DECC Local Authority Funds


Application Form


Please note: completed bids should be submitted by 5pm on 30th November 2012 by email to [email protected]

SECTION 1: To be completed by all applicants

1.1 Applicant Details

Lead Local Authority

Name of Local Authority Woking Borough Council

Name of contact within REDACTED the Local Authority

Address Civic Offices Gloucester Square, Woking, GU21 6YL 01483 755855

Telephone number of REDACTED contact

Email address of contact REDACTED

Other participating Local Authorities (add rows as needed)

Surrey Heath Borough Council Waverley Borough Council

Mole Valley District Council Elmbridge Borough Council

Tandridge District Council Epsom & Ewell Borough Council

Guildford Borough Council Reigate & Banstead Borough Council

Spelthorne Borough Council Runnymede Borough Council

Surrey County Council

1.2 Proposal Summary

Describe the proposal and how it will be delivered. What will it achieve? Who will it benefit? (max 300 words)




Collective Switching The Switching Campaign will be delivered in partnership with , Action Surrey, community groups and Raven Housing Trust.

Collective Switching Campaign 250,000 Residents reached 10,000 Switches £750,000 Total energy bill saving

Local Authority Competition

1.3 Stakeholder Engagement

Describe how your proposal has been developed and will be delivered with local partners – to ensure that delivery of measures reflects local conditions on the ground. (max 200 words)

Action Surrey has been operating for 3 years and supports all local authorities across the County in assisting residents to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. Referrals to local installers associated with Action Surrey come from council call centres and independent marketing activity that is implemented day-to-day by the project. This proposal will complement a 5-year Green Deal partnership that has recently been developed in conjunction with over 15 stakeholder organisations, local councils, non-profit and voluntary groups.


Action Surrey assists local councils with their climate change strategies, forms an integral part of the Surrey Climate Change Partnership’s work on energy efficiency, is included in the County Council’s Ageing Well Strategy and contributes to local implementation of the Cold Weather Plan by building strategic partnerships between voluntary, community and statutory organisations.

The project is also working with local economic development departments at a local and county level to ensure local installers will benefit from the Green Deal and ECO.

1.4 Value for Money

Demonstrate how the proposal will ensure value for money and generate net benefits. REDACTED

Collective Switching Campaign

250,000 Residents Contacted 37,500 Registrations (15% registrations) 10,000 Switches (30% of registrations to switch) £75 Average fuel bill saving £750,000 Total fuel bill savings for residents 2,500 Business registrations 375 Business switches (15% of registrations)

A green tariff option will also be offered as will a bulk buying scheme for those on oil.

4 Local Authority Competition

1.4 Value for Money

1.5 Project Milestones

Please give a brief summary of the key milestones from your project plan (including dates). The project should plan for delivery by 31st March 2013. Describe briefly who will deliver it and what will have been achieved by that date and an assessment of the risks to delivery.













5 Local Authority Competition

1.5 Project Milestones







Collective Switching Deliverables Start- Responsibility Risk/mitigation Completion Date Campaign Creative 12 Nov – 26 Woking Borough Council, Surrey Task already underway Nov County Council and Action Surrey Confirm saving message and 12 Nov – 26 Woking Borough Council, Surrey Message agreed re the ‘saving’ tariffs to be offered Nov County Council and Action Surrey switchers will benefit from. Trading Standards to be consulted. Tariffs to be checked with ichoosr Market research and targeting 19 Nov – 26 Local Councils, Surrey County Task already underway work Nov Council and Action Surrey Sign off and Booking 19 Nov – 26 Local Councils, Surrey County Task already underway advertising Nov Council and Action Surrey Organise community events 19 Nov – 26 Action Surrey Insufficient community group and book agenda time to Nov events already taking place. present the campaign to Lack of attendance to events. community groups Find alternative events and potential stalls to book, ask WAVs for recommendations on event attendance* Set up URL for registration 26 Nov Ichoosr, Surrey County Council and Task already underway page and other online Action Surrey facilities Direct marketing materials to 26 Nov Ichoosr, Surrey County Council and Task already underway be agreed for targeting of Action Surrey SMEs via the procurement database Commence first wave of 26 Nov – 18 Feb Local Councils, Surrey County Miss deadline for council advertising online and in print Council and Action Surrey magazines. Mitigated by Comms (council magazines, Surrey Dpt managing this deliverable. Business News, Chamber of Commerce) Design, write and print 3 Dec – 14 Jan Local Councils, Surrey County Delays in design and print. literature ready for distribution Council and Action Surrey Source alternative designer/print in Jan as contingency Distribution of print literature 7 Jan – end of Local Councils, Surrey County Delays in design and print. Jan Council, Action Surrey, community Source alternative designer/print groups as contingency. Location to store print – arranged with print house and can be stored at council offices or eco show home. Community groups not engaged. Mitigated by regular communication and consultation. Commence online comms 7 Jan - 18 Feb Action Surrey Community groups not engaged. with community groups and Mitigated by regular Green Group partners communication and consultation. Green Groups will be assured

6 Local Authority Competition

1.5 Project Milestones

that a Green Tariff option will be included. Roll out of community 7 Jan - 18 Feb Action Surrey As above* engagement events across Surrey Engage with councillors and 14 Jan – 4 Jan Local Councils, Surrey County Delay in bulletin. Dispatch date council employees via bulletin Council to be confirmed by Comms. Bid to take place w/c25 Feb Ichoosr, Local Councils, Surrey Savings negotiated are below County Council, Action Surrey expectations due to lack of registrations, changes in market price. Mitigated by homeowners being warned in advance of no guarantee re savings and all sent letters as part of the registration process.

1.6a Proposal Funding

DECC has three funds from which Local Authorities can bid for support. Please indicate which fund(s) you would like to bid for (and the amount) in the table below, and continue on to the relevant part of the application form.

Funding (£000s) Fund Complete... Capital Programme Total

Fuel Poverty Fund - - - Section 2 + 6

Green Deal Fund REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED Section 3 + 6

Collective Switching Fund - £26,000 £26,000 Section 4 + 6

1.6b Other sources of funding (where applicable)

Please provide details of other sources of funding for the project. 1.6a Proposal Fu

Funding source Capital Programme Total

Green Deal Fund

Yr 1 Start-up funding from - REDACTED REDACTED

7 Local Authority Competition

1.6a Proposal Funding

Thameswey Energy Ltd

Local Authority Funding for - REDACTED REDACTED year 1 of Surrey Green Deal Scheme



Collective Switching Fund

Surrey County Council & REDACTED REDACTED Partners




8 Local Authority Competition


‘Cheaper Energy Together’ Scheme

4.1 Engagement with Vulnerable Consumers

Describe how the proposed scheme will effectively engage with vulnerable consumers and the approaches that will be taken. Describe who the customers are and how many you expect to engage with. (max 200 words)

Previous switching schemes have registered 10-20% "off-line" residents i.e. not via the internet. These are generally elderly people without access to the internet or those who are not comfortable with the internet and who are of need of communication assistance. We aim to engage with these vulnerable people in the following ways: On the ground marketing through community engagement events implemented by Action Surrey and Raven Housing Trust (for their stock) Action Surrey has a fuel poverty campaign engaging the most vulnerable in Surrey in partnership with the Health Authority which will include the switching message. Age Concern is just one community group that is part of this partnership amongst other local groups assisting elderly residents and vulnerable families. The collective switching message will be promoted through the Meals on Wheels scheme and telecare system. The campaign will include a pre-payment meter option and bulk buy oil scheme Private Sector housing departments will be informed of the scheme and asked to promote it to their known vulnerable residents. Of the 250,000 households reached, 75% of these will be ‘able-to-pay’ customers and 25% will be over 70 or in receipt of benefits.

4.2 Innovation in Design of Scheme

Describe how the proposed scheme will demonstrate innovation – in the design of the scheme and in the ways of engaging with consumers. (max 200 words)

9 Local Authority Competition

The Surrey Switching Scheme has been designed by Surrey County Council, Action Surrey and social housing provider, Raven Housing Trust (RHT).

Action Surrey, a project managed by a local authority owned Energy Services Company, is a community engagement programme supported by a consortium of 12 Surrey councils. It promotes the county-wide take-up of energy efficiency measures. Action Surrey is already undertaking many community engagement activities and has a community support network that will communicate the scheme.

Green community groups will be encouraged to enter a competition to sign up the most residents to the switching campaign and win renewable energy consultancy for establishing a community energy scheme.

Action Surrey will also hold 12 local community events across Surrey that will aim to register residents that are not able to access the internet and encourage members of the community to register neighbours on their behalf. Councils will be targeted in this scheme as well as local radio stations to reach this target audience.

Surrey County Council has also ensured that tariff options that are being offered will be as accessible as possible, offering options for those off the gas grid, prepayment meters, a green tariff option and tariffs for businesses.

4.3 Strategic Fit

Describe how the proposed scheme will take a holistic approach to reducing consumers’ energy bills. (max 200 words)

With the Collective Switching Campaign being run in conjunction with Action Surrey, a local energy advice service, residents registering for the switching campaign will simultaneously be told about; - A free-for-all cavity wall and loft insulation scheme to capitalise on remaining CERT - Support for boiler replacements through Green Deal / ECO - Support for solid wall insulation – Green Deal / ECO - Encouraged to sign up to Action Surrey’s newsletter to keep informed of complementary energy efficiency schemes, and remind residents to switch once their 12 month contract / fix contracts are coming to an end. Raven Housing Trust will also provide additional support to their 6000 residents who enquire about switching by: - Source information on fuel poverty to help Raven understand which resident are fuel poor to target future services - Setting up a tenant energy club - Encouraging residents to request Raven’s home visit scheme (energy officer) As mentioned, Surrey County Council will be offering a full range of tariff options to ensure that it will be inclusive as possible, this will include prepayment meters, an off-grid option, businesses and a green tariff.

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4.4 Evaluation

Describe how the scheme plans to capture and share learning. (max 200 words)

Action Surrey will be implementing Key Performance Indicators to establish which community events were most successful, well attended, and saw the highest number of registrations. Any enquiries to Action Surrey will have a source code attached to them to establish which communication activity was most successful. Feedback will also be sought from community groups that assist in implementing the campaign.

Ichoosr will provide weekly updates and an end of campaign analysis that will look at all possible metrics that are set at the beginning of the project.

Surrey CC will also provide an evaluation report on the campaign and be able to share this using their Surreyi website that is publicaly available. The campaign methodology will also be included in this report.

RHT will be the pilot Housing Association for this first switching scheme in Surrey. Their approach will be evaluated and shared with other Housing Associations across the County for the second switching campaign.

4.5 Transparency

Describe how the proposed scheme will communicate transparently to ensure consumers are informed and understand it, and are provided with key pieces of information – such as any expected savings to be made by switching – that are accurate and not misleading. (max 200 words)

During the design stage of the scheme, Trading Standards have been consulted to ensure that the message is clear and simple to understand. The Collective Switching scheme for Surrey has been thorough researched and other switching schemes have been consulted during the process to learn from their experiences.

Residents will have no obligation to switch energy provider, only once the tariff has been negotiated will those who have registered be offered a new deal. This letter will detail essential information such as what happens after their 12 month contract ends, will clearly identify an exit fees and other terms and conditions of the new tariff, and also provided a contact number if they wish to seek further clarification.

Ichoosr will also be obliged to highlight to potential switching residents if the prospective tariff offers the Warm Home Discount scheme. This will ensure that residents are clear about the net impact of a potential switch.

11 Local Authority Competition

4.6 Project Costs

Provide brief details of the main activities that funding is requested for and the costs of the project.

Deliverable £

a. Marketing REDACTED

b. Staff time for community engagement activities REDACTED





Total cost of project during 2012-13 £26,000

Total funding contribution required from DECC £26,000


Renewable Heat Survey - Optional

DECC is seeking information to inform our policies on support for renewable heating. We have included this short survey to gauge interest levels amongst Local Authorities in developing the local renewable heat market.

Do you have any interest in developing the local renewable heat supply? YES/NO If ‘yes’, please describe any plans you have, INCLUDING plans that have not been developed due to lack of funding.

12 Local Authority Competition

If applicable, what benefits do you aim to achieve through developing local renewable heating? (Please select all that apply)

Tackle fuel poverty Support for technical innovation

Reduce emissions from To engage local people heating

Support for local installers To gain learning about renewables

Other (please elaborate)

What funding might be required to deliver these plans?

(This will give us an indication of the scale of your ambition)

If applicable, have you encountered any difficulty securing funds?

13 Local Authority Competition


To be completed by all applicants

6.1 Declaration

The project funding that is being applied for is to fund either a new project in relation to which no funding has been allocated or to extend an existing project. The funding will not be used to replace existing funding for a project.

We confirm that local and community organisations are involved in the design or delivery of this proposal, where appropriate.

We confirm that the proposed use of the fund will comply with all relevant requirements of 14 Local Authority Competition

EU law (e.g. relating to procurement and State Aid law).


Title Senior Policy Officer

Local Authority Woking Borough Council


© Crown copyright 2011 Department of Energy & Climate Change 3 Whitehall Place London SW1A 2AW

URN 12D/398