Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:X Issue No: 183 Price: Afs.20 Weekend Issue, Sponsored by Etisalat FRIDAY . FEBRUARY 01. 2019 - Dalwa 12, 1397 H.S www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimes www.twitter.com/ afghanistantime KABUL: Pakistan is providing safe havens for terrorists to plan and conduct attacks in Afghanistan, including against US interests, America’s intelligence chief alleges. Director of National ive villages in Khan Abad Intelligence Daniel Coats, in a With shrinking numbers of Af- was 352,000 personnel – which rifice” since he became president Fdistrict were cleared of insur- threat assessment report, blamed ghan security forces, the amount meant the last quarter’s strength in September 2014. “That num- gents during the operation. Islamabad for using some groups of territory government holds was only at 87.7 percent – 43,307 ber indicates that in those roughly as policy tools and confronting only the outfits that directly threat- also continues to decline, a US personnel short. However, SI- 53 months, around 849 Afghan At least 11 Taliban members in- watchdog reported Wednesday. GAR stated that the strength num- security personnel have been killed ened Pakistan. Presented in a pub- In their last quarterly report bers they have reported “should per month on average,” the report cluding their three commanders lic testimony before the Senate to congress, the Special Investi- not be viewed as exact: CSTC-A read. But Ghani said on Novem- were killed in an NDS special forces Select Committee on Intelligence, gator General for Afghanistan and SIGAR have long noted many ber 12 that from 2015 to Novem- operation in Khan Abad district of the report warned Pakistan’s nar- (SIGAR) reported that the per- data consistency issues with ber last year, 28,529 Afghan secu- Kunduz, NDS said in a statement row approach to counter-terrorism sonnel strength of the Afghan ANDSF strength numbers.” SI- rity personnel had been killed.