98 AND DONNINGTON [COUNTY . • HUGGLESCOTE and DONNINGTON form one Class rooms were added in 1881 and 1883, and the chapelry, but are two considerable townships adjoin­ Infants' school in 1887. Acreage, 2,045a.; rateable ing . There is a station at Hugglescote on value of the parish, which includes Hugglescote, Don­ the Charnwood Forest line. The township is in the nington, White Hill, and Bardon, £16,384 6s. (land, Bosworth division, that of Swannington for County £2,319 3s.; buildings, £14,065 3s.); Parliamentary Council, Union and County Court district of Ashby, electors, 822. Feast, the first Sunday in August. and rural deanery of South Akeley. The Earl of St. John Baptist Ch.-Services, Sunday 10.30 and Stamford is Lord Paramount, and claims the royal­ 6.30. H.C. first and third Sundays in month at mid­ ties, but most of the land belongs to Messrs. C. D. day, other Sundays at 8 a.m. Rev. H. E. Brough­ Tayleur, R. L. Thorpe, Mrs. Wills, and the Trustees ton M.A. Curate, Rev. R. Dunn RA. (Bardon Hill). of the Osgathorpe Charity. Donnington contains Wardens, Messrs. W. Everard (and clerk) and 'V. some mineral springs. Hugglescote was enclosed in Jackson; Acting Clerk, Sam Weston; Organist, :Mr. 1774, when the tithes were commuted for 130 acres of J. Hubbard. Hymns A. and M. land. It is watered by two rivulets which flow west­ Chapels.-Baptist: Services, Sun. 10.30 and 6. ward on either side of Bardon hill, and unite near the Rev. C. Barker. Keeper, Ths. Watson. Wesleyan, village, where there is a water mill. The,old church, 2.15 and 6. Deacon, Mr. T. Deacon; Organist, Miss dedicated to St. J arnes, has been demolished, and a M. Cramp; Keeper, John Newbold. Primitive, 2.30 new one, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, built in and 6. Organist, Mr. George Shaw; Keeper, William 1878, from designs of Mr. J. B. Everard-style Con­ Curtis. ventional Gothic. The cost was about £9,000. The Registers date from 1791. The living is a vicarage Post, :Money Order, &c. Office. l\Ir. William Riley, detached from , in 1889, and is of th~ gross sub-postmaster. Letters via Leicester delivered 7.30 yearly value of £440. The vicarage was built in a.m. and 4.15 p.m. Box cleared, 11, 6.35 and 7.55. 1891, at a cost of £1,500. The Baptist Chapel was re­ Box at Kirby's clrd. 8.30 and 7.45. Telegraph Office built in an enlarged form in 1876, at an expense of at Coalville (1-& miles). No service on Sundays. £1,500. The \Vesleyan Chapel was built in 1892, ~t As the various townships adjoin, some names ex­ a co&t of £1,300. The National School and master s pected in the following lists may be found under the house were erected in 1862, at a charge of £1,000. head of Bardon, Coalville or .

HUGGLESCOTE. Cottagers & Cowkeepers. Wigstead Mrs. Hannah Halliday J oseph, & builder Wilkins Toplis, Main street Barker Rev. Charles (Baptist) Manders James Burgin *Windebank John Barnett Mrs. Jane, coal dealer Dress Makers. Joiners & Builders. Blockley John, haberdasher & tailor Brown Misses Louisa & Amy Brown W. E. North street Broughton Rev. Henry Ellis M,A. & Burton Miss Annie, Main street Deacon John Almey, & ho. furnisher rural dean, The Vicarage Cramp Mrs. Annie, The Green Gorvett James, & contractor Buxton Mrs. Sarah, Stud Leigh Gamble Miss Elizabeth Griffin Bros. (Fdk. & Ar.), North st Coleman & Son, ironmongers; & at Handford Miss Dora Halliday Joseph, & cottager Coalville Handford Miss Rachel HATTER THOMAS, &. cabinet Cotton Ar.Vincent, asst.supt.Refuge Hartley Mrs. Sarah maker, Main street Cross William, hair dresser Parsons :Mrs. Mary Ann Publicans. Davis J oseph, florist & seedsman Stretton Miss Eliza Harper William, v. Castle Deacon Thos. asst. oversr. Ingleneuk Usher Mrs. Annie Windebank Dnl.v.Three Horse Shoes Dennis Mrs. ~lizabeth .. Wayne Miss Mary Tailors. Drewett ~enJn. draper, m~llmer &c Farmers & Graziers. Blockley John, & haberdasher F~llows "m. master Baphst school Fantam Thos.Holly cttg.Thedrange Haywood Thomas GIlbert George, quarry manager Fisher William C. Handford J oseph blacksmith H II G arners. Reward David g'lazier & painter Ha ~mN eohrge . Henson John, Leicester, W. & S , arns oa, graZIer P W'll' L' t W & S Reward Thos. Humphrey,collry.agt H'll B' ttl d I &. arsons 1 Iltm, elces er, . 'll B . . . b h ~ en). ca e ea er graZIer G ON H 1 en]amm, Jun. ute er Jackson George DONNIN T. Hubbard John, master National schl Jackson Samuel Grange Wall Letter Box cleared 6.20 p.m. Jackson Miss, mistress ~f Bapt. schl Jackson Willia~ week-days only. . Jones Wm. Noyes, mUSIC teacher Lander William grazier & miller (In the Hugglescote postal dehvery). Lindler WaIter, secreta;y Moore Godfrey,, & butcher Cope Thomas, v. Bricklayers' Arms Colll~ry Co. Stud Lelgh Tugby William The Grange Corah Charles, coal dealer Marston William, station master Upchurch Tho~as Griffin William, boot maker Moore David Sketchley, butcher Orton Edward, builders' merchant & Nickells John Edn. agt. Prudential Grocers & Shopkeeper~. sand pit propr. ; & at Ellistown Pearson J oseph, colliery engineer Marked * also Beer RetRllers. Wilkins Mrs. Elizh. v. Old Gate Pegg Arthur, painter • A~mson John. . Farmers & Graziers Porter John chemist ironmonger & Blddle FrederlCk, & blacksmIth B' h Th . " B' h Mr A IS op omas stationer; & at Coalville IS ~p s. my Hoult John Sherwin Alex. (A. Sh. & Son), & coal Brewm Joshua Mosley John dealer Burton J ames P J h . & 11' . Burton Mrs Mary earson sp . graZIer co lery mgr Sherwlll Alexander & Son (Joseph), C k W'll" N th t t Smith James & Sons (Wm & John) · 00 1 lam or s ree ., chlmney sweepers. *C Ch b' k h' & I dl & bakers gr08ers & landowners South Collry.Co.Lim. ross as. a er, c ma gen. r W'll M (' fIt) & I d . . *Deacon James 1 ars . exrs. 0 a e , an ownr mangng. drrector, Mr. J. P.WhIte F' h J h Sh k Usher Thomas draper IS er o.n. . op eeper:s. Warren Willia~ plasterer Hallam Wllham, & baker Davls Samuel, confectioner ' I . h Harper Thomas Garner John Weston Sam, w hee wrlg t H d k' J h B th G dd d Will' & baker • Wood George p cog mson 0 n 00 0 ar lam, W W' '. . b h Kirby John, & baker Kirby John, & baker ortley l1ham, utc er Poole Mrs. Mary Ann, & general dlr PooIe :Mrs. Mary Ann Boot Makers. Reed David, North street Smith James & Sons, & farmers Green William Smith Thomas Thompson In. Sidney, Forest road Griffin William Webster Samuel, tea dealer Wilkins John, & beer retailer