I The Weather Today' Associated Preas The Assoclllle'l Prus wire ser' Fllir Sllturdny alld p.'obrtlJly Sun· vice In 'l'be Vally Iowan assure. III dll.Y; colU " Sunday, rea4ere ot the latest mornIng news.

The Only Momini Daily40 Within a Radiul of 80 Mile.

Z.tn.4 .. __4 ela.. .atter at Pobll.bod norT daT oxcopt .ooda;, NUMBER 38 VOL. XXIV. NEW SERIES XIV. b:r Iltacloot PobllcaUont, In•• IOWA CITY, IOWA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER I, 1924 tIUI Poot Otrlee, Iowa ClIT, towa

Halt Slush Fund 'Probe Until A Iter Election Hawks Shake Nemesis As 13th Game Begins Committee Digs Illinois,t Meets Acid Test Before 50 000 Conjec~ure Hails Deeper into Labor ------,-- BaldWin New Head "" (By the Associated Press) at Ch~mpaign tomorro'Y ~~en I~wa" consid~red as ~he out· Of B ' . h C b' Burt to Pit HI. Skill Agamat Coach Zuppke; URBANA, Ill" Oct, 31-With the no loss record of one ~tandmg ~enace to I1hnols asr.lrat~?ns, Wlll take Its turn nbs a Inet Iowa Line Weakened by Fleck'. InJ'ury Tampering Report of the teams at stake and possibly the conference title, Illi. In attemptmg ~o stoP. Harold , perhaps the ,',' no is will meet Iowa here tomorrow before a crowd of more greatest runer m the hIstory of modern football, win Launch Surprlle Attack Today than 40,000 rooters in the Illini memorial stadium. Wallie The battle will be ' a struggle between teacher and pupil. Anticipate MacDonald Labor Secretary De­ McIlwain, the main cog in Red Grange's interference, will Burt Ingwersen, coach of the Ipwans, was a star player under nies A. F. L. Raised watch the game from the sidelines, with Heinie Schultz fill· , the Illini coach, in his under· Will Resign Post THE PROBABLE LINEn' jng in at the vacant halfback position. McI1wian's bad hand graduate days at Illinois, and later coached IOWA ILLINOIS Bobcat Money Next Week Grid·Graph Reporb on IRomey RE failed to come around as expected. the yearling team there. Ingwersen's ex· Kassel! Ha.ncock RT R. IIlll\ Both coache:; are pessimistic tonight. Zuppke is worried perience in handling the freshman teams Game Start at 2 o'Clock Olson RG Millel' -----, over the loss of McIlwain and Coach Burt two years ago enabled him to get a good line G. O. P. Treasurer Question Return of ELEGn:APIIIC reports of Grlften C noberts Ingwersen of the Hawkeyes is afraid of his on Grange, then a freshman star and now the McIntyro LG ~hlvely Curzon to F or­ the Iowa·lIIlnois footbuJl Reports to Chicago line without the services of Fleckenstein, ~enter of the lllinois attack. The Hawkeyes, T Gn.lloway I~T Browl, Investigators star Iowa guard, who was hurt in the Min· ,ecalling their near succes in stopping Grange eign Office game will be received th Is Otte LE Rokusok. ( IIpt nesota game. Iowa arrived this morning last year, have set their powerful 200 pound o!ternoon at the Men's gym· Parkl n (Capt.) (QB) n, lTuJl and took a light workout in the stadium this line for this combat and are generally con· nMium bglnning at 2 o'clock, Graham RHB McIlwaIn (By the Associated Press) (BII tile AS80ciated PI'C8S) afternoon, while Zuppke sent the Illini ceded to be capable of stopping Grange if The game wm be shown play Schirmer I,lIn Orang" by plo.y on tho I>rld·graph Fisher FD Bl'ltton WASHINGTON, Oct. 31 - 'l'he through signal drill and dummy scrimmage any team in the conference can do it. Io'Wa LONDON, Oct, 31-PolltJeal move· with a lapse of only a very Oftlclal~: Wi!:!hlngton section ot t11C ~cnall(! at the Champaign Country club, where the upset the slashing runs of Grange last year, ~~~~~ mentll In England tor noxl week lUI few minutes o!ter the actJon Reforee: J. N. Nichols, commlltet) Inrlu!t·y Into pollU('al Indians are quartered, Illinois escaping with a 9 to 6 Victory, The at present conceived 0.1'0: King lakes place on tho Illinois Umpire: ''T. D, Knight, campaign fund., adjourn d today un· Hawkeyes will ~tart practically the same lineup against George w\ll return to London Mon· lCelUl Linesman: Walter Ecl{er!ll\ll field. til oIter the election, a.t the close CHICAGO, Oct. 31-What probably will Grange tomorrow. With such a powerful fo}'!wal'd wall, llay from Sa.ndrlnl\ham castlo; the FleW Judge: II, R. 81110e,', Admission to the reports of a session devoted to hcarlngtes' be the most serious threat to Illinois' bid for Coach Ingwersen expects to crash through the Illini and MacDonald cabinet will meet on the 1924 football championship of the West· break up many of the plays before they get under way and Tuestlay to receive the report ot the will be 25 cents tor Ilvorybody, limony on acUvltles oC labor orgl\n· ~L.a::;"""=;"D=::::C'==t:lq::;~=,,.. flY HERMIT [\[cJo'ARlANIJ ~ommltteo yearly athletic books not ad· 17A~Uon s In behalf of the La. Follette· ern Conference will be thrown in the new $1,700,000 stadium before interference can be formed. (Contlnued on PC.lro 6) appointed to oxa.m.lne the authenticity oC the Zlnovletr let lor, milling to this evnL ''1m lhe numbpr thirteen prove un· Wjheeler Ucket. lucky to Hllwkeye or IllInt? That 1. and Premier MacDonald will then The proceeds whIch aro l'e· the question to bo selUed on th" Josoph R, G"unulcks, Proteasol' G. T, Patrick as head of Presidency Is Between at the I4 Follotto·Whpelel' h aulluar· In a survey which was made to Douges, Essexs, Chevrolcts, Willy's the department ot Phloso'phy and to Wi8.8hlngton fl'om New York for lind all have bren honored In some 0. visit ot severn.l clays. way by crItics of the game. amn~e lere here tolu the cOl1lmlttoo he had determine what Intm'csts readers It Knighta, Studebakm'H, Busses, carl! }'sychology, Menocal and In po.rUcu\(lI'. has causcd tho ncws· collccltl $121.309 lrom tho sal~ of was founll tllat women proter (he of ull dcserl ptlona and natlonall ties Lco KumcneIT (uJ so spelled Kam· Machado Received wi> union staUon upon paVer wrltcrs 10 devote much sp,u:e ono mJlUon La. }'0Ilette·"11celcr cam· a,lverllslng Ilnll featUre> stories, Tiley havo cntcred, but old Henry Ford eney) will be tho IIOvlet amba.ssador his 8.1'liVn.l here by reprcsentatlves of to his antJca, An 0.11 American I>lLek palgn button6, tilLincy IIl11man. the frequently read the headlnes but scI· takes tho cake for numher, dom the articles themselvs: sport to p(lrls I n the event that ncS'oli:L' the slato department and the Mex· last yeal', anO threatening to stalk pl'esldent of (he Amall>l\IlUlleu loth· The betting odtls !U'e In fa.vor or Bobcat Expense (By the AS80CW.!cd Prll88) lcan embassy, the presldent-elect oCf wi th tbe same berth ntluJn thl~ ne\\,R, l)(llllleal news, and editorial Winslow Tompkins, and :MaTlon LIons looking to a resumption of re' Ing Worker~ of .Am rita, te~lIlied tull tho red·buJrcd flash hilS C'o1med OI)lnion Is read IIhnost cxcluslvely Swaney, who arc taking the all' In laLions between Hussla and France If,AVAN A, Cubo., Oct, 31-Busl' ealled upon SOOreta.t·y Hughes and that the or~anlZl1Uon hilt! .'ullel'lct! nre successful. Kameneff Is the thcrepula.tlon af holng the greate"t by men. a urllf('rmltted. lin RokusekllnllKll8Scll of lhe 1Il11l of '10. and checl'lIy rema.rkctl In a ))p(1 vle, thell' "UftCI'lngH, thrlr hopes, $l?J,SI2, No liquor will be soIll, Tho cwn· Gompers Denies al'e big fa.st wingmen who "et dolY" chorus, that Ih~J' hoped they'd seD Ihp", JOl·H, I1.nd wocs, arc the \)1I1)C" ~ undcr the flying oval In speedy tush· tho lu~t (IUarLl.!r, If tJlO machln held Team Majors Selected Th.e dcmoc\}l.tlc reporL Wi!:! filed )laJG11 IJetweeu Machado heading tile Contributions Bulk of whl'h Ill' roo(l. IIbern.l ticket anll MellOC:lI, nomll1ee lOll, Orun&'o Is a deadly aCCU1'I,1lC togethl'r, loday :tJy tile naUollal committee By Garlock, Drive at tho cot1l!erva.tlve party, has been Labor for Davis paSsel' and captllL'l and G,'allwu of Big Total of $3,- A strip down I"ol'd willI a plank wllh tho clerk of the house of l'Cp' Iowa. have sent more Ullin one pa.sl! ton so, It brought o.n o.rmed cla.sh nailed dow n ovcr the gas ta.n k. 88 a. Director rosentaUveg o.nd Included rocelpll! to saCcly Into Wlllting recelvcr's llanos 743,342 recently In the city of Co.maguoy, (By the AB80ciated PrcBB) Nutting Writes sea'\., wobby IIghls, 8nd 1'i1ll0 of tho two hundred 11.1\('1 Its bcail(IUCLrters at l"rceport, III., greater New York and vicinity had dange"ou8 mon ot the two cleven!, 81llo.rl08 ,nnd 011 othel' overhead ex· Zuppke has presumably boon hull(l­ tn ofllchLi 1'1!J}(l1 L PTCsetlted todDy 10 Government eighty Huh!/! whl h sta.nd botwoen l>nd COVC1'OO receipts from all sources not gono over to the support ot John pons 8 wlll b secured Crom other In Iowa Journal Ing up a derenS(! tor the Hawkey() Clu,.lnl1l111 Uoru.h \If tile bcnal l'lun· up to Ootobe,' 22. :Expenditures td sources In ludlng faculty, alumni, W. DaVis, democratlo presldenUn.l coptaln and Ingwersen has careCul ly palgn (und ~n~ Itlll'o.lltlll' 01l1mlt· On or tho not worthy UI'UCI~8 In tho 8ILI11C 1111· te by WJllhun V, Hod 'I!II, thu I'e' Ih "lNjl" 1l. JIIng.ulnl) publish d 122, board dono 80, nols phcnom, \Vlth both these 1110' CRPS o.nd gowns. llUh publican l1' urcr, hy til IrlJl govcl'Ilmcnt, W(l ono Journo.l of UI!Flory and POUUCII, , R!chal'd OarlOCk, A4 of Ma.xw~l1, tlves untlolp!Lled by the rival man· llshed by tho State HlstorlCIII 110· "Nelthor tho centruJ body nor thc wrHWn hy ProC. C, C, Nulling, hoo ON Ri\l'MOND Amenco., wIll be ftlllngly cclebro.tod Dr, J, 1!, Wick, ohaJrmo.l'I; D,·, C, L, structor in history at Da.r,tmouth In 1874 on tho J)Ostul sorvlco he· .vuntllgo In kn9wln/l' what hIli one" ounel! 1I1uCr8, Oct 31. (AP,.....A hut onco this 80llRon, llowever, tho hy tho POruvlan govornment In a tween EUropo and tho lilted Sto.LOII, famous lackie may do Rnd makin:;o qulry had b cn cloRed wHit til Com h usker8, n.l wo.ys !ol'mldable fOCI!. Oraln: I).l1d Dr. C, E, Schlanbusch, collcgo. Inrormallloll about historical "Iloclul guard tonight wu., lllacod 16 duys' program Of fiesta.s o.nd pa' the postmaster general ot Prussia o.mp1 ' tl t th OIptlon oC three n.ddIUo'tD.! wlllull, '. i.'\} conceding nothing and tho samo Tho future meetings are to bo hold work a.nd PUblicatlOlls In Iowa and said the uillmato eolutlon ot the 0 prepar ons or 0 8Ilme. Mount! tho county )(1.11 hero by Ijhor· trlotlc demonlft.ratlons, The celo· In adjourning Iho hMrlngs, 8 na· on the ItlJlt Thurellay of each month throutrhout Lho natlon, nowe fr"", proble/ll would bo found In a. dally BIThe gllmo Ie a oruclnl one In lho , Iff Per~y 1.o.ln80n (0 provent any promJlIe8 to be ono of the outeto.nd· bratlon belins at Aya.chuoho on the httltol'lcaJ IIOcloUes and an Index fori mn.ll tlervloo by I1lr aCt0ll8 ,tho At. g;ren race, neither team bo.vlng tor Dorah I!II.Id ther would b 11. pOij81hlO o.llempt ttl I ' e~oue Ho.rry In(l' Mllmou,,1 VI1lIIlY ba.ttles of tho battle o.nlvenlllry, DecemlJer 6, 1824, ,,1th sp8eln.l meetlng8 to be culled I' lurther Inquiry /lft r th el tlon, Huymond, tleuon, anll will end at Lima, 110 desired, the yOIll' complete tbe October lllllue. lantlc. (ContinUed on Paae 4) PAGE TWO THE DAn..Y IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA SATtJ1U)AY, Novmmn 1, 1924 trips, to and from Iowa City, in air­ planes. "Religion in the United States I Within a month of the time that edi­ The Iowa Literary Magazine, October 1924 is at Critical Stage" - Wittke OniClAL STUDENT NEW8PAPER O. torial was published, came the announce­ THIll ment that Winslow T. Tompkins, a. jun­ REVlEWED BY FRANI{ LUTHER ~lOTT ior in the university, had purchased an "Organized religion In th" United est enemies lIn re not ossert Lhat the Published every mprnlnlf except Monda7 lbe en­ airplane with which he will ta.ke week­ The present r vlt'wer haa I'eaa crank d his Ford. "It started wllh a by Miss Floy Davis very much: t ..e year by Studenl Publications Incorporated at 128-130 States 18 pa... lng through IL crltlcnl chur h will be without Influence In Iowa Avenue, Iowa. City, low&. end trips to football games at other uni­ Lhe tlrst rPS'ulnJ' number or the Iowa TORr. qul"erlng from end to end un· "lIunger" Is as "epressed as the lov· perIod. and the role of the churches tile po1l1 leal. IIOClrll. and ecoftOlJlIc Entered a. s(!(>ond cl.... matter at the Poat oIrloe versities. Cock-a-doodle-doo I Literary :M"g8zlne th"ough from co~ 1lI he reo. hed the throttle." Such PI'S It adumbrates. an(l "Silhouette" as factors In determIning the nll­ .trugglel! ot the next (ew deeadel.'· at Iowa. City. lOWL If you read it in the Iowan, it mu t er to cover. Including n.dvert:se· small things mark crattsmanshill. 18 pretty Imagism. "Life" and the Subscription rates: by cArrier. 15.00 for 1% month,; tlon's de ~t lny and shAping the n"" Prot. Wittke tracel< the power n. ments. and enn lesUry to constnnt They ore round nlso In lIfrs. Om· (l uosi·Byronlc "PlrematuTje Death" tiT mall '3.00 tor 12 month", Slnglo copl ••• 6 cetlll. be true. We felt every assurance that Uonal character ho s never before erclsM by the churoh, tram ". Inte"est nnel more U,an It illtle ('n· Mme's "Otf Stage." n Ilroml.lng aT'e scarcely up to the stanrla.rd. ":Fly our prognostication concerning air fliv­ been submitted to more critical !c~u· work; ot Jelult prleRta In exploratlfn JIlEMBER OF TIlE ASSOCIATED PRESS joyment In the tosk. 116 11.18 noth· IItlle chara tel' sketch which Is also the HOR-dslde" gIves us a. plensaht vers was no flivver. None the less, we tiny". says Prot. earl Wittke. or to' the maintenance ot publle mo1'lle Tbe Associated Pri!as Is exclu.lv~ly enutted to ale ,ng "ut encouragem~nt to,' NIltorl31 n short slOry. picture, and has some good Unes. tor .e-publlcatlon ot all n.WI dlspatche. credited to It wish to give Mr. Tompkins a personal the deportment o( history. dljrlng the late wnr. Especially .. hopes. and nothing but l'ommemla· PaRSing to the esaays. we tlnd n The Interest In bdolt·revlewlng ot or not otherwise credited In thla paper. and alao the lo­ vote of thanks for offering concrete lIn his article. "ReligiOUS Jnnll' the church been powertut In tile cal DeW8 publl.hed herein. lion tor the etud,'nt punlishers; "nil good critical arUcle on James (he University ot Iowa Is a very proof that we knew what we were talk­ ences In American HIstory". whIch . so/ead of American knowledge 1114 now. ns he ns~ends the It Ipod and Branch abell by 111188 Ruth Mid· happy. development. The reviews In appeared In the University of Call- art. "Learning would never BOARD OF TRUSTEES ing about. prepares to mete out somewhat daugh. Miss Middaugh has what Is the magazine, as well as those whleh hi., Charles H. Weller. Chairman' Ewen M. MacEwen: Ray­ Cornia Chronicle (or October. Prote8' been fostered except tor Its conn.e. mond B. Kittredge: Ross G. Walker; Kenneth McDonald; Not that we mean to cast aspersions maglstcrnlly both praIse ond blame rare In undergro.orothy E. Wlllon ...... Woman·s Editor kins luck. When there are more like and hIs wife are eQually well done. eve,' roundabout way he may arrive developed In two Or three lhousn.nd Illllaabeth Sinn ...... AssocIate City Editor him, then the airplane designers will Indeell the flrRt eight pages 8"" so lit that ultlmale Sincerity. And ~r' wardA. or les8. and so may othtr Vloy DavIa ...... _ ...... lAterary Editor Kenneth McDonald ...... _ ...... DramaUc. Editor seriously turn their efforts to the build­ well done thllt It I. a pill' the story Lalnly. as our crWa says, the tamll· kinds ot the short story; but the Harry IlL Reynol ...... ~ ...... EditorIal Board ing of reliable light planes, with a speed should have been weakened on tbe IILr class·room adjuration "'Vrlte au ces:~ of a story otten depends up· of about 65 miles an hour, low fuel con­ ninth and In st. and that not because what you know nbout" has nothing on tho adeqUate development of Announcing the Opening of BUSINES8 IITAJrl!' of a lack of convincingness in the for James Branch Cabell . If It is Ideas and emotions which cannot lIe 6.arnalllm BaildlDC sumption and other factors which will erld so much as because the writer I to be taken In a practical 01' real· elaborated In II. paragraph. 1 do not To1epho.. tto fill the public's need. When that is com­ hnB lost the lheme ot her story (or IRtI~ sense. Rno" that such a limit has been pleted another step in the evolution of BARRY HOEYE... _ ...... _ .. __ ._. __ ..... Bu.In.1I8 Yan...... eo It Inevitably seems to the reader) One of the high spols of lhe ma,;· tIleed by the Iowa Literary Maga· Tummel's Delicatessen speed will have been t.'lken. and has supplied an ending derived azlne is 11. little tamillar essay by zlne; If It has. I would plead against H. T. Mo/fett ...... ______.Promotlon M&nacer f"om another line of thollght. The M,·. Dougln~ Branch called "The Pill' It. May I ndd also that etetnal La~n08 E. EValUJ ...... _.A.d verUalng Man&lfer Howard lI'ulton ...... _ ... __... __...... Servlce Managet theme of the story aA It stands 18 tocratlc Egg." This I~ a n e ntll'el~' vigilance Is tbe priCe ot clean proots. BAKED MEATS J:>lCNIC LUNCHES Donald E. Croyl... __...... OIrculatlon Manager one of situation [nvolvlng character. charming piece at work. and worthy Conllorcet wrote) "Unto those '1'hree Roblnoon ...... CI_mad Advertl.slng M&n&lfer 1._man Erskine Orr __.. ___...... Accountanl Lovely Labors Lost Arne. a man with '3, soft conse!· of much praise. '1:hln8'8 which the AnCients held 1m· SALADS SANDWICHES Frances J obu.ton ...... Ottlc.. Jlfanager enre." and a tendency to morbId 1m· I am mlndtul. a" I ~ome to the possible, there ahoulel be ad (led this DAIRY PRODUCTS BAKERY GOODS THE GREAT OPEN SPACES aglnatlon. find" himself susJ)ectetl at poetry, ot Editor Bryant's advice to Fourth. to find a Book printed with· murde,·. though he had very little Oeor(;,e Cary Eggleston. when the out erratas." The magaztne Is by no SATURDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1924 A Lyric of the West to hlame himself with. 'J'hough he Is I"ttel' began editing the literary de· menno bad In this resPl'Ct. but soma Coffee Served WIth Any Lunch NIGH'f EDITOR cfficlall y exonerate.l. his mlnel Is not partment ot the New York Evenln o: annoying slips have crept In '. Velma Critz ,'elleved of guilt llntll It Is gIven SUg· Post unrler the olel poet's dlr rllon. AmI now. finally. I think the g~slion of forgiveness while in n "Deal gently. very gently. with the present numbe,· represents an im· somnamhullstlc stat~. The Idea Is J)o"ts." he said: It Is the easIer Lo provem.ent over the PI'ellmlnary I.· 1)('J're('t 1y fpoRlble. nnd ir only the 00 t s. owever. beenuse tht' )JoetJ·~· SUP of last sp"lng: may the Jonu· A. w. Tummel Is the Race Degenerating? wl'ite,' hod elahol'llted Arne'l< tet'l· In' thehi Literaryh Magazine Is. on the ary number sllow further advance. 1-.. It is only for about ten years that Ing of guilt (tllll espeelully hl~ nee

lle dobater. We have everything to TO l\1ASON CITY Eels and Seals Wilderness Call Brings Comic Student Recital S. U. I. Bobcats Non"Lit Women lose and nothing to gain." he saJd. Dr. E. S. Smith or t he college of " From the reapOIl88 my call tOl' l. dentistry lert last nlsbt for Mason Relief to Afternoon Varsity communtst Mlcclved, It might be In· CI ty, where lIe III to a.ppear betore Get Together on Initiates Series Defy G.O.P. Hint Read Thursday terred tha t the 10. .... school Is a hot· the Mason CIty District Dental So· . \.Jed at communism," he added, "and c1 ~tl' meeting. Dr. Smith will gh'e of Slush Funds then aga.ln. It might not." n clinic on par Ual dentures. Plans for Revue Afternoon vnrlllly today! of a ghORtl y vlsllnnt In 0. powdered Program Is Presented Contest Preliminaries J o.ck London. pennln" " The Call wig. who mlnueltcd acrOss the Under Auspices of at the .Wlld." WIIA. Ignorant at one thres hold, stood QuakIng for 0 mo' Are Announced by ot the s trongest . wildest colls of oll ment In the deadly pnth of a saxo· Style Review Retains School of Music " We most hlg- hl y condemn the fffi1iTiiTifiiTiliiTiTiiTiJiiTiliiJlliiJlliiJir".1J.! ~~~!l!l!~!l!l!~!lI!!!J!i.IlII1rI_.IIr~I_11IIIIllIIl1llHflllll! ..~ iil1{~~4 II.. - that IntangIble In ner urge doml· phone. a nel va nished In tbe tl\clter of mlllicious anll unfounded propagan· Council m .. Favor in Eyes of natlng body a nd mlnd-lhat curso a. srlllt f!CCo nd wi th a n al most hu· J\ t tho flr"t pupll'lt reclW of tho da recently clrculll te<1 by the nepub· of the Indlgnent a nd foUy of the ma n sl"h. ~ = llean party alleging II. "slush f und" Committees gilded- that diversion of the sophls· Rea"on wlLlch WJlS given yesterday A preliminary to lile a nnual l.eaLl · I·: :I Illegolly roJsed by La. FolleUo bock· Telegraphic Reports t lcate a nd hope at the hopeless-... " It tho bea,' will lcarn 10 dll nce, atternOv tl In the liberal arts rutsem, Jng contest will bo held T hursday I; ; • go W'I"o t e ers.'· that careul1 y cajoling coil that he m ugt to school carly," lJly hall, th& fo llowing program "'ruI afternoon at 4 o'clock I n the liberal = of the nn ohacu" e German with rare In' presented: arts nssembly room fol' all Unl ver· Freakish Swim Stunts gloats In sweet seductiVe strolns n· So read II. resolution J)RJ3sed at II. ! ~ I g ht, centurIes ago. Someone has Flt n t ~ "lc In C minor . . . .. MOl.art cros.~ the a utumn Mmospbel'e-l h e moetlng 1ast evening of Ihe student slty women who nn not nrflllntcd Add to Novelty of remarked thn.t coulll he pe op Into 'Second plano PIIrl, Grlpg) IE ILLINOIS IOWA call to rally ono again at good olll La. F OU ette·Wheeler cl ub. with a IItemry SOCiety. The winner i til varsity. Ylll'Slty holl 0. momant this after" Ca milla. Sporatl Program ot this CQ ntest w ill be the non·lIt· f-F. ;With aU the brig htness of exotic nOO ll , he mlt; ht. se& some fo,ntastl· Mignon 's San A' ...... TsciJ alkowsky Members slated that even cam· era .. y representative In thetlnol can· ~ Football Game night flowers carried Inlo Budde n colly tl'lpplng engIneer and, chuck· Lulu II. Qraft po lgn literature Ilnd buttons had test which will be held by the Wo° !t: \Vllh the aglllly of E llis, and the ling to himself, retul'n with judI;' Ave Marlo...... " .Shubert 08 unJlght, the Joans ot the Arc·lIght been exceedingly diffIcul t to secure mens Forensic council In No \·embm·. m on the smoothness ot Seals, the annual wa· a nd J ualUJ of the beaten way come ment vind Icated, EleanOr Cb'lmbeJ'M because of general lack of funds In Any University undergradua te. reo iti ter rollc, the Eels·Senle Revue wUl proudly to the fl oor. For a little And It Is 0.11 so easy! R umors are Nur we!' tile Sehnsucht Kennt tho In dependent party. Robert M . gardless of her classllcatlon, Is ell o.; · ~ GRID· GRAPH be held on Nov mber 20 and 21. w hlle they mIngle. Then they mix. a float of 0. newly·establlshed V'lI" ...... " ...... Tscha.lkowsky La Follette wa ll aleo cited by Paul Ible for this preliminary co nleRt, Ir ~ Men's Gymnasium E verything that can possibly be 'rhe table bas been laughingly,· •. slty Da ter 'S BU I·eau. hSo ll It be Huth EdelsteIn F. Corey, Bobcats' local president Ahe docs not belong to 0. II teraJ'Y Sv· m done In wa tcr w ill be done, t ram lated of t he ea.rdlne king who all un· said tha t Cupid hearing oC the V. D. To Spl'lng- ...... Orel!: Its one or tbe "few men w bo hit ve clety. The ,·eadl!'!;. are to be li n,· ~ IllvlnS' to style r ovlewlng. l;nowlngly came to the turnIng· B.- Ini tials, by the way, not to be !Ruth Kelly been In the public eervlce over torly Ited t o five minutes, Ilntl the type =: SATURDAY, NOV. 1 Tho ollenlng fe:Ll ul'e w ill be the I,olnt In his career at OUr IIttlo city. tumpercd wlth!-mlght slyly suggest Sorcnnuc ...... Hacbmanlnotr years and have not become rich." ot piece Is left to tho jud!:ment.ot it! 2 P. M. annual Hty le rovlew. which has been After one wisttUl 1'18.IlCe upon the the pot.ont emblem of a coupling· Annola. Stanton, Plans tor the Dobca.t·ReJ ubllcon tile s tudent. The re:Ldlngs nee() not m a tradition oC lhe Revue sinCe Ita or­ brink ot varsity. he saw the error of pin? With perha.ps aCI'08S the middle '1'ho Princess ...... OrieS' club debat e election eve. Nov. 3. be memol·lzed. iii General Admission ganization. EV61'y other event on his wa.YS IlJId remodelled bls tbOU3' In letters of gOld the joyous words: F lorence Klng-s·Ronald were also dIscussed:. Tbe eleventh Miss Helene Bla ttner. ot the ~- 25 cents the program will oonslet ot divI ng Ilnc:ht of fnctorles nlong new anQ et· " X o wall:Dowers In 1926." Frllyer ...... Wolt hour debaters tor La. F ollette wll1 b speech department. w11\ Judge tho ••_1=. contest. Ilnd swimming In some form, 80 tha flclent lines. Could anything at a ll be sweeler '1'1·a.mplng ...... Wolt John F. Denman, AS at Llverpoo:, :: Yearly Athletic Tickets Do Not Admit secontl will lAke the fOrm of a mill' No whit ICSlI stirring Is the tole thun tha t? Eric Erickson Engla nd. Md Ha.rry S. StevenSOh, •• t o this Event ed rolay. 'fhle In turn, will be tal· Crndle SOliS' ...... Palmgren A3 ot Iowa Cty. COOlidge and Dawes l>rotlk-op. 10, No.3 ...... Sjogren lowed by a novelty. which wtll not GOW RELJ EF FOUND will be defended by Alex M. M UleI', Branch Doubtful ~ -­ be dloolo"ed by tho commlttce until Zita F uhrJ1lan L2 at Des Moines. !lnd Robert E . I!I!IE+IIIlIItI'naa.. IlIIIEIIIIIHHiIIIII'.I!IIHI!!IlIIlIIHIl __P.f::I : CHRISTCHURCH , New Zeannu, 'll1a t evenIng. The fourth n umber Mo tl ey Caravan Etude ...... Emil Sauer Birchard, L2 ot Ds.venport .. As to Communists \\'111 be the women's dIVing exl1lbl' Oct. 31 (AP)-A large gold bent'lng lIelen Colo t lon . tollowed y the men's tony Tre ks to Urb ana reef at tho foot of Mount TarawaI'll. Standing of Laws Iwas dIscovered In 0. peculiar man· yard dlU!h. 'rhO Seal's club lIru. ForetOllt RaIlroad Combine 1 .El\ \'Jo~ FOR ClUCAGO charge of the next. llJIother feature. nel'. It seems some hunters shot a (ContJ nued trom page one.) wild pig whose body, In tolling. dis· lIllss Helen LangwOI-thy. Instruc· New York. Oct. 31 (AP)-'l11e JIIIo «lebate will be helt! between FORGET YOUR CARES Th& men's fa ncy high dIving COil ' Southern Pacific announced tonlght test 19 tho seventh event. Md the B rt' d Z' 0 lodgcd [J. pleco at atone Ilt the e()ge tal' In t il l> speech department. F reda the communIst a nd La. Follette for· S u 9 a n upp 8 camp; ut of the I at a 1'1 \'0 1' . Thue was reveoled the 'Ihe tormal compllaUon of Its pla n ces, It was announced last nl S'ht. There'll be Some Excitement at mon's club, Eels. s ponsors the fOI' moth balls the Delts exhumed a 1~ I "c hel '. A2 of Donmark. a nd Cs.th· to aCQ.ulre the E I Paso a.nd South· E . Do u gl n.~ Dl'o,nch, 0 at Houslon, lowIng. 0. novelty. In order. the hi h ked " Itttcl' (If J;o lil. and thO hunters el'ln(! Donica, A4 of Cedar Rapids. Cll.!', w C ree of age, but Cll!'l)' \ 1"'1lldl y unco vered a depOSit. Fur. western rnllway ertectlng- the lilt'''· wom,en's floatIng pyramid.. men'd lett 1'h uJ'.tiay nIght for Chicago to 'rex., Who r C<'C ntly ISS ued , ~ call fa" yelltrdaY afTtehrnoonen they tore ocr the I hpJ' Investigation disclosed the see "Dcg-S"u' on Horseback". whiCh e8 ~ railway consolidation under the a fellow·communlsl to o.rg ue for lIovelty. and dUCk c hase will tako pvemen t . etas and Phi Delt" "cef. I. one at t he plays to be put on b)' transportaUon act. FOBter In a. debate with members placo.. The l(l8t event wIll bo tho wero most forslghtd and IURt no Afternoon Varsity the UnlversltyThes.tre later In the of the stuitont L n. Fol! ctte·W heelel· nnounl fl ro dive. which ho.s nl8Q lIIecp over thou"ht of Impendi ng' Ills· year. Saturday they will moto~ Ib omn •• tradition of lhe Revue comfol·t. They rode In statc. club, lias been nut III touch wllh from Chicago to Urbano. to attend New Traffie Regulations! hIs bretheren, but has decided ho REPORTS OF THE GAME A jOint com mJ lteo f"om both Eels Phi Delts ancl Beta chartered twu t ho llllno)s·[ow!J. game, returni ng doea not care to g-o on with tho do· M nd Seals hM boen a ppOinted to yello busses tram the Iowa CI tr Read The ~ew to us only When caught to see Jo.no COWl In "Homeo an(\ bate, 'lako chorg-o ot tho n evue tal' thIs E lectrical Co. and le(t tor the fll'lnl; for speeding. Working stu­ yenr. Coach David A. Arm.bruster line at ] 2:30 yesterday noon to the JUllet" and the Duncall sis tors In dents don't slave! Brand "In a u arfl'llY wi th t he T ~l . 10'011 · "'ropsy a nd Eva... and Miss Helen Saum a nd Miss accompanying ja.nglo or CO\v bells Want Ads new schemes await you. !mllzalx'th lIalHcy will be the advls· The busses took the Davenport- ==-==-::.._=-=--=--=-=,-c _======:======100 Students With 100 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.I.I+++++++++++~HHHH~++ ors. From Seals, the toUo,,1ng woo Joliet route. They spent tbo night RETURN ENGAGEMENT! men ho.vo beon chosen: Mo bel Quln· In Joliet and will drop down to the Novel, successful means by ~ er. A4 of D<>s Moines; Eva Mue scene of the big battle this morning. which they are winning l'runty. A2 of Des MOines; Katber· T wenty·flve Betas. twenty·two Phi and have won their ways JOHN V. EPPEL ine mchler. A3 at Davenport; and Delts and three other stUdents Were through college. Connect 'EleanQ, Chuse. Aa at Cl inton, presl· the count, in on their wire! Costs de nt of SOOls. Eight ot the prosperous Delta FOOTBALL but a two cent stamp to get Til Eels ha.ve tho fo llOWln,; mcn Gammas rolled off In a J;'ord coupe central. Give me a ring, Oil tho committee:: 1VlUJam MeCol· and 0. nondescript l'otldster yester· ProlllJ)t service assured, \ \\I;h, L~ of IOWa City, I va.n Klinge.· day nOon. DA VENPORT HI Byron Riley, (University of mnll, a or Oamer. Ned Al3b.ton S4 The A. '1'. 0 .8 are tho arlslocratlc a Lyons. und Lloyd Btlslls.n. D3 or group. Their negro chauUer drOVe California ) 811 N. Heli. I owo. ell). one of the Fords oM'led by the fra· v:;. trope, Los Angeles, Cali­ ternlty and bavlng room tal' eight fornia. passengers. The other twenty tlv" .utTlCLES GRA."'l'ED. who lntend to go left this morning . lOW A CITY HI ;Des IIfOTNES, Iowu, Oct. 31 (.\P) In otber A.T.O F ords und n. Chevro' -~!ax Haul'r was deslgnntcd pres· let. i1IliillflillTiiTlfliTllilili~UI1,"II!.L"!II.I!!IIJ!lIIlllliillilll·I"IlfI!l!1!~!l!l!!I!1!!I!1!!I!1!~!I!l!!I!l!1 ." lil'ifitTiTiiliTiifiTiiTiTiiTiTiiliTiiTiTiifiTi ..... • II • liTiTiiTiTiiTiTiiTiliiTiTiililiiTi1iiTiTiiTil11 ~~~!I!l!~~~!l!l! iliiTiTiiTiliiTiTiiTiJiiTiTjiliTiiTiTil.1!!!I!l!!I!1!!I!1!IJI!l!!.l!.I!!I!1!~IIi!IiI.I" i ...I !I" n I .....I"I'I";I'l " nn .K!l!l!!l!II!I!II~!I!1!_ n1iJiiliTiiTiTiiTiTiiTiTi jdent ot the Imperial Laboratories. T ho special troln char tercd \.Jy the SHRADER FIELD ~ I nc .. of Davenport. "ranted nrtlclM more prosperous boosters ot Iowa - oC InCOl'llOmtIon by tho secretary at let Towa CIty last nlg-ht a t 9:30. a nd • THIS AFTERNOON • stnlo. It Is II. $GO,OOO COncern. M. E , pulled Into Urbana t 6:30 tllts m.orn· Kauflllun 1& vice president and C. n. lng, The specIal. ~1 th the students Ka.uFman, ~ecrctary · tl'e(l8 u rer. The ha nging out Its ton coaclles. will re· GA ME CALLED AT 2 P. M. . Counly Club Heights ltenlty com· tur n to 101'0''11 CIty at 7:30 Sunday pany of Cedar Haplds W1I.'1 also morning. •• granted articles ot Incorporation by Packed In rattling F ords 8'))laslled AdmissioJl-75c tho s crclary ot st teo Capitaliza.­ with "Iowa Flghls" a nd "Urbana tion of $75,000 was specl6ed In the or Bust" these ecores of l'nul Re· Children under 12-25c ~ fij·tJelea. om rB named were A. M. veres started I he hegira to Uroo na III rrschlrgl (correct) president; L . E. Thursday nIght. Iti Stark. vice prealdont; H enry Ria­ Despite a delu" e that thres.tened Play by play reports of Iowa-Illinoi s game will be SER VICE iti tine, ~ecretary; a nd L. J . Derftlnger. 10 ma ke a paste of the hlg-hways given by radio and by speciallea&ed wire t hrough m t rcaHurtl·. tbey put on their sllckers a nd start· ~ ed. courtesy of The Daily Iowan. m AU throug-h the nIght chalnll - ~ clinked Md cow·bells cla nked. while • If! those who remolned behInd sat up iiiiiillililllllllill:III:I;~I•• ::;:B.:;r.III1I!111I1:IiIII:'H* For the convenience of the ~ In bed Dnd wonaered wllllro they . could pawn their topcoat. Old Sol bursting OVOI' the horlt· people of Iowa City who de- I•• on FrIday morn!nl!' so.w log-s pro· -" trudlng from under fenderless filII" Answers to Your Questions :J.:::~ .:::- vel's. heads hidd&n under hoods, (ill· about worda, people, and place,. You will find lust the source sire to witness the Iowa City the eludenl or pro£.. the "DOR Inl!' station service men teverlshly of helpful workina jnform~tion you need In the 106,000 entrlcs in r iuperb VENUS OUwiVlla attemptlnl!' to satiate tho appoUlOs • all for perrect pencil work. of ra.venous carbUretors, 17 black degree.-3 cOP7iD&. Today t he big COI'Il monumellt WEBSTER'S COLLEGIATE -Davenport game, The Daily AmmClBD Lettd sta nds In the center of a deserted The $est cAbridgcd 'Diction4l1-'.BDKd Upon Pencil WEBSTEJ.·S INTERNATIONAL Co. street, U 's a "Dosroted VU lago." mw Whit .. the meanl.., of "w lIAI, .....1 1.. . ,....111 Who " Iowan will give 8tnw." arc _ of the coun

HENRY LO lliS, DruJ .... NOTE: This production hIlS been approved by the University Social 'I' ll Run 11 alld KocSllk Btor. COlul'Ilttec. H' Ealt CoII,,9 , , THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1921 SATt =PA=~=E=F=O~U=R=.~~_~~1 ======~=r======~~~==~r===~-- ==~~~~==~~:=~==~~======~~~~~~~====~~~~~~~#712~~====~~~==~~~==ry ~r- Red White Gridders With Davenport River Gang This IlIin who ha va terrorIzed prep schools Temporary Head Hawks to Shake In Iowa, no longer ca ... ·y lhe Red Dope Frosh to Win R~built Souchek a nd Blu colors, whlelt the Little Of Agriculture U. S. Sailors Guard Foreign Lives ihShahghai Nemesis in 13tn (C, Ha wks a,'e thankful or. Amet'lcan 8/,l1ors on g uard In lhe foreIgn quarl~r In ShanghaI are seen searching ttutomoblles enler. X.. Country Today Ing the quarter tor al'ms and amm unlUon. A ballery of machine gu ns Is concealed behind lhe stone , RepO Team Primed for Plodding away alter an oppressive onllnued trom page one.) -- 20·0 de!e

HA T a cast ,_ What a Wstory! Wed. Nov. 15 It's bigger and better than "Three If you think you've seen Weeks" or "Six Days," and by the same about everything in the line author, the greatest woman philosopher of entertainment, take a The Epic ~ Great look at this one! of modern times. " Added - Cartoon comecly Of All Time o.uman and 1,000 feet homecomirut events and Iowa-M innesota Drama foolbaU game. o Englert Orchestra of Laughter A Matinees • • 40c Ihrills and' Nights 50c (\omance Kids 10e Greater Than Iowan Want Ads "The Sea Hawk" A Cast Bring Results E:DU = Beyond Compare Eight of the best known character artists in pictures were especiall y chosen fo r this production, It has the most celebrated all-star cast of the year. A Super-Feature Laughing Hit In Seven Reels

AlsoShowmg ADMISSION Afternoon except Sunday, Our Gang Comedy Adulta 4Oc; Children t Oc "Every Man for Himaelf" Evenings and Sunday Afternoon Pathe New. Fablea Adult, SOc, Children lsc Comie.

I , I Contlnuous show tOoAY and SUNbAY • • • • RelUlar AcImiaeioM , . ./~ • . '

SATURDAY,, NOVEMBER, 1, 1924 THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA cITY, IOWA ~1 ' PAGE FIVE Illinois Meets Iowa Wife Pays Spouse Alimony BARNEY GOOGLE and SPARK PLUG By Billy de Beck Acid Test Today .----__ C!-JeeRIO- OLD CI-V.P 13tn ~ t:ou~ (Continued from page one) .'I'M 8AR~,< GOOGLE - ~OAeHe: J'"" ~ERE To KNocI( 'E"" POWUERo; _ Repol·ts trohl lOw" Inlllcate that '31'IFF IN t.oNOON Iowa City will move Intn h!lmpllign ANo SAIL. SA&: 10 ,",URR'i! tomorro\v ant\ with 8everal spe<:lal GoOD OL.t> 1.l.'S .1I. . ...",..ii~~ WIT", A traJn8 cal'\'ylng thousands trom Chi· SUNoLI:' rago there w III be pl'osllects of 1l 46.ooD to 50,000 attendllnce In tho new stadium w hi ch hne a seating rapacity of 67,000. 'l'he lowa eleven was tied by Ohio Stn te !It the stnrt of the seMon but since then the !In.\vkeyes hnve s hown conSiderable Improvement when t hey walloped Minnesota II. week ago.

Three Other (J ameli Three other conteI' no games will be decided (omOITOIV with M,Ichlgan playing MlnneilOt/\ at Mfnneapolls, Chicago taking 011 P urdue at Sta.gg Inability to make services count The CO Ul't 8 were too wet to permIt Field nnd Northwe9lern ,Illllking lUI I t ~au s6d Lutz'R d~te(lL However, tbe playing olf tho ~nal match Ye8lerday t1Id tor a contenmce Victory agalnst Blackstone Upsets Are There Slush Funds? baUie between the two WR.8 Inte,'est· but will be played tndlly at 2 o'~lock Initian&. at Evan.ston. ,VI~cort8In Clem L . Shaver (leal, chairman of the Democratic national committee, and James 'V. Gerard, treasurer, Ing and CI086 from star to I\nlsh. and live Bets 1'/111 be played In tlMl IYlII tako II. day off while Ohio meetll I Net.T ourney Dope explaining Democratic campaign expenditures to the Borah committee, just before the bOdy began nn BlarkstQn Won tbe fll'st set, 7·5, an(l malch. A ret ree wUl be eho~n by WOO81er at 0lumbu8. Inquiry Into un alleged $10,000,000 Republican "slush" fund. The Inquiry Is proceeding In Washington. lhe Itlllt 6·4. J. ut .. look Ihe second the two conteslanl8. Michigan's amazing comeback MrR. H orten!le Meiser, Cedar R op· 6.4. • agalMt WJaconaln a week ~o W, fuwa, hM~ meap~~PQlng ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lut~ Gives Winner Hot her husband alimony. A court Blackstone playing In the t ourth stamlls the 'Wolverlnl16 all tavo~ itell owarded him $200 ollmony, $300 ot. Russell Files s.it fll' $1" , Battle But' Fails round (l1·OVe. out Netollcky, a young· 10 wIn over Minnesota, wh.lch Was torney teell, $358 tor medical aHen. ster who has been .howlng u]1 well. Note; Case Ttied iD Noyember a teated J3 to 0 by lowa I n.~t week. tlnn and $168 for court C09tS. Mrs. . In Serves The nnal ('ount In thl" match was Siagg Fears rurdue Meiser Is also sU PPOl·tlng Ihelr 4·6, 6·2, 0·2, three small children, C. B. ltullllell IIled Bull with Coun.. Conch Stagg or the Maroons E. 'G. Bl\lckstone upset the (lOpe Swa l'lz, (lnother varsity man, will ty Cieri, . , Benda yesterd8.l' '0' _rnA to be "tearing" Purdue In the In the all·Unlversity tennis touma· oneet B lackstono for the tlLle. Nel· II. note ot $ 100, elAled Janua.ry 9, 19 24, usual manner at past years but he ment by (leteatln~ Jimmy Lutz, val" ther or tho men w1ll enter the fin· due six months atter date (lgalnst CHALLENGE ISSUEO does not prop()f!c to takp any slty net moan, In n.' spectla.cular co\" als a. [avorll<-, both having chalked \ Fred J . Onv'nna.ugh. The case Is cha.nces at Injul'i ng his players as To challenge the fraternUy team test, completing the seml·flnals. Net up ,,,ins that prove their skill In net scheduled to eome up In the No· he hos his eye on the 1111nolll game winning the Inter·fraternlty water tans had predicted Ii win f or Lutz. play. vember term ot circuit court. 19h1c'; will be deckle" ln ChlcR.gn tournament 18 the most recent ambition or quad men. Ten It week later. men haVe answered the call for nn Games Nnrthweslern hilS not won a con· aquatic ball leam at the quad, terence game In two years and ta.ces a ueKpel'oJe toe In Jndlann.. Me n whO Will tryout tor berths on Ihe quadrangle's team tollow: The TIOv.,lerA fell before lheatta~ k W. Chambers, M. B. Lake, Marshall ot Chicago uut a,'lIer In the 8ea8011 c. ,Valson, R. E. Youngman, W. WANT , !IIsplayed conRldemble lK'orlng pow· D. Taylor, Merle (Holmes, E. J . er. The game 19 consJtleretl a tOBB Lampe, RIchard J . Sorensen, .&/. BATES DAILY IOWAN WANT ADS PAY up. ward BAbeock and Orville Dunn. On e or two day., ]0 cents per line each dlly. 'j'hre. to five da.ys, 7 cent. per line each day. Six days or longer, 5 cent. per line eaoh day. Count fIve words to each Call 290 or 291 $46202006 Increase in 'Ilotalle. Every word In each ad­ The Great , , M5380 a n In crease ot $24,480,437. STOCKHOLM, Oct. 31 (AP)-An vertlsment mUBt be counted. Bow To Send Yon W.ne .td Ads in at 6:00 P. M. Will be Published tbe Following Dam Exports Since October '23 - ';h8 'Increase In exports, depart. Inleresting Invention for lhe accu .. · Mall your Ad with eld on', l'hono R ~8 0 . and comedies will be presenlt..'d, ~ Varsity Wardrobe I AND B00 H Strand Cleaners,. MIMEOGRAPHING LOST AND FOUND I MAR Y V. BUR N S f We Press to Please J I Pltul·H.len n ldg. Below Varsity Hall One Entire Week J..oST SOll!l<:THING? I Commencing 23 Ill. Washington Phone 12 53 - - Advertise tor' lt. Mnst Ileople lire TARIGNGTON'S Wednesday I Meet me at SITUATION WANTED­ hones~ and turn to this column to ;The Paris Cleaners MALE locale the owner when they nnd Famous Story of American Life WANTED: YOUR CnIMNEY T08_o _m_O_IO_8_t_a_r_tl_C_le_. ______r epair, cisterns to clean and r e- Rlean KI9l;hea H;lean • pa Ir . P r Iccs reIt sona bl e. W ork guar· GLOVETWO AMBRE LOST. LADIES,BHAOELETS eRAY,. Al'IDRE. Clothes to be pressed will be called for anleed. Phone 879 W. WARD. RETURN TO IOWAN OF. Nov. 'RaClne'S · betore nOOn and dellver,e d the same FIqE. flfternoon. Phone 1137 115 Iowa Ave. PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS ['IN LOST, A DELTA TAU DEL- "The Turmoil" The Midnight APPLES, STANDARD WINTER VA. tn pin, Findj!r call 1320, ask tor Ride of rieUes, orchard .prayed; alao tur· With a Star Cast of Bigger Names I'm goin down to get nil> •. M. O. Viers, Phone J5FI2. president. Rweard. Paul Revere Unique Cleaners ' WA'tCH LOST, WHITE GOLD 5th We 811ecialize in hurry' up orders. PERSONALS wrist watch, sliver band, hand. SUCH PRAISE I the reports on the When an emergency arises, call us at the last minute. We will take WE ATHER STRIPS: KEIllP OUT stopp dn 1 o'clock. Call 2831. Re· One of the be!lt of the season-finely done! cold and dust and !!ave coal. 8ee wurd, care of you. -Chicago Journal. BRN MARVIN. I games. PHONE 2777 3 1·2 S. Dubuque St. Phone 2066, ~W-J-L-L-P-E-~R-8"'"O"',-N-W-H-O-LO-S-T-CO-A-" Among be t howing-worth recommending! nrFIRMARY-COLLEOE OF DENT. D. W. Griffith's Istry open tor clinical .orvlco. be. AT BURKI.EY BALL RooJl[ -Chica.go Daily News. DENTISTS ginning Sept. 22, 1924. Hours 10·12 HOMECOMING DAY CALL AT Will stay in your miDds-true to life! ------a_._m_._;_I_.5--:P_. _m___ . ------DAILY IOWAN QFFtCE:. HE -Chicago Tribune. DR.-Dental CLAUDE Surgeon- W. ADAMS BEAUTY OPERATOR EXPERIEN. WILL BEl GIVEN NAME OF Ovor Coasls' Slore. Phone 1190. ced In'alt beauty culture work. Will PRESENT HOLDER, _ gO to your home. Phone Black 19&2. Selecled 2-reel comedy ~nd Fox News • DRESSMAKING GLASSES LOST, BLACk SHELL· WANTED-ROOMMATES rim glR.8Bes In II. black case, nellr Prlces-tO·40e FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING. 107 E. Burlln,ton at Phone Black 2267, WANTED: FRESHMAN OIR L Old Science bldg, Phone 2734. "AMERICA" would like .Ingle rOOm in a. deslr. able home, Write Y·30!, Dally Iowan. FOR SALE As Presented 6 Months On Broadway H anteed. 411 W ltsh'ngton St, Phone Call Red 218 U, clothln~ Worne"· ... Cfotlling 111](­ 1983. We call and deliver, rwo NICELY FURNISHED FRONT chl11lge, 109 , ;W, Colle,e st. Houn: 1 "IL TROV ATORE" SHOE room. On second tloor or en nr8l ~ I 6 p. m. ' " PHYSICIANS noor. 010118 to camp" •. Phone 2820. JUNK WANTED _ RAGS, MAGI. (To be sung in English) , With Three Famous Artists DAVENPORT ST. 119 E ., DESIR- zlnes, paper, Iron. N. Saltsmat, able sIngle room ter r el)t, clOlle In. Phone 271q. r a shoe that LOLA CLARK MICHELL, M. D. (Pronounc d Mil e) 20 1·2 South Clin­ Phone Black 17H arter 5 p. m. FOR SALE-LQ'I'S ,. HAZEL EDEN BERTRAM COL TRA Refresh satisfactorily ton. Dlgeas~B of women. Houra 2 to G p. m. Sundays ond holldll)r8 by Ipe­ JEFFERSON ST.• 04 E ., . DOU~E T ...... E "'lIN'" LOTS toee PAV'- PRIMA DONNA BERTRAM GRAHAM clttl appointment. P hQno 931. roorfl, cl08e In. Phone 2004 J. .on"'"", ~N ...... s.erves a world UNFURNISHIlJD ROOM FOR RENT. reuonabl.. :Phon • . 1~"1i' ._. William Rufus ,Northway yo'urself PhOne 2820. 227 N. Capitol St, AUTOMOBIL i' of men. RESTAURANTS BARITONE CLINTON ST., 115, N., ROOMS FOR FORD CO~PE IN GOOD RUNNIAo p men, double or 8I n ~ l e. B 2095. order. 1918 model. $75. Phone BI_ supported by 943. , /Most Sly/d Smith's Cafe BOWERY ST. 830, ROOM FOB • A distinguished cast, student•• Call BI8Qk 1710. ------~------~.'U FORD TOURING IN OOOD COK. Phone your order at any tim_It dillon. PRohe 1201 J or call at 1.0 A spirited chorus. 11'111 be gLven prompt attention and ROOM FOR MEN. VERY DESm· E. College Itreet. Brilliant Orchestra sent you by taxi. able. Phone Black 2H6. In Coloful Settings FURNISHED ROOM FOR HOUSE. BUICK 8, 1918 MODEL, WILL - Open All Nlrht - keeping. 428 S. Cllnlon. .all chellP, call 142. Bob MeCal. -Perfect Ensemble A. M. EWER CO. Phone 411 11 S. Dubuque MARKET ST. 629 E., 2 FURNISH, lister. t ______~----~~~~I - Thl8 distinguished com,plUly Js winning high praise ed 1'00018, 1 double and 1 single .' . Eat the FOR RBHT->iGARAGES '. from prell and public everywhere at room. OAiiAOJil 11'0R J\ENT: CORa University SINGLE MODERN ROO~1 FOR Gilbert and Boltery. Gilbert " .... MAIL ORDERS NOW I , Pllone 18 Of 'J. m en, 222ii Ill. Church. 2632J. Prlctl: Main floor t2.00; Bakony '2. 11.60 and 'I ~lidoU8 and RefreshinQ " Tile Popular Ca1nPl!I Caf. ------_____ WANT TO RENT SEATS MON. Plus TU-IO% SEATS MON. Th. C".n.. . ('..,I. C.m ~.l\' , .\,1.1\1.,0...... Opposite University Y. M. C. A. SIX·RooM APARTMENT WITfl , sleeping porch. Phone Red 864. I Gt!::'~E.r,:t~ g!lP~~~~,D 1~~ \ Latest Iowa City News Market OHICAGO AND NEW YORK , Reports 'l'EL E PHO NID 282 9 .

Directors Elect Club's Officials Re-elected Head of Seek to Smash Oil Leases Candidates Appear G.O.P. Accused of Selling Birthright Of Local Chamber Obscur d by tho pl'esldentlal cnllwulgn, lh" henl'lng ot tesllmony In thegovernmrnl suit to cancel tho '1'~!\ll"l Dome 011 loosos go· Before Voters at ' ::::=---=:-- Ing forward In Los Angeles In tho CNlernl cou,·t of Judge Paul J , VOL, :XI Board Chooses Breene, Crum, and Walker at 1I1cC:orlll lck (I nset), LeCt to rlg-ht: ~'I'cll Kelhl"g- ,uttorney; E. L, Do. ' Speaker Accuses Republicans of Having "Sold Fir.t Meeting; Definite Policies Later heny, oli man who Hent $100,0000 In a little black bag to A, l3. F uJI, Last Mass Mee tlng Out to Materialism"; Attacks Tariff secrotal'y of the Interiol' and F . .I logan, atlorn~y, a,'o seen enter· Ing the court room.

Harry D. Greene, pl"esitlcnt or the ChnJnhN" of ('ollllllercc, was re. Promise to Use Power Gus MII>ee or lI(uflCatlnc mnde the prJu Ilml SllcC!'l1 nl tho III ~ t ~h: dem, ocrll.tlc pre,clecUoII 1'1111)' III tho third wUI'II, Ih p. stl'OlIl; llOld of dClllooraey elected lit a meeting" of 11,(, hOllrd 01 ,U,'ector" last night, D, W , Cl"IIm "To Pull Iowa Out in Johnson county, IIlRb night. 110 mllde lL thorough lind Il l'ti ~ ll c eKeol'lI, \filS re-elooled secretary IIlld G,'urge Walkel' will I'('llineo lV, J, WChcl' liS Of the Mud" tion of repubUcan cOrI'upllon, trclL'lurer. This election was tho fil'!> t h\L~ jn css tml\Sacted by 111 0 bOllrd 1\11', Allbee asserted Ihnt the l'c/mbllclllI IISI'ty has "hold out 10 mater, 81.nco the election ot tho now clli' ectol'~ OctobCl' 21, iallsm". He spoke about the Chester c OlLec ~~ lon ., ,; 1\'1111: It li S IIl1ulher Deflnlte policies of the board and No New Pledges Made Inslancll whell the rCllubllcliJI pUl'ly hns solt! out 10 tit 011 lnlcl'es(s, pl a. ns tor the coming year wIll be F AST 'rUi\JN lULS TWO By Office-seekers M,·, Allbee also a tUt.ckcd the 1·e· ma.de at the next ""ceUng ot tho Stroud, Okla,. Oct, 31 (A FJ-Two Il uullcan to.l'lll, He dcclaroll that tho Ho.01ucl 1), W hili ng', all of whom "oard, Ey tha t time tho new dl· men w ro killed and treo conches 011 At Gathermg republican to.rire tukes from ] 0\\0. stresse,1 tho IlIIportllnco of setting rectors will havo had opportunity the 'M~teor" tllst Sl. Louls·San fa rmers enough money evel'y yoar out tho vut~, to (letermlno the nocessl\I'y policies, Francisco pnssonger train e m'oute according to forme,' aoUvl tles ot the from St, Louis to Oklahoma City, 1'. E , Murphy, democrall candl. to pave all tho prlmlll'y r oads In ------dato for j ustice or tho pellCe was lho ato.tc, JlalJowe'oJl J\rR (jurl'lIcl c orglLnlza.Uon, weredoraJled lat today when the en· glne struck :l. ten ton h'uck at a tho only democratic candida te who " 1, R. H.ru't, Sr., declru'ct1 that tho COllgregullonlll "tutl"nt~ wi ll en· Suggestlons Wem made concernIng street cros.~lns- hero. None ot tho a ppeared at the open !oruln meet· great increase In stule tUXCl! th 1M! tcrtaln a~ a llallow '~n ntlL-'11 IUerllde the Il cens ing ot cOlHm crclu l a viators coachps ovorturned Ilnd anel' a. de. Ing In the Ci ty H ul! last night. Re' Cew years Is tI'accablo to the stl'ength O( tho conf('rem'c hau,' this evening ,\'ho transporl po.ssengel's. Defin ite lay ot a n hour ami a hnlt tho lrain publican co.ndldates wh o a ddrossed oC the republican party In 1 0 lVIl, Ho a t 8 o'l'IO<'k, Ou,'sts who find It I", tJ\O assembled voters wero B, y , !!.etlon Was pos tponed until tho next proceeded to Oklahoma. City. declared tha t they have becomo 80 ronvonlenl to Ill11Hk "ill" rnPllta meeLing. Brldenstlne, candlQate fO l' county treasurer ; J . ' Y. Justloo a nu James strongly enrenched In lown thllt they and collar d III UPlll·opr·llLle rll~hlo n lOWA HAmnERS RUN J. MUI'phy. candidates Cor t he office have nO lear of belllg lUl'ned out ot 011 theh' m'l'lval, '\'olr,1 hangings Afternoon l'llI"Sity Ames, Oot. 31. (APJ-Tho Iowa Council Threatens ot supervisor; and E , F, Cnl·ter can. offi ce. and lIs-ht •• aph'll guests, nnd fortune Afternoon varsity wlllbe held thiS State Colege, Gl'1 nnell cross country Idldat e fOl' justice at the peace, The rally was olso adclresscd by p, telling will rate l1. Hallowo'en nt, teams w lli mcot hel'e tomorrow. None ot the candidates mn.cl & any A, K Ol'ab, Edward L. O'Connor , anu lllOsjllterc, uttol'noon In varsity holl trom a to Ames rules t ho fa.vorlte after Ils Low Flying Planes pl edges othe,' tha n those f or w hich 5 o'clock, IJeports of the game strong showing lost week In t he thoy have already gone On r ocord, will be II. feature of the actemoon. t l'langular race petwecn Ames, Both Mr. Justtce and Mr, Murphy Political AdverB ement Cahill's orchest.ra. wfll play, Drake and OklD"oma, s tood for bettor roads with t he a uto Stunts Over Crowd on ~~m~m~ww~mww~m~~w~mm~~~m~ and gas taxes a nd federal aid rl· i!!iJ!TiililiiIiJiililiililiililiiTiJiililiiTiTiililiiIiTiiIiliiTiTiiTiliiTiJiiliTiililiili1iiTiJiiTiTiiTiTiilifiiTiJiilft Football Field !Jl!aJl'Ctilg hlll!hway Improveme nts Political Advertisement Protested rather than Incrca.sed tax on tho :II: Vote for prollerty owner, W hether this aid ••;: Is f OI1.hcomlnll' Or not. they promise I- Tho l:ity Council considel'Cd pro· to do all In lhelr power to p ull Iowa. I Ipsts presented In Its meeting last out of tho mUd. I J. W. CAREY :1:. nlJ;ht DJ;alnst the low flying of ncr· "The Anti·Soloon Leaguo haR reo ~ Democratic Candidate' VOTE FOR po,-ted R.!I.lph U, 'rhom)lHOn, Mmo· f)j1I~ nO ovrr tho rrowd at tho Iowa· Voters Given Last Basketeers Find 1I11nne,oto. game lfu,t Saturday, An C1'allc candid!l'te fO l' nutlona l l'el>rc· ~ for . Iowa City orillnance prohibita low Chance to Register Hoop for Rollie senlutlve, unfuvol'I\blc", Sltlu the Revel'end J, ' Vade, to tho fluery of it! COUNTY SUPERVISOR JohnM.Kadlec "'. Ht unt flying a.nd. It was judgmenl I r-::t• . '<:~ of tho ouncll lhat If such low and one of the voters I>rescnt, "Uh did ~ 1925 Term for l' ep l ~' I Today IH tho last chance vot· l·'i(t.y CrN;\mmn dribbled, pivoted, not to the Cj uestlons senl out ~' \ ' cl'LJl!(erou!/ flying- conllnued, lho Or' m _ . ... . Democratic Candidate for el' to register. 'J.'he poll~ will open lLml shut lJllSltctH IlLst night under by the League Wh ich were, In Hub· ~~~m~~~~K£~mm~~mmmmm~m~ dlnance should be l'lgcl'ously cnforc· iTiTiilili iJiJiiTiliiTiliiliTiitifiiTiTii1iTi.TaIilIii iTiliiTiTiiliTiiTiTiiTiIi iTiTiiTiliiliTiiTiTi iTili iTili ilUiIi ed, at 8 o'clock alld close at 9 o'cluck the direction of CoaCh Hollie ·Will. stance, how be stood on the enforcc· ./ ..•• ; lonlght, FIre alarms wIll sound Cor A resolution wnH passed providing i1amH. That oharacterlstlc Inabllty ment ot the nineteenth amendment County a pel'iod or five minutes at 1 p, m. for the immediate laying' 0. slde·walk to loc(l.te the hoop nlWtlys expel'. and what was hIS altitude toward Political Advertisement and 5 p. m. as a remlndet' tn clt1~en~ eneell by early season performers the strcngthenl ng of tho act. Immediately On Gilbert street. North thu.t they must reglstel' today or Recorder of DI'own su·eet. A petition fOr this be Inell glblo to vole at the gClleral was In evidence, L!]_ _ slclewalk was filed by the Alpha X I eleo Uon November 4. Coa~he" Hum 13..... ny and R ollle Competent, Qualified ~lla 801'orlty some time ago, Continue Thieves' \1J Full y 2,000 persons eligible to Williams pia IltO drill tho yearli ngs Subject to General Election Experienced Tho m,embel's of the CounCil who vot In Iowa City, have not. Signed twlco each week On Monq:l.Ys and wpr" present authorlzl'(l the PUT' t.he reglsiratlon books. ,'Il<1.Se of two caples or tho new code Thurs(hty~. Cases Till Nov. 6 of Iowa for the use or the Mayor Pekin, Oc:t. 31 (AP)-A proviSional Next week t.he (rosh \ViIl be given and tho City Engineer, government under I1uans- IUl tr)'::l'a)lhl'r coldly close" hlH dool' i i The suits f1galn~t ,,'u041y (;r"0n' ~I-.--- upon them havo h('ell cXlen lcml "gulty" Educated in rural school, Iowa City Acnd my, Iowa ~ I . - nnd SIl"O tho exponijO entailed by a thlaJ, City Commercial onego, and Iowa Stnte Univer­ Berry ~ sity, Chas. L. ~ ill Democratic Candidate fOl' ~ Profeuor Shimek Speak. ToWnship Assessor for fiv yeal':{, ~ ~ Deputy County Treasurer 1907 and 100B, TREASURER OF JOHNSON COUNTY I For The First Time • 00 Honor of Consideration ~f-! Employee of CiLi zens aving anrl Tnl: (, Co. since ~. Elcctioh Novem bel' 4, 1!)24 ~J *~ January, 1009, _ PrOCeIiSO( Shimek of th(1 '1~I,al' ( ' mmm~~~mmmm~~~~~~m~m~~~____iIIDRfHI'IlIilIIIilIJirrlliiJlliiTITiiliTiiTiliiTiTiiTiTiiliTiiJiTiiIiTiiTiTiiTiTiiTiTiiTiTiffi ~ Will give the people of John 'on .ounty careful tlnd _. III nt ot botany H)lokc In tho IJU lllis effi cient service, ~ of Junior hIgh 8('hool yCstJ'rday I .I- 1II0mhl/l', IIIB tit me WWI honor Itn", PoUtical Advertisement ~ conflld I'ull on Cor otlt I' pt'opl" llll,l YOUR VOTE APPRECIATED if! thoh- prOllcrtr. Il wn~ cont Ildoci The Daily Iowan UllJ)rOll rlato wtth the llallowo'cn l(lst Iii Illght. ~ i Political Advertisement Political Ad H' rli cment The Auditing Department liP- li~ !lIil!llilIllll!l!l!!I!I!!I!l~~m!l!l!m!lll!II!1111I1_''1I!.l!1lI.H~'m~m~m!l!l!!I!I!!.l!J.!mm!l!l!UIl!_ IIi = l1ITliIiIii1IIii1illiliTii1Jlll1lTiililliliTiilillililiililil I I lililil IIW.liTiiliTiililii'iliililljljljiliTiiliTiili'1I1ITiilili of tho Offers ~ = •II.

State of Iowa 1001 for hard road . to b· built as Weekly Subscription Rates Cast a finan cial cond ition, will ju my, have found tha.t I have carried ouL my duties a Clerk of COU1't efficiently und have given mo u I 00 % against ny p i 1 a recommendation to that effed. mont lo }<~aJ'm )II'OPCl'ty, 01' oth 'I' )II'oj)l!rly for • road oll tl Lru ' [ 11 , I now palJll lho lcsl of JlubJic ophdolJ till lo the I By Carrrier.-.-15¢ per week above recommendation. I soliicit your volo of I 00 % for a gasolin lax to b us d approval on Nov, 4 fOr re-election, ...• ..-...... -•... to con truct n ltd 'qu ale , y l m of Ill'll nd Farm to Market hi lChwaYll,

Vol 1"01' Order Now R. P. JONES C.F.Benda OAford Towm;hip Democratic ClftJdidutll Democratic CnJ1llidute 1' 01' From Carrier or Call 290 or 291 COUNTY SUPERVISOIt County Clerk 1925 Term Nov, Electioll

.- , --
