Ayurvedic Jyotisha 101

[email protected] www.celestialgazing.com Chant to the Nine Planets (Navagrahas) 2

Om Gan Ganapataye Namaha (3x)

Brahmā Murari Tripurāndhakāri Bhānu Shashī Bhūmi-suto Budhascha Guru-sca Shukra Shani Rāhu Ketava Kurvanthu Sarve Mama Suprabatham

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Week 5 3

• Practice charts • 27 • Planetary Remedial Measures • Q&A Practice Chart 4 Practice Chart 5 6

Nakshatras What are Nakshatras (Lunar Manisons) 7

• Each rashi is defined by the movement of the sun as it passes through a grouping of stars in the course of a month. • A rashi is 30 degrees and 12 rashis equal 360 degrees • Each (‘fixed stars’) is defined by the movement of the moon as it passes through a grouping of stars in the course of a 24-hour day. • A nakshatra is 3 degrees: 20 minutes and 27 nakshatras equals 360 degrees 8 9 Nakshatra Deity and Shakti 10

# Name Rashi Degree Devata Shakti

1 Ashwini Aries 0.00-13.20 Aswhini Kumars, celestial healing twins Power to accomplish things quickly

2 Bharani Aries 13.20-26.40 , lord of death Power to remove things in life

3 Krittika Aries-Taurus 26.40-10.00 , lord of fire Power to burn or destroy

4 Rohini Taurus 10.00-23.20 Prajapati, the creator god Power to grow and create

5 Mrigashira Taurus-Gemini 23.20-6.40 , the moon Power to fulfill desires

6 Ardra Gemini 6.40-20.00 , an ancient form of Shiva Power to hit a target

7 Punarvasu Gemini-Cancer 20.00-3.20 Aditi, mother earth Power to gain wealth

8 Pushya Cancer 3.20-16.40 Brihaspati, preceptor of the gods Power to gain spiritual knowledge

9 Ashlesha Cancer 16.40-30.00 Nagas, celestial serpent snakes Power to inflict poison

10 Magha Leo 0.00-13.20 Pitris, ancestors Power to leave the body

11 Purva Phalguni Leo 13.20-26.40 , god of traditions Power to procreate

12 Uttara Phalguni Leo-Virgo 26.40-10.00 , god of bliss Power to bring happiness

13 Hasta Virgo 10.00-23.20 Savitar, sun god Power to obtain goals through our hands Nakshatra Deity and Shakti 11

# Name Rashi Degree Devata Shakti

14 Chitra Virgo-Libra 23.20-6.40 Tvashtar, celestial architect Power to achieve good merit

15 Swati Libra 6.40-20.00 Vayu, wind god Power to scatter, like the wind

16 Vishakha Libra-Scorpio 20.00-3.20 -Agni, dual gods Indra and Agni Power to accomplish goals and aspirations

17 Anuradha Scorpio 3.20-16.40 , god of friendship Power to make friends

18 Jyeshta Scorpio 16.40-30.00 Indra, king of heaven Power to conquer

19 Mula Sagittarius 0.00-13.20 Nirriti, goddess of destruction Power to destroy

20 Purva Ashadha Sagittarius 13.20-26.40 Apas, water goddesses Power to invigorate

21 Uttara Ashadha Sagittarius-Capricorn 26.40-10.00 Visvedevas, all the gods collectively Power to be victorious

22 Shravana Capricorn 10.00-23.20 Vishnu, the sustainer of the universe Power to connect with others

23 Dhanishta Capricorn-Aquarius 23.20-6.40 , earthly gods Power to be famous and wealthy

24 Shatabhishak Aquarius 6.40-20.00 , lord of the waters Power to heal

25 Purva Bhadrapada Aquarius-Pisces 20.00-3.20 Aja Ekapada, one-legged serpent Power of spiritual growth

26 Uttara Bhadrapada Pisces 3.20-16.40 Ahirbudhnya, cloud serpent Power to bring rain

27 Revati Pisces 16.40-30.00 , lord of cattle Power to nourish What are Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions) 12

• Natal moon nakshatra is most important • Baby’s name • Birthdays • Marital compatibility Practice Chart 13 Practice Chart 14 Lunar Nakshatras 15 Your Healing Stars 16 17 Planetary Remedial Measures Remedial Measures 18

• Colors and weekdays • Seva activities • Wearing gemstones • Planetary mantras • Bach Flower Remedies Weekday Rulership and Color 19

Graha Weekday Color Gemstone

Surya Sunday Copper-red Ruby, red garnet

Chandra Monday White Pearls, moonstone

Mangala Tuesday Blood-red Red coral, pink coral

Budha Wednesday Green Emerald, jade

Guru Thursday Golden-yellow Yellow citrine, yellow topaz

Shukra Friday Opaque white Diamond, clear quartz

Shani Saturday Dark blue Blue sapphire, lapis lazuli

Rahu Saturday Smokey black Hessonite garnet

Ketu Tuesday Variegated Cat's eye, tiger-eye Seva Activities 20

• Surya – father or father-like figures • – mother or mother-like figures • Mangala – siblings or sister-brotherly type friendships • Budha – teenagers and friends in general • Guru – teachers and gurus • Shukra – spouse, partner • Shani – elderly Gemstones 21

Graha Primary Gemstones Secondary Gemstones Metal Hand-Finger

Sun Ruby Red Spinel, Rhodolite Garnet Yellow Gold right hand, ring finger

Moon Pearl Moonstone White Gold, Sterling Silver right or left hand, ring finger

Mars Red Coral Carnelian, Red Agate Yellow Gold, Copper right hand, ring finger

Mercury Emerald Jade, Peridot, Green Tourmaline Yellow Gold, White Gold right or left hand, little finger

Jupiter Yellow Sapphire or Topaz Yellow Citrine Yellow Gold right hand, index finger

Venus Diamond White Sapphire, White Topaz Yellow Gold, White Gold right or left hand, ring finger

Saturn Dark Blue Sapphire Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Turquoise Sterling Silver right hand, middle finger Planetary Mantras 22

Surya hrim (pronounced hreem), the power to energize, hold, attract and vitalize Om hrim sum Suryaya namah Chandra shrim (pronounced shreem), the power of love, peace, tenderness and delight Om shrim som Somaya namah Mangala krim (pronounced kreem), the power of transformation, motivation and action Om krim kum Kujaya namah (Kujaya means ‘born of the earth) Budha aim (pronounced I’m), the power of articulation, learning, guiding and teaching Om aim bum Budhaya namah Planetary Mantras 23

Guru strim (pronounced streem), the power of expansion, abundance and wisdom Om strim brahm Brihaspataye namah (Brihaspati is another name for Guru) Shukra klim (pronounced kleem), the power of love, beauty, creativity and fulfillment Om klim shum Shukraya namah Shani hlim (pronounced hleem), the power of delaying, stopping or terminating Om hlim sham Shanaye namah Beginning a Mantra Practice 24

• It is recommended that a chanting practice last at least 40 days. This is the minimum length of time required to establish the energy of a graha firmly in the gross and subtle bodies.

• Start your practice on the day of the week that is ruled by the graha you wish to honor or propitiate. Then chant the mantra 108 times, morning and evening, for 40 consecutive days. Should you forget to recite the mantra on any particular day, just pick up your practice the next morning. Using a Mala 25

• You may wish to use a mala to help guide your mantra practice.

• You may chant your mantra out loud or silently in your mind. A powerful practice is to say one round out loud and a second round silently. During the second round, you will notice that the vibration of the mantra still resonates, almost as if you are saying it audibly.

• Repeating sounds out loud helps clear blockages throughout the body, while saying them silently instills the sound within every cell. Bach Flower Remedies: Kapha Grahas


BFE Fault Quality

Clematis dreaminess, living in the past live in present reality, enjoy the now

Honeysuckle nostalgic, homesick live in present reality, enjoy the now

Red Chestnut overprotection of others due to fear caring for others without fear

Star of Bethlehem after effects of shock or trauma emotional calmness and security

Walnut easily influenced by others and the environment steadfast despite others and the environment Willow blaming others, self-pity forgive and forget


BFE Fault Quality

Agrimony hiding behind a cheerful face displaying our true self

Gorse hopelessness, despair hope, despite roadblocks in life

Mustard deep gloom with no known origin joy and upliftment

Vervain overenthusiastic, fanatical beliefs broader perspective, grounded optimism


BFE Fault Quality Centaury easily imposed upon courage to express our own needs and desires

Chicory selfish possessiveness of others selfless love

Heather self-concern, always talking about oneself concern and empathy for others

Holly jealousy and envy kindness, compassion, generosity Bach Flower Remedies: Pitta

Surya BFE Fault Quality Crab Apple poor self-image, self-criticism positive self-image, self-acceptance Larch lack of confidence, fear of failure confidence, belief in oneself Pine feeling of being underserving self-value and respect Water Violet pride, egotism recognizing and honoring others Wild Oat uncertainty or indifference to one's path purpose and clarity of life path

Mangala BFE Fault Quality Beech intolerance, critical of others tolerance and compassion Hornbeam weariness, fatigue vitality, vigor Impatiens impatient, easily irritated patience, calmness Olive exhaustion, chronic fatigue restoration of energy Rock Rose terror due to feeling threatened coping with threats, inner courage Wild rose apathy, lack of spunk zest for life Bach Flower Remedies: Vata Grahas

Budha BFE Fault Quality Cerato over-reliance on advice from others trusting one's judgement Chestnut Bud failure to learn from experience experiences translated into knowledge Scleranthus indecisiveness resolve or steadfastness Sweet Chestnut mental anguish peace and calmness of mind White Chestnut unwanted thoughts, inner chatter mental quietness

Shani BFE Fault Quality Aspen vague or unspecified fear and anxiety courage, trust Cherry Plum irrational behavior, fear of loss of control calm thoughts and actions Elm exhausted or overwhelmed by responsibilities confidence in handling responsibilities Gentian despondency, discouraged by setbacks strength to overcome difficulties Mimulus shy, withdrawn, fearful inner strength and courage Oak overworked and exhausted fortitude and strength Rock Rose hidden fears coping with threats and fears Rock Water rigid, inflexible flexible and open Vine domineering, overbearing friendship without domination 29

Questions Ayurvedic Jyotisha 101

[email protected] www.celestialgazing.com