Chipman Family a Genealogy Of
THE CHIPMAN FAMILY A GENEALOGY OF THE CHIPMANS IN AMERICA 1631-1920 BY BERT LEE CHIPMAN BERT L. CHIPMAN. PUBLISHER WINSTON-SALEM. N. C. COPYRIGHT 1920 BERT L. CHIPMAN MONOTYPED BY THE WINSTON PRINTING COMPANY WrN9TON-SALEM, N. C, Introduction Many hours have been spent in gathering and compiling the data that makes up this genealogy of the Chipman family; a correspondence has been carried on extending to every part of the United States and Canada, requiring several thousand letters; but it has been a pleasant task. What is proposed by genealogical research is not to laud individuals, nor to glorify such families as would other wise remain without glory. Heraldic arms have as little worth as military aside from the worth of those bearing them. Not the armor but the army merits and should best repay describing. It has been my earnest desire to make this work as complete and accurate as possible. In this connection I wish to acknowledge the valuable aid in research work rendered by Mr. W. A. Chipman (1788), Mr. S. L. Chip man (1959), Mrs. B. W. Gillespie (see 753) and Mrs. Margaret T. Reger (see 920). C Orgin THE NAME CHIPMAN is of English otjgin, early existing in various forms such as,-Chipenham, Chippenham, Chiepman and Chipnam. The name is to be found quite frequently in the books prepared by the Record Commis sion appointed by the British Parliament, and from i085 to 1350 it usually appears with the prefix de, as,~e Chippenham. Several towns in England bear the name in one of its f onns, for instance: Chippenham, Buckingham Co., twenty-two miles from London, is "a Liberty in the Parish and Hundred of Burnham, forming a part of the ancient demesnes of the crown and said to be the site of a palace of the Mercian kings." Chippenham, Cambridge Co., sixty-one miles from London, is '' a Parish in the Hundred of Staplehou, a dis charged Vicarage in the Archdeaconry of Suffolk and Diocese of Norwich." Chippenham, Wilts Co., ninety-three miles from London, is "a Borough, Market-town and Parish in the Hundred of Chippenham and a place of great antiquity.
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