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CHINA RESOURCES AND TRANSPORTATION GROUP LIMITED 中國資源交通集團有限公司 (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock Code: 269)


We are very pleased to announce that our 265-kilometer heavy haul toll expressway in has been completed and will be officially opened to traffic on 21 November 2013.

Zhunxing Expressway runs from the (准格爾旗), which is the major coal production area located south of (呼和浩特) in the Ordos (鄂爾多斯), northeast for 265 km towards Xinghe County (興和縣), which is a major logistics hub for coal distribution in Northern . Construction took about three years with approximately RMB15 billion invested into project costs.

Zhunxing Expressway is China’s first heavy-duty toll expressway designed mainly for coal transportation in Inner Mongolia. Zhunxing Expressway is held by our 82.27% subsidiary Inner Mongolia Zhunxing Heavy Haul Expressway Company Limited (內蒙古准興重載高速 公路有限責任公司), which has the exclusive rights to operate Zhunxing Expressway for a 30-year period (excluding the construction period).

By order of the Board China Resources and Transportation Group Limited Cao Zhong Chairman

Hong Kong, 20 November 2013

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises five executive Directors, namely Messrs Cao Zhong, Fung Tsun Pong, Duan Jingquan, Tsang Kam Ching, David and Gao Zhiping; and three independent non-executive Directors, namely Messrs Yip Tak On, Jing Baoli and Bao Liang Ming.