Johnsingh AJT. 2006. Status and conservation of the in Uttaranchal, Northern . Ambio 35(3):135-7.

Keywords: 4IN/conservation/distribution/Panthera tigris/status/tiger

Abstract: The land that is now the state of Uttaranchal has a glorious history in tiger conservation; it was in the Corbett Tiger Reserve (TR)-one of the country's most priceless reserves-that one of the most credited conservation programs of the century, , was launched in 1973. While most tiger habitats in the country are experiencing severe anthropogenic pressures leading to degradation, the tiger habitat in Uttaranchal and the conservation efforts of the government continue to give a glimmer of hope for the long-term survival of in this young state, which was established in late 2000. A field assessment carried out by the Wildlife Institute of India (WII) with the support of Save the Tiger Fund (USA) in the year 2002-2003, is the most recent and comprehensive empirical evidence on the status of the tiger in the state. Synopsis Status and Conservation of the Tiger in Uttaranchal, Northern India

The land that is now the state of Uttar- Valmiki TR (), these THBs consti- long-term survival of the tiger in Uttar- anchal has a glorious history in tiger tute the largest tiger habitat, approximate- anchal. conservation; it was in the Corbett Tiger ly 6500 km2. This area can support The study report (2) has several site Reserve (TR)—one of the country’s most a minimum of 150 adult tigers, provided specific, as well as overall recommenda- priceless reserves—that one of the most that corridors (connectivities) are estab- tions. Given the deteriorating situations credited conservation programs of the lished and strengthened, the habitat is elsewhere and the strength of the habitat century, Project Tiger, was launched in managed, and the large wild ungulate status in Uttaranchal, it is likely that this 1973 (1). While most tiger habitats in the species are well protected. state has the potential to become the tiger country are experiencing severe anthropo- The divisions (FD) and the state of north India, attracting conserva- genic pressures leading to degradation, the protected area (PA) that fall in THB I tion attention and enhanced tourism. But, 2 tiger habitat in Uttaranchal and the (approx. 1800 km ;Fig.2)areKalsi, for this to happen, the state has to initiate conservation efforts of the government Shivalik (), , Nar- certain radical steps to counterbalance the continue to give a glimmer of hope for endranagar (in part), and the western part increasing threats, otherwise the state will the long-term survival of tigers in this of (Uttaranchal); in helplessly witness the diminishing status of 2 young state, which was established in late THB II (approx. 3000 km ; Fig. 2), the tiger in its territory as well. We advise 2000. A field assessment carried out by the eastern part of Rajaji NP, , urgent action on the following issues: Wildlife Institute of India (WII) with the Bijnor Plantation Division (Uttar Pra- Poaching of the tiger and its prey support of Save the Tiger Fund (USA) in desh), Lansdowne, Corbett TR, Ramna- species is prevalent, but evidence may not the year 2002–2003, is the most recent and gar, , West, and Terai be easily available. With the help of local comprehensive empirical evidence on the Central (Uttaranchal); and in THB III 2 informants and forest staff, it is important status of the tiger in the state (2). The (approx. 1800 km ; Fig. 2), Terai East, to locate the ‘‘poaching-prone’’ areas and strength of the tiger habitat here is largely , and Champawat. Tigers also enhance the patrolling and antipoaching from the hilly nature of the terrain, which occasionally range into the lower reaches measures. Johnsingh and Negi (6) found arguably supports sufficient prey and of the Nainital FD. During the 2002–2003 that nearly 20 gun and ammunition shops offers safe hideouts for the sensitive tiger survey (except for the Kalsi, Dehradun, in this landscape between Sahranpur and in the deep valleys and numerous nallahs. Narendranagar, and Haridwar FDs, and Tanakpur sell about 100 000 cartridges The relatively lower human density of the the Bijnor Plantation Division), evidence annually, the bulk of which might be used state (158 people in a km2 area) versus the of tiger use was observed in all the FDs and 2 for poaching. Already in the early 1930s, national density of 324 people in a km the PA. Among these, the Corbett TR had Champion (7) recommended sawing off area (3) and 45% forest cover versus the the highest tiger use (approx. 41%; range, the barrels of crop-protection guns to national forest cover of 20.5% (4) are the 19.2–63.2%) followed by the Ramnagar make them ineffective for poaching. All other factors that give hope for the FD (20.7 ; range, 2.7–38.7 ). Overall, % % guns in Uttaranchal should be replaced survival of this magnificent species. A there was high variation in the frequency of with specially made guns with short framework for prioritizing tiger conserva- occurrence of tigers in the state, indicating barrels, which cannot be used for poach- tion in the global perspective has included a patchy distribution. In other words, even ing. Gun owners could continue to keep a considerable portion of the tiger habitats within the FDs and PAs, while some areas their gun rights, which, however, should in Uttaranchal into 1 of the 11 level I tiger had a higher concentration or frequency of be kept in the safe custody of the conservation units (top priority areas) use, most other areas were poorly used. government. International conservation identified in the Indian subcontinent. This For instance, although the Lansdowne FD, underscores the significance attached to recognized as a corridor connecting the agencies and the government of India this state for the long-term conservation of Rajaji (NP) with the Corbett TR, scored should come up with sufficient funds for the tiger (5). However, there is an urgent 16.8%, some areas, between Laldhang and this gun-replacement program. This pro- need to periodically assess the situation in , were devoid of tiger use (0%) and gram, essentially needed to protect the the state, given the severe threats faced by others had a value as high as 45% (around tiger’s prey, is likely to get enormous the tiger throughout its range. Koluchaur). Surprisingly, the Rajaji NP support and appreciation from those con- According to Johnsingh et al. (2), scored quite low (12.9%), with high varia- cerned about the future of the tiger. almost the entire stretch of tiger habitat tion, suggesting that tiger use is still low Habitat fragmentation and degradation in Uttaranchal is under the (hilly) there, because tigers were reported only are on the rise, threatening the habitat tract and occurs in three disjunct units, from the Dholkhand, Chilla, and Gauri contiguity and quality. Unless habitat identified as tiger habitat blocks (THB), Ranges. In contrast, the of the Terai connectivity is established and strength- with poor or no connectivity between the West and the Ramnagar FDs, which are ened, the existing tiger habitat in Uttar- blocks. From west to east, these THBs not part of any protected area, scored anchal is bound to become habitat islands, include the areas between the better. This, however, should not be increasing the extinction risk from in- River and the west bank of the Ganga interpreted to indicate that tigers are faring breeding, disease, and poaching. In this River (referred to as THB I), the east bank well in the reserved forests; it is their regard, three corridors deserve mention: of the Ganga and the west bank of the proximity to the Corbett TR that benefits i) Chilla-Motichur corridor. This corri- Gola River (THB II), and the east bank of these areas. Nevertheless, it should be Gola River and the Tanakpur-Khatima clearly understood that for the conserva- dor is a must for the young tigers of the Chilla Range to colonize the Highway and (THB III) tion of the tiger, all areas are important, 2 (Fig. 1). In the entire area of tiger with some areas acting as a source (e.g. forests (approx. 1800 km ) west of distribution along the foothills of the Corbett TR and Rajaji NP) and other River Ganga. This immigration is , from the Simbalbara Wildlife areas providing connectivity (e.g., Lans- necessary to safeguard the future of Sanctuary () to the downe division), thereby, facilitating the the tigers on the west bank, because

Ambio Vol. 35, No. 3, May 2006 Ó Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2006 135 Figure 1. Tiger landscape in Uttaranchal showing major rivers and tiger habitat blocks.

the present status of tigers here is bank of the Ganga within the Rajaji iii) Gola River corridor. The growth of extremely precarious. Even in 2000, NP (Gauri and Chilla Ranges) would Haldwani town and the Lal Kuan the estimated number on the west be secured for the tiger. This area industrial complex, south of Haldwani, bank was only 5–10 animals. Ongoing would become an important breeding has caused a major break in the tiger research by the WII in the Chilla ground for the tiger, not only sup- range between Terai Central and Terai Range suggests that after the gujjar porting the population in the Rajaji East FDs. Heavy traffic (day and relocation, which was completed in NP but also act as a source for night) along the Haldwani–Lal Kuan early 2004, the tiger population here dispersal to other forest areas west road and large-scale boulder mining is recovering, as evinced by the of the Ganga. along the Gola River, involving hun- camera-trap photographs of two lac- ii) corridor. The forests be- dreds of laborers, have also contribut- tating tigresses taken in early 2005. tween the Mohan and Kumaria villages ed to this fragmentation. The firewood As recommended nearly two decades should be made disturbance free by demands of these laborers, camping in ago (8), the relocation of Khand Gaon shifting the Indian Medicines Pharma- the riverbed, are decimating the Terai (settlement), complete protection to ceutical Corporation Limited to a loca- Central FD and the Gola and Tanda the islands on the Ganga, the building tion closer to Ramnagar town, because Ranges of Terai Central FD. The of the 1.0-km flyover for vehicular most of the staff working in this firm continuity between the Terai East and traffic between Raiwala and Harid- come from Ramnagar, which is 15 km Terai Central FDs should be restored war, and shifting of the army ammu- away. Another commercial unit, Garjia by translocating the timber depot of nition dump should not be delayed Chemicals, where very few people work the Uttaranchal government, which is any further. Gangabhogpur Talla (30 now, should be closed. The connectiv- north of Lal Kuan, to a location closer households), Gangabhogpur Malla ity between Infinity Resorts and Bijrani to Haldwani. It is crucial to ban sand (150 households), and Kunaun Goth can be significantly improved if the two and boulder mining in the entire stretch (70 households), villages on the east small villages Ringora and Amdanda of the Gola River and to remove the bank of the Ganga within Rajaji NP, are resettled. Similarly, shifting of the encroachers between the Timber De- should be shifted. Sufficient land for Tehda forest village from the left bank pot and the river. Once the corridor is the relocation of these villages is of Kosi River (Ramnagar FD) would established, it may be necessary to available in the Barkot Range, the go a long way in strengthening this build a 1-km flyover for vehicular Dehradun FD, which has almost lost corridor. These three villages originat- traffic, to facilitate movement of ani- its value for large mammal conserva- ed as cattle camps and together have mals. The loss of revenue to the state tion as a result of extensive wood- about 80 households. Enough land is government incurred from the cessa- cutting pressure from the available for this resettlement in the tion of boulder mining could be made township. If these villages are shifted, Gabua forest patch (13 km2)inthe good by shifting this activity to areas of nearly 250 km2 habitat on the east Terai West FD. less consequence to tigers (e.g., the

136 Ó Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2006 Ambio Vol. 35, No. 3, May 2006 Figure 2. Tiger landscape in Uttaranchal showing protected areas and forest divisions

stretch of Song River north of Doiwala outside world, and this is exploited by the References and Notes and the Dhapka River south of the Rai Sikhs from the southern fringes of the 1. Sankhala K. 1978. Tiger: The Story of the Indian Tiger. Ramnagar–Kaladhungi highway), and Terai East FD, who are known locally for Collins, London, p. 220. 2. Johnsingh A.J.T., Ramesh K., Qureshi Q., David A., by an adequate compensation from the the depleted status of wildlife here. It is Goyal S.P., Rawat G.S., Rajapandian K., Prasad S. government of India. possible to establish a 700 km2 conserva- 2004. Conservation Status of Tiger and Associated Species in the , India. RR-04/001. tion reserve around the National Park. Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun, pp. viii þ 110. Relocation of Gujjars and Encroachers 3. Anon. 2001. Census of India 2001. Provisional Arresting Habitat Degradation Population Totals, Paper 1 of 2001. Registrar General Following the model of Gaindi Katha, all and Census Commissioner, New Delhi, India the gujjars from the entire tiger landscape 4. Forest Survey of India. 2002. State of the Forest Report Extraction of forest resources, such as 2001. Forest Survey of India, Dehradun. in Uttaranchal and encroachers from the firewood for subsistence and commercial 5. Wikramanayake E., Dinerstein E., Robinson J.G., Ramnagar, the Terai West, and the Terai Karanth U., Rabinowitz A., Olson D., Mathew T., purposes, and livestock grazing, are wide- Hedao P., 1998. An ecology based method for defining East FDs, should be settled in the southern spread in Uttaranchal and are a major priorities for large mammal conservation: the tiger as fringe areas, which do not have much case study. Conserv. Biol. 12, 865–878. cause of habitat degradation. Following 6. Johnsingh A.J.T., Negi A.S. 2003. Status of tiger and wildlife value. The Gabua forest patch the existing models (e.g., joint forest in Rajaji-Corbett Conservation Unit, northern could be used to resettle the encroachers India. Biol. Conserv. 111, 385–393. management or ecodevelopment) or other 7. Champion F.W. 1934. United provinces. J. Bombay from Sunder khal. There should be a joint innovative approaches, habitat degrada- . Hist. Soc. 37, 105–111. venture between the governments of Ut- tion should be reduced. Recommendations 8. Johnsingh A.J.T., Prasad S.N., Goyal S.P. 1990. taranchal and Uttar Pradesh to resettle the Conservation status of Chilla-Motichur corridor for given in this regard by Johnsingh et al. (2) elephant movement in Rajaji-Corbett National Parks gujjars from Shivalik FD, which will area, India. Biol. Conserv. 51, 125–138. including raising fuel wood plantations, immensely strengthen the tiger and ele- 9. Project Tiger Directorate 2005. National Tiger Status distribution of fuel-efficient stoves, and and Habitat Monitoring Protocols. A Technical Publi- phant habitat west of the Ganga. cation of Project Tiger Directorate, New Delhi, 22 pp. conservation education. 10. We thank Save The Tiger Fund and National Fish and This note presents the ground situation Wildlife Foundation, USA, for funding the study; the chief wildlife warden, Uttaranchal for permissions; the Establishment of Nandhour at the time of the project period (2002– director of Wildlife Institute of India for support and Valley National Park 2003), which is continuously deteriorating. encouragement; and Dr. Nima Manjrekar for reading through the manuscript. Creation of this protected area of approx- The methods and data presented in the imately 300 km2 along the scenic Nandaur final report could be taken as the baseline, Dr. A. J. T. Johnsingh River in Haldwani FD is essential and and using the same framework, the current WWF-India and Nature would add one more tiger breeding habitat status of tiger could be compared and Conservation Foundation to the Uttaranchal tiger landscape. There checked in select localities of high and low Mysore, India. tiger use. In addition, tiger monitoring are no villages along this 30-km-long river [email protected]; valley, and, therefore, the creation of this could be followed along the lines of protected area should be possible. With activities carried out in the central Indian [email protected] the onset of rains, this beautiful valley forests as per the guidelines of Project habitat becomes totally cut off from the Tiger Directorate (9).

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