monday, March 8, 2021 Intelligent . In-depth . Independent Issue Number 3621 / 4000 RIEL AstraZeneca jabs tough post-Brexit mausoleum of to be rolled out era for uk under Roman emperor in 3 priority areas ‘lying’ PM: ex-envoy Augustus reborn national – page 2 World – page 9 Lifestyle – page 13 Private-sector pensions a step closer

Long Kimmarita tive once the Ministry of Labour and and procedures on contribution pay- In the first five years, it said, pri- Rights (Central) executive director Vocational Training and the Minis- ments, accumulation rates, claims vate-sector employees are to contrib- Moeun Tola lauded the move, but RIME Minister Hun Sen issued try of Economy and Finance sign off and dispersion of benefits. ute two per cent of their monthly pay voiced caution that irregularities could a sub-decree that grants pen- on announcements that supplement “The sub-decree . . . [also] covers check to their pension, and the arise if the language in the procedures sion funds for private-sector and govern the application and [those] working for two or more amount will be matched by their and processes is not clear enough to employees who are lawful implementation of the law, labour employers. The National Social Secu- employer. provide proper guidance in the imple- underP the Labour Law in a bid to ministry spokesman Heng Sour told rity Fund [NSSF] is the sole institu- Currently only civil servants and mentation of the sub-decree. reduce poverty among the elderly and The Post on March 7. tion with the capacity to manage and veterans have retirement funds set “While this is fine news, we do need alleviate burgeoning financial burdens Comprising 10 chapters and 40 arti- handle the social security benefits aside. to take a look at some of the conditions on the families that take care of them. cles, the sub-decree defines a number from pension funds, as stipulated in Labour rights advocate and Centre The new legislation will be effec- of mechanisms, conditions, protocols this sub-decree,” it said. for Alliance of Labour and Human Continued – page 2 Covid-control law widely expected to sail through Senate Voun Dara government had introduced a series of measures to contain the THE Senate is expected to ap- spread of the virus, especially in prove the draft law on the control the wake of the country’s recent of Covid-19 and other serious and Covid-19 clusters including the contagious diseases this week after November 3 and November 28 the National Assembly (NA) unani- community transmission. The mously passed the bill on March 5. Kingdom’s largest outbreak, which NA spokesman Leng Peng Long the government has dubbed Feb- told The Post on March 7 the bill ruary 20 Community Event, has was sent to the Senate immedi- caused panic and anxiety and has ately after it was passed. impacted all levels of society. Senate spokesman Mam Bun The ministry said: “After delibera- Neang confirmed to The Post on tion of all 18 articles ... the National March 7 that the Senate has re- Assembly unanimously approved, ceived the draft law and will re- without change, the draft law.” view it on March 9. Article 7 of the draft law concerns “We have five days to discuss people who escape from quarantine the legality of the draft law. It will or their failure to adhere to quar- first be reviewed by expert com- antine measures set by the health missions and then referred to the ministry and relevant authorities. Thousands of panels glinting in the sun stretch into the sea off Singapore, part of the land-scarce city-state’s push to build floating Permanent Committee who will Those who violate this article will solar farms to cut greenhouse gas emissions. AFP set a date to hold a full session. It be penalised with up to three years won’t take long; the draft law can imprisonment and ordered to pay pass the Senate by the end of this a fine between two million and Space-starved Singapore building week,” Bun Neang said. 10 million riel ($500 and $2,500) if Comprising six chapters and their violation leads to transmis- 18 articles, the draft law was pre- sion of Covid-19 to others. floating solar farms in climate fight sented to the NA by Minster of Article 8 states that escaping from Health Mam Bun Heng and Min- treatment or a treatment centre set THOUSANDS of panels glinting in the power – however, with little land space ting emissions, although critics say ister of Justice Koeut Rith. by the health ministry will result in sun stretch into the sea off Singapore, in a place half the size of the US city of authorities’ environmental commit- Article 1 said the law is intend- between one and five years in pris- part of the land-scarce city-state’s push Los Angeles, it has resorted to setting up ments have thus far fallen short. ed to set health, administrative on and a fine of up to 20 million to build floating solar farms to cut green- energy plants off its coasts and on reser- The government last month unveiled and other necessary measures to riel. If the violation leads to trans- house gas emissions. voirs. a wide-ranging “green plan” that fight and prevent the spread of mission of Covid-19 to others, the It may be one of the world’s smallest “After exhausting the rooftops and the included steps such as planting more Covid-19 and other contagious penalty will increase to between countries, but the prosperous financial available land, which is very scarce, the trees, reducing the amount of waste diseases and to mitigate socio- five and 10 years in prison. hub is among the biggest per capita car- next big potential is actually our water sent to landfills and building more economic impacts, according to “Intentional transmission of bon dioxide emitters in Asia. area,” said Jen Tan, senior vice-president charging points to encourage the use an NA press release. Covid-19 to other people incurs a And while authorities have been push- and head of solar in Southeast Asia at of electric cars. The law was drafted following rec- penalty of five to 10 years in pris- ing to change that, renewable energy is conglomerate Sembcorp Industries, Among the measures is increasing ommendations by Prime Minister on. The penalty increases to be- a challenge in a country with no rivers which is building a project. solar energy use four-fold to around two Hun Sen as the Kingdom is striving tween 10 and 20 years if the above for hydro-electricity and where the wind An island-state threatened by rising per cent of the nation’s power to stop the outbreak of Covid-19. action is committed with criminal is not strong enough to power turbines. sea levels because of climate change, The justice ministry said the intent,” stated Article 9. So the tropical country turned to solar Singapore is aware of the urgency of cut- Continued – page 10

International Women’s Kingdom-US trade hits Day celebrated against $614M in first month a backdrop of Covid-19 of 2021: US census data nATIONAL – page 5 business – page 6 2 THE PHNOM PENH POST march 8, 2021 National AstraZeneca jabs to be rolled out in three priority areas

Mom Kunthear campaign is being provided to the most vulnerable people in Phnom HE Ministry of Health will Penh and Kandal and Preah Siha- start AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 nouk provinces only,” it said. COVISHIELD vaccinations The Sinopharm vaccine, donated by for people aged 60 and over China, continues to be given to people Tfrom March 10 in three priority ar- between the ages of 18 and 59. It has eas: Phnom Penh and the provinces been given to priory groups such as of Kandal and Preah Sihanouk on a healthcare workers, members of the voluntary basis and free of charge. armed forces, civil servants, officials of In a press release on March 6, health the Cambodian Mine Action Centre, minister Mam Bunheng said many and rubbish collection workers. people in this age group were willing The ministry said diplomats, UN to use the AstraZeneca vaccine, which officials, and international financial has caused long queues and con- institution representatives, as well gestion at designated centres. This as international organisations and prompted the ministry to temporarily NGOs are advised to submit a list to A health worker prepares a dose of Sinopharm’s Covid-19 vaccine at a hospital in Phnom Penh on March 3. HONG MENEA suspend vaccinations on March 7. the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and “The ministry will resume vaccina- International Cooperation. risk people from March 7 onwards. following health measures. This is bers of the armed forces. tions on March 10 to allow time for sub- The Calmette Hospital in Phnom He said that the provincial admin- risky as it could lead to the transmis- The first shipment of 324,000 national authorities in Phnom Penh, Penh has been designated as a vac- istration has made efforts to vacci- sion of disease,” he said. doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine Kandal and Preah Sihanouk provinces cination site for the government’s nate members of the armed forces Health minister Bun Heng has arrived in Cambodia on the night of to organise people in that age group to senior dignitaries, diplomats, UN and civil officials at the front line in agreed to prioritise vaccinations for March 2. It is the first phase of a total receive a jab,” Bunheng said. officials, international financial in- hospitals, quarantine centres and officials and staff members involved of 1.1 million doses to be delivered According to the ministry, local stitution representatives, and inter- other relevant places. in providing air freight services from through the COVAX mechanism to authorities at the municipal and national organisations and NGOs. “Vaccinations are continuing as March 9 onwards. Cambodia by the end of May. provincial level will invite people In Preah Sihanouk province, gov- planned. But many people to be The health ministry said that from Of the one million doses of Sinop- aged 60 and over to get vaccinated at ernor Kouch Chamroeun has de- vaccinated haven’t been identified. February 10 to March 6, it had vac- harm vaccine, 600,000 arrived in referral hospitals and at operational cided to use Techo Sen Kamakor This has caused crowding at hos- cinated a total of 78,825 civilians, Cambodia on February 7, with the district hospitals in their area. Primary and Secondary School as a pitals and leading to difficulties in while the Ministry of National De- rest set to arrive before the Khmer “The AstraZeneca vaccination place to use both vaccines for high- controlling crowds. People are not fence had vaccinated 96,080 mem- New Year in April. Acountability, transparency needed in budgetary packets

Continued from page 1 contribution as well,” Tola said. various investments. But if the Taking a wait-and-see money is used with nefarious surrounding subscription pay- approach but vowing to keep intentions, it’ll lead to abuses ments and those that guaran- tabs on the proceedings, he of worker rights.” tee transparency and account- said: “Will the deductions for Tola said he expects the ability in managing these contributions from employ- government to explore addi- budgetary packets. ees and employers be correct? tional benefits to provide the “This is because the money Later, in managing this budg- people, listing unemploy- belongs to employees whose et, who will assume a trans- ment and retirement funds as salaries are to be docked each parent role and update prime examples. He said the month. We have to monitor the income [figures]? state currently provides just matter and ensure that the “In certain countries, they two benefits – work injury Labour ministry spokesman Heng Sour. HENG CHIVOAN employers make their partial take this money and make and health risks. THE PHNOM PENH POST March 8, 2021 3 National Migrants in good health spared quarantine

Mom Kunthear Bunheng said: “All citizens, vendors and traders who conduct RIME Minister Hun business near the hotel, do not Sen has decided to be afraid, and please continue waive quarantine for to be calm and trust the govern- migrant workers in ment’s response measures”. goodP health who return from On March 7, the health min- Thailand through provinces istry reported 34 more cases of along the Thai-Cambodian Covid-19, with three imported border. Quarantine, he said, and 31 linked to the February will be enforced on those sus- 20 community transmission. pected of having Covid-19. The three imported cases In a voice message addressing are all Cambodian UN peace- the public on March 7, Hun Sen keepers who arrived from Af- said the quarantine of Cambo- rica via India on February 21. dian migrant workers began Among the 31 cluster cases after a large-scale community are one Vietnamese national, outbreak in Thailand, but the eight Cambodians and 22 situation is now under control. Chinese. The Thai provinces bordering Of the 31 Covid-19 patients, Cambodia have also been ex- 14 are receiving treatment cluded as places of risk. in Phnom Penh, 15 in Preah Hun Sen said that for more Sihanouk province, and one than a month, there was no each in Kampong Thom and infected migrant worker at Prey Veng province. quarantine centres along the These bring the total num- border. The situation there is ber of cases linked to the difficult because the number of country’s third community people allowed to leave quar- transmission to 477 in just antine centres was less than two weeks. entering, which caused over- Officers stand guard at the Great Duke Hotel in Phnom Penh on Sunday.Hong Menea In a press release on March crowding in centres and diffi- 7, the ministry also reported culties in taking care of them. with food for the journey The prime minister said that at quarantine centres in prov- of Covid-19 patients from the that 19 patients whose cases “Workers no longer need to home. The workers are not when trucks reach the work- inces along the Cambodian- Prek Pnov Quarantine Centre were linked to the February be transported to quarantine allowed to be transported at ers’ home province, provincial Thai border. to the hotel. 20 community transmission centres. The military is ready night, but in the morning and authorities are responsible Separately, Minster of Bunheng said making this have recovered and been dis- to transport them from the during the day,” he said. for getting them home. But if Health Mam Bunheng on hotel a treatment centre is to charged from hospitals. Cambodian-Thai border to the Hun Sen also stated that dur- somebody is suspected of hav- March 7 decided to refurbish enable the ministry to mobilise The 15 include one Vietnam- worker’s home province,” he said. ing the trip, the army and other ing Covid-19symptoms, a test The Great Duke Hotel, a for- human resources and equip- ese national and two Cambodi- “For those who are already in personnel transporting the must be taken and the person mer InterContinental Hotel, ment to save people’s lives. ans, with the rest being Chinese. a quarantine centre, they have people must check their health treated if they test positive. into a treatment centre for pa- The hotel must strictly enforce As of March 7, Cambodia to wait for the next morning. carefully to avoid any problems According to Hun Sen, on tients with mild symptoms. health and security measures had recorded a total of 987 We have to be sure that they and must not transport too March 4, there were more The decision comes after to ensure the prevention and Covid-19 cases, with 476 re- have eaten and are provided many people in one vehicle. than 15,000 migrant workers Hun Sen ordered the transfer transmission of the disease. ceiving ongoing treatment. CHRC rebuffs criticism of jail terms for ex-CNRP leaders Voun Dara out presence of the accused trated by a handful of overseas raises serious concern about politicians led by Rainsy to THE Cambodian Human Rights the compatibility of the de- incite the armed forces to dis- Committee (CHRC) has re- cision with international hu- obey orders and the public to buffed UN rights officials’ criti- man rights law, including the revolt against the government. cism of lengthy prison terms for right to be tried by a compe- “The November 9 [2019] plan former leaders of the Supreme tent, independent and im- was a coup plot, a serious crime Court-dissolved Cambodia Na- partial tribunal,” they said. that affects national security . . . tional Rescue Party and their al- In a press statement, the The plan to return is just a pre- leged accomplices. CHRC dismissed the criticism text and a political ploy to en- The response came after a of Cambodian court procedures tice and trick innocent people group of UN rights experts is- and ruling as groundless, saying into participating in the plot.” sued a press release on March democratic space in Cambodia The CHRC said that there 5 deploring the lengthy pris- is always open for those who is clear and compelling evi- on terms of between 20 and exercised their rights and free- dence, some of which were 25 years for ex-CNRP leaders dom in accordance with the easily obtained because air gun seized as evidence in Phnom Penh’s Kamboul district on Saturday.Police on charges of “attack” and Constitution and the law. Rainsy and his accomplices their accomplices on charge “Law enforcement against had used Facebook and other of “plotting” under Article 451 perpetrators of a crime is not social media as a means to and Article 453 of the Crimi- Brothers in court for shooting nal Code, respectively. Their [rapporteurs] personal The UN officials includeR ho- comments are fraught with 14-year-old dead with air gun na Smith, special rapporteur on human rights in Cambodia; Da- self-contradiction, selectivity Kim Sarom organisation Hope Cambodia. boys were playing in the field, vid Kaye, special rapporteur on The two suspects were sent to about 100 meters away from the promotion and protection and politicisation KAMBOL district police have court on March 8. the suspects. One of boys went of the right to freedom of opin- sent two brothers to Phnom “The authorities have com- to urinate in the forest, and ion and expression; Diego Gar- tantamount to restrictions on post provocative messages to Penh Municipal Court on pleted questioning the two two other boys sat on the hill. cia-Sayan, special rapporteur rights and freedom and demo- serve their “fraudulent” plan. March 8 after they were arrest- suspects, and will send both The victim was standing when on the independence of judges cratic space in Cambodia. On March 5, the Permanent ed in Lech Wat village, Kambol the case file and the suspects a bullet hit him under his left and lawyers; and Clement Nya- Therefore, [their] criticism of Mission of the Kingdom of commune in Phnom Penh’s to court. It is for the court to eye. He died at the scene. letsossi Voule, special rappor- court procedures and ruling Cambodia in Geneva also issued Kambol district for using an decide what the charge will After the incident, locals re- teur on the right to peaceful as- are groundless and only made a statement deploring the UN air gun to shoot and kill a 14- be,” he said. ported the incident to Kam- sembly and association. to defend the perpetrators. It is special rapporteurs’ criticism. year-old boy on March 6. Police chief Phin Pheap said bol district police. Authorities “International human unfair and a double standard,” “Their personal comments Police Chief Hang Mony said on March 7 that according to went to the scene immediate- rights law guarantees free- the CHRC said. are fraught with self-contra- on March 7 that the brothers a witness, at around 5:30 pm ly. They saw the victim lying dom of association and ex- The CHRC took note of Rain- diction, selectivity and politi- were identified as Dut Sokunt- on March 6, a car was seen dead on the ground, bleed- pression, as they are a central sy’s announcement of his plans cisation with disregard of the heara and Dut Sokun Ravan. driving then it stopped near ing profusely. Police detained pillar of democratic societies to return to Cambodia on No- facts, and confuses right with The victim is a 14-year-old a field. Two men were seen two suspects for questioning and guarantors of a free and vember 9, 2019, to arrest Prime wrong,” it said. boy Saroeun Buntha, studying getting out the car with one at the police station. fair electoral processes. Minister Hun Sen and his call in 8th grade at Bek Chan Sec- holding an air gun. The two suspects said that “The conviction of the nine for the public and members of ondary School and living in He added that while the they used air rifles to shoot opposition leaders without the armed forces to join him. check the post website the relief non-governmental suspects were hunting, four animals there. clear legal grounds and with- It said the plan was orches- for breaking news 4 THE PHNOM PENH POST march 8, 2021 National P Veng mulls letting traders from Kampot working groups eye up land VN to buy paddy in Cambodia in ownership row Long Kimmarita Orm Bunthoeurn Ouk Chandina, head of REY Veng provincial the second working group authorities said they THREE working groups as- assigned to inspect land in have received a re- signed by the Kampot Provin- Rolous and Kep Thmey vil- quest from rice trad- cial Administration are current- lages of Boeung Touk com- ersP at Banteay Chakrei Inter- ly inspecting and identifying mune, said 24 families there national Border Checkpoint land in Koh Touch and Boe- have filed complaints.A mong to allow Vietnamese traders to ung Touk communes of Teuk them, 10 families are in buy paddy inside Cambodia, Chhou district after more than Rolous village and 14 in Kep as a measure to reduce costs. 160 families complained about Thmey village. A group of traders on March a public notice of judgment re- Chandina said that during 6 confirmed to local media garding title to the land. the first day of verification, that before the outbreak of The 160 families claimed about 10 families had shown Covid-19, Vietnamese traders they have legal rights of pos- up and the team has deter- would buy paddy from Cam- session for some of the land mined that none of them bodian traders on the King- located there. were involved with the public dom’s side of the border. According to an announce- notice. Exporters said that when ment on March 2, provincial “What we found so far in they delivered products to the governor Cheav Tay has as- today’s inspection was that border crossing, they would signed the working groups to these people’s land was near- negotiate a price and when all inspect and identify whether by but not related to the envi- sides agreed, drop the paddy the land there belongs to the ronmental [protected] land at into boats to take along the complainants, and if so which all,” he said. river that runs perpendicular portions belong to which Im Bonna, head of the third to the international bridge. If families. working group assigned to in- the price was unacceptable, “If those persons who filed spect land in Toteung Thngay traders could just take the the complaint fail to follow up village of Boeung Touk com- paddy elsewhere to sell. on this matter and don’t re- mune said 50 families in the But things have take a dras- spect the fact that this needs village had complained, but tic turn – traders now have to to be resolved in a timely most of the complainants were drive across the border to the Trucks transporting rice sacks are stopped at the Banteay Chakrei international border checkpoint in Prey manner we won’t be respon- not involved with the land in- Veng province on Friday. Fresh News Vietnamese side. Upon arrival, sible for any losses of benefits cluded in the public notice. they are forced to sell it to the bang, Banteay Meanchey, and March 7 that all he could do from Cambodia to Vietnam are or any resulting declarations “They actually live outside Vietnamese, no matter the Kampong Thom provinces. in his capacity is to speed up mainly mangos and paddy. refusing to recognise that the that area, but they were wor- price, they said. Rice traders already have to export procedures. “All drivers passing this check- land belongs to them,” the ried about it anyways so they “If we do not sell, we do not pay extra money for transpor- He said he cannot make a point have to apply health mea- announcement read. filed complaints. Believe me, have the money to pay for tation costs, and now they want decision on whether to allow sures like using sanitisers. We Leng Vibol, head of the first we checked – it’s got nothing to the parking fee. More impor- authorities to intervene and al- Vietnamese traders to enter will not be careless and allow working group in charge of land do with any of them. So we tried tantly, every time we cross low Vietnamese traders to buy Cambodian soil. Covid-19 to spread through this inspection in Prek Chek and Ki- to explain . . . to them and told the border into Vietnam, we paddy on Cambodian territory. “My work is to make it easi- checkpoint,” he said. lometre 12 villages of Koh Touch them to go home,” he said. are very worried about being Provincial administration er for our people to transport Eang Kimly, the provincial co- commune, said 91 families have Seng An, a resident of infected with Covid-19. spokesman Chheang Sovan- agricultural products without ordinator for rights group Ad- complained about the public Rolous village, said he filed a “Vietnamese workers swin- nara told The Post on March congestion or damage to the hoc, told The Post on March 7 notice of titling judgement. complaint against the public dle us by not weighing all the 7 that authorities would look quality of their products. We that local authorities should Vibol said the team is work- notice because he has a ca- paddy from the bags. This is into the request later. do whatever to export agri- find the right solution to help ing with the villagers there to shew plantation in that area. because Vietnamese authori- “We are busy with main cultural products to Vietnam these traders. sort it out and find a solution. “I have only 2ha of land over ties allow only one truck to provincial-level work. This quickly,” he said. “They cannot solve the “As of March 3, the inspec- there, but I have benefited enter their territory and the request has been accepted According to Hean, two-way problem that’s why they de- tion date, these people don’t from it for many years, since cost that both sides have to and a resolution will be made transportation of products pend on the authorities. They have any plantations there. 1992,” he claimed. pay is about 100,000 riel ($25) later,” he confirmed. at the checkpoint remains as depend on the income from The working group will con- Yun Phally, provincial coor- per truck,” they said. Khiev Hean, head of the im- normal. The products from their products. If they sell tinue to follow standard pro- dinator for rights group Ad- They said the paddy brought migration office at Banteay Vietnam are normally fish, veg- them cheap, they cannot to cedures and try to assist these hoc, said he had not received for sale at Banteay Chakrei is Chakrei International Border etables, shrimp, meat and gro- pay for fertiliser and other people, but at the moment I’m any information on this and mostly from Pursat, Battam- Checkpoint told The Post on ceries, while goods exported services,” she said. not really sure how,” he said. would look into it. K Chhnang calls for more vigilance over fraudulence using state land Orm Bunthoeurn in the scam. For this reason, when we processed the title. the Provincial State Land Man- It’s actually state land, but KAMPONG Chhnang Provin- agement Committee urges people complained to us, so cial Administration has warned people not to buy this land we searched for relevant docu- people not to be deceived by because it is state land being ments. We discovered there individuals trying to fraudu- sold illegally and would result were irregular activities with lently sell state land. Those who in a loss of money. one of our officials and the have bought state land must Mon Vutha, director of the trader,” he said. show relevant documents to finance office and state prop- Vutha continued that after the State Property Manage- erty management in Kampong receiving permission from the ment Unit to resolve any issues, Chhnang province said that in government in 2018, an inter- otherwise they could be impli- the past, the provincial admin- ministerial commission was set cated in a conspiracy to sell istration had asked the gov- up to evaluate the sale of land state land. ernment to transfer the pro- in accordance with the law and A statement issued by the vincial prison from the centre continued to implement the provincial administration on of the town to the outskirts, project until 2020. Then the March 5 stated that in the past, about 12km or 13km away, official contract was signed to an individual had used illegal with the government’s approv- exchange land with the private documents to sell state land al in 2018. But an individual party and provincial adminis- controlled by the provincial had been secretly selling its tration on 42 projects. hall, located in Mong Barang reserved land since 2015 with- He said that once the condi- The Kampong Chhnang Provincial Hall. Kampong Chhnang administration village, Ba’er commune, Kam- out anyone knowing. tions on the 42 projects are pong Chhnang town. “Only later, when we were met, the provincial adminis- ed yet; the private party who dure in accordance with the land] do not present the docu- “According to the documents preparing the land property tration can decide to exchange got this work took the state law. He split the land for sale as ments and try to conceal it, collected, the perpetrators title, did we realise what had three plots of land which reserve land of 4,351 square an investment deal,” he said. they will be treated as a con- tricked people to buy shares in happened. According to a cir- includes one reserve plot, one meters and split it to sell. According to Vutha, in this spirator [selling state land]. But exchange for the land,” the let- cular of the Royal Government, prison land and one prison “It’s another mistake like the case, the provincial administra- if they take documents to the ter said. even state institutions must office within the 42 projects. one we made in 2015 and we tion filed a complaint with the authorities, they will be coop- The letter added that a small process land property titles He added, however, the pro- only just realised it. We have judiciary for law enforcement. erating with authorities to take number of people participated too. There were complaints cedure has not been complet- not yet completed the proce- “If they [the buyer of state care of state land,” he said. THE PHNOM PENH POST march 8, 2021 5 National Second Irrawaddy dolphin Women’s Day feted amid Covid calf seen in Mekong River Orm Bunthoeurn systems includes the wellbe- Khouth Sophak Chakrya dent on the river ecosystem. ing of women and girls along Last year, researchers regis- URING Interna- with implementing all so- A six-day-old Irrawaddy dol- tered nine newborn dolphin tional Women’s cial assistance programmes. phin calf was spotted among four calves and 13 in 2019, WWF- Day this year, The economic bravery of adults at Kampi Resort along the Cambodia figures show. Queen Mother No- women is to be continued Mekong River in Kratie prov- Separately, Ratanakkiri pro- rodomD Monineath Sihanouk by increasing knowledge and ince on the evening of March vincial Department of Environ- noted that the participation developing businesses for 5, World Wildlife Fund-Cam- ment rangers on March 6 hand- of women in public affairs, women, developing micro-, bodia said via Facebook. ed over two leopard-cat kittens politics and the private sector small- and medium-sized Researchers from the Fisher- (Prionailurus bengalensis) – an- has improved, while Prime businesses. The programmes ies Administration and WWF- other rare and vulnerable spe- Minister Hun Sen called for of vocational training and fi- Cambodia lit up with elation at cies – to BirdLife International. the strengthening of national nancial inclusiveness are to the scene of the second dolphin Department head Phon solidarity and unity, and the be strengthened,” the letter calf recorded this year, follow- Khemrin told The Post that the maintenance of peace and read. ing a sighting of a week-old calf kittens had been found a day political stability. Meas Sa Im, deputy head of at a natural sanctuary in Stung earlier by officials stationed at The Queen Mother also women’s and children’s affairs Treng province late last month. Border Police Battalion 623, expressed admiration and at Adhoc, said that civil soci- “The current events represent who said the parents had fled support for the Ministry of ety organisations had a joint one of the most encouraging attack by village dogs. Women’s Affairs for mention- topic celebrating the 110th encounters by the research team Its chief Nin Nan turned the ing the topic “Women and de- Civil society groups celebrate International Women’s Day in Phnom International Women’s Day as part of their dolphin moni- kittens over to the rangers, Penh in 2017. post staff velopment on [in the] Covid- on March 8. The joint topic is toring and photo-ID based sur- he said, pointing out that the 19 context” to be marked as Council for Women for work- in line with the Rectangular “Genuine democracy leads to veys,” WWF-Cambodia said. police outpost is located in International Women’s Day ing hard to promote gender Strategy Phase IV that women social protection systems and WWF-Cambodia public af- Nhang commune’s Tang Chi on March 8. equality for women to receive are the backbone of the na- justice for women and all”. fairs director Tep Asnarith told village in the province’s An- A message celebrating the protection, rights and ben- tional economy and society. She explained that if there is The Post on March 7 that the Ir- dong Meas district. 110th International Women’s efits. The social attitudes were Hun Sen requested that all genuine democracy, it might rawaddy dolphin is critically “Without the technical ex- Day on March 8 and obtained changed so that women will relevant ministries and insti- lead to social protection systems endangered according to the pertise to take care of these by The Post on March 7 said be recognised and regarded as tutions, development part- that are not only for women – it International Union for Conser- young animals, our team was that the Queen Mother noted an important partner in devel- ners, civil society organisa- means that justice is for all and vation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. obliged to hand them over to a that women and girls have oping families and society by tions and private sectors as the common good for all. He stressed that each dol- partner organisation [BirdLife] fully exercised the rights and helping push for the building well as all citizens focus atten- “Women do a lot of work. phin is critical to the continu- to take care of them for the opportunities to develop their and development of women tion on some main priorities I can say that they do more ation of this valuable fresh- time being,” Khemrin said. knowledge, skills, techniques and providing women the like strengthening national than men if they work both water species. BirdLife International’s Cam- and resources which are the opportunities to take part in solidarity and unity, maintain- outside and inside [the “I, as well as WWF, am very bodia Programme Manager foundation of global human work and all sector equally.” ing peace, political stability, home]. They even have to take excited about having logged Bou Vorsak told The Post that rights, equality in partner- A letter from the prime the stability of economy and care of their children, so they two new baby dolphins in the kittens were now in the care ships and in family living, minister Hun Sen on March finance, continuing to push are the first teachers. Because 2021,” he said. of his team at the Ratanakkiri and potential participation in 8 read that the topic “Women for the movement to combat of all these problems, women According to Asnarith, the branch. “We will send them to the context of development and development on [in the] Covid-19, to guarantee the could not raise their rights of presence of the dolphins in- the Angkor Centre for Conser- of society. Covid-19 context” has shown wellbeing and the livelihood freedom, expression, concern dicates ecological quality and vation of Biodiversity to look The message said: “I would the active participation of of the people, and socio-eco- and challenging problems, high levels of biodiversity after them, and when they grow like to admire and support the women in the development nomic development. so their freedoms and the along the Mekong River which up and have the ability to for- Ministry of Women’s Affairs work at all levels, sectors “The expansion of the scope growth of society don’t follow can support human, animal age on their own, we will release and the Cambodia National and all under circumstances covering social protection as well,” she said. and plant life that is depen- them into protected areas.” 6 THE PHNOM PENH POST march 8, 2021 Business

USD / KHR USD / CAD USD / CNY USD / JPY USD / MYR USD / SGD USD / THB AUD / USD EUR / USD GBP / USD 4,061 1.2704 6.4837 108.46 4.0750 1.3412 30.50 0.7670 1.1925 1.3817

Trading Information on Cambodia Securities Exchange Date: March 5, 2021 Auction Trading Method (ATM) No Stock Closing Price Opening Price High Low 1 ABC 16,800 16,720 16,900 16,720 2 GTI 3,350 3,350 3,350 3,350 3 PAS 12,880 12,500 13,120 12,500 4 PEPC 2,940 2,940 2,940 2,940 5 PPAP 12,220 12,400 12,400 12,220 6 PPSP 1,600 1,590 1,610 1,580 7 PWSA 6,220 6,280 6,320 6,220 Kingdom-US trade hits $614M Cassava prices jump Hin Pisei on lacklustre harvest ILATERAL trade between Cam- bodia and the US amounted to Thou Vireak average of 100 lorries-full of $614.5 million in the first month cassava per diem to Vietnam of this year, up 4.89 per cent over CASSAVA prices in the prov- during the harvest season theB $585.8 million posted in January 2020, inces bordering Thailand and when cross-border trade data from the US Census Bureau show. Vietnam increased during the reaches its peak, he said. The Kingdom exported $580.6 mil- 2020-2021 harvest season as a “Cassava prices this year are lion worth of merchandise during the result of lower crop yields, higher due to harvests being period, up 3.69 per cent year-on-year according to two top provin- lower than last year, while the from $559.9 million, and imported $33.9 cial commerce officials. area under cultivation has also million, up 30.88 per cent year-on-year Battambang provincial decreased, leading to higher from $25.9 million. Department of Commerce demand,” Sokhon said. Cambodia Chamber of Commerce director Kim Hout told The Post Van Samnang, a cassava vice-president Lim Heng told The Post that cassava exports to Thai- farmer in Sandan district’s on March 7 that the ongoing Covid- land were about 100,000 tonnes Tomring commune of Kam- 19 vaccination drives in the Kingdom in January-February. pong Thom province, said he and in the US would lead to a year-on- The average per-kilogramme tallied 10 tonnes as he finished year increase in bilateral trade for 2021, price of dried cassava in the his harvest last week. pointing out that the US is Cambodia’s province had surged by 200 He said prices of fresh cas- main export destination. riel ($0.05) year-on-year to 870 sava had been on a steady While the US has not reauthorised its riel, he said, adding that 80 per uptrend, jumping to 490 riel General System of Preferences (GSP) cent of the province’s produc- per kilogramme last month The Kingdom exported $580.6 million worth of goods to the US in January, marking a 3.69 per trade-benefits programme following its cent year-on-year surge from $559.9 million. POST STAFF tion is exported to Thailand. from 300 riel just in January. December 31 lapse, Heng noted that the The recent “floods have led to “I see that this year is a good number of international companies ap- tion to existing offerings with high-sales “I think that with this first-rate start, a decline in cassava yields but year for the cassava market, but plying to open factories in the Kingdom potential such as clothing, footwear, the two countries’ total trade balance improved markets and prices the yield I harvested is lower than has not shown signs of slowing. bags and electronic components. will grow significantly in 2021,” he said, this year”, Hout said. last year,” Samnang admitted. “The US is a major market for Cam- At the same time, he cautioned that adding that textiles remain a priority for Cambodia exported 4,200 The Kingdom exported bodia, so with the resumption of the US shipping costs have been on a steep up- Cambodian export to the US. tonnes of dried cassava to Thai- 957,201.56 tonnes of cassava in economy, demand for imports of all kinds trend in recent months and could po- Trade between Cambodia and the US land through Phnom Dey Inter- January-February, of which of consumer goods will surge in parallel,” tentially pose as barriers to Cambodia’s was worth $6.9213 billion last year, up national Checkpoint in Sampov 154,750 tonnes were fresh, he said. “When the US government subse- international trade. 17.89 per cent over 2019, data from the Loun district, Battambang prov- according to Minister of Agri- quently renews GSP [privileges] to Cambo- Hong Vanak, director of International US Census Bureau show. ince, with prices in the area at culture, Forestry and Fisheries dia, there’ll be more companies with a US Economics at the Royal Academy of Cambodian exports to the US were to the around 800,000 riel per tonne, Veng Sakhon. market coming to invest in Cambodia.” Cambodia, pointed out that Cambodi- tune of $6.5777 billion, up 22.79 per cent according to data from the Min- Speaking at the launch of the Heng is optimistic that scores of new an-US trade figures were a bright spot in from the $5.3568 billion posted in 2019, istry of Agriculture, Forestry and Draft Law on Cassava National Cambodian products will make their de- a global commercial landscape mottled while imports clocked in at $343.6 million, Fisheries released on March 4. Policy 2020-2025, he said the but on the US market this year, in addi- with Covid-19 blotches. down 33.15 per cent from $514 million. Cassava is typically planted in crop is the Kingdom’s main May and harvested from Novem- agro-industrial and export ber until the end of February the product and contributes three- following year. to-four per cent of gross domes- Cambodia to back green-entrepreneur drive Tbong Khmum provincial tic product (GDP) each year. Department of Commerce He said the cassava sector Thou Vireak explore effective and collabor- terprise (KE) – an implementa- cific region in two aspects. director Toch Sokhon said receives about $300 million in ative ways of climate technol- tion unit of the Entrepreneur- “[These are] reinforcement wholesale per-kilogramme investment to grow the crop on CAMBODIA has committed its ogy development and transfer ship Development Fund (EDF) of technical and project sup- costs for fresh cassava gained more than 60,000ha. support for a regional initia- in response to adverse impacts established by the Ministry of port in the areas of the green 200-360 riel year-on-year on In 2019, Cambodia exported tive to develop a programme of climate change in Asia- Economy and Finance. new deal in cooperation with average to 500-600 riel, while about 3.30 million tonnes of that abets home-grown in- Pacific countries, especially He said in the press release: partners and solidification dried ones now go for 900 riel, fresh cassava, cassava chips novative entrepreneurs with amidst the Covid-19 crisis. “The Ministry of Environment of international cooperation matching prices at the border. and tapioca starch worth more climate tech solutions, ac- “GGGI has been working with would be happy to facilitate to induce synergy and global The Kingdom transports an than $26.40 million. cording to an official at the KDB, a Korean Accredited En- cooperation between our in- climate action.” Ministry of Environment. tity to GCF, and National Des- ternational partners and rel- GGGI director for Asia Kim The pledge was made at the ignated Authorities [NDA] in evant entities in Cambodia.” Jin-young welcomed the “mu- “Asia-Pacific Regional Seminar Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR KE CEO Chhieng Vanmunin tually rewarding discussions” on Green New Deal Projects: and the Philippines, to develop shared the enterprise’s role in on green recovery solutions, Climate Finance, Technol- a programme for supporting providing “whole lifecycle sup- saying: “GGGI is in a very priv- ogy, Entrepreneurship” co-or- innovative local entrepreneurs port” for budding entrepreneurs ileged position to support this ganised by South Korean-based with climate tech solutions with promising business ideas. important initiative together Global Green Growth Institute and promoting climate tech With electricity access near with all participants today.” (GGGI) with state-owned Ko- ecosystems that will accelerate the Kingdom’s lakes limited, In the closing remarks, Choi rea Development Bank (KDB the low carbon and climate- he stressed an overwhelming Ho, general manager of KDB Bank) and hosted by the South resilient green growth.” need for solar energy. Bank’s Environmental, Social Korean Ministry of Economy Speaking at the seminar, Sum Making the first opening re- and Governance-New Deal and Finance on March 2. Thy, deputy head of the Cam- mark, Choi Ji-young, director Planning Department, said: GGGI said in a press re- bodian environment minis- of the Korean finance min- “KDB is eager to partner with lease: “The initiative emerged try’s General Secretariat of the istry’s Green Climate Policy you all in promoting meaning- as a result of common goals National Council for Sustain- Division, said: “The Korea[n] ful GCF initiative as an accred- among the Korean govern- able Development, said the government will continue to ited entity jointly working with ment, Green Climate Fund Kingdom would support the support a green transition of GCF to develop a technology- The Kingdom exported 957,201.56 tonnes of cassava in the first two [GCF], KDB Bank and GGGI to initiative through Khmer En- the economies in the Asia-Pa- focused programme.” months of this year, of which 154,750 tonnes were fresh. HENG CHIVOAN THE PHNOM PENH POST march 8, 2021 7 Business Tenaga enters VN solar market EV batteries poised to UALA Lumpur-listed get 20% power boost Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) is expanding KOREA Advanced Institute of ions, providing greater energy its international re- Science and Technology (KAI- to batteries.” newableK energy (RE) footprint ST) last week said it has de- She added that lithium- into Southeast Asia with its veloped a new material that rich cathodes haven’t been foray into Vietnam by buying enhances the energy density commercialised yet because a stake in a 21.6MW project. of lithium-ion batteries by 20 when too much lithium-ions In a statement to Bursa Ma- per cent while maintaining visit cathodes, they react with laysia on March 4, it said TNB their stability. oxygen and compromise the Renewables Sdn Bhd will ac- According to a research proj- structure of the cathodes. quire a 39 per cent stake in a ect led by Cho Eun-ae (pictured, However, Cho solved the in- project comprising five rooftop KAIST), materials science and stability issue by coating the solar plants in Vietnam from engineering safety professor at lithium-rich cathodes with a Singapore’s Sunseap Group. KAIST, lithium-ion batteries that metal called vanadium. This acquisition extends contain 80 per cent nickel inside According to the research, TNB’s collaboration with Sun- cathodes demonstrate energy lithium-ion batteries coated seap, beyond the Malaysia capacity of 200 ampere-hours with vanadium maintained and Singapore cross border per gramme. However, the new- 92 per cent of initial perfor- partnership, to capture the ly developed cathode materials mance after charged and dis- rapid growth in the Vietnam can accommodate 20 per cent charged 100 times, while un- RE market. more lithium ions and exhibit coated ones preserved 74 per “The project has secured energy capacity of as much as cent of initial capacity. the feed-in tariff [FiT] under 250 ampere-hours per gramme. Also, cathodes coated with the FiT2 scheme in Vietnam Kuala Lumpur-listed Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) is expanding its international renewable energy footprint Cathodes are one of the four vanadium returned to their into Vietnam. THE STAR which is intended to promote key components of lithium- original state at 81 per cent investments in renewable en- ects, will continue to own 10 Baharin said: “This acquisi- in the energy retail segment. ion batteries including an- level after charged and dis- ergy sources through lucrative per cent of the equity interest. tion will serve as a beachhead It has a net capacity of odes, separators and electro- charged once, while uncoated and above market rate tariffs. Prior to this acquisition, for TNB to establish a local 1.2GW across 11 markets and lytes. The higher the cathodes recovered their “Having achieved commer- TNB’s global presence in RE presence in Vietnam and ex- more than 200 assets in vari- ratio of nickel inside original state at 69 per cial operation date in Decem- consists of a total portfolio of pand into the rapidly grow- ous stages of development. cathodes, the more cent level in the same ber 2020, all five plants are un- 2,732.3MW in Malaysia (includ- ing RE and utility market in The latest 21.6MW rooftop powerful but less condition. der 20-year power purchase ing 2,536.1MW of large hydro) Vietnam. solar project adds to Sunseap’s stable lithium- Cho said: “Vana- agreements [PPAs] with the and 666MW across the UK, “This acquisition builds on 168MW utility-scale solar farm ion batteries be- dium is not a com- state-owned utility company, Turkey and India comprising our earlier Malaysia-Singa- it had built in Vietnam in 2019, come. mon material, but Vietnam Electricity, to supply mainly solar, wind and hydro pore cross-border collabora- and it is currently developing Cho told The as a extremely small clean energy to the country’s energy generation assets. tion with Sunseap and dem- over 650MW of additional Korea Herald: amount is used for national grid,” TNB said. TNB aims to grow its overall onstrates our commitment projects in Vietnam. “If existing high- coating cathodes, Sunseap holds a 90 per cent RE portfolio to 8,300MW by in transforming TNB into a On the Bursa Malaysia, TNB’s nickel cathodes it’s unlikely stake in the projects and after 2025 (including large hydro). regional RE and utility player. share price fell six sen (1.47 US could accom- to drive up the sale of 39 per cent stake, it TNB president and CEO Ba- Sunseap is one of the top cents) or 0.58 per cent to close modate 100 the costs of will be reduced to 51 per cent. harin Din described the acqui- solar rooftop companies in at 10.34 ringgit ($2.54) on March lithium ions, lithium-ion The transaction is slated for sition as another step forward Southeast Asia and the largest 5 for a market capitalisation of the new batteries.” the first quarter of this year. towards achieving TNB’s ambi- solar company in Singapore 58.99 billion ringgit, with 4.64 cathodes THE KOREA HER- Sun Times Energy JSC, an ex- tion to grow its RE and utility with fully integrated solar million shares traded. THE STAR can contain ALD/ASIA NEWS isting shareholder of the proj- businesses in Southeast Asia. business including presence (MALAYSIA)/ASIA NEWS NETWORK 120 lithium NETWORK 8 THE PHNOM PENH POST march 8, 2021 Business Czech firm ramps up pepper orders Korea, UAE May Kunmakara team up on

ZECH-Cambodian firm EU Land and Pepper hydrogen Investment Co Ltd has vowed to buy 50 per cent Cof all produce cultivated by its con- economy tracted smallholder growers this year to ramp up exports, with the SOUTH Korea signed an agreement European market in its sights. with the UAE on March 4 to cooper- CEO David Pavel told The Post that ate on the hydrogen economy, fur- since its 2018 beginnings, his com- ther expanding their partnership pany focuses purely on helping the currently focused on nuclear ener- growers of Kampot pepper with the gy, oil and gas. smallest, least viable farms and who During the Korea-UAE Industry are unable to market themselves. and Energy Cooperation Forum held He said: “We do not own any farm online, South Korean Minister of for that reason. We set up our own Trade, Industry and Energy Sung private company in Cambodia back Yun-mo and UAE Minister of Indus- in 2018 to be able to help farmers try and Advanced Technology Al and buy their Kampot Pepper for [a] Jaber inked a memorandum of 100 per cent fair trade price which is understanding to share hydrogen paid always directly to their hands.” trade regulations and policies and After buying, the company is re- establish a cooperation channel sponsible for each step of the process between two parties’ hydrogen econ- – logistics, paperwork, export, qual- omy promotion agencies – H2Korea ity control and packaging, he said. and Hydrogen Alliance. He said the company is working Sung said: “Korea is pushing for the very closely with the main trade ‘Green New Deal’ initiative, recently body Kampot Pepper Promotion As- establishing a hydrogen roadmap sociation (KPPA). and the world’s first hydrogen law. As “We commit to buying 50 per cent the UAE is pursuing ‘Energy Strategy of all production from our small- The Kingdom exported more than 70 tonnes of Kampot pepper in 2020. KPPA 2050’, [the agreement] will allow both est farmers in 2021. Next year and parties to strengthen their partner- for upcoming years we want to [in- help prepare a 2021-2023 strategy for 2021 towards the smallest farmers vation has increased from 10ha in ship in the new energy sector includ- crease that to] 100 per cent of their Kampot pepper,” he said. and KPPA is 10 tonnes and we are be- 2010 to 290ha as of April last year ing hydrogen.” production. This [is] all only after He said 42 companies have en- coming one of the biggest exporters – exclusively in Kampot and Kep – The two industry ministers also three years of the existence of our tered contract farming with small- and processors [of] Kampot Pepper.” which can yield 82.78 tonnes of the discussed further partnership in dig- project,” Pavel said. scale Kampot pepper farmers for Following the company’s “inspi- commodity per annum. ital health and bio industries as well Around 175 Kampot-pepper farm the 2021 harvest season. rational” marketing campaigns and And according to Lay, prices now as smart manufacturing, e-commerce households have entered into con- Cambodia exported more than 70 relative success on EU markets, he stand at $15 per kg for black pepper, and artificial intelligence, according tract farming agreements to supply tonnes of Kampot pepper to the in- said he has met with the Ministry $25 per kg for red pepper and $28 to Korea’s industry ministry. Also, the EU Land and Pepper Investment ternational market last year, he said, of Commerce and the geographical per kg for white pepper – unchanged ministers will take turns to hold a with 10 tonnes of peppercorns for adding that the crop is shipped out indication (GI) bureau under the for over five years. strategic meeting every two years. the 2021 harvest season. to more than 50 countries today, ministry’s Department of Intellectu- The latest KPPA data released in Heads of eight Korean companies KPPA president Nguon Lay told mostly those in Europe. al Property Rights on numerous oc- April show that membership in- – GS Caltex, GS Energy, Hanwha Solu- The Post on February 7 that the min- According to Pavel, the company casions, vowing to be more involved creased to 455 households last year tions, Samsung Engineering, SK istry’s assistance would help provide focuses on “completely different” this year in marketing and promot- from 118 in 2010 when it first regis- Engineering & Construction, Lotte Kampot pepper a strong market in and new innovative marketing strat- ing Kampot Pepper worldwide, as tered with the ministry. But Lay told Chemical, Korea National Oil Corp the international scene. egies that have a direct impact on well as working closely with KPPA. The Post on November 4 that 68 out and H2Korea – participated in the “More feedback gives growers more sales and export. According to KPPA, the land des- of the association’s then-447 house- forum’s CEO roundtable session. hope. The Ministry of Commerce will He said: “Our commitment for ignated for Kampot pepper culti- holds had abandoned the crop. They discussed the sustainable devel- opment of hydrogen fuel cells with Abu Dhabi National Oil Company and shared ideas on renewable ener- gy and climate change issues with VinFast plans US EV plant, Taiwan firm co-op Masdar Clean Energy, a global devel- oper and operator of utility-scale Patrocinio Rivera tially will develop high-end models for first EVs to US customers next year. cell is pack] locally in Vietnam. renewable energy projects. the US,” she was quoted as saying. While she declined to reveal the extent “PLG will produce SSB inlays [semi- According to the industry ministry, VIETNAMESE electric-vehicle (EV) Hai touted VinFast’s automobiles as of VinFast’s investment in the US mar- finished battery cell composed of cath- Korea’s goods and services trade with start-up VinFast Trading and Produc- top-of-the-line and equipped with ket, Hai said the idea is to be profitable ode, solid state electrolyte and anode the UAE stood at $9.4 billion as of last tion LLC, a subsidiary of Vietnamese high safety standards and advanced after five years of operation, even with layer] for the JV at one of its Asian year. The UAE is Korea’s 21st largest conglomerate Vingroup JSC, last week technology, voicing optimism that the looming Covid-19 concerns. manufacturing centres – expected to trading partner. unveiled plans to open a US plant. Vietnamese company could win over In September, California state gov- reach 1-2GWh capacity in 2022, which Also, to celebrate the completion of This comes after it set up a 50-mem- international customers and erode ernor Gavin Newsom issued an order will support mass production schedule the Barakah nuclear power plant this ber research and development office in their initial hesitation in buying prod- “requiring sales of all new passenger of VinFast EVs in 2023-2024. year – the UAE’s first nuclear power the US city of San Francisco in anticipa- ucts from a relatively unknown firm. vehicles to be zero-emission by 2035 “Debuted four years ago, VinFast is station and Korea’s first case of nuclear tion of automobile sales across the state She also told Bloomberg that VinFast and additional measures to eliminate now ranked number five in Vietnam’s power plant export – Sung established of California next year, VinFast CEO Thai plans to open 35 showrooms and serv- harmful emissions from the trans- automobile market share and has the “Nuclear Power Plant Export Advi- Thi Thanh Hai told Bloomberg News. ice centres in California this year. portation sector”. created a wide-spectrum product sory Committee” to double down on “VinFast’s vision is to become a global With a licence to test autonomous The order gives further impetus for portfolio. In the beginning of 2021, export activities in countries including smart electric car company and the US vehicles on public roads recently VinFast to sell EVs in the market, Hai VinFast announced three smart elec- the Czech Republic and . market is one of the first international awarded by state regulators, she added said as reported by Bloomberg. tric SUV models and demonstrated An industry ministry official said: markets that we will focus on . . . We ini- that the company expects to deliver its VinFast founder and Vingroup chair- its resolve to become a global leading “As Korea is getting closer to winning man Pham Nhat Vuong told Bloomb- EV corporation,” PLG said. nuclear power plant contracts over- erg late in 2019 that he would invest $2 VinFast began selling cars with engines seas including Czech, and to respond billion of his own personal resources licensed from German automaker Bay- to the growing attention for small and into VinFast to ship cars to the US. erische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) in mid-sized nuclear power plants in Meanwhile, VinFast inked a memo- 2019, according to VnExpress. In 2020, the foreign market, the committee randum of understanding (MoU) it sold 31,500 units – all in Vietnam. has been formed to strengthen nucle- with Taiwanese battery-cell manu- This represents 7.73 per cent of the ar power plant export system and to facturer ProLogium Technology Co 407,487 units sold domestically last support the export activities of nucle- Ltd (PLG) to speed up the commer- year by the country’s predominant ar power plant parts manufacturing cialisation of solid-state battery EVs automakers – VinFast, Malaysian- companies.” in Vietnam, according to PLG. owned TC Motor Vietnam Co Ltd and Along with committee, the industry Under the MoU, the two parties will members of the Vietnam Automobile ministry launched a website (www.k- establish a joint venture (JV) to man- Manufacturers’ Association, accord-, where foreign customers and ufacture automotive solid-state bat- ing to Vietnam News Agency. buyers can access the information of tery (SSB) packs for VinFast’s EVs, the With a 2021 sales forecast of more nuclear power plant parts manufac- Taiwanese firm said in a March 3 than 45,000 units, the company aims tured by Korean companies. press release. to begin delivery of EVs assembled at Deputy Minister of Energy and “The JV will have priority to pur- its plant in the northern port city of Resources Joo Young-joon said: “With chase PLG’s SSB product and will be Haiphong to domestic customers by the establishment of the committee, licensed to use PLG’s patented SSB December, Bloomberg said. public and private sectors will be able pack assembly technology, MAB According to VnExpress, VinFast has to work together with full force for the Vietnamese automaker VinFast plans to open a US plant in the next couple of years [Multi-Axis Bipolar+], to produce research and development centres in export of Korean nuclear power plants.” and recently inked an MoU with Taiwanese firm PLG for batteries. VIETNAM NEWS AGENCY CIM/CIP SSB pack [cell is module/ Australia, Germany and the US. THE KOREA HERALD/ASIA NEWS NETWORK THE PHNOM PENH POST march 8, 2021 9 World Biden Covid-19 rescue plan clears Senate he US Senate on It took a call from Biden and March 6 voted to ap- a cut in supplemental weekly prove a $1.9 trillion unemployment insurance relief package in what from $400 to $300, among PresidentT Joe Biden called a other tweaks, to prevent Man- “giant step” towards reviving chin from defecting. the pandemic-stricken US The drama served to high- economy, capping frenzied light the growing political negotiations and a marathon muscle of moderates in a overnight voting session. deadlocked Senate, where a Passed by 50 votes to 49 in single swing vote could make a strict party line vote, the or break major legislation. sweeping legislation now Biden already had to com- heads back to the Democratic- promise with Democrats majority House of Represen- urging more fiscal restraint, tatives, where it is expected reportedly agreeing to a nar- to be adopted, barring a last- rowing of the income limit for minute setback. families receiving stimulus “I promised the American checks. people help was on the way,” But the president struck an said Biden in an address from upbeat note, insisting: “I don’t the White House, after the think any of the compromises plan was approved along strict have in any way fundamen- party lines. tally altered the essence of “Today, I can say we’ve taken what I put in the bill in the first one more giant step forward in place.” delivering on that promise,” he “This plan is historic,” Biden said. “It obviously wasn’t easy. said. “This plan will get checks It wasn’t always pretty. But it out the door starting this was so desperately needed.” month to the American peo- Even without the progres- ple who so desperately need sive priority of a minimum the help, . . . many of whom wage increase to $15 an hour, are lying in bed at night, star- the stimulus bill marks a vic- ing at the ceiling, wondering, tory for Biden’s Democrats as will I lose my job . . .? Will I lose they put their stamp on the re- my insurance? Will I lose my covery from a pandemic that US President Joe Biden leaves Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Washington, DC on Saturday. AFP home?” has killed more than 500,000 The breakthrough on the bill people in the US and hobbled The legislation would send testing, tracing and research, Biden for his signature early apart. came against a backdrop of its economy. out $1,400 stimulus checks to and $14 billion for vaccine next week. Senate action was paraly- strong US economic data sig- Top Senate Democrat Chuck most US citizens and allocates distribution. sed for more than 10 hours on nalling that the world’s largest Schumer vowed that the bill $350 billion to state and local Steny Hoyer, the Democratic Vote-a-rama March 5 as Democrats scram- economy may finally be heal- “will deliver more help to governments and $130 billion majority leader in the House, The huge bill – the second bled to retain the support of ing, including better-than- more people than anything to schools. said the chamber would take largest rescue package in US their most conservative sena- expected hiring last month the federal government has It would also provide $49 up the amended bill on March history, after last year’s $2 tril- tor, Joe Manchin, who balked as battered businesses began done in decades”. billion for expanded Covid 9, with a view to sending it to lion CARES Act – almost fell at the scale of jobless benefits. recruiting again. AFP UK faces difficult post-Brexit era Fighting in Yemen’s Marib kills 90 in 24 hours, sources under ‘lying’ PM: French ex-envoy from gov’t military claim Britain faces a tough chal- 2014-2017 and witnessed the modern” , the squirrels She said Britain’s much touted Fierce fighting between ians, including hundreds of lenge to retain global influence 2016 Brexit referendum at first and foxes in its parks and “special relationship” with the Yemeni pro-government forces thousands of displaced people after its departure from the EU hand, has raised some eye- streets, British culture and the US “is above all special for the and Iran-backed Huthi rebels sheltering in desolate camps in under a prime minister who brows in the UK with some country’s sense of humour. British” rather than the US. has killed at least 90 combat- the surrounding desert. has a well-known reputation decidedly undiplomatic com- But in the book she also “The United States often ants on both sides in the past It would also be a major set- for “lying”, France’s former ments in her book Goodbye makes no attempt to hide a used the British as a bridge or 24 hours, government military back for Saudi Arabia, which ambassador to the UK said in Britannia published in French deep frustration with much of relay with the EU. Obviously it sources said on March 6. has been the target of increas- an interview. in January. its political class and in par- is a role that is now lost.” The Shiite rebels launched an ingly frequent Huthi missile Sylvie Bermann, who was She professes her love for the ticular those who led the coun- offensive last month to seize attacks in recent weeks. ambassador to London from “dynamic, traditional and try to Brexit, calling Prime ‘Bravo’ Marib, the last stronghold in Shrapnel from Huthi drones Minister Boris Johnson an On top of this, there are dif- northern Yemen of pro-govern- intercepted by the Saudis on “unrepentant liar”. ficulties in trade relations, as ment forces who are backed by March 5 wounded two civil- “Why, when you are very shown by Britain’s threat this a Saudi-led military coalition. ians, including a 10-year-old, dynamic and successful and week to break the terms of the The clashes in the oil-rich in the southwest of the king- influential in the EU, why do you Brexit withdrawal treaty by province left 32 dead among dom, the official Saudi Press decide to leave?” Bermann, who unilaterally delaying checks government forces and loyalist Agency reported. also served as ambassador to on food going to Northern Ire- tribes, while 58 Huthi rebels US Secretary of State Antony Moscow and , told AFP at land. were killed in coalition air Blinken on March 1 urged the her home in the heart of Paris. “These are consequences of strikes, the sources said. Huthis to halt their offensive in “It will be more difficult. And the choice made in the referen- They said heavy clashes Marib, as he announced $191 there will need to be much dum,” she said. broke out on six fronts as gov- million in aid at a donors’ con- more effort [by the UK] to have Bermann acknowledged that ernment forces were able to ference. a true influence in the world.” in the fight against Covid-19, counter attacks by the Huthis “Aid alone will not end the con- She said that this will be par- “the British vaccination cam- who managed to advance only flict. We can only end the human- ticularly hard in the geopoliti- paign is better than the Euro- on the Kassara front northwest itarian crisis in Yemen by ending cal context of the “Cold War” pean one. Bravo for that” with of Marib city. the war . . . so the United States between China and the US, far more people given the jab The fighting also left dozens is reinvigorating our diplomatic with the two protagonists look- than in big EU member states. of people wounded, the sourc- efforts to end the war,” he said. ing to the EU rather the UK. But she added: “This is not es added. The UN had sought to raise “There is a triangular [China- totally due to Brexit as the vac- The loss of Marib would be a $3.85 billion from more than EU-US] relationship and it is cine orders were made while huge blow for the Yemeni gov- 100 governments and donors, harder for the United Kingdom the UK was still subject to Euro- ernment, but would also but only $1.7 billion was Former French ambassador to Britain Sylvie Bermann. AFP to play a role,” she said. pean rules.” AFP threaten catastrophe for civil- offered. AFP 10 THE PHNOM PENH POST march 8, 2021 ASEAN ‘The sea a new frontier Hundreds rally in Bangkok for solar to be installed’

Continued from page 1 blocks of concrete. over royal defamation laws But the maritime hub could needs by 2025, and to three per even face some space con- undreds marched cent by 2030 – enough for straints when it comes to float- in Bangkok and lit 350,000 households per year. ing solar, said Subhod Mhais- ceremonial fires in As well as on water, solar pow- alkar, executive director of the front of a courthouse er plants have already been built Energy Research Institute at onH March 6 to protest Thailand’s on rooftops and on the ground. the city-state’s Nanyang Tech- draconian royal defamation law One newly built solar farm nological University. and the jailing of several promi- spreads out from the coast into “Do you use the ocean waters nent pro-democracy activists. the Johor Strait, which separates for deploying solar, or do you The protesters are part of Singapore from Malaysia. use it for shipping?” he said. a youth-led movement that The 13,000 panels are And despite the push for green kicked off last July calling for an anchored to the seabed and power, the city-state will struggle overhaul to Prime Minister Pr- can produce 5MW of electric- to wean itself off a reliance on ayut Chan-o-cha’s government ity, enough to power 1,400 flats climate-damaging natural gas, and a scrapping of the country’s for an entire year. and to cut emissions without military-scripted constitution. “The sea is a new frontier for impacting its refining and pet- They are also demanding solar to be installed,” said Shawn rochemical sectors. the abolition of a lese majeste Tan, vice-president for engi- In addition, projects such as law which shields the king- neering at Singaporean firm floating solar farms are not dom’s ultra-powerful King Sunseap Group, which com- enough unless backed up with Maha Vajiralongkorn and the pleted the project in January. a greater official commitment royal family from defamation, “We hope that this will set a to cut emissions, said Red and carries penalties of up to precedent to have more floating Constantino, executive direc- 15 years per charge. projects in the sea in Singapore tor of the Philippines-based The law has been broadly and neighbouring countries.” Institute for Climate and Sus- interpreted to cover anything Under development at Tengeh tainable Cities. Police look on as protesters hold an anti-government demonstration calling for the release of pro-democracy perceived as negative towards activists in Bangkok on Saturday. AFP Reservoir is a far bigger project Singapore has pledged to the royals, effectively muz- – once completed later this year, halve its 2030 peak greenhouse zling critics – which is why ing prominent activists current- court was one of three anti- trying to level up . . . intensity the 122,000-panel solar farm will gas emissions by 2050 and the movement’s calls for re- ly behind bars for lese majeste. government rallies organised and violence,” National Police be one of the biggest in South- achieve net zero emissions “as forms have sent a lightning Protesters chanted the across Bangkok on March 6. chief Suwat Chaengyodsuk told east Asia covering an area the soon as viable” in the second bolt through Thai society. names of human rights law- The pro-democracy move- reporters on March 5, warning size of 45 football pitches. half of the century. As protesters marched to yer Anon Numpa and student ment had slowed in recent that authorities will be prepared The project, developed by But this is behind other Bangkok’s criminal court, they leader Parit Chiwarak – better months, but the jailing of sev- to “take care of the situation”. Sembcorp and the national developed economies, and the chanted “Prayut, Get Out!” and known as “Penguin”. eral prominent activists in Feb- Some 4,800 officers were water agency Public Utilities Climate Action Tracker, which “Abolish 112” – the penal code They also called for the re- ruary have galvanised support- deployed across the Thai cap- Board, will generate enough tracks governments’ commit- section of the lese majeste law. lease of Anchan, a former civil ers to return to the streets. ital on March 6. power to meet the energy needs ments, has classified its targets “The younger generation servant who was jailed in Janu- They clashed on February Earlier in the day, a small of Singapore’s water treatment as “highly insufficient”. have the same objectives as ary for more than 43 years for 28 with police, who deployed group of royalist supporters plants, said the agency’s senior Singapore is not doing its me,” said Kanokwan, 51. insulting the monarchy – the rubber bullets, water cannons protested downtown against planner Sharon Zheng. “fair share”, Constantino said, “I don’t fear violence and harshest sentence ever handed and tear gas against them – the pro-democracy move- This will lead to a reduction adding the solar farms risked I want a new government, a out for lese majeste in Thailand. the first use of force, albeit ment, shouting: “We live and in carbon emissions equiva- becoming “mere bling” unless new constitution and monar- Around a dozen activists non-lethal, in months. die as a royalist.” lent to removing 7,000 cars the government moved faster. chy reform.” were arrested by the end of More than 20 protesters “We want to show our feel- from the roads. “They need to set a higher When they arrived at the the night, an AFP journalist were arrested, while authori- ings that we love our monar- The solar panels are import- absolute target. Such a target court, some protesters piled up on the ground said. ties confirmed the death of chy and the king,” said a busi- ed from China, the world’s sends a signal to the very busi- garbage and set it on fire be- one police officer “during the ness owner nicknamed Tew, largest manufacturer of the ness community by which Sin- neath a portrait of the king, as Protests galvanised operation”. 58. “Our monarchy does not technology, and anchored to gapore’s economy thrives.” others held up posters depict- The protest at the criminal “Protesters look like they are need to reform.” AFP the floor of the reservoir with AFP

Thai expo focuses Scores of Myanmar citizens waiting to on making cannabis into viable cash crop hailand’s move to turn cannabis enter neighbouring India, officials say into a cash crop got underway Tin earnest on March 5, with the Scores of Myanmar nationals have “360-degree Cannabis & Hemp for the gathered at the border with India People” expo in Buriram province. waiting to join about 50 who have The three-day expo at the Buriram already crossed the frontier to flee the International Circuit was launched by country’s coup turmoil, Indian offi- health minister Anutin Charnvirakul. cials said on March 6. It aimed to provide a better understand- Myanmar authorities have mean- ing of how cannabis and hemp can bring while asked India to send back eight huge medical and economic benefits for police who fled this week. both Thai producers and consumers. Forty-eight Myanmar nationals, Visitors and entrepreneurs at- including the eight police, have tended seminars, exhibitions and free entered India’s northeastern state of workshops and also sampled cannabis Mizoram, a senior officer in the Assam products. The focus was on ways of Rifles paramilitary force said. creating added value from cannabis and “At least 85 civilians from Myanmar also hemp. Certain parts of the cannabis have been waiting at the international plant were removed from Thailand’s border to enter India,” the official added, narcotics list in December, opening the speaking on condition of anonymity. way for a medical cannabis business Anti-coup demonstrations have worth an estimated eight billion baht spread across Myanmar since a Feb- ($262 million) by 2025. Meanwhile, ruary 1 putsch ousted civilian leader stocks in large Thai food manufactur- Aung San Suu Kyi. Security forces have ers have risen on news that oil from the escalated a brutal crackdown on pro- plant can be used in their products. testers, killing more than 50 people. The Buriram expo was organised as part Indian media reports said those of the ministry’s efforts to promote the bud- who have crossed the border include ding cannabis- and hemp-related industry police and local officials who refused as a new economic engine for Thailand. to follow military orders. Buriram shares an 18.5km border with Engineers and students take part in a demonstration against the military coup in Mandalay on Friday. STR/AFP Myanmar has sent a letter, seen by Banteay Meanchey province’s northern- AFP, asking for the eight police to be tions between the two neighbour Indian government officials said counter China’s perceived influence, most Banteay Chhmar commune and quicky sent back. countries, you are kindly requested the letter was being studied along has not condemned the coup but the a 29.4km border with Oddar Meanchey The letter was sent to officials in to detain eight Myanmar police per- with the cases of those who have country’s UN ambassador TS Tiru- province’s westernmost Ampil com- Mizoram’s Champhai district where sonnel who had arrived to Indian crossed the border. murti this week said that Myanmar’s mune in Cambodia’s northwest. THE some of the refugees are. territories and hand-over to Myan- India, which has sought to build democratic gains of recent years NATION (THAILAND)/ASIA NEWS NETWORK “In order to uphold friendly rela- mar,” the letter said. closer ties with Myanmar in order to “should not get undermined”. AFP THE PHNOM PENH POST march 8, 2021 11 Opinion

Achieving an equal future EDITORIAL PERSONNEL Opinion Publisher & Chief Executive Offi cer Ly Tayseng Pauline Tamesis and Sophea Khun Managing Editor Post Khmer ARCH 8 is International sam rith Deputy Chief of Staff Women’s Day. Today we Phak seangly honor women’s achieve- Business Editor ments in all spheres of may Kunmakara Mlife and bring attention to women’s Deputy Business Editor rights for the benefit of all. This year, it sangeetha amarthalingam is dedicated to women in leadership: Deputy Head of Lifestyle Desk achieving an equal future in a Covid- Pan simala 19 world. It couldn’t be more timely, as Senior Reporters women stand at the frontline of the meas sokchea, niem chheng pandemic, combatting the virus both Reporters at the workplace and at home. Khouth sophak chakrya, Kim sarom, Covid-19 triggered not only an international public health emergen- Long Kimmarita, Hin Pisei, mom Kunthear, cy but also a socio- economic Hong raksmey, Pann rethea, voun dara, roth sochieata, orm Bunthoeurn, upheaval. Across the world, the crisis is pushing many families into poverty Lay samean, Thou vireak, nov sivutha and increasing existing inequalities. Photographers The loss of jobs and livelihoods is Heng chivoan, Hong menea, Hean rangsey particularly dire in sectors often Web Editor occupied by women. Leang Phannara Cambodia is no different. Indus- Digital Team tries dominated by women and girls, sous chanthy, Pang vichea, suy sovandy such as garment and tourism sectors SIEM REAP BUREAU have been hardest hit. Women make Offi ce Manager up almost 90 per cent of the estimat- sophearith Blondeel ed 750,000 garment factory workers PRODUCTION & PRINTING in Cambodia. Recent government Head of Desktop Publishing statistic showed that 526 garment nhim sokphyrak factories have been suspended and Desktop Publishing around 349,000 workers have lost suon savatdy, chum sokunthy, danh Borath their job since early 2020. Tep Thoeun Thyda, Tim Borith, Than veasna Many more women and girls are in As deputy governor of Taveng district in Ratanakkiri province, Kaping Pich is one of the role models for her Brao indigenous community. informal work than men and are the Taveng district administration first to lose their jobs. Women saw a greater reduction in average weekly akkiri province’s Ta Veng district. Pich change, to help diminish gender- community and in her workplace. HEAD OFFICE earnings from on average $126 before is now Taveng district deputy gover- based norms, and to help themselves Second, invest significantly in the Post Media Co., Ltd. Covid-19 to $66 in July 2020 and $51 nor. In this role she has inspired many and their families.” care economy and social protection, The Elements Condominium Level 7, in October 2020, losing more than young girls and people in her commu- When the government sets out to and redefine gross domestic product Hun Sen Boulevard, Phum Prek Talong, half of their income since the pan- nity. Back in her school days, her vil- design its economic recovery plan, it to make work in the home visible and Sangkat Chak Angre Krom,12353, Phnom demic started. In Cambodia, women- lage only had a primary school. The must address inequality. A gender-re- counted. Penh, Cambodia headed households living in poverty closest secondary school was almost sponsive economic recovery would Third, remove barriers to women’s Tel: 023 888 161, 023 888 162 are more likely to remain in poverty. 50km from her village. She almost help accelerate progress towards full inclusion in the economy, includ- Cellcard: 078 555 166, 078 555 133 Unpaid care work has increased. gave up her education. Fortunately, Cambodia’s aspirations for a middle- ing through access to the labour mar- Smart: 086 822 999, 086 277 999 Self-quarantine and social distancing through a government scholarship, income country by 2030 and achieve ket, property rights and targeted SIEM REAP sharply expanded domestic and care she was able to continue her educa- the Cambodian Sustainable Develop- credit and investments. No 629, Street 6, Dangkum Commune work by 35 per cent within the house- Fourth, repeal all discriminatory Tel: 063 966 290, Fax: 063 966 590 hold. In Cambodia, studies show that laws in all spheres – from labour and COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT women carry the burden of such Pandemic recovery is our land rights to personal status and Chief Operating Offi cer needs. Equally worrisome is that the protections against violence. James ong soon Teck unpaid domestic andcare work start chance to chart a new and Fifth, each country should enact an Advertising Department at an early age. With schools closed, emergency response plan to address chap narith, 017 996 241 girls are asked to take on more equal path. Together, we can violence against women and girls, and Hun channet, 017 578 768 domestic responsibilities, cutting follow through with funding, policies Prach monnyreak, 015 239 293 their time dedicated to learning. achieve an equal future and political will to end this scourge. Keo Puthy, 012 966 605 Once girls drop out of school, it is Sixth, shift mindsets, raise public Phon sok chea, 012 717 404 harder for them to return to and con- tion in the province’s Banlung town. ment Goals (SDG). awareness and call out systemic bias. Jessa Piastro, 092 445 983 tinue their education. Despite many challenges, Pich perse- To build an equal future, UN secre- In Cambodia, we can start by raising CIRCULATION & DISTRIBUTION The time is now to build an equal vered until she finished secondary tary-general Antonio Guterres has boys and girls equally for household Acting Distribution Manager future. school and got a job. Pich has worked called on leaders to put in place six chores and care work and addressing Thenh rithy, 087 888 854 How can we transform the Covid- very hard and studied at the same key building blocks: negative social and gender norms that Circulation Supervisor 19 crisis into an opportunity? How time to get where she is today. She val- First, ensure equal representation discriminate against women and girls. nou chanthy, 096 999 2828 can investments in gender equality ues education highly. One of her wish- – from company boards to parlia- Pandemic recovery is our chance to Yim veasna, 015 814 499 build a more inclusive and equitable es is to get a higher education. Pich’s ments, from higher education to chart a new and equal path. Together, ADMINISTRATION Cambodia? What might this look like hopes are similar for her community. public institutions – through spe- we can achieve an equal future. Admin & HR Manager in practice? She said: “I want to see more girls, cial measures and quotas. In Cam- Pich socheat Kaping Pich is one of the role mod- especially those who come from an bodia, we need more leaders like Pauline Tamesis is UN Resident Coordinator Assistants Admin & HR Manager els for her Brao indigenous communi- ethnic minority background, to get a Kaping Pich to support young in Cambodia. Sophea Khun is Programme nhel soaphea ty in Ta Veng Leu commune in Ratan- higher education, to be agents of emerging women leaders in her Analyst of UN Women in Cambodia. Financial Director Heang Tangmeng Chief Accountant sren vicheka Treasurers sok sophorn, Yon sovannara, cheam sopheak, Huy Hamsovannary IT Manager seng nak, vong oun

TO CONTACT US [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] © Post Media Co., Ltd The Phnom Penh Post is wholly owned and printed by Post Media Co., Ltd. The title The Phnom Penh Post in either English or Khmer languages, its associ- ated logos or devices and the contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Post Media Co., Ltd. 12 THE PHNOM PENH POST march 8, 2021 Lifestyle Somali female taxi driver defies local convention At 19 years old, Asha Moham- Sadiq Dahir, a student at the ed is divorced and drives a taxi Salaam University, admits he in Somalia, defying conventions was surprised when he first to support her family in one of saw her arrive to pick him up, the world’s most conservative but that his view has and dangerous countries. changed. For the past year, the young “Recently I have been using woman has crisscrossed the this Rikaab taxi service. capital Mogadishu in her white Although it is male dominated taxi, with a faux fur throw cov- work I prefer the female taxi ering her dashboard. drivers because they drive Her career choice was driven safely and arrive on time.” by passion, but also necessity, after she divorced her husband ‘Alarming’ gender inequality – whom she married at age 16 The Somali capital, situated – and was left to take care of on a pristine white coastline her two children and her with turquoise waters, remains mother. dogged by violence a decade Taxi driving in Mogadishu is after the Al-Qaeda-linked Al- not only typically reserved for Shabaab was ousted from the men, but is also dangerous in city by African Union peace- a city where Al-Shabaab Islam- keepers fighting alongside A worker holds a rug for drying on the rooftop of a washing factory in Herat, Afghanistan. afp ists regularly set off car bombs government troops. at intersections and security The 1991 overthrow of pres- checkpoints. ident Siad Barre’s military But car-loving Mohamed, regime ushered in decades of who enjoys playing racing chaos and civil war. Afghanistan’s rug hunters video games on her phone, Thirty years later, the inter- was not put off. nationally backed federal gov- “In my childhood, it was my ernment has yet to gain full passion to be a driver one day, control of the country or hold but I was not thinking that I the first one-person, one-vote risk death for last carpets will work as a taxi driver,” she ballot since 1969, which had said. been promised this year. N HIS quest to track in a snowstorm during a rug the international market if only careful inspection with She said she had been given the Even the holding of a com- down the last of Afghani- expedition decades ago. it earns a place in the show- a seasoned eye and delicate opportunity by a relatively new plex indirect vote has been stan’s antique rugs, Chari “The only thing they found rooms of premier rug dealers. touch can reveal the true val- company called Rikaab Taxi. delayed by political infighting, Allahqul has weathered were his shoes and the rugs,” Abdul Wahab, one of Ka- ue of a rug. “The number of women which recently led to gun bat- Ihigh-country blizzards, suf- he shrugged. bul’s top tribal carpet collec- “The dyes, the design, the working as taxi drivers was tles between opposing camps fered beatings from armed tors, said his inventory has condition, the age, the shape small for security reasons, but in the capital. robbers, and skirted fighting Hand crafted antiques been amassed piece-by-piece – everything together gives the number of women taxi Women’s rights are low on the with insurgents. Afghanistan’s carpet belt from a network of rug hunters value to the piece,” said Wa- drivers is gradually growing,” list of priorities, and the most Often on horseback with don- stretches west like a boomerang like Allahqul. hid Abdullah, owner of Herat said Ilham Abdullahi Ali, the recent data, in 2012, showed keys in tow, he travels deep into from northern Kunduz province “We rely 99.9 per cent on Carpets in Kabul. female finance chief at Rikaab the country among the bottom the jagged badlands of north- along the Uzbek and Turkmeni- those people,” he explained. Taxi. four on a UN gender equality ern Afghanistan searching for stani borders and down across “I love my carpets. I buy ‘It’s all art’ However, only three of the index. hand-woven carpets made by the frontier with Iran. them one by one, not just for Some rugs may not even be company’s 2,000 taxis in Mogad- The report described gender the country’s nomadic tribes. It is home to a smattering the sake of selling them.” top quality, Abdullah said, but ishu are driven by women. inequality as “alarmingly high”, “The roads are dangerous, full of nomadic groups who have the uniqueness of the design or Mohamed earns up to $40 a in a country where 98 per cent of wolves and full of enemies. specialised in making rugs for Fakes and imitations some other striking character- day, allowing her to take care of women have undergone We have to spend nights in centuries. But decades of conflict, dis- istic – even a flaw intentionally of her family, and hopes that genital mutilation. the forests or in the desert,” Going door-to-door in ru- placement and urbanisation woven into a pattern – can dis- by defying tradition, she can “Women suffer severe exclu- explained Allahqul, who ral villages working off tips has forever changed the trade. tinguish them from modern, contribute to changing the sion and inequality in all travels with a hardy Afghan from local contacts, Allahqul Nomadic tribes have largely mass produced carpets. minds of her countrymen dimensions of the index – sheepdog to keep him safe bargains over what were once settled and abandoned their “It’s all art. It’s difficult to ex- about the role of women. health, employment and while he sleeps. dowry gifts – handcrafted rugs family-run looms, according plain,” he added. Clients are often taken off labour market participation,” Rug hunters can spend made by a young bride’s fam- to the rug sellers in Kabul’s But the rug hunters comb- guard when they climb into it noted. weeks – if not months – pass- ily to adorn her new home. carpet bazaars. ing Afghanistan’s carpet the white taxi and see Moham- “Somali girls are given away ing through villages like The most sought after car- Imported wool and syn- heartlands complain that an- ed, wearing light makeup and in marriage very young, and sleuths along old caravan pets are often decades old, thetic dyes, along with the tique pieces are now increas- a colourful hijab, behind the violence against girls and trails, offering cash or bar- embellished with tribal pat- proliferation of commercial ingly difficult to find. steering wheel. women is widespread.”AFP tering with modern goods to terns, woven from handspun workshops across the region, The roads have also become amass a diverse selection of wool and made with dyes have flooded the market with more dangerous with inter- pieces they can later peddle in concocted from local ingredi- cheaper rugs that can be pro- national troops withdrawing rug bazaars or to collectors. ents such as roots, herbs and duced en masse. from Afghanistan while law- But the journeys are often flower petals. “It’s a very sad thing,” sighed lessness and the Taliban’s in- full of peril. Once happy with their Wahab. “Wool from Belgium, fluence grows. Allahqul, who began carpet bounty, rug hunters head dyes from another country. “The factory made rugs hunting as a child, said he was back to their homes where the Nothing is Afghan at all.” have hurt the hand-woven rug once clubbed with a Kalash- carpets are washed and then Fakes and cheap imita- industry,” Zalmai Ahmadi, a nikov by bandits who passed dried on roofs for months, tions are rife, he complained, carpet hunter from western over his carefully collected rugs allowing the sun to bring out making the selling of a more Afghanistan’s Herat, said. while looking for cash, dismiss- the colours. expensive antique to a less “The journeys are very, very ing his wares as aging junk. The rugs are then taken to discerning customer all the difficult and we come across “They said, ‘these rugs are old cities like Kabul, where deli- more difficult. the Taliban, government forc- rugs and throw them away’,” he cate repairs are made before Unscrupulous carpet deal- es, and thieves – either they ask recalled with a grin, while ad- they are sold. ers have also been known to for money or you get killed.” mitting it took over two weeks “Fixing or selling a carpet fabricate the faded patina During two recent outings to recover from the thrashing. is like bringing up a child. It seen on antiques, relying Ahmadi was only able to snag Dangers are nothing new takes a lot of hard work,” said on chemical treatments, tea a couple rugs, compared to the to the job, according to Al- Allahqul. washing, and occasionally dozens of pieces he could have lahqul, who remembers his A single carpet can take driving over new rugs with easily collected a few years ago. father telling the story of a anywhere from six months cars to give them a worn ve- “Whatever we wanted, we Asha Mohamed,19, is divorced and drives a taxi in Somalia, defying friend who was eaten alive by to two years to make and can neer – and a higher price. could get,” he said. “But now we conventions to support her family. afp wolves after being stranded fetch thousands of dollars on Experienced rug sellers say can’t find them.”AFP THE PHNOM PENH POST march 8, 2021 13 Lifestyle Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn wins Golden Bear prize at 71st film fest

he 71st Berlin film Israeli director Nadav Lapid The festival awarded its first festival awarded its announced the award for “gender neutral” best acting Golden Bear top prize Jude, one of Eastern Europe’s prize to Germany’s Maren Eg- on March 5 to Bad most acclaimed film-makers, gert for her performance in the LuckT Banging or Loony Porn saying his movie succeeded sci-fi comedy I’m Your Man. by Romania’s Radu Jude, a sat- in “provoking the spirit of In the film byUnorthodox di- ire skewering pandemic-era our time . . . by slapping it, by rector Maria Schrader, Eggert Filmmaker Radu Jude in 2015. Jude’s satire Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn, which won the 71st Berlinale top social hypocrisy with the story challenging it to a duel”. plays an antiquities researcher prize, makes the case that corruption, pettiness and discrimination are more obscene than graphic sex. afp of a teacher whose sex tape Jude later told reporters that who signs up to test a human- winds up on the internet. as pleased as he was about oid robot, played by British ac- rector prize last year, was Opening with an extremely which he said had created This year’s Berlinale was the award, “I’m more happy tor Dan Stevens from Downton awarded best screenplay for real-looking hardcore porn more “aggressiveness” in Ro- held entirely online for crit- that nobody got sick” while Abbey using his fluent German, couples drama Introduction, video, it was perhaps the most manian society. ics and industry buyers but filming during the corona- as a romantic partner. set partly in Berlin. daring of this year’s films in Rather than push back pro- judged by a jury made up virus outbreak “We proved The runner-up best film Mexican director Alonso competition. duction, “my take was to do it of previous winners, who that we could do it respecting gong went to Japanese director Ruizpalacios’s Netflix featureA The clip is taken from a home as soon as possible and adapt to watched the 15 contenders in the people and putting their Ryusuke Hamaguchi whose Cop Movie, which mixes docu- movie the teacher, Emi, shot what is around”, including cast- a specially reserved cinema. health above art.” Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy mentary and narrative tech- with her husband that makes its ing anti-vaxxers in minor roles is made up of three stories of niques to look at the struggles way from PornHub to the mo- and choosing novelty coronavi- women looking for connection of police work in the country’s bile phones of her colleagues, rus masks like “costumes”. in modern-day Tokyo. capital, won a Silver Bear for students and their parents. “I wanted it to feel contem- Maria Speth’s German docu- artistic contribution. With disputes over social porary and if there’s this pan- mentary Mr Bachmann and Last year’s winner, dissident distancing and mask wearing demic going now why not in- His Class, about an empathetic Iranian director Mohammad already jacking up tensions clude it in the film,” he said. teacher on the cusp of retirement Rasoulof, took part in the cur- and exposing social divisions, Asked about its explicit who takes pupils from a range rent jury, watching the films Emi fights to save her job and scenes, producer Ada Solomon of immigrant backgrounds un- from Tehran under house arrest. her reputation. told reporters that Jude was der his wing, claimed the third- The festival’s organisers The showdown reaches a working on creating a “censored place jury prize. hope to hold a gala awards farcical climax The Holly- version” that “stays consistent Hungary’s Denes Nagy ceremony in June if pandem- wood Reporter called “worthy with the vision of the film”. clinched best director for Natu- ic conditions permit. of vintage John Waters”. Beyond the competition, ral Light, a harrowing drama Bad Luck Banging or “Many of the things that the Berlinale also saw the about an atrocity committed by Loony Porn, part of Roma- Emi’s accused of are things premiere of a two-hour docu- Hungarian soldiers in the Soviet nian cinema’s vaunted new that I was accused of in on- mentary about Tina Turner, Union during World War II. wave, makes the case that line comments regarding my with the music legend telling Critics watching the movies on their laptops said that for all the lack of Prolific South Korean film- corruption, pettiness and previous films,” Jude said. in her own words her story red-carpet glamour, it was a vintage year for the main selection of 15 maker Hong Sang-soo, who discrimination are more He revamped the premise of triumph over poverty and films, with few duds and a clutch of gems. afp won the Berlinale’s best di- obscene than graphic sex. to incorporate coronavirus, abuse. afp Forgotten mausoleum of Roman emperor Augustus reborn

A newly renovated colossal mauso- Mayor Virginia Raggi rejoiced at into public display in the 1930s by The mausoleum was closed in 2007 Gianluca Carli, a 38-year-old leum for the founder of the Roman seeing “a masterpiece of Roman fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, who and the restoration works are not yet Roman, was overwhelmed after his empire Augustus has reopened to the antiquity, a priceless treasure, sought to present his regime as the complete, as evidenced by the crane first visit. public in the Italian capital after cen- restored to its full splendour”. heir of the ancient Roman empire. overhanging the site and the swarms “It’s a lot of emotion, as a Roman in turies of neglect. After the fall of the Roman empire, As a result of all these conversions, of contractors bustling around like love with his city, the idea of regain- “Until now we have always known the mausoleum lost its relevance as a only 30 per cent of the original mon- ants. ing possession of a part of my herit- it as a ruin, but it is one of the most burial site and like other Roman mon- ument remains, and the spoils of Such is the scale of the building age,” he said. important monuments of antiquity,” uments was put to a variety of uses by Augustus and his family have long that experts believe Augustus was “I feel a bit like the guardian of this explained Alessia, a masked guide tak- the generations that followed. disappeared. probably inspired by the tomb of city. So to be able to set foot again in ing a small group of visitors on the It was a fortress in the Middle Ages, But the restoration of the square in Alexander the Great in Alexandria such a mausoleum, so beautiful.” labyrinthine route through five con- then a Renaissance garden, an arena front of the building, which current- in Egypt, or the mausoleum of Rome is deserted of tourists thanks centric enclosures. for bulls and buffalo fighting, and in ly lies seven metres below ground Halicarnassus, now in Turkey, to coronavirus restrictions, but tick- “It was so majestic, they had never the early 1900s a concert hall was level, has made it more visible – which was considered one of the ets for the mausoleum – only acces- seen anything like this in Rome.” built over it. ensuring it finally gets the attention seven wonders of the ancient sible online – are already booked up The mausoleum was built on the The mausoleum was brought back it deserves. world. until the end of June. AFP banks of the River Tiber between 28 and 23 BC. It is a vast, towering monument to Augustus, the great-nephew of Julius Caesar who built the Roman empire during his 40-year rule. The cylindrical base has a diameter of 90 metres, on top of which was planted a mound of cypress trees. On the summit, a bronze statue of the emperor stood guard, taking the total height to 45 metres. At the centre of the mausoleum, originally clad in white marble and travertine, was a burial chamber reserved for Augustus and his wife Livia, while around them were fur- ther rooms reserved for members of their dynasty. But it had fallen into such a state of disrepair, in ruins and overgrown with weeds, that modern-day Romans The Mausoleum of the first Roman Emperor Augustus, which has been closed for 14 People visit the Mausoleum of Augustus (Mausoleo di Augusto), a large tomb built by the described it as a “rotten tooth”. years, is reopening to visitors. afp Roman Emperor Augustus in 28 BC, as it reopens on March 3 in Rome. afp 14 THE PHNOM PENH POST march 8, 2021 Lifestyle Thinking caps

Ismaira Figueroa, a sniper for the Bolivarian militia, shows the camouflage suit that she made for herself with clothes of fallen comrades at her house in Baruta neighbourhood in Caracas, last month. Afp The make-up artist and sniper preparing to die for Venezuela RESSED in cam- in 1999, he began implement- confirmed her graduation as an ouflage, her face ing social policies that proved “expert marksman” in 2016. covered in mud, highly popular with much of It’s called a “fly” because from Ismaira Figueroa the population, although he a distance, the six holes appear holdsD her position on a hill, was accused of authoritarian- to be a single black dot. rifle in hand, as she takes part ism by his detractors. “Before pulling the trigger. “HONEST!” in military exercises simulat- Figueroa was one of the peo- you empty your mind and just ing an invasion. ple who took to the streets in concentrate on your breath- ACROSS 50 Yellow pigment 23 Restaurant offering “I feel like I was born to do 2002 to “save” Chavez as a ing,” said Figueroa. 1 Struck thing 52 Medic’s org. 24 Thin wooden strip this and if I had to die for this coup d’etat unfolded to remove “You relax again and let the 5 Title for Coptic bishops 53 Exactly correct 26 “Gee!” . . . I’m ready,” says the 43-year- him from power. It lasted only shot surprise you.” 10 People may be bounced without 56 Heartfelt desires 27 Fairy-tale monster old sniper from the “Milicia”, a two days. Figueroa says she’s only fired them 57 Coral reef formation 28 “Long, long ___” civilian militia attached to the It was for Chavez that Figuer- her gun in practice. 13 Heckelphone relative 58 Didn’t stay 29 Hallow conclusion? armed forces. oa joined the Milicia he cre- “I’ve never killed anyone,” 14 Ballet support 59 Md. clock setting 30 Penitential period 60 Chickens, ducks and such “Dying for my country, for ated in 2009 and described as she said, though insists she is 15 La Scala solo 31 Stretched out 61 Vegas posting my children, for my mother, “people in arms”. prepared to do so. 16 Kind of shower 32 Subway Series player DOWN for my siblings. I’m ready to “We are not a little enemy,” Maduro has accused both 19 Thoughtful gift? 33 “It’s no ___” 20 Impoverished 1 Studied (with “over”) give my life,” she adds. said Figueroa, a second ser- the US and neighbouring 35 Furthest from being a workaholic 21 Jessica of “Tootsie” 2 More than fat Figueroa says she’s ready to geant. “The Milicia is the veg- Colombia – his main interna- 36 Bread served with aloo gobi 22 Bishop Tutu 3 Soft mineral often used for defend Venezuela and the popu- etable seller, the dog walker. a tional detractors – of planning 37 Mountaineering challenge 24 Air Force domain carving 41 Rabin’s successor list socialist “Bolivarian” regime teacher, a taxi driver, a nurse.” to assassinate him. 25 Cram-session cause 4 Sushi possibility 42 Balloons of President Nicolas Maduro Maduro claims there are four In May 2020, Venezuelan 26 “Inception” director Christopher 5 Like a no-show 43 Eavesdropping device from any “invading army”. million members of the militia authorities thwarted an 28 Long measure of time (Var.) 6 Like a whisperer’s breath 30 OK with the cops 44 Sources of irritation She’s a single mother of four, out of a population of 30 mil- attempted sea invasion by mer- 7 Garrett of “Everybody Loves 31 Big, flightless bird 45 Frequent including a three-year-old lion. cenaries that left eight dead and Raymond” 34 They’re not fake 46 Casing daughter. 66 people captured, including 8 Affectedly aesthetic ‘Men don’t like someone in 38 Number that’s its own square 47 Remove errors When not wearing military two retired US servicemen. 9 “What’d I tell you?” their zone’ 39 “Inferno” author 48 Pub competition fatigues, Figueroa is a make- 10 Woman in some Sherlock stories ‘I’m not a masochist’ 40 Repetitive learning method 49 Case for an ophthalmologist up artist and stylist. She also Figueroa had never thought 11 Slight impressions 41 Student of Socrates 50 Palindromic comics dog does social work in her com- about becoming a sniper when Before she joined the militia, 12 Completely fill 42 Kind of song or dive 51 Breed with a blue-black tongue munity, is a biker and knits in she joined the Milicia in 2010, Figueroa was a member of the 15 Until you get it right 44 Martin or Charlie of Hollywood 54 Clumsy person her spare time. but her unit commander con- Bolivarian Circles – political 46 Gulped with gusto 17 Nephew of Abel 55 Number for tea In her home in the Palomera vinced her to try. and social worker organisations 49 Glides on high 18 Acid-neutralizing base neighborhood in Caracas, “It’s a world that is mostly created by Chavez – that were Figueroa has a photo of late male,” she said. “Men don’t like accused of violence against Friday’s solution former leader Hugo Chavez, it much when someone is in opponents to the regime, some- whom she views as a god. their zone. When you’re a snip- thing she denies. In 1994, aged 16, she unsuc- er who shoots better. it awak- Strolling through Plaza Boli- cessfully tried to see him leaving ens a certain zeal.” var in the Baruta neighborhood prison, and once climbed a tree She keeps a folder with her of Caracas, Figueroa greets to try to “touch his finger”. diplomas, including a sheet of neighbors, police and bikers. When Chavez came to power paper with six holes in it that She says she gets on equally with the regime’s supporters and its opponents, although claims to have once been fired over her support for Chavez. And she is as committed to Chavez’s “Bolivarian revolu- tion” as ever. She plans to keep progressing Friday’s solution within the Milicia, where she earns just $4 a month – around four times the minimum wage. She blames low wages on Ven- ezuela’s economic crisis and the international sanctions imposed against the Maduro regime, including an oil embargo. “My conscience isn’t worth a kilogramme of flour. The more hungry I am, the more I love the Ismaira Figueroa, a sniper for the Bolivarian militia, carries a Belgian-made revolution. That’s not being a 7.62 mm calibre FAL rifle as takes part in military exercises in Caracas in masochist, it’s just that you can- February last year. Afp not let up in this battle.” AFP THE PHNOM PENH POST march 8, 2021 15 Sport Morata leads Juve fightback against Lazio to close gap at top lvaro Morata scored twice “But there was a great reaction, and set up another as Ju- we didn’t get down and despite the ventus warmed up for this many absences we played an excel- week’s Champions League lent match. gameA against Porto with a 3-1 come- “For us it was a final, an important back win over Lazio on Saturday to match for the standings and we’re close the gap on the Milan teams in happy.” Serie A. Paulo Dybala remains out injured Cristiano Ronaldo started on the along with defender Giorgio Chiel- bench before this week’s key last 16, lini and midfielder Matthijs de Ligt, second leg game against the Portu- while Rodrigo Bentancur positive for guese in Turin with Juventus trailing coronavirus. Juventus’ Spanish forward Alvaro Morata (right) scores his team’s second goal during the Italian Serie A football match against 2-1. But Juan Cuadrado started after Lazio at The Juventus Stadium in Turin, northern Italy, on Saturday. AFP Champions Juventus fell behind to missing three league games with Ar- an early Joaquin Correa goal follow- thur and Leonardo Bonucci also re- erful left footed angled drive over Weston McKennie also coming off alone, giving away an avoidable ing a Dejan Kulusevski passing error turning off the bench in the second Pepe Reina. the bench in place of Ramsey and penalty. We made some mistakes midfield. half. Cuadrado with Bonucci coming on and at Juventus, with some mistakes But Morata set up Adrien Rabiot to Morata started up front along- Immobile draws a blank for the final eight minutes. you don’t win.” pull the hosts level before the break side Kulusevski, with Ciro Immobile Both sides had chances after the Lazio’s top striker Immobile threat- Sassuolo’s Europa League hopes with the Spaniard scoring twice in a leading the Lazio attack alongside break with Reina denying Federico ened but was unable to add to his 14 further dwindled with a 2-0 loss at three-minute spell before the hour Correa. Chiesa, Szczesny clearing from Cor- goals this campaign, drawing a blank midtable rivals Udinese stretching mark. And the Argentine pounced after rea and a Sergej Milinkovic-Savic for a fourth straight game as the Ro- their winless run to three games. Andrea Pirlo’s side are third, seven quarter of an hour after Kulusevski header rattling the bar. mans fell to their third defeat in four Spanish forward Fernando Llor- points behind leaders Inter who host gave the ball away, shaking off Merih Chiesa set up Morata for the sec- matches. ente scored his first goal for Udinese Atalanta on Monday, and one point Demiral to beat Wojciech Szczęsny in ond after 57 minutes with the Span- “It’s a defeat that hurts,” said Lazio just before the break with Argentine adrift of AC Milan who play Hellas the Juventus goal. iard completing a brace from the coach Simone Inzaghi whose side’s Roberto Pereyra firing in a second Verona on Sunday. Szczesny denied Luis Alberto a sec- penalty spot three minutes later after hopes of Champions League football deep into injury time. “Today we started the game 20 min- ond eight minutes later. Milinkovic-Savic brought down Aar- next season took a knock as they sit Sassuolo, in ninth, have won just utes late but it was normal because Rabiot pulled a goal back six min- on Ramsey in the box. seventh, six points adrift of Atalanta two of 11 league games played since many were out of position and many utes before the break, picking up a Morata made way for Ronaldo for in fourth place. after Christmas. Udinese are four returned [from injury],” said Pirlo. Morata through ball to fire in a pow- the last 20 minutes with Arthur and “We compromised the game points behind in 10th place. AFP Djokovic breaks Federer’s No1 NBA’s Silver: No plans to change ‘iconic’ logo record, eyes Grand Slam history The NBA has no plans to want to set a standard and change its “iconic” logo, despite precedent, like this is excel- Novak Djokovic will on Mon- man to break the $100 million recent calls – including from lence, Kobe Bryant. Logo. Yes. day set a new landmark of 311 prize money barrier, ending his Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving Needs to happen. I don’t care weeks as world No 1, surpass- career with more Slams than – to make the late Kobe Bryant what anyone says. Black kings ing Roger Federer whose hold Federer and Nadal. the image of the league, com- built the league. That’s exactly on a record-equalling 20 Grand In head-to-heads, he leads missioner Adam Silver said on where I stand.” Slam titles is now firmly in the Federer 27-23 and has won all Saturday. The current NBA logo is Serb’s sights. six of their last meetings at the “The logo is iconic,” Silver widely accepted to be based on The 33-year-old Djokovic, majors, including 2019’s epic said in a virtual press confer- the silhouette of former Lakers already the winner of 18 majors, Wimbledon final where he ence on the eve of the NBA All- star Jerry West, who has said has time on his side with Fed- saved two match points. Star Game in Atlanta, Georgia, before he would be happy to erer turning 40 in August. Federer hasn’t beaten Djoko- adding that it “doesn’t feel like see it change. He is also a year younger than vic at the Slams since Wimble- it’s the appropriate moment to But Silver said there had been Rafael Nadal who also has 20 don in 2012. change it.” no discussions on the topic in majors. Against Nadal, he has a 29-27 A petition urging the league office. “Now that I’ve become the lead and is still one of only two the league to “immortalise Noting that the league had historic No1, I’m relieved,” said men to have beaten the Spaniard [Bryant] forever as the new named the All-Star Game’s Djokovic after sweeping to a at Roland Garros since 2005. NBA logo” has garnered more Most Valuable Player award ninth Australian Open last At least Nadal, however, can than three million signatures after Bryant, Silver said the month which guaranteed his boast comfortably seeing off since Bryant died in a helicop- league could eventually revisit extended stay at the top. Djokovic in the 2020 Roland ter crash in January of 2020. the idea of updating the logo “Now, I’m going to be able to Garros final, denying the Serb Irving has come out strongly design. focus mainly on the Grand the opportunity to become the in favor of the idea in recent “I appreciate the sentiments, Slams.” first man in half a century to win weeks. but it feels like the logo is Djokovic reclaimed the top all four Slams more than once. “He was the standard for our appropriate right now,” he said. ranking from Nadal in February Serbia’s Novak Djokovic celebrates after winning against Russia’s Daniil Djokovic, whose lone French generation,” Irving said. “We AFP 2020 and finished as year-end Medvedev at the Australian Open in Melbourne on February 21. AFP Open title came in 2016, has No 1 for the sixth time, tying the comfortably more Australian mark set by Pete Sampras. more than a year out of action beating Nadal in the final. Opens than Federer (six) and He is currently in his fifth dif- to recover from two knee sur- Nadal (one). ferent spell atop the rankings. geries, will slip out of the top Brief dip and swift return His Wimbledon total stands Nadal, currently at number five on Monday. Only a six-month injury at five to Federer’s eight and two, has been at the top for Djokovic made his top 100 absence in 2017 saw his rank- Nadal’s two. ‘only’ 209 weeks in total debut in July 2005, just weeks ing plunge, all the way to 22 the At the US Open, he has three although the 13-time Roland after Nadal had won his first following summer. to Federer’s five and Nadal’s Garros champion can boast Roland Garros. It was just a blip – Djokovic four. being a top 10 ever-present He was top 50 in June 2006, was back at number one again “Obviously I have in my mind since April 2005. top 20 for the first time in Octo- by November and with the to win more Grand Slam titles He will, however, lose his ber 2006 and top 10 by March exception of November 2019 and to break records. world number two spot to 2007. until January last year, when “Until I retire from the tour, I Daniil Medvedev a week on He first became world number Nadal reclaimed pole position, will be devoting most of my Monday. one at the age of 24 on July 4, he has been rock solid. attention and energy to win- Federer, who returns to 2011, the day after winning Few would bet against Djok- ning the other major titles,” action in Doha next week after Wimbledon for the first time, ovic, who in 2016 was the first Djokovic said. AFP The National Basketball Association (NBA) store in Beijing. AFP 16 THE PHNOM PENH POST march 8, 2021 Sport Lewandowski hat-trick beats Haaland double for Bayern win obert Lewandowski all-time record of 40 Bundesliga scored a hat-trick to leave goals in the 1971/72 season. him on 31 Bundesliga goals this season and seal Bayern Leipzig romp MRunich’s 4-2 comeback home win Earlier RB Leipzig briefly climbed over Borussia Dortmund on March top of the table with a 3-0 romp at 6 in Germany’s ‘Klassiker’. Freiburg thanks to goals by Chris- Dortmund raced into a 2-0 lead as topher Nkunku, Alexander Sorloth Erling Braut Haaland netted twice in and Emil Forsberg. the first nine minutes behind closed Leipzig impressed in their final doors at the Allianz Arena. tune-up before facing Liverpool in However Lewandowksi then struck Budapest on March 10 in the last twice, the second from the penalty 16 of the Champions League having spot, to haul Bayern level before the lost the first leg 2-0. break. Leipzig coach Julian Nagelsmann Leon Goretzka put Bayern ahead said goal-scoring left-back Angelino for the first time with two minutes will “probably” miss the Liverpool left before Lewandowski completed game with a leg injury. his hat-trick on 90 minutes. Third-placed Wolfsburg are now “The quality is certainly there, 10 points adrift of Bayern having that’s our DNA,” said Thomas Muel- stumbled to a 2-1 defeat at mid- ler of Bayern’s fightback. table Hoffenheim whose striker An- The win leaves Bayern two points drej Kramaric scored the winning clear of RB Leipzig at the top of the goal just before half-time. table. Eintracht Frankfurt stay fourth “We shook ourselves up at 2-0 after Filip Kostic equalised for the down and deserved to win because home team in a 1-1 draw against we were the dominant team for [the Stuttgart. last] 60 minutes,” said Bayern coach A late goal by Leverkusen striker Pa- Hansi Flick. Dortmund’s Norwegian forward Erling Braut Haaland jumps for the ball during the German first division Bundesliga football match trik Schick sealed their 1-0 win at Mo- between FC Bayern Munich and BVB Borussia Dortmund in Munich, southern Germany, on March 6. POOL/AFP Bayern have won the last five enchengladbach, who drop to 10th as meetings between the clubs. heel of Jerome Boateng. down Kingsley Coman in the area and Dortmund were left fuming for their miserable run continues. Bayern were reeling after nine Lewandowski converted the penalty. what captain Marco Reus claimed Gladbach have now lost all five ‘Not good enough’ minutes when Thorgan Hazard After a frantic first-half, the tem- was a clear foul on Can late on. games since it was announced that “We weren’t good enough. We flicked the ball back inside for Haa- po dropped in the second as both “It was a clear foul – if that had head coach Marco Rose would take started well, but didn’t play good land to again smash the ball home. teams suffered key injuries. been against Bayern, it would have charge of Dortmund next season. enough football. We should have Dortmund could have been 3-0 up “We started great and ended very been given,” fumed Marco Reus. The away win eases the pressure been more brave,” said Dortmund on 25 minutes but Thomas Meunier badly,” admitted Dortmund coach Bayern settled the matter when on Leverkusen coach Peter Bosz. midfielder Emre Can. squandered the chance to shoot. Edin Terzic. Goretzka pinged his shot in off the His fifth-placed side had failed to The match delivered on its billing A minute later, Bayern pulled a Haaland came off after an hour gone post before Lewandowski complet- win any of their five previous games as the battle of the Bundesliga’s star goal back when Leroy Sane squared with a cut on the back of his ankle. ed his hat-trick with an outstanding in all competitions. strikers. the ball for Lewandowski to score. With 10 minutes left, Boateng had low drive. Dodi Lukebakio converted a late Haaland scored with just two min- Bayern went into the break level to be helped off in clear discomfort With 10 games left, Lewandowski penalty to seal Hertha Berlin’s 2-1 utes gone when his shot clipped the when Mahmoud Dahoud brought after twisting his knee. threatens to break Gerd Mueller’s home win over Augsburg. AFP ‘Shocked’ Jacobs takes Euro indoors 60m, Mayer in pole Italy’s Lamont Marcell Jacobs The powerfully-built 26-year-old, “It’s amazing, a dream come true!” of this summer’s Tokyo Olympics. in 2017 and world indoor champ a year stormed to gold in the men’s 60m at who reached the semi-finals of the said Jacobs. “In training I was very fast, “I wanted to open faster than in ear- later in Birmingham, take control. the European indoor championships 100m at the 2019 world outdoor but I wasn’t expecting to run 6.47. It’s a lier races because I knew there were The Frenchman clocked 6.86sec in in Torun on March 6, while world championships in the Qatari capital new PB [personal best], national some fast openers and I didn’t want to the opening 60m, before registering a decathlon record holder Kevin Mayer of Doha, turned on the afterburners record, I’m just in shock.” remain too far back,” Bol said. best of 7.47m in the long jump and was in heptathlon pole. to leave the rest of the eight-strong “I’m now going to work hard for the “They were still ahead of me after 16.32m in the shot put to leave him 49 Jacobs, who was born in the United field chasing his shadow. summer season, but the work I’ve 200, but in the end it worked out. I got points behind Switzerland’s Simon States but raised in Italy by his Italian Germany’s Kevin Kranz, in 6.60sec, done for my 60 is also good for the 100 a gold and a personal best.” Ehammer going into the high jump. mother, clocked an impressive 6.47 nipped Czech Jan Volko by one-hun- and for the relay.” The Swiss saw his lead evaporate as seconds. dredth of a second for silver. Spain’s Oscar Husillos, in 46.22sec, Long jump drama he only managed 1.95m compared to took gold in the men’s 400m, going one There was drama in the women’s Mayer’s 2.04, well short of his per- better than in two years ago. long jump when Ukraine’s Maryna sonal best of 2.10m. The winner that night was the self- Bekh-Romanchuk pulled out all the Either way, the Frenchman took the proclaimed indoor 400m king Pavel stops on her sixth and final attempt. overnight lead, on 3571 points, with Maslek, who is three-time world and Germany’s reigning world and Euro- Ehammer 33pts behind on 3538. European indoor 400m title holder. pean outdoor champion Malaika “I feel good, I just decided not to The 30-year-old Czech, however, Mihambo had led throughout, with a continue to make sure I do not get failed to qualify for the final and Husil- best of 6.88m. into complications and to spare some los made merry, edging Dutch runner But Bekh-Romanchuk, who won energy,” Mayer said of the high Tony van Diepen by three-hundredths silvers behind Mihambo in both Ber- jump. at the line for a first continental title. lin in 2018 and Doha a year later, had “I feel confident and looking for- There was a gold for the Netherlands other ideas and sailed out a further ward tomorrow. It is good to be hunt- in the women’s 400m, however, Femke 4cm to 6.92 to snatch the victory in ed by opponents!” Bol cruising home in 50.63sec to claim thrilling fashion. March 7 was set to see the heptath- a crushing win ahead of home favour- Switzerland’s Angelica Moser won letes compete in the 60m hurdles, pole ite Justyna Swiety-Ersetic, in 51.41sec, the women’s with a best of vault and 1000m. and Briton Jodie Williams (51.73sec). 4.75m, 5cm ahead of Slovenia’s Tina Norwegian track prodigy Jakob Inge- Bol, 21, is normally a 400m hurdler, Sutej, while Belgium’s Elise Vanderelst brigtsen will also be in action, defend- but showed off all her sprinting prowess won the women’s 1500m in 4:18.44. ing his 3000m title in search of a dou- Italy’s Lamont Marcell Jacobs runs to win the men’s 60m final at the 2021 European around two laps of the 200m-long track Day one of the heptathlon saw May- ble after being reinstated on appeal as Athletics Indoor Championships in Torun on Saturday. AFP in a clear shot across the bows ahead er, Euro indoor champion in winner of March 5’s 1500m. AFP