Materials presented at the Planning Commission Hearing on December 13, 2017, by Harold Vitale, during public comment, and provided for Commission review at the request of a commissioner.

y,//dϮϰ 0000 000000000 000000000 0 0 0 000000000 0000 00000 0 000000000 c 0000 000000000 s 0 o V 0 0 ooo A a 0A 0 0 v 0 r 0 0 0 Distance ft I 0 0 0 A-B 1082 l 0 0 0 0 C-B 250 G Fo 0 0 v 0 B-0 93 0 D

0000 000000000 000000000 0 0 0 000000000 0000 00000 0 FW17 000000000 c 0000 000000000 s 0 0 oV oA a 0 0 0 0 r 00 0 0 I 00 0 0 Distance ft L 0 o" 0 0 0 A-B 1082 G o of D

Bek A LGC to LG/Sar Rd 151 Secs North

Bek A LGC to LG/Sar Rd 84 Secs South·

' · Submitte~ }}:,'I the Los Gatos Commons Committee on Alberto Way Development: Marilyn Basham,#P Loretta i:O~ rer, Marietta R~ and the Los Gatos Commons Board of Directors, President Jean Farro'f'" JQnes

December 13, 2017

The Los Gatos Commons Response to LP's "Third Redesign" (Nov. 7, 2017)


Town Council's Decision Is Misrepresented

Architectural Changes Inadequate to Address Several of Our Concerns

Two Story Underground Garage Puts Neighboring Properties at Risk

Positive Changes

What the Residents Support


A Reduction of 8,740 Sq. Ft. still results in a massive scale not compatible with neighboring structures

The three buildings of the commercial development across the street (nos. 53, 55, 57) total 31,891 sq. ft. The proposed 74,260 project is more than twice the size of this commercial development. Las tasitas (435) is 26,054 sq. ft., about one-third the size of the proposed project. Pueblo de Los Gatos (430) at SS,190 sq. ft. is divided into two wings and sits vertically on the site. The Commons is a large development with ten buildings. The two facing the street are each about 10,000 sq. ft. Screened off from our view are 475 and 485-two buildings vertically placed, each 28,000. (see attached illustration)

The 315 foot fa~ade is not broken into segments similar to neighboring structures

It is a massive building with a fa~de that appears flat and monotonous. The residential structures on Atberto Way have dynamic facades with multiple popouts and projections that face the street at different angles.


The Building setback of 30 feet more than in the Second Redesign on the north property line does not preserve the existing public views of the Santa Cruz Mountains from the north corridor (see attached

111 ustration)

The proposed building has completely blocked the south view corridor of ridges and a peak-which we have enjoyed for many years.

The proposed building blocks most of our north corridor view. This north view has always been prized by us--lt is calming and restorative. From the west sidewalk you see hillsides, ridges, and a peak.

We walk this street regularly-many of us every day-for doctor-ordered therapy, daily exercise, dog walking, trips to buy a newspaper at the corner, lunch at the lodge, and trips to town. The mountain views have always been an important part of this experience.

If you look at the existing story poles on the north corridor, you can see that the view corridor is obstructed by the proposed building and we lose ridge lines and the peak. The farther you walk southward from the north property line, the more of the view is lost.

The proposed building is inconsistent with COMMERCIAL DESIGN GUIDELINE 1.4: maintain sense of place with views of surrounding hills preserved

l o


! 1i, .. . • !,:

-·. ....

: I Retention of Two Level Underground Garage threatens Neighboring Properties

We have no confidence in ENGEO's Assessment of Risk

ENGEO ignored General Plan policy (SAF 1.11)

Require geologic and geotechnical reports to specify construction methods to protect existing residences in the vicinity from identified hazards

Dr. Peter Geissler reviewed ENGEO's work: likely risk to neighboring properties

ENGEO's Defense: admits "low risk"; refused to consider Geissler recommendations

AMEC Foster Miller did not objectively consider the issue of risk to neighbors. Their letter ignores the points made by Dr. Geissler, rather than objectively examining them.

I ~

Palo Alto recognizes risk of dewatering : Guidelines for Dewatering During Below Ground Garage Construction, May 2017

Conduct a Geotechnical Study to determine the radius of influence (i.e. extent of cone of depression) from each dewatering well as a function of time, based on local soil and groundwater conditions. All wells and other dewatering sites within a 400-foot radius (roughtly one City block) of the property that may interact with dewatering activity shall be included in the study.

No two-level underground garages on flood plain in Los Gatos-no precedent established. We do not think there is a one-level underground on the flood plain, either.

Property Damage would be catastrophic for Alberto Way residents



The motion by Commissioner Erekson on August 24, 2016: the developer shall make a significant reduction in size and scale, resituate the building away from the residents [to the north] • .•.


The Alternative "Reduced Size" mentioned in the DEIR (74,260) was not considered acceptable. {Transcript, pp. 119·20)

We residents argued that a reduction of more than 41% would be appropriate for our street but the motion did not support our preference. We asked ourselves:

How can this project be built within the Commission's guidelines and yet address residents' concerns to a significant degree?





Here is an example of how such a project could be realized (see illustration attached):


Two buildings (each about 28,000 sq. ft.) placed vertically. The design echos the Pueblo de Los Gatos and Alberto Oaks (475 and 485) developments and, thus, blends better with the neighborhood structures.

The 90 ft~-wlde ends of the two buildings allow for a fa~ade that is more interesting and similar to the neighboring structures.

A one-level garage is appropriate to a 56,000 sq. ft. project, and there would be ample space for surface parking.

A setback of 80 feet from the north property line protects our EXISTING public view of the Santa Cruz Mountains (the view CORRIDOR there now)

Traffic Issues

Negat ive Impact of 298 vehicles entering/exiting Alberto Way

Delays due to driveway congestion near intersection

Driveways from the commercial center at 53, 55, 57; from the

proposed project; from Pueblo de Los Gatos and Las Casitas


TRA 2.5 Should restrict development along single access roads

Alberto Way is a narrow dead-end street. This makes problems of

traffic entering and exiting more difficult to deal with.

Problems with Hexagon study

Did not factor in 100 cars from 475/485. The 100 +cars will enter and leave at about the same time as cars from 405.

Use of statistical averaging does not reflect lived experience

ITE Manual: data too old; editors admit significant difference between pre- and post-2000 data (see attached page p. 12 from manual)

AND This proposed building is much larger than the current largest two­ story office building south of Lark: 750 University (62,750 sq. ft.) on a wide, busy street (35 mph) and not adjacent to or across from residential structures.

Please consider the advisability of further limiting the number of cars exiting/entering Alberto Way. .. \ \ \ \ ~I I \. ! \ 0 \ ' 0

. ~ l : I ~ - ---t I .I.Ts\__ _L ~ -- - I .... t

may differ from the post-energy crisis data. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) analyzed the database from the third edition ( 1982) of Trip Generation and stated, "Based on statistical tests such as T-tests and F-ratios, it was concluded that there were no significant differences between the mean trip rates of older data (pre-1973) and new data (post-1973) for all land uses analyzed.~5 ITE staff performed additional analyses comparing pre· and post-1980 data for the restaurant land uses (931, 932, 933) for the February 1995 Update to the Fifth Edition. Again it was found that there were no significant differences between the mean trip rates of the older data and the newer data and that all data points were retained in the database to· maximize the sample sizes of the given land uses. Prior to the release of the eighth edition of Trip Generation, ITE examined the data that were contained in the banking land use---Drive-in Bank (912}-to determine if changes in travel patterns resultfng from recent technological advances in the banking Industry had a significant impact on the trip genera.tion rates. This analysis concluded that pre- and post-2000 trip generation data were significanUy different. As a result, all data from the years prior to the year 2000 were removed from the database for the two banking land uses-Walk-in Bank (911) and Drive-in Bank (912). It is anticipated that additional I ses ill be erformed fi uture u dat s to continue monitoring variations based on the age o the data.

Variations in the Staiistics

Variations in trip generation characteristics for specific land uses are reflected in the range of rates, standard deviation and coefficient of determination (R2) value. (See Chapter 5, ·"Description of Data Plots and Reported Statistics," for additional details on these topics.) These variations may be due to a small sample size, individual marketing of the site, economic conditions of the business market, geographic location of the sites studied, or unique characteristics of the specific site. Accordingly, judgment must be exercised in the use of the statistics in this manual.

Other sources of variation include different lengths of traffic count duration and the time of year the traffic volumes were counted; that is, daily and seasonal variations may exist for some land uses. Studies have not been undertaken to· analyze differences based on geographic location.

Limitations of the Data Plots

The plots presented in Trip Generation cover only the range of independent variables for which data are available. Caution should be used if extrapolating the data beyond the ranges provided because no information has been supplied to document trip generation characteristics beyond the given ranges.

It should also be noted that in some cases, because of tJie limited sample size and variation in the data received, the projected trip generation estimate for the peak hour of. the adjacent street traffic exceeds the trip generation estimate for the peak hour of the generator. By definition, this is impossible. In these isolated cases, knowledge of the project site and engineering judgment should be used to select the appropriate trip generation approximation.

s Kelleroo. Devel~pment and Application of Trip Generation Rates. Washington, DC, USA: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 1985.

, I Tfip Generation, 9th Edition o Institute ofTransportation Engineers Senior Concerns

Half the residents on Alberto Way are seniors (170: Commons, 133; others, 37)

Over 3/4 Commons residents are 70 and over: 1over100; 7 in their 90s; 47 in their 80s; 45 in their 70s; others in 60s

Commons units $524 per sq. ft.-below market cf to Los Gatos, $781 (2017)

General Plan goals regarding seniors

Town focus: senior needs (INT-6)

Vision statement: offer high quality of life to all residents, including seniors, and meet the changing needs of senior populations (VIS-3)

Seniors greatly influence the character and sense of place on Albe.rto Way CEQUA policy: Sec. 15131. Social effects may be used to determine the significance of physical changes caused by a project. So, if construction affects a particular community negatively, construction is physical change but the SOCIAL EFFECT-on the community would be the basis for determining that the effect would be significant.

Traffic: consider "sensitive receptors" (TRA 3.12)

Delays. are likely and could negatively affect medical transport

More traffic makes walking more dangerous : most seniors regularly walk

south up Alberto Way

The View: restorative, restful for seniors: blockage of existing view of

Santa Cruz Mountains from north corridor would be a negative

Impact for seniors (and others) Additional Comments from Jean Farron Jones, President of Los

Gatos Commons

Petitions with three principles (ress than 62,000 sq. ft. building; one-level underground garage, protection of existing public view of the mountains from the west sidewalk) got signatures of majority of residents at The Commons and Pueblo de Los Gatos

Petition with these same three principles got support from all the members of the Boards of Directors at The Commons, Pueblo de Los Gatos, Las Casitas.

We residents get no benefit from this proposed development-only LOSS. Loss of views, quality of life, ability to come and go from Alberto Way when we want

The suggestion that the proposed building and a shuttle would help businesses downtown is not supported by any objective analysis or feasibility study.

None of the residents support this Redesign 3: any support is coming from people who do not live on Alberto Way, and especially from developers and their employees or family members

This is a commercial building but Commercial Design Guidelines still apply and many General Plan policies do also

Commercial Design Guidelines

1.3 Protect property owner investments by discouraging inappropriate adjacent development

1.4 Sensitive Interface of commercial development with adjacent residential neighborhoods; maintain sense of place with views of surrounding hills preserved;

scale and character appropriate to the setting

1.5.1 Break fa~ade segments into modules sympathetic to the smaller scale of nearby residences

Inconsistencies with General Plan

INT-1 Land Use decisions encompass not only zoning , but circulation, design# open space, and other factors.

LU p. 15 projects developed under the mixed use designation SHALL maintain the small town residential scale and natural environment of adjacent residential neighborhoods . ..

LU 1.8 Commercial development of any type SHALL be designed in keeping with small town character of Los Gatos

LUG Goal: preserve and enhance the existing character and sense of place in residential neighborhoods

LU 6.1 Protect existing residential areas from impacts of non-residential development

LU 6.2 allow non-residential activity in residential areas only when the character and quality of the neighborhood can be maintained

LU 6.5 Type, density, and intensity of new land use Shall be consistent with that of immediate neighborhood

LU 6.8 New construction Shall be compatible and blend with the existing neighborhood

We ask you to direct the developer to reduce the building size to Jess than 62,000 sq. ft. (we hope for 56,000), build a one-level garage, and use a setback of 80 feet on the north property line to protect our existing view. Jennifer Armer

From: Kalane McDonald Sent: Friday, December 15, 2017 11:36 AM To: Jennifer Armer Subject: 405 Alberto Way project

To: Jennifer Armer

Please forward this message to all members of the Planning Commission.

I attended the Planning Commission meeting on Dec. 13, 2017, as I have all previous meetings regarding this project.

After sitting through an extremely long meeting, the following is a summary of the take-away points that I gleaned from listening to speakers in favor and against:

* .300 additional cars on a single access street * 100 cars entering and exiting Alberto Way to/from Alberto Oaks, 475 and 485 Alberto Way * increased traffic congestion on Hwy. 9 between Hwy. 17 and Los Gatos Blvd. * . the only other two story office building of similar size at 750 University is located on a busy thoroughfare surrounded by commercial buildings * disputed testimony by experts on the effects of constructing a two level underground garage, with potential negative impacts on residents * . a large, massive building that does not fit in with residential neighborhood and architecture * destruction of the view of the mountains for residents *.a shuttle service that will not be useful to residents of Alberto Way and which is only a carrot to entice the Planning Commission to accept the plan • . the claim by the applicant that only a 74,260 sq. ft. building meets Class A office space *.the claim by the applicant that only a 74,260 sq . ft. building is economically feasible * . this project will bring in money to the coffers of Los Gatos * the Chamber of Commerce is in favor

The conclusion: this project does not fit in with the neighborhood and is too large for the size of the lot, and will bring with it many headaches regarding increased traffic. An examination of the Town Plan for Los Gatos proves that this project should be rejected.

Sincerely, Kalane McDonald 443 Alberto Way Jennifer Armer

From: Gordon, Barry < [email protected]> Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2017 6:24 PM To: Jennifer Armer Subject: Our Support for the Alberto Way Project

Hi Jennifer,

I am the President of the Los Gatos Bicycle Racing Club that was established here in 1960. We were founded by the late Daves Avenue teacher, Bob Tezlaff, a 1960 US Olympian and member of the Bicycle Hall of Fame. Our club will be celebrating the 45th Cat's Hill Classic bike race on April 28, 2018 in the Almond District of Los Gatos.

We have devoted considerable time to the Town of Los Gatos as an Ambassador of the Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce while also supporting several local charitable organizations such as the Los Gatos Education Foundation (LGEF), the Community Against Substance Abuse (CASA) and the Los Gatos High School Band.

Our club, which is also a 501 C3 charity, fully support the proposed construction proje~t at the intersection of Albert Way and Highway 9. We believe that the proposed project will serve the best interests of the community and that Lamb Partners have sincerely addressed all the concerns of the local community.

Therefore, we urge the Los Gatos Planning Commission to approve this wonderful addition to our community.

Thank you for your consideration and Happy Holidays.


Barry Gordon, President Los Gatos Bicycle Racing Club, Inc. A four-time USA Cycling Club of the Year A 501 C3 Charity 408-821-6014 [email protected] .---.-- Oivi ;on C) · U$A.CVCLING cwa OF THE! Yl!Aft

Electronic Privacy Notice: The information contained in this e-mail, including any attachment(s), is intended solely for use by the named addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying, or action taken in relation to the contents of and attachments to this e-mail is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and permanently delete the original and any copy of this e-mail and any printout. Thank you for your cooperation. To: Planning Commission

From: Loretta Fowler

Date: December 23, 2017

Sitting in the hearing on December 13, I heard arguments that the proposed project will promote increased revenue for town businesses. I do not think that idea should be accepted uncritically. So please consider the following.


The Chamber of Commerce surveyed 50 people (SO respondents out of 399 contacted). According to this survey most (67%) thought that the new office would bring new revenue to downtown businesses. Fifty-eight percent thought a shuttle service to downtown would b_enefit their business.


This is an OPINION survey. There has been no feasibility study or any objective study of the effect of the proposed office building. There has been no study of the buying habits or lunchtime activity of the 100 plus tenants at 475 and 485 Alberto Way (a 56,000 sq. ft. office complex). Do we know if Netflix has brought new business to Los Gatos?

Mr. Lamb collaborated on the survey with Catherine Somers of the Chamber of Commerce (see Town Council hearing, 9/19/17, 3:43:04). There are three questions on the survey, all leading, and the description of the proposed project was all positive and, in actuality, misleading (e.g., the proposed office complies with the General Plan). Despite the bias inherent in the questionnaire, in the comments section where respondents could express concerns, 33 responded. Twenty-one expressed reservations: 16 about the increase in traffic and 4 about the huge size of the building.


Two members of the Commons committee spoke to Chamber of Commerce employees and learned that the main causes of the decline in business are increased traffic, online shopping, and competition from Campbell restaurants and bars. The proposed building would not alleviate any of these problems.

WILL THE PROPOSED SHUTTLE BRING CUSTOMERS from the 405 project to downtown?

Employees would sit on a bus for up to 20 minutes or more to get downtown, wait for service in a restaurant or shop, then get back on the bus for another 20 minutes or more. And there would be walking time to get from one of the stops to the target business. Is it likely employers would welcome this much time away from the office?

The developer says the shuttle will run five days a week from 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM and will be available to neighbors on Alberto Way. More than half the Alberto Way residents leave for work before 10:30. At this time of day, retirees who want to go to Safeway or Walgreens go up to the intersection and turn right and drive or walk to University, turn north and go one block, and turn left into the Safeway parking. This takes from 5 to 10 minutes. Why sit on ·a bus for three times that long riding through town? By the way, the DEVELOPER NEVER ASKED THE RESIDENTS OF ALBERTO WAY IF THEY WOULD LIKE A SH UTILE at 405. Moreover, people already downtown, who might get on the bus, have already driven there and parked. I do not believe the shuttle was mentioned before the Planning Commission rejected the proposed project on May 10. The developer offered the shuttle (and mailed a misleading brochure about the popularity of the project all over town) just at the time his appeal went before the Town Council.

We asked one of the TOWN COUNCIL members if the proposed shuttle could be used to convince the Council to approve the project. The answer was: ''THIS IS A LAND USE ISSUE" and the SHUTTLE "IS NOT RELEVANT.''

I hope that the proposed Redesign 3 will be considered on its own merits. The idea that the developer is going to help downtown businesses is wishful thinking.

Sincerely yours,

Loretta Fowler

451 Alberto Way #247 Jennifer Armer

From: M. Claire Ferguson Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2017 11:52 AM To: Jennifer Armer Cc: m.cla [email protected] Subject: 405 Alberto Way project

> >Dec. 26, 2017 > Ms. Jennifer Armer >Community Dev. Dept. > 110 E. MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CA.

>This is to provide important input into the second Jan. 10 Planning Commission consideration of the 405 Alberto Way project, since Town Council questions on this project in Oct. have been sent back to the Commission.

>Originally the Planning Commission had requested the development proposal square footage be reduced by one-third, and the merit of that judgement has increased with additional project information. Most importantly, the proposed underground garage next to a creek with a high water table should be no more than one level, since a two-level garage was deem~d a risk to structural foundations of nearby residences by a civil engineering expert. Even the method of addressing risk from constructing a one-level garage below the water table has not been presented by the developer, so there is still an open question of managing this technical uncertainty. A one-level garage is consistent with square footage reduction originally requested by the Commission and supported by residents on Alberto Way who are significantly impacted by the increase in traffic.

> We realize there are local business interests, and a one-level garage design allows more than double the office space over the existing building it will replace, and would be double the size of the commercial hotel building across the street.

>As residents, we strongly believe this project size should be the maximum allowed by the City from a safety and health perspective which is key to the quality of life in the t:ommunity.

>SINCERELY, > Claire Ferguson/Manya Lane Jean Farren Jones 443 Alberto Way, Unit B 218 Los Gatos, CA 95032

Jennifer Armer, Associate Planner

Los Gatos Planning Commissioners Los Gatos Town Hall 11 o E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 December 27, 2017

At your hearing on December 13, 2017 there was a discussion about the bus the Lamb Company, the developer of the project at 401-409 Alberta Way stated they would provide to the town. I don't see any benefit to the town from the bus. With the current traffic problems in the town the employees in the proposed building will not have time to take the bus to local shops and restaurants, make a purchase, shop, eat or whatever they plan to do then take a bus back to their work in an hours time. The same is true for the town residents and high school students. The time it will take to make the proposed loop with only one bus will make the trip difficult or impossible.

I spoke to the office manager of the Chamber of Commerce, she indicated that the employees of the new office building will not improve the downturn in business for the local merchants. On-line shopping, increased Los Gatos traffic and the fact many Los Gatos residents are going to Campbell for shopping and dining are the main causes of decreased business.

Sincerely, · ~~r an Farren Jones resident Los Gatos Commons HOA Jean Farren Jones 443 Alberto Way, Unit 8218 Los Gatos, CA 95032

Jennifer Armer, Associate Planner

To Los Gatos Planning Commissioners Los Gatos Town Hall 11 O E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030

December 27, 2017

At the Planning Commission hearing on December 13, 2017 I was disappointed that 401-409 Alberto Way was second on the agenda . However, some of the information from the Topping Way hearing was helpful to learn, 1 . The opinions of the neighboring residents was taken into consideration by the commissioners. 2. The largest building in a neighborhood can be considered MASSIVE.

I hope these points will also pertain to the proposed office space at 401-409 Alberto Way. In my opinion and that of many of my neighbors, the proposed building at 401-409 Alberto Way is MASSIVE and does not fit on on that lot. A building of not more than 56,000 sq. ft. would be much more appropriate

Thank you for your time end consideration.


Jean Farren Jones President , Los Gatos Commons HOA Jennifer Armer

From: Jean-Marc F. Blanchard Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2017 9:11 AM To: Jennifer Armer Subject: Comments on Revised Alberto Way project

To whom it may concern:

i. I am writing to comment on the revised plans for the Alberto Way deveiopment.

II. I think the developers for Alberto Way have made progress, but I still feel the project is too large and will have a negative effect on the "Look & Feel" of the area and a very negative effect on the already overloaded stretch of road between Los Gatos Blvd. and Santa Cruz Ave.

Ill. I am glad the developers are considering a shuttle but rather than put MORE vehicles on the road why don't they make improvements that would facilitate biking and walking to downtown and accessing public transportation. The stretch of road from Alberto Way to Santa Cruz Ave., especially around the access/exit areas from 17, is very bicyclist/pedestrian unfriendly and will get worse with more vehicles.

IV. Many building in Singapore are designed with plants embedded in the structures (not just around them). This has 3 benefits: (1) helps clean the air; (2) breaks up large blocks of concrete/brick; and (3) adds to the scenery rather than takes away from it. The Alberto Way buildings should do something similar.

V. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Jean-Marc F. Blanchard [information below should _not_ be put in public record] 113 Creekside Village Drive, LG 95032 Jennifer Armer

From: Debbie Sent: Monday, January 01, 2018 10:09 AM To: Jennifer Armer Subject: Alberto Way Project

I would like to add my voice to those who urge the town to scale down the project at Alberto Way. There is already so much traffic congestion around that highway interchange. Please consider reducing the size of the buidling (and corresponding number of ca rs) for this project.

Thank you.

Sincerely, Debbie Sacks 18400 Overlook Road Unit 31 Los Gatos, CA 95030 To: Town of Los Gatos Jennifer T. Armer, ACIP Associate Planner Community Development Department 110 E Main Street, Los Gatos CA 95030 Emaill: [email protected] From: Harold Vitale, 415 Alberto Way Los Gatos CA 95032 Email: hsvitale@earthlinknet Date: January 2, 2018

Dear Jennifer,

Introduction: A traffic analysis to determine the flow of cars from the proposed 405 project and the parking facility at 485 is included. This study is for traffic flowing out of these two facilities. The situation analyzed could likely occur in the late afternoon hours as office workers leave their facilities. It is intended to illustrate the wait time for cars leaving the facilities to entering Saratoga LG Road.

Results: Results are given in Figures 3 to 6. Attached and based on the traffic map shown in Figure 1. The detailed Analysis is given in Appendix 1,

Conclusions: Wait times up to 400secs for 1 OS cars would be very frustrating which shed quantitative support for the concern of congested traffic. Ffpre2.S I Walt Time Examples I Wait Time Figure A·Merge-E 10Sth Car WaltTimels Sum of CumPTime & 1st AtoE time 409.6 Fig3 C·B 68th Car WaitTimels sum of CumPTlme & bt CtoB time 417.4 Fig4 A-E 68th Car Wait Time ls Sum of CumPTlme & 1st AtoE time 404.7 FigS ~Merge-E Note 1 105th car WaitTimels Sum of CumPTime & 1st AtoE time 371.l Fig6

I Note 1 Cme11e-E Is A-merge-E less 1st C-B Time I

LGCBack Alley Wait Times for single car[ Note -watt Times Walt Time for LG north At A - A-Me!Je-E See Fig3 409.6 Watt · for LG south At I. - B·Merge-E See Fig6 371.1

Ffpre :t A-Merpto E Green li&ht lstc:.rtime Figure4 CtoB GreenliJht 1st air time 30.7 38.SRC Period# CumPTime XCarsXSecs Wait time Period# CumPTime XCarsXSecs Waitllme 1 34 9.605 69.6 1 34 6.204 72.5 2 68 19.209 103.6 2 68 12.408 106.5 3 102 28.814 137.6 3 102 18.612 140.5 4 136 38.418 171.6 4 136 24.816 174.5 5 170 48.023 205.6 5 170 31.02 208.5 6 204 57.627 239.6 6 204 37.224 242.5 7 238 67.232 273.6 7 238 43.428 276.5 8 X72 76.836 307.6 8 272 49.632 310.5 9 306 86.441 341.6 9 306 55.836 344.5 10 340 96.045 375.6 10 340 62.04 378.5 11 374 ,105-.&50 409.6 11 3.74 68.244 412.5 12 408 115.254 443.6 12 408 74.448 446.5 13 442 124.859 477.6 13 442 80.652 480.5 14 476 134.463 511.6 14 476 86.856 514.S 15 510 144.068 545.6 15 510 93.06 548.S 16 544 153.672 579.6 16 544 99.264 582.5 17 578 163.277 613.6 17 578 105.468 616.5 18 612 172.881 647.6 18 612 111.672 650.5 19 646 182.486 681.6 19 646 117.876 684.5 20 680 192.090 715.6 20 680 124.08 718.5

Figures AtoB Green Ughtl 1st car time FllU1'116 A-merptoE Green lllht MerptoE WaitAMrgtoE I 30.7sec 30.7 less38.S Period# Cum PTlme XCns X Secs Walt time Period# cum Plime XCarsXSecs Wait time CMereeToE 1 34 6.204 64.7 1 34 9.605 69.6 3L1 2 68 12.408 98.7 2 68 19.209 103.6 65.1 3 102 18.612 1327 3 102 28.814 137.6 99.1 4 136 24.816 166.7 4 136 38.418 171.6 133.1 5 170 31.02 200.7 5 170 48.023 205.6 167.1 6 204 37.224 234.7 6 204 57.627 239.6 201.1 7 238 43.428 268.7 7 238 67.232 273.6 235.1 8 272 49.632 302.7 8 272 76.836 307.6 269.1 9 306 55.836 336.7 9 306 86.441 341.6 303.1 10 340 62.04 370.7 10 340 96.045 375.6 337.l 11 374 68.244 .404.7 11 374 ·· 105.650 409.6 371.l 12 408 74.448 438.7 12 408 115.254 443.6 405.1 13 442 80.652 472.7 13 442 124.859 477.6 439.1 14 476 86.856 506.7 14 476 134.463 511.6 473.1 15 510 93.06 540.7 15 510 144.068 545.6 507.1 16 544 99.264 574.7 16 544 153.672 579.6 54Ll 17 578 105.468 608.7 17 578 163.277 613.6 575.1 18 612 111.672 642.7 18 612 172.881 647.6 609.1 19 646 117.876 676.7 19 646 182.486 681.6 643.1 20 680 124.08 710.7 20 680 192.090 715.6 6n.1 0000 000000000 000000000 405 Park Gar 0 0 485 Park Lot 000000000 ,oooo 00000 0 000000000 c 0000 000000000 s 0 O V 0 0 000 A a 0A 0 0 v 0 r 0 0 0 Distance ft I 0 0 0 A-B 1082 l 0 0 0 0 C-B 250 G Fo 0 0 v 0 B-E 186 o

0000 000000000 000000000 0 0 0 000000000 0000 00000 0 FW17 000000000 c 0000 000000000 s 0 0 ov 0 " a 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 Distance ft L 0 o" 0 0 0 A-B 1082 G o oF

Traffic Conditions on Alberto Way.

Traffic Flow Leaving: 332 Vehicle Trips, 405 Garage to Alberto Way 250 Vehicle Trips, 485 Parking Lot to Alberto Way Merge 405 with 485 Traffic at intersection of 405 In/Out Driveway & Alberto Way Right Turn Lane for Alberto way Vehicles to enter Saratoga/LG Road

Traffic Regulations SMPH (7.33 ft/Sec) within facility property. 25MPH (36.67 ft/sec) on Alberto Way 35MPH (51.33ft/sec) on Saratoga L/G Rd Traffic Signal at Alberto & Saratoga/LG Rd: 17Sec Red. 17Sec Green, 3Sec Yellow, 8 Sec Walk

Travel Distances 1082 Ft: (485 Parking) to (405 driveway intersection) at Alberto 250 Ft: (405 Garage) to (405 driveway intersection) at Alberto 185 Ft: ( 405 driveway intersect at Alberto) to Intersection of (Sar/LG Rd)& Alberto 177 Ft: (Right Turn Lane Length)

Definitions: The travel time for vehicles from the 485 parking lot and from the 405 Garages to Saratoga Road are dependent on the following: Vehicle Starts and or Stops ,Traffic Signalers, Stop Signs, Alternate Vehicles Signs. Speed limits Tstart: Start times, from stopped to speed limit velocity Tstop: Stop times, from speed limit velocity to stopped a: Delay time between moving vehicles or gap time Tr: Time to travel distance L at speed limit velocity V. A: Starting point at 485 Alberto B: Location of 405 Alberto intersection with Alberto C: Location where proposed right hand turn lane begins D: Location of Stop (cross-walk-markin) at Alberto & Saratoga Rd Vup: Velocity after start time Vdn; Velocity at beginning of stop time Tfill: Time to move car n+ 1 =a. NuVeh: Number of cars bumper to bumper in distance D DltaTmst: time to move one car length at velocity V Assumptions: The Traffic signal at the intersection of Alberto Way and Saratoga Los Gatos Rd is: 17Secs Greeen, !7 Secs Red for traffic leaving Alberto way. Source of this information is the current Traffic Impact Executive Summary Study for this project. CarLesngth; Average car length=15feet Vehicle Start time is a linear function of time i.e. V(t)= V*(t/Tstart) for t=>O and t= Tstart Vehicle Stop time is a linear function of time i.e. V(t)= V-V*ft/Tstop) for t=O and t=

Analysis: Starting distance is D(t)start=lntegral (V /(Tstart))*t)=(V/Tstart)*(t"2)/2 Stopping distance is D(t)stop=lntegral (V-(V /Tstop)*t)= =V*t-(V /Tstop)*(t"2)/2) Tfill=(Average Carlength)/V DltaTrnst Time=(CarLength/V)sec

Distance ft Vup f/s Transit sec Delay sec Start sec Stop sec Tfill sec A-B 1082 36.7 28.3 1.7 1.0 1.0 0.40 C-B 250 7.3 34.3 1.7 1.0 1.0 2.05 B-E 186 36.7 5.07 1.7 1.0 1.0 0.40

Distance ft NuVeh cars 1 car length sec A-B 1082 70.1 0.41 C-B 250 16.7 1.86 B-E 186 12.3 0.41

Delay Time for A to B Carl at 25MPH(37.6ft/s: Time for CarlAtoB=Tstart+ Transit+Tstop+ Tfill= =1+28.3+ 1+0.4=30.7Secs Cars from B then merge with Cars from C at Point B. See Derivation of Tdelay /Merge at Point B

Delay Time for c to B Carl at 5 MPH(7.3ft/sec): Time for CarlCtoB =Tstart+Transit +Tstop+ Tfill =1+34.3+1+2.05=38.35 T

Cars from C then merge with Cars from A at Point B. See Derivation of Tdelay/Merge at Point B

Delay Time for B to E Cart at 25 MPH(37.6ft/sec): Time for Carl BtoE =Tstart+ Transit+Tstop+ Tfill = =1+5.0+1+0.40=9.73sec Merged cars then traveled to E. See Derivation of Tdelay

Derivation of Tdelay/Merg: There is a stop sign at this intersection for cars C to B. Assume that cars from A also stop at the intersection to allow the stopped car from C to turn right The cars alternately stop and start in order to merge, a Courtesy Traffic Regulator. The delay at B as cars from A merge with cars from C is as follows:

Right Turn Traffic delay at SMPH; This time delay is calculated from the total travel distance ofCarC from start up to being in position to accelerate to 25MPH. Note: Start up length=(8.3*Tstart/2)= 8.3/2=4.15ft, Total path length,..,, lOft, 10-4.15=5.BSft. time to go 5.85f at 8.3f/sec=0.7sec. The delay therefore is 1Sec + .70Sec+l.7Sec Right turn travel time=1. 7sec. (at SMPH) Acceleration from SMPH to 25MPH: CarC Following the right turn delay of 1.7Sec CarC accelerates from SMPH to 25.MPH (Obeying speed limits). By inspection this transition time is 0.8Sec. Total delay for Car C from start at the intersection to reaching 25MPH is therefore 1. 7Sec+0.8Sec. Time for Turn + Tansition= 2.SSec. Care CarA continues at 25MPH

Intersection Crossing ,Traffic Delay at 2SMPH: CarA Note Start up length=Tstart=36.7*Tstart/2=18.35fbut Path length =20ft. Total distance across intersection is zoa 20ft-18.35=1.65~ 1.65ft/37.6=0.04sec, Intersection Crossing Time =1.04sec

Impact of Stopping/Starting/Interleaving of cars at the Junction at Point 8 Let time TO be when Care and CarA are each stopped at intersection B. The sequence of merged cars starting at TO is: CarCl starts and reaches Point Bin 1.70secs then accelerates from SMPH to 25Mph in O.Ssec. CarC2 starts again in 1.7Secs+l.04Secs CarAl waits 1.70secs, starts and reaches Point B in 1.04secs & continues at 25MPH These two cars and following cars are merged traveling at 25MPH with 1.04sec and 1.7sec delay between each other. Carel lags CarAl. CarAl continues at 25mPH. CarC2 is further delayed by 0.8Sec, the speed transition time. •

Car Flow Rates

One Ccar leaves point B every 2. 7 4Secs/Ccar One Acar leaves Point B every 2.74Secs/Acar· Merged, there will be 2 cars leaving the merged point every 2.74secs/2 cars. We can rewrite this as: (1.7 sec/2)+(1.04Sec/2)=(0.85sec/Ccar+0.52Sec/Acar). Interpret this as: CarA leaads CarC by 0.52sec & CarC is delayed from CarA by 0 ..8Ssec . . As described, each Ccar is delayed further t.o 0.8sec+ 0.85sec sec=1.65Sec but both cars are then traveling at 25MPH. Following the merge time, Ccar experience an additive delay of 0.8ecs & Care trails CarA byl.65sec

Time for the nth car from C to B Wait time for first car from C to B=TCB1=38.35. Wait time for second car C to B=(TCB1)+2.74 Wait time for third car C to B = (TCBl)+ 2 .7 4+2 .7 4

I Time for mth car A to B =TAB1+(m-1)*2.74

Delay times for Merged Ccars & Acars As given above merged delay times between cars is (0.52sec/Acar1)+1.65/Bcar1. Delaytime for tst 2 cars=TBD+2.17 Delay time for znd 2 cars=TBD+Z.17+2.17 Delay time for 3rd 2 cars=TBD+2.17+2.17+2.17

I Delay time for 2pth car=TBD+2.17*p

The difference in the rise time of 0 to 25MPH and the rise time from SMPH to 25MPH at identical slew rates. This delay will be added to the delay of each Care delay time. The timing delay times sequence is as follows: CarA leads Care by 0.52sec. Total Time for mth car A to B =TAB1 +(m-1)*2.74.

Time for the cars from C to D After Merge start ofSpeed Transition Wait time for first car from C to B=TBDl+ speed increase im=(32.3+0.8)sec=33.1sec Wait time for second car A to C=TBD1 +0.8secs =TCBl +3.54 Wait time for third car C to B = TCBl +3.54+3.54sec

Traffic Signaler Regulation: A traffic light cyle is 34Sec. The Red Signal Light stops the flow of cars fort 7 Secs. When the signal turns Green the next cars advance until the Red light turns on again. In one period of 34 Secs. Jennifer Armer

From: Judith Stark Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2018 8:14 PM To: Jennifer Armer Cc: Stark Dennis Subject: Alberto Way Project

Hi Jennifer- I'm writing in reference to the proposed office building at the corner of Alberto Way and Highway 9. My husband and I own a condo in Los Gatos Commons and feel strongly that the proposed complex is very ill-suited for the neighborhood. Besides the traffic congestion and other traffic­ related problems, we have other concerns: 1-The disruption, noise, and dirt caused by the construction project itself, 2 - The underground parking (2 stories), and 3 - Alberto Way has very dense residential housing so a large number of people will be impacted by the problems inherent in this project, not the least of which is the obstruction of views,

If the goal is to make the buildings earthquake-proof, check out the office buildings at the very end of Alberto Way. I worked in those buildings in the mid-90's when they were deemed not earthquake­ proof; they were retrofitted with metal braces on the outside that not only satisfied the requirements related to quakes but also blend in quite harmoniously with the building. No need to tear everything down- just upgrade the existing buildings!

Judy Stark January 3, 2018

To: Planning Commission

From: Los Gatos Commons Committee on Alberto Way Development and the Board of Directors

We write to refute the idea that the proposed building at 405 Alberto Way has to be at least 74,260 sq. ft. to attract tenants.


In the DEIR (2. 7) we read that the developer plans two buildings to house "a variety of professional office uses similar to the use of the existing buildings on the site" [three buildings, about 10,000 sq. ft. each]. At this time the developer proposed two buildings, one 45,000 sq. ft. and the other, 47,800 sq. ft. (both with floor plates of about 23,000 sq. ft.). The developer's plan was for Class A office space: defined as "larger floor plates," operational functionality, energy efficiency, and employee amenities (DEIR 2.2).


The definition provided by Catherine Somers of the Chamber of Commerce at the 10/17/17 Town Council hearing on the 15,860-94 Winchester project (2:04:44) was "the newest and highest quality buildings in the market. They are generally the best looking buildings with the best construction and possess the highest quality building infrastructure. Class A buildings are also well located and have good access and are professionally managed. As a result of this, they attract the highest quality tenants and also command the highest rents." She made no mention of floor plates.

Research through Google, affirms Ms. Somers's description: Class A buildings are the most prestigious with rents above average and high quality finishes, state of the art systems, exceptional accessibility, and especially outstanding amenities for tenants [such as copy services, food, daycare, fitness center, dry cleaners] Why could not the developer build a 56,000 or 62,000 sq. ft. building so state-of­ the-art, so beautiful, with so many high-end amenities for tenants that he could charge a very high rent? With only a oi'l"e-level garage he would save millions' in· construction costs. Why couldn't this be economically feasible? We "neighbors" do not want any "amenity space" or dog park. All the developments on Alberto way.nave adequate public space (as .you-ean s-ee from the Google}. The planned amenity space for "neighbors" could be used for surface parking.

We say again, a building 74,260 sq. ft. is too big for Alberto Way. As we read the Gene:raf Ptan arn:f Commercial Design GtrideHnes; the proposed project is·· inconsistent with many town goals and policies regarding land use and protection of views of the Santa Cruz Mountains. And this size building would bring in way too.many .cars forlittleAJberto Way. . .. Not.only would the:proposedpr.oject.bring in 300 vehicles to our narrow, single access street but the renovated 475-485 offices bring an additional 100 plus cars (not factored in by the Hexagon study, which was completed before the renovation). All these cars would create . excessive delays and safety issues for residents.

WE URGE YOU TO SUPPORT THE GENERAL PLAN AND COMMERCIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES, AS YOU PREVIOUSLY DID, AND DIRECT THE DEVELOPER TO REDUCE THE SIZE of the building so that a one-level garage will hold the associated cars and so that our existing north view corridor to the Santa Cruz Mountains is preserved. Though with heavy hearts, we support your previous consensus that a building 55,000 to 62,000 sq. ft. is appropriate.

Pre>· BOARD OF DIRECTQRS, LOS_.§.ATOS,..COMM,P~S !k~~~ - - ~~~~ ~ COMMITTEE ON ALBERTO WAY DEVELOPMENT, LOS GATOS COMMONS r'Yk~ I(__~ c~ ) ~ ~/£,5~ {~d'mj. ( . . . -)- ~ . .Q ~,F7~~j· ··"~ ~ ---~~~(~-1 Jennifer Armer

From: Barbara Grimm Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2018 8:49 AM To: Jennifer Armer Subjed: Alberto Way

I am a Los Gatos resident of more than 48 years and wish to register my NO vote for the huge construction project that is proposed for Alberto Wy. The noise and traffic wiil be a nightmare for the residents weli as the congestion aiong the short distance to enter and exit Hwy 17. Please consider the residents of this already congested area.

Sincerely Barbara Grimm Sent from my iPad Jennifer Armer

From: Joan K Larson Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2018 12:13 PM To: Jennifer Armer Subject: 401-409 Alberto Way

To the Planning Commission;

There is no resident on Alberto Way that want this large building that will bring such additional traffic. I doubt anyone in the office complex at the end of the road at 475 wants it to be approved. Only people who think this is a good idea for Los Gatos are those who do NOT live here on Alberto Way.

Only one that voiced approval (but does not live here) was a Grill 57 person who thinks there would be more customers. Told by Lamb that the restaurant could use 401-409 surface parking. Hard to do that with the metal fence blocking entrance. As we were told of use of the picnic tables and dog walk. Wouldn't that be the tenant, not the developer, to permit that condition . .

The Geissler Hydrology Report needs to be reviewed. The residents are affected.

There is no other dwelling in Los Gatos with a two floor underground garage.

There is no dwelling on Alberto Way with an underground garage.

There is no dwelling on Alberto Way the size of the proposed building.

There is no ingress/egress than ONE on Alberto Way. A dead end road.

There will much less ground cover to absorb rain water with the cement and asphalt for the surface parking and driveways. The excess water will run to its lowest spot on Alberto Way and will likely cause flooding in my patio and condo. And elsewhere. Which is a definite concern.

Thank you for attention to this matter.

Joan K. Larson. LG Commons 441 Alberto Way, Unit 114 408-348-6698 Sent from my iPhone My name is Thomas Dunn and I live at 420 Albertro way.

I understand the need for a new development across the street from my complex but not at the cost and expense and ware and tear on all the residents on Albertro Way.

Safety for residents, children and the seniors are a major concern. 2 years of dump trucks, trucks with building supplies, Large cranes, heavy duty operating equipment, PGE digging up the roads, Cal trans digging up the streets is not only dangerous to us but makes no sense. (Would you want to live across the street from this for 2 years or more?

I believe by reducing the size of the building can resolve the majority of the issues we have about the current proposal.

Here are my concerns

There's no evidence that Los Gatos needs a large class a building

There are numerous small businesses and professionals in town that would love to have a nice multi -use office at that location. Previous tenants to the property were attorneys, insurance agents, CPA's, print copy center, financial planners and more and the property was most of the time full.

No evidence that this building will bring more revenues to downtown merchants.

A lot of the residents on Albertro Way spend mornings, lunchtime, weekends and our money in town because we live here we like it, and understand the importance of supporting our local merchants.

The new business model of employees do not have the luxury of long lunches or shopping breaks to go downtown or the need to support our local merchants. Most companies now have their own cafeteria or have lunch catered in.

NO NEED FOR A DOG PARK. When I spoke to Shane about this he said that 2 women across the street suggested it. Of the 2 women, one has moved out and the other is looking to sell and relocate. Use that space for more parking for employees and no need for 2 level underground parking. A Bike lane between 2 turn lanes at Albertro way and High_way 9 takes parking spaces off the street and is ridiculous and very unsafe. There is now twice the risk of someone getting hurt. This is a dead end street and I see maybe 2 or 3 bikes per day go up our street. No one from the Albertro Oaks offices rides their bikes, no one from the Commons is riding bikes up the street and a few children ride on the side walk up the hill on the safe side of the street.

All it takes is one child or senior or a resident bike riding down Albertro Way and to get hit or killed during construction or by the new large number of cars leaving this building it senseless. It would cause a law suit against the company and the town for letting this project even be considered ... SAFTEY FIRST FOR THE LOS GATOS COMMUNITY.

The definition of a class A building is defined by quality and size of 50,000 sqft not the 72,000 sqft misrepresented by the developer.

Also there was a 35,000 sqft class A building just built on Winchester so a class A building can also be less than 50,000 Sqft

So a smaller size class A building should be able to work at this site which takes less time to demolish and rebuild, preservers the view of the mountains, reduces the traffic and number of cars and keep Albertro Way safe.

The following is from my first letter to the town on August 15, 2016 on how they have misrepresented themselves and especially this protect and they continue to do so today.

I do not trust Randy Lamb or Shane Arters. l do not believe any words that come out of their mouths. All night at the meeting they would change their story to fit what they think you might like to hear. There is no integrity or professionalism in their 2 man company that knows nothing about Los Gatos or the Los Gatos community. They are out of towners.

-He has inaccurately presented to you at the planning meeting the amount of office square footage they have built, over 1 million, and the number of offices, 12, but I can only find 3 office buildings they have on their website and one of them is a drawing of the Albertro way project. They understated numerous information to residents about the time and damage it will take to excavate the property, the number of dump trucks it will take and not to mention the damage it will do to our street and possible the water pipes etc below the street. He told us 4 weeks and at the meeting he now says 3 months. He told us around 50 dump trucks and now it is more like 350 dump trucks. This is only one example of the non-truths he tells.

Also the one that really gets me is at the planning meeting on august 10th he stood up and said that he had held 14 community outreach programs in our neighborhood and that over 100 people attended and no one was opposed to the project.

WRONG: Everyone at our meeting and all of the other condos meetings also adamantly opposed to the project when we saw the sight poles being put up.

One major concern is because of the size and mass and the bulk of the buildings and it was way way to big to fit into our neighborhood. We made several suggestions to lower the buildings, reduce the size and all he said was that he has town approval and has complied with all the requirements and he doesn't care what the residents think, they're going to build this project anyway.

ALSO NO ONE is in favor of this project for all of the reasons you heard at the meeting and because of all the concerns in the summary we submitted to you with over 200 signatures on a petition opposing this project (see Attached concerns} This is not a safe place to build

His comment to us at our last outreach meeting was he wasn't concerned because the GRANNIES down street and can't make it this far anyway.

I would like to see a smaller size, 35,000 to 50,000 sqft ,one story, no underground parking garage, with multi use offices for local business owners and ·businesses from the surrounding towns. No bike lane or dog park needed. ..t \11o er.., . ·1-~ o ,,.... ·~, -;\ c1· l1",... '7._, eon_.. ;rs....., .Ft .,,ll""'l - -~-·-··11 er Tes·t-.1• I'"'O-. tl'tf\ .. ---YY" 1--0 "' ··EI~l e ·Loe_ ,:) G o."'.:'l t - o~...... ·pJ . artnir1c .. __. . .P ro1nnn...... l 1· ....,;-:,c;:;. ,.... 1·on1J. _ c.::J, 4_· 01· - 0 409 Alberto \'Vay· 10} 2018 I-Iearing

Submitted by Bob Burke individually and for those who signed the Petition

AppHcant's dain1 drnt th~ :t ~ is rle~nand for C!ass A cnm1nen::fa.! bllihlings i~ rw: suppoiAt~d by any evidence of-demauri sutmutte!i te th~ r~ccE"W

Applicant has presented no CEO, Chairman or a Board of Dfrectors from any prospective large tenant that can afford to occupy the entire building or even half of it who says they want to locate in Los Gatos and have passed a resolution that they want to.

All we've seen thus far from this and other Applicants for proposed commercial office developments is a representative of local Chamber of Commerce to represent the commercial interests of the small merchant businesses who hope to receive added income from the presence of new Class A commercial occupants. They present no evidence of actual demand for Class A, but appeal to the Town that their sales are down. We know they're down thanks to three factors:

On-line Retail led by Amazon and continued by restaurant delivery services, allowing Campbell & San Jose competition with local establishments

The traffic congestion caused by increased population in Silicon Valley and

The diversion of beach traffic to Los Gatos Town streets by Waze

Furthermore, the Town of LG has done nothing effective to stop the beach traffic from entering Los Gatos despite being presented with 10 opportunities by Bob Burke at a Town Council Meeting last summer

Local business interests are diametrically opposed to the interests of local resident voters who wish to enjoy the Los Gatos as their home. Commercial offices run up the cost of Los Gatos traffic infrastructure while they make woefully insufficient contributions due to the outd~ted traffic study and infrastructure payment computation methods in use by the Town. The pursuit of local merchants' commercial interest is not evidence that there is any demand at all for commercial office space in Los Gatos regardless of building class.

The definition of Class A contains "Newest & nicest" in most sources that can be found.

A,?plkant's daLl! thnt n~ ~uHdh}.g ~ess th2n ::be preaen: 71!-K SC! ~t proposed :tlev~lop:.m~nt !s e~iL>ilcmica!Ry feasib!e ~s not Sll~p;pcrte~ by any evidence suhrrriiLtcf~ to the Record

Applicant has not presented any evidence to the record to support the assertion and made the same statement when submitting the two larger proposed developments at 93K and 83K sq ft. A review of planning cases reveals that the economic viability claim cannot be considered without submission by applicant of proof that it is true.

Furthermore, the Town is not responsible for applicant's failure to assemble economically viable plans.

Applicant must submit auditable business plans and alternative design studies for buildings of various permitted uses, finishes and sizes to prove the assertion.

Nci ii!be,rto W'-ly pa!"king spaces propo~ed :::o be remo~/ed shou!d he approved: rein.oving them m!Dil!'lizes cosi to ap}tHcant iit residents exuen.3e.. CJ r

Lost spaces are further away from the residences and proposed replacements are more convenient for Grill 57 patrons and as overflow for the Best Western Inn at Los Gatos than for residents.

Applicant should be required to straighten out Alberto Way for the many congestion control and safety reasons we've already submitted and no parking spaces on Alberto should be approved for removal.

Geotech's d:ii:m that it has ~ug ·tEnrlerg;-oun.d park:ng wiUt!>U.t I2nd subsidence nn sim!fa:r projects

Geotech and Applicant presented no evidence to the record to support the claims, locations or geological similarities or differences. G?-Gt:ech f~ H eu ta adrl.ress the impact: ~hat blockage to the mcvei111e:nt of undergrounrl water the fa.rge underground pa:-king gar2ge ·wtH present

It is likely to negatively impact nearby residences within the 0-10 feet to water zone shown beneath applicant's property and portions or all of every HOA on Alberto Way on the Santa Clara Valley water District's depth to water map that we submitted. The impact could drive water to the surface beneath the crawl space foundations of the Pueblo de Los Gatos and .the crawl space foundations of Bella Vista Village town houses in the lower level just to the North of the Pueblo de Los Gatos. Several of the town houses on Cuesta de Los Gatos had to be retrofitted with sumps to extract near ground level water.

The backup of water that can no longer flow beneath 401-409 if a two story UG garage is built can cause disastrous results: more sumps, foundation damage, black mold.

We request that the Planning Commission prevent this risk to our residences by allowing no more than one underground garage lever and only after new borings are done by applicant to prove that even 1 level will not damage our residences.

The prcposed shnttle p:resent:s iittie ~:.: na legitimate oppoi"t~n!ty fni' i:se by anycne.

Tenants of 401-409 Alberto

We've observed the tenants of 475-485 Alberto Way for years. There is a small group of 5-6 who walk to the Lodge for lunch.

The vast majority of tenant employees eat in the office.

Many employees of the property management company located in 475-485 Alberto report in the office early in the day, leave to work outside and then return to the office for lunch. Afterward, they leave again in the early afternoon to resume off-premises work.

LGHS students

Freshmen are not allowed to leave campus at any time prior to the last bell during the first semester policies/code of conduct/level i i - administrative intervention and all students need parental permission and same day school notification to leave any time but lunch:

3 87373/lmage/Students/BLOCK%20BELL %20SCHEDULE.pdf

Second semester freshmen and all other students have short enough lunch periods that the shuttle cannot be used at all. Most who leave for lunch use cars and go in a group or walk to the handful of restaurants close enough to be back in time.

After school, students on foot or skateboard are going home. They will have little opportunity to use the shuttle since its route doesn't get them home or even close enough to wait for. F~rthermore, they're not going to wait for 15-30 minutes to avoid a walk that takes less time than the wait+ ride, so applicant's assertion of use by students should be totally disregarded.

After school, the proposed shuttle can facilitate student drug use, presenting significant danger to LGHS students. This will accelerate with the legalization

There has been for years an undercover drug intel operation in multiple Silicon Valley high schools in an attempt to prevent dealing to HS and MS students. Arrests are made at school. The schools in Los Gatos have been covered by the operation with the goal to keep the students safe by eliminating distribution in and around the schools. Student "stoners" have for decades used drugs in an area nicknamed "the wall."

Those who do use but are on foot or skateboard are the most vulnerable students, principally freshmen & sophomores, who are approached by student dealers. They're eager for acceptance in their new high school world. Dealers will suddenly have access to the shuttle for use as an after school "sales & party bus" that they can use to circulate town until they can avoid detection at home. No shuttles need to stop at schools.

Residents of Alberto Way

Residents will seldom use the shuttle since it is far less convenient than autos for short in-town trips, an insignificant number of which are destined to stops along its route.

The shuttle is a bad idea used to gain sup.port from local merchants who stand to gain nothing at the end of the day. Planning Commission 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030

Re: 401-409 Alberto Way Project

Dear Commissioners,

I am a resident of Los Gatos Commons and look forward to taking in the mountain views as I walk on my street. While I reviewed the video of the Dec 13 meeting and again other photos given to the commission, I was struck at how poorly they represent the actual blockage of our scenic views on Alberto Way. The photos submitted by the developer don't accurately show our lost of ridgelines and mountains.

The seniors on Alberto Way feel that we wlll be losing a great deal with proposed project. We feel that we have comp.romlsed much more then the developer In the negotiations by agreeing to a building between 55,000-62,000 sq. ft., one level garage and just as important the north side of the project must remain open to the mountains views. The enclosed photo shows the lost of our south end view. The other photo shows the slim side of the peak that remains on the north end.

We have been honest and diligent In our research as we try to understand this development process. We have spent long hours of study and most of our rainy day funds to hire experts to guide our understanding. We are looking for a reasonable size building that the developer can profit from but one that Is low in density for a one level garage and protective of the North side mountain views.

Thank you for all your work on this project Sincerely Marilyn Basham, Resident and business owner in Los Gatos since 1982

Jean Jones, President of Los Gatos Commons HOA r1-~ n~~~ ~,;,,~ ..- C4w/1 ...... <.

"" .) .


Jennifer Armer

From: J Scott Sent: Friday, January 05, 2018 11:00 AM To: Jennifer Armer Subject: Alberto Way

Dear Planning Commission;

Thank you for a continued commitment of making sure Alberto Way project is done right!

Please stay the course and don't let our small town character and charm be robbed by self ·righteous developers.

Keep this project under 60, 000 sq ft and don't allow the underground parking garage.

Regards, Jannette Scott Alberto Way