Spring 2021


A publication of Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church F A L L 2 0 1 9

I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :

2 F R O M T H E R E C T O R : A L L E L U I A ! C H R I S T I S R I S E N !

3 C U R A T E ' S C O L U M N : A J O U R N E Y T H R O U G H H O L Y W E E K

5 M U S I C M I N I S T R I E S A N D P L A S S R E C I T A L

6 F A I T H F O R M A T I O N - C H I L D R E N

6 F A I T H F O R M A T I O N - Y O U T H

7 M E E T T H E K U C I E M B A S

8 P A R I S H C O U N C I L S

1 0 H O L Y W E E K 2 0 2 1


“Alleluia! Christ is Risen! The Lord is Risen, indeed! Alleluia!” That is our proclamation, and I am looking forward to celebrating Easter this year. Saint Andrew’s worship services won’t be the same as they were in 2019, but they also won’t be as they were in 2020, entirely online. This year we will continue with the regular Sunday schedule of services we have maintained since September including an outdoor livestreamed service on Easter Sunday.

Looking ahead to the spring I am glad to announce that we will have our annual parish picnic on Sunday, May 2nd at Haswell Park. The details of the picnic have not been worked out yet. We will communicate them to the congregation when they are finalized.In years past the picnic has been an opportunity to worship and enjoy time together outside. I am looking forward to it. As I mentioned at the Annual Parish Meeting in January I will be taking a sabbatical this summer beginning May 17th. I will return to Saint Andrew’s on Sunday, August 15th. In considering a sabbatical I have desired a time for rest, learning, and time with the family. My sabbatical will include a stay in Colorado with the family and, I hope, some other activities like some continuing education and a spiritual retreat. The other activities will depend on what opportunities are available. During the sabbatical Saint Andrew’s will be led by the Senior Warden, Jim Kracht and Fr. Bryan. The parish staff will continue to support the work of the congregation, and I thank them for their dedication to Saint Andrew’s. I thank the Vestry and the congregation for making this opportunity possible. As part of organizing the parish for ministry during my sabbatical and for the long term ministry of the church the vestry has authorized the formation of Parish Councils. (Please see pages 8-9 in the Angler). Saint Andrew’s currently has several committees, teams, and working groups engaged in a variety of work to support Saint Andrew’s ministry. The councils will assist the vestry, the staff, and me in planning and implementing the worship, events, and activities that make up the life and ministry of Saint Andrew’s. Each council will have a chair person and a liaison from the vestry. If you are contacted by me or a member of the vestry and asked to serve on one of the councils I encourage to prayerfully consider serving. There is much godly work to be done as we continue to move through this pandemic and into a new season of the parish’s life. As we enter into the 2021 Easter season I am grateful for the vestry, staff, and the members of Saint Andrew’s. We will continue to be resilient, to persevere, and do the work God has given us to do.

T H E R E V . D A R Y L T H A Y , R E C T O R +


T H E R E V . B R Y A N C A L L E N , C U R A T E

We are fast approaching my favorite time on the church calendar, Holy Week and Easter. Holy Week, or as early Christians called it, the "Great Week," began in the four th century in Jerusalem. In his book , Holy Our Journey begins on and Week, Easter, and the Great Fifty Days, Leonel Mitchell ends on Easter Sunday. Palm Sunday is the explains that many churches were in the process of Sunday leading up to Holy Week and marks being built on Holy sites of Jesus'Passion and death in Jesus's triumphant entry into Jerusalem. We the fourth century. These churches would hold special mark this celebration with the of the services pertaining to the places they were built upon. Palms and procession. The liturgy begins with Simultaneously, more and more pilgrimages were being the blessing and sharing of palms; the entire made to the Holy Land during Easter, and the pilgrims congregation is invited to participate. In this would visit these sites and services, the beginnings of part of the liturgy,we remember that palm our Holy Week. Based on the scripture accounts of branches were laid down for Jesus as he Jesus'Passion and death and the increase of entered the city.We then take up those palm in the world, Holy Week became a part of branches and make our procession and entry the church's liturgical life and continues today. into the church (or outside) as the gathered Holy Week is a time that we begin our journey from . We sing the hymn All Glory Laud Lent to Easter. Holy Week is a time to celebrate the and Honor during the procession, the of Jesus' life, death, and triumphant quintessential Palm Sunday Hymn.The victory over sin and death in the resurrection. Holy prayer marks the end of the Liturgy of the Palms Week is a time that we as Christians walk on a journey and the beginning of the Holy service with Jesus. In this article, I will write about all the and . In this Holy Eucharist aspects of Holy Week, even the ones that Saint service, we remember the by Andrew's does not participate in every year. It is reading the passion narrative from the synoptic perfectly normal for churches to not participate in all , and this year will be from Mark. Since aspects, but I think it is essential to be familiar with Palm Sunday is the kick-off of Holy Week, the them and to participate in the whole journey with Jesus week we remember Christ's Passion and death, at least once. Even if this is already covered material it is appropriate to hear the passion narrative for you, I think it is essential to review every year to this Sunday. Also, most Christians will not be remember what we are participating in on Easter able to participate in the service, morning. In fact, in his book, Mitchell quotes Kenneth the other time we hear the passion narrative, Stevenson, who says that "the Holy Week rites are because it takes place during working hours. By reverberative. They remember the historical events of having it on a principal Sunday, all will listen to the Passion." Further stating that the "remembrances what we are remembering in the week to come. allow us to enter into them." If we remember, review, (continued on the next page) and/or participate in the rites, then we can enter them and be on the journey with Christ to the resurrection.

P A G E 3 A Journey Through Holy Week, by The Rev. Bryan The service's focus is on the church you are in. Callen, continued from page 3... some years, churches focus on foot washing and On Wednesday, we have a service called . sometimes remember this act by washing each Tenebrae is a different type of service. As mentioned other's feet. Sometimes churches focus on the earlier, Holy Week is a remembrance and institution of the Eucharist more than the foot participation in Christ's Passion, death, and washing. Thursday ends with the resurrection through scripture. Tenebrae on stripping of the in preparation for the next Wednesday is not based on scripture but is a part of day's Good Friday service and the continuation the ancient tradition. Tenebrae means shadow and is of the Triduum. celebrated in the shadow of the Triduum and the Good Friday is a momentous day in the Easter Feast. The whole service is celebrated in the church. It is the day that we as Christians dark with only candles and ambient light. The service commemorate the crucifixion. The day may be is a beautifully sung prayer service that includes momentous, but the liturgy looks bleak and , readings, and the extinguishing of fifteen bare. Good Friday is a time to focus on the Word candles as we slowly move towards darkness.The and on what Christ did for us on the cross. The Triduum, which means a period of three days, begins liturgy has three parts:the Word, the veneration in the Evening of and continues to of the cross, and communion from the Reserved the Evening of Easter Sunday as we celebrate Sacrament. The Word part of the liturgy consists Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, , the of readings, and the Gospel is John's narrative of Great , and Easter Day. The use of the the Passion, and the solemn . The Word Triduum is for unification. Because Triduum Solemn collects are an ancient form of the means a period of three days and because none of the prayers of the people. The veneration of the services use the dismissal until Easter Day, cross follows the Word. A cross is brought into therefore,the Triduum is to be celebrated as one the Nave, and the congregation can go up and continuous service over the three days. pray, touch, or light a candle at the cross. The three-day service begins with Maundy Mitchell informs us that this practice was Thursday. Maundy is a weird word and one we brought back by pilgrims in Jerusalem in the don'toften use, if ever at all. According to the fourth century. The history is that the actual Episcopal Church dictionary, the meaning of Maundy cross was displayed in the site believed to be where the crucifixion took place. People is "derived from the Latin mandatum novum, "new venerated the cross there, including taking commandment," from Jn 13:34. The ceremony of pieces of the cross and bringing them back to washing feet was also referred to as 'the Maundy'." their home churches for veneration. Eventually, Maundy Thursday is when we remember the time a wooden cross was put in place. The veneration that Jesus spent with his disciples in the upper room, is followed by communion from the reserved both at the table and washing their feet. We sacrament. Because the focus is on Jesus, the remember through scripture the institution of the Word, and the cross, there is no Eucharist. Eucharist, the first time Jesus gave his disciples bread and wine, his body and blood. Or we remember (Continued on page 11) that Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, an act of servant leadership that he instructs all his disciples to do.

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Dr. Thyra Plass, arts philanthropist and long- time music director at Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church, is being remembered with a concert series at Saint Andrew’s this spring. “Dr. Plass was a mentor and colleague who inspired my ministry,” says Dr. Linda Patterson, current director of music at Saint Andrew's. “I Saint Andrew's continues to be a place for was pleased to have worked with her on the children and adults to share their talent--both Diocese of Texas; Music Commission, and seen vocal and instrumental. Are you interested in her leadership in local arts organizations. Our joining one of our Music ministries---Chancel Choir new initiative was funded through a grant from or Bell Choir (or Children's Choir for your the Plass Arts Foundation, and I believe that she children), or playing an instrument for our would be pleased that we are launching a series in Livestream services outside? Linda Patterson her memory here at her church. would love to tell you about our options. Dr. Plass was organist and choir director of St. Rehearsals take place on Wednesday evenings, and Andrew’s from 1971-1989 and served on the substitutes are sometimes needed for traveling bell Episcopal Diocesan Music Commission. She players. helped expand musical arts with the merger of If you would like to try us for a few weeks, we two orchestras that became the Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra, was a founding member of would be happy to have more bells for Holy Week the Arts Council of the Brazos Valley, the Bach and Easter, and more singers and instrumentalists, Society, Friends of Chamber Music, and co- too! founder of the Children’s Symphony Concerts. As our Plass Seriesat Saint Andrew's gets off to a Part of her legacy at Saint Andrew’s was the great start, greeters for the recitals are needed. renovation of the organ, which will be used for We could also use volunteers on First Fridays, For the Plass Series Recitals. Her influence and legacy all of these opportunities, please contact Linda live on. Both the Plass Arts Foundation and Plass Patterson, [email protected]. Charitable Trust have continued to support local Pictured below are our first two Plass series musical organizations. muscians who performed in February and March: The Plass Series will continue Sunday, April 18- Randy Adams, trumpet; and Priscilla Salisbury, a talented married couple will present a recital of soprano. vocal and organ pieces. Watch for more details in our news! Aso, parishioners and friends may view the past recitals on our YouTube page.



Take a look at what the Saint Andrew's youth Early Elementary and Middler children have been have been up to, and please join us! meeting together on Sunday mornings on Zoom at Brunch first Sunday of every month: Join the 10:30 (on most Sundays when there is no outdoor youth group as we attend outside service service at church). Many thanks to our fantastic Godly together and enjoy brunch afterwards! We pick Play storytellers, Joan Majors and Jennifer Nations, a different restaurant in downtown Bryan every the early elementary class has been hearing inspiring month. Just bring yourself and maybe a friend! stories about the Saints this Spring. Thank you also to Upcoming in April: The youth will be joining St. parent volunteers who have served as Godly Play door Thomas youth at Holy Hikes Brazos Valley. On persons! April 10th we will meet at Central Park in The Middler class this spring has been co-led by College Station at 10:00 am. Elizabeth Crouch. They are continuing the Virginia Thank you to Cass Kronke for desining the Theological Seminary’s Episcopal Children’s new youth logo, pictured above! Curriculum. For more youth information, contact Madi Children have enjoyed having Linda Patterson, our Waskom, [email protected]. And follow wonderful Director of Music, join us at the beginning us on Instagram @standrewsyouthbcs. of each class to sing. Children’s Choir meets for practice on Wednesday nights both on Zoom and in person at the church at 5:30. Recently, we met on a Saturday at Tanglewood Park for “Practice and Play” VBS 2021: Make (and donuts). A great time was had by all! Mark your calendars for VBS 2021: Make a Joyful a Joyful Noise Noise Music Camp will take place June 7-9. A huge thank you to Linda Patterson for making this possible! Music Camp Please contact DeSha Thomas at June 7-9, 2021 [email protected] if you are interested in participating as a teen or adult volunteer. We are Volunteers looking at meeting outside at the church. Please stay tuned for more details and registration. needed!


David and Ramona Kuciemba grew up in Bryan, and graduated from Bryan High and Texas A&M University. They dated in college but went their separate ways. He moved to Dallas and Ramona lived in Austin, and 30 years later, they reconnected and figured out "they were made for each other." David moved back to Bryan and Ramona later joined him, and they have been married over nine years. David, a retired software engineer and Ramona, a retired elementary school teacher, have a daughter who lives near Houston with her husband and two children, and a son and daughter-in-law who live in Baltimore, MD. "Our grandchildren are our delight and we love to spend time with them. Beau is 7 and Honor is 5 years Amy and Mike Thompson old," Ramona said. Before joining Saint Andrew's, they were connected to the Roman Catholic faith throughout their lives. "Everyone has been so "During the last two years, we felt God was calling us to a different place of worship. I had taught at St. friendly and welcoming to Michael's Episcopal School for four years after retiring from the public schools. During that time, I attended us. We look forward to the chapel each day with my class and we had a monthly Church Service that Rev. Hay led. I really liked Fr. Daryl end of the pandemic so and enjoyed his ," she explained. They decided to start worshiping at Saint Andrew's and loved the that we can get to know smaller congregation. "It is amazing to us that our church celebrates more people through people's birthdays and anniversaries," Ramona said. "Everyone has been so friendly and welcoming to us, monthly meals and and we look forward to the end of the pandemic so that we can get to know more people through monthly meals activities." and activities," she said. Ramona Kuciemba Traveling is their passion. They have been to many places in the last few years such as Alaska, Mt. Rushmore, the Badlands, Washington DC, Colonial Newcomer Information: Williamsburg, and Kennedy Space Center to watch the A Welcome Liturgy is offered Solar Orbiter Launch. They own an RV and spend a lot for those who want to be of time of time at the state parks in Texas. David enjoys woodworking and has built benches and welcomed into Saint planter boxes for their backyard. Ramona has been an Andrew's. The liturgy takes avid her whole life, and also enjoys creating place during Sunday worship books of their travels and of their grandchildren on services. Shutterfly. For more information, Contact We are so pleased to welcome their family to our parish! The Rev. Bryan Callen [email protected]


F O L L O W I N G A S H A R E D L E A D E R S H I P M O D E L F O R P A R I S H D E C I S I O N M A K I N G A N D A D M I N I S T R A T I O N T H E C O U N C I L S A T S A I N T A N D R E W ’ S E P I S C O P A L C H U R C H P L A N , C O O R D I N A T E , A N D I M P L E M E N T E V E N T S , A C T I V I T I E S , A N D M I N I S T R I E S A L I G N E D W I T H T H E C O R E V A L U E S , M I S S I O N , A N D V I S I O N O F S A I N T A N D R E W ’ S .

P L E E A S E T A K E A L O O K A T O U R C U R R E N T C O U N C I L S :

A D U L T F O R M A T I O N - P L A N S A N D I M P L E M E N T S A D U L T F O R M A T I O N A L A N D E D U C A T I O N A L E V E N T S A N D A C T I V I T I E S F O R M E M B E R S O F S A I N T A N D R E W ’ S A N D T H E C O M M U N I T Y .

B U I L D I N G A D V I S O R Y – A S S I S T S T H E J U N I O R W A R D E N A N D V E S T R Y P R O P E R T Y C O M M I T T E E I N M A N A G I N G C H U R C H F A C I L I T I E S .

C H I L D R E N A N D Y O U T H F O R M A T I O N - S U P P O R T S T H E D I R E C T O R O F F A I T H F O R M A T I O N F O R C H I L D R E N A N D T H E Y O U T H M I N I S T E R I N P R O V I D I N G E D U C A T I O N A L A N D F O R M A T I O N O P P O R T U N I T I E S F O R T H E C H I L D R E N A N D Y O U T H O F S A I N T A N D R E W ’ S .

D O W N T O W N E N G A G E M E N T - O R G A N I Z E S A N D P R O M O T E S S A I N T A N D R E W ’ S P A R T I C I P A T I O N I N E V E N T S O C C U R R I N G I N D O W N T O W N B R Y A N .

F A I T H I N A C T I O N - P R O M O T E S A N D C O O R D I N A T E S A L L T H E O U T R E A C H M I N I S T R I E S A N D A C T I V I T I E S I N W H I C H S A I N T A N D R E W ’ S E N G A G E S .

P A S T O R A L C A R E - A S S I S T S T H E R E C T O R I N P R O V I D I N G P A S T O R A L C A R E T O T H E M E M B E R S O F S A I N T A N D R E W ’ S .



R A C I A L J U S T I C E – S E E K S T O A C Q U I R E G R E A T E R A W A R E N E S S A N D U N D E R S T A N D I N G O F T H E B L A C K C O M M U N I T Y ' S C H A L L E N G E S A N D F A C I L I T A T E E D U C A T I O N A L A N D C O L L A B O R A T I V E O P P O R T U N I T I E S T O A S S I S T S A I N T A N D R E W ’ S I N W A L K I N G W I T H A N D L I S T E N I N G T O O U R N E I G H B O R S A S W E S T R I V E T O B U I L D T H E B E L O V E D C O M M U N I T Y .

S T E W A R D S H I P - P L A N A N D I M P L E M E N T T H E A N N U A L G I V I N G P R O G R A M F O R T H E P A R I S H .

W E L C O M I N G A N D H O S P I T A L I T Y - C O O R D I N A T E S O U R E F F O R T S T O P R O V I D E H O S P I T A L I T Y A N D W E L C O M E V I S I T O R S A N D N E W C O M E R S I N T O T H E L I F E O F S A I N T A N D R E W ’ S

W O R S H I P A N D L I T U R G Y - A S S I S T S T H E R E C T O R I N P L A N N I N G A N D I M P L E M E N T I N G T H E W O R S H I P A N D L I T U R G Y O F S A I N T A N D R E W ’ S .

Master Plan Update Zoom Meeting April 7, 6 p.m. Please plan to "attend" and participate in the virtual walk- through of the proposed design. The Zoom link will be shared in the 4/7 parish e-newsletter.

F O R S U N D A Y S E R V I C E S , W E E K L Y P O G R A M S A N D T H E S P R I N G / S U M M E R C A L E N D A R O F E V E N T S V I S I T W W W . S T A N D R E W S B C S . O R G F O L L O W U S O N F A C E B O O K . C O M / S A I N T A N D R E W S B C S A N D I N S T A G R A M @ S T A N D R E W S B C S

T O S I G N U P F O R R E M I N D T E X T S : S I M P L Y T E X T " @ S T A N D R E W S 2 " T O T H E N U M B E R 8 1 0 1 0 O N Y O U R M O B I L E P H O N E .

F O R G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N , C O N T A C T T H E P A R I S H O F F I C E : 9 7 9 - 8 2 2 - 5 7 1 6 , O F F I C E @ S T A N D R E W B C S . O R G T O T H E N E W Y E A R P A G E 9 INVITATION TO HOLY WEEK 2021

MARCH 28: PALM SUNDAY 7:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I - indoor 9:10 a.m. Children - gather to practice the processional 9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist (outdoor) All are invited to gather on the Front Steps to walk around to the Parking Lot 11:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II - indoor

APRIL 1: MAUNDY THURSDAY 6:30 p.m. Indoor and Livestreamed Service*

APRIL 2: GOOD FRIDAY 10:00 a.m. Children's (outdoor) 12:15 p.m. Good Friday Liturgy (indoor) and Livestreamed Service*

APRIL 4: EASTER SUNDAY 7:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I - indoor* 9:30 a.m. Chorus with Chancel and Bell Choirs - Outdoor and Livestreamed, Childcare offered 11:00 a.m. Children's Easter Egg Hunt- Outdoor (gather in the courtyard) 11:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II - indoor* Childcare offered

*Reservations Required. To reserve a spot for the indoor services, call the parish office, 979-822-5176 or email [email protected]. Masks are required for all services.

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By The Rev. Bryan Callen, Continued from page 4...

On the evening of Holy Saturday, if you want to know more about Holy Saturday visit; www.episcopalchurch.org/glossary/holy-saturday/, we move to the Great Vigil of Easter. This ancient service has been around longer than Holy week, which we can trace back to the 300's. In the early church, this ancient service was the principal baptismal feast of the church. When Christianity began to grow larger, which made way for infant baptism rather than adult baptism, the Eater Vigil began to fade. Reformers of the church got rid of the service altogether. It made its resurgence in the nineteenth century after what is called the but was not put into the prayer book until our present 1979 prayer book. This service is one of the most beautiful of the church year and is our connection to our ancient roots. The liturgy consists of four parts, the service of light, lessons, Christian initiation, and the Holy Eucharist. In this service, we as Christians Passover from death to life with Christ; we light a new fire, a new light in the world, the light of Christ. Then we remember through our lessons of Hebrew scripture. We then Die and are raised again into the life of Christ through baptism and the Holy Eucharist. We celebrate the Easter Feast. Holy Week is a beautiful time in our church year, a time to remember, participate, and celebrate the paschal mystery. I hope you will join in participating in Holy Week at Saint Andrew's. We will begin the journey on Palm Sunday with a 7:30 a.m. indoor service, a 9:30 a.m. outdoor service, and a Livestream with the Liturgy of the Palms, and we will have an 11:30 a.m. indoor service. We will then journey to Maundy Thursday with one service in the Evening. Next is a 12:15 Good Friday , with livestream. Finally, we celebrate with an Easter Morning service at 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. outdoors with Livestream, and 11:30 a.m.. My hope for next year is to do as much of the Triduum as possible, and we can all journey with Jesus together. i Mitchell, L.L. Lent, Holy Week, Easter and the Great Fifty Days. ii Mitchell, L.L. Lent, Holy Week, Easter and the Great Fifty Days. Mitchell quotes Kenneth Stevenson. iii Mitchell, L.L. Lent, Holy Week, Easter and the Great Fifty Days. Mitchell quotes Kenneth Stevenson. iv From the episcopal dictionary of the church, glossary of terms. https://www.episcopalchurch.org/glossary/M/page/4/ v Mitchell, L.L. Lent, Holy Week, Easter and the Great Fifty Days. SAVE THE DATE! PARISH PICNIC MAY 2, 2021 - HASWELL PARK, DETAILS COMING SOON!



The weeks leading up to Easter are traditionally a good time to go on a retreat. That's a spiritual practice in which one gets away from the normal hustle-bustle of life in order to spend a little time getting closer to God. As spring unfolds and new life begins to take shape in the plants and animals in our environment, the season can signal new beginnings in our spiritual journey. But since so many of us have been isolated for a year now, the idea of retreating may not have the same appeal as in the past. Time to rethink a retreat. Perhaps we could think of it as meaning "to treat again." This year, treat yourself to something you haven't been able to do much of for the past year. This might mean a picnic in an open-air park, a walk on a sunny day, or an afternoon of removing garden or flower bed debris after the recent historic winter freeze. Whatever you've been kept from could be a real treat to experience again and to give thanks for the opportunity to enjoy again. Keep a journal and a pen handy for any inspirations that come to mind while retreating in this way, because all lend themselves to being in God's presence. And where ever you retreat to, know that you're always just a few clicks away from Middleway where we offer prayer times, devotionals, and meditations daily for your use. How to Visit Middleway Urban Monastery: https://www.middlewayurbanmonastery.org or on Facebook.

Book Club Books for Spring: April - Soul Making: The Desert Way of Spirituality by Alan Jones May - Streams of Living Water by Richard Foster

Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church P. O. Box 405 Bryan, Texas 77806-0405

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