Think Green 50¢ April 26, 2009 Recycle this paper Volume 83, No. 17 Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend ODAY’S ATHOLIC Catholic TODAY S CATHOLIC Health Care Keeping morality a part of it Pages 10-13 At Blue-Gold march, speaker says

Bishop D’Arcy rosary is best ‘secret weapon’ responds to ND BY DIANE FREEBY Explains U.S. bishops’ statement NOTRE DAME — Citing the rosary as the best “secret weapon,” University of Notre Dame Law Page 3 School Professor Emeritus Charles Rice exhorted stu- dents to remain prayerful and vigilant as graduation day approaches. Rice was the main speaker before a crowd of some 200 gathered at the steps of the university’s Doctors’ hospital Administration Building before last Friday’s first annual Blue-Gold Weekend March for Life. privileges The march is the most recent event organized by the Indiana House approves group ND Response, a student coalition created to express opposition to University of Notre Dame Page 8 President Father John I. Jenkins’controversial decision to invite President Barack Obama to speak at this year’s commencement. The university also plans to confer an honorary doctorate of law degree upon Obama, despite Obama’s policies on life issues. Where in the world? Rice pointed out two main reasons he believes Obama should not speak at a university that calls itself Sam Stein can tell you Catholic. The first is Obama’s endorsement of embry- Page 17 onic stem-cell research, which Rice believes leaves the door open for therapeutic cloning. Rice also referred to the “conscience clause,” pro- tection for health care personnel that Obama would like to see removed, making it difficult if not impossi- April showers ... ble for health care workers to refuse to participate in abortion and related procedures. Delay CYO softball “There’s an aspect to this that makes the Notre Page 18 Dame honoring of Obama especially repugnant,” con- DIANE FREEBY tinued Rice. “Notre Dame has many, many, many Marchers, with the dome in the background, participate in the pro-life march and rally at the University of Notre Dame on April 17. MARCH, PAGE 20

Christ Child Society TELLING OUR FAITH STORY I came back to founder venerated the because BY KAY COZAD tates creative programs to serve the specific needs of the children in their community. after searching Fort Wayne Society sup- FORT WAYNE — The Christ Child Society ports the layette program that gifts at-risk for a certain feel- (CCS) in Fort Wayne is alive and well. expectant mothers with baby clothes, dia- ing, for a certain Founded in 1997, some would even say it is pers and blankets. Other proactive, hands-on flourishing in its efforts to live out its founder, programs include coats for kids, foster chil- belief system, Mary Virginia Merrick’s vision of serving at dren’s Christmas party, backpacks for kids, one that risk children of the community. The member- tutoring and the crib clubs located at the ship of the Fort Wayne chapter, over 180 Women’s Care Centers. matched how I strong, join the over 7,000 national members All this, says Saffell, because Merrick gave wanted to in celebrating the recent news that their back to those in her community “in the name founder is being considered for . of the Christ Child through a collaborative believe; that According to Margaret Saffell, national effort with other agencies.” Merrick’s philoso- essentially was more convenient, I decided director of program and chapter relations, the phy, she adds, focused on personal contact Christ Child Society is thought to be the old- with the poor as the true element of charity. to search, to seek the truth. And as prom- est nonprofit service organization in the coun- Mary Virginia Merrick was born in 1866 try, at over 120 years old. Its signature pro- ised, it has set me free. gram is infant layettes, but each chapter facili- FOUNDER, PAGE 3 Rebecca Howe 2 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC APRIL 26, 2009 TODAY’S CATHOLIC Official newspaper of the Let Notre Dame family come Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856

PUBLISHER: Bishop John M. D’Arcy together in prayer and conversation

EDITOR: Tim Johnson that is a good thing. It is about love and The question at hand NEWS EDITOR and STAFF WRITER: Kay Cozad loving someone dearly that you grew up with, and who was one of the very first A few people have written asking for people you ever knew; and you realize that clarification about a statement written here Editorial Department the love she had for her brother and sisters, last week relative to demonstrations, in PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan which was once so visible and close, is no which I urged Catholics to avoid those NEWS demonstrations which personally attack the FREELANCE WRITERS: Lauren Caggiano, longer so visible. Rather, this is a challenge to faith, to believe that she is with God, and president of our country; Notre Dame; or Michelle Castleman, Karen Clifford, &NOTES Father John Jenkins, CSC. Elmer J. Danch, Michelle Donaghey, to pray to her and for her, and reflect on the beautiful things in her life. But it was not An outside person has come to town, Bonnie Elberson, Denise Fedorow, BISHOP JOHN M. D’ARCY all so painful. A lady came in with an and said he was going to create, “a circus.” Diane Freeby, May Lee Johnson, Sister accordion and a number of Irish songs; and His aggressive approach is not helpful. Margie Lavonis, CSC, Joe Kozinski and Irish cousins were there from the Within the campus of the university, there Deb Wagner A moment of fidelity Philadelphia area, and some directly from are students and others who are gathering Late last Friday, I took the plane from Ireland. So many intense emotions — all for talks and prayer to present, as is most Business Department the South Bend airport and flew through squeezed into 24 hours. fitting in universities, an enlightened posi- tion based on truth and rooted in respectful BUSINESS MANAGER: Kathy Denice Cincinnati to Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love. In a way, it was like a pil- dialogue. This is not only appropriate, but AD GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Mark Weber Up the next day for some prayerful grimage. The purpose of my visit was to is at the very core of what it means to be a BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Kathy Voirol celebrate Mass for Sister Alphonsus Moran, time to prepare for a beautiful university. [email protected] OSF, or as we knew her in my home by her confirmation at St. Pius X, Granger Let the Notre Dame family come togeth- baptismal name — Mary Agnes. She came er in prayer and conversation; and I will, of Advertising Sales This parish is literally exploding. There to my home in Boston a year or two before were 148 for the sacrament of confirma- course, as is my obligation, continue my Tess Steffen (Fort Wayne area) I was ordained a priest; a cousin, the tion. It is expected that there will be over conversation with Father Jenkins. (260) 456-2824 daughter of my uncle, John Moran, an Irish 500 in the new St. Pius X School next year. Jeanette Simon (South Bend area) farmer from County Mayo. After a few Indeed, I met people at the South Bend air- Two welcome guests (574) 234-0687 years in Brighton, she entered the convent, port telling me how delighted they were I have 30 confirmations lined up this Web site: and this was her golden jubilee — her 50th with the new school. Between baptisms and springtime and have already carried out six anniversary as a sister. It was a joyful professions of faith, over 40 people were of them, but I will have two exemplary Published weekly except the fourth reunion, as my two sisters took the train received into the church at the Easter Vigil bishops here to assist. First is Bishop Sunday in June, first and third weeks in from Boston to Philadelphia. It was a grace at St. Pius X. William Houck, the retired bishop of July, first week in August and last week to see how Sister Alphonsus had served out Natchez-Jackson, Mississippi — a true mis- in December by the Diocese of Fort her 50 years with humility, and love, and A few days at Notre Dame sionary. He has been here many times Wayne-South Bend, 1103 S. Calhoun St., profound Christian simplicity. It was also Professor John Cavadini, along with before and will reside at St. Pius X, P.O. Box 390, Fort Wayne, IN 46801. like a pilgrimage; you see my sister, Mary, being chair of the theology department at Granger. Also coming will be Bishop Carl Periodicals postage paid at Fort Wayne, was a member of that congregation for 18 Mengling, the retired bishop of Lansing. He IN, and additional mailing office. Notre Dame, is also director of the Institute years, having entered religious life six for Church Life. In this, he has developed is a native of Gary and was a priest there months after graduating from Brighton many outstanding programs, and I was for many years. Like Bishop Houck, he is POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: an excellent preacher, and is well-known by Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, Fort High School. blessed to be part of one this weekend. Wayne, IN 46856-1169 or e-mail: I met many of her contemporaries, and It was a meeting of presidents of col- many priests in our diocese with whom he [email protected]. learned how much they loved her, and also leges and universities, along with members studied. how devoted she was to her only brother; of their boards of trustees. There were sev- I know you will welcome them if they MAIN OFFICE: 915 S. Clinton St., Fort indeed, an intense love I did not deserve. eral excellent presentations, and especially come to your parish. Wayne, IN 46802.Telephone (260) The convent years were hard, but also very enlightening was a keynote by Melanie M. 456-2824. Fax: (260) 744-1473. beautiful. It was a place that I had visited Morey, Ph.D. and Rev. John J. Piderit, SJ, A team resurgent BUREAU OFFICE: 114 W.Wayne St., South many times to see her, and got to know the Ph.D., who have written a book on Catholic My beloved baseball team has now won Bend, IN 46601.Telephone (574) 234- extraordinary congregation — the universities. I found all of it most instruc- five in a row, and the ship is being righted. 0687. Fax: (574) 232-8483. Franciscan Sisters of Philadelphia. tive, and it was a pleasure to meet so many I guess I have to admit it. Their pitching is The thing about losing a beloved sibling improved, and they do not really need me. News deadline is the Monday morning presidents and trustees around the country, is that the pain stays with you. It slips away many from small colleges, reflecting It is the truth. before publication date. Advertising as you get involved in your work. But a deadline is nine days before publica- prayerfully on these issues. I am sorry I See you all next week. tion date. visit like this was, in a way like visiting missed the excellent talk on Saturday by with my sister, Mary, who has now gone to Carolyn Woo, dean of the business school LETTERS POLICY: Today’s Catholic wel- God, the pain comes back; but I suspect at Notre Dame. comes original, signed letters about issues affecting church life. Although we cannot publish every letter we receive, we strive to provide a balanced Bishop D’Arcy not opposed to ‘peaceful’ protests about commencement representation of expressed opinions and a variety of reflections on life in the FORT WAYNE, Ind. (CNS) — Bishop John M. vowed to make the controversy into “a circus.” The coalition has posted a message from church.We will choose letters for publi- cation based on reader interest, timeli- D’Arcy of Fort Wayne-South Bend said he was Critics of Obama have said his support of Bishop D’Arcy on its Web site, ness and fairness. Readers may agree or not opposed to “peaceful” demonstrations legal abortion and embryonic stem-cell research, that said he was support- disagree with the letter writers’ opin- against the University of Notre Dame’s invita- make him an inappropriate choice to be a com- ive of the coalition’s efforts “or any other ions. Letters must not exceed 250 tion to President Barack Obama to speak at this mencement speaker at a Catholic university. prayerful and dignified demonstrations by words. All letters must be signed and year’s commencement. Obama also will receive an honorary degree Notre Dame students.” include a phone number and address His communications spokesman said in an from Notre Dame. Anti-abortion activist Randall Terry opened for verification.We reserve the right to e-mail to Catholic News Service April 20 that a “The Notre Dame community is well- up an office in South Bend to launch a vigorous edit letters for legal and other concerns. statement the bishop issued on Good Friday equipped to supervise and support discussions daily protest of the president’s upcoming com- urging Catholics not to participate in “unseemly and prayer within their own campus,” he said. mencement address and said he wouldn’t rule Mail letters to: Today’s Catholic, and unhelpful demonstrations” was aimed at In that statement he said he had had “a posi- out having students disrupt the ceremony. P.O. Box 11169, Fort Wayne, IN protests that “attack” Obama, university presi- tive meeting” with Father Jenkins, and expected In March a Notre Dame spokesman told 46856-1169; or e-mail: dent Holy Cross Father John I. Jenkins and/or “further dialogue” would continue. CNS that he had heard anecdotally that most [email protected] the university. A dozen student groups have formed a cam- students were pleased with this year’s choice of The spokesman, Vince LaBarbera, director pus coalition called Notre Dame Response to Obama as the commencement speaker and feel ISSN 0891-1533 of the diocesan communications office, said the express their opposition to Obama speaking at honored the first black U.S. president would USPS 403630 bishop does not want people participating in the commencement. On April 17 the coalition accept Notre Dame’s invitation from among the demonstrations organized by those who have held a march for life with speakers and a rally. many he has received. APRIL 26, 2009 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 3

STATEMENT FROM BISHOP JOHN M. D’ARCY Statement to the faithful My Dear Brothers and Sisters in tence in the USCCB document that he indicated that he consult- has, in fact, scandalized many the South Bend Tribune and in Christ, relative to Catholic institutions is ed presidents of other Catholic Catholics and other people of other media outlets across the Recently, Father John Jenkins, clear. It places the responsibility universities, and at least indirect- goodwill. In my office alone, country. The statements which CSC, in a letter of response to on those institutions, and indeed, ly, consulted other bishops, since there have been over 3,300 mes- Father Jenkins has made are sim- Bishop Olmsted of the Diocese of on the Catholic community itself. he asked those presidents to share sages of shock, dismay and out- ply wrong and give a flawed jus- Phoenix, who had written him, “The Catholic community and with him those judgments of their rage, and they are still coming in. tification for his actions. critical of the decision to invite Catholic institutions should not own bishops. However, he chose It seems that the action in itself I consider it now settled — President Obama to speak and honor those who act in defiance not to consult his own bishop speaks so loudly that people have that the USCCB document, receive an honorary degree of of our fundamental moral princi- who, as I made clear, is the not been able to hear the words “Catholics in Public Life,” does law at Notre Dame, indicated that ples. They should not be given teacher and lawgiver in his own of Father Jenkins, and indeed, the indeed apply in this matter. it was his conviction that the awards, honors or platforms diocese. I reminded Father action has suggested approval to The failure to consult the local statement “Catholics in Political which would suggest support for Jenkins that I was not informed many. bishop who, whatever his unwor- Life” (USCCB) did not apply in their actions.” — “Catholics in of the invitation until after it was In the publicity surrounding thiness, is the teacher and lawgiv- this matter. Father Jenkins kindly Political Life,” USCCB. accepted by the president. I men- the points Father Jenkins has er in the diocese, is a serious mis- sent me a copy of his letter, and 2. When there is a doubt con- tioned again that it is at the heart made, he also says he is “follow- take. Proper consultation could also at a later meeting, asked for cerning the meaning of a docu- of the diocesan bishop’s pastoral ing the document of the bishops” have prevented an action, which a response. ment of the United States responsibility to teach as revealed by “laying a basis for engage- has caused such painful division In an April 15th letter to Conference of Catholic Bishops, in sacred Scripture and the tradi- ment with the president on this between Notre Dame and many Father Jenkins, I responded to his where does one find the authentic tion. (“Lumen Gentium,” 20; and issue.” I indicated that I, like bishops — and a large number of letter. interpretation? A fundamental, “Christus Dominus,” 2.) I many others, will await to see the faithful. Now the points made in his canonical and theological princi- reminded him that it is also cen- what the follow up is on this That division must be letter have been sent by Father pal states that it is found in the tral to the university’s relation- issue between Notre Dame and addressed through prayer and Jenkins to the members of the local bishop, who is the teacher ship to the church. (“Ex corde President Obama. action, and I pledge to work with Notre Dame Board of Trustees and lawgiver in his diocese. — ecclesiae,” 27 & 28; Gen. Norm., 6. As I have said in a recent Father Jenkins and all at Notre and have been publicized nation- Canon 330, 375 §§ 1 & 2; 380; Art. 5, §§ 1-3.) interview and which I have said Dame to heal the terrible breach, ally, as well as locally in the 381 § 1; 391 § 1; 392, & 394 §1. 5. Another key point. In his to Father Jenkins, it would be one which has taken place between South Bend Tribune. Since the 3. I informed Father Jenkins letter to Bishop Olmsted and in thing to bring the president here Notre Dame and the church. It matter is now public, it is my that if there was any genuine the widespread publicity, which for a discussion on healthcare or cannot be allowed to continue. duty as the bishop of this diocese questions or doubt about the has taken place as the points in immigration, and no person of I ask all to pray that this heal- to respond and correct. I take up meaning of the relevant sentence the letter have been made public, goodwill could rightly oppose ing will take place in a way that this responsibility with some sad- in the conference’s document, Father Jenkins declared the invi- this. We have here, however, the is substantial and true, and not ness, but also with the conviction any competent canonist with tation to President Obama does granting of an honorary degree of illusory. Notre Dame and Father that if I did not do so, I would be knowledge of the tradition and not “suggest support” for his law to someone whose activities Jenkins must do their part if this remiss in my pastoral responsibil- love for Christ’s church had the actions, because he has expressed both as president and previously, healing is to take place. I will do ity. responsibility to inform Father and continues to express dis- have been altogether supportive my part. Rather than share my full let- Jenkins of the fundamental prin- agreement with him on issues of laws against the dignity of the ter, which I have shared with ciple that the diocesan bishop surrounding protection of life. I human person yet to be born. Sincerely yours in our Lord, some in church leadership, I pre- alone bears the responsibility to wrote that the outpouring of hun- In my letter, I have also asked Most Reverend fer to present some of the key provide an authoritative interpre- dreds of thousands who are Father Jenkins to correct, and if John M. D’Arcy points. tation. shocked by the invitation clearly possible, withdraw the erroneous 1. The meaning of the sen- 4. I reminded Father Jenkins demonstrates, that this invitation talking points, which appeared in

legacy serving the needs of at- Mary Grace of the Cleveland risk children into the future. chapter April 14-15. After board FOUNDER Saffell says this remarkable meetings that included Bishop woman, who was declared a John M. D’Arcy, Mass and exten- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 “” by the sive tours of the Women’s Care Congregation for the Causes of Center Crib Club, the chapter to a prominent Washington, D.C., in Rome in 2003, “broke a held a luncheon meeting where family. Her faith manifested in lot of barriers in the late 1800s” the national representatives pre- her devotion to the Christ Child and fits the profile of . sented a moving DVD on the life and sustained her following a “The church says we must and legacy of their founder to its childhood accident that left her present all the facts about the members. The DVD will be made paralyzed and unable to sit up spirituality and holy virtues of a available to the 41 chapters without support. Though she suf- person, showing a person living across the country following vis- fered debilitating pain, she unwit- an ordinary life doing extraordi- its to each by Saffell and Grace. tingly initiated her compassionate nary things for the good of the “It’s a tie, a bridge. It’s a ministry in 1884, that would church. From a historical per- reminder of the true mission of grow to national status, by gath- spective, what Mary Virginia Christ Child Society,” says ering a small group of friends to Merrick did goes beyond extraor- Saffell. sew a layette for a mother who dinary.” Of the Fort Wayne chapter, had no clothing for her unborn A prolific writer, Merrick’s Grace says, “It’s been a reward- child. Her collaborative work for works are currently being tran- ing trip. The people in this com- area children was formally organ- scribed and information on her munity are very gracious. The ized as the Christ Child Society extraordinary ministry will be work they’re doing here serving in 1887. presented to the Archdiocese in children is the legacy of Mary KAY COZAD Though Merrick was forced to Washington with a request for Virginia Merrick.” remain in a reclined position in Christ Child Society president Lisa Didier, left, stands with national opening of the cause for saint- Saffell agrees saying, “This is bed or wheelchair, she continued Christ Child Society president, Mary Grace and Margaret Saffell, national hood. an exceptional chapter. They are to lead others to serve the poor director of program and chapter relations. The national representatives Saffell adds that it is unusual truly living Merrick’s legacy.” children in the Washington, D.C., made a visit to the Fort Wayne chapter on April 15 to meet with the for a person not associated with a area, forming alliances with indi- board and present a moving DVD of the life and legacy of founder Mary religious community to be con- viduals and organizations that Virginia Merrick. Merrick’s life and work is being reviewed for the cause sidered for sainthood and it is not lovingly provided children with of sainthood. the mission of the Christ Child clothing, shoes, layettes and toys. Society to canonize their founder, Working tirelessly to meet the but to serve at-risk children. To ever-changing needs of the chil- that end a separate fund estab- dren of the area Merrick was As the Christ Child Society was federated into a national lished with donations is subsidiz- instrumental in establishing grew, members took Merrick’s organization, of which Merrick ing the cause. For information about the Christ Child camps for needy children as well mission as far away as Omaha, served as president until 1948. The Fort Wayne Christ Child Society call (260) 424-3624 in as a convalescent home, a hospi- New York and Chicago. By 1912, Currently there are 41 chapters Society chapter and its president Fort Wayne, (574) 271-0199 in tal and several neighborhood cen- 24 chapters had been formed and in 18 states and the District of Lisa Didier welcomed Saffell and South Bend or visit www.nation- ters. in 1916, the Christ Child Society Columbia carrying Merrick’s Christ Child Society president 4 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC APRIL 26, 2009 Educators urged to follow example of Christ in his teaching ministry vocation and the Catholic Library of your communities,” he told the BY DORIS BENAVIDES Association’s annual meeting. teachers. In a keynote titled “You Matter Bishop Kicanas said that “the ANAHEIM, Calif. (CNS) — Much,” Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas work of the church will be much Speakers addressing educators of Tucson, Ariz., stressed the impeded” if people try to serve the April 14 at the National Catholic importance of educators in guiding young without taking into account Educational Association’s annual students to increase their knowl- the bishops’ pastoral priorities. convention encouraged them to edge of Christ. At the convention, Father follow the example of Jesus Christ “Remember you matter much,” William Schooler, pastor of St. in his teaching ministry. Father he told the teachers, school admin- Pius X Parish, Granger, was one of Bill Schooler, pastor of St. Pius X istrators, religious educators, pas- 13 pastors recognized from across Parish, Granger, was honored at tors, parents and volunteers who the nation for the NCEA the convention. attended the national event. “What Distinguished Pastor Award. “I send my best wishes and you do is at the heart of the At the presentation, it was stat- gratitude for the great work you do church’s mission. You bring faith ed, “One of the teachers at St. Pius in Catholic education, for the great (and) transmit it, generating a rela- X School summarized the reason role in evangelization, for deliver- tionship with Jesus Christ,” he for which Father Bill Schooler ing the Gospel message to those said. received this award: ‘His most under your pastoral care,” said Bishop Kicanas, who has a doc- amazing contribution to our parish Archbishop Donald W. Wuerl of torate in educational psychology, PROVIDED BY THE NCEA has been the building of our Washington in a letter read to the told the educators they are impor- Father Bill Schooler, pastor of St. Pius X Parish, Granger, was one of 13 Education Center. Father Bill had a audience by Servite Father Gerald tant to the church’s future and that priests recognized with the National Catholic Educational Association’s vision of not just a school, but an M. Horan, the superintendent of for their hard work they deserve a Distinguished Pastor Award. Father Schooler is shown at the presenta- education center that would serve schools of the Orange Diocese, the “big fat bonus check,” especially tion awards dinner. the needs of the whole parish. He host of the event. during these hard economic times. took on a project that had the Archbishop Wuerl is known He urged them to become wit- potential of dividing the parish and nationally for his catechetical and nesses. gling with catechesis in its life one foot in the world and one in not only accomplished his goal, teaching ministry and for his “This (new) generation listens span,” he said, discussing faith for- the church, or maybe two feet in but also ended up with the support efforts on behalf of Catholic edu- to witnesses, and if they listen to mation and sacraments. the world.” of the parish behind him.’” cation. He is chairman of the their teachers, it is because they Using an amusing story of a Bishop Kicanas encouraged the The presentation added: NCEA board and the U.S. bishops’ are witnesses,” he said. “A teacher family who did not know the bibli- teachers to talk to their students “Here’s how one parishioner wrote Committee on Evangelization and affects eternity and you can’t cal tale of Joshua bringing down about “Christ’s way of life for oth- about Father Schooler’s vision for Catechesis. (have) influence when it (witness- the walls of Jericho, he stressed ers that leads to joy.” To promote Catholic education: His plan has “We are a mighty force for ing) stops.” the “dire need” for catechesis. the faith he suggested engaging in not been to build a parish around a good in our world. We carry a Most of Bishop Kicanas’ He said there are four genera- family catechesis, paying attention successful school; it has been grand story of people who travel speech centered on what he said tional groups in the church — to the youth culture, and encourag- rather, to build a school within a far to teach about Jesus,” Karen are the five pastoral priorities set those born before the Second ing people to learn about and par- successful parish. Father Bill’s M. Ristau, NCEA president, told by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Vatican Council, those born during ticipate in the sacraments. mantra is that the parish has the an audience of more than 3,000 Bishops. He called those priorities Vatican II, those born after Vatican He urged the educators to responsibility to educate its mem- educators gathered at the Anaheim a source of energy for Catholic II, and those called the “millenni- address the issue of marriage with bers from cradle to grave. The Convention Center’s arena. The education and urged school leaders als,” born between the years 1979 their students, since the family is newly built St Pius X Education crowd included delegates from to focus their future faculty meet- and 1997. the primary place of formation for Center houses not only a parish Canada, Australia, Italy, Japan, ings on those proposals. Millenials have a different way all people. He also underscored the grade school, but also a host of Philippines and Indonesia. They are: faith formation and of viewing the church, he said, and importance of talking about the educational programs for parish- The 106th NCEA convention, sacraments; strengthening of mar- expressed special concern for them dignity of human life from concep- ioners of all ages, including an which took place April 14-17, was riage; life and dignity of the because they are coming of age in tion to natural death. adult education program. Beyond being held concurrently with the human person; vocation promo- a world where the economy is near “Some don’t accept that teach- education, the center houses National Association of Parish tion; and multicultural diversity. collapse and where many people ing (about life),” he said, calling retreats, service ministry meetings, Catechetical Directors’ annual con- “The church has been strug- are uninterested in the faith, “with for “a new way of living” that adult athletic events, youth activi- treasures the value, love and joy of ties and countless other parish human beings. functions.” To illustrate the need to pro- More than 400 workshop ses- mote vocations, he shared his own sions were presented at the NCEA All Saints experience: His eighth-grade convention, and more than 400 teacher was key in his decision to companies were exhibitors. enter the priesthood, which he said The NCEA, established in Religious Goods has been a great blessing in his 1904, has a membership of 3506 South Calhoun Street, Fort Wayne life. 200,000 Catholic educators who 260-456-9173 Regarding multicultural min- serve more than 7.6 million stu- istry, he highlighted the impor- dents in Catholic education institu- (across from South Side High School) tance of learning a second lan- tions. STORE HOURS guage as well as educators under- Mon. & Tues. 9:30 - 5:00 First Communion and Confirmation Gifts, standing the cultures of their com- Wed. & Thurs: 9:30 - 7:00 Books, Bibles, Crucifixes, Rosaries, munities. “Get out of your comfort Today’s Catholic staff contributed to Friday 9:30 -5:00 zones to engage in the multiculture this story. Saturday 9:30 - 4:00 Statues, Baptismal Gowns and Gifts Divine Mercy ¦ GIFTS ¦ Thank you... •First Communion for your support during •Cherished Memories •An exclusive collection Spring 2009 Sharathon! of hand selected gifts ROSARIES - BIBLES Streaming live 24/7 @ VEILS - TIES - JEWELRY Contact us at [email protected] 320 Dixie Way North 4705 Illinois Road, Suite 104, Fort Wayne 46804 (574) 277-1400 (260) 436-1450 1/2 mile north of Notre Dame on State Road 933 Catholic Radio AM 1450 APRIL 26, 2009 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 5 USF co-valedictorians are academic buddies

steps Conroy enrolled in Bishop unteered with the Jesters, a theatri- sel and following the general cere- BY KAY COZAD Luers High School as well, and cal group for disabled children and mony they will each participate in feels her experience there prepared adults. their individual school’s honors FORT WAYNE — The University her well for college. “It was awe- Though the scholars each had banquet where they will be recog- of Saint Francis (USF) graduating some at Luers! I love the teachers, their own academic path, he in nized as well. class of 2009 is scurrying to finish the activities and everything. The science and she in arts, Kimmel And what of the future plans papers and final projects in these classes were small and you know sees Conroy as a dedicated, hard for these gifted students? Conroy last weeks of the semester. The someone was always there to working student. He says, “She is hopes to be in service to the elder graduation ceremony they all look make sure you did your best.” a very intelligent person. She’ll be population, perhaps she says, as forward to will take place on May She credits her years at Bishop ANGELA CONROY TYLER KIMMEL successful.” director of marketing for a retire- 2. This year, two exceptional stu- Luers for her self motivation and Of her co-valedictorian Conroy ment home where she can plan dents will share the coveted vale- discipline, as well as her time says, “He is a quiet leader and and facilitate events, while inter- dictorian spot. management skills. “What I and faith are my identity. They smart as all get out! He is going to acting with the residents. That is Angela Conroy, communica- learned in high school helped in have carried me to be valedictori- be great at whatever he does” after she takes a little trip to tions/public relations major and college,” she says confidently. an. My faith has given me confi- The graduation ceremony Ireland — something she has Tyler Kimmel, who studied biolo- Along with her studies, Conroy dence.” includes the valedictorians’ intro- dreamed of all of her life. “I want gy/predentistry, are both surprised played basketball and tennis and The co-valedictorians are duction, which will list their many to see where I’m from and feel it,” and honored to share the role of was instrumental in reviving the pleased with the education they awards, honors, service projects she says. Conroy plans to work in valedictorian for their graduating SADD program at the school. She received at the university and feel and club involvement including the Fort Wayne area to remain class. Both have worked tirelessly graduated third in her class at that the community connections for Kimmel, founding the prepro- close to her tight-knit family. to achieve academic excellence Bishop Luers High School and it they have made are as important fessional Health Care Club, Kimmel has been accepted to during each of the four years of was there during freshman year to their future as their academic “Realizing the Dream Award” and the Indiana University dental their undergraduate studies. But that she became friends with success. Kimmel has volunteered three dental mission trips; and for school where he will study to what makes the honor even more Kimmel. at Matthew 25 in dentistry as well Conroy, assistant art editor and become an oral surgeon. He plans significant is they are both Bishop At Luers, Kimmel took as -shadowed area dentists. writer for Paw Print, USF’s news- to return to the area to share his Luers graduates and longtime advanced classes and felt well pre- Conroy has enjoyed her service at paper, admissions ambassador and expertise and serve his community friends. pared for college as well, earning Kingston Care Center and St. president of the Public Relations through dentistry. Conroy is from Yoder, the sec- 11 college credits before he even Anne Home working with the Society. They both have the honor ond of Jim and Rita’s children, but enrolled at University of Saint elder population. She has also vol- of initiating the turning of the tas- she grew up in Ossian. She attend- Francis. Not surprisingly he ed St. Therese School and by her earned valedictorian status at his own account was “studious and 2005 graduation from high school. very athletic in school.” She says, For the four years of high “I am extremely driven and a per- school these two scholars compet- fectionist. I don’t accept less than ed academically in many classes, the best. That’s difficult at times. and participated in several But I push myself until I get it.” extracurricular activities including These words hold true as well National Honors Society and peer as her friend Kimmel, who is the ministry. Conroy says of their oldest of Tim and Joyce’s two friendship, “We were competitive children. Kimmel attended St. but helped each other. We watched School, which is associated out for each other...” with St. Rose Church, his family’s The two considered several home parish in Monroeville. The universities but ultimately made family resides in New Haven. the choice to stay in Fort Wayne Like Conroy, Kimmel was where they could remain close to competitive in academics through- family. Each received scholarships out his career, and says, “Both my from the University of Saint parents are competitive in aca- Francis and Kimmel says, “It was demics, my mom in literature and a nice transition from the Catholic English and my dad in science and education at Luers to the Catholic math. They helped me along.” education at Saint Francis. They His enrollment at Bishop Luers hold a lot of the same values.” High School was vital to his aca- The friends agree that faith and demic career as his parents felt family are important elements of “strongly about Catholic educa- their success. Kimmel says, “I tion.” Of his studies Kimmel says, usually attribute my success to “The education was strong at both God. ... It’s my family and schools.” The small size made a Catholic education that led me to world of difference, he adds. more confidence.” Following in her mother’s foot- Conroy agrees saying, “Family Knights of Columbus INSURANCE Making a difference for life. WHOLE LIFE • TERM • RETIREMENT ANNUITIES • LONG TERM CARE • IRA The John J. Stackowicz Agency Serving the Fort Wayne/South Bend Diocese John Stackowicz General Agent 574-282-1082 office Ed Eckersall - 260-434-1526 Tom Elshire - 866-960-1849 Robert Wales - 574-202-4587 Keith Praski - 260-833-2024 Jeff Goralczyk 574-529-1719 Phil Stackowicz - 574-282-1082 Bob Baloun 574-272-3304 A.M. Best IMSA Standard & Poor’s A++ Certification AAA 1 of only 5 companies to have these impressive ratings, out of over 1,900 companies! 6 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC APRIL 26, 2009 More than 2,000 see Young celebrities Archbishop Dolan’s continue mission, vision installation in New York of famed ‘rosary priest’ NEW YORK (CNS) — St. EWS RIEFS NORTH EASTON, Mass. (CNS) Patrick’s Cathedral in New York N B — It’s a page right from Holy overflowed with people, music, Cross Father Patrick Peyton’s incense and good will for the April playbook — or rather his prayer 15 installation of Archbishop ARCHBISHOP DOLAN ARRIVES FOR INSTALLATION MASS book. Family Theater Productions Timothy M. Dolan as the 10th arch- in Hollywood, Calif., affiliated bishop of New York. More than with Holy Cross Family 2,000 guests in the cathedral lis- Ministries in North Easton, tened to two church choirs and a recently released a DVD, “Rosary brass ensemble and watched on tel- Stars Praying the Gospel.” The evision monitors as Archbishop project aims to spread the Gospel Dolan, waiting outside on 50th message by making the rosary Street, waved, pointed, grinned and come alive, particularly for a called out to many of the 1,000 younger generation of Catholics. robed clergy and laity who moved It features 21 young athletes, into place ahead of him in the 45- actors, directors, TV hosts, record- minute opening procession. His ing stars, authors and lecturers entrance through the main doors of sharing a Scripture reading, their the cathedral on Fifth Avenue was own personal reflection and a greeted with echoing applause. The decade of the rosary, encompass- Mass of installation was attended ing the four sets of mysteries of by 12 cardinals and more than 115 the rosary: joyful, sorrowful, glo- archbishops and bishops. Some 800 rious and luminous. It includes a priests in white chasubles partici- meditation from Father Peyton, pated from a sea of folding chairs known as the “rosary priest.” J. arrayed on three sides of the high Omar Castro, one of the celebri- altar. The Gospel, read by a deacon, ties recruited to help with the was Luke’s description of Jesus DVD, told The Anchor, newspaper meeting the disciples on the road to of the Diocese of Fall River, that Emmaus. In his homily, Archbishop he was “flattered to be asked to Dolan said contemporary take part in this DVD.” He has Christians should turn to Jesus and appeared in the television hit “recognize him again in his word, shows “Without a Trace” and in the ‘breaking of the bread’ and in “CSI,” as well as in films with his church. Let him ‘turn us around’ Nicolas Cage and Cuba Gooding as he did those two disciples, turned Jr. “I saw this as a great opportu- them around because, simply put, CNS PHOTO/PAUL HARING nity to show others the power and they were going the wrong way.” Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan gestures after arriving at the altar for his installation Mass relevance of the rosary as a prayer tool and maybe to demystify what at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York April 15. Archbishop Dolan, 59, became the 10th the rosary is,” he said. Cardinal George clarifies archbishop of New York, succeeding Cardinal Edward M. Egan. comments about Obama Creators say ‘My Mass and Notre Dame ty of life in the communities and mencement speaker at a Catholic Kit’ aims to help children Vatican orders ‘doctrinal why their membership has university. CHICAGO (CNS) — Although decreased during the past 40 learn about liturgy the University of Notre Dame is assessment’ of group years. not controlled by the U.S. representing U.S. nuns WASHINGTON (CNS) — An Catholic hierarchy, “in celebrates low-key Indiana Catholic couple has come Catholicism, no person or institu- WASHINGTON (CNS) — The Announcement links up with an educational toy called tion is totally independent,” Vatican Congregation for the birthday with brother at “My Mass Kit” to help children Cardinal Francis E. George of Doctrine of the Faith has ordered a Mass of reparations to papal villa ages 3-11 understand and partici- Chicago said. “Any institution “doctrinal assessment” of the Notre Dame controversy pate in the liturgy more fully. that calls itself Catholic needs to “activities and initiatives” of the VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Steve and Joni Abdalla created anticipate in some fashion the Leadership Conference of Women ORLANDO, Fla. (CNS) — Benedict XVI celebrated a low- Wee Believers, located in Fishers, impact their decisions make on Religious, the Maryland-based Bishop Thomas G. Wenski of key birthday with his brother at Ind., with a mission to produce others who are part of the church,” association whose members repre- Orlando will celebrate a Mass of the papal villa in Castel Gandolfo. Catholic educational toys with the cardinal said in a statement sent about 95 percent of the reparations May 3 at the Cathedral The pope, who turned 82 April 16, childlike appeal in an effort to posted in mid-April on the Web 67,000 women religious in the of St. James in downtown Orlando had a very informal “family cele- increase a child’s knowledge of site of his archdiocesan newspa- United States. Sister Annmarie “for all of our transgressions bration” that included a visit by a the Mass and enrich his or her per, The Catholic New World. The Sanders, a member of the Sisters, against the Gospel of life.” The small group of top Vatican offi- love for God. “My wife and I statement was issued to clarify Servants of the Immaculate Heart announcement of the Mass on the cials, the Vatican’s spokesman, came up with the idea while sit- earlier remarks by Cardinal of Mary who is LCWR director of diocesan Web site, www.orlando- Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, ting in Mass with our small George, president of the U.S. communications, confirmed the, linked it to the deci- told reporters. The officials, daughter .... We saw other children Conference of Catholic Bishops, investigation in a brief statement sion by the University of Notre including the secretary of state, and we thought how do you help on Notre Dame’s decision to released to Catholic News Service Dame in Indiana to invite Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, visited children see both the practicality invite President Barack Obama to April 15. “At this time, LCWR President Barack Obama to speak the pope in the morning to offer and mystery of the Mass,” Abdalla address its commencement May knows neither the process nor at its May 17 commencement and their birthday wishes. The pope said in a phone interview with 17 and to confer an honorary timeline for completion of this to give him an honorary degree. then had a private lunch with his Catholic News Service. The kit degree on him. The cardinal said assessment,” the statement said. “As Catholics we are aware of the brother, Msgr. Georg Ratzinger, comes in a durable canvas case the invitation “has embarrassed “As more information is made many shortcomings and transgres- who turned 85 early this year, and includes a booklet and 12 some of those who were also available to LCWR, the confer- sions committed against the digni- Father Lombardi said. The Vatican plush, washable pieces: a crucifix, invited to be part of the com- ence will take the appropriate ty and sacredness of human life in spokesman said the pope received chalice and thurible, or censer; a mencement ceremonies,” includ- steps for its participation in the our world,” the announcement from government and church lead- finger bowl and purificator, the ing Bishop John M. D’Arcy of assessment.” Bishop Leonard P. said. “That is why it is inconceiv- ers worldwide many letters wish- small cloth used by the priest to Fort Wayne-South Bend, Ind., Blair of Toledo, Ohio, a member able,” it said, that Notre Dame, “a ing him a happy birthday and dry his fingers and the chalice; who has said he will not attend. of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Catholic institution of higher “even some sweets.” Italian two cruets; two candles; a corpo- The university, run by the Doctrine, is to conduct the assess- learning, should receive and honor President Giorgio Napolitano, ral, the cloth spread on the altar; Congregation of Holy Cross, has ment at the direction of Cardinal anyone who promotes policies who sent a special written mes- hosts and a paten, the plate used to drawn strong criticism for its deci- William J. Levada, prefect of the that are contradictory to who we sage for the pope’s birthday and hold the hosts. The kit can be sion, primarily because Obama’s doctrinal congregation. The are as a people of faith.” Critics of the fourth anniversary of his elec- ordered on the Web site stands on abortion and embryonic assessment by Bishop Blair is sep- Obama have said his support of tion as pope April 19, thanked, or by stem-cell research conflict with arate from an apostolic visitation legal abortion and embryonic Pope Benedict for his support of calling (877) 933-2587. A kit costs Catholic teaching. of U.S. institutes of women reli- stem-cell research make him an those hit by the April 6 earthquake $89.99 plus shipping and han- gious that will look into the quali- inappropriate choice to be a com- in central Italy. dling. APRIL 26, 2009 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 7

a recent program hosted by the Our Lady of Victory Marshall County Community Missionary Sisters Foundation to receive the grant. “The monetary donation celebrate Founder’s Day received from the Marshall County HUNTINGTON — Our Lady of Community Foundation to help Victory Missionary Sisters cele- ROUND THE IOCESE purchase the iStan high fidelity A D simulation mannequin will impact brated Founder’s Day on Friday, March 13. The celebration hon- this community in a ripple effect for ored their founder, Father John the next several years,” said Sigstein. KNIGHTS ANNOUNCE STATE POSTER CONTEST WINNER Fitzgerald in a written statement. Six sisters, who knew him per- “Working with Marshall and sonally and as their spiritual advi- surrounding counties will allow sor, recalled memories for the Ancilla College to create a congregation. Regional Simulation Center that Events included a Mass, festive will assist all healthcare personnel dinner and singing of the order’s maintain and perfect their life-sav- anthem, “We Have a Holy ing skills. Living in a rural area Mother.” does not create an expectation of sub-standard healthcare, and at Ancilla College, we are working Sister Helen Prejean diligently to ensure our regional to speak at the USF healthcare is second to none.” With the grant, Ancilla has commencement raised $66,000 for the simulator, FORT WAYNE — The University $23,000 shy of the total cost. of Saint Francis has announced that commencement ceremonies Tree giveaway on Arbor will be held on Saturday, May 2, at 2 p.m. at the Allen County War Day at the University of Memorial Coliseum. Saint Francis Graduating senior Rachel DeKold will deliver the invoca- FORT WAYNE — In association tion. Angela Conroy and Tyler with the Fort Wayne Arborist’s Kimmel are the valedictorians of Association, the University of the class of 2009. Approximately Saint Francis will host a tree give- 480 students will be graduating. away on Arbor Day, Friday, April The commencement speaker, 24, beginning at 7 a.m. in front of Sister Helen Prejean, has been Trinity Hall, 2701 Spring St., on instrumental in sparking national the west end of campus near dialogue on the death penalty and Lindenwood Road. helping to shape the Catholic Free flowering dogwood, tulip Church’s newly vigorous opposi- trees, red bud, canaan fir, douglas tion to state executions. fir and hackberry trees will be dis- A member of the Congregation PROVIDED BY THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS tributed to community participants of St. Joseph, Sister Prejean was a maximum of three trees per per- asked to correspond with a death St. Catholic School, New Haven, student, Carly Robinson, won the son — until supplies are gone. row inmate, Patrick Sonnier, at 2009 state first place award, in the Knights of Columbus State Council Poster Contest. Approximately 1,200 trees will be Angola. She became his spiritual given away. adviser. Concerned with the plight Robinson received the $50 check from Grand Knight Stephen Haydock, right, with For more information, please of murder victims’ families she school Principal Janice Comito, left, in attendance on March 25. Subject of this year’s call the Grounds Department at founded “Survive,” which pro- (260) 399-7700, ext. 6112. vides counseling and support for contest was “Substance Abuse Awareness.” Carly’s poster was judged locally by Holy grieving families. Subsequently Trinity council No. 12741, and won the regional and state contest. Her poster has been Dwenger teacher honored she wrote “Dead Man Walking,” a book about the experience. submitted to the Supreme Council for competition at an international level. The contest by Siemens Foundation Baccalaureate Mass will be was open to students ages eight through 11. FORT WAYNE — Bishop held on Saturday, May 2, at 10 Dwenger math teacher, James a.m., at the Cathedral of the LaMarca, was one of 50 teachers , located selected nationally to receive the at 1122 S. Clinton St. Graduates St. Joseph, St. Mary and Ss. Peter dents in the community who need Ancilla receives grant Siemens Award for Advanced and their families and friends of and Paul churches. Carnations individualized help in reading, Placement. Each year, the all faith traditions may attend this will be made available on Friday math and written expression for from Marshall County Siemens Foundation honors the service. for children at Huntington remediation or enrichment. Community Foundation nation’s top teachers in the areas For further information, con- Catholic Middle Building and Students will work in a small of math and science education. tact the Office of the President at Huntington Catholic Primary group of their peers with one tutor DONALDSON — Ancilla This marks the 11th year for the (260) 399-7700 ext. 6910. Building. to enhance their skills. Work with- College has been awarded a grant award recognizing the achieve- Prices are $1 each for long- in the group is prescriptive. The from Marshall County ments of students, teachers and Huntington County Right stemmed carnations, $2 and up for program provides computer- Community Foundation in the high schools who excel in the corsages, and vases start at $3. assisted instruction along with a amount of $10,000 towards the College Board’s Advanced to Life to sell carnations Corsages, vases and large quanti- variety of hands-on materials purchase of the iStan human sim- Placement Program® (AP®) math ties can be ordered in advance by under the direction of experienced ulator. and science awards. HUNTINGTON — Huntington calling (260) 356-5933. Office teachers from the community. County Right to Life will hold its A next-generation patient sim- LaMarca teaches AP Calculus hours are weekdays 2:30-6 p.m. Students in grades 1-3 will ulator, iStan is capable of mimick- at Bishop Dwenger. Over the past 31st Annual Mother’s Day (closed Wednesdays). All pro- attend class from 8:30-10 a.m. Carnation Sale May 8, 9 and 10. ing the anatomical workings of the three years, a total of 85 out of ceeds will benefit pro-life efforts Students in grades 4 and up will human body to a level of realism 106 students have achieved a Long-stemmed carnations, cor- in Huntington County. attend class from 10:15-11:45 a.m. sages and vases will be sold beyond all previous simulators, score of three or higher on the The cost is $250 for the first giving students and local emer- College Board’s AP® exam, with Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the student and $200 for each addi- Right to Life office only, located University of Saint Francis gency personnel a level of hands- 34 students receiving a five, the tional student in the same family. on training that far exceeds the highest score they can earn. at 34 E. Washington St. and on offers summer tutoring A 10 percent early bird discount Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at established norm. LaMarca is now in his 11th year FORT WAYNE — The University will be given if deposit is received Ancilla College’s Ann of teaching at Bishop Dwenger the Right to Life office, J.C. by May 1. The fee includes all Penney, Etna Avenue Huggy Bear, of Saint Francis’ Oaks and Fitzgerald, director of nursing, Dr. High School. Willows Center is offering an aca- activities, evaluations and Joanna Blount, dean of Academic Bishop Dwenger High School Orscheln Farm and Home Store, required supplies. Family Dollar, Walgreen Drug demic support program for stu- and Student Services, Tom Sibal, students in James LaMarca’s AP dents Monday through Thursday For further information and assistant director of Institutional Calculus classes help celebrate his Store, Kmart and Wal-Mart. registration, contact Staci Mathias Long-stemmed carnations and mornings on the university cam- Advancement, and Mike Brown, being honored with an Advanced pus, beginning June 30. at (260) 399-7700, ext. 8409. The executive director of finance and Placement Award by the Siemens corsages will also be sold at registration deadline is May 26. Saturday and Sunday Masses at The program is open to all stu- administration, were all on hand at Foundation. 8 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC APRIL 26, 2009 House okays abortion doctors’ hospital privileges

INDIANAPOLIS — The Indiana in preparation for second reading Concerns have been raised by ments so the bill does not have to House of Representatives passed a in the House. Eleven of the some regarding the inclusiveness go to conference committee. proposal, 73-20, April 15 that amendments were called by the of all health care providers and the However there are some problems requires abortion doctors to obtain amendment authors. Only three of INDIANA potential unintended consequences with the bill as it currently stands. hospital admitting privileges and the amendments passed. Rep. Tim that it creates, not to mention the If there is any way I can concur enhances Indiana’s informed-con- Brown (R-Crawfordsville) offered CATHOLIC excessive and unnecessary admin- with the House amendments, then sent law by adding that a pre-born the amendment that adds fetal pain istrative burden on all physicians that’s what I’m going to do.” baby might feel pain during the to Indiana’s informed-consent law, CONFERENCE and hospitals. The legislation was prompted abortion. which passed 62-27. Women seek- Rep. Matt Bell (R-Avilla) because of problems in Fort The purpose of the measure, SB ing abortion would be informed BY BRIGID CURTIS AYER House cosponsor of the bill said Wayne where local doctors had to 89, according to the bill’s author prior to the procedure that “a fetus that he is concerned that Rep. take care of patients seen by abor- Sen. Patricia Miller (R- might feel pain.” Cheatham’s amendment to include tion practitioner George Klopfer at Indianapolis), is to provide better House sponsor of the bill, Rep. all physicians performing surgery the Fort Wayne Women’s Health follow-up care for women who have Cheatham (D-North doctors would have admitting priv- to have admitting privileges Organization. Klopfer, who resides complications following an abortion Vernon) offered an amendment to ileges so the patient would know “changes the dynamic a lot as a in Illinois, comes to Indiana to per- by requiring abortion doctors to extend hospital admitting privi- where to go to get follow-up care,” policy. If I am remembering the form abortions in Gary, South obtain hospital admitting privileges leges to all physicians that perform said Cheatham. numbers given during testimony Bend and Fort Wayne. in the county and adjacent counties surgery and passed by a voice Since the House amended the correctly, there are about 12,000 There are nine abortion centers where the abortions are performed. vote. Cheatham said it became evi- bill, the bill’s author, Sen. Miller, licensed and practicing physicians located in five different counties. “I’m very encouraged that the dent to members of the House must either concur (agree with) the in Indiana. About three quarters of Testimony during the panel hear- House passed the bill,” said Sen. Public Policy Committee that there amendments made in the House to those currently have admitting ing indicated just one of the abor- Miller. “It’s been a number of years are other types of surgery where SB 89, or dissent (disagree with). privileges,” said Bell. “So if the tion practitioners operating in since the House has passed any pro- patients are not provided adequate If Sen. Miller concurs the bill can bill passes as it currently stands, Indiana has hospital admitting life legislation. I was also encour- follow-up care including for exam- go to the Senate floor for a final that’s going to affect over a thou- privileges. Planned Parenthood has aged that several attempts to weak- ple lasik eye surgery and liposuc- vote. If Miller dissents on the sand doctors.” expressed concern that if this legis- en the bill in the House Public tion cosmetic surgery. amendments, the bill will go to Despite these challenges, Bell lation passes it will limit access to Policy Committee were averted.” “We felt that this could be conference committee where law- said he is hopeful and very encour- abortion. Sixteen amendments were filed addressed so that other types of makers would iron out differences. aged by the vote of 73 House mem- If SB 89 passes this year, bers supporting the bill. “I think the Indiana would join 11 other states vote is indicative of where Hoosiers which require abortion doctors to are on this issue,” said Bell. maintain local hospital admitting Moments to celebrate... Gifts to remember Another concern raised by Sen. privileges. These states include Miller is that the bill does not Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, in honor of specify what constitutes a surgical Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri,   procedure. “This means something Ohio, Pennsylvania, South First Communion Confirmation as simple as having a mole Carolina, Texas and Utah.  Weddings Ordination removed could be covered in the The Indiana General Assembly legislation,” said Miller. “I would must adjourn by the April 29 dead- Religious Anniversaries prefer to concur with the amend- line. A Great Selection of Gifts and Cards! AQUINAS FORT WAYNE EDUCATOR HONORED WITH FATHER TOM AWARD 2306 Mishawaka Avenue • South Bend • (574) 287-1091

Four Generations of family ownership TIM JOHNSON Bishop John M. D’Arcy presented Fort Wayne’s Price Elementary School Principal William D. Critell with the MCCOMB Now in our fourth 2009 Father Tom O’Connor Light of Christ Award in edu- generation of service, & SONS cation. The presentation was made at a luncheon at St. D.O. McComb & Sons has Funeral Homes CELEBRATE THE LIVES OF THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE Mary Church, Fort Wayne, on April 15. Most of Crittell’s worked hard to provide the work in education has been in service to students from families in this community with (260) 426-9494 lower-income families. Critell has visited businesses near the very best service Maplewood Park • 4017 Maplecrest possible. As a family-owned Lakeside Park • 1140 Lake Avenue the school to enhance the ability of the community and funeral home, we take Foster Park • 6301 Fairfield the school to work together. Critell told those gathered personal pride in every Auburn Chapel • 502 North Main that he plans to use the $1,000 for the purchase of books Covington Knolls • 8325 Covington Road service we arrange. Pine Valley Park • 1320 E. Dupont Road for the students who may not have access to libraries. Critell is a member of St. Peter Church in Fort Wayne. APRIL 26, 2009 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 9 St. Joseph-Hessen Cassel School celebrates milestone FORT WAYNE — One-hundred- he would get out of going to old school.” It smelled of “coal forty days, 140 years are concepts school by hiding behind the corn dust and everybody’s lunch.” He that may have challenged the shucks near the road. The bus remembers when a black wrought youngest students at St. Joseph- driver saw him, got off the bus iron fence surrounded the parish Hessen Cassel School on and hauled him onto the bus. cemetery, and when the large oak Tuesday, April 7. That day, the Sorg also told the story of tree near the school was much 140th day of this school year, the Emil Herber, who was scheduled shorter and smaller around. These school celebrated 140 years of to serve Mass on Dec. 25, 1925. days, Rauner is a caretaker for continuous Catholic education in He had quite a distance to walk the church and school property. the Fort Wayne-South Bend. that cold morning. Sorg’s grand- Marylou Schwaiger added that After attending Mass, students father, Anton, happened by in one when her three sons attended St. formed a “living rosary” in the of the first cars owned by parish- Joseph’s, they would clean rest- school gym. Each grade was ioners. He gave Herber a ride so rooms and classrooms after responsible for leading a portion that the boy would be able to school since they lived nearby of the rosary, after which, stu- serve the Lord at the altar. and didn’t ride the bus. dents took their seats on the Rita Strack showed the stu- Every story was evidence of bleachers for a trip back in time. dents her father’s German Bible. the hardworking, respectful fami- Parishioners and grandparents, Many families spoke German at lies that built St. Joseph-Hessen Herber, Millie Steenman, home. The children learned Cassel Church and School. These Godfrey and Rita Strack, Tom English at school. Godfrey Strack memories are precious treasures Rauner, Sr., Carole Sorg, added that the pastor let families shared with the children. Louise Marylou Schwaiger and Jeanette PROVIDED BY ST. JOSEPH-HESSEN CASSEL know that he expected them to Schultheis, principal, told the stu- Klingenberger came to share sto- Recalling the history of their school from left are Carole Sorg, Millie send their children to the closest dents that one day, when they ries about “the old days,” when Steenman, Jeanette Klingenberger, Marylou Schwaiger and Rita Strack. Catholic school. grew up, perhaps they would they or a spouse attended St. Standing is the school principal, Louise Schultheis. To share a story in Tom Rauner, Sr. was in the come back to school and share Joseph School. Some were old the rich history of St. Joseph-Hessen Cassel please contact the school eighth grade when the current their stories. enough to have attended classes office at (260) 639-3580. school building was built in 1961. in the old school building, which He said he could “still smell the existed from 1907 until 1961. Jerome Herber, who began cation tables many times as a first grade at St. Joseph’s in 1940, punishment. She said they told stories about how strict the learned their multiplication facts Franciscan sisters were with their much faster that way. One boy, Bishop Dwenger High School students. Writing a punishment however, thought he would take a 500 times was not unheard of. He shortcut. He retrieved his paper Summer Programs recalled that his younger brother from the trash after his teacher had gotten in trouble for putting had thrown it away, and was 1300 E. Washington Center Rd. „ Fort Wayne, IN 46825 the ponytail of the girl who sat in ready for the next time he had to Phone: (260) 496-4700 „ Fax: (260) 496-4702 „ front of him into the ink bottle on write that punishment. his desk so that it was stuck. Carole Sorg related a story Summer Camps Even though the good sisters that her husband Ron had told her had plenty of misbehavior to con- about the parish’s school bus, All camps are held at BDHS unless otherwise noted. CYO Strength, Speed & Agility Training Camp for tend with, families taught their known as the “chickie hack.” Additional information and forms are available on boys and girls in Grades 5-8 children to respect their teachers. Approximately 10-12 parish fam- the website at, and in the T & Th; Session 1: June 9-25; Session II: July 7-23 Families would send a pail of ilies had scraped together enough IURQWRIÀFHRIWKHVFKRRO Grades 5-6, 6-7:30 p.m.; Grades 7-8, from 6-8 p.m. milk or fresh eggs and produce money to purchase the 1929 Cost: $120 for both sessions ($75 for individual one) from their farms, so the sisters Dodge bus, with boards running Boys Summer Basketball League Contact: Coach Steve Fiacable, (260) 637-5977 would have enough to eat. Herber along the inside for seats. Only for current Grades 5-8 Dance Team Camp for incoming Grades K-8 was glad when it was his turn to students living east of the St. Required informational meeting on June 1st at 6 p.m., Mary’s River were able to ride. with games played between 12:15 – 3:00 p.m. on June 15-19, from 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. deliver the milk pail, so he could Cost: $45 ($35 family discount), includes camp shirt Children living on the other side June 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, and 25. get a sucker as reward. His 14 Cost: $40, includes game shirt Contact: Coach Haley Wood, (260) 433-2306 siblings wished it had been their of the river had to get to school Contact: Coach Matt Kostoff, (260) 489-6613 turn. any way they could. Many Cheerleading Camp for incoming Grades K-5 Millie Steenman, age 90, walked. Some came by horse and Football Skills Development Camp July 27-31, from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. recounted that students would buggy. Parents took turns as bus for current Grades 5-8 Cost: LQFOXGHVRXWÀW ZQRRXWÀW often have to write their multipli- driver. Once, Ron Sorg thought June 1-4, from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Contact: Coach Amy Gonzagowski, (260) 496-4700 Cost: $40, additional campers $30, incl. ball & shirt Contact: Coach Chris Svarczkopf, (260) 496-4718 Squad Stunt & Cheer Camp for incoming Grades 6-8 RALLYING FOR CANCER RESEARCH July 27-31, from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Volleyball Camp for incoming Grades 4-9 Cost: RXWÀWLVDGGLWLRQDORUSHUSLHFH June 1-5 Contact: Coach Amy Gonzagowski, (260) 496-4700 Grades 4-6, 4–5:30 p.m. and Grades 7-9, 5:30–7:30 p.m. Cost: $40, includes volleyball Contact: Coach John Minnick, (260) 459-3162 Summer School Session 1 runs from June 8-26, and Session 2 from Saints Basketball School for current Grades K-8 July 6-24. Classes meet from 7:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.; Session 1: June 8-12 Session 2: July 13-17 students must attend every class in order to receive Grades K-3, 9-10:15 am; Grades 4-8, 10:30am–12pm credit. The cost is $260. Class information and Cost: $40, includes camp shirt registration forms are available on our website under Contact: Coach Dave Scudder, (260) 496-4700 x336 WKH*XHVWV6XPPHU6FKRROOLQN

Future Saints Boys Soccer Camp for incoming Grades 5-8 Driver’s Education June 8-11, from 5:30 – 7 p.m. Session 1 runs June 3-16, and Session 2 from Location: Hefner Soccer Fields on California Road June 17-30. Classes meet from 9:40 a.m.-12:40 p.m. PROVIDED BY ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL Cost: $30, includes camp shirt. or 4-7 p.m. Students must turn 15 before the last day Contact: Coach Mike Khorshid, (260) 483-0800 RIFODVVWRHQUROO&RVWLV&ODVVHVÀOOXSIDVWVR Students and staff of St. Joseph School, Decatur, wearing enroll as soon as possible! Applications are on our their team apparel, raised $1,177.92 for cancer research for Boys Heart and Soul Wrestling Camp ZHEVLWHXQGHUWKH*XHVWV'ULYHU·V(GXFDWLRQOLQN for current Grades 1-12 (w/IU Staff and wrestlers!) the Jimmy Valvano Show Your Spirit day on March 19. The June 8-11, from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Cost: $100 ($50 group rates for 5+), shirt included Please check the website regularly for changes Jimmy V Foundation awards 100 percent of every donation Contact: Coach John Bennett, (260) 486-5805 and cancellations. Thanks! to cancer research. St. Joseph kindergarten students are shown with the Jimmy V Show Your Spirit certificate. 10 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC APRIL 26, 2009

CatholicHEATH CARE Privacy laws add difficulty NIH head foresees ethical concerns about to healing ministries draft stem-cell guidelines drance to their ministry. hospitals no longer call. He relies responsible.” BY KAY COZAD According to the U.S. on the families of the patients to BY NANCY FRAZIER O’BRIEN When Obama’s decision was Department of Health and Human notify him for assistance. announced in March, Cardinal FORT WAYNE — Ministering to Services Web site “The Privacy Father Jim Shafer, pastor of St. WASHINGTON (CNS) — The Justin Rigali of Philadelphia, the emotional and spiritual needs Rule, a federal law, gives you Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, visits acting head of the National chairman of the U.S. Conference of the ill in the church community rights over your health informa- patients at Lutheran Hospital as Institutes of Health said he expects of Catholic Bishops’ Committee of Fort Wayne and surrounding tion and sets rules and limits on needed. He relies on family calls many of the public comments on on Pro-Life Activities, said it rep- area is a big job. Several priests who can look at and receive your as well, but says, “People get the agency’s new draft guidelines resented “a sad victory of politics minister full-or part-time in area health information.” And though missed and then they think we’re on embryonic stem-cell research over science and ethics.” hospitals as well as Visiting Nurse patients are asked to disclose their not doing our job.” will focus on ethical concerns Kington said the draft guide- and Hospice Home and religious affiliation during regis- It is imperative, he says, that about the research. lines would be published some- Renaissance Village Nursing tration into the hospital, unless family members contact the The NIH guidelines, which time during the week of April 20 Home. they specifically request that their parish with information about Kington said reflect “broad sup- in the Federal Register, opening a While visiting, the priest is church or priest be contacted, no loved ones and their spiritual port in the public and in the scien- 30-period for public comment. sensitive to the Catholic patient’s information can be disseminated needs during an illness. tific community,” would allow the “At the end of the 30 days we needs and remains only a brief to the parish priests. Father Bob D’Souza, associate use of federal funds for embryonic will analyze the range of com- time unless an extended stay is Father George Gabet, a priest pastor at St. Jude Parish, Fort stem-cell research only on ments, consider them and ultimate- requested. He speaks to the of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Wayne, ministers part-time at St. embryos created for reproductive ly have them inform our decision patient about his or her illness and Peter and chaplain of the St. Joseph Hospital and full-time at purposes at in vitro fertilization on the final guidelines,” which offers encouragement and the Mother Theodore Guérin commu- Parkview. Though he relies on clinics and no longer needed for will be issued by July 7, he added. opportunity for reconciliation and nity, is part-time chaplain at family calls, which he says he that purpose. The draft guidelines set seven Communion, though an extraordi- Lutheran Hospital. Of the HIPAA receives from St. Jude parish- Specifically banned by the draft requirements for informed consent nary minister of the Eucharist rules he says, “HIPAA has a lot of ioners as well as other area guidelines is funding “for research in cases when embryos created for offers Communion to the patients good qualities, but barriers as parishes, he has a working rela- using embryonic stem cells derived reproductive purposes are later each day. The priest will make well and makes it impossible to tionship with the nurses and other from other sources, including somat- donated for use in research: return visits when appropriate. know Catholic patients are there chaplains in the facilities who ic cell nuclear transfer, parthenogen- • “All options pertaining to use Another important aspect of who need a priest.” inform him of the Catholic esis and/or IVF embryos created for of embryos no longer needed for the visit is the opportunity to He adds that the rule is some- patients’ needs. research purposes.” reproductive purposes” have been receive the anointing of the sick, a times “carried overboard” for fear He says, “Hospital ministry is Also prohibited is funding of explained to the potential donors. sacrament for spiritual and physi- of lawsuits. “It is hard for staff to a very important ministry. I would research in which stem cells “are • No inducements were offered cal healing. This sacrament is not know where to draw the line,” he advise families to inform us they introduced into nonhuman primate for the donation. necessarily or only for the dying, says. “But we support them and are Catholic so a parish priest can blastocysts” or research “involving • The health care facility has a but for all who are ill. Many of understand they’re doing the best visit — so their spiritual needs are the breeding of animals where the policy in place to assure that quali- the priests report that fallen-away they can.” taken care of.” introduction of human embryonic- ty of care is not affected by a deci- Catholics have returned to the Father Ken Sarrazine, pastor of All the priests agree on the stem cells or human-induced sion to donate or not to donate. church and the sacraments St. Joseph, Roanoke, and St. importance of periodically pluripotent stem cells may have • There is clear separation through a hospital visit from a Catherine of Alexandria-Nix reminding their parishioners that contributed to the germ line.” between the decision to create the priest. Settlement makes patient visits due to the constraint brought by Kington said research on adult embryos and the decision to And while the priests take their and offers Mass at Lutheran HIPAA rules, they are now stem cells and induced pluripotent donate them. hospital ministries very seriously, Hospital, Visiting Nurse and responsible for notifying the cells — which do not require the • Consent was obtained at the being informed of their parish- Hospice Home and Renaissance parish of their loved one’s hospi- destruction of human embryos — will time of donation and donors were ioners illnesses and hospital stays Village Nursing Home. He agrees tal or nursing home admission. continue to receive NIH funding. informed they could revoke con- has become problematic. During a with Father Gabet saying, Bulletin and pulpit announce- The draft guidelines were sent at any time. scheduled visit, the priest may “HIPAA makes it difficult to ments assist with the priests’ issued at the direction of President • When possible, the physician have access to the hospital cen- know who’s there. But you are efforts to support those in need. Barack Obama, whose March 9 responsible for reproductive care sus, but otherwise hospital stay offering services and are available And as Father Gabet says, executive order overturned of the donor is not the person who information is restricted due to when notified. It is in God’s “Priests don’t have a crystal ball President George W. Bush’s ban will perform the research. privacy laws. Many find the hands.” — the rules make it difficult to on federal funding of research that • Written consent must include Health Insurance Portability and Father Sarrazine does receive get the names of those in need. involved the destruction of human nine separate elements contained Accountability Act of 1996 or information of patient stays from Parishioners must call for a embryos. Obama asked NIH to in the guidelines, including an HIPAA privacy rules to be a hin- the nursing home but says the priest’s visit.” draw up guidelines for embryonic acknowledgment that the research stem-cell research that would be could have commercial potential “scientifically worthy and ethically that would not benefit the donor. APRIL 26, 2009 CATHOLIC HEALTH CARE 11 US, Canadian Catholics react to new stem-cell research technique

cell lines from donated embryos. abandon using embryos for stem- the technique will be commer- “Even with these wonderful BY SWAN That research led to his discovery cell research.” cialized and whether the resulting advances we should continue to of the “piggyBac” method of In a statement March 2, Paul stem cells might represent an support a wide-ranging public TORONTO (CNS) — Several reprogramming cells without Long, vice president for public interrupted process that otherwise discussion on ethical issues asso- Catholic officials welcomed a using viruses to deliver growth policy for the Michigan Catholic could result in a human. ciated with embryonic stem breakthrough in stem-cell factors to the cell’s chromosomes. Conference, said he welcomed “As Catholics we are filled cells,” said Father Allore. research that could advance the Viruses used to carry growth fac- the “news of yet another scientif- with compassion for the suffering The new technique brings science of regenerative medicine, tors will incorporate themselves ic advancement that allows in the human condition, but the closer the dream of being able to but at least one Catholic ethicist into the cells, which then could researchers to pursue ethical and ends never justify the means,” use a patient’s own cells to cure wanted more information about turn cancerous. proven stem-cell research without she said. “We don’t work with disease. That makes cells derived the procedure. Adult stem cells have been the need to destroy living human that logic — that the ends justify from embryos much less attrac- Dr. Andras Nagy of Toronto’s used to treat Parkinson’s, cystic embryos.” the means. Means are extremely tive as a subject for further Mount Sinai Hospital announced fibrosis and other diseases that But because Nagy’s technique important.” research, said Father Allore. a new technique for creating break down entire systems in the creates “embryolike cells,” Jesuit Father Rob Allore, a “Embryos will always be a pluripotent stem cells that can body. Canadian bioethicist Bridget genetics researcher at Toronto’s second-best source of stem cells,” develop into most other types of In a March 4 interview with Campion sees red flags. Mount Sinai Hospital, said there he said. “When stem cells are human tissue. Nagy’s method of Catholic News Service, Richard “Are we in the realm of thera- is no such thing as a scientific obtained from embryos you have turning just about any cells, such M. Doerflinger, associate director peutic cloning?” asked Campion, advance that will end debate over the problem of an incomplete as skin cells and blood cells, into of the U.S. bishops’ Secretariat of a researcher with the Canadian ethics in scientific research, but immunological match with the stem cells avoids the use of spare Pro-Life Activities, applauded the Catholic Bioethics Institute and he hailed Nagy’s paper as “a sci- patient who is to receive the stem embryos from in vitro fertiliza- advancement, noting that consultant for the Catholic entific as well as a technological cells. If we can learn to induce tion and bypasses previous tech- researchers “have now figured Organization for Life and Family. breakthrough.” cells to take on embryonic char- niques that used viruses to turn out how to inject this genetic “Red flags go up when we say Many “are happy that this acteristics, we should be able to back the clock on adult cells. material directly and then remove things like ‘cells reverted to an method takes us beyond the need obtain cells directly from the Nagy published the results of his it once it has done its job.” embryonic state.’” for embryonic stem cells. The patient. After being repro- research in an online version of Noting the primacy of adult While the new technique does technique also begins to answer grammed they can be transplant- the prestigious journal Nature stem-cell research in treatment, not use the product of sexual some important questions related ed back into the patient, where Feb. 27. Doerflinger said it is “one reproduction — whether natural to the genetic events involved in you would anticipate little or no In 2005 Nagy created advance among many leading or in a petri dish — Campion the induction of the stem-cell problems with rejection.” Canada’s first embryonic stem- more and more researchers to expressed concerns about how state,” Father Allore wrote in an e-mail to The Catholic Register, a Toronto-based Catholic newspa- per. Scientists are constantly involved in ethical debate about what they are doing and how they Contributing to this story was Regina do it, he said. Linskey in Washington.

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Visit us at 12 CATHOLIC HEALTH CARE APRIL 26, 2009 Foundation provides medical equipment Panel discusses ethics and supplies to needy individuals and religious values BY BONNIE ELBERSON in business FORT WAYNE — The Brenda Hanchar Foundation was established Moral standards needed in workplace in 2006 to provide medical equip- ment, supplies and prescription drugs to those who cannot afford to BY LAUREN CAGGIANO he suggested a company should pay for it themselves, do not qualify adopt a values statement. This is for Medicare or Medicaid coverage a written expression of the com- and/or have no or limited health FORT WAYNE — Members of pany’s principles designed to insurance coverage. the academic and business com- guide employees on a daily basis. Tom Hanchar, parishioner at munity gathered March 23 at the He also proposed a company Cathedral of the Immaculate Allen County Public Library should stand by a credo and a Conception and owner of Thomas Theatre to discuss business ethics code of ethics. The code of ethics International Convalescent Shop, and its relevancy to the modern needs to be revised and updated created the nonprofit foundation to work place. as needed, he said. honor the memory of his late wife Father Oliver Williams, aca- In conclusion, Murphy said a Brenda and to carry forward her demic director of the Notre Dame system of ethics starts at the top. active involvement in the profes- Center for Ethics and Religious “Ethical leadership can be sion of nursing. Values in Business, Notre Dame demonstrated at lower and medi- “What a beautiful honor” it is marketing professor Patrick um levels as well as upper levels to memorialize her, says Hanchar. Murphy, Ian Rolland, former of management,” he said. After his wife’s death from can- chairman and CEO of Lincoln Taking an oath is not enough cer in December of 2003, Hanchar National Corp., and Tim to be a moral business person, saw a need to help procure med- Kenesey, president and CEO of Kenesey suggested. ical equipment for those “who fell Medical Protective were guest “It’s how you act,” he said. into the hole,” that is, individuals panelists during a question and “It’s not until you really are chal- with medical needs that were not answer session cosponsored by lenged you can see if you’re fol- funded by insurance, Medicare or the Notre Dame Club of Fort lowing the rules or not.” Medicaid. So he created the non- Wayne and Young Leaders of Rolland echoed Williams’ profit foundation whose mission it Northeast Indiana. comments about setting an exam- is to help those who are unable to The panelists started with a ple. afford physician directed medical brief discussion of personal phi- “The ethical environment of equipment, medical supplies or losophy on ethics, followed by TESS STEFFEN the organization is really set by prescription medication to enhance fielded questions from the audi- the person at the top,” he said. The Brenda Hanchar Foundation donates medical items to patients who and maintain a reasonable quality ence. Employees, he said, need to of life. For those qualifying indi- can’t afford them. Tom Hanchar, left, founder of the Brenda Hanchar Father Williams, a Mendoza have confidence in their CEO to viduals, equipment is loaned out to Foundation, and Jeff Siples, former Brenda Hanchar Foundation presi- School of Business facility mem- do the right thing. He then went them as long as that condition dent, stand behind portable wheelchairs that are among the inventory ber, likened ethics to the Ten on to outline Lincoln’s seven exists. to be donated. Commandments, as they are shared values infiltrated into the The foundation receives sup- guidelines to remind us of what company’s environment and busi- port from manufacturers in New and prescription drugs it obtains Cornwall handles day-to-day oper- is right. In the wake of numerous ness practices. York, California and Illinois. Other available to other agencies’ clients. ations and public relations and a scandals in the business world, he Following these comments, charitable organizations donate “It’s a big circle,” he says. board of directors is responsible noted, self-interest is the biggest the panelists addressed questions useable equipment. In addition, Hanchar is especially pleased for establishing the requirements problem society faces right now. from the audience. Questions notices placed in Fort Wayne area about the foundation’s annual to qualify an individual for any Business professionals must ranged from how to provide a church bulletins requesting dona- fundraiser, Flavor of Fall, in which financial or continued service adopt the same moral standards moral compass in the workplace, tions of gently used items pro- northeast Indiana chefs prepare requirements relating to their med- they exhibit in their personal how to avoid “traps” in business, duced “a very good response,” he soups and gumbos for tasting in ical equipment, medical supplies lives in their business lives, he the ethics behind executive com- says. There is always a great need return for donations. A very popu- and pharmaceutical needs. said. pensation and the role of govern- for durable medical goods like lar event, last year’s tasting at the “We’re tickled pink that we’re Unfortunately there is no uni- ment in regulating business. wheelchairs, semi-electric hospital Baker Street Station in downtown able to help the community,” but versal definition of ethics. And When considering moral beds, concentrators, hyperbaric Fort Wayne was held on his and it couldn’t be done without the many people have the attitude issues in the workplace, Kenesey oxygen chambers and the like. Brenda’s anniversary date of Nov. generosity of lots of caring peo- that the end justifies the means, said it’s important to avoid the The Brenda Hanchar Foundation 6. That was “kind of sentimental,” ple, says Hanchar. Father Williams noted. “gray area.” works closely with other nonprofit he admits. An added feature was a “A lot of harm is done when “Don’t go near that line,” he agencies like Mustard Seed, number of personal testimonials Individuals needing assistance may people don’t follow moral stan- said. Council on Aging, Matthew 25, given by clients of the foundation call (260) 432-0400 to see dards,” he cautioned. Similarly, Rolland offered this Turnstone Center and League for in appreciation for the assistance whether they qualify for the pro- Murphy offered a few sugges- word of advice: “Be sure your the Blind. It “acts as a lazy Susan” they have received. gram.Visit www.brendahanchar- tions for creating and maintaining actions are consistent with in making the medical equipment Executive director Cindy morals in the work place. First, words.” Thomas International, Inc. Elizabeth Isbister, M.D. bOARD CERTIFIED dba Convalescent Shop Parishioner - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Locally owned and serving northeast Indiana •We are approved by Medicare, Medicaid and most insurance carriers. is pleased 7501 W. Jefferson Blvd. •We supply medical and respiratory equipment. to announce the Fort Wayne 46899-9332 •We educate and provide equipment and products for the treatment of grand opening (260)436-8881 or lymphedema, edema, skin defoliation and stage 1 through 4 ulcer/wound care. of her new 877-436-8881 260/969-0801 and •We are certified custom fitters for compression garments and braces. practice~ 120 Wayne Street •Huge variety available: stair lifts, natural gas generators, high level custom 7030 Pointe Inverness Way ANGOLA, INDIANA power wheelchairs and other mobility equipment. Suite 335 • Fort Wayne 46804 866-665-1800 APRIL 26, 2009 CATHOLIC HEALTH CARE 13 Effort to end conscience protection threatens all rights, says bishop

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Bishop Bishop Murphy: I think that just vesting — no one. Adult stem into the same set of guidelines or recognize that they have to make William F. Murphy of Rockville about anything is open. Because cells, yes. Why do they do this? I that care is rationed unreasonably their voices heard. The bishops by Centre, N.Y., chairman of the U.S. once you compromise in one area, can only conclude it has to do with or things which go against the dig- themselves cannot do it. Because bishops’ Committee on Domestic then you are open to be compro- money. So I really do believe that nity of the human person now you can always find some people Justice and Human Development, mised in every area. And I would they will move forward. The become part of the health care pro- who call themselves Catholic who spoke with Catholic News say for example what’s going to administration, the government visions, then we’re going to have don’t agree with the bishops. The Service’s Nancy Frazier O’Brien happen with Catholic hospitals? If plans to do this and we have to be to say no to those parts of any kind lay men and women of our church- March 24 about the Obama admin- the government tries to say that very much on the alert. of health care bill. And we will. es, of our parishes and dioceses istration’s move to rescind a abortion is a constitutional right, CNS: What effect do you think CNS: What can the average per- across the country have to be the Department of Health and Human then a woman who comes to a the administration’s effort against son do to raise awareness about voices of the Catholic Church Services regulation guaranteeing Catholic hospital which receives conscience protections could have this threat? today. Their voice is stronger than conscience protections for health government funds — and they all on the upcoming debate over Bishop Murphy: I’m going to ours in many instances because care workers and institutions. Here do — (if the hospital) says no (to health care reform? answer your question with an they are the constituents, because is a transcript of the interview: performing an abortion), and the Bishop Murphy: Well, I was for- observation. We bishops are doing they vote and because the politi- CNS: Why should the average woman says, “But it’s my right,” tunate to have a very good discus- our best to get people to know cians know they need the votes to Catholic be concerned about a then what do you have? So it’s sion with Melody Barnes who is what the reality is. To use one be re-elected. somewhat obscure regulation of clear this is a very serious moment the domestic policy adviser in the example, I did my column two CNS: What are the most impor- the Department of Health and in constitutional history and in the White House for President Obama. weeks ago on embryonic stem-cell tant points that people should raise Human Services? protection of the rights and liber- We spoke about health care reform research. It’s gone to every pastor in comments to HHS about the Bishop Murphy: You’re right. The ties of citizens. and I indicated to her the church’s and every pastor can use that to regulation? regulations from HHS are regula- CNS: How would you respond to support of health care reform par- preach. Our people need guidance. Bishop Murphy: There is a litmus tions that came from the Bush those who argue that it threatens ticularly to cover the poor and to And that’s one of the good things test here and it is a simple litmus administration in the last period of women’s health to allow health see to it that everyone has the that I bless you people here in this test — is this really serving the their governing. And what they are care providers to decide whether to health care that they need in office for. By giving people clear health of human beings, of people are applications of the statutes. participate in abortions or other America. So there are real areas in reporting on these issues, you are a in our society, or is it simply guar- Now the (Obama) administration procedures that violate their con- which we not only would agree great instrument for education. anteeing that a certain group’s par- says all we’re doing — with sciences? but we wish to be supportive for And that’s a great gift that we all ticular agenda gets the backing of emphasis on all — is taking away Bishop Murphy: I’m baffled by good sound health care reform. need to make greater use of. the government against the will the regulations. However, legal that question — truly baffled by it. But if health care reform means I think people need to be and the right thinking of the citi- experts tell us that the regulations When was abortion a guarantee of that everyone has to be lock step informed and I think they have to zens? are totally in conformity with the anyone’s health? In fact it’s a statutes. So to take back the regu- direct attack not just on the health lations raises a real issue, because but on the life of the unborn. I just the statutes are intended to protect don’t understand that at all. The human rights — rights of con- fact is in our society I don’t know science and rights of freedom of any part of the United States where religion. So why should everyone abortion isn’t readily available for be concerned about this? Because the person who wants it. And this There’s only ONE name to trust if one person’s rights can be com- argument about the health of the promised, everybody’s rights can mother — even if you were to for orthopaedics. be compromised. allow, which I do not, that abortion CNS: But won’t Congress still be is OK in the instance of rape and able to guarantee conscience pro- incest — the fact of the matter tections via the statutes if the regu- objectively is that is a miniscule Most people will only need lation is overturned? percentage of the abortions that are sports medicine care once in their lives, Bishop Murphy: Well, that’s one performed. They don’t even have a of those “what ifs” that doesn’t blip in the screen, and you’re still so it makes sense to choose the make sense. If we’re guaranteeing having to face the fact that abor- very best orthopaedic specialist. them now, why should we take tion is the direct taking of innocent them away and ask Congress to human life. put them back? Second, there’s a CNS: Do you think the move to At SportONE, a division of Ortho Northeast “ONE,” fallacy in this. Neither the United rescind this regulation is an physicians and athletic trainers provide diagnostic States government or the Congress attempt to implement part of the or the administration gives us Freedom of Choice Act without treatment and rehabilitation services rights. We have rights ... because having to introduce FOCA? to area high schools, colleges, amateur athletic teams, we’re human beings and no state Bishop Murphy: I’ll tell you what professional sports teams and has the right to compromise or my fear is. They have not intro- interfere with human rights. duced FOCA and I believe part of recreational athletes of all ages. There’s a real problem in that it, and I don’t know this, my guess kind of thinking — that somehow is that they received so many cards or another the government has across the country from the efforts SportONE physicians treat a given us something and the gov- here to say “Do not have FOCA,” multitude of shoulder, ernment can take it away. The gov- that they’ve decided as a tactical ernment did not give us rights and strategy not to have a FOCA bill, knee and other athletic injuries, the government is acting wrongly at least at this time. all day long. if it attempts to try to regulate What I also believe they are try- They may be just the physicians rights in the sense of compromis- ing to do — and I hope I’m wrong, ing anyone’s rights. All the gov- but I suspect this — is what I call for your unique needs. John C. Pritchard, M.D. ernment can do is foster and guar- death by a thousand slices. (The) Board Certified antee and defend rights. Otherwise Mexico City (policy barring the When you need expert care, Orthopaedic Surgeon it’s a false government. use of taxpayer money to fund Specializing in sports medicine Can I tell you a good story? organizations that promote or per- there’s only ONE name to trust: Dr. Pritchard proudly supports When I was meeting with (Fidel) form abortion or forced steriliza- Ortho Northeast. Today’s Catholic. Castro in Cuba several years ago, I tion in other countries) gets raised the issue to him about repealed. HHS regulations get human rights and he said, “I guar- turned back. And the answer is, antee all human rights so long as well, those are both Bush things. no one uses human rights against No, they’re not. They have to do Physicians specializing in bones, the state.” It doesn’t take a genius with right of conscience and free- joints, spines and sports medicine. to figure out that he’s not giving dom of religion. 11 Northeast Indiana Locations them human rights. The state con- Embryonic stem-cell research is trols. That’s why the Congress is called sound science. It isn’t sound 260-484-8551  800-589-8551 not the source of human rights. science. There’s never been one CNS: Where do you think the person who’s been cured or even next threat might come if this reg- successfully treated with the ulation is rescinded? results of embryonic stem-cell har- 14 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC APRIL 26, 2009

EDITORIAL Human Embryology 101 ith all the discussions surrounding embryonic stem-cell OMMENTARY Wresearch, it may be helpful to keep in mind some basic facts C of human embryology. First of all, there are important distinctions among the terms TODAY’S CATHOLIC welcomes letters from readers. All letters must be signed and include a phone number and address for verification. “human life,” “human being” and “human person.” Unfortunately, Today’s Catholic reserves the right to edit for clarity and length. Address letters to: Today’s Catholic • P.O. Box 11169 • Fort Wayne, due to the politicization of bioethics and even of science, state- ments are often made that can easily be refuted by sound science. IN • 46856-1169 or e-mail to: [email protected] For example, it is common to hear the statement that “no one knows when human life begins.” Barack Obama at the commence- supported them. Instead it is a divi- The fact is that “human life” as such began at least tens of Withdraw ment. At least then any possible sive situation. thousands of years ago. Any living cell is either human or belongs untoward results of this ungovernable Tell me, Father Jenkins, is this to some other species. Living human cells only come from other invitation uproar will not lay at his feet. what you pictured? living human cells. So, the right answer is that “human life” What is the Notre Dame commu- M Lou C. Lonergan Carol Rainwater began when the species homo sapiens was created thousands of nity thinking? Is all of this for 30 South Bend Huntington years ago. pieces of silver? Every “human being” is the product of living human cells — It is mournfully distracting: Pray for the The truth about or at least of their DNA — that have been joined. Once the pronu- • To offer a petition at liturgy for clei of a human sperm cell fuses with the pronuclei of a human the end to the culture of death and an president farm animals egg cell, you have a one-celled human being called a zygote. It is end to abortion when the greatest Why are we not storming heaven As a person who spent 40 years no longer just human life, but is now a human organism or crea- proponent of abortion is the sched- with the one tool we have to change of his life living and working ture. In other words, from the point of this fusion, known as syn- uled commencement speaker and President Obama’s mind — prayer. around dairy cattle, I hope to clear gamy, you have a living being that is human, no longer just who recently released U.S. funds to One Hail Mary said every day up some misconceptions about farm aid international abortions. by the people in every diocese from animals. “human life.” • To pray under the gilded dome Finally, the question of human personhood is a little trickier. the east coast to the west coast First of all cows are artificially of the basilica, “Thy will be done on would surely attract attention. If inseminated because it can improve Now we are no longer talking about straightforward scientific earth as it is in heaven ...” when a every one said this prayer at noon genetics, sanitation and safety. Bulls facts, but of anthropology, ethics and the law. A person can, for university platform is given to a man each day for the intention of chang- that run loose in herds can be dan- example, be understood simply in legal terms as an entity with whose personal judgment is that the ing the president’s mind on family gerous for the farmers. standing before the law which is not property, but which rather, sanctity of life is “above his pay planning, I’m sure it would get Cows having calf after calf is no can own property. However, personhood, understood in its deepest grade.” heaven’s attention. different than any animal in the anthropological reality, refers to a being with an immortal soul. • To remember Jesus in the words Our Blessed Mother could ask wild that has babies every year. Yes, Contrary to popular belief, the church does not teach that an of the consecration, “When on the her Son for help, as she did at the cows do grieve over having their immortal soul is infused at the moment of conception. The church night he was betrayed, ...” when the wedding feast at Cana when they babies taken away, but, a farmer can community is showcasing the man were running out of wine. Obama is take better care of a calf than a admits that philosophical or theological arguments can legitimate- who signed embryonic stem-cell ly be made that would hold that the infusion of an immortal soul a family man, very smart, but not mother cow can in the herd. research into U.S. law and which the necessarily wise. Our Blessed When her productive life is over, occurs a little later, such as when the fission or twinning of a Holy Father recently proclaimed as Mother could teach him wisdom. she is sent to a slaughter house. human embryo into two human embryos is no longer possible. highly immoral. He would not stand a chance. But, at the slaughter house I visited, Nevertheless, the church does indicate that it is probable that the What must Bishop D’Arcy, We should have started praying the cows never saw other cows die. infusion of an immortal soul does occur at conception. Bishop Jenky, CSC, our Holy Father, when he was elected. It is never too Death was caused instantly by shot Even so, the church clearly holds that from the moment of con- Benedict, be thinking about the judg- late. in the head with an air gun. ception, every human being should be treated as a person. The ment and prudence of the administra- Mary R. Sparks And yes, some bull calves end question of the soul’s infusion aside, we do know one thing with tion of Notre Dame? Please with- South Bend up in veal houses when they are a scientific certainty: this entity is a fellow human being that for draw the university invitation! few months old. Hogs are slaugh- Catholic Women’s Book Club, Where was Notre tered at 6 months and chickens at 6 this reason alone deserves the same respect that would be accord- Elkhart County ed to any other human being. weeks. The best way to secure the Maureen Wosniak, Sue Stuckman, Linda Dame’s board? future of any domesticated animal Consequently, this highlights the depth of the horror of federal- Reed, Maria Pirrie, Sue Peterson, Jody is to eat it. Otherwise, why raise it? ly-funding embryonic stem-cell research. In such research, McDonough, Vicki Kalil, Cynthia Herms The issue Holy Cross Father Bill Monhaut John Jenkins created has left myself researchers kill embryonic human beings — human beings that Mishawaka are not just fertilized eggs, but have already over a hundred cells and even non-Catholic friends won- that are differentiated. These human beings are certainly smaller Supports Obama dering — how did this happen? Father Pacholczyk than we are; more delicate and dependent than we are; and very Where was the board? Did Father Jenkins send the invi- much less cognitively developed than we are. visit tation and only tell everyone once responds However, none of us is more of a person and more deserving Such a lovely day Holy he heard back? How could a man I am happy to read that Ms. of respect because of a larger size, a high level of independence or Thursday has been in my life — be in his position and be clueless as Shaffer agrees so strongly with the superior cognitive abilities. We share the same dignity because we until this morning. to what issues might surface? Was Catholic Church, and with what I are all human beings. As I read my Tribune and he so determined to be the one who have always stressed in my writ- Today’s Catholic, I was dismayed got President Obama to come he ings, namely, that every child that by the position taken by the head of was blinded by the honor? How comes into the world is a source of Advance directives that help the Holy Cross Order regarding the could he not realize that the very great joy and always a blessing. upcoming visit to Notre Dame by person he was professing to want to Every newborn is to be rejoiced An advance directive is a document which provides guidance the most powerful, surely most honor would be thrown into an over as a kind of “miracle” and when a person is no longer competent to make his own health courageous man in the world. How embarrassing mess. A mess he cre- “grace,” no matter how it was con- care decisions. An advance directive can take the form of either a honored I feel for our Notre Dame ated. ceived. living will or an appointment of a health care representative. A to have the leader of the greatest I totally support Bishop John M. While it is certainly true that living will tries to anticipate various health care situations and republic in the free world speak to D’Arcy. It had to be a hard deci- babies are always a blessing, it is instructs those responsible to provide, withhold or withdraw cer- the young people who are graduat- sion; because as a man of his certainly false that their arrival tain procedures or therapies. An appointment of a health care rep- ing into it. Many of them, like stature in the Catholic Church he somehow sanitizes or justifies those resentative authorizes someone trusted to evaluate what is propor- many good Catholics all over this had to have deep feelings about kinds of disordered human choices nation, sent Obama to that office. causing the new president any via which they may have gotten tionate care in light of what the patient would want and to make Without us Catholics, his win embarrassment. here such as sexual assault, adul- those health care decisions. would have been substantially less. The bigger issue had to be tery, pre-marital sex, cloning or in Since a living will cannot accurately predict every possible My dismay turned to fear and beliefs. What does the Catholic vitro fertilization. I believe Ms. future medical condition and treatment option, the appointment of terror as I read the vicious threats Church stand for? Father Jenkins Shaffer would benefit from going a a health care representative is recommended by the church. The by Randall Terry. This was height- obviously saw a grey area. I’m not little deeper into the matter and Indiana Catholic Conference has a model advance directive form ened when I saw the protesters out disputing his reasoning for choosing shifting her attention away from the that includes both basic Catholic principles and the appointment stirring up trouble near campus the president, but had he followed emotional appeal of babies and of a health care representative. The form came be downloaded instead of reciting the Way of the protocol, had he gone through the newborns to focus for a moment on and filled out without the need to consult an attorney. Go to the Cross and making a solemn recon- church heads, he might have avoid- the very important and serious ethi- “Resources” tab at ciliation during this Holy Week. ed embarrassing our president, cal obligations we have surrounding I ask Bishop D’Arcy to reconsider putting our bishop in a difficult situ- their procreation. his position and demonstrate love in ation and worst of all, taking away Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D. his leadership of our people by com- from graduates their hard-earned National Bioethics Center Today’s Catholic editorial board is Kay Cozad, Fred and Lisa Everett, Father ing to pay respects and honor the big moment. It should have been Philadelphia, Pa. Mark Gurtner, Father Michael Heintz, Tim Johnson and Vince LaBarbera. democratically elected President about them and the families that APRIL 26, 2009 COMMENTARY 15 The Obama stem-cell darkness CATEQUIZ’EM By Dominic Camplisson resident Obama, on March 9, were younger and could swim St.George’s Day is April 27.This quiz looks at this dragon slyer. 2009, signed an important moderately well. MAKING Pexecutive order that vastly Their father would sit on the 1.Bet Giorgis is a building dedicated to St.George in this African country,with a rich expanded federal funding for shore while the boys would swim human embryonic stem-cell inside a line of bright red buoys SENSE OF Christian past.St.George is the patron saint of the country: research and crossed a significant that marked where the shelf on the a.Mali b.Ethiopia c.Yemen and troubling ethical line. This floor of the swimming hole would BIOETHICS decision, and the rhetoric during drop off steeply. Each year, the BY FATHER TAD PACHOLCZYK 2.George is also patron saint of this Iberian country which only has one border with the signing, encouraged scientists father would tell his sons not to Spain: and researchers to enter the moral cross that line, because if they did, a.Andorra b.Ceuta c.Portugal quagmire of taking some human he would not be able to swim out slapping the water with his hands. lives in order to benefit others. and rescue them. Each year they They suddenly realized he was 3.This city,historically dominated by a Maronite elite,also has St.George as its patron: drowning, and swam towards him. During his signing speech, in order would faithfully obey. This partic- a.Beirut b.Damascus c.Jaffa to support his decision, the presi- ular year, however, they decided to As they got near him, he yelled at dent invoked the name of challenge their dad’s authority and them not to come any closer. He Christopher Reeve and other venture beyond the buoys. cried out, “Get away! Don’t touch 4.George is also patron of this Slovenian city whose name presents a pronunciation patients desperate to find cures for As they swam beyond the line, me!” In fear, they kept their dis- challenge to many non-Slovenes their ailments. their father saw them and called tance until he stopped struggling in a.Ptuj b.Split c.Manamana Desperation, however, rarely out to them to return, but they the water, and began to sink makes for good ethics. feigned they couldn’t hear him and beneath the surface, with gurgling 5.This military order which spread the faith in Eastern and northern Europe also has I once heard a true story that continued to swim out even fur- and bubbling. George as one of their patrons: brought this point home for me in ther. Their dad got nervous, and As he slipped into unconscious- a.The Knights Templar a dramatic way. The story began to walk out into the water, ness, the boys approached him and b.The Teutonic Knights involved a father and his two as it got deeper and deeper, and grabbed him as best they could young sons. They had a favorite suddenly he moved into the drop- and dragged him back to shore, c.The Hospitallers swimming hole out in the country- off section and began sinking. where he sputtered and revived side, which they would visit on hot From a distance, the boys spot- and finally coughed out the water 6.This one may be a saintly no-brainer.St.George is patron of summer days. The father, however, ted him flailing around in the he had taken in. Later, the boys a.Pen Dragon,Wales had never learned to swim, while water, gasping for breath, trying to b.The jungle the boys had learned when they keep his head above water, and BIOETHICS, PAGE 16 c.Georgia (the country)

7 Probably because of his chivalric military prowess,St.George is a patron of these: His mercy and power remain a.horsemen b.Druze militias c.pacifists 8.St.George is the patron of England but also of this peculiarly named English society chief of the apostles. He speaks on once more this week exclaim the of honor and fame: behalf of them all. church’s great trust in, and excite- Secondly, because of Peter and ment about, the Resurrection. As a.The order of the big fat pig THE the other apostles, the salvation Paul said, the Resurrection is the b.The order of the garter given by Jesus still reaches bedrock of our belief. c.The order of fryes SUNDAY humankind. They continue the In these readings, the church Lord’s work. calls us to the fact that redemption 9.If George had really wanted to slay a dragon he would have had to trek to this island GOSPEL The First Epistle of John pro- was in Jesus. He is Lord. He is or one of its neighbors: vides the second reading. The epis- God. In Jesus, God saved the a.Ireland b.Malta c.Komodo MSGR. OWEN F. CAMPION tles of John are alike in their elo- world from death. quence and splendid language. As did the Lord, all people, They are alike in the depth of their even all believers, must die. But, 10.George is honored outside the Catholic world.In the east he is patron of Istanbul, theology and revelation. as did Jesus, they too will rise if better know in Christian history as: 3rd Sunday of Easter This reading proclaims the they do not relent in their love of, a.Nicaea b.Constantinople c.Trebizond majesty of Jesus, the savior. and obedience to, God. Thus, all Lk 24:35-48 However, it cautions, accepting believers can anticipate, and pro- 11.He is patron of this Russian capital: he Acts of the Apostles Jesus as Lord is more than lip vide for, eternal life in God. a.Moscow again furnishes the first bib- service. It is the actual living of the Christians further can rejoice in b.St.Petersburg Tlical reading. Almost every commandments, by which, and the fact that salvation did not pass c. Kiev Sunday in the Easter season fea- through which, humans realize the away when Jesus, who lived for a tures a reading from this book of perfection, love, order and peace time on earth, ascended into heav- of life in God. en. His mercy and power remain. 12.Young men may know George as patron of this organization started by Baden- the New Testament. Powell: In this reading, Peter preaches St. Luke’s Gospel is the source His words endure. God has provid- to the crowds in Jerusalem. of the last reading. ed for us, so that we too may have a.The Knights of Mole Preaching about salvation and It is another Resurrection salvation. We may encounter Jesus. b.Boy Scouts God’s mercy seem to be not at all Narrative, and it looks back to the We may hear the Lord’s words. c.Young Whippersnappers for BP unusual. Americans are very Emmaus story — which reports We reach the risen Jesus, and accustomed to preaching. They the walk to a small town outside we learn of Jesus, from the apos- 13.According to Shakespeare,Henry V used the phrase “God for Harry,England and St. hear it on the radio. They hear it Jerusalem by two disciples and by tles. The church is the mystical George”as a rallying cry to get his troops to go here: the risen Lord, and the disciples’ body of Christ, created to continue on television. It is a product of this a.Once more down the pub recognizing Jesus in the “breaking their work, which is the ongoing, country’s Protestant heritage. b.Once more onto the beach Actually, to preach is to assume of the bread,” or Eucharist. life-giving work of Christ. c.Once more unto the breach a mighty role and a great responsi- As this group of disciples was bility. Preaching, after all, by defi- talking, Jesus stood in their midst. nition is not simply lecturing or He was no longer bound by loca- READINGS 14.George,again because of his military history,is patron to these,whose tools include speaking aloud. It is speaking in tion or time. Risen from earthly Sunday: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 various types such as cross,long and composite the very name of God. life, victorious over sin, Jesus now Ps 4:2,4,7-9 1 Jn 2:1-5a Lk 24:35-48 a.sword makers b.archers c.fry cooks Those who preached, by lived in the fullness of eternity — Monday: Acts 6:8-15 Ps 119:23- ancient Jewish standards, were even in the Incarnation, true God 24,26-27,29-30 Jn 6:22-29 15.Several towns in Malta such as Gozo have St.George as a patron,but the link to and true man. privileged people indeed. None Tuesday: Acts 7:51:-8:1a Ps 31:3cd- George nationally is rather unusual.It is that the island’s people He showed them the pierced chose to be a preacher. Rather, 4,6ab,7b,8a,17,21ab Jn 6:30-35 a.were awarded the George cross, which is on their flag, by English God selected each preacher. hands and feet. Indeed, these disci- ples were encountering the Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8 king George Therefore, Peter stood before this Ps 66:1-3a,4-7a Jn 6:35-40 Jerusalem crowd as the representa- Crucified. But, the Crucified had b.almost always Maltese (unless Jewish or Muslim) call their first Thursday: Acts 8:26-40 tive of God. overcome death and had lived! born George or Georgina Most importantly, he spoke in Ps 66:8-9,16-17,20 Jn 6:44-51 c.are ethnically originally Georgian and possibly descendants of St. the place of Jesus. He preached the Reflection Friday: Acts 9:1-20 Ps 117:1-2 George good news of Jesus. This reading Jn 6:52-59 makes two points. First, it estab- The church continues to sum- Saturday: Acts 9:31-42 mon us to the joy of Easter cele- ANSWERS: lishes the identity of Peter. He is Ps 116:12-17 Jn 6:60-69 1.b, 2.c, 3.a, 4.a, 5.b, 6.c, 7.a, 8.b, 9.c, 10.b, 11.a, 12.b, 13.c, 14.b, 15.a an apostle. Moreover, he is the bration. He lives! The readings 16 COMMENTARY APRIL 26, 2009 Indulgence requirements clarified SCRIPTURE SEARCH In the letter in the Today’s Catholic of print on their computer screen. regarding the indulgence that one can The digital version is definite- Gospel for April 26, 2009 receive during this Pauline year,there THAT’S ly the “green” way to go. It cuts Luke 24:35-48 is no mention of the specifics of the out printing, mailing and trans- how and where one goes for this votive A GOOD portation charges. Following is a word search based on the Gospel But recycling your Today’s reading for the Third Sunday of Easter, Cycle B: the Mass,etc.Can any further explanation Catholic after you read it is also be given? Anonymous QUESTION “green.” Risen Christ meets his disciples after he is raised. The It’s up to the priest in the indi- Readers may also be interested words can be found in all directions in the puzzle. vidual places to schedule things to know that archived issues are like votive Masses. For the peo- available for download as a PDF. BREAKING BREAD PEACE 3.3 MB, but larger issues often ple to do something themselves So if you misplaced and recycled BE WITH YOU TERRIFIED SEEING use more megabytes, so we they would have to go in a group your paper and wish to find a GHOST HEARTS MY HANDS encourage people with high of two or more (because it has to back issue, one can do so on our MY FEET TOUCH ME FLESH speed Internet connections to be public) and read aloud from Web site. BONES FISH SPOKE consider the digital version. St. Paul’s letters or do a Litany of If you get the newspaper in WRITTEN LAW OF PSALMS The digital version is e-mailed St. Paul aloud. the mail and want the e-mailed FORGIVENESS NATIONS WITNESSES to subscribers on Wednesdays. version, please contact our sub- This is especially attractive to The “green”issue entices me to recon- scriptions manager, Kathy Voirol, people outside the diocese where at [email protected], sider the digital version of Today’s delivery would take longer. For FLESH AND BONES Catholic.How does that work? and please provide your label example, some of our Florida mailing address and then your e- Anonymous readers have reported the paper mail address. SMLASPT FS JOS taking two weeks for delivery. Readers of Today’s Catholic ESPEACETYTEL can download the electronic, dig- The e-mailed version and ital, version of the newspaper downloaded version look exactly Father Mark Gurtner, pastor of Our SNETT I RWJSJL like the print version. The digital Lady of Good Hope, Fort Wayne, either from our Web site, SMKNAARJOOJA or receive version has e-mail addresses and answered the first question. Tim it through e-mail. Most issues are Web addresses hyperlinked. Johnson, editor, answered the EYODED I MGHKB Readers can also adjust the size second question. NHPHBVFNDGOR TASSNO I TANHE Religious freedom, American security I NANWEEGEHSA WDKAEEDSRBEK ull disclosure, up front: denial about contemporary histo- Thomas F. Farr, author of ry’s falsification of the notion that DSLSFISHBOLI “World of Faith and a modernizing world is getting F THE PUOYHT IWEBFN Freedom: Why International ever more un-religious. By any Religious Liberty Is Vital to empirical measure, the world is VEMHCUOTYPGG American Security,” (Oxford getting more religious, not less; CATHOLIC University Press), is my friend. that basic fact of life has yet to © 2009 Tri-C-A Publications Friendship notwithstanding, Dr. take hold at State, Defense and DIFFERENCE Farr has written a very important CIA. GEORGE WEIGEL book. Thus the task that Tom Farr A 21-year veteran of the sets himself in “World of Faith and youngest members of the human Foreign Service, Tom Farr was the Freedom” is both essential and dif- BIOETHICS family to serve the interests of first director of the State ficult: to change the corporate dom in China (which Secretary of older and more wealthy members. State Clinton unfortunately Department’s Office of mind of the American foreign poli- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 He is offering Americans the International Religious Freedom. cy establishment on the relation- deemed less urgent than working prospect of reducing fellow human with China against global warm- In that capacity, he traveled the ship between religious conviction asked him why he shouted at them beings to cogs and commodities in ing). I’d argue with some of Farr’s world, trying to persuade persecut- and world affairs, and on the role to stay away. He said he was the assembly line of the medico- specific proposals; he senses pos- ing governments to cease and that promoting religious freedom afraid if he put his hand on them, business industrial complex. sibilities in the Muslim desist. That was hard enough. ought to play in U.S. foreign poli- he would drag them under the Many Americans, however, Brotherhood becoming a long- Farr’s hardest work, however, was cy. His tone is measured; his water with him. He knew that a seem only vaguely aware of what term force for decency in the inside his own department in analyses are fair and balanced. He desperate person would reach for has transpired in the president’s Islamic world that I can’t quite Washington. understands that policy-formation almost anything nearby in order to decision. Supreme Court Justice see, for example. But with his gen- The Department of State, like is a complex business in which save himself, maybe even his own William O. Douglas once com- eral proposition — that religious the Department of Defense and the competing goods must be weighed children, and he didn’t want to do mented on the way that oppression freedom, successfully secured, Central Intelligence Agency, is and tradeoffs inevitably occur. No that. can subtly arise in our midst: “As advances American security institutionally allergic to the idea one can reasonably accuse Farr of We must be similarly con- nightfall does not come at once, because states that guarantee that religious conviction has some- being a naif. cerned in our society when scien- neither does oppression. In both everyone’s religious freedom are thing to do with how the 21st cen- “World of Faith and Freedom” tists and desperate patients are instances, there’s a twilight where less likely breeding grounds for tury world works — and why the also offers an intriguing look at the tempted to put their hand onto our everything remains seemingly terrorism or aggression — I am in 21st century world explodes. That difficult legislative birth of the embryonic children in a bid to unchanged, and it is in such twi- complete agreement. allergy reflects the bias of foreign 1998 International Religious alleviate suffering or even to save light that we must be aware of The liberals of the Obama policy realists, according to whom Freedom Act and the even more themselves. Sadly, the president’s change in the air, however slight, administration seem oddly enam- military and economic power are difficult labors involved in giving stem-cell decision encourages this lest we become unwitting victims ored of a “new realism” in foreign the only units-of-account in world the State Department’s new Office kind of unethical behavior by an of the darkness.” affairs. They will soon learn, as politics; the biases of seculariza- of International Religious Freedom emotional appeal to patient desper- Some would suggest that per- others learned before them, that tion theory, according to which a some bureaucratic traction. The ation. The president’s ethical mis- haps the darkness is already upon there is nothing “realistic” about modernizing world is becoming late Wayne Hays, (D-Ohio), used take is further compounded by the us. But a few moments of twilight supporting tyrants on the ground ever more secular; and the person- to say that the two things people fact that remarkable and powerful may still remain, in which that only nasties can keep the lid al biases of Foreign Service offi- shouldn’t see being made are scientific alternatives exist, such as Americans can turn back the moral on in nasty places like the Middle cers, many of whom were educat- sausages and laws — to which cellular reprogramming on the one darkness that threatens our society East. It doesn’t work. U.S. policy ed at elite universities where reli- Farr would likely add, “new hand, or the use of adult/umbilical and our future. that helps channel religious ener- gion equals mythology. offices at State that State doesn’t cord stem cells on the other, nei- gies into building civil society You might think that 9/11 want.” The story is a fascinating, if ther of which requires ever laying where freedom is imperiled is far would have drawn these intelligent sobering, look at what crawls out a hand on a human embryo. more realistic. Tom Farr’s learned, people’s attention to the fact that when you lift up the bureaucratic His stem-cell decision also lively and important book shows religious conviction is — to put it rocks. manifests a troubling shift towards why, and how. gently — a dynamic factor in Tom Farr’s tests his own pro- a more widespread and systemic Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D. today’s international environment. posals for reconceiving the role of form of oppression within our earned his doctorate in neuro- But you would be wrong. To this religious freedom in U.S. foreign society. The president is offering science from Yale and did post- day, the chief foreign policy and policy by applying them to two George Weigel is a senior fellow of Americans the prospect of using doctoral work at Harvard. He is a national security agencies of the tough cases: religious freedom in the Ethics and Public Policy the powers of science to oppress, priest of the Diocese of Fall U.S. government live in a state of Islamic states, and religious free- Center in Washington, D.C. or more accurately, to suppress the River, Mass. APRIL 26, 2009 COMMENTARY 17 Eagle Scout project benefits parish Stein places in national

BY DENISE FEDOROW geographic bee

through the preliminary round cor- GOSHEN — St. John the BY MICHELLE CASTLEMAN Evangelist parishioner, Patrick rectly answering seven of eight Wheeler, completed an Eagle questions to advance with an elite Scout project that parishioners NEW HAVEN — Seventh grader group of 17 others to the second will be able to enjoy for years to Sam Stein recently represented St. round before being asked what the come. Wheeler admitted that Louis Academy, Besancon, at the northern most capital city on the originally he contacted the local state level in a National Persian Gulf is. Sam admits, “I parks department to see if they Geographic Bee in Indianapolis. had no idea. I did not know many needed anything but he didn’t The event was held at Indiana of the cities in that area.” The cor- receive a reply. So he asked his University-Purdue University in rect answer was Kuwait City. With pastor, Father Chris Smith, if Indianapolis’s (IUPUI) lecture hall the miss, Sam placed in an impres- there was something he could do. on Friday, April 3. sive three-way tie for 11th place. Wheeler said Father Smith had Only 100 students across The winner of the contest was two items on his wish list — an Indiana qualified to participate from Holy Nativity Catholic outdoor rosary and a walking placing Sam in the top 1 percent School in Portage and will Stations of the Cross. “So I took of the nation’s fourth through advance to the national competi- both into my hands,” Wheeler eighth graders in terms of geo- tion in Washington, D.C. where said. “The rosary is built out of graphic literacy. “Jeopardy” host, Alex Trebek, will bricks laid out in the shape of a St. Louis Academy’s first-year ask the final round of questions. principal and a former social stud- The winner will be awarded a col- rosary. I could’ve made the cross DENISE FEDOROW but there were already two cross- ies teacher, Cheryl Layton, intro- lege scholarship of $25,000. St. , Goshen, duced the contest to the students Sam’s favorite subject is sci- es by the preschool from when parishioner, Patrick Wheeler, kneels by the school was built so I used feeling it was important to expose ence and he has hopes of becom- one of the Stations of the Cross he the students to the opportunity. ing a meteorologist. The youngest one for the cross of the rosary.” erected for the parish as part of his The brick path walking rosary At the state competition, the son of Dan and Rosy Stein, Sam surrounds the grotto across the Eagle Scout project. At left the brick nervous 13 year old made it resides in rural New Haven. street from the church. The path rosary is shown going around walking Stations of the Cross the grotto. also begin at the grotto of the Blessed Mother and continue down the rectory driveway and across the street, ending at the local coffee shop. Pieta statue. Wheeler’s brother, a member of Troop 325, char- tered through the People of Praise Wheeler said the project took Mark, planted the landscaping about 50 hours to complete, around the Pieta for his project. in South Bend — an ecumenical prayer group that is predominate- including planning. He began in “I wanted to have the 13th station the spring of 2008, but due to precisely at the statue and it ly Catholic. The Wheeler family moved to summer camp the work took until worked out,” Wheeler said. October to complete. With Eagle Scout is the highest Goshen from Nebraska about three years ago. Wheeler works warmer spring weather arriving, honor a Scout can achieve. The parishioners at St. John the project required has to benefit the part-time assisting the school cus- todian at St. John the Evangelist Evangelist will be able to utilize community or any organization the outdoor devotionals for spiri- MICHELLE CASTLEMAN other than the Scouts, according School and he will soon be start- Sam Stein, who attends St. Louis Academy School, placed 11th in the ing a second parttime job at a tual development. to Wheeler. Wheeler said he was national geographic bee held in Indianapolis on April 3.

When I go to pray… My Chapel is down the hallway

As a community sponsored by the Brothers of Holy Cross, Holy Cross Holy Cross Village is an interdependent community energized by Holy Village at Notre Dame offers ways in which you can strengthen your faith. Cross spirituality and hospitality, and dedicated to providing a nurturing Attend Mass and rosary, worship privately or join a group for Bible studies. environment focused on dignity and respect. Please call (574) 251-2235 today if you’d like to learn how you can enjoy this lifestyle. Guided by traditional Catholic values, we are a caring community eager to help you settle in and get acquainted. Our warm and inviting community offers: • Independent living villa homes • Memory care and apartments • Skilled nursing 54515 State Rd. 933 North, P.O. Box 303, Notre Dame, IN 46556 • Assisted living • Rehabilitation services (574) 251-2235 • Holy Cross Village at Notre Dame is a ministry of the Brothers of Holy Cross. 18 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC APRIL 26, 2009 CYO softball off Priest not surprised by Scottish woman’s performance to rainy start BY MICHELLE CASTLEMAN BY SIMON CALDWELL — absolutely blown away by the has learning disabilities as a result drawn cruel taunts from children. quality of the singing and by that of being starved of oxygen at birth. “I am quite worried for her,” he fantastic voice,” said Father Clark, She is unemployed and, as a added. “I think it’s great at one FORT WAYNE — In early season LONDON (CNS) — The audience dean of West Lothian, the district churchgoing Catholic, her social level. It might just be the thing that softball action, Coach Monica snickered and the judges of that covers Boyle’s home village life revolves around her family and will make her, but she is a very Zwick is still waiting on the rain “Britain’s Got Talent” either rolled of Blackburn. her parish of Our Lady of Lourdes. vulnerable person and it could be to let up to get a game in. Zwick, their eyes or allowed their blank “Anyone who sees her for the She also enjoys karaoke in her quite difficult. who is in her third season, coaches expressions to betray their first time behaves the same way. I local pub. “It is a great opportunity for her the Catholic Youth Organization bemused skepticism as the awk- have never heard her sing badly, Father Clark said, “When she and as far as I am concerned she (CYO) team consisting of 16 play- ward-looking middle-aged woman though she might lose the words if gets up to sing it can either be should make the best of it, and if it ers from St. Joseph-St. Elizabeth told them she wanted to be as the stress gets too much,” he told wonderful or you can get the lasts, it lasts, and if it doesn’t, then Ann Seton, two girls from St. John famous as the popular British Catholic News Service in an April unpredictable eccentric behavior, it’s still more than almost any one the Baptist, Fort Wayne, and one actress and singer Elaine Paige. 16 telephone interview. but it is to do with the fact that she of us will ever achieve,” he added. young lady from St. Therese in Then Susan Boyle began to Boyle first appeared before has learning difficulties. “It is important in sustaining her grades five through eight. sing, and they were spellbound judges Simon Cowell, Piers “In a sense, there is a beautiful and making sure this is all a very, “We have a very young roster, and shocked by the beauty of her Morgan and Amanda Holden on the voice trapped in this damaged very beneficial experience.” but several talented eighth graders voice and rose to their feet in ITV1 sister show of “America’s body,” he said. “It is an absolute The world’s media has camped who are looking forward to play- applause. Got Talent,” broadcast April 11. contrast. There she was on televi- outside Boyle’s home where she ing for Bishop Luers next spring,” But Father Basil Clark, who Her fame spread on the sion acting very peculiarly and the grew up and where she still sleeps Zwick said. watched the show on television at Internet, and in just five days she audience was expecting peculiar in the same room as when she was With such a diverse level of his home in Broxburn, Scotland, had attracted more than 15 million things to happen and then a voice a child. experience from three different was not surprised. YouTube viewings of her rendition of an angel comes out — and She said that she wanted to schools, Zwick is very pleased He has seen the situation unfold of “I Dreamed a Dream,” from the that’s Susan.” make her performance “a tribute to how well the girls all get along. many times before, having regular- musical “Les Miserables.” Father Clark said that local peo- my mother” who had encouraged The team has been rained out of ly accompanied Boyle, 47, on the Part of Boyle’s attraction is that ple who knew Boyle, the youngest her to sing. their first three games and the annual Legion of Mary pilgrimage she appears to be such an unlikely of nine children of a family “I knew it was something I had forecast does not look favorable to the Marian shrine in Knock, candidate for stardom. She said on descended from Irish migrants, to do,” she said. “I had to get on for this week. Ireland. TV that she has “never been were “enormously proud of her and with it. That’s where the courage “We are just waiting to put it “When I watched the judges’ kissed” and has lived alone with her wish her the best but they are aware came from, my mother. all together on the field,” conclud- faces it reminded me of what I was cat since her mother died in 2007. of the risks she is running,” adding “The ones who made fun of me ed Zwick. like when I first saw Susan singing According to British media, she that her behavior has previously are now nice to me,” she said. Jennifer Hayes and Kristi Hagan are serving as assistant coaches for the team this season. The CYO competition will cul- For your dining pleasure ... minate with a blind-draw tourna- THE GALLEY ment beginning May 2 at Queen Famous Fish & Seafood of Angels. Semi-final rounds will be held at St. Charles and the Chicken & Steaks championship game is back at Queen of Angels field on Friday Banquet Facilities night, May 8, at 5 p.m. Both St. Charles and St. Jude Open 7 Days a Week! schools will field two teams a piece. St. Vincent, Queen of Angels/Precious Blood, and St. Joseph, Decatur, round out the eight-team league for 2009. 622 North 13th Street • Decatur • (260) 724-8181 In his sixth softball season, Coach Scott Burkhardt feels his combined seventh- and eighth- grade team is “looking good.” Bart Tippmann will be the assistant coach for the Lady CASA Cardinals this season. The RISTORANTI ITALIANO younger Cardinals fell to St. Joe, Fort Wayne Tradition Since 1977 Decatur, in one of the few games played thus far, 27-3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Casa D’Angelo University hosts 5K race (South of Downtown) 3402 Fairfield Avenue and silent auction to 745-7200 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ benefit Haitian infants Casa Ristorante FORT WAYNE — The University (Southwest) of Saint Francis community will 7545 W. Jefferson Blvd. host Formula for Life, a 5K 436-2272 Run/Walk and Silent Auction, on ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fort Wayne’s Casa Grille Italiano Sunday April 26, at the North Campus Auditorium, 2702 Spring Most Complete (Northeast) 6340 Stellhorn Road St. The race will begin at noon Wedding Service. 969-4700 with the silent auction starting at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12:30 p.m. Live bands Sonoro(us), Beacons and Aaron You can choose one or all Banquet Rooms Casa Mare (Next to the Coliseum) Moses will perform during the of our services. We’ll make the best of Hotel Rooms 4111 Parnell Avenue silent auction. your special event. Hall’s has been in the 483-0202 The race entry fees ($12 per Rehearsal Dinners ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ person in advance; $15 on race business of making people happy for Casa Grille day) and silent auction proceeds over 60 years. You can trust us to Catering Service (Northwest) will help feed Haitian babies. 411 E. Dupont Road do it just right. Wedding Cakes For more information, contact 490-4745 Dr. Amy Obringer, (260) 399- 7700, ext. 8210. To sign up for the For more information contact Hall’s Guesthouse at: event, visit Three Rivers Running (260) 489-2524 • Banquets & Catering 399-2455 Company, 4427 N. Clinton St., or APRIL 26, 2009 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 19 REST IN PEACE Decatur Fort Wayne Roanoke HAT S APPENING Nola A.Isch,72, St.Mary Stephen Robert Douglas E.Flora, 51, W ’ H ? of the Assumption Lavelle, infant, St.Joseph St.Charles Borromeo Elkhart South Bend WHAT’S HAPPENING carries announcements about upcoming events in the diocese. Send in your Ray H.Doke, 93, Paul O.Schirmeyer, 87, V. announcement at least two weeks prior to the event. Mail to: Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, St.Vincent de Paul St.Vincent de Paul Magdolinski, 90, Fort Wayne 46856; or e-mail: [email protected]. Events that require an admission charge St.Anthony de Padua Donald J.Holtz, 83, Eugenie Maria Myers, or payment to participate will receive one free listing. For additional listings of that event, please St. 62, St.Jude Stella O’Donnell, 91, call our advertising sales staff at (260) 456-2824 to purchase space. St.John the Baptist Mishawaka Louise P.Amaral, 91, Wilhelm at (260)356-0628, ext. for information St. Bavo MISC. HAPPENINGS and to register. All proceeds will Luncheon card party 128, or by e-mail at suewil- [email protected]. Additional benefit the shelter program at tion will follow. Admission is Friday, May 1, at the Chamber of South Bend — The St. Anne Vincent Village. Society of Our Lady of Hungary information is available at free, but a freewill offering will Commerce, 826 Ewing St. Mass Parish will have a luncheon card be taken. Sponsored by St. will be held at 7:30 a.m. with party Sunday, April 26, at noon. Sermon on the Mount performed Aloysius, St. Joseph, Bluffton Father Tony Steinacker. Meeting Donation of $5. Bring your own Rib tip and chicken dinner Fort Wayne — Frank Runyeon and St. Therese churches. will follow. Tower Bank’s Don cards. South Bend — The St. Augustine will perform “Sermon on the Schenkel will be the keynote Altar and Rosary Society will Mount,” Sunday, April 26, at 7 Catholic Networking Offered speaker. For information visit have a rib tip and chicken dinner p.m. at St. Therese Church, 2304 Fort Wayne — The Catholic www.thecatholicbusinessnet- Rummage sale Lower Huntington Rd. A recep- Bremen — Altar Rosary Society Friday, April 24, from 4-8 p.m. Business Network will meet of St. Dominic Parish will have a rummage sale on Thursday, May Knights plan fish fry 7, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and South Bend — The Knights of Friday, May 8, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Columbus Council 5521, 61533 Knights of Columbus the parish hall, 803 Bike St. S. Ironwood Dr., will have a fish fry on Friday, May 1, from 5-7 Bioethics conference planned p.m. Adults $7.50, children (5- IN SERVICE TO ONE Notre Dame — The Midwest 12) $3. Chicken strips for $7.50 IN SERVICE TO ALL Regional Bioethics Conference and shrimp for $8.50 will be will be held Saturday, May 2, available. with welcome at 10:45 a.m. and •Helping the needy concludes with Mass at the Light weigh orientation meeting Basilica of the Sacred Heart at 5 planned •Supporting the handicapped p.m. with Bishop John D’Arcy as Mishawaka — The Light Weigh celebrant. Registration is needed Catholic Bible Study DVD series by April 27. Speakers include without weigh-ins orientation • Fighting against all evil Eugene Diamond, M.D., Brian meeting will be held Monday, Clowes, Ph.D., A. Patrick May 4, at 6:30 p.m. at St. Joseph “Love one another Schneider, M.D. and Christopher Parish office, 220 W. Fourth St. as I have loved you” This is the Knights of Columbus of today McIntire, D.O. Tickets are $20 -John 13:34 for students/clergy, $50 general Harvest House announces Older public, $75 physicians and American Day celebration Join us and live your FAITH! include lunch. To register or for Kendallville — The Harvest more information visit www.illi- House council will have an Older American Day celebration ANSWER THE CALL Thursday, May 14, at Immaculate Victory Noll to host poverty simulation Conception Church. Doors open Huntington — Victory Noll at 10:15 a.m. with Mass at 11 Center, in partnership with a.m. A luncheon will be served Purdue Extension of Huntington and includes entertainment by a Contact Indiana Membership Director County, will host a poverty simu- female barbershop group and raf- lation Wednesday, May 6, begin- fles. Tickets are $8 and reserva- ning at 7 p.m. at Victory Noll tions are needed to Rita at (260) Tim L. Sorg Center, 1900 W. Park Dr. 347-4014 by May 9. Leading the simulation will be Karen Hinshaw, extension educa- Homeward Bound walk planned • 260-622-4861 • [email protected] tor of Purdue Extension- Fort Wayne — Homeward Huntington County, along with Bound, a 5K walk for families Sue Wilhelm, director of Victory who are struggling, homeless and Noll Center. separated will be Sunday, April There is no cost to participate in 26, at 2 p.m. in Headwaters Park. the program, but registration is No fee is required to participate “Celebrating Lives” required by May 1 to Sue but visit www.homeward-


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C. Ronald Hahn R. Patrick Hahn Richard L. Hahn Visit for a complete calendar of events in the diocese. 20 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC APRIL 26, 2009 Obama did not want that in the Jenkins denied students’ requests background. Notre Dame should for dialogue on the issues sur- MARCH not be Georgetown.” rounding this controversy. According to the Catholic News According to ND Response, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Agency, Georgetown University’s Father Jenkins replied to their decision to comply with a White April 7 written request that “condi- House request to cover up the tions for constructive dialogue graduates in the health care profes- “IHS” monogram representing simply do not exist” and that stu- sions. And Notre Dame has many Jesus’ name at President Obama’s dents should disregard his earlier students now studying for the speech on Wednesday is drawing invitations to meet with him. health profession. And what this is, fire from the Cardinal Newman Father Jenkins, according to is honoring a guy who has already Society and Georgetown students, Dennis Brown, chief spokesman started the proceedings to remove who are charging the university and assistant vice president for from them the conscience right to with “sacrificing” its “Catholic and News and Information at Notre refuse to take part in murder.” Jesuit identity. Dame, originally offered a closed- Rice illustrated how Catholicism Rice congratulated the students door meeting in his office with 25 is being challenged elsewhere, of ND Response, saying they are members of the coalition. pointing to last week’s presidential handling their protest the right way. ND Response requested the DIANE FREEBY visit to Georgetwon, a Jesuit uni- “It’s with no hostility and no meeting instead be held in a large Charles Rice, professor emeritus at the University of Notre Dame Law versity in Washington, D.C. animosity at all that we take the classroom, and be opened to all School and pro-life champion, speaks to a crowd of about 200 gathered “And Notre Dame, thank God, position we’re taking. No personal members of the groups in the coali- before Friday’s March for Life on campus. Professor Rice currently teaches is not Georgetown,” said Rice. animosity. There was none when I tion. ND Response also requested, law and morality at Notre Dame. “We shouldn’t be. At Georgetown, suggested that Father Jenkins and as pre-conditions to a meeting, that when Obama went there to give fellows and those trustees that are the university publicly declare it that proper attention is paid to life Don’t let them talk you out of it. his economic speech, at the request responsible for this fiasco should would never engage in or collabo- issues in both Notre Dame’s teach- Just do what you’re doing. Let’s of his staff, the Georgetown offi- resign. But this is something that rate with research involving human ing and research. continue to pray. Pray to Notre cials put in front of the ‘IHS’ sym- has to be put in the proper perspec- embryos or fetal tissue obtained Brown says Father Jenkins is Dame ... the words mean ‘Our bol, which is the symbol for the tive.” through destructive techniques, and willing to discuss any of those Lady,’ ... that she will take her uni- name of Jesus Christ, a black ply- Meanwhile, in a private letter that the university would appoint a issues, but not as pre-conditions to versity back for her Son.” wood board to conceal it because addressed to ND Response, Father “pro-life ombudsman” to ensure a meeting. ND Response leaders, Following Rice’s speech, those meanwhile, say they remain open gathered began the march through to “true dialogue with Father campus. Led by students carrying Jenkins on this issue.” a banner that read, “Irish Fighting According to Brown, several for Life,” the group followed private meetings with Notre Dame Notre Dame Security bike officers Wonderful gifts for alumni are scheduled. Father to the South Quad, toward the •Confirmation •First Communion Jenkins turned down an offer to be gates of the university and back to interviewed by Today’s Catholic. the Golden Dome. Some talked •Baptism Rice reminded those gathered about the abortion issue and Notre that the grotto would be full of Dame’s decisions, while others 3COUPON3 people praying the rosary on May prayed the rosary. 17 during graduation. The profes- As they headed back to the First Communion Gifts One Regular sor recalled the power of prayer Administration Building, marchers 20 % OFF throughout history. passed rows of white crosses set Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Price Item exp. May 31, 2009 “That’s what is our secret up in the grass near the law school. Tuesday 8:30 am - 7:00 pm Sat: 10:00 - 2:00 NOT VALID WITH OTHER DISCOUNTS • ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER weapon,” he said. “The rosary at One sign read, “In the time it takes (260) 399-1443 Lepanto in 1571 sank ships. I think to play one ND football game, 600 The Archbishop Noll Catholic Center • 915 S. Clinton Street • Fort Wayne • Park Free Mary can take care of this.” children (on average) are aborted. The victory at Lepanto was The white crosses are for them.” attributed to Our Lady, as a rosary Behind the crosses were 3,600 was offered that day in St. Peter’s pink and blue flags, in reference to Square in Rome for the success of the 3,600 abortions reported to Salute the Class of 2009! the mission of the Holy League to occur in America every day. hold back Muslim forces from Another sign quoted Mother overrunning Western Europe. Teresa: “It is a poverty to decide Express your best wishes to your graduate Rice also invited everyone to that a child must die so you may in TODAY’S CATHOLIC pull-out keepsake section attend the annual eucharistic pro- live as you wish.” cession through campus, to be held According to Chris Labadie of to be in homes on May 14, 2009 Sunday, April 26, after the last ND Response, students might Mass. make the March for Life an annual “What it is, and what you are, event on Blue-Gold weekend. He Today’s and what the incredible reaction to also asked people to watch the ND Catholic this outrage is, is Mary taking her Response Web page for updates on eather Johnson “grad-ads” university back. And that’s what events. ND Response hopes to H are open to we’ve got to be doing. So, the announce plans for a vigil and This MARIAN HIGH SCHOOL 4” x 2” all high school most important thing, really, we rally to take place on the weekend “grad-ad” , on your and college have is prayer. And it’s the rosary. of commencement. For more costs graduates in And it’s doing what you’re doing. information, go to Congratulations Heather And don’t let them buffalo you. $50.00 the diocese of  hard work for the past 12 years...vard Fort Wayne- and best wishes at HarMom and Dad South Bend. Community Supported Agriculture Produce Organically Grown in your Community Allen County’s First and Most Diverse CSA Program If you believe in the value of choosing what you eat, “grad-ad” sizes and prices: Prepare your own congratulatory ad... and care about how it has 4 inches wide x 2 inches deep - $50 according to sizes shown. Preferred format is PDF. been produced, then it’s (1/8 page) 4 inches x 4 inches - $100 We cannot accept Microsoft Publisher Files. vital to support local farmers. (1/4 page) 6 inches wide x 5.5 inches deep - $150 (On request, Today’s Catholic advertising department (1/2 page) 10.25 inches wide x 6.5 inches deep - $300 will prepare your ad at no additional charge) ENROLL TODAY! Summer CSA 2009 June 1 - Oct.12, 2009 deadline for ads is May 1, 2009 All ads will appear in black and white. 20 wk full bag $500 - Half bag $300 • 10 wk full bag $250 - Half Bag $150 For information or to place your ad, please call: Choice of 3 days/pick-up sites • Work Shares still available. Call for information. PICK-UP SITES South Bend area: Fort Wayne area: Mon. Country Gardens - Wed. ’s Farm - Thur. Do It Best (W.State Blvd.) Jeanette Simon (574)234-0687 Tess Steffen (260) 399-1457 14110 U.S. 24 West, Roanoke 46783 (260) 672-1254 email: [email protected] email:[email protected] Dan & Wendy Flotow (parishioners, Queen of Angels)