REPORT REF: 20168/10-17/3992




REPORT REF: 20168/10-17/3992

CLIENT: Martin Grant Homes and Harcourt Developments

ENGINEER: Mewies Engineering Consultants The Old Chapel Station Road Hugglescote Leicestershire LE67 2GB

Tel: 01530 264753 E-mail: [email protected]

Report Prepared By:

...... Shyam Joshi BEng (Hons) MIET

Report Checked By:

...... Alexander Bennett, BSc(Hons) MCIHT MTPS

COPYRIGHT The contents of this document must not be copied or reproduced in whole or part without the written consent of Mewies Engineering Consultants Ltd. Utilities Report – Land off Newport Pagnell Road, Wootton



Report Ref: 20168/10-17/3992 Page 3 Utilities Report – Land off Newport Pagnell Road, Wootton


1.1 Mewies Engineering Consultants Ltd (M-EC) has been commissioned by Martin Grant Homes and Harcourt Developments to undertake a Utilities Report for a proposed residential development on Land off Newton Pagnell Road, Wootton, Northamptonshire (Hampton Green). A site location plan is provided in Appendix A and a site layout plan is contained within Appendix B.

1.2 A description of the development is provided below:

‘’Outline planning permission for up to 525 dwellings, open space, children’s play spaces and associated infrastructure. All matters are reserved, expect for access.’’.

1.3 The purpose of this report is to establish how the proposed development will be serviced with key utility supplies, whether diversion or protection of existing apparatus may be required and estimated costs for service connection and works, where available. Despite the development quantum consisting of up to 525 dwellings, all developer enquiries to key Statutory Undertakers have been undertaken for a development quantum of 500 dwellings and a primary school. The capacity required for a primary school exceeds the requirement for 25 residential dwellings therefore, the responses received within this report can be considered robust.

1.4 The costs obtained from key Statutory Undertakers relate to designs available as part of an outline planning application. Further updated searches will be required at the reserved matters and detailed design stages.

1.5 Consultation has been undertaken with key Statutory Undertakers to establish:

• Available capacity within existing infrastructure; • Required capacity improvement works to accommodate the development; • Required diversions of infrastructure to accommodate the proposed development; • Any required easements; • Service connection locations; and • Service connection costs.

1.6 Consultation has been undertaken with the following Statutory Undertakers: • Anglian Water (clean and foul water provider for Wootton); • National Grid & British Gas (gas);

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• Western Power Distribution (electricity); • Gas Transportation Company (gas and electricity connections); and • BT Openreach & Virgin Media (telecommunications).

1.7 Consultation responses received from Statutory Undertakers are included within Appendices C-I. A services constraints plan has been produced from the apparatus plans, and is provided in Appendix J.

1.8 Following this introductory Section of the report, Section 2.0 details the existing utilities infrastructure in the vicinity of the site, Section 3.0 details proposed future supply to the site and Section 4.0 provides details on requisite diversions and easements. A summary of information is provided within Section 5.0.

1.9 M-EC has completed this report for the benefit of the organisation referred to in paragraph 1.1 and any relevant statutory authority which may require reference in relation to approvals for the proposed development. Other third parties should not use or rely upon the contents of this report unless explicit written approval has been gained from M-EC.

1.10 M-EC accepts no responsibility or liability for:

• The consequence of this documentation being used for any purpose or project other than that for which it was commissioned.

• The issue of this document to any third party with whom approval for use has not been agreed.

Report Ref: 20168/10-17/3992 Page 5 Utilities Report – Land off Newport Pagnell Road, Wootton


Foul Water 2.1 Anglian Water (AW) provides foul water sewerage for the Wootton area. A Developer Enquiry response and sewer records, supplied by AW, are included in Appendix C.

2.2 The sewer records show that there is an existing 150mm foul sewer located along the western side of Lady Hollows Drive. This sewer runs within the residential streets to the west of the development site before diverting northbound along Newport Pagnell Road at the junction with Lady Hollows Drive. Further 150mm sewers are located to the west of the site within The Choakles and The Ashes. It is noted that S104 surface water sewers which are 225mm in diameter run alongside the 150mm public foul sewers to the west of the site.

2.3 A 150mm public foul sewer which connects to a 225mm public foul sewer is located within Gowerton Road. A 450mm surface water sewer which connects to a 600mm surface water sewer is also located within the carriageway. A 300mm public foul sewer runs north from the Gowerton Road/Landimore Road roundabout from manhole reference 5600. A surface water sewer of similar size also begins here at manhole reference 5551.

2.4 No sewer apparatus owned by AW is located within the boundaries of the site.

Clean Water 2.5 AW provides clean water supply to the Wootton area. A Developer Enquiry response and water mains records, supplied by AW, are included in Appendix C.

2.6 The water mains records show there is a 450mm clean water main which runs directly through part of the site from east to west, just north of The Green. This main then diverts north close to the junction with Newport Pagnell Road before connecting onto a 4’’ main along the western side of the carriageway. The 450mm main continues to proceed northbound supplying properties off Pagnell Court.

2.7 An 8’’ clean water main runs along the eastern side of Lady Hollows Drive. Smaller mains which run within residential streets connect to this main providing a supply to properties located to the west of the site.

Gas 2.8 National Grid operates gas mains within Wootton. National Grid correspondence and apparatus plans are included in Appendix D.

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2.9 The apparatus plan shows a number of Low Pressure (LP) gas mains within the residential streets located to the west of the site. A Medium Pressure (MP) gas main runs from the Middle Greeve/Lady Hollows Drive junction towards Newport Pagnell Road where it then diverts north along the western verge of the carriageway. A further MP main is noted along Gowerton Road which provides a supply to the industrial estate to the north of the site.

2.10 National Grid plans confirm that none of their apparatus is located within the site boundaries.

Electricity 2.11 Western Power Distribution (WPD) operates the electricity distribution network in the Wootton area. WPD correspondence and apparatus plans are included in Appendix E.

2.12 The apparatus plan supplied by WPD indicates that there is an overhead 33kV cable which enters the site at its western corner before exiting the site heading southbound. Underground HV and LV cables are located within the residential streets to the west of the site which provide a supply to residential properties.

Telecommunications 2.13 BT Openreach telecoms apparatus plans are included in Appendix F.

2.14 A review of the apparatus plans indicates the presence of underground apparatus located along the eastern verge of Newport Pagnell Road. Further underground cables are located within the residential streets located to the west of the site.

2.15 Underground cables are also noted along the northern verge of Gowerton Road which connect to the industrial estate to the north of the site.

2.16 Virgin Media confirm that none of their apparatus is located within close proximity of the site. Confirmation of this can be found in Appendix G.

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Foul Water 3.1 AW has confirmed that foul drainage from the development is in the catchment of Great Billing Water Recycling Centre, which currently has capacity to treat the flows from the development site. A Developer Enquiry Response from AW can be found within Appendix C.

3.2 AW have assessed the development proposals and their desktop study has indicated that a direct connection to the public foul sewer network is likely to have a detrimental effect on the existing system. Therefore, further hydraulic modelling work is required to enable AW to provide a feasible drainage solution for the development. In accordance with the Water Industry Act a suitable solution will be identified and foul drainage capacity is not a constraint to development.

3.3 Previous modelling work was carried out on the basis of the foul flows from 450 homes to be connected at the manhole reference MH5901 on Newport Pagnell Road. The study concluded that the development will cause detriment to the capacity of the sewer system and will result in increased flood risk downstream of the proposed connection point. In order to mitigate the impact of the proposed development, AW have recommended providing and offline storage of capacity 40m3 in the green area near Wooldale Road. The estimated cost for the proposed off-site reinforcement solution is £269,750.00 with an indicative developer contribution of £29,796.00. Updating the foul hydraulic modelling would only refine the amount of offline storage.

3.4 AW can confirm, at present, the network has available capacity for the development surface water flows. The connection point for the surface water can be made to manhole 6551 at NGR SP7767857590 to the north of the site.

3.5 Foul water and surface water drainage options have been considered by M-EC within Section 7.0 of their Flood Risk Assessment (Ref: 20168/06-17/3941 Rev A) and design options are presented as part of the report.

Clean Water 3.6 AW has confirmed that there is sufficient capacity to supply the proposed development with clean water therefore, reinforcement works are not required.

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3.7 AW has confirmed that a suitable connection point is located within the existing 180mm water main situated along Newport Pagnell Road at National Grid Reference (NGR) SP7774956796. Furthermore, AW confirms that a contribution will be required for their Strategic Water Mains scheme which is calculated by the anticipated flows required for the development. AW have provided a full breakdown of these costs within their Developer Enquiry found in Appendix C.

Gas 3.8 National Grid has confirmed that there is sufficient capacity within the existing network to supply the site with gas, without the need for off-site capacity improvement works.

3.9 Grid has confirmed that the development can be connected to the Medium Pressure gas main located 148 metres from the western boundary of the site. A suitable point of connection has been highlighted by National Grid and included within Appendix D.

3.10 GTC has supplied a budget cost to supply gas connections to the proposed development. Correspondence is included in Appendix H.

3.11 British Gas has supplied a budget cost to supply gas connections to the proposed development. Correspondence is included in Appendix I.

Electricity 3.12 WPD has provided a budget estimate to supply the proposed development with electricity. The budget estimate stated that the site will require two new 800kVA package substations along with a new 11kV circuit breaker at the local primary substation to facilitate this. All associated cables and reinforcement works are included within the budget estimate.

3.13 GTC has supplied a budget cost to supply electricity connections to the proposed development. Correspondence is included in Appendix I.

Telecommunications 3.14 BT Openreach have provided their budget cost of £00.00 to provide Fibre cables within the site. BT confirm that an estimated fibre broadband speed range of up to 300mb would be available to the site. At these speeds, residents would have no problem undertaking everyday activities including streaming music, HD videos and online gaming.

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3.15 BT confirms that if fibre connectivity to the development should not be pursued, the current estimate broadband speed rage would be a maximum of 8mb. A copy of BT’s connectivity assessment can be found within Appendix F.

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Clean Water 4.1 AW apparatus plans confirm that a 450mm clean water main runs through the site from west to east, just north of The Green. AW have confirmed that an easement of 4.5m either side of the centre point on this main must be adopted whereby no building or permanent structure can be built.

Electricity 4.2 WPD apparatus plans highlight that there is a 33kV cable which enters the site at its western corner. WPD have confirmed that based on the proposed site layout, this cable will not require diverting. The 33kV cable will be placed underground within the highway therefore, no diversions will be required.

Telecommunications 4.3 A review of the BT apparatus plan indicates that there is underground apparatus located along the eastern side of Newport Pagnell Road, close to the proposed site access junction. BT advise that detailed access drawings should be submitted before they can proceed with calculating a budget estimate for the site.

Report Ref: 20168/10-17/3992 Page 11


5.1 This report has been produced to support a planning application for a proposed mixed development of up to 525 dwellings on Land off Newton Pagnell Road, Wootton. A summary of all findings to date is provided in the below table.

Service and/or Capacity Pumping Substation Budget Are Diversions Summary Comments Provider Available? Required Required? Costs Required? ? Provided? Foul Drainage Further N/A N/A N/A N/A Foul capacity improvements will be (Anglian Water) Hydraulic required to ensure sufficient capacity modelling is available to accommodate the required proposed development. Clean Water Yes N/A N/A £300,000.00 Easements of 4.5m either AW confirm that a suitable (Anglian Water) side of the 450mm main connection point is located within the which crosses part of the existing 180mm water main situated site are required. along Newport Pagnell Road. Gas Yes N/A N/A £252,762.00 - No National Grid has confirmed that the (National GTC (Gas & development can be connected to the Grid/GTC) Electric) Medium Pressure gas main located 148 metres from the western boundary of the site.

Electricity Yes – After N/A Yes – 2x £487,962.25 - No diversions are WPD and GTC have provided budget (WPD/GTC) network 800kVA WPD anticipated for the 33kV quotations to supply the site with reinforcement Substation cable at the western electricity. WPD confirm 2 new boundary of the site. 800kVA package substation will be required on-site. Telecoms N/A N/A N/A Contribution Diversions will be BT confirm that a contribution of (BT Openreach & for Fibre required for underground £0.00 would be required to supply Virgin Media) Cables - apparatus located close to fibre cables to the site, with an £0.00 the proposed site access estimated fibre broadband speed locations. No Virgin Media range of up to 300mb. diversions are anticipated.

Report Ref: 20168/10-17/3992 Page 12 APPENDIX A


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(c) Crown Copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100022432 Date: 24/04/15 Scale: 1:1250 Map Centre: 478118,256922 Data updated: 01/04/15 Our Ref: 138719 - 1 Wastewater Plan A0

This plan is provided by Anglian Water pursuant its obligations under the Water Industry Act 1991 sections 198 or 199. It must be used in conjunction with any Foul Sewer [email protected] search results attached. The information on this plan is based on data currently recorded but position must be regarded as approximate. Service pipes, private Outfall sewers and drains are generally not shown. Users of this map are strongly advised to commission their own survey of the area shown on the plan before Surface Sewer (Colour denotes effluent type) carrying out any works. The actual position of all apparatus MUST be established by trial holes. No liability whatsoever, including liability for negligence, is Newport Pagnell Road accepted by Anglian Water for any error or inaccuracy or omission, including the failure to accurately record, or record at all, the location of any water main, Combined Sewer Inlet discharge pipe, sewer or disposal main or any item of apparatus. This information is valid for the date printed. The plan is produced by Anglian Water Services Final Effluent (Colour denotes effluent type) Limited from Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright, 100022432. This map is to be used for the purposes of viewing the location of Anglian Water plant only. Manhole Any other uses of the map data or further copies is not permitted. This notice is not intended to exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury resulting Rising Main (Colour denotes effluent type) (Colour denotes effluent type) from negligence. Private Sewer Sewage Treatment Works (Colour denotes effluent type) Decommissioned Sewer Pumping Station (Colour denotes effluent type) Manhole Reference Easting Northing Liquid Type Cover Level Invert Level Depth to Invert Manhole Reference Easting Northing Liquid Type Cover Level Invert Level Depth to Invert Manhole Reference Easting Northing Liquid Type Cover Level Invert Level Depth to Invert Manhole Reference Easting Northing Liquid Type Cover Level Invert Level Depth to Invert Manhole Reference Easting Northing Liquid Type Cover Level Invert Level Depth to Invert Manhole Reference Easting Northing Liquid Type Cover Level Invert Level Depth to Invert

3604 477392 256641 F - - - 3700 477394 256749 F - - - 3701 477399 256770 F - - - 4000 477410 257002 F - - - 4600 477473 256653 F - - - 4601 477456 256604 F - - - 4602 477422 256673 F - - - 4700 477472 256752 F - - - 4701 477472 256742 F - - - 4702 477495 256794 F - - - 4703 477452 256785 F - - - 4704 477467 256765 F - - - 4705 477425 256747 F - - - 4706 477434 256711 F - - - 4800 477409 256811 F - - - 4801 477405 256897 F - - - 4802 477468 256851 F - - - 4803 477419 256893 F - - - 4804 477490 256844 F - - - 4900 477470 256923 F - - - 4901 477495 256908 F - - - 4902 477446 256931 F - - - 4903 477406 256989 F - - - 4904 477456 256969 F - - - 4905 477500 256947 F - - - 4906 477423 256982 F - - - 5500 477528 256595 F - - - 5600 477501 256645 F - - - 5601 477517 256631 F - - - 5602 477558 256653 F - - - 5603 477541 256618 F - - - 5700 477565 256789 F - - - 5701 477591 256780 F - - - 5702 477553 256763 F - - - 5703 477538 256739 F - - - 5704 477551 256726 F - - - 5705 477584 256716 F - - - 5706 477506 256788 F - - - 5800 477573 256816 F - - - 5801 477573 256838 F - - - 5802 477588 256844 F - - - 5803 477593 256870 F - - - 5804 477509 256841 F - - - 5805 477516 256868 F - - - 5806 477528 256889 F - - - 5900 477516 256901 F - - - 5901 477544 256924 F - - - 6700 477646 256781 F - - - 6701 477634 256788 F - - - 6800 477648 256808 F - - - 6801 477651 256827 F - - - 3657 477398 256642 S - - - 3754 477390 256746 S - - - 3755 477396 256770 S - - - 4051 477403 257056 S - - - 4052 477421 257001 S - - - 4053 477396 257006 S - - - 4651 477453 256602 S - - - 4652 477500 256643 S - - - 4653 477470 256652 S - - - 4654 477422 256671 S - - - 4751 477469 256751 S - - - 4752 477469 256742 S - - - 4753 477488 256733 S - - - 4754 477493 256717 S - - - 4755 477428 256745 S - - - 4756 477435 256709 S - - - 4757 477497 256791 S - - - 4758 477465 256762 S - - - 4759 477448 256786 S - - - 4851 477403 256895 S - - - 4852 477465 256849 S - - - 4853 477425 256886 S - - - 4854 477486 256842 S - - - 4855 477412 256807 S - - - 4951 477491 256908 S - - - 4952 477473 256920 S - - - 4953 477443 256931 S - - - 4954 477416 256946 S - - - 4955 477461 256970 S - - - 4956 477417 256987 S - - - 5551 477526 256598 S - - - 5552 477519 256573 S - - - 5651 477515 256629 S - - - 5652 477558 256658 S - - - 5653 477537 256617 S - - - 5751 477511 256707 S - - - 5752 477502 256788 S - - - 5753 477510 256784 S - - - 5754 477541 256739 S - - - 5755 477552 256729 S - - - 5756 477579 256720 S - - - 5757 477554 256760 S - - - 5758 477591 256777 S - - - 5759 477565 256785 S - - - 5851 477575 256815 S - - - 5852 477589 256843 S - - - 5853 477594 256868 S - - - 5854 477575 256836 S - - - 5855 477537 256843 S - - - 5856 477517 256864 S - - - 5857 477529 256885 S - - - 5858 477516 256897 S - - - 5859 477510 256838 S - - - 5951 477547 256925 S - - - 5952 477505 256947 S - - - 6751 477635 256785 S - - - 6851 477649 256806 S - - - 6852 477653 256830 S - - -

Our Ref: 138719 - 1 Our Ref: 138719 - 1 (c) Crown Copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100022432 Date: 21/05/15 Scale: 1:1250 Map Centre: 478059,257065 Data updated: 01/05/15 Our Ref: 142090 - 1 Clean Water Plan A0

This plan is provided by Anglian Water pursuant its obligations under the Water Industry Act 1991 sections 198 or 199. It must be used in conjunction with any [email protected] search results attached. The information on this plan is based on data currently recorded but position must be regarded as approximate. Service pipes, private sewers and drains are generally not shown. Users of this map are strongly advised to commission their own survey of the area shown on the plan before carrying out any works. The actual position of all apparatus MUST be established by trial holes. No liability whatsoever, including liability for negligence, is Potable Water Fitting Newport Pagnell Road accepted by Anglian Water for any error or inaccuracy or omission, including the failure to accurately record, or record at all, the location of any water main, discharge pipe, sewer or disposal main or any item of apparatus. This information is valid for the date printed. The plan is produced by Anglian Water Services Raw Water Limited from Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright, 100022432. This map is to be used for the purposes of viewing the location of Anglian Water plant only. Any other uses of the map data or further copies is not permitted. This notice is not intended to exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury resulting Decommissioned Water Hydrant from negligence.

Pre-Planning Assessment Report

Newport Pagnell Road, Hackleton

Pre-Planning Report Thursday, December 08, 2016

Section 1: Proposed Development

Thank you for submitting a pre-planning enquiry. This has been produced for M-EC Consulting Development Engineers. Your reference number is 00018368. If you have any questions upon receipt of this report, please contact Mark Rhodes on 01733 414690 or email [email protected].

The response within this report has been based on the following information which was submitted as part of your application:

List of Planned Developments Type of Development No. Of Units C3 Dwellings 500 D1 Non-residential 1

The anticipated residential build rate is:

Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Build Rate 50 100 100 100 100 50

 The grid reference for the site is SP7806557029.

 The site currently does not have planning permission and is located on a greenfield site.

Pre-Planning Report Thursday, 08 December 2016

Section 2: Assets Affected

Our records indicate that we have the following types of assets within or overlapping the boundary of your development site as listed in the table below.

Additionally, it is highly recommended that you carry out a thorough investigation of your proposed working area to establish whether any unmapped public or private sewers and lateral drains are in existence. We are unable to permit development either over or within the easement strip without our prior consent. The extent of the easement is provided in the table below. Please be aware that the existing water mains/public sewers should be located in highway or open space and not in private gardens. This is to ensure available access for any future maintenance and repair and this should be taken into consideration when planning your site layout.

Water and Used Water Easement Information Asset Type Pipe Size (mm) Total Easement Required (m)

Water Mains 463 4.5 m either side of the centre line

If it is not possible to avoid our assets then the water main/sewer may need to be diverted in accordance with Section 185 of the Water Industry Act (1991). We have a duty to divert our sewerage infrastructure if requested to do so although this would be at your expense. You will need to make a formal application if you would like a diversion to be considered. A copy of the section 185 diversion application form can be found at

Due to the private sewer transfer in October 2011 many newly adopted public used water assets and their history are not indicated on our records. You also need to be aware that your development site may contain private water mains, drains or other assets not shown on our records. These are private assets and not the responsibility of Anglian Water but that of the landowner.

Pre-Planning Report Thursday, 08 December 2016

Section 3: Water Supply

In examining the available capacity for your development site we assess the capacity and costs for two categories of water main. These are:

Strategic – these are the offsite potable water mains which deliver water within an area to a large number of development sites often across a number of towns. The strategic provision of these water mains enables us to provide of the cheapest solution across a large geographical area.

Local reinforcement – these are the offsite potable water mains that connect your site to the closest available public water main. Alternatively, reinforcement may be needed to protect existing houses against the loss of water or water pressure.

On most sites we also have two categories of water mains the Spine Mains and Housing Estate Mains (HEMS). To support your budgeting arrangements we have also examined the estimated cost for delivering the onsite water mains needed for a site of your size.

Water Supply Network

The water supply to the proposed development site can be provided from the existing mains as listed below. The water main has adequate capacity for your development site. Anglian Water cannot reserve capacity and therefore you are recommended to formally apply for a connection at your earliest convenience. Please note that available capacity in our network can be reduced at any time due to increased requirements from existing businesses and houses as well as from new housing and new commercial developments.

The connection point for the site will be from the existing 180mm HPPE water main in Newport Pagnell Road, Hackleton at National Grid Reference (NGR) SP7774956796.

Water Budget Costs The costs provided in this report are based on the current information available. These costs are provided as an indicative estimate to help inform you on a budget for supplying water to your site.

• The strategic costs are based on a proportion of the total strategic scheme cost. These costs are calculated based on the flow rate that your development requires as compared to the total flow rate that the strategic main has been designed against.

• The local reinforcement costs have been calculated based on the typical costs of providing a length of water main across a similar distance as required for this development site.

• The onsite Spine mains and HEMS costs are provided based on historic Anglian Water construction information.

Pre-Planning Report Thursday, 08 December 2016

Based on these estimated and predicted costs, the cost to provide water to your site:

Predicted costs for supplying water to your development

Strategic Water Mains Based on N/A

Estimated Local reinforcement Mains N/A

Estimated Onsite Water Mains Onsite water mains costs £ 300,000.00

Total Cost for providing the water infrastructure £ 300,000.00

The above table provides an estimated breakdown of the costs to supply the water infrastructure. A more detailed cost provision will be provided following a formal application for a new water mains or water connection.

Financing your water costs

You will be required to partly contribute towards the cost of supplying water to your site. The amount that you contribute is dependent on your preferred method of financing the site. The Water Industry Act enables you to finance the water mains via either the relevant deficit or discounted aggregate deficit. A full breakdown of these methods is provided on our website at

In essence, the two deficit options allow us to offset future revenue (from the end customer after they purchase your houses) from the scheme cost. The scheme cost is determined as a hypothetical fixed rate loan provided over 12 years. The two statutory options are:

1. Relevant deficit. This takes the actual annual revenue offset from the actual annual scheme cost repayment. The difference is paid every year over the first twelve years of your site or until the revenue exceeds the annual scheme cost.

2. Discounted aggregate deficit. This enables us to offset the estimated future revenue from the scheme cost. This is calculated over the first twelve years of your site and a commuted sum is calculated as an upfront net present value amount.

Pre-Planning Report Thursday, 08 December 2016 Your estimated contribution towards the construction costs are provided in the table below:

Scheme Title: Newport Pagnell Road, Hackleton Developer: M-EC Consulting Development Engineers

Year Occupation Rates Estimated Construction costs 1 0 Onsite water £ 300,000 2 50 Offsite water £ - 3 150 Estimated Scheme Cost £ 300,000 4 250 5 350 Your estimated contribution towards construction costs 6 450 Relevant Deficit £ 70,358 7 500 Discounted Aggregate Deficit £ 66,536 8 500 9 500 10 500 11 500 12 500 Total 500

In addition, you also have the ability to construct the onsite water mains under a self-lay agreement. In such cases, an Asset Payment is made by Anglian Water following commissioning and adoption of the assets. The Asset Payment is calculated as required in the Water Act 2003. For more information on the self-lay of water mains please see

You will also need to budget for both infrastructure charges and connection costs. The 2016/17 charges are:

Infrastructure Charge £354.00 per connection

Please note that we offer alternative types of connections depending on your needs and these costs are available in our annual charges booklet, which can be downloaded from

Pre-Planning Report Thursday, 08 December 2016

Section 4: Water Recycling Services

In examining the used water system we assess the ability for your site to connect to the public sewerage network without causing a detriment to the operation of the system. We also assess the receiving water recycling centre and determine whether the water recycling centre can cope with the increased flow and influent quality arising from your development.

Water Recycling Centre The foul drainage from the proposed development is in the catchment of Great Billing Water Recycling Centre, which currently has capacity to treat the flows from your development site. Anglian Water cannot reserve capacity and the available capacity at the water recycling centre can be reduced at any time due to growth, environmental and regulation driven changes.

Used Water Network Anglian Water has assessed your proposals and our desktop study has indicated that a direct connection to the public foul sewer network is likely to have a detrimental effect on the existing system. Therefore further hydraulic modelling work is required to enable Anglian Water to provide you with a feasible drainage solution for your site.

This site has previously been modelled on the basis of both 200 and 450 homes respectively and the need for mitigation was established. The desired method of progressing forward would be to underwrite for detailed design. Should you wish to move forward with an addendum of hydraulic modelling to your pre-planning report, we would be happy to provide a cost and timescale. This additional work would be at the cost of the developer.

Max Shone is our senior growth planning engineer for this area and will be responsible for any additional work. For your reference, Max can be contacted on 07712 876 139 or at [email protected]

Anglian Water will request a suitably worded condition at the planning application stage to ensure the strategy is implemented to mitigate the risk of flooding.

Please do let us know how you wish to proceed.

Surface Water Disposal Anglian Water has assessed a connection to the public surface water sewer as per your attached documentation. We can confirm that this is acceptable as, at present, the network has available capacity for your flows. The connection point for the surface water will be to manhole 6551 at NGR SP7767857590 to the north of your site at a discharge rate of 85.32 l/s.

Pre-Planning Report Thursday, 08 December 2016 Anglian Water has also assessed an alternative connection for surface water flows to the south of your site as requested. The sewers to the south west of your site are presently privately owned subject to a completed Section 104 application. Anglian Water therefore cannot recommend a connection there and permission to do so would have to be sought by the owner of this sewer.

It is our understanding that the evidence to confirm your compliance with the surface water hierarchy is not currently available. It is your responsibility however to provide evidence to confirm that all alternative methods of surface water disposal have been explored and these will be required before a surface water connection can be agreed. This is subject to satisfactory evidence which shows the surface water management hierarchy, as outlined in Building Regulations Part H, has been explored. This would encompass the results from the site specific infiltration testing and/or confirmation that the flows cannot be discharged to a watercourse.

Flows in excess of any agreed rate will need to be stored on site to the environment Agency's requirements for all events up to the 1 in 100 year plus climate change rate, unless a greater event has been stipulated.

As you may be aware, Anglian Water will consider the adoption of SuDs provided that they meet the criteria outline in our SuDs adoption manual. This can be found on our website at We will adopt features located in public open space that are designed and constructed, in conjunction with the Local Authority and Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), to the criteria within our SuDs adoption manual. Specifically, developers must be able to demonstrate:

1. Effective upstream source control, 2. Effective exceedance design, and 3. Effective maintenance schedule demonstrating than the assets can be maintained both now and in the future with adequate access.

If you wish to look at the adoption of any SuDs then an expression of interest form can be found on our website at:

Trade Effluent We note that you do not have any trade effluent requirements. Should this be required in the future you will need our written formal consent. This is in accordance with Section 118 of the Water Industry Act (1991).

Used Water Budget Costs It has been assumed that the onsite used water network will be provided under a section 104 Water Industry Act application. It is recommended that you also budget for both infrastructure charges and connection costs. The 2016/17 charges are:

Infrastructure Charge £354.00 per connection

Pre-Planning Report Thursday, 08 December 2016

Please note that we offer alternative types of connections depending on your needs and these costs are available in our annual charges booklet, which can be downloaded from

Pre-Planning Report Thursday, 08 December 2016

Section 5: Map of Proposed Connection Points

Connection point

Figure 1: Showing your water point of connection at Newport Pagnell Road, Hackleton

Connection point

Figure 2: Showing your surface water point of connection at manhole 6551

Pre-Planning Report Thursday, 08 December 2016

Section 6: Useful Information

Water Water Industry Act – Key Water Sections: • Section 41: This provides you with the right to requisition a new water main for domestic purposes to connect your site to the public water network. • Section 45: This provides you with the right to have a connection for domestic purposes from a building or part of a building to the public water main. • Section 51A - E: This provides you with the right to provide the water main or service connection yourself and for us to vest them into our company.  Section 55: This applies where you request a supply of water for non domestic purposes. • Section 185: This provides you with the right to make a reasonable request to have a public water main, sewer or public lateral drain removed or altered, at your expense. Details on how to make an application and the s185 form is available on our website at or via our Developer Services team on 08457 60 66 087.

Details on how you can make a formal application for a new water main, new connection or diversion are available on from our Developer Services team on 08457 60 66 087 or via our website at

If you have any other queries on the rights to requisition or connect your housing to the public water and sewerage infrastructure then please contact our developer services team at: Developer Services, Anglian Water, PO Box 495, Huntingdon, PE29 6YY or Telephone: 0845 60 66 087 or Email: [email protected]

Water pressure and flow rate: The water pressure and consistency that we must meet for your site is laid out in the Water Industry Act (1991). This states that we must supply a flow rate of 9 litres per second at a pressure of 10 metres of head to the external stop tap. If your water pressure requirements exceed this then you will need to provide and maintain any booster requirements to the development site.

Self Lay of Water Mains: A list of accredited Self Lay Organisations can be found at

Used Water Water Industry Act – Key Used Water Sections: • Section 98: This provides you with the right to requisition a new public sewer. The new public sewer can be constructed by Anglian Water on your behalf. Alternatively, you can construct the sewer yourself under section 30 of the Anglian Water Authority Act 1977.

Pre-Planning Report Thursday, 08 December 2016 • Section 102: This provides you with the right to have an existing sewerage asset vested by us. It is your responsibility to bring the infrastructure to an adoptable condition ahead of the asset being vested. • Section 104: This provides you with the right to have a design technically vetted and an agreement reached that will see us adopt your assets following their satisfactory construction and connection to the public sewer. • Section 106: This provides you with the right to have your constructed sewer connected to the public sewer. • Section 185: This provides you with the right to have a public sewerage asset diverted.

Details on how to make a formal application for a new sewer, new connection or diversion are available on our website at or via our Developer Services team on 08457 60 66 087.

Sustainable Drainage Systems: Many existing urban drainage systems can cause problems of flooding, pollution or damage to the environment and are not resilient to climate change in the long term. Therefore our preferred method of surface water disposal is through the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). SuDS are a range of techniques that aim to mimic the way surface water drains in natural systems within urban areas. For more information on SuDS, please visit our website at We also recommend that you contact the Local Authority and Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) for the area to discuss your application.

Private Sewer Transfers: Sewers and lateral drains connected to the public sewer on the 1 July 2011 transferred into Water Company ownership on the 1 October 2011. This follows the implementation of the Floods and Water Management Act (FWMA). This included sewers and lateral drains that were subject to an existing Section 104 Adoption Agreement and those that were not. There were exemptions and the main non- transferable assets were as follows:

• Surface water sewers and lateral drains that did not discharge to the public sewer, e.g. those that discharged to a watercourse. • Foul sewers and lateral drains that discharged to a privately owned sewage treatment/collection facility. • Pumping stations and rising mains will transfer between 1 October 2011 and 1 October 2016.

The implementation of Section 42 of the FWMA will ensure that future private sewers will not be created. It is anticipated that all new sewer applications will need to have an approved section 104 application ahead of a section 106 connection.

Encroachment: Anglian Water operates a risk based approach to development encroaching close to our used water infrastructure. We assess the issue of encroachment if you are

Pre-Planning Report Thursday, 08 December 2016 planning to build within 400 metres of a water recycling centre or, within 15 metres to 100 metres of a pumping station. We have more information available on our website at

Locating our assets: Maps detailing the location of our water and used water infrastructure including both underground assets and above ground assets such as pumping stations and recycling centres are available from All requests from members of the public or non-statutory bodies for maps showing the location of our assets will be subject to an appropriate administrative charge. We have more information on our website at:

Summary of charges: A summary of this year’s water and used water connection and infrastructure charges can be found at

Disclaimer: The information provided within this report is based on the best data currently recorded, recorded within the last 12 months or provided by a third party. The position must be regarded as approximate. If there is further development in the area or for other reasons the position may change.

The accuracy of this report is therefore not guaranteed and does not obviate the need to make additional appropriate searches, inspections and enquiries. You are advised therefore to renew your enquiry should there be a delay in submitting your application for water supply/sewer connection to re-confirm the situation.

Any cost calculations provided within the report are estimated only and may be subject to change.

The responses made in this report are based on the presumption that your proposed development obtains planning permission. Whilst this report has been prepared to help assess the viability of your proposal, it must not be considered in isolation. Anglian Water supports the plan led approach to sustainable development that is set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). As a spatial planning statutory consultee, we assist planning authorities in the preparation of a sustainable local plan on the basis of capacity within our water and water recycling (formerly referred to as wastewater) infrastructure. Consequently, any infrastructure needs identified in this report must only be considered in the context of up to date, adopted or emerging local plans. Where local plans are absent, silent or out of date these needs should be considered against the definition of sustainability set out in the NPPF as a whole.

No liability whatsoever including liability for negligence is accepted by Anglian Water Services Limited for any error or inaccuracy or omission including the failure to accurately record or record at all, the location of any water main, discharge pipe, sewer, or drain or disposal main or any item of apparatus.

Pre-Planning Report Thursday, 08 December 2016

Addendum to the pre-planning assessment report dated 21st May


Project Title: Land off Newport, Pagnell Road, Wooton

Anglian Water Services contact: Max Shone Senior Growth Planning Engineer Thorpe Wood House Thorpe Wood Peterborough PE3 6WT Mobile Number: 07712876139 Our reference number: 6698 5th July 2016

Land off Newport, Pagnell Road, Development Impact Assessment 1. Summary

This report has been undertaken in response to an enquiry from M-EC Consulting Development Engineers to determine the impact of flows from the site at Newport Pagnell Road, Great Billing on the performance of the existing foul sewer network. It should be read in conjunction with the pre-planning report dated 15th March 2015, for the same site comprising 200 properties, which indicated that if all flows were connected to the public foul sewer system at MH5901, that is is likely to have a detrimental effect on the existing sewerage network. Further hydraulic modelling has been requested to provide a solution for draining all the foul flows from the proposed development to MH5901. The analysis has been performed on the foul system only. There has been no consideration of the surface water flows as this is not within the scope of the study. The additional foul flows from the development site comprising 450 dwellings were modelled connecting to modelled manhole reference no. MHSP77565901 (NGR SP7754456923) located on Newport Pagnell Road. The study concludes that the development will cause detriment to the capacity of the sewer system and will result in increased flood risk downstream of the proposed connection point. In order to mitigate the impact of the proposed development upon the network the following option is recommended:  Provide offline storage of capacity 40m3 in the green area near Wooldale Road.

The predicted total capital scheme cost for the required mitigation solution is £269,750 with an indicative developer contribution of £29,976. The predicted total 3 embodied carbon 38TCO2e. The predicted water footprint is 28m H2Oe. The topography of the site indicates that a gravity regime is required. Due to the proximity of the site to the connection point it is assumed that the developer will provide the necessary infrastructure to convey flows from the site to the network. The contents of this report and costs supplied are an estimate based on a solution generated by a desktop hydraulic model. These are estimated figures which are not to be relied upon without further detailed investigations.

Land off Newport, Pagnell Road, Development Impact Assessment Page 1 of 13 2. Hydraulic Modelling and Solutions

The proposed development site is located off Newport Pagnell Road on the eastern edge of Wooton (see Figure 1). Foul flows from the site drain to Great Billing Water Recycling Centre (WRC) located to the west of the town. The proposed development comprises 450 dwellings only. To enable the analysis to be performed the existing hydraulic model for Great Billing was used. This was updated to include recent changes to the system, based on information provided by the local operations team.

Figure 1: Showing the expected downstream trace from the development site to the WRC

Proposed connection point The proposed connection point for the development is manhole reference number SP77569501, (NGR SP7754456923) located just off Newport Pagnell Road (see Figure 2). The diameter of the sewer to which the proposed development will connect is 150mm. A review of the site topography indicates that a gravity connection is feasible.

Land off Newport, Pagnell Road, Development Impact Assessment Page 2 of 13 Proposed connection point MH SP77565901

Figure 2: Showing the proposed connection point

Hydraulic modelling The hydraulic model was run to determine the existing sewer performance during a 1 in 20 year critical duration storm. The model was then re-run with the estimated flows from the site connecting to manhole SP77565901 via a gravity connection. The model predicts a significant increase in flooding at six manholes of which two are located directly downstream of the proposed development (see Figure 3). Surcharging is also predicted in the network due to the additional flows from the development (see Figure 4). There are also increases in spill volume at Abington combined sewer overflow (CSO), Northampton Bedford Road CSO, Northampton Bedford Road sewer overflow (SSO) (see Figure 5).

Land off Newport, Pagnell Road, Development Impact Assessment Page 3 of 13

Figure 3: Showing manholes where detriment is predicted to occur in red

Figure 4: Showing manholes in red where surcharging is predicted to occur

Land off Newport, Pagnell Road, Development Impact Assessment Page 4 of 13

Figure 5: Showing overflow locations where an increase in spill volume is predicted to occur The level of detriment predicted due to the additional flows from the development means that a mitigation solution will be required to allow the site to connect to the existing sewerage system.

Land off Newport, Pagnell Road, Development Impact Assessment Page 5 of 13 Mitigation Solution Mitigation solutions are designed to prevent detriment to the existing sewerage network performance during a 1 in 30 year critical duration storm event. The proposed mitigation solution comprises: 1. 40m3 of of-line storage in the green area near Wooldale Road.

Figure 6: Showing the location of the proposed mitigation solution This is a feasible solution for planning application purposes. A detailed design would be required to investigate the solution further. Alternative Solutions At detailed design stage alternative solutions may also be considered: o A sewer upsize option may be possible. This would require the upsize of 812m sewer from 600mm to 900mm at a point downstream of the development site. This option has not been taken further at this stage due to the expected disruption and associated cost. Existing Sewer Capacity The modelling shows that surcharging occurs as new properties are added to the network. As per the pre-planning response, up to 50 properties could be connected before the off-site reinforcement solution was in place.

Land off Newport, Pagnell Road, Development Impact Assessment Page 6 of 13 3. Summary of Cost Estimates

The estimated cost for the proposed off-site reinforcement solution is £269,750. The Water Industry Act enables the developer to benefit from any wastewater revenue generated from the houses they have built. In simplified terms, future revenue from the new dwellings is offset from the developer’s contribution. Instead of paying the full contribution the developer pays the difference between their capital contribution and the future revenue. This is calculated on an annual basis for 12 years (see Appendix 2). The developer has the option of paying this annually (relevant deficit) or upfront as a commuted sum (discounted aggregate deficit).

The indicative cost chargeable to the developer for the required mitigation following the offsetting of expected future revenue is predicted to be £29,976. This future revenue has been calculated based on constructing 50 residential dwellings in year 1 and then 100 dwellings per year thereafter. (see Table 1).

Table 1: Showing the predicted developer contribution to an estimated capital cost of £269,750

Total Cumulative Cumulative Annual Projected Projected Discount Commuted Year Property Revenue Repayments Relevant Future Factor Sum Build Rate impact of the Loan Deficit Revenue 1 50 25 £4,534 £27,100 £22,565 0.9709 £21,908 2 150 100 £18,541 £27,100 £8,559 0.9426 £8,068 3 250 200 £37,907 £27,100 £0 0.9151 £0 4 350 300 £58,130 £27,100 £0 0.8885 £0 5 450 400 £79,242 £27,100 £0 0.8626 £0 6 450 450 £91,148 £27,100 £0 0.8375 £0 7 450 450 £93,199 £27,100 £0 0.8131 £0 8 450 450 £95,301 £27,100 £0 0.7894 £0 9 450 450 £97,456 £27,100 £0 0.7664 £0 10 450 450 £99,665 £27,100 £0 0.7441 £0 11 450 450 £101,928 £27,100 £0 0.7224 £0 12 450 450 £104,249 £27,100 £0 0.7014 £0 TOTAL £31,124 £29,976 Conveyancing costs The connection point is close to the site boundary. It has been assumed that the developer will provide the infrastructure to convey the flows from the site to the connection point. Consequently, this report does not include any costs for the conveyance of flows. The contents of this report and costs supplied are an estimate based on a solution generated by a desktop hydraulic model. These are estimated figures which are not to be relied upon without further detailed investigations.

Land off Newport, Pagnell Road, Development Impact Assessment Page 7 of 13 4. Summary and recommendation

Assumed flows from the site at Land off Newport, Pagnell Road have been modelled connecting via gravity to the existing foul drainage system to manhole reference no. SP77565901 and detriment to the existing performance has been predicted. To mitigate against this a feasible foul drainage solution is proposed comprising: 1. Provide offline storage of capacity 40m3 in the green area near the Wooldale Road.

Embodied carbon cost

The embodied carbon predicted in this solution is 38TCO2e (see Table 2). Water footprinting

3 The predicted water footprint for this solution is 28m H2O (see Appendix 3). Conveyance of flows It is assumed that the developer will provide the infrastructure to convey flows to the network.

Table 2: Showing estimated costs of proposals Estimated Predicted Predicted Total Predicted water Proposed pre- Capital Developer Embodied footprint planning solution 3 Cost Contribution Carbon (tCO2e) (m H2O)  40m3 of storage £269,750 £29,976 38 28

This is a feasible solution for planning application purposes.

Land off Newport, Pagnell Road, Development Impact Assessment Page 8 of 13 5. Next steps

To proceed with this option, it is recommended that an application is made under Section 98 of the Water Industry Act. This will enable a detailed design and robust cost to be generated and the scheme to be delivered. An application form is available on our web site at sewer.aspx. Underwriting detailed design Detailed design commences on receipt of an underwriting agreement. Payment is only sought from the developer if it chooses to abort the work. Otherwise, it is incorporated into the total scheme cost. For this scheme, an underwriting of £20,000 will provide detailed options from which a preferred option may be chosen. A cumulative underwriting of £42,000 will take the preferred option to a level of design where it is ready for construction. Typically this takes an estimated 44-52 weeks but may increase depending on the complexity of the scheme. At this stage a robust cost for the scheme can be provided. Further work required for a section 104 or section 106 application Please note, it would be deemed premature by Anglian Water to submit a Section 106 or Section 104 application under the Water Industry Act 1991 to Developer Services prior to a Legal Agreement being signed under Section 98 of the same act ensuring the provision of the necessary upgrade works as identified within this report. Anglian Water supports sustainable development as set out in the NPPF The responses made in this report are based on the presumption that your proposed development obtains planning permission. Whilst this report has been prepared to help assess the viability of your proposal, it must not be considered in isolation. Anglian Water supports the plan led approach to sustainable development that is set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). As a spatial planning statutory consultee, we assist planning authorities in the preparation of a sustainable local plan on the basis of capacity within our water and water recycling (formerly referred to as wastewater) infrastructure. Consequently, any infrastructure needs identified in this report must only be considered in the context of up to date, adopted or emerging local plans. Where local plans are absent, silent or out of date these needs should be considered against the definition of sustainability set out in the NPPF as a whole.

Land off Newport, Pagnell Road, Development Impact Assessment Page 9 of 13 APPENDIX 1. Development details

Proposed Connection

Proposed connection location Pagnell Road Connection sewer or node reference (incl. X&Y) SP7754456923 (477544.1, 256923) Connection sewer diameter 150mm Connection relative to the development South Discharge regime Gravity Pump discharge rate N/A Creep& Storage Total creep (5 m2 per property) 2250 Total development storage (m3) 270 Pump storage volume, m3 N/A Highest Point of development (mAOD) 106 Lowest Point of development (mAOD) 96.2 DWF Calculations Attribute Value Totals Unit / Calculation Development size 25.46 Ha (Digitised Sub-catchment area)

Residential A Residential dwellings 450 No. B Residential occupancy 2.35 No. C Residential population (P) 1057.5 No. (A x B) D Residential PCC (G) 125 l/h/d

E(avg) Residential demand - Average 1.53 l/s (C x D)/86400

E(peak) Residential demand - Peak 3.24 l/s (E(avg) x 2.12)

F Infiltration 0.38 l/s (0.25 x E(avg))

Industrial/Trade G Industrial/trade area 0 Ha H Industrial/trade discharge per ha 0 l/s I Industrial/trade domestic element per ha 0 l/s

J(avg) Commercial/trade - Average 0 l/s (GxH+GxI)

J (peak) Commercial/trade- Peak 0 l/s(J(avg) x 3)

Schools K School PCC 0 l/h/d L School occupancy 0 No.

M(avg) School demand - Average 0 l/s (K x L)/86400

M(peak) School demand - Peak 0 l/s (M(avg) x 3)


N(avg) Other demand - Average 0 l/s

N(peak) Other demand - Peak 0 l/s

O(avg) Total Discharge - Average 1.53 l/s (E(avg)+J(avg)+M(avg)+N(avg))

O(peak) Total Discharge - Peak 3.24 l/s (E(peak)+J(peak)+M(peak)+N(peak))

DWF Total - Average 1.91 l/s(O(avg) + F)

DWF Total - Peak 3.62 l/s(O(peak) + F)

Land off Newport, Pagnell Road, Development Impact Assessment Page 10 of 13 APPENDIX 2. - Calculation of relevant deficit and discounted aggregate deficit.

The financial propositions that are available in the Water Industry Act (WIA) are:  Relevant Deficit (WIA section 100)  Discounted Aggregate Deficit (WIA section 100A) Under each option, the cost of installing the required infrastructure is calculated. This cost is then translated into a notional ‘loan’ to fund the installation. The revenue is then offset over a period of 12 years, taking into account inflation. If the cost of financing the loan exceeds the revenue in any year, then this deficit is charged to the developer.

A2.1 Relevant Deficit

This option takes the actual cost of providing the infrastructure as the basis for a notional loan. On an annual basis (for 12 years) the actual revenue we receive in respect of the infrastructure is then offset against the cost of the annual repayments of the notional loan. The deficit is paid annually by the developer for a period of up to 12 years. This is shown in Figure A2.1 below. The developer will need to provide an undertaking to pay the deficit each year and also provide security for the estimated annual deficits either in the form of a cash deposit or a bond.

Relevant Deficit

Figure A2.1 – Graphical imagery of a typical Relevant Deficit over 12 years

Land off Newport, Pagnell Road, Development Impact Assessment Page 11 of 13 A2.2 Discounted Aggregate Deficit

This follows the same principles as the Relevant Deficit payment method, except that the deficit will be paid as a single payment and the revenue is estimated from the build rate rather than from the actual revenue. The yearly relevant deficit is calculated across the 12 years and a discount factor is applied to bring the deficit to its net present value. The deficit is normally reconciled against the security (see below) within 12 months of completing the infrastructure and is payable as a single commuted sum. This can be seen in Figure A2.2. The developer will need to provide an undertaking to pay the full deficit after reconciliation and a security amount for the estimated deficit either in the form of a cash deposit or a bond. The deficit itself is payable on completion of the water mains following the reconciliation.

Figure A2.2 – Graphical imagery of a typical Discounted Aggregate Deficit over 12 years

Land off Newport, Pagnell Road, Development Impact Assessment Page 12 of 13 APPENDIX 3. – Embodied carbon and water footprinting

Carbon footprint

In 2006 Anglian Water recognised the impacts of changing climate as one of the most significant challenges facing the organisation. In response we have developed and implemented a strategy of measure, manage and reduce our carbon emissions. We have set ourselves goals to halve our overall greenhouse emissions by 2035 (from 2010 levels).

Water footprinting

Water is our most precious resource and at present we do not fully understand how sustainable each litre of water we supply to our customers is over our full supply chain. In response, we are implementing a strategy of ‘water footprinting’. Primarily water footprinting assesses the impact of human activity on the water environment. The process measures the volumes and scarcity of freshwater consumption including geographical and temporal components in producing a product or service. This is followed by an assessment defining actions required to achieve sustainable and equitable water use especially in water scarcity ‘hot spots’.

Land off Newport, Pagnell Road, Development Impact Assessment Page 13 of 13 APPENDIX D

Network Enquiry No : 180005621 Your Reference : 20168

National Gas Emergency Service - 0800 111 999* (24hrs) *calls will be recorded and may be monitored

JAMIE ROYLE Date : 13th October 2016 M-EC Contact : Performance and Support WELLINGTON HOUSE Direct Tel : 0845 3666758 LEICESTER ROAD Email : [email protected] IBSTOCK, LEICESTERSHIRE LE67 6HP

Dear JAMIE, Re: Land Enquiry for Proposed Development Site at NEWPORT PAGNELL, LAND OFF, NEWPORT PAGNELL ROAD, WOOTTON, NN4 6BW. Thank you for your enquiry which we received on 4th October 2016. I enclose details of National Grid Gas plant in the vicinity of your proposed supply. The nearest main with sufficient capacity is 148 metres from the site boundary and it is a Medium Pressure main.

Plans attached: Yes

A copy of the National Grid Connections Charging Statement referenced in this letter can be found on National Grid's website: If you require a printed version please contact us on the details provided above. I trust this meets with your requirements at this stage. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Performance and Support on the above number.

Yours sincerely,

Claire Wilcox Design Specialist

National Grid Gas Distribution Limited Registered No.10080864 Letter Id: CRM013 Registered Address 1-3 Strand, London, WC2N 5EH Page 1 of 1 WARNING! This area contains Gas Mains Operating at Low Pressure of between 2 and 7 bar. Before excavating in the area contact the Local Network WARNING! This area contains Gas Mains Operating at Medium Pressure of between 2 and 7 bar. Before excavating in the area contact the Local Network WARNING! This area contains Gas Mains OpeIrating at High Pressure (in excess of 7 bar) and Intermediate Pressure (between 2 and 7 bar). Before excavating in the area contact the Local Network WARNING! This area contains IGT polygons and this layer is switched off in the map




SCALE: 1:1,250 @ A4 L/P GAS MAIN SCHEME: M/P GAS MAIN This plan shows those pipes owned by National Grid in its role as a USER ID:joanne.bebbington I/P GAS MAIN DESIGN: Licensed Gas Transporter (GT). Gas pipes owned by other GTs, or otherwise privately owned, may be present in this area. H/P GAS MAIN Information with regard to such pipes should be obtained from the relevant owners. The information shown on this plan REVISION: DATE:12-Oct-2016 16:38:17 N/H/P GAS MAIN is given without warranty, the accuracy thereof cannot be guranteed. Service pipes, valves, syphons, stub connections, PROPOSED PIPE - LP INTERNAL USE ONLY PROPOSED PIPE - MP etc., are not shown but their presence should be anticipated. No liability of any kind whatsoever is accepted by PROPOSED PIPE - IP National Grid Gas Distribution Limited or their agents, servants or contractors for any error or 180005621 MAP REF:477752, 257075 ABANDON - LP ////// omission. Safe digging practices, inaccordance with HS(G)47, must be used to verify and establish the actual position of ABANDON - MP ////// mains, pipes, services and any other apparatus on site before any mechanical plant is used. It is your responsability to ensure This plan is reproduced from or based on CENTRE: Out Of Standard Service %·! that this information is provided to all persons (either direct labour or contractors) working for you on or near gas the OS map by National Grid Gas Distribution ! Limited, with the sanction of the controller of Some examples of Plant Items: apparatus. The information included on this plan should not be referred to beyond a period of 28 days from the date Change Change HM Stationery Office. Depth of of issue. Valve Syphon Cover of Dia of Material Crown Copyright Reserved. APPENDIX E

1P Tanks 1P1S 25HYB (LV)

300 AL PIAS 11kV 3 x 185 1c Al XLPE 11kV 06/1996 Gas Govn


300 AL PIAS 11kV 3 x 300 1c Al XLPE 11kV 12/2008

3P2S 300 AL PIAS 11kV 300 AL PIAS 11kV 06/1996 300 AL PIAS 11kV 10/1996

Tanks Tank


300 AL PIAS 11kV NC 3P * WARNING * Pond

70CNE (LV)

185 Cu XLPE 33kV 07/1996 300 AL PIAS 11kV 07/1996

3P3S 25HYB (LV) This area contains network 300 AL PIAS 11kV


Northampton Logistics Centre operating at 33,000 volts (33kV), or above. 6P5S

300 AL PIAS 11kV 06/1997

300CNE (LV) 94/4919 (44D3214) 2P ASDA BRACKMILLS 94/5319 (44D9654) PROLOGIS BRACKMILLS 300 AL PIAS 11kV NC 07/1996

3 x 185 1c Al XLPE 11kV 03/2002 3 x 185 1c Al XLPE 11kV 03/2002

300 AL PIAS 11kV 06/1997 2P 300 AL PIAS 11kV 06/1998 185CNE (LV) 300CNE (LV)


300 AL PIAS 11kV 07/1996 3P1S 185CNE (LV) 300 AL PIAS 11kV 07/1996 94/5004 (44D3274) PINNACLE 15 GOWERTON RD 2P 300 AL PIAS 11kV 07/1996 95Al/CuCNE (LV)

300 AL PIAS 11kV 2x 300CNE (LV) Assumed route Contact Us 94/4347 (44D2727) COCA COLA

El 70CNE (LV) 300PIAS (11kV) Tails 300CNE (LV) Tails Sub El Sub Sta 185 Cu XLPE 33kV 07/1996 1 2 94/5032 (44D3301) 3 Sta Mapping Enquiries: General Enquiries: BRACKMILLS STANLEY TOOLS 300 AL PIAS 11kV 07/1996

300 AL PIAS 11kV 07/1996 35CNE (LV) 300 AL PIAS 11kV 07/1996 All areas 0121 623 9780 Midlands 0845 724 0240 35CNE (LV,decom)

300 AL PIAS 11kV 07/1996 300 AL PIAS 11kV NC 10/1996 El 94/0590 (44D0091) PANASONIC WAY RMU NO.2 Sub 300AL XLPE 3x1 (11kV) TAILS South Wales 0845 601 3341 300AL XLPE 3x1 (11kV) TAILS Sta

94/0591 (44D0090) PANASONIC WAY RMU NO.1 Drain 300 AL PIAS 11kV NC 07/1996 South West 0845 601 2989

300 AL PIAS 11kV 07/1996

70CNE (LV)

25HYB (LV) 1P

300 AL PIAS 11kV 300 AL PIAS 11kV 1P 3P 35CNE (LV) 2 x 300PIAS (11kV) Tails 4 x 185CNE (LV) Tails 1P

El 94/4346 (44D3087) 3P1S Date Requested: 21/05/2015 GOWERTON ROAD BARCLAYS Sub Sta


300 AL PIAS 11kV 70CNE (LV)


185Al/CuCNE (LV) Job Reference: 6865436 300 AL PIAS 11kV 2P 2P 300 AL PIAS 11kV NC 1P 70CNE (LV,decom) 300 AL PIAS 11kV Site Location: 478259 257149 3 x 185185Al/CuCNE 1c Al XLPE (LV)11kV 10/2002 300 AL PIAS 11kV 06/1999 300 AL PIAS 11kV 06/1999 300CNE (LV) 3P 300 AL PIAS 11kV NC 10/1995 3P 94/5094 (44D3347) GUILBERT UK GOWERTON ROAD Requested by: Miss Victoria Jarvis 300CNE (LV) Pond

300 AL PIAS 11kV NC 35CNE (LV) 35CNE (LV,decom) 1P Your Scheme/Reference:20168 2P 70CNE (LV) 300 AL PIAS 11kV

1P 2P 3 x 185 1c Al XLPE 11kV 07/2008 35CNE (LV)

3 x 185 1c Al XLPE 11kV 11/2002 3 x 185 1c Al XLPE 11kV 11/2002 35CNE (LV) 185Al/CuCNE (LV)

300 AL PIAS 11kV NC 35CNE (LV,decom)

185Al/CuCNE (LV) 4 5 6

35CNE (LV) Mast

Plans generated byDigSAFE Pro(tm) software provided byPelicanCorp IMPORTANT NOTICES • These plans are provided as a general guide only. Services or recent additions to the network may not be shown . Tank • Cables, overhead lines & substations owned by other

120CNE (LV) 110.3m electricity network owners or private companies may

Hardingstone be present but will not be shown. 111.3m Lodge Saucebridge Farm • 94/4624 (44E3069) HARDINGSTONE LODGE You should always verify exact locations of cables 0.0225Cu (LV) 0.06Cu (LV) Tank 0.06Cu (LV,decom)

70CNE (LV) 0.06Cu (LV) 35CNE (LV) 50ACSR (11kV) using a cable locator and by careful use of hand tools Guide Post 50ACSR (11kV) 111.9m in accordance with HSE guidance note HSG47. 94/4623 (44E4093) SAUCEBRIDGE FARM AND LODGE • When working within 10m of any overhead electric 7 8 9 10 line you should follow the requirements of HSE pilot Guidance Note GS6. • 110.6m For further advice on working near our electricity

1 7

PAGNELL COURT70CNE (LV) cables or lines, call our Contact Centre on 0800 096

8 9

STR LGT PILLAR 100.3m 95Al/CuCNE (LV) 95Al/CuCNE (LV) 3080.

B 526 300CNE (LV) 109.7m 185 AL PIAS 11kV 04/1995

70CNE (LV)

185 AL 11kV ASSUMED ROUTE Assumed route Overview Report damage immediately – KEEP EVERYONE AWAY FROM THE AREA 300CNE (LV) pilot 185 AL PIAS 11kV Drain 70CNE (LV)

70CNE (LV) 95Al/CuCNE (LV)

120CNE (LV) 0800 6783 105 70CNE (LV)

300CNE (LV)

Assumed route 35CNE (LV) Assumed route 185 AL 11kV ASSUMED ROUTE NC pilot 120CNE (LV) 185CNE (LV) 70CNE (LV)

120CNE (LV)

70CNE (LV) 120CNE (LV) Overhead Line Underground Cable

70CNE (LV)

120CNE (LV)

Track 94/4298 (44D2666) RIDGE FARM

185 AL PIAS 11kV 120CNE (LV) 70CNE (LV) PL 300CNE (LV) Service 70CNE (LV)

300CNE (LV)185CNE (LV)

185 AL PIAS 11kV 2P1S 185CNE (LV) 11 12 13 14 106.4m LV 185 AL 11kV ASSUMED ROUTE NC 300CNE (LV) 185CNE (LV) 185 AL PIAS 11kV 185CNE (LV) HV (11kV)

185CNE (LV)

185CNE (LV) 120CNE (LV) 120CNE (LV)

185CNE (LV) 185 AL PIAS 11kV HV (33kV) 185CNE (LV) Preston Lodge Farm 185CNE (LV) 70CNE (LV) 120CNE (LV) 70CNE (LV) HV (66kV) Assumed route

The Hay Barn 185CNE (LV)   120CNE (LV) HV (132kV) 70CNE (LV) B 526 Hereford Court 185CNE (LV,decom) 185CNE (LV) 5P4S

pilot 35CNE (LV) 1 3P1S 2 185 AL 11kV ASSUMED ROUTE NC 35CNE (LV) Pilot Cables * 35CNE (LV) * SURF Telecoms 25HYB (LV) Lay-by Preston Lodge Hereford House Court 70CNE (LV) 185 AL PIAS 11kV The Byre 106.4m Preston Lodge Farm Cottages The Stables S S P P

120CNE (LV)

3P2S 185CNE (LV)

120CNE (LV) Link Box 185 AL 11kV NC PME Earth Pole Mounted 120CNE (LV) Transformer Site Location

100.9m Line/Area Underground 100ACSR (11kV) Ground Mounted E Earth Transformer 100.3m

*Advice should be sought from the Western Power Distribution

15 16 95.1m 17 Contact Centre for any work that is to take place in proximity to 132kV

GP underground cables and 132kV overhead lines – 0800 096 3080 Path (um) 97.5m




Crown Copyright © All Rights Reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence

94.2m numbers: EL27318X, 100024877 and 100021807.

Drain B 526 WPD Copyright: This copy has been made by or with the authority of Western Power Distribution (WPD) pursuant to Section 47 of the 3w 100 ACSR 11kV

Preston Deanery Grange Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 unless that Act provides a relevant

93.9m 50ABC (LV) 95Al/CuCNE (LV) Grange Farm exception to copyright the copy must not be copied without the prior

86.6m Warning: PDF designed for A3 colour print only with no page scaling. This Information is given as a guide only and its accuracy cannot be guaranteed95Al/CuCNE (LV) S.P. permission of the copyright owner 185 AL PIAS 11kV Grange 95ABC (LV) 100ACSR (11kV) Farm Cottage 0.1 CU 11kV 95 AL PIAS 11kV NC