

GARTHBREN,GY is B pa.rish in the county of Brecitw joint net income £158, with 6 acres cf glebe and resi. nock, on the river Ronddu, 2! miles north. of Gradoe dence, in the gift of the Bishop of St. David's, and held station on the Neath and railway, and 3~ north sinoe 1867 by the Rev. William Rowell RD. of St. by west from Brecon, in. the hundreds of :Merthyr David's College, Lampeter. The o:d mansion of the Cynog and Pencelly, petty 4iessional division of Gwyn family in the village is now occupied as a. farm­ Merthyr, county court district of Brecon, union of Breck, house. The soil is red sandstone and clay. The prin­ nock, and in t'ne rural deanery of Brecon (first part,), cipal crops are wheat, barley, oats and turnips. 'fhe archdeaconry of Brecon and diocese of St. David's. 'J he area is 1,962 acres; rateable value, £1,284; the pc.pula­ church of St. David is an ancient edifice of stone, consist. tion in 1891 was 153. ing of chancel, nav&, south porch and a. western tower con- Parish Clerk, John Thomas. taining 4 bells: it was restored in 1874 ata cost of £754, and now affords 165 sittings. The registers date from Letters received from Brecon the year 1732. The living is a. vicarage with Llanfi- National School (mixed), bui:t in 1875, for 82 children; hllngelfechan annexed, average tithe rent-charge £7, average attendance, 39 Roweil Rev. William B.D. Vicarage Davies William, Caerithin farm M"rries WaIter, Caepenl'ln farm Davies Rees, blacksmith, Llechach Eckley Thomas & Son, 'l'alwl::nfawr I'cweJl llichard, Troedyrharn fann Powell John, miller (water), Penty- Griiliths Evan, Porthgwynisha. farm Price David, Cwm farm corred mill James David, Ce:nyrwJdd farm Price J ames, &; assistant. 'JVer8,~erp FARMERS. James RoweIl, Curtebach farm G-Iandwr farm Davies David, Gwareae farm Jones David, Curtebach farm Price "'-iiliam, Courtal'dd-:lbett farm Davies John, Talwenfach farm J(lne~ Ebenezor, Talwenucha. farm Probert Thomas, CilmunharenfacJl fm Davies Roger, Danyreglwyl! fsTIll. Jones William, Cilmanharenfawr farm Thomas WaIter & Son, Danyllan farm Davies Thomas, Llechach farm .Ione!> William, Pencaeruelyn farm "\Yilliams Elizabth (~~rs.), l'orthgwy. Davies Thomas, Penisawain farm ~Iorg~n Morgan, Pontycorred farm nu~ha farm Davies Thomas, Pentwynllechach frm 1\lorries Thomas, Penisawain fa!"m Wllliams Mathew, Drainduon farm GARTHELI is a. large, scattered and hilly parish in Brefi, an