Alum Ni New Sle Tter

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Alum Ni New Sle Tter Volume 1, Issue 1 March 19, 2012 Call To Hurricanes Alumni Coordinator, Nick Pelle- uel at msamuel@the- The Hamilton Hurricanes tier, if you have the con- or Nick tact information of any of Pelletier at npelle- Want You Back! your team mates. [email protected] and reconnect with a We are currently building We are dedicated to build- great organization and the Hamilton Hurricanes ing strong relationships a great group of young Alumni Association and with our Alumni in order men who are the lead- we need your support and to keep the Hurricane foot- ers of tomorrow. feedback in order to make ball tradition and success this happen. alive in Hamilton. The Hamilton Hurricanes GO Canes GO!!! We are trying to compile a organization is striving to profile on as many Hamil- help build relationships ton Hurricane Alumni as between the players of the possible, including name, past, the players of today contact information and and the players of the fu- the years that they played ture through Alumni with the Hamilton Hurri- events and team functions. canes. We need your help! Please contact the We would love to hear Team President, Mike from you, so please feel Samuel, or Team Profile free to contact Mike Sam- 2011 OFC Championship Rings secutive year with a dom- went on to win. The Hamilton Hurri- inant 42-6 win over the canes were down at the Windsor AKO Fratmen Hamilton finished the regular season with a rec- HAAA Clubhouse on back in October. Sunday, February 19th to ord of 7 wins and 1 loss, receive their Ontario The Hurricanes hosted the and dominated the OFC Football Conference Saskatoon Hilltops in the playoffs with wins over Championship rings Canadian Bowl at Ivor St. Leonard and Windsor. (below right). The Hurri- Wynne Stadium in Hamil- canes captured the OFC ton on November 12, crown for the second con- 2011, which the Hilltops Inside this issue: HAMILTON HURRICANES Mohawk College Bursary Winners 2 Tourism Hamilton Sports Ambassador 2 Spring Camp/Tryouts 2012 2 Player Spotlight - Cam Dakin 3 Alumni Newsletter Hurricanes Hall of Fame & Honours 3 Hurricanes Gala & Banquet 4 Hurricanes Annual Golf Tournament 4 Mohawk College Bursary Winners tion and is currently studying Police The Hamilton Hurricanes, the Foundations at Mohawk College. Hamilton Tiger-Cats, and Mohawk Phil Boroniec is a Sophomore with College have a strong partnership and the Hurricanes at the defensive back it is on display through the Mohawk position and is studying Broadcasting College Bursary program. Television at Mohawk College. A portion of the money that is raised Jordan Powell is a Senior defensive at one Tiger-Cats “Mohawk College lineman with the Hurricanes and is Night” home game during the season studying Business Accounting at Mo- is divided up between three deserving hawk College. recipients ($500 each). The criteria paying for his education. These men are the leaders of tomor- for the bursaries is as follows, the The recipients of the 2011 Mohawk row and are congratulated on their person must be a Mohawk College College Bursary are Cory Raposo, success within the classroom and on student, they must be a current Ham- Jordan Powell, and Phil Boroniec. ilton Hurricanes player, and they the field. must have financial need in which the Cory Raposo is a Junior with the bursary would assist the person with Hurricanes at the wide receiver posi- Tourism Hamilton’s Sports Ambassador of the Year ment of football at the junior level feelings were once he heard his name On Tuesday, March 6th Tourism within the Hamilton community. At the being called as the winner of this Hamilton hosted its 14th annual Tour- Awards of Excellence dinner Mike was award, Mike said, “I was shocked and ism Hamilton Awards of Excellence nominated in the category of Sports humbled to be presented with this dinner. Among the 500 nominees Ambassador award, but it wasn’t just one person and guests was the Hamilton Hur- of the Year, who won this award. Everyone had a ricanes very own Mike Samuel. “Everyone had a hand in winning and won. hand in winning this award...It is actu- Mike is the President of the Hamil- this award...It is actually a When asked ally a Hamilton Hurricanes’ award”. ton Hurricanes Football Club and a what his Congratulations goes out to Mike Sam- Hamilton Hurricanes award” major contributor to the develop- thoughts and uel and the Hurricanes organization. - Team President, Mike Samuel Spring Camp/Tryouts 2012 Registration - Driver's License Dates: Saturday, May 5, 2012 - Passport Tuesday, May 22, 2012 @ 7pm-9pm HAAA Clubhouse - 250 Charlton - Birth Certificate (Preferred) Wednesday, May 23, 2012 @ 7pm- Street East, Hamilton 9pm Time: 11am-4pm Spring Camp/ Tryouts Thursday, May 24, 2012 @7pm-9pm *This camp is open to all players *All players registering are required born between 1990-1994* *All camps will be held at Ivor to provide photocopies only of two Wynne Stadium (75 Balsam Ave, (2) pieces of I.D. One must be of Cost: $75 per player ($275 per player Hamilton, ON) your Ontario Health Card and the if Hurricanes’ equipment required) other can be either of the following: Page 2 ALUMNI NEWSLETTER Player Spotlight - Cam Dakin (DB - Hurricanes 2010-2011) because I know some people can go major in Kinesiology. He is looking Cam Dakin lives and their whole careers without winning a forward to the opportunity to be a breathes football every single day. It championship”.Cam is very grateful member of the Toronto Varsity Blues is the reason why he wakes up in the for the opportunities that have been football team as well. “ I’m going to morning at 5am and trains hard be- given to him by the Hurricanes when give it everything in hopes to get fore heading to work for a 12 hour there was nowhere else to play foot- some playing time throughout the shift. Cam has had a dream to play ball. “The Hurricanes gave me a year in my first year, and work to- football at the CIS level and profes- chance to still play football while I wards a starting position”. Cam can sionally ever since he made his first finished up at high school and helped contribute a great deal of his success roster as a child. While in high me prepare for the CIS”. All of to the Hamilton Hurricanes and he school, Cam was a member of the Cam’s hard work both on the field will always remember the opportuni- Westmount Wildcats football team, and in the classroom over the past ties that were given to him. “Being a the Hamilton Ironmen, and the Ham- year has paid off. Cam has committed member of the Hurricanes’ organiza- ilton Hurricanes. He was a member to the University of Toronto (U of T) tion has changed my life and I’m ex- of the 2010 and 2011 Ontario Foot- for the fall of 2012 where he plans to tremely thankful that they were there ball Conference Champion Hamilton for me when I needed a place to play. Hurricanes as a defensive back and “Being a member of the Hurricanes The coaches, management, and staff part of a strong Hurricanes’ defence. have helped me realize my dream of Cam has been honoured to be a part organization has changed my life and I’m pursuing football as far as I can take of such a great organization over the extremely thankful that they were there for it, and have helped me stay focused past two years. “It was an amazing and committed to my goals for the me when I needed a place to play”. experience to be a part of a back-to- future. back Provincial Championship team - Cam Dakin Hurricanes’ Hall of Fame & Honours ber of different roles. Their contri- At this year’s Team Banquet & butions to the organization have Gala, the Hamilton Hurricanes or- been overwhelming and the Hamil- ganization will be inducting two ton Hurricanes’ organization will individuals into the Hurricanes’ recognize these efforts during the Hall of Fame and they will also be awards ceremony at the Team Gala honouring the 2010 & 2011 Back-to & Banquet on April 21, 2012. -Back Ontario Football Conference Championship Hurricanes’ teams. Two of the most recent Hurricanes’ teams will be honoured at the same The two individuals who will be Gala for their outstanding perfor- inducted into the Hurricanes’ Hall mances in 2010 and 2011 when 2012 Hamilton Hurricanes’ Hall of of Fame are Peggy Knill and Bon- they captured the OFC’s Teddy nie Griffin. These two ladies have Fame Inductees: Morris Memorial Trophy in consec- Peggy Knill & Bonnie Griffin been around the Hurricanes’ organi- utive years. zation for many years and have helped support the team in a num- Hurricane Honours: 2010 & 2011 Back-To-Back Ontario Football Conference Champions VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Page 3 Upcoming Events Hurricanes’ Gala & Banquet The Hamilton Hurricanes will be hosting their annual Gala & Banquet on Saturday, April 21, 2012. Location: Michelangelo’s Event Venue & Conference Centre 1555 Upper Ottawa Street, Hamilton, ON Cocktails: 6pm, Dinner: 7pm Awards & Honours: 7-9pm, Dance: 9pm-1am Tickets: $75 per person. Includes Dinner and Open Bar Contact Team President, Mike Samuel: [email protected] or 905-745-7508 Or Jennifer Silvestri: [email protected] or 905-531-2954 2nd Annual Golf Tournament The Hamilton Hurricanes will be hosting their 2nd Annual Golf Tournament on Tuesday, June 26, 2012. Location: Dundas Valley Golf & Country Club Registration:11am Lunch: 11:30 A.M Shotgun Start:1 P.M Dinner: 6:30pm *NOTE: Limited to the First 120 Golfers We offer different levels of support opportunities.
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