Puzzle will be played... 01/17/2008 11:01 PM

Puzzle will be played...

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Put-Together ( : planar) Put-Together (polyomino : 3×3×3) Put-Together (polyomino : 4×4×4) Put-Together (polyomino : 5×5×5) Put-Together (polyomino : 6×6×6) Put-Together (polyomino : cross) Put-Together (polyomino) Put-Together (brick) Put-Together (rectangular : planar) Put-Together (rectangular : comb) Put-Together (rectangular : tile) Put-Together (rectangular) Put-Together (polyabolo : planar) Put-Together (polyabolo) Put-Together () Put-Together (triangular/trapezoid) Put-Together (hexagonal) Put-Together (polysphere) Put-Together (cylindrical) Put-Together (rhombic) Put-Together (miscellaneous : planar) Put-Together (miscellaneous) Put-Together (checker : planar) Put-Together (checker) Put-Together (coloring : planar) Put-Together (coloring)

http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~rh5k-isn/Puzzle/ Page 1 of 3 Puzzle will be played... 01/17/2008 11:01 PM

Put-Together (dice) Polyomino

Interlocking (2 piece burr) Interlocking (3 piece burr) Interlocking (3 piece burr : frame) Interlocking (4 piece burr) Interlocking (4 piece burr : frame) Interlocking (5 piece burr) Interlocking (6 piece burr) Interlocking (6 piece burr : traditional) Interlocking (6 piece burr : board) Interlocking (6 piece burr : frame) Interlocking (7 piece burr) Interlocking (7 piece burr : frame) Interlocking (8 piece burr) Interlocking (9 piece burr) Interlocking (9 piece burr : frame) Interlocking (10 piece burr) Interlocking (11 piece burr) Interlocking (12 piece burr) Interlocking (13 piece burr) Interlocking (14 piece burr) Interlocking (15 piece burr) Interlocking (18 piece burr) Interlocking (19 piece burr) Interlocking (24+ piece burr) Interlocking (33+ piece burr) Interlocking (cube : 3×3×3) Interlocking (cube : 4×4×4) Interlocking (cube : 5×5×5) http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~rh5k-isn/Puzzle/ Page 2 of 3 Puzzle will be played... 01/17/2008 11:01 PM

Interlocking (cube : 6×6×6) Interlocking (cube) Interlocking (box) Interlocking (pin) Interlocking (miscellaneous) Interlocking (triangular) Explosion


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Since May 3, 2000 by ISHINO Keiichiro – [email protected]

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