Article Nationally rare and scarce bryophytes

this work was provided in 2015 by a review of number of species included or excluded on here as nationally rare or scarce will be hosted on Revised lists SSSIs by country conservation agencies. special grounds should be minimised wherever the BBS website ( Preston (2010) noted that any forthcoming possible. Moreover, a list that summarises the bbs/bbs.htm). revision of the rare and scarce bryophyte lists recent state of the BBS database may be more of nationally would likely advance the starting cut-off date likely to stimulate, or perhaps provoke, the Changes to the list of nationally rare from which 10 km square counts were made. recording of species for which data may currently bryophytes In consultation with the country agencies, it be considered ‘deficient’. Preston (2010) noted The additions to this list of species can be divided was agreed that the period 1970–2013 would the linked issue of the frequency with which into three categories. The first of these comprises rare and scarce be used, the 31st December 2013 being the cut- such lists are updated, suggesting that a decision 19 taxa that had previously been classified as off date for receipt of records included in the was required on the compromise between the nationally rare, were moved to nationally scarce new Atlas. This is a shorter period than those ‘desire to be up-to-date and the need to avoid by Preston (2006, 2010), but are now again bryophytes for previously considered by Preston (2006, 2010), constantly tinkering with the list’; it is suggested treated as rare. These taxa are the liverworts however, the general increase in recording (and here that a 10 year period may be appropriate Cephaloziella turneri, Fossombronia fimbriata, digitisation) effort leading up to the publication for this aim. Such a period would allow for Fossombronia maritima, Lophozia capitata, and Britain of the Atlas should more than offset this the impacts of taxonomic revisions to filter Scapania curta, and the Andreaea nivalis, Oli Pescott difference (Preston, 2014). I follow the previous through to both recording practice and the BBS Atrichum angustatum, Aulacomnium turgidum, lists in only considering taxa currently accepted database, for a reasonable amount of recording Bryum creberrimum, Bryum gemmilucens, Bryum he production of lists of nationally rare as either species or subspecies. Nomenclature to have taken place between revisions, and for knowltonii, Cynodontium tenellum, Fissidens and scarce taxa has become a standard follows Blockeel et al. (2014), which is largely a period of environmental change, or indeed monguillonii, Grimmia elongata, Habrodon part of conservation in Britain based on Hill et al. (2008) with the additions stability, to potentially have had some effect on perpusillus, Hypnum bambergeri, Oncophorus T(Preston, 2006). Nationally rare taxa are defined and amendments listed by Blockeel et al. (2014, bryophytes and their habitats. In the intervening wahlenbergii, andalusica, and Sciuro- as those occurring in 1–15 10 km squares in vol. 1, pp. 50–52). In addition I have included periods, bryologists working in the area of hypnum glaciale. A further 9 species have Britain (v.c.c. 1–112), whilst nationally scarce Pterygoneurum papillosum, added to the British plant conservation can still use their specialist previously been classified as scarce, but not taxa occur in 16–100 10 km squares. The initial flora by Blockeel & Ottley (2015), on the basis knowledge to interpret status reviews such as this previously as rare: the liverworts Pedinophyllum function of lists of nationally rare was of specimens collected, and records submitted one in the light of changes that may have been interruptum and Riccia crozalsii, and the essentially that of a ‘red list’ (Preston, 2006), to the BBS database, before our cut-off date. A published since they were prepared. mosses Bryum mildeanum, Buxbaumia aphylla, however, nowadays the production of red similar situation pertains to Ditrichum pallidum, To simplify the presentation of the new lists, Dicranella crispa, Hylocomiastrum pyrenaicum, lists includes assessments of threat, following reported new for Britain by Matcham (2013); species added to a list since the last update, as Philonotis rigida, Syntrichia princeps, and internationally agreed criteria laid out by this species, however, has not been included well as species which have moved between lists Tortula canescens. The final category of species the IUCN (IUCN Standards and Petitions here pending acceptance by the Recorder for in either direction, have been labelled as such includes 16 which have not previously been Subcommittee, 2014). Lists of nationally rare Mosses. I follow Preston (2010) in including within a single revised list for each status category classified as either rare or scarce, the liverworts and scarce species now fulfil a subsidiary role, alien, or probably alien, taxa. The approach in (Tables 1 and 2). Species which have not been Anastrophyllum joergensenii, Herbertus norenus, but still support such processes as the selection compiling these revised lists has generally been recorded within the time period considered here, Moerckia hibernica, and Radula holtii, and the of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs; one of letting the data speak for themselves; the or which are now known from too many 10 km mosses Crossidium squamiferum, Dicranum Bainbridge et al., 2013) and the identification effect that special efforts to record certain species, squares to be eligible for the status of nationally spadiceum, Encalypta pilifera, Grimmia anomala, of other important sites (Preston, 2010). Preston spatial variation in recording, or recent changes scarce, are given in separate tables (Tables 3 and Leptodontium proliferum, Orthotrichum (2006, 2010) noted that complete revisions of in may have on square totals is fully 4 respectively). Species which were excluded for cambrense, Orthotrichum scanicum, Pohlia the lists of nationally rare and scarce bryophytes acknowledged (Preston, 2010; Preston & Rorke, special reasons are given in Table 5, along with proligera, Pterygoneurum papillosum, Schistidium would follow the completion of the new Atlas 2014), but, given that assessments of nationally the justification. A spreadsheet to accompany confertum, Schistidium frigidum, and Tortula (Blockeel et al., 2014); this paper fulfils that role, rare and scarce species are now common across this paper containing the 10 km square counts inermis. although the immediate stimulus for completing groups, the view has been taken that the (for the period analysed) for all the species listed As might be expected, amongst the species

22 FieldBryology No115 | May16 FieldBryology No115 | May16 23 Article Nationally rare and scarce bryophytes

this work was provided in 2015 by a review of number of species included or excluded on here as nationally rare or scarce will be hosted on Revised lists SSSIs by country conservation agencies. special grounds should be minimised wherever the BBS website ( Preston (2010) noted that any forthcoming possible. Moreover, a list that summarises the bbs/bbs.htm). revision of the rare and scarce bryophyte lists recent state of the BBS database may be more of nationally would likely advance the starting cut-off date likely to stimulate, or perhaps provoke, the Changes to the list of nationally rare from which 10 km square counts were made. recording of species for which data may currently bryophytes In consultation with the country agencies, it be considered ‘deficient’. Preston (2010) noted The additions to this list of species can be divided was agreed that the period 1970–2013 would the linked issue of the frequency with which into three categories. The first of these comprises rare and scarce be used, the 31st December 2013 being the cut- such lists are updated, suggesting that a decision 19 taxa that had previously been classified as off date for receipt of records included in the was required on the compromise between the nationally rare, were moved to nationally scarce new Atlas. This is a shorter period than those ‘desire to be up-to-date and the need to avoid by Preston (2006, 2010), but are now again bryophytes for previously considered by Preston (2006, 2010), constantly tinkering with the list’; it is suggested treated as rare. These taxa are the liverworts however, the general increase in recording (and here that a 10 year period may be appropriate Cephaloziella turneri, Fossombronia fimbriata, digitisation) effort leading up to the publication for this aim. Such a period would allow for Fossombronia maritima, Lophozia capitata, and Britain of the Atlas should more than offset this the impacts of taxonomic revisions to filter Scapania curta, and the mosses Andreaea nivalis, Oli Pescott difference (Preston, 2014). I follow the previous through to both recording practice and the BBS Atrichum angustatum, Aulacomnium turgidum, lists in only considering taxa currently accepted database, for a reasonable amount of recording Bryum creberrimum, Bryum gemmilucens, Bryum he production of lists of nationally rare as either species or subspecies. Nomenclature to have taken place between revisions, and for knowltonii, Cynodontium tenellum, Fissidens and scarce taxa has become a standard follows Blockeel et al. (2014), which is largely a period of environmental change, or indeed monguillonii, Grimmia elongata, Habrodon part of plant conservation in Britain based on Hill et al. (2008) with the additions stability, to potentially have had some effect on perpusillus, Hypnum bambergeri, Oncophorus T(Preston, 2006). Nationally rare taxa are defined and amendments listed by Blockeel et al. (2014, bryophytes and their habitats. In the intervening wahlenbergii, Pohlia andalusica, and Sciuro- as those occurring in 1–15 10 km squares in vol. 1, pp. 50–52). In addition I have included periods, bryologists working in the area of hypnum glaciale. A further 9 species have Britain (v.c.c. 1–112), whilst nationally scarce Pterygoneurum papillosum, added to the British plant conservation can still use their specialist previously been classified as scarce, but not taxa occur in 16–100 10 km squares. The initial flora by Blockeel & Ottley (2015), on the basis knowledge to interpret status reviews such as this previously as rare: the liverworts Pedinophyllum function of lists of nationally rare plants was of specimens collected, and records submitted one in the light of changes that may have been interruptum and Riccia crozalsii, and the essentially that of a ‘red list’ (Preston, 2006), to the BBS database, before our cut-off date. A published since they were prepared. mosses Bryum mildeanum, Buxbaumia aphylla, however, nowadays the production of red similar situation pertains to Ditrichum pallidum, To simplify the presentation of the new lists, Dicranella crispa, Hylocomiastrum pyrenaicum, lists includes assessments of threat, following reported new for Britain by Matcham (2013); species added to a list since the last update, as Philonotis rigida, Syntrichia princeps, and internationally agreed criteria laid out by this species, however, has not been included well as species which have moved between lists Tortula canescens. The final category of species the IUCN (IUCN Standards and Petitions here pending acceptance by the Recorder for in either direction, have been labelled as such includes 16 which have not previously been Subcommittee, 2014). Lists of nationally rare Mosses. I follow Preston (2010) in including within a single revised list for each status category classified as either rare or scarce, the liverworts and scarce species now fulfil a subsidiary role, alien, or probably alien, taxa. The approach in (Tables 1 and 2). Species which have not been Anastrophyllum joergensenii, Herbertus norenus, but still support such processes as the selection compiling these revised lists has generally been recorded within the time period considered here, Moerckia hibernica, and Radula holtii, and the of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs; one of letting the data speak for themselves; the or which are now known from too many 10 km mosses Crossidium squamiferum, Dicranum Bainbridge et al., 2013) and the identification effect that special efforts to record certain species, squares to be eligible for the status of nationally spadiceum, Encalypta pilifera, Grimmia anomala, of other important sites (Preston, 2010). Preston spatial variation in recording, or recent changes scarce, are given in separate tables (Tables 3 and Leptodontium proliferum, Orthotrichum (2006, 2010) noted that complete revisions of in taxonomy may have on square totals is fully 4 respectively). Species which were excluded for cambrense, Orthotrichum scanicum, Pohlia the lists of nationally rare and scarce bryophytes acknowledged (Preston, 2010; Preston & Rorke, special reasons are given in Table 5, along with proligera, Pterygoneurum papillosum, Schistidium would follow the completion of the new Atlas 2014), but, given that assessments of nationally the justification. A spreadsheet to accompany confertum, Schistidium frigidum, and Tortula (Blockeel et al., 2014); this paper fulfils that role, rare and scarce species are now common across this paper containing the 10 km square counts inermis. although the immediate stimulus for completing groups, the view has been taken that the (for the period analysed) for all the species listed As might be expected, amongst the species

22 FieldBryology No115 | May16 FieldBryology No115 | May16 23 Nationally rare and scarce bryophytes Nationally rare and scarce bryophytes

here elevated to the status of nationally rare can species that were previously classified as scarce, appears to be naturally rare, and of unpredictable It is also noted that none of the species deleted be found both those that are thought to have but which were deleted by Preston (2006): occurrence, a combination of traits that make it by Preston (2006) as ‘clearly under-recorded’ have undergone genuine declines (e.g. C. turneri, B. the hornwort Anthoceros agrestis, the liverwort highly likely to be under-recorded (Blockeel et returned to nationally scarce status; additionally, aphylla, H. perpusillus, T. canescens), those which Marsupella sprucei, and the Campylopus al., 2014). Sphagnum strictum appears to be the most of the liverworts (Adelanthus decipiens, seem likely to be under-recorded, either due to gracilis; and 20 taxa new to the lists: the one newly scarce species for which a genuine Cephalozia catenulata, Haplomitrium hookeri, their being easy to overlook (e.g. F. fimbriata, liverworts Cephaloziella rubella, Lophocolea decline has been posited (Hill & Preston, 2014). Riccardia incurvata, Scapania aequiloba) and B. mildeanum), or due to spatial variation bispinosa, Marchantia polymorpha subsp. Finally, the inclusion here of L. bispinosa, H. one of the mosses (Pohlia lescuriana) classified in recording over time (e.g. F. maritima, H. montivagans and Moerckia flotoviana, and the macrophylla, and H. stanfordensis as nationally as ‘borderline’ by Preston (2006), but retained pyrenaicum), and those which may genuinely mosses Anomobryum concinnatum, Dicranum scarce is due to the fact that Preston (2006) did as nationally scarce at that time, have now been have typical 10 km square frequencies in flexicaule, Grimmia muehlenbeckii, Hennediella not consider alien bryophytes. deleted from the list. Britain around the 10–20 mark, leading to their macrophylla, Hennediella stanfordensis, Table 1. Revised list of nationally rare bryophytes moving between the categories of rare and scarce Heterocladium wulfsbergii, Racomitrium canescens, Aliens, or probable aliens, are indicated by an asterisk (*), species new to the list are indicated by the letter ‘N’, and species despite little real change in their distribution Rhynchostegiella litorea, Schistidium agassizii, that were previously listed as nationally scarce but are here changed to rare are indicated by the Greek letter delta ‘Δ’. (e.g. L. capitata). In other cases (e.g. S. curta, Schistidium papillosum, Schistidium pruinosum, Liverworts (63) Lophozia capitata (Δ) Mosses (166) R. crozalsii), the underlying situation seems Schistidium robustum, Seligeria donniana, Adelanthus lindenbergianus Lophozia herzogiana Acaulon mediterraneum less clear, with more than one of the preceding Sphagnum strictum, Sphagnum subsecundum, and Anastrophyllum alpinum Lophozia longiflora Acaulon triquetrum scenarios appearing plausible. Weissia rutilans. Anastrophyllum joergensenii (N) Lophozia wenzelii *Achrophyllum dentatum The species not previously considered by Some of the species here moved from rare Anastrophyllum saxicola Marsupella arctica Andreaea alpestris Athalamia hyalina Preston (2006, 2010) can be divided into those to scarce have been the focus of recent focused Marsupella boeckii Andreaea blyttii Barbilophozia quadriloba Marsupella condensata Andreaea frigida newly discovered, or rediscovered, in Britain (R. survey work (C. massalongi, B. viridis, S. Cephalozia ambigua Marsupella profunda Andreaea nivalis (Δ) holtii, C. squamiferum, D. spadiceum, E. pilifera, cataractae; Preston, 2014), or have benefitted Cephaloziella baumgartneri Marsupella sparsifolia Andreaea sinuosa G. anomala, L. proliferum, O. cambrense, O. from local recorder expertise or interest (A. Cephaloziella calyculata Moerckia hibernica (N) Anomodon attenuatus scanicum, P. papillosum, T. inermis), and those radicale, R. subpinnatus, S. skyense). Others are Cephaloziella dentata Nardia insecta Anomodon longifolius hitherto subject to some degree of taxonomic thought to be genuinely increasing (G. tergestina, Cephaloziella elachista Odontoschisma macounii Aongstroemia longipes Cephaloziella integerrima Pedinophyllum interruptum (Δ) Aplodon wormskioldii confusion (A. joergensenii, H. norenus, M. O. obtusifolium, S. substrumulosum; Blockeel et Cephaloziella turneri (Δ) Plagiochila norvegica Arctoa anderssonii hibernica, P. proligera, S. confertum, S. frigidum). al., 2014). Of the three species that have been Dumortiera hirsuta Radula carringtonii Atrichum angustatum (Δ) The relevant references for these newly discovered re-added to the list of scarce bryophytes, only A. Fossombronia fimbriata(Δ) Radula holtii (N) Aulacomnium turgidum (Δ) and newly (or re-) recognised species can be agrestis appears to have undergone a true decline, Fossombronia maritima (Δ) Riccia bifurca Bartramia stricta found in Preston (2014), with the exception of whereas M. sprucei and C. gracilis look more Fossombronia mittenii Riccia canaliculata Blindia caespiticia Geocalyx graveolens P. papillosum (Blockeel & Ottley, 2015). likely to be the casualties of variable recording Riccia crozalsii (Δ) Brachytheciastrum trachypodium Gongylanthus ericetorum *Riccia crystallina Brachythecium cirrosum effort (Blockeelet al., 2014). Gymnocolea acutiloba Riccia nigrella Bruchia vogesiaca Changes to the list of nationally scarce Of the newly scarce species, one might have Gymnomitrion apiculatum *Riccia rhenana Bryoerythrophyllum caledonicum bryophytes been historically over-recorded (C. rubella); many, Gymnomitrion corallioides Scapania curta (Δ) Bryum apiculatum The additions to this list include 11 species moved however, are the result of taxonomic revisions, or Scapania gymnostomophila Bryum arcticum from the rare list: the liverwort Cephaloziella the promotion of previously infraspecific taxa Herbertus norenus (N) Scapania parvifolia Bryum calophyllum Jamesoniella undulifolia Scapania praetervisa Bryum creberrimum (Δ) massalongi and the mosses Amblystegium radicale, (M. flotoviana, A. concinnatum, D. flexicaule, Jungermannia polaris Solenostoma caespiticium Bryum cyclophyllum Buxbaumia viridis, Entosthodon pulchellus, G. muehlenbeckii, S. agassizii, S. papillosum, S. Leiocolea rutheana Southbya nigrella Bryum dyffrynense Grimmia tergestina, Orthotrichum obtusifolium, pruinosum, S. robustum, and S. subsecundum). Lejeunea eckloniana Southbya tophacea Bryum gemmilucens (Δ) Rhytidiadelphus subpinnatus, Scopelophila The addition of Marchantia polymorpha subsp. Lejeunea mandonii Telaranea europaea Bryum gemmiparum cataractae, Sematophyllum substrumulosum, montivagans and Seligeria donniana appears Liochlaena lanceolata Telaranea murphyae Bryum knowltonii (Δ) *Lophocolea brookwoodiana Sphagnum skyense, and Tortula schimperi; three to be due to under-recording. Weissia rutilans *Telaranea tetradactyla Bryum marratii

24 FieldBryology No115 | May16 FieldBryology No115 | May16 25 Nationally rare and scarce bryophytes Nationally rare and scarce bryophytes

here elevated to the status of nationally rare can species that were previously classified as scarce, appears to be naturally rare, and of unpredictable It is also noted that none of the species deleted be found both those that are thought to have but which were deleted by Preston (2006): occurrence, a combination of traits that make it by Preston (2006) as ‘clearly under-recorded’ have undergone genuine declines (e.g. C. turneri, B. the hornwort Anthoceros agrestis, the liverwort highly likely to be under-recorded (Blockeel et returned to nationally scarce status; additionally, aphylla, H. perpusillus, T. canescens), those which Marsupella sprucei, and the moss Campylopus al., 2014). Sphagnum strictum appears to be the most of the liverworts (Adelanthus decipiens, seem likely to be under-recorded, either due to gracilis; and 20 taxa new to the lists: the one newly scarce species for which a genuine Cephalozia catenulata, Haplomitrium hookeri, their being easy to overlook (e.g. F. fimbriata, liverworts Cephaloziella rubella, Lophocolea decline has been posited (Hill & Preston, 2014). Riccardia incurvata, Scapania aequiloba) and B. mildeanum), or due to spatial variation bispinosa, Marchantia polymorpha subsp. Finally, the inclusion here of L. bispinosa, H. one of the mosses (Pohlia lescuriana) classified in recording over time (e.g. F. maritima, H. montivagans and Moerckia flotoviana, and the macrophylla, and H. stanfordensis as nationally as ‘borderline’ by Preston (2006), but retained pyrenaicum), and those which may genuinely mosses Anomobryum concinnatum, Dicranum scarce is due to the fact that Preston (2006) did as nationally scarce at that time, have now been have typical 10 km square frequencies in flexicaule, Grimmia muehlenbeckii, Hennediella not consider alien bryophytes. deleted from the list. Britain around the 10–20 mark, leading to their macrophylla, Hennediella stanfordensis, Table 1. Revised list of nationally rare bryophytes moving between the categories of rare and scarce Heterocladium wulfsbergii, Racomitrium canescens, Aliens, or probable aliens, are indicated by an asterisk (*), species new to the list are indicated by the letter ‘N’, and species despite little real change in their distribution Rhynchostegiella litorea, Schistidium agassizii, that were previously listed as nationally scarce but are here changed to rare are indicated by the Greek letter delta ‘Δ’. (e.g. L. capitata). In other cases (e.g. S. curta, Schistidium papillosum, Schistidium pruinosum, Liverworts (63) Lophozia capitata (Δ) Mosses (166) R. crozalsii), the underlying situation seems Schistidium robustum, Seligeria donniana, Adelanthus lindenbergianus Lophozia herzogiana Acaulon mediterraneum less clear, with more than one of the preceding Sphagnum strictum, Sphagnum subsecundum, and Anastrophyllum alpinum Lophozia longiflora Acaulon triquetrum scenarios appearing plausible. Weissia rutilans. Anastrophyllum joergensenii (N) Lophozia wenzelii *Achrophyllum dentatum The species not previously considered by Some of the species here moved from rare Anastrophyllum saxicola Marsupella arctica Andreaea alpestris Athalamia hyalina Preston (2006, 2010) can be divided into those to scarce have been the focus of recent focused Marsupella boeckii Andreaea blyttii Barbilophozia quadriloba Marsupella condensata Andreaea frigida newly discovered, or rediscovered, in Britain (R. survey work (C. massalongi, B. viridis, S. Cephalozia ambigua Marsupella profunda Andreaea nivalis (Δ) holtii, C. squamiferum, D. spadiceum, E. pilifera, cataractae; Preston, 2014), or have benefitted Cephaloziella baumgartneri Marsupella sparsifolia Andreaea sinuosa G. anomala, L. proliferum, O. cambrense, O. from local recorder expertise or interest (A. Cephaloziella calyculata Moerckia hibernica (N) Anomodon attenuatus scanicum, P. papillosum, T. inermis), and those radicale, R. subpinnatus, S. skyense). Others are Cephaloziella dentata Nardia insecta Anomodon longifolius hitherto subject to some degree of taxonomic thought to be genuinely increasing (G. tergestina, Cephaloziella elachista Odontoschisma macounii Aongstroemia longipes Cephaloziella integerrima Pedinophyllum interruptum (Δ) Aplodon wormskioldii confusion (A. joergensenii, H. norenus, M. O. obtusifolium, S. substrumulosum; Blockeel et Cephaloziella turneri (Δ) Plagiochila norvegica Arctoa anderssonii hibernica, P. proligera, S. confertum, S. frigidum). al., 2014). Of the three species that have been Dumortiera hirsuta Radula carringtonii Atrichum angustatum (Δ) The relevant references for these newly discovered re-added to the list of scarce bryophytes, only A. Fossombronia fimbriata(Δ) Radula holtii (N) Aulacomnium turgidum (Δ) and newly (or re-) recognised species can be agrestis appears to have undergone a true decline, Fossombronia maritima (Δ) Riccia bifurca Bartramia stricta found in Preston (2014), with the exception of whereas M. sprucei and C. gracilis look more Fossombronia mittenii Riccia canaliculata Blindia caespiticia Geocalyx graveolens P. papillosum (Blockeel & Ottley, 2015). likely to be the casualties of variable recording Riccia crozalsii (Δ) Brachytheciastrum trachypodium Gongylanthus ericetorum *Riccia crystallina Brachythecium cirrosum effort (Blockeelet al., 2014). Gymnocolea acutiloba Riccia nigrella Bruchia vogesiaca Changes to the list of nationally scarce Of the newly scarce species, one might have Gymnomitrion apiculatum *Riccia rhenana Bryoerythrophyllum caledonicum bryophytes been historically over-recorded (C. rubella); many, Gymnomitrion corallioides Scapania curta (Δ) Bryum apiculatum The additions to this list include 11 species moved however, are the result of taxonomic revisions, or Herbertus borealis Scapania gymnostomophila Bryum arcticum from the rare list: the liverwort Cephaloziella the promotion of previously infraspecific taxa Herbertus norenus (N) Scapania parvifolia Bryum calophyllum Jamesoniella undulifolia Scapania praetervisa Bryum creberrimum (Δ) massalongi and the mosses Amblystegium radicale, (M. flotoviana, A. concinnatum, D. flexicaule, Jungermannia polaris Solenostoma caespiticium Bryum cyclophyllum Buxbaumia viridis, Entosthodon pulchellus, G. muehlenbeckii, S. agassizii, S. papillosum, S. Leiocolea rutheana Southbya nigrella Bryum dyffrynense Grimmia tergestina, Orthotrichum obtusifolium, pruinosum, S. robustum, and S. subsecundum). Lejeunea eckloniana Southbya tophacea Bryum gemmilucens (Δ) Rhytidiadelphus subpinnatus, Scopelophila The addition of Marchantia polymorpha subsp. Lejeunea mandonii Telaranea europaea Bryum gemmiparum cataractae, Sematophyllum substrumulosum, montivagans and Seligeria donniana appears Liochlaena lanceolata Telaranea murphyae Bryum knowltonii (Δ) *Lophocolea brookwoodiana Sphagnum skyense, and Tortula schimperi; three to be due to under-recording. Weissia rutilans *Telaranea tetradactyla Bryum marratii

24 FieldBryology No115 | May16 FieldBryology No115 | May16 25 Nationally rare and scarce bryophytes Nationally rare and scarce bryophytes

Bryum mildeanum (Δ) Hygrohypnum molle Schistidium confertum (N) Table 2. Revised list of nationally scarce bryophytes Bryum muehlenbeckii Hygrohypnum polare Schistidium dupretii Aliens, or probable aliens, are indicated by an asterisk (*), species new to the list are indicated by the letter ‘N’, and species Bryum salinum Hygrohypnum smithii Schistidium flaccidum that were previously listed as nationally rare but are here changed to scarce are indicated by the Greek letter delta ‘Δ’. Bryum schleicheri Hygrohypnum styriacum Schistidium flexipile *Bryum valparaisense Hylocomiastrum pyrenaicum (Δ) Schistidium frigidum (N) Hornworts (2) and liverworts (77) Marsupella brevissima Amblystegium confervoides Buxbaumia aphylla (Δ) Hypnum bambergeri (Δ) Schistidium helveticum Anthoceros agrestis (N) Marsupella sphacelata Amblystegium radicale (Δ) *Calyptrochaeta apiculata Hypnum revolutum Sciuro-hypnum glaciale (Δ) Phaeoceros carolinianus Marsupella sprucei (N) Amphidium lapponicum Campylophyllum halleri Hypnum vaucheri Sciuro-hypnum starkei Acrobolbus wilsonii Marsupella stableri Andreaea megistospora Campylopus subporodictyon *Leptodontium proliferum (N) Seligeria brevifolia Anastrophyllum donnianum Mastigophora woodsii Andreaea mutabilis Ceratodon conicus *Leptophascum leptophyllum Seligeria campylopoda Anastrophyllum hellerianum Moerckia blyttii Anomobryum concinnatum (N) Cheilothela chloropus *Leptotheca gaudichaudii Seligeria carniolica Aneura mirabilis Moerckia flotoviana(N) Arctoa fulvella Cinclidotus riparius Micromitrium tenerum Seligeria diversifolia Anthelia juratzkana Nardia breidleri Atrichum tenellum Crossidium squamiferum (N) Mielichhoferia elongata Seligeria oelandica Barbilophozia kunzeana Nardia geoscyphus Bartramia halleriana Ctenidium procerrimum Mielichhoferia mielichhoferiana Seligeria trifaria Barbilophozia lycopodioides Odontoschisma elongatum Brachydontium trichodes Cyclodictyon laetevirens Mnium lycopodioides Sematophyllum demissum Bazzania pearsonii Pallavicinia lyellii Brachythecium salebrosum Cynodontium polycarpon Mnium spinosum Sphagnum balticum Calypogeia azurea Petalophyllum ralfsii Bryum canariense Cynodontium tenellum (Δ) Myurella tenerrima Stegonia latifolia Calypogeia integristipula Plagiochila carringtonii Daltonia splachnoides Oncophorus wahlenbergii (Δ) Syntrichia norvegica Calypogeia suecica Plagiochila heterophylla Bryum elegans Dendrocryphaea lamyana Orthodontium gracile Syntrichia princeps (Δ) Cephalozia loitlesbergeri Pleurocladula albescens Bryum intermedium Dialytrichia saxicola Orthotrichum acuminatum lingulata Cephalozia macrostachya Porella pinnata Bryum kunzei Dicranella crispa (Δ) Orthotrichum cambrense (N) Tayloria tenuis Cephalozia pleniceps Radula voluta Bryum riparium Dicranella grevilleana Orthotrichum consimile Thamnobryum angustifolium Cephaloziella massalongi (Δ) Riccia beyrichiana Bryum tenuisetum Dicranum elongatum Orthotrichum gymnostomum Thamnobryum cataractarum Cephaloziella nicholsonii Riccia huebeneriana Bryum torquescens Dicranum leioneuron Orthotrichum pallens Timmia austriaca Cephaloziella rubella (N) Ricciocarpos natans Bryum warneum Dicranum spadiceum (N) Orthotrichum pumilum Timmia megapolitana Cephaloziella spinigera Scapania calcicola Bryum weigelii Didymodon cordatus Orthotrichum scanicum (N) Timmia norvegica Cephaloziella stellulifera Scapania cuspiduligera Buxbaumia viridis (Δ) Didymodon glaucus Palustriella decipiens Tortella fragilis Cladopodiella francisci Scapania degenii Campyliadelphus elodes Didymodon icmadophilus Paraleucobryum longifolium *Tortula amplexa Cololejeunea rossettiana Scapania lingulata Campylophyllum calcareum Ditrichum cornubicum Philonotis marchica Tortula canescens (Δ) Diplophyllum taxifolium Scapania nimbosa Campylopus gracilis (N) Ditrichum subulatum Philonotis rigida (Δ) Tortula cernua Eremonotus myriocarpus Scapania ornithopodioides Campylopus pilifer Encalypta pilifera (N) Physcomitrium eurystomum Tortula cuneifolia Fossombronia angulosa Scapania paludicola Campylopus schimperi Ephemerum cohaerens Plagiobryum demissum Tortula inermis (N) Fossombronia caespitiformis Scapania paludosa Campylopus setifolius Ephemerum hibernicum Tortula leucostoma Fossombronia foveolata Solenostoma confertissimum Campylopus shawii Eurhynchiastrum pulchellum Plasteurhynchium meridionale Tortula solmsii Harpanthus flotovianus Solenostoma subellipticum Campylopus subulatus Fissidens curvatus Pohlia andalusica (Δ) Tortula vahliana Jamesoniella autumnalis Sphaerocarpos michelii Campylostelium saxicola Fissidens monguillonii (Δ) Pohlia obtusifolia Weissia levieri Jungermannia borealis Sphaerocarpos texanus Catoscopium nigritum Fissidens serrulatus Pohlia proligera (N) Weissia multicapsularis Leiocolea fitzgeraldiae Sphenolobopsis pearsonii Cinclidium stygium Grimmia alpestris Zygodon forsteri Leiocolea gillmanii Targionia hypophylla Conardia compacta Grimmia anodon Pseudocalliergon turgescens Zygodon gracilis Leiocolea heterocolpos Tetralophozia setiformis Conostomum tetragonum Grimmia anomala (N) Pseudoleskea incurvata *Lophocolea bispinosa (N) Tritomaria exsecta Coscinodon cribrosus Grimmia arenaria Pseudoleskeella nervosa Lophozia longidens Tritomaria polita Cynodontium jenneri Grimmia crinita Pterygoneurum lamellatum Lophozia obtusa Cynodontium strumiferum Grimmia elatior Pterygoneurum papillosum (N) Lophozia opacifolia Mosses (186) Dicranodontium asperulum Grimmia elongata (Δ) Ptychodium plicatum Lophozia perssonii Abietinella abietina Dicranodontium uncinatum Grimmia unicolor Racomitrium himalayanum Marchantia polymorpha subsp. Aloina ambigua Dicranoweisia crispula Habrodon perpusillus (Δ) Rhynchostegium rotundifolium montivagans (N) Aloina brevirostris Dicranum flagellare Heterocladium dimorphum Saelania glaucescens Marsupella adusta Aloina rigida Dicranum flexicaule(N) Homomallium incurvatum Schistidium atrofuscum Marsupella alpina Amblyodon dealbatus Dicranum polysetum

26 FieldBryology No115 | May16 FieldBryology No115 | May16 27 Nationally rare and scarce bryophytes Nationally rare and scarce bryophytes

Bryum mildeanum (Δ) Hygrohypnum molle Schistidium confertum (N) Table 2. Revised list of nationally scarce bryophytes Bryum muehlenbeckii Hygrohypnum polare Schistidium dupretii Aliens, or probable aliens, are indicated by an asterisk (*), species new to the list are indicated by the letter ‘N’, and species Bryum salinum Hygrohypnum smithii Schistidium flaccidum that were previously listed as nationally rare but are here changed to scarce are indicated by the Greek letter delta ‘Δ’. Bryum schleicheri Hygrohypnum styriacum Schistidium flexipile *Bryum valparaisense Hylocomiastrum pyrenaicum (Δ) Schistidium frigidum (N) Hornworts (2) and liverworts (77) Marsupella brevissima Amblystegium confervoides Buxbaumia aphylla (Δ) Hypnum bambergeri (Δ) Schistidium helveticum Anthoceros agrestis (N) Marsupella sphacelata Amblystegium radicale (Δ) *Calyptrochaeta apiculata Hypnum revolutum Sciuro-hypnum glaciale (Δ) Phaeoceros carolinianus Marsupella sprucei (N) Amphidium lapponicum Campylophyllum halleri Hypnum vaucheri Sciuro-hypnum starkei Acrobolbus wilsonii Marsupella stableri Andreaea megistospora Campylopus subporodictyon *Leptodontium proliferum (N) Seligeria brevifolia Anastrophyllum donnianum Mastigophora woodsii Andreaea mutabilis Ceratodon conicus *Leptophascum leptophyllum Seligeria campylopoda Anastrophyllum hellerianum Moerckia blyttii Anomobryum concinnatum (N) Cheilothela chloropus *Leptotheca gaudichaudii Seligeria carniolica Aneura mirabilis Moerckia flotoviana(N) Arctoa fulvella Cinclidotus riparius Micromitrium tenerum Seligeria diversifolia Anthelia juratzkana Nardia breidleri Atrichum tenellum Crossidium squamiferum (N) Mielichhoferia elongata Seligeria oelandica Barbilophozia kunzeana Nardia geoscyphus Bartramia halleriana Ctenidium procerrimum Mielichhoferia mielichhoferiana Seligeria trifaria Barbilophozia lycopodioides Odontoschisma elongatum Brachydontium trichodes Cyclodictyon laetevirens Mnium lycopodioides Sematophyllum demissum Bazzania pearsonii Pallavicinia lyellii Brachythecium salebrosum Cynodontium polycarpon Mnium spinosum Sphagnum balticum Calypogeia azurea Petalophyllum ralfsii Bryum canariense Cynodontium tenellum (Δ) Myurella tenerrima Stegonia latifolia Calypogeia integristipula Plagiochila carringtonii Bryum dixonii Daltonia splachnoides Oncophorus wahlenbergii (Δ) Syntrichia norvegica Calypogeia suecica Plagiochila heterophylla Bryum elegans Dendrocryphaea lamyana Orthodontium gracile Syntrichia princeps (Δ) Cephalozia loitlesbergeri Pleurocladula albescens Bryum intermedium Dialytrichia saxicola Orthotrichum acuminatum Cephalozia macrostachya Porella pinnata Bryum kunzei Dicranella crispa (Δ) Orthotrichum cambrense (N) Tayloria tenuis Cephalozia pleniceps Radula voluta Bryum riparium Dicranella grevilleana Orthotrichum consimile Thamnobryum angustifolium Cephaloziella massalongi (Δ) Riccia beyrichiana Bryum tenuisetum Dicranum elongatum Orthotrichum gymnostomum Thamnobryum cataractarum Cephaloziella nicholsonii Riccia huebeneriana Bryum torquescens Dicranum leioneuron Orthotrichum pallens Timmia austriaca Cephaloziella rubella (N) Ricciocarpos natans Bryum warneum Dicranum spadiceum (N) Orthotrichum pumilum Timmia megapolitana Cephaloziella spinigera Scapania calcicola Bryum weigelii Didymodon cordatus Orthotrichum scanicum (N) Timmia norvegica Cephaloziella stellulifera Scapania cuspiduligera Buxbaumia viridis (Δ) Didymodon glaucus Palustriella decipiens Tortella fragilis Cladopodiella francisci Scapania degenii Campyliadelphus elodes Didymodon icmadophilus Paraleucobryum longifolium *Tortula amplexa Cololejeunea rossettiana Scapania lingulata Campylophyllum calcareum Ditrichum cornubicum Philonotis marchica Tortula canescens (Δ) Diplophyllum taxifolium Scapania nimbosa Campylopus gracilis (N) Ditrichum subulatum Philonotis rigida (Δ) Tortula cernua Eremonotus myriocarpus Scapania ornithopodioides Campylopus pilifer Encalypta pilifera (N) Physcomitrium eurystomum Tortula cuneifolia Fossombronia angulosa Scapania paludicola Campylopus schimperi Ephemerum cohaerens Plagiobryum demissum Tortula inermis (N) Fossombronia caespitiformis Scapania paludosa Campylopus setifolius Ephemerum hibernicum Plagiomnium medium Tortula leucostoma Fossombronia foveolata Solenostoma confertissimum Campylopus shawii Eurhynchiastrum pulchellum Plasteurhynchium meridionale Tortula solmsii Harpanthus flotovianus Solenostoma subellipticum Campylopus subulatus Fissidens curvatus Pohlia andalusica (Δ) Tortula vahliana Jamesoniella autumnalis Sphaerocarpos michelii Campylostelium saxicola Fissidens monguillonii (Δ) Pohlia obtusifolia Weissia levieri Jungermannia borealis Sphaerocarpos texanus Catoscopium nigritum Fissidens serrulatus Pohlia proligera (N) Weissia multicapsularis Leiocolea fitzgeraldiae Sphenolobopsis pearsonii Cinclidium stygium Grimmia alpestris Pohlia scotica Zygodon forsteri Leiocolea gillmanii Targionia hypophylla Conardia compacta Grimmia anodon Pseudocalliergon turgescens Zygodon gracilis Leiocolea heterocolpos Tetralophozia setiformis Conostomum tetragonum Grimmia anomala (N) Pseudoleskea incurvata *Lophocolea bispinosa (N) Tritomaria exsecta Coscinodon cribrosus Grimmia arenaria Pseudoleskeella nervosa Lophozia longidens Tritomaria polita Cynodontium jenneri Grimmia crinita Pterygoneurum lamellatum Lophozia obtusa Cynodontium strumiferum Grimmia elatior Pterygoneurum papillosum (N) Lophozia opacifolia Mosses (186) Dicranodontium asperulum Grimmia elongata (Δ) Ptychodium plicatum Lophozia perssonii Abietinella abietina Dicranodontium uncinatum Grimmia unicolor Racomitrium himalayanum Marchantia polymorpha subsp. Aloina ambigua Dicranoweisia crispula Habrodon perpusillus (Δ) Rhynchostegium rotundifolium montivagans (N) Aloina brevirostris Dicranum flagellare Heterocladium dimorphum Saelania glaucescens Marsupella adusta Aloina rigida Dicranum flexicaule(N) Homomallium incurvatum Schistidium atrofuscum Marsupella alpina Amblyodon dealbatus Dicranum polysetum

26 FieldBryology No115 | May16 FieldBryology No115 | May16 27 Nationally rare and scarce bryophytes Nationally rare and scarce bryophytes

Dicranum spurium Isopterygiopsis muelleriana Rhynchostegiella litorea (N) Table 3. Species with no post-1970 records, with their previous classification. (M, moss). Dicranum undulatum Kiaeria falcata Rhytidiadelphus subpinnatus (Δ) M Brachythecium erythrorrhizon Nationally Rare Didymodon acutus Kiaeria glacialis Rhytidium rugosum M Bryum uliginosum Nationally Rare Didymodon tomaculosus Kiaeria starkei Sanionia orthothecioides M Grimmia sessitana Nationally Rare Discelium nudum Leptodontium gemmascens Schistidium agassizii (N) Distichium inclinatum Meesia uliginosa Schistidium papillosum (N) M Philonotis cernua Nationally Rare Ditrichum lineare Microbryum starckeanum Schistidium pruinosum (N) M Pohlia crudoides Nationally Rare Ditrichum plumbicola Mnium thomsonii Schistidium robustum (N) M Tetrodontium repandum Nationally Rare Ditrichum pusillum Myrinia pulvinata Schistidium trichodon Ditrichum zonatum Myurella julacea Sciuro-hypnum reflexum Drepanocladus sendtneri Myurium hochstetteri Scopelophila cataractae (Δ) Table 4. Species deleted from the nationally scarce list as a result of accumulating > 100 10 km squares Encalypta alpina Oedipodium griffithianum Seligeria acutifolia between 1970–2013, with the number of such squares for this period. (L, liverwort; M, moss). Encalypta ciliata Oncophorus virens Seligeria donniana (N) L Adelanthus decipiens 106 M Ephemerum recurvifolium 126 Encalypta rhaptocarpa Orthothecium rufescens Seligeria patula L Cephalozia catenulata 128 M Glyphomitrium daviesii 101 Entosthodon muhlenbergii Orthotrichum obtusifolium (Δ) Seligeria pusilla L Fossombronia incurva 105 M Grimmia lisae 120 Entosthodon pulchellus (Δ) Orthotrichum speciosum Sematophyllum substrumulosum (Δ) L Haplomitrium hookeri 103 M Leptobarbula berica 116 Ephemerum sessile Oxystegus hibernicus Sphagnum affine Fissidens crispus Paraleptodontium recurvifolium Sphagnum lindbergii L Leptoscyphus cuneifolius 104 M Philonotis arnellii 107 Fissidens fontanus Philonotis caespitosa Sphagnum majus L Riccardia incurvata 110 M Plagiothecium laetum 122 Fissidens polyphyllus Philonotis seriata Sphagnum platyphyllum L Riccia cavernosa 111 M Platygyrium repens 140 Fissidens rivularis Philonotis tomentella Sphagnum pulchrum L Scapania aequiloba 131 M Pohlia lescuriana 104 Fissidens rufulus Physcomitrium sphaericum Sphagnum riparium L Scapania uliginosa 107 M Sphagnum austinii 112 Grimmia atrata Plagiopus oederianus Sphagnum skyense (Δ) Grimmia decipiens Plagiothecium cavifolium Sphagnum strictum (N) M Didymodon umbrosus 112 M Weissia perssonii 124 Grimmia incurva Plagiothecium platyphyllum Sphagnum subsecundum (N) Grimmia laevigata Plasteurhynchium striatulum Splachnum vasculosum Table 5. Species excluded on special grounds. (M, moss). Grimmia longirostris Platydictya jungermannioides Tetraplodon angustatus Grimmia montana Platyhypnidium lusitanicum Thuidium recognitum M Andreaea rothii subsp. rothii Species common; subspecies under-recorded and Grimmia muehlenbeckii (N) Pleurochaete squarrosa Tomentypnum nitens intermediates not uncommon Grimmia orbicularis Pohlia filum Tortella densa M Ditrichum flexicaule Not consistently separated from D. gracile Grimmia ovalis Pohlia flexuosa Tortella inclinata M Entosthodon mouretii Not clearly distinct from E. fascicularis in Britain Grimmia tergestina (Δ) Pohlia ludwigii Tortella inflexa Gymnostomum calcareum Polytrichastrum sexangulare Tortula atrovirens M Ephemerella readeri Recently recognised; excluded until we have a clearer picture of its Gymnostomum viridulum Pottiopsis caespitosa Tortula freibergii distribution Hageniella micans Pseudobryum cinclidioides Tortula schimperi (Δ) M Grimmia dissimulata Under-recorded Hamatocaulis vernicosus Pseudocalliergon lycopodioides Tortula wilsonii M Oxystegus daldinianus Recently recognised; excluded until we have a clearer picture of its Hedwigia ciliata s.str. Pseudocalliergon trifarium Ulota calvescens distribution Hedwigia integrifolia Pseudoleskea patens Ulota coarctata Oxystegus minor *Hennediella macrophylla (N) Pseudoleskeella catenulata Weissia condensa M Recently recognised; excluded until we have a clearer picture of its *Hennediella stanfordensis (N) Pseudoleskeella rupestris Weissia rostellata distribution Herzogiella seligeri Pterigynandrum filiforme Weissia rutilans (N) M Schistidium elegantulum Under-recorded Herzogiella striatella Pterygoneurum ovatum Weissia squarrosa M Schistidium maritimum Heterocladium wulfsbergii (N) Pylaisia polyantha Weissia sterilis subsp. piliferum Recently recognised; under-recorded Hygroamblystegium humile Racomitrium canescens (N) M Thamnobryum maderense Status of British material unclear Hygrohypnum duriusculum Racomitrium macounii Hypnum hamulosum Rhizomnium magnifolium M Tortella bambergeri Under-recorded Hypnum imponens Rhynchostegiella curviseta M Tortula pallida Taxon ‘poorly defined’ (Blockeelet al., 2014)

28 FieldBryology No115 | May16 FieldBryology No115 | May16 29 Nationally rare and scarce bryophytes Nationally rare and scarce bryophytes

Dicranum spurium Isopterygiopsis muelleriana Rhynchostegiella litorea (N) Table 3. Species with no post-1970 records, with their previous classification. (M, moss). Dicranum undulatum Kiaeria falcata Rhytidiadelphus subpinnatus (Δ) M Brachythecium erythrorrhizon Nationally Rare Didymodon acutus Kiaeria glacialis Rhytidium rugosum M Bryum uliginosum Nationally Rare Didymodon tomaculosus Kiaeria starkei Sanionia orthothecioides M Grimmia sessitana Nationally Rare Discelium nudum Leptodontium gemmascens Schistidium agassizii (N) Distichium inclinatum Meesia uliginosa Schistidium papillosum (N) M Philonotis cernua Nationally Rare Ditrichum lineare Microbryum starckeanum Schistidium pruinosum (N) M Pohlia crudoides Nationally Rare Ditrichum plumbicola Mnium thomsonii Schistidium robustum (N) M Tetrodontium repandum Nationally Rare Ditrichum pusillum Myrinia pulvinata Schistidium trichodon Ditrichum zonatum Myurella julacea Sciuro-hypnum reflexum Drepanocladus sendtneri Myurium hochstetteri Scopelophila cataractae (Δ) Table 4. Species deleted from the nationally scarce list as a result of accumulating > 100 10 km squares Encalypta alpina Oedipodium griffithianum Seligeria acutifolia between 1970–2013, with the number of such squares for this period. (L, liverwort; M, moss). Encalypta ciliata Oncophorus virens Seligeria donniana (N) L Adelanthus decipiens 106 M Ephemerum recurvifolium 126 Encalypta rhaptocarpa Orthothecium rufescens Seligeria patula L Cephalozia catenulata 128 M Glyphomitrium daviesii 101 Entosthodon muhlenbergii Orthotrichum obtusifolium (Δ) Seligeria pusilla L Fossombronia incurva 105 M Grimmia lisae 120 Entosthodon pulchellus (Δ) Orthotrichum speciosum Sematophyllum substrumulosum (Δ) L Haplomitrium hookeri 103 M Leptobarbula berica 116 Ephemerum sessile Oxystegus hibernicus Sphagnum affine Fissidens crispus Paraleptodontium recurvifolium Sphagnum lindbergii L Leptoscyphus cuneifolius 104 M Philonotis arnellii 107 Fissidens fontanus Philonotis caespitosa Sphagnum majus L Riccardia incurvata 110 M Plagiothecium laetum 122 Fissidens polyphyllus Philonotis seriata Sphagnum platyphyllum L Riccia cavernosa 111 M Platygyrium repens 140 Fissidens rivularis Philonotis tomentella Sphagnum pulchrum L Scapania aequiloba 131 M Pohlia lescuriana 104 Fissidens rufulus Physcomitrium sphaericum Sphagnum riparium L Scapania uliginosa 107 M Sphagnum austinii 112 Grimmia atrata Plagiopus oederianus Sphagnum skyense (Δ) Grimmia decipiens Plagiothecium cavifolium Sphagnum strictum (N) M Didymodon umbrosus 112 M Weissia perssonii 124 Grimmia incurva Plagiothecium platyphyllum Sphagnum subsecundum (N) Grimmia laevigata Plasteurhynchium striatulum Splachnum vasculosum Table 5. Species excluded on special grounds. (M, moss). Grimmia longirostris Platydictya jungermannioides Tetraplodon angustatus Grimmia montana Platyhypnidium lusitanicum Thuidium recognitum M Andreaea rothii subsp. rothii Species common; subspecies under-recorded and Grimmia muehlenbeckii (N) Pleurochaete squarrosa Tomentypnum nitens intermediates not uncommon Grimmia orbicularis Pohlia filum Tortella densa M Ditrichum flexicaule Not consistently separated from D. gracile Grimmia ovalis Pohlia flexuosa Tortella inclinata M Entosthodon mouretii Not clearly distinct from E. fascicularis in Britain Grimmia tergestina (Δ) Pohlia ludwigii Tortella inflexa Gymnostomum calcareum Polytrichastrum sexangulare Tortula atrovirens M Ephemerella readeri Recently recognised; excluded until we have a clearer picture of its Gymnostomum viridulum Pottiopsis caespitosa Tortula freibergii distribution Hageniella micans Pseudobryum cinclidioides Tortula schimperi (Δ) M Grimmia dissimulata Under-recorded Hamatocaulis vernicosus Pseudocalliergon lycopodioides Tortula wilsonii M Oxystegus daldinianus Recently recognised; excluded until we have a clearer picture of its Hedwigia ciliata s.str. Pseudocalliergon trifarium Ulota calvescens distribution Hedwigia integrifolia Pseudoleskea patens Ulota coarctata Oxystegus minor *Hennediella macrophylla (N) Pseudoleskeella catenulata Weissia condensa M Recently recognised; excluded until we have a clearer picture of its *Hennediella stanfordensis (N) Pseudoleskeella rupestris Weissia rostellata distribution Herzogiella seligeri Pterigynandrum filiforme Weissia rutilans (N) M Schistidium elegantulum Under-recorded Herzogiella striatella Pterygoneurum ovatum Weissia squarrosa M Schistidium maritimum Heterocladium wulfsbergii (N) Pylaisia polyantha Weissia sterilis subsp. piliferum Recently recognised; under-recorded Hygroamblystegium humile Racomitrium canescens (N) M Thamnobryum maderense Status of British material unclear Hygrohypnum duriusculum Racomitrium macounii Hypnum hamulosum Rhizomnium magnifolium M Tortella bambergeri Under-recorded Hypnum imponens Rhynchostegiella curviseta M Tortula pallida Taxon ‘poorly defined’ (Blockeelet al., 2014)

28 FieldBryology No115 | May16 FieldBryology No115 | May16 29 Nationally rare and scarce bryophytes Article

Acknowledgements Bryophytes. Updated 2008. Middlewich: British Bryological Thank you to Sam Bosanquet and Chris Preston for help Society. reviewing the lists presented here; Chris Preston also kindly IUCN Standards and Petitions Subcommittee (2014). provided comments on drafts of this note. I also record my debt Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and to the many authors and revisers of the species accounts within Criteria. Version 11. Prepared by the Standards and Petitions the 2014 Atlas. Thank you also to the numerous bryologists Subcommittee. whose records have contributed to the BBS database, and the RedListGuidelines.pdf. Gland, Switzerland & Cambridge, Joint Nature Conservation Committee and the Centre for UK: IUCN. Ecology and Hydrology for supporting the Biological Records Matcham, H. (2013). New and Interesting Ascomycetes, Centre which maintains it, and which has supported work on Coelomycetes, Hyphomycetes and Algal Records from this paper. West Sussex, 2013. In: Green, P. (editor) ADASTRA 2013. An unknown Didymodon, our Henfield, UK: The Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre, pp. References 10–12. Bainbridge, I., Brown, A., Burnett, N., Corbett, P., Cork, Preston, C.D. (2006). A revised list of nationally scarce latest “must see” moss C., Ferris, R., Howe, M., Maddock, A., Mountford, E. & bryophytes. Field Bryology 90, 22–30. rFig.1: The river Camlad and its bank at Gaer Bridge. M Lawley Pritchard, S. (editors) (2013). Guidelines for the Selection Preston, C.D. (2010). A revised list of nationally rare Mark Lawley reports a new moss from the river Camlad in Wales of Biological SSSIs. Part 1: Rationale, Operational Approach bryophytes. Field Bryology 100, 32–40. and Criteria for Site Selection. Peterborough, UK: JNCC. Preston, C.D. (2014). Recording bryophytes in Britain and he Montgomeryshire Flora Group met River Camlad, reputedly the only river that flows Blockeel, T.L. & Ottley, T.W. (2015). Pterygoneurum Ireland, 1990–2013. In: Blockeel, T.L., Bosanquet, S.D.S., on a warm summer’s day in August from England into Wales. While my fellow papillosum Oesau, a distinct moss species, its occurrence Hill, M.O. & Preston, C.D. (editors) Atlas of British and 2015 at Lymore Pools (SO 2396) near botanists tormented themselves trying to identify in southern England, new to Britain, and the presence of Irish Bryophytes. Volume 1. Newbury: Pisces Publications, MontgomeryT to explore the pools’ margins, hybrid mints, I puzzled over an unfamiliar rhizoidal tubers. Journal of Bryology 37, 267–275. pp. 2–11. before going on to examine plants along the acrocarp growing in dispersed patches on bare Blockeel, T.L., Bosanquet, S.D.S., Hill, M.O. & Preston, Preston, C.D. & Rorke, S.L. (2014). Spatial variation in bank of the River Camlad at Gaer Bridge (SO soil in the upper part of about 100 metres of C.D. (editors) (2014). Atlas of British and Irish Bryophytes. 2 recording, 1950–2013. In: Blockeel, T.L., Bosanquet, 2199). riverbank at the edge of a pasture. volumes. Newbury: Pisces Publications. S.D.S., Hill, M.O. & Preston, C.D. (editors) Atlas of Hill, M.O. & Preston, C.D. (2014). Changes in distribution British and Irish Bryophytes. Volume 1. Newbury: Pisces At Lymore we found Epilobium roseum, Rorippa This moss was duller and darker than its and abundance, 1960–2013. In: Blockeel, T.L., Bosanquet, Publications, pp. 12–25. amphibia, Rumex maritimus, Scrophularia neighbours (Bryum gemmiferum, B. klinggraeffii, S.D.S., Hill, M.O. & Preston, C.D. (editors) Atlas of umbrosa and Tilia platyphyllos. Orthotrichum Dicranella varia, the rare Ephemerum cohaerens British and Irish Bryophytes. Volume 1. Newbury: Pisces lyellii and Syntrichia papillosa were best of the making its Welsh début, Hennediella stanfordensis, O.L. Pescott Publications, pp. 34–49. bryophytes on trees by the pools, although the Kindbergia praelonga, Pohlia melanodon and CEH Wallingford, Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Hill, M.O., Blackstock, T.H., Long, D.G. & Rothero, G.P. most unusual discovery was a human skull lying Tortula truncata). It was tiny too, barely a (2008). Gifford, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8BB A Checklist and Census Catalogue of British and Irish half-submerged at the edge of one pool (but couple of millimetres high, with round-tipped, e [email protected] sLeft to right: The Nationally ScarceOedipodium griffithianum and Philonotis seriata. R. Hodd showing no sign of John Ray’s elusive Muscus slightly concave leaves and sub-cucullate apices. ex cranio humano). It may have been from The longest leaves were 1-1.25 millimetres long someone who met his end in the Civil War, for and 0.35 millimetres wide, with plane margins Lord Herbert owned nearby Montgomery Castle or slightly recurved in mid-leaf. Its size and at the time of the Civil War (Lawley, 2015) and leaf-shape reminded me of Gyroweisia tenuis, the district witnessed violent exchanges between but on microscopical examination the laminal Royalists and Parliamentarians. Another skull cells proved to be rather larger, isodiametric had turned up when the pool was dredged about (8-12 microns wide in mid-leaf) and papillose. ten years previously. Many leaves also had a stronger nerve (as much After a leisurely picnic we drove a couple of as 70-80 microns wide at the base of some well miles north to Gaer Bridge to botanise beside the developed leaves) that nevertheless petered out

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