J. E NTO M OI.. Soc. BRIT. COU 'M BIA 8R . DECE MBER . 199 I 7 REFERENCES A lfa ro . R. 1. 1982. Fifty-year-old Sitka spruce plantati ons w ith a history of int ense weev il attack. J. Entomol. Soc. Brit. Columbia 79: 62 -65. A lfaro, R. 1. 19X9a. Stem defect s in Sitka spruce induced by Sitka spruce weevi l. Pissodes slm !>i (Peck.). Pp. 177- I 85 in A lfaro, R.1. and S. Glove r (editors). In sec ts affecting refores tation: biology and damage. Proceedings of a I UFRO symposium held on Jul y 3-9, 198X . in Vancouver. B. C . under the auspices of the XVIII Intern ati onal Congress of Entomology. Fo restry Canada . V ictoria. B.C Alfaro. R.1. 19R9b. Probabi lity of damage to Sitka spruce by the Sitk a spruce weev il. Pissodes slrohi (Peck). J. Ent. Soc. Brit. Columbia 86: 48- 54. A lfaro. R.1. and S.A. Y. Omuie. 1990. The effects of spacing on Sitka spruce wee vi l damage to Sit ka spruce . Can . J. For. i{es . 20 : 179- I 84. Coze ns. R.D. I 9R3 . The spruce weev il, Pissodcs slrohi Peck. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae ). A rev ie w of its biol­ ogy. damage and contro l techniques wilh reference to th e Prince George Timber Supply Area. B.C Min of For. In t. Rep. PM-PG -3 . Coze ns. R.D. 19R7. Second hroods of Pissodrs slrohi (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in prev iously attacked leaders of interior spruce. J. Entomol. Soc. Brit. Columbia 84: 46-49 . Fletcher. V.E. 1986. Development of sampling guidelines for es timating the proportion of wcev iled tree s on a plantation. B.C Min. of For. Int. Rep. PM-PB- 18. Heppner. D.G. and P.M. Wood. 1984 . Vancouver Reg ion Sitka spruce wee vi l survey res ults ( 1982- 1983). with recom mendations for plan ting Sitka spru ce . B.C M in . of For. Int. Rep. PM-V-5. Lewis. K .G. 1988 . Spruce weev il in spruce plantations in the Cariboo Fores t Reg ion B.C Min. of For. Cariboo For. Reg. Wi ll iams Lake. B. C Unpublished repo rt . 35 pp. M e idin ~e r. D" 1. Pojar and W.L. Harper. In pre". Sub-horeal spru ce zone. In D. M eidinger. and J. Poja r (ed s.). "Ec o l o~y of ". B.C Min. of Fores ts. Spec ial Report Series . M cMullen. L.H. 1976. Spruce weev il damage. Ecolog ical basis and hazard rating for Vanco uve r Island. Can . For. Servo Pac . For. Res . Cent. InL Rep. BC-X- 14 1. Victori a. B.C 7p. M cMullen. L.H. and SF Condrashoff. 1973. Notes on dispersal. longevity and overwinterin g of aclu lt Pissodes slrohi (Pec k) (Coleoptera : Curculioniclae) on Vancouver Island. J. Ent omol. Soc. Brit. Col um bia 70: 22-26. Stevcn,on. R.E. 1967. Notes on the bi ology of the Enge lmann spruce weev il. Pissodes {, lI ge ll1l {{ lIl1i (C urcul ionidae: Coleopte ra ) and its parasites and predators. Can . Ent oilloi. 99: 20 1-2 13. Wood. R.O. and L.H. McMullen. 197 1. Spru ce weev il in British Colu mbia. Can . Dept. For. Can . Fo r. Scr. Pac. Fo r. Res . Cent. Pes t Lcatlet.

The Aphids (Homoptera:Aphididae) of British Columbia 20. Further additions


ABSTRACT Fi ve specics are aducd to th e aphid fa un a of British Colu mbia. Fifty-four of th e SlI new aph id -host plant as sociations of plant specics arc new host plants. INTRODUCTION Four hundred spec ies of aphids coll ected from I 124 hosts or in traps, and 2233 aphid-host plant associations were recorded in fift een previous li sts of th e aphids of British Colu mbia (Forbes. Frazer and MacCarthy 1973; Forbes. Frazer and Chan 1974: Forbes and Chan 1976. 197R , 1980, 198 1, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986a, 1986b, 1987, 1988, 1989: Forbes, Chan and Foottit 1982). T he present li st adds 5 aphid species (indicated with an asteri sk in (he li st) and 88 aphid-host plant associati ons to the previous li sts, Fifty-four of the new aphid-host plant associati ons of plant species have not been recorded before. The additi ons bring the Ilumber of kn own aphi d species in British Columbia to 405. Aphids have now been coll ected from 11 78 different host plants and the total nlllnber of aphi d­ host plant associations is 232 1. J. E'JIOMOI. S()c. B RIl . COII ''1 BIA XX. Dr-.(T"'II>I-.R. 199 1

Tabl~ J Co lkclion sileS of aphids. wil h ai rline di sI

Distance Locality Reference Point Dir km mi

Allison Pass Kamloops SW 174 109 Bijoux Fall s Prince George NW 159 9t; Blue River Williams Lake E 193 122 Bums Bog Vancouver SE 27 17 Casllegar Creslon NW 88 55 Cedarvale Pri nee Rupert NE 149 93 Chemainus Vicloria NW 51 32 Chelwynd Prince George NE 211 132 Chrislian Vall ey Creslon NW 17t; III Chri slina Lak e Creslon W 123 77 Cinema Prince George S 63 39 Crowsnesl Pass Creslon NE 15 2 95 Eighly-Ihree Mile Hou se Wi ll iam s Lake SE R6 :'14 Greenwood Creslnn W 162 101 Heffley Creek Kamloops N 26 16 Hi xon Prince George S :;0 3 1 HouslO n Prince Rupert E 242 151 Jaffray CreslOn NE 96 60 Lakelse Lak e Prince Rupert E 11 7 73 Long Beach Vi cloria NW IR6 116 Losl Lake Vancouver NE 102 64 Mayne Island Vicloria N -16 2R McLeese Lake Williams Lake NW 3-1 2 1 McLeod Lake Prince George N 123 77 MoricelOwn Prince Rupert NE 206 129 Mount Robson Williams Lake NE 22 1 138 Mounl Robso n Provincial Park Williams Lake NE 22 1 13g Moyie Lake Creslon NE :;9 37 Nakusp C reston NW 160 100 Nanoose Vancouver W 99 62 Nec hako Prince Rupert SE 106 66 New HazellOn Prince Rupert NE 206 129 Okanagan Lake Park Kelowna SW 34 2 1 Pavilion Kamloops NW 110 69 Ross land Creslon W 96 60 Salmo Creslon NW 5~ 36 Sa llspring Island Viuoria NW 40 ~5 Silve r Slar Mou nlain Kalllioops SE 93 5X Soulh Haze ll on Prince RU[lert NE 200 125 Creslon NE 144 90 Squilax Kam loops NE 59 37 Slagleap Pro vincial Park Cres lon W 35 22 Taylor Prince George NE 282 176 Tete ]aune Williams Lake NE 205 12R Topley Pr ince Rupen E 26-1 165 Trinily Valley Kamloops NE In 77 Valemounl Wi lliams Lake NE 2 11 132 Whi sller Vancouver NE 102 64 Whistler Villag.e Vancouver NE 102 64 Widgeon Creek Vancouver NE 30 19 Yahk Cres lon E 34 2 1 J. E NTOMOL. Soc. BRIT. COL UMBIA li8. D ECEMRER. 1991 9

The aphid names are in conformity with Eastop and Hille Ris Lambers (\ 976) and are listed alphabetically by species, except that Aphis cilrico/a van der Goot has been restored to its former name, Aphis spiraeco/a Patch, based on the findings of Eastop and Blackman (1988). Names of native host plants are based on Anonymous (1982) and Taylor and MacBryde (1977). Names of cultivated host plants are based on Anonymous (1976). Fifty-one new collection sites are given in Table I. The reference points are the same as those shown on the map which accompanies the basic list (Forbes, Frazer and MacCarthy 1973). Most of the aphids were collected by the authors except the Cinara spp. were Foottit's (1987) collections. LIST OF SPECIES AGATHONICA Hottes 1950, AMPHOROPHORA R IIhus idaeus 'TII/ameen': Abbotsford, J uI9/90. ALBIFRONS Essig 1911 , MACROSIPHUM Lupinus 'Russell Hyhrid': Pemberton, Aug9/90. *ALNIFOLIAE SSP FITCHII Baker & Davidson 1917, PROCIPHILUS Pinus contorra var /ati{olia: Whistler, Sep 15/90. ANNULATUS (Hartig 1841 ), TUBERCULATUS Qllerclls rohllr: Vancouver (UBC), Oct 16/90. ANTIRRHINII (Macchiati 1883), MYZUS Brassica juncea . Florida Broad/ea/,: Vancouver (CDA), May 15/89. Capsella hllrsa-pastoris: Vancouver, Jull/89, Aug2/89. Ch/orophywm comosum 'Variegatwl1 ': Vancouver (CDA), JuI20/89. Ch/orophytum comosum 'Vitatum ': Vancouver (CDA), Jun27/89. Draha IindellSii: Vancouver (U BC), Feb24/88. Hoya camosa: Vancouver (CDA), Dec 14/89. ASCALONICUS Doncaster 1946. MYZUS DallCl!s caroW: Vancouver (CDA), Jun7/89. Senecio eremophi/lls \'ar eremoflhi/lls: Vancouver (CDA), May 16/89. A VELLANAE (Schrank I ~:ml), CORYLOBIUM CorY/li s ('omllta r(/r cali/ornica: Vancouver, May 15/90. AVENAE (Fabricius 1775). SITOBION A \'e/w sariva 'Clint/alld' : Abbotsford. Jun21 /90. Ph/ellm pratense : Vancouver (CDA). JuI7/90. BAKERI (Cowen 1895), NEARCTAPHIS Craraegus riridis 'Willter King': Vancouver (UBC), Oct 16/90. BRASSICAE (Linnaeus 1758), BREVICORYNE Bras.lica o/eracea 'Purp/e Sprouting': Vancouver (UBC). Nov27/90. Brassica o/eracea 'While Sprollling Lale': Vancouver (UBC), Nov27 /90. Isaris rincroria: Vancouver (UBC), Aug8/89. BREVISPINOSA (Gillette & Palmer 1924), CINARA Pinlls cOllforla: Allison Pass, Julll/82; Beaverdell, Ju1l9/79: Bowser, JuI7/8 1; Burns Lake, Aug 1/80; Campbell River, Sep26/41 ; Cascade, May28/57; Castlegar, Jull 0/82 ; Cedarvale. Jun28/4 l: Christian Valley, Jun21 /80; Cowichan Lake, May25/56; Creston. Jull 0/82; Eighty-three Mile House, Ju129/80 Heffley Creek, Jun26/80; Hixon. JuI3 1/80; Houston. Aug4/80; Lac La Hache, JuI29/80; Long Beach. May 13/79; Mackenzie, Aug6/80; McLeod Lake, Aug5/80; Mount Robson Provincial Park. Aug5/77 , Aug 12/80; Moyie Lake, Jull 0/82 ; Nakusp, Jun22/80; Nanaimo, May28/58, Ju17/81; Nechako, Jun4/59; New Hazelton, May22/41; Parksville, Ju17/81: Pitt Meadows, Jun27/8I: Prince George, JuI31/80, Aug5/80 ; Princeton, J un 17/80, J ull /81; Salmo, J ull 0/82; Sayward, JuI8/S I; Shuswap Lake, Junl 1/59; Sparwood, J uI9/82: , J ull 0/82; Terrace, Aug3/80; Tofino, May26/62; Vernon, JunI6/56; Westbridge, Jun21/80, luI27/77; Yahk, Ju110/82 (all Foottit 1987). 10 J. E NTOMOL. Soc. BRIT. C OL UMBIA R8. DECEM BER. 1991

CANADENSE (Robinson 1968), DELPHINIOBIUM Lonicera ill\'{)lucrata: Lost Lake, Jun26/90. CAPILANOENSE Robinson 1969, AULACORTHUM Ru/JIIs specta/Jilis: Shannon Falls. Jun26/90. CARAGANAE (Cholodkovsky 1907), ACYRTHOSIPHON Caragana ar/Jorescens: Vancouver (UBC), ]uI20/90. CARNOSUM (Bucklon 1876). MICROLOPHIUM Urtica dioica: Park, ]uI2/90. CERASI (Fabricius 1775). MYZUS Galium odora/um: Vancouver (UBC). May 16/89. Prunus cmargina/a: Vancouver (UBC), ]uI20/90. CHANI Robinson 1985, UROLEUCON Grindelia lIana: Vancouver (UBC). AugI6/89. CIRCUMFLEXUM (Buckton 1876). AULACORTHUM Hclio/ropium ar/)oresccns: Vancouver (UBC). Aug20/89. Pernclfya mllcronata 'Coccinca': Vancouver (UBC). OCI16/90. *CONTORTAE Hottes 1958, CINARA Pilll.IS contorta: Bowser. J ul7 /81; Burns Bog, Aug6/81 Oct2/81; Burns Lake, Aug4/S0; Casllegar. J ull 0/82; Christian Valley, J un21 ISO. ] ull /81; Christina Lake, ]uI29/59; Fraser Lake. Augl/80; Houston, Aug4/80; Jaffray, JuI9/82; Lumby, ]un I 2/59; Mackenzie. Aug6/80; McLeese Lake. JuI29/80; Moricetown, Aug3/80 ; Moyie Lake. JuII0/82: Nanaimo. Ju17/81: Pitt Meadows. Jun27 /81 , Aug7/81; Port Coquitlam. Sep9/82, Oct 11/82; Princeton. Jun 17/80; Quesnel, JuI30/80, ]uI31/80; Sil ver Star Mountain. Jun 16/59: South Hazelton, Aug3/S0; Summit Lake, Aug5/80: Terrace. Aug3/S0; Westbridge. ]un21 /80. ] u123/79 (all Foottit 1987). CORYLI (Goeze 1778), MYZOCALLIS Corylus comuta: Vancouver (UBC), Oct24/88. COWEN I (Cockerell 1905), TAMALIA Arctostaphylos ul'a-ursi: Vancouver. JuI20/90. CRYSTLEAE (Smith & Knowlton 1939), ILLINOIA Lnnicera im'n!ucrala: Cinema. JuI2/66. CYPERI (Walker 1848). THRIPSAPHIS Carn rerrorsa: Vancouver (UBC). Aug25/89. Scirpus americallus: Vancouver (UBC), Aug25/89. DAPHNIDIS Borner 1950. MACROSIPHUM Daphl/c laurcola: Vancouver, Feb 1/90: Vancouver (UBC), Nov22/89. DIRHODUM (Walker 1849), METOPOLOPHIUM PhlcIlm prarense : Vancouve r (CDA), J ul7 /90. Triticum .r aesril'lIm : Vancouver (CDA), J un21 /90. ELEGANS del Guercio 1905, SIPHA Triticum x acstil'I1m: Creston, Nov28/88. ERIOPHORI (Walker 1848), CERURAPHIS Care.\' retrorsa : Vancouver (UBC), Aug25/89. Catalpa speciosa: Vancouver, Oct25/88. Viburnum carlesii: Vancouver, 1un2/88. FABAE Scopoli 1763, APHIS Dahlia sp: Victoria, Jul27/88. Glcdir.~ia triacanthos: Richmond, 111114/SS. FAGl (Linnaells 1767). PHYLLAPHIS Fag Ils svl\'{/tica: Vancouver (UBC), Nov22/89. *FILIFOLIAE (Gillette & Palmer 1928), OBTUSICAUDA Artemisia tric/eillata: Pavilion, May21/89. J. E NTOMOL. Soc. BRIT. C OLUMBI A 8R. DECEMBER , 1991 II

FI MBRIATA Richards 1959, F1MBRIAPHIS Capsella hursa-pastoris: Vancouver (CDA), Oct 15/89. Rosa 'Red Minima': Vancouver (CDA), OctI5/89. Rosa 'Rosy Minima' : Vancouver (CDA), Oct15/89 FOENICULI (Passerini 1860). HY ADAPHIS Lonicera tragophylla: Vancouver (UBC), luI3/90, Sep13/89. FRAGAEFOLII (Cockerell 1901), CHAETOSIPHON Fragaria .r ananassa 'Totem': Vancouver (UBC), Nov27 /90, FRAXINIFOLII (Riley 1879), PROCIPHILUS Fraxinus excelsior: Vancouver (UBC), May31/89, lun8/89. GLYCERIAE (Kaltenbach 1843), SIPHA Hordeum vulgare: Vancouver (CDA), Sep26/88. GOSSYPII Glover 1877. APHIS Cap.~ella !Jursa-pastoris: Vancouver (CDA), Jun 14/89, Capsicumfrutescens: Vancouver (UBC), Sep20/90. Citl'lls limon: Vancouver, Mar 16/90. Cucumis sativus: Surrey, May29/89. Solanum tllberosum : Vancouver (UBC). Sep I 0/90; Westham Island, Sep26/90. HEDERAE Kaltenbach 1843, APHIS Hedera helix: Mayne Island. AugI3/90; Saltspring Island, Aug 14/90. HELICHRYSI (Kaltenbach 1843). BRACHYCAUDUS Myosotis rehsteineri: Vancouver (UBC), Jul27/88. Spiraea dOllglasii ssp douglasii: Vancouver. Jun27 /88. JUGLANDIS (Goeze 1778), CALLAPHIS .Il1glans regia: Langley, Jul27 /90. KIOWANEPUS (Hottes 1933), MACROSIPHUM Zigadenlls \,enenosus var graminells: Kootenay Park, JuI12/88. LACTUCAE (Passerini 1860), ACYRTHOSIPHON Lactllcu sati\'a 'Ithaca': Vancouver (UBC), Oct 15/90. Lactuca serriola: Saltspring Island, Aug 14/90. LONGICAUDA (Richards 1963). EOESSIGIA Spiraea dOl/glasii ssp douglasii: Vancouver, Jun9/90. LONICERAE (Siebold 1839), RHOPALOMYZUS LOllicera 'Dropmore Scarlet' : Vancouver (UBC), Oct5/90. L YTHRI (Schrank 180 I) , MYZUS Prunus emargillala: Vancouver (UBC), May8/89, lun9/90, JuI20/90. MAXIMA (Mason 1925), ILLINOIA RII!JIIS par\'i/7ol'lls: Vancouver (U BC), Jun25/90. MEDISPINOSA (Gi llette & Palmer 1929), CINARA Pinus cantor/a: Blue River, Aug I3/80; Bowser, JuI7/81; Cascade, May23/57. JuI29/54: Chemainus. May24/62; Chetwynd. Aug6/80; Christina Lake, JuI29!59; , JuI9/82; Duncan, JuI8/81 ; Grand Forks, May28/59: Greenwood, Jun3/59; Heffl ey Creek, Jun26/80; Hixon, JuI31/80; Houston, Aug4/80; Jaffray. JuI9/82; Lumby. Jun 12/59, Jun 16/62; McLeese Lake. JuI29/80; Mount Robson. Aug 12/80; Moyie Lake, JuII0/82; Nanoose, May25/62; Princeton, Jun 17/80, Jull /8 1, JuI3/8 1; Qualicum Beach, May25/62; Quesnel , JuI 30/80, JuI31 /80; Rossland. May29/59; Shuswap Falls. Jun 10/59; Squilax. Jun II/59; Stagleap Provincial Park, J ull 0/82; Taylor, Aug7/80; Terrace, Aug3/80; Tofino, May26/62; Topley. JuI3/4 1; Trinity Valley. May 14/59; Vernon, Jun 16/56: Westbridge, JuI27/77; Williams Lake. Ju129/80 (all Foottit 1987). MENZIESIAE (Robinson 1969). ILLINOIA Mell:iesia ferruginea ssp glabella: Shannon Falls, Jun26/90. 12 J. E NTOM OL. Soc. BRIT. COl.UMBIA 88. D ECEMBER. 199 1

M URRA Y ANAE (G ill ette & Palmer 1924), CINARA Pinus contona: Burns Bog. JuI29/82, Aug6/8 1 , Oct2/8 1; Castlegar, JuII0/82; Chemainus. May24/62; C hri stian Valley. Jun2 1/80: Englishman River Falls Park, May20/62; Grand Forks. May28/62; Hi xon, JuI31 /80; Jaffray, JuI9/82: Mackenzie. Aug6/80: Mount Robson. Aug 12/80; Moyie Lake, J ull 0/82; Naramata, J un 17/79; Pitt Meadows, May29/79, Jun27/8 1 , Aug7/81, SepIS/SI, Oct4/81; Qualicum Beach. May25/62; Salmon Arm, Jun 14/55; Sparwood. JuI9/82; , Aug 13/80 (all Foottit 1987). NERVATA (Gillette 1908), WAHLGRENIELLA Arbutlls men:iesii: Mayne Island, Aug 13/90: Saltspring Island, Aug 14/90. NICOTIANAE Blackman 1987, MYZUS Capsicum frutescells 'Midway' : Sidney, Apr29/89. CY/wra sco/vmll s: Sidney. Apr29/89. NIGRA (Wilson 19 19), ClNARA PillllS colltorta: C hetwynd , Aug6/80; Eighty-three Mile House, JuI29/80: Fort SI. John, Aug8/80; Heffley Creek. Jun26/80; Hi xon, Aug3 1/80: Lakelse Lake, Aug3/80; Mackenzie, Aug6/80; Mount Robson Provincial Park. Aug 12/80; Prince George. JuI 3 1/80. Aug5/80; Quesnel. JuI30/80, JuI31 /80: Smithers, Aug3/80: Sparwood, JuI9/82; Taylor. Aug7/80: Tete Jaune. AugI2/80: Valemount, Aug I 3/80 (all Foottit 1987). NODULUS (Richards 1959). DIURAPHIS Bromlls tectorllln : Summerland. Sep5/90. Dactvlis g/omerata: Summerland, Sep6/55 (Richards 1959). NOXIA (Mordvilko ex Kurdjumov 19 13). DI URAPHIS Hordelllll I'lt/ga re: C reston. Oct 17/89; Olive r. Oct 18/89: OSOY005. Oct 18/89. TriticlIl7I x aestil'III,//: C reston. Oct 17/89. NYMPHAEAE (Linnaeus 176 1). RH OPALOSIPH UM Callitriche stagnali.\: Vancouver (UBC), Jul I 8/90. N\'l7Ip/wea 'Collllere': Vanco uver. AugI5/90. OBLIQUUS (Choloclkovsky 1896), MINDARUS Picea glauco: Prince George. Sep 18/87. Picea sitchensis: Vancouver (UBC), Jun 13/89. *OENOTHERAE Oestlund 1887. APHIS Epi/o/)illl7l ciliatllm : Vancouver. Sep 12/88. ORNATUS Laing 1932, MYZUS Anchllsa a:urea: Vancouver (U BC). Aug22/89. Arctostap/I\·/o.\' II m -lIni: Vancouver (UBC). JuI 2/90. Callistel7l on l'iridij7om s: Vancouver (UBC), JuI 3/90. CYnara cardllll clI/IIS: Vancouver (U BC), Aug8/89. EuolI\'mll s hal7liltolliana var vee/oensis: Vancouver (UBC). May24/89. Fragaria I'esca val' semperj7orells : Vancouver (U BC), Nov3/90. Call/theria shalloll: Vancouver (U BC), Sep28/90. Ca:allia 'Mini Star Yellow' : Vancouver (U BC), Aug8/89. Liqllidamhar stvmcij7l1 a: Vancouver (U BC), Jun2 1/90. Lithodora dijjilsa: Vancouver (UBC), Aug8/89. Rosa 'Beauty Secret': Vancouver (CDA), Feb 15/90. Salix lallata 'Stllartii': Vancouver (U BC), Aug8/89. Aug24/SS. Vaccillillm corymhoslll7l 'B/llecrop': Vancouve r (U BC). Mar26/90. PADI (Linnaeus 1758), RHOPALOSIPH UM Brol7lus t('ctorum: Summerl and. Sep5/90. Zea I7ICl1'S: Chilli wack, Aug 19/90. *PARVICORNIS Hottes 1958, CINARA Pinlls contorta: Chetwyncl , Aug6/80; Mount Robson, Aug 12/S0 (all Foottit 1987). PASTINACAE (Linnaeus 1758), CAVARIELLA Salix lasial/dm: Widgeon Creek. Sep5/88. J. ENTOMOl.. Soc. BRIT. COLUMBIA 88, DECEMBER. 199 1 13

PEN DERUM Robinson 1986, UROLEUCON Grindelia chiloensis: Vancouver (UBC), OctI6/90. Grindelia nana: Vancouver (U BC), Aug I 6/89. PERGANDEI (Wilson 1919), CINARA Pinus contorta: Blue Ri ver, Aug 13/80; Castlegar, Jull 0/82; Christian Valley, Jun21/80; Mackenzie , JuI6/R O; Nakusp, Jun22/80; Princeton, Jun 17/80, Jull/81; Quesnel. JuI30/80, JuI 3 1/80; Vancouver, Jun23/75 (all Foottit 1987). PERSICAE (S ul zer 1776), MYZUS Euonynllls hamiltoniana: Vancouv er (U BC), May24/89. /lex macropoda: Vancouver (U BC), May24/89. Phoenicaulis cherianthoides: Vancouver (UBC), May24/89. Solanum tuherosum: Westham Island, Sep26/90. PlSUM (Harri s 1776), ACYRTHOSIPHON Lathyra odorata: Vancouver, Sep20/89. Lotus pedunculatus: Vancouver (U BC), Aug22/89. POMI de Geer 1773, APHIS Cotoneaster gamheli: Vancouver (UBC), JuI3/90. POPULIMONILIS (Ril ey 1879), THECABIUS Populus trichocarpa: Lost Lake, Aug 17/90. PRUNI (Geoffroy 1762), HY ALOPTERUS Glyceria striata: Vancouver, Aug 15/90. PTERINIGRUM Ri chards 1972, AULACORTH UM Vaccinium alaskaense: Mount Seymour. JuI9/88. RIBISNIGRI (Mosley 184 1), NASONOVlA Lactu w .Iatil'a 'Ithaca ' : Vancouver (UBC), Oct 15/90. ROSAE (Linnaeus 1758), MACROSlPHUM Lactuca satil'O: Vancouver (UBC). JuI9/90. Rosa spinosissima: Vancouver (UBC), JuI3/90. ROSARUM (Kaltenbach 1843), MYZAPHIS Potentilla jrUlicosa: Whistl er Village, Jun26/90. Rosa pendulina: Vancouver (UBC), JuI 3/90. Rosa ruhrUolia: Vancouver (U BC), Jun 16/89. SOLAN I (Kaltenbach 1843), AULACORTHUM Citrus reticulata: Kamloops, Aug6/89. H ypericul1l o/ympiclll1l : Vancouver (UBC), May3 1/89. Mall'a neglecw: Vancouver, May 17/90. o.ralis regnellii: Vancouver, Jan20/90. Spiraea dougla sii ssp douglasii: Vancouver, Jun27/88. Taraxacum ofjicinalc: Vancouver, Apr26/90. SPIRAEAE (MacGillivray 1958), lLUNOIA Spiraea douglasii ssp douglasii: Vancouver, Jun27/88. SPIRAECOLA Patch 19 14, APHIS Caragana arhorcscellS var crasscaculeata: Vancouver (UBC), Aug24/88. SPYROTHECAE Passerini 1856, PEMPHIGUS Populus nigra 'Italica': Langley, JuI27/90; Saltspring Island , Aug 14/90. STANLEYl Wilson 19 15, MACROSIPHUM Somhucus racemoso ss p puhens var ar!Jorescens: Bijoux Falls, Aug26/90; Smithers, Aug26/90. STELLARIAE Theobald 191 3, MACROSIPHUM Silene ormeria: Vancouver, JuI 2/90. SYMPHORICARPl (Thomas 1878), APHTHARGELIA Symphoricarpos.r cll enaultii: Vancouver (U BC), May24/90, Jun21 /90. TENUICAUDA Bartholomew 1932, MACROSIPHUM Urtica dioica: , JuI 2/90. 14 J. ENTOMOI.. Soc. BRtT. COI.LIMH tA XS. DECEMBER. 199 1 TESTUDINACEUS (Fernie 1852). PERIPHYLLUS Acer saccharillllm : Pemberton, Jun2/89. TILIAE (Linnaeus 1758 ). EUCALLIPTERUS Tilia cordata: Vancouver. Aug 15/90. TREMULAE (Linnaeus 1761). ASIPHUM Picea engclmannii: Nel son, Nov20/87. Picea glauca: Quesnel. Oct6/87. ULMIFOLII (Monell 1879). TINOCALLIS Ulmus americana: Okanagan Lake Park , Aug25/89.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to thank Dr. A.G. Robinson, University of Manitoba. Winnipeg. Manitoba, Dr. R.L. Blackman, British Museum (Natural History), London. England and Dr. M.B. Stoetzel. Systematic Entomology Laboratory. U.S.D.A., Beltsville, Maryl and for valuable aid and advice in aphid identification ; and Dr. G.B. Straley, U.B.C. Botanical Garden. Vancouver, B.C. for host plant identi fication. REFERENCES A nonymous. 1982. Nat ional li,t of ,(il'ntifi( plant names. Vol. I. List of plan! names . SCS-TP- 159. U.S.D.A. Anonymous. 19'16. Hortus Third: A concise dictionary of plan ts ( ultivat ed in the and Ca nada. MacMillan Publishing Co .. Inl'. N. Y. Collier MacMillan Puhlishers. Lond . Eastop. V.F .. and R.L. Blackman. 19XX. The identity of Aphis l'ilrim l" va n del' Goot. Sys t. En!omol. 13: 157- 160. Eastop. V.F .. and D. Hille Ri s Lamb ~rs. 1976 . Survey of the world 's aphilb. Dr. W. Junk b. v .. Publi sher. The Hague. Foolli!. R.G. 1987. M orphometric anal ys is of ( haraner variation and ta xon omi( disc rimination among a com ­ pl ex of species of the ge nus C illO/'({ (i-Iomoptera: Aphididae: La chnidae). Ph .D. Thesi s. Simon Fraser Lini v. Forbes, A.R .. and CK. Chan. 1989. The aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae) of British Columbia. 19. Further addi ­ ti ons. J. ent. Soc. Brit. Columbia 8o:X2-RR. Fo rbes. A.R .. and CK. Chan . 19XX . The aphids (Homoptera : Aphididae) of British Co lumbia. I ~. Further addi ­ tion s. J. en!. Soc. Brit. Columbia 85:87-97. Forbes. A.R .. and CK. Chan. I ':18 7. The aplt id s (Hoilloptera: Aphidiclac) of Brit is h Co lumbia. 16. Further addi ­ ti ons. J. ent. Soc. Brit. Columbia 84:66- 72 . Forbes . A.R .. and C.K. Chan . 1':I 86a. The aphids (Homoplera: A ph icli dac) or Brilish Columbia. 15 . Further addi - ti on, . J. enl. Soc. Brit. Columbia Xl:70-73. Forbes. A.R .. and CK . Chan. 19X6b . The aphid, (Homoptera : Aphididac) or Brit ish Columbia. 14. Further addi- ti ons. J. ent. Soc. Brit. Col umbia ~n:66-69. Forb",. A.R .. and CK. Chan. 19 ~5 . The aphid, (Homoptera : Aphididae) or British Col um bia . n Further addi - ti ons. J. ent. Soc. Brit. Columbia X2:5 6-5X. Forbe s. A .R .. and CK. Chan . I LJ84. The aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae) "I' British Co lumbia. 12. Further addi - ti ons. .I. en t. Soc. Brit. Columbia X I :72-75 . Fo rbc s. A.R .. and CK. Chan. Il)X ~. T he ap hids (l-iomoptera: Aphididae) or British Columbia. II. Further addi ­ tions. 1. ent. Soc. Brit. Columbia X() : 5 1 - .'\ ~ . Forbes. A.R .. and CK. Chan. 19XI. The aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae ) or British Columbia. 9. Further addi­ tion s. J. ent. Soc. Brit. Columbia 78:5Vi4. Forbes. A .R .. and CK. Chan . 1980. The aph ids (Homoptera: Aphididae ) or British Columbia. X. Further addi­ ti ons and corrections. J. ent. Soc . Brit. Co lumbia 77:3R-"2. Forbes. A. R .. and CK. Cha n. 1918 . The aphid, (Homoptera: Aphididae) of British Columbia. 6. Further add i­ tiOl]". J. en!. Soc. Bri!. Columbia 75:47-52. Forbes . A.R .. and CK. Cha n. 1976. The aph ids (Homoptera : Aphididae) or Brit is h Co lumbia. 4. Further add i­ tions and correction,. J. en t. Soc. Brit. Columbia 7.1:57 -6.\. Forbes. A.R .. CK. Chan and R.G. Foollit. 1')82 . The aphids (i-l omoptera: Aph ididaL') or British Co lumbia. 10. Further add it ions. J. ent. Soc. Brit. Co lumbia 79: 75-7 R. Forbes, A.R .. B.D. Fra Le r and C K. Chan . I LJ74. The aphids (Homoptera: A phididae) of Brilish Colum bia. 3. Additions and corrections. J. ent. Soc . Brit. Columbia 7 1:4 ] -4LJ . Forbes, A .R., B.D. Fraze r and H.R. MacCarthy. 1973. Th e aphids (Homoptera: A phididac) of British Co lumbia. I. A ba 'o ic taxonom ic li s!. J. ent. Soc. Brit. Columbia 70:43-.'\7 . Tay lor. R.L.. and B. MacBryde. 1977. Va sc ular plants of British Columbia- A desc ripti ve resource in ve nt ory. Tec h. Bul l. NO. 4. The Botanical Garden. Uni v. or B.C