Checklist of the Native common name . . . . abundance/locations

ABUNDANCE: C=common FC=fairly common U=uncommon R=rare VR=very rare Trees of Park — over — LOCATIONS Cypress Family Legume Family Eastern Redcedar . . . . U/1-2,5-9 Pin Oak ...... FC/1,4-9 Redbud ...... FC/1P,4-8 Scarlet Oak ...... FC/1P-9 Black Locust ...... C/A A = all of Sligo from East-West Pine Family Southern Red Oakc ...... FC/A Hwy through Kemp Mill Pitch Pine ...... R/1C,5,7 Black-jack Oak ...... VR/1P-3 Cashew Family Shortleaf/Yellow Pine . . R/6,8,9 Shingle Oak ...... U/3-9 Smooth Sumac* ...... R/1P,6 1 = East-West Hwy to New e* Pine ...... FC/1-2, 4-9 Willow Oak ...... FC/1-6,8 Winged Sumac . . . . . R/1P,6,9 Hampshire (NH) Ave Eastern Hemlock ...... VR/2 Staghorn Sumac . . U-R/1P,5-6,8 1C = East-West thru Pepco Elm Family Willow Family American Elm ...... C/A Holly Family corridor Black Willow ...... U/1,5-9 Hackberry ...... U/5-7 American Holly* ...... FC/A 1P = Pepco corridor to NH Ave Big-tooth Aspen ...... R/8 2 = New Hampshire to Maple Ave East. Cottonwood . . U/1C,2,4,6,9 Mulberry Family Maple Family 3 = Maple to Rd Red Mulberry ...... R/3,6 Red Maple ...... C/A 4 = Piney Branch to Wayne Ave Walnut Family Silver Maple ...... FC/A 5 = Wayne to Colesville Rd (Rt 29) Black Walnut ...... FC/A Magnolia Family Box Elder ...... C/A 6 = Colesville to Forest Glen Rd Bitternut Hickory ...... R/1C Umbrella Magnolia ...... R/3,8 Mockernut Hickory ...... FC/A Tulip Tree ...... C/A Sour Gum/Tupelo Family 7 = Forest Glen to Dennis Ave Pignut Hickory ...... FC/A Black Gumf ...... FC/A 8 = Dennis to University Blvd Custard-apple Family 9 = above University (Kemp Mill) Birch Family Pawpaw ...... U-R/1C,2-3,6,8 Ginseng Family American Hornbeama . . . . .FC/A Hercules-club* . . . . . U/1P-2,6-8 River Birch ...... FC/1,3-7,9 Laurel Family NOTES Smooth Alder ...... U/3,5-6,8 Sassafras ...... C/A Dogwood Family Flowering Dogwood ...... C/A * can be a tree or shrub Beech Family Witch-Hazel Family Witch-Hazel* ...... U-FC/1P-5 Ebony Family American Beech . . . . FC/1-6,8-9 a C. caroliniana, aka Ironwood, American Chestnut . R/1P,3,5,7-8 Sweet Gum ...... U/1C,5,7,9 Persimmon ...... FC/1-2, 5-9 b Muscle tree Allegheny Chinkapin . .VR/1P,8 b White Oak ...... C/A Plane-tree Family Olive Family aka Eastern Chinkapin (Chinquapin) Post Oak ...... U/1P, 7-9 Sycamore ...... C/A White Ash ...... FC/A c aka Spanish Oak Green Ash ...... FC/A d Swamp White Oak ...... VR/5 * aka Serviceberry, Shadbush Rose Family Fringe-tree ...... R/1P-2,8-9 e Chinkapin Oak ...... VR/7-8 d aka Shining Sumac Chestnut Oak ...... U/1P-2 Downy Juneberry . . U-FC/1P-4, f N. sylvatica, aka Sour Gum, Tupelo Red Oak ...... FC/A 6-9 Honeysuckle Family g d g* V. prunifolium, aka Smooth Black Oak ...... FC/A Smooth Juneberry ...... VR/2 Black Haw ...... FC/A Black Cherry ...... C/A Blackhaw

SOURCE: Adapted from John Parrish and RG Steinman, Native Plants of the Sligo Creek Checklist produced by the Natural History Committee of the Friends Watershed [], 2003, at, under "Plants and Animals." of Sligo Creek. We hope it helps you get better acquainted with the trees around you in While hosting an abundance of native trees, Sligo also suffers from the spread of invasive non- the Park. Send feedback to [email protected]. native species and ornamental varieties, such as Bradford Pear, Norway Maple, Tree of 2009 Heaven, Princess Tree, White Mulberry and Mimosa. Please don’t plant them in your yards.