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Twenty 2019



ENERGY 4 The new kid on the block Wärtsilä Modular Block – efficient in every respect ENERGY 10 The German energy story is transitioning to renewable energy MARINE 24 Did someone say sulphur? The martime industry is gearing up to meet the sulphur cap emissions FUTURE 46 Towards zero-emissions shipping A sustainable future requires cleaner fuels  in detail issue no. 02.2019 WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL | WWW.WARTSILA.COM


One year ago, we started aligning our technology strategy with Contents the goals of the Paris agreement, the IMO targets and the radically dropping price of renewable energy generation. An important outcome of that alignment has been an update to our fuel strategy. We took ENERGY future environmental targets as goals we could use to adapt both Wärtsilä Modular Block challenges high-speed . . . 4 technologies and fuels. Our starting point, as we work towards this goal, was targets for the Marine Business. But very soon we noticed that Heat and power for Energiewende, they are also closely connected to energy. So, in mid-2019, we redefined Germany’s renewable energy transition...... 10 the fuel strategy for the Energy Business as well. It is an indication Introducing Wärtsilä 31DF – the most efficient that planning for the fuels of the future is at the forefront of Wärtsilä’s thinking as we develop solutions to help our customers prepare for a multi-fuel engine for flexible and reliable world where 100% renewables are the norm. power generation...... 12 There are three stages in the progression towards future fuels. Stage Renewable energy gathers pace in the U.S...... 16 one is the present, up to 2030 or so. In this stage, we are (and will be) The Philippines’ outreach for renewable energy . . 18 still using primarily fossil fuels. There are some renewables like Future-proofing power investments ...... 20 and biogases penetrating the markets, but in small amounts. The next phase, from 2030-2050, will be the transition phase. In this phase, we will start to have more widespread use of biofuels with the addition of MARINE synthetic fuels like Power-to-Gas or Power-to-Liquid fuels. Then, in the Who’s afraid of the sulphur cap?...... 24 third phase, 2050 and beyond, we will have made the transition to fully synthetic fuels, with some biofuels and very few fossil fuels left. Cruise ships herald the age of LNG fuel...... 28 Successfully managing this transition requires planning and innovation. Getting smart with navigation ...... 34 We are already developing the infrastructure for a fully synthetic future. Ultramax 2030: Next generation shipping . . . . 36 The new Wärtsilä 31DF engine is a perfect example here. This multi- FROM SMART TO SMARTER fuel engine offers flexibility and reliability to both marine and energy Smart Marine just got a little smarter...... 40 Wärtsilä Operim is developed with the help of customers, allowing them to gradually transition to LNG as it becomes available. product engineers and data scientists. FUTURE I recently had the opportunity to meet with the vice president of new Sailing towards a carbon-neutral future...... 46 builds at one of the large cruise companies and discovered that the cruise industry has the same vision as Wärtsilä regarding the fuels of the future. Altogether, the world’s major cruise companies currently have 20 vessels either ordered or under construction that will run on LNG. The cruise industry and LNG are a good fit because, as it turns out, their customers don’t want smoke over their heads or particulates in the air as they sit on the sun deck. But cruise companies also see LNG only as the first step in the fuel transition. Fortunately, if you READ OUR LATEST STORIES ONLINE AT invest in LNG as a solution, it is very easy later to move to bio-LNG Web WARTSILA.COM/TWENTYFOUR7 and synthetic LNG. And this is also just starting point. In the future we will see more solar panels and energy from wind onboard these ships. Engine+ Hybrid, An LNG-fuelled Introducing There is already a passenger ferry running between Stockholm and reliability and world Ultramax 2030 Turku that uses a rotor sail in combination with LNG. We can see that Wärtsilä’s LNG solutions are The Ultramax 2030 65K Publisher: Wärtsilä Corporation, Hiililaiturinkuja 2, the technology of the future is here, we just need the fuels to catch up efficiency FIN-00180 , | playing a key role in meeting DWT Bulk Carrier is one of the with it. combined Editor-in-Chief: Mikael Wideskog | the maritime industry’s high smartest bulk carriers in the Managing editor and editorial office: Virva Äimälä | Wärtsilä’s energy system Editorial team: Marit Holmlund-Sund, Mari Kankaanranta, Pia demand. market. Posio, Laura Quinton, Mirja-Maija Santala, Mikaela Terhi | integration solution is helping Layout and production: Spoon | Mikael Wideskog power producers to future- Printed: November 2019 by PunaMusta, Joensuu, Finland General Manager, proof their businesses. ISSN 1797-0032 | Copyright © 2019 Wärtsilä Corporation | Technology Strategy & Innovation Process : cover LumiSilk 250g/m², inside pages UPM Fine 120 g/m² Wärtsilä E-mail and feedback: [email protected] Editor-in-Chief of In Detail MORE ON PAGE 20 MORE ON PAGE 28 MORE ON PAGE 36

Cover photo: Wärtsilä



Fig. 1 - The heart of the Wärtsilä Modular Block is a Wärtsilä medium-speed engine. Three types of engines are available: Wärtsilä 34SG spark-ignited gas engine, Wärtsilä 34DF dual-fuel engine, and Wärtsilä 32 diesel engine. Each of those can come in one of three different cylinder configurations: 12V, 16V, and 20V, with outputs ranging from approximately 6 to 10 MW.

in terms of single-engine output as it is not themselves with a less efficient option. This limits. There are also situations where power Wärtsilä Modular Block feasible to build small engines of this class. is because of the physical properties of generation is only needed for a limited time, Typically, the vast majority of commercially medium-speed engines: they are relatively for example several years, and then assets available engines below 5 MW of output large and heavy. need to be relocated. challenges high-speed are high-speed designs, while those above So far, the main method of installing Finally, there can be situations where for a 5 MW are medium-speed units. All Wärtsilä medium-speed engines involves building variety of reasons it is desirable to minimise engines currently offered for the energy a solid power house around them: quite a the amount and duration of on-site works, AUTHOR: Adam Rajewski, Application Manager, Data Centers, Wärtsilä Energy Business market, for instance, are medium-speed simple structure compared with other power due to the cost of local labour, scarcity of mail: [email protected] designs. (Figure 1) generation technologies but nonetheless qualified workers or security concerns. All Because of all these factors, medium- requiring a considerable amount of these may lead to a preference for inferior speed engines are typically used in larger engineering and time. In the case of high-speed engine technology only because commercial and industrial power plants, commercial power generation projects, this it can come to sites in an easy-to-install, while really small facilities, for which typically does not matter, as construction containerised form. Medium-speed combustion engines have Generally, two classes of reciprocating there are designs with speeds like 1000 medium-speed technology is not available, time for an engine power plant is still much the highest efficiencies of all simple cycle engines are used in the modern power rpm or 500 rpm), are heavy-duty machines have to rely on less efficient high-speed shorter than in case of other technologies. Going modular solutions, can run on clean fuels, and their industry: high-speed and medium-speed. characterised by considerably better technology. There also are some applications But there are applications where this need Wärtsilä has been facilitating the installation flexibility is unmatched. While they have The high-speed engines, typically 1500 efficiencies, better dynamic performance, where both technologies may be a good to build a solid power plant around the of medium-speed engine power plants for many different applications — from big or 1800 rpm (for 50 and 60 Hz systems lower maintenance costs per unit of solution, and the choice there depends on engines may prove prohibitive. Those can, many years. This has led to standardised baseload plants to local power plants, to respectively), have simpler designs. They produced energy, and considerably a project’s specific requirements. There are for example, be facilities such as data centres general power plant designs, standardised small combined heat and power plants— are smaller, lighter, and also somewhat longer service life. This comes at a higher also, however, situations where a project or some industrial plants, where adopting auxiliary modules and equipment, and there are situations where these cannot less expensive per unit of output. On the investment cost and with a generally heavier could greatly benefit from medium-speed a custom-designed power plant concept layouts. This enabled very competitive be used. The new Wärtsilä Modular Block other hand, the medium-speed engines and bulkier design. technology, but its deployment proves too would require extending the construction delivery times even for large power plants. can change that. (most typically 750/720 rpm, although Medium-speed engines are also larger complicated, forcing investors to satisfy time of the whole facility beyond acceptable However, the need to build a structure 4 in detail in detail 5 [ ENERGY / IN DETAIL ] WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL 02.2019


Fig. 2 - A view inside a Wärtsilä Modular Block with a Wärtsilä 12V34SG gas engine. The engine-generator set is connected to auxiliary systems contained in the modules forming walls of the enclosure. Note the maintenance platforms and ladders, providing access to all components as needed for maintenance. The cooling radiators are installed on top of the Wärtsilä Modular Block, creating a fully closed engine cooling system, requiring no water supply. Fig. 3 - A data centre with nine Wärtsilä Modular Block Compact units, each with a Wärtsilä 12V34SG engine rated at 5.8 MW. Thanks to the impressive dynamic performance of the engine, and possibility of storing liquefied natural gas (note the tanks in the left), such a construstion may be a clean and resilient power source for the facility, removing a need for any emergency diesel generators.

around all this equipment, and the exchangers, valves, fans, air filters, pipelines After this partial structure is completed, associated costs and time, still prove to be a and cables, and elements of a weather-proof the generating set is slid into the created challenge. The new Wärtsilä Modular Block enclosure. Once on site, the modules are set chamber and connected to auxiliary is a way to overcome that barrier. and connected with simple bolted joints, systems, and finally, the fourth wall is It is a fact that it is not possible to install with no welding required. The amount built, closing the module. Certain external modular walls and shares the fourth one means, that although the Wärtsilä Modular Despite being very compact, the Wärtsilä a high-efficiency generating set inside any of on-site work is therefore considerably systems still need to be attached, most with the previous unit, which reduces the Block is a new product, it relies on years of Modular Block is designed to ensure easy form of transportable one-piece enclosure – limited. It is only necessary to prepare a noticeably a short exhaust duct with a stack cost and footprint of a multi-engine plant. experience with proven process designs. maintenance of the engine. Personnel access it is simply too big for that. In the Wärtsilä simple concrete foundation (the generating and a fuel supply system (gas pipeline). A multi-engine plant may be built in (Figure 2) is provided to all components that require Modular Block, nearly all auxiliaries needed set’s base frame is designed in such a way The generator needs to be connected to stages, and further modules may be added While the exact amount of time required human intervention at any stage of a plant’s to operate a generating set are placed that it does not transfer any dynamic loads), an external medium voltage switchgear when the previous ones are already in will invariably change depending on site lifetime. As is standard in other Wärtsilä inside box-shaped modules already at with ducts for cabling, and embed in it a providing power off-take; this switchgear operation, as all the auxiliary systems needed conditions, labour laws, the number of power plants, the engine and generator remain the production facility. Modules are then special positioning frame, which is a part may be delivered as a prefabricated for the operation of the engine are engine- personnel (shifts) involved and other local within the block during operation and are transported to the site with the generating of the Wärtsilä Modular Block delivery, and containerised unit. The Wärtsilä Modular specific. It is worth emphasising that while constraints, the assembly of a complete never removed from the site for maintenance set and stacked around it, thus forming a to which all other modules are later bolted. Block can be used to build both a single- the Wärtsilä Modular Block is a completely Wärtsilä Modular Block, excluding – only engine components are replaced modular enclosure. Then, the actual modules are delivered as engine facility and a multi-engine power new design, in process engineering terms it the foundation construction, may be or transported to a local Wärtsilä service The individual modules of the Wärtsilä containerised cargo. Three modular walls plant: further engines may be added with follows the same general designs as standard accomplished within around five weeks. It workshop for reconditioning, as prescribed Modular Block have a dual role: they are set up using three ‘module layers’ each, further extension blocks alongside the Wärtsilä modules used in other power plants also does not require specialised equipment, by the engine maintenance manuals. Each are process modules containing process and then covered with a prefabricated first one (as shown in Figure 3). In such a – they simply are rearranged spatially to with a relatively simple crane being all the engine cell is also provided with an overhead equipment, such as compressors, heat modular roof, also supplied in containers. case, each new engine only gets three new fit the limited space of the modules. This heavy machinery that is needed. travelling crane with sufficient capacity to 6 in detail in detail 7 [ ENERGY / IN DETAIL ] WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL 02.2019


Generating set type 50 Hz 60 Hz

12V32 12V34DF 5,838 5,587 12V34SG


/ IN DETAIL ENERGY 16V34DF 7,832 7,496 [ 16V34SG

20V32 20V34DF 9,800 9,389 20V34SG

Table 1 - Outputs of generating sets available for the Wärtsilä Modular Block.

lift all engine components that might require including gas-fired models. Thanks to this Heat recovery from exhaust gas using an replacement during overhauls. Doors and feature, a Wärtsilä Modular Block with a outdoor exhaust gas boiler laydown areas are provided, so it is not gas engine can be used as a clean alternative Automated lubricating oil replenishment necessary to dismantle the enclosure for to emergency diesel generators for critical system scheduled maintenance. Dismantling is, infrastructure such as data centres, hospitals Remote plant operation and monitoring however, perfectly possible, in case the owner or airports. In such a case, such a power through a secure gateway. wants to relocate (or sell) the plant at some source may be used not only as a back-up, point in the future. but also for regular power supply alone, In its current form, the Wärtsilä Modular This makes the Wärtsilä Modular Block a together with the grid (generating power Block is designed for sites with ambient air good product for medium- and long-term whenever grid electricity prices go up) temperatures from -25 to +40°C. The design rental. After dismantling all the components or in conjunction with local renewable follows relevant European (EN) standards except for the concrete foundation, it may be resources (firming up wind or solar power for structures, and EU directives for pressure transported to another site and reassembled. generation), ensuring much more efficient equipment and electrification. The modules (Figure 3) utilisation of assets. (Table 1) are manufactured in the European Union.

The engine The options Conclusion The Wärtsilä Modular Block is designed for While the Wärtsilä Modular Block is a With the Wärtsilä Modular Block, investors engines of the Wärtsilä 32/34 family. There highly standardised prefabricated product, for whom a simple, standardised, and quick are three engine types available: Wärtsilä it nevertheless can be customised to a on-site installation process is critical get 34SG spark-ignited gas engine, Wärtsilä considerable extent, to meet requirements access to highly efficient medium-speed 34DF dual-fuel engine, and Wärtsilä 32 of a specific project. Customisation options engine technology. This new innovative diesel engine. Each of them can come in include: solution enables the construction of one of three cylinder configurations: 12V, Selection of engine type (diesel, gas, even bigger power plants with ease, with 16V and 20V. The 12V configuration uses dual-fuel) and fuel (pipeline natural gas, a minimal amount of project-specific the Wärtsilä Modular Block Compact, liquefied natural gas, biogas, ethane, engineering. while the 16V and 20V are installed within LPG, light or heavy fuel oils) The Wärtsilä Modular Block ia an the Wärtsilä Modular Block Extended, Selection of engine cylinder attractive option for various projects where characterised by longer side walls. configuration and output, as well as the high-speed engine technology with its Engines of the Wärtsilä 32/34 are currently number of generating sets inherent lower efficiency used to be the only the most popular medium-speed in the Adjustment of generator voltage in possible solution. world. They are characterised by their very frequency to the local power system It may also be a cost-effective alternative high efficiency, low environmental footprint (same options as for standard Wärtsilä to standard power plants with medium- and ultimate flexibility. Engines of this engines) speed engines in those locations where family can reach full power from standstill Optional use of selective catalytic reduction site works are expensive and reduction of in less than one minute. This impressive (SCR) technology with an outdoor reactor installation time can bring cost savings to an

performance applies to all engine types, to further reduce NOx emissions entire project. 8 in detail in detail 9 [ ENERGY / IN DETAIL ] WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL 02.2019


generation by 2038 and nuclear power by The German deals are significant The combination of flexibility and CHP 2023. achievements for Wärtsilä, and a testament opens up a new operational regime for these to the company’s ability to understand plants. Contrary to traditional CHP plants Germany: A ‘showroom’ for clean technology customer needs and support an asset through that mainly run in baseload mode when heat Integrating increasing levels of renewable its entire lifecycle. With Wärtsilä as partner, is most required, these plants will only run power onto the grid is not without its performance of customer installations when the electricity market price is high, i.e., / IN DETAIL ENERGY [ challenges. While energy from solar and wind can be also optimised through upgrades, when there is fluctuation or lack of renewable is intermittent, the energy system requires a modernisations, fuel conversions and safety power. constant flow of uninterrupted power. solutions. At the end of the day, it was these By decoupling electricity generation That’s where the flexibility, responsivity capabilities that helped win the DREWAG from heat generation with heat storage, the and reliability of Wärtsilä’s Smart Power deal, with the customer investing in a first-of- generated heat that is not directly consumed Generation technologies for generating its-kind Wärtsilä 31SG CHP plant. can be time-shifted for later use. This new electricity and heat can play a key role. Added to that, the development of the operating mode will allow more renewable “Germany is a showroom for a new 100 MW KMW project means Wärtsilä has energy to penetrate the power system while renewable energy-based system and made a statement of intent in the industry: still delivering heat to consumers. supporting technologies,” explains Pekka “The efficiency and start-up times of our Other advantages of Wärtsilä’s technology Tolonen, Energy Business Director, Europe. Wärtsilä 34SG and Wärtsilä 31SG engines include the fact that its engines are built “It’s a great place to demonstrate what our make them very attractive to the customer,” in modules and can be readily scaled up products can do.” says Tolonen. to meet the needs of customers, such as at Although the Energiewende will take time the KMW plant. There, Wärtsilä also has to deliver its vision of a 100% renewable Wärtsilä 31: Setting world records a 15-year Guaranteed Asset Performance energy system, renewable energy is already The Dresden plant relies on eight new agreement. For Dresden’s local utility delivering baseload power. Technologies Wärtsilä 31SG engines, which are even DREWAG, Wärtsilä will maintain the new Photo: 123RF that Wärtsilä has developed such as engines more powerful and efficient than their 92 MW CHP plant under a Guaranteed and energy storage are providing the means 34SG counterparts. In fact, the Wärtsilä 31 Asset Performance agreement for 10 years, of balancing electricity supply with demand ranks in the Guinness Book of Records as with the option to extend for a further five. as an ever-greater level of renewable power the world’s most efficient 4-stroke diesel comes online. engine. Hence, the 31SG represents a natural A bright future in renewables Heat and power for Energiewende, In Germany, municipalities are evolution, taking this efficiency to the next CHP isn’t the only technology that incentivised by the government to build level. “This represents our most advanced Wärtsilä is developing to help Germany and maintain CHP plants. In 2016, Wärtsilä engine, and delivers an output in the range move towards a 100% renewable energy Germany’s renewable energy transition announced a deal to supply a 100 MW CHP of 12 MW,” explains Tolonen. economy: it’s also working on energy storage plant to Kraftwerke Mainz-Wiesbaden The efficiency of the Wärtsilä 31SG engine systems and hybrids combined with energy (KMW) consisting of 10 Wärtsilä 34SG helps reduce the cost of fuel. Wärtsilä management systems. In fact, Wärtsilä’s AUTHOR: Ben Hargreaves engines running on natural gas. In addition, guarantees operational reliability and energy management system software, a 10 MW CHP plant featuring one Wärtsilä efficiency of the engine, backed up with GEMS, is among the most advanced in the 34SG engine running on natural gas has expert advice on optimising power plant world, using artificial intelligence and big been delivered to Thüringer Energie. And operation and maintenance. Guidance on data to control and balance multiple energy there will be more: Germany has committed equipment performance and operations assets, including energy storage, renewables, Wärtsilä has recently been awarded DREWAG, Dresden’s local utility company, immediate balancing of the grid as the to increasing the share of electricity monitoring ensures a high performance and engine power plants. contracts to develop hundreds of and is a milestone for Wärtsilä. It’s the first system uses more and more energy from generated by CHP power plants to 25% of level and maximised uptime for the plant. CHP looks set to play a critical role in megawatts of combined heat and power project in Germany to employ Wärtsilä intermittent renewable sources, such as total electricity production by 2025. Plus, the use of flexible power from the future, even though greater levels of (CHP) plants in Germany – all thanks to the 31SG engines, the company’s most flexible wind and solar. Wärtsilä enables an increase in the level renewable energy are always coming online. flexibility, efficiency and environmental and efficient engines to date. In fact, the Technologies such as these are integral Quick-start, flexible and clean technologies of renewable energy on the German Ultimately, Tolonen envisages a future credentials of its technology. extremely high efficiency and flexibility to Germany’s pioneering Energiewende Wärtsilä’s technologies are attractive for grid as part of Energiewende. “The grid where synthetic liquid and gaseous fuels of the Wärtsilä 31SG engine were cited as (energy transition) – an ambitious change a number of reasons: not only are they relies on a stable flow of energy,” explains generated through ‘Power-to-X’ technology key factors in the award of the Dresden programme where the goal is a low- flexible, reliable and sustainable, they also Tolonen. “When there’s a limited amount are used to power CHP plants, developing a There’s no doubt the announcement about contract. Another major consideration was carbon, environmentally sound, reliable start up very quickly and can be used in of renewable energy online, that’s not a zero emission future power system. Wärtsilä delivering an eight-engine 92 MW the power plant’s ability to deliver electricity and affordable energy supply. Germany the electricity balancing markets. With a problem. But greater levels of renewables But whatever the future holds, there’s no combined heat and power (CHP) plant to and district heating simultaneously. The is targeting an 80-95% reduction in response time of even less than two minutes, mean fluctuations in supply. That’s why doubt that as Germany makes the transition DREWAG in the city of Dresden, the capital installation is set to be operational by 2021. greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 relative they flex according to demand. Plus, CHP Germany also needs highly flexible and to a carbon-neutral energy system, Wärtsilä of Saxony, is an important step in Germany’s The Wärtsilä engines that will be used in to 1990 levels. It also wants to produce combined with heat storage technologies dispatchable power generation that can will continue to play a key role in the CHP transition to a renewable energy future. Dresden can reach full output in a matter 60% of its energy from renewables by mid- also means heat can be stored and released respond in minutes and provide the energy market. The facility has been ordered by of minutes, enabling them to provide century, and to phase out coal-fired power according to the demand for hot water. that’s needed.” 10 in detail in detail 11 [ ENERGY / IN DETAIL ] WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL 02.2019


In the highly competitive electricity to do so in the near future, but are not yet generation market, flexibility and ready to commit to it exclusively. efficiency are two of the key competitive “When using flexible multi-fuel engines, / IN DETAIL ENERGY [ advantages for power companies. As you can rest assured you will never be forced these companies seek to set themselves to switch off the lights, even if something apart from the competition, Wärtsilä has unforeseen were to occur in the fuel supply responded by launching the most efficient chain – Wärtsilä 31DF is capable of instantly multi-fuel engine for flexible and reliable switching fuels to a back-up liquid fuel power generation – Wärtsilä 31DF. without any disturbance in the electrical output,” he adds. When power generation is distributed across a variety of different energy sources, Huge potential for island nations the stability and resilience of the energy and isolated power systems system increases. Distributed flexible power The flexibility offered by multi-fuel engines generation and the use of a multi-fuel makes the Wärtsilä 31DF engine ideal for solution to increase system-level resilience use in isolated power systems, typically creates energy security in the event of issues power plants that operate independently of caused by natural disasters or problems in the countrywide electricity network, such as the fuel logistics chain, politics or prices. islands in remote locations and major off- “A power plant that runs on multi-fuel grid power consumers such as mines. engines is quicker to start up and has the “We foresee huge potential for the flexibility to run on multiple fuel types, Wärtsilä 31DF in island nations such as thereby securing access to energy regardless Indonesia, the Philippines, and Caribbean of what happens in the world,” says Jani islands, where power systems are typically Mäkinen, Product Manager, W3X Gensets. isolated and separate from large national “Importantly, operators using Wärtsilä’s grids,” says Mäkinen. highly efficient engines also stand to benefit The Wärtsilä 31DF engine has a wide load from reduced fuel costs and improved range with high part-load efficiency. Its two- environmental performance.” stage turbocharging enables more energy Already used in a number of applications to be recovered from the exhaust gases, in the shipping industry, Wärtsilä has resulting in significantly enhanced engine now launched to the energy market the efficiency. Wärtsilä 31DF, a multi-fuel engine version In addition, customers who choose the of the Wärtsilä 31 engine family in its Wärtsilä 31DF engine also stand to benefit 20-cylinder version providing an 11 MW from outstanding operational flexibility, as output per unit. It is ideally suited for it takes only two minutes to go from start customers looking to gradually transition command to full load. It is also able to to gas-powered operations, especially in switch over from liquid fuel to gas and vice geographic locations where pipeline gas versa seamlessly during engine operation. or LNG deliveries are not yet available or Introducing Wärtsilä 31DF – the most sufficiently secure to justify an out-and-out Third member of the Wärtsilä switch, meaning that provision for liquid 31 engine genset family fuel operation is omitted and the plant is The latest addition is the third piece of the efficient multi-fuel engine for flexible and fully optimised for gas-only operation. Wärtsilä 31 engine generating set puzzle, “In this day and age, fuel security is a which comprises the original Wärtsilä reliable power generation top priority and, in many places, the cost 31, a gas-conversion-ready diesel engine and availability of gas can still vary quite generating set, and the Wärtsilä 31SG, a a bit,” continues Mäkinen, explaining that spark-ignited pure gas engine generating set, the Wärtsilä 31DF engine has been specially launched to the energy market in 2017. AUTHOR: Isabelle Kliger developed for customers who want to start One of the most state-of-the-art features operating on gaseous fuels or who intend of the Wärtsilä 31 engine family is its 12 in detail in detail 13 [ ENERGY / IN DETAIL ] WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL 02.2019


Wärtsilä 31 Gas conversion-ready diesel engine / IN DETAIL ENERGY [ generating set

Modular Wärtsilä 31 Engine family Wärtsilä Wärtsilä 31DF 31SG Multi-fuel engine Gas engine generating set generating set

modular design, which makes it 100% future Wärtsilä’s modular power plant design also proof. Each of the three engine types can helps minimise downtime and lost output. easily be converted to support one fuel type Units can be converted one after another or another, preparing customers to adapt to while the plant continues operating at full all possible eventualities, regardless of the capacity throughout the conversion time. type of fuel that is available to the customer now or in the future. Dual-fuel power plant market Mäkinen explains: “Say a customer buys leader with total offering a Wärtsilä 31 today because they operate in Over the years, Wärtsilä has established a region where gas is not available, but they itself as a global frontrunner in dual- still want to start producing electricity using fuel power plant technology. Its capacity only liquid fuel. Two years from now, they is unrivalled, offering everything from may have access to some gas but, due to engine deliveries and installation to uncertainties in supply and price, they cannot full Engineering, Procurement and rely on it fully, so they may decide to convert Construction (EPC) setup and lifecycle the engine to a Wärtsilä 31DF. A couple more services. In the last three decades, the years down the line, when they are ready to company has delivered equipment and operate fully on LNG, they can convert the know-how to 205 dual-fuel power plants engine to an LNG-powered Wärtsilä 31SG.” across 47 different countries around the What’s more, there is no difference in world. most importantly, efficiency was never performance as well as its fuel capabilities,” performance between a product that has Customers also stand to benefit from compromised on.” says Mäkinen. been converted and one that was built for Wärtsilä’s complete lifecycle approach for From the outset, Wärtsilä’s intention was “Looking further into the future, there purpose from the outset. optimising the efficiency and performance always to develop a family of products that is every reason to believe that we will “There is no compromise whatsoever if of a power plant. All of Wärtsilä’s lifecycle would offer unparalleled efficiency and that adapt this engine family for an even wider you invest in one product with a view to solutions can be customised to suit the could gradually be optimised for a multitude range of fuel options, including synthetic converting it,” continues Mäkinen. “The power plant’s operating profile and respond The result of many years of R&D work than a decade of dedicated research and of fuel capabilities. fuels and a variety of renewable power beauty of the modular design is that it’s to the needs of the power plant owner Developed from scratch in-house, the development work. generation alternatives. This is why we easy to remove a module and replace it with and operator in the most efficient way Wärtsilä 31 engine generating set family “Throughout the development of this Future-proof product call it a truly future-proof product,” he another with no compromise on power possible. The solutions provide guaranteed is the accumulation of all the experience groundbreaking product, we remained “From now on, Wärtsilä will continue concludes. output or efficiency. This is why modularity operational reliability and efficiency, and and expertise Wärtsilä has built up over firmly focused on the future and the to develop the Wärtsilä 31 range into the The Wärtsilä 31DF engine was launched at has been such a central feature of this performance guarantees are agreed upon on the years. It contains state-of-the-art expectations our customers will have in future. In the years to come, we will further POWERGEN Asia in September 2019 and product family since day one.” measured data. features developed over the course of more the years to come,” Mäkinen says. “Perhaps enhance its efficiency, output and dynamic deliveries are set to begin in 2020. 14 in detail in detail 15 [ ENERGY / IN DETAIL ] WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL 02.2019


Not just government policies Apart from government regulation, the share of renewables in the U.S. electricity / IN DETAIL ENERGY [ market is growing because it makes economic sense. Matti Rautkivi, Business Development Director at Wärtsilä Energy Business, says the government subsidies helped jump-start the industry by creating the conditions for a competitive environment, but today companies do not need to rely on these policies. “We see utilities adding more and more renewables in their generation mixes. Not because of politics or regulation, but because it makes financial sense,” says Rautkivi. Technology also has allowed individual consumers and small businesses to create their own renewable electricity systems using photovoltaic cells for some of their electricity. Although this market is still very small, the percentage of individuals using small-scale solar photovoltaic systems is expected to increase by 44% over the next two years, according to the Energy Information Agency. “There are still some regulatory barriers that slow down this development, but when Photo: 123RF those are removed we start to see more and more household, commercial and industrial level installations. For these decentralised systems, it is not only the cost of energy alone their environmental benefits,” says According to a survey from Berkeley that is driving this but also the avoided Daniel Kammen, a professor in the energy Lab, these standards will be responsible transmission fees and taxes,” Rautkivi says. Renewable energy gathers pace in the U.S. and resources group at the University of for around one-third of U.S. renewable Kammen also sees potential for growth in California, Berkeley. energy growth in the future. Promotion small-scale storage options. Kammen adds, however: “energy markets of renewables at the state level continues “Energy storage is a fast-growing, AUTHOR: Lara McCoy are easily manipulated,” and notes some to be pushed by more liberal-leaning dynamic sector that can turn renewables tactics that could discourage utilities from jurisdictions, primarily California, New into baseload renewables,” Kammen says. investing in renewables. “These include Jersey and Washington, D.C. In January, “This is particularly exciting because weakening interconnection or carbon credit Washington increased its renewable currently energy storage is coming down the Even as the current administration in The percentage of renewables in U.S. encouraged electricity producers to increase rules, and inhibiting state-level public utility portfolio target to 100% by 2030; California cost curve as fast as solar ever has.” the United States works to shore up electricity production has grown steadily their amount of energy generated from commissions from seeing the full benefits of and Hawaii both plan to be carbon-neutral Even though the sector looks strong, the American coal industry, renewable over the past 10 years, data from the Energy renewable sources. Although the tax credits renewable energy,” Kammen says. by 2045. some experts worry about the future energy continues to increase its share Information Agency shows. In 2008, 9% of are expected to expire at the end of 2019, With federal policies in question, the Renewable energy expansion is also expansion of the industry. In 2018, for the in the U.S. electricity market. The falling the total U.S. electricity generation came the benefit applies to a plant’s first 10 years drive for expanding renewable energy taking place in more conservative states. For first time in five years, renewables did not cost of the technology, combined with from renewable sources; by 2017, that of production, so companies still have a production has shifted to the states. instance, one-fifth of the energy consumed make up the majority of added electricity strong economic growth, is encouraging number had doubled. significant incentive to invest in renewable By the end of 2018, 29 states and the in Nebraska comes from renewable sources, capacity, according to a report by the Energy individual consumers, utilities and This growth has been driven by a technologies. District of Columbia had enacted renewable and renewable sources account for one- Information Agency. Nevertheless, Kammen corporations alike to increasingly turn to combination of strong economic growth and “The costs of renewable energy systems portfolio standards, which require electricity third of the energy consumed in Montana, says clean energy will continue to make solar and wind sources for their energy federal government support. Production make them attractive and often the suppliers to provide a set percentage of which has the U.S.’s largest recoverable coal strides because the economic benefits are needs. Tax Credits, in place since 1992, have outright winner on price alone now, let their electricity from renewable sources. reserves. clear. 16 in detail in detail 17 [ ENERGY / IN DETAIL ] WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL 02.2019


technologies and providing incentives for Philippines is clearly on the path towards a developers. 100% renewable future. Market forces are also helping to promote Use your advantages renewables. The cost of electricity generated The Philippines has some natural advantages from solar and wind has plunged in recent for the development of renewables. Like years. Additionally, the Philippines has Iceland, the Philippines is in a geologically added a hefty tax on imported coal, making active part of the world and the country renewables the cheapest source of electricity has developed geothermal energy since already today. the late 1970s. The country’s rivers and “New baseload coal or combined-cycle mountains are perfect for hydropower, and power plants are not any more feasible with the country is also a feasible place for solar current electricity market prices,” says Ville and wind generation. Most importantly, Rimali, Business Development Manager there is a strong focus on renewables from with Wärtsilä Philippines. “Already solar decision-makers. is the cheapest in many cases. Wholesale “The Philippines’ Renewable Energy prices have gone down and the price trend Act was deemed the first in Southeast Asia remains downward, which challenges Photo: 123RF to provide comprehensive legislation on baseload generation.” renewable energy,” Capongcol says. “The primary goal is to achieve energy self- Adaptability is the key reliance through the accelerated exploration Yet issues remain. One is the mismatch making it more economical, flexible and less and development of renewable energy between demand and how renewable energy polluting. sources.” is supplied. The Philippines’ sophisticated The Philippines’ outreach “Investing in renewable energy to power The Philippines offers fiscal and non- modelling can predict demand for energy the future is one of the flagship programmes fiscal incentives to promote renewables, quite accurately, yet forecasting the energy for renewable energy of the government,” explains Mylene C. such as feed-in tariffs during early days and generated by wind and solar is difficult. Capongcol, Director of the Renewable net metering, most recently a mandatory Moreover, wind blows when it blows, not Energy Management Bureau at the requirement for producers to carry a when energy is needed. This requires much Department of Energy in the Philippines. minimum share of renewables and the more flexibility built into the system. AUTHOR: David J. Cord “The rapid deployment of renewable option for customers to purchase renewable “Wärtsilä can help provide balancing energy has been driven by a wide range energy. power solutions, which give more flexibility of objectives, which include advancing in the power system,” Rimali explains. “In economic development, improving Cheap solar, expensive coal this new era of power generation, you need The Philippines is making a major push The Philippines is facing a significant Moreover, much of this was imported: only energy security, enhancing energy access, The results are impressive: as of March 2018, flexible power plants which can start up to develop renewable energy. While the energy challenge. The demand for energy 51% of the country’s energy mix was from catalysing rural development and job the DOE had awarded 880 renewable energy in minutes. We will also see more energy country has natural advantages for the is increasing drastically, but the country domestic sources. creation, and mitigating climate change. contracts with another 192 applications storage capacity already this year. Luckily development of renewables in addition to has some of the highest energy prices in Yet the Philippines has an ambitious plan Altogether, these drivers can be described as pending. The long-term plans are even more the Department of Energy and private pro-renewables governmental policies, Southeast Asia. This disparity stems from to sustainably increase and improve its the pursuit of sustainable development.” impressive, with a tripling of renewable players in the energy sector know that the Wärtsilä’s flexible energy solutions are the the way the Philippines produces energy. energy supply. The Department of Energy’s To meet its renewable energy goals, energy capacity to 15,304 MW in 2030. world is changing and they have renewed missing link to enable the fulfilment of this In 2017, coal and oil accounted for 27% and power development plan aims to increase the government is recommending Renewables would make up at least 35% their power development plans to reflect this ambitious plan. 34%, respectively, of its primary energy. energy capacity while simultaneously more investment in renewable energy of supply if this goal is reached. So, the new reality.” 18 in detail in detail 19 [ ENERGY / IN DETAIL ] WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL 02.2019


Engines and battery energy storage are fully integrated / IN DETAIL ENERGY

[ into one power plant solution, the Engine+ Hybrid.

“These can lead to greater renewable penetration in the system because engines and energy storage are the most flexible generation assets that exist. When you add more renewables in power systems, variability increases. Engines and storage are needed to bring in more flexibility and enable this transition,” he adds.

Energy & intelligence Software plays a critical role in the Engine+ Hybrid system. GEMS leverages machine learning and sophisticated forecasting to predict operational conditions and optimally dispatch and control the resource mix while ensuring stability and reliability. It helps save engine running hours and maintenance costs and ensures optimal operations. Here is how GEMS helps improve the efficiency of engine power plants by hybridising them: Assume that a power plant with a load of 40 MW has five engines of 10 MW each. To ensure continuity in power supply in the Product Management, Energy Storage and spinning reserves to cover sudden changes event that one engine trips, the operator Optimisation, Wärtsilä Energy Business, in generation or load that produce typically has to run all five engines at 8 MW Future-proofing power investments describes the system, which pairs a battery inefficiency. The innovative GEMS output (80% load) rather than run four of with a production unit to maximise platform enables producers to configure or them at full capacity. In this case, the fifth efficiency and minimise fuel consumption, reconfigure power plants with an optimal engine accumulates unnecessary running as similar to a hybrid car. He notes that resource mix and help them achieve a hours, resulting in higher maintenance AUTHOR: Payal Bhattar technology plays an important part in the wide range of goals, including increasing costs. It also results in lower operational unit. reliability, optimising operating costs and efficiency because the engines are running at “Apart from hardware components, reducing environmental impact. less than full capacity. software plays a pivotal role in enabling “Engine+ Hybrid explores the capabilities In contrast, the Engine+ Hybrid model In a world driven by hyper-connectivity, In August 2018, Hungary’s Sinergy Kft, The unit was Hungary’s first energy this solution. GEMS leverages artificial and possibilities of energy storage. It is allows the operator to service the 40 MW power companies need to keep pace a subsidiary of ALTEO group, began storage installation, and it helped ALTEO intelligence – AI – forecasting and system just one application, but it is like a jack- load with just four engines running at full with rising energy demand while being participating in the country’s electricity increase its revenues and participate in condition learning to orchestrate energy of-all-trades that does many things at capacity and batteries for spinning reserve environmentally friendly. Wärtsilä’s market by providing frequency and the electricity trading market. It was also resources in the power plant on a real-time one time. Through this solution, we replacement. energy system integration solution secondary regulation to the national grid. The Wärtsilä’s first integrated Engine+ Hybrid basis,” he says. have touched upon several things, like Speed is of the essence in the Engine+ ‘Engine+ Hybrid’ is an affordable, efficient, unit already had three Wärtsilä 34SG engines installation with Greensmith Energy’s spinning reserves, frequency regulation Hybrid solution. In the event an engine speedy, and reliable way to move towards a running on natural gas and was additionally Management System (GEMS) (Greensmith Cutting curtail and voltage control,” says Risto Paldanius, is tripped, the battery provides the power 100% renewable energy future using both powered by a Wärtsilä 6MW/4MWh Battery Energy is a Wärtsilä technology). The Engine+ Hybrid solution replaces Business Development, Energy Storage and generation lost while the stand-by engine old and new generation units. Energy Storage System (BESS). Alejandro Schnakofsky, Director of the traditional system of relying on Optimisation, Wärtsilä Energy Business. is automatically started by GEMS. Once 20 in detail in detail 21 [ ENERGY / IN DETAIL ] WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL 02.2019


Conventional spinning reserves vs. Engine+ hybrid example



Grid Reliability and Renewable Hybrid Engine Microgrid SCADA Optimisation Integration Optimisation

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In islanded grids with contingency reserve requirements, the Engine+ Hybrid solution increases the 2 © Wärtsilä INTERNAL 28.10.2019 power to load capacity. This is accomplished as system reserves are provided through the energy GEMS integratesIndustrial multiple EPPs power generation sources and seamlesslyIsland leverages Grids the most cost-effective source inModernising real-time whileEPPs Industrial EPPs Island Grids Modernising EPPs storage system instead of maintaining spinning reserves through the engines. maintaining stability of the grid and respecting operating requirements.

Introduction the engine is up to speed and synced to the improved efficiency can be found on the capacity to accommodate peak demand grid, GEMS automatically phases out the small Caribbean island of Bonaire. Local during tourist season. battery and slots the engine in, resulting in energy provider ContourGlobal Bonaire A powerful solutionGrowing with EPPs global applications. New EPPs Growing EPPs New EPPs 1 © Wärtsilä INTERNAL 22.10.2019 Maximum efficiency, minimum costs a full recovery of the system and avoiding a has a 25 MW power plant that generates Introduction Introduction blackout. energy using both engines (15 MW) and “We are hybridising engine power plants 3 3 © Wärtsilä INTERNAL © Wärtsilä INTERNAL “It is only through the orchestration wind (11 MW). Until last year, this plant with energy storage even in cases where the offered by GEMS that this complex was generating between 12-15 MW, with engines may not be supplied by us but by A powerful solution with global applications. A powerful solution with global applications. operation is possible. It controls the loads peaking at around 18 MW during competitors. Our solution is perfectly suited entire system from batteries and engines the summer. ContourGlobal was reported for island microgrids and remote industrial to renewable generation,” Schnakofsky to be “curtailing wind because its engines self-generation sites such as mines and explains. were needed to provide additional spinning cement factories,” says Paldanius. reserve for wind and also for sudden “Typically, the fuel cost in these places Industrial EPPs Island Grids Modernising EPPs Enabling 100% renewables increases of electricity demand.” is quite expensive. What makes Engine+ Schnakofsky says systems like these are Late last year, Wärtsilä began integrating Hybrid attractive for these users is the fact critical to integrating a higher percentage of a 6 MW energy storage system in this that it increases power system efficiency i.e. renewables in power generation. plant. Its Engine+ Hybrid solution included utilises less fuel. There are cost savings also on “A world with 100% renewables is only batteries and intelligent inverters along with maintenance and additionally lower emissions. Industrial EPPs Island Grids Modernising EPPs Industrial EPPs Island Grids Modernising EPPs possible with flexible and firm generation,” access to GEMS for primary and secondary These all are attractive attributes for short he says. “Flexible engine power plants that grid controls while integrating multiple payback times on investments,” he adds. can provide power in minutes will be pivotal power generation assets including existing Engine+ Hybrid is a smart investment Growing EPPs New EPPs to enable high levels of renewable energy wind, solar and storage capacities. By June that helps power producers future-proof

penetration. This means engine power 2019, the first phase of integration was their assets and businesses. It is a next- 3 plants that can start and stop fast while complete, and the island no longer had to generation solution that uses current © Wärtsilä INTERNAL maintaining a high operational efficiency curtail wind resources. technology in the quest to make a 100% New EPPs New EPPs will be in high demand to materialise a Also thanks to the solution, renewable renewable energy future a reality. Locations The Engine+ Hybrid solutionGrowing is EPPsapplicable in a number of different market segments. The solution can be provided for new builds as well as Growing EPPs more sustainable energy system.” energy penetration has almost doubled, like Hungary and Bonaire are already being retrofitted into any existing power plant. 3 3 One example of how such a system has and the system is prepared for additional realising the system’s potential. © Wärtsilä INTERNAL © Wärtsilä INTERNAL 22 in detail in detail 23 [ MARINE / IN DETAIL ] WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL 02.2019


“In such cases, using LNG as a fuel becomes very attractive. An exhaust gas / IN DETAIL MARINE [ cleaning system may be attractive in the medium-term from an opex perspective,” he says. This scenario is indeed materialising as 2020 approaches, given the current return on investment and the fuel spread. Karl-Johan Nixholm, General Manager, Technical Services, Medium and Small Bore Engines at Wärtsilä, agrees that many marine operators are choosing scrubbers as a good medium-term option. “When it comes to alternatives, exhaust gas cleaning (scrubbers) are the most popular option, since they work with high- sulphur heavy fuel oil (HFO), are easy to operate and have the lowest total lifecycle cost,” Nixholm says. He adds that as of 2020, there will be more than 2,000 vessels equipped with scrubbers.

Controlling all the variables Often the challenge when switching from HFO to low-sulphur fuels is that Usage of LNG can help meet the IMO 2030 and 2050 greenhouse gas emissions targets. installations designed to run on HFO require upgrades in order to maintain fuel viscosity, temperature and circulation flows at specified levels. Nixholm points out that ensuring proper Who’s afraid of the sulphur cap? control of the fuel temperature, and viscosity is crucial throughout the conversion process. AUTHOR: Sami Anteroinen “In many cases, in order to achieve this, it may be required to do some modifications to the auxiliary systems and engines,” Nixholm says. If this is not possible – and normal Installation of a scrubber. As the IMO’s Global Sulphur Cap 2020 low-sulphur fuels is one viable option to as a number of factors – such as a ship’s age, recommendations for fuel injection viscosity approaches, time is running out for marine comply with the sulphur-related emission size, trading route, charter condition, fuel cannot be reached when operating with low- industry players to make changes. What regulations. Another is to install an exhaust price, crew competence and many more – viscosity fuel, if for example fuel cooling can be done? gas cleaning system, known as a scrubber. A need to be considered in the business case is not available – various operational and/ third opportunity involves moving from fuel for an investment,” Nanda says. or equipment deteriorations may occur. The external fuel system alone holds three With regard to the four-stroke engine The International Maritime Organization’s oil engines to gas, such as LNG. According to Nanda, customers with Among these are cavitation corrosion on key concerns: fuel oil feed pumps, which itself, the issues range from possibly having (IMO) Global Sulphur Cap 2020 regulations Sangram Kishore Nanda, General Manager, ships having a remaining lifetime of 10 fuel pump and fuel system parts, power loss, may not be suitable for operation on low- to overhaul fuel injection equipment specify that every vessel must adhere to Product Engineering at Wärtsilä, says that years or more may consider greenhouse gas and uncontrolled fuel rack control. viscosity fuel; separators, which may require to adjusting propulsion control or even strict sulphur emissions limits by 1 January right now, customers are seeming to opt for emissions reduction targets as part of their “In general, the set-up of the installation changes depending on the fuel type used; changing exhaust valves. 2020. As this date looms closer, marine compliant low-sulphur liquid fuels, at least for investment and opt for converting engines has to be checked case by case,” says and fuel oil cooler, which may be required industry players are finalising their game the short term, as this is the easiest option not to gas. Wärtsilä sees LNG as a key transition Nixholm, specifically discussing the for low-viscosity fuel to keep the injection Combating leaks plans on how to cope with the sulphur cap. demanding a significant investment. fuel towards meeting IMO 2030 and 2050 challenges that involve making four-stroke viscosity and temperature within the On the two-stroke low-speed engines’ side, Continuous engine operation on “It is a difficult choice for the customers, greenhouse gas emissions targets. engines sulphur cap compliant. recommended range. Nanda lists leakage and premature wear 24 in detail in detail 25 [ MARINE / IN DETAIL ] WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL 02.2019


and tear on the components, as the biggest concerns involved in switching to low- sulphur fuel. “Low-viscosity fuel leads to a higher leakage rate in the injection equipment, which can result in engine starting difficulties or slowdown due to insufficient pressure in the fuel injection system. Furthermore, the high leakage rate needs to be handled by the drain fuel system.” Nanda points out that injection systems in recent decades were designed for continuous operation on residual fuels, with operation Injection Control Unit: Fuel leakage and TBO. on low-viscosity fuels limited to a few hours during shop tests and major overhauls. “In today’s operating environment, engines switch over to gas oil when entering Marine Diesel Fuel Cooler Unit. Emission Control Areas (ECA) or zones damage to fuel injection components due to edition of our Low Sulphur Guideline for with the specialised team in the ROS centre where local emissions legislation is in contaminated fuel or in case of accelerated the customers back in 2005.” in real time and get support to resolve force. Continuous operation of two-stroke wear. This document, which has been updated the issue, in order to avoid equipment main engines on distillates may result in Finally, he adds that since a variety of over the years, gives a solid overview for downtime and experts’ attendance onboard components wearing out earlier compared fuels in terms of density, viscosity and most of the four-stroke portfolio, he adds. a vessel,” Nanda says, adding that this with operating on residual fuels,” Nanda combustion characteristics is to be expected, Nevertheless, only recently has the guideline solution also enables a review of historical says. installation of an automatic closed loop become a real ‘bestseller’. data for recommendations. Furthermore, it is recommended to check injection control system such as Wärtsilä “For sure, we are now contacted more the condition of the Injection Control Units Intelligent Combustion Control, or frequently as the deadline closes in,” Diminishing alternatives (ICUs) to evaluate their capability to operate installation of Wärtsilä FAST Nozzles, is Nixholm notes. Despite lengthy discussions leading up on distillates. highly recommended in order to optimise to the transition, there may still be issues “If the ICUs need to be overhauled to fuel injection and combustion. Operation support department standing by that many have not considered regarding ensure efficient engine operation and Wärtsilä has recently published a Business meeting compliance and the sulphur cap. reduced maintenance costs, the latest ICU Get all the facts White Paper on operating two-stroke main Nixholm worries that customers may technology – which is more robust and In order to facilitate a smooth transition to engines in compliance with the sulphur cap not be taking into consideration the time exhibits improved leakage behaviour under sulphur cap compliance, Wärtsilä has been regulations, in order to guide and inform needed to carry out some of these options. multi-fuel operation – can be installed providing technical support for customers customers during their decision-making He says that, as the finish line grows closer, during remanufacturing of ICUs or, in the and performing technical audits and surveys process. the number of possibilities that can be case of larger-bore RT-flex engines, as a onboard where such have been requested. In addition, technical bulletin RT-229, successfully implemented before 1 January retrofit,” Nanda explains. “Also, we have performed fuel and ‘Operation Guidance to the Global Sulphur declines. In many cases, these options are He is also recommending that customers cooling system designs, installation and Cap 2020’, was released in August 2019 to limited due to delivery time. take proactive action – such as making a commissioning supervision,” Nixholm says. offer assistance. Wärtsilä’s Technical Services Overall, however, Nixholm and Nanda thorough assessment of the main engine According to Nixholm, Wärtsilä is well also is available 24/7 to support customers, are of the opinion that most marine players condition (Wärtsilä Health Check), as well equipped to support all possible solutions Nanda says. won’t have problems in meeting compliance. as increasing the onboard inventory of in order to meet sulphur cap compliance. “A Remote Operation Support (ROS) “Provided they are up to speed with all Technical concept – Continuous LFO operation. safety parts and special repair kits – in order “Wärtsilä has been providing this support solution is also available for installation, the information available on managing to ensure continued operation in case of for many years already: we issued the first with which the ship crew can communicate compliance,” Nanda adds. 26 in detail in detail 27 [ MARINE / IN DETAIL ] WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL 02.2019


Le Commandant Charcot. / IN DETAIL MARINE [

ship. It will also put its second LNG vessel, the Costa Smeralda, into operation this summer. There are now about 20 new LNG- fuelled cruise ships on order, with all the major cruise companies – Carnival, MSC, Disney, Royal Caribbean and TUI – betting big on the technology. “We are talking about 50% of the normal order book for cruise ships in a year,” says Piero Zoglia, who leads the business development team for Wärtsilä LNG Fuel Gas Supply Systems. “All the players are focusing 50% on LNG fuel.”

The tipping point Zoglia believes the arrival of cruise operators marks the tipping point for the fuel, as port operators and fuel suppliers will now be forced to extend bunkering facilities in dozens of new ports. LNG has, in the past, been seen as suitable for ships on repetitive routes in seas with strict emissions controls, and not for vessels like cruise ships, which can be sent to another hemisphere at short notice. But improving bunkering availability, and the arrival of the first global sulphur cap next year, has made the fuel look more attractive. Vessels running on heavy fuel oil now need to install scrubber systems or pay a premium for low-sulphur fuel, improving Illustration: Ponant - Stirling Design International the economics of LNG. When ’s Compagnie du Ponant ordered Le Commandant Charcot, a specialist ship that will take sightseers on luxury expeditions to the North Pole, This year will see the first LNG-fuelled Very few still see LNG as a novelty, and around Greenland, through the Bering Strait cruise ships come into service, and there is nothing new about a cruise ship. and to the penguin colonies of Antarctica, it Cruise ships herald the age of LNG fuel there are many more on order. Find out But until this year, the two have never been opted for Wärtsilä’s LNG dual-fuel engines. how Wärtsilä Gas Solutions are playing combined. “They are sailing in the North Sea and a key role in meeting the industry’s high This is about to change. In December, the Baltic Sea, and that’s a nitrogen oxide AUTHOR: Richard Orange demands for space efficiency, safety, and Carnival Cruise Line took delivery of emission control area (NECA), so they have sustainability. AIDAnova, the first LNG-powered cruise two options: low-sulphur MDO or LNG,” 28 in detail in detail 29 [ MARINE / IN DETAIL ] WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL 02.2019


Wärtsilä’s bilobe LNGPac.

30 in detail in detail 31 [ MARINE / IN DETAIL ] WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL 02.2019


Illustration: Ponant - Stirling Design International

says Zoglia. “The fuel price is attractive, and clean. It is not only a matter of the rules and companies like Wärtsilä are having to work Wärtsilä worked with the French are one of the best technologies from a have paid for the ticket and the cruise must you also save on maintenance costs because regulations, but also a question of image,” hard to meet entirely new demands. engineering company GTT to develop a safety perspective. go on,” says Zoglia. “Safety and reliability are the engines are running on cleaner fuel.” The explains Zoglia. “They have to go into ports “It is very complex, very difficult, with membrane tank for the icebreaking cruise Cruise ships have some of the strictest of utmost importance on board these ships. IMO has committed to developing a ban on at tourist destinations and in these ports, very demanding customers,” says Zoglia. ship Le Commandant Charcot, which could safety standards in the industry, and They are the top priorities.” HFO, thereby making it no longer a realistic you don’t want to have smoke emissions.” “There’s not one project that is like what be fitted to the shape of the hull. As much as Wärtsilä has built triple redundancy into the Every year between now and 2026 (at option for new projects in Arctic cruise. With LNG there is no smoke at all. anyone has done before.” 75% of the space was used for fuel storage. It LNG systems it has supplied. This means least) will see new LNG-fuelled cruise Switching from fuel oil to LNG cuts sulphur LNG’s lower fuel density means that an is a technology that has been used on LNG having two LNG tank systems working in ships hit the market, and their operators Towards clean alternatives emissions to zero, particulate emissions by LNG vessel typically requires twice as much carriers, but never before on a cruise vessel. parallel and ready to take full control in case are lobbying hard to bring bunkering to all

But economics is not the only or even the 98%, NOx emissions by 85% and greenhouse tank space as one fuelled by diesel. Standard of a single failure. Even if both fail, the diesel their key ports. At the same time, oil and gas main driver of the decision. The impacts of gas emissions by approximately 12-17%. It cylindrical tanks compound the problem, as Safety first and foremost used as pilot fuel in the engines is stored in companies will order LNG bunkering ships climate change are nowhere more visible should, therefore, be no surprise that the they fill only about 40% of the rectangular On another project, Wärtsilä supplied sufficient quantities, so that the engines can which will make LNG refuelling much more than at the North and South Pole, where fuel is attractive. space needed to house them. Bilobe Type C tanks, which use 60% of switch to diesel and bring the vessel back to flexible. ships will be operating. This is a particular problem for cruise the available space for gas storage. Again, the nearest port. With the arrival of the cruise giants, it is Public concern over environmental Tailor-made solutions vessels, Zoglia points out: “In a cruise ship, Wärtsilä is the first to supply this technology “For a cruise ship that’s particularly time to stop talking about LNG’s ‘chicken- pollution affects the cruise industry more The cruise ships currently on order are every cubic metre you lose might be a cabin to a cruise ship. Because bilobe tanks are important because passengers don’t care if and-egg conundrum’. The fuel has come of than any other sector. “They have to be the first to be fuelled by LNG, meaning you give away.” pressure tanks made of stainless steel, they there is a technical problem on board; they age. 32 in detail in detail 33 [ MARINE / IN DETAIL ] WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL 02.2019

] / IN DETAIL MARINE [ Navi-Planner allows operators to “Part of the answer is that we need to transform real-time navigational data into find our own way,” explains Schröder. “Our an optimised route in a couple of clicks. requirements are different, and the maritime Not only does it use all available data to industry has its own challenges.” streamline the route and reduce human The reality on ships is very different to error, it also frees up valuable crew time for experiences in our daily lives on land. In other tasks. the scheme of things, even using electronic charting systems is a relatively recent Smart, under pressure advancement, and getting those systems Under increasing pressure to compete on to the point of IMO compliance has taken cost efficiency and environmental impact, time. Until now, we didn’t really have the shipping is feeling the strain. Across all technology to consider better ways of areas of compliance, demands are tight and getting data into the ECDIS, Schröder says. tightening. For the sake of the planet, as Also, while plenty of technological well as the bottom line, it is high time the opportunities are now within grasp for industry had access to technology to help the maritime industry, unlike on land, full with the heavy lifting. connectivity may be close, but it is not there “Optimising a route is utterly crucial yet. In contrast, manual systems and paper to all elements of improved performance charts have been relied upon for hundreds of and safety – not to mention environmental years, so it is understandable that maritime sustainability,” Schröder says. “We need might be a tad slower on the uptake. to embrace the reliable technology we That said, the future is officially here. The now have to help this industry solve its benefits of Smart Voyage Optimisation are problems.” clear, and it is hard to imagine it becoming Many self-sufficient but separate sensors anything but an industry norm. and systems already exist on board vessels – such as depth sounders and weather sensors, What’s the future of Navi-Planner? to name a few. They are connected on the The Wärtsilä Navi-Planner is a system with bridge but still require data to be manually the capability to constantly evolve, so the databases. That data is then available for the transferred beyond it. best news is that customers won’t be left captain’s finalisation and, most importantly, With Navi-Planner, such systems are behind as the technology improves. Getting smart with navigation everything is cyber-secure and fully directly connected to the ECDIS, so all data The system is designed to seamlessly compatible with the ECDIS. required to make optimal route decisions incorporate new information into route “Navigating a route is a mathematical is already right where it needs to be. With planning, so Smart Voyage Optimisation AUTHOR: Sarah Hudson problem with a whole load of variables better links from ship to shore, smart and opportunities are endless. For example, that need to be gathered and collated, timely joint decisions can be made. Navi-Planner evetually will be capable of then factored into the equation,” explains dynamically adjusting the route and speed Christopher Schröder, Wärtsilä’s Sales Why is maritime playing catch-up? of a vessel’s port approach for a just-in-time In a world of connectivity, why shouldn’t banking to travel. From smartphones to the between the latest technological offerings Director for Northern Europe. According to Schröder, Navi-Planner arrival. the maritime industry be reaping the connected car, we live in a digital world. Yet and the need for compliance with existing At present, a navigator has to physically represents such an essential leap forward As the ability to connect, share data and benefits of optimised navigation? shipping has arguably been slow to capitalise systems. Fully market-ready, it’s set to take click through, setting and linking waypoints, that the most common feedback from communicate in real time penetrates further Introducing Wärtsilä’s Navi-Planner – a on these possibilities. the shipping world by storm. matching them to charts, purchasing customers is: “Why wasn’t it invented into the world of marine transportation, system set to revolutionise the industry, This is changing with Wärtsilä’s Navi- those charts and then manually uploading earlier?” opportunities for smarter, safer and one smart voyage at a time. Planner – Smart Voyage Optimisation that How does Navi-Planner work? them. Humans are good at many things, It is a fair question. We’ve long been using more sustainable operations will expand all but obliterates manual labour when it Wärtsilä’s Navi-Planner takes into account but crunching large amounts of data is technology to simplify our land and air exponentially. On land, technology has completely comes to route planning. It’s a solution metocean data, traffic patterns, and weather something computers excel at, and – travel and make it more efficient, so why Wärtsilä’s Navi-Planner is charting the redefined our day-to-day activities, paving that’s targeted to the very specific needs of updates to prepare a safe and efficient route unlike mere mortals – their capacity is only haven’t we been using it to harness onshore way to a smarter future – time to get on the way for disruptive business models from today’s maritime industry, bridging the gap using one of the world’s largest navigational expanding. and offshore data to optimise sea routes? board! 34 in detail in detail 35 [ MARINE / IN DETAIL ] WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL 02.2019


Illustration: DNV GL From left to right: Morten Løvstad, DNV GL, Vice President, Global Business Director – Bulk Carriers, Tatsurou Iwashita, Oshima Shipbuilding, Director, Deputy General Manager Design, Jaeouk Sun, DNV GL, Principal Engineer, Naoki Shigemura, Oshima Shipbuilding, General Manager, Oshima Europe, Johnny Kackur, Wärtsilä, General Manager, Segment Sales, Stein Thorsager, Wärtsilä, Director, Segment Sales. Ultramax 2030:

version. Both options promise an Energy CPP is not a standard arrangement, but it propeller shaft, the shaft generator for Next-generation shipping Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) of more turned out to be a competitive alternative. the four-stroke option is a high-speed than 46% compared to EEDI Phase 0, Based on the analysis we did on the AIS generator connected through the reduction while maintaining a service speed of 14.5 data from Ultramax bulk carriers, we could gearbox. The shaft generator for the four- AUTHOR: Payal Bhattar knots. The four-stroke version utilises a see that actual operation is at a wide speed stroke alternative can also be used in port, controllable pitch propeller (CPP) to allow range with most of the operating hours at meaning it offers the possibility to install smaller installed power and still maintain lower ship speeds with low engine loads. fewer auxiliary generators. manoeuvrability of the ship in adverse The Wärtsilä 31DF engine uses a two- “Various alternative fuels were considered, weather conditions without overloading stage turbocharger, which in addition but LNG is today the most developed Ship owners can now have vessels that main trading patterns worldwide with the with the current technologies available, it is the main engine. The lower installed power to increasing the engine efficiency, also alternative fuel widely available,” Kackur that are affordable, compliant with the LNG bunkering infrastructure available possible to achieve that while keeping the means not only savings in costs, but also increases engine efficiency at part loads. The says. “The use of LNG makes it possible IMO’s 2030 emission targets and have today. It gives ship owners the comfort of return on investment (RoI) in mind,” says that the main engine can be operated at lower the ship speeds the more competitive to drastically reduce emission levels high operational efficiency. Meet the having more than 20% lower operating Johnny Kackur, General Manager, Merchant higher engine loads at higher efficiency the Wärtsilä 31DF engine option gets and comply with the coming emission Ultramax 2030 65K DWT Bulk Carrier. expenses (opex) when compared with & Gas Carrier Segment Sales, Wärtsilä levels. compared to the standard two-stroke engine legislations. We are fully aware that LNG standard vessels operating today, and has Marine Solutions. “There are now two options for the option.” may not be the fuel of choice for a zero- The all-new Ultramax 2030 65K DWT Bulk an approximate payback time of 12 years propulsion machinery,” Kackur says. “The For both main engine options, shaft carbon future, but we cannot just sit and wait Carrier is a dream vessel that meets future compared with a standard vessel. Maximising efficiency, minimising emissions standard arrangement for Ultramax bulk generators are used to cover the hotel load. for a perfect solution to arrive. By using the emissions legislation while being optimised “Many ship owners have asked us how The Ultramax 2030 65K DWT Bulk Carrier carriers today is to utilise a two-stroke Shaft generators run by the main engine best available technology already available according to actual operating profiles both to reach the coming IMO regulations for has a 60-metre-tall hard sail made of glass engine with an FPP (fixed pitch propeller), offer superior efficiency compared with we can make significant progress now.”

at sea and in port. This 200-metre ship has reducing CO2 emissions from shipping, so fiber reinforced (GRP) and comes so therefore this is still an option. The using small auxiliary gensets. While the The Ultramax 2030 65K DWT is powered a range on LNG of about 13,600 nautical we thought of jointly demonstrating along in two options – a two-stroke LNG-fuelled second option with a Wärtsilä 12V31DF shaft generator for the two-stroke option by solar panels and batteries in order miles at service speed, which covers the with our business partners that even today, option and a four-stroke LNG-fuelled four-stroke main engine connected to a is a slow-speed generator installed on the to produce energy in the most efficient 36 in detail in detail 37 [ MARINE / IN DETAIL ] WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL 02.2019


Overview of some of the technologies reviewed and evaluated for Ultramax 2030. Illustration: DNV GL. EEDI (Energy Effiency Design Index) – CO2 per tonne-mile.

manner. Almost all of the hatch cover area every ship’s CO2 emissions by at least 40% carriers, already had extensive R&D for according to actual operating profiles. the development of decarbonising shipping. is covered with solar panels, which help per tonne-mile by 2030 while being cost- achieving higher efficiency levels. Its current Solar panels were chosen, and alternative This joint development is one step forward to achieve higher efficiency levels. During friendly and performance-driven. designs were used as a benchmark for the fuels including LNG and hydrogen were on this journey,” Kackur says. “Wärtsilä waiting times, the carrier can operate “Cargo carriers need to reduce emissions study conducted ahead of the Ultramax’s shortlisted together with after-treatment cannot decarbonise shipping alone. If in an eco-mode where the hotel load is levels,” Kackur explains. “Therefore, in creation. Several technology options were units for conventional diesel engines. we, together with our business partners, minimised, so that most of the hotel load addition to lowering emission levels during compared and evaluated, and ultimately, “We had to make sensible choices because actively work on developments to reduce can be covered by the solar panels only. A sailing, the idea was to significantly try many of Oshima’s own solutions, such as the we were also equally focused on the payback emissions and improving efficiencies, we battery is installed to reduce engine running and reduce emissions in port and during hard-sail, were applied to the new ship. time. So even though we saw benefits with can achieve much more. Collaboration is hours and optimise and stabilise the engine waiting, because Ultramax bulk carriers DNV-GL, which has extensive experience some technologies, they had to make sense the key to moving forward, and Wärtsilä loading levels, boosting the efficiency to spend a surprisingly long time waiting.” in bulk carrier design, offered the project in terms of the cost,” says Kackur. will continue to take an active role in this even higher levels. The project involved assessing current access to new innovative technologies and development.” market needs and investigating port provided many important parameters, such Future-proof shipping The Ultramax 2030 65K DWT Bulk The voyage to Ultramax infrastructure. The study required getting as actual operating profiles for Ultramax These smart choices helped Wärtsilä, Carrier is not the only joint project Wärtsilä Building this vessel was not easy. The input from major ship owners, researching bulk carriers and the most suitable solar Oshima and DNV-GL design one of the is developing. The company is actively process began late last year, when Wärtsilä fleet profiles and conducting AIS analytics panel technologies for this kind of ship. smartest bulk carriers in the market. looking to cooperate on design evolution embarked on a joint development project on about 850 vessels and ports. Wärtsilä contributed world-class With legislation on emissions becoming and innovation, working with partners that with Japanese ship builder Oshima and expertise in propulsion machineries, hybrid increasingly stringent due to implications have complementary domain expertise DNV GL, a Norwegian accredited registrar Optimising knowledge from propulsion and alternative fuel system for climate change, ship owners, cargo and can bridge gaps in competencies. and classification society. The project aimed across the industry arrangements. There was a very broad range owners and charterers need to make a shift Collaborations like these can help overcome to build a next-generation ship that would Each partner involved in designing the of technologies that were considered before to ecologically friendly vessels sooner than challenges and bring in new technologies to set new standards for the maritime sector. Ultramax 2030 65K DWT Bulk Carrier had arriving at the final selections. For instance, expected. With the new Ultramax 2030 65K create world-class solutions. This smart carrier had to go beyond merely a crucial role based on their specific areas of both single-skeg and twin-skeg hull DWT Bulk Carrier, the sector can take a After all, the best collaborations create complying with the International Maritime expertise. Oshima, one of the best shipyards designs were reviewed in order to explore giant leap towards zero-emission shipping. something bigger than the sum of what each Organization’s (IMO) goal of reducing in the world for designing and building bulk possibilities for improving hull efficiencies “Wärtsilä wants to play an active role in partner can create on their own. 38 in detail in detail 39 [ MARINE / IN DETAIL ] WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL 02.2019


Vessel 1 1.64%

Vessel 2 -2.93% / IN DETAIL MARINE [ Vessel 3 2.67%

Vessel 4 0.98%

Vessel 5 0.45%

Vessel 6 -0.67%

Vessel 7 -0.15%

Vessel 8 -0.53%

-10 -5 0 5 10 %

Fleet performance dashboard: KPI trend indicator.

With the newly upgraded version of consideration of the varying operating Operim, released at the Nor-Shipping trade conditions throughout the voyage via fair in Oslo in June 2019, Wärtsilä shows Operim, efficient operation would be that it is serious about anchoring itself in the compromised. With ever-increasing domain of intelligent engineering. financial pressures on ship owners and The Operim system was first launched in operators, the need for operational efficiency 2011 to monitor the performance of Wärtsilä’s is higher than ever before, which is why LNG cargo and reliquefaction plants on Operim has been updated to utilise the latest ships. Operim, short for Operational technology to support our customers and Performance Improvement & Monitoring, help them meet their business challenges. lives up to its tagline: “Forget about optimisation – with Operim, it’s always on.” So what’s new with Operim? Originally designed to monitor and Thanks to the increased availability of rich optimise onboard gas plant performance and near real-time data and upgrades to with simple calculations and manual web and software interfaces, the application data sampling, the early Operim system, areas of Operim have widened beyond just designed by Wärtsilä Gas Solutions, aimed LPG and LNG reliquefaction plants. Recent to help crews optimally operate large upgrades include land-based biogas, fuel reliquefaction plants, reduce their 6 MW gas supply systems and waste and water With richer data and faster connectivity, power consumption and keep the associated treatment solutions. Other processing the upgraded Operim system lays the environmental footprint to a minimum. The assets will follow. Based on the widespread Smart Marine just got a little smarter groundwork for new business models cargo handling system, with a reliquefaction application areas of Operim, Wärtsilä has as part of Wärtsilä’s Smart Marine plant at its core, plays a significant role in enhanced its Smart Marine Ecosystem Ecosystem. With its unique packaging the efficient operation of gas cargo tankers. strategy and is quickly developing new AUTHOR: Nicholas Martin, Director, Digital Offering, Wärtsilä Marine Business of hardware and subscription-based On a typical voyage from Qatar to Japan, business models to support it. mail: [email protected] software, the new Operim demonstrates for example, up to six tonnes of cargo per For owners and operators, Operim the company’s commitment to upending hour are managed by the reliquefaction enables a slew of cost-saving operating traditional ways of doing business. process. Without careful operation and performance improvements in a continuous 40 in detail in detail 41 • VOYAGE REPORT• VOYAGE AND OPERATIONREPORT• VOYAGE AND INSIGHTS OPERATIONREPORT• VOYAGE WITH AND• VOYAGE INSIGHTS OPERIM OPERATIONREPORTREPORT WITH AND INSIGHTS OPERIM OPERATION AND OPERATION WITH INSIGHTS OPERIM INSIGHTS WITH WITHOPERIM OPERIM [ MARINE / IN DETAIL ] WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL 02.2019 Estimated Energy ConsumptionEstimated MWh Energy ConsumptionEstimated MWh Energy ConsumptionEstimated MWhEstimated Energy Consumption Energy Consumption MWh MWh Cargo Compressor CargoRefrigerant Compressor CompressorCargoRefrigerant Compressor CompressorCargoRefrigerant CompressorCargo Compressor CompressorRefrigerantRefrigerant Compressor Compressor 1 10 1 10 7 1 10 7 1 1 10 7 10 7 7

2 6 2 6 4 2 6 4 2 2 6 4 6 4 4 ] 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 6 4 6 2 4 6 2 4 4 6 2 6 2 2

5 60 5 60 47 5 60 47 5 5 60 47 60 Actual47 journey47 from UK toActual US. journey from UK toActual US. journey from UK toActual US. journeyActual from journey UK tofrom US. UK to US. Total 90 MWhTotal 90 MWh70 MWhTotal 90 MWh70 MWhTotal Total 90 MWh70 MWh90 MWh 70 MWh370 MWh 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 • VOYAGE REPORT AND OPERATION INSIGHTS WITH OPERIM Reliq started immediatelyReliq started after enteringimmediatelyReliq warmerstarted after waters. immediatelyenteringReliq warmerstartedReliq after started waters.enteringimmediately immediately warmer after waters. entering after entering warmer warmer waters. waters. • Smart notification provide• Smart insights notification for efficiency provide• Smart by insights pre notification-cooling for efficiency at providean• Smart by insights pre• notification-Smartcooling for efficiency notification at provide an by insightsprovide pre-cooling forinsights efficiency at an for efficiency by pre-cooling by pre at-cooling an at an Estimated Energy Consumption MWh earlier stage when still inearlier cold watersstage whenin order still to earlierin be cold more stagewaters energy when in order still intoearlier coldbe more stagewatersearlier energy when in stage order still when toin becold stillmore waters in energycold in waters order toin beorder more to beenergy more energy efficient. efficient. efficient. efficient.efficient. Cargo Compressor Refrigerant Compressor 5 5 • Insights may even5 be• consideredInsights may in routing even5 be •planning. consideredInsights5 may in routingeven be• planning. consideredInsights• mayInsights in routingeven may be planning. evenconsidered be considered in routing in planning. routing planning. 1 10 7



5 60 47 Actual journey from UK to US. Digital Twin CUSTOMER Total 90 MWh 70 MWh 3 CUSTOMER OFFICE CLOUD DATA BRIDGE Sea water temperature Sea water°C temperatureSea water°C temperatureSea water°C Seatemperaturewater temperature°C °C 4 -2 -2 35 -2 35 -2 35-2 35 35

Reliq started immediately after entering warmer waters.Actual journey Actual journey Actual journey Actual journeyActual journey Smart Performance Virtual • Smart notification provide insights for efficiency by pre-cooling at an notifications insights (KPIs) instrumentation earlier stage when still in cold waters in order to be more energy Reliq operation Reliq operation Reliq operation Reliq operationReliq operation

efficient. © OpenStreetMap contributors © CARTO,© OpenStreetMap NOAAs contributors © CARTO,© OpenStreetMap NOAAs contributors © CARTO,© OpenStreetMap NOAAs © OpenStreetMapcontributors © contributorsCARTO, NOAAs© CARTO, NOAAs 2 2 2 2 2 NationalOPERIM Climatic – DataSuperiority Center as a serviceNationalOPERIM Climatic – DataSuperiority Center as a serviceNationalOPERIM Climatic – DataSuperiority Center as a serviceNationalOPERIM ClimaticNational – DataSuperiorityOPERIM CenterClimatic – asDataSuperiority a serviceCenter as a service WÄRTSILÄ SUPPORT OPERIM CLOUD SERVICE 5 • Insights may even be considered in routing planning. MONITOR & IMPROVE



-2 35

Actual journey WÄRTSILÄ ONBOARD SOLUTIONS Reliq operation

© OpenStreetMap contributors © CARTO, NOAAs 1 © Wärtsilä OPERIM – Superiority as a service 2 NationalOPERIM Climatic – DataSuperiority Center as a service

Operim: Digitally enabling physical devices for smarter performance. Voyage report and operation insights with Operim.

and dynamic fashion. Vessels are only as crews need – and, in fact, require – data-rich companies working only in the virtual efficient as the way they are operated, and environments in order to make accurate, space is that the company has in-house at 60 with Operim, inefficiencies and profitability fact-based decisions onboard ships. its disposal the engineers who designed impairments of all types can be identified the machinery and can offer support in and rectified to reach optimal operational Digitally augmented and the form of a live chat functionality backed efficiencies. Operim can, in a nutshell, integrated with Operim up by real-life expertise. This level of constantly provide advice and insights What really makes Operim a linchpin in product understanding and support on 40 on how to adjust working parameters in Wärtsilä’s Smart Marine Ecosystem is how a web interface is not just unique, it also accordance with sea and weather changes as it will become packaged and included in strengthens the connection between the well as monitor maintenance routines and the sale of new physical hardware. In the customer and Wärtsilä.

early warnings. foreseeable future, all of Wärtsilä’s physical Digitally augmenting the product starts 7 Vessel

Used properly, Operim can also make products could be digitally enabled this way by enabling data collection. This can (°C) Temperature

SuperHeat Refrig 2 Refrig SuperHeat 20 Treshold : 10 money for users via cost savings. There are as part of the brand promise. This is unique be achieved in several ways, depending frequent developments in environmental in the industry. It leverages Wärtsilä’s broad on the configuration of the vessel and compliance for individual ships and entire portfolio and product heritage and is not customer preference, by installing dedicated fleets that have to be managed. That’s just easily replicated by new digital entrants to Wärtsilä hardware or using the vessel one of the many complex variables involved the market. Integrated Automated System (IAS) system. 0 in running a fleet smoothly and efficiently Additionally, Operim can be retrofitted Additionally, if the customer already has 14 Oct 04:00 08:00 12:00 16:00 20:00 15 Oct while adjusting to different local conditions to existing installations and made available data in a cloud system, this also can be around the world. Operim helps synthesize via a Service Agreement, either stand-alone utilised. Once the data is collected, it enters all this data. or, typically, as part of a broader Wärtsilä the Operim cloud service, which features Additionally, as crews age and expertise agreement. Wärtsilä’s unique competitive Wärtsilä’s digital twin of the product being Analysing the process performance through Operim dashboards. and know-how are lost to attrition, newer advantage over pure software and data monitored. 42 in detail in detail 43 [ MARINE / IN DETAIL ] WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL 02.2019



Smart recommendations Performance Insights 97.3% 97.4% 97.4% 97.2% 97.5 96.4% 96.5% Wärtsilä 08:55 95.4%

/ IN DETAIL MARINE Warm sea water ahead.

[ 95 Start reliquefaction now.

Wärtsilä 13:42 92.3%

% 92.5 High superheat refrig 1. Adjust superheat setting to reduce power consumption. 90


85 Vessel 1 Vessel 2 Vessel 3 Vessel 4 Vessel 5 Vessel 6 Vessel 7 Vessel 8

Operim leaderboards: learn how efficient the operation is across the fleet (KPIs).

3 © Wärtsilä OPERIM – Superiority as a service

Operim: insights dashboard.

2000 1846.6

A digital twin Voyage reporting Future features will incorporate the 1524.4 1554.9 At the core of Operim is a digital ‘twin’, One concrete example of Operim’s usability automation of recommendations and 1500 1466.5 1420.5 developed with the help of product is the voyage report and operation insight utilise machine learning to complement engineers and data scientists. This twin window inside the system. the digital twin, providing richer insights. allows the system to compare actual For example, think about a gas cargo Operim also will be enabled to interact with 1056.3 performance against optimal performance ship travelling between the UK and the US other Wärtsilä systems, such as Wärtsilä 999.0 1000 861.8 and ascertain areas for improvement. in the cold waters of the North Atlantic. Online, Expert Insights, and voyage MWh These areas then can be visualised Considering the temperature of the ocean, planning solutions, allowing asset-specific through dashboards in the form of KPIs and Operim can alert the crew to the need optimisation to be considered in voyage smart notifications for operators and crew to pre-cool cargo such as liquefied gas planning. 500 members. They are accessible to the crew when in cooler waters instead of waiting Operim is central to Wärtsilä’s Smart onboard the vessel as well as to the team until the ship reaches warmer waters and Marine Ecosystem approach to creating onshore via a web-based dashboard hosted using energy to cool the cargo then. This greater levels of efficiency, safety and in the cloud, enabling the team members kind of precision was nearly impossible environmental sustainability as the maritime 0 to use analytics and insight to monitor and in the past without a very experienced industry adjusts to meet the challenges of an Vessel 1 Vessel 2 Vessel 3 Vessel 4 Vessel 5 Vessel 6 Vessel 7 Vessel 8 improve the product performance. operator and could be based at best on a emerging new era. From a user perspective, the interface guesstimate of the ship’s position. Operim, is reliable and easy to use. A ship operator however, can provide minute details about can easily access his fleet dashboard in the a vessel’s route and assist with planning Operim leaderboards: learn how the power consumption is across the fleet. Operim system, which provides a near real- adjustments depending on weather, current time overview of the operational health of and water temperatures, to name just a few the company’s vessels, clearly outlined in variables. The hope is that in the future, this red and green with average KPI indicators functionality will lead to fuel savings based visible in a separate window. on different route positioning. 44 in detail in detail 45 [ FUTURE / IN DETAIL ] WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL 02.2019

] realistic emissions-reduction potential. Fully electric propulsion enabled by Finally, many of the materials used to Additionally, this solution requires only batteries, applicable mostly for smaller produce batteries are precious metals. existing infrastructure, minimising the vessels Cobalt, an integral component of the amount of investment needed. Generally Hydrogen-based operations using fuel lithium-ion battery, for example, is being speaking, a de-fossilised future could take cells hailed as the ‘new gold’, a cause for alarm this path: LNG->bio-LNG->synthetic LNG, Optimised vessel operation through since scarcity may create vulnerability in the which would maximise the utilization of digitalisation. supply chain. In addition, batteries are often existing infrastructure. categorised as hazardous, requiring special The estimated cost of synthetic LNG in Alternative fuels using internal disposal procedures. / IN DETAIL FUTURE [ 2030 is on par with or lower than other combustion engines alternative fuels, and this combined There is a plethora of fuels that can be Hydrogen fuel cells with the world’s decade-long experience used in marine engines. But with carbon- The almost too-good-to-be-true proposition with marine LNG fuel makes it a safe neutral biofuels, it’s necessary to consider of providing energy without emissions from and reliable bet. Bear in mind that other what renewable energy sources are used hydrogen fuel cells is attracting the attention alternative fuels would take between 10 in the production to start with. Other of the entire world. As renewable energy and 20 years to be accepted by marine critical aspects to consider in the selection sources are already today the cheapest classification societies, not to mention the of fuel for a new vessel are its availability energy source in many places, hydrogen can time required to develop infrastructure and and energy density. For fuels based on be used and produced in a sustainable way. bunkering facilities. biomaterial, the main challenge is the This great potential is offset by some Regardless of the potential of future fuels, local availability of sustainable feedstock. serious challenges, however. As with the internal combustion engine still has For most fuels, the current supply chain other renewables, one of the main issues the flexibility to burn most combustible is unevenly developed and will require related to developing this fuel cell is substances. By burning LNG in a modern substantial investment to accommodate cost. Significant progress has been made combustion engine, we can immediately future needs. within the automotive industry that could reduce GHG emissions by 20-25% compared Bio-LNG has a big advantage in that eventually improve the feasibility of marine with a diesel engine. Methane leakage many different kinds of sustainable applications as well. However, recent during production and combustion is still a feedstocks can be used, from manure via developments in the automotive industry challenge that negatively impacts the GHG sewage residue to forest residue and many indicate a preference for batteries over footprint of using LNG, as it is 28 times other types of waste. fuel cells for most applications that could

more potent than CO2. At the same time, possibly curb further fuel cell development. this is an opportunity for the industry to Fully electric propulsion enabled by batteries As in the case of large-capacity batteries, Sailing towards a carbon-neutral future improve, something Wärtsilä, Shell, and There are many challenges in developing the investment cost likely will plateau others have committed to doing. battery technology. First, capacity and cost at a higher level than for automotive are still not at a feasible level for the marine applications, due to the need for technology Trends of the future AUTHORS: Fredrik Östman, General Manager, Strategy & Business Development, Wärtsilä Marine Business industry. In 2018, the first fully electric cargo to mature and lower sales volumes. Reetta Kaila, Technology and Development Manager, Renewable Gases, Wärtsilä Marine Business Recent efforts have successfully reduced ship was launched in . It had a range The availability of hydrogen is another Sebastiaan Bleuanus, General Manager, Research coordination and funding, Wärtsilä Marine Business local emissions of nitrogen, sulphur oxides of 80 kilometres after two hours of charging. problem. Large-scale hydrogen production mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and particle matter from ship engines across This example demonstrates that battery based on electrolysis demands large amounts different regions of the world – a result of operation for larger vessels today is mainly of energy and has low total efficiency. This is ongoing and increasingly stringent emission restricted to port areas for tugs and ferries, perhaps the biggest challenge for hydrogen regulations by the IMO which began in the or for peak-shaving operations. as a fuel itself, and for any other synthetic 1990s and continue to the present. This is expected to remain true for the fuels based on hydrogen. Big changes are afoot in the shipping Organization (IMO) recently adopted a increased digitalisation of the industry and But GHG emissions are widely foreseeable future, meaning that other If renewable energy is available with even industry as a whole, and in marine new strategy aimed at reducing greenhouse the onboard utilization of wind and solar acknowledged as the primary source solutions are needed for the business of lower costs, the production of hydrogen propulsion generally, as the urgent need gases (GHG) from shipping by 50% by 2050 energy. of global warming, with all their well- long-distance shipping, which also is is not the biggest challenge, unless the to find a path towards zero-emissions compared with 2008 levels. This comes on The industry perspective overall and publicised consequences to the planet. responsible for the bulk of total shipping electrolysis is difficult to scale up. Another

shipping confronts a dramatic projected top of the previously established NOx and Wärtsilä’s in particular include exploring Thus far, there has not been a large- emissions. possibly bigger challenge involves the

increase in global shipping traffic by SOx caps that should be in place by 2020. these opportunities while bearing in mind scale industrialised solution to solving Secondly, charging batteries is time- storage of hydrogen as fuel, as well as the 2050. Shipping accounts for 90% of global The shipping industry needs to quickly profitability, scalability, and urgency. It is the emissions problem. In the short- and consuming and requires high charging operations of bunkering and transportation. trade, and while it is still the most efficient explore new solutions to cut emissions. increasingly understood that the internal medium-term, there is no known single power and related infrastructure to limit As a result, synthetic fuels are actually

way to move goods, it also is responsible The challenge is that there is no panacea combustion engine together with fossil (and solution to the challenge. There is more charging times. Another challenge with more attractive than H2 and can be for 3% of the world’s emissions, a figure yet that will create such a zero-emissions later bio or synthetic) LNG provides an potential for the long term, however. respect to emissions is that any pollution considered as a hydrogen carrier, when

that is projected to increase by as much shipping ecosystem. Instead, available excellent platform for actually achieving the There are currently four long-term from the onshore generated electricity bound to CO2 or N2 in the form of CH4

as 250% by 2050 as demand grows. opportunities and acknowledged trends set emission targets for 2050 and beyond. technology trends that can help mitigate must be attributed to operating the vessel. (methane) or NH3 (ammonia). include large scale roll-outs of alternative If the industry really wants to address climate change. Therefore, the electricity used should stem Onboard hydrogen storage solutions To mitigate the environmental impact of fuels (fully electric ships and hydrogen fuel emissions, the consensus is that the internal Alternative fuels using internal from hydro, solar and/or wind power to pose another problem. High-energy- this increase, the International Maritime cells, as popularised in the media), and combustion engine still offers the most combustion engines achieve zero emissions in a true sense. density hydrogen can be stored physically 46 in detail in detail 47 [ FUTURE / IN DETAIL ] WÄRTSILÄ TECHNICAL JOURNAL 02.2019


] DATA, TECHNOLOGY AND THE ENERGY Vessel emissions -40% -70% SOURCE WILL TAKE US TO 2030 Yearly Fleet Emissions (CO2 equivalent) Use of data in operation • Increased fleet efficiency • Increased asset utilisation 100 60 30 Energy storage and savings technologies

remaining gap • Energy production optimisation • Energy consumption optimisation • Hybridisation (batteries, fuel cells, etc)

/ IN DETAIL FUTURE Energy source [ Fleet emission impact of • Fossil LNG -40% emissions per vessel • blends • Renewable energy utilisation (wind, solar, etc.)

-50% GHG by 2050 for the whole fleet SUSTAINABLE FUELS AND ADVANCED One ship’s lifetime… TECHNOLOGIES WILL TAKE US TO 2050 Fleet emissions -50% • Bio/synthetic fuels for the combustion engine Base year 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 • Waste heat recovery 2008 2030 2050 • Carbon capture Medium growth scenario 40% emission improvement • Carbon credits

© Wärtsilä Data adapted from CE Delft Proprietary data; same modelling methodology as used in the 3rd IMO GHG study

The IMO 2050 challenge, which not only sets limits for ship-level emissions by 2030 and 2050, but also includes a whole-fleet emission limit by 2050. 2 © Wärtsilä A sustainablePUBLIC future requires cleaner fuels.

as either gas or liquid. As a gas, it typically increased emissions, operational costs, and the industry’s preeminent operating model, *) CO2 can be used directly in methanation to shared capacity will improve fill rates increase the biogas plant yield by 30-45%, requires high-pressure tanks, while storage significant delays. Excess - e or CO can be liquefied and transported to as a liquid requires cryogenic temperatures Eliminating this waste is the basis for and reduce unit costs, big data analytics renewable 2 O2 another site for PtX fuel production, where because the boiling point of hydrogen at one Wärtsilä’s Smart Marine Ecosystem. It will optimise both operations and energy energy excess of renewable energy is available. atmosphere is -253 degrees Celsius. Some focuses on connecting all agents and management, intelligent vessels will enable applications centre around linking it with parties in the shipping industry to create automated and optimised processes, and **) Synthetic Natural Gas Water H2 H2O solids or within solids. Storing hydrogen the needed transparency and dynamics to smart ports will deliver smoother and faster Electrolysis ***) Compressed Natural Gas in liquid form will require storage of the optimise the complete logistic chain rather port operations. fuel below -253 °C, under normal pressure, than sub-optimising the individual steps. Ambient air or CO **) a point source 2 SNG which adds to the complexity. This involves taking joint responsibility for Conclusions CO2 capture Methanation The most probable use of hydrogen is operations, working together, ensuring that Despite the significant challenges, a road as a component in producing synthetic the right parties have access to the necessary map towards zero-emissions shipping is *) CO2 fuels such as synthetic LNG, ammonia or information and can access it at the right beginning to crystallise. Already, sulphur, CO2 Liquefaction methanol. However, large-scale adoption of time. Smart Marine is about understanding particle or black carbon emissions and Raw Bio the hydrogen fuel cell as a primary energy that ships are only one element within the NOx emissions of a low-pressure engine Biowaste Anaerobic digester Gas Biogas Upgrading CH4 Liquefaction source is unlikely for many years to come complete logistics chain. Vessels have to are compliant with Tier III. But in order Gas and cannot be considered a solution for interact with ports, and they, in turn, have to reach the 2050 target set by the IMO, ***) meeting the IMO 2050 GHG targets. to interact with land-based transportation the industry must focus on rooting out CNG modes, all the way to the end customer. In inefficiencies, utilising onboard wind and 1 1 © Wärtsilä INTERNAL 29/10/2019 [Presentation name / Author] Optimised vessel operation the end, the main driver for this development solar power, increasing LNG investments Multiple pathways towards sustainable LNG. through digitalisation is the end customers’ need for transparency, globally, working on fuel flexibility Shipping is by far the most cost-effective way just-in-time arrival delivery and low costs. for engines, and expanding capacity to move goods around the world, and yet Optimising the connections between investments for biogas and synthetic fuels to it is characterised by waste, pollution and these elements will reduce fuel consumption be mixed with LNG. a multitude of inefficiencies, all of which and the related emissions significantly for To reach the targets of the Paris agreement renewable energy sources is imperative as we ammonia, methanol and fuel cells. However, To comply with the IMO targets, radical present opportunities. A major reason for the whole logistics chain as well as reduce and IMO 2050 we need to start acting now recover waste/side streams from agriculture, today the combustion engine with LNG change is needed – both in vessel design these inefficiencies is the lack of transparency delays in the deliveries. Digitalisation will and today the only established fuel that takes the food industry, landfills and wastewater is the only way to put a real dent in GHG and in power generation. However, the between the huge number of actors involved not by itself create zero-emission vessels, but us towards these goals is LNG. Fossil LNG treatment and turn that into biogas or bio- emissions. And the longer we wait, the main challenge is fuel, and the related in shipping goods today. The complexity it will significantly lower the energy needed is however only an intermediate fuel, and a LNG (LBG). In the future, there will be bigger the challenge will become. We have global investments in its production and and lack of real-time communication create for transporting goods. parallel increase in production capacity for other fuels and technologies that will help the means, we know the goal, so the time to infrastructure. congestion in high-traffic areas, leading to As the Smart Marine Ecosystem becomes making bio-LNG and synthetic LNG using us de-fossilise the shipping industry, such as act is now. 48 in detail in detail 49