Florida Latino Voters Survey Findings

1 1 Demographics Demographics of Latino Voters

Gender Country or territory of origin Men 45 Cuba 28 Women 55 Puerto Rico 22 Age Colombia 8 18-29 year olds 14 Dominican Republic 5 30-44 year olds 21 Mexico 4 45-54 year olds 19 Venezuela 4 55-64 year olds 19 All other 29 Seniors 65+ 27 Party registration Education Democrat 40 High school or less 21 Independent 28 Some college 33 Republican 33 College degree 28 Region Post Graduate 15 8 Union household Orlando Area 16 Yes 10 18 No 88 39 18

3 2 Political Landscape Bill Nelson holds a small lead in the U.S. Senate race, with the race close among most demographic groups

Senate Race Current Vote Nelson Scott Overall 44 15 41

Men 43 16 41 Women 45 13 42

<55 years of age 43 17 40 55+ 45 12 43

Democrats 72 12 16 Independents 43 22 35 Republicans 12 13 75

Non-college 41 14 45 College 49 14 37

5 Nelson does better in the North & Orlando regions; among Puerto Ricans, he is strongest with women and college graduates

Senate Race Current Vote Nelson Scott Overall 44 15 41

North Florida 55 17 28 East Florida 50 12 38 West Florida 46 12 42 Orlando 52 16 32 Miami 35 16 49

Cuban American 33 10 57 Puerto Rican 44 19 37 PR Men 31 20 49 PR Women 54 19 27 PR <55 41 20 39 PR 55+ 46 19 35 PR College 50 26 24 PR Non-college 40 15 45

6 3 Issues Immigration-related issues top the list of concerns among all major Latino voter demographic groups

What would you say is the most important issue or problem that will affect your vote for U.S. Senate?

22% Overall 21% Orlando Immigration/Family separation/Dreamers 17% Puerto Rican 21% Cuban

9 6 Jobs/unemployment/economy 7 11

7 9 Health care/hospitals 6 6

4 4 Taxes 1 6

8 When asked about specific issues, Florida Latino voters place a priority on jobs, health care and immigration

For each of the following issues, please tell me how important it is that your next senator address it. High importance* Somewhat/Don’t know Not important Puerto Rican Cuban Creating jobs 83 15 2 84 89

Expanding health care coverage 76 14 10 81 64

Addressing the issue of immigrants & 81 66 family separation 73 17 10 Passing comprehensive immigration reform 72 20 8 77 70

Rebuilding Puerto Rico 64 24 12 82 58

Developing affordable housing 62 27 11 72 59

Addressing climate change 60 23 17 66 58

Standing up to Veneuzelan regime 46 33 21 40 57

Standing up to Cuban regime 37 31 32 37 52

*Most important + very important 9 Most Latino voters believe the state has not done enough to create affordable housing

Is Florida state government doing enough to create affordable housing?

Not enough Right amount Too much Overall 61 22 5

North Florida 62 19 6 East Florida 63 0 22 3 West Florida 65 24 4 Orlando 61 24 3 Miami 57 20 8

Cuban American 55 23 6 Puerto Rican 62 24 2 PR Men 64 22 2 PR Women 60 26 3 PR <55 63 25 1 PR 55+ 61 23 4 PR College 57 29 2 PR Non-college 65 21 2

10 The President is seen as not having done enough to welcome Puerto Ricans to the state, especially among Puerto Ricans

For each of the following, please tell me if they’ve done enough to welcome Puerto Ricans to the state in the wake of Hurricane Maria.

Puerto Not enough Right amount Too much Orlando Rican Cuban

Governor Rick Scott 36 41 8 31 | 9 38 | 4 25 | 13

Senator Bill Nelson 29 33 6 23 | 5 32 | 2 24 | 6

President Donald Trump 58 28 5 69 | 2 72 | 2 35 | 7

The Federal government 49 35 5 48 | 2 56 | 2 29 | 5

State government 38 46 5 38 | 4 44 | 2 24 | 5

11 Over half of all groups believe global warming is happening, with even Republican Latinos more likely than not to say it is happening

Do you think global warming is happening?

Yes Don’t know No Overall 77 5 18

Democrats 91 4 5 Independents 80 6 15 Republicans 56 7 37

Cuban American 71 5 23 Puerto Rican 78 8 14 PR Men 68 7 26 PR Women 86 9 5 PR <55 83 4 13 PR 55+ 74 11 15 PR College 88 1 11 PR Non-college 72 12 16

12 Over three quarters of Florida Latino voters say the issue of global warming is serious, including over half of Republicans agree

How serious an issue is global warming on a 1-10 scale, with 10 being very serious and 1 being not serious at all? Not serious Serious (6-10) Not that serious (3-5) (1-2) Overall 76 12 8

Democrats 89 6 1 Independents 82 10 6 Republicans 53 22 19

Cuban American 69 17 10 Puerto Rican 76 14 7 PR Men 66 23 11 PR Women 85 7 3 PR <55 84 15 1 PR 55+ 70 13 12 PR College 85 8 7 PR Non-college 71 18 7

13 4 Participation Florida Latino voters say the current situation in the U.S. is motivating them to vote in more elections and register others to vote

For each of the following activities, please tell me if the current situation in the U.S. has made you more or less likely to do that activity, or has it had no effect on whether or not you will do it?

Puerto More likely DK/No effect Less likely Orlando Rican Cuban

Voting in more elections 78 18 4 74 | 6 77 | 4 75 | 5

Registering others to vote 65 25 10 65 | 12 67 | 9 58 | 10

Attending political events such as 45 33 22 40 | 28 39 | 27 41 | 20 rallies, marches and speeches

Getting involved in political 44 31 25 36 | 29 39 | 29 38 | 23 campaigns

15 5 Methodology Methodology

Global Strategy Group conducted a telephone survey of 400 registered Latino voters statewide in Florida and an oversample to yield 144 interviews in the Orlando area between July 30-August 5, 2018. The sampling margin of error on the base survey of 400 interviews is +/-4.9% at the 95% confidence level. The margin of error on the Orlando Area oversample is +/-8.2% at the 95% confidence level. The margin of error on sub-samples may be larger. Interviews were conducted in Spanish and English. Calls were made to both cell phones and landlines.