Serving the greater NORTH, CENTRAL AND SOUTH BALDWIN communities Foley man travels around the world PAGE 8 Pick an event for your family to try The Onlooker PAGE 5 AUGUST 16, 2017 | | 75¢ Elberta considers sales tax hike By CLIFF MCCOLLUM increase is necessary to have “A one cent sales tax is not tax is something that would be
[email protected] money to run this town,” former going to hurt me in Elberta,” predominantly charged to snow- Mayor Marvin Williams, owner Stanley said. “I really do think it birds. I suggest that before we Tensions flared during last of the Roadkill Cafe, said. “But I will hurt potential new businesses raise taxes across the board for all week’s Elberta Town Council don’t think we can live with it. I coming in, though.” the citizens.” work session, as the council dis- think it will drive people away. I Former Councilman John Conti Councilman Michael Hudson cussed a possible one percent think we ought to extinguish all urged the council to consider said his math on a possible rental sales tax increase to help raise avenues of approach before we other means of taxation as a way tax for the town would only raise money for needed road upgrades come to that.” to raise revenue. about $28,000 per year, which and a possible Elberta sports com- Steve Stanley, a longtime El- “I’d like to reiterate the point would not fully meet the infra- #Foley plex. berta resident, said he knew the made to this council and the previ- structure needs facing the town.