IMPACT FACTOR 4.096 an Open Access Journal by MDPI Genetic Basis of Psoriasis Guest Editors: Message from the Guest Editors Prof. Dr. Lam Tsoi Psoriasis is a multifactorial disease with a complex genetic 1. Department of Dermatology, architecture. Genetics and genomics studies facilitated by University of Michigan Medical high throughput techniques have significantly advanced School, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA 2. Department of Biostatistics, the identification of disease components, highlighting >80 Center for Statistical Genetics, disease susceptibility regions and >4000 genes being University of Michigan, Ann dysregulated in lesional skin. It is important to leverage Arbor, MI 48109, USA these resources to understand how the disease-associated 3. Department of Computational Medicine & Bioinformatics, factors can contribute, either individually or combined, to University of Michigan, Ann psoriasis pathology. It is also critical to understand how the Arbor, MI 48109, USA variations of these components may associate with
[email protected] disease heterogeneity, including differential disease manifestation and clinical outcomes. In this Special Issue, Dr. Matthew Patrick we will compile a collection of work aiming towards the Department of Dermatology, University of Michigan Medical development of personalized medicine for psoriatic School, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA patients, and we welcome reviews, new methods, and
[email protected] original articles that explore the identification and interpretation of psoriasis-associated factors. Deadline for manuscript submissions: closed (15 June 2020) SpeciaIslsue IMPACT FACTOR 4.096 an Open Access Journal by MDPI Editor-in-Chief Message from the Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. J. Peter W. Young Genes are central to our understanding of biology, and Department of Biology, University modern advances such as genomics and genome editing of York, Heslington, York YO10 have maintained genetics as a vibrant, diverse and 5DD, UK fastmoving field.