Public Disclosure Authorized Report on the Federation part of the


of the

SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT Public Disclosure Authorized of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of

financed by:

- IDA Credit No. 4540 BA - IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA - EC IPA Grant TF011456 - SIDA Contribution No. 71001980 Public Disclosure Authorized FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2015 Public Disclosure Authorized SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina

CONTENTS 1 Introduction 1

2 Independent Auditor's Report 6

3 Project financial statements for the year 2015 8

4 Notes to the project financial statements 17

APPENDICES A.1 Designated account statement - IDA Credit No. 4540 BA 19 A.2 Local bank account statement - IDA Credit No. 4540 BA (PIT ) 20 A.3 Local bank account statement - IDA Credit No- 4540 BA (PIT 2ivinice) 21 A.4 Local bank account statement - IDA Credit No- 4540 BA (Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje) 22 A.5 Petty cash statement - IDA Credit No, 4540 BA (PIT 2vinice) 23 A.6 Petty cash statement - IDA Credit No.4540 (PIT Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje 24 A.7 Designated account statement - IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA 25 A.8 Local bank account statement - IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA (PIT Zenica) 26 A.9 Local bank account statement - IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA (PIT ) 27 A. 10 Local bank account statement - IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA (PIT Biha6) 28 A 11 Petty cash statement - IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA (PIT Zenica) 29 A.12 Petty cash statement - IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA (PIT Biha6) 30 A. 13 Designated account statement - EC IPA Grant TF01 1456 31 A.14 Designated account statement - SIDA Contribution No. 71001980 32 A. 15 Local bank account statement - Government contribution 33 A.16 Local bank account statement - Government contribution (PIT Mostar) 34 A.17 Local bank account statement - Government contribution (PIT Zenica) 35 A1 8 Local bank account statement - Government contribution (PIT Livno) 36 A.19 Local bank account statement - Government contribution (PIT 2ivinice) 37 A.20 Local bank account statement - Government contribution (PIT Biha6) 38 A.21 Local bank account statement - Government contribution (PIT Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje) 39 A.22 Petty cash statement - Government contribution (PMU) 40 A.23 Petty cash statement - Government contribution (PIT Mostar) 41 A.24 Petty cash statement - Government contribution (PIT Livno) 42 A 25 Petty cash statement - Government contribution (PIT Gornji Vakuf-Uskop[je) 43

B 1 SoE Withdrawal Schedule of IDA Credit No. 4540 BA for the year ended December 31, 2015 44 B.2 SoE Withdrawal Schedule of IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA for the year ended December 31, 2015 45 B.3 SoE Withdrawal Schedule of EC IPA Grant TF011456 for the year ended December 31, 2015 46

C.1 Reconciliation between World Bank's disbursement statements in XDR and IDA Credit account in EUR according to the balance sheet as of December 31, 2015; SoE Withdrawal Schedule of IDA Credit No. 4540 BA 47 C.2 Reconciliation between World Bank's disbursement statements in EUR and IBRD Loan account in EUR according to the balance sheet as of December 31, 2015: SoE Withdrawal Schedule of IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA 48 C.3 Reconciliation between World Bank's disbursement statements in EUR and IPA Grant account in EUR according to the balance sheet as of December 31, 2015; SoE Withdrawal Schedule of EC IPA Grant TF0 11456 49 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina

1. Introduction 1.1 Objectives and activities of the Project

The project development objective of the Second Solid Waste Management Project (the "Project) is to improve the availability, quality, environmental soundness. and financial viability of solid waste management services in participating regions. Key impacts include improved disposal management system and enhanced coverage of formal waste management services, improved groundwater quality at disposal sites, higher citizen satisfaction with waste management services and an increased cost- recovery rate of participating utilities.

1.2 Components of the Project

The Project will build upon the project design of the first Solid Waste Management Project and will ensure continued successful implementation. However, lessons learned during implementation of the first Solid Waste Management Project influenced project design changes. The main adjustments include the following: (i) introduce a more flexible and performance-based mechanism for allocating project funds: (ii) establish a PMU at the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and Ecology of in addition to the existing PMU at the Ministry for Environment and Tourism in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina; (iii) amend funding mechanism for Technical Assistance and the PMUs and (iv) consolidate components by reducing overall number from five to three. It is expected that the Project will finance rehabilitation of six to eight regional sanitary landfills in addition to those participating in the first Solid Waste Management Project. To participate in the Project, utilities/regions must meet eligibility criteria for (a) Technical Assistance (Long list) and (b) Investment Funding (Short list). Criteria for sub-project eligibility have been agreed and aim to ensure effective implementation and economic efficiency of regional sanitary landfills. The Entity Governments provided a list of regions eligible under these criteria. Eight regions do currently meet the criteria to be included in the long list and initial fund allocation takes place accordingly.

Eligibility for Technical Assistance (Component B): Regions that meet the following four criteria are eligible to apply for Technical Assistance under the project: (i) demonstrated consistence with the Entity Solid Waste Management Strategies; (ii) minimum of three municipalities with declared interest in cooperating in solid waste management; (iii) participating municipalities have a minimum aggregated population of 100,000; (iv) inter-municipal board established.

Eligibility for Investment Funding (Component A): All regions that meet at least four of the following six criteria may be eligible for project investment funds. (i) regional solid waste management company established; (ii) site selected for regional sanitary landfill; (iii) local community consulted for site selection; (iv) feasibility study prepared; (v) detailed project design and bidding documents prepared; (vi) Environmental Assessment and Environmental Risk Mitigation Plan prepared. SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina . .... 1. Introduction (continued) 1.2 Components of the Project (continued)

Component A: Waste Management (USD 39,5 million).

This component invests in rehabilitating existing disposal sites, closing wild dumps, improving collection infrastructure, supporting equipment purchases, and to a limited extent, converting existing small dump sites to transfer stations. At more advanced regional landfills the component will also support upgrading processes such as sorting, recycling, and gas capturing: and prior treatment of waste. It will also cover operational cost of regional PITs. The component includes 10 percent co- financing from the Entity Governments. Component B: Capacity Building (USD 2,0 million).

This component provides technical assistance and engineering services to participating regions and will finance institutional strengthening and capacity-building activities benefiting the entity-level institutions involved in solid waste management. It supports the preparation of feasibility studies financial, environmental and social assessments of landfill sites, and provides support for bidding procedures for the investments and services provided under Component A. The Component will also finance a Public Communication Program and Environmental Monitoring. In addition it may support strategic studies for Hazardous Waste Management and Inter-state cooperation in Solid Waste Management. Component C: Project Management and Operating Cost (USD 2,0 million). This component supports PMU operation in both entities and assists project implementation. The performance-based approach introduced to the project will allow fund reallocation within the entities. Sub-loan agreements between the Ministry of Finance and participating project regions would stipulate that after 18 months of signing of the sub-loan agreement, the PMUs and PITs would review implementation progress in the participating regions. The joint review will evaluate implementation progress as stated in the action plan presented at signing of the sub-loan agreement. If implementation at individual sites does not advance as anticipated at the beginning of the project, funds would be returned to the Ministry of Finance and become available for reallocation based on the eligibility criteria at project entry. Regions that meet the criteria for investments outlined above may apply for funds that become available.

In addition, the Project will introduce improvements in financing the components Initial allocation of funds for Component A will take place on the provisional key of 55% (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) to 45% (Republika Srpska). Funds provided for Component B (Capacity Building) will be borrowed by both Entities at equal share. During the Mid-Term Review fund allocation will be evaluated and funds may be reallocated to Component A. The project will cover funds under Component B (Capacity Building) and Component C (Project Management and Operating Costs). The Project will also adjust the approach to closure of wild dumps. Due to implementation of the first Solid Waste Management Project, increasing amounts of solid waste are managed at regional sanitary landfills. This presents an opportunity for a growing number of municipalities to close their existing wild dump sites. Under the first Solid Waste Management Project, funding requests from individual municipalities have not been considered.

2 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina

1. Introduction (continued) 1.2 Components of the Project (continued)

However, given the high cost of wild dump closures, the Project will accept funding requests for closure of wild dumps in individual municipalities, if (a) the municipality is a member of the inter- municipal board of a regional solid waste utility, and (b) solid waste originally disposed at the wild dump site is managed at a regional sanitary landfill. The regional utility should be the borrower and agreements between the utility and municipality must be established bilaterally,

Overall project size equals USD 43,5 million, of which USD 40 million will be provided by the World Bank and USD 3,5 million by the Borrower/Recipient. The Borrower/Recipient's co-financing share will finance solely investments under Component A. Initial fund allocation to regions will follow the eligibility criteria outlined above. During a preliminary screening, the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina identified eight potentially eligible regions to be ready within the first year of the project effectiveness date. Most regions have already completed important steps toward meeting the eligibility criteria based on the premises promoted by this project.

1.3 Financing of the Project 1.3.1 IDA Credit No. 4540 BA

The State of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the borrower of the International Development Association (IDA) Credit No. 4540 BA, amounting to the equivalent of XDR 9,600.000. As of December 23, 2014, the World Bank cancelled part of the credit equal to SDR 304,129, related to Republika Srpska.

Under the terms of a subsidiary finance agreement between State of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina ("FB&H"), funds of the equivalent of XDR 5,280,000 have been lent to FB&H.

Categories of cost items to be financed out of the proceeds of the Credit, the allocation of the amounts of the Credit to each category and the percentage of expenditure for cost items so to be financed in each category are as follows:

Amount of the %/ of expenditure Item Credit allocated (in XDR) to be financed (1) Goods, works, consultants' services and operating costs for Part 1.A of the Project 4,370,000 90% (2) Goods, works and consultants' services for Part 1 .B and 1.C of the Project 630,000 100% (3) Operating costs for Part 1.C of the Project 280,000 100% (4) Unallocated for Part 1 of the Project

Subtotal 5,280,000

3 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina

1. Introduction (continued) 1.3 Financing of the Project (continued) 1.3.2 IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA

B&H is the borrower of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Loan No 7629 BA, amounting to the equivalent of FUR 17,000,000. As of December 23. 2014, the World Bank cancelled part of the loan equal to FUR 2,578,318, related to Republika Srpska.

Under the terms of a subsidiary finance agreement between B&H and FB&H, funds of the equivalent of FUR 9,352,125 have been lent to FB&H.

Categories of cost items to be financed out of the proceeds of the Loan, the allocation of the amounts of the Loan to each category and the percentage of expenditure for cost items so to be financed in each category are as follows:

the Amount of the Amount of Item Loan allocated Loan allocated % of expenditure (in EUR) after cancelation to be financed (in EUR) (1) Goods, works, consultants' services and operating costs for Part 1 A of the Project 3,820,000 9,050.000 90% (2) Goods, works and consultants' services for Part 1.B and 1.C of the Project 440,000 250,000 100% Operating costs for Part 1.C of (3) the Project 70,000 28 750 100% Unallocated for Part 1 of the (4) project 4,998,750 - - Front-end fee (55% of total (9) amount) 23,375 23,375 100%

Subtotal 9,352,125 9,352,125

1.3.3 EC IPA Grant TF011456

B&H is the recipient of trust funds made available by of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development acting as administrator of the European Commission for the European Union Instrument for Pre-Accession Trust Fund, in the form of a grant (TF011456) amounting to EUR 5,199,142.

Under the terms of a subsidiary finance agreement between B&H and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina ("FB&H"), funds of the equivalent of EUR 2,345,142 have been lent to FB&H

4 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina

1. Introduction (continued) 1.3 Financing of the Project (continued) 1.3.3 EC IPA Grant TFO11456 (continued)

Categories of cost items to be financed out of the proceeds of the Grant, the allocation of the amounts of the Grant to each category and the percentage of expenditure for cost items so to be financed in each category are as follows:

Amount of the Amout ofthe % of expenditure Item Credit allocated %o exped (in EUR) to be financed (1) Civil works for Part 1. of the Project 400,000 100% (2) Goods for Part 1. of the Project 1,900,000 100% (3) Consultant's services for Part 1. of the Project 45,142 100%

Subtotal 2,345,142 1.3.4 SIDA Contribution No. 71001980

B&H is the recipient of trust funds made available by of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency ("SIDA"), in the form of a grant amounting to SEK 3,000,000, out of which, funds of SEK 1 500.000 have been awarded to FB&H.

Categories of cost items to be financed out of the proceeds of the Grant, the allocation of the amounts of the Grant to each category and the percentage of expenditure for cost items so to be financed in each category are as follows: Amount of the Amout ofthe % of expenditure Item Grant allocated %o exped (in SEK) to be financed

(1) Public awareness campaign 1,500,000 100%

Subtotal 1,500,000

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2. Independent Auditor's Report

To the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ministry of Finance and Treasury Attn. of Minister of Finance and Treasury H E. Mr. Vjekoslav Bevanda

Report on the project financial statements

We have audited the accompanying project financial statements of the Federation part of the Second Solid Waste Management Project (the "Project"), which comprise of Summary of sources and uses of funds, Balance sheet, Designated accounts, local bank accounts and petty cash statements, Statements of Credit and Grant withdrawals as of and for the year ended December 31, 2015, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes for the year then ended, financed under IDA Credit agreement No. 4540 BA, IBRD Loan agreement No. 7629 BA, EC IPA Grant agreement No. TF011456 and SIDA Contribution No. 71001980. These project financial statements have been prepared on the cash basis of accounting based on International Public Sector Accounting Standard ("IPSAS"), as described in Note 4.1.

Responsibility for the project financial statements

The State of Bosnia and Herzegovina, i.e. the management of the project management unit (the "Management") is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these project financial statements on the cash basis of accounting based on IPSAS, as described in Note 4.1. and on "Guidelines: Annual Financial Reporting and Auditing for World Bank - Financed Activities" issued by Financial Management Sector Board ("FMSB"), and for such internal control as the Management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of the project financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error Auditor's responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the project financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing and "Guidelines: Annual Financial Reporting and Auditing for World Bank - Financed Activities" issued by FMSB. Those Standards and Guidelines require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the project financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the special purpose project financial statements. An audit also includes assessing of the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by the Management, as well as evaluating the overall statement presentation.

We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Detoitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limitec. a U1K priVate company l,mited by guarantee, and its network of member firms, each of whch is a legally separate and independent entity Please see nttp.!'ww;ba for a detailed descrption of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limifed and its member firms

Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatss Limrted Report on the project financial statements (continued)


In our opinion, the accompanying project financial statements present fairly, in all material aspects, the financial position of the Project as of December 31, 2015 and of the funds received and disbursed during the year then ended, in accordance with basis of accounting described in Note 4.1,

Report on other requirements

In addition, with respect to the Statements of Expenditure, adequate supporting documentation has been maintained to support claims to the World Bank for reimbursements of expenditures incurred; and all expenditures included in withdrawal applications and reimbursed against are eligible for financing under the Project.

Deloitte do.o. Sead Bahtanovid , director and licensed auditor Mirza Bihorac, licensed auditor

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina May 6, 2016

7 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR. unless otherwise stated)

3. Project financial statements for the year 2015

3.1 Summary of sources and uses of funds under the IDA Credit No. 4540 BA, IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA, EC IPA Grant TF011456, SIDA Contribution No. 71001980, Government contribution and Other income Actual Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Ref. 2015 2015 2014 budget variance FINANCING IDA Credit No. 4540 BA 3.1.1 264,403 3,239 355 2,974,952 6,203,472 2,964,117 IBRD Loan No.7629 BA 3.1.2 463,673 1,927,336 1,463,663 9,352,125 7,424,789 EC IPA Grant TFO 11456 3.1.3. - 2,345,142 2,345,142 2,345,142 - SIDA Contribution No. 71001980 3.1.4 (17,485) 148,506 165,991 148,506 - Government contribution 3.1.5 3,205 900,202 896,997 1,345,000 444,798 Other income 3.1.6 (533) 11,887 12,420 - (11,887)

TOTAL FINANCING 3.2 713,263 8,572,428 7,859,165 19,394,245 10,821,817

PROJECT EXPENDITURE By Category Goods, works, consultants' services and operating costs for Part 1 A of the Project 696,772 4,765,920 4,069,148 15,401,490 10,635,570 Goods, works and consultants' services for Parts 1.B and 1.C of the Project 160,109 466.770 306,661 990,187 523,417 Operating costs for Part 1.0 of the Project 34,902 103,373 68,471 357,722 254,349 Front-end fee - 565,292 565,292 400,000 (165,292) Civil Works for Part 1 of the Project 90 1,752,770 1,752,680 1,900,000 147,230 Goods for Part 1 of the Project - 27.080 27,080 45,142 18,062 Consultant's Services for Part 1 of the Project - 23,375 23,375 23,375 - Public awareness campaign - 127,436 127,436 127,823 387 Emergency transfer to Municipality - 148,506 148,506 148,506 -

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 3.2 891,873 7,980,522 7,088,649 19,394,245 11,413,723

PROJECT EXPENDITURE By Component Waste management 697,775 7,341,180 6,643,405 17,694,702 10,353,522 Capacity building 171,056 347,848 176,792 776,348 428,500 Project management and operating cost 23,042 142,988 119,946 774,689 631 701 Public awareness campaign - 148,506 148,506 148,506 -

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 3.2 891,873 7,980,522 7,088,649 19,394,245 11,413,723

8 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR, unless otherwise stated)

3. Project financial statements for the year 2015 (continued)

3.1.1 Summary of sources and uses of funds under the IDA Credit agreement No. 4540 BA

Actual Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Ref. 2015 2015 2014 budget variance FINANCING IDA Credit No. 4540 BA 6,203.472 Initial deposit - 300,000 300,000 Direct payments - 1,009,178 1,009,178 SoE replenishments 264,403 1,930,177 1,665,774

TOTAL FINANCING 3.1 264,403 3,239,355 2,974,952 6,203,472 2,964,117

PROJECT EXPENDITURE By Category Goods, works, consultants' services and operating costs for Part 1.A of the Project 176,513 2,710,326 2.533,813 5,134,313 2,423,987 Goods, works and consultants' services for Parts 1.B and 1.C of the Project 20,288 291,748 271,460 740,187 448,439 Operating costs for Part 1.C of the Project 21,743 45,859 24,116 328,972 283,113

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 3.2 218,544 3,047,933 2,829,389 6,203,472 3,155,539

9 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR. unless otherwise stated)

3. Project financial statements for the year 2015 (continued)

3.1.2 Summary of sources and uses of funds under the lBRD Loan agreement No. 7029 BA

Actual Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Ref. 2015 2015 2014 budget variance FINANCING IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA 9,352,125 Initial deposit - 400,000 400,000 Direct payments 98,795 218,759 119,964 SoE replenishments 364,878 1,285,202 920,324 Front-end fee 23375 23,375

TOTAL FINANCING 3-1 463,673 1,927,336 1,463,663 9,352,125 7,424,789

PROJECT EXPENDITURE By Category Goods, works, consultants' services and operating costs for Part 1.A of the Project 461,956 1,562,090 1.100,134 9,050,000 7,487.910 Goods, works and consultants' services for Parts 1..B and 1.C of the Project 136,918 153,009 16,091 250,000 96,991 Operating costs for Part 1.C of the Project 6,691 9,367 2,676 28,750 19,383 Front-end fee - 23,375 23,375 23,375 -

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 3 2 605,565 1,747,841* 1,142,276* 9,352,125 7,604,284

* The difference of EUR 800 between the cumulative expenditure as per Appendix B.2 and total expenditure reported in table 3.1.2 - Cumulative 2015 and Cumulative 2014 is due to foreign bank charges from 2010, which have not yet been claimed as expenditure of the Project through SoE applications.

10 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (alt amounts in EUR, unless otherwise stated)

3. Project financial statements for the year 2015 (continued)

3.1.3 Summary of sources and uses of funds under the EC IPA Grant TF011456

Actual Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Ref. 2015 2015 2014 budget variance FINANCING EC /PA Grant TF011456 2,345,142 Initial deposit - 400,000 400,000 Direct payments - 1,777,661 1,777,661 SoE replenishments - 167,481 167,481

TOTAL FINANCING 3.1 - 2,345,142 2,345,142 2,345,142

PROJECT EXPENDITURE By Category Civil Works for Part 1 of the Project - 565,292 565,292 400,000 (165,292) Goods for Part I of the Project 90 1,752,770 1,752,680 1,900,000 147,230 Consultant's Services for Part 1 of the Project - 27,080 27,080 45,142 18,062

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 3,2 90 2,345,142 2,345,052 2,345,142 -

11 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financiai statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR, unless otherwise stated)

3. Project financial statements for the year 2015 (continued)

3.1.4 Summary of sources and uses of funds under the SIDA Contribution No. 71001980

Actual Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Ref. 2015 2015 2014 budget variance FINANCING SIDA Contribution No. 71001980 (17,485) 148,506 165,991 148,506

TOTAL FINANCING 3.1 (17,485) 148,506 165,991 148,506

PROJECT EXPENDITURE By Category Public awareness campaign __148,506 148,506 148,506

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 3.2 - 148,506 148,506 148,506

12 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (at/ amounts in EUR, unless otherwise stated)

3. Project financial statements for the year 2015 (continued)

3.1.5 Summary of sources and uses of funds under Government contribution

Actual Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Ref. 2015 2015 2014 budget variance FINANCING Government contribution 3,205 900 202 896997 1,345 000 444,798

TOTAL FINANCING 3.1 3,205 900,202 896,997 1,345,000 444,798

PROJECT EXPENDITURE By Category Goods, works, consultants' services and operating costs for Part 1.A of the Project 58,303 493,504 435.201 1,217,177 723,673 Goods, works and consultants' services for Parts 1.8 and 1.C of the Project 2,903 22,013 19,110 - (22,013) Operating costs for Part 1.0 of the Project 6,458 48,137 41,679 - (48,137) Emergency transfer for Municipality Maglaj - 127,436 127,436 127,823 387

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 3.2 67,664 691,090 623,426 1,345,000 653,910

13 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR, unless otherwise stated)

3. Project financial statements for the year 2015 (continued)

3.1.6 Summary of sources and uses of funds under Other income

Actual Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Ref. 2015 2015 2014 budget variance FINANCING Interest - IDA Credit accounts - 474 474 - (474) Interest - IBRD Loan accounts 8 23 15 - (23) Interest - SIDA grant accounts - 10 10 (10) Interest - Government accounts 17 2,677 2,660 - (2,677) Tender documentation sold 713 745 32 - (745) Non-project funds, net* (1,271) 7,958 9,229 - (7,958)

TOTAL FINANCING 3.1 (533) 11,887 12,420 - (11,887)

PROJECT EXPENDITURE By Category Operating costs 10 10 - (10)

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 3.2 10 10 -- 10)

* The net amount of EUR 7,958 relates to the non-project related inflows and outflows made during the year by PIT 2ivinice (Government contribution) from the PITs' local bank account. The remaining amount of funds will be used entirely in year 2016.

14 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December31 2015 (all amounts in EUR, unless otherwise stated)

3. Project financial statements for the year 2015 (continued)

3.2 Balance sheet as of December 31, 2015 showing accumulated funds of the project and bank balance concerning World Bank funding December 31, December 31, Ref. 2015 2014

ASSETS Project expenditure under IDA Credit No. 4540 BA 3-1.1 3.047,933 2829,389 Project expenditure under IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA 3.1.2 1,747,841 1,142,276 Project expenditure under EC IPA Grant No.TF 011456 3.1.3 2,345,142 2.345.052 Project expenditure under SIDA Contribution No. 71001980 31.4 148,506 148,506 Project expenditure under Government contribution 3.1.5 691,090 623,426 Project expenditure under Other income 3,1.6 10 -

7,980,522 7,088,649

Designated account - IDA Credit No. 4540 BA A.1 208,892 160,365 Local bank account - IDA Credit No. 4540 BA (PIT Mostar) A.2 - 16,329 Local bank account - IDA Credit No. 4540 BA (PIT 2ivinice) A.3 11,743 12,787 Local bank account - IDA Credit No. 4540 BA (PIT Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje) A.4 23,923 - Petty cash - IDA Credit No. 4540 BA (PIT 2ivinice) A.5 16 44 Petty cash - IDA Credit No. 4540 BA (PIT Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje) A.6 - - Designated account - IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA A.7 160,358 306,417 Local bank account - IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA (PIT Zenica) A.8 3280 730 Local bank account - IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA (PIT Livno) A.9 19,430 15,776 Local bank account - IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA (PIT Bihac) A,10 610 869 Petty cash - IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA (PIT Zenica) A.1 1 102 112 Petty cash - IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA (PIT Bihac) A.12 206 1 Designated account - EC IPA Grant TF011456 A.13 - 87 Designated account - SIDA Contribution No. 71001980 A.14 - 17,495 Local bank account - Government contribution A.1 5 151,110 229,646 Local bank account - Government contribution (PIT Mostar) A.16 - 3,613 Local bank account - Government contribution (PIT Zenica) A.17 939 1,126 Local bank account - Government contribution (PIT Livno) A-18 2,376 1,500 Local bank account - Government contribution (PIT 2ivinice) A.19 2,468 279 Local bank account - Government contribution (PIT Bihad) A.20 1,588 316 Local bank account - Government contribution (PIT Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje) A.21 3,125 - Petty cash - Government contribution A.22 939 2,048 Petty cash - Government contribution (PIT Mostar) A.23 - 52 Petty cash - Government contribution (PIT Livno) A.24 96 259 Petty cash - Government contribution (PIT Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje) A.25 40

591,241 769,851

Advances for business trips 665 665

Total assets 8,572,428 7,859,165

15 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR. unless othorivise stated)

3. Project financial statements for the year 2015 (continued)

3.2 Balance sheet as of December 31, 2015 showing accumulated funds of the project and bank balance concerning World Bank funding

December 31, December 31, Ref. 2015 2014

LIABILITIES IDA Credit No. 4540 BA C.1 3,239,355 2,974,952 IBRID Loan No. 7629 BA C-2 1.927,336 1,463 663 IPA Grant No. 011456 C.3 2,345,142 2.345,142 SIDA Credit No. 71001980 C.4 148,506 165,991 Government contribution 3,1.3 900,202 895,997 Other income 31.4 11,887 12,420

Total liabilities 8,572,428 7,859,165

Signed and authorised by:

Anto Covjd Atifa 4a[ilodic Project Coordinator Financial Manager

Sarajevo, May 6, 2016

16 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts fn EUR, unless otherwise stated)

4. Notes to the project financial statements

4.1 Basis of preparation and accounting records

These project financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standard: 'Financial Reporting under the Cash Basis of Accounting" issued by the Public Sector Committee of the International Federation of Accountants, and incorporate the accounting policies below, which have been consistently followed in all material respects and comply with the "Guidelines Annual Financial Reporting and Auditing for World Bank - Financed Activities". issued by the Financial Management Sector Board.

4.2 Accounting policies

The Project's fiscal year is January 1 to December 31 for the recording of all transactions.

Cash basis of accounting

All receipts and expenses under IDA Credit / IBRD Loan / EC IPA Grant / SIDA Contribution are recorded on actual receipt and payment basis of accounting as per approved categories. Project expenditure is stated at original cost on the balance sheet

Direct payments

Direct payments concern the amounts paid directly from the IDA Credit / IBRD Loan / EC IPA Grant accounts of the World Bank.

Statement of Expenditure (SoE)

Statements of Expenditure are used to state the expenditure under IDA Credit / IBRD Loan / EC 1PA Grant during a certain period. These statements are sent to the World Bank's disbursement department who authorises the payment of the expenditure through the Designated accounts.

Currency conversions

The reporting currency is Euro (EUR). Sources and use of funds (payments to suppliers and contractors) in currencies other than EUR have been converted to EUR using the currency rate at the moment of the transaction.

Bank balances, recorded on the balance sheet at year-end, have been converted at year-end rate,

Designated accounts

This is the total amount of the withdrawals from the IDA Credit I IBRD Loan / EC IPA Grant / SIDA Contribution accounts for the Project. IDA Credit account is in XDR. IBRD Loan account is in EUR. EC IPA Grant account is in EUR. SIDA Contribution is in SEK.

17 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR. unless otherwise stated)

4. Notes to the project financial statements (continued)

4.2 Accounting policies (continued)

Local bank accounts

This concerns bank accounts at local banks (other than Designated accounts) in local currency translated at the exchange rate at the date of the balance sheet,

Other income

Other income includes interest earned on cash funds at the bank accounts and tender documentation sold,

Interest on Designated accounts

Interest earned on the Designated accounts belongs to the Borrower.

Interest on local bank accounts

Interest earned on the local bank accounts used for the payments from IDA Credit / IBRD Loan / EC IPA Grant / SIDA Contribution funds belongs to the Borrower interest earned on the local bank accounts used for the payments from Government contribution is treated as additional source of financing of the Project.

18 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31 2015 (all amounts in EUR, unless otherwise stated)


Account owned by: Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Account No.: 10000349101

Depository Bank: UniCredit Bank d-d-

Address: Kardinala Stepinca b.b, Mostar

Related Credit: IDA Credit No. 4540 BA

Currency: EUR

Ref. EUR

Opening balance January 1, 2015 3.2 160,365 Add: World Bank replenishments B.1 264,403

264,403 Deduct: Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under IDA Credit 51,550 Transfers to Local bank account - IDA Credit (PIT Mostar) A.2 37,281 Transfers to Local bank account - IDA Credit (PIT Zivinice) A.3 60,858 Transfers to Local bank account - IDA Credit (PIT Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje) A.4 66,187


Ending balance December 31, 2015 3.2 208,892

19 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR, unless otherwise stated)


Account owned by: JP Deponija d.o.o. Mostar

Account No.: 1610200050840126

Depository Bank: Raiffeisen Bank d.d. BiH

Address: Zmaja od Bosne b,b., Sarajevo

Related Credit: IDA Credit No. 4540 BA

Currency: BAM


Opening balance January 1, 2015 3.2 31,937 16,329

Add: Transfers from Designated account - IDA Credit A.1 72 915 37,281

72,915 37,281

Deduct: Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under IDA Credit 104,852 53,610

104,852 53,610

Ending balance December 31, 2015 3.2 - -

20 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR. un/ess otherwise stated)


Account owned by: JP EKO-SEP d.o.o. 2ivinice

Account No.: 1543602004780610

Depository Bank: Intesa Sanpaolo Banka d.d. BiH

Address: Obala Kulina Bana 9a, Sarajevo

Related Credit: IDA Credit No. 4540 BA

Currency: BAM


Opening balance January 1, 2015 3.2 25,009 12,787 Add: Transfers from Designated account - IDA Credit A,1 119,028 60,858 Non-project inflows 14,999 7,669

134,027 68,527 Deduct: Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under IDA Credit 114,334 58,458 Non-project outflows 17,485 8,940 Transfers to Petty cash - IDA Credit (PIT 2ivinice) A.5 4,250 2,173

136,069 69,571

Ending balance December 31, 2015 3.2 22,967 11,743

21 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR. unless otherwise stated)


Account owned by: Regionalni centar ua upravijanje otpadom d,o.o. Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje

Account No.: 14143853200051530

Depository Bank: Bank International d.d-

Address: Trg djece Sarajeva 1, Sarajevo

Related Credit: IDA Credit No. 4540 BA

Currency: BAM


Opening balance January 1, 2015 3.2 -

Add: Transfers from Designated account - IDA Credit (PIT Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje) A.1 129,451 66,181

129,451 66,187

Deduct: Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under IDA Credit 81,662 41,753 Transfer to Petty cash - IDA Credit (PIT Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje) A.6 999 511

81,662 42,264

Ending balance December 31, 2015 3.2 47,789 23,923

22 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR, unless othenvise stated)


Address: PIT, Zivinice

Related Credit: IDA Credit No. 4540 BA

Currency: BAM


Opening balance January 1, 2015 3.2 87 44

Add Transfer from Local bank account - IDA Credit (PIT ivinice) A.3 4250 2,173

4,250 2,173

Deduct: Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under IDA Credit 4,305 2,201 4,305 2,201

Ending balance December 31, 2015 3.2 32 16

23 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31. 2015 (all amounts in EUR- unless otherwise stated)


Address: PIT, Gornji Vakuf

Related Credit: IDA Credit No- 4540 BA

Currency: BAM


Opening balance January 1, 2015 3.2

Add: Transfer from Local bank account - IDA Credit (PIT Gornji Vakuf-Uskopje) A4 1,000 511

1,000 511

Deduct: Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under IDA Credit 1,000 511

1,000 511

Ending balance December 31, 2015 3 2 -

24 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR, unless other-wise stated)


Account owned by: Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Account No.: 10000347101

Depository Bank: UniCredit Bank d-d.

Address: Kardinala Stepinca b.b., Mostar

Related Credit: IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA

Currency: EUR

Ref. EUR

Opening balance January 1, 2015 3.2 306,417

Add: World Bank replenishments B.2 364,878 Transfers from Designated account - SIDA Contribution A.13 173


Deduct: Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under IBRD Loan 337,264 Transfer to Local bank account - IBRD Loan (PIT Zenica) A.8 16,563 Transfer to Local bank account - IBRD Loan (PIT Livno) A.9 63,526 Transfer to Local bank account - IBRD Loan (PIT Bihac) A-10 93,671 Transfer to Designated account - SIDA Contribution A.13 86


Ending balance December 31, 2015 3.2 160,358

25 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (alt amounts in EUR, un)ess otherwise stated)


Account owned by: Regionalna deponija Modanica d-o-.o Zenica

Account No.: 3389002206300997

Depository Bank: UniCredit Bank d-d.

Address: Kardinala Stepinca b.b., Mostar

Related Credit: IBRD Loan No. 76290 BA

Currency: BAM


Opening balance January 1, 2015 3.2 1,427 730

Add: Transfers from Designated account - IBRD Loan A.7 32,394 16,563 Interest 2 1 32,396 16,564

Deduct: Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under IBRD Loan 27,409 14,014 27,409 14,014

Ending balance December 31, 2015 3.2 5,593 3,280

26 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR, unless otherwise stated)


Account owned by: Javno preduzece "Li-bistoca" d .c Livno

Account No.: 3381502281312539

Depository Bank: UniCredit Bank d.d.

Address: Kardinala Stepinca b.b., Mostar

Related Credit: IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA

Currency: BAM


Opening balance January 1, 2015 3.2 30,855 15,776

Add: Transfers from Designated account - IBRD Loan A.7 126,246 63,526 Interest 14 7

124,260 63,533

Deduct Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under IBRD Loan 117,113 59 879

117,113 _59,879

Ending balance December 31, 2015 3.2 9,868 19,430

27 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR, unless othenvise stated)


Account owned by: JP Centar upravljanja otpadom REG-DEP-PIT TIM d.o.o. Bihac

Account No.: 501011083

Depository Bank: Union banka d.d.

Address: Dubrova6ka br, 6. Sarajevo

Related Credit: IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA

Currency: BAM


Opening balance January 1, 2015 3.2 1,700 869 Add: Transfers from Designated account - 18RD Loan A.7 183,205 93,671

183,205 93,671 Deduct: Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under IBRD Loan 175,534 89,749 Transfers to Petty cash - IBRD Loan (PIT Biha6) A.12 8,177 4,181

183,711 93,930

Ending balance December 31, 2015 3.2 1,194 610

28 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (afl amounts in EUR, unless otherwise stated)


Address: PIT, Zenica

Related Credit: IBRD Loan No. 76290 BA

Currency: BAM


Opening balance January 1, 2015 3,2 217 112


Deduct: Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under IBRD Loan 20 10

Ending balance December 31, 2015 3.2 197 102

29 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR, unless otherwise stated)


Address: PIT, Bihac

Related Credit: IBRD Loan No- 76290 BA

Currency: BAM


Opening balance January 1, 2015 3.2 2 1

Add: Transfers from Local bank account - IBRD Loan (PIT Bihac) A,10 8,177 4.181

8,177 4,181

Deduct: Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under IBRD Loan 7,776 3,976

7,776 3,976

Ending balance December 31, 2015 3.2 403 206

30 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR unless otherwise stated)


Account owned by: Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Account No.: 10000367101

Depository Bank: UniCredit Bank d.d-

Address: Kardinala Stepinca b.b., Mostar

Related Credit: EC IPA Grant TF01 1456

Currency: EUR

Ref. EUR

Opening balance January 1, 2015 3.2 87

Add: Transfers from Designated account - IBRD Loan A.7 86

Deduct Transfer to Designated account - IBRD Loan A.7 173


Ending balance December 31, 2015 3.2 -

31 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR, unless otherwise stated)


Account owned by: Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Account No.: 194 101 49248272 54

Depository Bank: ProCredit Bank d.d.

Address: Emerika Bluma br. 8 Sarajevo

Related Credit: SIDA Contribution No, 71001980

Currency: EUR

Ref. EUR

Opening balance January 1, 2015 3.2 17,495


Deduct. Refund to the World Bank 3.1.4 17,485 Bank charges 3.1.6 10


Ending balance December 31, 2015 3.2 -

32 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR, unless otherwise stated)


Account owned by: Ministry of Finance of FB&H

Account No.: 154001-2000314861

Depository Bank: Intesa Sanpaolo banka d.d BiH

Address: Obala Kulina Bana 2a, Sarajevo

Related Credit: Government contribution

Currency: BAM


Opening balance January 1, 2015 3.2 449,150 229,646 Add: VAT returns 2.275 1,163 Interest 31 16

2,306 1,179 Deduct: Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under Government 85,464 43,697 Transfers to Local bank account - Government (PIT Mostar) A.16 6,302 3.222 Transfers to Local bank account - Government (PIT Zenica) A.17 1,899 971 Transfers to Local bank account - Government (PIT Livno) A.18 14,600 7.465 Transfers to Local bank account - Government (PIT 2ivinice) A.19 12,899 6,595 Transfers to Local bank account - Government (PIT Bihad) A.20 20,356 10.408 Transfers to Local bank account - Government (PIT Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje) A 21 14,389 7.357

155,909 79,715

Ending balance December 31, 2015 3.2 295,547 151,110

33 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR. uniess otherwise stated)


Account owned by: JP Deponija d,o.0. Mostar

Account No.: 1610200050840223

Depository Bank: Raiffeisen Bank d.d. BiH

Address: Zmaja od Bosne b-b-, Sarajevo

Related Credit: Government contribution

Currency: BAM


Opening balance January 1, 2015 3.2 7,066 3,613

Add: Transfers from Local bank account - Government AA5 6,302 3,222

6,302 3,222

Deduct: Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under Government 10,968 5,608 Transfers to Petty cash - Government (PIT Mostar) A.23 2,400 1,227

13,368 6,835

Ending balance December 31, 2015 3.2 - -

34 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR, unless otherwise stated)


Account owned by: Regionaina deponija Mos6anica d.o.o. Zenica

Account No.: 134-010-00003245-85

Depository Bank: Investiciono-komercijaina banka d,d.

Address: Trg Bosne i Hercegovine 1, Zenica

Related Credit: Government contribution

Currency: BAM


Opening balance January 1, 2015 3.2 2,202 1,126 Add Transfers from Local bank account - Government AA 5 1,899 971 Tender documentation sold 1,195 611

3,094 1,582 Deduct Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under Government 3,460 1 769

3,460 1,769

Ending balance December 31, 2015 3.2 1,836 939

35 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR unless otherwmse stated)


Account owned by: Javno preduzece "LI-6istoca" d.o,o. Livno

Account No.: 3381502281122516

Depository Bank: UniCredit Bank d.d.

Address: Kardinala Stepinca b.b., Mostar

Related Credit: Government contribution

Currency: BAM


Opening balance January 1, 2015 3.2 2,934 1,500

Add: Transfers from Local bank account - Government A-15 14.600 7,465 VAT returns 3,994 2,042 Interest 2 1

18,596 9,508

Deduct: Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under Government 15,883 8,121 Transfer to Petty cash - Government (PIT Livno) A.24 999 511

16,882 8,632

Ending balance December 31, 2015 3.2 4,648 2,376

36 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR, unless otherwise stated)


Account owned by; JP EKO-SEP d,o.o. Zivinice

Account No.: 33860222739874

Depository Bank: UniCredit Bank d,d.

Address: Kardinala Stepinca b-b., Mostar

Related Credit: Government contribution

Currency: BAM


Opening balance January 1, 2015 3.2 545 279 Add: Transfers from Local bank account - Government A.15 12,889 6,595

12,889 6,595 Deduct: Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under Government 8,617 4.406

8,617 4,406

Ending balance December 31, 2015 3.2 4,282 2,468

37 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR. unless otherwise stated)


Account owned by: JP Centar upravljanja otpadom REG-DEP-PIT TIM d.o-o- Bihac

Account No.: 15000831001

Depository Bank: UniCredit Bank d-d.

Address: Kardinala Stepinca b.b., Mostar

Related Credit: Government contribution

Currency; BAM


Opening balance January 1, 2015 3-2 618 316

Add: Transfers from Local bank account - Government A.15 20,356 10,408

20,356 10,408

Deduct: Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under Government 17,868 9,136

17,868 9,136

Ending balance December 31, 2015 3.2 3,106 1,588

38 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR. unless otherwise stated)


Account owned by: Regionalni centar ua upravljanje otpadom d,o.o. Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje

Account No.: 1414385320005056

Depository Bank: Bosna Bank International d-o.,

Address: Trg djece Sarajeva 1 Sarajevo

Related Credit: Government contribution

Currency: BAM


Opening balance January 1, 2015

Add: Transfers from Local bank account - Government (PIT Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje) A.15 14,389 7,357

14,389 7,357 Deduct: Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under Government 4,878 2,494 Transfer to Petty cash - Government (PIT Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje) A.25 3.399 1,738

4,878 4,232

Ending balance December 31, 2015 9,511 3,125

39 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR, unless otherwise stated)


Address: PMU, Sarajevo

Related Credit: Government contribution

Currency: BAM


Opening balance January 1, 2015 3-2 4,006 2,048 Add:

Deduct: Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under Government 2,169 1,109

2,169 1,109

Ending balance December 31, 2015 3,2 1,837 939

40 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR, unless otherwise stated)


Address: PIT, Mostar

Related Credit: Government contribution

Currency: BAM


Opening balance January 1, 2015 3.2 102 52

Add: Transfers from Local bank account - Government (PIT Mostar) A16 2,400 1,227

2,400 1,227

Deduct: Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under Government 2,502 1,279

2,502 1,279

Ending balance December 31, 2015 3.2 - -

41 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR, unless otherwise stated)


Address: PIT, Livno

Related Credit: Government contribution

Currency: BAM


Opening balance January 1, 2015 3.2 507 259 Add: Transfers from Local bank account - Government (PIT Livno) A.18 999 511 Tender documentation sold 199 102

1,198 613 Deduct: Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under Government 1,518 776

1,518 776

Ending balance December 31, 2015 3.2 187 96

42 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR, unless otherwise stated)


Address: PIT, Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje

Related Credit: Government contribution

Currency: BAM


Opening balance January 1, 2015

Add: Transfers from Local bank account - Government (PIT Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje) A 21 3,399 1,738

3,399 1,738 Deduct: Payments to suppliers - Expenditure under Government 3,321 1,698

3,321 1,698

Ending balance December 31, 2015 78 40

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APPENDIX CA Reconciliation between World Bank's disbursement statements in XDR and IDA Credit account in EUR according to the balance sheet as of December 31, 2015; SoE Withdrawal Schedule of IDA Credit No. 4540 BA

Changesin Exchange Changesin IDA Credit rate used IDA Credit (in XDR) (in EUR)

Original amount 5,280,000 1.174900 6,203,472

Disbursed in previous years 2,581,269 1.193883 2,974,952

Withdrawal 28 109,455 1.253977 137,254 Withdrawal 29 46,279 1.268329 58,697 Withdrawal 30 55,102 1.242278 68,452

Total disbursed in 2015 210,836 264,403

Cumulative disbursements 2,792,105 3,239,355

Calculated undisbursed balance as of December 31, 2015 2,487,895 2,964,117 U ndisbu rsed bala nce as pe r Wo rl d Ban k Summary for December 2015 2,487,895 1.272830 3,166,667

Potential exchange rate gain 202,550

47 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR. unless otherwise stated)

APPENDIX C.2 Reconciliation between World Bank's disbursement statements in EUR and IBRD Loan account in EUR according to the Balance sheet as of December 31, 2015; SoE Withdrawal Schedule of IBRD Loan No. 7629 BA

Changes in IBRD Loan (in EUR)

Original amount 9,352,125

Disbursed in previous years 1,463,663

Withdrawal 18 71,553 Withdrawal 19 48,881 Withdrawal 20 244,444 Withdrawal 21 98,795 Total disbursed in 2015 463,673

Cumulative disbursements 1,927,336

Calculated undisbursed balance as of December 31, 2015 7,424,789

Undisbursed balance as per World Bank Summary for December 2015 7,424,789

48 SECOND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 (all amounts in EUR, unless otherwise stated)

APPENDIX C.3 Reconciliation between World Bank's disbursement statements in EUR and EC IPA Grant account in EUR according to the Balance sheet as of December 31, 2015; SoE Withdrawal Schedule of EC IPA Grant TF011456

Changes in IPA Grant (in EUR)

Original amount 2,345,142

Disbursed in previous years 2,345,142

Total disbursed in 2015

Cumulative disbursements 2,345,142

Calculated undisbursed balance as of December 31, 2015

Undisbursed balance as per World Bank Summary for December 2015