Tenancy Policy
Tenancy Policy 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This policy sets out for customers, staff and local authorities the range of tenancies that Clarion Housing Association (Clarion) may grant for each type of housing. It applies to all Clarion rented accommodation including: general needs (social and affordable rent), Rent4Less, Intermediate rent products, retirement, supported, key worker and temporary housing. 1.2 It is intended to give general guidance on the tenancies that will typically be offered for each type of housing, but given the range of properties that Clarion manages, the wide geographical area it operates in and the variations in local authority tenancy strategies and allocations policies, other options may be used where it is appropriate to do so. 1.3 The policy does not apply to market rent, shared ownership, and properties for outright sale. 2. Policy Objectives 2.1 This policy aims to: provide clarity on the circumstances in which we will grant each type of tenancy offer tenancies which make the most efficient use of our housing stock and which are compatible with the purpose of the accommodation make the best use of our stock to increase the number of people we are able to house support tenants to remain in their home if their need for the size and type of property continues to exist when the tenancy is subject to review contribute to local authorities strategic housing function comply with the social housing regulators Tenancy Standard (see section 8) 3. Policy Statement 3.1 Clarion will let the majority of its properties either with an Assured periodic ‘lifetime’ tenancy or a fixed-term tenancy depending on the size of the property and the local housing market conditions.
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