4/24/2014 Hillingdon.gov.uk Mail - Fwd: FOI REF NO. 5278 - Freedom of Information Request - Consultation over increase in civilian movements at RAF North…


Fwd: FOI REF NO. 5278 - Freedom of Information Request - Consultation over increase in civilian movements at RAF - (deadline due date is 24 June 2013) 1 message

Jales Tippell 21 June 2013 11:39 To: [email protected] Cc: "FOI ." , Residents Services FOI

Dear Mr Gurtler

I refer to your FOI request below and your emails to various officers including James Rodger, Aileen Carlisle and myself, which all relate to the same matter. I note that you worked for a very short time at Hillingdon in the 1990's and that you have since worked on some aviation matters as a consultant. I have responded to you FOI request as follows:

Dear Hillingdon Borough Council,

1 What consultation have officers and councillors at Hillingdon had with the MOD, CAA, NATs and/or RAF Northolt in relation to the proposed increase of civilian aircraft movements at RAF Northolt from the existing CAP of 7,000 movements per annum?

The RAF held a meeting with local councillors and residents on 29th April 2013. The meeting was attended by an officer from Hillingdon Council.

2 Please detail dates, level of meeting, those attending, content of discussion, outcome and provide minutes of the meetings.

The date of the meeting is set out above. We do not have any minutes of the meeting and do not have a list of attendees. The RAF may be able to advise you of the outcome of the meeting.

3 What modelling has Hillingdon carried out to determine the impact of the suggested increase from 7,000 civilian movements in 2012 to 12,000 civilian movements by the end of 2013 and 17,500 civilian movements by 2015? If Hillingdon has not carried out any modelling, has the Council been presented with models by the MOD/DfT/NATS/CAA/RAF Northolt in relation to:

- public transport implications? - implications for the local and strategic highway network? - flight path modelling and potential impacts on (increase proposed to 18mppa), (consultation currently re possible additional runways) and Stansted Airport? - noise modelling and noise implications for residents, community facilities and businesses in the area? - public safety modelling? - air quality modelling?

We are not aware of any specific modelling for Northolt

4 At what level have these potential changes been discussed within the Council? Is the Council considering these changes as part of a comprehensive response to the Government's Airports Commission (the Davies Commission)?

We will take a comprehensive look in any response to the Davies Commission. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/?ui=2&ik=422d063686&view=pt&as_has=Gurtler&as_sizeoperator=s_sl&as_sizeunit=s_smb&as_subset=all&as_within=1… 1/3 4/24/2014 Hillingdon.gov.uk Mail - Fwd: FOI REF NO. 5278 - Freedom of Information Request - Consultation over increase in civilian movements at RAF North… What level of consultation and community engagement has the Council carried out given that successive Ministers have promised in Parliament 'the fullest' and 'complete' consultation before any increase is implemented?

The decision to increase the number of civilian flights is a ministerial decision and the Council has therefore not been formally consulted on these proposals. We are not aware of any requirement for the RAF to do so.

5 Have officers in the planning and legal departments been consulted in relation to the requirements for a planning application given that the civilian movements will no longer be subordinate to the military movements at the airfield? Has RAF Northolt been advised of the content requirements of any planning application (including environmental impact assessment)? Have the implications of predominant civilian use been discussed with the CAA in relation to aerodrome licensing, and controls by their economic and safety regulation groups, given that currently as a military airfield these controls are not currently required?

We not not consider that planning permission is required.

What steps will the Council take to ensure that full and comprehensive community engagement takes place?

The MoD has already held a meeting with local councillors and residents on 29th April 2013. At that time the residents were generally supportive of the proposal.

I trust this answers your query. kind regards

-- Jales Tippell Head of Transportation, Planning Policy and Community Engagement Resident Services Borough of Hillingdon 01895 556763

-----Original Message----- From: David Gurtler [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 25 May 2013 07:22 To: FOI requests at Hillingdon Borough Council Subject: Freedom of Information request - Consultation over increase in civilian movements at RAF Northolt

Dear Hillingdon Borough Council,

What consultation have officers and councillors at Hillingdon had with the MOD, CAA, NATs and/or RAF Northolt in relation to the proposed increase of civilian aircraft movements at RAF Northolt from the existing CAP of 7,000 movements per annum?

Please detail dates, level of meeting, those attending, content of discussion, outcome and provide minutes of the meetings.

What modelling has Hillingdon carried out to determine the impact of the suggested increase from 7,000 civilian movements in 2012 to 12,000 civilian movements by the end of 2013 and 17,500 civilian movements by 2015? If Hillingdon has not carried out any modelling, has the Council been presented with models by the MOD/DfT/NATS/CAA/RAF Northolt in relation to:

- public transport implications? - implications for the local and strategic highway network? - flight path modelling and potential impacts on Luton airport https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/?ui=2&ik=422d063686&view=pt&as_has=Gurtler&as_sizeoperator=s_sl&as_sizeunit=s_smb&as_subset=all&as_within=1… 2/3 4/24/2014 Hillingdon.gov.uk Mail - Fwd: FOI REF NO. 5278 - Freedom of Information Request - Consultation over increase in civilian movements at RAF North… (increase proposed to 18mppa), Heathrow airport (consultation currently re possible additional runways) and Stansted Airport? - noise modelling and noise implications for residents, community facilities and businesses in the area? - public safety modelling? - air quality modelling?

At what level have these potential changes been discussed within the Council? Is the Council considering these changes as part of a comprehensive response to the Government's Airports Commission (the Davies Commission)?

What level of consultation and community engagement has the Council carried out given that successive Ministers have promised in Parliament 'the fullest' and 'complete' consultation before any increase is implemented?

Have officers in the planning and legal departments been consulted in relation to the requirements for a planning application given that the civilian movements will no longer be subordinate to the military movements at the airfield? Has RAF Northolt been advised of the content requirements of any planning application (including environmental impact assessment)? Have the implications of predominant civilian use been discussed with the CAA in relation to aerodrome licensing, and controls by their economic and safety regulation groups, given that currently as a military airfield these controls are not currently required?

What steps will the Council take to ensure that full and comprehensive community engagement takes place?

I look forward to your response.

Yours faithfully,

David Gurtler


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