Heesch Numbers of Unmarked Polyforms

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Heesch Numbers of Unmarked Polyforms Heesch Numbers of Unmarked Polyforms Craig S. Kaplan School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada; [email protected] Abstract A shape’s Heesch number is the number of layers of copies of the shape that can be placed around it without gaps or overlaps. Experimentation and exhaustive searching have turned up examples of shapes with finite Heesch numbers up to six, but nothing higher. The computational problem of classifying simple families of shapes by Heesch number can provide more experimental data to fuel our understanding of this topic. I present a technique for computing Heesch numbers of non-tiling polyforms using a SAT solver, and the results of exhaustive computation of Heesch numbers up to 19-ominoes, 17-hexes, and 24-iamonds. 1 Introduction Tiling theory is the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties of shapes that can cover the plane with no gaps or overlaps. It is a topic rich with deep results and open problems. Of course, tiling theory must occasionally venture into the study of shapes that do not tile the plane, so that we might understand those that do more completely. If a shape tiles the plane, then it must be possible to surround the shape by congruent copies of itself, leaving no part of its boundary exposed. A circle clearly cannot tile the plane, because neighbouring circles can cover at most a finite number of points on its boundary. A regular pentagon also cannot be surrounded by copies of itself: its vertices will always remain exposed. However, the converse is not true: there exist shapes that can be fully surrounded by copies of themselves, but for which no such surround can be extended to a tiling. For example, there are 108 heptominoes (shapes formed by gluing together seven squares), of which four, shown in Figure1, are known not to tile the plane. One of them contains an internal hole and can be discarded immediately. As it happens, the other three can all be surrounded. In the middle two cases, the shape and its surrounding copies are simply connected. On the right, the surrounding tiles leave behind an internal hole, and no alternative surround can eliminate that hole. There is no a priori reason why a given non-tiling shape might not be surroundable by two, three, or more layers of copies of itself. The illustrations in Figure1 provide lower bounds for the numbers of layers arXiv:2105.09438v1 [cs.CG] 20 May 2021 Figure 1: The four non-tiling heptominoes. The shape on the left has a hole and cannot be surrounded. The other three can be fully surrounded by copies, but in the rightmost shape the copies will necessarily enclose a hole. 1 Figure 2: A 23-omino that can be surrounded by two layers of copies of itself, but not more. for these shapes; that they also represent upper bounds must be proven by enumerating all possible surrounds, and showing that none of them may be further surrounded. Other shapes might permit more layers. For example, the 23-omino shown in Figure2, due to Fontaine [3], can be surrounded by two layers but not more. How far can this process be extended? A shape’s Heesch number is the number of times it can be surrounded with complete layers of congruent copies of itself (I will offer a precise definition in the next section). If the shape tiles the plane, its Heesch number is defined to be infinity. Heesch’s problem asks which positive integers are Heesch numbers; that is, for which = ¡ 0 does there exist a shape with Heesch number =? Very little is known about the solution to Heesch’s problem. Writing in 1987, Grünbaum and Shephard were not aware of any examples with finite Heesch number greater than 1 [5, Section 3.8]. After that, a few isolated examples were found with Heesch numbers up to 4 [7]. Mann and Thomas performed a systematic computer search of marked polyforms (polyominoes, polyhexes, and polyiamonds, with edges decorated with geometric matching conditions), yielding new examples and pushing the record to 5 [8]. In 2021 Bašić finally broke this record, demonstrating a figure with Heesch number 6 [1]. The study of Heesch numbers can shed light on some of the deepest problems in tiling theory. In particular, the tiling problem asks, for a given set of shapes, whether they admit at least one tiling of the plane. The tiling problem is known to be undecidable for general sets of shapes [2], but its status is open for a set consisting of a single shape (. If there were an upper bound # on finite Heesch numbers, then the tiling problem would be decidable, at least when there are only finitely many ways that two copies of ( may be adjacent [4]. The algorithm would involve trying the finitely many ways of surrounding ( with # ¸ 1 layers of copies of itself. If you succeed, then you have exceeded the maximum finite Heesch number and ( must tile the plane. If you fail, then ( evidently does not tile. To that end, more experimental data revealing which Heesch numbers are possible, even for limited classes of shapes, could be useful in understanding whether such an upper bound might exist. In this article I report on a complete enumeration of Heesch numbers of unmarked polyforms, up to 2 19-ominoes, 17-hexes, and 24-iamonds. This enumeration comprises approximately 4.16 billion non-tilers, extracted from enumerations of all free polyforms of those sizes. Respecting a slight difference of opinion among researchers, I compute two variations of Heesch numbers: one where tiles may form holes in the outermost layer, and one where a shape and all its surrounding layers must be simply connected. This enumeration does not shatter the existing records for Heesch numbers, but it does provide a store of new examples of shapes with non-trivial Heesch numbers. Some, like a 9-omino with Heesch number 2 (Figure7) and a 7-hex with Heesch number 3 (Figure8), are interesting because of the complex behaviour exhibited by relatively simple shapes. The enumeration also uncovered seven new examples with Heesch number 4. Apart from the tabulation and specific examples, the other main contribution of this work lies in the use of a SAT solver to compute Heesch numbers. Because polyominoes, polyhexes, and polyiamonds are subsets of ambient regular tilings of the plane, it is possible to reduce the geometric problem of surroundability to the logical problem of satisfiability of Boolean formulas. A SAT solver can optimize its search of the exponential space of possible solutions, avoiding the risk of “backtracking hell”. This formulation leads to a very reliable algorithm, whose performance degrades only on the rare shapes that actually have high Heesch numbers. 2 Mathematical background Although Heesch’s problem grew out of tiling theory, most of the language, techniques, and results of tiling theory are not needed within the scope of this article and will be omitted. Readers interested in the topic should consult Grünbaum and Shephard’s book [5], which remains the standard reference. In this section I will formalize the definition of a shape’s Heesch number and review marked and unmarked polyforms. 2.1 Heesch numbers Let 퐶 and ( be simple shapes in the plane, i.e., topological discs. We say that 퐶 can be surrounded by ( if there exists a set of shapes f(1,...,(=g with the following properties: 1. Each (8 is congruent to ( via a rigid motion in the plane; 2. The shapes in the set f퐶, (1,...,(=g have pairwise disjoint interiors; 3. The boundary of each (8 shares at least one point with the boundary of 퐶. 4. The boundary of 퐶 lies entirely within the interior of the union of 퐶 and all the (8. The second condition forces the shapes not to overlap, except on their boundaries. The third condition forces every (8 to be useful in covering the boundary of 퐶. The fourth condition ensures that 퐶 is completely surrounded. If, furthermore, the union of 퐶 and the (8 is simply connected, we say that 퐶 can be surrounded by ( without holes. In tiling theory, a finite union of non-overlapping shapes whose union is a topological disc is also known as a patch, a term I will use here. On the other hand, I will use the more general term packing when shapes are known to be non-overlapping but when their union may or may not contain holes. We formalize the notion of layers by defining the coronas of (. We define the 0-corona of ( to be the singleton set f(g. Setting 퐶 = ( above, if ( can be surrounded by itself then the tiles that make up that surround are one possible 1-corona of (. In general, if we have a nested sequence of :-coronas for : = 0, . , = − 1, all without holes, and the patch created from the union of all of these coronas can itself be surrounded by (, then the copies of ( making up the surround constitute an =-corona. The Heesch number of a shape ( is the largest = for which ( has an =-corona. If ( tiles the plane, then by definition it is possible to build an =-corona for every positive integer =, and we define its Heesch number to be infinity. If we wish to be concise, we will simply say that ( has 퐻 = =. 3 The definitions above require that for a shape to have Heesch number =, each :-corona for : = 1, . , =−1 surround its predecessor without holes. But it leaves the status of the outermost corona ambiguous. Most researchers require that a shape’s =-corona be hole-free in order to regard the shape as having 퐻 = =, but some permit the =-corona to have holes.
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