Today's Weather Ad Sorority The third meeting of tounma intermittent rain is expected Alpha Chi, women's advertising today. Temperatures will be In sorority, nill he held tomorron at the 64 high to 52 low range, with 3:30 p.m. in .110ti. Women students a southerly wind blowing at 10-20 of advertising., Journalism, public mph. Yesterday's tempera t urn attatz a relations and related fields are range was 69 high and 55 low. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE urged to attend.

Vol. 52 le*" SAN JOSE, , WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1964 No. 26 SJS Conduct Furor Vote on Trip Scheduled SJS C areer Day Today Continues To Smolder Today is Federal Career Day at SJS. The furor over conduct of SJS Cliff Steele, chief justice, moved For Today A variety of general Information students at Saturday night's UOP quickly yesterday to investigate on federal careers, as game rumbled from the adminis- complaints of student conduct. Student Council today is ex- well as de- tailed data on employment oppor- tration to the ASB yesterday. They plan to discuss the inci- pected to pass the band's $6,300 tunities in Bay Area federal SJS President Robert D. Clark dents with each group involved and agen- request for a bus trip to Arizona cies will be available said "I share with the majority of then decide if the ASB should take free of and Los Angeles football games students the sense of embarass- definite punitive action. charge-- from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., ment they felt at the conduct of a Nov. 14-15. in the Library patio, or, in case of few." Eleven of council's 18 members rain, in the breezeway between the Men's Gym and Physical Educa- President Clark said he sat in have indicated their approval of tion-Recreation Building. the press box behind the students the band trip through motions Dr. Tables, staffed by approximately at the game. Borovski passed this week by council's He said he is aware that some 30 professional experts from Bay students might have been guilty of three permanent committees. Area agencies and the College "some vulgarities that were reget- To Speak Ten affirmative votes will be Placement Office, will provide in- able" but was not aware of this required today for council to pass formation concerning careers in ac- counting business administration; himself. "The German Character As Re- the request. engineering; law enforcement, lib- APPROVES ATTITUDE vealed In German Literature" will BAND'S REQT'EST eral arts; life, physical, agricul- "I the be discussed tonight at 8 p.m. by approve the attitude of tural and natural sciences; teach- SJS Assistant Professor of Lan- The band's request, submitted ASB in looking at itself and seek- ing and overseas employment., a ing means of governing itself to council last Wednesday, was on new area being offered in this referred to three committees, Ex- these occasions," he declared. year's program. The President said he has confi- ternal Policy, Campus Policy, and dence the ASB will handle the sit- Finance, for study. NO APPOINTMENTS uations and "trusts higher admin- The specific request was for a Students will be allowed to par- istrative action will not be neces- $9,300 plane or $6,300 bus trip to ticipate on an informal, "drop-in" sary." the SJS-Arizona State and L.A. basis; no appointments are re- Meanwhile in the College Union, Rams- games. quired. Bob Pisano, ASB President, has de- Meeting during the week, two Dr. Edward W. Clements, place- cided to throw the entire issue of ment officer, emphasizes that all of the three committees passed CAREER DAYEmployees representing 61 of mission and participating agencies, will be held student conduct before Student students are invited to attend the voice vote motions urging council Santa Clara County's departments, answer ques- today from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., in the Library Council today. informational program. "Not only to pass the request. The third tions concerning career opportunities with the patio. In case of rain, tables will be set up in the Pisan said yesterday he plans graduates and graduating seniors, committee tied 3-3 on a similar county at a past SJS Federal Career Day. This breezeway between Men's Gym and Physical to aks council today to invite pres- motion. but undergraduates as well, may idents of Inter-Fraternity Council year, the cooperative program, sponsored jointly Education -Recreation Building. This is the fifth Finance Committee last Thurs- expect this program to be of real (IFC) and Inter-Dormitory Council by the Placement Office, the Civil Service Corn- year that SJS has observed Federal Career Day. day was the first to discuss the value in career planning," he ob- (IDC) to appear before council to served. discuss the Saturday night inci- controversial issue. It voted 4-2 dents. in favor of the bus trip. FAVORABLE REACTIONS "Last year," Dr. Clements re- Political Fights State Senator Clark Bradley He wants council to question IN FAVOR 1,200 SJS students IFC president Jim Nivens and IDC lated, "over Voting in favor of the trip in the program. president Rich Shuler. took advantage of Erupt in Tulsa Talks on Prop. 14 Tomorrow DR. CONRAD BOROYSKI this committee were Rick Trout Their favorable reactions lead us COMPI.AINTS ISJ United l'ress International . . . to speak and Bill Clark, sophomore repre- to anticipate many more this year." "Prop. 14" is the subject of a the Rumford Act which prohibits Fraternities and residence halls, sentatives; Jeannette Faddis, Noting that many recent SJS Several street fights broke out speech to be given by California any person from declining to sell, in in downtown Tulsa, Okla. Tuesday Pliano explained, were named guages Dr. Conrad Borovski in the freshman representative; and Pete graduates have found satisfying State Republican Senator Clark lease, or rent housing when race, by In the wake of an appearance by nearly all complaints received faculty room of the Spartan Cafe- Briggs, graduate representative. and productive careers in the Fed- Bradley tomorrow at 4 p.m. in religion or nationality are the cri- wants Lady Bird Johnson on her aerial the ASB, which is why he teria. J. J. Fraser, junior representa- eral Service, he indicated that one CH149. teria for discretion. and IDC campaign swing. council to call the IFC tive, and Tina Newton, freshman or more of these graduates would Senator Bradley's speech on the The speech will be sponsored Several persons were injured and presidents. representative, voted against the be on campus today to describe judiciary, under Bruce jointly by the ASB Spartan Pro- 6 to 8 were arrested. The ASB motion. their experiences to interested stu- attorney general, and grams Committee and the German The highway patrol said the Bolshevik Platform MacDonald, External Policy Committee met dents. Club. Refreshments will be served fights, involving 30 to 40 persons Monday and voted 4-1 in favor of This will be the fifth year that by the German Club. Involved Negroes and whites but the bus trip. Federal Career Day has been ob- Gives Peace, Land Dr. Borovski says he views the the Tulsa police department said it Marty Stenrud and Gene Lokey, served on the SJS campus. 'Management' literature of a people as reflecting was a political showdown between unior representatives; Dave Career Day is sponsored jointly their character. supporters of President Johnson Thind, senior representative, and by the Placement Office, the Civil Mandel Reveals Dr. Borovski, of Polish and Lith- and Sen. Barry Goldwater. Pam Mangseth, sophomore repre- Service Commission and partici- The two great issues Is Subject uanian descent, grew up near Leip- Mrs. Johnson did not know about in the Bol- sentative, voted for the trip. pating agencies. shevik platform in Russia in 1917 zig,- Germany; at Torgau on the the fighting. were peace and land reforms.These Elbe. DISSENTS Police Capt. J. E. Camp said Talk appeals were heard and responded Of Book none of the injured was seriously Dr. Borovski fled to West Ger- Dan Auza, freshman representa- "Toward a Unified Theory of One More Winner hurt. to by the Russian people, stated many in 1948, where he worked as tive, voted against the issue. Management," written by Harold Most of t hose involved were William Marx Mandel in a series a journalist and later as an immi- Campus Policy Committee met of lectures Koontz, is the subject of today's youths. Some fights broke out be- yesterday afternoon. gration inspector. yesterday and a similar motion book talk in Cafeteria A and B Wings Southward fore Mrs. Johnson arrived from The Mandel lecture was on the Toward the end of 1951, Dr. Bor- favoring the band trip was tied building of a new social at 12:30 p.m. by Dr. Albert Porter, Austin, Tex. to address 10,000 system. ovski came to the United States. 3-3. Mike Devine, 679 S. Ninth, must associate professor of manage- cheering democrats at a rally. In 1917 the Russian soldiers After serving two years with the Mike Freed, senior representa- have consulted his crystal ball as ment. killed their officers and returned military in Korea, where he earned tive; Dick Miner, junior repre- "I consider this a landmark book he filled out his Spartan Grid to their homes, for they had no the bronze star, he became a sentative; and John Bruckman, in the study of management," Dr. Picks last week to come up with a reason to fight. Peasants took their United States citizen. sophomore representative, favored Demo, YR Views Porter emphasized. winning entry of 13 correct selec- arms with them making Russia an the trip. CLARK BRADLEY "The study of management is Dr. Borovski graduated with armed state. With the division of Senior representatives Marilyn tions. Mike missed the Navy-Pitts- . . . state senator definitely going through a change honors from the University of Cal- Speech land the new regime had troops spe- Cox and Robin Phillips; and Dick To Follow from folk lore to a science in which ifornia at Berkeley in 1957, controversial housing measure is in the field within a year. The Soto, freshman representative, to base assumptions on," Dr. Por- cializing in medieval literature. He "Can Government Have A Con- being sponsored by the SJS Young soldiers had a reason to fight for voted against the issue. ter described. went on to earn his M.A. from science?" will be discussed by Dr. Americans for Freedom (YAF). their own land and they wanted to Berkeley In 1959. In 1960 he earned All three committees will pre- Gerald E. Wheeler, SJS professor defend it at all costs, Mandel ex- The hook reflects these changes. The passage of Prop. 14 would his doctorate with honorable men- sent their motions to council to- of history, in EDI00, today at 3:30 plained. Dr. Porter feels, and this "is why prohibit the state and its subdi- tion at the University of Stras- day, which will then make the p.m. "Every country that had indus- It is so important." visions and agencies from directly bourg in France. final decision. Richard Reeb, senior, president trialized before Russia had the "Toward a Unified Theory of or indirectly denying, limiting or of the SJS Young Republicans and benefit of loans given by foreign Management" is a report of a two- abridging the right of any person Les Freund, senior, program coor- banking firms for investment pur- day symposium. It attempted to to decline to sell, lease, or rent dinator for the SJS Democratic poses. This was not true of Russia. "hash out" the different schools of residential "real property" to such Club, will give their reactions fol- No one trusted the government of thought which define and clarify World Wire person or persons as he, in his ab- lowing his address. management theory. SOVIET UNION MAY LOSE U.N. VOTE Russia with its policy to do away The lecture will be concerned solute discretion, chooses. UNITED NATIONS (UPI)The Soviet Union and eight other with monetary system. True Com- with the role of government in Opponents of Prop. 14 have ar- countries risk losing their vote in the United Nations General Assem- munism is a classless and money- mass society. Sponsoring the ad- gued that it would abolish impor- bly for non-payment of assessments, the annual report of assembly less society, Mandel told an audi- Political Science dress will be the United Campus tant housing legislation including committee on contributions showed yesterday. ence of 50 students. Christian Ministry. The countries are: Russia used her farm products Dr. Wheler is the author of the Panel Discussion Soviet Union; Ukraine; Hungary; Romania; Poland; Byelorussia; finance industrialization according book "Prelude to Pearl Harbor" Czechoslovakia; Yemen; Paraguay. Spartan Rentals to Mandel. When the world market and several articles. Tomorrow at 3:30 Article 19 of the U.N. charter provides that any country owing fell in the depression of the 1930's The current presidential cam- the equivalent of two years' assessments loses its vote, unless it pays Fire Investigated Stalin cut back industry in Russia paign will be discussed by a panel in enough to bring the arrearage below the cut-off figure. and put into effect drastic agrarian of five political science faculty The United States has stated that it will demand enforcement MIKE DEVINE Send Daily Home reforms, he stressed. members tomorrow afternoon at of article 19 at the next general assembly, tentatively set for Dec. 1. . . . missed one By Arson Squad The annual "Sendhome" edi- 3:30 in TH55. EISENHOWER MAY LEAVE HOSPITAL THIS WEEK burgh tie and the L.A. Rams upset tion published by Sigma Delta The arson squad of the San Jos, Ogden Discusses The panel discussion will be WASHINGTON (UPD Walter Reed Hospital indicated yester- victory over Green Bay. Chi, honorary journalism fratern- Jose Fire Department is invest! sponsored by the Political Science day that former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who is suffering For his efforts Mike wins a free ity, goes on sale this morning at gating a fire which occurred at Normandy Trip Department and Pi Sigma Alpha, from a bronchial infection, may be discharged this week. round-trip, jet-powered flight to two locations. 555 S. 10th St. early Tuesday Carlos Ogden, a Congressional political science scholastic honor- Eisenhower was admitted to the hospital seven days ago. At that Los Angeles on PSA. The tabloid-size replica of morning. Medal of Honor winner, told an au- fraternity. time, physicians said it would take from 7 to 10 days to get him ary Five runner-ups will be mailed Spartan Daily will be sold for Five fire trucks responded to dience of about 25 yesterday about Dr. Theodore M. Norton, assist- feet. back on his pairs of theater tickets to the 10 cents a copy in front of the the alarm at 1:32 am. The fire his trip to Normandy, where he ant professor, will discuss key The hospital reported yesterday that Eisenhower was continuing United Artist Theater. They are: Bookstore and Cafeteria. was in an uncompleted Spartan represented the United States at state campaigns for Congress and to progress. The former President had been suffering from a hoarse- Larry Minihan, 628 S. 10th; Ron Members of the fraternity will Rental apartment house. One the commemoration of the Nor- the office of governor and their for ness hut gradually has regained normal speech. Raymond, 357 S. Fourth; Jim Mc- mail the paper home to parents apartment was destroyed and other mandy invasion. effects on the presidential race. BERLINERS WEST CLAIM NINE NEW ESCAPES Cahon, 453 S. Ninth; Xavier Gu- of SJS students for an additional parts of the building were dam- Ogden received his invitation Dr. James W. Pratt, assistant pro- A group of West BERLIN (UPI) Berliners said Tuesday they tierrez, 50 N. Ninth; and Stan five cents. aged. frotn President Lyndon B. Johnson fessor, will discuss foreign policy East smuggled nine refugees out of Berlin over a two-month period Francis, 580 S. 11th. The four-page "Sendhome" Damage was estimated at $3,000. on May 30 and the anniversary issues in the campaign. Assistant in a tiny two-seater car. This week's Spartan Grid Picks contains top next news stories There were two separate fires in ceremonies took place on June 5 Professor Dr. Fauneil J. Rhin will They said the refugeesfive women and four menwere brought appears on page eight. Contestants and pictures from Spartan Daily building. One was in the back next and 6. However, before leaving for consider the effect of election polls past eastern border guards one at a time hidden behind the seat of are asked to have their entries in this semester. to the elevator shaft and the other France, Ogden did receive an au- and their reliability. an "Isetta" ear in a secret compartment. by 4:30 p.m. on Friday. In the destroyed apartment. dience with President Johnson. 2SPARTAN DAILY Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1964 Bakmas Daily Staff, Space All Set Vantage Flower For Halloween Law Breakers \mei Point Shop Flowers The Spartan Daily is prepared for all you law breakers By EVELYN SALAZAR and and rioters. There is a nice big opening for the lead story on Corsages the front page. It is reserved for the annual Halloween riot STUDENT V.I.P. AT INDIANA UNIVERSITY is Lt. Gen. Lih for all story. The Spartan Daily doesn't reserve the No. I story pad- Chien, chief of staff of the Combined Service Forces of Nationalist Occasions 6 1 tion for such lll i ll or things as water balloons and tossed eggs, China. Gen. Chien is a graduate student in the School of Business. CV 2-0462 10th & Sania Clara but rather sav es it for a riot or house fire or a report of the SNAKES AND COCONUTS are only a few of the unusual items police using tear gas on SJS students. received by the Arizona State College mail room. Other "mail" is The Spartan Daily also has a reporter assigned to work snow skis, frogs, car tires, drums and turtles. Friday and Saturday nights. The reporter has been working ART AND JAZZ have been combined with traditional forms for weeks, planning for the Halloween weekend. lie has inter- of worship at the College Chapel on the Fresno State College cam- viewed police officials to find out what kind of jail cells are pus. This semester a jazz arrangement of Bach has been explored as available as well as to find out how many extra policemen one approach to worship. Dialogue preaching between two ministers will be on duty. will also be tried. The reporter also has interviewed college officials and sin dent representatives to find out how any trouble makers will A CARELESS TOSS of a bottle from a car window caused be handled by the college. trouble for a football player at the University of Miami. The bottle V. ould you like to have your name in the newspaper? All hit the windshield of a truck. The student admitted throwing the you have to do is follow the mob or make your own. The mob bottle out the window "because he was depressed over the football will then carry you along to glory on the front page of the season." Daily. MACHINES AREN'T ALWAYS RIGHT! Several phony stu- Everyone has the SJS students figured out and is ready for dents were enrolled this semester at the University of California ; them. Of course the biggest hoax of all would be if SJS students at Berkeley. Some of the fake names punched out on the IBM cards ') TIME acted like nsen and women. Think of all the policemen who were "Vote Yes on Proposition 15" "English IA Is No Good," "Gold- would be dri%ing around to no avail and think of the trouble water for President" and "Me for President." ./ AIRLINES the Spartan Daily would have filling the big opening on page I. MAAJLtZsisN THE MEN AT CAL ARE PLANNING ANOTHER SMOKER Call 286-1862 Maybe the paper would come out with a big blank space. What and this time they don't intend to include any girls. Candy Hughes A SCHEDULED AIRLINE RI8INN6." a keen hoax! 'HARM WON, LYNDON'S WINi4446,t,NDI DIDN'T EVEN I

Three Students Wednesday, tlr-t 28 1)514 RPARTAN D40.Y-5 Get Scholarships Job Interviews Dinner Meeting 'Tonight's Co-Rec The Occupational Therapy De- TOMORROW: partment has announced toe AMP% Renean% CenterN As Music, names of three who have received For Accountants Features scholarships from the State De- electrical and mechanical enginew partment of Mental Hygiene. ing, physics, physical chemisw. Tomorrow Night Apple Bobbing Barbara Gansen, Elizabeth Es- biochemistry, biophysics and physi- "Ha Is ikih," tonight 's Co Ree, terly, and Linda Mattock have Upper-division and graduate ac- ology majors for basic and expe- features music by San lose'-; Jest - each received a scholarship for counting major; may attend a rienced research - citizenship re- 'era and an apple bobbing. contest $900 plus senior year tuition. In dinner-meeting of the San Jo.4e quired. Iwith order to receive the scholarship, Chapter of the National Associa- Held in the W1111101'S Gym and each girl agreed upon graduation Sacramento Air Material Area: tion of Accountants (NAA i to- I PER Building 7:30-9:45, Co-itec to work for the state of California mechanical, electrical and indus- cardholders. for one year. trial engineering, accounting, lib- morrow at 6:15 p.m. in the IBM is free to ASH eral arts and business majors for cafeteria. Tennis shoes are necessary for engineering a n d administration The dutch-treat dinner will be , and bad- trainee position citizenship re- followed by a speech on "Man- minton. Students wishing to swim quired. agement Models and Methods- A should bring swimsuits, towels RENT California State Personnel Study In Simulation Techniques" and bathing caps. TYPEWRITERS Board: any non-teaching major by Morton C. Frishberg. business, economic and real estate Those attending the meeting Standard Portable Electric preferredfor junior right-of-way will have an opportunity to work USE DAR Y CLASSIFIED As kit!. as 200 per day agent, appraisal and acquisition of with a high speed computer. No FOR PROFIT THE FIRST $1,500 SCHOLARSHIPW. H. at SJS. Norman Gunderson, Engineering Divi- real estate and property manage- prior knowledge in computer op- Modern Office Curtiss Jr., vice president of Owens-Corning sion Dean, looks on. The scholarship money may ment citizenship required and erating technique is required, ac- AND CONVENIENCE Fiberglas Corp., center, recently presented a either be divided between two engineering stu- males only. cording to an NAA spokesman. Machine Company check for $1,500 to Dr. Robert D. Clark, right, dents or $500 given to two worthy engineering 114 E. San Fernando 293 5283 for an annual scholarship established in recog- students and the other $500 used by the En- "4111,WEEZEUT,LAIMAMIEMIZZUEEMPUZ2ILLZULUZWW14.1.-T-TWEIziilaZ.-AM, (Neat door to Cal took Store) nition of the outstanding engineering program gineering Division. JAM SESSION MUSIC AND Dr. Moore Gives Talk Research Grants EVERY SUNDAY ENTERTAINMENT LEARN "Submarine Volcanic Rocks University of Washington in 1952, 3 P.M.-12 P.M. NIGHTLY Near Hawaii" will be the topic and his Ph.D. in geology in 1954 Awarded to SJS of a lecture by Dr. James Moore from Johns Hopkins University. TO FLY He has been associated with the COLLEGE NITE of the United States Geological USGS since 1956, and has just Faculty Members Career Opportunities Survey (USGS) tonight at 7:30 returned from a three-year tour EVERY THURSDAY in A133. of duty at the Hawaiian Volcano Three research grants in biology, MUSIC & VOCALS BY Enroll now in one of our The talk is sponsored by the Observatory. totaling $43,022, have been award- guaranteed courses SJS Geological Society. Dr. Moores speech will be il- ed to three faculty members of SCOTT ZIMMERMAN Dr. Moore earned his B.S. de- lustrated by slides. Refreshments SJS science departments from the AND HIS FOR gree from in will be served. The meeting is Private Pilot 1951, his KS. degree from the open to the general public. U.S. Department of Health, Edu- COLLEGE LANCERS Commercial Pilot cation and Welfare. Instrument Rating Recipients are: Dr. Ralph C. HAPPY HOUR 20% Flight Instructor Ballard, associate professor in bi- 6 P.M. - 8 P.M. Multiengine Rating -s- Spartaguide DISCOUNT Audio-Visual Ground School ology, $9,137 for a one-year study TODAY: or and professional association for of "Aging in the Cardiovascular BEER TO SJS CALL FOR APPOINTMENT women in education), 5:30 p.m., System;" Dr. Charles W. Porter, Co-Rec, 7:30 p.m.-9:45 p.m., WG, .20 PER GLASS T H E STUDENTS 292-8254 admission by ASB card only, ten- HI, annual fall buffet dinner, Dr. assistant professor in biology, $14,- $1 PER PITCHER nis shoes must be worn. James R. MacPherson, associate 299 for a two-year study of "Im- ON ALL professor of education, will speak Pershing Rifles, 7:30 p.m., B44, mune Responses Induced by Ova *FREE PEANUTS on "Special Education as a SPARTAN HUB PIZZA ORDERS A SAN JOSE constitution meeting, all members and Placenta Injections," and Career." A FLIGHT must attend. Dr. Ralph J. Fessenden, associate WALKING DISTANCE Industrial Relations Club, 7 p.m., A SCHOOL, INC. Phrateres International, 6:30 professor in chemistry, $19,586 FROM THE COLLEGE p.m., pledges, 7:30 p.m., actives, LC306. for a one-year study of "Steric 417 SO. FIRST STREET PHONE 294-1454 San Jose Municipal Airport ED445. Newman Club, 8 p.m., Newman Alteration of Biological Activity Pi Lambda Theta (national hon- Center, 59 S. Fifth St., general by Silicon." iiiViiiTittiii-mmtiiifietitAirietWiiitril4MglotterTetd71774707Strct wriiirfaver---tVir7W-vriirr, meeting. Geological Society, 7:30 p.m., McCLELLAN AIR FORCE BASE AT SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA A133, guest lecturer on "Submarine AN Volcanic Rocks Near Hawaii." WRA Coed , 4:30 p.m., CAMPUS INTERVIEWS dorm field. for Reed Staff, 5 p.m., F0207, La Electrical, Electronic, Mechanical and Aerospace Torre pictures will be taken. Engineers ($5990 or $7050 Per Annum) Young Americans for Freedom, OTTAGE ASUALS Accountants ($5660 or $6450 Per Annum) 7:30 p.m., CH161. Administrative Trainees ($5000 or $6050 Per Annum) Tau Delta Phi, 7 p.m., pledges, 7:30 p.m., actives, H3 and H5. PRESENTS McClellan Has a Continuing Requirement for a Large Flying 20, 7:30 p.m., E132, elec- Number of Electrical, Electronic, Industrial, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineers tion of officers, prospective mem- bers welcome. Administrative Trainee Positions are in such fields as the following: Student Peace Union, 3:30 p.m., A LOGISTICS SUPPORT E132, Dr. William F. McCormack, PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION clinical psychologist and part-time CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION SJS assistant professor, will speak Corls a PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT on "A Psychologist's View of War." TECHNICAL SUPPLY SUPPORT Industrial Technology Society, 7 p..m, social hour, 7:30 p.m., dinner APPLICATIONS ARE BEING ACCEPTED FROM STUDENTS BLUEPRINT meeting, Garden City Hofbrau, 51 WHO WILL RECEIVE THEIR BACHELORS OR MASTERS DEGREE S. Market St., professor of busi- BY JUNE 1965 ness and head of the SJS manage- U.S. Civil Service Procedures Apply ment department will speak. U.S. Citizenship Required An Equal Opportunity Employer TOMORROW: Fall’’Fshiæ A Recruiting Representative Will Be at the Campus for For Social Work Club, 3:30 p.m., Personal Interviews on 29 October 1964 CH227, Dr. Mervyn L. Cadwalla- Consult Your Placement Office for Further Details and To der, associate professor of sociol- Arrange for Interview Appointments ogy, will speak on Proposition 14. Phi Delta Kappa, 6 p.m., faculty cafeteria and A133, film and lec- SAVINGS ture by J. M. Vogel, United Tech- nology Corporation, on "Rocket Propulsion and the Space Age." THURS.-FRI.- SAT. ONLY... OCT. 29-30-31 American Institute of Aeronau- tics and Astronautics, 7:30 p.m., TROUBLE WITH AB107, a National Aeronautics and YOUR BUDGET? Space Administration film will be shown. Coats Why not join GEM now for a quick course Alpha Eta Sigma, 7:30 p.m., in year-round savings? Cafeteria A and B, Kenneth Ro- mey, associate professor of busi- With GEM's new college membership offer, anyone enrolled in a ness, will speak on "Investments Dims college or university may obtain a GEM card for only 50c! (GEM and Investing." Membership is usually $3 initial fee plus $1 annual renewal.) GEM has lower prices every single day in more than 50 departments. And Home Economics Club, 7 p.m., these sayings are on top quality, name brand merchandise. Whether H1, installation of new members, you're looking for clothing and accessories, food and beverages, conference reports Francisco 'Suits San sporting goods, automotive accessories or gasoline ... you will save Army Dietetics Summer on everything when you own a GEM card. Your GEM card will intro- and U.S. duce you to prices that start Practicum. fill low . . and stay low! So for Freedom, 4 out the application below and Young Americans Ski bring it in (plus your student - p.m., CH149, California Senator body card) and start shop- Clark Bradley (R. San Jose), will ping and saving at GEM today! GEM INIII111/1 speak on Proposition 14. 1717 N. lit St. Industrial Technology Society, Bkuses 2:15 p.m., tour of the General Elec- GEM SPECIAL STUDENT REGISTRATION APPLICATION tric Plant, 2155 S. First St., open members and other interested NameDate to Sportswear students. Address Ga llllll a Alpha ('hl, 3:30 p.m., Home Phone J108 visitors welcome. School Phone Philosophy Club, 8 p.m., J108, BUY NOW AT GREAT SAVINGS City Ann Dale, graduate philosophy student, will speak on "Fact, Fic- College or University tion and Forecast," open to the ON NEW FALL FASHION MERCHANDISE Student I.D. No. public. 438 E. WILLIAM ST. 297-6725 SNCC (Student Non-Violent Co- Spouse's Signature Signature ordinating Committee), 3:30 p.m., H5, San Francisco conference dis- Approved Spouse's School/Employ cussed. MEME:IMIL 6SPARTAN DAILY We,Ineriay, Oct. 26, 1964 Open Tonite 'Til 9 QB Bob Toledo Stars Swimmers, Divers Newman Knights Seek VOABST0R CE Sought by Coach 'A' Playoff Berth Frosh Beat SFS, 22-14 coach Tom O'Neill oli concert "A" league football teams play two pla3titt positions. AFROTC would like to see anyone inter- downed the Raiders 7-0 San Jose State's frosh football Spartan defensive wall led by Dick final round games today with Phi (8-0-1) Glenn Yarbrough ested in going out for the San Monday behind Salo Young's LEARN team spotted San Francisco State Dixon, Manny Salaz and others did Sigma Kappa no. 2, ATO no. 2 and an early 14-0 lead, then came back an outstanding job. State awl ing and TD run. Al Wattinennim caught Jose playoff berths. Red Horde assured two TD passes to pace the Fugi- Bill Cosby to blitz the Gators, 22-14, Friday Toledo completed 13 of 26 passes team to nee him anytime this 14-2-21 need a TO FLY afternoon on the loser's field. for 267 yards, having his finest day Newman Knights tives (6-1-1) to a 19-7 victory afternoon in his office, PEI08. Hall to wrap Saturday. Nov. 7th - 8:30 P.M. The Spartababes upped their rec- of the season. win over Markham over Juniper Hall. doesn't begin until San Jose Civic Auditorium ord to three wins and one defeat The Spa rtab a lies entertain The season up the other berth. Career Opportunities "B" league teams have two more Tickets: $4.50, $3.50, 52.50 the second semester. In the "B" league the Fugi- for the season. Fresno State's yearlings Thursday rounds of games left, however, so San Jose Box Office Force ROTC No. 2 Enroll now in one of our Bob Toledo person- afternoon at Spartan Stadium at tives and Air the race isn't over. Kappa Sigma, 40 W. San Carlos CV 5-0888 have clinched the only guaranteed courses ally led the surge after SFS re- 3 o'clock. appear to the Muffs and the Animals all need Next to St. Claire Hotel covered two Spartan fumbles and wins today to stay in contention. In FOR moved to two quick touchdowns The Animals may find it hard to Private Pilot before the first quarter had ended. So Much for the Tiger by Sullivan to, however, as they face the Fugi- Commercial Pilot Toledo tossed a 75-yard scoring tives. Instrument Rating pass to end Paul Halting to put In "A" league feature game ATO FRATERNITY - SORORITY Flight Instructor San Jose back in the game early in and the Phi Sigs battle. Red Horde Multi -engine Rating the second quarter. HE EXPECTED 16-0-21 takes on AYI and seeks to rq Audio-Visual Ground School Fullback Jim Zito crashed into TO DiNE ON hold onto first place. GREEK LETTER the endzone minutes later from CALL FOR APPOINTMENT ATO (5-1-2) fought the Horde two yards out. Toledo passed to , MY SKIN LAVALIERS to a 0-0 tie Monday tightening flanker Bob Trujillo for the two- 292-8254 up the race, while the Phi Sign 10K GOLD point conversion and put the Spar- rrs 18" chain YEAH/ BUT bombed Moulder Hall 26-0 be- i.iliabes ahead 15-14 at the half. $4.00 SAN JOSE Ats1 ACUTE hind Roger Ashlock, who threw Toledo padded San Jose's lead TOO four touchdown passes. Paddle with FLIGHT Jrly in the third quarter hitting CASE OF Greek Letters Allen Halters 14-3-11 face AF- halfback Ron Parker with a 25- HOT on 18" chain SCHOOL, INC. MUCH in an attempt to gain a yard scoring strike. ROTC $3.25 ERRN" Pi playoff berth. The Gators didn't make a first Come in and see down The playoffs begin next Wednes- wide selection .MONTIO until the final quarter as the our day. Better This Year W.Q.LIAN The won ewe (i'i'i JUNG only two games all last year in LE N and exhibitions and league contests. SINCE 1904 San Francisco has already taken First and San Fernando Streets wins over the Downtown San Jose Thurs. Evenings 'til 9 and Chicago Bears in league action Open All ParF;nq Lni ValidltPd this year. 15004100061000000110000000:440:0- -Co' FOLK Guitars-Banjos-Lessons RENT TO LEARN N\ BENNER MUSIC AN CY 7-7417 1884 W. San Carlos 7r. UNUSUAL

MANAGEMENT TRAINING PROGRAM AT SILVA THE SPOTLIGHT SJS Grid Foes' IS ON . . . INTERVIEWS: Weekend Scores Gary SERVICE .IDA110 28, WSW 13 From cleaning windshields to complete NOVEMBER 5 *STANFORD 6, Notre Dame 28 *MONTANA ST. 0, N. Dakota Strom engine overhauls, SILVA SERVICE is St. 7 there to help you. W. TEXAS ST. 21, Trinity 6 ARRANGE FOR AN INTERVIEW COLORADO ST. 13, Utah St. 42 ARIZONA ST. 3, Utah 16 TUNE-UP MAJOR BRAND GAS WITH THE PLACEMENT OFFICE FRESNO ST. 12, L.A. St. 32 BRAKES ELECTRICAL SAN DIEGO ST. 50, UCSB 9 WHEEL ALIGNMENT CARBURETION Teams in bold caps are on Spar- Titch's Dilemma- tans' 1964 schedule; asterisk indi- LUBRICATION TRANSMISSION cates past SJS opponents, 3 Guys Named Webb CREDIT CARDS WELCOME When took over as head football coach in 1957 he UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA not only had the difficult task of learning the faces and capabilities 78 So. 4th St. SILVA SERVICE 295-8968 of 36 guys named "Joe" but he had to distinguish among three guys named "Webb." LATE FOR CLASS? WE'LL PARK IT FOR YOU First there was a halfback named Paul; then came a fullback LAWRENCE named Gary; and last, but not least, came a diminutive scatback named John. PAID RELIGIOUS ADVERTI,I 'II 1 I Listed in the program at 5-5, 138 pounds, John Webb was liiiIIIIM1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111i1111111111111i1111111 111111111110111111111111111101111111111111111111111 ig RADIATION = . probably the smallest player in collegiate football that year. ---A -a-- . Playing behind "Rapid" and Jim Riley he didn't get .74. Love ----.- LABORATORY a chance to carry the football much, but he received the Most In- E spirational Player Award at the end of the season. .- w_ Be assured, God loves you. This is the message of the Bible from .-.N 17-yard punt return average. How- LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA He racked up an impressive N beginning to end. You may have never sensed God's love and you may E ever, he carried the ball only once. B not be aware that all you have and are is the result of a benevolent N. PIRATED Sr THE unlvens:rv OF CALIFON" Fen THE UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION John was hampered by injuries most of the year and was lost f_-E Creator who desires only that you acknowledge Him and invite Him into N. Er= your life. But God loves you so second to last game of the season with a knee injury. He under- ...- much that He died for you: "That is, -N. the .m- God was in Christ Cs reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their N went surgery and missed the en- ,..-.. trespasses against them . . . for our sake He made Him to be sin for --T tire 1958 season. ,---- us who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness "--2 Corinthinians 5:19, Today, a few pounds heavier, ....-,E or Goo." (2 20). E. .-_-. Possibly you believe that there is a supreme Being up there some- 7-=.-' John Webb is head coach of the E-- where. Most everyone does. (Even polytheists usually admit that there -...... freshman football team. Even E is one cthoiefmaG.13,ed ,IriimcsehTfrgree)e.IStuorealyn,yotnheenw, hiof theres iso akoGoowd,Hrme should ..,... dressed in a suit and tie, he gives ---.7 a God behind a universe as fantastic as ours should be capable of deal- B- the impression he could still pack E for E the ball for five or ten yards. ieeeeeTleeshouldyunOtbeingwninidrlssothattheynightkwHimPer able toexprenceihislove na"YAndifGod Webb, assistant coach to Bob E yourself? . Man cannot directly experience E Jones in 1960, returned to his ----=--- the love of God nor know Him until ff..- he comes to the meeting place between God and men: "God our Savior --.m, alma meter this year when Jones . . . desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the -=-,--,- resigned to assume coaching duties E truth. For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, T--- at West Valley Junior College. -Et the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all . . ." (I Timo- N- U thy 2:3.6). Man became separated from God because of sin. To accom. --N: After graduating in 1959, John -m- plish a reconciliation between a holy and just God, and sinful man, one did KOMI` student teaching and B.' perfect man, Jesus Christ, God the Son, came to bridge the chasm. "Christ E in 1961 was appointed varsity E_ suffered for you .. . He committed no sin; no guile was found on His _,.' lips. When He was reviled. He did not revile in return; when He suffered, football coach at Irvington High -=----- He did not threaten, but He trusted to Him (God the Father) who judges R. MAJOR PROGRAMS NOW UNDER WAY: Sehool. Ile rimained there until '-'-j justly. He Himself bore our sins in His body on a tree, that we might die last spring when he quit to take -p to sin and live to righteousness." (2 Peter 2:21-24). 7-.=- PLOWSHAREIndustrial and scientificUses of _ Your acceptance of God's act of love toward you, your receipt of .-N iuser head coaching duties at .----- His free gift which is Jesus Christ as your sin.bearer, nuclear explosives. WHITNEY Nuclear weapons Savior, and Lord E Mission San Jose High School. will bring you into God's family where love is the daily rule and a con. E for national defense. SHERWOODPower pro- JOHN WEBB When Jones resigned, however, stant experience, m: Take a good look duction from controlled thermonuclear reactions. John quickly jumped at the chance to return to the Spartan coaching at a familiar verse, It is one of the greatest verses --: in the Bible: ''For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, "7-4 BIOMEDICALThe effects of radioactivity on staff, this time as head coach. that whoever believes in Him should not perish (The wages of sin is :-A man and his environment. Far-reaching programs Looking back to his football days, the handsome 26-year-old re- death.), but have eternal life. (The gift of God is eternal life through -m-- called, "The program listed me at 138 pounds, but I really only Jesus Christ our Lord.) For God sent the Son into the world not to con- gi utili7ing the skills of virtually every scientific and demn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." (John N weighed 135." ==- technical discipline. 3:16, Romans 6:23). -- Webb says the only time the three Webb boys (no relation to God loves you so much that He was willing to die for you. Why not --.g Laboratory staff members will be on campus to one another) got into the game together was against San Diego accept His gift of eternal life and love by Inviting the Lord Jesus into II- your heart today? He died for you. He presently lives. He loves you. State. "The announcer, Bob Rio ..... , had all sorts of trouble remem- He'll -:- interview Science and Engineering students be your Lord if you'll only ask Him. God Is love. Let Him prove this fact :7-I.-- bering which one of us carried the ball," he added. Wednesday, November 4 to you today! N- "When the team played Hawaii I didn't make the trip because Call your placement ottice for an appointment. of injuries. I listened to the game on radio and laughed every time 2 U.S. Citizenship Required Equal Opportunity Employer Bloom said, 'there goes John Webb carrying the ball.' He had me Contemporary Christians on Campus S mixed up with Paul. who played most of the game," explained the S Palo Alto smiling Spartababe mentor. Box 11791, x 1 m John will not only go down as one of the smallest halfbacks in = Spartan history, but as one of the smallest coaches too. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111101111111111111111111111111111111U1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Wednesday. Oet, 28, 1964 SPARTAN DATLT-7


* Excellent Opportunities. Positions Now Available. atley Quits Football; Titch: 'A Slap in Face"' to Talley By DAVE PAVNE attempts for us In the last two The place kicker later blew a ley telephoned Ben Agajanian. a practice, from as far as 50 yards Titch's last words Pilot Training do what _ Daily Sports Editor years. He's 0-6 this year. What PAT attempt. Titch decided to go close friend and former profes- and more. were "It's your future, from 30-40 you want with it." Plus San Jose State lost its place can I do?" for two-point conversions up until sional football place kicker who "He is accurate 1 - conditions, it Talley kicker early yesterday when Rich- Apparently what set off the SJS' final touchdown. Tat ley tutored Tetley, telling him he was yards. Under game The unique thing about footless I' College Training ard Tatley told head coach Bob fireworks came after a F'G at- kicked the last conversion. unhappy with Titchenal. was a different story. is that he kicks with a the Titchenal that he was quitting tempt by Talley in Saturday Tat ley wasn't available for Agajanian then told Tetley to "If he kicked them in a game right leg. Ile was horn with Can be your key to * I the team. night's UOP-SJS game in Stock- comment yesterdo. but his next quit school and come home and he like in practice, he'd be a great leg and a thumb and little finger neighbor, an S.1)4 coed, would arrange everything. on both hands missing. * SUCCESS Tat ley also dropped out of ton. The stocky place kicker missed door asset to the club." * from the 35-yard line. Upon re- talked with him before he left Tetley told his neighbor that he Titch related how Tatley missed Rich's right shoe is lined with is school, packing up and leaving * San Jose yesterday morning. turn to the bench, Titch asked, for his home In Fullerton. would go back to Fullerton JC three 3-point attempts in the Uni- plastic, for kicking purposes, which * i * PACIFIC AIR * Tetley, stating his reasons to "Can't you kick a field goal?" According to the neighbor, Tat- next semester and find another versity of California game last grips his leg tightly. * * four-year school to play for next year. One was from the six-yard 1, * Titchenal, said, "I don't think I'm Agajanian, now a coach with * ACADEMY * getting a fair chance with the fall. He has one year of football line. the , worked * * eligibility remaining. "I've always liked the little * 295-4212 * team.' with Talley for 10 straight week- * * a hit it * * Titch later replied, "I think this The NCAA ruling stipulates that guy. It,. has 0%1'1'1'0111V ends. Agajanian was handicapped municipal Airport, San Jose a man playing for a school one : lit is a slap in the face to us (school as a kicker with all toes missing tr Approved by * and coaching staff). year, then switching to another from his right foot. * * school the following year, is not * Federal Aviation Agency "I've been booed for using him "Ben helped me a lot with my * : eligible to play with the latter * Cal. Dept. of Education 1, on field goal attempts this year. form," said Talley in an inter- * school for one season. Ile's. kickeds one field gist! in 16 % iew earlier this year. _ ----- Since Tatley dropped out of school, not completing this semes- In his sophomore year in high ter, he can go to JC for one se- Tatley booted a 46-yarder. and United Radio & T.V. Supply Co. mester and be eligible to play at a Ile hooted field goals of 38 four-year school next falL He still 31 yards while at Fullerton JC. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS has lost a year of eligibility, since he played for the Spartans this Little Leaguer ELECTRONIC PA RTS HI-Fl year, however. Tetley came within inches of Learns About Balk STUDENT DISCOUNTS making a 50-yard FG against Washington State that would have HOUSTON (UPI)- Tom Jack won the game two weeks ago. He Monday-Thursday-Friday 1425 W. San Carlos Street English, who manages a little also came close to beating Arizona league team called the Wolves, Till 9 P.M. CYpress 8-1212 State last year in a similar situa- explained to an 8-year-old pitcher AIIMI=116. Ali tion. recently what a balk is. But, says Titchenal, "He just He told the youngster to be sure wasn't a pressure kicker. He to keep the pivot foot on the could boot them with ease in BOB TITCHENAL ... 1 bent over backwards to rubber or the umpire would call help him' a balk. In the next game, after a few MORE TATLEYRichard Tatley quit the football team yes- Look Your Worst NO Spartan Golfers handicaps. But, after all, he hits whizzed by the mound with- terday because he didn't feel he was getting a chance to do was getting a full ride (scholar- out any attempt by the pitcher kicking. He shows above how he kicked with his footless more ship) for just [dekko; the ball. to stop them, English had to Witching right leg in a photo taken last year. PARTIES This Halloween (Coeds, That Is) You won't find many schools in trudge back to the mound. He the country that'll do this." explained to the Isly he could move Athletic publicity director John his foot around as much as he start here! With Place in Tourney Simmons said that Talley wasn't wanted after the pitch was de- Boaters Defeat ((SF; very popular with the team. "Ile liveredespecially If it meant do- San Jose State coeds placed sec- was obnoxious," said Simmons. ing some fielding. ond and fourth in last Friday's Titch added that Tetley was The team's fielding sharpened Character Makeup by Max Factor Bears Here Saturday Northern Collegiate Tourna- blaming everyone else for his fail- up considerably thereafter. ment at Stanford University. ures. It seemed to be the ball Want to look like o hairy ape green witch, or ugly American. retain their one- Stanford holder or the blockers who were FISHBACK MISSES You'll find all the essentials for a bad appearance and a good time San Jose State's soccer team Spartans can won team honors with a at fault when he missed his kicks. Jeff Fishback, former Spartan at Almaden Phramacy. tuned up for Friday night's clash game lead, they will travel to the score of 206. The SJS team rep- with University of California at NCAA Western Regionals in San resented by Dianne McClain and The 8.I5 head coach revealed All-American in cross-country, -- that he would use Bob Paterson barely missed qualifying for the San J051 5 only complete theatrical supply outlet Spartan Stadium, dumping City Francisco Nov. 21. Peggy Saunders was one stroke College of San Francisco 4-2 on San Jose blanked the Bears 2-0 off the pace to tie with the Uni- on PAT and field goal attempts Olympic finals. Fishback was com- the losers' field Monday. in an earlier meeting at Berkeley versity of California, Los Angeles, tIi,' remainder or the season. pelim; in the steeplechase. - - ALMADEN PHARMACY Al Korbus, hero in San Jose's this season. for second place honors. Norma 2-1 victory over Univer- Jean Swindler and Michelle Bliss 2583 Almaden Rd. AN 9-2632 sity of San Francisco Friday, brought SJS fourth place honors. Come and Enjoy a Game of scored two goals to pace Julie par Poloists A total of 16 coeds, representing -Menendez' booters to the. win, U.C.L.A., Humboldt State College, Pool, Snooker, or Billiards. *********************************************** It was the Spartans' sixth win St anf ord University, California * * * * of the season overall against two Face FSC and OC State College at Los Angeles, Uni- * * * * losses and one tie. versity of the Pacific and STS, Finest Tables in Town. * * San Jose (4-1) holds down first played in the tournament. * Re-Elect * place in the See New Offense Low gross honors went to Kathy * * Intercollegiate Soccer League, one Braker of U.C.L.A. with a score OPEN DAILY 10:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. * * game ahead of USF (3-2). The Fresno State C'ollege water of 89. Toni Dobric of Humboldt its new With just three games remain- polo team will unveil State was low net winner at 68. i Sam Della Maggiore I ing--two at home and one on the "ladder" offense when it battles the in the AND roadthe Spartans appear headed Meeting In MG201 CUE CUSHION * championship. FSC gym today at 7 p.m. * County Supervisor * for the 384 SO. 2nd ST. PH. 297-9629 * * However, they will have to FSC, which has three wins and For All Track Men * * hurdle Cal Friday, then a danger- three losses, hopes to repeatedly Cross-country coach Mery Smith Only Two Blocks From Campus * District No. 2 * ous Stanford team away the fol- break men up the middle by clever requests all track and cross-coun- * * of the * * lowing week. ball handling along the sides try men to attend a brief meeting BETWEEN E. SAN CARLOS and SAN SALVADOR * * The Indians will close out San pool. in MG2131 today at 7 p.m. * * Jose's season with a match at The genie is expected to relieve * * Spartan Stadium Nov. 13. If the the Spartans of the intensive pres- * * sure they have faced throughout * * the season. The Spartans already * * 'Little 500' Entries have played Long Beach State, * * collegiate * * pre-season national * * Due Friday champion favorite, Stanford, the * * best collegiate team in the U.S. * vs * * Friday is the deadline for en- last year. Olympic silver medal * * tries in the third annual "Little winner Yugoslavia, and the Olym- * * 500" Bicycle Race, to be held pic Club, the best professional * * Nov. 11. team in the U.S. * * hoping the * * All teams should turn in their Coach Lee Walton Is * * entry blanks to MG121. Spartans are not looking ahead of * * Time trials begin at the South the Fresno game, however, because REMOVABLE HARDTOP WITH EACH * * Campus track Friday, Nov. 6. Only Friday the Spartans play the . .* the 22 fastest teams will qualify Olympic Club in the Spartan Pool, 1965 DATSUN ROADSTER * * for the 200 lap spectacle. The Spartans lost to the Olympic * * Sigma Alpha Epsilon placed first Club 22-15 at San Francisco early .* * last year in a record time, Allen in the season, but are confident . * Hall taking second place they can win in their home pool. . * . * Experienced * . * 4, * 4, * * * Capable * MAGAZINE * MOTOR TREND * ir * Considerate .s, * SAYS ABOUT DATSUN . . . * * * Dedicated * "Tremendous value per dollar" * 4, * "Quality construction" * * * * 4 Sam is a graduate of San Jose State and * "Most big-car comfort we've run * * * former SJS coach * across in any little car" * * * * "Lowest priced fully-equipped * * * * sports car in its class" *4, * * NOVEMBER 3 * ir VOTE * DOWN DELIVERS * for * I$179 * * * * See the DATSUN lineup of *. Good Government * THE DATSUN ROADSTER . * Pick-ups, Roadsters, Sedans, & Station Wagons *. and * * * * * . Sam Della Maggiore * . * . * i, Committee for Re -Election of Sam Della Maggiore * * * SAN JOSE IMPORTS Is * * 770 Willow Street * WEST SAN BASCOM) Open Evenings and Closed Sundays * * 1957 CARLOS ST. (AT CY 3-0121 * * *********************************************** /4SPARTAN DAILY NVoilnestlm

p* 2tar Vitt,* -0(

4 24*d *s.RIf e * 4 PRESIDENT KENNEDY'S LAST BOOK!* PENTEL BAMBOO TIP PENS* FREE Fine, medium and -I- Prize broad points aialum _9in111i11'ctith with introduction by Three colors to choose from: Robert F. Kennedy Jet-powered round-trip Blue, Black, Red now in paperback for only ;1. flight to Los Angeles 5CY on PSA 49c Runner-up Prizes Tickets to United Artists Theater CALIFORNIA BOOK CO. cpartatt gook,Jtore 134 East San Fernando "Right on Campus" *** ********* ************************************************************************ Stanford at Oregon San Jose St. at West Texas St. Here's How You Enter I. Watch the Spartan Grid Picks page in the SPARTAN DAILY every Wednesday for your entry blanks. Featuring Helena FLY PSA 2. Fill out the entry blanks by listing the asterisk CI MERCHANDISE SPECIAL found in each of the sponsor's ads and select your grid picks by marking the appropriate box. To Rubeinstein's 1101i(lav 4, receive credit for a tie game, you must predict it by marking the "tie" box. Do not neglect to indicate your answer to the special tie-braker question each week. Do not Makeup* indicate any scores. 3. Complete your entry by printing your name, address, telephone number and A.S.B. Card Number on the entry blank. Lowest Jet-Powered Fares* 4. Bring your entries to Room J207 in the Journalism Building between the hours of 1:30 Los Angeles (55 min.) $13.50 All p.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. NO ENTRY WILL BE ACCEPT- ED AFTER 4:30 P.M. ON FRIDAY. DO NOT MAIL YOUR ENTRY. 518 South 10th San Diego (75 min.) $ I 9.85 71:: 5. Watch for the winners in next week's SPARTAN DAILY. DO NOT CALL OR COME For ReservutIons Call 761,0818 or SCP Your Local Travel Agent IN PERSON TO THE SPARTAN DAILY OFFICE TO FIND OUT THE WEEK'S WINNER. Washington at USC UCLA at California THE WINNER WILL BE NOTIFIED.

Columbia Records Presents ANDY WILLIAMS Long and Short Sleeve M. ?Vile SHIRTS DRESS SHIRTS* Long sleeve button-down collar oxford cloth SHORT SLEEVE $3.83 and Reg. 5.95 3.99 "MY FAIR LADY" LONG SLEEVE $4.23 Long sleeve spread collar broadcloth Reg. 6.54 Baylor at Texas Christian U. Oregon St. at Washington St. HOUSE OF RECORDS OM'S Arizona at Air Force 3rd & San Fernando I Block Off Campus 121 S. FOURTH STREET

WHEELS ALIGNED HENRKt AND BALANCED A . W. S . 515 South 10th '1.00 * SPECIAL * CALENDARS* DELUXE ALIGNMENT $850 OPEN TONITE CHEESE* One Large Cugginos' Cheese WHEEL BALANCE 'TIL 9 $ 1 Per Wheel, 35c PIZZA' I Plus Weights BOOK When You Bring In This Ad Georgia at Duke 06ept4 STORE Good For Wednesday Only 330 South 10th 862 North 13th 292.8119 We Deliver 78 So. 4th SILVA SERVICE 295-8968 U. C. Santa Barbara at Santa Clara Pennsylvania at Harvard Fresno St. at San Diego St. LATE FOR CLASS? WELL PARK IT FOR YOU

Contest Rules: Diamond Now Playing Tie-Breaker Rings* I. Only currently enrolled San Jose Spartan Grid Picks "THE LIVELY SET"* State College students may enter. Entry Blank Entry Blank Entry Blank Entry Blank Question 2. Students are limited to ONE entry Soo our wide selection 1.1 I rTI( L 1 - Plus per person. How many total net yards Designed to suit all 3. All entries become the property of \\ will San Jose State gain \ I tastes as only Hudson "THE LONG SHIPS" the SPARTAN DAILY. Addre: City: rushing and passing against 4. The SPARTAN DAILY and/or San can. West Texas St. this week- Jose State College is not respon- end? sible for any entries 1 IN that are lost Phone: No. S. F. 49'ers A.S.B. Card `eh\ United Artists Theater or stolen. Yards at Baltimore Colts 5. An entry must be filled out com- 263 South 1st 293-1953 pletely with no erasures in order to ADVERTISER Merchandise Special v,,.t.,, MARK ONE OF THREEROSES Horn. be considered by the judges. lauds 6. In the event that two or more entries Spartan Bookstore San Jose St. W. Texas St. Oakland Raiders at have the same number of correct selections, the contestant who PSA UCLA California 275 South First o U A Thr ,Ocr San Diego Chargers comes closest to the special tie- breaker question will be the winner. Cal Bookstore Stanford Oregon 7. All complimentary fl ig ht passes Armstrong Pharm. WOULDN'T YOU KNOW . . awarded on Pacific Southwest Air- Washington USC lines expire on July I, 1965. Roos/Atkins Arizona Air Force LUBRICATION* ITS 8. The SPARTAN DAILY reserves the A right to correct errors, to extend House of Records Baylor Tex. Christ. U. deadlines and to make necessary 98c additions or corrections to these Vaughn's Oregon St. Washington St. rules. 9. Persons so designated by the SPAR- Henry's U.C. Sta. Barb. Santa Clara TAN DAILY shall constitute the Cugginos' Pennsylvania Harvard Gauntlet panel of judges. Their decisions 245 Keyes 12.00 shall be final regarding both deter- Silva Service Georgia Duke 498 South 4th mination of winners for awarding of 10th & Taylor BLOOM'S prizes and for deciding on disquali- Robert's Bookstore Fresno St. San Diego St. fication for any reason whether FINE SHOES through entry faults or evidences Hudson's S. F. 49'ers Baltimore Colts Its South First, Downtown of collusion or any other inelig- Puritan Oil Co. S. D. Chargers Valley Fair Shopping Center ibility. United Artists OakI'd Raiders St. Louis Cardinals at 10. Entry submission signifies entrant's Puritan Oil St. Louis Cards N. Y. Giants at New York Giants acceptance of all contest rules and Piftsburgh Steelers of the judges' decisions. Bloom's Shoes Cleveland B. Pittsburgh Stirs.
