a 9 passages nud been M most oootlnue to shown white women as they gosalp and chat at 1.30 |L UL lag had begun, the oounoll of VhU year that has summer had hopes of to tha num- healed, the Foit'aud another north.ait mow adding a Long and Chebeague Islands—At 9 rarlcinj cough stopped, got She beoawe a 4 o’clock tan or sewing drain. I/urpeuall, the end. leaet eemblanoe of came to ber a dull Hamona. rive at 10.06 u close at 1.50 P- ul 9 bfeathing made easier. Dr. grim alarm lart The wind wai the harmony The Kamona doll will be on exhibition m.; nigh*.. blowing much Intonated In tbe uld Indian woman Couetu's Island— Arrive at 10.00 a. *jl; close 9 is (aid Mr. "1 were a an end. the remainder of the winter with the rest Cough Syrup positive, quick and "It," Pettigrew, bait a gale aud tb. mow began drtvlag and wasted to get bar plot ore, but ta 1.30 p. m. 9 harmless-—it is a natural I was of the lnternatlonnal collection, wherever STACK MAIL9. lemedy. Filipino, 1 would light until grsy down before it very fast a‘. about 0 epltn of bed efforts aha was quite unauo ADMIRAL DKWKY’S RKPOHT. It may be sent In the aid ot children's Beach— Arrive at 5.30 ; close at 9 Doctors recommend it. It is a the unholy at the o'clock At i) o'oloch thi. morning Chore oeaaful. Finally she enlisted n young Boinery p.m. against aggression char it Isa 2.00 p. m. 9 sure case. Inoht. of enow on the woman who was employed by the govern- United States. If this oosntry is wrond, were tlx ground, Washington, Jannary 11.—Responding Cape Elisabeth and KnlghtvUle—Arrive at eleotrlo rcadr tb»lr ment In an Indian echool neat tbe tribe, Refuse Substitutes. the kept plow, go- to Senate's resolution of the 7.90 a m. and 5.30 p. dl ; close at 6.00 a in. and this country oould take ns grander poii- tbe Inquiry gobcoi teacher was sacosasfnl. It jp| ing .1 a illy all night, but the car. raa and the GOV. 811A W: IN A UGU liATKD. 2.00 p. UL tion hefare the nations of Hie world than Mao rail Secretary of tbe Navy sent to the Sen- look months of and ooaxlag. hut I Hick Pride's Corner, Windham, No. 1 w Ithout Interruption. Xbe urging Pond, ■ A. C. MEYER db one ocneent d. She had two lies Moines, la., January 11.—Gov. Windham, atul South Casco— Arrive CoS to admit that it la wrong. Via have nal tia'ne were all on time 'art night. ate a copy of Admiral Dewey's report at last Ham Raymond 11.00 a in.: close at 2.00 p. ul Baltimore, Md. storiu tunatened to be the moat pictures taken, and then she made a tit- Leslie M. Shaw was Inaugurated this af- at H reached the turning point. W'e must de- The from Bong Kong, dated March 31, 1808, have Min. tle doll for which the selected the exec- Ultra me yet of Manila, lha rag ternoon for his ssoond term as chief cide whether we are to pursue a oourse of relative to the eaptnve colore bet self. utive of the state. The oath of ofhoe was rapacity an j aggression an the Hritiib Admiral gives in detail the namee of the The little Image, for the Indiana always A UfCIII V The Pi 85 are Awful A It-.toning bfmrae. re- to some administered thief Juetloe Granger suffered for or a oourse of available veeeela under ble command and make their dolls represent person by mm 1 1 1 had principle, to pursue justice nowned whin it ha* the 9£4 9 ■" ■P* gjSBP ■■ ■ proper whom they have known or even, te only of the state MXprome court in the pres- 15 years. Was Cured and right No nation long can also a list of Spain's vrasela and other pursue about sev ea Inches long, and of mow Ensil), tiehkly ents of 6000 people. The cersaicnies con- aud No 1 ai suoh a oeuree am tha Imperialists have insane of detenoe at Manila. The report unusual construction. Tha arms and legs Safely. BELL'S SPICED or Ithk. Neither Knife or l.lgnt re. aw now In narrow steins ad sisted of a parade from the State house, marked out for us—a oourse of wrong and says: The Islands a state of are sticks wound with Harmless Opriatluu and Complete 1 te- and Informants state while cotton and tbe la elabor- beaded n of na»' -*•’ *iw* te tees chary ts friends end hope to stand SEASONING lnsurrrotlon my rsgr, body by troop ller. Qlve me your address If you .suffer, and 1 that even the Spanish eeldivrs who ecu- ately fashioned. The bend has the foat- the auditorium where address were wil tell you how 1 obtained Safe aud Speedy* well before the nation* of the world Mr renowned for over to years, Stance only a email part of the whole, are ntaa drawn on the white surface with It a: L1LK Seud blamp Address brcuusc K is made LEI First class up stairs rent at No. tion will be entitled to one delegate, and JL 22ft High st.cet. ol GEO C. Georg* IIm< Boardman, who waa tba SALE On street. South Port- Impure votes cast for the 88Vk street. 10-1 for each aeventy-Hve Ijufttland. on line of near one HOPKINS, Exchange tint gradudtl 1a cf tba oellog*>od one of electrics, Perry, Republican candidate for Governor in of the (rest built houses across the water. tulealo n- AND APARTMENTS We hare tba fotamoet plcneera In foreign an and for a Owner has a position at Augusta and 1804, additional delegate, accepted HO08B8the list of desirable house* ami la must move. Price $1000. cost #1500. P. H. largest Riv- ary aarrtoe. Tba name of Boardman fraction of votes In excess of aev- apartments tor sale and lei of Needs of Kennebec forty HARFORD. 31 12 Exchange to any Real I Sri m wall known throughout tho Dbrlitlao enty-Hve votes, an additional delegate. street._1M Estate office in I’o tlanl. Our specialty Is Vacancies in of BALE—Block of 2 12 negotiating mortgates. collecting rent*, and world nnd baa reoelvrd nddlt'onal bonor thedelcgatioo any City, Ron—f, the economical er and Camden. 1j*OKrooms each, feet land; room for management of real estate Town or Plantation can be filled by from tbe oaroor of tho eon of tho mlealon- only another oonse, good central location, near cars Particular*. Real Estate office, rirst National a of the resident the county in which on bt.. must be sold; n > reasonable bauk Building, FREDERICK S. VAI LI- 9-| ary, Ur. George Dana Boardman of Phil- Spring KPtthv vacancy exists. effer wlllbe rofused, pays io per cent net on lti connect'on IftUKMSHKD ROOMS TO HINT WITH '/0lAM adelphia, and also from The Slate committee will be In session Asked. VV. II. WALDRON Si CO., 1HO Iddle r BOA KD—Large, light and handsomely dec- with name Dr. who waa tW room of the hall at nine Clce tbo of Pepper, in reception street.__0-1 orated rooms, with steam beat, metal bed- of Above named for tha Missionary. o'clock, on tho morning of the conven- *• ALE—Secondhand light fancy sleigh. steads and entire |new rurnlshin.*. Only History Improvements cre- IfOR size for small or medium sized horse, with re'ereocs* wanted. Rates Professor Drlako, who succeeds Dr. tion. for the purpose of receiving the right parties good dentials of delegates. Delegates In order cost 3125.00 new. i* in prime condition, will sell reasonable. MBS. JAB. K MUi^UD, Free Gardiner. Unll In the ohalr of Pbyaloa, baa begun much less than It Is worth. PETER. If. to ho oliglble to In the con- 35 la brat t-rm participate BRADLEY. Preble bla oourwa One of thesa tba mutt be elected to fit,_4-1 fTO LET—Two verv desirable rooms on third vention, subsequent store in tbilvlog tak- SALE—The only drug A floor building f>A.i 1-2 Congress street, cor- of tbo required two terms of pbyaloa the date of tho call for this convention; FOR with surround niuiuifncturlrg village large n-f ol oak. Just vacated. Hut water hear eg. la an mg io draw en by thr Sophomores; the other snd delegates, unuer 'hlscall, should not country irom. food fixtures, small, Also stable In rear of 8ft Oak street. F. L. Mr be elected to the State convontiou to be clean stork, low price. Address DKL’fl STORK, 396 street rleetlre oourae'open to tbo Junior*. Box JERRlIL Congress Ibt ■TBCIAL TO xr« ntMj hereafter called for the purpoee of nomi- 1657.____POV27-tl Dtlako I* a graduate of tbe Massachusetts O LET—House 58 Elm street. For partlcu- a candidate for double nating governor. KALE—Magnificent house, (every- 1 lars Inquire at 15 Dow Ml'., between the Washington. Jan. 11.—lha Secrstsrj- Institute of Technology, and baa bean for FORthing entirely separate.) on Brown street- All electors of Maine without regard to hours of 12 aud 2 p. m., and early in the fore- re- (now No wood street,> Deerlng, open flre- of War baa transmitted to (Jongrass some ye«ra an Instructor la that Inatltn- who are In noon. c-l past political differences, p!aces, steam neat, piazzas, bays, very sunnv. from ti. W. lloesaler on pro- tlou. It la erldeat that ha will tho suutlmonls near two lines of a modern house lu ports Major alrendy sympathy with exprnsaeu electrics, W TORE To LET—At .'67 street. Ap- architects and built the Congress of «1 Camden Harbor be a ealuable member of tba Instruction in tho call of the Republican National every rospect. plans by p!v to JAM Kb CUNNINGHAM, 377 Con- jaots luiproramsnt can live lu rent and let the other Uardl- Conimiilee for the National day; y.»u one press street. dec23Ulf and tbe Kennebec rlrer, between itat of Dolby. Republican for #300 year; look It over?call afternoons. to unite per Convention, are invltod DALToN, M stree;. rents uer and Augusta Ham. Tbe Kan- Tbe for exoellsooe In preparation cordially Exchange 23-tf_ r|K> LET— Four elegant in Dcerlng. lu Bridge prises with tho of the state Ineloo- 1 best reslden'iai steam wbarree Republicans KALE—New houses In Deerlng, on street section, heat, lights, oebco Is miles long from tbe for awarded upon apeolal exam- architects between two car 6)4 collage; tlng delegates to this Convention. FORcar line, for #1000, #2000. $24’0 and $2800; bel’s, plans, lines, u. to dale and are at Uordloer to tbe whafts* at Augusta, ination testa, ware won by George W. Per order State Committee. all modern conveniences, beat, baih room, fire- everything new, Republican never Will rent low If taken ut sersn etc. Terms of same as rent; occupied. and in that distanoe contains The rasa and Butler of the JOSEPH H. Chairman places, payment Look nt them before Sheppard MANLEY, remember our houses are new and once. you settle any- .a_V. t.lanit sKnal anril nt. M entirely aI 2ft-rf Men’s Division of tba Kreahman olaaa BYRON BOYD, Secretary. have noser been occupied. Call and see them. where. DALTON, Exchange 8t. Jan. 53 about five mile* I slow Augusta and Ihesetwo Brunei af Port- Auguata, Maine, Thursday, 4,1000. DALTON. Exchange SENT—House 146 Pine street. Posses- an point men.and lloger street._25-tf Chimraie chase now. Da gang’s oomiu’, 1 1-2 FORsion given Immediately. Kn.pitre at PORT- Sings'—Say, kid, yerself from this point for ■ dlstanos of land. were all of them ranked abore tbe SA I E—House lot* at Woodford s. East Ij’OK end Center, for 4c and He I.ANU SAVINGS BANK, oft Exchange stroot. ’em secs me wit’ was st the to a Deerlng Deerlng ’traid I’ll loose wit’ ef day playin’ youse. mils* to Gardiner bridge there mark nwnw to entitle a (indent and now is Idf I’m prestige per foot; land Is rapidly advancing __ a least channel Must All Be tbe tune to secure a lot at old Easy time of the last survey prize. I'lia two men to whom the prlacr Presidential Electors prices. TO LET—Hummer visitors lake notice 'the Payments. Call afternoons* DALTON. 53 Ex- ■ of thlrleen feel at mean low. tide. war* In advance Balne House is located tw Spring VERY SUGGESTIVE. depth ware given only slightly cuanga iirtfi. »-vi cer.trally Chosen in State Convention. _ cor. rooms and Price $!.(*) oondltlon of the river Mo street, OAK, Voard, In the unimproved of Brunei In their marking. prize BAXE— Bargains in our made strong per day. lft-tf be car- «u tell for 1.2ft. l.fiO, 2.00 leva than three feet of water oould waa to the woman. Headquarters ) FORtinuners," 81.00, given and ?.fl0 Best value for the money State / per pair. RENT—House No. stroer. Nine ried to A uguata at low tide In the lowest Prof. E V. the college librarian Republican Committee, If not on examin- 63Gray Hall, •old anywhere. satisfactory FORrooms beside balls, bath and store rooms; baa the enelvei cf Augusta. Maine, Jan. 4. 1900. ) ation money will be refunded returning to stags of the rlvrr. Congress early recog- recently pleoed upon by nm nnu coiu viairr, sot iuiii. lurnuco nr-u; of re- us before been worn. HASKKlX & this the library eonie eeventy-Uve oeplea To the Republicans of Maine:—Prior having with good room. All In first class order. nized the Impoitanoe of Improving Lancaster Monument yard cent Including ebon! 11 fly to 1892 two Presidential electors at large, JONHS, Building, Square, Enquire a' 44 DKEKlNG 81.. morning, noon or made Its Qrst publioatlont, Portland. Maine. 31-4 portion of tbs river and ap- volume* of bound magevlnea. Xbl» corresponding to the two United States nlgnt. __scpfrtl time In propriation In 1837. Jlitween that makea the number of becka at preaent senators, were nominated in State con- SALK—One of the finest cigar and E WILL B1JV household goods or ator© the llbrarr aomethlng over stores In Maine, long established v v fixtures of any description, or will re- aad 1(53, there was appropriated $18,5 0. oullege 85,000. vention, and tiro remnining electors, cor- FORtobacco Xbe Colby Athlotio azaoolatlon held Itt business, good clean stock, elegant fixtures, ceive the same at our auction rooms for was to Im- responding to the members of the United pale on commission. GOSS X WiDSON, In I860. 133,UUO appropriated annual meetlag for election of ollloert, plate glass windows, steam heat, everything States House of were to W. B. BOOTH Auctioneers, 154 Middle street, corner silver the river from Augusta to Shepard after The fol- Representative fine and up date. Address BY, prove Monday morning, chapel. nominated the several Westbrook, Me. ft-t ■treet.tet»3-tt was were elected: President, H. 1>. by congressional Point. In 1868 a project adopt*! lowing district conventions. Wltbee, IB00; treasurer, Prol. W. S Bay- for a channel 100 feet wide end 8 feet deep 0 the Australian Ballot ley; secretary, F. W. Thyng, 1 IH'l:*xeen- The pass.ige of WANTED. MISCELLAXKOIJI. 6 1-2 feet op as far as liallowell and (or tive oommlttee, C. T. 'town*, W. A. law entirely changed the procedure. Un- 11 feet at high tide) from liallowell to Wlren, F. J. t-every. Senior member*; H der the law, all Conventions are a por- Forty words Inserted under (his head TO loan-Mortgages negotiated on MONEY re aud suburban E. Junior C. d,ll- tion of our election and this flrsl C'ass ti estate cly This was completed In Marvell, member; n- system, oue week fur 43 cents, cash In advance. houses Auguata. project 8. W. Allen, be pr. pc. t* at 5 and G per cent; for salt*, by, Sophomore member; ballot act requires that candidates to >ti 1871. In 1886 another projeot wae adopt- Alum- ittiU house |uU in City a:id hi Drerlng addlll K. E. Paine, Kreebman member*; voted for the Voters throughout the »t e^.rab’e iffi gains. Timlier lend* In Maine for ezoavatloo of Hlnok- J by ed providing the ni members, A. F. Drummond, Dr. whole State must bo placed in norfflna- TEAMS WANTED. snd New Hampshire. N. 84 GARDINER. W low tide F. Bill and E. X. street. RF1 ■ lower e hoal to 10 feet at Wyman no less Exchange ______ley tion by a conventUm representing I want sU twoliorxo trams to haul alt the ekoala to a of a than the whole State. K N I > K M PLOY M K N T OK PIC K— and to dredge depth constituency I W. .> tx|l. 117 EST AND Iorx. tt Families can Uuil reliable 8 eztieme low tide. This wae com- WIT WISDOM. Hence, all the candidates of a party for good, help, feet Wrxt Krnnrhunh, Mnlur. and abu house- Presidential electois must be nominated j»nl0(i2ir cooks, general girls, pleted In 1808. keeper < and nurses at 179 SPRING ST. Kiug in State Convention, and 1 have there- on door. 10-1 Hoeesler la of the opinion that so Why They MoTtd. m'AM'P.D—A local agency of llio Wlmtsor gong Major fore included in the call six electors. wf collar and cuff company, lias been located far aa low water navigation la concerned J. H. MANLEY, Chairman, i hare, genuine rubber collars, cuffs, shirt trouts NEGOTI ATED-We have and tics are offeied for sale, floods superior MORTGAGESfunds clients to invest In desirable flrsl the river at this point Is not sutoeptlble of, to all others. Samples shown. Address A. F. mortgages ouieal estate security at front 4 1-2 nf further Improvement; elnoe tbe natur- BWEETBiK. ItoxfL'. Peering. Maine. 8-1 to 6 por cent. We make a specialty <»r placing suburban For al discharge of the river at such a time loans on city aud property. SOME OF THE LATE DR. MC- WANT‘KP—All sufferers from that terrible naitlculars apply to Real L*>Late Office. First la but little more than sufficient to till “v disease. Asthma, to send their names to National Pans Building, FREDERICK 8. GLYNN'S SAYINGS. Box 666. Portland. Me., an l learn of something VAlLL. the channel elrtady obtained Captain for which will be the re it of their _ they grateful Fortifies derived of the steamer Della Is of live*. 8-2 f^NORMOl'S arc being Iitwlr, Colllne, The Roman Catholic church will never £j from the cultivation of coffee, rubber, that the available now other let us tbs opinion depths be at homo In Amerloa until the Pop* Beef, Wine and Iron. oranges and tropical products: WANTED—Burnham** scud tree a little book, showing now you are than before the v¥ None better. For sale and you but slightly greater «hall walk down with a stove- by druggists In these w.thout con- Broadway cases for 1 he trade In stock may participate profits was oommenoed. As a grocers. Bargain flict with busiuesi. THE Improvement hat on. at II. B. Melcber Co.’s. (has. & log your regular pipe McL.tugh'in OAXACA 8.0 Fullerton St. Louts, of the Couant, Patrick & Co.’s, and pen- CO., Bldg., means, however, deepening high It Is the teaching of all religion, of nat- Co.’s, jobbers Xlo. constitutes the erally. Try It. 8-1 _®*1_ me ol water navigation, wnteh and as well of Cathollolem. Tom—Just saw something in tno other block that reminded ural religion, IJUS1NE8S OPENING—Protected goods; bulk of tbe tbe further deepening Air 2on One of the best des- traffio, that a man who sins against his con- ANTED—Jelly IF no competition; universal demtni for v* minute. In at If. football. Is to be un- serts. Made In a stock goods; large profits; fairly |well managed, ot the ohannel very worthy science el os the Holy Ghost. | against S. Melcher Co.’*, TwitcUell. Champlln Co.'s, Co- good 10‘ 1*00 to $1000 yearly. Hustler can A Ur in at & Dick—Free-for-all-fighi? dertaken. single Auguata And if even the power that site enthroned nant, Purick A Co.’*, (has. McLaughlin make twlco that. $800 to start; $2o»> tnore annu- Co.’s, W. L. Wilson A Co. s and Jobbers gener- when have neted three times a« much. ships tea million feat of lumber within the Vatican commands a man tc profits Tom—No. Ambulance. ally. It is fine; try It. 8-1 42 12 EXCHANGE Room 9 to 11.JO a.m., tons of ST., 2, ally. acd Augusta Import* 3d,COO violate bis conscience to obey that com- 2 lo t p. ru__8-1 __ Im- Air ANTED—For general office work, a min or MOUE TKOUBI.E. coal on vessels yearly, lbs desired Is to sin the Ghost. MONrY TO LOAN-On first anil second mand against tioly x* woman, of address one having had feet would good *»1 mortgages on Real Estate, life lostnance provement of two additional If Roman tribunals summon some experience and famlhar with bookkeep- Even high when three years old, personal prcfi- same above ing and red Address BOX policies the channel tbe depth answer for scientific type writing pieln diamonds or other collateral glee a man to teaching Press Office. erty, any good A to y, _6-1 security. W. P. ( AKit, Room 4, Oxford Build- Uardlner that It la below. survey and demand that a man retract truth, 11’ANTXD—Everyone who wants a new ing, 18ft Middle street __4-8 dttarmlne tbe oust Is leoommended. than it is duty and man's ** house In Portland or Its suburbs to see u* Robin—Yes. we’re going to more. Our »t. my every ANTED-1 ant now ready to all kinds main to ob- At once; we have several new bouses which we \l buy At Camden tbe objeot Is the is to to refuse to retract It. * of cast off ladies’, gents’ ami children’s neighbor, mocking bird, trying duty will sell low on easy terms, or will exchange feet of i more than atiy purchaser iu tain a further dredging to twelve Imitate a bass drum.—New York Journal. If Galileo had detled the power of that for good collateral; no fair offer refused; this is clothing, pay the city. Rend letters to MR. or Mt;R. Dk- to so as chance. DALTON 61 CD. 63 Exchange the area already dredged 10 feet, tribunal end Incurred the It your G K< HJT. 76 Middle penalties street Junebdii SC_jan-AdHT-tf darft and dir- to admit vessels of deeper would then Iniltot, and when he was dy- & Wilson. auctioneers, re- aiwtBiMi to 100 Middle corner of pviuo WillU -‘iJju. to Mother*. had said, “Repudiate yonr fin s IT o-t, two tU!.t.:o:*8 a tma, NOTICE—dot*moved to 154 St.. Important ng they Silver of oeeru thinks the further Improvement this „...,f..lle Knllla l\f f* \ tlTOPT V truth or die without the sacrament,” It 8t.____dl» of consideration and gar machine, storage harbor !< worthy a *afe and euro remedy for infanta and children, would have fcoan bis duty to refuse the SALE—Springfield 130Rtank, pipes, valves and shut off**, #ii in recommends a survey. and see that it *aoraxeat. It would nave been proper first class condition, prlco very low. Mould for horse. C. B. DALT1 >N. and Catholic for him to say:* “I submit exchange good DEATH NOTED WOMAN PHYSICIAN Jauldtf to sentence while cursing your fcyr- of your RHftNS Elizabeth J Signature Boston, January 11.—Ur. Oivll FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS innr. Bv the Dower of the law you WANTED—N ALK HKLP. French, one si tbe moat distinguished In U»o For Over iiO Year#. •ucn as winn ana rum in me can annoy, denounce, Imprison, torture Picmicn, women In the medical fraternity of this TUo Kind You Ilavc Always Bought Giddiness, Fullness alter meals, Headache, words Instiled under this Head rod kill, but my soul rides free above Dizziness Flubhlcc* of Forty Drowsiness, Heat, 45 cwals In advance. country, died at the home of her daugh- of on line week for cent*, your duugeona and your anathemas Iioas Appetite, Costlvencss, Elotchea Belle Franch Patterson on lluo- the Skin, Cold Chills, Disturbed Sleep. ter, Dr. will come to tbte AND DOWNS. Auotbsr generotlon Frightful Dreams and all nervous aud late this afternoon, ufter MAN’S UPS DrlYers aid 2 teams for logging. tington avenuo, and will tear It stone from Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST ANE \|rANTKI)— prison WILL FIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. V* Apply at ROOM 7, No. 311-2 Sxchaugo t short Illness. Dr. French was born In world all One who had found th« bright ■tone. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to bo street. __12-1 Uecbna loe berg, In lt-21, tbe daughter Fell the on a day. Pa., by wayside Calhollo theology, too often distorted, for Portland and ki*»ed hia cheek 1\’ANTEI>—Two smart agents of a and from an early age But hope bent down tbe am- to phj slolau, misrepresented, misapplied by m >1 and vicinity, a permanent position And bade him rise and go hi* way. WONDERFUL L. M. M 1 l.LAR & CO..s*Q worked with her father at the place of her bition, oowardloe, Ignoranas, stupidity, reliable panics. Room 5, Portland, Me. OInco after her she re- lone’.lnt**; lust and orlme of those who sit In high Congress street, o'rth. La tor, marriage, He toiled In hungry hours 2-6 in. P>-1 that Is nearly MEDICINE p. moved to New York and oontlnued In The friends he knew in former day* puses—Calhollo theology #1 somehow, to seek him out always Letter than Its professors, teaches Thmy promptly euro SJck He ad mafia for Ideas State if patented. radios there and In Philadelphia for Forgot, acceptable l him on with words of that ail truth Is one. CASHAddress the PATENT RECORD, Haiti- Or help praise. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Diges- ami far the last six yeurs In There Is a vast between truth and Md. decl2dtf many years gulf tion. Dlaordered Liver In Men, Women or more, and tne errors, Beaton with an cffice on Huntington are- Th* weary years dragged slowly by; holy saoramsnt stupidity, Children Hlpans Tabulae arc without a young man for general office One morning fame stood at hia door, blunders uod crimes with which the his- ileal and they now hare the largest sale uf WANTED—A nas. Her line of work w» in the f" woikand b 11 clerk; quick and accurate special in an anxioua row ot the church for 1000 years and any patent medicine in the w*>rlu. And Unt-d up tory at Address, staling salary expected, medical end us.a of electricity known before. on figures. therapeutic Ware ail the friends he'd more la tilled every papa P. O. BOX 13M, city. *•- and electrocraniul diagnosis in which 1 must teach you to distinguish be- So failure or success attends tween the errors and orlmee of the eccle- abe tstabllibed a fame almost world wide The man who loaea or who wins. siastical maohlne and the Ideal ohurch of FEMALE HELP WASTED. from tne most WANTED receiving commendation he know where friendship ends That may Christ. Of than ▲ rww bad kaalth that R I PA JLS will oat brae- to distinguished members of the niedloal Aud where aelf interest begiu*. •Nowhere la the ohurtfll more hated fit. m l-A-N-H, 10 fur 4 c*nta, WE want Intelligent women everywhere Leader. There be had of all are ft us two 2c tor our great kiss- In her and time. —Cleveland In the so-cal’ed Calhollo countries. may druggist* whh willing send stamps profession sge to aell a low mcUcinwat a moderns* hloDDARL) MAGNEi- be ecclesiastic) Is shunned as though price.! profit. ing bug adv. novelty. Dr. French woe one of the ablest and (tbe They b/tnikbpain and prolongI if*. ic CO., I Beacon street, Bosfou-novJ3-t unelaua. The sight of his shovel hat and One -.'i To« relief, ircapt no anbatieute. Tl on advocates of rnnoe of ber PRESENT TO DEWEY. face at tbe window of a oar Rot* the word H lrA th* packet. strongest temp •leek empties fiend 4 oeat* to Rlpans tnrtnicnJ Co.. !»o. Id Spmo* lectured on this tbe whole meat end gives It to 0k, M*w York, Cor to aaa uUaaud UMO f—fliv niala LOST AND FOUND. lay, having exteralvely January ll.—Treasurer compart Washington, him alone. subject and being tbe originator of tbs Allen Roberta and Assistant Secretary If you want to sae an absolute devotion 9. probably on State street, a band. She be rewarded Woman's Temperance Praying this afternoon presented to Admiral to tbe church you must look for It where LOST—Januaryladles’ seal muff. Finder wdi to at 33U Danforth Maud—I tha bad broken Jack? was of b!Viral books on church bos baen ot her by leaving thought you your engagement also tbe autbur Dewey the beautiful volumes recently the deprived street_11-1 wealth and bensfoolions and largely freed 10. dated until after Christmas her inedictl work and upon tem- names receipt, uumbered Clara—I intend to, but of oourstf I waited epeolal prepared containing the of the aud printed from Home's domination diplomacy. Have Your IOST—AJ November 21. 1899. endorsed on he bach erance. Now I ha'.e to tell him, contributors to the Dewey home, together 1 still hope for a Democratic Pop.*, and aad signed by the treasurer of the Portland just aobut stove- trust The Under will leave a of the efforts to rales the I'll lake back all I said the company. please = with history and receive re- HUDSON MEN UNEASY. pipe bat and let him wear any kind of a same at No. 29 EXCHANGE St, money for the home. The presentation ward. H-l 1L—There hat ba cnooees. It be will devote his snet- KkioeoliSe, N. Y.. January home and was was made at the Admiral’s glos to smashing his temporal throne so Ulster Made la a of uneasiness prevailing r "mur mr i feeling without ceremony. The Admiral ex- that It oould not bs rebuilt In a thousand WANTED SITUATIONS. among the loe men along tbe Hudson years. Then have some- pressed his gratitude fer the present. For you. you’ll —Situation in grocery business^ you know there are various ways of WaNTId** ever the prospects of securing loe. As ysl thing to »av about the material, how either In store or ou team, have ha 1 ex- You oan make thtm Presa Office. not n has been cut on tbe river and TO CARRY DAY. b-thing people. it shall be lined and finished. You perience at both. Aadress F., pound And when Cardinal Antonrlll ^ presents. that will lit com- inches — want an Ulster the loe Is only from three to five Boston, January 11. The British gives to his brother, the banker, 940,00(1 and not hang like a burlap by competent cook, also a girl ■ hick and la wasting. A ool tered the Hudson valley nlrbt. by a local lir«n, representing the British be ns woman as housekeeper. Address, a of a Ulster shouldn't nearly dressy tbe salary >8,001 year. KMPLOYMhNr Ot'HUK, 17» Spring street. six o’clock this morning thermometer war to load a oarga of hay at the as are in the habit of having department, 8o long ae Catholic people give you City. Ring gong on a uiuke door._l°'l stood tan degrees above zero: tonight St. John, N. B., for South Africa. Thl« Pope to underitand that ba oan do what your other clothes. UVe and an EG ISTKRKD druggist 1» years experienc*. snow storm baa set to with prospects of the llrm he pleaars with them, allow U'l.ter. ut reosonuble price*. Is the third boat oharterel by first class reference, would like pemiaueut arohblshop In New York to fornld an Come see us about it. Into rain an tbe weather moder- the horses and raolea Address PHARMACIST, Box 1M7. turning to transport hay fur Amrrloan priest to make a polltloal position. ates. of the British army. • •perch or attend a political meeting with- out drat obtaining the caniect ot the THE FRENCH LOYAL. 8UHOONEK DRIFTED ASEOKK. •acred congregation ot the propaganda, EVERY WOMAN Florida is a sub- 11.—Sohoonei which den t know bnt sometime* needi a reliable St. Paul, Ulna January II.—A Win Fall River, January Iff W. L. 53£. urb of New York and Mobile a street CARD, mediciao. monthly regulating to tba “The M. wood, Newport News, foi aa let alpeg special Despatch say*: Ralph Hey Han Franclsoc—to long Catnolloa 46 FfttEE STREET. DR. PEAL'S mounted polios for Soash Africa had a this oity, ooal laden, drifted ashore dur- the Homea maohlne, ot whlah the Pope Janldtf ma- __ last and thlf la a mere puppet, do this, the great aand oS at Regina last night. ing tbs heavy winds night new six flat block t- ^—v M nil m ohlne will use Paddy In Ireland and 1ROK SALK—Or Exchange. _ PENNYROYAL piLLS, a French or r m now reuted lor $1428 per fear, call adore [ Lieut. Uov. Forget, who la morning and is now resting easily tier-man and A mar lawn Paddy as Portland, COUNT BEESWAX—I lofe you, Uer lady, I what you you. Paddy, built mis year, everything modern and first said tba man of his race were Borden Bate off this She will bt an the ohen*board, to be Canadian, port. .pawns polltloal class, Architects plans, only small amount Medtcln. OeeuUad. 0. cannot live. 1 am in It oan «1.0D. Peel Co., aeemply pain. ... born al hauled and taken tc ■old out at any time tor what get B. 58 Exchange streeL I hate to eee “As loyal to tbs Quean aa those off later by toga down. C. DALTON, M». MISS MAKYLAND— Pain? Hare you a digeetlve tabule? yoi lu return. janidtft c. B. OUPPY * CO. A(U. r«Uud. the tost of the throne." Reed's for repairs. j •offering. drydook NEWrORT NKWH-Ar 101 sch Agftes K Kefttiwrtst retrdeum, 120 .... 12*/% H CORK. ■ CHICAGO—Cub auouach..* Ik AJtunU»I»* Astral.~~. 14H in oar iistdr. Mansoo. Bubliitt. Hoiton, WW ADTIWMWm | Pratt’s Mar .. 83% 33% Wiaeat—No 2 No 8 do 6 4 3*6*4 ; Hid loth, sell Henry O Barrett. Dirh. Boston. niMCULMDCOSSERCIAl Half bbla 1ft extra. July. 34 miring —; Itaw Ltnseedl of*.— 68*68 Ho 2 Red Corn-No 2 at 81 *4 e; NORFOLK Hht lotlt. sch M jMTesvey, Hard- OAT*. « •* h Kreo Boston. Batted Lwseed ou... No 2 yallow at3l*4c. Oau-No 2 at 22** tug. Boston; Jackson. Turnot)tMM...F. 68MR8 May.23% 34 2J‘*e; No 2 wMte at 76*4*fc2S *»«: No 3 While KNW LONDON—Ar loth. a*h Win .Slater, - Cumberland, coat.- o 00 *6 26 at 24*4 426*40; No'JHvp M WaM'ic: No 2 for New York. ron*. sell A Stove and turoaoe noau retail.. 8 68 Barley at 38«44«4c; No 1 Flaxseed and N W NEW LONDON—Ar llth, Lucy Darla, seed 2 Portland for SPRINGFIELD Krauk tin.« •• 8 60 Flaxseed | 40*1 ftO; prime Timothy 50; Mitladeiphta BOSTON 600 Mess Lard at 6 7Uu PABC AUOL' LA-CM Ddh. sch Carri# A Buck- of Products in Hie Peaeoal. retail. Fork at 9 32'v«10 67*4 Quotations Maplr uaa ft 00: short rlhs Ides at 5 tk>a5 H5. I>nr tailed man. Bennett. Point-a-Pitre. I’IIII.aDFLPIIIA Ctd toih steamer 6 meals—shoulders at ft*'! 4.6% •*«* clear sides Atlas, t'«N*|«-Oarh. Jan...... §7% tow me bare* tor I Markets. ft Homo *». I’or tl.iii). Antoa. fading Cordage May.. •«»% Ar lOtb, sch R W Hopkins, Hichborn. Pahlno A mericau F lb.. Butter steady—crmcry 22£20cj dairies 17# .....18 «17 mna. 25e. Pass. Manilla 8 70 Elvira J Port and; bolt Jan.... Cheese Arm—erm at 12.212*4 c Ar lltb. Mbs Fratieh, Ab- COMPANY Manilla rope. 0181 Y’lnalliaven. ZINC May.680 17c. bl<> Mg Walker. Sisal. fclOvb Bags easy—fresh 8Mk> Flour—reeeli>V» 17.000 hbls; wheat 68.000; Iteedv Inland—Passed up 10th. acha Young Stock I Brothers, from Boat Oft for Philadelphia ; Ahbto Knt York Money and tin* In No ..32 Portland Hally Press Uuol* buali; oorn 357,000 Wish; oats 281.4100 hush; Slock, lo.y. S Walker. \ mnihaven for do. m No ..3H Uirreated swau 4 Barrett. Beaker * 1A rye r.OdO hush; barley ftfMXHI hush. LAWS OF MAINE By Ar at Delaware Break water lltli. »eh f has P UNDER THE Market Review. No ..20 118.000 bbts.wheat ORGANIZED Middle street. BMpmenta—Fkmr NottDnan. Prank I 10 ox 13 STOCKS. bosh; corn IB »,0 hush; oam lMMJUlbusli J?wott, Portland; Stinson, Boston. 0 • 8 ex.11 Description. Par Value Bid. Asked rve 4.000 hush; barley 17.0(H) bush. _ sid lltli. sch ( has P Noilman, lor Lamberts aai Canal National Batik...UW 100 102 for rash llraga l>yr«. DETROIT—Wlient quoted at 69*4© Point. In tow. Oxalic.12 l asco National Bank.loo 107 1 it* at CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000 Add White, cash Red EHVfcc; May 72Hc; July PERTH AKROY-HId lOth.seh llnt'le K King Acid tart .. 8o* 4R •'umhcriatid National Bank.IOC 100 102 8. Col- 72*4©. for New York. By direct private wire to Ltuli Ammonia.16*20 ( National Hank.100 100 101 bapmao TOLEDO—Wheat at 69cj May NEW BEDFORD Ar 10th, sch Ma id, Robin- A stars, pot...OH * 0 quiet-cash well, manager of Price, Mcuormlok Com- Fii st National Bank .loO 10O 102 at 7 2 71 Boston for New York. Bcchu leaves.*«^*l46 Vac; July Vfce. son. Merchauta’ National Bank.... 76 iOl 102 Ar Sch Mt Me Par Value Full Paid and Noa-Assassable branch oflloa, No. MM Middle .6»«8/ PBOVIliENCK loth. Hop«. $25, pany’s Hals copabla National Traders’ Bank..loo 98 luO Uao. Her-«• WAX .37*42 Cotton Market*. Philadelphia. street, Portland, Me.: Portland National Baok.. 100 109 110 Hid loth, Jessie Norwood. Borax...lo^ll barque Msegrecor. tha Portland Trust Co.100 1*6 160 illy Telegraph.) Hav.moali; sch Dave lor New New January 11.—Daring Brimstone.. 2 -t 8 JAN. II. Orbetou, Hardy, York, Portland (las Com nany .60 ho 00 York. was Cocaine. Muriate, or.CoSd 60 YORK—The Cotton market to-d*v was greater part of the day tha market per Portland Water Co.100 103 M»6 NEW POKT8MOUTH—Bid lOfh.Sch O D Withered, Cochin al.40*4* 140 160 1-16 middling uplands at 7As, AND DIRECTORS week nee. in Portland Ht. RoileuM Co. .100 steady, higher: .for Baltimore. OFFICERS more or leas dominated by 8 160 170 do at 7 Vb ; sales 239 hales. Copperas...1 Ml# MalneOentfal R’e.100 gnif KAI KM-Ar llth. s hs R l. Eaton. and Ta- from t ream tartar. .-. 27\* It at • sharp deoilne ftSOVfc Portland 4 Ogdens burg K.K. 100 60 61 Onttou market to-day cast. PRKS1DK3T 1II.N ItV II. BIIH.HIII. sugar. opened r.x logwood.12*16 CHARI.ESTON—The res«a Baker, from Boston, i-ouu*l list night's prloa, and altboogh at times Gumarahk-.70*1 28 BONUS. cloeed quiet; aitddlmg* 7'4c.O VINEYARD--UAVEN-Ar loth, sch Alaska, JOHN W. C-UOUND SrRINOFIEI.I), MASS. ha.ut River lor New Y ork. It eon- Glycerine.2'm 75 Portland 6s. 1907.118 1-Q OA1.VE8TON—T%e Colton aiaraet clofid rom It bed moderately sharper rallies. 1902-1912 l<>3 103 CARTHAGE, MO. President aprluufleld National B««t A lorn cape .1 r* *26 Poitlaiul 4s. Funding.. steady; middlings 7 Vac. onder oeoslderable pistsure n Portland 4s. 1913. FundUig ..*.....106 l(»8 Fsrrlgn Ports Director National Bank. tinned to be 5SMi M KM PH 18-The Cotton market to-day closed Joplin .62*66 Baauor6*. 1905. Water.ill 114 about els There wee eunphor..60ytrn middlings 7M»e. Passed HI HtieM Dee 1fi»b. Governor llnblly loalsg points. .8 fljva 4 86 Bath 4%a. 1907. Mumolnal.101 103 steady; ship VICK PKKS1DKXT Opium*... closed Jrom I long for New York. W ILLIAM E. <®LLEY no further news on and the street Bath 4s. 1921. Refunding.101 103 NEW oft I. RANH— The Cotton market Robte, NIcliolt. Kong It, Indigo.....86c«* $t Montcalm IRA MILLER Iodine...8 46m3 GO Belfast4a. Municipal.— 108 106 firm; middlings 7 6-lflc. Passed Prawle PoliJBoth. steamer ol Colley a Co.. Bankers, seems to bo aonrlocad that the dividend 102 from New York for Loudon. 4 so0ct2 60 Morris, Merchant. gave utterance to very Olive ftns,19oaeitau*sn.l02 103 (By Telegraph.) •( B. 8. Sprague A Co., Grain Casliler Joplin National Bank. i 2 oo Aral llav na 31st, sch flattie II Barbour. At that time rappt. 75|» Portland 4 Ogd*g g6s. * 9<>0. 1st mu 102 103 Jan. 11. 1809—consols closed at to tboas be made yesterday. §0«3 oo LONDON. Krsklne. Jacksonville; U S transport Burnside. Winlerareeti.2 Portland Water Ccr» as. 1927 .... 106 107 98ta for and 90 lor account. «• CHARI. EN H. NPRAOIC, tbe etoek declined to 1011. It bee subse- Potass hr’nide..6«*«0 money Matauzas. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 11. 1000.—The Cotton Aral Havana Jan 10. steamer Havaua, from at Tbe faot of tbe mat CMpraW.1«*20 Boston IMosk Wirket. rnOVIDKNCK. R. I.. quently sold ISO. 40*2 06 market is steadr: quoted 4 16-32d .sales 10,000 New York. Iodide.2 of ter la that Mr. utterance, Uulcksilver...3*78 The following were thoelosing quotations bales. Ar at Ht John. NR, lltli. steamer Mastery, reason foe tbe selling rumors fight kanmi* & Pacific Amsterdam the usual number of smaller The of this has been examined the Good'd'mg .2*’.« 27 Nav.lst.110 110 York PcrnanabucoJan 20 then' are property oompany by prominent In Africa but there was no au Oregon Coleridge.New ing South Union hacks.30$40 Texas Pacific. L. G. lsts.... J VI 111 Philadelphia- New Yon;.. i.aguayra Jnn20 ones. It does not look well. 00 Frank Nicholson. His is on file at our news to corroborate tbe rumors Ain calf.00*1 no Ids. 64 64 Etruria.'Now York.. Liverpool... Jan 20 mining engineer, Capt. report tbentio re*. “And the way, did you know that Pacific 1st*.101% 102 .Genoa .Inn 20 by to have emanated Union p.nw.NewlYork. office. which seem principally Lumber. of stocks— New York. Hamburg .Ian 20 last year wm a bad one for the lire In- Boston Whltewood— Quotations Pennsylvania.. from clubs In London. Jail 10. Jan. 11. lAhu.New Y’ork. .Bremen .. .Ian 23 military No 1 surance companies? New Knglsnd will 1*2, In...$40a$46 Atchison. 13% lt)% Oceanic.NewlYork Liverpool Jan 24 Tbe close was slightly higher than the 1 In. 36* 40 Hape. 68-s 6tfT'» York. ... New York. b’thampwui Ian 24 not bv In tbe lead in fire losses though in Ills dated says : 82 Atchison me.. New ^ Mr. Nicholson, report Jnly .">, 1899, was a lack cf Common, 1 In. 28* .Antwerp* .Jau 24 lowest of the day but there Central Pacific.. Friesland .... Now York. the in ars. lhe 1 in Nol&2.$40 « 446 2.r* • be suffered greatest y* mineral- of Cites. A Ohio. 2h:is 2ft% Gaacogu*.New York. .Havre.J»n “As far as the tract appears to be thoroughly bonp In the market and the majority .'ortu * arolina Plie— 23 New and developed Chicago. Bur. « OMinct.120% lift"* Aug Victoria...New York. Hamburg*.. Jan states of Pennsylvania, York 1, No 1 .• .12'*$35 2« ore horizon without transactions were between trailers. Dei. iv Hud. Canal Lo.ii4 1HV« Maracaibo.New York. will be well In the lend In losses. ized, no shaft having yet been sunk to the >o.2 $22**82 27 Illinois Pack. St West.173 173 Pretoria .... New York Hamburg Jan No. l. $8o $4o lie!. IV*. 1 Vs ami 2 inch. 17% 37 11 New York. .Go now I.J;ui27 I am sorry to say that Mains will show ore. The of the « Denver at 1L G.. k.Wilhelm catching tlio great majority NEW YORK, Jan. 11. No 2.$28 «88 27 11 lo** .... Now York. Liverpool Jan Erie, new.—. Campania s great loss as corn pared With previous on call easier from 3*oV4; last loan al Cyprus— 32 80% York. Ixmdon.Ian 27 be classed as medium ground, neither hard nor soft, Mmicy 1 In 36* 40 Erie lstlnfd. Manttou.New gronud may Sa|w. .. .ban 27 and the other states have la — mercantile paper 5 Vi *6 ier ct. Illinois Central.Ill 11<>% Ethiopia.New York. Glasgow years yet per ct; prune Uonimon, 1 In.,/. 2H*« 82 27 if is Erie &, West....I 23 28 Horatio.New Y'ork. Para. &c .Jail worse than I be- and w hile occasional timbers may be the roof Exchange lieavy. with actual busi- Southern pin©.$30* 40 Lake proportion suffered we, required^yet Sterling Lake Shore.107 Aller.New York. .Bremenl. Jan80 Clear 1J*7 > bills at for de- pine— .. Jau 3 lieve. and the red above the of the ness in bankers —,u4e67/4 fi 70 Louis* Nasn. gross .00$ Wabaab 2<>% Irons was tfce same The life cora- a 55 pm. Tug Carhonero. with barge Schuylkill, country it at 8c: at 5V4c; codec IMrlgo.00 Boston * Maine .202 -MX) Co. ore in more than cent of all Sc; powdered granulated Philadelphia—coal to 8argeut-I>ennt*oh r aulas made money hist year while the fire reached paying quantities, eighty (80) per Forest City.00*50 York and New Eng. |pL. crushed 5c; yellow 4 Vic. New Sch K ger Drvry, Dixon, Perili Amboy—coal corapunies lost. It Is one of the fate* of number at this to the of Metals. Old Colony.206 to Me Out RK ’* shafts sunk eighty 112 U..I. I.u A the business (the being seventy time) depth Osmtr Adams Express. .112 U’l U.L’os Roalnn Itniinil Kiporu. 142 “Will not tbe bentficl trh s of the life of the cent it is 14 a 48 common.00 a,221 American Express.143 Boll Holland Hue.u. lhiubln. Boston. feet having found ore, and renniniog twenty (20) per 4o became If we per- (80) LIVERPOOL. END. Steamship ltomm— roughed copper.00*24 U.H.fx press. belt Clara K Rogers. Kaler. (Jiomcster. Inaurnnoe discouraged J® * that would ore at a lower depth. 25,r42 hush peas 28,954 do wheat 3197 pcs It oils. .00*22Mi Peonle Gas.102% Hrii Lydia ('.ram. HarpsweU. sist In living?” asked a man who always many develop a 42 41% probable deals 3759 lull p dp 1165 bids ham and hacou Y M sheath .00 7 Pacific Man. Sch Annie Harner. st John. NB. lor Boston. s*«9* everything In the pe*sii.:ir tic light. boxes 359.'»bbls 18 1HU 650 sacks oiimoal 270 cheese Y M liolli.*hw Pullman Palace. Soli Frauk L 1*. (Br» St John, NB. tor *v«w nor * “Are we doing wrong by injuring apples 174 bales 9.r>3 slice 268 roils oaper 666 llottoUl.s.25*81 Sugar, common.120% York, think ‘J*©6 * our lives) Will not our families tibls tripe 600cs canned meats 195 odl dowels Ingot...1C* 17 Western Union.8lJ% Sen Abner Taylor. Calais for New York. less of us, if they have the Idea in their OUR PROPERTY 693 cattle419,443 lbs 1 rwh beef 61,682 do pork Tin— Southern Ky pfd. sch Hod no v Parker, sioniugloii for New Y’ork heads that In case we die will make Straits. .28*30 Brooklyn Kani Transit. 71% 68% Soli Elizabeth '1 Cookl Calais for New York. they and is leased direct to the the Cortland Whulei* e Market. Antiinouv.12*14 Steel common.I 4ft% 4s * Soli Oriole. St John. NB, for Boston. money by it?" Cousists of ownership iu fee minors, giving oO Federal Jan. 11. Coke.4 75*6 do 71% * 2 Soli G 31 Pu.ter, Calais for New York. It Is uu u*b to put such a question to PORTLAND, 75 pfd at all times control of the it the of the Spelter.. *0 American tobacco...|08% WVj Ctvsrfi. the oo moils* lunar or Deputy Fletcher, for company property; being policy The following qu stations represent too whole* Solderx1*.Mi «82 186 do pin...... 186 olw* vm have an answer. * sale* lor the market; Nasal Stores. Bell B Weaver. Y'annaman .Iaoknonvllle, they to make no leases to such as will contract Street K K.!71 Myra • makes on Vs present company except parties Metropolitan l*»r Portland—t lias F & Co. No,'* raid Mr. Carr, “It yiaar Tar $> bbl..3 BO a3 75 & iron. 8.'% ®o*« to load Guptil Tenn.Coal Hall's or whoever ..... 5 on a 5 Sell Annie F Kimball, Whhtetnoro. his b«*nctlciarleB, they to erect standard one hundred ton mills. and low •.2 45a2 60 Coal tar 25 U. s. Lubber.41% 41 family (100) Superfine grades.. 12 ii B*ake. think more of one to think he Wheat Bakers.3 45 £3 55 hoofing Pitch, #»gallou.11a Continental fobaeoo.31% Jo-® Quary—J nay te, .spring .3 sail.i c.irbot < rn. with b antes Enter- from his own life Wheat patents.4 36*4 50 Wil Pitch 25*3 60 li—Lug Is eecTAlioli.g something Spring — and Indian for Phila- Nalls trou—Lend. pr hp. Monitor, Ifidge, V. Mlcu. and 8LLouis su roller.3 85*4 < o ttoalnn Stock Wtn Km. UliU piPOBl'l Hiv ru»u Nails— delphia; sch Myra B Weaver. an- St. Louis clear.t 65a3 86 •»« art he Is dead. And then FOUR NEW MILLS Mich, and Cut .3K>a 3 SO BOSTON. Jan. li. Ik 00-itt0«0Oilow tor them after Winter Wheal patents.4 15&4 25 In favor of the life to- Wire —.3 76*3 05 i»-oa> > jwua«< *i Fr®»r FBOM Of It COnUESrOXDF. N rJt. other argument throe of ton shift of oi m »iid Feed. nos Is the fact Increases and Have been erected on tlio property, 100 capacity per Iron- H. •u re llia^lt car <3<4 Common 3$ 2% life.” Corn, lota.1...... 40 RZOSAKOR l»lSPATt'HK%. sustains _ * p. tents 3 85tJ4 ten hours each and one of 150 ton contracts been let for lots. (a 46 helmed. .2\* 3 Spring ore could see through that and th« capacity; having Corn, t»HK winter luuomi 3 75 4 25 F. steamer North Samis Jio t*4 4 Nor M a Ar st Plymouth. Uth, Meal, bag lots. ay.4 3 25»4 O0. commissioner went on to explain. and a Cl*ar *nit siraudd. from Shields for Portland, [sea Mem] two more. Leases have been executed with parties Oats, car lots. 33 @ 34 Cast Steel. 8 10 responsible obliga- Corn—steamer yellow 42%c. Ar at 10th. steamer Saluda, Mitch- “Dr. Jordon of Portland, actually Oats, lots. * 36 Shoesleel .3 Mi ft 31* fijasgow for the erection of mills bag ell, Portland. mads the statement not long ego that he tions assumed by them providing eight additional Cotton iM*ert. car lots.00 00*24 60 Sheet Iron— it 4> « i< r» t tncago Liva MOCK Jim *« Shi fm Queenstown llth. steamer Oceanic, knew of men whose lives bad b.:ou eared % «* 14 from Liverpool for New Y'ork. You of 100 tons capacity each. Hacked Biaff. car lota. *18 oo Geil Russia.13 By Talmmptt. 4 bv their life luauranoe pollclns. OOa 1 b 00 Amencau Russia .11 «1JI Is unto .sacked Bran, bag lots.00 rHICAGO. Jan. 11. 1900.—Cattle—receipts know when a man ill, apparently (h- a 20 OO Galvanized.6% ft 7 .Middling, car lots.18 caimers end feeders are 11-Sch Lewis II Coward, of Bath, hr worries for the future of his — 7 600; butchers stock, Jan death, 60 Load Bath, Middling, hag, U<\*2<> ; to coop e 5 25 «<» 60: p«M»r which has her cargo of and In case he Is not rich, 00 sheet. n 7*4 about steady good Haynes, Just completed wife family Mixed feed. Alb at * 0u«5 00; mixed smokers 8 t«»ns co il at Baltimore for Boston, will a /,iuc. 0% u lo to medium 1*5.00 jret and ho wonders how they will get Codes. Tea. Molasses,ICaleln*. feeders at 4 2o.<<4 75: cows at she was de- Sugar. Pipe. 0% *3 86; selected M'lOO demurrage, waiting cargo, living. Well, the mail without this wor- WE OFFER 5 3 40 a 4 75. heifers at 8 50 « 4 lrt>; bulls 2 60« tained In do days. Sugar—Standard granulated. 24 Olk-Palata. port rinisnt aud who knows h!s family will line 6 24 so 4 50; cat res at 4 30«4? do; ted Texas beeves Sugar—Extra granulated.... Sperm.70« hare to lire upon has net this C. 4 87 While.50*04 4 26 o 5 25. ample Sugar—Extra mixed and butcher* German 8 tea per Kaiser Wilhelm der Crosse to him. 'lhe doctor fahl toffee—ltlo. roasted. 11 a 15 Bunk .4o a 45 Hogs—receipts 81,000; worry Injure 4 50 a 4 arrived at Cherbourg at H.26 A M 10th, making the Coffee—Java and Mocha. 27 28 Shore.— 35 «40 4 :t.> a 4 60 good to coatee heavy C7% ; these men wirf sustained by thought 3000 4 4 30 m 4 a record of a days 18 hour-, from New — In Teas s. 22*30 Porgle. 3U« 35 rough heavy 35fi4 40; ll*ht 62%. passage that their families would be all right 4moy 17.oon: native wethers 4 40 York, an average of 22.t3 knots an hour. I .e&s—Coilgous. 27*50 lJ»ro.55«dS rtheep—receipts case they had worried In the least their at 4 20; Weaterti wether* 33*38 Castor I 10,1/ 1 20 .j 4 9 •; lumbs 5-lo,« but as It was Teas—Japan. 5 15. Meniontiida. lives would have gone out, and when |hese are of Teas—Formosa.... 85*65 N eatsfoot.45 a 05 at 4 80s*4 7s ; \Y cetera laiubs at 60^x0 disposed were r.t p.aoe and reel at, saving Molasses*-Port© ltloo. 33«3*» Lead- Plymouth, E. Jan ll—Steamer North Samis, th-j Molasses— Barhadoes.. 32 u 35 Pure ground..0 v5 a«’ 75 Domestic asrltett. ii is in, in StUfll iof oril nd, M kl ie, them.’’ dis- known or such cases,” suggest- New Kalslm, 2 crown. 2 00*2 26 Red.I! 2f.tt0 7.*. was towed m here to-uay by steam belle, “I have tb) Telegraph.) heard of men ai do ^8 crown. 2 25*2 60 English Ven Red.2 0"*.. 25 Jan. 11. lb00. abled. ed a bystander. “I have duuu MAHid will dc mlu mu.uu rtn anAtic /.iuo.6 7 00 on do 4 crown. 2 6ou Port*. out would tell that their only thought l>r» Fish and Maekerel. Domestic rice.61 a « 7 hut firmer, a t be NEW YCUK—Ar KMh, Leonora. Bruns- wile and are pro- no will be offered below packages; exceedingly quiet hrfi wa=, ‘Well, my family arter which stock par. Cod. la^*e Shore. 4 7525 00 Turks Island salt. Is lb ltd.2 50**2 80 for sale. wh k for New Haven; schs Edw il Blake, Fer- the life Is 50 lug pressed vide for and I guess polloy Medium snore ttsh..*. 3 60*4 00 Liverpool... .2 2.”>»»2 Flour—Whiter pU 3U<»k3 76; winter straights naudtna for New Haven; Came E Look. Jack- .-.-el t. « 60 Pollock. 2 60 a 3 75 Diamond Crystal bbl.. 2 3 40u 3 46; Mtaisdaola pateuts 3 86* 4 0.<;Win- sonville; John L Treat. Bruuswick ior New Haddock. 2 (* a 2 75 ttaleratus.5*6 % ter extras 2 65 x 2 90; Minnesota bakers. 2 85 a Haven. Hake. 2 25* 2 60 ttplces— 3 1 do low grades 2 6 *2 40. Ar ilh. John Swan, fm Brunswick; „. -21« barques MAINE* PENSIONS*. Herring, per box, sd&led. 11 .* 10 Cassia, pure.. 22 61.300 bush* exports 120,- Maunle Swan, 1 05 Wheat—receipts Pascagoula. Mackerel. Shore Is.26 0o*30 00 Mace.. •..'.hia 500 bush; sales 1,96/,000 bushfuturea. l2o,oou II.—The follow- 40 ; Wastiinton, January Mackerel, Shore 4*. Nutmegs...4oi* bu exports; spot firm: No 2 Red at fob Elvira .1 French. Philadelphia. « 17 75*V^ resulting DIVIDENDS. Large 3s. 16 009018 Pepper..18 aitoat prompt; No 1 Northern Duluth Wm'fu City Is Ian a—Passed east 10th. barque Mary C ing Maine pension changes • Cloves.14 « 15 schs Clara \ Cork. Beef, Lard and Poultry. b afloat prompt nominal; No 2 Red 73vie elev Hale, from Mobile lor New Loudon; from the Issue of December £5 nre an- Ginger.14«|5 85.100 bush: lor Heston; Carrie C Miles. Perth Pork—Heavy. 0000*14 25 Corn—receipts experts 05,217 Goodwin, do It is the intention wiill month of Laundry search...3 .*5% sales busn futures; bush tor Mattie .1 Alles nounced: of the directors, beginning tllO Pork—Medium.<*>00*13 26 bush; 25,000 32,000 Amboy Keunebunkport: Gloss..6% £7% ; spot firm: No 2 at 413 sc lob atioat. Kail tan for Portland; Edw II Blake. Fernandl Beef—heaw.12 00*12 60 Tull area. exports cicuuk to declare and dividends of one 2 at 4o !sdelev. ua for New Haven. March, 1900, pay regular monthly per Heel—light.11 26*11 5u Best No brands.50*07 »au*—receipt* K7,U)0bnsh: exports 87.012 BOSTON—Ar l«*th, sch Maud be ward, Pa»- Boneless, half bbls. «t C 60 Medium.3r*u45 Seth C. Uogld, Bangor, $8 to $10; cent on the stock twelve cent and to utilize sales — bush exports; s|»ot firm; No 3 at chal. Elizabethpoit. capital (being per per annum), Lard—les and naif hbl.imre.... 7V/gn.714 Common.50*35 bush, to 2 -0 No 3 at 28%c ; No 2 white ut3.c; No 3 Cld 10 h. seba Lucy II Itusaell, Bishop. Bruns- Charles H. Abbett, Tremont, $16 *17; Lard—tes and hall bbt,cow.... ,u d14 a of the for the immediate of the Natural.30 a 70 track mixed Western at wick; Aunie G guiner, l»orr. Bueksport; Mail. part surplus earnings development Lard—Pails pure. 8 fe8H w hite at 30%c. 29*4 Douglass, Men HOB, $6 to *11); Jos- track w hite Western at 30% 4 35c. Capes, lHgny. NS; Maria O Teel, Jamesou, lor Stephan Laid—Palls, compound. 15 7V* — 80%c: southwestern tracL mess 110 Bruuswick. U. East Knox, 111 to *17. Lard—Pure, leaf... fHj&lO1* Beef steady; family 12logll3; 50; eph Stefans, Uams 2* extra ludU mess Sld schs Annie G gulner, for Bueksport; Hams. 10 * 10 Vt Grata Quatatiuus. heel 6i>jtc$23; city 10th, John M Fisk, for Portsmouth. for this stock will now be received at our offices in Chickens... 13 * 14 OK i'RAUA *2i Subscriptions CHICAGO BOAttU — NSW ll K—Sld soh Sadie Fowl. 12 Cut meats steady; pickled bellies ;shOulder« BHl loth, Willcutt, FI BE IN PAEM1'KA. 112 balllm. Boston and where further can be obtained if Turkovs 13*15 Wednesday’s quotations. Pendleton, Providence, particulars Western steamed at 0 26; Jan Cld ltitli. barque Daisy Re;‘d. Mltehell. New set WHEAT 6IfcSd’u* firm; Plttslleld, January 11.—The large Prodaos. at 0 26]tiomlnal; refined nrm joonUnent at 6 40; York; scln Evle B Hap, liall, Perth Amboy ; desired. Open ins. Closing In 5 A 0 oleon. New Vork. of farm building" Palmyra belonging Beaus. Pea. «2 25 67% 07% 00; compound!—. Gladys, ^ay. Armor: mess *10 75; short clear BALTIMORE-Ar 10th, tug Georges Creek, rued at 6 Beans Yellow Eyes.0 041*2 50 08‘a 08% Fork 25gl0 to Charles Gookson, ware bn July. u A and No from Fori laud. The is reserved to withdraw or all of this offer without Beaus. California Pea.O 00*2 35 $11 26 $12; faun y $12 00 13 60. with barges 17. right any CORN Ban morning. The Ureetock, Bears. Red Kidney.2 50*2 70 Butter steadv; Western creamery 25.«30e; C d 10th, »*»s Luis G Label, Mellown, o'olook Thursday notice, to subscriptions, or to allot a less number of shares thau may Unions, bbl...1 5o*l 75 May. ft. 32% 38% do factory I7«23c; June creamery 24.a 28 v*c 1 Juan. PK. and sailed. and fanning utensils ware also des- reject A Bosten. and sld. hey Potatoes 9 bus.. Co.«665 July.33 to 38% ini crui 19a2<5c; state dairy 20s28c; do erm 26 Cld 10th. sch C White, bs subscribed for. BOOTHBAY-Sld llth. schs Brigadier. Port- The lire oaug* t In tbs barn and Bweei Potatoes. Norfolk. ** 5U -AT ti|3oc. troyed. * Rockland: do for Mlllbridg*; Sweets. Viiih&nd. *4 00 Cheese Arm; fall made fancy small at 12% land for Eugenie, cause Is unknown. There was no 24 for New Tele- the Eggs. Eastern fresh..... 24* OO May.83% 18c: fall made fancy large at 1?% wise; h»ti 1 bos Bordeu Rockland Vork; TUomastou for o; Parker.Ston- Insurance. The lire was disoorered by Ekcs. Western fresh. oO* 22 PORK made small »2.« 18*-4 large late made 11%« graph, Rodney Elizabeth M Coe*. Calais for da; held.- 17 Jan. 10 58 smalt 12 u. 3%e. ington for do; the barking of a Kicks, Id* 12c; for do. Mr. Cookeon through Si 10 83 State amt Fenti 20c; Western Abner Taylor, and G M Porter, do Butter, tauev creamery...... m May.... Eggs Arm; whloh wes In the Western 2 c lost Ar llth. schs Fre»l A Kmersson, and Laura T large watch dog kept Butter, Vermont. ‘Jbf* 26 I ilk ungraded at mark 1*4*18, Chester, Boston; Frank G Lien. Kockport; Cheese, N. lark and Ver’mt. -... 13V*m 14 uA. barn. Jan .. .— 6 75 Belle Barllet.. Bar Cheeac^acw.. —9 16 | etroletan IrarUe Woulsey. Kocklaud; 6 fff steady. COLLEY & Cranberries 6 50*7 00 My..... U8% Rosin steady. Harbor. COMPANY, ^ seh 3 P Hitchcock, Soran- ; luna. baIH—Ar 10th, AT LOVELL QKNTKK. Fruit Turpentine steady. New Vork ia tow. FIBE Rice son, Bruuswick via Messina....3 Jan. Du# steady. M and cemona, 00&4 00 Molasses steady. FAI L K1Y EH—Ar loth, ach Ralph Hay- Norway, January 1L—The mill 50 Devonshire Oranges, Jamaica.3 0P*3 50 Thursday** quotations News. Boston. Froucuis to Liverpool inactive ;RotUn 25 aom wood. Newport Centre was Street, Oranfes, California...... 3 60 —Ar veil P Macon, reel leice of J. Fox el-Lsrell 609,3 WHEAT. Inal; groin 3%n‘* u. OALVfcSTON l€th, Henry Appav*. Haiti wins. 2 76*3 (JO The Ices le e«t!ma*«d at r>®eiilng. Ctaetns. .sugar—raw Arm; fair refining AKctdji; Oen- Given. Apalachicola, bnrcpd today. Oil* JACKSONVILLE—Sld lOtli, sch Jeremiah 49 Turpentine and Coal. *8% • 68 od lest 4 5-xtiebid; JuolassfiC> insured. N Westminster 9 Providence R. I. May. trifugal tSOOO. The property .was St., and rshued firm. r ^-dxiL Providence. janiodat Ltgoiua Ceuicanuu Oil.. bbL, Luid 12Vi July...... v 54% 68% 3%; : 9 /' There was a Are at 74 flhaef n> Nmt FOR the school board. THE PRESS. yeeteiday radioing, oan*ed hy the thaw- A BUSY DAY. ing oat of soma water pipe*. Tbe Uhem- Womn'i Connell lias Bel fried ■ l.lil loal and Hern S went dawn and mede of Candidates Among Women. HKW ADVERTIsKNKNTI TODAY* l|« abort work of the blase. The damage wan next to nothing. The Women s Connell deolded M Its J R. Llbbv. Tbe Unitarian Woman's Alllanoe will at the Su- meeting on Wednesday, after soma lively Sons. Ho., Orrn Arraignments Hooper’s meet this afternoon at I e'elook. to forward to Id* eomont- A Kent. balloting olty §. %£ibbii C.ondy Standard do hint Co. Uanting of the Maine Historical Beeletf Court. tee of each political party the following • •> Wood Pattern Makers Wanted. perior for the netting of papers end for dlanos- tames of women for candidates for the Wise A Cooper. amusement. stons will be held at tbalr library, Bax- school brard. Ont „ 167 Cum'erland street; b«lr beads on page 8. % appropriate sets at Half Price. dlTleloD, root of Preble stroet, yesterday. Liquor Dealers. Juatloa H. Worcester, U Thomas sttatt; The ear la t'i be pot on tbe Woroeeter ran Lydia J. Burgess, 55 Atlant o street; Mrs. WiBtlow’a HoutliliiR Syrup. In place of the Portland and ^Hoeheetrr barah O. T horn i son. Ml Congresa street. Has been used over Fifty Years oy millions ol oar No. 18. Mrs. A. V. Pdi liter. correapo idling mothers for their cliildreu while Tsetfetujr, of them at less than naif. Ur. J. Frank Measure of this olty, secretary of the Woman’s Coo noli, said: Yes, many with perfect success. It soothes (ho child, went to Lewis!in last evening for the "The oonncll baa forwarded tbe six softens the gums, allays Pain, curst Wind until ■ of losw Walter H. Potter Was names and tbs That sounds unreasonable you Colic, regulates U?e bowels, and Is the best purpose of Installing the oOlorr to both tbs Hopublloan for Diarrhoea whether arising from Iston ooudoII, No. 1, Order of the Ameri- Democratic city committees, tbe question itmeiiy see reason for it. teeth log or other causes. For sale by Drug- can Meobanlos. Discharged Wednesday of party affiliation of woman seeming te the gists in every ©art of the world. Bo sure ami 4|A picture of Fprnker Steteon has Juit be absurd. Tbe oonnoll bdlevre a woman *i6 iV of Thomson’s ssk for Mrs. Winslow’s boo thing by nip, been added to tbe collection In the Mains ebeoll not be obossn for polltlaal reason, The manufacturers S bottle room at Hotel. on of __ the Falmentb bat the grounds education, gener- us Bowdoln Corsets have sent the CA3TORTA The nnnoal barque! of the al Intelligence and apeolal tit ness for “Clove-Fitting” College alumni association of this olty Fonnl No In- the position." Bears the signature of Cnaa. II. PurrcnR, Tho Grand Jury sales- will take plaoe at thr Falmouth hots) on Corsets that their traveling In use for more years, ami sample Ihmy^hirly the evening of January 27th. dictment Against Him. "harbor NF»¥3. The .Kind You Haw Always Bought. ~ men have been all over New Eng- * using PERSONAL. Hem. of Interest Picked Vp Along the CASTORIA These Corsets tVstar Front. land to sell their stock by. Bears the signature of Citas. II. Fr.KTCirrv Capt W. B. Homer, Oth Artillery, yes- The steamer Mtimid Ian of the Allan are not In use for more than thirty years, and terday assumed charge of tbe recruiting been handled more or less Yeaterda; waa a boa; da; at tbe Bo- line baa not bslng overdue having The Kind You Haw Ahvajrs Bought. rendezvous In tbls city. yet arrived, eourt. Arraignments on Indict- fehe oomee pcrlor since Wednesday nlgbt. for ■ as Corsets C A S T O R I .V Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kelsey won the first y Thomson's as and clean right ment. found b; tbe grand Jnr; were In direct nod abont three ( n fresh, crisp nrlzi h at Mrs. whist Liverpool bring Bears the signature of Cnas. If. F:.wicnr*. l’bllllps's party all l' were orer proiieM da;. fort; hundred passengers. lot of Tuesday evanlDg. It was a beautiful out of the box. So we the whole In ui»e »or more than thirty years, ami Indictment, fnnnd In llqnor oane. and The smack 1-oitle aad arrived with get white and obotoe salad dish and a May "Qlove-pitting gold of The Kind You Haw Always BoughL. One. wne oollected to tbe amount 1 S00 lot. stars. corsets. an of set uf punch oupa. a dozen at average IHOO or more y.stvrda; forenoon. The Several veiaels In for harbor maybe styles Mrs. Frank Edwards Is with pnt yester- staying Und an lndtotment grand jur; failed to day, tbs vreatbrr outside being very JOTTINGS. Mrs. B. B Foster for tbs wssk. half JJBIKF In the com of Walter U. Potter, who wa. less than price. Fernald was In town rough. ; Mrs. W. F. yester- from th. tlrm oharged with ainbei.lament Among me arrivals was tne unusn are day for tbe board meeting of the Maine 26. Colors of W. 8. Parker & Co. Potter wa. schooner Oriole with lumber. The sizes are 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, The Independent Order of Forester Woman Suffrage association. bronaht before tbe oooit on Wednesday The steamer Cumberland, bound from Installed cllioers at Mystic hall, Wednes- Mr. J.W. Dyrr has guns west foe n visit and white. and dlaobarged. Ue vsaa emaoiated, pale Boston to SL John, arrived at a few blue There was music th«* Penn. drab, black, pink, day evening. by with his brother at Ciirwenavllle, Im- and looked Ilka a elok man. llle minutes past four o'olook in the after- Career!©if quartette anil several catchy 'lbs Monioa olub gave a dinner at 1.50 and 1.00. This sale price prisonment at the jail bad told severely noon. are the $2.00, 1.75, solos were rendered by Joseph Dann of Klserton Wednesday eveulng In honor of They upon him. On nlght'ths schooner High- the two former members wbo are now stilt- WedneHJey army. were entered re- The following pleas by land Queen, Captain Dudley, was off the for of them, The business uisetlneg of the W. C. T. ing In town, Mrs. James Harrington any spondents, upon arraignment: John U. shore, bound from Huston to Jones- U. will be held Friday at 2 SO p m. ut 15) Uoyd (Miss Bosun Adams) or Chicago, Cape Harry, assault and battery, not guilty; port, when she encountered a heavy wind 59C Free street. and Mrs Emery Binart (Annabel Bhaw) Coleman J, laroeny from person, l.alH. Feeney, and for a time bad a pretty rough exper1- ✓ « uuriui sriiitoD •«» ■••vu » nut Nelson W. of guilty; Burnham, ence. Her bowsprit was old and probably In this sale re more than Ferries of No. 93 Portland street, wen* Invitations ore oat (or a subscription Corsets. COW NS. bieaklng and entering In the for the fact that lot of Sample afternoon. In- Naples, rotten and this accounts ANOTHER. A Three-hundred-pair stylos of night held at i! o’clock yesterday dunce at Riverton on Saturday, given Cbarles twenty night time, and larceny, guilty; It was not held. As it was, however, the the manufacturer not terment was at Evergreen. Mr. Win. M. and Mr. Kilns Wc are requested by [owns or woman. by Ingraham

# # I S »