ANNUAL BUDGET and Program of Municipal Services Fiscal Year 2017 - 2018


The City of Fernandina Beach is a seaside community with a rich history located on beautiful .

The Timucuan Indians were among the first inhabitants of the area. Then in the 1500’s the first visitors from Europe discovered Fernandina Beach.

Since that time eight different flags have flown over our city. The French were the first European visitors to take control of the island in 1562. They were defeated by the Spanish in 1565 who named the island Santa Maria. The Spanish and the English fought over control of the area for many years. In 1702 the Spanish Settlement was destroyed and James Edward Oglethorpe (Georgia’s founder and Colonial Governor) changed the name of the island to Amelia after the daughter of King George II.

At the end of the American War of Independence (1783), an international treaty returned the province from Britain to Spain, who then established a provincial governor in St. Augustine. Yet, in 1812, the “Patriots of Amelia Island” overthrew the Spanish and hoisted their flag. A day later their flag was replaced by the American Flag. In 1817, Scottish mercenary Sir Gregor MacGregor overtook the island and hoisted the Green Cross of . Due to lack of funds and men, when Spanish troops approached to reclaim the island, MacGregor left Jared Irwin and Ruggles Hubbard (two American adventurers) in command. Shortly thereafter, Pirate Luis Aury arrived with men and money and claimed the island alongside Irwin and Hubbard for the Mexican Rebels.

Two day before Christmas in 1817, the U.S. Navy temporarily occupied the island and drove Aury off.

In 1819, the U.S. purchased Florida from Spain. In 1821, Florida became a U.S. territory, subsequently attaining statehood in 1845. So during the seven years from 1811-1817, Fernandina was under five of its eight flags. (Spain, Patriot, Green Cross, Mexican Rebel, U.S.). The other flags were those of France, England, and the Confederacy.

Around the turn of the century Fernandina Beach flourished as a popular playground for tourists. Then as tourism began to move further south, progress slowed down. Old Victorian homes and buildings were not replaced but repaired. This left the city a wonderful heritage including a 50-block area of downtown which is listed on the National Register of Historic places.

Today Fernandina Beach is once again a flourishing community. Visitors from all over come to enjoy the golf, beaches, historical landmarks, fine restaurants and beautiful weather.

Fiscal Year 2017-2018

Annual Budget & Program of Municipal Services

City Commissioners Robin Lentz, Mayor Len Kreger, Vice-Mayor Tim Poynter Roy Smith John Miller

City Manager Dale Martin Comptroller Patti Clifford City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach Mission Statement

We are dedicated to exceptional service to the community to enhance the quality of life, and provide for the well-being of our citizens, guests and environment, while preserving our history.

We will achieve this mission through recruiting and retaining quality employees, teamwork, community involvement, civic duty, fiscal stability, caring, integrity, fairness, responsible planning and a commitment to excellence. City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Table of Contents Section Description Page # Budget Message Budget Message and Reader ’s Guide Message I. 1

Statistical Analysis Statistical Analysis Table of Contents Statistical II. 1 Citywide Organizational Chart II. 2 Summary Statistics & Other Information II. 3 Assessed Valuation II. 4 Property Tax Information II. 5 Property Tax Rate Comparison II. 6 Property Tax Rate History II. 7 Property Tax Rate Comparison II. 8 Homeowner Tax Bill II. 9 Sewer and Refuse Rate Trends II. 10 Population Graph II.11 Consumer Price Index II.12 Grants Awarded 10/1/16 - 9/30/17 II.13

Budget Summary Budget Summary Contents Summary III. 1 Combined Summary of All Funds III. 2 Combined Summary of Funds excluding Pension Funds III. 3 Summary of total Rev/Exps Charts III. 4 Summary of Total Rev/Exps III. 5 Summary of All Funds by Function Charts III. 6 Summary of All Funds by Function III. 7 Summary of General Fund Charts III. 8 Summary of General Fund Revs & Exps III. 9 Summary of Expenditures by Category III.10 Expenditures by Category by Fund III.11 Personnel Allocation Chart - Full Time III.12 Personnel Allocation Chart - FTE III.13 Personnel Summary by Fund III.14 Revenue Highlights – All Funds III.15 Expenditure Highlights – All Funds III.18 Fund Descriptions III.21 Grants Anticipated – All Funds III.22

General Fund: General Fund Contents General IV. 1 General Fund Summary of Revenues IV. 2 General Fund Summary of Expenditures IV. 3 Revenues & Other Sources Revenues & Other Sources IV. 4 Expenditures-Legislative City Commission IV. 7 Expenditures-General Government City Clerk IV.11 City Manager IV.18 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Table of Contents Section Description Page # Controller-Finance Department IV.25 Information Technology IV.33 Human Resources IV.41 Legal IV.50 Non-Departmental IV.60 Facilities Maintenance IV.61 Expenditures-Public Safety Police IV. 67 Fire IV.83 CDD-Building & Permitting IV.92 CDD-Planning IV.101 CDD-Code Enforcement IV.111 Expenditures-Transportation Streets IV.115 Expenditures-Economic Environment Downtown District IV.122 Expenditures-Culture & Recreation Library IV.126 Recreation IV.128 Parks IV.134 Peck Center IV.137 MLK Center IV.141 Youth Programs IV.145 Aquatics IV.149 Parks & Recreation Goals and Objectives IV.153 Expenditures-Human Services Other Services IV.156 Expenditures-Transfers/Cont/Reserve Transfers Out, Contingencies, & Reserves IV.158

Enterprise Funds Table of Contents-Enterprise Enterprise V. 1 Golf Course V. 2 Airport V.12 Sanitation V.19 Wastewater Operations V.22 Water Operations V.30 Storm Water Management V. 38

Marina V. 45

Special Funds Special Funds Contents Special VI. 1 Law Enforcement Trust Fund VI. 2 Federal Forfeiture Fund VI. 4 CDBG-Housing Fund VI. 6 CDBG-Economic Development Fund VI. 8 Wastewater Impact Fees Fund VI.10 Water Impact Fees Fund VI.12

Utility Tax Fund VI.14 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Fund VI.16 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Table of Contents Section Description Page # Cemetery VI.18 CRA VI.23 Law Enforcement Recovery VI.25

Debt Service Funds Debt Service Funds Contents Debt VII. 1 $6 Million GOB (General Obligation Bond) VII. 2 Utility Acquisition Bond Debt Service VII. 4 Marina Debt Service VII. 6 Total City Debt Service VII. 8 Long Term Debt VII. 9

Capital Projects Funds Capital Funds Contents Capital VIII. 1 Capital Funds Graph VIII. 2 Capital Improvement Fund VIII. 3 Capital Expansion Fund VIII. 8 Wastewater Improvement Fund VIII.10 5 Year Capital Improvement Plan VIII.12

Internal Service Funds Internal Service Funds Contents Internal IX. 1 Central Garage IX. 2 Utility Billing IX. 8 Utility Administration IX.15

Trust Funds Pension Plan Trust X. 1

Glossary Glossary Glossary XI. 1

Appendix User’s Guide Appendix XII. 1 Frequently Used Acronyms XII. 5 Resolution adopting 2015-2016 Budget XII. 7 Resolutions adopting Operating & Voter XII. 9 Approved Debt Millage

Index Index Index XIII. 1

City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Budget Message


City of Fernandina Beach Dale L. Martin

Office of the City Manager [email protected]

October 1, 2017

Honorable City Commissioners, Residents, and Staff of the City of Fernandina Beach:

Thank you for your interest in the 2018 budget. The budget reflects total revenues and expenditures in the amount of $134,617,000. Approximately half of that amount, however, is related to cash and expenditures associated with the Trust and Agency Funds. With the Trust and Agency funds excluded, proposed revenues and expenditures total $89,108,500.

The portion of the budget that typically draws the most interest is the General Fund, which is the primary operating fund for the City, and principally financed by property tax receipts. The General Fund expenditures before transfers out total $21,460,182. The General Fund budget is supported by a total millage rate of 6.2097 mills, a modest reduction of the millage rate levied by the City for the previous budget. The millage rate consists of 6.0000 mills levied for operations (down from 6.0682 mills), and 0.2097 mills levied for voter-approved debt service (down from 0. 2362 mills). The property tax levy, at a collection rate of 96%, will generate approximately $12,045,190. For property owners most affected by the rising value of property within the community, the levy will result in an increase of approximately $50 for each $100,000 of taxable value. This increase will generate approximately $979,374 in additional revenue for the City of Fernandina Beach (based upon comparable property values from the 2016/2017 fiscal year).

Key components of the General Fund budget include efforts to continue the levels of service provided by the City, especially in light of the continuing growth in the community. Staff additions include two Police Department Patrol Officers, additional staff in the Building Department, an additional maintenance position for the Cemetery, and two additional personnel in the Stormwater Department. As senior staff continues to transition (retirement, relocation), departmental leadership will be a community challenge over the next few years.

Capital projects supported by the General Fund include street and sidewalk improvements, public safety radios, beach access reconstruction, software integration, several vehicles, and a variety of recreational facility improvements. The redevelopment of the City’s waterfront continues to be a vexing issue, but funds are appropriated for waterfront projects (park development, Alachua Street railroad crossing) once the scope and intent of those projects have been determined.

Message 1.1 204 Ash Street • Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 • (904) 310-3100 • Fax (904) 310-3452 • TDD/TTY 711 Equal Opportunity Employer

In accordance with the City’s reserve policy, approximately $4,400,000, or 20% of General Fund expenditures, is budgeted for unrestricted reserves. The restricted reserves of the Building Department are separated from the otherwise unrestricted General Fund reserves. The Building Department reserves total approximately $900,000. The two reserves combined represent 24.6% of the General Fund’s operating expenses.

City operations include several other funds in addition to the General Fund. The most significant of these funds are the Enterprise Funds and the Trust and Agency Funds. The Enterprise Funds include the Golf Course, the Airport, Sanitation, Wastewater, Water, Storm Water, and the Marina. Total Enterprise Fund expenditures, funded primarily through user charges, total $24,464,645. Significant Enterprise Fund projects include the repair of the City’s Marina (damaged due to Hurricane Matthew, October, 2016) and the construction of a new General Aviation terminal at the City Airport. Maintenance and improvements within the Water and Wastewater Funds are also budgeted. The Golf Course and the Marina continue to require additional General Fund support.

I wish to express my sincere appreciation to the Department Directors, especially Comptroller Ms. Patti Clifford, for their assistance in preparing the budget for the City of Fernandina Beach. The desired personnel and projects could not all be included in the budget, so the policies and priorities as indicated by the City Commission resulted in some difficult decisions.

While additional review and work is necessary, I look forward to working with the City Commission throughout 2018 to accomplish the goals established by the City Commission. As I continue my service to this community, I am thankful for the support provided to me by the City Commission, the City Staff, and, most importantly, the residents of Fernandina Beach.


Dale L. Martin City Manager

Message I.2

Reader’s Guide to the Budget

The City of Fernandina Beach budget document is intended to provide information for a variety of purposes for different groups of users. It serves as a policy document, financial plan, and operating guide for City services. The Reader’s Guide provides assistance in using the 2017-2018 City of Fernandina Beach’s Budget document. The primary goal is to facilitate the understanding of the budget document and to increase its effectiveness as a communications device between the City of Fernandina Beach’s government and its citizens. In this section, readers can find answers to frequently asked questions and be directed to other sections of the document to find information.

Description of Government

The form of government of the City of Fernandina Beach is known as the “Commission- Manager Plan.” Under this plan, the Commission has powers to adopt ordinances, approve regulations, and appoint the City Attorney, City Clerk, and City Manager.

The Fernandina Beach City Commission consists of five citizens who are elected at large, who then elect from their own a Mayor who presides at all meetings of the Commission.

Location of Fernandina Beach

The City of Fernandina Beach is located on the northern end of Amelia Island. This “barrier island” represents the northeastern “corner” of Nassau County. Amelia Island is situated between the Amelia River to the west and the Atlantic Ocean to the east, with the City of Jacksonville (Duval County) to the south and Camden County, Georgia, to the north.

Nassau County

Fernandina Beach

Readers Guide I.3

Budget Tab Descriptions

Budget Message The Budget Message formally transmits the budget to the Mayor, City Commissioners, and citizens. This communication contains summaries of initiatives within the budget, significant accomplishments, and noteworthy policy issues facing the City.

Statistical The Statistical Analysis is a collection, examination, Analysis summarization, and interpretation of the City’s quantitative data to discover underlying causes, patterns, relationships, and trends that ultimately assists with goals, initiatives, and improvements.

Budget Summary The Budget Summary provides revenue and expenditure trends and assumptions with an explanation of major changes for the City’s fiscal year.

General Fund The General Fund is the largest fund in the City. It is comprised of the many City departments and it supports all services not assigned to the Enterprise or Internal Service fund.

Enterprise Funds The Enterprise Funds operate separately from the General Fund, and this section provides Information used to account for the operations and services of the City.

Special Funds Special Funds are more restrictive than those funds associated with the General Fund. This section provides detail of how funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than expendable trusts or major capital projects) that are so restricted.

Debt Service This section provides detail related to the accumulation of Funds resources for, and the payment of, general long-term and short-term debt principal, interest and related costs.

Capital Projects This section provides detail for capital projects approved for Funds the fiscal year, and also illustrates funding sources, debt service, the capital improvements planning cycle, and criteria used to establish priorities.

Trust Funds Pension (and other employee benefit) Trust Funds are used to report resources that are required to be held in trust by the City for the members and beneficiaries of defined benefit plans, defined contribution pension plans, and other employee benefit plans.

Appendix Provides miscellaneous budget cycle information and policies.

Readers Guide I.4

Frequently Asked Questions

Question Refer to Tab(s) Page(s)

What is the total budget? Budget Summary III. 2 – III. 14

What is the City’s millage rate? Statistical Analysis II. 5

Where can I find the organizational Statistical Analysis II. 2 chart of Fernandina Beach? How many employees does the City Statistical Analysis II. 3 employ? Budget Summary III. 12 – III.13 What is the City’s budget process Appendix XII. 3 timeline? What changes are being made? City Manager’s Budget I. 1 Message Where the money comes from and Budget Summary III. 15 – III.21 where the money goes? Revenue Highlights Expenditure Highlights How much money do we have in the Budget Summary III. 2 reserves? Where can I find the Fernandina Statistical Analysis II. 11 Beach area population? Where are the City’s financial Appendix XII. 4 policies? Where can I learn about the capital City Manager’s Budget I. 1 budget? Message Capital Funds VIII. 13 What are the goals of the City of City Manager’s Budget I. 1 Fernandina Beach? Message Capital Funds VIII. 13 – VIII. 24 How much money is available for Capital Funds VIII. 8 Capital projects?

Readers Guide I.5

City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Statistical Analysis


City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Table of Contents-Statistical Analysis Section Description Page #

Statistical Analysis Statistical Analysis Table of Contents Statistical II.1 Citywide Organizational Chart II.2 Summary Statistics & Other Information II.3 Assessed Valuation II.4 Property Tax Information II.5 Property Tax Rate Comparison II.6 Property Tax Rate History II.7 Property Tax Rate Comparison II.8 Homeowner Tax Bill II.9 Sewer and Refuse Rate Trends II.10 Population Graph II.11 Consumer Price Index II.12 Grants Awarded 10/1/16 – 9/30/17 II.13

Statistical II.1 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach Organization Chart

Citizens of Fernandina Beach

City Commission

City Manager City Attorney City Clerk FT:4.25 PT:0 FT:2 PT:0 S:0 FT:4 PT:0 S:0 S:0

Finance Information Technology Human Facilities FT:7 PT:1.67 Resources S:0 FT:2 PT:2 S:0 Maintenance FT:3 PT:.33 S:0 FT:5.5 PT:2 S:0

Utility Billing FT:5 PT:0 S:0

Streets FT:18 PT:1 S:0

Fire Parks/Recreation Police Bld'g/Permit'g FT:34 PT:0 FT:10 PT:38 S:14 FT:40 PT:6 S:0 FT:8.9 PT:2 S:0 S:60 Central Garage FT:2.5 PT:1 S:0 Cemetery Planning FT:2 PT:0 S:0 FT: 4 PT:.75 S:0

Code Enforcement FT:1.1 PT:1.25 S:0

Utilities Golf Marina Airport Administration (Billy Casper) (WestRec) FT:2 PT:0 S:0 FT:3 PT:0 S:0

Water Wastewater Stormwater FT:12.5 PT:0 FT:12.5 FT: 4.75 S:0 PT:2 S:0

Full-Time: 188 Part-Time: 58 Seasonal: 74

Statistical II.2 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 City of Fernandina Beach Summary Statistics & Other Information Year of Incorporation 1825 Form of Government Commission/Manager City Population 12,550 Area of City in Square Miles 12.2 Miles of Coastline 8.5 Number of City Employees Full-Time 188 Part-Time 58 Temporary/Seasonal 74 Government Facilities and Services Miles of Streets 77.16 Miles of Storm Sewers 8.2 Number of Street Lights 1,178 Culture and Recreation Community Centers 3 Parks 18 Parks Acreage 446 Golf Course 1 Marina 1 Pickleball Courts 4 Tennis Courts 4 Fire Protection ISO Fire Classification 03/3X Number of Stations 2 Number of Fire Personnel and Officers 33 Number of Calls for Service 2,678 Rescue Transports 1,448 Number of Inspections Conducted 198 Police Protection Number of Stations 1 Number of Police Personnel and Officers 40 Number of Citations 3,438 Number of Calls for Service 22,985 Sewer System Miles of Sanitary Sewers 102 Number of Active Sewer Accounts 7,235 Number of Treatment Plants 2 Annual Daily Average Treated in Millions of Gallons 1669 Maximum Daily Capacity in Millions of Gallons 3.500 Water System Miles of Water Mains 124 Number of Active Water Accounts 7,951 Number of Treatment Plants 3 Annual Daily Pumpage in Millions of Gallons 3.301 Maximum Daily Capacity of Treatment in Millions of Gallons 18.2 Stormwater System Miles of Stormwater Pipes 66 Number of Drainage Structures 1,453 Number of City Maintained Ponds 4 Community Development Department Total Number of Inspections Completed 7,614 Total Number of Permits Issued 3,764 Cemeteries 1

Statistical II.3 City of Fernandina Beach Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach Assessed Valuation

Total Tax Real Personal Centrally Assessed Year Exempt Property Property Assessed Valuation 2003 284,446,067 930,082,923 197,150,962 1,186,630 1,412,866,582 2004 301,966,794 1,084,261,098 188,866,346 2,081,443 1,577,175,681 2005 328,925,327 1,324,003,445 190,505,499 1,486,486 1,844,920,757 2006 355,164,445 1,614,338,881 188,252,367 3,022,391 2,160,778,084 2007 370,551,804 1,799,158,775 243,624,811 1,667,931 2,415,003,321 2008 437,824,431 1,784,626,178 243,055,518 1,545,241 2,467,051,368 2009 429,678,849 1,665,016,316 280,003,369 1,504,648 2,376,203,182 2010 414,536,344 1,500,216,560 229,069,622 1,206,063 2,145,028,589 2011 407,496,247 1,418,651,023 223,825,260 1,027,478 2,051,000,008 2012 407,949,279 1,347,251,896 213,854,206 1,118,539 1,970,173,920 2013 391,802,583 1,325,805,922 207,980,498 1,213,580 1,926,802,583 2014 375,797,061 1,393,492,482 213,464,867 1,497,770 1,984,252,180 2015 384,309,578 1,480,580,122 223,440,518 1,628,995 2,089,959,213 2016 395,180,428 1,582,577,165 223,041,579 1,594,221 2,202,393,393 2017 420,920,332 1,713,986,665 304,675,122 1,898,461 2,441,480,580 Annual Assessed Valuation

$2,600,000,000 $2,400,000,000 $2,200,000,000 $2,000,000,000 $1,800,000,000 $1,600,000,000 $1,400,000,000 $1,200,000,000 $1,000,000,000 $800,000,000 $600,000,000 $400,000,000 $200,000,000 $-

Tax Exempt Real Property Personal Property Centrally Assessed

Statistical II.4 City of Fernandina Beach Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach Property Tax Information % % Fiscal Taxable Millage Calculated Change Change Year Value Rate Receipts Dollars Tax Rate

2000-2001 $ 842,749,399 6.6210 $ 5,300,852 12.60% -1.12%

2001-2002 $ 931,928,171 6.2185 $ 5,505,435 3.86% -6.08%

2002-2003 $ 1,082,956,043 6.2185 $ 6,397,644 16.21% 0.00%

2003-2004 $ 1,128,420,515 6.0762 $ 6,513,683 1.81% -2.29%

2004-2005 $ 1,275,208,887 6.0762 $ 7,361,003 13.01% 0.00%

2005-2006 $ 1,515,995,430 5.1825 $ 7,463,814 1.40% -14.71%

2006-2007 $ 1,805,613,639 4.4106 $ 7,565,648 1.36% -14.89%

2007-2008 $ 2,044,451,517 4.0678 $ 7,978,900 5.46% -7.77%

2008-2009 $ 2,029,226,937 4.2209 $ 8,213,322 2.94% 3.76%

2009-2010 $ 1,946,524,333 4.4855 $ 8,294,500 0.99% 6.27%

2010-2011 $ 1,730,492,245 4.9365 $ 8,115,446 -2.16% 10.05%

2011-2012 $ 1,643,503,761 5.4335 $ 8,538,000 5.21% 10.07%

2012-2013 $ 1,562,224,641 6.3001 $ 9,350,100 9.51% 15.95%

2013-2014 $ 1,535,000,000 6.5080 $ 9,490,300 1.50% 3.30%

2014-2015 $ 1,608,455,119 6.3663 $ 9,727,912 2.50% -2.18%

2015-2016 $ 1,705,649,635 6.3044 $ 10,215,443 5.01% -0.97%

2016-2017 $ 1,807,212,965 6.3044 $ 10,937,700 7.07% 0.00%

2017-2018 $ 2,020,560,248 6.2097 $ 12,045,190 10.13% -1.50%


Operating Millage 6.0682 6.0000 Voter Approved Debt 0.2362 0.2097 Total 6.3044 6.2097

Statistical II.5 City of Fernandina Beach Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach Property Tax Rate Comparison Property Tax Rates Fiscal Millage Percentage Year Rate Increase (Decrease) 1997 6.9477 0% 1998 6.9477 0% 1999 6.6962 -3.62% 2000 6.6962 0% 2001 6.6210 -1.12% 2002 6.2185 -6.08% 2003 6.2185 0.00% 2004 6.0762 -2.29% 2005 6.0762 0.00% 2006 5.1825 -14.71% 2007 4.4106 -14.89% 2008 4.0678 -7.77% 2009 4.2209 3.76% 2010 4.4855 6.27% 2011 4.9365 10.05% 2012 5.4335 10.07% 2013 6.3001 15.95% 2014 6.5080 3.30% 2015 6.3663 -2.18% 2016 6.3044 -0.97% 2017 6.3044 0.00% 2018 6.2097 -1.50%









0.0000 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017

Statistical II.6 City of Fernandina Beach Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach Property Tax Rate History (Per $1,000 of Assessed Taxable Value)

City of Nassau St. Johns School FIND Amelia Isl A I Fernandina County River Water Board Mosquito Beach Year Beach Mngmt Control MSTU Total 2000 6.6962 6.7321 0.4820 9.0810 0.3546 23.3459 2001 6.6210 6.6321 0.4720 8.7460 0.3047 22.7758 2002 6.2185 7.3821 0.4620 8.6390 0.2709 22.9725 2003 6.2185 7.3821 0.4620 8.1010 0.1900 22.3536 2004 6.0762 7.6821 0.4620 8.5380 0.1792 22.9375 2005 6.0762 7.6821 0.4620 8.3130 0.1660 22.6993 2006 5.1825 6.4321 0.4620 8.081 0.0385 0.1441 20.3402 2007 4.4106 6.1821 0.4620 7.681 0.0385 0.1225 18.8967 2008 4.0678 5.3115 0.4158 7.454 0.0345 0.1149 17.3985 2009 4.2209 5.5670 0.4158 7.542 0.0345 0.1190 17.8992 2010 4.4855 5.5670 0.4158 7.808 0.0345 0.1175 18.4283 2011 4.9365 5.5670 0.4158 7.808 0.0345 0.1294 18.8912 2012 5.4335 5.5670 0.3313 7.808 0.0345 0.1372 19.3115 2013 6.3001 5.5670 0.3313 7.543 0.0345 0.1453 19.9212 2014 6.5080 5.5670 0.3283 7.359 0.0345 0.1474 19.9442 2015 6.3663 6.5670 0.3164 7.216 0.0345 0.1522 20.6524 2016 6.3044 6.5670 0.3023 7.153 0.0320 0.1472 20.5059 2017 6.3044 6.5670 0.2885 6.794 0.0320 0.1587 20.1446 2018 6.2097 6.5670 0.2724 6.598 0.0320 0.1495 0.1021 19.9307

Millage History Millage History 10 100% City of Fernandina Beach 9 90% 8 80% Nassau County 7 70%

6 60% St. Johns River Water City of Fernandina Beach NassauMngmt County St. Johns River Water Mngmt School Board Amelia Isl Mosquito Control Find 5 50% School Board 4 40%

3 30% Amelia Isl Mosquito Control 2 20% 10% 1 FIND 0% 0 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012

Statistical II.7 City of Fernandina Beach Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach Property Tax Rate Comparison Fiscal Years 2017 & 2018

Total Property Taxes Fiscal Year 2017

Amelia Island Mosquito Control FIND 0.79% 0.16% City of Fernandina Beach School Board 31.29% 33.73%

St. Johns River Water Management 1.43% Nassau County 32.60%

Total Property Taxes Fiscal Year 2018 Amelia Island Mosquito FIND Control 0.16% 0.75% AI Beach MSTU School Board 0.51% City of Fernandina 33.10% Beach 31.16%

St. Johns River Water Management 1.37% Nassau County 32.95%

Statistical II.8 City of Fernandina Beach Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach Homeowner Tax Bill* Based on 2017 (FY 2017-18) Tax Rate

VALUE OF 2018 2017 HOME TAX TAX $$ Change % Change

$50,000 Operating 150.00$ 151.71$ $ (1.71) -1.13%

Debt $ 5.20 $ 5.90 $ (0.70) -11.86%

Total 155.20$ 157.61$ $ (2.41) -1.53%

$100,000 Operating 450.00$ 455.10$ $ (5.10) -1.12%

Debt $ 15.73 $ 17.72 $ (1.98) -11.23%

Total 465.73$ 472.82$ $ (7.08) -1.50%

$150,000 Operating 750.00$ 758.53$ $ (8.53) -1.12%

Debt $ 26.20 $ 29.52 $ (3.32) -11.25%

Total 776.20$ 788.05$ $ (11.85) -1.50% *Includes Homestead Exemption

Statistical II.9 City of Fernandina Beach Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach Residential Rate Trends

Fiscal Year Sewer Garbage Total 2002/03 $24.00 $14.06 $38.06 2003/04 $24.00 $9.94 $33.94 2004/05 $24.00 $10.24 $34.24 2005/06 $24.00 $10.55 $34.55 2006/07 $24.00 $10.87 $34.87 2007/08 $24.00 $14.95 $38.95 2008/09 $24.00 $18.61 $42.61 2009/10 $26.43 $18.61 $45.04 2010/11 $29.07 $19.05 $48.12 2011/12 $30.27 $19.62 $49.89 2012/13 $31.18 $19.62 $50.80 2013/14 $32.12 $19.79 $51.91 2014/15 $33.08 $20.24 $53.32 2015/16 $34.07 $20.24 $54.31 2016/17 $35.09 $20.42 $55.51 2017/18 $35.09 $20.84 $55.93

Residential Rate Trends $60.00



$30.00 Garbage

$20.00 Sewer



Statistical II.10 City of Fernandina Beach Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach Comparison of Population for the Years 1996-2017

In Thousands

2017 12.55 2016 12.229 2015 11.83 2014 11.894 2013 11.541 2012 11.51 2011 11.487 2010 11.487 2009 12 2008 12 2007 11.83 2006 11.815 2005 11.361 2004 11.361 2003 10.686 2002 10.939 2001 10.525 2000 10.890 1999 10.890 1998 10.684 1997 10.438 1996 10.043

* Source: Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Florida

Statistical II.11 City of Fernandina Beach Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach Consumer Price Index

Years 2003 - 2017 250





0 YEAR 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016

Statistical II.12 City of Fernandina Beach Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach Grants Awarded for the Period October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017

Percentage by Grantor Department/Purpose Amount Department/Purpose State Public Safety 1,680 0.04% Federal/State Parks & Recreation 1,183,320 32.78% State Community Development 40,000 1.11% State Marina 119,739 3.32% State Stormwater 751,283 20.81% Federal/State Airport 1,514,175 41.94%

3,610,197 100.00%

Grants Awarded FY 2016-2017

Public Safety, 0.04%

Parks & Recreation, Airport, 41.94% 32.78%

Stormwater, 20.81%

Community Development, 1.11% Marina, 3.32%

Statistical II. 13 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Budget Summary

III. City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Table of Contents-Budget Summaries Section Description Page #

Budget Summary Budget Summary Contents Summary III.1 Combined Summary of All Funds III.2 Combined Summary of Funds excluding Pension Funds III.3 Summary of Total Rev/Exps Charts III.4 Summary of Total Rev/Exps III.5 Summary of All Funds By Function Charts III.6 Summary of All Funds By Function III.7 Summary of General Fund Charts III.8 Summary of General Fund Revs & Exps III.9 Summary of Expenditures by Category III.10 Expenditures by Category by Fund III.11 Personnel Allocation Chart – Full Time III.12 Personnel Allocation Chart FTE III.13 Personnel Summary by Fund III.1 4 Revenue Highlights – All Funds III.1 5 Expenditure Highlights – All Funds III.18 Fund Descriptions III.21 Grants Anticipated – All Funds III.22

Budget Summary III.1 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach Combined Summary of All Funds

$ % Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget Increase 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 (Decrease)

RESOURCES Cash Balance Forward 50,487,667 53,770,484 55,037,606 58,943,245 64,557,738 5,614,493 9.5% REVENUES General Fund 16,958,281 18,500,988 16,968,249 18,091,966 20,102,002 2,010,036 11.1% Special Revenue Funds 2,530,560 2,557,825 2,323,200 2,407,040 2,609,071 202,031 8.4% Debt Service Funds ------Capital Projects Funds 1,287,000 3,737,063 2,294,450 897,750 1,978,576 1,080,826 120.4% Enterprise Funds 16,546,944 17,660,532 16,750,244 19,332,364 29,264,566 9,932,202 51.4% Trust & Agency Funds 4,043,932 6,967,371 6,049,000 5,415,000 6,029,900 614,900 11.4%

Total 41,366,717 49,423,779 44,385,143 46,144,120 59,984,115 13,839,995 30.0%

OTHER SOURCES Internal Service Fund 1,500,229 1,740,384 1,967,200 1,729,100 1,810,736 81,636 4.7% Transfers In 7,097,230 8,090,801 8,036,051 8,400,035 8,264,411 (135,624) -1.6% Total 8,597,459 9,831,185 10,003,251 10,129,135 10,075,147 (53,988) -0.5%

TOTAL RESOURCES 100,451,843 113,025,448 109,426,000 115,216,500 134,617,000 19,400,500 16.8%

USES EXPENDITURES General Fund 16,248,510 17,250,953 17,873,867 19,467,650 21,460,182 1,992,532 10.2% Special Revenue Funds 550,855 385,039 491,430 394,521 470,078 75,557 19.2% Debt Service Funds 3,175,205 3,289,799 3,297,420 3,181,286 3,178,237 (3,049) -0.1% Capital Projects Funds 2,332,650 2,381,354 3,999,170 3,950,216 4,947,577 997,361 25.2% Enterprise Funds 12,219,179 13,038,179 14,168,509 17,496,875 24,464,645 6,967,770 39.8% Trust & Agency Funds 3,175,347 3,721,486 3,735,000 4,018,507 3,551,115 (467,392) -11.6%

Total 37,701,746 40,066,810 43,565,396 48,509,055 58,071,834 9,562,779 19.7%

OTHER USES Internal Service Fund 1,525,979 1,741,200 1,999,736 1,948,808 1,915,793 (33,015) -1.7% Transfers Out 7,097,230 8,090,801 8,036,051 8,400,035 8,264,411 (135,624) -1.6% Cash Reserves 54,126,888 63,126,637 55,824,817 56,358,602 66,364,962 10,006,360 17.8% Total 62,750,097 72,958,638 65,860,604 66,707,445 76,545,166 9,837,721 14.7%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES, TRANSFERS & RESERVES 100,451,843 113,025,448 109,426,000 115,216,500 134,617,000 19,400,500 16.8%

Budget Summary III.2 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach Combined Summary of All Funds (excluding Pension Funds)

$ % Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget Increase 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 (Decrease)

RESOURCES Cash Balance Forward 16,060,474 18,568,063 17,495,934 22,179,467 25,079,138 2,899,671 13.1% REVENUES General Fund 16,958,281 18,500,988 16,968,249 18,091,966 20,102,002 2,010,036 11.1% Special Revenue Funds 2,530,560 2,557,825 2,323,200 2,407,040 2,609,071 202,031 8.4% Debt Service Funds ------Capital Projects Funds 1,287,000 3,737,063 2,294,450 897,750 1,978,576 1,080,826 120.4% Enterprise Funds 16,546,944 17,660,532 16,750,244 19,332,364 29,264,566 9,932,202 51.4%

Total 37,322,785 42,456,408 38,336,143 40,729,120 53,954,215 13,225,095 32.5%

OTHER SOURCES Internal Service Fund 1,500,229 1,740,384 1,967,200 1,729,100 1,810,736 81,636 4.7% Transfers In 7,097,230 8,040,101 8,036,051 8,400,035 8,264,411 (135,624) -1.6% Total 8,597,459 9,780,485 10,003,251 10,129,135 10,075,147 (53,988) -0.5%

TOTAL RESOURCES 61,980,718 70,804,956 65,835,328 73,037,722 89,108,500 16,070,778 22.0%

USES EXPENDITURES General Fund 16,248,510 17,250,953 17,873,867 19,467,650 21,460,182 1,992,532 10.2% Special Revenue Funds 550,855 385,039 491,430 394,521 470,078 75,557 19.2% Debt Service Funds 3,175,205 3,289,799 3,297,420 3,181,286 3,178,237 (3,049) -0.1% Capital Projects Funds 2,332,650 2,381,354 3,999,170 3,950,216 4,947,577 997,361 25.2% Enterprise Funds 12,219,179 13,038,179 14,168,509 17,496,875 24,464,645 6,967,770 39.8%

Total 34,526,399 36,345,324 39,830,396 44,490,548 54,520,719 10,030,171 22.5%

OTHER USES Internal Service Fund 1,525,979 1,741,200 1,999,736 1,948,808 1,915,793 (33,015) -1.7% Transfers Out 7,097,230 8,040,101 8,036,051 8,400,035 8,264,411 (135,624) -1.6% Cash Reserves 18,831,110 24,678,331 15,969,145 18,198,331 24,407,577 6,209,246 34.1% Total 27,454,319 34,459,632 26,004,932 28,547,174 34,587,781 6,040,607 21.2%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES, TRANSFERS & RESERVES 61,980,718 70,804,956 65,835,328 73,037,722 89,108,500 16,070,778 22.0%

Budget Summary III.3 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach All Funds

Revenues by Fund (Excludes Interfund Transfers & Cash Reserves) Internal Service Funds 2.9%

Debt Service Trust Funds Funds 9.8% General Fund 0.0% 32.5%

Enterprise Funds 47.4%

Special Revenue Funds Capital Funds 4.2% 3.2%

Expenditures by Fund (Excludes Interfund Transfers & Contingencies)

Internal Service Funds Debt Service 3.2% Funds Trust Funds 5.3% 5.9% General Fund 35.8%

Enterprise Funds 40.8%

Capital Funds 8.2%

Special Revenue Funds 0.8%

Budget Summary III.4 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 City of Fernandina Beach Summary of Total Revenues/Expenditures

$ % FUND DESCRIPTION Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget Increase 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 (Decrease)


General Fund 16,958,281 18,500,988 16,968,249 18,091,966 20,102,002 2,010,036 11.1%

Special Revenue Funds 2,530,560 2,557,825 2,323,200 2,407,040 2,609,071 202,031 8.4%

Debt Service Funds ------

Capital Projects Funds 1,287,000 3,737,063 2,294,450 897,750 1,978,576 1,080,826 120.4%

Enterprise Funds 16,546,944 17,660,532 16,750,244 19,332,364 29,264,566 9,932,202 51.4%

Trust & Agency Funds 4,043,932 6,967,371 6,049,000 5,415,000 6,029,900 614,900 11.4%

TOTAL REVENUES 41,366,717 49,423,779 44,385,143 46,144,120 59,984,115 13,839,995 30.0%


General Fund 16,248,510 17,250,953 17,873,867 19,467,650 21,460,182 1,992,532 10.2%

Special Revenue Funds 550,855 385,039 491,430 394,521 470,078 75,557 19.2%

Debt Service Funds 3,175,205 3,289,799 3,297,420 3,181,286 3,178,237 (3,049) -0.1%

Capital Projects Funds 2,332,650 2,381,354 3,999,170 3,950,216 4,947,577 997,361 25.2%

Enterprise Funds 12,219,179 13,038,179 14,168,509 17,496,875 24,464,645 6,967,770 39.8%

Trust & Agency Funds 3,175,347 3,721,486 3,735,000 4,018,507 3,551,115 (467,392) -11.6%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 37,701,746 40,066,810 43,565,396 48,509,055 58,071,834 9,562,779 19.7%

Budget Summary III.5 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach All Funds (Excludes Internal Service Funds)

Revenues by Source (Excludes Interfund Transfers & Cash Reserves) Franchise Fees Fines/Forfeitures 2.4% Sales & Use 0.1% 4.3%

Ad Valorem Charges for 20.1% Services 30.1%

Other 21.6%

Licenses/Permits 2.5%

Utility Service Intergov't Rev 3.8% 15.2%

Expenditures by Function (Excludes Interfund Transfers & Cash Reserves)

Human Services 0.1%

Economic Env. 0.1% Culture/Rec Physical Env. 21.1% 18.2%

Public Safety 23.3% General Gov't Service 14.9%

Debt Service 8.3% Transportation 14.0%

Budget Summary III.6 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach Funds Summary by Function

General Special Capital Enterprise Debt Trusts Fund Description Fund Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Totals REVENUES Property Taxes Operating (6.000 Mills) 11,621,383 8,000 11,629,383 Voted Debt (.2097 Mills) 423,807 423,807

Sales/use 2,238,152 107,250 225,000 2,570,402 Franchise 1,416,000 1,416,000 Utility Service 2,305,979 2,305,979 Licenses & Permits 1,477,650 1,477,650 Intergov'tal Services 1,397,441 135,216 539,950 7,059,033 9,131,640 Charges for Services 1,285,421 116,500 16,623,956 18,025,877 Fines/Forfeitures 19,400 25,376 44,776

Miscellaneous Revenues 222,748 18,000 904,176 1,981,577 0 5,804,900 8,931,401 Financing Sources 427,200 3,600,000 0 4,027,200

TOTAL REVENUES 20,102,002 2,609,071 1,978,576 29,264,566 0 6,029,900 59,984,115

EXPENDITURES General Government Services 4,901,093 180,900 3,551,115 8,633,108 Public Safety 12,028,075 192,000 1,307,500 13,527,575 Physical Environment 109,680 0 10,477,451 10,587,131 Transportation 2,048,212 1,488,750 4,572,778 8,109,740 Economic Environment 85,373 0 85,373 Human Services 56,500 56,500 Culture & Recreation 2,340,929 168,398 1,267,000 8,501,595 12,277,922 Debt Services 703,427 912,821 3,178,237 4,794,485

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 21,460,182 470,078 4,947,577 24,464,645 3,178,237 3,551,115 58,071,834

Budget Summary III.7 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017 - 2018

City of Fernandina Beach General Fund Source of Revenue $'s

Intergov'l Rev Licenses/Permits 7.0% Fines/Forfeitures 7.4% 0.1% Local Option Taxes 11.1%

Ad Valorem 59.9%

Franchise Fees 7.0%

Charges for Other Revenues Services 1.1% 6.4%

Expenditures by Government Function

Transportation 9.5% General Government 22.9% Public Safety 56.0%

Culture/Recreation 10.9%

Other Services 0.3% Economic Env 0.4%

Budget Summary III.8 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach Summary Of General Fund Revenues & Expenditures

$ % Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget Increase 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 (Decrease)


Property Taxes-

Operating 9,551,387 9,931,519 9,987,000 10,510,800 11,621,383 1,110,583 10.6%

Voted Debt 343,200 425,000 345,000 426,900 423,807 (3,093) -0.7%

Sales/Use/Fuel Taxes 1,683,459 2,002,482 1,667,686 1,825,596 2,238,152 412,556 22.6%

Franchise Fees 1,431,832 1,465,276 1,340,000 1,463,000 1,416,000 (47,000) -3.2%

Licenses/Permits 1,078,858 1,246,931 968,900 1,081,550 1,477,650 396,100 36.6%

Intergovernmental 1,113,445 1,148,179 1,209,428 1,280,020 1,397,441 117,421 9.2%

Charges For Services 1,240,704 1,366,014 1,257,000 1,288,600 1,285,421 (3,179) -0.2%

Fines/Forfeitures 34,310 27,501 24,700 23,700 19,400 (4,300) -18.1%

Other Revenues 481,086 888,086 168,535 191,800 222,748 30,948 16.1%

TOTAL REVENUES 16,958,281 18,500,988 16,968,249 18,091,966 20,102,002 2,010,036 11.1%


General Government 3,664,163 3,957,040 4,265,664 4,515,913 4,901,093 385,180 8.5%

Public Safety 9,088,434 9,560,700 9,663,997 10,602,686 12,028,075 1,425,389 13.4%

Transportation 1,518,764 1,626,814 1,776,277 2,031,228 2,048,212 16,984 0.8%

Economic Environment 47,379 47,185 55,041 54,997 85,373 30,376 55.2%

Culture/Recreation 1,904,105 2,021,301 2,068,138 2,212,826 2,340,929 128,103 5.8%

Other Services 25,665 37,913 44,750 50,000 56,500 6,500 13.0%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 16,248,510 17,250,953 17,873,867 19,467,650 21,460,182 1,992,532 10.2%

Budget Summary III.9 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017 - 2018

City of Fernandina Beach Expenditures by Category (Excludes Transfers Out, Cash Reserves, Trust & Agency Funds)

Debt Service 8.8% Personnel 33.7% Capital Exps 31.3%

Operating Exps 26.2%

Personnel Operating Exps Capital Exps Debt Service GENERAL GOVERNMENT 3,336,325 1,410,768 154,000 - PUBLIC SAFETY 9,431,020 2,101,013 375,126 120,916 TRANSPORTATION 1,175,980 777,232 95,000 - ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT - 85,373 - - CULTURE/RECREATION 1,304,581 979,148 57,200 - OTHER SERVICES - 56,500 - -

TOTAL General Fund 15,247,906 5,410,034 681,326 120,916

Special Revenue Funds (100's) 105,678 117,720 246,680 - Debt Service Funds (210, 220, 230 & 240) - - - 3,178,237 Capital Funds (300, 310 & 330) - - 4,244,150 703,427

GOLF 785 1,540,576 475,000 112,692 AIRPORT 191,113 306,165 4,075,500 286,266 SANITATION - 2,359,125 - - WASTEWATER 1,138,699 1,360,358 1,001,500 - WATER 1,066,324 1,382,871 574,500 - STORM WATER MGMT 361,834 162,927 1,026,283 43,030 MARINA - 1,290,234 5,195,000 513,863

TOTAL Enterprise Funds 2,758,755 8,402,256 12,347,783 955,851

TOTAL Internal Service Funds 884,837 878,756 152,200 -

TOTAL CITY 18,997,176 14,808,766 17,672,139 4,958,431

Budget Summary III.10 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017 - 2018


Personnel Operating Exps Capital Exps Debt Service BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 2015-2016 2016-2017 2015-2016 2016-2017 2015-2016 2016-2017 2015-2016 2016-2017 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COMMISSION 106,226 106,674 197,935 221,540 CITY CLERK 311,929 327,371 139,829 138,665 - - CITY MANAGER 396,229 444,139 49,832 54,168 - - FINANCE 608,271 753,043 68,633 77,765 - 15,000 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 256,572 280,167 292,859 283,559 95,500 92,300 PERSNNOEL/HUMAO RESOURCES 245,715 290,916 52,972 74,255 - - LEGAL 244,132 261,077 67,112 60,268 6,200 6,200 NON-DEPARTMEOTAL - - 257,945 277,769 6,000 - FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 533,559 491,804 60,783 69,203 35,000 40,500 PLANNING 367,123 381,134 114,457 153,576 1,100 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT 3,069,756 3,336,325 1,302,357 1,410,768 143,800 154,000 - -

PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE 4,062,296 4,510,893 716,941 738,959 176,300 156,000 121,078 120,916 FIRE 3,498,950 3,936,665 735,227 746,649 218,920 171,626 - - BUILDING & PERMITTING 695,060 853,763 165,635 578,065 40,000 47,500 CODE ENFORCEMENT 130,444 129,699 41,835 37,340 - - PUBLIC SAFETY 8,386,750 9,431,020 1,659,638 2,101,013 435,220 375,126 121,078 120,916

TRANSPORTATION 1,123,538 1,175,980 759,690 777,232 148,000 95,000 - -

ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 54,997 85,373 - -

CULTURE/RECREATION LIBRARY - - 10,629 14,341 - RECREATION 607,809 643,665 346,121 371,334 26,000 26,000 PARKS - - 155,032 209,393 38,500 10,900 PECK CENTER/GYM 115,828 126,190 129,188 140,874 - - MLK CENTER 101,531 108,599 79,284 77,537 - 2,000 YOUTH PROGRAMS 205,616 213,354 41,079 46,382 - - AQUATICS 202,532 212,773 133,677 119,287 20,000 18,300 CULTURE/RECREATION 1,233,316 1,304,581 895,010 979,148 84,500 57,200 - -

OTHER SERVICES 50,000 56,500

TOTAL General Fund 13,813,360 15,247,906 4,721,692 5,410,034 811,520 681,326 121,078 120,916

Special Revenue Funds (100's) 69,710 105,678 49,431 117,720 275,380 246,680

Debt Service Funds (200's) 3,181,286 3,178,237

Capital Funds (300, 310 & 330) 3,392,750 4,244,150 557,466 703,427

GOLF 785 785 1,480,144 1,540,576 145,000 475,000 113,332 112,692 AIRPORT 188,873 191,113 261,028 306,165 1,426,000 4,075,500 77,334 286,266 SANITATION - - 2,508,595 2,359,125 - - WASTEWATER 1,094,857 1,138,699 1,364,364 1,360,358 1,471,000 1,001,500 - - WATER 1,024,267 1,066,324 1,332,235 1,382,871 383,500 574,500 - - STORM WATER MGMT 192,615 361,834 250,540 162,927 1,530,000 1,026,283 43,031 43,030 MARINA - - 1,796,063 1,290,234 450,000 5,195,000 363,312 513,863

TOTAL Enterprise Funds 2,501,397 2,758,755 8,992,969 8,402,256 5,405,500 12,347,783 597,009 955,851

GARAGE 229,197 217,986 647,775 685,179 88,600 65,700 - - UTILITY BILLING 328,366 334,348 150,274 143,726 110,000 75,000 15,389 - UTILITY ADMIN 334,572 332,503 44,635 49,851 - 11,500

TOTAL Internal Service Funds 892,135 884,837 842,684 878,756 198,600 152,200 15,389 -

TOTAL CITY 17,276,602 18,997,176 14,606,776 14,808,766 10,083,750 17,672,139 4,472,228 4,958,431 37.20% 33.66% 31.45% 26.24% 21.71% 31.31% 9.63% 8.79%

Budget Summary III.11 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach Full-Time Personnel Allocation 2017 - 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 Change General Government City Clerk 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 - City Manager 3 4 3.9 3.9 4 3.5 4.25 0.8 Finance 7 6 6 5.9 5.9 5.9 7 1.1 Information Technology 3 2 2 2.1 2.1 2.1 2 (0.1) Human Resources 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 1.0 Legal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - Planning 4.7 4.2 3 3.35 3.25 4 4 - Public Safety Police 44 40 40 40 36 38 40 2.0 Fire 34 33 31 31 32 34 34 - Building/Permitting 5.3 4.8 5 6.15 6.15 7.65 8.9 1.25 Code Enforcement 1 1 1.5 1.6 1.35 1.1 (0.25) Public Works Facility Maintenance 5 5 5 5 5 5.5 5.5 - Streets 9 14 14 14 16 18 18 - Culture Recreation Recreation 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 - Parks 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 - Peck Center 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 - MLK Center 1 1 - Youth Programs 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - Aquatics 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - Cemetery 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1.0 Total General Funds 142 134 130.9 131.9 131 139 145.75 6.8 Enterprise Funds Golf Course 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - Airport 1 1 1.1 1.1 1 2 2 - Sanitation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - Wastewater Operations 18 16 12.5 12.5 12 12.5 12.5 - Water Operations 10 10 9.5 9.5 11.5 12.5 12.5 - Stormwater Management 1 0 0 0 0.5 2.5 4.75 2.3 Marina 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - Total Enterprise Funds 30 27 23.1 23.1 25 29.5 31.75 2.3 Internal Service Funds Central Garage 3 3 3 3 3 2.5 2.5 - Utility Billing 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 - Utilities Administration 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - Total Internal Service 10 10 10 10 10 10.5 10.5 - Total City Total City Full-Time Personnel 182 171 164 165 166 179 188 9.0

Budget Summary III.12 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach Personnel Allocation FTE FTE 2017 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 Net FT PT FTE FT PT FTE Change General Government City Clerk 4 0 4.0 4 0 4.0 - City Manager 3.5 0 3.5 4.25 0 4.3 0.8 Finance 5.9 2 6.9 7 1.67 7.8 0.9 Information Technology 2.1 1 2.6 2 2 3.0 0.4 Human Resources 2 1 2.5 3 0.33 3.5 1.0 Legal 2 0 2.0 2 0 2.0 - Planning 4 0 4.0 4 0.75 4.4 0.4 Public Safety Police 38 6 41.0 40 6 43.0 2.00 Fire 34 0 34.0 34 0 34.0 - Building/Permitting 7.65 0 7.7 8.9 2 9.9 2.25 Code Enforcement 1.35 1 1.9 1.1 1.25 1.7 (0.1) Public Works Facility Maintenance 5.5 3 7.0 5.5 2 6.5 (0.5) Streets 18 1 18.5 18 1 18. 5 - Culture Recreation Recreation 5 9 9.5 5 10 10.0 0.5 Parks 0 0 - 0 0 - - Peck Center 1 5 3.5 1 5 3.5 - MLK Center 1 5 3.5 1 5 3.5 - Youth Programs 2 6 5.0 2 6 5.0 - Aquatics 1 11 6.5 1 12 7.0 0.5 Cemetery 1 0 1.0 2 0 2.0 1.0 Total General Funds 139 51 164.5 145.75 55 173.6 9.1 Enterprise Funds Golf Course 0 0 - 0 0 - - Airport 2 0 2.0 2 0 2.0 - Sanitation 0 0 - 0 0 - - Wastewater Operations 12.5 2 13.5 12.5 2 13.5 - Water Operations 12.5 0 12.5 12.5 0 12.5 - Stormwater Management 2.5 0 2.5 4.75 0 4.8 2.3 Marina 0 0 - 0 0 - - Total Enterprise Funds 29.5 2 30.5 31.75 2 32.8 2.3 Internal Service Funds Central Garage 2.5 1 3.0 2.5 1 3.0 - Utility Billing 5 0 5.0 5 0 5.0 - Utilities Administration 3 0 3.0 3 0 3.0 - Total Internal Service 10.5 1 11.0 10.5 1 11.0 - Total City Total City Personnel 179 54 206.0 188 58 217.3 11.3

Budget Summary III.13 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017 - 2018

PERSONNEL Bud/Bud ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 DECREASE GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COMMISSION 77,971 79,614 94,336 100,638 106,958 106,226 106,674 0.4% CITY CLERK 246,438 262,391 250,819 286,510 299,870 311,929 327,371 5.0% CITY MANAGER 325,294 399,391 421,289 372,885 488,992 396,229 444,139 12.1% FINANCE 481,323 512,338 521,211 553,857 551,547 608,271 753,043 23.8% INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 179,911 173,961 223,953 244,190 238,570 256,572 280,167 9.2% PERSONNEL/HUMAN RESOURCES 243,912 258,223 209,895 332,605 206,386 245,715 290,916 18.4% LEGAL 214,338 208,971 219,307 228,740 232,331 244,132 261,077 6.9% FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 387,980 401,768 396,555 416,664 418,245 533,559 491,804 -7.8% PLANNING 318,285 218,578 247,522 306,229 274,940 367,123 381,134 3.8% 2,475,452 2,515,235 2,584,887 2,842,318 2,817,839 3,069,756 3,336,325 8.7%

PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE 3,746,635 3,778,043 3,749,489 3,807,987 3,815,715 4,062,296 4,510,893 11.0% FIRE 3,156,777 3,207,293 3,214,725 3,537,516 3,487,174 3,498,950 3,936,665 12.5% BUILDING & PERMITTING 344,567 413,607 462,548 509,252 518,481 695,060 853,763 22.8% CODE ENFORCEMENT 60,342 64,462 92,671 118,095 115,975 130,444 129,699 -0.6% 7,308,321 7,463,405 7,519,433 7,972,850 7,937,345 8,386,750 9,431,020 12.5%

TRANSPORTATION STREETS 877,114 912,024 933,680 1,004,166 1,115,880 1,123,538 1,175,980 4.7%

CULTURE/RECREATION RECREATION 495,174 523,398 537,147 552,688 600,762 607,809 643,665 5.9% PARKS ------PECK CENTER/GYM 179,884 197,347 205,956 203,847 208,003 115,828 126,190 8.9% MLK CENTER - - - - - 101,531 108,599 YOUTH PROGRAMS 185,273 179,551 192,026 204,018 196,000 205,616 213,354 3.8% AQUATICS 166,625 179,404 180,938 186,425 185,129 202,532 212,773 5.1% CEMETERY 51,439 56,954 61,804 65,972 66,136 69,710 105,678 51.6% 1,078,395 1,136,654 1,177,871 1,212,950 1,256,030 1,303,026 1,410,259 8.2%

TOTAL General Fund 11,739,282 12,027,318 12,215,871 13,032,284 13,127,094 13,883,070 15,353,584 10.6%

GOLF 232 (27,463) 565 7,645 727 785 785 AIRPORT 51,810 67,429 83,108 118,405 93,929 188,873 191,113 1.2% SANITATION ------WASTEWATER 1,104,243 970,067 898,000 1,003,555 1,064,871 1,094,857 1,138,699 4.0% WATER 776,545 723,974 754,222 888,762 921,562 1,024,267 1,066,324 4.1% STORM WATER MGMT - (5,097) - - 59,083 192,615 361,834 87.9% MARINA - (9,357) - 38,442 - - -

TOTAL Enterprise Funds 1,932,830 1,719,553 1,735,895 2,056,809 2,140,172 2,501,397 2,758,755 10.3%

GARAGE 203,522 212,398 219,526 243,457 229,998 229,197 217,986 -4.9% UTILITY BILLING 275,903 291,991 296,075 320,979 304,280 328,366 334,348 1.8% UTILITY ADMIN 302,616 287,998 302,266 317,158 316,681 334,572 332,503 -0.6%

TOTAL Internal Service Funds 782,041 792,387 817,867 881,594 850,959 892,135 884,837 -0.8%

TOTAL CITY PERSONNEL 14,454,153 14,539,258 14,769,633 15,970,687 16,118,225 17,276,602 18,997,176 10.0%

Budget Summary III.14 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Fiscal Year 2017-2018

Revenue Highlights

The City of Fernandina Beach’s Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget includes several major revenue sources: Ad Valorem Taxes, Local Option Taxes, Franchise Fees, Utility Taxes, Licenses and Permits, Sales Tax, State Shared Revenues, and Charges for Services. The charges for services and fees are recommended by the City Manager and are approved by the City Commission. The Finance Department utilizes the Florida Legislative Committee on Intergovernmental Relations website to gather estimates. This information, along with statistical data, including historical and trend analysis, is used in estimating the local option taxes, franchise fees, municipal taxes, and state shared revenues.

The accounting of all of the funds as presented in the budget is on a modified accrual basis. Revenues are recognized when they are known and measurable. Expenditures are recorded when the liability has occurred and is measurable. The City uses the accrual basis of accounting for financial statement preparation as required by state guidelines and generally accepted accounting principles.

The 2017-2018 revenues grouped by function are: • Taxes $ 18,345,571 • Licenses and Permits 1,477,650 • Intergovernmental Revenues 9,131,640 • Charges for Services 18,025,877 • Fines and Forfeits 44,776 • Miscellaneous Revenue 8,931,401 • Financing Sources 4,027,200 • Operating Revenues $ 59,984,115

• Transfers/Reimbursements 8,264,411 • Cash Forward 64,557,738 • Internal Service Funds 1,810,736 Total 2017-2018 Revenues $ 134,617,000

There are a total of 30 funds in the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget. Total operating revenues are projected at $59,984,115 for all funds. This is an 30% increase from the prior year’s budget. New loan proceeds (Financing Sources) of $4.0 million dollars increased grant revenue of approximately $4.8 million dollars and a $1.7 million dollars increase in taxes were the primary contributors to the increase. The General Fund, which is the fund where most City services are budgeted, has projected operating revenues of $20,102,002 which is an 11.1% increase from the prior year due to the 10.1% increase in the property tax revenue, higher state shared revenue and an 36.6% increase in licenses and permitting revenue. Special revenue funds account for 4.3% of all projected operating revenues for 2017-2018 and include the Cemetery, Law Enforcement Trust Fund, Federal Forfeiture Fund, CDBG-Housing Fund, CDBG-Economic Development Fund, Sewer Impact Fund, Water Impact Fee Fund, Utility Tax Fund, Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Fund, CRA Fund, and Law Enforcement Recovery Fund. Enterprise Funds account for 48.8% of all projected operating revenues and include the Golf Course Fund, Airport Fund, Sanitation Fund, Sewer

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City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Fiscal Year 2017-2018

Operations Fund, Water Operations Fund, Storm Water Management Fund, and the Marina Fund.

The major revenue sources are described below:

 Property Taxes - The largest single source of revenue, ad valorem taxes, is used in the General Fund for City operations and represents 59.9% of the total General Fund operating revenues.

 Local Option Taxes – • Insurance Premium Tax - The City levies a tax on fire and casualty insurance premiums, which is used to partially fund the Police and Fire Pension Plan and is accounted for in the Police and Fire Pension Fund. • Fuel Tax - The City receives 9.05% of the 1 to 6 Cents Local Option Fuel Tax imposed on Motor and Diesel Fuels, levied by the County. For Fiscal Year 2017-2018, this revenue is estimated to be $243,101 and is budgeted in the General Fund. • One-Cent Sales Surtax (Small County Surtax) - Effective March 1, 1996, the County levied a one-cent small county surtax. The City receives 13.77% of this revenue pursuant to the population formula contained in Section 218.62 F.S. This revenue is estimated at $1,770,051 for the Fiscal Year 2017- 2018, and is budgeted in the General Fund. This is an increase of $177,992, or 11.2% from the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 budget.

 Franchise Fees - The City collects a franchise fee on electricity, propane and sanitation services. These fees vary with a maximum allowed of 10%. This revenue is estimated at $1,400,000 for electricity and $215,670 for Sanitation for Fiscal Year 2017-2018. The budget includes no increase in the electric franchise fee. These fees supplement General Fund revenue and contribute to the debt service payments for capital improvements.

 Utility Taxes – This revenue source is also referred to as Municipal and/or Excise Taxes. This tax is levied on gross sales of electricity, water, telecommunications and liquified petroleum. These rates range from 6% to 10%. Caps on most of these rates are set by State law. The budgeted revenue for this source is $1,731,979 in Fiscal Year 2017-2018. Although they are accounted for in a special revenue fund, Utility Tax Fund, the proceeds are subsequently transferred to the General Fund for operations. Wastewater impact fees and Water impact fees are accounted for in the Wastewater Impact Fees Fund and Water Impact Fees Fund. This revenue is budgeted to be $406,175 and $167,825 respectively in Fiscal Year 2017-2018. These revenues are a secondary pledge for the repayment of utility bonds, which requires that they be accounted for in separate funds.

 Licenses and Permits – Includes building permits, plan review fees and local business taxes. This segment of the General Fund revenue is projected to be $1,477,650, a 36.6% increase from the previous Fiscal Year’s Budget.

 Intergovernmental Revenue – Major revenue sources for this category include half-cent sales tax, state revenue sharing, and federal and state grants. The state- shared revenues are based on formulas which include population factors for the counties and cities in the State. The estimated revenues for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 of $9,131,640 increased by approximately $4.8 million dollars compared to last year.

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City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Fiscal Year 2017-2018

The Airport enterprise fund is projecting $880 thousand dollars more in grant funding in Fiscal Year 2017-2018 than last fiscal year. The Capital Improvement Fund is expecting just over $327 thousand more in grant funding in Fiscal Year 2017-2018. The intergovernmental revenue major sources are:

• Half-Cent Sales Tax – This program was created in 1982 and generates the largest amount of revenue for local governments among the state shared- revenue sources. The program’s primary purpose is to provide relief from ad valorem and utility taxes. It is divided among counties and municipalities based on population and sales tax collections. The amount budgeted in the General Fund is to be used for municipal-wide programs. This revenue is not restricted and can be pledged for the payment of debt service. The Fiscal Year 2017-2018 budget anticipates $854,775 from this revenue source, up 7.2% over last year. • State Revenue Sharing – This program was created in 1972 by the State and established trust funds for certain revenue sources and specified formulas for redistribution to municipalities and counties. The major sources of these funds for municipalities are cigarette and fuel taxes. The formula for distribution to localities is based on population and sales tax collections. A portion of this revenue, 23.8%, is restricted for transportation-related expenses and is budgeted to fund authorized Streets projects in the Capital Improvement Fund. The city has allocated the required amount for transportation related improvements such as street resurfacing in the upcoming year. The Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget contains $335,266 for this revenue source allocated as follows: General Fund $228,016 and $107,250 in the Capital Improvement Fund. • Grant Revenue –Grant revenue budgeted in the Capital Improvement Fund includes $475,000 from the Department of Homeland Security for a Fire Boat. The Fiscal Year 2017-2018 budget also includes FAA, FDOT and FDEO grants at the Airport for the new operations and welcome center, totaling almost $2.0 million dollars. For more information, please see the five year capital improvements plan in Section VIII.

 Charges for Services – These revenues stem from charges for specific City services. Recreational activities and payment for rescue services account for this source of revenue in the General Fund. Excluding grants, the Enterprise Funds operate solely from service charges.

 Fines and Forfeits – Includes fines from citations issued by the Police and Code Enforcement. A total of $19,400 in revenues is projected in the General Fund.

 Miscellaneous – This section consists of impact fees (excluding Wastewater and Water impact fees), special assessments, interest and other revenues not otherwise classified. Impact fees for other services, including police, fire, recreation and administration, are accounted for in the Capital Expansion Fund and are projected to be $897,750 in the Fiscal Year 2017-2018. Special Assessments may be authorized by the Commission for street paving or other special projects.

 Financing Sources – New debt anticipated in the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 budget. Grant revenue includes $4,068 thousand dollars from FEMA (Federal and State) for rebuilding the Marina from damages sustained during Hurricane Matthew; $1.0 million dollars at the Airport for the City’s share of capital projects; $2.4 million dollars at the Marina for the rebuild; $200 thousand dollars at the Golf course for

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City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Fiscal Year 2017-2018

new golf carts; and $427,200 in the Capital Improvement Fund to replace Police and Fire radios.

There are no legal debt limits placed on the City through either state law, or local ordinances or resolutions. The City has not formally adopted a debt policy, but we utilize many recommended guidelines from the City’s Bond Counsel when incurring debt for municipal projects.

 Cash Forward (Fund Balances) – This accounts for undesignated and reserved fund balances from the previous year. A total of $64,557,738 is projected, including $39,478,600 for the Pension Plans, $8,895,950 for the Enterprise Funds, $253,440 for the Debt Funds, $7,494,600 for the Capital Funds, $1,727,674 for the Special Revenue Funds ($966,750 of which is restricted for Cemetery perpetual care), $123,850 is budgeted in Internal Service Funds and $6,583,624 for the General Fund. The General Fund portion is split between unrestricted, $5,260,874 and cash balance forward restricted for building $1,322,750.

Expenditure Highlights

The City of Fernandina Beach’s Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget includes four major areas of expenditures: Personnel Services, Operating Expenses, Capital Expenditures and Debt Service. As a service provider, a significant part of City expenditures is for employee costs budgeted under Personnel Services. In the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget, Personnel Services totals $18,997,176 or 33.7% of all expenditures excluding Trust and Agency Funds and including Internal Service Funds.

Operating Expenses are budgeted to be $14,808,766 or 26.2% of all expenditures while capital expenditures represent 31.3%, $17,672,139 and Debt Service totals $4,958,431 or 8.8% of operating expenditures excluding Trust and Agency Funds and including Internal Service Funds.

Major capital projects in the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year Budget include $5.2 million dollars for the rebuild of the Marina; a new operations and welcome center, and other projects at the Airport totaling almost $4.1 million dollars; $1.0 million dollars for storm water improvements; $427,200 for new radios for Police and Fire, and $325,000 for Street Resurfacing. Funds have also been included for opening up Alachua Street, $800,000; replacing two beach accesses, $200,000; and purchasing a new Fire rescue unit, $255,300.

The accounting of all of the funds in the budget is on a modified accrual basis. Revenues are recognized when they are known and measurable. Expenditures are recorded when the liability has occurred and is measurable. The City uses the accrual basis of accounting for financial statement preparation as required by state guidelines and generally accepted accounting principles.

These expenses are grouped by function as identified below:

• General Government Services $ 8,633,108 • Public Safety 13,527,575 • Physical Environment 10,587,131 • Transportation 8,109,740 • Economic Environment 85,373 • Human Services 56,500 • Culture/Recreation 12,277,922

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City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Fiscal Year 2017-2018

• Debt Services 4,794,485 Operating Expenditures $ 58,071,834

• Transfers/Reimbursements 8,264,411 • Reserves/Contingencies 66,364,962 • Internal Service Funds 1,915,793

Total 2017-2018 Expenditures/Reserves $ 134,617,000

 General Government Services – The Commission, Clerk, City Manager, Finance, Human Resources, Information Technology, Legal Departments and Planning are included in this broad category as well as Facilities Maintenance and Non- departmental. The Non-departmental budget captures expenses that affect all departments located in the City Hall Building.

 Public Safety – This is the largest single source of expenditures in the General Fund and covers the Police and Fire operations as well as the Building and Permitting department and Code Enforcement. In Fiscal Year 2008-2009, the Fire department contracted with a third party to directly process rescue services billing and receipts.

 Physical Environment – This function covers the operation of the sanitation (garbage collection), sewer plant (collection and treatment), water operations, and storm water management costs and projects. The bulk of these operations are accounted for in Enterprise Funds with fees for services revenue to cover the cost of operations.

 Transportation – This function includes the Streets Department, in the General Fund, portions of the Capital Improvement Fund and the Airport Fund. In addition to the repair and maintenance of streets and sidewalks, the Street Department budget also includes the cost of maintaining traffic signals and utilities for streetlights. Major street resurfacing, paving and sidewalk construction are accounted for in the Capital Improvement Fund. The Airport Fund, which is operated as an Enterprise Fund, is also included in this group. Rentals from the hangars, ground leases and fuel sales fund the operation of the Airport, with major capital items being primarily funded by federal and state grants.

 Economic Environment – This sector includes the Community Redevelopment Area and the Downtown District budget which is comprised of costs to maintain the downtown area, including the maintenance of the comfort station, waterfront parking lots, flowers, tree lights and utilities.

 Human Services – This function consists primarily of donations and contributions made by the City to certain organizations, among them, amounts contributed to the Barnabas Center, Nassau Mental Health, the Salvation Army, and assistance with utility bills for low income residents.

 Culture/Recreation – The Golf Course and Marina, which are accounted for in the Enterprise Funds, have revenues which cover the cost of their operations and are included in this function. The Parks and Recreation Department is divided into several departments, including Recreation, Parks, Youth, Peck/MLK Centers and Aquatics, all of which are funded in the General Fund. Recreation costs are partially offset by registration fees and other charges. Significant recreation projects funded

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by grants, impact fees, bond proceeds and General Fund transfers are included in the Capital Improvement Funds.

 Debt Services – The repayment of the General Obligation Bond is recorded in a separate Debt Service Fund. All debt service related to the Wastewater and Water utility is accounted for in Fund 230, the Utility Debt Service Fund, and is funded by transfers from the Wastewater and Water funds. The Marina Debt Service Fund previously accounted for the debt service payments related to the Marina Revenue Note, 2009 and was funded by transfers from the Marina enterprise fund. The debt has been restructured and is now serviced directly from the Marina Enterprise Fund.

 Transfers – In order to comply with requirements of certain revenue streams, special funds are established for the receipt of monies. These monies are then transferred to the appropriate funds making the disbursements. Transfers are also provided for the reimbursement of indirect costs from Enterprise Funds to the General Fund.

 Reserves – Unappropriated revenues and projected cash balance remaining are grouped as reserves and include contingencies. Contingencies and reserves in Fiscal Year 2017-2018 total $66,364,962. The General Fund Reserves and Contingencies have increased to $5,416,163 from $5,084,753 (FY 2016-2017 Budget). The restricted portion related to Building/Permitting makes up 16.4%, or $899,170 of the total General Fund Reserves and Contingencies for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.

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City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Fiscal Year 2017-2018

Fund Descriptions

The City, like other state and local governments, uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance related legal requirements. All of the funds of the City can be divided into three categories: governmental funds, proprietary funds, and fiduciary funds.

Governmental Funds

Governmental fund financial statements focus on near-term inflows and outflows of spendable resources, as well as on balances of spendable resources available at the end of the fiscal year. Such information may be useful in evaluating a government’s near-term financing requirements.

Proprietary Funds

The City maintains two different types of proprietary funds, enterprise and internal service funds. The City uses enterprise funds to account for its sanitation, water, sewer, marina, airport and golf course operations. Internal Service funds are an accounting device used to accumulate and allocate costs internally among the City’s various functions. The City uses internal service funds to account for its vehicle maintenance activities, utility billing and utility administration.

Fiduciary Funds

Fiduciary funds are used to account for resources held for the benefit of parties outside the government. The General Employees and Police and Fire pension plans make up the City’s only Fiduciary funds. Resources of those funds are not available to support the City’s own programs.

Budget Summary III.21 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach Grants Anticipated for the Period October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018 Percentage by

Grantor Department/Purpose Amount Department/Purpose State/County Parks & Recreation 64,950 2.95% State Community Development 50,000 2.28% Federal/State Public Safety 524,700 23.86% Federal/State Airport 1,295,000 58.90% State Marina 264,000 12.01% 2,198,650 100.01%

Grant Funds Anticipated FY 2017-2018

Parks & Recreation Community 2.95% Development 2.28% Marina 12.01%

Public Safety 23.86%

Airport 58.90%

Budget Summary III.22 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund

IV. City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Table of Contents Section Description Page #

General Fund: General Fund Contents General IV.1 General Fund Summary of Revenues IV.2 General Fund Summary of Exps IV.3 Revenues & Other Sources Revenues & Other Sources IV.4 Expenditures-Legislative City Commission IV.7 Expenditures-General City Clerk IV.11 City Manager IV.18 Controller-Finance Department IV.25 Information Technology IV.33 Human Resources IV.41 Legal IV.50 Non-Departmental IV.60 Facilities Maintenance IV.61 Expenditures-Public Safety Police IV.67 Fire IV.83 CDD-Building & Permitting IV.92 CDD-Planning IV. 101 CDD-Code Enforcement IV.1 11 Expenditures-Transportation Streets IV.115 Expenditures-Economic Downtown District IV.122 Expenditures -Culture & Library IV.126 Recreation IV.128 Parks IV.134 Peck Center IV.137 MLK Center IV.1 41 Youth Programs IV. 145 Aquatics IV.149 Parks & Recreation Goals and Objectives IV.153 Expenditures-Human Services Other Services IV.156 Expenditures- Transfers/ Transfers Out, Contingencies, & IV.158 CContingencies / Reserves Reserves

General Fund IV.1 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach Combined Summary of Revenues General Fund

$ % Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget Increase 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 (Decrease) Cash Balance Forward

Cash Bal Fwd-Unrestricted 5,045,343 5,361,237 4,679,636 5,233,052 5,260,874 27,822 0.5%

Cash Bal Fwd-Rest'd Bldg 451,306 728,803 576,200 1,043,400 1,322,750 279,350 26.8%


Property Taxes 9,894,587 10,356,519 10,332,000 10,937,700 12,045,190 1,107,490 10.1%

Sales/Use/Fuel Taxes 1,683,459 2,002,482 1,667,686 1,825,596 2,238,152 412,556 22.6%

Franchise Fees 1,431,832 1,465,276 1,340,000 1,463,000 1,416,000 (47,000) -3.2%

Licenses/Permits 1,078,858 1,246,931 968,900 1,081,550 1,477,650 396,100 36.6%

Intergovernmental 1,113,445 1,148,179 1,209,428 1,280,020 1,397,441 117,421 9.2%

Charges For Services 1,240,704 1,366,014 1,257,000 1,288,600 1,285,421 (3,179) -0.2%

Fines/Forfeitures 34,310 27,501 24,700 23,700 19,400 (4,300) -18.1%

Other Revenues 481,086 888,086 168,535 191,800 222,748 30,948 16.1%

Total 16,958,281 18,500,988 16,968,249 18,091,966 20,102,002 2,010,036 11.1% TRANSFERS

Transfers In 2,102,395 2,220,000 2,220,000 2,365,000 2,295,000 (70,000) -3.0%

TOTAL RESOURCES 24,557,325 26,811,028 24,444,085 26,733,418 28,980,626 2,247,208 8.4%

General Fund IV.2 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City Of Fernandina Beach Combined Summary Of Expenditures General Fund $ % Departments Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget Increase 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 (Decrease) General Government City Commission 210,727 267,029 280,500 304,161 328,214 24,053 7.9% City Clerk 345,680 402,506 449,213 451,758 466,036 14,278 3.2% City Manager 483,313 422,620 575,905 446,061 498,307 52,246 11.7% Finance 609,278 616,302 612,912 676,904 845,808 168,904 25.0% Information Technology 469,003 486,154 638,578 644,931 656,026 11,095 1.7% Human Resources 277,019 376,266 255,973 298,687 365,171 66,484 22.3% Legal 269,304 292,958 299,439 317,444 327,545 10,101 3.2% Non-Departmental 229,717 248,999 268,758 263,945 277,769 13,824 5.2% Facilities Maintenance 483,458 468,543 490,920 629,342 601,507 (27,835) -4.4% Planning 286,664 375,663 393,466 482,680 534,710 52,030 10.8% Total 3,664,163 3,957,040 4,265,664 4,515,913 4,901,093 385,180 8.5%

Public Safety Police 4,568,915 4,544,159 4,591,886 5,076,615 5,526,768 450,153 8.9% Fire 3,865,110 4,238,156 4,266,821 4,453,097 4,854,940 401,843 9.0% Building & Permitting 548,350 632,914 654,374 900,695 1,479,328 578,633 64.2% Code Enforcement 106,059 145,471 150,916 172,279 167,039 (5,240) -3.0% Total 9,088,434 9,560,700 9,663,997 10,602,686 12,028,075 1,425,389 13.4%

Transportation Streets 1,518,764 1,626,814 1,776,277 2,031,228 2,048,212 16,984 0.8%

Economic Environment Downtown District 47,379 47,185 55,041 54,997 85,373 30,376 55.2%

Culture & Recreation Library 15,316 17,464 10,222 10,629 14,341 3,712 34.9% Recreation 841,120 910,654 940,723 979,930 1,040,999 61,069 6.2% Parks 127,729 167,758 172,814 193,532 220,293 26,761 13.8% Peck Center/Gym 372,426 385,366 405,206 245,016 267,064 22,048 9.0% MLK Center - - - 180,815 188,136 7,321 4.0% Youth Programs 225,771 240,901 233,951 246,695 259,736 13,041 5.3% Aquatics 321,743 299,158 305,222 356,209 350,360 (5,849) -1.6% Total 1,904,105 2,021,301 2,068,138 2,212,826 2,340,929 128,103 5.8%

Other Services Other Services 25,665 37,913 44,750 50,000 56,500 6,500 13.0% Total Expenditures Total Expenditures 16,248,510 17,250,953 17,873,867 19,467,650 21,460,182 1,992,532 10.2% Transfers, Contingencies, & Reserves Transfers 2,055,475 2,098,065 2,094,015 2,181,015 2,104,281 (76,734) -3.5% Contingency 163,300 - 120,000 120,000 120,000 - 0.0% Unrestricted Contg/Reserves 5,361,237 6,497,488 3,961,403 3,940,621 4,396,993 456,372 11.6% Rest'd (Bldg) Contg/Reserves 728,803 964,522 394,800 1,024,132 899,170 (124,962) -12.2%

Total Expenditures, Transfers, & Reserves 24,557,325 26,811,028 24,444,085 26,733,418 28,980,626 2,247,208 8.4%

General Fund IV.3 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund

FUND TITLE:/FUND # SOURCES General: 001 All General Fund Revenues/Cash Balances

REVENUE OBJECT #/TITLE ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE MILLAGE RATE Operating 6.1021 6.1021 6.1021 6.0682 6.0000 -1.1% Voted Debt- 2001 GOB Bond 0.2642 0.2023 0.2023 0.2362 0.2097 -11.2% Total Assessed Millage 6.3663 6.3044 6.3044 6.3044 6.2097 -1.5% 311 PROPERTY TAXES 001 31110 Property Taxes 9,894,587 10,356,519 10,332,000 10,937,700 12,045,190 10.1% Total 9,894,587 10,356,519 10,332,000 10,937,700 12,045,190 10.1% 312 SALES/USE AND FUEL TAXES 001 31240 Local Option Gas Tax 218,895 229,752 222,462 233,537 243,101 4.1% 001 31251 State/Fire Insurance Tax - 124,557 - - 125,000 0.0% 001 31252 State/Police Insurance Tax - 99,619 - - 100,000 0.0% 001 31260 Small County Surtax 1,464,564 1,548,554 1,445,224 1,592,059 1,770,051 11.2% Total 1,683,459 2,002,482 1,667,686 1,825,596 2,238,152 22.6% 323 FRANCHISE FEES 001 32310 Franchise Fees Electric 1,419,177 1,449,522 1,325,000 1,450,000 1,400,000 -3.4% 001 32340 Franchise Fees Gas 12,655 15,754 15,000 13,000 16,000 23.1% Total 1,431,832 1,465,276 1,340,000 1,463,000 1,416,000 -3.2% 316/322/329 LICENSES/PERMITS 001 31610 Local Business Tax 152,266 158,324 168,000 180,000 160,000 -11.1% 001 31620 Local Business Tax - Penalties 3,201 2,701 2,500 2,500 2,500 0.0% 001 31630 Local Business Tax - Other Fees 103 397 - - - 0.0% 001 31640 Local Business Tax - Past Due Fees 945 902 500 500 500 0.0% 001 32200 Building Permits 417,015 454,331 350,000 385,000 600,000 55.8% 001 32201 Building Permit- Address - (35) - - - 0.0% 001 32202 Building Permit- Construction 187,526 201,980 151,000 165,000 300,000 81.8% 001 32203 Building Permit - Demolition 4,612 5,329 10,000 3,500 6,500 85.7% 001 32204 Building Permit - Driveway 3,115 4,480 3,000 3,000 6,000 100.0% 001 32205 Building Permit - Land Clear/Exca/Fill - - - - - 0.0% 001 32206 Building Permit - After the Fact Fee 7,802 6,414 5,000 5,000 4,500 -10.0% 001 32207 Building Permit - Reinspection Fee 3,675 3,665 4,000 4,000 4,000 0.0% 001 32208 Building Permit - 2nd Reinspection - - 200 100 100 0.0% 001 32209 Building Permit - 3rd Reinspection - - - - - 0.0% 001 32210 Building Permit - Tree Removal 8,575 12,815 12,500 15,000 15,000 0.0% 001 32211 Building Permit - Fencing 4,900 5,150 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0% 001 32219 Tree Trust Fund Reserve 8,575 13,940 12,500 15,000 15,000 0.0% 001 32218 Clearing/Excavate-Permits 9,343 14,710 10,000 14,000 16,000 14.3% 001 32900 Code Enforcement Fees & Fines 3,593 1,434 3,000 3,000 3,500 16.7% 001 32901 Zoning Plan Review 11,200 15,250 10,000 12,000 18,000 50.0% 001 32992 Fire Marshall's Fees 22,248 25,994 23,500 23,500 24,000 2.1% 001 32995 Address Assignment 810 1,060 950 950 1,000 5.3% 001 32903 Sign Permits 4,836 3,467 5,000 4,500 4,500 0.0% 001 32904 Private Direction Signs - - - - - 0.0% 001 32905 Electrical Permits - General 37,608 50,825 36,000 40,500 55,000 35.8% 001 32906 Electrical Permits - Seasonal/Temporary Pole 6,600 7,575 5,000 5,000 7,500 50.0% 001 32907 Engineering Fees - - - - - 0.0% 001 32908 Gas Permits - General 7,007 11,750 6,000 7,000 14,000 100.0% 001 32909 Gas Permits - LP Installation 2,040 8,575 2,500 4,000 6,000 50.0% 001 32910 Gas Permits - Tank Fees - 75 - - - 0.0% 001 32911 Mechanical 63,084 76,818 55,000 59,000 65,000 10.2% 001 32912 Plumbing Permits 35,789 38,383 33,000 34,000 34,000 0.0% 001 32913 Plumbing - Fixture Fees 18,808 22,047 17,500 18,000 20,000 11.1% 001 32981 Special Event Permits 4,595 3,760 3,200 3,000 2,500 -16.7% 001 32982 Special Banner Permits 840 1,150 600 1,500 1,000 -33.3% 001 32980 Other Misc Permits 1,745 1,060 2,000 2,000 1,000 -50.0% 001 32914 Permit/Review Fees - 257 - - - 0.0%

General Fund IV.4 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund

FUND TITLE:/FUND # SOURCES General: 001 All General Fund Revenues/Cash Balances


001 32915 Annexation App Fee 4,250 300 2,100 2,250 2,700 20.0% 001 32916 BOA App Fees - Commercial - 3,250 - - - 0.0% 001 32917 BOA App Fees- Residential 7,150 10,400 3,250 9,100 13,000 42.9% 001 32918 Zoning Certification Fee 9,235 7,665 5,000 6,500 3,500 -46.2% 001 32919 CDD - Certified Mail Fee - - - - - 0.0% 001 32920 CDD Copies Made Fee 4,085 3,759 2,000 6,000 2,000 -66.7% 001 32921 Comp Plan Amend App Fee - - 850 850 3,300 288.2% 001 32922 Concurrency Review App Fee - - - - - 0.0% 001 32923 CU Application Fee - - - - - 0.0% 001 32924 HDC Application Fee 3,787 5,626 4,000 6,000 10,000 66.7% 001 32925 Plat Approval Lot/Acre Cost - - - - - 0.0% 001 32926 Plat Approval App Fee 1,600 2,450 1,600 2,450 3,200 30.6% 001 32927 Preliminary Site Plan Visit 20 - - - - 0.0% 001 32928 Rezoning App Fee 850 17,200 1,700 8,500 5,000 -41.2% 001 32929 Site Plan Review App Fee 8,700 32,200 6,000 18,000 36,000 100.0% 001 32930 Special Use App Fee - - - - - 0.0% 001 32931 HDC Variance 650 1,950 1,300 1,300 1,300 0.0% 001 32932 Due Diligence 250 250 500 500 1,500 200.0% 001 32933 Telecommunication Permit - - - - - 0.0% 001 32934 Change of Use - - - - - 0.0% 001 32935 Administrative Waiver - - - - - 0.0% 001 32936 Code Text Amendment 850 850 850 850 850 0.0% 001 32937 Lot Line Adjustments 2,150 3,450 1,300 1,700 1,200 -29.4% 001 32940 Administration Cost/Impact Fees - - - - - 0.0% 001 32960 Administration Cost/Bld'g Surcharge 2,825 2,998 1,000 2,000 2,000 0.0% Total 1,078,858 1,246,931 968,900 1,081,550 1,477,650 36.6% 331/334 STATE AND FEDERAL GRANTS 001 33120 FEMA Grant - - - - - 0.0% 0012100 34211 USDOT Grant - - - 50,600 49,700 -1.8% 001 33160 Urban Forestry Grant - - - 30,000 - -100.0% 001 33170 DOS Preservation - - 40,000 - 50,000 0.0% 001 33400 State Grant 2,883 - - - - 0.0% Total 2,883 - 40,000 80,600 99,700 23.7% 335 STATE SHARED REVENUE 001 33512 State Revenue Sharing Proceed 205,357 209,924 210,137 211,506 228,016 7.8% 001 33514 Mobile Home Tax 850 739 200 800 600 -25.0% 001 33515 Alcoholic Bev License 19,205 26,460 20,000 20,000 22,000 10.0% 001 33350 Half-Cent Sales Tax 729,203 772,617 726,445 797,676 854,775 7.2% 001 33522 Firefighters Supplement 9,759 7,963 8,600 10,000 10,500 5.0% Total 964,374 1,017,703 965,382 1,039,982 1,115,891 7.3% 337 GRANTS/LOCAL UNITS 001 33720 School Resource Officer 128,814 116,359 136,672 141,456 127,850 -9.6% 001 33721 DEA Reimbursement 17,374 14,117 17,374 17,982 4,000 -77.8% Total 146,188 130,476 154,046 159,438 131,850 -17.3% 339 PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF TAXES 001 33910 Ocean Highway and Port Authority - - 50,000 - 50,000 0.0% Total - - 50,000 - 50,000 0.0% 342/343 OTHER CHARGES/FEES 001 34260 Ambulance Services 392,442 409,564 430,000 430,000 423,771 -1.4% 001 33722 Nassau County Ocean Rescue 113,000 113,000 113,000 118,600 118,650 0.0% 001 34290 Shrimp Festival Reimbursement 16,836 11,174 15,000 15,000 12,000 -20.0% Total 522,278 533,738 558,000 563,600 554,421 -1.6%

General Fund IV.5 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 General Fund FUND TITLE:/FUND # SOURCES General: 001 All General Fund Revenues/Cash Balances

REVENUE OBJECT #/TITLE ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE 347 RECREATIONAL 001 34742 Swimming Pools 57,608 57,378 54,000 54,000 54,000 0.0% 001 34743 Swimmimg Pools Non Taxable 40 138 - - - 0.0% 001 34720 Rentals 16,381 19,056 10,000 12,000 12,000 0.0% 001 34704 Rentals Non Taxable 9,836 13,461 15,000 16,000 15,000 -6.3% 001 34705 Softball Complex 1,772 752 4,000 1,500 1,000 -33.3% 001 34700 Trust Activities Non Taxable 149,857 164,027 154,000 157,000 157,000 0.0% 001 34701 Trust Activities Taxable 19,457 21,234 16,000 17,500 20,000 14.3% 001 34730 Youth Trust Activities 16,703 20,253 15,000 16,000 - -100.0% 001 34741 Aquatics Trust Non Taxable 121,758 135,370 110,000 115,000 115,000 0.0% 001 34740 Aquatics Trust Taxable - - - - - 0.0% 001 34721 Peck Rents 12,270 13,743 8,000 10,000 10,000 0.0% 001 34724 Peck Trust Non Taxable 44,647 60,613 40,000 40,000 40,000 0.0% 001 34723 Peck Trust Taxable 7,264 5,837 7,000 7,000 6,000 -14.3% 001 34725 MLK Rents - - - 3,500 3,000 -14.3% 001 34728 MLK Trust Non Taxable - 35 - 5,500 12,000 118.2% 001 34727 MLK Trust Taxable - - - - - 0.0% 001 34702 Parks Trust Non Taxable 22,141 19,040 11,000 11,000 7,000 -36.4% 001 34703 Parks Trust Taxable - - - - - 0.0% 001 34722 Peck Rents Non Taxable 26,835 34,096 30,000 30,000 30,000 0.0% 001 34726 MLK Rents Non Taxable - (125) - - - 0.0% 001 34745 Greenway 203 214 - - - 0.0% 001 34746 Greenway Taxable 169 305 - - - 0.0% 001 34731 Youth Camps 201,562 251,677 220,000 220,000 240,000 9.1% 001 34706 Parks Lawn Charges 9,923 15,172 5,000 9,000 9,000 0.0% Total 718,426 832,276 699,000 725,000 731,000 0.8% 351 FINES/FORFEITURES 001 35100 Court Cases General Fund 14,180 12,883 10,000 11,000 8,000 -27.3% 001 35120 Police Education 1,834 1,485 1,500 1,600 1,300 -18.8% 001 35105 Code Enforcement Faulty Equip - - - - - 0.0% 001 35420 Code Enforcement Finds - - - - - 0.0% 001 35115 Parking Tickets 16,655 11,460 12,000 9,500 8,500 -10.5% 001 35911 Fingerprint/Accident/Inc Report 1,641 1,673 1,200 1,600 1,600 0.0% Total 34,310 27,501 24,700 23,700 19,400 -18.1% 360's/384 OTHER REVENUES 001 38410 Loan Proceeds - - - - - 0.0% 001 36110 Interest 17,624 22,231 7,000 16,000 25,000 56.3% 001 36120 Unrealized Gain 1,519 459 - - - 0.0% 001 36110 Interest Airport Loan 2,080 - - - - 0.0% 001 36210 Rents 18,706 11,436 12,500 4,150 4,000 -3.6% 001 36215 Rents Non Taxable 26,603 28,093 23,600 24,800 20,300 -18.1% 001 36221 Police Building Rent 118,243 125,174 119,635 125,000 125,000 0.0% 001 36992 Gain on Sale Of Asset 235,000 - - - - 0.0% 001 36420 Insurance Proceeds 8,351 - - - - 0.0% 001 36993 Donations/Contributions 290 - 500 - - 0.0% 001 36990 Other Revenue 46,118 127,388 - 21,000 12,000 -42.9% 001 36999 HDC Trust Fund 728 1,024 600 750 - -100.0% 0017200 36993 Donations/Contributions - - 4,500 - - 0.0% 0012200 36993 Donations/Contributions 108 - - - - 0.0% 001 36996 Revenue - Garnishment Fee 104 108 200 100 100 0.0% 001 36992 Gain on Sale of Asset - - - - - 0.0% 0012400 36992 Gain on Sale of Asset Bldg 5,612 - - - - 0.0% 001 36997 TDC Revenue - - - - 36,348 0.0% 001 38400 Other Financing Source - 572,173 - - - 0.0% Total 481,086 888,086 168,535 191,800 222,748 16.1% TOTAL REVENUES 16,958,281 18,500,988 16,968,249 18,091,966 20,102,002 11.1% 382 REIMBURSEMENTS 001 38212 From CDBG Housing 18,416 - - - - 0.0% 001 38242 From Airport 1,979 - - - - 0.0% 001 38244 From Sanitation 36,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 36,000 -40.0% 001 38245 From Wastewater Operations 260,000 260,000 260,000 360,000 360,000 0.0% 001 38246 From Water Operations 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 180,000 12.5% 001 38251 From Fleet 6,000 - - - 15,000 0.0% Total 482,395 480,000 480,000 580,000 591,000 1.9% 381 TRANSFERS IN 001 38215 From Utility Tax 1,620,000 1,740,000 1,740,000 1,785,000 1,704,000 -4.5% Total 1,620,000 1,740,000 1,740,000 1,785,000 1,704,000 -4.5% 389 CASH BALANCE FORWARD 001 38910 Cash Balance Forward 5,045,343 5,361,237 4,679,636 5,233,052 5,260,874 0.5% 001 38911 Cash Balance Fwd-Rest'd 451,306 728,803 576,200 1,043,400 1,322,750 26.8% Total 5,496,649 6,090,040 5,255,836 6,276,452 6,583,624 4.9% TOTAL REVENUES AND CASH BALANCES 24,557,325 26,811,028 24,444,085 26,733,418 28,980,626 8.4% General Fund IV.6 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Organization Chart City Commission

Citizens of Fernandina Beach

City Commission

Mayor Vice Mayor City City City City City Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner

General Funds IV. 7 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary City Commission

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Commissioners 5 60,000

Total Budgeted Positions 5 60,000

General Fund IV. 8 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund



EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51100 Salaries 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 0.0% 52100 FICA 3,680 3,425 4,590 4,590 4,590 0.0% 52200 Retirement - - - - - 0.0% 52300 Health Insur Insur 30,232 36,845 41,969 41,261 41,729 1.1% 52301 Life Insur Insur 299 285 316 294 271 -7.8% 52400 Workers' Comp 125 83 83 81 84 3.7% 52500 Unemployment - - - - - 0.0% Total 94,336 100,638 106,958 106,226 106,674 0.4% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services 92,680 115,835 117,500 121,500 151,500 24.7% 53400 Contractual - - - - - 0.0% 54000 Training/Travel 5,559 1,200 6,175 4,975 3,200 -35.7% 54500 Insurance 5,593 6,302 6,302 6,587 6,847 3.9% 54700 Printing 383 486 440 1,000 1,000 0.0% 54800 Promotional - - - 500 500 0.0% 55611 Non Profits 10,000 40,000 40,000 60,000 55,000 -8.3% 55100 Office Supplies - - - - - 0.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 346 528 600 400 400 0.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 1,830 2,040 2,525 2,973 3,093 4.0% Total 116,391 166,391 173,542 197,935 221,540 11.9% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 210,727 267,029 280,500 304,161 328,214 7.9%

General Fund IV.9 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: City Commission Division: N/A

2. Department/Division Function Summary:

The City Commission has legislative and policy setting responsibilities that are prescribed by the City Charter, Florida Statutes, and Code of Ordinances. The City Commission provides direct services to citizens, businesses and other governmental agencies.

3. Department Description:

The functions of the City Commission may be classified into two main areas:

a. Legislative b. Policy Setting

Number of Funded Officials:

Actual Actual Budget Budget Elected Officials 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Mayor 1 1 1 1 Vice Mayor 1 1 1 1 City Commissioners 3 3 3 3 Total 5 5 5 5

General Fund IV.10 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Office of the City Clerk Mission Statement

The mission of the City Clerk’s Office is to facilitate the City Commission’s Official Meetings and Board Appointments; to manage and preserve the official records of the City; to assist the public in accessing public documents; and to provide these services in a manner that is professional, efficient, fair and courteous while being ever mindful of our position of neutrality and impartiality in all local government matters.

General Fund IV.11 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Organization Chart City Clerk

City Clerk

Deputy City Clerk (1) FT

Records Coordinator (1) FT

AdministrativeS pecialist (1) FT

Full-Time: 4 Part-Time: 0 Seasonal: 0

General Funds IV. 12 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary City Clerk

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time City Clerk 1 64,654 Deputy City Clerk 1 55,551 Records Coordinator 1 36,505 Administrative Specialist 1 34,840 Poll Workers 10,000 Merit Pool 6,704

Total FT 4 208,254

Total Budgeted Positions 4 208,254

General Fund IV. 13 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund




PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 152,488 184,552 188,863 201,621 208,254 3.3% 51210 Workers' Comp Reimbursement - - - - - 0.0% 51300 Seasonal/Seasonal/Temporary - - - - - 0.0% 51350 Part Time 16,225 427 - - - 0.0% 51400 Overtime 12 - - - - 0.0% 52100 FICA 12,714 13,941 14,448 15,424 15,931 3.3% 52200 Retirement 46,388 64,377 62,213 66,690 64,812 -2.8% 52300 Health Insur Insur 21,936 22,007 33,039 26,960 37,022 37.3% 52301 Life Insur Insur 769 881 982 984 1,016 3.3% 52400 Workers' Comp 347 325 325 250 336 34.4% 52500 Unemployment (60) - - - - 0.0% Total 250,819 286,510 299,870 311,929 327,371 5.0%

OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services 775 399 800 800 800 0.0% 53400 Contractual 55,670 61,275 72,975 78,598 76,810 -2.3% 54000 Training/Travel 6,471 4,753 7,149 7,343 7,927 8.0% 54100 Comm - Phone/Fax/Alarm 1,510 1,537 1,557 1,531 1,531 0.0% 54101 Communications - Cellular 542 534 552 552 552 0.0% 54620 R/M Equipment - 2,746 7,000 - - 0.0% 54700 Printing 8,679 19,987 15,120 15,120 15,120 0.0% 54800 Promotional 340 2,273 800 800 750 -6.3% 54900 Elections 13,773 15,864 36,500 31,500 31,500 0.0% 55100 Office Supplies 355 635 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 3,992 2,268 3,170 1,370 1,370 0.0% 55210 Uniforms - - - - 0.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 1,705 1,450 1,520 1,215 1,305 7.4% Total 93,812 113,721 148,143 139,829 138,665 -0.8% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56400 Machinery/Equipment - - - - - 0.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment - Non Capital 1,049 2,275 1,200 - - 0.0% Total 1,049 2,275 1,200 - - 0.0% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 345,680 402,506 449,213 451,758 466,036 3.2%

General Fund IV.14 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: City Clerk Division: N/A

2. Department/Division Function Summary:

The responsibilities of the City Clerk’s Office are prescribed and defined by the City Charter, Florida Statutes, Code of Ordinances, and Commission directives. The City Clerk’s Office is the City’s information source and provides direct service and support to the City Commission, City Departments, citizens, business professionals and sister governmental agencies.

3. Department Description:

The functions of the City Clerk’s Office may be classified into several categories: Customer Service, Public Relations, administer Legislative Process, Facilitate Public Participation in Governmental Processes and Protect and Manage the Public Record. Within the scope of this vision, the Clerk's Office performs the following vital functions: • Conducts municipal elections • Prepares and disseminates City Commission agenda documents, agenda packets, minutes, and action taken • Prepares minutes for the City Commission Regular Meetings, Special Meetings, Workshops and other meetings as needed. • Prepares correspondence for the Mayor and City Commissioners • Maintain custody of the Official Corporate Municipal seal • Attest official documents • Oversees City Commission Advisory Board appointments, term expirations and training records • Codification of ordinances • Official records custodian for the City of Fernandina Beach • Public record request management • Provides research assistance to City departments • Prepares public notices • Provides legal advertising as required by Code of Ordinances and Florida Statutes • Processes documents for recordation on Public Record of Nassau County, including subdivision plats • Provides receptionist services • Provides notary services • Provides mail and courier services • Record and Information Management which includes indexing and retention scheduling • Prepares Ordinance and Resolution books • Process, record, file and advertise ordinances, resolutions and public notices • Administer and record oaths of office • Maintain custody of official records not specifically handled by other departments • Audit accounts payable checks to determine compliance with City purchasing policies and ensure all relevant procedures contained in the financial sections of the City Charter have been complied with • Numerous other duties as needed

Community Outreach Programs: • Nassau County Volunteer Center Elsie Harper Volunteer Awards General Fund IV.15 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

• Government Week/Municipal Clerk’s Week • Nassau County Transitioning Adults Program • Shrimp Boat Festival Parade and Booth • Shred Events • Leadership Nassau • Ethics & Sunshine Law Training

Number of Funded Employees Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 City Clerk 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT

Deputy City Clerk 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Records Coordinator 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT

Administrative Specialist 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT 1 FT Staff Assistant 1 PT 1 FT 1 FT 0 FT Total 3 FT 4 FT 4 FT 4 FT 1 PT 0 PT 0 PT 0 PT

4. Program Performance Indicators:

Program Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 City Commission Minutes 70 49 48 48 City Commission Agendas Regular 24 29 24 24 Special/Executive/Workshop/CRA/Town Hall 82 38 42 45 Advisory Board Appointment Packets 50 53 55 50 Public Records Requests 345 131 300 280

Proclamations 45 39 72 70 Ordinances 60 41 42 50 Resolutions 200 165 192 195 Code Codification 2 2 2 2 Number of boxes (Records) Disposed 150 201 150 125 Number of Records Scanned into LaserFiche 4500 14,866 23,478 40,000 Elections (Qualifying of Candidates/Coordinate w/SOE) 1 1 2 2 Election Audits (General and Runoff) 1 1 2 2 In-House Training: Records Management 1 1 1 1 In-House Training: Boards 2 1 1 1 Outside Training: First Amendment Foundation, 1 1 3 3 Florida Association of City Clerks, International Institute of Municipal Clerks, Florida Records Management Association

General Fund IV.16 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Program Goals & Objectives

Department: City Clerk

A. Goal: Annual Ethics Training, Sunshine Law Training and Advisory Board Training on Board Attendance, Minutes, Parliamentary Procedures, Sunshine Laws, Code provisions, and Roberts Rules of Order.

Objective: Ensure elected officials and advisory board members are in compliance with annual Florida Statute required Ethics training on Sunshine Law, Public Records Law and Open Meetings. Deadline: Annually

B. Goal: Annual Records Management and Disposition

Objective: Monitor the records management platform to ensure access to and preservation of vital, historic, and permanent records. Deadline: Ongoing

Objective: Ensure City Departments are scanning documents into Laserfiche for accessibility, preservation and for providing records requests. Deadline: Ongoing

Objective: Scan historic and permanent records into Laserfiche. Deadline: Ongoing.

Objective: Transfer infrequently accessed records located in all departments which have not met retention to secure off-site storage facility. Deadline: Ongoing.

Objective: Continue documenting and destroying records that have met retention requirements. Deadline: Ongoing.

C. Goal: Archive Social software implementation.

Objective: capture and preserve digitally created social media records for compliance with the Florida Sunshine Law and Public Records Act. Deadline: 2018

E. Goal: Automate Records Management.

Objective: Centralize the entire life cycle of government records from creation to final disposition. Deadline: ongoing

General Fund IV. 17

City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City Manager’s Office Mission Statement

The mission of the City Manager's Office is to support the policies and goals established by the City Commission; to present objective information to the City Commission and the community upon which to develop policies and goals; to provide the leadership, direction, and support to City staff to further support the City Commission; to instill unimpeachable professionalism and integrity within the City Commission and City staff and throughout the community; and to represent the community with honor, dignity, and enthusiasm.

General Fund IV.18

City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Organization Chart City Manager


Administrative Manager/ Grants Services Engineer Administrator Manager (.25) FT (1) FT (1) FT

Public Information Officer (1) FT

Full-Time: 4.25 Part-Time: 0 Seasonal: 0

General Fund IV.19 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary City Manager

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time City Manager 1 123,600 Administrative Services Manager 1 48,223 Grants Administrator 1 61,994 Public Information Officer 1 42,000 Manager/Engineer 0.25 21,250 Merit Pool 8,912

Total FT 4.25 305,979

Total Budgeted Positions 4.25 305,979

General Fund IV. 20 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund


DEPARTMENT NAME/# ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ City Manager: 0011210 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 289,680 250,722 340,435 275,564 305,979 11.0% 51210 Workers' Comp Reimbursement - - - - - 0.0% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary - - - - - 0.0% 51350 Part Time - - - - - 0.0% 51400 Overtime - - - - - 0.0% 52100 FICA 22,535 20,470 26,043 21,081 23,407 11.0% 52200 Retirement 73,883 71,145 81,821 65,744 71,434 8.7% 52300 Health Insur 33,098 28,833 38,676 31,331 40,744 30.0% 52301 Life Insur 1,478 1,261 1,563 1,452 1,437 -1.0% 52400 Workers' Comp 615 454 454 1,057 1,138 7.7% 52500 Unemployment - - - - - 0.0% Total 421,289 372,885 488,992 396,229 444,139 12.1% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services 19,189 15,894 25,000 30,000 30,000 0.0% 53400 Contractual 30,148 11,461 47,645 121 250 106.6% 53900 Auto Allowance 3,600 5,300 3,600 6,000 6,000 0.0% 54000 Training/Travel 4,287 12,123 6,188 8,740 11,040 26.3% 54100 Comm - Phone/Fax/Alarm 576 582 360 581 713 22.7% 54101 Communications - Cellular 1,018 716 1,150 600 1,600 166.7% 54700 Printing 276 129 375 300 600 100.0% 54800 Promotional - - - 500 500 0.0% 55100 Office Supplies 350 350 350 350 500 42.9% 55200 Operating Supplies 1,746 1,305 1,260 660 760 15.2% 55210 Uniforms - - - - 200 0.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 834 1,875 985 1,980 2,005 1.3% Total 62,024 49,735 86,913 49,832 54,168 8.7% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56400 Machinery/Equipment - - - - - 0.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 483,313 422,620 575,905 446,061 498,307 11.7%

General Fund IV.21 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: City Manager

2. Department Function Summary:

The City Manager, along with the City Attorney and City Clerk, reports directly to, and is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of, the City Commission. The City Manager is the Chief Administrative Officer of the City and is responsible for the day-to-day operations and management of the City. The City Manager supervises all City departments as provided for in the City Charter.

3. Department Description:

The City Manager, with the assistance of associated staff, is responsible for providing and exercising overall supervision of administrative and operating departments in order to provide the level of service and programs desired and approved by the City Commission. The City Manager provides organizational leadership, promotes teamwork (including public participation), instills ethical values, and ensures financial stability and sustainability.

Number of Funded Employees Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 City Manager .9 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Deputy City Manager 1 FT 1 FT 0 FT 0 FT Administrative Services Manager 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Public Information Officer 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT 1 FT Manager/Engineer 0 FT 0 FT .5 FT .25 FT Grants Administrator 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Total 3.9 FT 4 FT 3.5 FT 4.25 FT

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Program Goals & Objectives

1. Department: City Manager

2. Principal Programs: A. City Commission Relations and Support B. Community Relations C. Economic Development D. Employee Relations E. City Services/Infrastructure

3. Goals and Objectives:

A. City Commission Relations and Support Goal: The City Commission has timely, objective, and complete information to assist with decision- and policy-making.

Objectives: Provide weekly updates (scheduled meetings and electronic mail) to City Commissioners and other City staff.

Measures: Weekly meetings scheduled and reports distributed, including general information related to ongoing projects of interest to the City Commission (extenuating circumstances may be considered at the sole discretion of the City Commission).

Deadline: Weekly

Person Responsible: CMO

B. City Commission Relations and Support

Goal: The City Commission will establish annual goals.

Objectives: The City Commission goals will be achieved.

Measures: Goals codified in Resolution 2016-51 achieved by the related dates.

Deadline: Ongoing

Person Responsible: CMO

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C. Community Relations

Goal: The City Manager will provide a visible and positive presence within the community.

Objectives: The City Manager will develop relationships with local media, business organizations (Chamber of Commerce, Tourist Development Council, Amelia Island-Nassau County Association of Realtors, Downtown Merchants Association, etc.), and civic groups (Rotary International, American Legion, Optimists Club, area churches, youth groups, etc.).

Measures: Submissions weekly to local media and regular attendance (by invitation or self-interest) to meetings of business organizations and civic groups (review at the sole discretion of City Commission).

Deadline: Ongoing

Person Responsible: CMO

D. Other Goals and Objectives as Established by the City Commission.

General Fund IV.24 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Finance Department Mission Statement

The mission of the Finance Department is to serve the citizens of Fernandina Beach by promoting effective and efficient fiscal management and to provide timely, responsive, and comprehensive financial/support services to citizens, employees, the commission, and all of our customers. To this end, we commit to be proactive, to improve communications, and to encourage a spirit of cooperation and innovation. We value and will continue to foster the honesty and dependability of our employees and shall demonstrate integrity in the issuance and management of information.

General Fund IV.25 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Organization Chart Finance

Comproller (2)

Utility Billing Department Finance Department

Purchasing Accounting Utility Billing Agent Supervisor Supervisor (1 PT) (1 FT) (1 FT)

Accountant Office Assistant (2 FT) (1 FT)

Accounting Clerk Customer Serv Billing Staff Assistant Specialist Specialist (2 FT) (1 PT) (2 FT) (1 FT)

Finance Department: Full-Time: 7 Part-Time: 2 Seasonal: 0 Utility Billing Department: Full-Time: 5 Part-Time: 0 Seasonal: 0 Total: Full-Time: 12 Part-Time: 3 Seasonal: 0

General Fund IV.26 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary Finance

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time Comptroller 2 196,854 Accounting Supervisor 1 62,000 Accountant 2 110,015 Accounting Clerk 2 81,454 Merit Pool 11,750

Total FT 7 462,073

Part-Time Purchasing Agent 1 28,600 Staff Assistant 1 14,600 Merit Pool 1,800 Total PT 2 45,000

Total Budgeted Positions 9 507,073

General Fund IV. 27 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION General: 001 General Government

DEPARTMENT NAME/# ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ Finance: 0011300 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 341,997 355,132 353,016 364,751 462,073 26.7% 51210 Workers' Comp Reimbursement - - - - - 0.0% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary - - - - - 0.0% 51350 Part Time 8,381 8,057 10,041 38,992 45,000 15.4% 51400 Overtime 1 200 1,500 1,200 -20.0% 52100 FICA 25,906 26,750 27,789 31,001 38,883 25.4% 52200 Retirement 95,698 109,192 105,522 112,440 137,784 22.5% 52300 Health Insur 46,713 52,390 52,674 57,224 64,883 13.4% 52301 Life Insur 1,780 1,838 1,807 1,874 2,382 27.1% 52400 Workers' Comp 735 498 498 489 838 71.4% 52500 Unemployment - - - - - 0.0% Total 521,211 553,857 551,547 608,271 753,043 23.8% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services 39,796 13,354 20,204 7,500 1,500 -80.0% 53200 Auditing 6,615 6,795 6,795 6,795 6,795 0.0% 53400 Contractual 13,177 13,296 14,081 32,318 44,610 38.0% 54000 Training/Travel 2,361 3,076 3,240 3,540 3,600 1.7% 54100 Comm - Phone/Fax/Alarm 1,084 1,128 1,040 1,220 1,220 0.0% 54101 Communications - Cellular 543 534 800 800 800 0.0% 54200 Postage - - - - - 0.0% 54700 Printing 2,896 3,412 4,200 4,200 5,000 19.0% 55100 Office Supplies 4,493 4,500 4,800 4,800 5,700 18.8% 55200 Operating Supplies 3,115 5,233 5,180 6,360 7,090 11.5% 55210 Uniforms - 244 - - 350 0.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 784 993 1,025 1,100 1,100 0.0% Total 74,864 52,565 61,365 68,633 77,765 0.0%

CAPITAL OUTLAY 56400 Machinery/Equipment 13,203 2,610 - - 15,000 0.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital - 1,810 - - - 0.0% Total 13,203 4,420 - - 15,000 0.0%

57300 Financing Costs - 5,460 - - - 0.0% Total - 5,460 - - - 0.0% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 609,278 616,302 612,912 676,904 845,808 25.0%

General Fund IV.28 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Finance

2. Department Function Summary:

The Finance Department’s major function is to account for all financial transactions of the City. This includes the receipt and disbursement of all funds. As part of this function, it is the responsibility of the Finance Department to provide reports of these transactions to the Commission, City Manager, and Departments.

3. Department Description:

The Finance Department in cooperation with the City Manager is responsible for the preparation of the budget and monthly/yearly financial reports that are reviewed by the City Commission and used in preparation of the audited financial statements. The Annual Budget is a blueprint for the future. The services, programs, projects and improvements provided for in the budget will shape and influence the direction of the City and the lives of its citizens for many years to come.

Additional functions of the Finance Department include cashiering, accounts payable, payroll, risk management, managing investments, utility billing, information technology, and other duties:

Cashiering: The Finance Department records all receipts to the City. Revenue is collected at the Golf Course, Marina, Recreation Center, Police Department, Community Development, City Clerk, and Finance/Utility Billing Department.

Accounts Payable: The Finance Department is responsible for all disbursements - receiving invoices and authorized payment requests from departments throughout the city. Responsibilities include confirming funds are available, that items are properly coded and appropriately authorized in accordance with the purchasing policy.

Payroll: Payroll for all city employees is processed in the Finance Department.

Risk Management: The Finance Department works with the Property/Casualty insurance company to negotiate annual premiums, processes all city insurance claims, and communicates risk management processes to the city department heads and city attorney as needed.

Managing Investments: The Controller works to balance the City’s need for liquidity of available funds and to maximize the return on investments within the confines of the Investment Policy.

Utility Billing: The Utility Billing department reports directly to the Controller and is a sub department under the Finance Department. This department is responsible for gathering meter readings for water

General Fund IV.29 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

usage, facilitating utility service calls, and billing out water, garbage, and sewer usage.

Purchasing: The Finance Department reviews all Purchase Orders for the purchase of goods and services in accordance with the City’s Purchasing Policy. The department also processes, files and advertises all bids/RFPs/RFQs for city equipment, services and supplies.

Other: The Finance Department is also responsible for bank reconciliations; fixed asset accounting; managing investments; and debt monitoring/compliance.

Number of Funded Employees Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Co mptroller .9 FT .9 FT .9 FT 2 FT Accounting Supervisor 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Accountant 2 FT 2 FT 2 FT 2 FT Payroll Accountant 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT Accounting Clerks 2 FT 2 FT 2 FT 2 FT Purchasing Agent 0 PT 0 PT 1 PT 1 PT Staff Assistant 1 PT 1 PT 1 PT 1 PT Total 5.9 FT 5.9 FT 5.9 FT 7 FT 1 PT 1 PT 2 PT 2 PT

4. Program Performance Indicators:

Program Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Maintain General Obligation Bond A+ A+ A+ A+ Budget Amendments 190 209 195 230 Bank Reconciliations 108 108 108 108 Journal Entries 1,100 1,080 1,050 1,100 AP checks Issued/Electronic Payments 6,400 6,948 6,500 6,950 Payroll Checks/ACH Issued 8,600 8,312 8,100 8,400 Payroll Quarterly Reports 4 4 4 4 W-2s Issued 305 322 310 333 Staff training hours completed (*CPR) 100 85 165 100 Training presentations for City staff Budget Budget Budget, Budget IMS IMS New ERP

General Fund IV.30 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Program Goals and Objectives

1. Department: Finance

2. Principal Programs: Financial Reporting Budget Preparation Cashiering Accounts Payable Payroll Processing Risk Management Managing Investments

3. Short Term Goals and Objectives – Responsible Person: Comptroller

Financial Reporting A. Goal: Provide accurate and timely financial reports Develop easier to read financial reports in MUNIS Objective: Monthly report for Commission. Measurement: Date Commission receives reports. Deadline: January 2018 reporting

B. Goal: Respond accurately and timely to requests for information from Commissioners, Citizens, public records requests or the media Objective: Respond within two working days 90% of the time or better. Measurement: Date requestor receives information. Deadline: Ongoing

C. Goal: Implement improved Accounting System Objective: Improve city wide efficiency Measurement: Better and easier to use accounting reports and software. Deadline: Utility Billing implementation complete by December 31, 2017

D. Goal: Create an effective Procedures Manual for the department Objective: Compile a manual describing all aspects of department operations and procedures. Document MUNIS steps. Measurement: Completion of Procedures Manual Deadline: September, 2018

Budget Preparation E. Goal: Produce high quality budget document for information and planning purposes Objective: Assist departments in budget development. Measurement: Qualify and receive the GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award Deadline: December 2017 submission

Cashiering F. Goal: Timely and accurate deposits of receipts presented to the city - daily Objective: Security and timeliness of cash receipts. Measurement: Date of deposits Deadline: Ongoing

General Fund IV.31 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Accounts Payable G. Goal: Timely processing of payments for goods and services purchased by the City Objective: Prompt and accurate payment of invoices with strict adherence to the City purchasing policy. Measurement: Monitor and maintain a 2% or less error rate on the number of vouchers processed; incur no finance charges due to late payments. Deadline: Ongoing

Payroll Processing H. Goal: Accurate and timely processing of payroll Objective: Deliver accurate payroll checks and reports. Measurement: Maintain a 2% or less error rate on checks issued, monitor payroll data provided by Department Heads. Deadline: Ongoing

Risk Management I. Goal: Coordinate with insurance companies to minimize risks within the city Objective: Reduce cost of insurance. Measurement: Number of claims against city. Deadline: Ongoing

Training J. Goal: Expand and enhance MUNIS knowledge for all Finance and UB Staff Objective: Improve internal controls and continuity of departmental knowledge Measurement: Accountants ability to perform all Accounts Payable duties and other duties performed by the Accounting Clerks. Deadline: Ongoing

4. Long Term Goals and Objectives– Responsible Person: Comptroller

A. Goal: Maximize and Measure Investment Returns Objective: Maximize City’s return on investments by hiring a professional investment advisor (via RFP) Measurement: Analyze and report investment earnings Deadline: Ongoing

B. Goal: Succession Planning Objective: Prepare for retirements Measurement: Develop / Identify and train personnel to perform departmental Leadership duties Deadline: Ongoing

General Fund IV.32 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Information Technology Department Mission Statement

Our mission as the Information Technology Department is to provide responsive and professional technology support and direction which enables efficiency and productivity.

General Fund IV.33 City of Fernandina Beach,Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Organization Chart Information Technology

IT Manager

System Help Desk Specialist Administrator (2) PT (1) FT

Full-Time: 2 Part-Time: 2 Seasonal: 0

General Fund IV.34 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary Information Technology

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time IT Manager 1 80,126 System Administrator 1 55,864 Merit Pool 5,440

Total FT 2 141,430

Part-Time Help Desk Specialist 2 53,326 Merit Pool 1,067 Total PT 2 54,393

Total Budgeted Positions 4 195,823

General Fund IV. 35 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund


DEPARTMENT NAME/# ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ Information Technology: 0011310 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE

EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 131,708 136,418 135,352 142,051 141,430 -0.4% 51210 Workers' Comp Reimbursement - - - - - 0.0% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary - - - - - 0.0% 51350 Part Time 20,867 27,315 26,910 27,717 54,393 96.2% 51400 Overtime - - - - - 0.0% 52100 FICA 11,365 12,118 12,413 12,987 14,980 15.3% 52200 Retirement 43,453 47,222 45,635 50,254 46,013 -8.4% 52300 Health Insur 15,458 20,191 17,342 22,600 22,385 -1.0% 52301 Life Insur 671 701 693 737 680 -7.7% 52400 Workers' Comp 431 225 225 226 286 26.5% 52500 Unemployment - - - - - 0.0% Total 223,953 244,190 238,570 256,572 280,167 9.2% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services - - 2,500 57,500 17,500 -69.6% 53400 Contractual 86,147 84,614 135,400 102,874 126,261 22.7% 54000 Training/Travel 5,886 10,459 15,390 17,595 17,795 1.1% 54100 Comm - Phone/Fax/Alarm 7,832 696 288 730 288 -60.5% 54101 Communications - Cellular 1,577 1,923 2,200 2,200 4,000 81.8% 54103 Communications - Internet 26,186 53,533 53,130 91,130 95,135 4.4% 54500 Insurance - - - - 450 0.0% 54620 R/M Equipment - - - - - 0.0% 54630 R/M Vehicles-Labor 500 500 500 500 500 0.0% 54640 R/M Vehicles-Parts 34 309 500 500 250 -50.0% 55100 Office Supplies 621 356 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 3,046 7,462 8,500 17,930 19,380 8.1% 55210 Uniforms - - - - - 0.0% 55230 Gas/Oil 127 94 500 500 500 0.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 200 400 400 500 25.0% Total 132,156 159,946 220,308 292,859 283,559 -3.2% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56300 Improvements 41,243 13,627 30,000 20,000 10,000 -50.0% 56400 Machinery/Equipment 69,311 61,992 148,500 62,500 68,000 8.8% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital 2,340 6,399 1,200 13,000 14,300 10.0% Total 112,894 82,018 179,700 95,500 92,300 -3.4% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 469,003 486,154 638,578 644,931 656,026 1.7%

General Fund IV.36 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Information Technology

2. Department Function Summary

The Department of Information Technology manages the operations and daily support for the computer, network, client computing, and public safety resources of the City of Fernandina Beach.

3. Department Description

The Department of Information Technology provides a wide variety of internal support services for City departments and network infrastructure support including:

Help Desk Support: The Information Technology Department supports all the City Departments in areas such as: computer and laptop issues, email issues, hardware installation and upgrades, software installation and upgrades, network installation, network issues, file and printing issues, application issues, security camera access, etc.

Web Site Support: The Information Technology Department is responsible for the city website and support when the website is not functioning correctly. The Information Technology Department is also responsible for granting website access to users by department.

Server Support: The Information Technology Department supports the city servers including but not limited to: operating software version upgrades, operating software security patches, backups, hardware upgrades, email server patches upgrades and issues, and general server maintenance issues. Network Administration: The Information Technology Department manages all access to the city network including file access, printer access, email access, and network permissions.

Network Security: The Information Technology Department manages the security of the network which includes support for remote access through VPN’s, Anti-virus, spam filtering and URL filtering.

Network Support: The Information Technology Department supports the city network infrastructure which includes routers, switches and MetroE. These devices must be monitored for security patches, security issues, firmware updates and general maintenance.

Computer Support: The Information Technology Department is responsible for hardware upgrades, system down issues, operating system security patches, and operating system upgrades.

Application Support: The Information Technology Department is the liaison between the application vendor and the city for training, patches,

General Fund IV.37 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

upgrades and escalated issues that could not be resolved by staff.

Broadcast Equipment: The Information Technology Department is responsible for making sure the equipment is in working order.

Security Camera System: The Information Technology Department is responsible for managing the security camera system and installing patches and upgrades.

Public Safety: The Information Technology Department is responsible for ensuring that all Public Safety Systems are working properly so officers and fire fighters are able to get their jobs done efficiently through the use of technology.

The Information Technology Department supports the following hardware and critical software. Other supported software that is not critical to the function of the city is not listed. Hardware: 175 Desktops 40 Laptops/Toughbooks 38 Servers 14 Routers, 50 Switches Cisco/Anti-Spam/Anti-Virus/IPS-IDS devices Kronos timeclocks

Software: MS Server 2003, 2008 and 2012 Standard and Datacenter Windows 7 Professional Microsoft Office 2010 Professional Microsoft Exchange 2010 Standard (email server) IMS and Munis (city accounting, payroll, maintenance, etc.) Kronos Timekeeper and HR/Payroll Citrix XenApp server VMware Virtualization application Fire Programs (Fire Department) EMS Pro New World Systems Laserfiche Document Management Software EJ Ward Fleet Fueling Software ESRI GIS Software Network and Internet Security Software Appassure Backup Software McAfee Network Security Software Cisco Firewall Software OpenDNS Software Mail Store Email Archiving

General Fund IV.38 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Number of Funded Employees Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Comptroller .1 FT .1 FT .1 FT 0 FT Information Technology Director 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT Information Technology Manager 0 FT 0 FT 1 FT 1 FT Network Administrator 1 FT 1 FT 0 FT 0 FT System Administrator 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Web/Tech Specialist 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT Help Desk Specialist 1 PT 1 PT 1 PT 2 PT Total 2.1 FT 2.1 FT 2.1 FT 2 FT 1 PT 1 PT 1 PT 2 PT

4. Program Performance Indicators:

Program Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Total Help Desk Tickets 737 751 900 1,200 Number of Super User Training 2 2 2 4 Sessions High Priority Help Desk Tickets 9 23 150 150 Computer Upgrades/Updates 10 30 20 30

Training Hours Completed 72 80 125 125

General Fund IV.39 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Program Goals & Objectives

1. Department: Information Technology

2. Program Goals and Objectives:

Short Term

A. Upgrade 2008 servers to 2012 and 2016

Goal: Upgrade any remaining 2008 servers to 2012 and 2016 Objective: Update old software that is going end of life and add features

Measurement: Completed installation and successful switchover

Deadline: June 2018 Responsible Staff: IT Manager

B. Implement ERP System

Goal: Successful and complete ERP implementation Objective: Replace old software that is going end of life and add features

Measurement: Completed installation and successful switchover

Deadline: Phase III Go Live Utility Billing May 2018, Phase IV Go Live Energov March 2019. Responsible Staff: All IT Staff, Community Development staff and Comptroller

Long Term

A. Redundant Servers and Storage

Goal: Install additional server and storage device at the data center Objective: Be prepared for disaster recovery and/or other emergencies

Measurement: Completed installation

Deadline: August 2018 Responsible Staff: IT Manager

General Fund IV.40 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Human Resources Department Mission Statement

It is our mission to support the total operation of the City of Fernandina Beach in meeting its goals through its most valuable resource – its PEOPLE. To this end, we will recruit, develop, motivate, and retain highly competent employees, while ensuring a safe and enriching work environment where employees are encouraged to be creative and innovative in achieving the goals of the organization. In all of our operations, we will provide quality service with integrity, responsiveness, and sensitivity.

General Fund IV.41 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Organization Chart Human Resources

Human Resource Director

Human Resources Generalist (2) FT

Full-Time: 3 Part-Time: 0 Seasonal: 0

General Funds IV. 42 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary Human Resources

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time Human Resources Director 1 85,697 Human Resources Generalist 2 90,327 Merit Pool 5,441

Total FT 3 181,465

Part-Time Staff Assistant 6,740

Total PT 0 6,740

Total Budgeted Positions 3 188,205

General Fund IV. 43 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund




PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 110,817 231,947 111,461 137,683 181,465 31.8% 51210 Workers' Comp Reimbursement - - - - - 0.0% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary - - - - - 0.0% 51350 Part Time 11,295 21,977 19,119 28,354 6,740 -76.2% 51400 Overtime 67 17 500 500 - -100.0% 52100 FICA 9,024 17,048 10,028 12,740 14,398 13.0% 52200 Retirement 54,780 45,765 44,227 47,567 59,225 24.5% 52300 Health Insur 18,635 15,041 20,389 17,950 27,737 54.5% 52301 Life Insur 515 637 489 695 961 38.3% 52400 Workers' Comp 362 173 173 226 390 72.6% 52500 Unemployment 4,400 - - - - 0.0% Total 209,895 332,605 206,386 245,715 290,916 18.4% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services - - - - 0.0% 53400 Contractual 27,746 16,674 18,160 19,136 42,104 120.0% 54000 Training/Travel 8,562 9,160 10,673 13,297 9,297 -30.1% 54010 Safety Committee 4,642 1,785 4,500 6,500 5,500 -15.4% 54100 Comm - Phone/Fax/Alarm 504 510 499 509 509 0.0% 54101 Communications - Cellular 444 415 550 550 550 0.0% 54200 Postage - - - - - 0.0% 54620 R/M Equipment - - - - - 0.0% 54700 Printing 260 176 200 200 500 150.0% 54800 Promotional 8,645 6,851 9,700 9,700 10,000 3.1% 55100 Office Supplies 968 1,160 1,200 1,200 1,200 0.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 957 3,091 1,870 1,880 2,360 25.5% 55210 Uniforms - - - - - 0.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 1,194 1,229 2,235 - 2,235 0.0% Total 53,922 41,051 49,587 52,972 74,255 40.2% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56400 Machinery/Equipment - 2,610 - - - 0.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital 13,202 - - - 0.0% Total 13,202 2,610 - - - 0.0% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 277,019 376,266 255,973 298,687 365,171 22.3%

General Fund IV.44 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Human Resources Department

2. Department Summary:

The Human Resources (HR) department supports the total operation of the City in meeting its goals by providing strategic leadership and management support while ensuring a safe and enriching work environment where employees are encouraged to be creative and innovative in achieving the goals of the organization. The department recognizes the importance of recruiting the most competent, productive, and effective employees available and makes every effort to attract and retain these employees.

3. Department Description:

The HR department is staffed with two full-time Human Resource professionals, both of whom are Professional in Human Resources or Senior Professional in Human Resources (PHR/SPHR) certified and a part-time Staff Assistant. HR is responsible for recruitment and staffing, compensation and benefits administration, training and development, employee and labor relations, employment law compliance, personnel policy development, health and wellness, employee events and communications, HRIS administration, Safety Committee and risk management, unemployment claims defense, Police & Fire Pension Board and General Employees’ Pension Board. We also provide strategic leadership and support to management as needed.

The department also serves as staff advisor/coordinator for the City’s General Employees’ Pension Board, the Police and Firefighters’ Pension Board, and the City’s Employee Safety Committee.

Staffing Using a refined, standardized staffing process that ensures fairness and consistency in the selection process, the Human Resources department coordinates and facilitates the entire hiring process with hiring managers and candidates. Labor Relations Collective bargaining agreements with the City’s three unions promote retention and recognize the importance of providing a competitive wage and benefit package without compromising the financial integrity of the City. HR maintains an “open door” policy and resolves many employee issues before they are escalated to the grievance stage. Employee Relations HR manages a wide range of personnel issues on behalf of the City and facilitates the on-time delivery of quality performance evaluations for 250+ employees. HR successfully defends the City against unemployment and EEO claims by facilitating disciplinary processes up to and including terminations with fairness and diligent documentation.

Compensation Management HR manages salary administration, job analysis, and develops the annual Pay and Classification Plan for consideration by the City Commission. We periodically coordinate an external pay and classification study which ensures that we can offer comparable pay for our labor market, paying dividends in our recruiting efforts.

General Fund IV.45 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Training In order to protect the interests of the City and its employees, HR delivers diversity training and workplace violence prevention training to all employees regularly. We have ensured that City management is trained in the basics of employment law. Our insurance underwriter provides a web-based risk management training platform, Target Solutions, to the City of Fernandina Beach. The platform offers 200+ courses related to Human Resources and Employment Practices, OSHA and Compliance, and Motor Vehicle Safety. HR also conducts/facilitates various on-site training classes, and provides a lending library of training materials, including safety-related training, to departments on an on-going basis. Health and Wellness The City won the Silver award for Excellence in Worksite Wellness awarded by the First Coast Workplace Wellness Council in May 2016, which represents the fourth consecutive wellness award won by the City. We are hopeful of being awarded the gold award in May 2017 for demonstrating a commitment to employee wellness through our programs and culture. The City introduced a new the weight loss and healthy living program called Real Appeal in March 2017, which is provided at no cost by our medical insurance carrier. It is in line with the City’s Wellness Operating Plan objectives, which is to 1) create a corporate culture of health and well-being to improve employee morale, and 2) identify and mitigate direct healthcare cost drivers in correlation with employee health risk factors. In addition, HR annually plans and executes the City’s annual Health and Benefits Fair which includes health screenings and helps to educate our employees about better health management and their benefit options. The Fair draws over 100 employees per year. Safety Committee HR guides a very proactive, involved Safety committee, resulting in significant reductions in safety hazards and accidents. HR coordinates monthly meetings and provides leadership and administrative staff support to the committee. Regular safety inspections of all City facilities have resulted in safer conditions for employees and citizens. The Committee works in conjunction with HR and the Fire department to provide CPR/First Aid training for all employees. The group was also instrumental in funding and placing AEDs in all main City facilities. In November 2014, the City celebrated one year without a single lost-time injury – a remarkable achievement, the first ever in the history of the City. In FY15/16, the City had only 18 accidents, all minor, in comparison with 28 in FY14/15. And FY16/17 is tracking even better. Benefits Administration HR is responsible for the administration of the employee health, pension, and life insurance plans, as well as accounts payable and benefits reconciliations for the employee benefit plans. We provide guidance and problem resolution relative to all employee benefits, including defined benefits, health and welfare, disability, and life insurance plans. Pension Boards HR staff, two of whom are certified Public Pension Plan Administrators, serve as staff coordinator for the City’s General Employees’ Pension Board and the Police and Firefighters’ Pension Board. The two boards each have quarterly meetings. HR staff handles retirement processing and counseling, and is the point of contact for the City’s 100+ retirees.

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Employee Events and Communications The department delivers a monthly newsletter, CityTalk, filled with information about safety, health and wellness, employee recognition, and other items of interest to employees. We coordinate an annual Employee Appreciation Picnic. We also facilitate an Employee Service Awards Breakfast annually to honor the milestone dates of our dedicated employees on their service to the City.

United Way HR provides leadership and assistance to the City’s United Way campaign team. The team has facilitated several significant events, such as the City/County Golf tournament, which have resulted in heightened employee awareness and interest in the United Way.

Number of Funded Actual Actual Budget Budget Employees 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Human Resources Director 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT

Human Resources Generalist 2 FT 2 FT 1 FT 2 FT

Admin Specialist 0 PT 0 PT 1 PT 0 PT

Staff Assistant 1 PT 1 PT 0 PT 0 PT

Total 3 FT 3 FT 2 FT 3 FT 1 PT 1 PT 1 PT 0 PT

Program Performance Indicators:

Program Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Staffing Total number of positions filled 116 129 105 125

Full time regular/part-time regular 65 56 60 60 Seasonal 51 73 45 75 Average time to fill (days) 75 41 38 35 Full time staff turnover ratio % 11.5 13.4 8.0 8.0 Safety and Health

Safety Committee – number of meetings 12 12 12 12 Total number of accident/injury/incident 69 50 40 30 reports (includes citizen accidents) Total number of employee injury accidents 28 18 15 15

Total number of accidents with property 21 16 18 15 damage

General Fund IV.47 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Program Goals & Objectives

1. Department: Human Resources

2. Principal Programs:

Strategic Leadership/Support to Management Employee Relations Labor Relations Recruitment and Staffing Training and Development Compensation Management Benefits Administration/Management Safety and Risk Management Staff Coordinator/Advisor for Safety Committee Health and Wellness Initiatives HRIS Administration/Management Employee Events/Activities and Communications Staff Coordinator/Administrator for General Employees’ Pension Board of Trustees Staff Coordinator/Administrator for Police Officers’ and Firefighters’ Pension Board of Trustees Personnel Policy Administration/Development Personnel Records Management Employment Law Compliance

3. Program Goals and Objectives:

A. Program: Staffing Management

Goal: Attract and retain highly competent employees

Objectives: (1) Manage recruitment and staffing process (2) Place the right people in the right position (3) Recognize those not in the right position and take appropriate action (4) Review staffing levels and make recommendations, if necessary

Measurement: Time to Fill measured from date of receipt of Request to Fill Vacancy form to date of employment offer – target is forty days; higher level of productivity and professionalism through better hires

Target for Completion: Ongoing, long-term goal

Persons responsible: Marley, Brown

B. Training and Development

Goal: Provide employees with appropriate training to enable them to attain a higher level of performance and competency


General Fund IV.48 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

(1) Assist management in identifying training needs by department (2) Conduct/coordinate appropriate training for employees (3) Facilitate training for management/supervisory employees (4) Track training by employee and seek feedback

Measurement: More effective, competent employees; higher level of productivity

Target for Completion: Ongoing, long-term goal

Persons responsible: Marley

C. Safety and Health

Goal: Provide a safe and healthy work environment for employees


(1) Implement and facilitate effective Wellness Program (2) Facilitate effective monthly Safety Committee meetings (3) Review/analyze accidents and take preventative measures (4) Develop/encourage a culture of safety and wellness awareness in the organization (5) Plan and coordinate regular safety and wellness training

Measurement: Fewer employee accidents; employees are accountable and take pride in reducing accident rate; goal of at least 90% of all employees CPR/First Aid certified; employees are more aware and accountable for their own wellness.

Target for Completion: Ongoing, long-term goal

Persons responsible: Marley, Bryan

General Fund IV.49 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Legal Department Mission Statement

To assist the City in achieving its goals by providing professional legal services and legal counsel to the City Commission, City Manager, to all City Department Directors, and various City Boards; and ensure that the official actions of the City, its elected officials and employees comply with the law.

General Fund IV.50 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 Organization Chart Legal

City Attorney

Paralegal (1) FT

Full-Time: 2 Part-Time: 0 Seasonal: 0

General Funds IV.51 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary Legal

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time City Attorney 1 133,284 Paralegal 1 51,479 Merit Pool/promotion 6,467

Total FT 2 191,230

Total Budgeted Positions 2 191,230

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General Fund




PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 165,778 173,779 176,777 184,762 191,230 3.5% 51210 Workers' Comp Reimbursement - - - - - 0.0% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary 225 - - - 0.0% 51350 Part Time - - - - - 0.0% 51400 Overtime - - - - - 0.0% 52100 FICA 12,482 12,949 13,523 14,134 14,629 3.5% 52200 Retirement 28,888 26,828 28,786 30,928 31,146 0.7% 52300 Health Insur 10,738 11,767 12,095 13,141 22,775 73.3% 52301 Life Insur 848 908 905 926 979 5.7% 52400 Workers' Comp 348 245 245 241 318 32.0% 52500 Unemployment - 2,264 - - - 0.0% Total 219,307 228,740 232,331 244,132 261,077 6.9% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services 269 243 800 850 850 0.0% 53400 Contractual 431 1,607 870 4,419 4,465 1.0% 54000 Training/Travel 1,650 5,875 6,500 6,820 5,070 -25.7% 54100 Comm - Phone/Fax/Alarm 288 288 288 288 288 0.0% 54101 Communications - Cellular 1,088 911 1,160 660 660 0.0% 54700 Printing - - - 150 200 33.3% 54934 Legal/Contractual 40,381 48,836 50,000 50,000 45,000 -10.0% 54930 Collections/Litigation Costs - 505 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.0% 55100 Office Supplies 500 538 650 650 650 0.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 2,364 1,337 500 600 600 0.0% 55210 Uniforms - - - - - 0.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 3,026 2,453 3,640 1,175 985 -16.2% Total 49,997 62,593 65,908 67,112 60,268 -10.2% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56400 Machinery/Equipment - - - 5,000 5,000 0.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital - 1,625 1,200 1,200 1,200 0.0% Total - 1,625 1,200 6,200 6,200 0.0% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 269,304 292,958 299,439 317,444 327,545 3.2%

General Fund IV.53 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Legal

2. Department Description:

The City Attorney traditionally serves three different functions for the City Commission and the City overall. First, the City Attorney assists the City Officials with developing and implementing legally sound, effective and efficient policies and programs, and gives advice as to the best legal means to accomplish the policies set by the City Commission. Second, the City Attorney drafts contracts, ordinances and other legal documents utilized by the government. Third, the City Attorney stands as the official representative of the City in the courtroom and in other proceedings.

Number of Funded Actual Actual Budget Budget Employees 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 City Attorney 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Legal Assistant 1 FT 1 FT 0 FT 0 FT Paralegal 0 FT 0 FT 1 FT 1 FT

Total 2 FT 2 FT 2 FT 2 FT

3. Department Function Summary:

As required by the City Charter, the City Attorney serves as general counsel and chief legal advisor to the City of Fernandina Beach’s City Commission, the City Manager, all city departments, the Board of Adjustment, the Planning Advisory Board and the Historic District Council. In addition, the City Attorney’s Office is responsible for all litigation brought against or on behalf of the city, determines if specialized outside legal assistance is needed, and coordinates the City’s response and strategy regarding general liability insurance claims brought against the City.

General Fund IV.54 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Program Goals and Objectives

1. Department: Legal

2. Principal Programs: Legal Counsel and Advice Drafting and Review Litigation / Representation Administration, Operations, Support Charter Officers

Legal Counsel and Advice:

Goals: The Legal Department ensures that the City is in compliance with laws, and proposes legally acceptable ways to accomplish the City’s overall goals, policies and objectives.

Objectives: Provide legal advice and support regarding City Commission policy objectives, revenue generating programs and day-to-day operational support, and interpretation/application of the City Code of Ordinances, Land Development Code, Charter and Comprehensive Plan.

Provide legal services for Downtown density increase and resulting zoning change requests, Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan revisions.

Work with City Manager, staff and FEMA Public Assistance consultant to make repairs to City Marina, including competitive purchasing, contract management and FEMA reimbursement.

Provide legal advice and support regarding Beach Renourishment tax, and work with City and County officials to set millage rate.

Provide legal advice and support regarding Countywide MSTU and refund to City for MSTU assessed inside City limits.

Measurement/ Timeline: Timeliness and success of implementing the Commission objectives stated above through cooperation with City Manager, City Clerk and City staff, legal interpretation relevant to operations, negotiating contracts with consultants, contractors and vendors, and providing legal advice when necessary. Ongoing through FY 2017-2018.

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Drafting / Review:

Goals: Comprehensive and efficient review and drafting of all contracts, ordinances, resolutions, policies and procedures to promote transparency and understanding of City government.

Objectives: Participate in negotiation of construction and financing agreements for construction of the Airport Welcome Center and handle legal matters associated with revised Rules and Regulations and Minimum Standards.

Draft and review Requests for Proposal for City-owned Airport hangars.

Draft/review necessary documents for improvements on Front Street and downtown, including parking study(s), waterfront park improvements, opening of new rail crossing at Alachua Street and City acquisition of property for parking, waterfront parks and/or Marina development.

Measurement /Timeline: Practical and efficient legal advice and support to City Commission and City staff through competent drafting of ordinances, resolutions, contracts, policies and procedures. Ongoing through FY 2017-2018.

Litigation / Representation:

Goals: Represent the City in litigation and board matters, and coordinate with insurance companies and outside counsel on litigation, mediation, and pre-suit matters.

Objectives: Participate with outside counsel in the following cases:

1. Hutto v. City of Fernandina – Law Enforcement Liability Claim 2. Lickliter v. City of Fernandina – Liability Claim 3. City of Fernandina v. CPH (Isle De Mai) – Subdivision Roads.

File and handle necessary lawsuits to collect on delinquent accounts.

Prosecute animal cruelty and neglect cases as needed with the Nassau Humane Society.

Handle demolition cases with Code Enforcement Board to abate unsafe structures in the City. General Fund IV. 56 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Represent City staff in any citation appeal cases before the Special Magistrate, including but not limited to parking citation, code violations and resort rental violation appeals.

Keep the City Commission and City staff apprised of the status of all pending litigation matters by reporting status periodically and having closed Attorney/Client sessions as needed.

Participate as board attorney for the Planning Advisory Board, Historic District Council, Board of Adjustment and Code Enforcement Board (when not needed to represent City staff in prosecuting code enforcement cases).

Measurement/ Timeline: Satisfactory and cost-efficient resolution of litigation matters and pre-suit conflicts. Direct participation with quasi-judicial and advisory boards to reduce costs associated with outside counsel.

Clear and concise communication of litigation matters, costs and resolution options to City Commission. Ongoing through FY 2017-2018.

Administration, Operations, Support Charter Officers:

Goals: Manage the legal department’s budget, supervise legal assistant in the day to day operations of legal department. Support goals and objectives of City Commission through cooperation with City Manager and City Clerk.

Objectives: Work within the proposed budget and encourage fiscal responsibility, including cost effective use of outside counsel for litigation and special projects.

Provide advice and support to the City Clerk and City departments regarding Sunshine Law and public records, and outsourcing of election duties to the Nassau County Supervisor of Elections.

Participate with management staff to handle labor issues and union grievances.

Encourage legal assistant training and education in local government law issues.

Provide advice and support to the City Manager regarding issues that may arise, special projects and overall goals and policy objectives as developed by the City Commission. General Fund IV. 57 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Acquire/develop contract management software to standardize and centralize City contracts and agreements.

Measurement/ Timeline: Accurate projection and utilization of budgeted monies.

Advise City Clerk regarding Florida Election Code for 2017 and 2018 general elections.

Sunshine Law and Ethics training periodically for staff, board members and City Commission.

Satisfactory handling of labor issues and union grievances.

Satisfactory advisory support to City Manager and City Clerk.

Ongoing through FY 2017-2018

General Fund IV. 58 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund



EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services - - - - - 0.0% 53200 Auditing 6,615 6,795 6,795 6,795 6,795 0.0% 53400 Contractual 156,200 165,449 164,240 169,950 181,350 6.7% 54100 Comm - Phone/Fax/Alarm 431 465 450 442 730 65.2% 54103 Communications - Internet - 1,090 12,000 2,400 2,900 20.8% 54200 Postage 13,486 12,228 18,000 15,000 7,500 -50.0% 54300 Utilities - Electric 16,409 16,137 14,500 15,200 15,200 0.0% 54310 Utilities - Water & Wastewater 2,498 2,688 2,700 3,000 3,200 6.7% 54500 Insurance 20,338 22,918 22,918 23,953 24,649 2.9% 54610 R/M Buildings & Grounds 6,103 15,055 13,500 13,000 20,000 53.8% 54620 R/M Equipment 3,850 3,087 5,175 5,200 5,200 0.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 958 1,621 2,080 1,405 8,645 515.3% 55220 Janitorial Supplies 1,392 1,466 1,400 1,600 1,600 0.0% Total 228,280 248,999 263,758 257,945 277,769 7.7% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56200 Building - - - - - 0.0% 56300 Improvements - - - - - 0.0% 56400 Machinery/Equipment - - - 6,000 - -100.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non Capital 1,437 5,000 - - 0.0% Total 1,437 - 5,000 6,000 - -100.0% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 229,717 248,999 268,758 263,945 277,769 5.2%

General Fund IV.59 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Non-Departmental

2. Department Function Summary:

The purpose of the Non-Departmental budget is to facilitate the accounting of expenses for departments which are located in City Hall. These expenses are not allocated to specific departments, but support all departments within City Hall, including building maintenance.

3. Department Description:

The Non-Departmental budget includes audit expenses, as well as payments to the Fernandina Beach Animal Rescue for animal control. Postage, utilities, common equipment maintenance and insurance are also included in this department’s budget.

The City Manager’s office monitors all disbursements for this department.

No staff is assigned to this department.

General Fund IV.60 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Maintenance Department Mission Statement

We the employees of the City of Fernandina Beach Maintenance Department will strive to perform our duties to the best of our ability in the spirit of professionalism, teamwork, and diligence. As responsible stewards of the citizen’s tax dollars, we will strive to work together in the accomplishment of our assigned responsibilities as efficiently and effectively as possible.

General Fund IV.61 City of Fernandina Beach Annual Budget 2017-2018

Organization Chart Maintenance

Fleet & Facilities Maintenance Director

Administrative Specialist (1) FT

Maintenance Electrician/HVAC Garage Master Garage Maintenance Foreman Technician Tech Mechanic Mechanic Tech (1) FT (1) FT (1) FT (1) FT (1) PT (2) FT

Maintenance Assistant

(3) PT

Facilities Maintenance Department Full-Time: 5.5 Part-Time: 3 Seasonal: 0 Fleet Department Full-Time: 2.5 Part-Time: 1 Seasonal: 0 Total: Facilities Maintenance Division Full-Time: 8 Part-Time: 2 Seasonal: 0

General Funds IV.62 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary Facilities Maintenance

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time Fleet & Facilities Maintenance Director 0.5 32,107 Foreman 1 53,019 Sr. Electrician HVAC Technician 1 58,823 Maintenance Technician 2 75,525 Administrative Coordinator 1 37,578 License Payout Award 1,500 Merit Pool 8,997

Total FT 5.5 267,549

Part-Time Maintenance Assistant 2 41,868 Merit Pool 1,465

Total PT 2 43,333

Total Budgeted Positions 7.5 310,882

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General Fund


DEPARTMENT NAME/# ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ Facilities Maintenance: 0011930 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 230,991 238,273 236,800 286,436 267,549 -6.6% 51210 Workers' Comp Reimbursement (3,873) - - - - 0.0% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary - - - - - 0.0% 51350 Part Time 28,208 29,828 33,316 55,000 43,333 -21.2% 51400 Overtime 6,666 6,187 5,000 4,000 6,500 62.5% 52100 FICA 19,362 20,224 21,046 26,426 24,280 -8.1% 52200 Retirement 60,686 66,094 63,872 93,729 86,974 -7.2% 52300 Health Insur 44,381 48,580 50,720 59,604 52,264 -12.3% 52301 Life Insur 1,187 1,219 1,232 1,434 1,345 -6.2% 52400 Workers' Comp 8,947 6,259 6,259 6,930 9,559 37.9% 52500 Unemployment - - - - - 0.0% Total 396,555 416,664 418,245 533,559 491,804 -7.8% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services 485 119 500 - 2,000 0.0% 53400 Contractual 3,571 884 4,043 4,041 5,275 30.5% 54000 Training/Travel 3,080 215 2,250 1,750 1,750 0.0% 54100 Comm - Phone/Fax/Alarm 216 216 216 216 216 0.0% 54101 Communications - Cellular 1,306 841 2,844 1,200 950 -20.8% 54300 Utilities - Electric 2,226 1,750 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.0% 54310 Utilities - Water & Wastewater 573 599 600 600 700 16.7% 54500 Insurance 8,334 9,392 9,392 9,816 10,392 5.9% 54610 R/M Buildings & Grounds 1,013 2,856 2,500 1,500 2,000 33.3% 54620 R/M Equipment 1,427 2,835 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.0% 54630 R/M Vehicles-Labor 7,500 9,000 9,000 8,000 8,000 0.0% 54640 R/M Vehicles-Parts 10,408 5,901 7,500 8,000 9,000 12.5% 54650 Outside R/M Vehicles - - - - - 0.0% 55100 Office Supplies 431 309 500 300 800 166.7% 55200 Operating Supplies 10,822 10,732 11,730 11,660 14,470 24.1% 55210 Uniforms 1,453 1,336 1,500 1,700 1,900 11.8% 55220 Janitorial Supplies 452 191 1,000 500 250 -50.0% 55230 Gas/Oil 6,212 4,703 10,000 7,000 7,000 0.0% 55240 Chemicals - - - - - 0.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues - - - - - 0.0% Total 59,509 51,879 68,175 60,783 69,203 13.9% CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - 56300 Improvements - - - 5,000 - -100.0% 56400 Machinery/Equipment 27,394 - - 30,000 40,500 35.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital - - 4,500 - - 0.0% Total 27,394 - 4,500 35,000 40,500 15.7%

DEPARTMENT TOTAL 483,458 468,543 490,920 629,342 601,507 -4.4% TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 3,664,163 3,957,040 4,265,664 4,515,913 4,901,093 8.5%

General Fund IV.64 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Maintenance Division: Facilities

2. Department/Division Function Summary:

To provide preventative maintenance and repairs to City owned buildings – the Facilities Maintenance Division maintains and repairs lighting equipment, access gates, electrical systems, plumbing, air conditioning systems, doorways, locks, and all related infrastructure. This department assists contractors with outsourced repairs.

3. Department Description:

Number of Funded Employees Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Maintenance Director 0 FT 0 FT .5 FT .5 FT Maintenance Foreman 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Maintenance Technician 1 FT 1 FT 2 FT 2 FT HVAC/Electrician Sr. 2 FT 2 FT 1 FT 1 FT Administrative Coordinator 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Custodians 0 PT 0 PT 0 PT 0 PT Maintenance Asst. 2 PT 2 PT 3 PT 0 PT Maintenance Tech 0 PT 0 PT 0 PT 2 PT Total 5 FT 5 FT 5.5 FT 5.5 FT 2 PT 2 PT 3 PT 2 PT

4. Program Performance Indicators:

Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Transition to R134 AC 80% 80% 90% 95% systems Transition to Citywide LED 25% 25% 40% 60% lighting Preventative Maintenance 15% 20% 30% 30% hours - % of work performed that is preventative in nature

General Fund IV.65 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Program Goals & Objectives

1. Department: Maintenance Division: Facilities

2. Principal Programs:

• Preventative Maintenance • HVAC Upgrade & Replacement • LED lighting

3. Programs Goals and Objectives:

A. Program: Preventative Building Maintenance

Goal: Improve preventative maintenance program on City buildings Objective: Build a more aggressive preventative maintenance schedule in order to reduce the number of reactive repairs. Deadline: Ongoing Measure: Log preventative maintenance work orders and compare against reactive maintenance work orders.

B. Program: HVAC Upgrade & Replacement

Goal: Convert to new R-410 A/C systems Objective: Replace obsolete R-22 systems with new R-410 Deadline: Ongoing Measure: Compare inventory of A/C units with that of prior years – working toward 10% of units per year

Program: LED lighting

Goal: Convert to existing lighting systems to LED Objective: Replace existing lighting with more energy efficient LED Deadline: Ongoing Measure: Compare inventory of LED light systems with that of prior years – working towards the replacement of 20% of inventory per year

General Fund IV.66 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Police Department Mission Statement

“Sworn to Protect, Dedicated to Serve”

To serve the public in partnership with our community, to protect life and property, to reduce crime through both proactive intervention and competent response, to resolve conflict through creative problem solving strategies, and to respect human dignity at all times.

General Fund IV.67 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Organization Chart POLICE

Chief of Police (1 FT)

Administrative Coordinator (1 FT)

Deputy Chief (1 FT)

Police Captain Police Captain Investigation Bureau Services Bureau (1 FT) (1 FT) A Squad B Squad Police Sergeant Police Sergeant Police Sergeant Investigations (1 FT) Services Bureau Police Sergeant (1 FT) (2 FT) Police Officers Police Officers Records Communications (4 FT) Staff Assistants IT Web/Tech (4 FT) Supervisor Specialist Evidence & (2 FT) Police Detectives (1 FT) (1 FT) Property Custodian (5 FT) (1 FT)

C Squad D Squad Police Sergeant Police Sergeant Police Service School Resource (1 FT) (1 FT) Aide Officer (1 PT)

Police Officers Police Officers (4 FT) (4 FT)

Reserve Police Officers (5 PT)

Police Full-Time: 40 Part-Time: 6 Seasonal: 0

General Fund IV.68 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary Police

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget Full-Time Police Chief 1 97,926 Deputy Police Chief 1 81,747 Police Captain 2 158,454 Police Sergeant 7 467,768 Police Officer 23 1,151,871 34 1,957,766

Communications Officer Supervisor 1 48,027 Staff Assistant 2 83,159 Web/Tech Specialist 1 57,325 Administrative Coordinator 1 47,798 Evidence & Property Custodian 1 36,400 6 272,709

Merit Pool 111,725 Holiday Pay 83,850 Sell Back-Sick Leave 18,700 Pending Retirement cost 15,000 Comp Time Sell Back 24,500

Total FT 40 2,484,250

Part-Time Police Service Aide 1 23,236 Police Reserve Officer 5 102,781

Total PT 6 126,017

Total Budgeted Positions 46 2,610,267

General Fund IV. 69 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund


DEPARTMENT NAME/# ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ Police:0012100 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 2,087,734 2,096,526 2,126,816 2,289,177 2,484,250 8.5% 51210 Workers' Comp Reimbursement - (3,134) - - - 0.0% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary - - - - - 0.0% 51350 Part Time 67,584 70,088 116,493 124,069 126,017 1.6% 51400 Overtime 132,827 135,158 144,500 150,982 176,861 17.1% 51500 Incentive 15,776 18,060 18,000 19,260 20,040 4.0% 52100 FICA 164,785 168,412 184,044 197,637 214,748 8.7% 52200 Retirement 752,771 829,406 705,258 708,295 884,796 24.9% 52300 Health Insur 442,914 437,384 464,388 514,629 525,261 2.1% 52301 Life Insur 10,494 10,265 10,394 11,373 11,883 4.5% 52400 Workers' Comp 70,783 45,822 45,822 46,874 67,037 43.0% 52500 Unemployment 3,821 - - - - 0.0% Total 3,749,489 3,807,987 3,815,715 4,062,296 4,510,893 11.0% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services - - - - 0.0% 53400 Contractual 56,736 40,848 43,599 55,660 77,100 38.5% 53500 Investigations 2,974 3,442 3,500 5,000 6,500 30.0% 54000 Training/Travel 18,369 19,179 19,200 22,600 22,600 0.0% 54100 Comm - Phone/Fax/Alarm 6,506 4,796 3,096 4,785 4,929 3.0% 54101 Communications - Cellular - - - - - 0.0% 54103 Communications - Internet 8,031 6,514 6,535 6,535 9,325 42.7% 54104 Communications - Mobile - - - 37,500 37,500 0.0% 54105 Communications - 911 System 21,554 - - - - 0.0% 54300 Utilities - Electric 38,974 39,815 38,000 37,000 39,100 5.7% 54310 Utilities - Water & Wastewater 9,761 8,603 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.0% 54320 Utilities - Propane/Other 450 498 4,000 4,000 4,000 0.0% 54500 Insurance 163,130 182,344 182,344 190,579 198,560 4.2% 54610 R/M Buildings & Grounds 21,591 11,414 27,000 41,000 24,250 -40.9% 54620 R/M Equipment 11,433 8,900 11,500 11,500 10,000 -13.0% 54630 R/M Vehicles-Labor 28,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 0.0% 54640 R/M Vehicles-Parts 67,720 61,268 65,000 65,000 60,000 -7.7% 54650 Outside R/M Vehicles - - - - - 0.0% 54700 Printing 2,174 3,151 3,200 3,200 3,450 7.8% 54800 Promotional 1,994 1,792 2,000 3,000 4,000 33.3% 55100 Office Supplies 6,474 6,805 7,500 7,500 7,500 0.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 23,088 10,718 4,500 35,500 34,700 -2.3% 55210 Uniforms 49,811 50,002 51,230 52,442 60,585 15.5% 55220 Janitorial Supplies 2,645 2,500 2,500 2,750 2,750 0.0% 55230 Gas/Oil 80,177 72,773 105,000 85,000 85,000 0.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 732 1,257 1,290 1,390 2,110 51.8% Total 622,324 571,619 625,994 716,941 738,959 3.1% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56200 Building - - - - - 0.0% 56300 Improvements - 13,581 - - - 0.0% 56400 Machinery/Equipment - - - 176,300 156,000 -11.5% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital 46,188 - - - - 0.0% Total 46,188 13,581 - 176,300 156,000 -11.5% 57100 Principal 130,643 133,051 133,051 108,345 114,296 5.5% 57200 Interest 20,271 17,921 17,126 12,733 6,620 -48.0% Total 150,914 150,972 150,177 121,078 120,916 -0.1% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 4,568,915 4,544,159 4,591,886 5,076,615 5,526,768 8.9%

General Fund IV.70 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Police

2. Department Function Summary:

The City of Fernandina Beach Police Department, in its capacity as a public safety entity, is responsible for the law enforcement role in the City; To develop Community Partnerships that will help in problem solving; To enforce the law in a fair and impartial manner, recognizing both the statutory and judicial limitations of police authority and the constitutional rights of all persons.

3. Department Description:

The Fernandina Beach Police Department provides the following services: criminal law enforcement, traffic and parking enforcement, traffic control, preventive patrol, bike, Segway and beach patrol, criminal investigation, special enforcement, security for special events, a school officer program and school-based educational programs. In addition, we have a records division and an evidence storage and processing system.

Our overall function is to serve and protect as well as strive to improve the quality and security of the lifestyle of the citizens, employers, employees and visitors to Fernandina Beach.

Number of Funded Employees Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Police Chief 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Deputy Police Chief 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Captain 2 FT 2 FT 2 FT 2 FT 1 FT 1 FT 0 FT 0 FT Sergeants 6 FT 6 FT 7 FT 7 FT Officers 19 FT 20 FT 22 FT 23 FT Public Service Aide 1 PT 1 PT 1 PT 1 PT Evidence and Property Custodian 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT 1 FT Communications Officer Supervisor 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Communications Officer 5 FT 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT Administrative Coordinator 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Staff Assistant 2 FT 2 FT 2 FT 2 FT Web / Technical Specialist 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Part Time/Reserves 5 PT 5 PT 5 PT 5 PT Total 40 FT 36 FT 38 FT 40 FT 6 PT 6 PT 6 PT 6 PT

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City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

4. Program Performance Indicators:

Program Performance Indicators Actual Actual Actual Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Calls for Service 22500 21525 21914 23000 Traffic Citations 1250 1131 925 1300 Parking Citations 1000 673 556 1500 Patrol Arrest 600 341 235 600 DUI 75 62 23 50 Accident Reports Processed 300 338 357 320 Police Reports Processed 1600 1352 1229 1650 Parking Tickets Paid 80% 74% 76% 85% Articles Received-Property Room 800 721 628 800 Articles Removed-Property Room 500 625 1135 550 SEU Arrests 75 21 20 75 SEU Drug Buys 50 10 42 50 SEU Search Warrants 15 0 0 10 SEU Citations 25 23 27 30 Cases Investigated 550 328 334 600 Cased Cleared by Investigators 250 162 154 275 Written Warning Notices 1250 1548 1964 1300

Crime Statistics for the City of Fernandina Beach

Program Performance Indicators Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Part 1 UCR Crimes 400 331 308 325 347 325 Violent 45 36 34 35 29 35 Non-Violent 350 295 274 290 318 290 Domestic Violence 45 66 51 55 77 55 Number of training hours completed 3000 2500 3247 2750 2800 2750

General Fund IV.72

City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 PROGRAM GOALS AND OBJECTIVES

1. Department: Police

2. Principal Programs: Operations Bureau Investigative Bureau Support Services Bureau Office of the Chief

3. Program Goals and Objectives:

Program –OPERATIONS BUREAU The Operations Bureau is comprised of nineteen (19) full time employees consisting of one (1) Captain, four (4) Sergeants, fourteen (14) police officers. Four (4) part time Police Reserve Officers supplement the Operations Bureau.

The Operations Bureau (Patrol) is the most visible part of the Department because officers wear uniforms, drive marked police vehicles, respond to emergency calls for service, and provide routine patrol of the City. The Patrol Section is also the largest organizational component of the Department. The Patrol Section provides for regular patrol of all areas within the jurisdiction of the City of Fernandina Beach in an effort to deter crime, enforce traffic rules and regulations, and to apprehend persons committing criminal acts. The Section initiates investigatory procedures when laws have been broken and assist with prosecution. Within the Patrol Section, duties are also carried out through specialized assignments such as foot patrol and ATV patrol. Patrol is encouraged to collaborate with the community with an emphasis on proactive crime prevention: promoting community government interaction, problem solving and community engagement. This section addresses the causes of crime, the concerns of fearful citizens and other community issues. A Police Reserve Program augments regular uniform patrol officers by providing a trained, equipped cadre of sworn part-time officers.

Goal: Work to create a safe City and a perception of safety for all citizens, visitors, business owners and other stakeholders by enforcing all laws and ordinances in a manner that is beneficial to the community.

Objective: Enforce statutes and ordinance in a fair, impartial manner while keeping the safety of the community the top priority. This includes encouraging officers to address crime problems and crime trends and encouraging officers to explore alternatives to citing or arresting violators of minor infractions that have no reasonable impact on public safety.

Measure: Review of crime trends and statistics.

Review of calls for service relating to quality of life issues.

Review of traffic crashes and traffic infractions.

Review DUI enforcement.

Deadline: September 30, 2018

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City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Goal: Maintain an average three minute response time to calls for service.

Objective: To arrive on the scene where police services are requested within three minutes of being dispatched.

Measure: Review of response times utilizing the New World CAD System.

Deadline: September 30, 2018

Goal: Continue to promote community interaction with all members of the community to include citizens, visitors, business owners and other stakeholders.

Objective: To increase community confidence in the Police Department through regular police/community interaction and to better address issues and concerns that are important to members of the community.

Measure: Review citizen contacts.

Review officer self-initiated activity in responding to citizen concerns.

Review the number of community events that members of the police department take part in.

Deadline: September 30, 2018

Goal: Create a higher level of trust and transparency utilizing the in car and body worn camera systems.

Objective: Increase community confidence and trust in the Police Department and to assure the community that police operations are captured on video thus increasing transparency.

Measure: Review video footage for training issues.

Review video footage for issues such as officer safety practices, bias based profiling and citizen interaction.

Review all video footage relating to response to resistance situations.

Release video footage to the public as requested or to help illustrate selected media releases of high profile incidents.

Deadline: September 30, 2018

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City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018


The Investigative Bureau is comprised of ten (11) full time employees consisting of two (2) Sergeants, six (6) Detectives, two (2) School Resource Officers and one (1) Property/Evidence Custodian. The sergeants coordinate with the Deputy Police Chief when needs and concerns arise.

A section of the Investigations Bureau, the Criminal Investigations Unit, is responsible for criminal investigations, to include crimes against persons and property, missing persons and special investigations. Criminal cases are typically initiated by members of the Operations Bureau and then transferred to investigators for follow up. Basic responsibilities include solving crimes, arresting suspects and the recovery of property.

School Resource Officers who are assigned to the Criminal Investigations Unit, handle police- related matters occurring on school grounds within the City. School Resource Officers also serve as back up to patrol in emergency situations, beach patrol, and in any other areas deemed necessary when school is out for the summer. Additionally, the School Resource Officer works closely with the Department of Children and Families in their efforts to assist families in need of counseling or assistance. School Resource Officers are encouraged to work with school personnel in implementing various training programs, discussion sessions, and youth events on building self-esteem, drug education and crime reduction. With an established good rapport, and trusting relationship with the students and teachers, these officers can gather intelligence information for investigators and become very proactive in crime prevention.

The Criminal Investigations Unit is comprised of one (1) sergeant, four (4) detectives, two (2) School Resource Officers and one (1) Property/Evidence Custodian.

Another section of the Investigations Bureau, the Crime Suppression Unit has the responsibility for conducting investigations relating to narcotics and vice offenses as well as monitoring career criminals and sex offenders. Members of the Crime Suppression Unit also assist investigators and members of the Operations Bureau in the addressing crime problems when traditional police methods are not sufficient.

The Crime Suppression Unit is comprised of one (1) sergeant and two (2) detectives.

Members of the Investigations Bureau collect, correlate, and analyze criminal intelligence to help identify, reduce and prevent crimes. Personnel and equipment of the Investigative Bureau are available on a 24-hour basis.

Criminal Investigations Unit:

Goal: To apprehend those responsible for criminal actions within the City and to deter others from similar actions by aggressive prosecution.

Objective: Increase percentage arrests and dollar amount of recovered property as compared to crime rates.

Measure: Rise in the number of arrests and dollar amount of recovered property, as well as the relative number of part one crimes reported.

Deadline: September 30, 2018

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City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Goal: To obtain and share intelligence information concerning crime trends and known suspects with members of the Operations Bureau.

Objective: To ensure all members of the Department, especially those that are regularly patrolling the City are aware of issues relating to crime and those committing crimes.

Measure: Review the Intelligence Bulletins distributed by members of the Criminal Investigations Unit and the amount of coordination with other components of the Department.

Evidence/Property Custodian:

Goal: To process and store evidence/property in an orderly, professional manner.

Objective: Utilize the available space in such a manner that all items are immediately accounted for, easily located and readily available.

Measure: The overall neat and orderly arrangement of the facility, as well as our required in-house annual audit and outside audits completed by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Commission on Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation.

Deadline: September 30, 2018

Goal: Reduce the potential for expired and unwanted medications being obtained by those who are not prescribed the medications and reducing the potential for these medications being introduced into the sewer system.

Objective: Manage the drug take back box located in the FBPD lobby to include emptying the box when full and arranging for repair if damaged. Dispose of the drugs in a manner described by policy.

Measure: Review of the amount of drugs surrendered by members of the community.

Deadline: September 30, 2018

School Resource Officers:

Goal: To improve police relations within the school system and with parents to improve community youth relations with the police and develop favorable attitudes toward law enforcement.

Objective: Emphasis focused on developing a meaningful relationship with students.

Measure: A reduction in school campus incidents and incidents of crime.

Increased meetings and mentor related interaction with students.

Deadline: September 30, 2018

Goal: Provide law enforcement based safety and drug awareness programs to

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City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 students.

Objective: Organize and present crime prevention classes to students, focusing on bullying, gang prevention, peer pressure and drug awareness.

Measure: Number of classes/programs presented throughout the year.

Deadline: September 30, 2018

Goal: The proactive reduction of crime on school campuses.

Objective: To reduce crime through proactive measures to include but not be limited to, interaction with the student community, managing the “Tip Line”, investigating crimes and recommending crime prevention measures to school administrators.

Measure: Review crime trends and statistics on school campuses.

Deadline: September 30, 2018.

Crime Suppression Unit:

Goal: Enforcement of laws relating to the use, sale and manufacture of illegal drugs.

Objective: Many other crimes have a drug related nexus, therefore reducing the use, sale and manufacture of illegal drugs should also result in the reduction of other crimes.

Measure: Review arrests made by members of the Crime Suppression Unit.

Review the connection of arrestees to other crimes.

Goal: To obtain and share intelligence information concerning crime trends and known suspects relating to the use and sale of illegal drugs with members of the Operations Bureau.

Objective: To ensure all members of the Department, especially those that are regularly patrolling the City are aware of issues relating to the use and distribution of illegal drugs.

Measure: Review the Intelligence Bulletins distributed by members of the Crime Suppression Unit and the amount of coordination with other components of the Department.

Goal: Monitor known sexual predators and offenders living or working within the City.

Objective: To keep track of and in contact with known sexual predators and offenders in the event sex related crimes occur in the City. To share information relating to sexual predators and offenders with other components of the Department and members of the community as required by Florida Statute.

Measure: Review the number of sexual predator contacts by members of the Crime Suppression Unit.

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City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Review the Intelligence Bulletins distributed by members of the Crime Suppression Unit and the amount of coordination with other components of the Department.

Review community notification efforts as required by Florida Statue 775.21.

Goal: Monitor known chronic homeless who are in the City and negatively affecting the quality of life for members of the community.

Objective: To keep track of the chronic homeless who have refused services and are negatively affecting the quality of life for members of the community to include but not limited to thefts, trespassing, public urination and defecation and public consumption of alcohol.

Measure: Review the number of homeless contacts by members of the Crime Suppression Unit. Determine if the contacts have ben referred to homeless services or if they are chronic homeless negatively affecting the quality of life for members of the community.


The Support Services Bureau is comprised of six (6) full time employees consisting of one (1) Captain, one (1) sergeant, one (1) IT Specialist, one (1) Communications Supervisor (Liaison) and two (2) Staff Assistants. The Support Services Bureau is also supplemented by one (1) part time Police Service Aide.

The Information Technology/Property section is responsible for oversight of all department equipment and technology. This section is also responsible for staying abreast of current trends in technology and keeping the department informed as to what is required for the proper maintenance and future needs of the department in regards to technology and equipment. Specific duties include, but are not limited to: Help Desk Support, Web Site Support, Network Support, Administration and Security, Computer and Application Support, Mobile Telephone Support and Camera Maintenance.

Goal: Keep technology equipment operating in a fashion that provides the highest level of service to the community and the employees of the Police Department.

Objective: Manage and maintain all local IT programs.

Measure: Number of hours per year local IT programs are operational and available.

Deadline: September 30, 2018

Accreditation Section:

The Support Services Bureau also coordinates the Accreditation Process through the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation. The Accreditation process provides industry norms and standards against which agency performance can be measured and monitored. It also provides the agency with a continuous flow of Commission distributed information concerning exemplary policies, procedures and projects.

General Fund IV.78

City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 Goal: Remain current on Accreditation compliance

Objective: Have all proofs and policies current.

Measure: Internal reviews pending next Commission review in 2020

Deadline: September 30, 2018

Police Records Management:

A component of the Support Services Bureau, this office provides for recording, guardianship, accessibility, and the timely processing of incident, criminal, and traffic documentation created by the Uniformed Patrol Division and Investigative Units with regards to Florida public Records law and in-house procedures. In addition, monies are collected for copies of accident reports, parking tickets, fingerprinting, and general receptionist duties provide for daily service to the public.

The Records Management section of the Fernandina Beach Police Department comprised of two (2) Staff Assistants and supervised by the Support Services Bureau Captain, is the core non- administrative information processing unit for the Department. Records Personnel is also the receptionist for the department. Secondary functions include telephone duties, and assisting other police personnel as the need arises. The Records division is also responsible for collecting (via data entry) and sending of statistical (UCR) data to FDLE.

Goal: Provide support to the Police Department and top level customer service to the community.

Objective: Comply with all public records requests in accordance with Florida Statues. Provide internal support when requested.

Measure: Public and Internal Records request completed in a timely manner and within the guidelines of the Florida Statues.

Deadline: September 30, 2018

Objective: Decrease the need for record storage space by scanning reports to the digital imaging scanner.

Measure: The reduction in the need for record storage, the records staff trained and utilizing the data-imaging scanner to its fullest potential.

Deadline: September 30, 2018

Police Communications:

In March of 2015, the Fernandina Beach Police Department entered into an agreement with the Nassau County Sheriff’s Office to provide all communications services to the Police Department. This includes call taking, call dispatching and Computer Aided Dispatch Services. The Police Communications Supervisor acts as a liaison with the Nassau County Sheriff’s Office to provide feedback, address policy concerns, phone lists and assistance when required. The position also repairs all physical radios and provides training and audits related to the State of

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City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 Florida databases. The position also supplements the IT Specialist with hardware issues.

Goal: Provide support to the Police Department and the Sheriff’s Office which keeps both agencies in compliance with the needs of the community.

Objective: Provide input operations and improvements of the Computer Aided Dispatch System being operated by the Sheriff’s Office.

Measure: Daily work product of officers is complete, records are properly stored and Maintained within policy and applicable laws.

Deadline: September 30, 2018

Goal: All Police Department members are certified and current on policies of applicable Florida data base systems relating to the criminal justice function.

Objective: Provide reminders to members who have training certificates expiring, provide tutoring as required and provide testing information.

Measure: Members certificates as issued by the State of Florida remain current.

Deadline: September 30, 2018


The Support Services Bureau coordinates training for all members of the Police Department.

Goal: Continue to provide high-quality, specialized training in law enforcement related fields at the FBPD facility utilizing other agencies, such as the Northeast Florida Criminal Justice Training Center, IPTM and other training facilitators. Holding training at our own facility allows a greater number of officers to benefit from this specialized training, as well as lowers the cost of travel and per diem to obtain the training at other locations outside of our County. This is especially applicable to Mandatory Retraining classes for Law Enforcement Certification.

Objective: Coordinate more specialized training classes at our facility. Invite other law enforcement agencies to attend out training classes and share the cost of securing the instructor.

Measure: Number of training classes/courses taken at our facility, as well as number of other law enforcement agency attendees.

Deadline: September 30, 2018

Goal: Continue to provide training for all sworn officers, specialized units and civilian employees as well as continue to provide the opportunity for all sworn police officers to work towards a two-year degree in Criminal Justice.

Objective: Encourage members to attend training classes, make notifications of training classes and coordinate class attendance.

Measure: The number of training classes taken, and/or hours of instruction; the number of two-year degrees earned in Criminal Justice, and college credit received by

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City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 sworn police officers & other police personnel.

Deadline: September 30, 2018

Parking Enforcement – Traffic Education

The part time Police Service Aide under the direction of the sergeant enforces parking ordinances in the downtown area and positions traffic safety devices such as speed radar signs and information boards in various areas of the City. The sergeant works with the Florida Department of Transportation Law Enforcement Liaison Traffic Program to ensure the agency is up to date on best practice polices relating to traffic enforcement and submits all required data to document traffic enforcement efforts.

Goal: Keeping parking spaces rotating and available for those patronizing Downtown businesses.

Objective: Work to educate the public on parking issues and enforce ordinances as necessary.

Measure: Review parking complaints, number of educational efforts to include warning citations and to review parking citations issued. Deadline: September 30, 2018

Goal: Reduce traffic crashes and promote safety.

Objective: Educate the public on traffic issues to include the placement of traffic radar signs.

Measure: Number of crashes within the City limits.

Deadline: September 30, 2018

Goal: Participate in the FDOT Law Enforcement Liaison Challenge

Objective: Provide data to FDOT LEL Challenge and to adopt best practice policies.

Measure: Comparison to efforts of agencies within Florida or comparable size.

Deadline: September 30, 2018


The Office of the Chief of Police is comprised of three (3) full time employees consisting of one (1) Police Chief, (1) Deputy Police Chief and one (1) Administrative Coordinator. The Office of the Chief of Police strives to provide leadership to the department; develop goals and plan strategy for the department; develop a budget for the operation of the police department; develop and implement departmental policies in compliance with federal, state, and local laws and guidelines; communicate with other City department, federal, state and county agencies, and the community in which we serve. This division further provides support services for Police Personnel through activities related to: employee recruitment, supervision/counseling, and scheduling. Additionally, checking the accuracy of payroll records and submission of same to Finance Department are all duties either coordinated/supervised or administered by this bureau.

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City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

The Office of the Chief of Police provides administrative and managerial oversight of all areas within the Fernandina Beach Police Department as well as their activities. This office is also responsible for development of new programs and projects. The Chief of Police is assisted by the Deputy Chief of Police, Captain of Operations, Captain of Support, and the Administrative Coordinator. Liaison is maintained with the City Commission through the City Manager, to the Chief of Police, then to the appropriate bureau.

Goal: Improve public perception of the Police Department.

Objective: To continue to strengthen the relationship between the Police Department & the community by being openly and enthusiastically available to the media, homeowners associations, non-profit and charity groups, faith-based organizations, and all other community stakeholders. To improve communication between the Police Department and community stakeholders by developing a more comprehensive web presence. To continue to offer the use of the Department’s Community Room to other City Departments for training, as well as local civic groups, at no cost.

Measure: Accurate and positive media reports.

Contacts via the Police Department website and Facebook.

Citizens/groups utilizing the Police Station’s Community Room.

Participation in community events.

Deadline: September 30, 2018

Goal: Policy development

Objective: Regular review of policies, updating policies as necessary to comply with changes in the laws, best practices and accreditation standards.

Measure: Polices that are legally defensible and meet legal and accreditation requirements.

Deadline: September 30, 2018

Goal: Budget development

Objective: To assemble a budget that provides for the effective operation of the police department at the least possible cost to the taxpayer. This includes responsible spending and continual review throughout the budget year.

Measure: Staying within budget limitations.

Goal: September 30, 2018

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City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Fernandina Beach Fire Department Mission Statement

The Fernandina Beach Fire Department is committed to providing the highest quality public safety and compassionate care for our community, and its visitors through a proficient response to all hazards. The Mission will be accomplished by maintaining a well-equipped, highly-trained and motivated force of professional firefighters and rescue personnel while promoting fiscally sound management, fire prevention and public safety education programs.

“Proudly Protecting the Isle of Eight Flags for Over a Century”

General Fund IV.83 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 Organization Chart Fire

Fire Chief

Administrative Coordinator (1 FT)

Deputy Chief/EMS Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal (1 FT) (1 FT)

Ocean Rescue LifeGuards (60 S) Captain Captain Captain (1 FT) (1 FT) (1 FT)

Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant (1 FT) (1 FT) (1 FT)

Engineer Engineer Engineer (2 FT) (2 FT) (2 FT)

Firefighter Firefighter Firefighter (6 FT) (6 FT) (6 FT)

Full-Time: 34 Part-Time: 0 Seasonal: 60

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Position Control Summary Fire

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time Fire Chief 1 85,051 Deputy Fire Chief 2 148,762 Captain 3 222,244 Lieutenant 3 193,386 Engineer 6 291,841 Firefighter/Para/Emt 18 745,355 Administrative Coordinator 1 37,003

Sick Leave Sell Back 1,500 Holiday Pay/Firefighters 61,776 Lead Paramedic 4% 9,110 Merit Pool 60,327 Total FT 34 1,856,355

Temporary/Seasonal Ocean/Rescue Lifeguards-City 30 103,000 Ocean/Rescue Lifeguards-County 30 103,000 Total Temp/Seasonal 60 206,000

Total Budgeted Positions 94 2,062,355

General Fund IV. 85 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund


DEPARTMENT NAME/# ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ Fire:0012200 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 1,560,205 1,710,380 1,731,899 1,781,102 1,856,355 4.2% 51210 Workers' Comp Reimbursement - (1,021) - - - 0.0% 0012201 51300 Seasonal/Temporary 188,072 193,063 201,000 217,200 206,000 -5.2% 51350 Part Time - - - - - 0.0% 51400 Overtime 235,543 182,438 223,705 130,620 219,238 67.8% 51500 Incentive 106,459 121,700 129,000 146,500 130,000 -11.3% 52100 FICA 154,377 159,584 174,849 174,070 184,487 6.0% 52200 Retirement 568,300 754,353 608,627 568,875 765,871 34.6% 52300 Health Insur 303,251 352,098 352,974 419,554 487,295 16.1% 52301 Life Insur 7,613 7,923 8,122 8,758 9,079 3.7% 52400 Workers' Comp 90,922 56,998 56,998 52,271 78,340 49.9% 52500 Unemployment (17) - - - - 0.0% Total 3,214,725 3,537,516 3,487,174 3,498,950 3,936,665 12.5% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services - - - 20,000 - -100.0% 53400 Contractual 66,480 76,136 69,774 90,761 88,726 -2.2% 53500 Investigations - - 800 800 800 0.0% 54000 Training/Travel 21,216 23,535 30,284 30,284 29,418 -2.9% 54100 Comm - Phone/Fax/Alarm 2,962 1,308 3,814 1,306 1,306 0.0% 54101 Communications - Cellular 6,032 9,414 6,000 9,000 11,100 23.3% 54103 Communications - Internet 11,722 9,735 11,427 9,867 18,365 86.1% 54200 Postage 318 449 600 600 1,000 66.7% 54300 Utilities - Electric 20,811 20,662 21,800 21,800 22,018 1.0% 54310 Utilities - Water & Wastewater 3,989 4,498 4,800 4,800 4,944 3.0% 54320 Utilities - Propane/Other 2,641 1,309 3,680 3,680 3,600 -2.2% 54500 Insurance 36,576 41,218 41,218 43,079 45,532 5.7% 54610 R/M Buildings & Grounds 30,886 23,063 43,000 43,000 50,000 16.3% 54620 R/M Equipment 17,269 20,318 22,000 22,000 22,200 0.9% 0012201 54620 R/M Equipment - Ocean Rescue - - - 5,000 5,000 0.0% 54630 R/M Vehicles-Labor 30,000 37,000 37,000 40,000 40,000 0.0% 54640 R/M Vehicles-Parts 69,769 94,841 75,000 90,000 90,000 0.0% 54650 Outside R/M Vehicles - - - - - 0.0% 54700 Printing 1,148 1,836 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.0% 54800 Promotional 2,392 2,751 3,000 3,000 4,000 33.3% 54922 Ambulance Billing/Collection Fees 30,299 28,356 35,000 35,000 35,000 0.0% 55100 Office Supplies 3,030 2,300 3,400 3,400 3,400 0.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 39,728 65,045 60,950 60,950 75,640 24.1% 0012201 55200 Oper'g Supplies - Ocean Rescue - - - 15,000 15,000 0.0% 55210 Uniforms 62,063 59,007 61,100 61,100 60,100 -1.6% 0012201 55211 Uniforms - Ocean Rescue - - - 3,500 7,200 105.7% 55220 Janitorial Supplies 4,685 3,813 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0% 55230 Gas/Oil 27,295 26,773 38,000 30,000 35,000 16.7% 55245 Medical Supplies 65,466 51,850 70,000 75,000 65,000 -13.3% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 2,392 2,980 3,000 5,300 5,300 0.0% Total 559,169 608,197 652,647 735,227 746,649 1.6% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56200 Building - - 33,000 - - 0.0% 56300 Improvements - - - 85,000 40,500 -52.4% 56400 Machinery/Equipment 30,808 83,040 33,500 103,835 124,026 19.4% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital 60,408 9,403 60,500 30,085 7,100 -76.4% Total 91,216 92,443 127,000 218,920 171,626 -21.6% 57100 Principal - - - - - 0.0% 57200 Interest - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0% 0 0% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 3,865,110 4,238,156 4,266,821 4,453,097 4,854,940 9.0%

General Fund IV.86 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2018-2019 Department Description & Function

1. Department: Fire Department

2. Department Summary:

The Fire Department provides Advanced Life Support Emergency Medical Response & Transport, Fire Suppression, Fire Prevention, Public Education, Ocean Rescue, Emergency Preparedness, and Special Operations Rope Rescue and Hazardous Materials response to City residents, visitors, and businesses as a municipal fire department and to surrounding areas through an inter-local agreement with Nassau County.

3. Department Description:

The Fire Department operates two (2) fire stations, thirty-four (34) full-time personnel and sixty (60) temporary/seasonal Ocean Rescue personnel. The department consists of four (4) divisions: Administration/Operations, Emergency Medical Services (EMS)/Training, Fire Prevention, and Ocean Rescue. The following positions are funded in the Fire Department and have duties and/or responsibilities in all four (4) divisions.

Number of Funded Employees Actual Budget Budget Budget 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Fire Chief 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Deputy Chief/EMS 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Captain/Fire Officer 3 FT 3 FT 3 FT 3 FT Lieutenant/Fire Officer 3 FT 3 FT 3 FT 3 FT Engineer 6 FT 6 FT 6 FT 6 FT Firefighter/EMT/Paramedics 16 FT 18 FT 18 FT 18 FT Administrative Coordinator 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Ocean/Rescue Life Guards 35 S/T 60 S/T 60 S/T 60 S/T 32 FT 34 FT 34 FT 34 FT Total 35 S/T 60 S/T 60 S/T 60 S/T

General Fund IV.87 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2018-2019

4. Program Performance Indicators:

Actual Actual Budget Budget Program Performance Indicators 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

Emergency Calls for Service Fire-EMS-Haz-Mat, Technical Rescue 2427 2678 2,600 2950

Ocean Rescue (includes Nassau County Parks) 394 667 510 650

Estimated Non-Emergency Calls for Service 458 446 671 740 Service Calls, Walk-In, Blood Pressure Checks, Public Health Screens, Information, Etc.

Public Relations Number of individuals reached through - - 2,887 4,000 community group presentations, CPR classes, career fairs, classroom visits, fire station tours, etc.

5. Highlights during FY 2016/2017 from October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017:

• Renewed contract with Nassau County to provide Ocean Rescue services to the south end of Amelia Island for a seventh (7th) year. Continued to meet the 16/17 City Commission goals that were agreed upon for Ocean Rescue as was set forth in the visioning session. • Purchased a new 2017 Ford F150 command vehicle for the Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal keeping with the replacement plan for the future of fire department fleet. • Placed order for a 2017 Rescue unit that will replace a current front line rescue with high mileage and mechanical issues. This purchase is keeping with the fleet replacement plan. • Began training and equipping of Fire Department personnel to develop and teach a community CPR program. • Provided emergency command and control, accountability, safety and documentation training for all fire department personnel. • Completed RFP for debris management and debris hauling for the city, and secured contracts for same. • Continued public safety education through schools, day cares, safety fairs, speeches at civic clubs, and community events. • Continue to revise and implement many Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) for compliance with State regulations regarding Firefighter Safety and fire ground operations. • Managed and operated emergency services for a successful 55th Annual Shrimp Festival. • Managed, in conjunction with City and County partners, Hurricane Matthew recovery and preparation for Hurricane Irma, response and recovery.

General Fund IV.88 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Program Goals & Objectives Update

1. Department: Fire Department

2. Principal Programs:

Emergency Medical Services Ocean Rescue Fire Suppression Emergency Preparedness Fire Prevention/Public Education Special Operations Response

3. Short Term Goals and Objectives:

A. Fire Suppression

Goals: Continue to provide fire suppression and firefighter safety training to meet Insurance Services Office (ISO) and FL State Marshal’s Office requirements regarding emergency command and control, accountability, safety officer, pre-incident planning, and proper documentation.

Objective: Train all Fire-Rescue personnel to address fire ground performance and firefighter safety. The following are the nationally recognized standards that address these issues; NFPA 1026 Standard for Incident Management Personnel Professional Qualification, NFPA 1500 Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program, NFPA 1521 Standard for Fire Department Safety Officer, NFPA 1561 Standard on Emergency Services Incident Management System.

Measures: Upon successful completion of this training, our personnel will have a better understanding of safe and efficient operating practices while operating at emergency scenes. This will ultimately reduce the risks associated with firefighters operating on fire grounds and other emergency scenes.

Deadline: On-going

Persons Responsible: Deputy Chief and Company Officers

B. Fire Prevention/Public Education

Goals: Develop and implement a company safety inspection and pre-incident planning program to ensure safety of the buildings in the City’s downtown historic district and businesses within the city limits. Enhance our existing community outreach activities which include fire safety, fire and injury prevention, community CPR programs and emergency preparedness.

Objectives: The buildings in the historic district are the most vulnerable to fires due to the General Fund IV.89

City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 age of the buildings and the lack of fire protection in these buildings. Increasing fire prevention activities will help identify the hazards that exist and allow us to remove these hazards and reduce the risk of fire and help business owners maintain a healthy and safe business operation. This will also provide opportunities to educate the citizens within the downtown area as well as the rest of the community.

Measures: Operation personnel will assist the Fire Marshal/Fire Inspector in performing inspections and pre-fire plans of the buildings in the City’s historic district and City Limits. Priorities for buildings to be inspected will be established based on the occupancy and overall fire risk of the building. A regular inspection schedule will be established for all of these buildings as well as other commercial structures in the City limits.

Deadline: On-going

Persons Responsible: Deputy Chief, Fire Marshal/Inspector, and Company Officers

C. Ocean Rescue

Goal: Upgrade needed life-saving equipment used by Ocean Rescue personnel. Implement expanded Ocean Rescue program as envisioned to meet the City Commissions Goal for the 2016 – 2017 budget year. Providing better coverage to the City Marina and the beaches within the City limits with both fire and rescue responses. Explore best practices and technology in providing ocean rescue. Provide better community and visitor education to the dangers of the ocean through social media, education flyers and apps that provide information concerning the conditions and dangers of the beaches. Work with local merchants and businesses to become a part of the public education program for beach and marine safety. Expand capabilities of the Fire Department to provide marine rescue response during the off season.

Objectives: Evaluate the equipment that is currently used by the Ocean Rescue Lifeguards and Fire Department; make recommendations for replacement equipment that will better equip the Lifeguards and Firefighters to protect beach goers and the boating community. Add additional equipment and training for the Fire Department so they are equipped and trained to perform lifesaving rescues during the off season and after hours. With the expansion of the City Marina, adding the ability to provide water rescue and fire protection to the mooring area of the marina with the required equipment and training will enhance the safety of the waterways.

Measures: Entering the ocean to perform an emergency rescue can be extremely challenging for lifeguards. Usually when most rescues are performed, the ocean is very rough with strong currents. Having the appropriate equipment to perform ocean rescues increases the odds of having a positive outcome when our lifeguards enter the ocean. The level of risk to our residents and General Fund IV.90

City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 visitors is greatly reduced when our Ocean Rescue Division has the best possible equipment and training to perform their jobs. Having our department trained and equipped to perform rescues during the off season is a must. Being surrounded by water, and with the expansion of the City Marina, it is important that we be able to provide lifesaving measures not only in the ocean, but in the harbors and waterways that surround the island.

Deadline: On-going

Persons Responsible: Deputy Chief, Fire Chief and City Commission

D. Emergency Preparedness

Goal: Maintain an updated comprehensive City-Wide emergency preparedness plan. Begin creating Continuity of Operations Plans for all departments within the City government. Maintain all contracts with companies providing emergency services/relief during a disaster.

Objectives: This will help to prepare our local government for the impact and recovery of a hurricane or any other natural or man-made disaster.

Measures: Evaluate the City’s current emergency preparedness plan and make necessary changes, updates, and modifications to the plan. Also, we will interact with the Nassau County Emergency Management Department to ensure the City is properly represented during these emergencies and the required assistance is made available.

Deadline: On-going

Person Responsible: Fire Chief and City Manager

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City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Community Development Department Mission Statement

The Community Development Department (CDD) is dedicated to providing a full range of public safety services related to building, planning, and code compliance, including building permit review, building inspections, floodplain management, comprehensive planning, land development administration, code enforcement, historic preservation, urban forestry, GIS mapping, public outreach, and citizen advisory board administration.

The Department achieves its commitment to professional, efficient, and responsive public service through emphasis on citizen safety, quality employees, adherence to responsible building and planning principles, practices, and codes, and utilization of current technologies.

General Fund IV.92 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Organization Chart Community Development Division

Community Development Director

Building Section Administrative Planning Section Code Enforcement Section Coordinator (1 FT)* Building Official Planning Manager Code Enforcement Manager (1 FT) (1 FT) Deputy Building Official (1 FT) (1 FT)

Senior Plans Examiner Planner II (1 FT) (2 FT) Code Compliance Officer ( 1 PT)

Plans Examiner Staff Assistant (1 FT) (1 PT 75%) Staff Assistant (1 PT 25%) Building Inspector (1 FT)

Permit Specialist (2 FT)

Staff Assistant (2 PT)

Administrative Coordinator (1 FT)

Building Section: Full-Time: 8.9 Part-Time: 2.0 Seasonal: 0 Planning Section: Full-Time: 4 Part-Time: 0.75 Seasonal: 0 Code Enforcement: Full-Time: 1.1 Part-Time: 1.25 Seasonal: 0 Total Community Development: Full-Time: 14 Part-Time: 4 Seasonal: 0

* Note: CDD Director is split 50% Planning, 40% Building, and 10% Code Enforcement Admin Coordinator is split 50% Planning and 50% Building PT Staff Assistant split 75% Planning and 25% Code Enforcement

General Fund IV.93 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary Building Permit and Inspection

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time CDD Director 0.4 38,084 Deputy Building Official 1 63,140 Building Official 1 75,750 Inspector 1 53,000 Senior Plans Examiner 1 62,900 Plans Examiner 1 60,000 Permit Specialist 2 75,400 Administrative Coordinator 1.5 59,538 Merit Pool 7,792

Total FT 8.9 495,604

Part Time Staff Assistant 2 43,732 Total TP 2 43,732

Total Budgeted Positions 10.9 539,336

General Fund IV. 94 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION General: 001 Public Safety

DEPARTMENT NAME/# ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ Building & Permitting :0012400 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 286,441 322,293 305,068 419,074 495,604 18.3% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary - - 15,000 15,000 - -100.0% 51350 Part Time - - - - 43,732 0.0% 51400 Overtime 418 - 1,000 1,000 5,000 400.0% 52100 FICA 20,364 23,719 24,562 33,283 41,642 25.1% 52200 Retirement 92,393 106,444 102,866 145,773 164,562 12.9% 52300 Health Insur 56,586 51,782 65,052 74,573 94,824 27.2% 52301 Life Insur 1,505 1,626 1,545 2,380 2,611 9.7% 52400 Workers' Comp 4,841 3,388 3,388 3,977 5,788 45.5% 52500 Unemployment - - - - - 0.0% Total 462,548 509,252 518,481 695,060 853,763 22.8% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services - 11,568 22,500 35,500 54,500 53.5% 53400 Contractual 15,515 15,961 21,642 35,506 406,212 1044.1% 54000 Training/Travel 12,695 15,092 18,370 22,475 27,060 20.4% 54100 Comm - Phone/Fax/Alarm 648 654 643 618 432 -30.1% 54101 Communications - Cellular 1,222 1,298 1,900 4,500 2,000 -55.6% 54500 Insurance 7,816 8,808 8,808 9,206 9,586 4.1% 54630 R/M Vehicles-Labor 1,000 750 750 750 1,750 133.3% 54640 R/M Vehicles-Parts 482 1,954 750 750 2,600 246.7% 54700 Printing 1,133 - 2,500 9,300 7,250 -22.0% 55100 Office Supplies 1,377 2,356 1,200 5,000 9,800 96.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 13,799 17,890 16,180 33,880 46,500 37.2% 55210 Uniforms 491 514 1,050 1,050 1,575 50.0% 55230 Gas/Oil 2,752 2,449 3,000 2,500 3,000 20.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 3,932 4,033 3,600 4,600 5,800 26.1% Total 62,862 84,927 102,893 165,635 578,065 249.0% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56400 Machinery/Equipment 22,940 37,633 33,000 25,000 25,000 0.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital - 1,102 - 15,000 22,500 50.0% Total 22,940 38,735 33,000 40,000 47,500 18.8% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 548,350 632,914 654,374 900,695 1,479,328 64.2%

General Fund IV.95 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description and Function

1. Department: Community Development Department

2. Division: Building

3. Department / Division Function Summary:

The Building Department strives to protect the life, health, safety and welfare of the public, as it relates to construction, and to provide the highest level of customer service by a fully-trained team dedicated to serving the public. Building provides building plan review, permitting and inspections for the built environment, in compliance with the Florida Building Code, State Statutes, and City Ordinances. The Building Department is responsible for administering the City’s flood management ordinance and coordinates the City’s participation in FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program and Community Rating Service.

Number of Funded Actual Actual Budget Budget Employees 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

CDD Director .4 FT .4 FT .4 FT .4 FT Building Official 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Deputy Building Official - - - 1 FT Senior Plans Examiner 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Plans Examiner - - 1 FT 1 FT Building Inspector 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Permit Specialist 2 FT 2 FT 2 FT 2 FT Administrative Coordinator .75 FT .75 FT 1.25 FT 1.50 FT Staff Assistant 0 PT 0 PT 1 PT 2 PT Total: 6.15 FT 6.15 FT 7.65 FT 8.9 FT 0 PT 0 PT 1 PT 2 PT

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City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

4. Program Performance Indicators:

Program Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget Customer Service 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Return e-mails and phone messages within one (1) business day 100% 90% 100% 90% Initiate follow-up on all Public Records Requests and complaints within one (1) 100% 90% 100% 90% business day Develop and publish series of how-to 2 2 4 2 guides

Program Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget Core Functions 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Process complete permit applications in accordance with internal schedules 100% 100% 100% 100% (30-day, 7-day, cross-counter) Process/issue single-family residential permits within 10 business days 80% 80% 80% 80%

Process/issue minor building projects (fences, sheds, re-roofs) within 2 100% 100% 100% 100% business days Report plan review sufficiency within 10 days of application 100% 100% 100% 100%

Number of training hours (BO, Inspector, 64 48 64 45 Plan Reviewer)

Number of training hours (Support 24 12 24 6 Administrative Permit Techs)

Program Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget Special Functions 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Flood plain administration / NFIP / CRS 3 3 4 4 outreach , ISO activities activities activities activities activities

General Fund IV.97

City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Program Goals & Objectives Department: Community Development Department

Division: Building

A. Goal: Increase staff knowledge and networking resources. Continuing Department training programs to provide cross-training in all procedural requirements.

Objective: Ensure Building Department personnel are properly trained and credentialed. Provide opportunities to advance through advanced training. Foster growth through professional networking at regional and state level conferences. Bring in industry experts for staff and contractor training opportunities, and coordinate with County for cross-training opportunities. Maintain monthly/bi-monthly meetings with counterparts to share information and maintain professional relationships. Have administration staff accompany building inspector in field for on the job training. Offer the staff more opportunities to increase skills and to reduce or eliminate job monotony. Provide staff a deeper understanding of how their jobs operate and the processes associated with them.

Measurement: Regular City presence at monthly BOAF chapter meetings by plans examiner, inspectors and/or Building Official alike. Attend at least one State level conference yearly for examiner and inspectors. Continuing education for all certified staff. Permit techs to attend training classes as available.

Deadline: Ongoing

Responsibility: Building Official (Perez-Guerra) / Building Department Staff

B. Goal: Maintain and improve turnaround on 90% of small building plans submitted for review & 10-day turnaround on single family residence plans submitted for review (provided accurate applications are submitted.)

Objective: Process plans for minor plans within two (2) working days. Process plans for new single family residences, multifamily and commercial structures within ten (10) working days. Prepare monthly reports summarizing turnaround time for building plans.

Measurement: Plans and permits processed.

Deadline: Ongoing

Responsibility: Building Department Staff

C. Goal: Maintain or increase NFIP Community Rating System rating.

General Fund IV.98 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 Objective: Offer the staff more opportunities to increase skills and to reduce or eliminate job monotony. Provide staff a deeper understanding of how their jobs operate and the processes associated with them.

Measurement: Staff completion of training classes and fulfillment of associated certifications.

Deadline: Ongoing

Responsibility: Building Official/Floodplain Manager (Perez-Guerra)

D. Goal: Continue department recovery of 100% of permit and inspection costs through permit fees as per FS 553.80 (7).

Objective: Budget building department essentially as a hybrid enterprise fund to ensure full accountability for use of permitting fees to support administration of the Florida Building Code. Develop capital plan for equipment and software maintenance and upgrades. Develop and maintain a minimum of one year operating reserve to pay for future obligated expenditures and capital needs.

Measurement: Develop budget which demonstrates objective.

Deadline: Ongoing

Responsibility: CDD Director (McCrary) / Building Official (Perez-Guerra)

E. Goal: Move towards electronic permitting system.

Objective: Transition from paper permit applications to electronic submittals.

Measurement: Participate in City’s upcoming transition of software and technology needs. Obtain necessary software and hardware to process and store submittals and issue permits. Ensure software coordination with Finance, Planning, Code Enforcement, and any other applicable department. Provide staff training and education/outreach to the public about transition.

Deadline: Next two to four years.

Responsibility: CDD Director (McCrary)/Building Official (Perez-Guerra)/IT

F. Goal: Education/outreach to community and emphasis on customer service.

Objective: Help the public understand the public safety component of the Building/CDD Department.

Measurement: Utilize website and other means of communication and media outreach to share department information and news. Continue customer service surveying and explore other surveys for customer feedback. Ensure staff has customer service training opportunities. Hold outreach meetings General Fund IV.99 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 geared toward the community to advise of new offerings, discuss changes in the Florida Building Code, field questions / comments on service delivery. Expand use of web site and cable channel to advise the public. Create utility billing mailouts for flood awareness, hurricane and building safety.

Deadline: Ongoing. Timing of meetings will be based on deployment of new offerings and/or significant code modifications or changes.

Responsibility: CDD Director (McCrary)/Building Official (Perez-Guerra)/CDD Staff

G. Goal: Complete electronic scanning of files to be archived, eliminating backlog.

Objective: Now that the electronic filing system has been installed and configured, the backlog of scanning must be addressed so that daily scanning of current paperwork may commence.

Measurement: Eliminate backlog of records.

Deadline: FY 2017/18

Responsibility: Building Official (Perez-Guerra)/CDD Staff

General Fund IV.100 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary Planning

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time CDD Director 0.5 47,605 Planning Manager 1 72,000 Planner II 2 98,000 Administrative Coordinator 0.5 19,438 Merit Pool 4,126

Total FT 4.0 241,169

Part-Time Staff Assistant 0.75 13,650

Total PT 0.75 13,650

Total Budgeted Positions 4.75 254,819

General Fund IV. 101 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION General: 001 General Government

DEPARTMENT NAME/# ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ Planning 0011500 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 152,074 197,967 168,416 234,829 241,169 2.7% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary - - - - - 0.0% 51350 Part Time 3,520 372 3,500 - 13,650 0.0% 51400 Overtime - 9 - - - 0.0% 52100 FICA 11,614 14,702 13,152 17,964 19,494 8.5% 52200 Retirement 55,345 70,846 60,635 83,920 80,151 -4.5% 52300 Health Insur 21,940 19,893 26,871 26,961 22,723 -15.7% 52301 Life Insur 816 976 902 1,316 1,238 -5.9% 52400 Workers' Comp 2,213 1,464 1,464 2,133 2,709 27.0% 52500 Unemployment - - - - - 0.0% Total 247,522 306,229 274,940 367,123 381,134 3.8% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services 10,739 35,976 84,750 79,750 115,000 44.2% 53400 Contractual 8,602 9,823 9,823 13,371 10,875 -18.7% 54000 Training/Travel 5,393 2,701 4,525 4,975 7,550 51.8% 54100 Comm - Phone/Fax/Alarm 360 360 360 471 360 -23.6% 54101 Communications - Cellular 571 496 750 750 600 -20.0% 54500 Insurance 4,067 4,583 4,583 4,790 5,071 5.9% 54700 Printing 6,007 10,365 10,000 7,000 8,500 21.4% 55100 Office Supplies 658 936 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 1,320 1,466 855 870 2,930 236.8% 55230 Gas/Oil - - - - - 0.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 1,425 2,728 1,880 1,480 1,690 14.2% Total 39,142 69,434 118,526 114,457 153,576 34.2% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56400 Machinery/Equipment - - - - - 0.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital - - - 1,100 - -100.0% Total - - - 1,100 - -100.0% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 286,664 375,663 393,466 482,680 534,710 10.8%

General Fund IV.102 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description and Function

1. Department: Community Development Department

2. Division: Planning

3. Department / Division Function Summary:

The Planning Department of the Community Development Department serves to ensure that the quality of life in Fernandina Beach as reflected in its built and natural environment is maintained and enhanced through visioning, good design, and guidance on development decisions. Responsibilities performed through this division are numerous and wide-ranging in scope. The listed core functions characterize the most common work responsibilities of the section; however, the Planning Department also serves as a resource on a variety of different City projects and programs lacking oversight from a designated City department.

Long-Range Planning: Preparing comprehensive plan updates, maintenance, and implementation in accordance with state laws, researching and developing comprehensive plan-directed special studies, inventories, or guidelines, and maintaining active regional and statewide involvement as well as continuing to enhance coordination with local interest groups.

Administration of the Land Development Code: Working with the public, Planning Advisory Board, and City Commission to administer and implement zoning regulations and on-going maintenance through ordinance revisions. Coordinating with Code Enforcement regarding enforcement of LDC regulations.

Development Review and Site Inspections: Reviewing and processing building and zoning permit applications accepted via the Building Department and development applications through the Technical Review Committee. The Planning Department conducts site inspections of field work in conjunction with an active planning case or building/ zoning permit and works with the Building Department to ensure timely and coordinated processing of applications.

Maintenance of City’s Geographic Information System (GIS): Managing functions such as the development and maintenance of core data layers, development of data standards, system administration, and general oversight of GIS activities city-wide. Coordinating sharing and integrating GIS data with the County Property Appraiser.

Compliance with Federal, State, and Regional Regulations and Programs: Managing and complying with a wide range of federal or state agency land use regulations and/or programs to ensure the City’s compliance with applicable federal and state laws or regionally required planning activities. This may involve coordination with federal and state agencies, as required, as well as the Nassau County Growth Management Department depending on the scope and nature of the regulation or program involved.

Board/ Committee Staff: Providing staff support to a variety of established boards and committees including the Planning Advisory Board, Technical Review Committee, Historic District Council, Board of Adjustment, Community Redevelopment Area Advisory Board, and the Community Redevelopment Agency. A working group related

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to Land Development Code updates for 8th Street will be ongoing in FY 2017-2018. Support involves research and review of proposals and applications, completion of staff reports, arranging public meetings, creation of meeting agendas, and serving as technical advisors.

Customer Support: Disseminating information on a daily basis to citizens, realtors, architects, engineers, and prospective property owners regarding land use and development regulations. These activities are conducted through counter responses, phone calls, emails, pre-application meetings, and public presentations.

Public Outreach and External Communication: Developing and sustaining contacts and participation with community civic organizations and ongoing external communications such as press releases and public awareness campaigns and outreach. Maintaining CDD website and updating the main City news webpage.

Interdepartmental and Special Project Support: Providing additional support to other City departments in areas related to expertise of Planning Department staff such as GIS mapping, citizen involvement, external communications, organizational issues, and policy development. Assisting the Building Department with mapping and other activities for the Community Rating System.

Historic Preservation: Administering City’s historic preservation program, including processing staff-level Certificate of Approval applications, preparing long-range preservation planning goals and strategies, managing the local historic preservation ordinance, initiating community outreach and educational opportunities regarding preservation, staffing the Historic District Council, submitting grant applications for preservation projects, and maintaining Certified Local Government status. Partnering with local organizations like the Amelia Island Museum of History for events and activities.

Urban Forestry: Providing review of all tree removal applications on both public and private property in accordance with City ordinances. Staff maintains the City’s 2009 public tree inventory with an estimated value of nearly $57 million, organizes the City’s annual Arbor Day event, manages the Tree City designation annual renewal requirements, identifies and applies for grants, works with community groups like the Amelia Tree Conservancy, and supports other departments to better care for the City’s existing public space trees by helping to identify hazard trees and prioritize maintenance tasks.

Miscellaneous Technical Functions: Preparing zoning confirmation, due diligence, and DEP review letters. Providing digital and printed mapping services through an interactive online website and performing other technical activities related to the City’s planning programs. Maintaining and updating CDD website for all CDD departments.

General Fund IV.104 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Number of Funded Employees Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 CDD Director .6 FT .6 FT 0.5 FT 0.5 FT Planning Manager 0 0 0 1 FT Senior Planner 1FT 1FT 1 FT 0 Planner II - - 1 FT 2 FT Planner I or II 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 0 FT Administrative Coordinator .75 FT .75 FT 0.5 FT 0.5 FT Staff Assistant 0 0 0 .75 PT Interns Total: 3.35 FT 3.35 FT 4.0 FT 4.0 FT 0 PT 0 PT 0 PT .75 PT 0 TP 0 TP 0 TP 0 TP

4. Program Performance Indicators:

Program Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget Customer Service 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Return e-mails and phone messages within one (1) business day 80% 80% 80% 80% Initiate follow-up on all Public Records Requests and complaints within one (1) 80% 80% 80% 80% business day Publications and outreach activities completed 2/year 2/year 3/year 3/year Number of training hours completed 15 hours / 15 hours / 15 hours/ 15 hours/ employee employee employee employee Credential maintenance and/or obtain new credentials related to job duties 100% 100% 100% 100%

General Fund IV.105 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Program Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget Core Functions 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Process Board applications in accordance 100% 100% 100% 100% with published deadlines and schedules Issue Staff Approved Certificates of Approval (COA) within two (2) business 75% 75% 90% 90% days Review permit applications in accordance with internal procedures 90% 90% 90% 90% (7-day / 30-day / cross counter) Implementation of Comp Plan directives (plan development and LDC changes) 30% 30% 45% 25% Urban Forestry Activities 2/year 2/year 3/year 3/year

General Fund IV.106 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 Program Goals & Objectives

Department: Community Development Department

Division: Planning and Zoning

A. Goal: Land Development Code Amendments – Comprehensive Plan Implementation

Objective: Planning staff will continue to implement updates that prioritize amendments to the Land Development Code to uphold the City’s Comprehensive Plan.

Measurement: Development of a plan to move forward with LDC amendments – focusing on addressing minor amendments, townhouse development standards, permanent sign code updates, mobility plan implementation

Deadline: On-going throughout FY 2017-2018.

Responsibility: Planning Staff / CDD Director

B. Goal: Evaluation of LDC and Ongoing Maintenance

Objective: Continually evaluate the existing LDC and take necessary actions to update

Measurement: Maintain a log of issues and inconsistencies within the LDC and provide regular updates to the PAB and City Commission of this issues then, seek direction on actions necessary to correct by amending the code or through internal policy standard revisions.

Deadline: Long-term (annual review)

Responsibility: Planning Staff + CDD Director

C. Goal: Plans Development in accordance with Comprehensive Plan (CP) directives and deadlines

Objective: Various elements within the Comprehensive Plan direct the development of master plans for a variety of City resources and functions: 1. Mobility Plan (Year 3) (CP policy 2.01.01) 2. City-wide Parking Needs Assessment (CP objective 2.14 and 2.15) 3. Water Supply Facilities Work Plan (F.S. 163.3177(6)(c) )

4. Boating and Waterway Needs Assessment (CP objective 6.07) 5. Animal Services Plan (CP policy 4.09.02) 6. Waste Management Plan (CP policy 4.04.02)

General Fund IV.107 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 Measurement: Development and adoption of plans. The mobility plan will be budgeted again for this fiscal year as part of the three year phasing. At the end of this fiscal year, it is expected that the City will implement any necessary Comprehensive Plan amendments, LDC amendments, and adopt a mobility fee. The last parking study was completed in 2009 for the downtown area of the City. Staff will proposed a city wide parking study, as consistent with the CP to determine existing parking conditions.

In January 2017, the North Florida Regional Water Supply Plan (NFRWSP) was adopted. The NFRWSP identified the North Florida Region (including Nassau County) as a Water Resource Caution Area (WRCA). F.S. 16.3177(6)(c), directs local governments within that respective water supply planning region to adopt a Water Supply Facilities Work Plan within 18 months.

Other plans will be of lesser priority this FY and will be worked on as time allows.

Deadline: FY 2017-2018

Responsibility: Planning Staff + CDD Director + Related Departments

D. Goal: Community Goals/ Visioning for 2019 Evaluation and Appraisal Report

Objective: F.S. 163.3191 directs the City to initiate a review process for its evaluation and appraisal of its Comprehensive Plan for updating the plan to reflect any statutory changes and address any community planning efforts.

Measurement: Establish a visioning and community goals community outreach program in support of its September 2019 deadline for providing the State a completed evaluation and appraisal report.

Deadline: Summer 2018

Responsibility: Planning Staff + CDD Director

E. Goal: Destination Activity Centers – 8th Street Small Area Implementation -- Sadler Road Corridor Unified Design Overlay

Objective: A number of requirements are proposed within the Comprehensive Plan regarding planning for the City’s commercial corridors. Within the next fiscal year, staff will be working to implement the direction provided in the 8th Street Small Area Plan and requests to support exterior design improvements consistent with the Small Area Plan through a façade grant program. Staff has requested funding towards a corridor study for 9th Street to create a “complete street.” Staff is also working the Nassau County Planners to identify the potential for a unified design and zoning overlay for the Sadler Road corridor.

General Fund IV.108 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 Measurement: 1. Establish a $10,000 pilot matching grant façade assistance program for properties within the 8th Street Small Area 2. Develop a design overlay to be incorporated in the LDC for Sadler Road, consider any potential needs for land use changes

Deadline: FY 2017-2018

Responsibility: Planning Staff + CDD Director / outside partnerships

F. Goal: Historic Preservation

Objective: To promote the preservation and protection of historic, archaeological, and cultural resources within the City’s historic districts and historic properties.

Measurement: • Encourage Nassau County to adopt ad valorem tax incentive • Resurvey of the Historic Districts (Funded by FDHR Small Matching Grant) • Continue implementing/refining Historic Resource Assessment Program • Launch Historic Preservation Rehabilitation Assistance Matching Grant program • Complete Downtown Streetscape Improvements plan with Main Street Design Council

Deadline: FY 2017- 2018

Responsibility: Planning Staff and Partner Organizations

G. Goal: Provide Technical Assistance and Outreach Support for the City’s participation in the Community Rating System

Objective: Support the ongoing outreach for citizens and visitors regarding flood awareness, impacts of flooding, and disaster preparedness. Provide technical assistance in the annual update and recertification of the City’s Community Rating System.

Measurement: Prepare Annual Utility Bill mailings, Periodically update the City’s website, Provide informational cards for resources, participate in Shrimp Festival Booth, and prepare presentations. Complete required mapping updates and provide data and analysis to support annual recertification requirements.

Deadline: Long-term (annual review)

Responsibility: Planning Staff

H. Goal: Urban Forestry Program Management

General Fund IV.109 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Objective: Determine the current appropriate maintenance recommendations for the tree population, prioritize these tasks, and provide for ongoing coordination of actions with the City’s Streets/Maintenance Department, Parks and Recreation Department, and Golf Course.

Measurement: 1. Typical maintenance recommendations are: removal, pruning, stump grinding, waste disposal, fertilization, insect and disease treatment, grate and guard repair, mulching, and watering. 2. Provide review of all tree removal applications on both public and private property and issues permits in accordance with City regulations. 3. Coordinate tree planting activities including annual Arbor Day Ceremony. 4. Manage tree inventory by completing ongoing updates and issuing reports as may be necessary to Department Directors. 5. Complete annual Tree City application requirements and submittals. 6. Finalize the City’s Tree Inventory though it’s Urban Forestry Grant. 7. Work on increasing heritage tree designations. 8. Seek assistance to create a Bosque Bello Tree Management Plan 9. Work with neighborhoods on street planting strategies or neighborhood- wide replanting plans 10. Work with Nassau County on a unified island-wide Tree Ordinance

Deadline: Ongoing – complete Tree Survey, update Management Plan by end of FY 2018.

Responsibility: Senior Planner and partner organizations

I. Goal: Seek Island-Wide Designation as a Bicycle Friendly Community

Objective: In coordination with Nassau County and partner organizations, staff shall work to prepare an island-wide Bicycle Friendly Community designation application. The City presently boasts a bronze level designation and anticipates that though the efforts completed in the last 5-years an island wide designation may garner a higher ranking with the American League of Bicyclists.

Measurement: Submittal of a Bicycle Friendly Community designation application

Deadline: Fall 2017

Responsibility: Senior Planner

General Fund IV.110 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary Code Enforcement

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time CDD Director 0.1 9,521 Code Enforcement Manager 1 46,260 Merit Pool 1,395

Total FT 1.10 57,176

Part-Time Code Compliance Officer 1 30,160 Staff Assistant 0.25 4,550

Total PT 1.25 34,710

Total Budgeted Positions 2.35 91,886

General Fund IV. 111 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION General: 001 Public Safety

DEPARTMENT NAME/# ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ Code Enforcement 0012420 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 57,933 73,604 62,590 66,465 57,176 -14.0% 51210 Workers' Comp Reimbursement - - - - - 0.0% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary - - - - - 0.0% 51350 Part Time 317 67 9,300 17,680 34,710 96.3% 51400 Overtime - 3 - - - 0.0% 52100 FICA 4,159 5,179 5,500 6,437 7,029 9.2% 52200 Retirement 18,047 24,838 24,003 26,358 18,873 -28.4% 52300 Health Insur 10,902 13,116 13,297 12,206 10,311 -15.5% 52301 Life Insur 299 374 371 337 298 -11.6% 52400 Workers' Comp 941 914 914 961 1,302 35.5% 52500 Unemployment - - - - - 0.0% Total 92,671 118,095 115,975 130,444 129,699 -0.6%

OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services - - - - - 0.0% 53400 Contractual 3,753 15,755 17,328 22,329 22,709 1.7% 54000 Training/Travel 2,677 3,583 4,430 5,525 3,325 -39.8% 54100 Comm - Phone/Fax/Alarm - - 100 500 288 -42.4% 54101 Communications - Cellular 518 707 980 1,230 980 -20.3% 54500 Insurance 1,373 - 1,489 1,552 1,643 5.9% 54630 R/M Vehicles-Labor 500 1,000 1,000 750 750 0.0% 54640 R/M Vehicles-Parts 1,626 497 1,500 1,250 500 -60.0% 54650 Outside R/M Vehicles - - - - - 0.0% 54700 Printing 317 1,007 1,500 1,750 2,000 14.3% 55100 Office Supplies 583 391 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 1,191 2,031 3,294 3,429 2,155 -37.2% 55210 Uniforms 303 350 560 975 650 -33.3% 55230 Gas/Oil 372 391 1,250 1,000 1,000 0.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 175 175 510 545 340 -37.6% Total 13,388 27,376 34,941 41,835 37,340 -10.7% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56400 Machinery/Equipment - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0%

DEPARTMENT TOTAL 106,059 145,471 150,916 172,279 167,039 -3.0%

TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 9,088,434 9,560,700 9,663,997 10,602,686 12,028,075 13.4%

General Fund IV.112 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description and Function

1. Department: Community Development

2. Division: Code Enforcement

3. Department /Division Function Summary:

Code enforcement seeks voluntary compliance of City codes, which are the baseline expectation for maintenance and safety of the community and environment. City of Fernandina Beach Code Enforcement strives to achieve compliance through education and notification, and provide a clear process for investigation and resolution of code complaints. The Code Enforcement Department provides direct technical and clerical staff support in the enforcement of the City’s Code of Ordinances and Land Development Code, including response to citizen complaints and enforcement of Local Business Tax Receipt regulations. The Code Compliance Manager provides staff support to the Code Enforcement and Appeals Board to ensure the City’s codes are observed and followed by residents and businesses. The part-time (20 hour/week) Code Compliance Officer position, created and filled in FY 2016-2017, is proposed to go to either full- time or just-under-30 hours/week status in FY 2017-18.

Number of Funded Employees Actual Actual Budget Budget Code Enforcement 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 CDD Director 0 FT 0 FT 0.1 FT 0.1 FT Code Enforcement Manager -- -- 1 FT 1 FT Code Compliance Officer 1FT 1FT 2 PT 1 PT Administrative Coordinator .5 FT .5 FT 0.25 FT 0 FT Staff Assistant 0 PT 0 PT 0 PT .25 PT Total: 1.5 FT 1.5 FT 1.35 FT 1.1 FT 0 PT 0 PT 2 PT 1.25 PT

4. Performance Indicators:

Program Performance Actual Actual Budget Budget Indicators 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Total Cases 250 250 275 275 Notice of Violation 30 30 40 40 Initiate follow-up to 85% 85% 95% 95% complaints within (2) business days Outreach/Education/ 3 3 5 5 Communication activities

General Fund IV.113 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Program Goals & Objectives Department: Community Development Department Division: Code Enforcement A. Goal: Implement proactive Code Enforcement within the City. Objective: Increase monitoring and review throughout the City in order to proactively enforce the most common code violations, including but not limited to, overgrown yards, illegal dumping, trash containers left out, illegal signage, boats/RV’s parked illegally, and lighting requirements during turtle season. Coordinate with Police Department and Police Auxiliary to help identify violations. Create zones within the City to help target areas systematically. Host community clean-up days coordinating with Advanced Disposal. Deadline: Ongoing Responsibility: Code Enforcement + CDD Director + Partners

B. Goal: Improve the safety and appearance of residential dwellings and private properties within the City limits. Objective: Decrease the number of unsafe structures and properties by providing thorough and professional code inspections. Provide appropriate staff support to the Code Enforcement and Appeals Board. Coordinate with Planning Department regarding enforcement of Land Development Code regulations and zoning review and tree inspections. Coordinate with Building Department/Building Official and City Attorney as required, particularly regarding unsafe structures and demolitions. Deadline: Ongoing Responsibility: Code Enforcement + Building + Planning Departments

C. Goal: Ensure compliance with turtle lighting requirements of the City and the State of Florida. Objective: Decrease the number of non-compliant structures and properties by conducting monthly inspections along the beach during sea turtle season (May-October). Provide community education and outreach to inform citizens and tourists about turtle lighting. Coordinate with Amelia Island Sea Turtle Watch to provide guidance and assistance. Deadline: Ongoing Responsibility: Code Enforcement + Amelia Island Sea Turtle Watch

D. Goal: Ensure compliance of businesses within City limits as required by City Ordinances & Florida Statutes. Objective: Decrease the number of noncompliant business signs and ensure that all businesses have an LBTR for each service and location that requires one. Stay up to date with state licensing requirements for specific business types and ensure local compliance. Implement Vehicle for Hire, resort rental dwelling permit, and doggy dining programs. Assist Planning Department in zoning review for LBTR applications. Deadline: Ongoing Responsibility: Code Enforcement + Planning Department

E. Goal: Provide education and outreach. Objective: Utilize outreach as a means of encouraging compliance. Conduct outreach opportunities help to decrease the number of non-compliant properties, signs, businesses, etc. Participate in community events to provide information about City codes. Educate property owners on a one-on-one basis as available to help ensure compliance and provide information on community resources that can help owners/residents. Deadline: Ongoing Responsibility: Code Enforcement

General Fund IV.114 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Organization Chart Streets

Maintenance Director

Foreman Staff Assistant (1) FT (1) PT

Irrigation Sign Maint Sr. Maint Maintenance Heavy Equip Parks Technician Technician Worker Technician Operator Foreman (1) FT (1) FT (8) FT (3) FT (2) FT (1) FT

Maint. Dept. (Streets/Parks) Full-Time: 18 Part-Time: 1 Seasonal: 0

General Funds IV. 115 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary Streets

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time Maintenance Director 1 78,799 Foreman 1 52,915 Heavy Equip Operator 2 77,251 Sign Technician 1 30,160 Streets Maintenance Technician 3 90,062 Irrigation Maintenance Technician 1 32,136 Senior Maintenance Worker 8 231,546 Parks Foreman 1 41,059 Merit Pool 17,577

Total FT 18 651,505

Part-Time Staff Assistant 1 23,000

Total PT 1 23,000

Total Budgeted Positions 19 674,505

General Fund IV. 116 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION General: 001 Transportation


EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 535,689 562,416 635,801 623,688 651,505 4.5% 51210 Workers' Comp Reimbursement - - - - - 0.0% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary 11,373 - - - - 0.0% 51350 Part Time 39,219 48,623 51,952 20,390 23,000 12.8% 51400 Overtime 11,454 15,393 6,000 12,000 16,500 37.5%

52100 FICA 45,813 47,500 53,072 50,190 51,825 3.3% 52200 Retirement 123,884 172,374 166,580 217,844 214,057 -1.7% 52300 Health Insur 121,951 119,757 163,803 167,123 181,360 8.5% 52301 Life Insur 2,730 2,645 3,214 3,234 3,368 4.1% 52400 Workers' Comp 41,567 35,458 35,458 29,069 34,365 18.2% 52500 Unemployment - - - - - 0.0% Total 933,680 1,004,166 1,115,880 1,123,538 1,175,980 4.7% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services 270 228 500 50,000 50,000 0.0% 53400 Contractual 34,470 29,578 31,020 42,070 52,580 25.0% 54000 Training/Travel 3,978 4,131 7,600 17,000 16,138 -5.1% 54100 Comm - Phone/Fax/Alarm 288 288 288 288 288 0.0% 54101 Communications - Cellular 1,773 2,337 2,400 2,200 3,200 45.5% 54300 Utilities - Electric 225,898 216,290 227,500 277,600 277,600 0.0% 54310 Utilities - Water & Wastewater 808 1,226 1,250 1,400 1,400 0.0% 54500 Insurance 13,757 18,344 18,344 19,172 19,856 3.6% 54610 R/M Buildings & Grounds 16,914 25,791 29,100 34,000 30,000 -11.8% 54620 R/M Equipment 5,485 8,672 8,000 8,000 8,000 0.0% 54630 R/M Vehicles-Labor 50,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 50,000 -9.1% 54640 R/M Vehicles-Parts 78,201 93,006 80,000 85,000 90,000 5.9% 54650 Outside R/M Vehicles - - - - - 0.0% 54941 Signage Costs 13,623 18,348 25,500 27,000 27,000 0.0% 55100 Office Supplies 426 572 600 550 550 0.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 22,010 26,132 23,120 24,860 26,270 5.7% 55210 Uniforms 5,115 6,178 5,225 5,700 7,000 22.8% 55220 Janitorial Supplies 104 - 500 500 500 0.0% 55230 Gas/Oil 48,373 38,662 65,000 55,000 55,000 0.0% 55240 Chemicals 12,973 18,898 19,000 25,000 32,500 30.0% 55300 Road Materials 15,010 20,336 18,000 29,000 29,000 0.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues - 181 350 350 350 0.0% Total 549,504 584,198 618,397 759,690 777,232 2.3% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56400 Machinery/Equipment 33,927 34,987 35,000 143,000 75,000 -47.6% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital 1,653 3,463 7,000 5,000 20,000 300.0% Total 35,580 38,450 42,000 148,000 95,000 -35.8%

DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1,518,764 1,626,814 1,776,277 2,031,228 2,048,212 0.8% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 1,518,764 1,626,814 1,776,277 2,031,228 2,048,212 0.8%

General Fund IV.117 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Maintenance Division: Streets & Parks

2. Department/Division Function Summary:

This department is responsible for the maintenance of all City streets, right-of-ways, parking lots, storm drainage systems, sweeping of residential streets and the historical district, right-of-way mowing, and sidewalk maintenance. The department maintains all tree canopies within right-of-ways, including removing diseased or fallen trees, and operates the City mulch site. This department also maintains traffic signals, street lights, and all uniform traffic control signage throughout the City. This department reviews and inspects work by private contractors working within right-of- ways and all commercial projects as it pertains to storm drainage, signage, ADA installations or improvements. The department is also responsible for the maintenance of all City property including parks, sports complexes, beach accesses, the Greenway, and the downtown district. This department also is heavily involved in special events, some of which earn revenue for the City.

3. Maintenance / Streets & Parks Division Description:

Number of Funded Employees Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015 -16 2016 -17 2017-18

Maintenance Director 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT

Foreman 1 FT 1 FT 2 FT 2 FT Heavy Equip. Operator 2 FT 2 FT 2 FT 2 FT Sign Technician 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Irrigation Technician 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Street Maintenance Technician 3 FT 3 FT 5 FT 3 FT Senior Maintenance Workers 5 FT 5 FT 6 FT 8 FT

Maintenance Assistant 2 PT 2 PT 0 PT 0 PT Staff Assistant 1 PT 1 PT 1 PT 1 PT

Total 14 FT 14 FT 18 FT 18 FT 3 PT 3 PT 1 PT 1 PT

General Fund IV.118 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

4. Performance Indicators

Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Total cold mix used 30 tons 30 tons 25 tons 25 tons (potholes/radius) Total type III asphalt 4,000 tons 4,000 tons 5,000 tons 5,000 tons (resurfacing) Miles storm drains maintained 32 miles 32 miles 33 miles 33 miles Miles swept per year 4,000 miles 4,000 miles 4,500 miles 4,500 miles Tons litter/street sweepings 75 tons 75 tons 80 tons 90 tons hauled Right-of-way miles mowed 95 miles 95 miles 95 miles 94 miles Mulch site grindings 4,000 tons 4,000 tons 8,000 tons 10,000 tons Acreage of properties 500 500 500 500 maintained Special Events 60 60 80 80 Greenway Maintenance 4.1 miles 4.1 miles 4.1 miles 4.1 miles Number of boardwalk, 12 12 12 12 playground and Greenway inspections per year Number of training hours 500 500 600 900 completed

N/A is for performance indicators that were not tracked in previous budget years.

Cold Mix – Use of cold mix will continue to decrease due to street resurfacing program.

Asphalt resurfacing – Decrease in budget allotment means fewer streets will be resurfaced.

Graded roads – The total miles of unpaved roads is slowly being reduced as roadways are paved, usually in conjunction with new development or from remaining funds in the resurfacing program.

General Fund IV.119 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Program Goals & Objectives

1. Department: Maintenance / Streets & Parks

2. Principal Programs:

A. Street Maintenance B. Storm Drain Maintenance & Installation C. Parks Maintenance D. Traffic Lights and Uniform Traffic Control Signage Replacement and Maintenance E. Beach access maintenance F. ADA Compliance & commercial inspections G. Right-of-way Tree Maintenance H. Commercial and Right-of-ways Construction Inspection I. Right-of-way ADA Compliance J. Mulch Site staging area

3. Programs Goals and Objectives:

A. Program: Street Maintenance

Goal: To maintain all streets and right-of-ways Objective: Sweep, pave, repair, grade, mowing, tree canopy trimming & removal, and overall maintain all City streets & right-of-ways Deadline: Ongoing Measure: Monitor repairs/maintenance by work order system.

B. Program: Storm Drain Maintenance & Installation

Goal: Install storm drain systems to keep all drainage systems functioning as designed. Objective: To comply with the Storm Water Master Plan as recommended. Deadline: Ongoing. Measure: Monitor during severe weather events

C. Program: Parks Maintenance

Goal: Maintain all parks, sports complexes, and greenway property throughout the City. Objective: Maintain all parks, sports complexes, and greenway through mowing, weed control, pruning, debris/litter removal, playground equipment, etc. Deadline: Ongoing. Measure: Monitor repairs/maintenance by work order system.

D. Program: Traffic Lights and Uniform Traffic Control Signage Replacement and Maintenance Goal: To maintain all traffic lights and uniform traffic control signage. Objective: Providing a safe operational environment for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Deadline: Ongoing. Measure: Monitor repairs/maintenance by work order system.

General Fund IV.120 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

E. Program: Beach access maintenance

Goal: Maintain boardwalks & beaches Objective: Install & maintain boardwalks & dune crossovers, remove debris & bury dead sea creatures Deadline: Ongoing. Measure: Monitor repairs/maintenance by work order system. F. Program: ADA Compliance & commercial inspections

Goal: Perform commercial inspections for compliance Objective: Perform necessary inspections for commercial jobs to insure compliance with state regulations Deadline: Ongoing. Measure: Monitor repairs/maintenance by work order system.

G. Program: Right-of-way Tree Maintenance

Goal: To maintain a safe tree canopy in all right-of-ways. Objective: To remove all overgrowth and diseased trees as needed. Deadline: Ongoing. Measure: Healthy trees canopy and decrease of accidents ensuring public safety.

H. Program: Commercial and Right-of-ways Construction Inspection

Goal: Proactively pursuing construction inspections from site plan review to final inspection throughout all stages of the project. Objective: To ensure that the work performed by contractors meets standards as stated by City and State codes. Deadline: Ongoing. Measure: Reducing the City’s cost for future maintenance of subdivisions and commercial property to ensure that commercial property is built to code.

I. Program: Right-of-way ADA Compliance

Goal: Proactively bringing all City right-of-ways into ADA compliance. Objective: To comply with the recent standards issued by the Department of Justice for right-of-way standards. Deadline: Ongoing. Measure: To ensure ADA compliance.

J. Program: Mulch Site staging area

Goal: To maintain the City staging mulch site. Objective: To comply with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection rules and regulations. Deadline: Ongoing. Measure: To reduce the cost of mulch pickup for the tax payers throughout the city.

General Fund IV.121 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION General: 001 Economic Environment


EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME OPERATING EXPENSES 53400 Contractual 3,879 1,632 10,000 - - 0.0% 54300 Utilities - Electric 12,303 12,628 12,000 13,000 15,000 15.4% 54310 Utilities - Water & Wastewater 14,008 15,176 13,300 13,500 16,500 22.2% 54500 Insurance 1,101 1,241 1,241 1,297 1,373 5.9% 54610 R/M Buildings & Grounds 6,300 7,328 6,000 10,000 24,000 140.0% 54620 R/M Equipment - - - 3,000 5,000 66.7% 55200 Operating Supplies 7,465 7,011 10,000 11,200 20,000 78.6% 55220 Janitorial Supplies 2,323 2,169 2,500 3,000 3,500 16.7% Total 47,379 47,185 55,041 54,997 85,373 55.2% 56300 Improvements - - - - - 0.0% 56400 Machinery/Equipment - - - - - 0.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0%

DEPARTMENT TOTAL 47,379 47,185 55,041 54,997 85,373 55.2% TOTAL ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 47,379 47,185 55,041 54,997 85,373 55.2%

General Fund IV.122 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Maintenance and P&R Division: Downtown District

2. Department Function Summary:

This department provides the maintenance and improvements to the historic downtown business district. There are no personnel service expenses in this budget since the work in this area is performed by the Maintenance Department.

3. Department Description:

The Downtown District operating expenses include the costs for the maintenance of the downtown comfort station, the purchase of plant material, irrigation supplies, chemicals, household supplies, street light bulbs, utilities and other items that may be needed in the area of Ash Street to Alachua Street and Front Street to 8th Street.

4. Program Performance Indicators:

Program Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Do a minimum of two annual plantings 2 plantings 2 plantings 2 plantings 2 plantings per year using a variety of colors and plants. Provide routine maintenance to include 1,500 man 1,500 man 1,600 man 1,600 man weeding beds, installing plant hours hours hours hours material, trimming tree, applying chemicals and other repair and maintenance as required.

Provide a clean and stocked restroom 1000 man 1000 man 1000 man 1000 man facility that is opened 365 days per hours hours hours hours year.

General Fund IV.123 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Program Goals & Objectives

1. Department: Parks & Recreation Division: Downtown District

2. Principal Programs

A. Maintenance of the downtown landscaped beds and right of ways B. Decorative tree lighting maintenance C. Special events D. Providing a restroom facility

3. Program Goals and Objectives

A. Program: Maintenance of the downtown grounds

Goal: Maintenance to the downtown area Objective: Provide the necessary service to maintain the downtown such as: sweeping, mowing, weed removal, tree pruning, and litter removal Deadline: Ongoing Measure: Monitor repairs/maintenance by work order system

B. Program: Maintain right of ways

Goal: Provide adequate and safe right of ways in the downtown area Objective: Remove litter and debris, water, fertilize, spray herbicides in landscaped areas Deadline: Ongoing Measure: Inspect on a regular basis

C. Program: Installing and maintaining plantings

Goal: To enhance the appearance of the Downtown District Objective: Plant perennials and annuals and maintain them on a routine basis Deadline: TBD Measure: Measure citizen & merchant’s input

D. Program: Special Events

Goal: Provide for Special Events Objective: Provide the necessary assistance for banner handing, safety equipment, and electrical equipment for event producers Deadline: Ongoing Measure: Monitor repairs/maintenance by work order system

E. Program: Restroom Facility

Goal: Provide restroom facility for citizens and visitors use Objective: Keep facility clean and stocked with necessary supplies Deadline: On going Measure: Facility is cleaned regularly and repairs are made as needed

General Fund IV.124 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

F. Program: Holiday Décor Goal: Provide Holiday decorations appropriate for special holiday Objective: Purchase and store decorations. Ensure that the decorations are up in advance of the holiday. Measure: Decorations are installed for July 4th, Christmas and New Years Eve.

General Fund IV.125 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund

FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION General: 001 Culture & Recreation



OPERATING EXPENSES 53400 Contractual 300 4,750 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.0% 54500 Insurance 3,355 3,472 3,472 3,629 3,841 27.1% 54610 R/M Buildings & Grounds 3,499 9,242 4,750 5,000 8,500 378.5% 55200 Operating Supplies ------100.0% Total 7,154 17,464 10,222 10,629 14,341 34.9%

56200 Building 8,162 - - - - 0.0% 56300 Improvements - - - - - 0.0% 56400 Mach/Equipment - - - - - 0.0% Total 8,162 - - - - 0.0% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 15,316 17,464 10,222 10,629 14,341 34.9%

General Fund IV.126 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Maintenance Division: Library

2. Department/Division Function Summary:

The Library provides all citizens of Nassau County as well as visitors with a place where literary and artistic materials, such as books, newspapers, magazines, other periodicals, reference books, pamphlets and prints are kept for reading or reference. The Library’s services also include access to computer technology for multimedia, Internet and word processing. The Library is ADA accessible throughout.

3. Department Description:

This department is a joint venture between the City of Fernandina Beach and Nassau County. The City provides the building/land, parking, building maintenance and landscaping. The County funds the staff, equipment, books and all other materials and pays utilities needed to operate the facility.

The Street Department, Facility Maintenance and Parks/Recreation Department service this division.

General IV.127 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Parks & Recreation Department Mission Statement

The Parks & Recreation Department is committed to enriching the lives of our residents and visitors by providing a variety of fun and educational programs, and recreational facilities for all ages and abilities, while preserving our community's natural environment for our citizens to enjoy and respect.

General Fund IV.128 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Organization Chart Parks & Recreation

Parks & Recreation Director

Parks and Recreation Manager (1) FT

Parks and Aquatics / Greenway Recreation Supervisor Manager (1) FT (1) FT Sr. Maint Administrative Worker Coordinator Recreation Program Recreation Program (1 PT) (1 FT) Senior Water Safety Supervisor Supervisor Instructors (2) FT (1) FT (2 PT) Maint Assistant

Recreation Leader (4) PT Staff Assistant (1) FT (1 FT) Child Care Professional Pool Guards & Water (5 PT) Safety Instructors Office (10 PT) Cemetery Child Care Sr. Maint Worker Assistant Recreation Aid Professional (2) FT (3 PT) (7 PT) (6 PT)

Pool Guards & Water Safety Camp Leaders Instructors (6 TP) (10 TP)

Recreation Full Time: 5 Part-Time: 10 Seasonal: 0 Parks Full Time: 0 Part-Time: 0 Seasonal: 0 Peck Full Time: 1 Part-Time: 5 Seasonal: 0 MLK Full Time: 1 Part-Time: 5 Seasonal: 0 Youth Full Time: 2 Part-Time: 6 Seasonal: 6 Aquatics Full Time: 1 Part-Time: 12 Seasonal: 10 Totals: Full Time: 10 Part-Time: 38 Seasonal: 16 Cemetery Full Time: 2 Part-Time: 0 Seasonal: 0

General Fund IV.129 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary Recreation

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time Parks and Recreation Director 1 80,948 Parks and Recreation Manager 2 105,991 Staff Assistant 1 36,500 Administrative Coordinator 1 49,873 Merit Pool 8,199

Total FT 5 281,511

Part-Time Office Assistant 3 59,905 Recreation Aide 2 9,500 Maintenance Assistant 4 63,026 Sr. Maintenance Worker 1 19,604 Merit Pool 5,321

Total PT 10 157,356

Total Budgeted Positions 15 438,867

General Fund IV. 130 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION General: 001 Culture & Recreation

DEPARTMENT NAME/# ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ Recreation:0017200 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 258,758 269,686 268,263 276,973 281,511 1.6% 51210 Workers' Comp Reimbursement - - - - - 0.0% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary - - - - - 0.0% 51350 Part Time 99,816 103,579 136,150 135,585 157,356 16.1% 51400 Overtime 2,674 1,563 4,500 4,000 4,000 0.0% 52100 FICA 25,911 27,406 31,282 31,867 33,879 6.3% 52200 Retirement 81,670 93,594 90,448 96,940 95,284 -1.7% 52300 Health Insur 55,021 47,004 60,268 52,426 61,243 16.8% 52301 Life Insur 1,357 1,389 1,384 1,416 1,421 0.4% 52400 Workers' Comp 11,940 8,467 8,467 8,602 8,971 4.3% 52500 Unemployment - - - - - 0.0% Total 537,147 552,688 600,762 607,809 643,665 5.9% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services 200 - 500 - 2,000 0.0% 53400 Contractual 9,520 14,362 12,773 18,788 20,725 10.3% 54000 Training/Travel 2,610 2,352 3,040 3,650 4,025 10.3% 54100 Comm - Phone/Fax/Alarm 2,098 2,131 2,091 2,676 2,048 -23.5% 54101 Communications - Cellular 376 255 500 500 500 0.0% 54103 Communications - Internet 2,302 3,103 3,000 2,500 2,500 0.0% 54200 Postage - - - - - 0.0% 54300 Utilities - Electric 49,971 57,375 50,000 55,000 55,000 0.0% 54310 Utilities - Water & Wastewater 11,947 16,918 13,000 13,500 20,500 51.9% 54400 Rentals/Leases 1,560 1,560 2,000 2,000 2,100 5.0% 54500 Insurance 16,006 18,037 18,037 18,852 19,856 5.3% 54610 R/M Buildings & Grounds 7,847 5,453 8,500 19,300 32,000 65.8% 54620 R/M Equipment 1,791 7,059 2,500 2,500 4,500 80.0% 54630 R/M Vehicles-Labor 6,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 0.0% 54640 R/M Vehicles-Parts 7,678 13,315 9,000 12,000 11,000 -8.3% 54650 Outside R/M Vehicles - - - - - 0.0% 54700 Printing - - - - - 0.0% 54800 Promotional 1,054 1,468 3,000 1,500 1,000 -33.3% 54970 Program Costs 129,962 141,363 137,500 150,500 144,000 -4.3% 55100 Office Supplies 1,710 1,862 2,200 2,300 2,500 8.7% 55200 Operating Supplies 8,494 19,443 16,170 15,570 21,570 38.5% 55210 Uniforms 967 861 1,000 1,400 1,400 0.0% 55220 Janitorial Supplies 4,066 5,348 3,500 4,500 5,000 11.1% 55230 Gas/Oil 9,194 8,259 10,000 9,000 9,000 0.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 1,910 1,720 1,950 2,085 2,110 1.2% Total 277,263 330,244 308,261 346,121 371,334 7.3% CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - 56200 Building - 950 6,000 8,500 - -100.0% 56300 Improvements - 6,479 - - - 0.0% 56400 Machinery/Equipment 13,603 15,944 17,000 17,500 20,000 14.3% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital 13,107 4,349 8,700 - 6,000 0.0% Total 26,710 27,722 31,700 26,000 26,000 0.0%

DEPARTMENT TOTAL 841,120 910,654 940,723 979,930 1,040,999 6.2%

General Fund IV.131 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Parks & Recreation

2. Division: Recreation Administration 7200

3. Department Description:

The Recreation Division of the Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for the administration of all seven divisions managed within the Parks and Recreation Department. All projects, personnel procedures and public relations are also administered through the Recreation Division.

The Atlantic Center is host to several programs that include: Halloween Carnival, youth programs, teen activities and Senior Meet & Greet. Other programs administered by the staff of this division are adult softball, Pickle ball, senior trips, Christmas Tree Lighting event, BBQ competitions and other special events.

This division is also responsible for the cleaning/maintenance of the restrooms located at Main Beach, Seaside Park, Central Park, the Greenway Pavilion, Egans Creek Park, Softball complex and the Downtown Comfort Station.

All Management Plans and Master Plans under the Parks and Recreation Department are managed by this division.

Number of Funded Employees Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Director of Parks and Recreation 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Parks and recreation Manager 2 FT 2 FT 2 FT 2 FT Administrative Specialist 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 0 FT Office Assistant 3 PT 3 PT 3 PT 3 PT Staff Assistant 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT 1 FT Sr. Maintenance Worker 0 PT 0 PT 0 PT 1 PT Administrative Coordinator 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Maintenance Assistant 4 PT 4 PT 4 PT 4 PT Recreation Aide 2 PT 2 PT 2 PT 2 PT Total : Full Time 5 FT 5 FT 5 FT 5 FT Part Time 9 PT 9 PT 9 PT 10 PT

General Fund IV.132 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

4. Program Performance Indicators:

Program Performance Actual Actual Budget Budget Indicators 2014-15 2015-16 2016-2017 2017-2018

Provide a variety of Rib Cook-off Fall Rib Cook- Rib Cook-off Rib Cook-off community events Fall BBQ off Halloween Fall BBQ Fall BBQ Winter Carnival Christmas Tree Christmas Tree Wonderland Christmas Tree Lighting Lighting Ed Gaw OWC Lighting Yard Sales Yard Sales Stars and Shrimp Drop Stars and Stripes Stars and Stripes Stripes Fest. Chili Cookoff Fest Fest Christmas Tree Butts & Brisket Wild Amelia Wild Amelia Lighting Competition Halloween Halloween Yard Sales Yard Sales Carnival Carnival Scavenger Wild Amelia Pickle ball Pickle ball Hunt Nature Festival tourney tourney Halloween Slide Into Adult Flag Adult Flag Carnival Spring Music Football Football Wild Amelia Fest Wiffleball Wiffleball Spring Music Tourney Tourney Fest 9 Events Summer Concert in the 11 Events on park 11 Events on average average 13 Events

Offer a variety of Instructors: 8 Instructors: 14 Instructors: 8 Instructors: 8 independent contractor Revenue: Revenue: Revenue: Revenue: Programs. $80,000 $118,617 $80,000 $80,000

Provide successful adult 700 700 700 700 softball leagues and Participants Participants Participants Participants tournaments Continue to offer 30 Programs 16 Programs 30 Programs 30 Programs successful Senior 850 360 850 850 programs Participants Participants Participants Participants

Decrease the use of 1,250,000 KWU 396,568 KWU 1,250,000KWU 1,250,000KWU electricity in all divisions used used used used under Parks and Recreation

I mplement Sport League 7 current 4 current 7 current 7 current and Facility Use agreements agreements agreements agreements Agreements for a variety of youth sports

General Fund IV.133 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund

FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION General: 001 Culture & Recreation

DEPARTMENT NAME/# ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ Parks:0017210 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services - - - - - 0.0% 53400 Contractual 4,002 5,907 6,700 10,775 44,323 311.4% 54300 Utilities - Electric 62,088 61,433 57,000 59,000 69,000 16.9% 54310 Utilities - Water & Wastewater 27,016 30,273 25,000 32,000 40,000 25.0% 54500 Insurance 8,708 9,814 9,814 10,257 10,270 0.1% 54610 R/M Buildings & Grounds 10,248 5,342 12,200 14,900 15,700 5.4% 54620 R/M Equipment 88 1,949 7,500 10,400 12,200 17.3% 54900 Misc Expense 8,093 11,208 9,000 9,500 8,500 -10.5% 55100 Office Supplies - - - - - 0.0% 55200 Operating Supplies - - - 4,000 4,200 5.0% 55220 Janitorial Supplies 3,986 5,971 3,500 4,200 5,200 23.8% 55240 Chemicals - - 1,200 - - 0.0% Total 124,229 131,897 131,914 155,032 209,393 35.1% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56300 Improvements - 26,037 29,000 22,500 - -100.0% 56400 Machinery/Equipment - - - 10,000 - -100.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital 3,500 9,824 11,900 6,000 10,900 81.7% Total 3,500 35,861 40,900 38,500 10,900 -71.7% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 127,729 167,758 172,814 193,532 220,293 13.8%

General Fund IV.134 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Parks & Recreation

2. Division: Parks 7210

3. Department Description:

The Parks Division is responsible for several components within the Parks and Recreation Department. The Parks Division is responsible for the maintenance of: 48 beach accesses, 8 playgrounds, 2 sports complexes, 10 practice fields, 15 playing fields, 4 Pickleball courts, 4 tennis courts, 2 outdoor basketball courts, a multi-purpose court, 7 comfort stations/park restrooms, City welcome sign, Egans Creek Greenway, the Amelia Island Lighthouse, Seaside Park, North Beach Park, Main Beach Park, 5 concession stands, Waterfront, Bosque Bello Cemetery and 3 recreation centers.

Main Beach has two beach volleyball courts, a playground, 3 parking lots, restrooms, picnic shelters, a promenade boardwalk with 3 gazebos, signage, a multi purpose court, skate park, water fountain, outdoor showers and a Thor Guard sensor.

Central Park has several pieces of playground equipment, a gazebo, a practice baseball field, 4 tennis courts, 4 baseball playing fields, 4 pickleball courts, 1 football playing field, a Pop Warner concession stand, a Babe Ruth concession stand (with restrooms), Pop Warner restrooms, a parking lot, signage, Petanque courts and a comfort station.

Atlantic Park facility has 2 playgrounds, large recreation center, heated outdoor swimming pool, activity pool, outdoor basketball court, parking lot, signs, Greenway pavilion (with restroom), picnic tables, Fitness room and softball field.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Park has a large playground, baseball practice field, baseball playing field, concession stand, restrooms, recreation center, 2 large pavilions, swimming pool, activity pool, parking lot, horse shoe pits, picnic tables, a small shade structure, signage and a lighted outdoor basketball court.

Peck Center/Gymnasium has a playground, a fitness facility (gym court included), a multi- purpose field, picnic tables, a pavilion and signage.

Egans Creek Park consists of a Two pavilions, a pier, a kayak launch, a Labyrinth, a walking path, fitness stations, several benches, restrooms, a sign, parking lot and open space.

Sunrise Park has playground equipment, picnic tables, sign and open space.

Fernandina Beach Athletic Complex has 4 softball fields, a softball restroom facility, a soccer concession/restroom building, parking lot, signs, a kick wall and 8 soccer fields.

Egans Creek Greenway has approximately 3 miles of trails, 2 bridges, 2 walkways, benches, wildlife viewing platform, kiosks, additional signage, bike racks, access gates, water quality testing platforms, and trash cans.

General Fund IV.135 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

4. Program Performance Indicators:

Program Performance Actual Actual Budget Budget Indicators 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Provide accessible parks 17 Parks 17 Parks 17 parks 17 parks 12 accessible 12 accessible 12 accessible 12 accessible

Provide routine ground 5,000 man 5,000 man 4,800 man 4,800 man maintenance hours hours hours hours

Perform regular inspections 400 man hours 400 man 600 man 600 man dune walkovers and projected hours hours hours Greenway projected projected projected bridges/walkovers.

Work with the Planning Plant 20 trees Plant 20 trees Plant 10 trees Plant 10 trees Department on tree replacement plan funded by the CDD tree account Provide routine 532 man hours 532 man 1000 man 1000 man maintenance and non- hours hours hours native invasive removal in the Greenway.

General Fund IV.136 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary Peck Center

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time Recreation Program Supervisor 1 47,674 Merit Pool 1,669

Total FT 1 49,343

Part-Time Recreation Aide 5 40,403 Merit Pool 1,414

Total PT 5 41,817

Total Budgeted Positions 6 91,160

General Fund IV. 137 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund

FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION General: 001 Culture & Recreation

DEPARTMENT NAME/# ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ Peck Center:0017220 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 86,711 88,808 89,452 48,376 49,343 2.0% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary - 5,008 - - - 0.0% 51350 Part Time 68,177 57,944 66,203 33,120 41,817 26.3% 51400 Overtime - - 100 100 - -100.0% 52100 FICA 11,477 11,243 11,915 6,242 6,974 11.7% 52200 Retirement 15,266 16,547 15,991 16,835 16,131 -4.2% 52300 Health Insur 18,568 20,206 20,252 9,009 9,287 3.1% 52301 Life Insur 449 459 458 247 253 2.4% 52400 Workers' Comp 5,308 3,632 3,632 1,899 2,385 25.6% 52500 Unemployment - - - - - 0.0% Total 205,956 203,847 208,003 115,828 126,190 8.9% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services - - 30 - - 0.0% 53400 Contractual 8,061 8,386 9,823 8,750 11,750 34.3% 54000 Training/Travel 760 634 915 700 800 14.3% 54100 Comm - Phone/Fax/Alarm 863 883 656 1,466 838 -42.8% 54101 Communications - Cellular 63 62 100 55 50 -9.1% 54103 Communications - Internet 88 3,166 120 3,000 2,700 -10.0% 54300 Utilities - Electric 62,684 66,344 60,000 34,800 40,000 14.9% 54310 Utilities - Water & Wastewater 25,129 19,383 25,000 11,000 16,000 45.5% 54320 Utilities - Propane/Other - - - - - 0.0% 54400 Rentals/Leases 1,080 1,080 1,250 - - 0.0% 54500 Insurance 6,335 7,139 7,139 3,732 3,951 5.9% 54610 R/M Buildings & Grounds 7,475 14,666 20,100 14,000 9,500 -32.1% 54620 R/M Equipment 10,348 9,357 9,200 6,700 18,700 179.1% 54970 Program Costs 31,161 25,287 33,000 35,000 28,000 -20.0% 55100 Office Supplies 84 183 200 100 150 50.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 8,371 4,449 7,320 6,210 3,810 -38.6% 55210 Uniforms 229 681 600 400 600 50.0% 55220 Janitorial Supplies 3,489 4,280 3,500 3,000 3,750 25.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 250 250 250 275 275 0.0% Total 166,470 166,230 179,203 129,188 140,874 9.0% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56200 Building - - - - - 0.0% 56300 Improvements - 7,937 9,000 - - 0.0% 56400 Machinery/Equipment - - - - - 0.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital - 7,352 9,000 - - 0.0% Total - 15,289 18,000 - - 0.0% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 372,426 385,366 405,206 245,016 267,064 9.0%

General Fund IV.138 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Parks and Recreation

2. Division: PECK 7220

3. Department Description:

This division of the Parks and Recreation Department operates from the Peck Center/Gymnasium. These facilities offer rooms that may be rented for commercial, private or civic functions.

The Peck Center is the oldest standing Rosenwald rural school in the state of Florida. The City received it in ruins approximately 17 years ago and has renovated the interior to include a library, auditorium, library and reception room. The funding for these renovations came from state and local funds. Also, it houses 3 city departments, non-profit leases and Parks and Recreation instructor programs.

The Peck Gymnasium offers a full workout facility and basketball court. Programs offered from this facility include: adult basketball, adult volleyball, youth girl’s volleyball, dodge ball tournaments, free court time and indoor soccer.

Number of Funded Employees Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Parks and Recreation Manager 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT Recreation Program Supervisor 2 FT 2 FT 1 FT 1 FT Camp Leader 5 PT 5 PT 0 PT 0 PT Recreation Aide 5 PT 5 PT 5 PT 5 PT Total : Full Time 2 FT 2 FT 1 FT 1 FT Part Time 10 PT 10 PT 5 PT 5 PT

General Fund IV.139 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

4. Program Performance Indicators:

Program Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Provide adult basketball leagues 16 teams 16 teams 18 teams 18 teams

Provide lease space for no profit 6 tenants 6 tenants 6 tenants 6 tenants groups Provide a workout facility 175 816 150 Users 150 Users users users Provide adult volleyball for all ability 950 users 1,870 1,200 users 1,200 users levels users Offer training opportunities for N/A N/A N/A N/A individuals and teams Offered at Offered at ARC ARC

Offer a variety of sports leagues and Pickle Ball Pickle Ball Pickle ball, Volleyball, tournaments tourney, tourney, Volleyball, Indoor Indoor Indoor Indoor soccer, soccer soccer soccer, basketball basketball

General Fund IV.140 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary MLK Center

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time Recreation Program Supervisor 1 43,486 Merit Pool 1,522

Total FT 1 45,008

Part-Time Child Care Professional 5 39,000 Merit Pool 1,365

Total PT 5 40,365

Total Budgeted Positions 6 85,373

General Fund IV. 141 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund

FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION General: 001 Culture & Recreation



PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries - - - 42,841 45,008 5.1% 51210 Workers' Comp Reimbursement - - - - - 0.0% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary - - - - - 0.0% 51350 Part Time - - - 37,260 40,365 8.3% 51400 Overtime - - - 100 - -100.0% 52100 FICA - - - 6,135 6,531 6.5% 52200 Retirement - - - - - 0.0% 52300 Health Insur - - - 13,072 13,486 3.2% 52301 Life Insur - - - 221 226 2.3% 52400 Workers' Comp - - - 1,902 2,983 56.8% 52500 Unemployment - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - 101,531 108,599 7.0%

OPERATING EXPENSES 53400 Contractual - - - 2,525 1,850 -26.7% 54000 Training/Travel - - - - 830 0.0% 54100 Comm - Phone/Fax/Alarm - - - 327 216 -33.9% 54103 Communications - Internet - - - 2,900 2,500 -13.8% 54300 Utilities - Electric - - - 27,000 27,000 0.0% 54310 Utilities - Water & Wastewater - - - 6,500 7,500 15.4% 54320 Utilities - Propane/Other - - - - - 0.0% 54400 Rentals/Leases - - - 1,250 1,200 -4.0% 54500 Insurance - - - 3,732 3,951 5.9% 54610 R/M Buildings & Grounds - - - 22,200 11,500 -48.2% 54620 R/M Equipment - - - 2,000 5,000 150.0% 54970 Program Costs - - - 3,500 10,000 185.7% 55100 Office Supplies - - - 125 200 60.0% 55200 Operating Supplies - - - 5,750 3,310 -42.4% 55210 Uniforms - - - 400 600 50.0% 55220 Janitorial Supplies - - - 1,000 1,500 50.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues - - - - 380 0.0% Total - - - 79,284 77,537 -2.2%

CAPITAL OUTLAY 56400 Machinery/Equipment - - - - - 0.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital - - - - 2,000 0.0% Total - - - - 2,000 0.0% DEPARTMENT TOTAL - - - 180,815 188,136 4.0%

General Fund IV.142 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Parks and Recreation

2. Division: MLK 7225

3. Department Description:

This division of the Parks and Recreation Department operates from the Martin Luther King, Jr. Recreation Center. There is an auditorium with a kitchen that may be rented for commercial, private or civic functions. There is a public swimming pool (kiddie pool also), two covered pavilions with picnic tables, a baseball practice field and one baseball playing field, a lighted outdoor basketball court and a playground.

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center provides a DCF licensed After School Tutoring program for grades k – 6, and a summer program called the Summer Learning Program for ages 5 – 13. The tutoring program works with the schools & teachers to make sure that the students in the program achieve academic success. The Summer Learning Program offers fun learning, Arts & Crafts, swimming, field trips, and a program called, “Feeding Kids When School Is Out”, that feeds youth up to 17 years old for free. This food service is funded by the State of Florida.

The Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center serves as a meeting facility for some of the Non- Profit community based organizations such as; The Elm Street Sportsman Club, and The Nassau County Branch of N.A.A.C.P. The M.L.K. Jr. Center, also serves as a Voting polling site during local, county, state, and national elections.

Number of Funded Employees Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Parks and Recreation Manager 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT Recreation Program Supervisor 0 FT 0 FT 1 FT 1 FT Child Care Professional 0 FT 0 FT 5 PT 5 PT Total: Full Time 0 FT 0 FT 1 FT 1 FT Part Time 0 PT 0 PT 5 PT 5 PT

General Fund IV.143 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

4. Program Performance Indicators:

Program Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Provides Facility for Little League 3 teams 3 teams 7 teams 7 teams Baseball, T-Ball, & Softball Teams Maintain the After School Tutoring 50 after 50 after 50 after 50 after And Summer Learning Center school school school school Participant numbers 60 summer 60 summer 75 summer 75 summer Provide an annual Youth Forum 36 36 40+ 40+ (2nd Saturday in March) participants participants participants participants

The Martin Luther King Jr. Center hosts Over 200 + Over 200 + Over 200 + Over 200 + with other community organizations an participants participants participants participants annual Back-to-School event; offering free physicals, free school supplies, and provide resources to parents to assist them during the school year. (Saturday week before school begins)

General Fund IV.144 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary Youth Programs

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time Recreation Program Supervisor 1 39,458 Recreation Leader 1 30,805 Merit Pool 2,108

Total FT 2 72,371

Part Time Child Care Professional 6 51,000 Merit Pool 1,530

Total PT 6 52,530

Temporary Camp Leader 6 25,750

Total TP 6 25,750

Total Budgeted Positions 14 150,651

General Fund IV. 145 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION General: 001 Culture & Recreation

DEPARTMENT NAME/# ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ Youth Programs:0017230 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 68,632 68,832 68,730 70,698 72,371 2.4% 51210 Workers' Comp Reimbursement (2,317) (3,644) - - - 0.0% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary - 19,388 - 48,000 25,750 -46.4% 51350 Part Time 71,161 61,024 69,465 24,840 52,530 111.5% 51400 Overtime - 86 - 500 300 -40.0% 52100 FICA 10,370 10,870 10,572 11,019 11,548 4.8% 52200 Retirement 21,074 23,979 23,173 24,604 23,775 -3.4% 52300 Health Insur 17,945 19,672 20,252 22,014 22,710 3.2% 52301 Life Insur 346 356 353 363 374 3.0% 52400 Workers' Comp 4,815 3,455 3,455 3,578 3,996 11.7% 52500 Unemployment - - - - - 0.0% Total 192,026 204,018 196,000 205,616 213,354 3.8% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services - - - 250 - -100.0% 53400 Contractual 769 902 650 600 200 -66.7% 54000 Training/Travel 386 280 950 1,125 1,210 7.6% 54100 Comm - Phone/Fax/Alarm 288 288 288 398 288 -27.6% 54101 Communications - Cellular - - 25 25 - -100.0% 54500 Insurance 1,342 1,513 1,513 1,581 1,674 5.9% 54610 R/M Buildings & Grounds - - - - 2,500 0.0% 54970 Program Costs 15,451 14,874 14,500 15,000 16,500 10.0% 55100 Office Supplies 199 131 200 200 200 0.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 14,246 17,683 18,500 20,220 21,310 5.4% 55210 Uniforms 497 759 700 1,000 1,400 40.0% 55220 Janitorial Supplies 129 138 300 300 500 66.7% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 438 315 325 380 600 57.9% Total 33,745 36,883 37,951 41,079 46,382 12.9% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56400 Machinery/Equipment - - - - - 0.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 225,771 240,901 233,951 246,695 259,736 5.3%

General Fund IV.146 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Parks & Recreation

2. Division: Youth

3. Department Description:

The City of Fernandina Beach Parks and Recreation Department provides youth programs for children ages 3-12. There are 4 programs under the Youth Program division, Camp Amelia after school program, Camp Amelia summer program, Amelia Preschool, and the Kid’s Night Out program. These programs are all held at the Atlantic Center.

The after school program operates while school is in session from 2:00pm-6:30pm Monday- Friday and is licensed by the Department of Children and Family Services. The program is open on teacher workdays and long holiday breaks. Participation capacity for this program is 100.

The summer program operates during summer break (approx. 11 weeks) and is open from 7:00am-6:30pm Monday-Friday. The itinerary for summer camp consists of guest speakers, swimming in pool and ocean, weekly field trips, crafts, and indoor and outdoor games. Capacity for this program is 170 participants.

The Amelia Preschool program operates while school is in session from 7:30am-6:30pm Monday – Friday and is for ages 3-5. The educational materials used for this program are purchased from a recognized educational service. Capacity is 25 participants.

The Kid’s Night Out program is usually the last Saturday of each month (March –September) and runs from 6:00-10:00pm. Participants of this program receive dinner and participate in themed activities or a field trip.

Number of Funded Employees Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Recreation Program Supervisor 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Recreation Leader 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Child Care Professional 12 PT 12 PT 6 PT 6 PT Camp Leader 0 TP 0 TP 6 TP 6 TP

Total : Full Time 2 FT 2 FT 2 FT 2 FT Part Time 12 PT 12 PT 6 PT 6 PT Temporary 0 TP 0 TP 6 TP 6 TP

General Fund IV.147 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

4. Program Performance Indicators:

Program Performance Actual Actual Budget Budget Indicators 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Generate revenue 50,000 234,000 220,000 220,000 Keep participation at maximum 220 166 220 220 To maintain a high Department Score Score Score Score of Children and Family Services 100% 100% 100% 100% licensing program

General Fund IV.148 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary Aquatics

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time Aquatics/Greenway Supervisor 1 51,767 Merit Pool 1,812

Total FT 1 53,579

Part-Time Pool Lifeguards/Water Safety Instructors 10 59,200 Senior Water Safety Instructors 2 16,000 Merit Pool 2,632

Total PT 12 77,832

Temporary Pool Lifeguards/Water Safety Instructors 10 26,500

Total TP 10 26,500

Total Budgeted Positions 23 157,911

General Fund IV. 149 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION General: 001 Culture & Recreation

DEPARTMENT NAME/# ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ Aquatics:0017240 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 48,982 50,788 50,504 52,012 53,579 3.0% 51210 Workers' Comp Reimbursement - - - - - 0.0% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary - - - 23,000 26,500 15.2% 51350 Part Time 85,141 87,172 85,768 74,520 77,832 4.4% 51400 Overtime 3,461 3,133 3,500 3,700 4,000 8.1% 52100 FICA 10,175 10,437 10,693 11,722 12,386 5.7% 52200 Retirement 15,485 17,620 17,028 18,103 17,515 -3.2% 52300 Health Insur 12,888 14,103 14,469 15,728 17,032 8.3% 52301 Life Insur 253 263 258 268 373 39.2% 52400 Workers' Comp 4,553 2,909 2,909 3,479 3,556 2.2% 52500 Unemployment - - - - - 0.0% Total 180,938 186,425 185,129 202,532 212,773 5.1% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services - - - - 1,000 0.0% 53400 Contractual 5,069 641 500 600 750 25.0% 54000 Training/Travel 568 600 600 1,180 1,300 10.2% 54100 Comm - Phone/Fax/Alarm 132 132 132 132 132 0.0% 54101 Communications - Cellular - - - - 50 0.0% 54300 Utilities - Electric - - - - - 0.0% 54320 Utilities - Propane/Other 19,858 15,849 20,000 20,000 7,000 -65.0% 54400 Rentals/Leases - 651 - - - 0.0% 54500 Insurance 577 6,637 651 680 720 5.9% 54610 R/M Buildings & Grounds 9,545 7,534 11,500 3,000 6,500 116.7% 54620 R/M Equipment 29,962 - 3,500 16,500 10,500 -36.4% 54970 Program Costs 51,607 53,513 54,000 62,000 64,000 3.2% 55100 Office Supplies 38 222 150 225 225 0.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 7,802 7,693 8,860 9,160 9,210 0.5% 55210 Uniforms 839 1,083 1,800 1,800 3,000 66.7% 55240 Chemicals 14,576 11,651 18,000 18,000 14,500 -19.4% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 232 501 400 400 400 0.0% Total 140,805 106,707 120,093 133,677 119,287 -10.8% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56300 Improvements - 6,026 - - 13,000 0.0% 56400 Machinery/Equipment - - - 20,000 5,300 -73.5% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital - - - - - 0.0% Total - 6,026 - 20,000 18,300 -8.5% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 321,743 299,158 305,222 356,209 350,360 -1.6%

TOTAL RECREATION 1,888,789 2,003,837 2,057,916 2,202,197 2,326,588 5.6% TOTAL CULTURE & RECREATION 1,904,105 2,021,301 2,068,138 2,212,826 2,340,929 5.8%

General Fund IV.150 City of Fernandina Beach Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Parks & Recreation

2. Division: Aquatics 7240

3. Department Description

This division provides aquatics programs to include: swim lessons and clinics, supervised public swim, lifeguard and lifeguard instructor training classes, Jr. lifeguard program, water aerobics, scuba classes, environmental programs, snorkeling, educational trips and water safety instructor training. The Supervisor serves as liaison with Nassau Co. Health Dept. related to facility operation in accordance with State Health codes.

Aquatics division consists of a supervisor and approximately 23 employees who are trained, certified lifeguards and hold positions of Aquatics Supervisor, pool guard, water safety instructors, and Sr. Water Safety Instructor/Lifeguard.

Number of Funded Actual Actual Budget Budget Employees 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Aquatics Supervisor 0 0 0 1 FT Aquatics/Greenway Supervisor 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 0 FT Sr. Water Safety Instructor/Lifeguard 2 PT 2 PT 2 PT 2 PT Pool Guards/WSI Instructors/ 13 PT 13 PT 9 PT 10 PT 8 TP 10 TP Total : Full Time 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Part Time 15 PT 15 PT 11PT 12PT Temporary 0 TP 0 TP 8 TP 10 TP

Note: 15 guards used to be able to work 40 hours during the summer if needed. Now they may only work under 30. 10 hours lost x 15 guards = 150 hours 150 hours/30 hours per week = 5 additional guards at 30 hours or less.

General Fund IV. 151 City of Fernandina Beach Annual Budget 2017-2018

4. Program Performance Indicators:

Program Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

To recover 50% of the operating 55% cost 55% cost 55% cost 55% cost costs of the aquatic budget. recovery recovery recovery recovery

Total Public Swim and lap swim daily 17,860 17,860 18,000 18,000 participation (both facilities)

Total Water Aerobics daily 10301 10301 10,000 10,000 participation participants participants Participants Participants

Total number of participants in 528 511 500 500 swimming lessons including jr. guards (both facilities) Total number of scuba diving 81 90 70 70 Participants (Try-it dives and full certification) To certify participants in American 23 23 20 20 Red Cross Lifeguarding, WSI

To offer environmental education School visits School visits School/club/ School/club/ programs (50) (50) scouts visits scouts visits Nature Nature 50 participants 50 participants Lectures (9) Lectures (9) Greenway Greenway Adult Nature Adult Nature Nature Walks Nature Walks Photo Class 20 Photo Class 20 50 participants 50 participants Kids Nature Kids Nature Nature Nature Photo Classes Photo Classes Lectures 900 Lectures 900 20 20 participants participants Wild Amelia Wild Amelia Wild Amelia Wild Amelia Participants Participants 800 800 800 800 participants participants

General Fund IV. 152 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018



GOAL: To continue facility renovations and improvements through strategic planning and project implementation.

Employee Responsible: Director of Parks and Recreation

Objective: Work with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee to evaluate community needs and wants.

Measure: Cemetery working group is working on the Bosque Bello Cemetery master plan. City Staff is using the Parks and Recreation Master Plan to determine that all projects are in alignment with the plan.


GOAL: To continue to offer and improve the quality of existing programs, as well as create and implement new and diverse activities for citizens of all ages while maximizing the use of all facilities under the Parks and Recreation Department.

Employees Responsible: Assistant Director

Objectives: • Use all resources to research new ideas for programming. • Ensure that staff attends seminars and conferences to provide them with required training, allow them to network with other park and recreation professionals and help keep them up on trends. • To continue to offer leagues, tournaments, senior programs and special events. Measures: • Frequently contact other Parks and Recreation Departments, go to other city websites and use the internet to get information and new ideas. Make use of the Florida Recreation and Parks Association monthly magazines, email connect and news letters. • Will send 4 staff members to two FRPA regional meetings. We will send one staff member to the FRPA Agency Summit (directors). Will send a Recreation Program Supervisor to the Summer Food Service Training Seminar. We will send 4 Staff members to the FRPA State Conference.

General Fund IV. 153 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018


GOAL: To enhance our marketing efforts of the necessary event/program information and recreational services, and seek public input/ suggestions.

Employee Responsible: Parks and Recreation Manager

Objective: To advertise programs on the marquees, in local newspaper, on on our website, by circulating flyers, social media (Facebook) and word of mouth. Schedule public forums to seek public input and provide the public with detailed information.

Measure: A list of all recreation programs is submitted weekly to the News Leader and Florida Times Union. The Parks and Recreation Department markets through social mediaand the City website, and monitors the number of website/Facebook hits. The 4 marquees are used regularly to advertise programs. All fliers and registration forms are placed on our website. Participant surveys are distributed to program users which are used to assist in ensuring our programs are meeting the users expectations.


GOAL: To provide adequate and safe beach access to the public and parking spaces where the width of the access permits.

Objectives: • To construct dune walkovers in areas determined by City staff. Each access, identified as a possible location for a walkover, will be evaluated to determine if the area can accommodate a structure and meet ADA requirements. • To maintain all decking, rails, steps, parking lots, car stops, signage, trash pick-up, sand removal, and vine and weed control at the beach accesses. To apply the material Restore to the decking to expand the life of our dune walkovers and reduce the maintenance required.

Measure: All accesses are inspected on a monthly basis and any repairs or maintenance is completed during that time. All inspections and repairs are documented. If a citizen reports a hazard at an access we respond within 24 hours. Records of all repairs are documented. Restore material has been applied to 17 dune walkover structures.

General Fund IV. 154 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018


GOAL: To maintain existing trails and walkover structures to ensure safe public access and to provide adequate flow within waterways for flood prevention and reduction of invasive aquatic vegetation.

Objectives: • To repair/fill uneven surfaces of existing trails and maintain them throughout the year. • To rent a track hoe for the purpose of completing the waterway clean-out of accumulated downed trees and branches that was begun but not completed in the fall of 2015. • To apply the material Restore to the decking of the two north Greenway bridges in order to prolong the life of these structures and reduce the maintenance required.

Measure: Trails, bridges and walkways are inspected on a monthly basis and any repairs or maintenance are completed during that time. All inspections and repairs are documented. If a citizen reports a hazard on a trail or access we respond within 24 hours. Make these improvements on time and within the budget.


GOAL: Appropriately plan, finance, and construct/purchase the necessary capital improvements for our facilities and parks.

Employee Responsible: Director of Parks and Recreation

Objective: • Replace the Main Beach boardwalk Phase II- planning. • Install a band shell at Main Beach Park- planning • Install sports lighting at the soccer fields- planning • Expand MLK camp room • Apply Restore to 2 Greenway bridges and 2 dune structures • Egans Creek Park Improvements

Measure: Implement these improvements on time and within the budget.

General Fund IV. 155 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund




55601 Council On Aging 5,000 - - - - 0.0% 55602 Non Profit Episcopal - 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,500 25.0% 55600 Aged/Poor Services 14,665 13,863 25,000 25,000 25,000 0.0% 55606 Non Profit Nassau Mental Health 1,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 10,000 11.1% 55605 Non Profit Micah's Place 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 3,000 0.0% 55604 Non Profit Barnabas 3,000 2,000 2,000 3,500 5,000 42.9% 55674 July 4th Fireworks - 4,300 - - - 0.0% 55607 Non Profit Family Support Services 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 1,500 0.0% 55608 Non Profit America's Youth - 1,500 1,500 2,500 2,500 0.0% 55609 Non Profit C W Vision - 1,250 1,250 1,500 - -100.0% 55610 Non Profit Salvation Army - 2,000 2,000 3,500 5,000 42.9% 55612 Non Profit The ARC Nassau - - - - 2,000 0.0%

DEPARTMENT TOTAL 25,665 37,913 44,750 50,000 56,500 13.0% TOTAL HUMAN SERVICES 25,665 37,913 44,750 50,000 56,500 13.0%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 16,248,510 17,250,953 17,873,867 19,467,650 21,460,182 10.2%

General Fund IV.156 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description& Function

1. Department: Other Services

2. Department Function Summary:

The City has a total of $31,500 allocated to various civic, community and social services agencies. Each year these non-profit organizations submit a grant application including a request for funds for their agency. Each Grant Recipient will receive grant funds in quarterly installments after the City receives and approves a Quarterly Project Status Report, Documentation of Expenses and a Drawdown Request.

The budget also includes $25,000 for both, utility services for low income residents which is awarded based on application approval and Water and Wastewater impact fees waived for affordable housing.

3. Program Performance Indicators:

Program Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Low income utility services $ waived 14,665 13,863 25,000 25,000 Grant awards to non-profits 11,000 24,050 25,000 31,500

General Fund IV.157

City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

General Fund FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION General: 001 Transfers Contingencies Reserves TRANSFERS OUT DEPARTMENT NAME/# ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ Transfers Out:0018100 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE

OBJECT #/NAME TRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS 59410 Transfer To Golf 185,000 237,000 237,000 228,000 220,000 -3.5% 59220 Transfer To GO Debt Service 425,000 345,000 345,000 426,900 423,807 -0.7% 59510 Transfer To Fleet - 50,000 50,000 - - 0.0% 59300 Transfer to Capital Improvement 1,151,960 1,133,500 1,133,500 1,197,600 1,138,959 -4.9% 59470 Transfer to Stormwater 21,515 21,515 21,515 21,515 21,515 0.0% 59480 Transfer to Marina 272,000 307,000 307,000 307,000 300,000 -2.3% 59500 Transfer To Economic Development - 4,050 - - - 0.0%

DEPARTMENT TOTAL 2,055,475 2,098,065 2,094,015 2,181,015 2,104,281 -3.5%


OBJECT #/NAME CONTINGENCIES 59900 Contingency - - 120,000 120,000 120,000 0.0% 9941 Loan Forgiveness - Golf 163,300 - - - - 0.0% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 163,300 - 120,000 120,000 120,000 0.0%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES, TRANSFERS AND CONTINGENCIES 18,467,285 19,349,018 20,087,882 21,768,665 23,684,463 8.8% DEPARTMENT NAME/# RESERVES Reserves:0018300 / 0018301 OBJECT #/NAME RESERVES 9530 Other Financing Uses - 565,918 - - - 0.0% 0018300 59990 Reserve 5,361,237 5,931,570 3,961,403 3,940,621 4,396,993 11.6% 0018301 59992 Reserve Rest'd for Bldg 728,803 964,522 394,800 1,024,132 899,170 -12.2% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 6,090,040 7,462,010 4,356,203 4,964,753 5,296,163 6.7% TOTAL EXPENDITURES, TRANSFERS, CONTINGENCIES AND RESERVES 24,557,325 26,811,028 24,444,085 26,733,418 28,980,626 8.4%

General Fund IV.158 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Transfers, Contingencies and Reserves

2. Department Function Summary:

This Budget includes transfers from the General Fund for the purposes of funding the Debt Service Fund for payments on the General Obligation Bond in the amount of $423,807 as well as transfers of $220,000 to the Golf Fund, $1,138,959 to the Capital Improvement Fund, $21,515 to Storm Water Management Fund, and $300,000 to the Marina Fund.

The Contingency account has $120,000 set aside for unexpected items that may occur during the year.

The City’s cash reserves are anticipated to be $5,176,163 at the end of Fiscal Year 2017-2018 excluding Contingency. A portion of this, $899,170 is a reserve restricted for use by the Building department in accordance with Florida Statutes 553.8(7).

3. Program Performance Indicators:

Program Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Contingency $ 120,000 120,000 Reserve - Unrestricted 5,361,237 5,931,570 3,940,621 4,396,993 Reserve – Restricted for Building 728,8034 964,522 1,024,132 899,170 Total Reserve $ including Contingency 6,090,040 6,896,092 5,084,753 5,296,163 Unrest’d Reserve as a % of Oper’g Exps 33.00% 34.38% 20.24% 20.49% Total All Reserves + Contingency as a % of Operating Expenses 37.48% 39.98% 26.12% 24.12%


General Fund IV.159 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Enterprise Funds

V. City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Table of Contents-Enterprise Funds Section Description Page #

Enterprise Funds Table of Contents -Enterprise Enterprise V.1 Golf Course V.2 Airport V.12 Sanitation V.19 Wastewater Operations V.22 Water Operations V.30 Storm Water Management V.38 Marina V.45

Enterprise Funds V.1 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Golf Course Mission Statement

It is our mission at Fernandina Beach Golf Club to provide a well-groomed and inviting facility that the residents of Fernandina Beach can enjoy and take pride in. To provide quality service, a fun and family atmosphere along with a Country Club feel at Municipal Course prices to all who live or visit our city. We will empower our employees to enhance the experience of every guest to obtain the financial goals of the City of Fernandina Beach.

Enterprise Funds V.2 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Organization Chart Golf

Golf Course Director

Grounds Assistant GM/F&B Asst. Golf Course Pro Mechanic Superintendent Manager I (1 FT) (1 FT) (1) FT (1) FT

Servers (5) PT Foreman Assistant Superintendent Line Cooks (1 PT) (1 FT) (2) PT

Pro Shop Attendant (5 PT) Groundskeeper (7 PT)

Cart Attendant (7 PT)

Starters/Rangers (11 PT)

Full-Time: 6 Part-Time: 38

Enterprise Funds V. 3 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Golf Course Fund

FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Golf Course Fund:410 Golf Course Fund Revenues & Cash Balances


OPERATING REVENUES 33120 FEMA - - - - - 0.0% 34710 Green Fees 270,178 287,192 334,226 319,693 315,135 -1.4% 34711 Surcharge 27,648 8,760 25,887 - - 0.0% 34733 Memberships 121,601 105,281 90,351 129,256 148,941 15.2% 34713 Golf Carts 453,401 422,576 470,535 500,377 485,177 -3.0% 34714 Range Fees 33,829 41,779 50,624 53,564 53,951 0.7% 34715 Pro Shop Sales 106,519 95,237 140,155 111,273 113,355 1.9% 34716 Snack Bar Sales 294,984 304,167 319,945 325,328 357,743 10.0% 34718 Facility Rental 28,434 - 33,125 32,440 32,920 1.5% 34719 School of Golf 6,478 5,524 10,920 9,600 6,580 -31.5% Total 1,343,072 1,270,516 1,475,768 1,481,531 1,513,802 2.2%

Interest 36110 Interest - - - - - 0.0% 36120 Unrealized Gain - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0%

OTHER REVENUES 36200 Discounts 600 - - - - 0.0% 36420 Insurance Proceeds - 38,660 - - - 0.0% 36992 Gain on Sale of Asset - - - - 150,000 0.0% 36990 Other Revenue 16,963 86,638 1,367 50,410 7,000 -86.1% 36992 Gain on Sale of Asset - (1,953) - - - 0.0% 38410 Loan Proceeds - - - - 200,000 0.0% Total 17,563 123,345 1,367 50,410 357,000 608.2%

Total Operating & Other Revenues 1,360,635 1,393,861 1,477,135 1,531,941 1,870,802 22.1%

TRANSFERS 38101 From General Fund 185,000 237,000 237,000 228,000 220,000 -3.5% Total 185,000 237,000 237,000 228,000 220,000 -3.5% CASH BALANCE FORWARD 38910 Cash Balance Forward (677,874) (810,811) (620,500) (706,400) (625,520) -11.4% Total (677,874) (810,811) (620,500) (706,400) (625,520) -11.4%

TOTAL REVENUES & CASH BALANCES 867,761 820,050 1,093,635 1,053,541 1,465,282 39.1%

Enterprise Funds V.4 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Golf Course Fund FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Golf Course:410 Enterprise


EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries - 6,373 - - - 0.0% 51350 Part Time 525 50 - - - 0.0% 51400 Overtime - - - - - 0.0% 52100 FICA 40 491 - - - 0.0% 52301 Life Insur - 4 - - - 0.0% 52350 OPEB Costs - 727 727 785 785 0.0% Total 565 7,645 727 785 785 0.0% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services 100 - - 105 - -100.0% 53200 Auditing 7,053 7,243 6,795 6,795 6,975 2.6% 53400 Contractual 589,195 657,631 697,028 670,215 681,647 1.7% 54000 Training/Travel 5,530 2,503 5,144 6,750 7,492 11.0% 54100 Comm - Phone/Fax/Alarm 1,675 711 720 1,200 1,440 20.0% 54101 Communications - Cellular 1,598 960 2,700 2,100 2,580 22.9% 54103 Communications - Internet 4,063 6,182 4,108 2,268 7,840 245.7% 54200 Postage 572 699 300 564 1,170 107.4% 54300 Utilities - Electric 84,252 67,429 66,296 65,200 62,550 -4.1% 54310 Utilities - Water & Wastewater - - - 4,860 6,000 23.5% 54320 Utilities - Propane/Other - - - - - 0.0% 54500 Insurance 51,256 53,867 50,072 50,076 79,622 59.0% 54610 R/M Buildings & Grounds 2,505 6,456 3,000 2,800 5,000 78.6% 54620 R/M Equipment 53,586 39,943 27,800 25,000 28,350 13.4% 54630 R/M Vehicles-Labor - - - - - 0.0% 54640 R/M Vehicles-Parts - - - - - 0.0% 54700 Printing - - - - - 0.0% 54800 Promotional - 30,155 34,777 30,500 38,660 26.8% 54900 Misc Expense 35,401 - - - - 0.0% 55100 Office Supplies 3,022 2,803 2,880 2,590 3,120 20.5% 55200 Operating Supplies 175,635 145,783 189,869 215,054 221,187 2.9% 55210 Uniforms 5,041 4,944 5,760 5,300 5,850 10.4% 55220 Janitorial Supplies - - - - - 0.0% 55230 Gas/Oil 30,324 22,598 43,692 35,000 30,000 -14.3% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 1,958 1,513 3,670 2,210 5,291 139.4% 55545 Pro Shop Cost of Sales 86,667 60,059 83,961 72,327 57,957 -19.9% 55550 F&B Cost of Sales 162,066 145,669 151,775 154,114 162,028 5.1% 55555 F&B Personnel Costs 122,397 109,996 115,611 125,116 125,817 0.6% Total 1,423,896 1,367,144 1,495,958 1,480,144 1,540,576 4.1% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56200 Building - - - - - 0.0% 56300 Improvements 108,334 - - 145,000 25,000 -82.8% 56400 Machinery/Equipment - 77,865 80,000 - 450,000 0.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital - - - - - 0.0% Total 108,334 77,865 80,000 145,000 475,000 227.6% DEBT SERVICE 57100 Principal 121,757 124,001 124,000 100,975 106,522 5.5% 57200 Interest 23,327 17,968 16,451 12,357 6,170 -50.1% 57300 Financing Costs - 5,086 - - - 0.0% Total 145,084 147,055 140,451 113,332 112,692 -0.6% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,677,879 1,599,709 1,717,136 1,739,261 2,129,053 22.4% TRANSFERS, CONTINGENCIES, RESERVES 59990 Reserve (810,118) (779,659) (623,501) (685,720) (663,771) -3.2% Total (810,118) (779,659) (623,501) (685,720) (663,771) -3.2% TOTAL EXPENDITURES, TRANSFERS, CONTINGENCIES & RESERVES 867,761 820,050 1,093,635 1,053,541 1,465,282 39.1%

Enterprise Funds V.5 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Golf Course

2. Department/Division Function Summary: The Golf Course Department’s function is to provide a high quality golf experience to residents and tourists of Fernandina Beach & Amelia Island. The City executed a management agreement with Billy Casper Golf Management Company that became effective in December 2010 and was renewed in 2015.

3. Department Description: We understand the importance of golf course conditions to an enjoyable round of golf. We are committed to providing our guests with the highest quality customer service and the best playing conditions possible on our 27-hole regulation course. The Golf Course complex provides amenities that include a driving range, practice area, clubhouse with retail merchandise and food services. We also have a cart storage area and maintenance building located on the property.

Employee positions include: General Manager, Superintendent, F&B Manager, Head Chef, Golf Professional, Pro Shop Attendants, Outside Services Staff, and Starter/ Rangers.

General Manager The General Manager is the chief operating officer of the property. The GM manages all aspects of the operation and coordinates/administers the property’s policies and procedures as defined by the property’s ownership and/or Billy Casper Golf. Major responsibilities include (but are not limited to): implementing and monitoring the budget, hiring, training and supervising all key staff members, monitoring the quality of the property’s products and services, ensuring maximum guest satisfaction and securing the property’s assets, including facilities and equipment.

Course Superintendent The Course Superintendent is responsible for the golf course operation and maintenance. The responsibilities include: turf grass/plant material maintenance programs, property/asset management, grounds personnel management, member relations, scheduling/maintenance or irrigation systems, pesticide applications, related recordings, and compliance of regulatory issues. The Golf Course Superintendent works to create an environment where staff is involved and enthusiastic, with open communications and respect for themselves, members, guests and the property.

Enterprise Funds V.6 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

1ST Assistant Golf Professional: The 1st Assistant Golf Professional is a key member of the golf operations team at the property and assists the Head Golf Professional in managing all golf and golf-related activities at the facility. The 1st Assistant is also responsible for customer relations, oversee shop staff, cart attendants, starter/ rangers, provide golf lessons, and coordinates golf tournaments. 1st Assistants are under the general supervision of the GM.

F&B Manager The F&B Manager is a key member of the management team and is directly responsible for all food & beverage operations at the property. This includes implementing budgets and the hiring, training and supervising of all related F&B service and food production staff. The F&B Manager will apply all of their experience and knowledge to assuring that the wants and needs of guests are consistently met and/or exceeded.

Pro Shop Attendants: The Golf Shop Attendant will offer friendly and expedient service to the property’s guests and assist the golf professional staff in golf shop operations, merchandise sales and other golf- related activities. The Pro Shop Attendant is responsible for customer relations, check in golfers, assist in general golf shop operations & assisting the golf professional.

Outside Services Staff: The Outside Services Staff are responsible for maintaining the driving range and cart barn. These individuals are responsible for providing golf bag, golf cart and driving range assistance to guests of the property. Their duties will also include maintenance of those same operations as well, including but not limited to: customer relations, responsible for all cart operations (staging, cleaning, recharging) setting up driving range, providing range balls & assisting Pro Shop Staff.

Starter/Rangers: The Starters and Course Rangers are integral to the guest experience and are important staff members on the golf operations team. Starters and Course Rangers will provide guest services by directing players to the first tee at appropriate times and controlling a smooth pace of play on the golf course. They will also provide other guest services in the form of communication, directions, advice and answer questions from guests on other topics related to the golf course. Customer relations, collecting tickets, assigning carts, making sure tee times are on schedule, assisting golfers on course and ensuring pace of play.

Enterprise Funds V.7 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Number of Funded Employees Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Golf Course Director 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Grounds Superintendent 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Assistant Superintendent 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Mechanic 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT

Foreman 1 PT 1 PT 1 PT 1 PT Groundskeepers 5 PT 5 PT 7 PT 7 PT Irrigation / Spray Technician 1 PT 1 PT 0 PT 0 PT Sr. Maintenance Worker 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT Maintenance Worker 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT Maintenance Worker I 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT Golf Professional 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT Assistant Golf Pro I 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Administrative Coordinator 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT Staff Assistant 0 PT 0 PT 0 PT 0 PT Pro Shop Attendants 7 PT 7 PT 5 PT 5 PT Cart Attendants 7 PT 7 PT 7 PT 7 PT Starters / Rangers 11 PT 11 PT 11 PT 11 PT Maintenance Worker 0 PT 0 PT 0 PT 0 PT Golf Cart Mechanic 0 PT 0 PT 0 PT 0 PT F&B Manager 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Servers 5 PT 5 PT 5 PT 5 PT Line Cooks 2 PT 2 PT 2 PT 2 PT Clubhouse Attendants 0 PT 0 PT 0 PT 0 PT Total FT 6 FT 6 FT 6 FT 6 FT Total PT 39 PT 39 PT 38 PT 38 PT

4. Performance Indicators:

Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Number of rounds played 42,231 41,904 46317 46011

Number of memberships sold 244 190 5– 6–Unlimited Unlimited 168 Regular 250 Members Regular 368-Beach Members Reward 375-Beach 38-PDP Reward 36-PDP Marketing/ Promotional efforts $28,644 $29,195 $29,600 $29,600 Banquet Revenue $88,464 $115,011 $63,375 $130,000

Enterprise Funds V.8 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 . Program Goals & Objectives

1. Department: Fernandina Beach Golf Club

2. Principal Programs: A. Maintain the golf course facility in the best condition possible given budgetary parameters B. Improve overall financial performance of the golf course operation C. Provide a high quality guest experience D. Provide employee training to meet golf course operational and service goals E. Identify capital improvement needs

3. Program Goals and Objectives:

A. Maintain Golf Course and Clubhouse Facilities GOAL: Provide the residents of the City of Fernandina Beach and local areas a quality full service 27-hole golf course operation that is attractive and affordable to use. 1) Objective: Maintain a high quality level of maintenance standards for the course, adjacent grounds and facilities. Provide clean and attractive services in and around the clubhouse facilities. Measure: Guest and Member feedback; inspections monthly through BCG ACE Mystery Shops Timeframe: Ongoing with quarterly reports to City Goal Leader: Golf Course Director

2)Objective: Continue to enhance the current agronomic state of the golf course with continued supervision with golf course maintenance practices, which include regular chemical applications for pesticides, herbicides, and fertilization recommendations, monitor daily maintenance programs such as mowing heights for greens, tees, fairways, and roughs plus employee supervision and training. Measure: Quarterly evaluations on conditions by Advisory Board; Critical Market Survey Timeframe: Monthly, quarterly and annual review Goal Leader: Course Superintendent

B. Improve financial performance GOAL: Increase overall revenue for golf course operation while closely monitoring and controlling expenses; adjusting as necessary. 1) Objective: Increase Rounds and Direct Play Revenues - Promote, market, and encourage increased participation in use of the golf course facilities through effective marketing and advertising in local area markets. Measure: # of Rounds Played; Revenue Timeframe: Ongoing with monthly reports to City Goal Leader: Golf Course Director

Enterprise Funds V.9 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 . 2) Objective: Increase productivity in the slower times of the year to maximize revenue. Measure: Tracking promotional rounds and revenue; Tag rounds and revenue to promotional events; Revenue to expense ratio tracking Timing: Monthly, quarterly, and annual Review Goal Leader: Golf Course Director

3) Objective: To increase revenue by increasing the total number of events and banquets Measure: Number of events increased; MIR tracking Timing: Quarterly and annual reviews Goal Leader: Golf Course Director and F&B Manager

4) Objective: Increase Other Revenue – Develop cross-sell programs with Golf School to increase revenue sharing from lessons as well as increased usage of driving range and course play from students. Measure: Revenue from Golf School Timeframe: Ongoing with monthly reports to City

5) Objective: Control Expenses – Continually look for ways to efficiently manage resources. Quickly identify out-of-range expenditures and make necessary adjustments Measure: Performance against monthly budget Timeframe: Ongoing with monthly reports to City

C. Provide high quality member and guest experience GOAL: Improve the Public Relations of the Golf Course 1) Objective: Continue to provide friendly and courteous service to all members and guests of the golf course. Measures: ACE Mystery Shops; Customer comment cards; Employee evaluation scores Timeframe: Monthly, quarterly and annual review Goal Leader: Golf Course Director

2) Objective: Increase the overall public opinion and status of the Fernandina Beach Golf Club with the local and area markets to be recognized as a premier golf course facility. Measure: Customer comment cards; mystery shopping survey results Timeframe: Ongoing with monthly reports to City Goal Leader: Golf Course Director

D. Provide employee training GOAL: Increase the level of employee training for both work and customer skills Objective: To enhance customer service in and around the clubhouse and create an enjoyable experience for golfers Measure: ACE Mystery Shops; Employee Evaluations; Customer Comment Cards Timing: Quarterly and annual reviews Goal Leader: Golf Course Director, Course Superintendent, and F&B Manager

Enterprise Funds V.10 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 .

E. Identify Capital Improvement needs GOAL: Identify major projects needed to maintain / improve golf course complex Objective: Continually assess the needs of the golf course. Work with the Golf Course Advisory Board to identify improvements to the course. Capital Improvement Projects for Consideration: a) Green Renovations Rebuild greens through No-Till Champion Turfgrass renovation to enhance playability and condition. North Course Cost: $50,000. (See Capital Improvement List) b) Tee Renovations Rebuild and enlarge tee areas to provide better playing conditions. Cost: $75,000. (See Capital Improvement List) c) Driving Range Improvements Replace aged netting and firm up soil on driving range to allow the capture of all range balls. Cost: $25,000. (See Capital Improvement List)

Measure: Projects completed on-time and within budget Timeframe: Part of budgeting process regarding CIP; ongoing project management

F. Identify New Player Programs and Develop Loyalty Program GOAL: Identify New Player Programs and Develop Loyalty Program Objective: Continually assess the player loyalty card programs and how they compare to market. a) City and non-City Programs b) Beach Card c) Player Development Program Measure: Monitor how these programs compare to the area market and their success. Year to year comparisons Timeframe: Monthly

Enterprise Funds V.11 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Airport Mission Statement

The mission statement of the Fernandina Beach Municipal Airport is to provide a safe, attractive, and well-maintained airport facility; to support the economic development of the community; to be responsive to the business and recreational needs of residents, neighbors, visitors, and users; to operate in an efficient, self-sustaining, and prudent manner; and to be in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations.

Enterprise V.12 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Organization Chart Airport

Airport Manager

Airport Operations Manager (1) FT

Full-Time: 2 Part-Time: 0 Seasonal: 0

Enterprise V.13 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary Airport

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time Airport Manager 1 73,000 Airport Operations Manager 1 44,990 Merit Pool 1,350

Total FT 2 119,340

Total Budgeted Positions 2 119,340

Enterprise Funds V. 14 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Airport Fund

FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Airport Fund:420 All Airport Fund Revenues & Cash Balances



FEDERAL GRANTS 33120 FEMA - - - - - 0.0% 33220 FAA Grant 283,842 20,676 17,000 90,000 350,000 288.9% Total 283,842 20,676 17,000 90,000 350,000 288.9%

STATE GRANTS 33323 FDOT Grant 327,761 84,023 371,000 1,005,000 1,625,000 61.7% Total 327,761 84,023 371,000 1,005,000 1,625,000 61.7% OTHER FINANCING 33440 Other Grant - - - - 470,000 0.0% Total - - - - 470,000 0.0%

TOTAL GRANTS & OTHER FINANCING 611,603 104,699 388,000 1,095,000 2,445,000 123.3% OPERATING REVENUES 34970 Fuel Sales 40,074 29,626 35,000 35,000 35,000 0.0% 34971 Lease Payments - Land Lease 36,554 36,554 36,554 36,554 37,240 1.9% 34972 Building Lease - (3,758) - - - 0.0% 34973 Land Lease Amelia River 183,358 199,431 191,077 199,500 199,500 0.0% 34974 Land Lease Payments Non Taxable 28,067 32,682 30,374 30,374 33,295 9.6% 34975 Rent/Lease Payments 279,529 306,264 300,492 300,492 306,503 2.0% Total 567,582 600,799 593,497 601,920 611,538 1.6%

OTHER REVENUES 36110 Interest - - - - - 0.0% 36420 Insurance Proceeds - - - - - 0.0% 38410 Loan Proceeds - - - - 1,000,000 0.0% 36990 Other Revenue 32,313 59,308 25,000 50,000 90,000 80.0% 36995 Late Fees 956 3,083 - - - 0.0% 36992 Gain on Sale of Asset - - - - - 0.0% Total 33,269 62,391 25,000 50,000 1,090,000 2080.0%

TOTAL REVENUES 1,212,454 767,889 1,006,497 1,746,920 4,146,538 137.4%

TRANSFERS 38101 From General Fund - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0%

CASH BALANCE FORWARD 38910 Cash Balance Forward 744,145 865,339 780,941 1,145,000 1,020,700 -10.9% Total 744,145 865,339 780,941 1,145,000 1,020,700 -10.9%

TOTAL REVENUES & CASH BALANCES 1,956,599 1,633,228 1,787,438 2,891,920 5,167,238 78.7%

Enterprise Funds V.15 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 Airport Fund FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Airport Fund:420 Enterprise


EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 52,905 84,567 43,470 121,709 119,340 -1.9% 51210 Workers' Comp Reimbursement - - - - - 0.0% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary - - - - - 0.0% 51350 Part Time 505 72 20,800 - - 0.0% 51400 Overtime - - - - - 0.0% 52100 FICA 4,135 5,888 4,917 9,311 9,130 -1.9% 52200 Retirement 13,638 16,886 14,657 37,199 40,600 9.1% 52300 Health Insur 8,497 9,029 8,226 17,882 18,448 3.2% 52301 Life Insur 270 325 221 616 743 20.6% 52350 OPEB Costs 1,813 708 708 785 785 0.0% 52400 Workers' Comp 1,345 930 930 1,371 2,067 50.8% 52500 Unemployment - - - - - 0.0% Total 83,108 118,405 93,929 188,873 191,113 1.2% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services 5,422 14,565 8,000 10,000 40,000 300.0% 53200 Auditing 6,615 6,795 6,795 6,795 6,795 0.0% 53400 Contractual 43,573 27,669 51,197 51,203 53,535 4.6% 53900 Auto Allowance - 500 - - - 0.0% 53910 Housing Allowance - - - - 2,000 0.0% 54000 Training/Travel 2,250 378 3,425 3,000 3,000 0.0% 54100 Comm - Phone/Fax/Alarm 959 883 966 1,629 1,922 18.0% 54101 Communications - Cellular 412 453 1,000 2,000 2,000 0.0% 54103 Communications - Internet 443 2,152 2,226 2,226 5,750 158.3% 54200 Postage 65 23 100 100 100 0.0% 54300 Utilities - Electric 20,836 20,503 20,000 20,000 20,000 0.0% 54310 Utilities - Water & Wastewater 8,129 8,254 10,300 10,300 11,000 6.8% 54400 Rentals/Leases - - - - - 0.0% 54500 Insurance 39,556 44,576 44,576 46,590 47,928 2.9% 54610 R/M Buildings & Grounds 33,203 51,276 78,000 78,000 78,000 0.0% 54620 R/M Equipment 484 2,006 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.0% 54630 R/M Vehicles-Labor 1,908 2,505 2,500 3,000 3,500 16.7% 54640 R/M Vehicles-Parts 3,970 2,489 3,000 3,000 3,500 16.7% 54700 Printing 890 702 500 1,800 2,500 38.9% 54800 Promotional - - 500 1,000 1,500 50.0% 54910 Billing Costs 6,000 7,700 7,700 7,000 7,000 0.0% 55100 Office Supplies 23 247 250 250 300 20.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 471 2,087 3,460 4,910 4,810 -2.0% 55230 Gas/Oil 3,929 5,513 5,500 6,000 8,500 41.7% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 605 605 650 725 725 0.0% Total 179,829 202,010 252,145 261,028 306,165 17.3% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56200 Building - - - - 3,845,000 0.0% 56300 Improvements 672,338 125,919 415,000 1,425,000 225,000 -84.2% 56400 Machinery/Equipment - 25,389 25,000 - - 0.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital - - 1,000 1,000 5,500 450.0% Total 672,338 151,308 441,000 1,426,000 4,075,500 185.8% DEBT SERVICE 57000 Settlement Expense - - - - - 0.0% 57100 Principal 130,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 198,000 230.0% 57200 Interest 24,006 19,688 10,976 17,334 52,266 201.5% 57300 Financing Costs - - - - 36,000 0.0% Total 154,006 79,688 70,976 77,334 286,266 270.2% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,089,281 551,411 858,050 1,953,235 4,859,044 148.8% TRANSFERS, CONTINGENCIES, RESERVES 59100 Transfer to General Fund 1,979 - - - - 0.0% 59990 Reserve 865,339 1,081,817 929,388 938,685 308,194 -67.2% Total 867,318 1,081,817 929,388 938,685 308,194 -67.2% TOTAL EXPENDITURES, TRANSFERS, CONTINGENCIES & RESERVES 1,956,599 1,633,228 1,787,438 2,891,920 5,167,238 78.7%

Enterprise Funds V.16 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Airport

2. Department/Division Function Summary:

Fernandina Beach Municipal Airport (FHB) is a publicly owned, public-use general aviation facility. The airport is located in the City of Fernandina Beach, Nassau County, Florida, and consists of three runways, all exceeding 5,000 feet. These runways serve the general aviation, tourism, and business needs of the City of Fernandina Beach, Amelia Island, and surrounding area. Additionally, the airport complements the Northeast Florida Aviation System by providing an alternative operating location for general aviation operations. Currently, the airport serves a variety of general aviation aircraft, including business jets. Currently the following commercial aeronautical businesses operate at and from the Airport: maintenance and avionics, skydiving, paragliding, aerial advertising, and trike sightseeing excursions.

3. Department Description:

This department operates as an enterprise fund with generated revenues offsetting airport operation and capital improvement expenses. Major revenues include t- hangar rent, ground/building lease rent, golf course land lease rent, other revenue, and City share of fuel sales by the Airport’s Fixed Base Operator (FBO). Additionally the Airport actively seeks grant support from the FAA and the FDOT regarding safety and capital improvement needs.

Number of Funded Employees Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Airport Manager .1 FT .1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Airport Administrator 0 PT 0 PT 0 PT 0 PT Airport Operations Manager 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Airport Operations Superintendent 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT Airport Operations Specialist 1 PT 0 PT 0 PT 0 PT Total 1.1 FT 1.1 FT 2 FT 2 FT 1 PT 0 PT

Enterprise V.17 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 Program Goals & Objectives

The objective of the Fernandina Beach Municipal Airport is to support its mission and vision through the operation, maintenance, and development of airport services and infrastructure that is accountable to its constituents, provides appropriate airport facilities, and supports compatible business uses and development. The following goals further define and clarify airport accountability, facilities and business: ACCOUNTABILITY BUSINESS FACILITIES Accountable to provide services Compatible with the mission Addressing the needs of general to: and vision of the airport aviation users • Users Encouraging economic growth Addressing the general aviation • Tenants that is specific and targeted needs of businesses • Customers Encourages revenue-generating Enabling and supporting the Financially accountable to: activities that are acquisition of new assets • Airport sponsor competitively priced Ensuring efficient and effective (enterprise fund) Fostering partnerships service quality • Grantors Promoting tourism Maintaining and retaining Meeting Regulatory obligations to: Responding to the demands of current airport assets, • FAA dynamically changing including real property, • FDOT economic influences and existing runways, taxiways, • EPA aviation technologies ramps, runway lengths, and Supporting non-aviation uses on operational utility • DHS airport or city- owned Maintaining modern and up to • City of Fernandina property that are date facilities Self-sustaining compatible with typical Providing a safe environment Sensitive to the needs of the airport activities for all concerned community Welcoming to aviation- Providing services and/or Sensitive to the environment compatible businesses economic value to the

community Providing a welcoming gateway to Amelia Island and local communities Secure (controlled access) Serving as a regional resource for emergencies

Action Plan Supporting the Airport Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives: • Clarify the role of the AAC in support of the airport mission, vision and objectives through better definition of specific AAC advisory activities and through the definition of specific communications requirements in support of that role • Develop three year airport business plan that integrates airport master planning with an airport financial plan. The business plan will provide guidance for the operation and development of the airport. It will include the following elements: operations, organizational development, finance, capital planning, development standards, business and revenue development and targets, property management, airport marketing, and airport services management and development. • Engage airport users, tenants, and businesses, members of the AAC, and interested members of the community in a dialogue necessary to ensure airport plans are aligned to the airport mission, vision, goals and objectives. • Complete an Airport master plan update. The airport master plan will provide guidance for the development and operations of the airport. • Review and Update the Airport Rules and Regulations, and Minimum Standards • Update the airport action plan on an annual basis.

Enterprise V.18 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Sanitation Fund

FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Sanitation Fund:440 All Sanitation Fund Revenues & Cash Balances


GRANTS 33120 FEMA Grant - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0%

CHARGES FOR SERVICES 34340 Garbage Fees 2,245,417 2,254,589 2,225,000 2,525,000 2,370,000 -6.1% Total 2,245,417 2,254,589 2,225,000 2,525,000 2,370,000 -6.1%

OTHER REVENUE 36110 Interest 424 510 - - - 0.0% 36990 Other Revenue 20,353 19,204 25,000 - 10,000 0.0%

Total 20,777 19,714 25,000 - 10,000 0.0%

TOTAL REVENUES 2,266,194 2,274,303 2,250,000 2,525,000 2,380,000 -5.7%

CASH BALANCE FORWARD 38910 Cash Balance Forward 196,009 207,991 196,900 197,800 83,500 -57.8% Total 196,009 207,991 196,900 197,800 83,500 -57.8%

TOTAL REVENUES & CASH BALANCES 2,462,203 2,482,294 2,446,900 2,722,800 2,463,500 -9.5%

Enterprise Funds V.19 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Sanitation Fund FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Sanitation Fund Enterprise



OPERATING EXPENSES 0.0% 53100 Professional Services - - - - - 0.0% 53200 Auditing 6,615 6,795 6,795 6,795 6,795 0.0% 53400 Contractual 73,607 95,192 73,005 95,000 90,000 -5.3% 53440 Sanitation Services Expense 2,035,363 2,084,834 2,022,500 2,295,300 2,154,330 -6.1% 53444 Recycling Services 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 0.0% 55644 Non Profit Keep Nassau Beautiful 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% 54910 Billing Costs 80,000 100,000 100,000 88,000 88,000 0.0% 55100 Office Supplies - - - - - 0.0% 55200 Operating Supplies - - 2,000 - 500 0.0% 55230 Gas/Oil 6,647 3,587 7,500 5,000 5,000 0.0% 55300 Road Materials 1,480 1,824 3,000 4,000 - -100.0% Total 2,218,212 2,305,732 2,229,300 2,508,595 2,359,125 -6.0% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56400 Machinery/Equipment - - - - 0.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0% DEBT SERVICE 57100 Principal - - - - - 0.0% 57200 Interest - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,218,212 2,305,732 2,229,300 2,508,595 2,359,125 -6.0%

TRANSFERS, CONTINGENCIES, RESERVES 59100 Transfer to General Fund 36,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 36,000 -40.0% 59990 Reserve 207,991 116,562 157,600 154,205 68,375 -55.7% Total 243,991 176,562 217,600 214,205 104,375 -51.3% TOTAL EXPENDITURES, TRANSFERS 2,462,203 2,482,294 2,446,900 2,722,800 2,463,500 -9.5% CONTINGENCIES & RESERVES

Enterprise Funds V.20 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Sanitation Department

In June of 2012 the City extended the 2008 exclusive franchise with Advanced Disposal Stateline Inc. for the collection and disposal of all residential and commercial trash, garbage and other refuse, yard waste, and the recycling of residential materials within the City limits for six years (Ordinance 2012-12). The rates contained within the exclusive franchise allow for adjustments consistent with the consumer price index.

For 2017-2018, $2,370,000 of budgeted revenue represents funds collected for the billing of Sanitation services. The majority of these funds are transferred to Stateline Disposal and shown as a budgeted expense. The City charges a franchise fee of 10% which is included in Sanitation revenue. A transfer of $88,000 to the Utility Billing department is to cover billing services for the Sanitation department and funds a portion of the Utility Billing department. Expenditures in 2017-2018 also include a transfer of $36,000 to the General Fund. Additional budgeted items for incidental revenues and expenditures include interest income, audit fees, recycling activities, mulch site expenditures, reserves and contingencies.

Enterprise Funds V.21 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Wastewater Division Mission Statement

The Wastewater Division is a professional, community organization serving the needs of residents, businesses, and visitors by providing an affordable wastewater disposal service that protects the environment while providing for future growth of our community.

Enterprise V.22 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Organization Chart Wastewater

Utilities Director

Administration Wastewater Division Water Division

Utility Operations Superintendent (1 FT) Deputy Wastewater Superintendent (1) PT Chief Plant Foreman Operator (1) FT (1) FT

Wastewater Plant System Operator Technician II (4 FT) (2 FT)

Wastewater Collector System (.5 FT) Technician I (1 FT) Locator Electrician (.5 FT) (1 FT)

Meter Reader (.5 FT)

Full-Time: 12.5 Part-Time: 2 Seasonal: 0

Enterprise Funds V. 23 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary Wastewater Operations

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time Utility Operations Superintendent 1 62,072 Foreman 1 52,915 Chief Plant Operator 1 57,179 Electrician 1 42,540 WW System Technician II 2 84,427 WW System Technician I 1 30,742 Plant Operator 4 170,959 Meter Reader 0.5 16,141 Water Locator 0.5 12,189 Water Collector 0.5 19,822 Merit Pool 17,534

Total FT 12.5 566,520

Part-Time Deputy Wastewater Superintendent 1 27,467 Plant Operator 1 2,115 Merit Pool 1,035

Total PT 2 30,617

Total Budgeted Positions 14.5 597,137

Enterprise Funds V. 24 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 Wastewater Fund FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Wastewater:450 Wastewater Fund Revenues & Cash Balances


CHARGES FOR SERVICES 33120 FEMA Grant - - - - - 0.0% 34345 Wastewater Charges 5,249,265 5,384,437 5,268,100 5,437,178 5,821,017 7.1% 34530 Septic Dumping 31,244 33,948 30,000 30,000 30,000 0.0% 34910 Wastewater Misc Fees 16,170 15,250 20,000 15,000 15,000 0.0% 34535 Wastewater Tap Fees 12,906 2,893 12,000 4,000 4,000 0.0%

Total 5,309,585 5,436,528 5,330,100 5,486,178 5,870,017 7.0% OTHER REVENUE 36110 Interest 6,308 8,213 7,031 6,500 15,427 137.3% 36120 Unrealized Gain - 215 - - - 0.0% 36992 Gain on Sale of Asset - - 40,000 - - 0.0% 36420 Insurance Proceeds - - - - - 0.0% 36800 Capital Contribution - 114,545 - - - 0.0% 36990 Other Revenue 10,267 1,000 - - - 0.0% Total 16,575 123,973 47,031 6,500 15,427 137.3%

TOTAL REVENUES 5,326,160 5,560,501 5,377,131 5,492,678 5,885,444 7.2%

TRANSFERS Total - - - - - 0.0%

CASH BALANCE FORWARD 38910 Cash Balance Forward 2,319,994 3,337,485 3,453,869 3,997,722 4,933,779 23.4% Total 2,319,994 3,337,485 3,453,869 3,997,722 4,933,779 23.4% TOTAL REVENUE, TRANSFERS AND CASH 7,646,154 8,897,986 8,831,000 9,490,400 10,819,223 BALANCES 14.0%

Enterprise Funds V.25 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 Wastewater Fund FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Wastewater Fund:450 Enterprise


EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 468,220 536,413 528,505 579,636 566,520 0.0% 51210 Workers' Comp Reimbursement (176) - - - - 0.0% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary - - - - - 0.0% 51350 Part Time 30,449 15,929 69,267 17,069 30,617 79.4% 51400 Overtime 56,929 66,889 65,000 65,000 90,000 38.5% 52100 FICA 38,708 42,427 50,702 50,620 52,566 3.8% 52200 Retirement 159,173 179,757 173,715 187,537 193,060 2.9% 52300 Health Insur 124,967 137,095 152,286 160,875 168,176 4.5% 52301 Life Insur 2,398 2,490 2,841 3,190 2,967 -7.0% 52350 OPEB Costs - 11,605 11,605 18,697 18,861 0.9% 52400 Workers' Comp 17,332 10,950 10,950 12,233 15,932 30.2% 52500 Unemployment - - - - - 0.0% Total 898,000 1,003,555 1,064,871 1,094,857 1,138,699 4.0% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services 22,391 - - - - 0.0% 53200 Auditing 13,965 14,345 14,345 14,345 14,345 0.0% 53400 Contractual 144,541 155,298 232,680 232,790 250,128 7.4% 54000 Training/Travel 5,988 17,099 13,875 13,875 13,875 0.0% 54100 Comm - Phone/Fax/Alarm 1,095 889 482 883 2,700 205.8% 54101 Communications - Cellular 2,968 2,637 3,200 2,400 2,400 0.0% 54103 Communications - Internet 3,055 3,142 2,808 3,008 3,335 10.9% 54200 Postage 20 365 1,000 1,000 500 -50.0% 54300 Utilities - Electric 243,076 209,136 210,000 190,000 170,000 -10.5% 54310 Utilities - Water & Wastewater 7,737 13,378 21,287 21,287 31,287 47.0% 54320 Utilities - Propane/Other 7,441 - 7,800 7,800 7,800 0.0% 54500 Insurance 65,690 74,027 74,027 77,371 80,793 4.4% 54610 R/M Buildings & Grounds 12,976 3,778 36,000 40,000 40,000 0.0% 54620 R/M Equipment 100,553 109,303 110,000 110,000 110,000 0.0% 54630 R/M Vehicles-Labor 14,850 24,931 20,000 25,000 20,000 -20.0% 54640 R/M Vehicles-Parts 30,176 82,049 30,000 45,000 40,000 -11.1% 54700 Printing - - - - - 0.0% 54900 Misc Expense - - - - - 0.0% 54910 Billing Costs 130,000 167,500 167,500 150,000 167,500 11.7% 54920 Utility Admin Costs 130,000 130,000 130,000 156,500 130,000 -16.9% 55100 Office Supplies 675 504 1,200 1,200 2,250 87.5% 55200 Operating Supplies 70,899 97,340 175,730 175,930 175,470 -0.3% 55210 Uniforms 2,379 3,262 5,575 5,575 5,575 0.0% 55220 Janitorial Supplies 601 1,093 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.0% 55230 Gas/Oil 27,486 25,025 38,000 33,000 35,000 6.1% 55240 Chemicals 46,894 49,650 46,000 46,000 46,000 0.0% 55300 Road Materials 3,052 1,068 8,000 8,000 8,000 0.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 1,294 361 1,900 1,900 1,900 0.0% Total 1,089,802 1,186,180 1,352,909 1,364,364 1,360,358 -0.3% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56200 Building - - - - - 0.0% 56300 Improvements 618,132 631,395 890,000 1,050,000 590,000 -43.8% 56400 Machinery/Equipment 14,615 222,636 225,000 400,000 387,500 -3.1% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital - 4,370 11,000 21,000 24,000 14.3% Total 632,747 858,401 1,126,000 1,471,000 1,001,500 -31.9% DEBT SERVICE 57100 Principal - - - - - 0.0% 57200 Interest - - - - - 0.0% 57300 Financing Costs - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,620,549 3,048,136 3,543,780 3,930,221 3,500,557 -10.9% TRANSFERS OUT 59100 Transfer to General Fund 260,000 260,000 260,000 360,000 360,000 0.0% 59230 Transfer to Utility Acq Debt Service 578,120 651,989 651,989 483,494 510,965 5.7% 59300 Transfer to Water Fund 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 0.0% 59800 Transfer to Wastewater Capital 250,000 250,000 250,000 500,000 500,000 0.0% Total 1,688,120 1,761,989 1,761,989 1,943,494 1,970,965 1.4% CONTINGENCIES & RESERVES 59990 Reserve 3,337,485 4,087,861 3,525,231 3,616,685 5,347,701 47.9% Total 3,337,485 4,087,861 3,525,231 3,616,685 5,347,701 47.9%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES, TRANSFERS, 7,646,154 8,897,986 8,831,000 9,490,400 10,819,223 CONTINGENCIES & RESERVES 14.0%

Enterprise Funds V.26 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Utilities Division: Wastewater Division

2. Department/Division Function Summary:

To protect the safety and health of the citizens of Fernandina Beach through effective and economical collection, transportation and treatment of sewage. This service is accomplished by the operation and maintenance of 37 area lift stations, 4 individual lift stations, 66.86 miles of gravity sewer and 28.14 miles of force main sewer. Two individual treatment plants combine effluents to form one effluent outfall to the Amelia River, which must meet guidelines established by the EPA and FDEP. Protection of the receiving water is mandated and the waters of the State of Florida by these agencies. Engineering is currently underway to determine the feasibility of re-use water to Rayonier. There will be a two-fold benefit as less ground water will be pumped and the Amelia River will have less of an impact placed on it due to the division of re-use water to Rayonier.

3. Department Description:

This department serves both residential and commercial customers primarily within the City limits. A limited amount of septic wastewater is accepted by truck; no industrial wastewater is accepted.

Number of funded Employees Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Utility Operations Superintendent 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Foreman 1 FT 1 FT 2 FT 1 FT Chief Wastewater Plant Operator 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Wastewater Technician II 3 FT 3 FT 3 FT 2 FT Wastewater Technician I 3 FT 3 FT 1 FT 1 FT Wastewater Electrican 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT 1 FT Wastewater Plant Operator 2 FT 2 FT 3FT 4FT Locator .5 FT .5 FT .5 FT .5 FT Collector .5 FT .5 FT .5 FT .5 FT Meter Reader .5 FT .5 FT .5 FT .5 FT Deputy Wastewater Superintendent 1 PT 1 PT 1 PT 1 PT Parttime Plant Operator 1 PT 1 PT 1 PT 1 PT TOTAL 12.5 FT 12.5 FT 12.5FT 12.5FT 1 PT 1 PT 2 PT 2 PT

4. Program Performance Indicators:

Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Number of stoppages 0 0 0 0 Number of L.S. failures 0 0 0 0 Gals. Treated/ KWH 550 550 600 600 Average sewage treated 1.72 MGD 1.7 MGD 1.66 MGD 1.75 MGD

Enterprise V.27 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Program Goals & Objectives

1. Department: Wastewater

2. Principal Programs:

1.) Wastewater collection and transportation 2.) Wastewater treatment plant operation 3.) Sludge disposal

Short Term Goals:

Goal: Operate the new sludge process economically and efficiently.

Objective: Keep spread sheet records which track all aspects of the process and associated costs.

Measure: The Chief Plant operator will review monthly and determine if the average cost per dry ton is below $350.00. If it is not an incident report will be created by him for the Wastewater Superintendent and copied to the Utilities Director.

Goal: Operate the Wastewater treatment plants economically, efficiently, meeting or exceeding all State and Federal standards.

Objective: Produce the monthly operating report that is sent to FDEP.

Measure: The Chief Plant operator will review monthly operating report and review all permit regulated values including the percent removal which should be 95% or higher. If it is not the Chief Plant operator will work with the Wastewater Superintendent to determine the cause.

Goal: Reduce electric power consumption in the treatment and transportation systems.

Objective: Use all methods possible to reduce energy waste including, new Dataflow Automation system, employee education, and variable frequency drive installations.

Measure: The Wastewater Superintendent will review monthly consumption as provided by the Utilities Administration Division and determine if a 5% or better reduction has been accomplish when compared to the previous year month.

Enterprise V.28 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Long Term Goals:

Goal: Reduce Infiltration and Inflow into the collection system.

Objective: Reduce the expenses associated with treating rain and ground water by continued relining of old gravity mains, manhole restoration and relining of sewer laterals.

Measure: The Wastewater Superintendent will track the daily flows and determine if a 10% reduction has been meet from the previous year with the issuance of an annual report to the Utilities Director.

Enterprise V.29 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Water Division Mission Statement

The Water Division is a professional, community organization serving the needs of residents, businesses, and visitors by providing an affordable water supply that safeguards public health, property, and the environment while providing for future growth of our community.

Enterprise V.30 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Organization Chart Water Division

Utilities Director

Wastewater Administration Water Division Division

Utility Operations Manager (1) FT

Foreman Chief Plant (1 FT) Operator (1 FT)

Plant Operator Water Locator (5 FT) (.5 FT)

Water Tech II Water Collector (1 FT) (.5 FT)

Maintenance Meter Reader Worker (.5 FT) (2 FT)

Full-Time: 12.5 Part-Time: 0 Seasonal: 0

Enterprise Funds V. 31 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary Water Operations

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time Utility Operations Manager 1 80,635 Foreman 1 52,915 Plant Operator 5 208,146 Water Tech II 1 28,080 Chief Plant Operator 1 58,344 Water Collector 0.5 19,822 Meter Reader 0.5 16,141 Water Locator 0.5 12,189 Maintenance Worker 2 52,125 Merit Pool 15,672

Total FT 12.5 544,069

Total Budgeted Positions 12.5 544,069

Enterprise Funds V. 32 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Water Fund

FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Water Fund:460 Water Fund Revenues/Cash Balances


CHARGES FOR SERVICES 33120 FEMA - - - - - 0.0% 34346 Water Charges 3,595,863 3,778,333 3,653,023 3,762,800 3,990,521 6.1% 34610 Water Tap Fees 68,729 71,627 20,000 20,000 87,500 337.5% 34620 Water Meter Installation 19,248 18,071 10,000 12,500 18,750 50.0% 34621 Water Non Pay Reconnect Fees 61,682 49,463 50,000 54,000 60,000 11.1% 34910 Water Misc Fees 14,419 18,719 20,000 30,000 15,000 -50.0% 34634 Water Overpayment 3 - - - - 0.0% Total 3,759,944 3,936,213 3,753,023 3,879,300 4,171,771 7.5% OTHER REVENUES 36110 Interest Earnings 1,770 1,857 2,300 3,400 2,800 -17.6% 36120 Unrealized Gain SBA 354 177 - - - 0.0% 36323 Extension Charges 17,181 13,795 5,000 5,000 8,400 68.0% 36420 Insurance Proceeds 9,258 - - - - 0.0% 36800 Capital Contribution - 45,240 - - - 0.0% 36990 Other Revenue - 3,708 - - - 0.0% 36995 Late Fees 16,486 15,106 16,000 16,000 16,000 0.0% 36992 Gain on Sale of Assets - 6,150 - - - 0.0% Total 45,049 86,033 23,300 24,400 27,200 11.5%

TOTAL REVENUES 3,804,993 4,022,246 3,776,323 3,903,700 4,198,971 7.6%

TRANSFERS 38145 Transfers From Wastewater Fund 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 0.0% Total 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 0.0%

CASH BALANCE FORWARD 38910 Cash Balance Forward 859,069 2,156,926 2,211,677 2,672,400 3,242,441 21.3% 38912 Reserve R&R Fund 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 0.0% Total 1,059,069 2,356,926 2,411,677 2,872,400 3,442,441 19.8%

TOTAL REVENUES, TRANSFERS & CASH BALANCES 5,464,062 6,979,172 6,788,000 7,376,100 8,241,412 11.7%

Enterprise Funds V.33 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 Water Fund FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Water Fund:460 Enterprise


EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 368,382 468,570 499,200 544,915 544,069 -0.2% 51210 Workers' Comp Reimbursement (176) - - - - 0.0% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary - - - - - 0.0% 51350 Part Time 32,018 5,588 - - - 0.0% 51400 Overtime 69,354 74,645 65,000 65,000 95,000 46.2% 52100 FICA 35,904 38,238 43,161 46,658 48,889 4.8% 52200 Retirement 148,783 194,763 188,217 208,655 205,788 -1.4% 52300 Health Insur 59,912 78,761 97,099 118,016 125,150 6.0% 52301 Life Insur 1,900 2,089 2,777 2,757 2,926 6.1% 52350 OPEB 21,584 9,878 9,878 26,198 26,198 0.0% 52400 Workers' Comp 16,561 16,230 16,230 12,068 18,304 51.7% 52500 Unemployment - - - - - 0.0% Total 754,222 888,762 921,562 1,024,267 1,066,324 4.1% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services 46,642 - 15,000 15,000 - -100.0% 53200 Audit 9,555 9,815 9,815 9,815 9,815 0.0% 53400 Contractual 103,256 75,764 109,365 166,518 175,046 5.1% 54000 Training/Travel 11,750 9,287 11,919 11,919 11,920 0.0% 54100 Communications 1,082 949 1,595 1,513 1,700 12.4% 54101 Communications - Cellular 3,824 3,672 2,470 3,770 3,500 -7.2% 54103 Communications - Internet 1,608 2,768 3,633 2,843 5,250 84.7% 54200 Postage 15 376 1,825 1,825 1,825 0.0% 54300 Utilities - Electric 234,971 253,524 230,000 200,000 200,000 0.0% 54310 Utilities - Water & Sewer 751 819 2,000 2,000 2,060 3.0% 54320 Utilities - Gas and Other 1,264 - 4,000 4,000 4,000 0.0% 54500 Insurance 27,913 31,456 31,456 32,876 34,234 4.1% 54610 R/M Buildings 2,242 5,452 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.0% 54620 R/M Equipment 30,057 33,352 280,000 220,000 280,000 27.3% 54630 R/M Vehicles-Labor 9,739 10,306 15,000 15,000 15,000 0.0% 54640 R/M Vehicles-Parts 23,031 28,414 25,000 30,000 30,000 0.0% 54700 Printing - - - - - 0.0% 54800 Promotional 3,967 3,442 4,000 4,000 4,000 0.0% 54440 Land Rent 6,954 2,772 15,340 8,436 12,436 47.4% 54910 Billing Costs 130,000 167,500 167,500 150,000 167,500 11.7% 54920 Utility Admin Costs 130,000 130,000 130,000 156,500 130,000 -16.9% 55100 Office Supplies 595 2,106 500 500 500 0.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 128,590 147,132 220,520 213,920 212,770 -0.5% 55210 Uniforms 4,135 3,973 7,700 7,050 4,875 -30.9% 55220 Janitorial Supplies 169 500 250 250 250 0.0% 55230 Gas/Oil 25,058 26,520 38,000 33,000 35,000 6.1% 55240 Chemicals/Medical Supplies 13,675 20,073 25,000 25,000 25,000 0.0% 55300 Road Materials 3,052 - 8,000 8,000 8,000 0.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 1,737 865 5,500 5,500 5,190 -5.6% Total 955,632 970,837 1,368,388 1,332,235 1,382,871 3.8% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56300 Improvements 208,625 214,290 210,000 210,000 416,000 98.1% 56400 Machinery/Equipment 52,483 79,642 75,000 155,000 140,000 -9.7% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-CAP 4,370 2,000 18,500 18,500 18,500 0.0% Total 265,478 295,932 303,500 383,500 574,500 49.8% DEBT SERVICE 57100 Principal - - - - - 0.0% 57200 Interest - - - - - 0.0% 57300 Financing Costs - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,975,332 2,155,531 2,593,450 2,740,002 3,023,695 10.4% TRANSFERS 59100 Transfer to General Fund 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 180,000 12.5% 59230 Transfer to Utility Acq Service Fund 971,804 1,778,109 1,778,109 1,710,190 1,669,465 -2.4% Total 1,131,804 1,938,109 1,938,109 1,870,190 1,849,465 -1.1% CONTINGENCIES & RESERVES 59990 Reserve 2,156,926 2,685,532 2,056,441 2,565,908 3,168,252 23.5% 59910 Contingency-R&R Fund 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 0.0% Total 2,356,926 2,885,532 2,256,441 2,765,908 3,368,252 21.8%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES,TRANSFERS,RESERVES 5,464,062 6,979,172 6,788,000 7,376,100 8,241,412 11.7%

Enterprise Funds V.34 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 Department Description & Function

1. Department: Utilities Division: Water

2. Department/Division Function Summary: To supply safe potable water meeting all standards required by the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and St. Johns River Water Management (SJRWMD) and provide fire protection at all times to public, commercial and industrial customers. This service will be provided by the operation and maintenance of three (3) water plants located in the city and adjacent county areas. Our water is withdrawn from the Floridan Aquifer under our 20 year consumptive use permit issued by SJRWMD. All our plants are primary treatment only which includes aeration, detention, disinfection using chlorine, and stabilization. Our water contains natural fluorides which promotes strong teeth. No other chemicals are added to our water other than chlorine as a disinfection, which is mandated by FDEP.

3. Water Division Description:

This division services 8,500+ customer connections consisting of residential, commercial, and industrial customers. Adequate flows, pressure, and quality of the water is accomplished by the dedication of the employees who respond 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year with coverage of this important resource the city now controls. To insure that all these needs are met, the following employees are listed:

Number of Funded Employees Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Utility Operations Manager 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT 1 FT Utility Operations Superintendent 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 0 FT Chief Plant Operator 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Water Foreman 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Water Plant Operator 0 FT 0 FT 4 FT 5 FT Water Tech I 2 FT 2 FT 1 FT 0 FT Water Tech II 3 FT 3 FT 1 FT 1 FT Water meter reader .5 FT .5 FT .5 FT .5 FT Collector .5 FT .5 FT .5 FT .5 FT Locator .5 FT .5 FT .5 FT .5 FT Maintenance Worker 2 PT 2 PT 2 FT 2 FT Total 9.5 FT 9.5 FT 12.5 FT 12.5 FT 2 PT 2 PT 0 PT 0 PT

4. Performance Indicators:

Actual Actual Budget Budget Performance Indicators 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Gallons Pumped 1,052 MGD* 1,080 MGD* 1,199 MGD* 1,200 MGD* Gallons Sold 1,032 MGD* 1,031 MGD* 1,156 MGD* 1,176 MGD* Water loss audit 2.0%* 4.5%* 3.6%* 2.0%* Water Revenue $3,595,863 $3,778,333 $3,874,292 $3,990,521


Enterprise V.35 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Program Goals & Objectives

1. Department: Water

2. Principal Programs:

1.) Provide safe drinking water. 2.) Supply necessary water for fire protection activities. 3.) Correctly meter water usage. 4.) Encourage water conservation.

Short Term Goals:

Goal: To provide new water services requested in a timely manner.

Objective: Installation of the most economical water facilities that will provide adequate flow, pressure and quality to the customer.

Measure: Water Superintendent to prepare quarterly report on Monthly totals and length of time from payment to installation the average should be less than 10 business days.

Goal: To reduce electric power consumption at all Water plants.

Objective: Use all methods possible to reduce energy waste including, new Dataflow Automation system, employee education, and variable frequency drive installations.

Measure: The Water Superintendent will review monthly expense as provided by the Utilities Administration Division and determine if a 5% or better reduction has been accomplish when compared to the previous year month.

Goal: To promote the conservation of water.

Objective: To provide educational tours of our water plants and utilize all materials provide by St. Johns River Water Management District by distributing this information to our customers through bill stuffers and hand-outs in our bill collection area.

Measure: Water Superintendent to review our consumptive use permit January 2nd and determine if previous years withdrawal rates are under permitted allowance.

Goal: To accurately measure water consumption and keep unaccounted for water to a minimum.

Enterprise V.36 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Objective: Test and calibrate all 4 inch meters yearly, 3 inch meters every two years, 2 inch meters every three years, 1 inch meters every four years and replace all 5/8 meters on a 10 year cycle.

Measure: Water Superintendent to work with Utilities Director on the completion of the Water Audit as required by SJRWMD and target a value of less than 5% for unaccounted for water.

Goal: To reduce the TTHM (Total Trihalomethane) levels.

Objective: Continue Flushing program, plants aerators are cleaned regularly, and recommend cast iron main replacements when needed.

Measure: Water Superintendent to review quarterly testing results with Chief Plant Operator and compare to previous year. If the value at any one time is greater than 80 ppb further analysis will be completed and a report generated to the Utilities Director by the Water Superintendent.

Goal: To provide constant quality water that meets or exceeds all standards.

Objective: Follow the current procedures as outlined in the Cross Connection policies, which include the documentation of annual testing of all Back Flow Preventors.

Measure: Water Superintendent to review annual records concerning testing of back flow devices and send out notices for any that are in violation. Success would be less than 10% of total back flow devices requiring violation notice.

Goal: To provide fire protection devices that are in excellent working condition for Fire Department usage.

Objective: Perform flow testing; maintain a record of available flows and locations of all hydrants.

Measure: Water Superintendent to verify that all hydrants have been flowed yearly.

Enterprise V.37 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Stormwater Department Mission Statement

The mission of the Stormwater Department is to operate, maintain and improve the storm drainage systems within the City and provide dependable, cost effective management of those systems. To control and limit the flooding of roads and structures within the city by identifying and implementing critical capital improvements, by maintaining the existing stormwater systems and by providing guidance to new developments to minimize the impacts of their stormwater runoff. To reduce stormwater pollution, promote clean water and protect the unique resources of the Amelia River and its surrounding estuaries by effectively managing stormwater runoff. To support efforts of State and Federal agencies in protecting natural resources from damage by implementing best management practices in the control of storm water runoff.

Enterprise Funds V.38 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Organization Chart Storm Water Management

Manager/Engineer .75 (FT)

Foreman 1 (FT)

Maintenance Worker Sr. Maintenance Worker Heavy Equipment 1 (FT) 1 (FT) Operator 1 (FT)

Storm Water Full-Time: 4.75 Part-Time: 0 Seasonal: 0

Enterprise Funds V.39 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary Storm Water Management

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time Manager/Engineer 0.75 63,750 Foreman 1.0 46,238 Heavy Equipment Operator 1.0 33,941 Sr. Maintenance Worker 1.0 29,000 Maintenance Worker 1.0 29,000 Merit Pool 5,880

Total FT 4.8 207,809

Total Budgeted Positions 4.8 207,809

Enterprise Funds V. 40 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Storm Water Management

FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Storm Water Management 470 Storm Water Management Fund Revenues/Cash Balances


GRANTS & OTHER FINANCING 33120 FEMA - - - - - 0.0% 33400 State Grant - - - 900,000 500,000 -44.4% 33700 St Johns Water Dist Grant - - - 545,000 251,283 -53.9% Total - - - 1,445,000 751,283 -48.0%

CHARGES FOR SERVICES 34910 Miscellaneous Fees - 7,165 - - - 0.0% 34347 Water Drainage Fees 271,299 270,016 270,908 347,500 779,328 124.3% Total 271,299 277,181 270,908 347,500 779,328 124.3%

OTHER REVENUES 36110 Interest - - - - - 0.0% 36800 Capital Contribution - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0%

TOTAL REVENUES 271,299 277,181 270,908 1,792,500 1,530,611 -14.6%

TRANSFERS 38101 Transfers From General Fund 21,515 21,515 21,515 21,515 21,515 0.0% Total 21,515 21,515 21,515 21,515 21,515 0.0%

CASH BALANCE FORWARD 38910 Cash Balance Forward 260,577 293,209 296,877 206,685 191,500 -7.3% Total 260,577 293,209 296,877 206,685 191,500 -7.3%

TOTAL REVENUES, TRANSFERS & CASH BALANCES 553,391 591,905 589,300 2,020,700 1,743,626 -13.7%

Enterprise Funds V.41 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Storm Water Management FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Storm Water Management 470 Enterprise


EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries - - 37,500 112,280 207,809 85.1% 51210 Workers' Comp Reimbursement - - - - - 0.0% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary - - - - - 0.0% 51350 Part Time - - - - - 0.0% 51400 Overtime - - - 5,000 5,000 0.0% 52100 FICA - - 2,869 8,972 16,280 81.5% 52200 Retirement - - 12,705 41,048 69,642 69.7% 52300 Health Insur - - 4,113 22,356 55,690 149.1% 52301 Life Insur - - 234 880 1,192 35.5% 52305 OPEB - - - - - 0.0% 52400 Workers' Comp - - 1,662 2,079 6,221 199.2% 52500 Unemployment - - - - - 0.0% Total - - 59,083 192,615 361,834 87.9% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services - 141,390 20,000 135,000 5,000 -96.3% 53200 Audit 5,880 6,040 6,040 6,040 6,040 0.0% 53400 Contractual 9,654 12,095 175,000 55,000 33,475 -39.1% 54000 Training/Travel 225 - - - 1,772 0.0% 54100 Communications - - - - 216 0.0% 54101 Communications - Cellular - - - - 2,000 0.0% 54200 Postage - - - - - 0.0% 54300 Utilities - - - - 3,900 0.0% 54500 Insurance - - - - 959 0.0% 54610 R/M Buildings - - - - 2,500 0.0% 54620 R/M Equipment 1,400 - 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0% 54630 R/M Vehicles-Labor - - 5,000 5,000 12,000 140.0% 54640 R/M Vehicles-Parts - - 5,000 5,000 15,000 200.0% 54700 Printing - - - - 500 0.0% 54800 Promotional - - 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.0% 54910 Billing Costs 26,000 33,500 33,500 28,600 33,500 17.1% 54920 Utility Admin Costs 53,000 53,000 53,000 - - 0.0% 55100 Office Supplies - - - - 2,245 0.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 319 2,786 3,000 3,000 17,560 485.3% 55210 Uniforms - - - 650 2,375 265.4% 55230 Gas/Oil - - 5,000 5,000 15,000 200.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 638 965 250 750 750 0.0% Total 97,116 249,776 312,290 250,540 162,927 -35.0% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56200 Buildings - - - - 100,000 0.0% 56300 Improvements 121,298 56,017 160,000 1,530,000 816,283 -46.6% 56400 Machinery/Equipment - - - - 110,000 0.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-CAP - - - - - 0.0% Total 121,298 56,017 160,000 1,530,000 1,026,283 -32.9%

DEBT SERVICE 57100 Principal 37,723 38,985 38,985 40,290 41,637 3.3% 57200 Interest 4,045 2,741 4,045 2,741 1,393 -49.2% Total 41,768 41,726 43,030 43,031 43,030 0.0%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 260,182 347,519 574,403 2,016,186 1,594,074 -20.9% TRANSFERS 59100 Transfer to General Fund - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0% CONTINGENCIES & RESERVES 59990 Reserve 293,209 244,386 14,897 4,514 149,552 3213.1% Total 293,209 244,386 14,897 4,514 149,552 3213.1%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES, TRANSFERS,RESERVES 553,391 591,905 589,300 2,020,700 1,743,626 -13.7%

Enterprise Funds V.42 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Storm Water Management

2. Department/Division Function Summary:

A Storm Water Management Enterprise Fund was first created in the Fiscal Year 2006-2007 budget. This Fund was formed due to the critical need for improvements to the City’s storm drains, drainage system and the development of a comprehensive plan for storm water so that the City would be prepared to comply with future State and Federal requirements. The Storm Water Department is responsible for finding solutions to existing flooding and drainage problems in City streets. The Storm Water Management staff is also responsible for reviewing all construction plans for commercial projects, residential developments, parking lots and storm drainage systems throughout the City.

3. Storm Water Management Staffing:

Actual Actual Budget Budget Number of Funded 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Employees Engineer I 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT Manager/Engineer 0 FT 0 FT .5 FT .75 FT Foreman 0 PT 0 PT 1 FT 1 FT Maintenance Worker 0 FT 0 FT 1 FT 1 FT Sr. Maintenance Worker 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT 1 FT Heavy Equipment Operator 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT 1 FT Total 0 FT 0 FT 2.5 FT 4.75 FT 0 PT 0 PT 0 PT 0 PT

4. Program Performance Indicators:

Program Performance Actual Actual Budget Budget Indicators 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Road Closures 0 0 0 0 Miles of Street Cleaned 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Man hours Drainage Cleaning 2,000 2,000 2,000 5,000 `

Enterprise Funds V.43 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Program Goals & Objectives

1. Department: Storm Water Management

2. Goals and Objectives:

A. Goal: Implement a comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan


. Update the Storm Water Management Plan as field inspections or surveys verify previously unknown conditions

. Research alternative methods of financing and/or funding the storm water management plan

. Review prioritize storm water projects in updated Master Plan.


• Begin in-house design and permitting of minor storm water master plan improvements.

• Create swales maps with topographical information for areas that need swale creation.

B. Goal: Correct Existing drainage system deficiencies and implement Best Management Practices to improve water quality.


. Develop a program to correct existing drainage problems . Identify areas to implement BMP for water quality improvement


• Increased maintenance and cleaning of existing stormwater conveyance systems (pipes and ditches)

• Develop maintenance and inspection schedule and identify critical repairs

• Construct interim improvements to minimize flooding

Enterprise Funds V. 44 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Marina Department Mission Statement

Fernandina Harbor Marina, as a self-sustaining business of the Marina Department for the City of Fernandina Beach, is dedicated to exceptional first class service to the community and our customers at a reasonable cost. As ambassadors for the City, we believe in offering a Sunshine State welcome to all boaters, by providing personalized service from a competent and pleasant staff. As the gateway to Florida and its many waterways, we are committed to enhancing our environment through education of our guests, best management practices for our employees and by maintaining our Clean Marina status. Our mission will be achieved through quality employees, teamwork, caring, integrity, initiative and a commitment to excellence.

Enterprise Funds V.45 City of Fernandina Beach,Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Organization Chart WestRec Marina

Marina Director (1FT)

Dockmaster Office Clerk

(1 FT) (1 PT)


(2 FT)

Seasonal Dockhand

(1 S)

Full-Time: 4 Part-Time: 1 Seasonal: 1

Enterprise Funds V.46 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 Marina Fund FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Marina:480 Marina Revenues & Cash Balances


CHARGES FOR SERVICES 33120 FEMA - - - - 4,068,750 0.0% 33148 FBIP - - 100,000 - - 0.0% 33320 Federal Grants - - 75,000 - - 0.0% 33400 State Grants 95,158 25,380 250,000 150,000 264,000 76.0% 34750 Slip Rentals-Permanent 234,544 219,829 250,000 240,000 240,000 0.0% 34755 Slip Rentals-Transient 432,654 497,112 480,000 490,000 125,000 -74.5% 34757 Slip Rentals-Transient Non Taxable 9,185 7,407 7,000 7,500 1,500 -80.0% 34759 Dock Store Rent 30,052 30,095 30,000 30,000 - -100.0% 34760 Business Rentals 23,672 23,767 24,500 26,000 26,250 1.0% 34762 Moorings Taxable 32,010 33,939 38,000 32,000 18,000 -43.8% 34765 Merchandise for Resale (14) 1,188 - - - 0.0% 34766 Services-Nontaxable 2,810 1,449 1,600 500 250 -50.0% 34767 Services-Taxable - 3,283 - 4,000 1,200 -70.0% 34770 Gasoline/Fuel - Diesel 1,153,048 1,190,805 1,077,000 1,100,000 750,000 -31.8% 34771 Gasoline/Fuel - Gas 269,535 260,200 253,700 261,000 150,000 -42.5% 34773 Gasoline/Fuel - Diesel Non Taxable 39,696 13,235 20,000 15,000 2,500 -83.3% 34775 Gasoline/Fuel - Discounts Disel (26,367) (27,065) (22,000) (25,250) (6,500) -74.3% 34776 Gasoline/Fuel - Discounts Gas (3,042) (3,037) (2,500) (2,750) (700) -74.5% 34777 Gasoline/Fuel - Discounts N/T DSL (533) - (1,000) - - 0.0% Total 2,292,408 2,277,587 2,581,300 2,328,000 5,640,250 142.3%

OTHER REVENUES 36110 Interest - - - - - 0.0% 36215 Non Taxable Rents 11,125 12,357 10,700 11,400 11,450 0.4% 36420 Insurance Proceeds - - - - - 0.0% 36990 Other Revenue 1,676 49 250 225 500 122.2% 36992 Gain on Sale of Assets - - - - 1,200,000 0.0% 38410 Loan Proceeds - 1,074,558 - - 2,400,000 0.0%

Total 12,801 1,086,964 10,950 11,625 3,611,950 30970.5% TOTAL REVENUES 2,305,209 3,364,551 2,592,250 2,339,625 9,252,200 295.5%

TRANSFERS IN 38101 From General Fund 272,000 307,000 307,000 307,000 300,000 -2.3% Total 272,000 307,000 307,000 307,000 300,000 -2.3%

CASH BALANCE FORWARD 389190 Cash Balance Forward (404,600) (323,571) (389,340) 71,400 (150,450) -310.7% Total (404,600) (323,571) (389,340) 71,400 (150,450) -310.7%

TOTAL REVENUES & CASH BALANCES 2,172,609 3,347,980 2,509,910 2,718,025 9,401,750 245.9%

Enterprise Funds V.47 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 Marina Fund FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Marina Fund:480 Enterprise


EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries - 35,710 - - - 0.0% 52100 FICA - 2,732 - - - 0.0% Total - 38,442 - - - 0.0% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services 19,200 18,700 - - - 0.0% 53200 Audit 6,615 6,795 6,795 6,795 6,795 0.0% 53400 Contractual 458,247 465,877 487,519 514,898 403,172 -21.7% 54000 Training/Travel 862 1,001 1,125 1,125 1,650 46.7% 54100 Communications 1,691 1,471 360 1,464 1,135 -22.5% 54101 Communications - Cellular 793 507 900 900 2,510 178.9% 54103 Communications - Internet 4,670 5,723 5,508 5,808 12,220 110.4% 54200 Postage - - - - - 0.0% 54300 Utilities - Electric 44,413 46,343 28,000 37,500 24,000 -36.0% 54310 Utilities - Water & Sewer 14,899 16,746 14,000 14,000 19,000 35.7% 54500 Insurance 59,355 66,888 66,888 69,909 73,946 5.8% 54610 R/M Buildings 12,180 9,874 23,250 22,250 36,000 61.8% 54620 R/M Equipment 4,896 4,862 7,200 9,450 15,750 66.7% 54675 Mooring Field Repairs 7,282 7,593 7,800 7,800 13,400 71.8% 54700 Printing 737 1,171 1,025 1,025 1,175 14.6% 54800 Promotional 9,040 7,054 7,489 7,489 8,464 13.0% 54902 Bad Debt Expense - - - - - 0.0% 55100 Office Supplies 2,023 2,266 2,000 2,800 3,800 35.7% 5200 Operating Supplies 64,490 55,094 55,000 53,500 35,170 -34.3% 55210 Uniforms 1,705 1,434 1,950 2,400 1,200 -50.0% 55220 Janitorial Supplies 3,311 3,127 4,500 4,500 3,300 -26.7% 55230 Gas/Oil 122 122 500 250 250 0.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 340 300 700 700 775 10.7% 55500 Merchandise for Resale - - - - - 0.0% 55510 Fuel for Resale 1,058,048 985,936 1,053,000 1,031,500 626,522 -39.3%

Total 1,774,919 1,708,884 1,775,509 1,796,063 1,290,234 -28.2% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56200 Buildings - - - - 4,650,000 0.0% 56300 Improvements 174,769 128,087 350,000 450,000 545,000 21.1% 56400 Machinery/Equipment - - 103,500 - - 0.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-CAP 3,319 - - - - 0.0% 56100 Land - 695,135 - - - 0.0% Total 178,088 823,222 453,500 450,000 5,195,000 1054.4% DEBT SERVICE 57100 Principal 368,310 375,099 375,099 300,000 332,000 10.7% 57200 Interest 56,427 46,155 48,282 63,312 131,863 108.3% 57300 Financing Costs - 38,339 - - 50,000 0.0% Total 424,737 459,593 423,381 363,312 513,863 41.4% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,377,744 3,030,141 2,652,390 2,609,375 6,999,097 168.2% TRANSFERS, CONTINGENCIES, RESERVES 59240 Debt Service Transfer 118,436 117,938 117,938 - - 0.0% 59990 Reserve (323,571) 199,901 (260,418) 108,650 2,402,653 2111.4% Total (205,135) 317,839 (142,480) 108,650 2,402,653 2111.4%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES, TRANSFERS, 2,172,609 3,347,980 2,509,910 2,718,025 9,401,750 245.9% CONTINGENCIES, & RESERVES

Enterprise Funds V.48 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Marina

2. Department/Division Function Summary:

The Marina Department exists as a separate City Department. It is operated as an enterprise fund where revenues are intended to fund department operations and is managed by Westrec Marinas.

3. Department Description:

The Fernandina Harbor Marina is home to 44 permanent boats and is a “stop-over of choice” to better than 7,800 visitor (transient) vessels, some who stay for more than one day, accounting for over 12,500 transient boat nights per year. Under the supervision of the Marina Manager and the Dock Master, the marina staff will assist vessels with fueling and dockage as it becomes available, and is responsible for maintaining the docks and upland facilities. Additionally, the marina staff assists boaters in various ways, from providing local knowledge about navigation and weather conditions, to assisting with safety and environmental compliance.

Number of Funded Employees Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Marina Director 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Dockmaster 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Dockhand/Maintenance 1 FT 1 FT 2 FT 2 FT Dockhand/Store Operator 3 FT 3 FT 2 FT 0 FT Dockhand/Custodial Seasonal 1 S/T 1 S/T 2 S/T 1 PT Maintenance Worker II 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT Office Clerk 0 FT 0 FT 1 PT 1 S/T Administrative Assistant 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 0 FT Total 7 FT 7 FT 7 FT 4 FT 1 S/T 1 S/T 2 S/T 1 S/T 1 P/T 1 P/T

4. Program Performance Indicators:

Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Fuel Sales Revenue - Diesel $1,166,377 $1,177,000 $1,089,750 $326,000 Fuel Diesel Gallons 398,354 503,500 500,000 122,860 Fuel Sales Revenue – Gas $266,650 $257,163 $258,250 $43,050 Fuel Gas Gallons 68,268 79,897 78,500 11,750 Fuel Margin (/Sales) 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 Dockage & Mooring Revenue $708,500 $790,397 $7695,000 $343,500 Boat Night Count 22,650 19,900 16,500 9,900 Number of Training hours 550 550 610 300 completed by staff

Enterprise Funds V.49 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Program Goals & Objectives

1. Department: City Marina

2. Operating Programs: Dockage & moorings, fuel sales, facilities, environmental & security, special events & holidays

3. Goals and Objectives:

Program: Dockage & Moorings Person responsible: Dockmaster/Marina Manager Goal: Reestablish the number of transient vessels and boat nights Objective: Implement various city approved repair/replacements to the marina Measure: Increase in vessel count and transient boat night count

Person responsible: Dockmaster/Marina Manager Goal: Off-season discount promotions Objective: Increase in off season transient dockage and moorings Measure: Increase in revenue and transient boat night count for off seasons

Program: Marketing Person responsible: Marina Manager Goal: Expand marketing strategy Objective: Market to regional clientele during off seasons Measure: Increase in off season revenues Objective: Better utilization of internet marketing Measure: Increase in off season revenues, Google Analytics reporting and maintain record of internet reservation requests Goal: Increase group events and Special Events Objective: Market to all groups that have used the facility in the past to encourage future use. Measure: Increase in group visits Program: Public relations and education Person responsible: Marina Manager Goal: Enhance visitor experience Objective: Develop marina awareness in the community Measure: Number of participants in National Marina Day Celebration

Program: Environmental & security Person responsible: Dockmaster/Marina Manager Goal: Maintaining environmental compliance Objective: Adhering to all local, state and Federal laws and regulations Measure: Maintaining Clean Marina status and Percentage of inspections passed Person responsible: Dockmaster/Marina Manager Goal: Maintaining security and mandated equipment compliance Objective: Adhering to all Dept. of Homeland Security/U.S. Coast Guard requirements Measure: Percentage of inspections passed

Enterprise Funds V.50 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Special Funds

VI. City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Table of Contents-Special Funds Section Description Page #

Special Funds Special Funds Contents Special VI.1 Law Enforcement Trust Fund VI.2 Federal Forfeiture Fund VI.4 CDBG-Housing Fund VI.6 CDBG-Economic Development VI.8 Wastewater Impact Fees Fund VI.10 Water Impact Fees Fund VI.12 Utility Tax Fund VI.14 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant VI.16 Cemetery VI.18 CRA VI.23 Law Enforcement Recovery Fund VI.25

Special Funds VI.1 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF)

FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Law Enforcement Trust Fund:100 LETF Revenues & Cash Balances


OPERATING REVENUE 331.2000 Federal Grant 2,000 - - - - 0.0% 35110 Fines/Forfeitures 351 503 2,000 500 376 -24.8% 35120 Seized Contraband - 405 - - - 0.0% Total 2,351 908 2,000 500 376 -24.8%

OTHER REVENUES 36110 Interest - - - - - 0.0% 36990 Other Revenue - - - - - 0.0% 36992 Gain on Sale of Asset - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0%

TOTAL REVENUES 2,351 908 2,000 500 376 -24.8%

CASH BALANCE FORWARD 38910 Cash Balance Forward 26,505 20,537 23,400 257 2,038 693.0%

TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCES 28,856 21,445 25,400 757 2,414 218.9%



OPERATING EXPENSES 54000 Travel/Training - - - - - 0.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 6,229 1,000 750 2,000 166.7% Total 6,229 - 1,000 750 2,000 166.7% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56400 Machinery/Equipment - 19,783 - - - 0.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital 2,090 22,000 - - 0.0% Total 2,090 19,783 22,000 - - 0.0%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8,319 19,783 23,000 750 2,000 166.7%

59990 Reserve 20,537 1,662 2,400 7 414 5814.3%

TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND 28,856 21,445 25,400 757 2,414 218.9%

Special Funds VI.2 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Law Enforcement Trust Fund

This fund was created in compliance of Section 932.705, Florida Statutes, and is used to account for property seized in violation of the law dealing with contraband. Since this revenue is restricted for certain law enforcement expenditures, it is accounted for in a Special Revenue Fund.

Special Funds VI.3 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Federal Forfeiture Fund

FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Federal Forfeiture Fund:110 Federal Forfeiture Fund Revenues & Cash Balances


OPERATING REVENUE 33400 State Grant - - - - - 0.0% 35110 Fines/Forfeitures - - - - - 0.0% 35121 Seized Contraband 80,845 60,715 80,000 50,000 25,000 -50.0% Total 80,845 60,715 80,000 50,000 25,000 -50.0%

OTHER REVENUES 36110 Interest - - - - - 0.0% 36990 Other Revenue - - - - - 0.0% 36992 Gain on Sale of Assets - - - - - 0.0%

TOTAL REVENUES 80,845 60,715 80,000 50,000 25,000 -50.0%

CASH BALANCE FORWARD 38910 Cash Balance Forward 123,564 75,802 80,260 - 34,200 0.0% Total 123,564 75,802 80,260 - 34,200 0.0%

TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCES 204,409 136,517 160,260 50,000 59,200 18.4%




OPERATING EXPENSES 54000 Travel Training 7,128 1,665 4,000 - - 0.0% 54900 Misc Expense - 5,000 5,000 - 10,000 0.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 19,300 16,177 19,000 - 15,000 0.0% Total 26,428 22,842 28,000 - 25,000 0.0%

CAPITAL OUTLAY 56400 Machinery/Equipment 102,179 84,376 93,000 48,600 30,000 -38.3% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital - - - - - 0.0% Total 102,179 84,376 93,000 48,600 30,000 -38.3%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 128,607 107,218 121,000 48,600 55,000 13.2%

RESERVES 59990 Reserve 75,802 29,299 39,260 1,400 4,200 200.0%

TOTAL FEDERAL FORFEITURE FUND 204,409 136,517 160,260 50,000 59,200 18.4%

Special Funds VI.4 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Federal Forfeiture Trust Fund

This fund is similar in nature to the Law Enforcement Trust Fund but is used to account for property seized in violation of federal law dealing with contraband. Since this revenue is restricted for certain law enforcement expenditures, it is accounted for in a Special Revenue Fund.

Cash Balance Forward plus the anticipated revenue from seized contraband will be expended in Fiscal Year 2017-2018 for one new police vehicle and patrol supplies.

Special Funds VI.5 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

CDBG Housing Fund

FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES CDBG/Housing:120 CDBG/Housing Revenues & Cash Balances

REVENUE OBJECT #/TITLE ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE OPERATING REVENUE 33110 CDBG Federal Grant 129,348 (4,958) - - - 0.0% Total 129,348 (4,958) - - - 0.0%

OTHER REVENUES 36110 Interest - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0%

38101 From General Fund - 4,050 - - - 0.0% Total - 4,050 - - - 0.0%

38910 Cash Balance Forward 37,303 908 - - - 0.0%




OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services - - - - - 0.0% 53400 Contractual 147,327 - - - - 0.0% Total 147,327 - - - - 0.0%

CAPITAL OUTLAY 56300 Improvements - - - - - 0.0%

Total - - - - - 0.0%

59100 Transfer to General Fund 18,416 - - - - 0.0%

59990 Reserve 908 - - - - 0.0%

TOTAL CDBG-HOUSING 166,651 - - - - 0.0%

Special Funds VI.6 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) – Housing Fund

1. Department: CDBG Administration

This fund was originally created to comply with CDBG #87-DB-91-04-55-02-H73 to account for the repayment of mortgages for housing improvements. The City was awarded funds for a CDBG Housing Rehabilitation / Demolition / Replacement program in Fiscal Year 2011/2012 in the amount of $700,000 from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity. The object of this program is to provide a safe and sanitary dwelling by providing a means to improve and reverse the physical deterioration of homes owned by low- and moderate-income citizens.

Of the $700,000 grant, the City was authorized to spend up to 15% ($105,000) on program administration costs.

The grant was completed in Fiscal Year 2014/2015.

2. Department Function Summary:

The purpose of the CDBG Administration is to administer and monitor the CDBG grant program.

3. Department Description:

The Project Director worked with the City Commission and the CDBG Citizens Task Force, to provide overall management of the grant program in full compliance with the Housing Assistance Plan. This work included the development of the process used to solicit and evaluate applications for grant funds, as well as oversee the rehabilitation work.

Actual Actual Budget Budget Number of Funded Employees 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Project Director ( Planner II) .75 FT* 0 0 0 *Funded in the General Fund

* Four (4) houses were demolished and rebuilt; one (1) house was gutted and extensively rehabbed; and the remaining five (5) houses received minor rehabilitation including new windows, ADA compliant bathroom improvements, new HVAC systems, new insulation and Energy Star appliances.

Special Funds VI.7 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

CDBG Economic Development Fund

FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES CDBG Economic Development:130 CDBG Economic Dev Revenues & Cash Balances


OPERATING REVENUE 33110 CDBG Federal Grant - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0%

OTHER REVENUES 36110 Interest - - - - - 0.0% 38101 From General Fund - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0%

CASH BALANCE & RESERVES 38910 Cash Balance Forward 121,396 109,681 112,700 109,680 109,680 0.0% 59990 Reserve 0.0% Total 121,396 109,681 112,700 109,680 109,680 0.0%

TOTAL REVENUE, CASH BALANCES, & RESERVES 121,396 109,681 112,700 109,680 109,680 0.0%

FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION CDBG/Economic Development Economic Development



EXPENDITURES 56300 Improvements 11,715 - 112,700 109,680 109,680 0.0% Total 11,715 - 112,700 109,680 109,680 0.0%

59990 Reserve 109,681 109,681 - - - 0.0%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES & RESERVES 121,396 109,681 112,700 109,680 109,680 0.0%

Special Funds VI.8 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)

Economic Development Fund

This fund was created to comply with CDBG #86-DB-68-04-55-02-E47 to account for the repayment of the mortgage for Brett’s Restaurant. In Fiscal Year 2016-2017, the Cash Balance Forward in this fund is allocated for Brett’s understructure repairs.

The infrastructure improvements that may be paid from this fund are $109,680.

Special Funds VI.9 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Wastewater Impact Fees Fund

FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Wastewater Impact Fees:145 Wastewater Impact Fees Revenues & Cash Balances



IMPACT FEES 36310 Impact Fees - Incorporated Area 237,472 276,919 232,100 232,100 232,100 0.0% 36311 Impact Fees - Unincorporated Area - 64,941 - 58,025 174,075 200.0% Total 237,472 341,860 232,100 290,125 406,175 40.0%

OTHER REVENUES 36110 Interest 8,517 2,698 - - 5,000 0.0% 36990 Other Revenue 3,780 1,150 - - - 0.0% Total 12,297 3,848 - - 5,000 0.0% TOTAL REVENUES 249,769 345,708 232,100 290,125 411,175 41.7%

38910 Cash Balance Forward 54,877 129,646 40,000 208,900 320,600 53.5% Total 54,877 129,646 40,000 208,900 320,600 53.5%

TOTAL REVENUE & CASH BALANCES 304,646 475,354 272,100 499,025 731,775 46.6%

FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Wastewater Impact Fees:145 Sewer Services



OPERATING EXPENSES Total - - - - - 0.0%

TRANSFERS OUT 59230 Transfer to Utility Acq Debt Service 175,000 228,000 228,000 395,336 406,175 2.7% Total 175,000 228,000 228,000 395,336 406,175 2.7% TOTAL OPERATING & TRANSFERS OUT 175,000 228,000 228,000 395,336 406,175 2.7%

59990 Reserve 129,646 247,354 44,100 103,689 325,600 214.0%

TOTAL SEWER IMPACT FEES EXPENDITURES, TRANSFERS, & RESERVES 304,646 475,354 272,100 499,025 731,775 46.6%

Special Funds VI.10 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Wastewater Impact Fees Fund

This fund accounts for the revenues from fees collected at the time of the issuance of building permits. These fees are charged for new line extensions and the funds are used for the repayment of the debt service for sewer expansion and may be used to fund line extension expenses.

Monthly transfers to the Utility Debt Service Fund constitute the $406,175 annual budgeted amount derived from approximately 160 equivalent residential units of new connections.

Special Funds VI.11 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Water Impact Fees Fund

FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Water Impact Fees:146 Water Impact Fees Revenues & Cash Balances



IMPACT FEES 36310 Impact Fees - Incorporated Area 53,028 124,886 96,000 95,900 95,900 0.0% 36311 Impact Fees - Unincorporated - 28,422 - 23,975 71,925 200.0% Total 53,028 153,308 96,000 119,875 167,825 40.0%

OTHER REVENUES 36110 Interest - - - - - 0.0%

Total - - - - - 0.0% TOTAL REVENUES 53,028 153,308 96,000 119,875 167,825 40.0%

38910 Cash Balance Forward - 7,028 - 49,600 102,330 106.3% Total - 7,028 - 49,600 102,330 106.3%

TOTAL REVENUE & CASH BALANCES 53,028 160,336 96,000 169,475 270,155 59.4%

FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Water Impact Fees:146 Sewer Services



OPERATING EXPENSES Total - - - - - 0.0%

TRANSFERS OUT 59230 Transfer to Utility Acq Debt Service 46,000 96,000 96,000 165,000 167,825 1.7%

Total 46,000 96,000 96,000 165,000 167,825 1.7% TOTAL OPERATING & TRANSFERS OUT 46,000 96,000 96,000 165,000 167,825 1.7%

59990 Reserve 7,028 64,336 - 4,475 102,330 2186.7%

TOTAL WATER IMPACT FEES EXPENDITURES, TRANSFERS, & RESERVES 53,028 160,336 96,000 169,475 270,155 59.4%

Special Funds VI.12 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Water Impact Fees Fund

This fund accounts for the revenues from fees collected at the time of the issuance of building permits. These fees are charged for new line extensions and the funds are used primarily for debt service related to water capacity.

Monthly transfers to the Utility Debt Service Fund constitute the $167,825 annual budgeted amount derived from approximately 160 equivalent residential units of new connections.

Special Funds VI.13 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Utility Tax Fund

FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Utility Tax Fund:150 Utility Tax Revenues & Cash Balances

REVENUE OBJECT #/TITLE ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE MUNICIPAL TAXES 31410 Electric Municipal Tax 718,811 716,005 680,000 700,000 700,000 0.0% 31420 Telephone Municipal Tax 641,791 622,080 626,000 601,019 641,979 6.8% 31430 Water Municipal Tax 274,339 288,596 250,000 275,000 300,000 9.1% 31440 Gas Municipal Tax 100,461 96,763 110,000 102,000 90,000 -11.8% Total 1,735,402 1,723,444 1,666,000 1,678,019 1,731,979 3.2%

OTHER REVENUES 36110 Interest 1 1 - - - 0.0% TOTAL REVENUES 1,735,403 1,723,445 1,666,000 1,678,019 1,731,979 3.2%

38910 Cash Balance Forward 70,102 185,505 125,400 133,000 63,021 -52.6%

TOTAL UTILITY TAX REVENUES & CASH BALANCES 1,805,505 1,908,950 1,791,400 1,811,019 1,795,000 -0.9%

FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Utility Tax Fund Interfund Transfers




TRANSFERS OUT 59100 Transfer to General Fund 1,620,000 1,740,000 1,740,000 1,785,000 1,704,000 -4.5%

RESERVES 59990 Reserve 185,505 168,950 51,400 26,019 91,000 249.7%

TOTAL UTILITY TAX TRANSFERS & RESERVES 1,805,505 1,908,950 1,791,400 1,811,019 1,795,000 -0.9%

Special Funds VI.14 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Utility Tax Fund

This Special Revenue Fund is used to account for the collection of utility taxes. This fund was created to comply with debt covenants since this revenue is pledged as a secondary source of repayment.

These revenues are projected at $1,731,979 for Fiscal Year 2017-2018. These revenues are transferred on a monthly basis to the General Fund for operations.

Special Funds VI.15 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Fund

FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Local Law Enforcement Block Grant:160 LLBG Revenues & Cash Balances


OPERATING REVENUES Total - - - - - 0.0%

OTHER REVENUES 36110 Interest - - - - - 0.0%

TOTAL REVENUES - - - - - 0.0%

38910 Cash Balance Forward 571 571 571 571 571 0.0%

TOTAL REVENUES AND CASH BAL 571 571 571 571 571 0.0%

FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Law Enforcement Block Grant:160 Public Safety


EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME OPERATING EXPENSES 55200 Operating Supplies - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0%

CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 56400 Machinery/Equipment - - - - 0.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0%

RESERVES 59990 Reserve 571 571 571 571 571 0.0% Total 571 571 571 571 571 0.0%

TOTAL LLEBG EXPENDITURES & RESERVES 571 571 571 571 571 0.0%

Special Funds VI.16 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) Fund

This fund was created to account for the receipt and disbursement of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant. This grant was first received in Fiscal Year 1996-97 and was used for the purchase of equipment. No grant activity or expenditure activity is budgeted in Fiscal Year 2017-2018.

Special Funds VI.17 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary Cemetery

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time Sr Maintenance Worker 2 68,380 Merit Pool 2,051

Total FT 2 70,431

Total Budgeted Positions 2 70,431

Special Funds VI. 18 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 Cemetery

FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Cemetery: 170 Cemetery Revenues & Cash Balances


OPERATING REVENUES 32970 Burial Permits 1,760 3,900 2,500 3,000 3,500 16.7% 34560 Marker Setting Fees 2,040 2,240 1,600 1,500 2,200 46.7% 34570 Perpetual Care 48,524 44,331 35,000 35,000 38,430 9.8% 34580 Sale of Lots 89,433 82,043 65,000 65,000 71,370 9.8% 34585 Grave Openings - - - - - 0.0% 36110 Interest - Cemetery - 12,521 - - 13,000 0.0% 36120 Unrealized Gain (393) 10,410 - - - 0.0% 36990 Other Revenue 7,300 - - 12,000 - -100.0% 36992 Gain on Sale of Asset - - - - - 0.0% 38101 From General Fund - - - - - 0.0% 38910 Cash Balance Forward 46,862 69,165 37,700 66,000 84,600 28.2% 38913 Cash Balance For Restricted Cemetery 823,277 871,409 858,000 911,400 966,750 6.1%

TOTAL REVENUES AND CASH BAL 1,018,803 1,096,019 999,800 1,093,900 1,179,850 7.9%

Special Funds VI.19 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018


FUND/DEPARTMENT # ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ 170 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 34,076 35,492 35,234 36,655 70,431 92.1% 51210 Workers' Comp Reimbursement - - - - - 0.0% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary - - - - - 0.0% 51350 Part Time - - - - - 0.0% 51400 Overtime 5 23 100 100 - -100.0% 52100 FICA 2,196 2,308 2,703 2,812 5,388 91.6% 52200 Retirement 10,395 12,258 11,846 12,722 1,750 -86.2% 52300 Health Insur 12,869 14,103 14,469 15,728 23,712 50.8% 52301 Life Insur 175 183 179 189 387 104.8% 52400 Workers' Comp 2,088 1,605 1,605 1,504 4,010 166.6% 52500 Unemployment - - - - - 0.0% Total 61,804 65,972 66,136 69,710 105,678 51.6%

OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services - - - - - 0.0% 53200 Auditing 2,205 2,265 2,265 2,265 2,265 0.0% 53400 Contractual 1,925 2,213 2,336 2,437 3,848 57.9% 54000 Training/Travel - - - - - 0.0% 54300 Utilities - Electric 2,340 2,535 2,500 2,500 3,300 32.0% 54310 Utilities - Water & Wastewater 285 211 250 350 750 114.3% 54500 Insurance 2,572 2,898 2,898 3,029 3,207 5.9% 54610 R/M Buildings & Grounds 953 3,442 6,000 6,000 20,000 233.3% 54620 R/M Equipment 774 244 1,250 1,750 1,800 2.9% 54630 R/M Vehicles-Labor 957 838 750 1,500 1,500 0.0% 54640 R/M Vehicles-Parts 1,827 1,206 1,000 2,000 2,000 0.0% 55100 Office Supplies - 687 - - - 0.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 98 - 500 500 600 20.0% 55210 Uniforms - - 325 325 650 100.0% 55230 Gas/Oil 2,485 1,909 2,500 2,000 2,250 12.5% 55240 Chemicals - - - - - 0.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues - - - - - 0.0% Total 16,425 18,448 22,594 24,681 42,220 71.1% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56200 Buildings - - - - - 0.0% 56300 Improvements - - - - - 0.0% 56400 Machinery/Equipment - - - - 20,500 0.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital - 1,899 3,500 - - 0.0% Total - 1,899 3,500 - 20,500 0.0%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 78,229 86,319 92,230 94,391 168,398 78.4%

TRANSFERS, CONTINGENCIES, RESERVES 59997 Rest'd Reserve Cemetery 871,409 926,150 893,000 946,400 1,008,550 6.6% 59990 Reserve 69,165 83,550 14,570 53,109 2,902 -94.5% Total 940,574 1,009,700 907,570 999,509 1,011,452 1.2%

TOTAL CEMETERY 1,018,803 1,096,019 999,800 1,093,900 1,179,850 7.9%

Special Funds VI.20 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Parks & Recreation Division: Cemetery 170-3900

2. Department/Division Function Summary:

The Cemetery Division is responsible for maintaining a clean and peaceful presentation of the facility grounds. The selling of burial lots, and permitting of burials and monuments is also the responsibility of this division. Assisting visitors in locating of specific grave sites as well as researching areas in the ancient section by using past burial records.

3. Department Description:

This department operates as another governmental fund receiving revenues from the sale of plots, perpetual care charges, marking gravesites, and marking for monument installation.

Number of Funded Actual Actual Budget Budget Employees 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Sr. Maintenance Worker 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 2 FT

Total 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 2 FT

4. Program Performance Indicators:

Program Performance Actual Actual Budget Budget Indicators 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Number of burials 74 85 105 85 Total sale of lots 152 94 100 100 Marker setting fees $1600 $1600 $1500 $1500

Special Funds VI.21 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Program Goals & Objectives

1. Department: Parks & Recreation Division: Cemetery

2. Principal Programs:

A. Cemetery Ground Maintenance B. Sale of marking of grave sites

3. Programs Goals and Objectives:

A. Cemetery Grounds Maintenance

Goal: To provide pleasant, clean and well maintained grounds at the Bosque Bello Cemetery.

Objective: To ensure the grounds are mowed, weeded, irrigated, and free of debris. Also ensure that the trees are maintained.

Measure: Cemetery maintenance worker covers the entire cemetery on a routine schedule and mows, weeds and removes items that do not comply with the cemetery Ordinance Chapter 30.

B. Sale and marking of grave sites

Goal: To provide professional staff with the ability to assist customers during an emotional time and to keep accurate records.

Objective: Work closely with funeral homes and vault companies to ensure that grave locations are ready for the funeral services.

Measure: Sell 80 lots and have 90 services.

C. Install a columbarium- Requested funds from the Capital Expansion Account.

D. Provide education and historical information throughout the Cemetery – Requested funds from the Capital Expansion Account.

Special Funds VI.22 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Community Redevelopment Area FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Community Redevelopment Area: 180 CRA Revenues & Cash Balances


OPERATING REVENUES 31110 Property Taxes - - - - 4,000 0.0% 31117 Property Taxes - County - - - - 4,000 0.0% - - - - - 0.0% 36110 Interest - - - - - 0.0% 36991 Parking Revenue - 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 0.0% 38910 Cash Balance Forward - - - 1,000 2,000 100.0% TOTAL REVENUES AND CASH BALANCE FORWARD - 1,000 - 2,000 11,000 450.0%


Community Redevelopment Area: 180 CRA


PERSONNEL Total - - - - - 0.0% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services - - - - - 0.0% TOTAL - - - - - 0.0% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56200 Building - - - - - 0.0% 56300 Improvements - - - - - 0.0% 56400 Machinery/Equipment - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0%


TRANSFERS, CONTINGENCIES, RESERVES 59990 Reserve - 1,000 - 2,000 11,000 450.0% Total - 1,000 - 2,000 11,000 450.0%

TOTAL CRA - 1,000 - 2,000 11,000 450.0%

Special Funds VI.23 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Community Redevelopment Area Fund

The Community Redevelopment Area and Plan (CRA) were defined and approved by Resolution in June 2005 and the CRA Fund was established in fiscal year 2006-2007. The purpose of the CRA is to improve the City’s historic waterfront area. Incremental ad valorem tax receipts will provide the basis of funding in the future. Funds remaining from the fiscal year 2007-2008 transfers from the General Fund were returned to the General Fund in fiscal year 2012-2013. No incremental taxes were received in fiscal year 2014-2015. However, due to the resetting of the base year when property values increase, incremental taxes will begin to flow into the CRA. Taxes of $4,000 are anticipated in the 2017-2018 fiscal year.

Special Funds VI.24 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Law Enforcement Recovery Fund

FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Law Enforcement Recovery Fund 190 Law Enforcement Recovery Revenues & Cash Balances


OPERATING REVENUES 34210 Federal Law Enforcement Support 109,756 121,988 140,000 151,021 135,216 -10.5% 33400 State Grant 2,210 - - - - 0.0%

35910 Unclaimed/Abandoned Cash 1,500 266 3,000 - - 0.0% 36110 Interest - - - - - 0.0% 36993 Donations/Contributions 17,686 - - - - 0.0%

36992 Gain on Sale of Asset - - - - - 0.0% 38910 Cash Balance Forward 130,830 85,324 85,300 27,330 41,884 53.3% TOTAL REVENUES AND CASH BAL 261,982 207,578 228,300 178,351 177,100 -0.7%

FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Law Enforcement Recovery Fund 190 Law Enforcement Recovery


PERSONNEL Total - - - - - 0.0%

OPERATING EXPENSES 53400 Contractual - - - - - 0.0% 54104 Communications - Mobile 40,895 32,442 45,000 - - 0.0% 54620 R/M Equipment - - - - - 0.0% 54921 Undercover - - 5,000 4,000 10,000 150.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 22,893 16,237 20,000 20,000 27,000 35.0% Total 63,788 53,679 70,000 24,000 48,500 102.1%

CAPITAL OUTLAY 56400 Machinery/Equipment 71,292 92,341 52,500 117,100 68,000 -41.9% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-Capital 41,578 25,699 20,000 - 18,500 0.0%

Total 112,870 118,040 72,500 117,100 86,500 -26.1%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 176,658 171,719 142,500 141,100 135,000 -4.3%

TRANSFERS, CONTINGENCIES, RESERVES 59990 Reserve 85,324 35,859 85,800 37,251 42,100 13.0%

Total 85,324 35,859 85,800 37,251 42,100 13.0%

TOTAL Law Enforcement Recovery Fund 261,982 207,578 228,300 178,351 177,100 -0.7%

Special Funds VI.25 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Law Enforcement Recovery Fund

The source of revenue for this fund is unclaimed/abandoned cash and/or property. The funds are restricted in the sense that they are used for specific law enforcement law enforcement relating to carrying out the mission of the agency. 2018 expenditures budget includes $49,000 for a new vehicle, $18,500 for a new ATV for beach patrol and $18,500 for specialized equipment, $10,000 for drug buy money and $27,000 for operating expenses.

Special Funds VI.26 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Debt Service Funds

VII. City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Table of Contents-Debt Service Funds Section Description Page #

Debt Service Funds Debt Service Funds Contents Debt VII.1 $6 million GOB (General Obligation Bond) VII.2 Utility Debt Service VII.4 Marina Debt Service VII.6 Total City Debt Service VII.8 Long Term Debt VII. 9

Debt VII. 1 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Bond Debt Service Fund

FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Bond Debt Service Fund:220 Bond Debt Service Revenues & Cash Balances


OTHER REVENUES 36110 Interest - - - - - 0.0% 38410 Loan Proceeds - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0%

TRANSFERS IN 38101 From General Fund 425,000 345,000 345,000 426,900 423,807 -0.7% Total 425,000 345,000 345,000 426,900 423,807 -0.7%

CASH BALANCES 38910 Cash Balance Forward 83,804 83,801 83,800 4,300 4,440 3.3% Total 83,804 83,801 83,800 4,300 4,440 3.3%

TOTAL REVENUE, TRANSFERS & CASH BALANCES 508,804 428,801 428,800 431,200 428,247 -0.7%

FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Bond Debt Services Fund:220 Debt Service



DEBT SERVICE 57100 Principal 361,000 369,000 369,000 380,000 386,000 1.6% 57200 Interest 64,003 55,484 55,484 46,776 37,807 -19.2% 57300 Financing Costs - - - - - 0.0% Total 425,003 424,484 424,484 426,776 423,807 -0.7%

59990 Reserve 83,801 4,317 4,316 4,424 4,440 0.4% TOTAL BOND DEBT SERVICE FUND EXPENDITURES & RESERVE 508,804 428,801 428,800 431,200 428,247 -0.7%

Debt VII.2 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Bond Debt Service Fund

2. Department Function Summary:

This fund accounts for the payment of debt service on the City’s General Obligation Bonds. These bonds were issued to fund various land preservation and recreation/park projects. In April 2001, the citizens voted to fund the repayment of bonds with ad valorem taxes. The debt was refinanced in 2011. Annual payments range from $423,382 to $426,841 in 2021. The Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 includes a principal payment of $386,000, interest of $37,807, and a reserve of $4,440. Ad valorem taxes are transferred from the General Fund to this Fund to provide the revenue for this debt service.

Debt VII.3 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Utility Debt Service Fund

FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Utility Debt Service Fund:230 Utility Debt Service Revenues & Cash Balances


OTHER REVENUES 36110 Interest - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0%

TRANSFERS IN 38140 From WW Impact Fees 175,000 228,000 228,000 395,336 406,175 2.7% 38141 From Water Impact Fees 46,000 96,000 96,000 165,000 167,825 1.7% 38145 From Wastewater 578,120 651,989 651,989 483,494 510,965 5.7% 38146 From Water 971,804 1,778,109 1,778,109 1,710,190 1,669,465 -2.4% Total 1,770,924 2,754,098 2,754,098 2,754,020 2,754,430 0.0%

CASH BALANCES 38910 Cash Balance Forward 1,102,727 241,885 189,402 240,985 249,000 3.3% Total 1,102,727 241,885 189,402 240,985 249,000 3.3%

TOTAL REVENUE, TRANSFERS & CASH BALANCES 2,873,651 2,995,983 2,943,500 2,995,005 3,003,430 0.3%

FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Utility Debt Services Fund:230 Debt Service



DEBT SERVICE 57100 Principal 1,102,500 1,341,000 1,341,000 1,390,000 1,440,000 3.6% 57200 Interest 1,500,845 1,404,595 1,413,998 1,364,510 1,314,430 -3.7% 57300 Financing Costs 28,421 - - - - 0.0% Total 2,631,766 2,745,595 2,754,998 2,754,510 2,754,430 0.0%

59990 Reserve 241,885 250,388 188,502 240,495 249,000 3.5%

TOTAL UTILITY DEBT SERVICE FUND EXPENDITURES & RESERVE 2,873,651 2,995,983 2,943,500 2,995,005 3,003,430 0.3%

Debt VII.4 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Utility Debt Service Fund

2. Department Function Summary:

This fund was renamed from the Utility Acquisition Debt Service Fund to the Utility Debt Service Fund in FY 2013-2014. Payments of all debt service for both the Wastewater and Water operations are accounted for in this fund - the entire Utility System Refunding Revenue Bond, Series 2013A issued in September 2013 and the 2010 subordinate $5,215,000 debt issue for Water “Futures”. The Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 includes the principal payment of $210,000 and interest payments totaling $80,680 for the Futures debt; principal payment of $1,230,000 and interest payments of $1,233,750 for the new 2013A 20 year Utility System Revenue Bond debt. Transfers from the Water Fund’s operations in the amount of $1,669,465; $510,965 from the Wastewater Fund’s operations; $406,175 transferred from the Wastewater Impact Fees; and $167,825 transferred from the Water Impact Fees provide the revenue for the debt service.

Debt VII.5 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Marina Debt Service Fund FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Marina Debt Service Fund:240 Marina Debt Service Revenues & Cash Balances


OTHER REVENUES 36110 Interest - - - - - 0.0%

Total - - - - - 0.0%

TRANSFERS IN 38148 From Marina 118,436 117,938 117,938 - - 0.0% Total 118,436 117,938 117,938 - - 0.0%

CASH BALANCES 38910 Cash Balance Forward 100,836 1,782 25,836 - - 0.0% Total 100,836 1,782 25,836 - - 0.0%

TOTAL REVENUE, TRANSFERS & CASH BALANCES 219,272 119,720 143,774 - - 0.0%

FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Marina Debt Services Fund:240 Debt Service



DEBT SERVICE 57100 Principal 78,000 81,000 81,000 - - 0.0% 57200 Interest 40,436 38,720 36,938 - - 0.0% Total 118,436 119,720 117,938 - - 0.0%

9100 Transfer OUT Marina B/S 75,000 - - - - 59990 Reserve 25,836 - 25,836 - - 0.0%


Debt VII.6 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Marina Debt Service Fund

2. Department Function Summary:

In Fiscal Year 2015-2016, the existing Marina debt was refinanced. The terms of the new debt do not require the use of a Debt Service Fund. As a result, the debt payments for the Marina debt will be serviced directly from the Marina Enterprise Fund.

Debt VII.7 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017 - 2018

DEBT SERVICE Dollar Chg % Change Actual Budgeted Budgeted FY 16/17 to FY 16/17 to EXPENDITURES FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 17/18 FY 17/18

General Fund 2010 6.596 Debt 150,914 121,078 120,916 162 0.13% Total $ 150,914 $ 121,078 $ 120,916 $ 162 0.13%

Capital Improvement 2010 GOB 425,003 426,776 423,807 2,969 0.70% 2010 6.596 Debt 34,991 2011 F2 Loan 128,770 2016 ERP Software & Refinanced 462,100 465,676 (3,576) -0.77% 2017 Cap Lease Radios 142,385 (142,385) 2016 Fire Truck Debt 94,566 94,566 - 0.00% Total $ 588,764 $ 983,442 $ 1,126,434 $ (142,992) -14.54%

Golf Course 2010 6.596 Debt Refinanced 145,084 113,332 112,692 640 0.56% Total $ 145,084 $ 113,332 $ 112,692 $ 640 0.56%

Airport 2007 Revenue Note 154,006 77,334 77,334 100.00% 2017 Refinanced & New $ 250,266 (250,266) Total $ 154,006 $ 77,334 $ 250,266 $ (172,932) -223.62%

Marina 2009 1.3 Marina 118,436 2010 6.596 Debt 424,737 2016 New/Refinanced 363,312 393,863 (30,551) -8.41% 2018 Line of Credit 70,000 (70,000) Total $ 543,173 $ 363,312 $ 463,863 $ (100,551) -27.68%

Utilities 2013A Utility Sys Revenue Bond 2,346,744 2,362,150 2,463,750 (101,600) -4.30% 2015 Futures - Subordinate 256,601 392,360 290,680 101,680 25.91% Total $ 2,603,345 $ 2,754,510 $ 2,754,430 $ 80 0.00%

Stormwater 2013 Streetsweeper 41,768 43,031 43,030 1 0.00% Total $ 41,768 $ 43,031 $ 43,030 $ 1 0.00%

TOTAL CITY $ 4,227,055 $ 4,456,039 $ 4,871,631 $ (415,592) -9.33%

Debt VII.8 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017 - 2018


Projected Balance Principal Balance FY 16/17 Additions Refinancing Payments FY 17/18 General Fund 2016 Refinanced 466,177 - - 114,296 351,881

Total $ 466,177 $ - $ - $ 114,296 $ 351,881

Capital Improvement 2010 GOB 1,602,000 - - 386,000 1,216,000 2016 ERP Software & Refinanced 1,795,356 - - 440,182 1,355,174 2016 Fire Truck Debt 312,588 86,120 226,468 2017 Cap Lease Radios - 427,200 - 142,385 284,815

Total $ 3,709,944 $ 427,200 $ - $ 1,054,687 $ 3,082,457

Golf Course 2016 Refinanced 434,468 - - 106,522 327,946

Total $ 434,468 $ - $ - $ 106,522 $ 327,946

Airport 2007 Revenue Note 345,000 - 345,000 - - 2017 New Debt + Refi 1,381,000 - 198,000 1,183,000

Total $ 345,000 $ 1,381,000 $ 345,000 $ 198,000 $ 1,183,000

Marina 2016 New Debt + Refi 3,222,000 332,000 2,890,000

Total $ 3,222,000 $ - $ - $ 332,000 $ 2,890,000

Utilities 2013A Utility Sys Revenue Bond 25,870,000 1,230,000 24,640,000 2015 Futures - Subordinate 3,684,000 210,000 3,474,000 Total $ 29,554,000 $ - $ - $ 1,440,000 $ 28,114,000

Stormwater 2013 Streetsweeper 41,637 - - 41,637 - Total $ 41,637 $ - $ - $ 41,637 $ -

TOTAL CITY $ 37,773,226 $ 1,808,200 $ 345,000 $ 3,287,142 $ 35,949,284

Debt VII.9 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Capital Projects Funds

VIII. City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Table of Contents-Capital Funds Section Description Page #

Capital Projects Funds Capital Funds Contents Capital VIII.1 Capital Funds Graph VIII.2 Capital Improvement Fund VIII.3 Capital Expansion Fund VIII.8 Wastewater Improvement Fund VIII.10 5 Year Capital Improvement Plan VIII.12 as AMENDED

Capital Funds VIII. 1 City of Fernandina Beach Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach Capital Improvement Funds

Capital Improvement Fund Revenues & Cash Balances

Sales/Use Taxes 2.7% Grant Funds 13.5%

Transfers 28.8%

Cash Balance Forward 55.0%

Capital Improvement Fund Projects Expenditures, Transfers, & Reserves

Debt Administrative 15.9% 2.4%

Reserves 5.0% Public Safety 33.0%

Recreation 14.7% Streets & Sidewalks 29.0%

Capital Funds VIII.2 City of Fernandina Beach Annual Budget 2017-2018


DESCRIPTION Total Cap Lease County State Federal LOAN / General Rest'd Fund Bond Expense Fees 800 800

RR Crossing Improvements 800,000 800,000 Sidewalks incl Amelia Park 79,000 79,000 Street Resurfacing 325,000 107,250 217,750 Striping 34,750 34,750 SUBTOTAL 1,239,550 - - 107,250 - 800,000 332,300

ERP Software Finance portion 15,000 15,000 ERP Software - Building Rest'd portion 90,900 90,900 SUBTOTAL 105,900 - - - 15,000 90,900

Replace Roof at Lime St Station 150,000 150,000 Water Front Park - Parking Lot B 125,000 95,000 30,000

SUBTOTAL 275,000 - - - - 95,000 180,000

Replace Beach Access 40 & 35S 200,000 200,000 Beach Renourishment Construction 35,000 9,450 16,100 9,450 Beach Renourishment Engineering 35,000 17,500 17,500 Beach Monitoring (Sea Turtle) 30,000 8,100 13,800 8,100 ARC Pool Improvements 85,000 85,000 Peck Center Improvements (Windows) 55,000 55,000 MLK Center Improvements 25,000 25,000 Downtown Street Improvements 42,000 42,000 Buccaneer Field Improvements (Fencing) 60,000 60,000 TOTAL RECREATION AND PARKS 567,000 - 35,050 29,900 - - 502,050

Streets Dump Truck 75,000 75,000 Streets Used Motor Grader 75,000 75,000 Fire Boat 475,000 475,000 Rescue Unit 255,300 255,300 - Police Radios 225,300 225,300 - Fire Radios 201,900 201,900 - TOTAL EQUIPMENT 1,307,500 427,200 - - 475,000 255,300 150,000

Principal - 2016 Debt 440,182 440,182 Interest-2016 Debt 25,494 25,494 Principal Radios 142,385 142,385 Interest Radios - Principal-Fire Truck Capital Lease Debt 86,120 86,120 Interest-Fire Truck Capital Lease Debt 8,446 8,446 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 702,627 - - - - - 702,627

TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROV FUND 4,197,577 427,200 35,050 137,150 475,000 1,165,300 1,957,877

Capital Funds VIII.3 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Capital Improvement Fund

FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Capital Improvement Fund:300 Capital Improvement Revenues & Cash Balances

REVENUE OBJECT #/TITLE ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE 31240 Local Option Gas Tax - - - - - 0.0% 31260 Small County Surtax - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0% STATE REVENUE SHARING 33544 8th Cent Gas Tax 96,639 98,788 100,000 108,300 107,250 -1.0% Total 96,639 98,788 100,000 108,300 107,250 -1.0% GRANTS

33140 Federal Homeland Security - - - - 475,000 0.0% 33400 State Grant 165,042 86,713 6,900 29,900 29,900 0.0% 33438 FRDAP 50,000 - - - - 0.0% 33410 FIND 142,500 - - 150,000 - -100.0% 33710 County Grant 113,454 210,828 4,050 32,550 35,050 7.7% 36600 FOL Contribution 186,113 - - - - 0.0% Total 657,109 297,541 10,950 212,450 539,950 154.2% OTHER REVENUE 38410 Loan Proceeds - 440,363 - - 427,200 0.0% 36110 Interest 2,810 3,377 1,000 - 2,426 0.0% 36990 Other Revenue - - - - - 0.0% 38400 Other Financing Sources - 2,203,573 1,701,500 - - 0.0% Total 2,810 2,647,313 1,702,500 - 429,626 0.0%

TOTAL REVENUES 756,558 3,043,642 1,813,450 320,750 1,076,826 235.7%

TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS 38101 From General Fund 1,151,960 1,133,500 1,133,500 1,197,600 1,138,959 -4.9% 38131 From Capital Expansion 200,000 - - - - 0.0% 38152 From Utility Billing - - - - 10,700 0.0% Total 1,351,960 1,133,500 1,133,500 1,197,600 1,149,659 -4.0%

CASH BALANCES 38910 Cash Balance Forward 414,580 565,484 578,550 1,854,630 1,030,500 -44.4% 38911 Cash Balance Forward Restricted - - - - 1,165,300 0.0% Total 414,580 565,484 578,550 1,854,630 2,195,800 18.4%

TOTAL REVENUE, TRANSFERS & CASH BALANCES 2,523,098 4,742,626 3,525,500 3,372,980 4,422,285 31.1%

Capital Funds VIII.4 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Capital Improvement Fund

FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Capital Improvement Fund:300 Capital Improvements

FUND/DEPARTMENT # ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTION 3002100 56300 Police Improvements - - - - 150,000 0.0% Total - - - - 150,000 0.0% STREETS/TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS 3004100 SIDEWALKS 56310 Sidewalks - Capitalized 8,108 - - - - 0.0% 56311 Sidewalks General/Misc 12,498 42,442 39,500 44,000 79,000 79.5% 56320 Street Paving/Resurfacing Capital 258,879 250,855 - - - 0.0% Total 279,485 293,297 39,500 44,000 79,000 79.5%

STREET RESURFACING 56312 Street Striping 19,459 32,342 32,750 34,750 34,750 0.0% 56321 Street Resurfacing General 31,074 53,342 300,000 325,000 325,000 0.0% Total 50,533 85,684 332,750 359,750 359,750 0.0%

TOTAL STREETS & RESURFACING PROJECTS 330,018 378,981 372,250 403,750 438,750 8.7%

56367 Alachua Project - - 800,000 800,000 800,000 0.0% 56368 Main Street Improvements - - - 42,000 42,000 0.0%

RECREATION & PARKS PROJECTS 3001000 56200 Admin Building 622,955 - - - - 0.0% 572.3100 P&R Master Plan 25,000 - - - - 0.0% 572.6230 ARC Auditorium Improvements 12,559 - - - - 0.0% 3007225 56300 Improvements - - - - 25,000 0.0% 3007220 56300 Improvements 72,049 45,499 55,000 55,000 55,000 0.0% 3007200 56360 Tennis Court Improvements 56,625 - - - - 0.0% 3007200 56315 Dune Walkovers 23,280 26,157 30,000 25,000 - -100.0% 3007210 56300 Parks Improvements - - - - 60,000 0.0% 3007200 56315 Dune Walkovers - - - - 200,000 0.0% 3007200 56331 Beach Renourishment/Engineering - - - - 35,000 0.0% 3007200 56332 Beach Renourishment 165,562 214,316 15,000 65,000 35,000 -46.2% 3007200 56327 Beach Monitoring/Reporting - - - 30,000 30,000 0.0% 3007200 56328 Dredging - Marina 285,556 - - 300,000 - -100.0% 572.6430 25 Passenger Bus 25,261 - - - - 0.0% 0017200 56300 Atlantic Rec Center Improvements - - 25,000 32,000 - -100.0% 0017220 56300 Peck Gym Improvements - 124,079 60,000 - - 0.0% 0017200 56365 Downtown Waterfront Parks 1,787 7,146 125,000 125,000 125,000 0.0% 300100 56366 Railroad Depot Rehabilitation - 25,000 25,000 - - 0.0% 3007240 56300 Aquatics Improvements 117 44,835 45,000 25,000 85,000 240.0% 3001000 Animal Rescue Center 75,000 - - - - 0.0% 3007200 56400 P&R Equipment - - - - - 0.0%

Total 1,463,040 487,032 1,180,000 1,499,000 1,492,000 -0.5%

Capital Funds VIII.5 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Capital Improvement Fund

FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Capital Improvement Fund:300 Capital Improvements

FUND/DEPARTMENT # ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ 3001000 - 3002200 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE CAPITAL MACHINERY/Equipment 3001000 56410 Software - 224,052 743,000 281,000 105,900 -62.3% 3002100 56400 Police Mach/Equipment - - - - 225,300 0.0% 3002200 56400 Fire Mach/Equipment - 440,363 400,000 250,000 932,200 272.9% 3002100 56300 Police Improvements - 99,558 100,000 - 150,000 0.0% Total - 763,973 1,243,000 531,000 1,413,400 166.2%

DEBT SERVICE 300100 57100 Principal 145,291 192,948 165,149 497,346 668,687 34.5% 57200 Interest 18,470 18,787 62,171 59,320 33,940 -42.8% 57310 Bond Expense 795 - 1,000 800 800 0.0% 57300 Financing Costs - 19,658 - - - 0.0% Total 164,556 231,393 228,320 557,466 703,427 26.2%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,957,614 1,861,379 3,023,570 2,991,216 4,197,577 40.3%

TRANSFERS 3001000 59520 Transfer to Utility Billing - 50,700 - - - 0.0% Total - 50,700 - - - 0.0%

RESERVES 581.9505 Project Fund - 1,510,571 - - - 0.0% 3001000 59990 Reserve 565,484 855,110 501,930 381,764 224,708 -41.1% 581.9530 Other Financing Sources - 464,866 - - - 0.0% Total 565,484 2,830,547 501,930 381,764 224,708 -41.1% TOTAL CAPITAL, DEBT & RESERVES 2,523,098 4,742,626 3,525,500 3,372,980 4,422,285 31.1%

Capital Funds VIII.6 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Capital Improvement Fund

This fund is comprised of the major capital projects for the General Fund budgeted for Fiscal Year 2017-2018. Revenue sources include local gasoline taxes, grants and, transfers from the General Fund. Revenue of $107,250 is anticipated from gas tax revenues. Grant funding in the amount of $504,900 is expected during the fiscal year. Cash Balance Forward of $2,195,800 includes proceeds from a loan obtained late in the prior fiscal year. These sources and a $1,138,959 transfer from the General Fund sum to the Fund’s total available funds of $4,422,285.

Projects proposed include the following:

 Administration: Funds to finish paying for ERP software ($105,900). A portion, $90,900, of this amount will be paid using restricted building/ permitting reserves with the balance funded by loan proceeds.

 Public Works Projects: Sidewalks ($79,000), Street Resurfacing and Striping ($359,750), opening Alachua Street ($800,000), enhancing the Downtown Waterfront Park ($125,000), and Downtown street improvements ($42,000).

 Recreation Projects: Replace two beach accesses ($200,000), improvements to the Atlantic Rec Center pool ($85,000), and Peck Center Improvements for windows ($55,000) as well as MLK Center improvements ($25,000) and Beach related items ($100,000).

 Public Safety Projects: Purchase of a new Rescue Unit ($255,300); new Police and Fire radios ($427,200); and a fully grant funded Fire Boat ($475,000).

 Debt Service: includes scheduled debt service for the 2016 debt issue which refinanced some other pieces of debt and included new money ($465,676) debt service payment, a payment on the new radios ($142,385), and the Fire Truck capital lease ($94,566) payment.

Capital Funds VIII.7 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Capital Expansion Fund FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Capital Expansion Fund:310 Capital Expansion Revenues & Cash Balances

REVENUE OBJECT #/TITLE ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE GRANTS 33440 Other Grant - - 35,000 - - 0.0% IMPACT FEES 3102100 32421 Impact Fees Police 29,394 38,784 25,000 30,000 47,250 57.5% 3102200 32422 Impact Fees Fire 58,990 77,834 50,000 60,000 94,500 57.5% 3104400 32440 Impact Fees Sanitation (156) - - - - 0.0% 3107200 32470 Impact Fees Recreation 359,687 467,543 300,000 400,000 630,000 57.5% 3101000 32410 Impact Fees Admin 80,229 105,652 70,000 85,000 126,000 48.2% Total 528,144 689,813 480,000 575,000 897,750 56.1% Interest 36110 Interest 2,298 2,762 1,000 2,000 4,000 100.0% Total 2,298 2,762 1,000 2,000 4,000 100.0% TOTAL REVENUES 530,442 692,575 481,000 577,000 901,750 56.3% CASH BALANCE FORWARD 3102100 38910 Cash Bal Forward/Police 148,758 81,304 50,750 38,500 98,177 155.0% 3102200 38910 Cash Bal Forward/Fire 153,277 193,141 218,980 253,300 361,863 42.9% 3104400 38910 Cash Bal Forward/Sanitation 1,984 - - - - 0.0% 3107200 38910 Cash Bal Forward/Parks&Rec 917,980 1,052,480 995,970 1,021,400 1,279,325 25.3% 3101000 38910 Cash Bal Forward/Admin 592,783 443,263 283,000 444,000 571,035 28.6% Total 1,814,782 1,770,188 1,548,700 1,757,200 2,310,400 31.5%

TOTAL REVENUES,TRANSFERS & CASH BALANCES 2,345,224 2,462,763 2,029,700 2,334,200 3,212,150 37.6% Capital Expansion Fund FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Capital Expansion Fund:310 Capital Improvements


CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 3101000 56200 Administrative Building - 5,000 150,000 - - 0.0% 3101000 56400 Admin Mach/Equip 30,500 52,177 60,000 - 75,000 0.0% 3102100 55200 Police Operating Supplies 21,997 - - - - 0.0% 3102100 56400 Police Mach/Equip 35,666 - - - - 0.0% 3102100 56401 Police Equipment Non Capital 39,374 51,095 - - - 0.0% 3102200 56400 Fire Mach/Equip - 16,057 - - - 0.0% 3102200 56401 Fire Equipment Non Capital 19,321 - - - - 0.0% 3104400 56400 Sanitation Mach/Equip 1,828 - - - - 0.0% 3101000 56500 Admin Infrastructure 17,424 100,000 100,000 100,000 0.0% 3107200 56200 P&R Building 132,548 - - - 170,000 0.0% 3107200 56300 P&R Improvements 93,802 336,121 587,600 790,000 355,000 -55.1% 3107200 56400 P&R Mach/Equip - 35,456 78,000 69,000 50,000 -27.5% 3107200 56401 P&R Equipment Non Capital - 6,645 - - - 0.0% Total 375,036 519,975 975,600 959,000 750,000 -21.8% TRANSFERS OUT 581.4610 Transfer OUT Adim (to Fund 300) 200,000 - - - - 0.0% Total 200,000 - - - - 0.0% RESERVE 3102100 59990 Reserve Police 81,304 53,062 75,850 68,600 145,597 112.2% 3102200 59990 Reserve Fire 193,141 271,276 269,280 313,700 456,989 45.7% 3104400 59990 Reserve Sanitation - - - - - 0.0% 3107200 59990 Reserve P&R 1,052,480 1,143,445 666,170 563,650 1,336,540 137.1% 3101000 59990 Reserve Admin 443,263 475,005 42,800 429,250 523,024 21.8% Total 1,770,188 1,942,788 1,054,100 1,375,200 2,462,150 79.0%

TOTAL CAPITAL, TRANSFER & RESERVES 2,345,224 2,462,763 2,029,700 2,334,200 3,212,150 37.6%

Capital Funds VIII.8 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Capital Expansion Fund

This fund accounts for the revenues and expenditures for development impact fees. These fees are collected at the time of the issuance of building permits to partially offset the capital cost of providing certain services due to City growth. Florida law prohibits the use of these funds for repair or maintenance, personnel, or capital replacement. Rather, the funds must only be used for expansion of police, fire, recreation and parks or City administration equipment or facilities that can be attributed to new development.

Projects in the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 budget include: New Sidewalks ($100,000) and a new Network Storage Device ($75,000) using Admin impact fees. Parks & Rec impact fees are being used for the expanded portion of the waterfront park ($150,000), new shade structures at Main Beach, MLK playground and Egans Creek ($135,000), the expansion of the MLK camp room ($180,000), installation of a Columbarium ($35,000), athletic equipment at Egans Creek ($50,000), and signage at the Cemetery ($25,000).

Capital Funds VIII.9 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Wastewater Improvement Fund

FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Wastewater Improvement Fund:330 Wastewater Improvement Revenues & Cash Balances

REVENUE OBJECT #/TITLE ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE Interest 36110 Interest - 631 - - - 0.0% 36120 Unrealized Gain - 215 - - - 0.0% Total - 846 - - - 0.0% TRANSFERS IN 38145 From Wastewater 250,000 250,000 250,000 500,000 500,000 0.0% Total 250,000 250,000 250,000 500,000 500,000 0.0% TOTAL REVENUES AND TRANSFERS 250,000 250,846 250,000 500,000 500,000 0.0% 38910 Cash Balance Forward 1,987,555 2,237,555 2,237,555 2,487,555 2,988,400 20.1% Total 1,987,555 2,237,555 2,237,555 2,487,555 2,988,400 20.1%

TOTAL REVENUES, TRANSFERS & CASH BALANCES 2,237,555 2,488,401 2,487,555 2,987,555 3,488,400 16.8%

FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Wastewater Improvement Fund:330 Wasterwate Improvement Expenditures & Reserves


EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME CAPITAL OUTLAY 56200 Buildings - - - - - 0.0% 56300 Improvements - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0% DEBT SERVICE 57100 Principal - - - - - 0.0% 57200 Interest - - - - - 0.0% Total - - - - - 0.0%


RESERVE 59990 Reserve 2,237,555 2,488,401 2,487,555 2,987,555 3,488,400 16.8% Total 2,237,555 2,488,401 2,487,555 2,987,555 3,488,400 16.8%

TOTAL WASTEWATER IMPROVEMENT EXPENDITURES & RESERVES 2,237,555 2,488,401 2,487,555 2,987,555 3,488,400 16.8%

TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 7,105,877 9,693,790 8,042,755 8,694,735 11,122,835 27.9%

Capital Funds VIII.10 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Wastewater Capital Improvement Fund

This fund was created to monitor compliance of the Rules of the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation Chapter 17-501, section 17-501.610 (2) (b)6 concerning the maintenance of the capital improvement of the wastewater system. Compliance requires that $60,000 be set aside each year for capital improvement. In Fiscal Year 2009-2010 the 2.5 million gallons per day treatment train was completed. In Fiscal Year 2017-2018 $500,000 dollars is being transferred in to this fund in anticipation of future wastewater improvements.

Capital Funds VIII.11 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida City of Fernandina Beach Annual Budget 2017-2018 Five Year Capital Plan AMENDED Priority A: Priority C: 1. Capital Improvements needed to protect public health and safety. 1. Capital Improvements that will increase efficient use of existing public facilities where 2. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a State or Federal mandate. the economic benefit that results from the improvement exceeds the economic cost 3. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a legal or regulatory requirement. of making the improvement. 4. Capital improvements needed to complete an ongoing project. 2. Capital Improvements that will promote redevelopment and/or infill development. 5. Capital improvements that are shovel ready (funding, permits, etc. are in place). Priority D: 6. Capital improvements needed to correct existing deficiencies or maintenance issues. 1. Capital Improvements needed to accommodate projected new development, that are Priority B: consistent with the FLUM, and which represent a logical extension of public facilities. 1. Capital Improvements needed to meet or maintain adopted level of service standards. 2. Capital Improvements needed to serve developments that were approved prior to the 2. Capital improvements needed to implement adopted plans or studies. adoption of thie Fernandina Beach Comprehensive Plan. 3. Capital improvements that are eligible for grant funding. Priority E: 4. Capital improvements that will promote economic development. 1. Capital Improvements that will further the plans of the St. Johns River Water Management 5. Capital improvements that will reduce operating and/or maintenance costs. District and other State agencies that may provide public facilities within the City.

Priorities Funding Source (Per Comp Plan Policy 8.01.02)

*Other Project Title/Justification Gen Fund Cost 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 A B C D E General Fund (001) Information Technology

Information Technology STORAGE DEVICE REPLACEMENT 100% 130,000 30,000 100,000 6 1 REDUNDANT NETWORK STORAGE 100% 95,000 45,000 50,000 6 1 Facilities Maintenance ERP HARDWARE 100% 100,000 100,000 6 1 NETWORKING BACKBONE HARDWARE 100% 80,000 80,000 6 1 REPLACEMENT Facilities Maintenance SERVICE TRUCK 100% 103,000 33,000 35,000 35,000 1 Police POLICE VEHICLES (3) 100% 1,023,500 148,500 125,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1 FORD EXPEDITION 100% 39,000 39,000 1 EMERGENCY & TECH EQUIP 100% 300,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 1 Fire LIFEPACK 15 100% 87,818 43,318 44,500 1 1 FORD F150 4X4 100% 38,000 38,000 6 1 DEPUTY CHIEF VEHICLE 100% 46,000 46,000 6 1 Building FORD ESCAPE AWD 100% 25,000 25,000 1 Streets

1. County 5. FIND 9. Impact Fees 13. FBIP 2. FRDAP 6. FDOT 10. Assessments 14. Fines 3. State 7. FAA 11. Enterprise 15. Unclaim Prop 4. Federal 8. Loan 12 Utility Bond Capital Funds VIII.12 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida City of Fernandina Beach Annual Budget 2017-2018 Five Year Capital Plan AMENDED Priority A: Priority C: 1. Capital Improvements needed to protect public health and safety. 1. Capital Improvements that will increase efficient use of existing public facilities where 2. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a State or Federal mandate. the economic benefit that results from the improvement exceeds the economic cost 3. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a legal or regulatory requirement. of making the improvement. 4. Capital improvements needed to complete an ongoing project. 2. Capital Improvements that will promote redevelopment and/or infill development. 5. Capital improvements that are shovel ready (funding, permits, etc. are in place). Priority D: 6. Capital improvements needed to correct existing deficiencies or maintenance issues. 1. Capital Improvements needed to accommodate projected new development, that are Priority B: consistent with the FLUM, and which represent a logical extension of public facilities. 1. Capital Improvements needed to meet or maintain adopted level of service standards. 2. Capital Improvements needed to serve developments that were approved prior to the 2. Capital improvements needed to implement adopted plans or studies. adoption of thie Fernandina Beach Comprehensive Plan. 3. Capital improvements that are eligible for grant funding. Priority E: 4. Capital improvements that will promote economic development. 1. Capital Improvements that will further the plans of the St. Johns River Water Management 5. Capital improvements that will reduce operating and/or maintenance costs. District and other State agencies that may provide public facilities within the City.

Priorities Funding Source (Per Comp Plan Policy 8.01.02)

*Other Project Title/Justification Gen Fund Cost 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 A B C D E 2500 TRUCKS (2) 100% 60,000 60,000 1 1,5 1 FORD F150 PICKUP TRUCK 100% 35,000 35,000 1 1,5 1 FORD F350 100% 35,000 35,000 1 1,5 1 Library LIBRARY ROOF 100% 0 6

Federal Forfeiture Fund (110)

EXPLORER 100%14 30,000 30,000 1 EXPEDITION 100%14 42,000 42,000 1 CDBG Economic Development Fund (130) BRETTS PILINGS REPAIR 100% 109,680 109,680 1,6 Community Redevelopment Area Fund (180) 2ND STREET IMPROVEMENTS 100% 0 2 BROOME STREET IMPROVEMENTS 100% 0 2 BROOME STREET RAILROAD CROSSING 100% 0 2 (PEDESTRIAN) Law Enforcement Recovery Fund (190)

FORD EXPEDITION 4WD 100%14 49,500 49,500 1

1. County 5. FIND 9. Impact Fees 13. FBIP 2. FRDAP 6. FDOT 10. Assessments 14. Fines 3. State 7. FAA 11. Enterprise 15. Unclaim Prop 4. Federal 8. Loan 12 Utility Bond Capital Funds VIII.13 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida City of Fernandina Beach Annual Budget 2017-2018 Five Year Capital Plan AMENDED Priority A: Priority C: 1. Capital Improvements needed to protect public health and safety. 1. Capital Improvements that will increase efficient use of existing public facilities where 2. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a State or Federal mandate. the economic benefit that results from the improvement exceeds the economic cost 3. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a legal or regulatory requirement. of making the improvement. 4. Capital improvements needed to complete an ongoing project. 2. Capital Improvements that will promote redevelopment and/or infill development. 5. Capital improvements that are shovel ready (funding, permits, etc. are in place). Priority D: 6. Capital improvements needed to correct existing deficiencies or maintenance issues. 1. Capital Improvements needed to accommodate projected new development, that are Priority B: consistent with the FLUM, and which represent a logical extension of public facilities. 1. Capital Improvements needed to meet or maintain adopted level of service standards. 2. Capital Improvements needed to serve developments that were approved prior to the 2. Capital improvements needed to implement adopted plans or studies. adoption of thie Fernandina Beach Comprehensive Plan. 3. Capital improvements that are eligible for grant funding. Priority E: 4. Capital improvements that will promote economic development. 1. Capital Improvements that will further the plans of the St. Johns River Water Management 5. Capital improvements that will reduce operating and/or maintenance costs. District and other State agencies that may provide public facilities within the City.

Priorities Funding Source (Per Comp Plan Policy 8.01.02)

*Other Project Title/Justification Gen Fund Cost 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 A B C D E Capital Improvement Fund (300) Finance Department

TYLER TECH-PAYROLL SYSTEM 100% 225,000 225,000 6 1 Police Department REPLACE ROOF AT LIME STREET STATION 100% 150,000 150,000 5 CDMA COMPLIANT RADIO EQUIPMENT 100%8 225,300 225,300 1 1 Fire Department RESCUE UNIT 100%8 555,300 255,300 300,000 1 1 CDMA COMPLIANT RADIO EQUIPMENT 100%8 201,900 201,900 1 1 FIRE BOAT-HOMELAND SEC PORT GRANT 100%4 475,000 475,000 1 1 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS (Coop / COG) 100% 40,000 40,000 1 1 MOVE FIRE STA #2 diff years 100% 500,000 500,000 1 AERIAL APPARATUS 100% 800,000 800,000 1 1 Building Department TYLER TECH-BUILDING 100% 90,900 90,900 6 1 Streets Department AMENDED STREET RESURFACING 66.7% 33.3%3 1,975,000 325,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 450,000 1 5 STRIPING & PAVEMENT MARKING 100% 183,250 34,750 36,500 36,500 36,500 39,000 1 5 SIDEWALKS AND CURBS 100% 314,000 59,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 30,000 1 5 SIDEWALK EXTENSION PROGRAM 100% 117,500 20,000 22,500 25,000 25,000 25,000 1 5 ALACHUA CROSSING 100%8 800,000 800,000 2,4 ANGLED PARKING ROOSEVELT-FLETCHER-FIRST 100% 0 1 AVE. DUMP TRUCK 100% 75,000 75,000 1 1,5 1

1. County 5. FIND 9. Impact Fees 13. FBIP 2. FRDAP 6. FDOT 10. Assessments 14. Fines 3. State 7. FAA 11. Enterprise 15. Unclaim Prop 4. Federal 8. Loan 12 Utility Bond Capital Funds VIII.14 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida City of Fernandina Beach Annual Budget 2017-2018 Five Year Capital Plan AMENDED Priority A: Priority C: 1. Capital Improvements needed to protect public health and safety. 1. Capital Improvements that will increase efficient use of existing public facilities where 2. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a State or Federal mandate. the economic benefit that results from the improvement exceeds the economic cost 3. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a legal or regulatory requirement. of making the improvement. 4. Capital improvements needed to complete an ongoing project. 2. Capital Improvements that will promote redevelopment and/or infill development. 5. Capital improvements that are shovel ready (funding, permits, etc. are in place). Priority D: 6. Capital improvements needed to correct existing deficiencies or maintenance issues. 1. Capital Improvements needed to accommodate projected new development, that are Priority B: consistent with the FLUM, and which represent a logical extension of public facilities. 1. Capital Improvements needed to meet or maintain adopted level of service standards. 2. Capital Improvements needed to serve developments that were approved prior to the 2. Capital improvements needed to implement adopted plans or studies. adoption of thie Fernandina Beach Comprehensive Plan. 3. Capital improvements that are eligible for grant funding. Priority E: 4. Capital improvements that will promote economic development. 1. Capital Improvements that will further the plans of the St. Johns River Water Management 5. Capital improvements that will reduce operating and/or maintenance costs. District and other State agencies that may provide public facilities within the City.

Priorities Funding Source (Per Comp Plan Policy 8.01.02)

*Other Project Title/Justification Gen Fund Cost 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 A B C D E USED MOTOR GRADER 100% 75,000 75,000 1 1,5 1 FORD F750 TRUCK with GRAPPLE 100% 114,000 114,000 1 1 73.2% RAIL SPUR 26.8% 6 3,138,000 3,138,000 4 2,3,4 LignoTech FORD F750 BUCKET TRUCK 100% 60,000 60,000 1 1,5 1 JOHN DEERE FRONT END LOADER 100% 125,000 125,000 1 1,5 1 DUMP TRUCK 100% 130,000 130,000 1 1,5 1 N. 15th/FRANKLIN SLUDGE REMOVAL 100% 10,000 10,000 1,4,6 1,5 Recreation Department

BEACH RENOURISHMENT 27% 27% County 46%3 1,400,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 3,4

BEACH CONSTRUCTION 27% 27% County 46%3 175,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 3,4

BEACH RENOURISHMENT (City/County) 50% 50% County 175,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 3,4

BEACH MONITORING / REPORTING TURTLES 27% 27% County 46%3 160,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 35,000 35,000 3,4 BEACH MONITORING / REPORTING TURTLES 50% 50% County 120,000 120,000 3,4 (City/County) RE-ROOF PORTIONS OF THE ATLANTIC CENTER 100% 35,000 35,000 1,6 1


1. County 5. FIND 9. Impact Fees 13. FBIP 2. FRDAP 6. FDOT 10. Assessments 14. Fines 3. State 7. FAA 11. Enterprise 15. Unclaim Prop 4. Federal 8. Loan 12 Utility Bond Capital Funds VIII.15 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida City of Fernandina Beach Annual Budget 2017-2018 Five Year Capital Plan AMENDED Priority A: Priority C: 1. Capital Improvements needed to protect public health and safety. 1. Capital Improvements that will increase efficient use of existing public facilities where 2. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a State or Federal mandate. the economic benefit that results from the improvement exceeds the economic cost 3. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a legal or regulatory requirement. of making the improvement. 4. Capital improvements needed to complete an ongoing project. 2. Capital Improvements that will promote redevelopment and/or infill development. 5. Capital improvements that are shovel ready (funding, permits, etc. are in place). Priority D: 6. Capital improvements needed to correct existing deficiencies or maintenance issues. 1. Capital Improvements needed to accommodate projected new development, that are Priority B: consistent with the FLUM, and which represent a logical extension of public facilities. 1. Capital Improvements needed to meet or maintain adopted level of service standards. 2. Capital Improvements needed to serve developments that were approved prior to the 2. Capital improvements needed to implement adopted plans or studies. adoption of thie Fernandina Beach Comprehensive Plan. 3. Capital improvements that are eligible for grant funding. Priority E: 4. Capital improvements that will promote economic development. 1. Capital Improvements that will further the plans of the St. Johns River Water Management 5. Capital improvements that will reduce operating and/or maintenance costs. District and other State agencies that may provide public facilities within the City.

Priorities Funding Source (Per Comp Plan Policy 8.01.02)

*Other Project Title/Justification Gen Fund Cost 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 A B C D E REPLACE BEACH ACCESS 40 & 35S 100% 200,000 200,000 1,6 DOWNTOWN STREET IMPROVEMENTS 100% 42,000 42,000 4,6 3



PHASE II MAIN BEACH BOARDWALK 100% 180,000 180,000 1,6 1

PUTT PUTT LIGHTING 100% 65,000 65,000 1,6 2 INSTALL PARK COMPONENTS ON PROPERTY NEAR 75% 25% 800,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,6 1 GOLF COURSE REDECK NORTH BEACH PARK DUNE WALKOVER 100% 65,000 65,000 1,6 1





1. County 5. FIND 9. Impact Fees 13. FBIP 2. FRDAP 6. FDOT 10. Assessments 14. Fines 3. State 7. FAA 11. Enterprise 15. Unclaim Prop 4. Federal 8. Loan 12 Utility Bond Capital Funds VIII.16 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida City of Fernandina Beach Annual Budget 2017-2018 Five Year Capital Plan AMENDED Priority A: Priority C: 1. Capital Improvements needed to protect public health and safety. 1. Capital Improvements that will increase efficient use of existing public facilities where 2. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a State or Federal mandate. the economic benefit that results from the improvement exceeds the economic cost 3. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a legal or regulatory requirement. of making the improvement. 4. Capital improvements needed to complete an ongoing project. 2. Capital Improvements that will promote redevelopment and/or infill development. 5. Capital improvements that are shovel ready (funding, permits, etc. are in place). Priority D: 6. Capital improvements needed to correct existing deficiencies or maintenance issues. 1. Capital Improvements needed to accommodate projected new development, that are Priority B: consistent with the FLUM, and which represent a logical extension of public facilities. 1. Capital Improvements needed to meet or maintain adopted level of service standards. 2. Capital Improvements needed to serve developments that were approved prior to the 2. Capital improvements needed to implement adopted plans or studies. adoption of thie Fernandina Beach Comprehensive Plan. 3. Capital improvements that are eligible for grant funding. Priority E: 4. Capital improvements that will promote economic development. 1. Capital Improvements that will further the plans of the St. Johns River Water Management 5. Capital improvements that will reduce operating and/or maintenance costs. District and other State agencies that may provide public facilities within the City.

Priorities Funding Source (Per Comp Plan Policy 8.01.02)

*Other Project Title/Justification Gen Fund Cost 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 A B C D E INSTALL SPORTS LIGHTING AT JOE VELARDI 100% 85,000 85,000 6 FIELD MAIN BEACH BOARDWALK PHASE II 100% 0 1,4,6 1




REPLACE THE MLK BASKETBALL COURT 100% 30,000 30,000 1,6 1 REROOF THE MLK CENTER 100% 30,000 30,000 1,6 1 Aquatics REPLACE LIGHTS,DECK DRAINS & COOL DECKING 100% 85,000 85,000 1,6 1 AT ARC POOL

1. County 5. FIND 9. Impact Fees 13. FBIP 2. FRDAP 6. FDOT 10. Assessments 14. Fines 3. State 7. FAA 11. Enterprise 15. Unclaim Prop 4. Federal 8. Loan 12 Utility Bond Capital Funds VIII.17 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida City of Fernandina Beach Annual Budget 2017-2018 Five Year Capital Plan AMENDED Priority A: Priority C: 1. Capital Improvements needed to protect public health and safety. 1. Capital Improvements that will increase efficient use of existing public facilities where 2. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a State or Federal mandate. the economic benefit that results from the improvement exceeds the economic cost 3. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a legal or regulatory requirement. of making the improvement. 4. Capital improvements needed to complete an ongoing project. 2. Capital Improvements that will promote redevelopment and/or infill development. 5. Capital improvements that are shovel ready (funding, permits, etc. are in place). Priority D: 6. Capital improvements needed to correct existing deficiencies or maintenance issues. 1. Capital Improvements needed to accommodate projected new development, that are Priority B: consistent with the FLUM, and which represent a logical extension of public facilities. 1. Capital Improvements needed to meet or maintain adopted level of service standards. 2. Capital Improvements needed to serve developments that were approved prior to the 2. Capital improvements needed to implement adopted plans or studies. adoption of thie Fernandina Beach Comprehensive Plan. 3. Capital improvements that are eligible for grant funding. Priority E: 4. Capital improvements that will promote economic development. 1. Capital Improvements that will further the plans of the St. Johns River Water Management 5. Capital improvements that will reduce operating and/or maintenance costs. District and other State agencies that may provide public facilities within the City.

Priorities Funding Source (Per Comp Plan Policy 8.01.02)

*Other Project Title/Justification Gen Fund Cost 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 A B C D E RESURFACE MLK POOL DECK 100% 45,000 45,000 1,6 1 KIDDIE POOL TOYS AT ARC & MLK POOLS 100% 50,000 50,000 1,6 1 RESURFACE MLK POOL 100% 30,000 30,000 1,6 1 RESURFACE THE ARC POOL 100% 50,000 50,000 1,6 1 CRA / Downtown WATER FRONT PARK Fund 300 portion 100% 425,000 125,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 2 FRONT STREET IMPROVEMENTS 100%8 1,815,000 1,815,000 2 Marina DREDGING 50% 50%5 306,000 306,000 1,6 3 Capital Expansion Fund (310) AMENDED NETWORK STORAGE DEVICE 100%9 75,000 75,000 1 SIDEWALKS 100%9 100,000 100,000 WATER FRONT PARK Fund 310 portion 100%9 150,000 150,000 2 EXPAND MLK CAMP ROOM 100%9 180,000 180,000 1,6 1,2 EGANS PARK CREEK ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT 100%9 50,000 50,000 6 1 SHADE STRUCTURES FOR MAIN BEACH & MLK 100%9 83,000 83,000 1,6 1,2 PLAYGROUND HISTORICAL PROGRAMS & SIGNAGE FOR BOSQUE 100%9 25,000 25,000 4,6 BELLO CEMETERY SUN SHELTERS OVER EQUIP STATIONS IN EGANS 100%9 52,000 52,000 1,6 1 CREEK PARK COLUMBURIUM FOR CEMETERY 100%9 35,000 35,000 6 1,2 1 AIRPORT PLAYGROUND 50% 3 50% 9 400,000 400,000 6 1,2 RESTROOMS AT NORTH BEACH PARK 100%9 90,000 90,000 1,6 1.2 INSTALL SHADE STRUCTURES FOR THREE 100%9 105,000 105,000 1,6 LEAGUES

1. County 5. FIND 9. Impact Fees 13. FBIP 2. FRDAP 6. FDOT 10. Assessments 14. Fines 3. State 7. FAA 11. Enterprise 15. Unclaim Prop 4. Federal 8. Loan 12 Utility Bond Capital Funds VIII.18 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida City of Fernandina Beach Annual Budget 2017-2018 Five Year Capital Plan AMENDED Priority A: Priority C: 1. Capital Improvements needed to protect public health and safety. 1. Capital Improvements that will increase efficient use of existing public facilities where 2. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a State or Federal mandate. the economic benefit that results from the improvement exceeds the economic cost 3. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a legal or regulatory requirement. of making the improvement. 4. Capital improvements needed to complete an ongoing project. 2. Capital Improvements that will promote redevelopment and/or infill development. 5. Capital improvements that are shovel ready (funding, permits, etc. are in place). Priority D: 6. Capital improvements needed to correct existing deficiencies or maintenance issues. 1. Capital Improvements needed to accommodate projected new development, that are Priority B: consistent with the FLUM, and which represent a logical extension of public facilities. 1. Capital Improvements needed to meet or maintain adopted level of service standards. 2. Capital Improvements needed to serve developments that were approved prior to the 2. Capital improvements needed to implement adopted plans or studies. adoption of thie Fernandina Beach Comprehensive Plan. 3. Capital improvements that are eligible for grant funding. Priority E: 4. Capital improvements that will promote economic development. 1. Capital Improvements that will further the plans of the St. Johns River Water Management 5. Capital improvements that will reduce operating and/or maintenance costs. District and other State agencies that may provide public facilities within the City.

Priorities Funding Source (Per Comp Plan Policy 8.01.02)

*Other Project Title/Justification Gen Fund Cost 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 A B C D E POST OFFICE ACQUISITION 100%8 1,500,000 1,500,000 1 POST OFFICE INTERIOR DESIGN & PLANS 50%8 50%9 500,000 500,000 1 INSTALL NATURE CENTER FOR GREENWAY 100%9 250,000 250,000 1,2


ARFF VEHICLE 20%9,80%3 300,000 300,000 1 ARFF BUILDING 20%9,80%3 500,000 500,000 1 MOVE FIRE STATION #2 - (Expansion portion) diff 100%9 500,000 500,000 1 years Wastewater Capital Improvement Fund (330) AERATOR MIXER UPGRADE 100%11 400,000 400,000 2, 3, 6 1

DIGESTER BLOWER SYSTEM 100%11 2,000,000 2,000,000 2, 3, 6 1

SLUDGE PRESS 100%11 750,000 750,000 2, 3, 6 1

PLANT AUTOMATION 100%11 500,000 500,000 2, 3, 6 1 ADVANCED TREATMENT 100%11 6,000,000 6,000,000 2, 3, 6 1

1. County 5. FIND 9. Impact Fees 13. FBIP 2. FRDAP 6. FDOT 10. Assessments 14. Fines 3. State 7. FAA 11. Enterprise 15. Unclaim Prop 4. Federal 8. Loan 12 Utility Bond Capital Funds VIII.19 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida City of Fernandina Beach Annual Budget 2017-2018 Five Year Capital Plan AMENDED Priority A: Priority C: 1. Capital Improvements needed to protect public health and safety. 1. Capital Improvements that will increase efficient use of existing public facilities where 2. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a State or Federal mandate. the economic benefit that results from the improvement exceeds the economic cost 3. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a legal or regulatory requirement. of making the improvement. 4. Capital improvements needed to complete an ongoing project. 2. Capital Improvements that will promote redevelopment and/or infill development. 5. Capital improvements that are shovel ready (funding, permits, etc. are in place). Priority D: 6. Capital improvements needed to correct existing deficiencies or maintenance issues. 1. Capital Improvements needed to accommodate projected new development, that are Priority B: consistent with the FLUM, and which represent a logical extension of public facilities. 1. Capital Improvements needed to meet or maintain adopted level of service standards. 2. Capital Improvements needed to serve developments that were approved prior to the 2. Capital improvements needed to implement adopted plans or studies. adoption of thie Fernandina Beach Comprehensive Plan. 3. Capital improvements that are eligible for grant funding. Priority E: 4. Capital improvements that will promote economic development. 1. Capital Improvements that will further the plans of the St. Johns River Water Management 5. Capital improvements that will reduce operating and/or maintenance costs. District and other State agencies that may provide public facilities within the City.

Priorities Funding Source (Per Comp Plan Policy 8.01.02)

*Other Project Title/Justification Gen Fund Cost 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 A B C D E Golf Course Fund (410) AMENDED Enterprise *Other DRIVING RANGE IMPROVEMENTS 100%11 25,000 25,000 6 1,5 1 MAINTENANCE EQUIP PACKAGE 100%11 262,000 62,000 200,000 4 4 1 GOLF CART FLEET REPLACEMENT interfund loan 688,000 338,000 350,000 6 1,5 1 ACCESS DRIVEWAY 100%11 50,000 50,000 3 GREEN RENOVATIONS 100%11 50,000 50,000 6 1,5 1 BUNKER RENOVATION 100%11 90,000 60,000 30,000 6 1,5 1 CART PATH RENOVATION 100%11 50,000 50,000 6 1,5 1 KITCHEN EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 100%11 20,000 20,000 6 1,5 1 BAR RENOVATION 100%11 5,000 5,000 6 1,5 1 TEE RENOVATIONS 100%11 75,000 40,000 35,000 6 1,5 1 Airport Fund (420) AMENDED AIRPORT Cost 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 A B C D E

OPERATIONS AND WELCOME CENTER BUILDING 36.4%11 12.2%Econ 42.3%6, 9.1%7 4,195,000 4,195,000 4 3,4

ACCESS DRIVEWAY 100%11 75,000 75,000 3 HANGAR B RENOVATIONS 100%11 150,000 150,000 6 WELCOME CENTER-PUBLIC AREA 100%11 300,000 300,000 6 REHAB RUNWAY 4-22 PAVEMENT 5%11 5%6, 90%7 2,200,000 200,000 2,000,000 3 FUEL FARM NORTH AREA 20%11 80%6 400,000 75,000 325,000 6 3 NORTH TERMINAL APRON REHAB 20%11 80%6 525,000 75,000 450,000 6 3 T-HANGARS/BULK HANGARS NORTH AREA 20%11 80%6 1,400,000 500,000 900,000 6 3 CONSTRUCT CORP HANGAR AND APRON 20%11 80%6 1,875,000 1,875,000 3,4 AIRPORT/JAMESTOWN RD INTERSECTION 20%11 80%6 500,000 500,000 4 1 IMPROVEMENTS 1. County 5. FIND 9. Impact Fees 13. FBIP 2. FRDAP 6. FDOT 10. Assessments 14. Fines 3. State 7. FAA 11. Enterprise 15. Unclaim Prop 4. Federal 8. Loan 12 Utility Bond Capital Funds VIII.20 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida City of Fernandina Beach Annual Budget 2017-2018 Five Year Capital Plan AMENDED Priority A: Priority C: 1. Capital Improvements needed to protect public health and safety. 1. Capital Improvements that will increase efficient use of existing public facilities where 2. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a State or Federal mandate. the economic benefit that results from the improvement exceeds the economic cost 3. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a legal or regulatory requirement. of making the improvement. 4. Capital improvements needed to complete an ongoing project. 2. Capital Improvements that will promote redevelopment and/or infill development. 5. Capital improvements that are shovel ready (funding, permits, etc. are in place). Priority D: 6. Capital improvements needed to correct existing deficiencies or maintenance issues. 1. Capital Improvements needed to accommodate projected new development, that are Priority B: consistent with the FLUM, and which represent a logical extension of public facilities. 1. Capital Improvements needed to meet or maintain adopted level of service standards. 2. Capital Improvements needed to serve developments that were approved prior to the 2. Capital improvements needed to implement adopted plans or studies. adoption of thie Fernandina Beach Comprehensive Plan. 3. Capital improvements that are eligible for grant funding. Priority E: 4. Capital improvements that will promote economic development. 1. Capital Improvements that will further the plans of the St. Johns River Water Management 5. Capital improvements that will reduce operating and/or maintenance costs. District and other State agencies that may provide public facilities within the City.

Priorities Funding Source (Per Comp Plan Policy 8.01.02)

*Other Project Title/Justification Gen Fund Cost 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 A B C D E Utilities-Wastewater Fund (450) Enterprise *Other SYSTEM LATERALS 100%11 100,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 1,4,5,6 5 1 LIFT STATION UPGRADES 100%11 250,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 1,4,5,6 4,5 1,2 GRAVITY RELINE 100%11 1,250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,4,5,6 1,4,5 1,2 PLANT AUTOMATION 100%11 100,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 1,2,3,4,5 1,5 1 1 SOLAR POWER SYSTEMS 100%11 200,000 100,000 100,000 6 1,5 MAN HOLE REHABILITATION 100%11 250,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 1,4,5,6 1,4,5 1 SEWER EXPANSION 100%11 250,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 1,4,5,6 4,5 1,2 1 TRUCKS (3) 100%11 175,000 175,000 1,5 SKID STEER & TRAILER 100%11 75,000 75,000 1,5 AUTOCRANES 5005EH 100%11 40,000 40,000 1,5 BYPASS PUMP 100%11 55,000 55,000 1,2,3,6 1,5 ANOXIC ZONE MIXER 100%11 25,000 25,000 1,2,3,6 1,5 1 CLAIFIER A UPGRADES 100%11 50,000 50,000 1,2,3,6 1,5 1 Utilities-Water Fund (460) Enterprise *Other RENEWAL & REPLACEMENTS 100%11 500,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,3,4,5,6 1,4,5 1,2 1 WATER METER NEW ACCOUNTS 100%11 50,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 3,5,6 5 1 1 WATER METER PERIODICS 100%11 500,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 3,5,6 2,5 1 1 SERVICE TRUCK 100%11 40,000 40,000 1,5 1 BACKHOE 100%11 100,000 100,000 5 1 SOLAR PLANT #3 WTP 100%11 100,000 100,000 4,5 5 1 PAINT INSIDE OF WATER TOWER 100%11 100,000 100,000 1,2,5,6 1,5 1

1. County 5. FIND 9. Impact Fees 13. FBIP 2. FRDAP 6. FDOT 10. Assessments 14. Fines 3. State 7. FAA 11. Enterprise 15. Unclaim Prop 4. Federal 8. Loan 12 Utility Bond Capital Funds VIII.21 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida City of Fernandina Beach Annual Budget 2017-2018 Five Year Capital Plan AMENDED Priority A: Priority C: 1. Capital Improvements needed to protect public health and safety. 1. Capital Improvements that will increase efficient use of existing public facilities where 2. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a State or Federal mandate. the economic benefit that results from the improvement exceeds the economic cost 3. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a legal or regulatory requirement. of making the improvement. 4. Capital improvements needed to complete an ongoing project. 2. Capital Improvements that will promote redevelopment and/or infill development. 5. Capital improvements that are shovel ready (funding, permits, etc. are in place). Priority D: 6. Capital improvements needed to correct existing deficiencies or maintenance issues. 1. Capital Improvements needed to accommodate projected new development, that are Priority B: consistent with the FLUM, and which represent a logical extension of public facilities. 1. Capital Improvements needed to meet or maintain adopted level of service standards. 2. Capital Improvements needed to serve developments that were approved prior to the 2. Capital improvements needed to implement adopted plans or studies. adoption of thie Fernandina Beach Comprehensive Plan. 3. Capital improvements that are eligible for grant funding. Priority E: 4. Capital improvements that will promote economic development. 1. Capital Improvements that will further the plans of the St. Johns River Water Management 5. Capital improvements that will reduce operating and/or maintenance costs. District and other State agencies that may provide public facilities within the City.

Priorities Funding Source (Per Comp Plan Policy 8.01.02)

*Other Project Title/Justification Gen Fund Cost 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 A B C D E Storm Water Management Fund (470) AMENDED Enterprise SJRWMD *Other A-1 NORTH 15TH STREET 9% 91% 276,283 276,283 1,6 1,2,3,5 1 A-5 DOWNTOWN (Broom to Alachua, from River to 100%3 500,000 500,000 1,6 1,2,3,5 1 8th) NORTH FLETCHER PARK DRAINAGE 100%11 40,000 40,000 1,6 1,2,3,5 1

24' x 70' QUONSET HUT 100%11 100,000 100,000 1 F-350 w/CRANE 100%11 70,000 70,000 1 F-250 w/ UTILITY BODY 100%11 35,000 35,000 1 ASH STREET PIPE LINING 100%11 59,389 59,389 1,6 1,2,3,5 1 LISA AVE / FT CLINCH DRAINAGE 100% 329,507 329,507 1,6 1,2,3,5 1 A-5 DOWNTOWN (Broom to Alachua, from River to 65%11 35%4 650,000 400,000 250,000 1,6 1,2,3,5 1 8th) A-7 FIR to GUM St (River to 8th St) 100% 1,284,784 1,000,000 284,784 1,6 1,2,3,5 1 A-4 BEECH STREET - S 9th to 14th 100%8 773,015 773,015 1,6 1,2,3,5 EAST 1st STREET DRAINAGE 100%11 55,000 55,000 1,6 1,2,3,5 1 A-3 BEECH STREET - East of 16th 100%8 1,322,601 1,322,601 1,6 1,2,3,5 1 A-2 HIGHLAND DRIVE 100%11 498,706 498,706 1,6 1,2,3,5 1 A-6 ASH to ELM STREET (From River to 6th) 100%11 2,038,584 2,038,584 1,6 1,2,3,5 1 A-8 1st AVE (Allen to Casino) 100% 555,202 555,202 1,6 1,2,3,5 1 VACUUM TRUCK 100%11 400,000 400,000 1

1. County 5. FIND 9. Impact Fees 13. FBIP 2. FRDAP 6. FDOT 10. Assessments 14. Fines 3. State 7. FAA 11. Enterprise 15. Unclaim Prop 4. Federal 8. Loan 12 Utility Bond Capital Funds VIII.22 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida City of Fernandina Beach Annual Budget 2017-2018 Five Year Capital Plan AMENDED Priority A: Priority C: 1. Capital Improvements needed to protect public health and safety. 1. Capital Improvements that will increase efficient use of existing public facilities where 2. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a State or Federal mandate. the economic benefit that results from the improvement exceeds the economic cost 3. Capital Improvements needed to fulfill a legal or regulatory requirement. of making the improvement. 4. Capital improvements needed to complete an ongoing project. 2. Capital Improvements that will promote redevelopment and/or infill development. 5. Capital improvements that are shovel ready (funding, permits, etc. are in place). Priority D: 6. Capital improvements needed to correct existing deficiencies or maintenance issues. 1. Capital Improvements needed to accommodate projected new development, that are Priority B: consistent with the FLUM, and which represent a logical extension of public facilities. 1. Capital Improvements needed to meet or maintain adopted level of service standards. 2. Capital Improvements needed to serve developments that were approved prior to the 2. Capital improvements needed to implement adopted plans or studies. adoption of thie Fernandina Beach Comprehensive Plan. 3. Capital improvements that are eligible for grant funding. Priority E: 4. Capital improvements that will promote economic development. 1. Capital Improvements that will further the plans of the St. Johns River Water Management 5. Capital improvements that will reduce operating and/or maintenance costs. District and other State agencies that may provide public facilities within the City.

Priorities Funding Source (Per Comp Plan Policy 8.01.02)

*Other Project Title/Justification Gen Fund Cost 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 A B C D E Marina Fund (480) AMENDED

Enterprise *Other TIMBER WALKWAY 5.7% 94.3%5 35,000 35,000 1,6 1,3 1 15%5 FUEL DOCK 1.7% 120,000 120,000 6 1,3,5 1 83.3%FFWC FUEL SYSTEM 5.0% 95%5 40,000 40,000 6 1,3,5 1 SOUTHERN ATTENUATOR 12.5% 87.5% FEMA 5,932,300 5,932,300 6 1,3,5 1,2 REMOVE SOUTHERN BASIN DOCKS 50.0% 50%5 150,000 150,000 6 1,3,4 1,2 DEMO 101 N FRONT ST 100.0% 200,000 200,000 INSTALL / RECONFIGURE SOUTHERN DOCKS 58.3% 41.7%5 600,000 600,000 6 1,3,4 1,2 MOORING FIELD PHASE 1 50% 50%5 120,000 120,000 3 MOORING FIELD PHASE 2 50% 50%5 150,000 150,000 3 MOORING FIELD PHASE 3 50% 50%5 150,000 150,000 3 4.3%5 NORTHERN EXPANSION 52.9% 3,500,000 3,500,000 6 1,3,5 1,2 42.8%13 AMENITIES 50% 50%5 150,000 150,000 1 Central Garage (510) Service Fund *Other

ERP SOFTWARE 100% 60,000 60,000 6 1

PICKUP TRUCK 100% 25,000 25,000 6 1 Utility Billing (520) Service Fund *Other

ERP SOFTWARE 100% 75,000 75,000 6 1

1. County 5. FIND 9. Impact Fees 13. FBIP 2. FRDAP 6. FDOT 10. Assessments 14. Fines 3. State 7. FAA 11. Enterprise 15. Unclaim Prop 4. Federal 8. Loan 12 Utility Bond Capital Funds VIII.23 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Internal Service Funds

IX. City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Table of Contents Section Description Page #

Internal Service Funds Internal Service Funds Contents Internal IX.1 Fleet IX.2 Utility Billing IX.8 Utility Administration IX.15

Internal Service Funds IX. 1 City of Fernandina Beach Annual Budget 2017-2018

Organization Chart Fleet

Fleet & Facilities Maintenance Director

Master Mechanic

(1) FT


(1) FT

Maint Tech (1) PT

Facilities Maintenance Department Full-Time: 5.5 Part-Time: 3 Seasonal: 0 Fleet Department Full-Time: 2.5 Part-Time: 1 Seasonal: 0 Total: Facilities Maintenance Division Full-Time: 8 Part-Time: 2 Seasonal: 0

Internal Service Funds IX. 2 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary Fleet

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time Fleet & Facilities Maintenance Director 0.5 32,107 Master Mechanic 1 40,248 Mechanic 1 35,880 Merit Pool 3,247

Total FT 2.5 111,482 Part-Time Maintenance Tech 1 24,882 Merit Pool 995

Total PT 1 25,877 Total Budgeted Positions 3.5 137,359

Internal Service Funds IX. 3 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Fleet Fund

FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Fleet:510 All Garage Fund Revenues & Cash Balances


OTHER REVENUES 33120 FEMA - - - - - 0.0% 38410 Loan Proceeds - - 130,000 - - 0.0% 36110 Interest - - - - - 0.0%

38144 Recycling Services - Sanitation 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 0.0% 38047 Humane Society - Parts 206 94 1,000 750 500 -33.3% 38048 Humane Society - Labor 152 338 1,000 750 500 -33.3% 38049 Humane Society - Fuel 2,384 1,634 3,500 5,000 3,000 -40.0% 36990 Other Revenue 13,545 11,934 12,000 15,000 8,000 -46.7% 36994 Loaner Vehicle Revenue 7,303 4,383 6,500 6,500 1,500 -76.9% 36992 Gain on Sale of Assets 39,681 77,923 50,000 75,000 75,000 0.0% Total 76,771 109,806 217,500 116,500 102,000 -12.4%

INTERFUND REIMBURSEMENTS 5101000 38040 General/Parts 235,918 276,920 239,250 262,500 261,750 -0.3% 5101000 38045 General/Labor 123,500 146,250 146,250 148,000 143,250 -3.2% 5104100 38040 Golf Course/Parts - - - - - 0.0% 5104100 38045 Golf Course Labor - - - - - 0.0% 5104200 38040 Airport Parts 3,970 2,489 3,000 3,000 3,500 16.7% 5104200 38045 Airport Labor 1,908 2,505 2,500 3,000 3,500 16.7% 5104500 38040 Wastewater Operations/Parts 30,176 82,049 30,000 45,000 40,000 -11.1% 5104500 38045 Wastewater Operations/Labor 14,850 24,931 20,000 25,000 20,000 -20.0% 5104600 38040 Water Operations/Parts 23,032 28,414 25,000 30,000 30,000 0.0% 5104600 38045 Water Operations/Labor 9,739 10,307 15,000 15,000 15,000 0.0% 5104700 38040 Storm Water Mgmt Parts - - - - 15,000 0.0% 5104700 38045 Storm Water Mgmt Labor - - - - 12,000 0.0% 5104800 38040 Marina Parts - - - - - 0.0% 5104800 38045 Marina Labor - - - - - 0.0% 5103900 38040 Cemetery/Parts 1,827 1,206 1,000 2,000 2,000 0.0% 5103900 38045 Cemetery/Labor 957 838 750 1,500 1,500 0.0% 510 38053 Gas/Oil 264,859 235,703 370,750 309,000 333,750 8.0% Total 710,736 811,612 853,500 844,000 881,250 4.4%

TOTAL REVENUES 787,507 921,418 1,071,000 960,500 983,250 2.4%

TRANSFERS IN 38101 From General Fund - 50,000 50,000 - - 0.0% Total - 50,000 50,000 - - 0.0%

CASH BALANCE FORWARD 38910 Cash Balance Forward (37,795) (60,908) (71,000) 16,400 7,800 -52.4% Total (37,795) (60,908) (71,000) 16,400 7,800 -52.4%

TOTAL REVENUE & CASH BALANCES 749,712 910,510 1,050,000 976,900 991,050 1.4%

Internal Service Funds IX.4 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 Fleet Fund FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Fleet:510 Internal Service


EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 147,619 164,366 152,072 148,767 111,482 -25.1% 51210 Workers' Comp Reimbursement (428) - - - 0.0% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary - - - - 0.0% 51350 Part Time - - 15,000 25,877 72.5% 51400 Overtime 4,333 5,766 5,000 3,500 6,000 71.4% 52100 FICA 11,461 11,996 12,016 12,796 10,967 -14.3% 52200 Retirement 29,889 33,536 32,409 23,107 36,622 58.5% 52300 Health Insur 21,689 23,969 24,678 22,555 23,060 2.2% 52301 Life Insur 765 785 784 634 550 -13.2% 52400 Workers' Comp 4,198 3,039 3,039 2,838 3,428 20.8% 52500 Unemployment - - - - - 0.0% Total 219,526 243,457 229,998 229,197 217,986 -4.9% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services - - - - - 0.0% 53200 Audit 2,205 2,265 2,265 2,265 2,265 0.0% 53400 Contractual 8,344 10,481 9,560 13,896 22,275 60.3% 54000 Training/Travel 314 3,429 2,000 2,000 2,250 12.5% 54100 Communications 555 288 288 288 288 0.0% 54101 Communications - Cellular 1,276 1,152 1,200 1,260 1,730 37.3% 54103 Communications - Internet 1,238 1,300 1,345 1,345 1,635 21.6% 54200 Postage - 47 100 100 100 0.0% 54300 Utilities - Electric 4,030 3,812 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.0% 54310 Utilities - Water & Sewer 2,142 1,931 1,500 1,700 1,900 11.8% 54500 Insurance 17,032 19,194 19,194 20,061 20,541 2.4% 54610 R/M Buildings 1,133 1,109 2,000 1,750 4,500 157.1% 54620 R/M Equipment 3,137 2,323 5,000 4,500 7,750 72.2% 54630 R/M Vehicles-Labor 1,713 1,785 1,500 2,000 2,000 0.0% 54640 R/M Vehicles-Parts 3,200 3,466 2,500 3,000 3,000 0.0% 55100 Office Supplies 343 594 500 500 1,000 100.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 6,293 7,696 9,410 7,160 10,370 44.8% 55210 Uniforms 313 562 450 450 575 27.8% 55220 Janitorial Supplies - - - - - 0.0% 55230 Gas/Oil 5,643 4,274 6,500 5,000 4,500 -10.0% 55240 Chemicals/Medical Supplies - - 500 500 500 0.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues - - - - - 0.0% Total 58,911 65,708 68,812 70,775 90,179 27.4% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56200 Buildings - - - - 0.0% 56300 Improvements - - - - 0.0% 56400 Machinery/Equipment 14,061 45,831 137,500 88,600 60,000 -32.3% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-CAP - - - 5,700 0.0% Total 14,061 45,831 137,500 88,600 65,700 -25.8% DEBT SERVICE 57100 Principal - - - - - 0.0% 57200 Interest - - 5,200 - - 0.0% Total - - 5,200 - - 0.0% FUEL & MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE 58600 Gas/Oil 238,821 196,192 335,000 275,000 290,000 5.5% 58700 Vehicle Parts /Services 273,301 360,162 275,000 302,000 305,000 1.0% Total 512,122 556,354 610,000 577,000 595,000 3.1% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 804,620 911,350 1,051,510 965,572 968,865 0.3% TRANSFERS, CONTINGENCIES, RESERVES 59100 Transfer to General Fund 6,000 - - - 15,000 0.0% 59990 Reserve (60,908) (840) (1,510) 11,328 7,185 -36.6% Total (54,908) (840) (1,510) 11,328 22,185 95.8% TOTAL EXPENDITURES, TRANSFERS, 749,712 910,510 1,050,000 976,900 991,050 CONTINGENCIES & RESERVES 1.4%

Internal Service Funds IX.5 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Maintenance Division: Fleet

2. Department/Division Function Summary:

To provide preventative maintenance and repairs to all City vehicles, & equipment - the Fleet Maintenance Division purchases, maintains, and disposes of all City vehicles & equipment. This division assists contractors with outsourced repairs. This division purchases & distributes fuel by means of an on-site fuel station. Partial functions of the Sanitation Department also fall under the responsibility of the Fleet Division and include: annual recycling events, web updates, recycle station program, etc.

3. Department Description:

Number of Funded Employees Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Maintenance Director 1 FT 1 FT .5 FT .5 FT Master Mechanic 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Mechanic 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT

Maintenance Tech 0 0 1 PT 1 PT

Total 3 FT 3 FT 2.5 FT 2.5 FT 1 PT 1 PT

4. Program Performance Indicators:

Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Surplus Revenue $39,325 $101,783 $75,000 $90,000 Fuel used (gallons) 92,000 94,748 88,000 94,000 Fleet Inventory 217 217 218 222

Hourly Rate

$135 $120 $105 $90 $75 $60 $45 $30 $15 $0


Ten-8 Fire Ring Power Ron Ander Tire Kingdom Tom Nehl Truck Paul Clark Ford Steve Johnson Beard Equipment

Automasters Fleet SVCs

Internal Service Fund IX.6 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018


1. Department: Maintenance Division: Fleet

2. Principal Programs:

A. EVT & ASE certifications B. Automotive diagnostic support

3. Programs Goals and Objectives:

A. Program: EVT & ASE certifications Goal: Dual certifications for all FT shop personnel Objective: Continue training and testing so that FT personnel are both EVT and ASE certified. Deadline: March 2018 Measure: Compare with existing certification level

B. Program: Automotive diagnostic support Goal: Update existing diagnostic equipment Objective: Update diagnostic equipment so that staff may properly diagnose newer vehicles & equipment Deadline: December 2018 Measure: Compare with existing equipment

Internal Service Funds IX.7 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Utility Billing Mission Statement

The Utility Billing Department provides residential and commercial billing for water, sewer, sanitation, airport hangars and storage units, and other City property leases. We strive to render accurate billing on a timely basis to all of our customers and to provide excellent customer service in a professional and courteous manner.

Internal Service Funds IX.8 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Organization Chart Utility Billing

Comproller (2)

Utility Billing Department Finance Department

Purchasing Accounting Utility Billing Agent Supervisor Supervisor (1 PT) (1 FT) (1 FT)

Accountant Office Assistant (2 FT) (1 FT)

Accounting Clerk Customer Serv Billing Staff Assistant Specialist Specialist (2 FT) (1 PT) (2 FT) (1 FT)

Finance Department: Full-Time: 7 Part-Time: 2 Seasonal: 0 Utility Billing Department: Full-Time: 5 Part-Time: 0 Seasonal: 0 Total: Full-Time: 12 Part-Time: 3 Seasonal: 0

Internal Service Fund IX.9 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary Utility Billing

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time Utility Billing Supervisor 1 58,325 Utility Billing Specialist 1 46,696 Customer Service Specialist 2 68,619 Office Assistant 1 29,432 Merit Pool 5,018

Total FT 5 208,090

Total Budgeted Positions 5 208,090

Internal Service Funds IX. 10 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 Utility Billing Fund FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Utility Billing:520 All Utility Billing Fund Revenues & Cash Balances

REVENUE OBJECT #/TITLE ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE OTHER REVENUES 33120 FEMA - - - - - 0.0% 34300 Admin Fees 27,705 28,962 32,000 32,000 32,000 0.0% 36110 Interest - - - - - 0.0% 5204200 38052 Airport Revenue for UB 6,000 7,700 7,700 7,000 7,000 0.0% 5204400 38052 Sanitation Revenue for UB 80,000 100,000 100,000 88,000 88,000 0.0% 5204500 38052 Wastewater Revenue for UB 130,000 167,500 167,500 150,000 167,500 11.7% 5204600 38052 Water Revenue for UB 130,000 167,500 167,500 150,000 167,500 11.7% 5204700 38052 Storm Water Revenue for UB 26,000 33,500 33,500 28,600 33,500 17.1% 36990 Other Revenue 17 804 - - - 0.0% Total 399,722 505,966 583,200 455,600 495,500 8.8%

TOTAL REVENUES 399,722 505,966 583,200 455,600 495,500 8.8% TRANSFERS IN & CASH BALANCE FORWARD 38130 Transfer From Cap Imp - 50,700 - - - 0.0% 38910 Cash Balance Forward 36,860 37,311 31,300 154,800 50,250 -67.5% Total 36,860 88,011 31,300 154,800 50,250 -67.5% TOTAL REVENUES & CASH BALANCES 436,582 593,977 614,500 610,400 545,750 -10.6%

FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Utility Billing:520 Internal Service

FUND/DEPARTMENT # ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ 520 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 177,996 191,762 179,425 209,581 208,090 -0.7% 51350 Part Time 15,781 17,559 14,219 - - 0.0% 51400 Overtime 939 929 1,000 2,000 3,000 50.0% 52100 FICA 14,598 14,934 14,890 16,186 16,148 -0.2% 52200 Retirement 56,252 62,620 60,515 63,497 68,710 8.2% 52300 Health Insur 29,191 31,987 33,040 35,901 36,960 2.9% 52301 Life Insur 903 918 921 937 1,084 15.7% 52400 Workers' Comp 415 270 270 264 356 34.8% 52500 Unemployment - - - - - 0.0% Total 296,075 320,979 304,280 328,366 334,348 1.8% OPERATING EXPENSES 53400 Contractual 11,133 12,431 15,475 23,670 25,709 8.6% 54000 Training/Travel 1,313 1,562 2,295 3,290 3,290 0.0% 54100 Communications 1,276 876 432 874 882 0.9% 54103 Communications - Internet 1,114 1,300 1,345 1,345 1,635 21.6% 54200 Postage 39,990 44,289 45,000 45,000 45,000 0.0% 54300 Utilities - Electric 2,608 2,884 3,000 3,000 3,500 16.7% 54310 Utilities - Water & Sewer 595 798 875 875 1,000 14.3% 54610 R/M Buildings 177 168 5,200 5,200 1,000 -80.8% 54620 R/M Equipment - - 700 700 700 0.0% 4650 Outside R/M Veh Parts 54700 Printing 4,048 5,411 6,300 5,500 5,800 5.5% 54902 Bad Debt Expense 528 782 5,000 5,000 1,500 -70.0% 55100 Office Supplies 2,444 3,376 2,900 2,900 3,200 10.3% 55200 Operating Supplies 37,970 43,287 35,820 51,820 49,410 -4.7% 55210 Uniforms - - - 700 700 0.0% 55220 Janitorial Supplies - 103 400 400 400 0.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues - - 150 - - 0.0% Total 103,196 117,267 124,892 150,274 143,726 -4.4% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56300 Improvements - 50,441 - - - 0.0% 56400 Machinery/Equipment - - 150,000 110,000 75,000 -31.8% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non CAP - - - - - 0.0% Total - 50,441 150,000 110,000 75,000 -31.8% DEBT SERVICE 57100 Principal - - 5,110 13,787 - -100.0% 57200 Interest - - 4,540 1,602 - -100.0% Total - - 9,650 15,389 - -100.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 399,271 488,687 588,822 604,029 553,074 -8.4% TRANSFERS/CONTINGENCIES/RESERVES 59300 Transfer to CIP Fund 300 - - - - 10,700 0.0% 59990 Reserve 37,311 105,290 25,678 6,371 (18,024) -382.9% Total 37,311 105,290 25,678 6,371 (7,324) -215.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES, CONTINGENCIES, 436,582 593,977 614,500 610,400 545,750 -10.6% TRANSFERS & RESERVES Internal Service Funds IX.11 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Utility Billing Division: Finance

2. Department/Division Function Summary:

To provide excellent customer service to all internal & external customers. To assist customers by phone or in person with their water, sewer & garbage billing questions, new or disconnection of service, change in customer account information, complaints, adjustments, etc. To post all payments delivered by mail or in person to customers’ accounts as received daily. Balance all revenue received daily to the cash receipts report. Compute, audit, print, and mail bills by cycles weekly. Audit delinquent accounts weekly by cycle and mail the customers disconnect notices if applicable. If delinquent balance is not paid within 10 days of notice, meter is disconnected for nonpayment.

3. Department Description:

This department provides monthly billing to approximately 9,200 accounts for water, sewer, garbage, airport hanger and storage unit rent, and city property leases consisting of residential, commercial and industrial customers. We maintain billing by auditing each designated area after the water meters have been read by the meter reader and imported into our billing system via Invensys Metering Systems. In order to provide professional customer service, the following employees are listed:

Number of Funded Actual Actual Budget Budget Employees 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Utility Billing Supervisor 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT

Utility Billing Specialist 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Customer Service Specialist 2 FT 2 FT 2 FT 2 FT Office Assistant 1 PT 1 PT 1 FT 1 FT Total 4 FT 4 FT 5 FT 5 FT 1 PT 1 PT O PT O PT

Internal Service Funds IX.12 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

4. Performance Indicators

Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 New Service Connections 1,566 1,538 1,454 1,520 (new meter sets & daily turn on’s) Service Disconnects (daily 2,331 2,371 2,464 2,389 turn offs, turn off & remove meter, & disconnects for nonpay) All Other Service Orders 2,240 2,533 2,552 2,442

Active Account Bills Mailed 111,583 119,705 110,500 120,000 and Emailed (Including Disconnect For Nonpayment Notices) Final Account Bills Mailed 1,439 1,495 1,387 1,441 and Emailed Payments Received & Posted 78,848 79,410 82,072 80,110 to Customer Accounts (Including cash, check, credit cards, electronic (non-direct debit) Accounts With Billing 1,404 937 1,427 1,256 Adjustments (Including transfers of unpaid account balances & charge offs) Number of Complaints Handled 1,920 780 1,650 1,450 (includes E- statement issue 2/2015) Deposit and Credit Balance 797 777 786 787 Refunds NSF Returns & Credit Card 82 92 87 87 Chard backs – Checks, Direct Debit (auto electronic), & Credit Card Reversals Direct Debit Accounts 17,170 19,036 17,266 17,824

Number of training hours 5 30 30 25 completed by staff

Internal Service Funds IX.13 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 Program Goals and Objectives

1. Department: Utility Billing Division: Finance

2. Principal Programs:

A. Customer Service B. Billing C. Collection of Delinquent Balances

3. Program Goals and Objectives:

A. Enhance Customer Service

Goal: To provide excellent customer service to our citizens in a timely and professional manner. Objective: Increase customer satisfaction by decreasing response time from CSR’s through education and training. Deadline: Ongoing Measure: The number of customer requests, inquires, suggestions, and complaints made on a weekly basis verses average response time.

B. Billing Procedures

Goal: Improve billing procedures and resolve issues with the IMS program. Objective: Revise old procedures according to improved methods and corrected program issues. Deadline: Ongoing and long term goal Measure: Number of external and internal customer complaints and enhancement suggestions.

C. Collection of Delinquent Balances

Goal: Report 90 day delinquent accounts to our contracted collection agency quarterly. Objective: Decrease aged accounts and increase revenue. Deadline: Ongoing and long term goal Measure: The number and amount of aged accounts.

D. Implement New Computer Software

Goal: Assist Tyler Tech and the City’s project team with implementation process. Objective: Improved technology, security, productivity, and enhanced customer service. Deadline: December 2017 Measure: Review of current procedures and processes to determine how to integrate with new software. Develop and implement new procedures.

Internal Service Funds IX.14 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Utility Administration Mission Statement

The Utility Administration Division is dedicated to managing all the Utilities of the City in the most efficient business manner by maintaining standards, effective material supply, record keeping, engineering services, budget preparation and long term planning so that the current and future needs of residents, businesses and visitors are met while safe guarding the public and environment.

Internal Service Funds IX.15 City of Fernandina Beach Annual Budget 2017-2018

Organization Chart Utility Administration

Utility Director

Water Wastewater Stormwater Administration Division Division Division

Administrative Purchasing Agent Coordinator (1) FT (1) FT

Full-Time: 3 Part-Time: 0 Seasonal: 0

Internal Service Funds IX.16 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Position Control Summary Utilities Administration

2017-2018 Position/Title Budget

Full-Time Utilities Director 1 108,311 Purchasing Agent 1 52,416 Administrative Coordinator 1 38,782 Merit Pool/promotion 5,625

Total FT 3 205,134

Total Budgeted Positions 3 205,134

Internal Service Funds IX. 17 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Utilities Administration Fund FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Utilities Administration Fund:530 All Utilities Administration Revenues & Cash Balances

REVENUE OBJECT #/TITLE ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE/ 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 DECREASE OTHER REVENUE 33120 FEMA - - - - - 0.0% 36110 Interest - - - - - 0.0% 5304500 38054 Wastewater Revenue for UA 130,000 130,000 130,000 156,500 165,993 6.1% 5304600 38054 Water Revenue for UA 130,000 130,000 130,000 156,500 165,993 6.1% 5304700 38054 Stormwater Revenue for UA 53,000 53,000 53,000 - - 0.0% 36990 Other Revenue - - - - - 0.0% Total 313,000 313,000 313,000 313,000 331,986 6.1%

TOTAL REVENUES 313,000 313,000 313,000 313,000 331,986 6.1% CASH BALANCE FORWARD 38910 Cash Balance Forward 127,869 118,781 122,200 94,800 65,800 -30.6% Total 127,869 118,781 122,200 94,800 65,800 -30.6% TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCES 440,869 431,781 435,200 407,800 397,786 -2.5%

FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Utilities Administration Fund:530 Internal Service


EXPENDITURE OBJECT #/NAME PERSONNEL 51200 Salaries 190,084 196,081 195,281 202,767 205,134 1.2% 51210 Workers' Comp Reimbursement - - - - - 0.0% 51300 Seasonal/Temporary - - - - - 0.0% 51350 Part Time - - - - - 0.0% 51400 Overtime 1,031 91 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% 52100 FICA 13,855 14,242 15,015 15,588 15,769 1.2% 52200 Retirement 60,086 68,134 65,844 71,155 65,921 -7.4% 52300 Health Insur 30,453 33,379 34,337 39,318 38,553 -1.9% 52301 Life Insur 980 1,006 979 1,051 1,041 -1.0% 52400 Workers' Comp 5,777 4,225 4,225 3,693 5,085 37.7% 52500 Unemployment - - - - - 0.0% Total 302,266 317,158 316,681 334,572 332,503 -0.6% OPERATING EXPENSES 53100 Professional Services - - - - - 0.0% 53400 Contractual 3,770 3,946 3,536 5,260 9,205 75.0% 54000 Training/Travel 1,348 5,362 5,250 5,250 5,250 0.0% 54100 Communications 915 673 932 920 564 -38.7% 54101 Communications - Cellular 1,494 1,185 1,640 1,640 1,640 0.0% 54103 Communications - Internet 1,261 1,326 1,345 1,345 1,662 23.6% 54200 Postage - - 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.0% 54300 Utilities - Electric 2,608 2,884 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.0% 54310 Utilities - Water & Sewer 595 798 600 800 800 0.0% 44500 Insurance - - - - - 0.0% 54610 R/M Building 1,228 756 2,000 2,000 2,500 25.0% 54620 R/M Equipment 1,744 85 2,500 2,500 2,500 0.0% 54800 Promotional - - - - - 0.0% 55100 Office Supplies 2,540 3,651 4,000 4,000 4,000 0.0% 55200 Operating Supplies 1,387 677 6,620 6,620 7,430 12.2% 55210 Uniforms 520 476 800 800 800 0.0% 55220 Janitorial Supplies 18 1,039 6,000 6,000 6,000 0.0% 55230 Gas/Oil - - - - - 0.0% 55400 Books/Subs/Dues 394 1,147 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.0% Total 19,822 24,005 42,723 44,635 49,851 11.7% CAPITAL OUTLAY 56300 Improvements - - - - 10,000 0.0% 56400 Machinery/Equipment - - - - - 0.0% 56401 Machinery/Equipment Non-CAP - - - - 1,500 0.0% Total - - - - 11,500 0.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 322,088 341,163 359,404 379,207 393,854 3.9% TRANSFERS, CONTINGENCIES, RESERVES 59990 Reserve 118,781 90,618 75,796 28,593 3,932 -86.2% Total 118,781 90,618 75,796 28,593 3,932 -86.2% TOTAL EXPENDITURES, TRANSFERS, 440,869 431,781 435,200 407,800 397,786 -2.5% CONTINGENCIES & RESERVES

Internal Service Funds IX.18 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Department Description & Function

1. Department: Utilities Division: Administration

2. Department/Division Function Summary:

Performs administrative, budgeting, planning, engineering, purchasing, and inventory control for the Water and Wastewater divisions within the Utilities Department; file permits with various federal, state and county agencies for projects; file monthly operating reports to state agencies; functions as support staff for City Hall; provides courteous service in response to citizen requests/complaints.

3. Department Description:

Number of Funded Employees Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Utilities Director 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT Administrative Specialist 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 0 FT Administrative Coordinator 0 FT 0 FT 0 FT 1 FT Warehouse Tech 1 FT 1 FT 1 FT 0 FT Purchasing Agent 0 PT 0 PT 0 FT 1 FT Intern II 1 PT 1 PT 0 PT 0 PT Total 3 FT 3 FT 3 FT 3 FT 1 PT 1 PT 0 PT 0 PT

4. Program Performance Indicators:

Performance Indicators Actual Actual Budget Budget 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Water O&M/Customer 324.08 226.78 234.89 266.11

Wastewater O&M Exp/customer 358.53 322.02 308.99 360.82

Internal Service Funds IX.19 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Program Goals & Objectives

1. Department: Utility Administration

2. Principal Programs:

Principal Programs: 1.) Administration 2.) Inventory Control 3.) Plan Review 4.) Long term planning of facilities. 5.) Engineering Services 6.) Budget preparation 7.) Fiscal review of Water and Wastewater budgets.

Short Term Goals:

Goal: Provide effective and efficient management of the Water and Wastewater Divisions.

Objective: Ensure that safety, quality of service, and maximum returns by the Department are achieved through proper management of personnel, projects, and equipment.

Measure: The Utilities Director will evaluate all lost time incidents, equipment damage reports, and projects to determine if they are meeting industry standards.

Goal: Keep expenses for the operation and maintenance of the Wastewater Division to a minimum so that the highest margin is achieved.

Objective: Monthly budget reports will be reviewed with monthly operating reports so that any activities that are outside the norm are flagged for further analysis.

Measure: The Utilities Director will evaluate the O & M expenses per customer and compare it to the average monthly revenues collected per customer.

Goal: Keep expenses for the operation and maintenance of the Water Division to a minimum so that the highest margin is achieved.

Objective: Monthly budget reports will be reviewed with monthly operating reports so that any activities that are outside the norm are flagged for further analysis.

Measure: The Utilities Director will evaluate the O & M expenses per customer and compare it to the average monthly revenues collected per customer.

Internal Service Funds IX.20 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Trust Funds

X. City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Table of Contents-Trust Funds Section Description Page # , Trust Funds Pension Trust Funds Contents Trust X.2 Pension Trust Funds Trust X.3

Trust Funds X.1

City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Pension Trust Funds

FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES General Employees Pension:610 Pension Fund Revenues/Cash Balances


OPERATING REVENUES Total - - - - - 0.0%

OTHER REVENUES 36110 Interest Earnings 363,114 374,592 365,000 450,000 400,000 -11.1% 36130 Inc/Loss/ Realized G/L 68,371 70,364 90,000 90,000 90,000 0.0% 36120 Unrealized G/L 73,480 42,979 50,000 66,000 50,000 -24.2% 36700 Gain/Loss On Investments (190,279) 1,067,578 750,000 300,000 500,000 66.7% 36990 Other Revenue 13,191 10,935 10,000 4,000 - -100.0% Total 327,877 1,566,448 1,265,000 910,000 1,040,000 14.3%

CITY/EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS 36840 Contributions From City 1,279,890 1,574,758 1,430,000 1,595,000 1,700,000 6.6% 36850 Contributions From Employees 265,734 318,307 260,000 335,000 350,000 4.5% Total 1,545,624 1,893,065 1,690,000 1,930,000 2,050,000 6.2%

TOTAL REVENUE 1,873,501 3,459,513 2,955,000 2,840,000 3,090,000 8.8%

CASH BALANCE FORWARD 38910 Cash Balance Forward 16,109,138 16,391,493 17,500,122 17,176,850 18,156,300 5.7% Total 16,109,138 16,391,493 17,500,122 17,176,850 18,156,300 5.7%

TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCES 17,982,639 19,851,006 20,455,122 20,016,850 21,246,300 6.1%

FUND TITLE:/FUND # EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION General Employees Pension:610 Trust


OPERATING COSTS 53400 Contractual - Admin Fees 55,434 62,803 43,000 70,024 73,335 4.7% 53401 Contractual American Core 12,068 15,064 12,000 14,000 18,025 28.8% 53404 Contractual - Investment Fees 81,580 74,894 110,000 82,000 84,460 3.0% 53600 Pension Benefits Paid 1,348,707 1,795,941 1,848,000 2,075,000 1,600,000 -22.9% 53610 Refund Contributions - - - - - 0.0% Total 1,497,789 1,948,702 2,013,000 2,241,024 1,775,820 -20.8% RESERVES 59990 Reserve 16,484,850 17,902,304 18,442,122 17,775,826 19,470,480 9.5% Total 16,484,850 17,902,304 18,442,122 17,775,826 19,470,480 9.5% TOTAL OPERATING COSTS & RESERVES 17,982,639 19,851,006 20,455,122 20,016,850 21,246,300 6.1%

Trust Funds X.2 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Pension Trust Funds

FUND TITLE/DEPARTMENT TITLE:# SOURCES Police/Fire Pension:620 Pension Fund Revenues/Cash Balances


OPERATING REVENUES 31251 State/Fire Insurance Tax 125,589 124,557 135,000 135,000 125,000 -7.4% 31252 State/Casualty Insurance Tax 90,379 99,619 95,000 95,000 100,000 5.3% Total 215,968 224,176 230,000 230,000 225,000 -2.2% OTHER REVENUES 36110 Interest Earnings 419,119 432,758 412,000 425,000 400,000 -5.9% 36130 Inc/Loss/ Realized G/L 68,371 72,384 90,000 90,000 90,000 0.0% 36120 Unrealized G/L 73,480 43,428 50,000 66,000 50,000 -24.2% 36700 Gain/Loss On Investments (232,255) 1,142,417 750,000 200,000 500,000 150.0% 36990 Other Revenue 16,838 13,231 12,000 4,000 - -100.0% Total 345,553 1,704,218 1,314,000 785,000 1,040,000 32.5% CITY/EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS 6202100 36840 Contributions From City-Police 739,800 719,685 705,600 684,000 707,100 3.4% 6202200 36840 Contributions From City-Fire 581,271 565,467 554,400 576,000 667,800 15.9% 620 36850 Contributions From Employees 287,839 294,312 290,000 300,000 300,000 0.0% Total 1,608,910 1,579,464 1,550,000 1,560,000 1,674,900 7.4%

TOTAL REVENUE 2,170,431 3,507,858 3,094,000 2,575,000 2,939,900 14.2% CASH BALANCE FORWARD 38910 Cash Balance Forward 18,318,055 18,810,928 20,041,550 19,586,928 21,322,300 8.9% Total 18,318,055 18,810,928 20,041,550 19,586,928 21,322,300 8.9% TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCES 20,488,486 22,318,786 23,135,550 22,161,928 24,262,200 9.5%



OPERATING COSTS 53400 Contractual - Admin Fees 57,202 58,075 40,000 71,813 73,335 2.1% 53401 Contractual American Core 12,068 15,484 12,000 14,000 17,500 25.0% 53404 Contractual - Investment Fees 92,166 91,821 120,000 91,670 84,460 -7.9% 53600 Pension Benefits Paid 1,516,122 1,607,404 1,550,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 0.0% 53610 Refund Contributions - - - - - 0.0% Total 1,677,558 1,772,784 1,722,000 1,777,483 1,775,295 -0.1%

RESERVES 59990 Reserve 18,810,928 20,546,002 21,413,550 20,384,445 22,486,905 10.3% Total 18,810,928 20,546,002 21,413,550 20,384,445 22,486,905 10.3% TOTAL OPERATING COSTS & RESERVES 20,488,486 22,318,786 23,135,550 22,161,928 24,262,200 9.5%

Trust Funds X.3 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Pension Funds: General Employees Pension Fund Police/Fire Pension Fund

The City’s Pension Plans, General Employees and Police & Fire, are accounted for in these Trust Funds. Each Plan has a Board of Trustees that directs the investment and expenditures of these monies.

For the General Employees Fund, revenue projections for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 total $21,246,300 including the Cash Balance Forward of $18,156,300. The sources of funding include interest budgeted at $400,000 and $2,050,000 projected from City and employee contributions.

The projected expenditures of the General Employees Fund include retiree benefit payments of $1,600,000, and administrative/investment fees of $175,820 leaving a reserve balance of $19,470,480.

For the Police & Fire Fund, revenue projections for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 total $24,262,200 including the Cash Balance Forward of $21,322,300. The sources of funding include interest budgeted at $405,000, casualty and fire insurance premium tax of $225,000, and $1,674,900 projected from City and employee contributions.

Projected expenditures include retiree benefit payments of $1,600,000, and administrative/investment fees of $175,295 leaving a reserve balance of $22,486,905.

Trust Funds X.4 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018


XI. City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018


Account – A term used to identify an individual asset, liability, expenditure control, revenue control, encumbrance control or fund balance.

Ad Valorem Taxes – Property taxes which are computed by applying the millage rate to the assessed value of property after all exemptions have been subtracted. Property taxes are paid to the various local governments through a single payment to the county tax collector.

Amendment – Change to an adopted budget which may increase or decrease a fund total.

Assessed Valuation – County Property Appraiser’s estimation of the fair market value of real or personal property.

Asset – Resources, owned or held by a government, which have monetary value. Assets may be tangible or intangible and are expressed in terms of cost or some other value.


Budget – A financial statement listing a governmental agency’s expected incomes and expenditures for a 12-month period. Florida law requires that governments have a balanced budget, with expenses not exceeding revenues. A proposed budget is prepared by the City manager and it becomes formal when adopted by the City Commission. If changes occur during the year, local governments can transfer funds within a budget or raise fees, etc., to keep the budget in balance.

Budget Hearing – Public Hearing conducted to consider and adopt the annual budget.


Capital Improvement Program – Governmental agencies set up five-year programs for major long term costs such as the purchase of fire trucks, buildings and land. Capital expenses are listed separately from operating expenses within the budget document.

Capital Outlay: - Costs for the purchase or additions to the land, buildings, vehicles or other equipment with a useful life greater than one year. The asset value must meet or exceed the following thresholds: Buildings $5,000 General Fund; $2,500 Enterprise Funds Building Improvements $5,000 General Fund: $2,500 Enterprise Funds Machinery & Equipment $5,000 General Fund; $2,500 Enterprise Funds Infrastructure $5,000

Contingency Fund – Money set aside for emergencies or unexpected expenses that were not anticipated when the budget was being prepared.


Deficit – A term generally applied to the budget as a whole, reflecting real or projected revenue shortages, meaning there are insufficient funds to cover expenses.

Department – Organizational unit of the City under the guidance of a director.

Glossary XI.1 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018


Enterprise Fund – A fund established to support a single service from which revenues are received from charges for services to fund the delivery of that service.

Expenditures – Expenditures include current operating expenses requiring the present or future use of net current assets, debt service, capital outlays, intergovernmental grants, entitlements, and shared revenues.


Fiscal Year – The budget year. For municipal and county governments, the fiscal year runs from October 1 to September 30. For school districts and state agencies, it runs from July 1 to June 30.

Franchise Fees – Money collected, usually from a private utility, in exchange for use of a governmental agency’s easements and rights-of-way. Cities and counties authorize the use of these and collect a fee in return.

Full Time Position – Position that qualifies for full city benefits, usually 40 hours.

Fund – A listing within the budget, indicating the revenues and expenditures for a specific category of operation. The largest fund is the General Fund. This fund includes subcategories that support most of the city’s operation. Other funds include those for sewer and garbage, capital projects, State and Federal grants, etc.


General Obligation Bond – A general obligation bond is a common type of municipal bond in the United States that is secured by a state or local government’s pledge to use legally available resources, including tax revenues, to repay bond holders.

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) - Uniform minimum standards and guidelines for financial accounting and reporting. The primary authoritative body on the application of GAAP to state and local governments is the Governmental Accounting Standards Board.

Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) – The authoritative accounting and financial reporting standard-setting body for governmental entities.

Governmental Funds – Funds used to account for tax- supported activities. Such funds are usually classified as one of seven different types of governmental finds: (1) General Fund; (2) Enterprise Fund; (3) Special Funds; (4) Debt Service Funds; (5) Capital Projects Funds; (6) Internal Service Funds; and (7) Trust Funds.

Grant – Contributions by one organization to another for a specific purpose.


Impact Fee – A fee to fund the cost of a new development’s impact on various City services. This fee is charged to those responsible for the new development as a condition for obtaining a building permit.

Glossary XI.2 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018


Liabilities – Debts or other legal obligations arising out of transactions in the past, which must be liquidated, renewed, or refunded at some future date. This term does not include encumbrances.


Mill – A tax rate of one dollar ($1) per one thousand ($1,000) of taxable property value.

Millage – A figure assigned to each governmental unit with ad valorem taxing authority for use in determining taxes. It determines how much revenue the government will receive from property taxes and how much an individual property owner pays by applying the millage rate to the value of property within the City.


Objective – A simply stated, readily measurable statement of aim or expected accomplishment within the fiscal year. A good statement of objectives should simply be a specific standard of performance for a given program.

Operating Expenses – The costs associated with day-to-day activities of a government not including personal services or capital outlay costs.

Ordinance – A law set forth by a governmental entity, usually a municipal government.

Over Budget – Over budget in revenue means that more income was received than budgeted. Over budget in expenses means costs were more than budgeted figures, and generally necessitates that spending must stop or money be transferred into the appropriate account to balance the budget by year-end.


Personnel – Costs for employee salaries, wages and fringe benefits.

Prior Year Carryover – Money not spent on one fiscal year, but carried forward to the next budget. Cash carried forward can be used to pay operating expenses at the beginning of a fiscal year before tax revenue are collected, or during a fiscal year if anticipated revenues have not yet been collected.

Proposed Budget - The budget proposed by the City Manager to the City Commission for review and approval.


Recurring Revenues – Revenues that can be expected to be received each year unless specific action is taken to eliminate the source.

Referendum – A question voted on by the citizens of the local government.

Resolution – An expression of a governing body concerning matters of administration, an expression of a temporary character, or a provision for the disposition of a particular

Glossary XI.3 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 item of the administrative business of the governing body.

Revenue – Income received by the City from a variety of sources including taxes, fees, charges for services, grants, borrowing, or other governmental agencies.

Rolled-Back Millage Rate – A tax rate the county property appraiser determines is necessary to give a governmental agency the same amount of property tax dollars it received during the previous budget year.


Special Assessment – A compulsory levy made against certain properties to defray part or all of the cost of a special improvement or service deemed to primarily benefit those properties.

State-Shared Revenue – Money that cities and counties receive from the state. It includes the local share of cigarette taxes, fuel taxes, mobile home license taxes, liquor taxes and sales taxes based on a distribution formula set by State law.

Statute – A written law enacted by a duly organized and constituted legislative body.


Taxable Valuation – The value of property after all allowable exemptions have been subtracted; the value on which ad valorem taxes are computed.

Trim Bill – Florida’s Truth in Millage law requires cities to calculate next year’s budget on the same tax dollars they received during the current fiscal year.


Under Budget – Under budget in expenses means either the agency has been spending at a slower rate than expected, or that expenses were over estimate when the budget was prepared. Under budget in revenues means that money being collected from the various sources is not as much as was anticipated; it might necessitate spending adjustments.

User fee – The charging of fees for the use of services such as recreational, sewer and garbage services.

Utility Taxes – Taxes paid to municipalities by users of telecommunication services, electricity, water, natural gas, bottled gas and fuel oil.


Valuation – The dollar value of property assigned by the county property appraiser.

Glossary XI.4 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018


XII. City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Table of Contents Section Description Page #

Appendix User’s Guide Appendix XII. 1 Frequently Used Acronyms XII. 5 Resolution adopting Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget XII. 7 Resolutions adopting Operating and Voter XII. 9 Approved Debt Millage

Appendix XII City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

City of Fernandina Beach Adopted Budget For Fiscal Year 2017-2018 User’s Guide

Understanding the Budget

The budget for the City of Fernandina Beach is designed to present financial and service information in a single document. This budget is prepared in conformance with rules and regulations developed for use by local governments, and is intended to ensure the meeting of certain criteria established by budget officials from throughout the United States and Canada. The four criteria are:

1. The budget must serve as a policy document. 2. The budget must serve as an operating guide. 3. The budget must serve as a financial plan. 4. The budget must serve as a communication device.

1. The Budget as a Policy Document As a policy document, the budget indicates the level of services and capital improvements provided by the City during the next fiscal year. The opening message addresses fiscal policy issues for the current and future years, and will summarize the changes in programs and capital improvements to be provided during the year.

The budget is the Commission’s fiscal policy for the programs and services provided by the City to its residents. The budget identifies the sources of revenue and the expenditures for each department and the capital improvement programs. The budget includes descriptions of the services that will be performed by each department and the goals and objectives for the new budget year.

The budget includes goals and objectives for each department and includes how the organization will deliver services and the constraints under which the city operates.

2. The Budget as an Operations Guide The budget has been prepared using the line-item approach, and indicates how departments are organized to provide services to the community. The budget is grouped by types of funds. The types of funds include General Fund, Enterprise Funds, Special Funds, Debt Service Funds, Capital Project Funds, Internal Service Funds, and Trust Funds.

Each of the operational funds, including General Fund and Enterprise Funds have provided a mission statement, description, goals, and objectives. These funds also include organizational charts and details of personnel services by position control summaries.

The City of Fernandina Beach has included a performance measurement system to provide objective methods for the measurement of results by department or division.

Appendix XII.1 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

3. The Budget as a Financial Plan As a financial plan, the budget outlines the cost of City services and how they will be funded. The revenue and expenditures highlights sections provide information regarding major revenues and expenditures, as well as other financing sources and uses for the annual budget.

The Budget Message includes items that have been considered important issues in the community including projects and citizen desires.

The Budget includes graphs that will assist the reader in revenues and expenditures details. We have included graphs that explain the grants that have been received in the prior fiscal year and confirmed sources of grants in the current budget year.

4. The Budget as a Communications Device The budget is designed to be user-friendly with summary information in text, charts, tables, and graphs. The Table of Contents provides a listing in the order of the sections in this document. There is a glossary section that includes a list of terms that may be helpful to the reader. Any questions regarding the City budget document may be addressed by calling the City Finance Department at (904) 310- 3325.

Format of the Budget Document

The Budget document has thirteen tabs that divide the budget information into sections for easy reference. The Table of Contents lists the sections and the important topics or highlights within each section. The General Fund provides general governmental services including administration, finance, legal, public safety, and recreation. These operations are traditionally associated with the government operations of the city which are not required to be accounted for in another fund. The Capital Project Funds account for financial resources to be used for acquisition or construction of major capital facilities and improvements.

Annual Budget Procedures

In accordance with the City of Fernandina Charter, the City Manager must prepare and submit to the City Commission an Annual budget, Budget Message, and Capital Program.

1) Budget Adoption-The Commission shall by Resolution adopt an annual budget pursuant to general law in accordance with the City of Fernandina Beach Charter.

2) Balanced Budget – Each annual budget adopted by the Commission shall be a balanced budget in accordance with the City of Fernandina Beach Charter.

3) Budget Amendments – The annual budget is adopted by Resolution and may only be changed by Resolution. Further changes such as transferring of available funds within a specific department or division may be authorized by the City Manager or the Commission in accordance with the City of Fernandina Beach Charter and Ordinances.

Appendix XII.2 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Budget Calendar for 2017-2018

The City Commission adopted a preliminary combined millage rate of 6.3044 on July 26, 2016, for use on the Notice of Proposed Property Taxes (TRIM notice) mailed to all property owners. In accordance with state law, the tentative millage rate is adopted by the Commission at the first budget hearing in September and this rate cannot exceed the preliminary rate adopted by the Commission in July except by re-notifying by mail all affected property owners. Additionally, the tentative rate approved at the first budget hearing cannot be increased at the final budget hearing.

The following budget calendar was sent to all Departments within the city prior to the beginning of the budget process.

April 17, 2017 - Budget Kick-off Meeting 10:00am - Department Mission Statements, Department Descriptions, Goals and Objectives, and Performance Measures - Budget Worksheets distributed to Department Directors - Grant Applications to Non-Profit Agencies

May 8, 2017 Initial Budget Requests, Revenue Projections, Statement of Level of Service, five year Capital Improvements Plan, Department Mission Statements, Goals and Objectives due to Comptroller’s Office Applications due from Non-Profit Agencies

May 15-18, 2017 Comptroller and City Manager review requests

May 23-31, 2017 City Manager and Comptroller will meet with Directors to review and revise budget

June 7-9, 2017 City Manager meets with City Commissioners one on one to discuss preliminary budget proposals

July 1, 2017 Property Appraiser certifies Taxable Value

July 3-17, 2017 City Manager prepares Proposed Budget

July 18, 2017 Submission of Proposed Budget to City Commission

July 25-28, 2017 City Commission adopts Proposed Millage Rate SPECIAL MEETING

August 4, 2017 Deadline for Proposed Millage Rate to Property Appraiser

August 1-16, 2017 City Commission Budget Workshops

September 5, 2017 Tentative Date for Budget Hearing and Commission Reading of Statement regarding Millage Rate

September 15, 2017 Advertise Budget Summary and Hearing Date

September 19, 2017 Commission Final Budget Hearing and Approval of Budget and Millage

October 1, 2017 New fiscal year begins

Appendix XII.3 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Budget Process Responsibilities

Budget preparation, adoption and implementation are a cooperative effort among a number of officials in local government. Responsibilities are divided between the legislative and administrative body.

Legislative Role The legislative role consists of establishing the overall budgetary and programmatic policy. The City Commission sets the policy and direction the City shall take in its efforts to deliver services to citizens through adoption of its annual budget and program of municipal services. The budgetary process serves as the tool to ensure that the needs of the City are met as much as possible with available resources. Policies and guidelines established by the City Commission serve to focus the efforts of staff on areas of service and priorities by the types of expenditures and activities to be funded. The City Commission has authority for adoption of the final budget for the fiscal year and for any revisions over the course of the year. The City Commission sets all tax rates and charges for services through its legislative authority and policy direction. Through these processes and adoption of the annual budget, the City Commission establishes the disposition of all City revenues and the overall levels of service that are provided to the citizens.

Administrative Role The administrative role in the budgetary process involves the preparation of a budget estimate (referred to as the Proposed Budget) according to the City’s charter and Section 71 of the Code of Ordinances for consideration by the City Commission, as well as information recommending and explaining the current fiscal conditions and needs for the ensuing period.

The City Charter directs that the administrative role in the budgetary process is placed upon the City Manager as chief administrative officer. In conjunction with the Controller, the City Manager ensures that the budget calendar is accomplished and budget information is accurate, complete and presented in a common and understandable format. The City Manager issues guidelines regarding cost limitations, evaluates departmental requests as they relate to policy guidelines, and balances expenditure requests with available revenues.

The City Manager, with the assistance of the Controller, is responsible for the implementation of the approved budget. This task includes: ensuring that departments do not exceed budget limits; conducting periodic projections of expenditures and comparing them to available resources; reviewing and approving requests for transfers from one budget item to another; preparing reports on the financial condition of the City for the City Commission and the general public; and monitoring departmental performance to determine potential problem areas. Finally, the City’s compliance with State budgeting and accounting requirements, local, State and Federal regulations and its adopted budget is checked through the services of an independent auditor.

Financial Policies

There are several financial policies followed in the daily operation of the City as distinguished by the source of their authority: those established by City Commission action and Administrative Policies as established by the City Manager. Policy documents passed by the City Commission include purchasing policy, travel policies, and personnel policies. In addition, the City Manager has enacted several administrative policies covering many aspects of the daily operations of the City.

Appendix XII.4 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

Frequently Used Acronyms

Florida Boating Improvement AAC Airport Advisory Commission FBIP Plan ADA Americans with Disabilities Act Fernandina Beach Youth FBYAC Advisory Committee ALS Advanced Life Support Florida Department of FDEP ANC Arts & Culture Nassau Environmental Protection ARC Atlantic Recreational Center FDOS Florida Department of State Florida Department of FDOT BOA Board of Adjustment Transportation Building Officials Association of Federal Emergency Management BOAF FEMA Florida Agency Community Development Block Federal Insurance Contributions CDBG FICA Grant Act Community Development CDD FIND Florida Inland Navigation District Department Code Enforcement & Appeals FLUM Future Land Use Map CEAB Board FOL Friends of the Library County Emergency Management CEMP Florida Recreation Development Plan FRDAP Central Florida Police Benevolent Assistance Program CFPBA Florida Recreation and Parks Association FRPA Association CIP Capital Improvement Plan FT Full-Time COA Certificates of Approval FTE Full-Time Equivalent CPI Coastal Partnership Initiative Generally Accepted Accounting GAAP CRA Community Redevelopment Area Principles Governmental Accounting GASB DHS Department of Health Services Standards Board DOS Department of State GEPP General Employees’ Pension Plan DUI Driving Under the Influence GF General Fund Emergency Management Government Finance Officers EMPA GFOA Preparedness and Assistance Association EMS Emergency Medical Services GIS Geographic Information System EPA Environmental Protection Agency GOB General Obligation Bond EPH Environmental Public Health GOC Greens & Oversight Committee ERP Enterprise Resource Planning HDC Historic District Council Human Resource Information F&B Food and Beverage HRIS System FAA Federal Aviation Administration Heating, Ventilating, and Air HVAC Conditioning

Appendix XII.5 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018

International Association of Fire IAFF R/M Repair/Maintenance Fighters Information Management RFI Request for Information IMS Services RFP Request for Proposal ISO Insurance Services Office S Seasonal IT Information Technology Staffing for Adequate Fire and SAFER LBTR Local Business Tax Receipt Emergency Response LDC Land Development Code SBA Small Business Administration MLK Martin Luther King SEU Selective Enforcement Unit St. Johns River Water SJRWMD N/A Not Applicable Management District National Flood Insurance NFIP SOP Standard Operating Procedures Program National Fire Protection TBD To Be Determined NFPA Association TDC Tourist Development Council O & M Operation & Maintenance TRC Technical Review Committee OPEB Other Post-Employment Benefits UB Utility Billing PAB Planning Advisory Board United Brotherhood of UBC PCC Peck Center Committee Carpenters Board of Trustees Police & Fire UCR Uniform Crime Report PFPP Pension Plan URL Uniform Resource Locator Parks & Recreation Advisory PRAC Committee VPN Virtual Private Network PSA Public Service Announcements Waterfronts Florida Partnership WFPP Program PT Part-Time

Appendix XII.6 RESOLUTION 2017-127


WHEREAS, it is required by City Charter Section 72 that a Resolution be enacted to establish a budget and appropriation levels to provide for the operations of City government for the fiscal year commencing on October 1, 2017, and ending September 30, 2018; and

WHEREAS, the Annual Budget contains fund appropriations and establishes projected revenue and expenditure levels for all funds and divisions for the current fiscal year and the fiscal year commencing on October 1, 2017; and

WHEREAS, in compliance with Resolution #95-9, an annual review of the Capital Improvements Element of the Comprehensive Plan, and the preparation of a five-year Capital Improvement Plan is required to be a component of the budget process and as an appendix to the budget document; and

WHEREAS, it is appropriate to establish and set forth fiscal and budget policies; and

WHEREAS, Florida Statutes §200.065(2)(c) requires that a public hearing be held on the tentative budget, and Florida Statutes §200.65(2)(d) requires that a public hearing be held to finalize the budget and adopt a millage rate; and

WHEREAS, Florida Statutes §200.065(2)(d) requires that within 15 days after the meeting adopting the tentative budget, the taxing authority shall advertise in a newspaper of general circulation of its intent to finally adopt a millage rate and budget. The final hearing must be held within two to five days of the advertisement. Sections 129.03 and 200.065, F.S. outlines the exact requirements of said advertisements; and

WHEREAS, the City of Fernandina Beach on September 5, 2017, and September 19, 2017, held public hearings as required by Florida Statutes §200.65; and

WHEREAS, the City of Fernandina Beach set forth the appropriations and revenue estimate for the Budget for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 in the amount of one hundred thirty four million, six hundred seventeen thousand, and 00/100 dollars ($134,617,000).


SECTION 1. The Fiscal Year 2017/2018 Final Budget is hereby adopted.

SECTION 2. The five-year Capital Improvement Plan as transmitted as part of the Budget document as an outline of projected capital improvements to serve as a guideline for future planning is hereby approved and incorporated in the Budget as an appendix.

Appendix XII.7 SECTION 3. The Fiscal Year 2017/2018 Final Budget, as filed with the City Clerk, contains the expenditures and reserves estimate, and the revenues and cash balances of the City of Fernandina Beach, Florida for the fiscal year from October 1, 2017, to September 30, 2018, both dates inclusive. Said Budget was submitted to the City Commission of the City of Fernandina Beach, Florida, by the City Manager as required by and pursuant to Sections 71 and 72 of the City Charter of the City of Fernandina Beach, Florida. The 2017/2018 Final Budget is hereby fixed and determined in the amount of one hundred thirty four million, six hundred seventeen thousand, and 00/100 dollars ($134,617,000) and is hereby in all respects adopted and confirmed as so fixed and determined, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to enter the same upon the Minutes of the City of Fernandina Beach, Florida.

SECTION 4. The City Manager is hereby authorized to expend such sums in accordance with this Resolution and the other applicable provisions of the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Fernandina Beach, Florida and State law.

SECTION 5. Properly advertised Public Hearings have been held on September 5, 2017, at 5:05 P.M. and September 19, 2017, at 5:05 P.M. as required by law. Copies of the budget are on file at the Office of the City Clerk for inspection and on the City of Fernandina Beach website.

SECTION 6. If any provision or portion of the Resolution is declared by any court of competent jurisdiction to be void, unconstitutional, or unenforceable, then all remaining provisions and portions of the Resolution shall remain in full force and effect.

SECTION 7. This Resolution shall take effect October 1, 2017.

ADOPTED this 19th day of September, 2017.


______Robin C. Lentz Commissioner-Mayor


______Caroline Best Tammi E. Bach City Clerk City Attorney

Appendix XII.8 RESOLUTION 2017-126


WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Fernandina Beach, Nassau County, Florida, on September 19, 2017, adopted Fiscal Year 2017/2018 Final Operating Millage Rate following a public hearing as required by Florida Statute 200.065; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Fernandina Beach, Nassau County, Florida, on September 19, 2017, adopted Fiscal Year 2017/2018 Final Voter Approved Debt Millage Rate following a public hearing as required by Florida Statute 200.065; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Fernandina Beach, Nassau County, Florida, held a public hearing as required by Florida Statute 200.065; and WHEREAS, the gross taxable value for operating purposes not exempt from taxation within the City of Fernandina Beach, Nassau County, has been certified by the County Property Appraiser to the City of Fernandina Beach as $2,020,560,248. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FERNANDINA BEACH OF NASSAU COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT:

SECTION 1. The FY 2017/2018 operating millage rate for the City of Fernandina Beach is 6.0000 mills, which is greater than the rolled-back rate of 5.4951 mills by 9.19%. SECTION 2. The FY 2017/2018 voter approved debt millage rate for the City of Fernandina Beach is .2097 mills. SECTION 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. ADOPTED this 19th day of September, 2017.


______Caroline Best Robin C. Lentz City Clerk Commissioner-Mayor


______Tammi E. Bach City Attorney

Appendix XII.9 City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018


XIII. City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Annual Budget 2017-2018 Index Department Section Page Airport Fund Enterprise V.12 Aquatics General IV.149 Bond Debt Service Debt VII.2 Capital Expansion Trust Fund Capital VIII.8 Capital Improvement 5-year Plan Capital VIII.12 Capital Improvement Fund Capital VIII.3 CDBG – Economic Development Fund Special VI.8 CDBG – Housing Trust Fund Special VI.6 Cemetery Fund Special VI.18 Central Garage Internal Service IX.2 City Clerk General IV.11 City Commission General IV.7 City Manager General IV.18 Community Development – Building & Permitting General IV.92 Community Development – Code Enforcement General IV.111 Community Development – Planning General IV.101 CRA Special VI.23 Downtown District General IV.122 Facilities Maintenance General IV.61 Federal Forfeiture Fund Special VI.4 Finance (Controller) General IV.25 Fire General IV.83 Glossary Glossary XI.1 Golf Course Operations Fund Enterprise V.2 Human Resources General IV.41 Information Technology General IV.33 Law Enforcement Recovery Special VI.25 Law Enforcement Trust Fund Special VI.2 Legal General IV.50 Library General IV.126 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Fund Special VI.16 Long Term Debt Debt VII.9 Marina Debt Service Debt VII.6 Marina Operations Fund Enterprise V.45 MLK Center General IV.141 Non-Departmental General IV.60 Other Services General IV.156 Parks General IV.134 Peck Center General IV.137 Pension Trust Funds Trust X.1 Police General IV.67 Recreation General IV.128 Resolution Adopting Budget Appendix XII.7 Resolutions Adopting Millage Rates Appendix XII.9 Sanitation Operations Fund Enterprise V.19 Storm Water Management Enterprise V.38 Streets General IV.115 Total City Debt Service Debt VII.8 Transfers, Contingencies & Reserves General IV.158 User’s Guide Appendix XII.1 Utilities Administration Internal Service IX.15 Utility Acquisition Debt Service Debt VII.4 Utility Billing Internal Service IX.8 Utility Tax Fund Special VI.14 Wastewater Impact Fees Fund Special VI.10 Wastewater Improvement Fund Capital VIII.10 Wastewater Operations Fund Enterprise V.22 Water Impact Fees Fund Special VI.12 Water Operations Fund Enterprise V.30 Youth General IV.145

Index XIII.1