EU cultural policy

Webinar with Simone Dudt and Katharina Weinert (European Music Council)

Supported by: Overview

• EU institutions • Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) • Creative Europe • The role of the cultural sector Poll

Who are you? EU institutions

European Parliament European Commission

Council of the EU

• 705 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) represent the citizens of the Member States (751 MEPs until 31 January 2020) • Jointly adopts laws with the Council of the EU • Jointly adopts (annual) budget of the EU • Supervises all Community activities • Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) • Intergroups European Parliament & Brexit European Parliament & Brexit European Parliament & Brexit Committee on Culture and Education (CULT)

• Responsible for all cultural aspects of the EU • Chair: Sabine Verheyen (EPP, DE) • Rapporteur Creative Europe: Massimiliano Smeriglio (S&D, IT) • Shadow rapporteurs: Tomasz Frankowski (EPP), Shaffaq Mohammed (Renew)?, Niklas Nienaß (Greens/EFA), Christine Anderson (ID), Elzbieta Kruk (ECR), Martina Michels (GUE/NGL) Any questions?

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• Shapes overall EU strategy • Proposes new EU laws and policies, monitors their implementation and manages the EU budget • Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth: Mariya Gabriel • 33 directorates‐general develop, manage and implement EU policy, law and funding • Directorate General Education and Culture (DG EAC) Thierry Oliver Varhelyi Breton

Adina Valean Thierry Oliver Varhelyi Breton

Adina Valean Any questions?

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• Made up of representative of each Member State at ministerial level, e.g. culture, finance  Education, Youth, Culture and Sport (EYCS) • Adopts EU legislation through regulations and directives, prepares decisions and non‐binding recommendations  EYCS mostly incentive measures and recommendations • Cultural Affairs Committee (CAC)  prepares work of EU ministers for culture, discusses legislative proposals • General Affairs Council  cross‐cutting issues such as MFF, preparation and follow‐up of European Concil meetings, meets once a month • European Council: Heads of State or Government of the Member States  sets out general political guidelines of the EU Source: tasc. Think‐tank for action on social change‐decision‐making/european‐union/ Any questions?

Let us know using the “question option” in the bottom left of the chat Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) • Long‐term budget of the EU (currently 2014‐ 2020) and in negotiations for 2021‐2027 • Align EU spending with political priorities • All EU funding programmes, such as Creative Europe are part of the MFF • Many cultural projects and actions receive funding through other programmes and funds as well Culture Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014 ‐ 2020

Graphic by Politico EU budget – who decides?

• Proposal by the European Commission • Unanimous adoption by the Council (Member States) • Adoption by the European Parliament (absolute majority) • Although European Council not really actor in the procedure • In practice: plays decisive role in bringing procedure to a close Where does the money come from?

• Only contributions by Member States • MFF 2014‐2020: 1.03% of Gross National Income (GNI) for EU28 (incl. European Development Fund, EDF) • For EU27 brings MFF 2014‐2020 to: 1.16% of GNI (incl. EDF) • For MFF 2021‐2027: 1.114% of GNI • Some Member States get discounts on their contributions (rebates) GNI for the EU budget Why is an increase needed?

• Mainly consequence of inflation and real growth • Withdrawal United Kingdom • Reinforced investment in common priorities: research, digitalisation, climate, migration, security and defence, external action What is the Increase composed of?

Source: European Commission: Factsheet EU budget for the future What happened so far – in the Commission and the Parliament • Proposal by European Commission in May 2018: 1.11 % of GNI • Interim report on the MFF package voted on by European Parliament in November 2018: 1.3 % of GNI After the elections: • European Parliament: resolution confirming and updating negotiating mandate (October 2019) • Political priorities of new European Commission: increased EU spending for new priorities and adjustments What happened so far – in the Council • Discussions under the Austrian and Finnish Presidency based on the “Negotiating Box”: 1.07 % of GNI • Several EU members insist on max. 1% of GNI • Still no concrete numbers on Creative Europe and other smaller programmes Discussions around the new MFF

• Introducing new own sources of revenue e.g. linked to EU Emissions Trading System • Rebates • Financing of Cohesion Policy and Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) • Overall size of the MFF Any questions?

Let us know using the “question option” in the bottom left of the chat Creative Europe 2021‐2027

• Proposal published by the European Commission in May 2018 • Report by the European Parliament adopted in February 2019 • Maintain structure with three sub‐programmes • Additional funding schemes in Culture • Slight increase in budget proposed by the European Commission (1.85 billion Euro) MEDIA: 1.08 billion Euro (58% of Creative Europe) Culture: 609 million Euro (33% of Creative Europe) Cross Sector: 160 million Euro (9% of Creative Europe) • European Parliament wants to double the budget (2.8 billion Euros) Creative Europe 2021‐2027

Continuation: • Maintain structure with three sub‐ programmes (MEDIA, Culture, Cross‐Sector) • Cooperation projects, Networks, Platforms • Special actions: European Capitals of Culture, European Heritage Label, EU cultural prizes Creative Europe 2021‐2027

Changes: • (More) sectorial actions: music, architecture & cultural heritage, design & fashion, cultural tourism, book & publishing • Mobility of artists and cultural and creative operators • Guarantee Facility not part of Creative Europe Cross‐Sector anymore (moved to Invest EU Fund) Music Moves Europe

• Framework for the initiatives and actions of the European Commission regarding the music sector • Goal is to strengthen EU‘s political and financial support of the sector • Preparatory Action 2018, 2019 & 2020 • “Structured Dialogue” with the music sector • Goes back to AB Group in 2015 and the AB Music Working Group report Any questions?

Let us know using the “question option” in the bottom left of the chat Where are we now?

• Waiting for the Member States to find agreement on the overall budget • No agreement was reached at the meeting of the European Council in December 2019 • Next: Special Summit of the European Council on 20 February 2020 • Trilogue negotiations between European Parliament, European Commission and Council on Creative Europe on hold What‘s the role of the cultural sector?

• Open consultations, position papers, direct contacts with the European Commission • Stakeholder Dialogues, open letters, direct contacts with Members of the European Parliament Make your voice heard!

Examples: • Culture Action Europe: #Double4Culture and #Committ1% ‐launches‐the‐double‐for‐culture‐campaign/ • Joint statements across the music and cultural sector https://www.emc‐ • Do the same on national level! Before 20 February 2020 – Finance Ministry – Foreign Affairs – Culture Ministry – Parliament and respective committees • Download sample letter from the EMC website or Culture Action Europe Any questions?

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Recordings and links with further information will be available on the EMC website soon!