Author # Copies Title O'Reilly, Andrea 1 21st Century Motherhood: Experience, Identity, Policy, Agency Pilcher, Jane and Imelda Whelehan 1 50 Key Concepts in Gender Studies National Council of Women's Organizations 1 50 Ways to Improve Women's Lives: the Essential Women's Guide for Achieving Equality, Heath and Success Hull, N. E. H., Williamjames Hoffer, and Peter C. Hoffer (editors) 1 Abortion Rights Controversy in America, The: A Legal Reader Chesler, Phyllis 1 About Men Heiberger, Mary and Julia Vick 1 Academic Job Search Handbook, The Hodgson, Dorothy L. and Ethel Brooks (editors) 1 Activisms Pagels, Elaine 1 Adam, Eve, and the Serpent Gelpi, Barbara C. and Albert Gelpi 1 Adrienne Rich's Poetry and Prose Cohen, Carl and James P. Steba 1 Affirmative Action and Racial Preference: A Debate Oyěwùmí, Oyèrónké (editor) 1 African Gender Studies: A Reader McColly, Michael 1 After-Death Room Journey into Spiritual Activism, The Myles, Eileen 1 Afterglow (a dog memoir) Brownmiller, Susan 1 Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape Wharton, Edith 1 Age of Innocence, The Murayama, Milton 1 All I Asking for Is My Body Remarque, Erich M. 1 All Quiet on the Western Front Antler, Joyce 1 America and I: Short Stories by American Jewish Women Writers Martin, Wendy 1 American Sisterhood, The: Writings of the Feminist Movement from Colonial Times to the Present Costello, Cynthia B., Shari Miles, and Anne J. Stone 1 American Woman 1999-2000, The: A Century of Change--What's Next? Barrett, Eileen and Mary Cullinan 1 American Women Writers: Diverse Voices in Prose since 1845 MacLean, Nancy 1 American Women's Movement, 1945-2000, The Ruiz, Jason 1 Americans in the Treasure House Cudd, Ann E. 1 Analyzing Oppression Kushner, Tony 1 Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes Kushner, Tony 1 Angels in America: Part One: Millenium Approaches, Part Two: Perestroika Bly, Robert and Leonard Lewisohn 1 Angels Knocking on the Tavern Door, The Rotz, Barbara Danzeisen (editor) 1 Anima: The Journal of Human Experience Reydams-Schils, Gretchen 1 Anthology of Snakebites, An: On Women, Love and Philosophy Sophocles 1 Antigone Bloom, Harold 1 Anxiety of Influence, The: A Theory of Poetry Wojcik, Pamela Robertson 1 Apartment Plot, The: Urban Living in American Film and Popular Culture 1945-1975 Podolefsky, Aaron and Peter Brown 1 Applying Cultural Anthropology: An Introductory Reader — 3rd Edition Fortunati, Leopoldina 1 Arcane of Reproduction, The: Housework, Prostitution, Labor and Capital Douglass, Marcia and Lisa Douglass 1 Are We Having Fun Yet? The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Sex MacKinnon, Catharine A. 1 Are Women Human? And Other International Dialogues Bechdel, Alison 2 Are You My Mother? Counihan, Carole M. 1 Around the Tuscan Table Colapinto, John 1 As Nature Made Him: The Boy who was Raised as a Girl Huk, Romana (editor) 1 Assembling Alternatives: Reading Postmodern Poetries Transnationally Chopin, Kate 2 Awakening, The Faludi, Susan 1 Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women Gay, Roxane 1 Bad Feminist Rothman, Felice 1 Bagatelle - Guinevere Wallen, Jacqueline 1 Balancing Work and Family: The Role of the Workplace

Page 1 Striffler, Steve and Mark Moberg 1 Banana Wars: Power, Production, and History in the Americas Enloe, Cynthia 3 Bananas, Beaches, and Bases: Making Feminist Sense of International Politics Rambo, Cat 1 Beasts of Tabat (The Tabat Quartet) Jahme, Carole 1 Beauty and the Beasts: Woman, Ape and Evolution Schreier, Barbara A. 1 Becoming American Women: Clothing and the Jewish Immigrant Experience, 1880-1920 Bridenthal, Renate and Claudia Koonz (editors) 1 Becoming Visible: Women in European History Ochs, Carol 1 Behind the Sex of God Darrieussecq, Marie 1 Being Here is Everything Edgeworth, Maria 1 Belinda Plath, Sylvia 1 Bell Jar, The Perry, Rhodes 1 Belonging At Work: Everyday Actions You Can Take to Cultivate an Inclusive Organization Block, Gay 1 Bertha Alyce: Mother exposed ND Watch 3 Best Practices for Women: Negotiating the University of Notre Dame Ascher, Carol; DeSalvo, Louise; and Ruddick, Sara 1 Between Women: Biographers, Novelists, Critics, Teachers and Artists Write about Their Work on Women Eichenbaum, Luise and Orbach, Susie 1 Between Women: Love, Envy and Competition in Women's Friendships Daly, Mary 1 Beyond God the Father: Toward a Philosophy of Women's Liberation Schneiders, Sandra M. 1 Beyond Patching: Faith and Feminism in The Catholic Church Lentz, John and Greg Wagman (editors) 1 Beyond Politics: An Undergraduate Review of Politics — Election 2008 Edition Rosen, Norma 1 Biblical Women Unbound: Counter-Tales Vallone, Lynne 1 Big and Small: A Cultural History of Extraordinary Bodies Okorafor, Nnedi 1 Binti Guerrilla Girls 1 Bitches, Bimbos and Ball Breakers: The Guerrilla Girls' Illustrated Guide to Female Stereotypes Barr, Nevada 1 Bittersweet Christian, Barbara 1 Black Feminist Criticism: Perspectives on Black Women Writers Hill Collins, Patricia 1 Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment Brown, Ruth Nicole 1 Black Girlhood Celebration: Toward a Hip-Hop Feminist Pedagogy Snorton, C. Riley 2 Black on Both Sides: A Racial History of Trans Identity Hill Collins, Patricia 1 Black Sexual Politics: African Americans, Gender, and the New Racism Evaristo, Bernadine 1 Blonde Roots Yamanaka, Lois-Ann 1 Blu's Hanging Bogen, Nancy 1 Bobe Mayse: A Tale of Washington Square Bird, Darlene and Yvonne Sherwood 1 Bodies in Question: Gender, Religion, Text Scarry, Elaine 1 Body in Pain, The Demello, Margo 1 Body Studies: An Introduction Schalk, Sami 1 Bodyminds Reimagined: (Dis)ability, Race, and Gender in Black Women's Speculative Fiction Anzaldua, Gloria 1 Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza Fey, Tina 1 Bossypants Yamashita, Karen T. 1 Brazil-Maru Palmer, Barbara amd Dennis Simon 1 Breaking the Political Glass Ceiling: Women and Congressional Elections — 2nd Edition Tessman, Lisa 1 Burdened Virtues: Virtue Ethics for Libratory Struggles O'Neill, Daniel I. 1 Burke-Wollstonecraft Debate, The: Savagery, Civilization, and Democracy Novak, Michael 1 Business as a Calling Tippett, Maria 1 By A Lady: Celebrating Three Centuries of Art by Canadian Women Chavez, Lydia 1 Capitalism, God, and a Good Cigar Cancian, Francesca M. and Stacey J. Oliker 2 Caring and Gender Miles, Margaret R. 1 Carnal Knowing: Female Nakedness and Religious Meaning in the Christian West

Page 2 Aldrich, Ann 1 Carol in a Thousand Cities Nakashima Brock, Rita and Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite 1 Casting Stones: Prostitution and Liberation in Asia and the United States Pope John Paul II 1 Catechism of the Catholic Church — 2nd Edition Sumrall, Amber C. and Patrice Vecchione 1 Catholic Girls Tentler, Leslie W. 1 Catholics and Contraception: An American History McCaughey, Martha 1 Caveman Mystique, The: Pop-Darwinism and the Debates Over Sex, Violence, and Science Trolander, Imogen D. and Phyllis L. Jackson (coordinators) 1 Celebrating Women: The Women’s Park of Yellow Springs Department of Health & Human Services 1 Century of Women's Health 1900-2000, A McClintock-Fulkerson, Mary 1 Changing the Subject: Women's Discourses and Feminist Theology Peiss, Kathy 1 Cheap Amusements: Working Women and Leisure in the Turn-of-the-Century New York Goldsmith, John, John Kolmos, and Penny Schine Gold 1 Chicago Guide to Your Academic Career, The Brooks, Andrée Aelion 1 Children of Fast-Track Parents Toder, Nancy 1 Choices: A Classic Lesbian Love Story Weismantel, Mary 1 Cholas and Pishtacos: Stories of Race and Sex in the Andes Doering, Jane E. and Eric O. Springsted (editors) 1 Christian Platonism of Simone Weil, The Hellwig, Monika K. 1 Christian Women in a Troubled World Coll, Regina A. 2 Christianity and Feminism in Conversation Brown, Joanne C. and Carole R. Bohn 1 Christianity, Patriarchy, and Abuse: A Feminist Critique Moll, Helmut (editor) 1 Church and Women, The: A Compendium Orenstein, Peggy 1 Cinderella Ate My Daughter Kackman, Michael 1 Citizen Spy: Television, Espionage, and the Cold War Culture Gutman, Marta 1 City For Children, A: Women, Architecture, and the Charitable Landscapes of Oakland, 1850-1950 Walkowitz, Judith 1 City of Dreadful Delight: Narratives of Sexual Danger in Late-Victorian London Foley, Nadine 1 Claiming Our Truth: Reflections on Identity by United Sates Women Religious Richardson, Samuel 1 Clarissa, or, The History of a Young Lady Nussbaum, Martha C. 1 Clash Within, The: Democracy, Religious Violence, and India's Future Tatar, Maria (editor) 1 Classic Fairy Tales, The 8th Day Center for Justice 1 Cleaning Up Sexist Language Bandy, Joe and Smith, Jackie 1 Coalitions across Borders: Transnational Protest and the Neoliberal Order Todd, Janet (editor) 1 Collected Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft, The Appiah, Kwame Anthony 1 Color Conscious: The Political Morality of Race Walker, Alice 1 Color Purple, The Young, Gay and Bette J Dickerson 1 Color, Class & Country: Experiences of Gender O'Neill, Craig and Kathleen Ritter, Kathleen 1 Coming Out Within: Stages of Spiritual Awakening for Lesbians and Gay Men Odem, Mary E. and Jody Clay-Warner (editors) 1 Confronting Rape and Sexual Assualt Greene, Stuart, April Lidinsky, and Kevin Gibley 1 Constructing Identities: A Rhetoric and Reader Robyn, Lisa 1 Corporate Dominatrix, The Appiah, Kwame Anthony 2 Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers Vrato, Elizabeth 1 Counselors, The: Conversations with 18 Courageous Women who have Changed the World Sack, Allen L. 1 Counterfeit Amateurs: An Athlete's Journey Through the Sixties to the Age of Academic Capitalism Wycherley, William 1 Country Wife, The — 2nd Edition Perry, Linda A. and Patricia Geist 1 Courage of Conviction: Women's Words, Women's Wisdom O'Brien, John A. 1 Courtship and Marriage: How to Prepare for Lifelong Love Booth, Wayne, Gregory Colomb, and Williams, Joseph 1 Craft of Research, The Alliaume, Karen Trimble (guest editor) 1 Cross Currents: Summer 1998 Rogoff, Barbara 1 Cultural Nature Of Human Development, The

Page 3 Lerner, Harriet Goldhor 1 Dance of Anger, The: A Woman's Guide to Changing the Patterns of Intimate Relationships Lerner, Harriet Goldhor 1 Dance of Deception, The: Pretending and Truth-Telling in Women's Lives Lerner, Harriet Goldhor 1 Dance of Intimacy, The Lee, Bernard and Michael Cowan 1 Dangerous Memories: House Churches and our American Story Shange, Ntozake 1 Daughter's Geography, A Twiss, Jill 1 Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo, A Winter, Mirian Therese, Adair Lummis, and Allison Stokes 1 Defecting in Place: Women Claiming Responsibility for Their Own Spiritual Lives Meehan, Bridget M. 1 Delighting in the Feminine Divine Fine, Cordelia 1 Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference de Tocqueville, Alexis; Mansfield, Harvey C. and Delba Winthrop (editors) 1 Democracy in America Schor, Naomi, Elizabeth Weed, and Eileen Ronney 1 Differences: Women's Studies on the Edge (A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies) Reger, Jo 1 Different Wavelengths: Studies of the Contemporary Women's Movement Palmer, Alison 1 Diplomat and Priest: One Woman's Challenge to State and Church Vallone, Lynne 1 Disciplines of Virtue: Girls' Culture in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries DeJean, Joan and Nancy K. Miller 1 Displacements: Women, Tradition, Literatures in French Gilbert, Michael 1 Disposable Male, The: Sex, Love and Money: Your World Through Darwin's Eyes Mollenkott, Virginia R. 1 Divine Feminine, The: The Biblical Imagery of God as Female Christ, Carol P. 1 Diving Deep and Surfacing: Women Writers on Spiritual Quest — 2nd Edition Christ, Carol P. 1 Diving Deep and Surfacing: Women Writers on Spiritual Quest — 3rd Edition Rich, Adrienne 1 Diving into the Wreck (Poems 1971-1972) Enloe, Cynthia 1 Does Khaki Become You? The Militarization of Women's Lives Ibsen, Hendrik 1 Doll's House, A Zipes, Jack 1 Don't Bet on the Prince: Contemporary Feminist Fairy Tales in North America and England Manne, Kate 1 Down Girl: the Logic of Misogyny Henslin, James M. 1 Down to Earth Sociology: Introductory Readings — 8th Edition Elaine Dundy 1 Dud Avocado, The Pascoe, C.J. 1 Dude, You're a Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School Chu, Louis 1 Eat a Bowl of Tea Hoeschele, Wolfgang 1 Economics of Abundance: A of Freedom, Equity, and Sustainability DuBois, Ellen C. 1 Elizabeth Cady Stanton-Susan B. Anthony Reader, The: Correspondence, Writings, Speeches — Revised Edition Cooper, Brittney 1 Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower Daughters of Saint Paul 1 Embracing Our Essence: Spiritual Conversations with Prominent Women Brown, Adrienne Marie 1 Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds Smith, Michelle J. 1 Empire in British Girls' Literature and Culture: Imperial girls, 1880-1915 Sharma, Jayetta 1 Empire's Garden Sachs, Jeffrey D. 1 End of , The Denmark, Florence L., Vita C. Rabinowitz, and Jeri A. Sechzer 1 Engendering Psychology: Women and Gender Revisited — 2nd Edition Freedman, Estelle 1 Essential Feminist Reader, The Appiah, Kwame Anthony 1 Ethics of Identity, The Burney, Frances 1 Evelina Douthwaite, Julia V. 1 Exotic Women: Literary Heroines and Cultural Strategies in Ancient Regime France Solomon, Barbara H. 1 Experience of the American Woman, The: 30 Stories Cyrus, Virginia 1 Experiencing Race, Class, and Gender in the United States —2nd Edition Pascoe, C.J. and Tristan Bridges 1 Exploring Masculinities Kephart, William M. and William W. Zellner, William W. 1 Extraordinary Groups: An Examination of Unconventional Life-Styles —5th Edition Adcock, Fleur 1 Faber Book of 20th Century Women's Poetry, The

Page 4 Keller, Catherine 1 Face of the Deep: A Theology of Becoming Urbatsch, R. 1 Families' Values: How Parents, Siblings and Children Affect Political Attitudes Botting, Eileen H. 1 Family Feuds: Wollstonecraft, Burke, and Rousseau on the Transformation of the Family Moreno, Marisel C. 1 Family Matters: Puerto Rican Women Authors on the Island and the Mainland Block, Joyce 1 Family Myths Shanker, Wendy 1 Fat Girl's Guide to Life, The Ziegler, Catherine 1 Favored Flowers Keller, Evelyn F. 1 Feeling for the Organism, A: The Life and Work of Barbara McClintock O'Connor Frances and Becky S. Drury 1 Female Face in Patriarchy, The: Oppression as Culture Coffin, Tristram P. 1 Female Hero In Folklore and Legend, The Lennox, Charlotte 1 Female Quixote, The Clement, Catherine and Julia Kristeva 1 Feminine and the Sacred, The Anderson, Sherry R. and Patricia Hopkins 1 Feminine Face of God, The: The Unfolding of the Sacred in Women Friedan, Betty 1 Feminine Mystique, The Brownmiller, Susan 1 femininity Cormody, Denise L. 1 Feminism and Christianity: A Two-Way Reflection Isaak, Jo Anna 1 Feminism and Contemporary Art: The Revolutionary Power of Women's Laughter Scott, Joan 2 Feminism and History Lloyd, Genevieve 1 Feminism and History of Philosophy Murphy, Peter F. 1 Feminism and Masculinities Phillips, Anne 1 Feminism and Politics Bhavnani, Kum-Kum 1 Feminism and 'Race' Keller, Evelyn F. and Helen E. Longino 1 Feminism and Science Schiebinger, Londa 1 Feminism and The Body Fricker, Miranda and Jennifer Hornsby (editors) 1 Feminism in Philosophy Juschka, Darlene M. 1 Feminism in the Study of Religion: A Reader Marinucci, Mimi 1 Feminism Is Queer: The Intimate Connection Between Queer and Feminist Theory Landes, Joan B. 1 Feminism, the Public and the Private Schneir, Miriam 1 Feminism: The Essential Historical Writings Showalter, Elaine (editor) 1 Feminist Criticism: Essays on Women, Literature & Theory Walker, Barbara G. 1 Feminist Fairy Tales Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca (editor) 1 Feminist Formations: Volume 22, Issue 1, Spring 2010 Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca (editor) 1 Feminist Formations: Volume 22, Issue 2, Summer 2010 — The Politics and Rhetorics of Embodiment Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca (editor) 1 Feminist Formations: Volume 22, Issue 3, Fall 2010 — Women in the Middle East Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca (editor) 1 Feminist Formations: Volume 23, Issue 1, Spring 2011 Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca (editor) 1 Feminist Formations: Volume 23, Issue 2, Summer 2011 Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca (editor) 1 Feminist Formations: Volume 23, Issue 3, Fall 2011 Licona, Adela C. and Sandra K. Soto (editors) 1 Feminist Formations: Volume 24, Issue 1, Spring 2012 Licona, Adela C. and Sandra K. Soto (editors) 1 Feminist Formations: Volume 24, Issue 2, Summer 2012 Licona, Adela C. and Sandra K. Soto (editors) 1 Feminist Formations: Volume 24, Issue 3, Winter 2012 Soto, Sandra K. (editor) 1 Feminist Formations: Volume 25, Issue 1, Spring 2013 Soto, Sandra K. (editor) 1 Feminist Formations: Volume 25, Issue 2, Summer 2013 Soto, Sandra K. (editor) 1 Feminist Formations: Volume 25, Issue 3, Winter 2013 Soto, Sandra K. (editor) 1 Feminist Formations: Volume 26, Issue 1, Spring 2014 Soto, Sandra K. (editor) 1 Feminist Formations: Volume 26, Issue 2, Summer 2014 Soto, Sandra K. (editor) 1 Feminist Formations: Volume 26, Issue 3, Winter 2014

Page 5 Locke, Jill and Eileen Hunt Botting 1 Feminist Interpretations of Alexis de Tocqueville Gilbert, Sandra M. and Susan Gubar 1 Feminist Literary Theory and Criticism Newlon Radner, Joan (editor) 1 Feminist Messages: Coding in Women's Folk Culture Marx Ferree, Myra and Patricia Yancey Martin 1 Feminist Organizations: Harvest of the New Women's Movement Langland, Elizabeth and Walter Gove 1 Feminist Perspective in the Academy, A: The Difference It Makes Nagy Hesse-Biber, Sharlene and Michelle L. Yaiser 1 Feminist Perspectives on Social Research Kourany, Janet A., James P. Sterba, and Rosemarie Tong 1 Feminist Philosophies: Problems, Theories and Applications —2nd Edition Martin, Francis 1 Feminist Question, The Nagy Hesse-Biber, Sharlene and Patricia Leavy 1 Feminist Research Practice Wilkinson, Sue 1 Feminist Social Psychologies: International Perspectives Moses, Claire G. 1 Feminist Studies: Volume 19, Number 1, Spring 1993 Malson, Micheline R., Jean F. O'Barr, Sarah Westphal-Wihl, and Mary Wyer 1 Feminist Theory in Practice and Process Tong, Rosemarie 2 Feminist Thought: A Comprehensive Introduction Badran, Margot 1 Feminists, Islam, and Nation Kolmar, Wendy K. and Frances Bartkowski 2 Feminst Theory: A Reader — 4th Edition Thom, Kai Cheng 1 Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars: A Dangerous Trans Girl's Confabulous Memoir Meem, Deborah T., Michelle A. Gibson, and Jonathan F. Alexander 1 Finding Out: An Introduction to LGBT Studies Sullivan, Ruth (editor) 1 Fine Lines: The Best of Ms. Fiction Kushner, Rachel 1 Flamethrowers, The Hallett, Martin and Barbara Karasek 1 Folk & Fairy Tales — 4th Edition Dujon, Diane and Ann Withorn 1 For Crying Out Loud: Women's Poverty in the United States Frohlich, Margaret G. 1 Framing the Margin: Nationality and Sexuality Across Borders Douthwaite, Julia V. 1 Frankenstein of 1790 and Other Lost Chapters from Revolutionary France, The LaCugna, Catherine M. 1 Freeing Theology: The Essentials of Theology in Feminist Perspective Oliver, Kelly 1 French Feminism Reader Scott, Joan W. 1 French Feminists Claim the Right of 'Man': Olympe de Gouges in the French Revolution Weir, Kimberly 1 From Jicama to Jackfruit: The Global Political Economy of Food Warner, Marina 1 From the Beast to the Blonde: On Fairy Tales and Their Tellers Nussbaum, Martha C. 2 Frontiers of Justice Disability, Nationality, Species Membership Valenti, Jessica 1 Full Frontal Feminism: A Young Woman's Guide to Why Feminism Matters Ruether, Rosemary R. 1 Gaia & God: An Ecofeminist Theology of Earth Healing Hagedorn, Jessica 1 Gangster of Love, The Greif, Martin 1 Gay Book of Days, The Rand, Lou 1 Gay Detective, The Connell, R. W. 1 Gender Connell, R. W. 1 Gender — 2nd Edition Carroll, Susan and Richard Fox 1 Gender & Elections: Shaping the Future of American Politics Kirby, Erika and Chad McBride 1 Gender Actualized: Cases in Communicatively Constructing Realities Stone, Linda and Nancy P. McKee 1 Gender and Culture in America — 2nd Edition Coltrane, Scott 2 Gender and Families Commonwealth Secretariat 1 Gender and Human Rights in the Commonwealth Kearney, Mary Celeste 1 Gender and Media Reader, The Selected Papers from the AAUW College/Unviersity Symposium 1 Gender and Race on the Campus and in the School: Beyond Affirmative Action Bynum, Caroline W., Stevan Harrell, and Paula Richman 1 Gender and Religion: On the Complexity of Symbols Kearney, Mary Celeste 1 Gender and Rock Accampo, Elinor A., Rachel G. Fuchs, and Mary L. Stewart 1 Gender and the Politics of Social Reform in France 1870-1914

Page 6 Di Leonardo, Micaela 2 Gender at the Crossroads of Knowledge: Feminist Anthropology in the Postmodern Era United Nations Research Institute for Social Development 1 Gender Equality: Striking for Justice in an Unequal World Brettell, Caroline B. and Carolyn F. Sargent 1 Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective — 4th Edition Barkaia, Maia and Alisse Waterston 1 Gender in Georgia: Feminist Perspective on Culture, Nation, and History in the South Caucasus Risman, Barbara J. and Pepper Schwartz 1 Gender in Intimate Relationships: A Microstructural Approach Johnson, Allan G. 2 Gender Knot, The: Unraveling Our Patriachal Legacy Kourany, Janet A. 1 Gender of Science, The Ashton-Jones, Evelyn and Gary A. Olson 1 Gender Reader, The Lindsey, Linda L. 1 Gender Roles: A Sociological Perspective — 4th Edition Foss, Sonja K., Mary E. Domenico, and Karen A. Foss 1 Gender Stories: Negotiating Identity in a Binary World Zinn, Maxine B., Pierrette Honagneu-Sotelo, and Michael A. Messner 1 Gender through the Prism of Difference — 2nd Edition Butler, Judith 1 Gender Trouble Beneria, Lourdes 1 Gender, Development, and Globalization: Economics As If All People Mattered Staggenborg, Suzanne 1 Gender, Family, and Social Movements King, Ursula and Tina Beattle 1 Gender, Religion and Diversity: Cross-Cultural Perspectives Jaggar, Alison and Susan Bordo 1 Gender/Body/Knowledge: Feminist Reconstructions of Being and Knowing Wade, Lisa and Marx Myra Ferree 1 Gender: Ideas, Interactions, Institutions Brannon, Linda 1 Gender: Psychological Perspectives — 4th Edition Kimmel, Michael S. and Amy Aronson 1 Gendered Society Reader, The — 2nd Edition Kimmel, Michael S. and Amy Aronson 3 Gendered Society Reader, The — 3rd Edition Evans, Jennifer and Ciara Meehan 1 Genders and Sexualities in History: Perceptions of Pregnancy from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century Pope John Paul II 1 Genius of Women, The Ohmer, Susan 1 George Gallup in Hollywood Jensen, Robert 1 Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity Baldwin, James 1 Giovanni's Room Greenfield, Lauren 1 Girl Culture Aronowitz, Nona Willis and Emma Bee Bernstein 2 Girl Drive: Criss-Crossing America, Redefining Feminism Kearney, Mary Celeste 1 Girls Make Media Ostrov Weisser, Susan 1 Glass Slipper, The: Women and Love Stories Morrison, Heidi (editor) 1 Global History of Childhood Reader, The Smith, Jackie and Hank Johnston 1 Globalization and Resistance: Transnational Dimensions of Social Movements Buss, Doris and Didi Herman 1 Globalizing Family Values: The Christian Right in International Politics Moghadam, Valentine M. 1 Globalizing Women: Transnational Feminist Networks Keller, Catherine 1 God and Power: Counter-Apocalyptic Journeys Gimbutas, Marija 1 Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe, The: Myths and Cult Images Bolen, Jean Shinoda 1 Goddesses in Everywoman: A New Psychology of Women Wardle, Ralph M. 1 Godwin & Mary: Letters of William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft Ensler, Eve 1 Good Body, The King, Karen L. 1 Gospel of Mary of Magdala, The: Jesus and the First Woman Apostle Smith, Andrew 1 Grasshopper Jungle Baumgardner, Jennifer and Amy Richards 1 Grassroots: A Field Guide for Feminist Activism Weil, Simone 1 Gravity and Grace Fitzgerald, F. Scott 1 Great Gatsby, The Deen, Edith 1 Great Women of the Christian Faith Johnston, Jill 1 Gullibles Travels Daly, Mary 1 Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism

Page 7 Atwood, Margaret 1 Handmaid's Tale, The Gerson, Kathleen 1 Hard Choices: How Women Decide about Work, Career, and Motherhood Shaarawi, Huda 1 Harem Years: The Memoirs of an Egyptian Feminist Carlson, Karen J., Stephanie A. Eisenstat, and Terra Ziporyn 1 Harvard Guide to Women's Health, The Plant, Judith 1 Healing the Wounds: The Promise of Ecofeminism Brown, Ruth Nicole 1 Hear Our Truths: The Creative Potential of Black Girlhood Conrad, Joseph 1 Heart of Darkness — 4th Edition Chittister, Joan D. 1 Heart of Flesh: A Feminist Spirituality for Women and Men Dworkin, Andrea 1 Heartbreak: The Political Memoir of a Feminist Militant Rambo, Cat 1 Hearts of Tabat Kingsolver, Barbara 1 High Tide in Tucson Rotman, Deborah 1 Historical Archaeology of Gendered Lives Johnson, Samuel 1 History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia, The Dicker, Rory C. 1 History of U.S. Feminisms, A Thebaud, Frencoise (editor) 1 History of Women in the West, Vol. V, A: Toward a Cultural Identity in the Twentieth Century Bynum, Caroline W. 1 Holy Feast and Holy Fast Boston University (publisher) 1 Hoochie Reader: Issue 2, Spring 2018 McDermott, Courtney 1 How They Spend Their Sundays Moran, Caitlin 1 How to Be a Woman Taylor, Keeanga-Yamahtta (editor) 1 How We Get Free: Black Feminism and the Combahee River Collective Ling, Ding 1 I Myself Am a Woman: Selected Writings of Ding Ling Warshaw, Robin 2 I Never Called It Rape Vesaas, Tarjei 1 Ice Palace, The Calvino, Italo 1 If On a Winter's Night a Traveler Ferguson, Mary A. 1 Images of Women in Literature — 2nd Edition Palko, Abigail L. 1 Imagining Motherhood in Contemporary Irish and Caribbean Literature Gilligan, Carol 1 In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women's Development Fiorenza, Elizabeth S. 1 In Memory of Her: A Feminist Theological Reconstruction of Christian Origins Appiah, Kwame Anthony 1 In My Father's House: Africa in the Philosophy of Culture Genovesi, Vincent J. 1 In Pursuit of Love: Catholic Morality and Human Sexuality —2nd Edition Walker, Alice 1 In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens Graff, Ann O. 1 In the Embrace of God: Feminist Approaches to Theological Anthropology Frymer-Kensky, Tikva 1 In the Wake of the Goddesses Sleeper-Smith, Susan 1 Indian Women and French Men Spelman, Elizabeth 1 Inessential Woman: Problems of Exclusion in Feminist Thought Saini, Angela 1 Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong - and the New Reasearch That's Rewriting the Story Hollies, Linda H. 1 Inner Healing for Broken Vessels: Seven Steps to a Woman's Way of Healing DeShazer, Mary K. 1 Inspiring Women: Reimaging the Muse Lahiri, Jhumpa 1 Interpreter of Maladies Hill Collins, Patricia 1 Intersectionality D'Emilio, John and Estelle B. Freedman 2 Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality In America Nichols, Bill 1 Introduction to Documentary Birkland, Thomas A. 1 Introduction to the Policy Process, An: Theories, Concepts, and Models of Public Policy Making Gillis, Melissa J. and Andrew T. Jacobs 4 Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach Ellison, Ralph 1 Invisible Man Finn, Carina 1 Invisible Reveille

Page 8 Frohlich, Margaret G. 1 Ireland's Others: Gender and Ethnicity in Irish Literature and Popular Culture Haddad, Yvonne Yazbeck and John L. Esposito (editors) 1 Islam, Gender, and Social Change Wahlberg, Rachel C. 1 Jesus According to a Woman Sloyan, Gerard S. 1 Jesus in Focus: A Life in its Setting Koltun, Elizabeth (editor) 1 Jewish Woman, The: New Perspectives The New Woman Collective 1 Jewish Women's Awareness Guide, The Fox, Christopher 1 Jonathan Swift Fielding, Henry 1 Joseph Andrews and Shamela Baird, Leonard L. (editor) 1 Journal of Higher : Volume 66, Number 3, May/June 1995 Dinshaw, Carolyn and David M. Halperin (editors) 1 Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies: Volume 1, Number 1, 1993 Dinshaw, Carolyn and David M. Halperin (editors) 1 Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies: Volume 1, Number 3, 1994 Dinshaw, Carolyn and David M. Halperin (editors) 1 Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies: Volume 1, Number 4, 1995 Dinshaw, Carolyn and David M. Halperin (editors) 1 Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies: Volume 2, Number 1-2, 1995 Dinshaw, Carolyn and David M. Halperin (editors) 1 Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies: Volume 2, Number 3, 1995 Dinshaw, Carolyn and David M. Halperin (editors) 1 Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies: Volume 2, Number 4, 1995 Dinshaw, Carolyn and David M. Halperin (editors) 1 Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies: Volume 3, Number 1, 1996 Dinshaw, Carolyn and David M. Halperin (editors) 1 Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies: Volume 3, Number 2-3, 1996 Blasium, Mark (editor) 1 Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies: Volume 3, Number 4, 1997 Dinshaw, Carolyn and David M. Halperin (editors) 1 Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies: Volume 4, Number 1, 1998 Dinshaw, Carolyn and David M. Halperin (editors) 1 Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies: Volume 5, Number 1, 1999 Dinshaw, Carolyn and David M. Halperin (editors) 1 Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies: Volume 5, Number 2, 1999 Dinshaw, Carolyn and David M. Halperin (editors) 1 Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies: Volume 5, Number 3, 1999 Dinshaw, Carolyn and David M. Halperin (editors) 1 Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies: Volume 6, Number 1, 2000 Dinshaw, Carolyn and David M. Halperin (editors) 1 Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies: Volume 6, Number 2, 2000 Dinshaw, Carolyn and David M. Halperin (editors) 1 Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies: Volume 6, Number 3, 2000 Dinshaw, Carolyn and David M. Halperin (editors) 1 Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies: Volume 6, Number 4, 2000 Dinshaw, Carolyn and David M. Halperin (editors) 1 Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies: Volume 7, Number 3, 2001 Doyle, James A. (editor) 1 Journal of Men's Studies, The: Volume 20, Number 1, Winter 2012 Doyle, James A. (editor) 1 Journal of Men's Studies, The: Volume 20, Number 3, Fall 2012 Doyle, James A. and Merle Longwood (editors) 1 Journal of Men's Studies, The: Volume 21, Number 1, Winter 2013 Doyle, James A. and Cohen Maurino (editors) 1 Journal of Men's Studies, The: Volume 21, Number 2, Spring 2013 Doyle, James A. (editor) 1 Journal of Men's Studies, The: Volume 21, Number 3, Fall 2013 Doyle, James A. (editor) 1 Journal of Men's Studies, The: Volume 22, Number 1, Winter 2014 Doyle, James A. (editor) 1 Journal of Men's Studies, The: Volume 22, Number 2, Spring 2014 Doyle, James A. (editor) 1 Journal of Men's Studies, The: Volume 22, Number 3, Fall 2014 Dougherty, Benjamin J. (editor) 1 Journal of Undergraduate Research: Volume 1, Issue 2, 2005/2006 McLaughlin, Brennan and Wing Yan Wong 1 Journal of Undergraduate Research: Volume 1, Issue 6, 2009/2010 Hartmann, Heidi 1 Journal of Women, Politics & Policy: Volume 27, Number 1/2, 2005 Huntemann, Nina B. and Matthew Thomas Payne (editors) 1 Joystick Soldiers: The Politics of Play in Military Video Games Sterba, James P. 1 Justice for Here and Now Aldridge, Sarah 1 Keep To Me, Stranger Kolbenschlag, Madonna 2 Kiss Sleeping Beauty Good-Bye: Breaking the Spell of Feminine Myths and Models Bogen, Nancy 1 Klytaimnestra Who Stayed at Home Rosaldo, Michelle Z. 1 Knowledge and Passion: Ilongot Notions of Self & Social Life Moi, Toril (editors) 1 Kristeva Reader, The Johnson, Buffie 1 Lady of the Beasts: Ancient Images of the Goddess and Her Sacred Animals

Page 9 Handy, Amber 1 Language of Gender, Power and Agency in Celtic Studies, The Cimblitas 1 Language of the Goddess, The Frank, Fracine Wattman and Paula A. Treichler 1 Language, Gender, and Professional Writing Muto, Susan 1 Late Have I Loved Thee: The Recovery of Intimacy Espinosa, Gatson 1 Latino Pentecostals in America: Faith and Politics in Action Sandberg, Sheryl 1 Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead Thandeka 1 Learning To Be White Finn, Carina 1 Lemonworld & Other Poems Rimmerman, Craig 1 Lesbian and Gay Movements, The: Assimilation or Liberation — 2nd Edition Covina, Gina and Galana Laurel 1 Lesbian Reader, The: An Amazon Quarterly Anthology Hewlett, Sylvia A. 1 Lesser Life, A: The Myth of Women's Liberation in America Ford, Laura C. 1 Liberal Education and the Canon: Five Great Texts Speak to Contemporary Social Issues Davis, Rebecca H. 1 Life in the Iron Mills: of The Korl Woman Friedan, Betty 1 Life So Far: A Memoir Solorzano, Laura; Hofer, Jen (translator) 1 Lip Wolf/Lobo de Labio Findlen, Barbara 1 Listen UP: Voices From the Next Feminist Generation Moers, Ellen 1 Literary Women: The Great Writers Glasberg, Elena and Robyn Wiegman 1 Literature and Gender: Thinking Critically through Fiction, Poetry, and Drama Sexton, Anne 1 Live or Die Ahmed, Sara 1 Living a Feminist Life Eller, Cynthia 1 Living in the Lap of the Goddess: The Feminist Spirituality Movement in America Sanders, Cheryl J. 1 Living the Intersection: Womanism and Afrocentrism in Theology Betterton, Rosemary (editor) 1 Looking On: Images of Femininity in the Visual Arts and Media Golding, William 1 Lord of The Flies Lott, Eric 1 Love & Theft: Blackface Minstrelsy and the American Working Class Wojtyla, Karol 1 Love and Responsibility Williams, Kayla 1 Love My Rifle More Than You: Young and Female in the U. S. Army Lewis, Earl and Heidi Ardizzone 1 Love On Trial: An American Scandal in Black and White Rose, Gillian 1 Love's Work: A Reckoning with Life Shockley, Ann 1 Loving Her Clark, Don 1 Loving Someone Gay Lenz, Jean 1 Loyal Sons & Daughters: A Notre Dame Memoir Aristophanes; Henderson, Jeffery (translator) 1 Lysistrata Aristophanes; Parker, Douglass (translator) 1 Lysistrata Hwang, David Henry 1 M. Butterfly Katz, Jackson 1 Macho Paradox, The: Why Some Men Hurt Women and How All Men Can Help Mann, Charles F. 2 Madeleine Delbrel: A Life Beyond Boundaries Madeleine 1 Madeleine: An Autobiography Peiss, Kathy 1 Major Problems in the History of American Sexuality Greene, Gayle and Coppelia Kahn (editors) 1 Making a Difference: Feminist Literary Criticism Miller, Ernstine 1 Making Her Mark: Firsts and Milestones in Women’s Sports Laqueur, Thomas 1 Making Sex: Body and Gender From the Greeks to Freud Asian Women United of California 1 Making Waves: An Anthology of Writings by and About Asian American Women Bordo, Susan 1 Male Body, The: A New Look at Men in Public and in Private Pope John Paul II 1 Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body Mackenzie, Henry 1 Man of Feeling, The

Page 10 Gomez, Carlos Andres 1 Man Up: Reimagining Modern Manhood Janeway, Elizabeth 1 Man’s World Woman’s Place: A Study in Social Mythology Enloe, Cynthia 1 Maneuvers: The International Politics of Militarizing Women's Lives Baumgardner, Jennifer and Amy Richards 1 Manifesta: Young Women, Feminism, and the Future Bederman, Gail 1 Manliness & Civilization: A Cultural History of Gender and Race in the United States, 1880-1917 Summers, Martin 1 Manliness & Its Discontents: The Black Middle Class and the Transformation of Masculinity, 1900-1930 Rubchak, Marian J. 1 Mapping Difference: The Many Faces of Women in Contemporary Ukraine Hansen, Ron 1 Mariette in Ecstasy Benokraitis, Nijole V. (editor) 1 Marriages & Families: Changes, Choices, and Constraints Shwartz, Mary Ann and BarBara Marliene Scot 1 Marriages and Families: Diversity and Change Wollstonecraft, Mary and Mary Shelley 1 Mary and Maria / Matilda Botting, Eileen H. 1 Mary Shelley and the Rights of the Child Kilmartin, Christopher T. 1 Masculine Self, The Connell, R. W. 1 Masculinities Burke, Kevin J. 1 Masculinities and Other Hopeless Causes at an All-Boys Catholic School Whitehead, Stephen M.and Frank J. Barrett (editors) 1 Masculinities Reader, The Gardiner, Judith K. 1 Masculinity Studies and Feminist Theory: New Directions O'Reilly, Andrea 1 Maternal Theory: Essential Readings Nikolchina, Miglena 1 Matricide in Language McKeachie, Wilbert and Marilla Svinicki 1 McKeachie's Teaching Tips Euripides; Warner, Rex (translator) 1 Medea Kearney, Mary Celeste 1 Mediated Girlhoods: New Explorations of Girls' Media Culture Power, Eileen 1 Medieval Women Collis, Louise 1 Memoirs of a Medieval Woman: The Life and Times of Margery Kempe Kimmel, Michael S. and Michael A. Messner 1 Men's Lives — 2nd Edition Kimmel, Michael S. and Michael A. Messner 1 Men's Lives — 3rd Edition Smith College and Wesleyan University 1 Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism: Volume 1, Number 1, Autumn 2000 Smith College and Wesleyan University 1 Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism: Volume 1, Number 2, Spring 2001 Dinnerstein, Dorothy 1 Mermaid and the Minotaur, The: Sexual Arrangements and Human Malaise Ulrich, Laurel T. 1 Midwife's Tale, A: The Life of Martha Ballard, Based on Her Diary 1785-1812 Friedman, David M. 1 Mind of Its Own, A: A Cultural History of the Penis Porete, Marguerite 1 Mirror of Simple Souls, The Jones, Thomas 1 Missing Professor, The: An Academic Mystery Pyne, Kathleen 1 Modernism and the Feminine Voice: O'Keeffe and the Women of the Stieglitz Circle Hyesoon, Kim; Choi, Don Mee (translator) 1 Mommy Must Be a Fountain of Feathers Piercy, Marge 1 Moon is Always Female, The Sterba, James P. 1 Morality in Practice — 7th Edition Smith, Gaddis 1 Morality, Reason, and Power: American Diplomacy in the Carter Years Enloe, Cynthia 1 Morning After, The: Sexual Politics at the End of the Cold War Olsen, Tillie 1 Mother to Daughter — Daughter to Mother Nickerson, Michelle 1 Mothers of Conservatism: Women and the Postwar Right Davis, Flora 1 Moving the Mountain: The Women’s Movement in America Since 1960 Forrest, Katherine V. 1 Murder at the Nightwood Bar Welch, Pat 1 Murder by the Book: A Helen Black Mystery Hsiu-Lien, Lu and Ashley Esarey 1 My Fight for a New Taiwan: One Woman's Journey from Prision to Power Barnstein, Kate 1 My Gender Workbook

Page 11 Bourgeois, Roy 1 My Journey from Silence to Solidarity Piercy, Marge 1 My Mother's Body Rofheart, Martha 1 My Name is Sappho Screpfer, Susan 1 Nature's Altars: Mountains, Gender, and American Environmentalism Radner, Hilary 1 Neo-Feminist Cinema: Girly Films, Chick Flicks and Consumer Culture Phobee, John S. and Barbel Van Wartenberg-Potter 1 New Eyes for Reading: Biblical and Theological Reflections by Women from the Third World Marks, Elaine and Isabelle deCourtivron 2 New French Feminisms: An Anthology Rubchak, Marian J. 1 New Imaginaries: Youthful Reinvention of Ukraine's Cultural Paradigm Cummings, Kathleen Sprows 1 New Women of the Old Faith: Gender & American Catholicism in the Progressive Era Hanley, Keith and Greg Kucich (editors) 1 Nineteenth Century Contexts: An Interdisciplinary Journal — Special Issue - Gendering Romanticisms Howe, Florence and Ellen Bass 1 No More Masks! An Anthology of Poems by Women Rothluebber, Francis B. 1 Nobody Owns Me: A Celibate Women Discovers Her Sexual Power Formark, Bodil, Heta Mulari and Myry Voipio 1 Nordic Girlhoods: New Perspectives and Outlooks Gilbert, Sandra M and Susan Gubar 1 Norton Anthology of Literature by Women, The — 3rd Edition, Volume 1 Gilbert, Sandra M and Susan Gubar 1 Norton Anthology of Literature by Women, The — 3rd Edition, Volume 2 Henry, Astrid 1 Not My Mother's Sister: Generational Conflict and Third-Wave Feminism Kommers, Theodore F. (editor) 1 Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy: Symposium on Women & the Law Volume 6, Issue 2, 1992 Richardson, Herbert W. 1 Nun, Witch, Playmate: The Americanization of Sex Group, Thetis M. and Joan I. Roberts 1 Nursing, Physician Control and the Medical Monopoly: Historical Perspectives on Gendered Inequality in Roles, Rights, and Range of Practice McFadden, Margaret (editor) 1 NWSA Journal: Volume 13, Number 2, Summer 2001 McFadden, Margaret (editor) 1 NWSA Journal: Volume 13, Number 3, Fall 2001 McFadden, Margaret (editor) 1 NWSA Journal: Volume 14, Number 1, Spring 2002 McFadden, Margaret (editor) 1 NWSA Journal: Volume 14, Number 2, Summer 2002 McFadden, Margaret (editor) 1 NWSA Journal: Volume 14, Number 3, Fall 2002 Taylor, Elizabeth (editor) 1 NWSA Journal: Volume 3, Number 1, Winter 1991 Taylor, Elizabeth (editor) 1 NWSA Journal: Volume 3, Number 2, Spring 1991 Taylor, Elizabeth (editor) 1 NWSA Journal: Volume 3, Number 3, Autumn 1991 Young, Marion I. 1 On Female Body Experience: "Throwing Like a Girl" and Other Essays Taylor, Barbara and Adam Phillips 1 On Kindness Rainbolt, Martha and Janet Fleetwood 1 On The Contrary: Essays by Men and Women Barry, Lynda 1 One Hundred Demons Mairs, Nancy 1 Ordinary Time: Cycles in Marriage, Faith, and Renewal Virginia Woolf 1 Orlando Behn, Aphra 1 Oroonoko, The Rover and Other Works Boston Women's Health Books Collective, The 1 Our Bodies, Ourselves (1973): A Book By and For Women Boston Women's Health Books Collective, The 1 Our Bodies, Ourselves (2005): A New Edition for a New Era Boston Women's Health Books Collective, The 1 Our Bodies, Ourselves (2011) Tufts, Eleanor 1 Our Hidden Heritage: Five Centuries of Women Artists Ellison, Emily and Jane B. Hill 1 Our Mutual Room: Modern Literary Portraits of the Opposite Sex Nolan, Daniel A., IV 1 Out of the Closet and Into the Fire: Gay Teen Identity in a Heterosexist Society Jay, Karla and Allen Young 1 Out of the Closets: Voices of Gay Liberation Parker, Gail 1 Oven Birds, The: American Women on Womanhood 1820-1920 Eakins, Thomas 1 Painting and Masculinity Richardson, Samuel 1 Pamela Threlkled, Megan 1 Pan American Women: U.S. Internationalists and Revolutionary Fitzsimons, M.A. 1 Past Recaptured, The

Page 12 Clarke, Rita-Lou 1 Pastoral Care of Battered Women Miller, Isabel 1 Patience & Sarah Story, Kaila Adia (editor) 1 Patrica Hill Collins: Reconceiving Motherhood Seager, Joni 1 Penguin Atlas of Women in the World, The Cosman, Carol, Joan Keefe, and Kathleen Weaver (editors) 1 Penguin Book of Women Poets, The Arons, Wendy 1 Performance and Femininity in Eighteenth-Century German Women's Writing: The Impossible Act Perry, Catherine 1 Persephone Unbound: Dionysian Aesthetics in the Works of Anna de Noailles Kourany, Janet A. 1 Philosophy in a Feminist Voice: Critiques and Reconstructions Kourany, Janet A. 1 Philosophy of Science after Feminism Auchincloss, Louis 1 Pioneers & Caretakers: A Study of 9 American Women Novelists Springer, Marlene and Haskell Springer 1 Plains Woman: The Diary of Martha Farnsworth, 1882-1922 Mairs, Nancy 1 Plaintext Bach, Alice (editor) 1 Pleasure of Her Text, The: Feminist Readings of Biblical and Historical Texts Williams, Aubrey (editor) 1 Poetry and Prose of Alexander Pope Pierce, Richard B. 1 Polite Protest: The Political Economy of Race in Indianapolis 1920-1970 True, Jacqui 1 Political Economy of Violence Against Women, The Wolbrecht, Christina, Karen Beckwith, and Lisa Baldez (editors) 1 Political Women and American Democracy Beckwith, Karen and Lisa Baldez (editors) 1 Politics & Gender: Volume 1, Number 2, June 2005 Beckwith, Karen and Lisa Baldez (editors) 1 Politics & Gender: Volume 1, Number 3, September 2005 Beckwith, Karen and Lisa Baldez (editors) 1 Politics & Gender: Volume 1, Number 4, December 2005 Beckwith, Karen and Lisa Baldez (editors) 1 Politics & Gender: Volume 2, Number 1, March 2006 Beckwith, Karen and Lisa Baldez (editors) 1 Politics & Gender: Volume 2, Number 3, September 2006 Beckwith, Karen and Lisa Baldez (editors) 1 Politics & Gender: Volume 2, Number 4, December 2006 Wolbrecht, Christina and Rodney Hero (editors) 1 Politics of Democratic Inclusion, The Wolbrecht, Christina 1 Politics of Women's Rights, The Tarrow, Sidney 1 Power in Movement: Social Movements and Contentious Politics — 2nd Edition Coakley, Sarah 1 Powers and Submissions: Spirituality, Philosophy and Gender Butts, Harris, Selby, Smith, and Young (editors) 1 Primavera: Women's Fiction, Poetry, and Art: Volume 23 Butts, Harris, Selby, Smith, and Young (editors) 1 Primavera: Women's Fiction, Poetry, and Art: Volume 24/25 Demeter, Richard L. 1 Primer, Presses, and Composing Sticks: Women Printers of the Colonial Period Dow, Bonnie 1 Prime-Time Feminism: Television, Media Culture, and the Women's Movement Since 1970 Chivers, Sally and Nicole Markotic (editors) 1 Problem Body, The: Projecting Disability on Film Cherlin, Andrew J. 1 Public and Private Families Breckenridge, Carol A. 1 Public Culture: Volume 10, Number 3, Spring 1998 Clarke, Norma 1 Queen of the Wits Sway Photography 1 Queerography: Intimate Expressions of Queer Culture Mendelberg, Tali 1 Race Card, The: Campaign Strategy, Implicit Messages, and the Norm of Equality Rothenberg, Paula S. 1 Race, Class, and Gender in the United States — 7th Edition Anderson, Margaret L. and Patricia Hill Collins (editors) 1 Race, Class, and Gender: An Anthology — 1st Edition Anderson, Margaret L. and Patricia Hill Collins (editors) 1 Race, Class, and Gender: An Anthology — 2nd Edition Nagel, Joane 1 Race, Ethnicity, and Sexuality: Intimate Intersections, Forbidden Frontiers Amott, Teresa and Julie Matthaei 1 Race, Gender and Work Fuentes, Agustin 1 Race, Monogamy, and Other Lies They Told You: Busting Myths about Human Nature Eng, David L. 1 Racial Castration: Managing Masculinity in Asian America Omi, Michael and Howard Winant 1 Racial Formation in the United States: From the 1960s to the 1990s — 2nd Edition Adleman, Jeanne and Gloria Enguidanos 1 Racism in the Lives of Women

Page 13 Ross, Roberts, Derkas, Peoples, and Bridgewater Toure (editors) 2 Radical Reproductive Justice: Foundations, Theory, Practice, Critique Arendt, Hannah 1 Rahel Varnhagen: The Life of a Jewish Woman Nash, Meredith and Imelda Whelehan 1 Reading Lena Dunham's Girls Johnson, Lacy M. 1 Reckonings, The: Essays Martin, Jane Roland 1 Reclaiming a Conversation: The Ideal of the Educated Woman Callahan, Vicki (editor) 1 Reclaiming the Archive: Feminism and Film History Bienabe, Estelle, Julio Berdegue, Lucian Peppelenbos, and John Belt 1 Reconnecting Markets Disch, Estelle 1 Reconstructing Gender: A Multicultural Anthology Disch, Estelle 1 Reconstructing Gender: A Multicultural Anthology — 4th Edition Ford, J. Massyngbaerde 1 Redeemer—Friend and Mother: Salvation in Antiquity and in the Gospel of John Mock, Janet 1 Redefining Realness Stoltenberg, John 1 Refusing to be a Man: Essays on Sex and Justice Abramovitz, Mimi 1 Regulating The Lives of Women: Social Welfare Policy from Colonial Times to the Present Heilbrun, Carolyn G. 1 Reinventing Womanhood King, Ursula (editor) 1 Religion & Gender Berg, Aase; Goransson, Johannes (translator) 1 Remainland: Selected Poems of Aase Berg Nichols, Bill 1 Representing Reality Solinger, Rickie 1 Reproductive Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know Hartmann, Betsy 1 Reproductive Rights and Wrongs: The Global Politics of Population Abbey, Ruth 1 Return of Feminist Liberalism, The Shalit, Wendy 1 Return to Modesty, A Moffat, Mary J. and Charlotte Painter 1 Revelations: Diaries of Women Pipher, Mary 2 Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls Steinem, Gloria 1 Revolution from Within: A Book of Self-Esteem Gumbs, Alexis Pauline, China Martens, and Mai'a Williams 1 Revolutionary Mothering Rudacille, Deboarh 1 Riddle of Gender, The Nachman, Elana 1 Riverfinger Women Robert, Henry M., William J. Evans, Daniel H. Honemann, and Thomas J. Blach 1 Robert's Rules of Order: Newly Revised In Brief Reydams-Schils, Gretchen 2 Roman Stoics, The: Self, Responsibility, and Affection Crisafulli, Lilla Maria and Cecelia Pietropoli 1 Romantic Women Poets: Genre and Gender Woolf, Virginia 2 Room of One's Own, A Defoe, Daniel 1 Roxana: The Fortunate Mistress Isaak, Jo Anna 1 Ruin of Representation in Modernist Art and Texts Fry, Timothy 1 Rule of St. Benedict in English, The Coombs, Kate 1 Runaway Princess, The Gunn Allen, Paula 1 Sacred Hoop, The Queneau, Raymond 1 Saint Glinglin Talbot, Mary; Bryan Talbot, and Kate Charlesworth 1 Sally Heathcote, Suffragette Bambara, Toni Cade 2 Salt Eaters, The Sullivan, Andrew 1 Same-Sex Marriage: Pro & Con, A Reader Barnard, Mary (translator) 1 Sappho Abbott, Sidney and Barbara Love 2 Sappho Was a Right-On Woman: A Liberated View of Lesbianism Hartman, Saidiya 1 Scenes of Subjection: Terror, Slavery, and Self-Making in Nineteenth-Century America Sheridan, Richard B. 1 School for Scandal and Other Plays, The Bankson, Marjory Zoet 1 Seasons of Friendship: Namoi and Ruth as a Pattern DeBeauvoir, Simone; Parshley, H.M. (translator, editor) 1 Second Sex, The

Page 14 Nicolson, Linda (editor) 1 Second Wave, The: A Reader in Feminist Theory Atwood, Margaret 1 Second Words: Selected Critical Prose Spring, Justin 1 Secret Historian Brooks, Gwendolyn 1 Selected Poems Sterne, Laurence 1 Sentimental Journey, A Chapman, Mary and Glenn Hendler 1 Sentimental Men: Masculinity and the Politics of Affect in American Culture Herzog, Dagmar 1 Sex after Fascism Nussbaum, Martha C. 1 Sex and Social Justice Jowett, Lorna 3 Sex and the Slayer: A Gender Studies Primer for the Buffy Fan Valenti, Jessica 2 Sex Object: A Memoir Fausto-Sterling, Anne 1 Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality Ruether, Rosemary R. 2 Sexism and God-Talk: Toward a Feminist Theology Pateman, Carole 1 Sexual Contract, The Jung, Patricia B. and Joseph A. Coray 1 Sexual Diversity and Catholicism: Toward the Development of Moral Teaching Fairstein, Linda A. 1 Sexual Violence: Our War Against Rape Moi, Toril 2 Sexual/ Textual Politics: Feminist Literary Theory Ellison, Marvin M. and Kelly Brown Douglas (editors) 1 Sexuality and the Sacred: Sources for Theological Reflection — 2nd Edition Smith-Oka, Vania 1 Shaping the Motherhood of Indigenous Mexico Wings, Mary 1 She Came Too Late Radner, Hilary 1 Shopping Around: Feminine Culture and the Pursuit of Pleasure Walbert, Kate 2 Short History of Women, A Cotrell, Georgia 1 Shoulders Soelle, Dorothee 1 Silent Cry, The: Mysticism and Resistance Boesser, Sara L. 2 Silent Lives: How High a Price? Doering, Jane E. 1 Simone Weil and the Specter of Self-Perpetuating Force Petrement, Simone; Rosenthal, Raymond (translator) 1 Simone Weil: A Life Morgan, Robin 1 Sisterhood is Global: The International Women's Movement Anthology Lee, Debbie 1 Slavery & the Romantic Imagination Brown, Michael 1 Social & Cultural Geography: Masculinity, Intersectionality and Place: Volume 10, Number 8, Dec 2009 Foucault, Michel 1 Society Must Be Defended Stanton, Elizabeth Cady 1 Solitude of Self Klug, Lyn 1 Soul Weavings: A Gathering of Women's Prayers Faulkner, William 1 Sound and the Fury, The Ward, Martha C. 1 Sounding of Women, A: Autobiographies from Unexpected Places Hilkert, Mary Catherine 1 Speaking with Authority: Catherine of Siena and the Voices of Women Today Willis, Susan 1 Specifying: Black Women Writing: The American Experience Rockefeller, Steven and John Elder 1 Spirit and Nature: Why the Environment is a Religious Issue Schelkle, Karl Herman 1 Spirit and the Bride, The: Woman in the Bible Konieczny, Mary Ellen 1 Spirit's Tether: Family, Work, and Religion among American Catholics Landry, Donna and Gerald Maclean (editors) 1 Spivak Reader, The UNFPA 1 State of the World Population 2002: People, Poverty, and Possibilities Huk, Romana 1 Stevie Smith: Between the Lines Dreher, Sarah 1 Stoner McTavish Blank, Hanne 1 Straight: The Surprisingly Short History of Heterosexuality Camus, Albert 1 Stranger, The Roen, Pantoja, Yena, Miller, and Waggoner (editors) 1 Strategies for Teaching First-Year Composition

Page 15 Williams, Tennessee 1 Streetcar Named Desire, A Soelle, Dorothee 1 Strength of the Weak, The: Toward a Christian Feminist Identity Kloska, George and Margaret G. Kloska 1 Struggle for Women’s Rights, The: Theoretical and Historical Sources Buchbinder, David 2 Studying Men and Masculinities Richardson, Niall, Clarissa Smith, and Angela Werndly 1 Studying Sexualities: Theories, Representations, Cultures Oakley, Ann 1 Subject Women Borresen, Kari E. 1 Subordination and Equivalence: The Nature and Role of Woman in Augustine and Thomas Aquinas Hemingway, Ernest 1 Sun Also Rises, The Plato 1 Symposium, The White, Jacquelyn W. 1 Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Gender — 3rd Edition Paul, Elizabeth L. (editor) 1 Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Sex and Gender — 2nd Edition Finsterbusch, Kurt and George McKenna 1 Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Social Issues — 6th Edition NiCarthy, Ginny, Karen Merriam and Sandra Coffman 1 Talking It Out: A Guide to Groups for Abused Women AAUW Educational Foundations 1 Tech-Savvy: Educating Girls in the New Computer Age Brittain, Vera 1 Testament of Youth: One Woman's Haunting Record of the First World War Sallberg Kam, Rose 1 Their Stories, Our Stories: Women of the Bible Hesiod; Schlegel, Catherine M. and Henry Weinfield (translators) 1 Theogony and Works and Days West, Christopher 1 Theology of the Body Explained: A Commentary on John Paul II's "Gospel of the Body" West, Christopher 1 Theology of the Body for Beginners: A Basic Introduction to Pope John Paul II's Sexual Revolution Parpart, Jane L., Patricia M. Connelly, and V. Eudine Barriteau 1 Theoretical Perspectives on Gender and Development Herrmann, Anne and Abigail Stewart 1 Theorizing Feminism: Parallel Trends in the Humanities and Social Sciences Kunz, Jenifer 1 Think: Marriages & Families Anderson, Margaret L. 1 Thinking About Women: Sociological Perspectives on Sex and Gender — 5th Edition Anderson, Margaret L. 1 Thinking About Women: Sociological Perspectives on Sex and Gender — 7th Edition NesSmith, William C. 1 Thinking Sociologically: An Introduction to the Discipline Heywood, Leslie and Jennifer Drake 2 Third Wave Agenda: Being Feminist, Doing Feminism Fisher, Dexter (editor) 1 Third Woman, The: Minority Women Writers of the United States Moraga, Cherrie and Gloria Anzaldua (editors) 1 This Bridge Called My Back Reason, Akela 1 Thomas Eakins and the Uses of History Freud, Sigmund; Strachey, James (translator) 1 Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality Mill, John Stuart; Wollheim, Richard (Introduction) 1 Three Essays: On Liberty, Representative Government, The Subjection of Women Gender Studies Honors Society (editor) 1 Through Gendered Lenses: An Undergraduate Academic Journal of Gender Research & Scholarship: Volume 1, 2010 Gender Studies Honors Society (editor) 1 Through Gendered Lenses: An Undergraduate Academic Journal of Gender Research & Scholarship: Volume 10, 2019 Gender Studies Honors Society (editor) 1 Through Gendered Lenses: An Undergraduate Academic Journal of Gender Research & Scholarship: Volume 2, 2011 Gender Studies Honors Society (editor) 1 Through Gendered Lenses: An Undergraduate Academic Journal of Gender Research & Scholarship: Volume 3, 2012 Gender Studies Honors Society (editor) 1 Through Gendered Lenses: An Undergraduate Academic Journal of Gender Research & Scholarship: Volume 4, 2013 Gender Studies Honors Society (editor) 1 Through Gendered Lenses: An Undergraduate Academic Journal of Gender Research & Scholarship: Volume 5, 2014 Gender Studies Honors Society (editor) 1 Through Gendered Lenses: An Undergraduate Academic Journal of Gender Research & Scholarship: Volume 6, 2015 Gender Studies Honors Society (editor) 1 Through Gendered Lenses: An Undergraduate Academic Journal of Gender Research & Scholarship: Volume 7, 2016 Gender Studies Honors Society (editor) 1 Through Gendered Lenses: An Undergraduate Academic Journal of Gender Research & Scholarship: Volume 8, 2017 Gender Studies Honors Society (editor) 1 Through Gendered Lenses: An Undergraduate Academic Journal of Gender Research & Scholarship: Volume 9, 2018 Gender Studies Honors Society (editor) 1 Through Gendered Lenses: An Undergraduate Academic Journal of Gender Research & Scholarship: Volume 10, 2019 Walker, Rebecca 1 To Be Real: Telling the Truth and Changing the Face of Feminism Caron, Charlotte 1 To Make and Make Again: Feminist Ritual Theology Baker Miller, Jean 1 Toward a New Psychology of Women Baer, Sylvia (editor) 1 Transformations: The New Jersey Project Journal: Volume 2, Number 2, Fall 1992

Page 16 Crawley, Donna and Frances Shapiro-Skrobe (editors) 2 Transformations: The New Jersey Project Journal: Volume 5, Number 2, Fall 1994 Buchwald, Emilie, Pamela Fletcher and Martha Roth (editors) 1 Transforming a Rape Culture Berger, Michele Tracy and Cheryl Radeloff 3 Transforming Scholarship: Why Women's and Gender Studies Students are Changing Themselves and The World Euripides; Clay, Diskin (translator) 1 Trojan Women, The Manji, Irshad 1 Trouble With Islam Today, The: A Muslin’s Call for Reform In Her Faith McClory, Robert 1 Turning Point Levithan, David 1 Two Boys Kissing Wallis, Velma 1 Two Old Women: An Alaska Legend of Betrayal, Courage and Survival Bordo, Susan 2 Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture and the Body Wasserstein, Wendy 1 Uncommon Women and Others Bem, Sandra Lipsitz 1 Unconventional Family, An Nin, Aniais 1 Under a Glass Bell and Other Stories Eichenbaum, Luise and Susie Orbach 1 Understanding Women: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Approach Butler, Judith 1 Undoing Gender Toland Frith, Katherine (editor) 1 Undressing the Ad: Reading Culture in Advertising Frymer, Paul 1 Uneasy Alliances: Race and Party Competition in America Ruiz, Vicki L. and Ellen C. DuBois (editors) 1 Unequal Sisters: An Inclusive Reader in U.S. Women's History — 4th Edition Ensler, Eve 1 Vagina Monologues, The Ensler, Eve 1 Vagina Warriors Abu-Lughod, Lila 1 Veiled Sentiments: Honor and Poetry in a Bedouin Society Wollstonecraft, Mary; Poston, Carol H. (editor) 1 Vindication of the Rights of Woman, A — Norton Critical Editions, 2nd Edition Wollstonecraft, Mary; Brody, Miriam (editor) 1 Vindication of the Rights of Woman, A — Penguin Classics, Revised Edition Gordon, Lyndall 1 Vindication: A Life of Mary Wollstonecraft Jeffers McDonald, Tamar 1 Virgin Territory: Representing Sexual Inexperience in Film Vaid, Urvashi 1 Virtual Equality: The Mainstreaming of Gay & Lesbian Liberation Carmody, Denise L. 1 Virtuous Woman: Reflections on Christian Feminist Ethics Nava, Mica 1 Visceral Cosmopolitanism: Gender, Culture and the Normalization of Difference Alcoff, Linda M. 1 Visible Identities: Race, Gender, and the Self Van Devanter, Lynda and Furey, Joan A. 1 Visions of War, Dreams of Peace: Writings of Women in the Vietnam War The National Commission on American Jewish Women 1 Voices For Change: Future Directions for American Jewish Women Women's Action Coalition 1 WAC Stats: The Facts About Women Weil, Simone 1 Waiting for God Heinecken, Dawn 1 Warrior Women of Television, The: A Feminist Cultural Analysis of the New Female Body in Popular Media Markoff, John 1 Waves of Democracy: Social Movement and Political Change Harding, M. Esther 1 Way of All Women, The Office of Public Affairs and Communcation 1 We Begin: The Presidential Inauguration of Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C. Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi 1 We Should All Be Feminists Aldrich, Ann 1 We Two Won't Last Aldrich, Ann 1 We, Too, Must Love Plaskow, Judith and Christ, Carol P. 2 Weaving the Visions: New Patterns in Feminist Spirituality Hall, Radclyffe 1 Well of Loneliness, The McClane, Mattie 1 Wen Wilson Eichenbaum, Luise and Orbach, Susie 1 What Do Women Want: Exploding the Myth of Dependency Felman, Shochana 1 What Does A Woman Want? Reading and Sexual Difference Katznelson, Ira 1 When Affirmative Action Was White: An Untold History of Racial Inequality in Twentieth-Century America Giddings, Paula 1 When and Where I Enter: The Impact of Black Women in Race and Sex in America

Page 17 Dolan, Kathleen 1 When Does Gender Mattter? Women Candidates and Gender Stereotype in American Elections Grigg, Richard 1 When God Becomes Goddess: The Transformation of American Religion Tarrant, Shira 1 When Sex Became Gender Douglas, Susan J. 1 Where the Girls Are: Growing Up Female with the Mass Media Ingraham, Chrys 1 White Weddings: Romancing Heterosexuality in Popular Culture — 2nd Edition Jacobson, Matthew F. 1 Whiteness of A Different Color: European Immigrants and the Alchemy of Race Sommers, Christina Hoff 1 Who Stole Feminism? Gilens, Martin 1 Why Americans Hate Welfare: Race, Media, and the Politics of Antipoverty Policy Brennan, Bridget 1 Why She Buys Douthwaite, Julia V. 1 Wild Girl, Natural Man and the Monster, The Rich, Adrienne 1 Wild Patience Has Taken Me This Far, A: Poems 1978-1981 Kass, Amy A. & Leon R. 1 Wing to Wing, Oar to Oar Graubart, Karen A. 1 With Our Labor and Sweat: Indigenous Women and the Formation of Colonial Society in Peru 1550-1700 Auerbach, Nina 1 Woman and the Demon: The Life of a Victorian Myth Swindler,Arlene 1 Woman in a Man's Church: From Role to Person Fuller, Margaret 1 Woman in the Nineteenth Century Walker, Barbara G. 1 Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, The Christ, Carol P. & Plaskow, Judith 2 Womanspirit Rising: A Feminist Reader in Religion Kraemer, Ross S. and D'Angelo, Mary R. 2 Women & Christian Origins Pittman, Alex 1 Women & Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory: Volume 19, Number 3, Nov 2009 Hinsdale, Mary A. and Kaminski, Phyllis H. (editors) 1 Women & Theology Carmody, Denise L. 1 Women & World Religions — 1st Edition Lardner Carmody, Denise 2 Women & World Religions — 2nd Edition Han, Lori Cox 1 Women and American Politics: The Challenges of Political Leadership Sidel, Ruth 1 Women and Child Care in China Friedman, Marilyn 1 Women and Citizenship Snyder-Ott, Joelynn 1 Women and Creativity Wilcox, Clyde; Thomas, Sue 1 Women and Elective Office: Past, Present and Future Jaquette, Jane S. and Summerfield, Gale 1 Women and Gender Equity in Development Theory and Practice Unger, Rhoda and Crawford, Mary 1 Women and Gender: A Feminist Psychology — 2nd Edition Nussbaum, Martha C. 1 Women and Human Development: The Capabilities Approach Wellesley Editorial Committee 1 Women and National Development: The Complexities of Change Ferguson, Marianne 1 Women and Religion Vaughan, Genevieve 1 Women and the Gift Economy Moltman-Wendel, Elisabeth 1 Women Around Jesus, The Slatkin, Wendy 1 Women Artists in History: From Antiquity to the Present — 3rd Edition Benedicks Fisher, Clare, Betsy Brenneman and Anne McGrew Bennett (editors) 1 Women in a Strange Land: Search for a New Image Wilson James, Janet (editor) 1 Women in American Religion Duke, Lois L. (editor) 1 Women in Politics: Outsiders or Insiders? A Collection of Readings — 2nd Edition Nochlin, Linda and Joelle Bolloch 1 Women in the 19th Century: Categories and Contradictions Fantham, E., H.P. Foley, N.B. Kampen, S.B. Pomeroy, and H.A. Shapiro 1 Women in the Classical World: Image and Text Swers, Michele 1 Women in the Club: Gender and Policy Making in the Senate Clark, Elizabeth A. 1 Women in the Early Church Martini, Carlo M. 1 Women in the Gospels King, Ursula (editor) 1 Women in the World's Religions Naylor, Gloria 1 Women of Brewster Place, The

Page 18 Golden, Stephanie 1 Women Outside, The: Meanings and Myths of Homelessness Perrin, Elila 1 Women Prefer Women: A Sexual Memoir McConnaughy, Corrine M. 1 Women Suffrage Movement in America, The: A Reassessment Bogin, Meg 1 Women Troubadours, The: An Introduction to the Women Poets of 12th-Century Provence and a Collection of Their Poems Pinkola Estes, Clarissa 1 Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype Barndt, Deborah (editor) 1 Women Working the NAFTA Food Chain: Women, Food & Globalization Yuval-Davis, Nira and Pnina Werbner 1 Women, Citizenship and Difference Renzetti, Claire M. and Daniel J. Curran 1 Women, Men, and Society — 4th Edition Chittister, Sr. Joan 1 Women, Ministry and the Church Gikow, Louise 1 Women: A Celebration of Strength Freeman, Jo 1 Women: A Feminist Perspective — 5th Edition Kesselman, Amy, Lily D. McNair, and Nancy Schniedewind 1 Women: Images & Realities: A Multicultural Anthology — 3rd Edition Kerber, Linda K. and Jane S. DeHart 1 Women's America: Refocusing the Past — 3rd Edition Matusi, Yayori 1 Women's Asia Garfield, Patricia 1 Women's Bodies, Women's Dreams Purvis, June 1 Women's History Review: Victorian Women in Britain and the United States: New Perspectives: Volume 18, Number 5, Nov 2009 Lefkowitz, Mary R. and Maureen B. Fant, Maureen B. 1 Women's Life in Greece and Rome: A Source Book in Translation — 3rd Edition Etaugh, Claire and Judith Bridges 1 Women's Lives: A Psychological Exploration — 3rd Edition Kirk, Gwyn and Margo Okazawa-Rey 2 Women's Lives: Multicultural Perspectives DiMona, Lisa and Constance Herndon (editors) 1 Women's Sourcebook, The Kalven, Janet and Mary Buckley (editors) 1 Women's Spirit Bonding Jackson, Stevi 1 Women's Studies: Essential Readings Shaw, Susan M. and Janet Lee 1 Women's Voices, Feminist Visions: Classic and Contemporary Readings Elwes, Teresa 1 Women's Voices: Essays in Contemporary Feminist Theology Hoy, Pat C., Esther H. Schor, and Robert DiYanni 1 Women's Voices: Visions and Perspectives Belenky, Mary F., Clythe M. Clinchy, Nancy R. Goldberger, and Jill M. Tarule 2 Women's Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind Sellars, Jane 1 Women's Works Ward, Martha C. 1 World Full of Women, A — 2nd Edition Angelou, Maya 1 Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now Heilbrun, Carolyn G. 1 Writing a Woman's Life Derrida, Jacques 1 Writing and Difference Rico, Gabriele 1 Writing the Natural Way Perrot, Michelle 1 Writing Women's History Hooks, Bell 1 Yearning: Race, Gender, and Cultural Politics Poehler, Amy 1 Yes Please Olsen, Tillie 1 Yonnondio: From the Thirties Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program 1 Young Women's Voices The Cornwall Collective 1 Your Daughters Shall Prophesy: Feminist Alternatives in Theological Education Lorde, Audre 1 Zami: A New Spelling of My Name

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