


Registered in No. 138843 Marine Harvest ( Scotland) Limited, Stob Ban 01397 715078 01397 703626 Registered Office, House, Glen Nevis Business Park, Fort William, 1st Floor, Admiralty Park, Admiralty Road, PH33 6RX Rosyth, FIFE, KY11 2YW

Marine Harvest ( Scotland) Limited, Stob Ban House, Glen Nevis Business Park, Fort William, PH33 6RX

http:// marineharvest. com CONTENTS











3.2.1 SLICE 12




Fish Farm Consent Modelling Raineach16vF1Results

1 List of Figures

Figure 1 Location of the Salmon Farm ...... 2 Figure 2 Site current direction frequency from the surface current meter ...... 4 Figure 3 Current velocity time series from the surface current meter record ...... 5 Figure 4 bathymetry and cage layout ...... 7 Figure 5 Benthic impact for run 3, Int-Spring current data ...... 8 Figure 5b Predicted Benthic Footprints Scotasay & Raineach Salmon Farm ...... 9 Figure 6 Location of the selected and spare transects ...... 10 Figure 7 Cross-sections of both the selected and spare transects respectively ...... 11 Figure 8 EmBZ concentrations for run 1 (118 days) ...... 12 Figure 8b Predicted EmBZ concentrations for Scotasay & Raineach Salmon Farm ...... 13

List of Tables

Table 1 Summary of Results ...... 1 Table 2 A summary of the mean and residual currents recorded at the site...... 4 Table 3 Project Information ...... 6 Table 4 Loch Parameters ...... 7 Table 5 Selected and Spare Transect Starting Points ...... 10 Table 6a&b The details of the three selected and spare survey stations respectively ...... 11 Table 7 Modelling Results Summarised ...... 16

Fish Farm Consent Modelling Raineach16vF1Results


This report has been prepared by Marine Harvest ( Scotland) Ltd. to meet the requirements of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency ( SEPA) for the purpose of assessing an application to install equipment and consequent biomass, and for consent to use sufficient sealice treatments in a marine salmon farm, via AutoDepomod and dispersion modelling. The report describes biomass, in-feed and bath treatment modelling results for the Raineach site, a summary of which is provided in Table 1 below. The report held centrally, and previously accredited, by SEPA (AMMR11v02) details modelling methods used.

Table 1 Summary of Results

SITE DETAILS Site Name: Raineach Site location: East Loch Tarbert Peak biomass (T): 2,200 CAGE DETAILS Number of cages: 8 Cage dimensions: 120m circumference circles Working Depth (m): 16 Cage group configuration: 2x(2x2) 75m mooring grid HYDROGRAPHIC SUMMARY Average Speed (m/s) 0.076m/s Surface Currents Residual Direction 0.049m/s at 176°G Wind-Influence slight Average Speed (m/s) 0.074m/s Middle Currents Residual Direction 0.052m/s at 180°G Average Speed (m/s) 0.064m/s Seabed Currents Residual Direction 0.024m/s at 178°G BENTHIC MODELLING Max fish biomass proposed (T) 2,200 Max Average Stocking Density (kg/m³) 15 Distance to the 30ITI contour (m) 99 Direction of transect ( T) 155.3 IN-FEED TREATMENTS Recommended consent mass EmBZ (g) 2,698.5 Equivalent Fish Biomass (T) 7,710 Maximum Treatment Amount EmBZ (g) 770 BATH TREATMENTS Recommended consent mass in 3hrs 299.6g cage/treatment, Azamethiphos 2.2 treatment/ day Recommended consent mass in 24 hrs 825.2g cage/treatment, Azamethiphos 6 treatment/ day Recommended consent mass in 3 hrs 54.2g cages/treatment Cypermethrin 7.9 treatment/ day Recommended consent mass in 3 hrs 20.3g cages/treatment Deltamethrin 7.4 treatment/ day

Fish Farm Consent Modelling Raineach16vF1Results


This report has been prepared by Marine Harvest to meet the requirements of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency ( SEPA) for the purpose of assessing an application to install equipment and consequent biomass, and for consent to use sufficient sealice treatments, via AutoDepomod and dispersion modelling. The report describes modelling results for the Raineach site in East Loch Tarbert ( Figure 1) to determine EQS-compliant biomass and sea-lice treatment levels for the proposed equipment. Report number AMMR11v02 which is held centrally, and has been previously accredited, by SEPA, provides details of the generic modelling methods used.

Figure 1 Location of the Salmon Farm

Fish Farm Consent Modelling Raineach16vF1Results



The Raineach site data were collected by Marine Harvest for the purpose of assessing a consent application with the AutoDepomod software. Methods of the data collection and analysis followed current SEPA guidelines ( SEPA, 2005); the data used were of 15 days duration and were analysed using both the appropriate SEPA hydrographic excel template for 20 minute data and the hg-analysis spreadsheet, also provided by SEPA. The Admiralty Hydrographic Office tide prediction software Total Tide was used to determine the start dates of spring and neap tides and to determine the times of high water and mean tidal height for the area (see Table 3).

Following SEPA guidelines the start points in the current meter record used for modelling are those closest to midday on the day of the intermediate spring tides and the intermediate neap tides. In the current meter data used, after hourly averaging, the times of intermediate HW spring and HW neap corresponded to records 53 and 245 respectively. Prior to commencement of modelling the current data required correction to Grid North and was thus corrected by 5.450W. The hourly averaged current data for the surface, middle and bottom bins were then saved as space delimited files, as detailed in AMMR11v02 and following the default AutoDepomod file structure.

Using the hg-analysis spreadsheet the mean speed and the residual current speed and direction were established for each of the three current meter depths. The mean and residual currents, and the histogram frequency peaks are summarised in Table 2 below. The data showed a residual current in the southerly direction at near-surface ( Figure 2) and also at mid- and near-bed depths. A slight correlation was found between the surface current speeds and the wind speeds (Figure 2); however a tidal pattern can still be seen. The wind direction was predominantly from the west and the mean wind speed over this period was 2.4m/s.

Fish Farm Consent Modelling Raineach16vF1Results

3 Figure 2 Site current direction frequency from the surface current meter


Mean speed 0.076m/s Residual Speed 0.049m/s at 176°G Residual Parallel 0.047m/s Residual Normal 0.014m/s Tidal Amplitude Parallel 0.086m/s Tidal Amplitude Normal 0.067m/s Frequency Peak 160°G MIDDLE Mean Speed 0.074m/s Residual 0.052m/s at 180°G Frequency Peak 170°G BOTTOM Mean Speed 0.064m/s Residual 0.024m/s at 178°G Frequency Peak 140°G

Table 2 A summary of the mean and residual currents recorded at the site

Fish Farm Consent Modelling Raineach16vF1Results

4 Figure 3 Current velocity time series from the surface current meter record

Fish Farm Consent Modelling Raineach16vF1Results


The Raineach site is situated in East Loch Tarbert on the Isle of Harris ( Figure 1). Marine Harvest proposes to install 8 120m circumference circular pens in a 75m mooring grid and so the AutoDepomod and the Bath Treatment models have been run to determine EQS- compliant biomass and medicinal consents for this new equipment. Details of the site are provided in Table 3. The receiving water is defined as a loch. The length of the loch and the distance both to the shore and to the head of the loch were calculated from digital Admiralty Charts and are shown in Table 4. Table 3 Project Information

SITE DETAILS Site Name: Raineach Site location: East Loch Tarbert Peak biomass (T): 2,200t Proposed feed load (T/yr): 7,131

Proposed treatment use: Azamethiphos, Cypermethrin, Deltamethrin & Emamectin Benzoate CAGE DETAILS Group location: 119548'E, 897505'N & 119735E, 897379 Number of cages: 8 Cage dimensions: 120m circumference Working Depth (m): 16m Cage group configuration: 2(2x2) Cage group orientation (°G): 304 Cage group distance to shore (km): 0.48 Water depth at site (m): 35 HYDROGRAPHIC DATA Current meter position: 119629.558E 897422.581N Depth at deployment position (m): 30.5 Surface bin centre height above bed (m): 25.7 Middle bin centre height above bed (m): 14.7 Bottom bin centre height above bed (m): 2.7 Duration of record: 15 days: from 25/07/2012 to 09/08/2011

Current meter averaging interval: 20 min ADDITIONAL DATA Magnetic correction to grid North: 5.450W Predicted Spring Tide 24/07/2011 Predicted Neap Tide 01/08/2011 Predicted Spring Tide 08/08/2011 Mean Tidal Level at Site (m): 3.05 Closest Standard Port East Loch Tarbert Date of Intermediate- Spring Tides: 27/07/2011 Date of Intermediate-Neap Tides: 04/08/2011

Fish Farm Consent Modelling Raineach16vF1Results

6 Table 4 Loch Parameters

LOCH PARAMETERS Area (km2) 28.5 Length (km) 7 Distance to Head (km) 4.5


A new project was created in AutoDepomod and named Raineach16vF1. The site and cage details provided in Table 3 were entered into the appropriate files and all other data were set to default. The resulting site bathymetry and cage layout is shown in Figure 4. Modelling of both the biomass and chemotherapeutants was undertaken following the methods outlined in the Methods Report AMMR11v02 which is held centrally by SEPA. Details of the modelling results have been provided in the next section according to SEPA requirements.

Figure 4 bathymetry and cage layout

Two types of treatment are used to control sea lice infestation in marine salmon farms and these require different modelling approaches. The in-feed treatment Slice ( active ingredient Emamectin Benzoate) requires deposition modelling using AutoDepomod to predict the chemical accumulation on the seabed beneath the fish cages associated with fish faeces and uneaten treated feed. The bath treatments Salmosan ( chemical name Azamethiphos), Excis chemical name Cypermethrin) and Alphamax ( Deltamethrin), where the salmon are immersed in a diluted solution of the treatment chemical require dispersion modelling to predict the concentration in the water column after release. Results from both AutoDepomod and the Bath model have been provided in the next section.

Fish Farm Consent Modelling Raineach16vF1Results



AutoDepomod was run initially with the company’s preferred stocking density of 15kg/m3, and proposed cage layout, using the model’s auto-distribute biomass function. The model did not require to iterate to an EQS-complaint solution as a pass was achieved at this stocking density and pen volume for the resultant maximum allowable biomass of 2,200 tonnes.

At this biomass the model predicts the 80% solids area to be 65,004m2 while the flux in this area is expected to be 1,538g/m2/year. The proposed layout and tonnage results in a benthic cage area of 25,628m2 with a minimum ITI of 1 within the area. The flux in the benthic cage group area is predicted to be more than the trigger value ( 10,000g/m2/year) at 14,613g/m2/year. The benthic sampling area (ITI = 30) is expected to be 90,999.1m2 while the flux inside this area will be 191.8g/m2/year. The plotted AutoDepomod output for the passing Int-Spring run 3 is shown in Figure 5. A summary with all of this information can be found in Raineach16vF1_ marine_sum_v3.xls and in Table 7 of this report.

Figure 5 Benthic impact for run 3, Int-Spring current data

The mass of solids released in run 3 is estimated to be 898,513kg with 67% ( 599,397kg) predicted to remain within the 1km2 modelling grid, thus 33% (299,116kg) of the input load is predicted to be transported from the model grid as a result of resuspension. The site is classed as moderately flushed with a vector average residual of 0.049m/s at 176°G indicating that this waste material is likely to be dispersed away from the cages in a southerly direction towards the mouth of the loch.

Raineach Salmon farm is approximately 300m east of Scotasay Salmon which is also operated by Marine Harvest ( Scotland) Limited. Figure 5b shows the benthic footprint for the neighbouring sites. The predicted footprints show that the 1g/m2/year contour for each of the farms do not overlap.

Fish Farm Consent Modelling Raineach16vF1Results

8 Figure 6b Predicted Benthic Footprints Scotasay & Raineach Salmon Farm

898200. 00

898000. 00 898000. 00

897800. 00 897800.00

897600. 00 897600. 00

897400.00 897400. 00

00 897200. 00 00897200.118800. 00 119000. 00 119200. 00 119400. 00 119600.

00 00897000.119200. 00 119400. 00 119600. 00 119800. 00 120000. 00 120200.

Fish Farm Consent Modelling Raineach16vF1Results


Two transect profiles were created ( Figure 7) as part of SEPA’s requirements to determine site-specific sampling locations. The selected and spare transect information have been saved to the Raineach16vF1- BcnstFI-S-3_000.xls file located in the mapping folder. Details of both transect starting points are provided in Table 5 below.

Figure 7 Location of the selected and spare transects

Transect Start Point Coordinates Main Spare NGR Easting 119739 119472 NGR Northing 897360 897534 Bearing°G 155.3 260.5 CD Depth (m) 250.8 251.1

Table 5 Selected and Spare Transect Starting Points

Fish Farm Consent Modelling Raineach16vF1Results

10 Table 6 describe the location and details of the three selected and spare survey stations. Figure 8 shows the cross-sections of the selected and spare transects, and the relevant survey stations.

EQS - 10m EQS EQS + 10m EQS - 10m EQS EQS + 10m 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd SELECTED Station) S1 Station) S2 Station) S3 SPARE Station) S1 Station) S2 Station) S3

NGR Easting 119776.2 119780 119784 NGR Easting 119424.9 119415 119405.2 NGR Northing 897279.2 897270 897261 NGR Northing 897526.4 897524 897523.1 Distance (m) 89 99 109 Distance (m) 47.2 57.2 67.2 CD depth (m) 26.3 26 25.8 CD depth (m) 27 26.7 26.5 Modelled ITI 24 30 41.9 Modelled ITI 15.3 30 30.1

Table 6a&b The details of the three selected and spare survey stations respectively

Figure 8 Cross-sections of both the selected and spare transects respectively

Fish Farm Consent Modelling Raineach16vF1Results


3.2.1 SLICE

The SLICE aspect of AutoDepomod was run initially for a Total Allowable Quantity sufficient to treat 3.5 times the proposed peak biomass ( 2,698.5g & 7,710 tonnes respectively). Marine Harvest have followed SEPA’s guidance and used the maximum feedload for the site in the model, resulting in a feedload of 7,131T. The model did not require to iterate to an EQS-complaint solution as a pass was achieved at this quantity and biomass. The predicted area inside the 0.763 g/kg contour (116,9622) was smaller than the predicted far field AZE area (170,637m2). The mean concentration of Slice in the near field AZE exceeds the EQS trigger value of 7.63g/kg by 204.6g/kg and thus enhanced monitoring will be required at the site if Slice is used. The plotted AutoDepomod output for this run is shown in Figure 9. A further run for 223 days duration was performed to obtain a site residual curve for this biomass.

Figure 9 EmBZ concentrations for run 1 (118 days)

The mass of EmBZ remaining on the bed at the end of run 1 was 1,400g. For Slice, in the absence of resuspension, 74% or 1,996.89g of the input EmBZ load would remain on the seabed after 118 days. This indicates that less than half of the original input load is lost through resuspension ( 22.1%). The mass of EmBZ lost from the grid (596.89g) represents an equivalent area of 6.5km2 if it assumed to distribute evenly at the far field EQS concentration of 0.763g/kg sediment. Due to the main direction of the near surface current most of this material will most likely be transported towards the mouth of the loch.

Fish Farm Consent Modelling Raineach16vF1Results

12 Figure 10b Predicted EmBZ concentrations for Scotasay & Raineach Salmon Farm

898200. 00

898000. 00 898000. 00

897800. 00 897800. 00

897600. 00 897600. 00

897400.00 897400. 00

00 897200. 00 00897200.118800. 00 119000. 00 119200. 00 119400. 00 119600.

00 00897000.119200. 00 119400. 00 119600. 00 119800. 00 120000. 00 120200.

Fish Farm Consent Modelling Raineach16vF1Results


Cage details are given in section 2. The initial cage treatment depth used for the bath treatments was 1.2m. Using the results from the analysis of the surface current meter data in the short term bath treatment model EQS compliance for both Deltamethrin and Cypermethrin at this cage depth was predicted. EQS compliance for Azamethiphos was predicted at a cage depth of 1.2m.

Cypermethrin & Deltamethrin Results: Cage Treatment Depth = 1.2m Permissible Quantity of Cypermethrin = 54.2g; 7.9 cage/3 hours Permissible Quantity of Deltamethrin = 20.3g; 7.4 cage/3 hours

Azamethiphos Results: Cage treatment depth = 1.2m Permissible Quantity of Azamethiphos = 299.6g; 2.2 cage/3 hours Permissible Quantity of Azamethiphos = 825.2g; 6 cage/24 hours

The permissible quantity of Cypermethrin or Deltamethrin ( 8 cage/3hrs) means that full treatment of the 8 pens at the site, would take approximately two days to complete.

The bath treatment model files are saved in the folder Raineach16vF1\ Bath

Fish Farm Consent Modelling Raineach16vF1Results


It is recommended that the biomass and treatment amounts are consented at this site as given below in Table 7. The results of the modelling performed at this site are given in the file: ‘Raineach16vF1_ marine_sum_v3.xls’ in the Raineach16vF1 folder.

BENTHIC MODELLING: Max fish biomass proposed (T) 2,200 Cage depth (m) 16 Max Average Stocking Density (kg/m³) 15 Maximum number of cages 8 loss of solids from model grid (%) 33 Cage area equivalent (m²) 25,628 Flux in the cage area (g/m²/y) 14,613 ITI in the cage area 1

Flux under cages exceeds the trigger value

80% solids area (m²) 65,004 Flux in the 80% solids area (g/m²/y) 1,538 ITI in the 80% solids area 10.1 Benthic sampling area (m²) 90,999.1 Flux in the benthic sampling area (g/m²/y) 191.8 ITI in benthic sampling area 30 SITE SPECIFIC SAMPLING: Transect start coordinates 119739, 897360 Direction ( T) 155.3 CD Depth (m) 30.3 Distance to the 30ITI contour (m) 99 SPARE TRANSECT INFORMATION Transect start coordinates 119472, 897534 Direction ( T) 260.5 CD Depth (m) 29.1 Distance to the 30ITI contour (m) 57.2 IN-FEED TREATMENTS Peak fish biomass at site (T) 2,200 Near Field AZE (m²) 46,249 Far Field AZE (m²) 170,637 Recommended consent mass EmBZ (g) 2,698.5 Equivalent Fish Biomass (T) 7,710 Maximum Treatment Amount EmBZ (g) 770 116,962 Area of Impact at Far Field EQS (m²) 33 loss of EmBZ from model grid (%)

Fish Farm Consent Modelling Raineach16vF1Results

15 BATH TREATMENTS Recommended consent mass in 3hrs 299.6g cage/treatment, Azamethiphos 2.2 treatment/ day Recommended consent mass in 24 hrs 825.2g cage/treatment, Azamethiphos 6 treatment/ day Recommended consent mass in 3 hrs 54.2g cages/treatment Cypermethrin 7.9 treatment/ day Recommended consent mass in 3 hrs 20.3g cages/treatment Deltamethrin 7.4 treatment/day

Table 7 Modelling Results Summarised

Fish Farm Consent Modelling Raineach16vF1Results


SEPA 2005. Regulation and monitoring of marine cage fish farming in Scotland - a procedures manual: Annex G – Models for assessing the use of medicines in bath treatments (January 2007).

SEPA, 2005. Regulation and monitoring of marine cage fish farming in Scotland - a procedures manual: Annex H - Methods for Modelling In-Feed Anti-Parasitics and Benthic Effects (June 2005)

SEPA, 2005. Regulation and monitoring of marine cage fish farming in Scotland - a procedures manual: Attachment VIII – Hydrographic data requirements for applications to discharge from Marine Cage Fish Farm (May 2005).

UKHO, 2002. Admiralty Tide Tables; volume 1 UK and . United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, Taunton.

Fish Farm Consent Modelling Raineach16vF1Results