Myriocoleopsis fluviatilis (Steph.) E.Reiner & Gradst. Status: Vulnerable (VU) B1,2c

Class: Order: Family:

Description and Biology: Myriocoleopsis fluviatilis is a small foliose, rheophytic liverwort. The grow in dense, pale-greenish mats with short, creeping, stoloniform primary stems and ascending to erect secondary stems up to 3 cm long, which arise in bundles from the creeping primary stems. The leaves are laxly inserted, not imbricated, obovate with a very short line of insertion; the lobules are reduced to a small flat. Underleaves are lacking. The plants are autoicous, with long male spikes (6-20 pairs of bracts) and gynoecia arranged in cymose clusters of up to 10 obpyriform, 5- keeled perianths. Sporophytes are often present. Vegetative propagation by multicellular disciform gemmae arising from leaf-surfaces.

Distribution and Habitat: The species is endemic to few places in SE Brazil (states of São Paulo and Santa Catarina) where it is found in and along rivers, on rocks and occasionally on small shrubs on the river banks, 100-1300 m. The plants are firmly attached to the substratum and adapted to survive prolonged periods of inundation.

History and Outlook: Myriocoleopsis fluviatilis is known from only four localities in SE Brazil, three collections are from the 19th century and one from 1975. Deforestation and deterioration of water courses due to hydroelectric schemes and water pollution are considered the most serious threats to this species. The area of occupancy is less than 2,000km² in less than ten localities and the habitat is declining. It therefore meets the IUCN criteria for Vulnerable based on the small area and the decline in habitat quality and extent. – VU (B1,2c).

References: Gradstein, S. R. & D. M. Vital. 1975. On Myriocoleopsis Schiffn. (Lejeuneaceae). Lindbergia 3: 39-45. Reiner-Drehwald, M. E. & S. R. Gradstein. 1997. New combinations and synonyms in Myriocoleopsis Schiffn. (Lejeuneaceae). Journal of Bryology 19: 637-648. Tan, B., P. Geissler, T. Hallingbäck & L. Söderström. 2000. The 2000 IUCN World Red List of , pp. 77-90. In T. Hallingbäck & N. Hodgetts (compilers), , Liverworts, and . Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan for Bryophytes. IUCN/SSC Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.

Red Data sheet authors: Dr. M. E. Reiner-Drehwald, Department of Systematic , Albrecht von Haller Institute of Sciences, University of Göttingen, Untere Karspüle 2, 37073 Göttingen, Germany and Dr. U. Drehwald, Zentrum für internationale Entwicklungs- und Umweltforschung (ZEU), Otto-Behagel-Str. 10 D, 35394 Giessen, Germany

Last updated: March 2002