NPS Form 10-B00-* OMB Ho. 1024-0018 Exp. 10-31-84 Department off the Interior National Paric Service For NPS us*' National Register of Historic Piaces received ^/^h Inventory—Nomination Form

Continuation sheet Item number ill Page 1

County Galveston USGS Quad 2994/231 Survey site no. 1 City Galveston UTMs 15/325740/3242300 ? ^^^s than 1 acre Name Heroes Monument ^c QO ft) Date; factual unv. 4/21/190ClEst Address in 25th and Broadway ACgaxtgiS£aX^(KXia!aBCr sculptor Louis Amateis, Wash. D.C. (cont'd) * Contractor Ovmer city of Galveston. P.O. Box 779 Style/Type Galveston, Texas 77553 ^Original use monument Address ATTN. Mayor Gus Manuel Present use monument Present condition Block/Lot Description 22-foot bronze figure of Victdry^ooking to the North, one hand on hilt of a battle sword, other extends crown of laurel; stands on four granite columns; at base of columns are figures of Defiance, Peace, and 2 groupings; four bronze panels in high relief depict the defense of the Alamo, the Massacre at Goliad, the charge of Houston's troops that won the Battle of San Jacinto, and Santa Anna before General Houston at San Jacinto.

^> 7

Significance Galveston businessman £ .enberg gave $50,000 for monument in "Memory of t : 1836." Wish carried out by executor. Major A.J, ad a noted sculptor in the country. Dedicatio attended by thousands. Citizens of Galveston h suggestions that the monument be moved to simp] i major inter- sections. It is the major monumen' Ly monumental example of Beaux Arts sculpture fr

Relationship to site: Moved date or Original site X Describe at main inter­ section of Galveston; placed in center, Bibliography Rosertberg Library Historical Informant Mount File. Recorder Ellen Beasley Date Nov. 1982

/yyiih/y^ujA Continuations: * Jyjjranite portion by J.F. Manning & Co., Monumental Architects, Wash­ ington, D.C; bronz'e~f igures ^cast''by Bruno & Co. and Nelli & Co., both of Rome, Italy. NPS Form 10-900-* OMB No. 1024-0018 Eip. 10-31-84 (M2) United States Department off the Interior National Paric Service National Register of Historic Piaces Inventory—Nomination Form

Continuation sheet Item number all Page 1

County Galveston _USGS Quad 2994/231 Survey site no. 1 ty City Galveston UTMs 15/325740/3242300 ? l^^s than 1 acre Name Texas Heroes Monument C<-CO tA.fiti Date: factual unv. 4/21/1900Est. Address 25th and Broadway jCKJJXKKSSXK^iBimiJSO: sculptor Louis Amateis, Wash. _ D.C. (cont'd) * Contractor Owner City of Galveston, P.O. Box 779 Style/Type Galveston, Texas 77553 Original use_ monument Address ATTN. Mayor Gus Manuel Present use monument Present condition Block/Lot Description22-foot bronze figure of Victor^looking to the North, one hand on hilt of a battle sword, other extends crown of laurel; stands on four granite columns; at base of columns are figures of Defiance, Peace, and 2 groupings; four bronze panels in high relief depict the defense of the Alamo, the Massacre at Goliad, the charge of Houston's troops that won the Battle of San Jacinto, and Santa Anna before General Houston at San Jacinto.

Significance Galveston businessman and generous philanthropist Henry Rosenberg gave $50,000 for monument in "Memory of the heroes of the Texas Revolution of 1836." Wish carried out by executor. Major A.J. Walker. Louis Amateis was considered a noted sculptor in the country. Dedication ceremonies on April 21, 1900, were attended by thousands. Citizens of Galveston have strenuously objected to periodic suggestions that the monument be moved to simplify traffic at one end of the town's ma.jor inter­ sections. It is the major monument in the city, and represents the only monumental example of Beaux Arts sculpture from this period in the state.

Relationship to site: Moved date or Original site X Describe at main inter­ section of Galveston; placed in center,

Mount File. Recorder Ellen Beasley Date Nov. 1982

Continuations: * ,_gj:anite portioh by J.F. Manning & Co, Monumental Architects, Wash- ington, D.C.; bronze figures^cast by Bruno & Co. and Nelli & Co both of Rome, Italy. OMB No. 1024-0018 NPS Fonn 10-900-* Exp. 10-31-84 United States Department off the Interior National Paric Service National Register off Historic Places Inventory—Nomination Form

Continuation sheet Item numt}er all Page 1

County Galveston USGS Quad 2994/231 Survey site no. ]_ City Galveston "UTMs 15/325740/3242300 Name Texas Heroes Monument Date; factual unv. 4/21/190CEst. 1/ ^ c e r. r f • Address 25th and Broadway _4£DBmaxeiim^aaxias3!iSCr sculptor Louis Amateis, Wash. D.C. (cont'd) * Contractor Owner Citv of Galveston. P.O. Box 779 _Style/Type_ Galveston. Texas 77553 Original use monument Address ATTN. Mayor Gus Manuel Present use monument Present condition Block/Lot Description 22-foot bronze figure of Victary looking to the North, one hand on hilt of a battle sword, other extends crown of laurel; stands on four granite columns; at base of columns are figures of Defiance. Peace, and 2 groupings; four bronze panels in high relief depict the defense of the Alamo, the Massacre at Goliad, the charge of Houston's troops that won the Battle of San Jacinto, and Santa Anna before General Houston at San Jacinto.

Significance Galveston businesLiman and generous philanthropist Henry Rosenberg gave $50.000 for monument in "Memory of the heroes of the Texas Revolution of 1836." Wish carried out by executor. Major A.J. Walker. Louis Amateis was considered a noted sculptor in the country. Dedication ceremonies on April 21. 1900, were attended by thousands. Citizens of Galveston have strenuously objected to periodic suggestions that the monument be moved to simplify traffic at one end of the town's major inter­ sections. It is the major monument in the city, and represents the only monumental example of Beaux Arts sculpture from this period in the state.

Relationship to site: Moved date ^or Original site X Describe at main inter­ section of Galveston; placed in center. Bibliography Rosenberg Library Historical Informant Mount File. Recorder Ellen Beasley Date Nov. 1982

Continuations: * granite portion by J.F. Manning & Co., Monumental Architects, Wash­ ington, D.C; bronze figures cast by Bruno & Co. and Nelli & Co., both of Rome, Italy. rM^ift-e

^ /e' n


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C^/Vcy'CC'V - /^y-£wu£ F (7o7 jtiv'jeo i-i3.e4 Cjz-ie 2, 1993 Sur-.'ey of the North feet IC Incne; of lot : ana chrr'-.. -^s of the East 1/2 of lot 9 ID Block ^K2, City of Galvestor., jEl.estOT; County, Texas. I hereby certify that on ti-ie aiove oate, I surveyed the above lot together with irErover.3nts located thereor., and that the above rat, together with ii->=r.Eicns as showri. Is ti'ue and ocrre;-. as rf t.he above date. IViere are no oversees nor shortages 1-. t.he above lot. tV.-.-^ are no encroachrtnts ether than shov.r..

Jac>: A. Hai: r.erlstereo 11c Survevor V.z. 95 P. 0. Box 677 3alveston, Irxa.- ""D^j WASO Form -177 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ("R" June 1984)


Texas Heroes Monument (Central Business District MRA) Galveston County Working No. MfiR ? \%/[ Suhi^t'ir.t: I7f>vlew TEXAS Fed. Reg. Date: ^ . Date Due: 77-h^7^V — ->~/3/5fV Action: ACCEPT CD resubmission .RETURN. m nomination by person or local government . REJECT _ O owner objeaion Federal Agency: • appeal

Substantive Review: IS sample CH request appeal CD NR decision Reviewer's comments:

Recom./Criteria. j(^A-4^ Reviewer ^.^'O-^-^^* Disriplinp /7>77rh'a. Date •ySTfy see continuation sheet

Nomination returned for: / technical corrections cited below substantive reasons discussed below

1. Name

2. Location

3. Classification

Category Ownership Status Present Use Public Acquisition Accessible

4. Owner of Property

5. Location of Legal Description

6. Representation in Existing Surveys Has this property been determined eligible? • yes • no 7. Description


Describe the present and original (if known) physical appearance

CD summary paragraph CD completeness CD clarity I I alterations/integrity • dates I I boundary selection 8. Significance

Period Areas of Significance—Check and justify below

Specific dates Builder/Architect Statement of Significance (In one paragraph)

CD summary paragraph CD completeness g C y^M CD clarity CD applicable criteria CD justification of areas checked CD relating significance to the resource • context CD relationship of integrity to significance CD justification of exception CD other

9. Major Bibliographical References y 10. Geographical Data

J/Acreage of nominated property Quadrangle name. UTM References

)^erba\ boundary description and justification 77c^<-*^ /2.

11. Form Prepared By

12. State Historic Preservation Officer Certification The evaluated significance of this property within the state is:

national state local

State Historic Preservation Officer signature

title date

13. Other

CD Maps CD Photographs CD Other

Ouestions concerning this nomination may be directed to.

Signed ( X^^^-^^^^^^^^"-^ Date ^/^/^ Phone:

Comments for any Item may be continued on an attached sheet NPS Fom 10-900-a OMB No. 1024-0018 Exp. 10-31-84 United States Department of the Interior Nationai T^artc Service National Register off Historic Piaces inventory—Nomination Form

Continuation sheet Item number all Page i

County Galveston USGS Quad 2994/2.31 Survey site no. ^ ^^^y Galveston UTMs TS7325740/3242100; IP.SS than 1 arrP Name Texas Heroes Monument Date: factualunv.4/21/1900Est, Address 2.5th and Broadway Architect/Builder sculptor Am^^tPis. Wash. D.C. (cont'd^ Contractor Owner Citv of Galveston. P.O. Box 779 Style/Type Galveston. Texas 77553 ^Original use_ monument Address ATTN. Mavor Gus Manuel Present use monument Present condition Block/Lot 37'7" Square in the center of the intersection of 25th & Broadway bounded by * Description 22-foot bronze figure of Victory looking to the North, one hand on hilt of a battle sword, other extends crown of laurel: stands on four granite columns; at base of columns are figures of Defiance. Peace, and 2 groupings; four bronze panels in high relief depict the defense of the Alamo, the Massacre at Goliad, the charge of Houston's troops that won the Battle of San Jacinto, and Santa Anna before General Houston at San Jacinto. Granite portion of present monument is bv J.F. Manning & Co.. Montomental Architects. Washington, D.C; bronze figures were cast bv Bruno & Co. and Nelli & Co., both of Rome. Italy.

Significance Galveston businessman and generous philanthropist Henry Rosenberg gave $50.000 for monument in "Memory of the heroes of the Texas Revolution of 1836." Wish carried out by executor. Major A.J. Walker. Louis Amateis was considered a noted sculptor in the country. Dedication ceremonies on April 21. 1900. were attended by thousands. Citizens of Galveston have strenously objected to periodic suggestions that the monument be moved to simplify traffic at one end of the town's major inter­ sections. It is the major monument in the city, and represents the only montimental example of Beaux Arts sculpture from this period in the state.

Relationship to site: Moved date_ or Original site x Describe at main intersec- tion of Galveston; placed in center. BibliographyRosenberg Library Historicalinformant Mount File. Recorder Ellen Beasley Date Nov. 1982

Continuations: * the outer edge of the curb NPS Foftn 10-900-« OMB No. 1024-0018 (M2) Exp. 10-31-84 United States Department of tlie interior National Paric Service For NPS use only National Register off Historic Places received Inventory—Nomination Form dait e entered

Continuation sheet Item numtjer Page 3 Multiple Resource Area Thematic Group

Name Central Business District Multiple Resource Area State Galveston County. TEXAS

Nomination/Type of Review Date/Signature

21- Texas Heroes Monument iSubstaatlva fiavlftw Keeper T^y/ Attest

22. U.S. National Bank EntbreS In Sat i onal Regl'ster Attest

23. Merimax Building Keeper '^^'M- (S^^o Substantive Revle* Attest

24. Keeper


25. Keeper


26. Keeper


27. Keeper


28. Keeper


29. Keeper




Texas Heroes Monument (Central Business District MRA) Galveston County Substantiva Seiri&K TEXAS

Working No. 3/^ 77-^^7 Fed. Reg. Date: .gg/^y"^^^ - Date Due: Action: ^-"^CEPT Jf 7-i^y ^ resubmission .RETURN. • nomination by person or local government REJECT. • owner objection Federal Agency: • appeal

Substantive Review: sample • request Q appeal n NR decision Reviewer's comments:

Recom./Criteria A<-^>^j.rt - Reviewer. Disclplinp /7)a-^y<^

see continuation sheet

Nomination returned for: .technical corrections cited k)elow .substantive reasons discussed t)elow

1. Name

2. Location

3. Classification

Category Ownership Status Present Use Public Acquisition Accessible

4. Owner of Property

5. Location of Legal Description

6. Representation in Existing Surveys Has this property been determined eligible? • yes • no 7. Description

Condition Check one Check ona excellent I I deteriorated unaltered • original site ED good CD ruins altered moved date. • fair I I unexposed

Describe the present and original (if known) physical appearance

CD summary paragraph CD completeness CD clarity CD alterations/integrity • dates I I boundary selection 8. Significance

Period Areas of Significance-Check and justify below

Specific dates Builder/Architect Statement of Significance (In one paragraph)

CD summary paragraph CD completeness CD clarity CH applicable criteria CD justification of areas checked CD relating significance to the resource CD context CD relationship of integrity to significance CD justification of exception CD other

9. Major Bibliographical References

10. Geographical Data

Acreage of nominated property Quadrangle name UTM References

Vertial boundary description and justification

11. Form Prepared By

12. State Historic Preservation Officer Certification The evaluated significance of this property within the state is:

national state local

State Historic Preservation Officer signature

title date

13. Other

CD Maps CD Photographs CD Other

Questions conceming this nomination may be directed to.

Signed Date Phone:

Comments for any Item may be continued on an attached sheet

Please refer to the map in the Multiple Property Cover Sheet for this property

Multiple Property Cover Sheet Reference Number: 64000842