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The Parish of Three Saints St Christopher, St Michael, Brent Knoll St Mary,

Services for March Date Service Time Church 6th March Holy Communion - BCP 8.00am St. Michael’s Brent Knoll Mothering Sunday All-sorts Worship 11.00am St. Mary’s East Brent 13th March Holy Communion - BCP 8.00am St. Michael’s Brent Knoll Lent 5 Parish Eucharist 10.00am St. Mary’s East Brent 20th March Holy Communion - BCP 8.00am St. Mary’s East Brent Palm Sunday Parish Eucharist 10.00am St. Mary’s East Brent Crosses on the Knoll 3.00pm On top of the Knoll Reflections on Palm Sunday 4.00pm St. Mary’s East Brent 21st March Parish Eucharist 10.00am St. Mary’s East Brent 22nd March Parish Eucharist 10.00am St. Mary’s East Brent 23rd March Parish Eucharist 10.00am St. Mary’s East Brent Stations of the Cross 7.00pm St. Mary’s East Brent 24th March Jesus’ Last Supper & Maunday Thursday Gethsemany Watch 7.00pm St. Mary’s East Brent 25th March Good Friday Jesus’ Last Three Hours 12.00noon St. Mary’s East Brent 26th March Holy Saturday Easter Vigil 8.00pm St. Mary’s East Brent 27th March Holy Communion - BCP 8.00am St. Mary’s East Brent Easter Day Parish Eucharist 10.00am St. Mary’s East Brent Every Tuesday Holy Communion 2.30pm St. Mary’s East Brent Every Wednesday Holy Communion 10.00am St. Christopher’s Lympsham 4

METHODIST CHURCH (www.brentknollmethodistchurch.com) Minister Revd. Steve Bennett We are now well into Lent and looking forward to that most important Christian festival, Easter. This time of year makes me realise how truly blessed we are to live in this beautiful part of the Country. Sharing the Palm Sunday service at the top of the Knoll is something I find truly special. For those of you unable to make that service (which begins at 3pm on 20th March beneath the crosses) there will be another at St Mary’s at East Brent straight afterwards, to be followed by refreshments. On Easter Sunday morning, we will have another chance to enjoy the great outdoors as our minister Rev Steve will be taking a sunrise service at the top of Down at 6am. Having never been to one myself, I’m personally looking forward to the challenge of getting up at 5am whilst trying not to think of the lost hour of sleep as the clocks go forward that weekend! But I know that it will be worth it. All are welcome, of course. One date for your diaries - we will be holding our Spring Coffee Morning and “bring and buy sale” on Saturday 30th April at 10.30am. As always, we look forward to sharing refreshments and chatting with our village and church friends. From all of us here at Brent Knoll Methodist, we wish all our church and village friends a happy, joyous Easter. God bless. Rosemary Krull Preachers for March at 10.30am 6th March : Rosemary Krull and Margaret Trapp leading Holy Communion (Mothering Sunday) 13th March : Rev Steve Bennett Link service @ East Brent Note No Service @ Brent Knoll 20th March : Mr John Trebble (Palm Sunday) 27th March : Rev Jim McKnight (Holy Communion) (Easter Sunday) Toddlers World Book Day takes place during the first week of March and is a worldwide celebration of books and the love of reading. On 1st March, our toddlers can dress up as one of their favourite book characters and they will all receive a World Book Day token: this can be used to buy one of the specially produced books, which, for our age group, will be either ‘Kipper's Visitor’ or ‘Supertato’ - both look fantastic stories full of colourful illustrations. It will be a busy morning for the toddlers as they can also make cards for Mothering Sunday! We would like to say a big “thank you” to Leanna and Matilda for the lovely play equipment and books they have kindly given to the toddler group, their generosity is providing hours of fun. The last day of term will be on Tuesday 15th March, when we will be giving Easter story books to the toddlers. We would like to wish all our toddlers, parents, grandparents and carers, a very Happy Easter. Jane St Michael’s Sidesmen Rota 6th March 8.00am Sally Wingate 13th March 8.00am Sally Wingate St Michael’s Church Register At Rest - Pamela Elizabeth May Piper Date for your Diary - Thamesdown Ladies Choir Thamesdown Ladies Choir is coming to St. Michael’s on Saturday 21st May 2016. Some of you will remember this choir from Swindon visiting us in October 2010. We are pleased that they have chosen to come in this their 40th Anniversary year. Further details nearer the time. Mike & Margaret Smith 5

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Please mention the Brent Knoll News when replying to adverts 6 Woodlands Country House & Restaurant Hill Lane, Brent Knoll

“A Special House for your Special Occasion” Our popular Winter 7 Course Taster Menu is available Tuesday to Saturday at £59.00 per couple including a glass of Prosecco each and dishes include crab soufflé, skewers of crocodile and a poached pear. The offer is running until 30th April 2016. A vegetarian menu is also available Please see our website for details of the menus email: [email protected] Phone 01278 760 232 to make your reservation

ROGER KEEN Carpentry & General Home Maintenance Kitchens & bathrooms fitted or re-fitted (complete or partial refit or repair) Doors trimmed and re-hung; shelves, cupboards &  wardrobes custom-made to fit awkward spaces. Estimates without obligation Basic pet obedience, Rally Public Liability Insurance; No VAT Call: Roger Keen - Tel. 01278 782909 obedience, Agility, Flyball, or 07795 415474 Heelwork to music and fun classes. Behavioural problems a speciality. Supplier of NaturesmenuTM raw meats. For further details phone: 01278 760 477 Please mention the Brent Knoll News when replying to adverts 7

Brent Knoll Parish Council Meeting Summary – February 2016 Meeting Attendance: 11 Councillors, 1 member of the public, the clerk and 2 SDC Officers. Minutes of the 6th January. The Minutes of the meeting held in January were approved as true and accurate reflections of that meeting. Press and Public excluded from the first part of the meeting due to the sensitive nature of the discussions held with Esther Carter of District Council This was resolved under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. The Parish Council was updated on developments regarding provision of affordable housing in the village and a number of potential locations were considered, but as yet have not moved to any suitable conclusions. Declarations of interest were declared under Pecuniary and Prejudicial rules. Planning Application There were no planning applications to consider at this meeting. Key Matters agreed and resolutions approved 1. Potholes meeting the County criteria were reported in Church Lane and Brent Street. 2. 30 Mph Sign damaged near the Woodlands Hotel in Hill Lane. 3. No Right Turn signage on the exit from Wyevale Garden Centre: needs replacing. 4. A working group to consider the use of the area previously used for near the toilet block is continuing. 5. The toilet block floor may need some future attention as the surface paint is cracking. 6. Play equipment working group to consider future improvements or renovations with GB Sports. 7. Rev Simon Lewis kindly agreed to be the speaker at the annual Parish meeting 20th April. 8. It was resolved to appoint Richard Young as the Internal Auditor for the accounts 2015/16. Finance Matters: The Parish Council resolved to approve the payments for February 2016 as outlined on the published agenda prior to the meeting. Full copy of the minutes available on the website and also available from the Clerk. Ctd. page 8 Forthcoming meetings: Next main meeting Wednesday 2nd March with a Parish Surgery for anyone wishing to visit the Parish Council with local issues; this will be at 4pm. A provisional meeting will be held on 16th March if required for urgent planning matters. Public always welcome to these meetings. Owen J Cullwick, [email protected] Tel 07917 445 215 Women’s World Day of Prayer Friday, 4th March 10.30am Bleadon Church, ‘St Peter & St Paul’ Prepared by Christian Women of Cuba “Receive Children, Receive me.” Refreshments, all Welcome. Holywell Nursing Home Easter Coffee Morning on Wednesday 16th March 10.30 am - 12.15 pm Bric-a-brac, raffle and a selection of cakes 8

The Parish of Three Saints St Michael’s Church. Brent Knoll. Fit for purpose ? Readers may or may not be aware that in 2012, a major decision was undertaken to merge the parishes of Brent Knoll, East Brent and Lympsham to form “The Parish of Three Saints”. The Revd. Simon Lewis has been the Priest-in-Charge of the local Church family for the past six years. At a meeting held on 6th February at St Mary’s Church, East Brent, Simon and his team introduced details of the following project entitled “Re-Pitching Our Tent”. Over the past six years, the Parish of Three Saints has been coming to terms with the realisation that their church buildings and facilities are not fit for purpose for the future growth and activities of the parish. Whilst St Michael’s, Brent Knoll, St Mary’s, East Brent and St Christopher’s, Lympsham are beautiful, grade 1 listed buildings, deemed to be of historical significance, the space within these buildings is inflexible not only for worship but for hospitality and social events. Their maintenance and heating costs are extremely high and becoming unmanageable. The project Re-Pitching Our Tent is the parish’s initiative to discover a solution as to how these three church buildings are made “fit for purpose” for the future. Amongst the solutions the project will consider: 1. Altering the inside or outside of all three church buildings. 2. Altering the inside or outside of just one or two of the church buildings. 3. Closure of one, two or three of the church buildings. 4. The building of a new church along with another neighbourhood orientated building next to it, as yet undefined. 5. Closure of the Church Office in East Brent. If you are concerned about the future of your local church building and would like to know more, the Revd. Simon Lewis will be the keynote speaker at the Annual Parish Meeting in Brent Knoll. The meeting is to be held in the Parish Hall, on Wednesday, 20th April commencing at 7pm. There will be an opportunity for questions. Please come along and find out more. Pastoral Care Groups Since September 2014, there have been groups running in the villages of Brent Knoll, East Brent and Lympsham supported by The Parish of Three Saints. Care Support Groups - Alzheimer’s and Dementia Carers Group 21st March 4.00pm at Brentcombe House, Church Road, East Brent, TA9 4HZ Tel Carla 01278 760 041 or Maggie 01278 760 661 for details. Comfort Group 3rd March 2.30pm at Somerdown Farm, Slade Lane, Lympsham, BS24 0DP. Tel Dot 01278 760 600 or Sandra 01934 750 076 for details. Bereavement Friends Group 24th March 2.30pm at 87, Brent Street, Brent Knoll, TA9 4EQ. Tel Margaret 01278 760 691 or Gwen 01934 750 416. These groups are open to all. Margaret Smith 9 Rebecca Southwell MBCha Mssch Itec Hons MGCP Chiropody & Holistic Therapies Reflexology and Chiropody' Home Visiting Service Tel: 01278 795 915 HPC Registered

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Holywell Nursing Home

Brent Street, Brent Knoll, Somerset, TA9 4BB Telephone: 01278 760 601 Fax: 01278 760 912 Email: [email protected]

Registered Provider and Matron: Sarah Joyce RMN RGN

At Holywell we believe that all who use our services should feel welcome, safe and in control. That their rights to have choice, independence, dignity, privacy and fulfillment are respected.

Holywell is registered and regulated by the Care Quality Commission and has been awarded the Quality Rating with Somerset .

We now have accommodation for 30 residents.

All rooms are ensuite and our recent upgrade includes a second lift, extra bathroom with ceiling hoist and a shower/wet room. The kitchen is now in the centre of the Nursing Home, by the dining room.

We can offer long term care, short term or respite care, from one night to however long is required, day care or visit for a meal or bath/shower. Drop in information service, we are here to help and support our local community.

We also welcome volunteers especially to help our less able to enjoy their meals, perhaps hand massage or give a hand with the activity ladies.

People coming to live here are encouraged to bring with them items to personalize their rooms.

We operate an open house policy, visitors are welcome at any time that the resident is happy to see them.

A brochure is available which includes our Philosophy of Care and Statement of Purpose.

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Holiday Accommodation Three bedroom apartment, sleeping six. Overlooking the harbour. In Porthmadog, Gwynedd, North Wales. Porthmadog has a rich maritime and railway history, being the terminus of both the Welsh Highland Railway and the Blaenau Ffestiniog Railway. An excellent base for touring the surrounding area. The famous Italianate village of Portmeirion, built by the architect Sir Clough Williams-Ellis, is just 2 miles away, whilst Criccieth and Harlech castles are within easy reach. As are Mt Snowdon, Caernarfon and Anglesey. The apartment has good views of the harbour and the Ffestiniog Railway terminus. The shops are less than a five minute walk and the nearest beach at Borth-y-Guest a 15 minute walk. Ample local walking in breath taking scenery. For more details please contact Jenny on 01278 760477 or 07748 781 593

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WHERE IN OUR VILLAGE Each month the BKN will have a small picture quiz – no prizes, but I hope you may enjoy guessing where the object shown is located within the Parish boundary. Last month’s object is a finial on the roof of the Manor House. This month features another item which most of us will have viewed many times, but may well not have noticed. So where is it? The answer and another object will be shown next month. JaPe Girls Just Wanna Have Fun! We are meeting on Tuesday 15th March at 7.30pm in Woodlands for a Mad Hatters Tea Party. Come wearing a ‘Mad Hat’, Alison Barnes will be teaching how to make cupcakes look beautiful. £5 to include a glass of wine in a tea cup. If you want to know more about our group please contact Caroline in the Village Shop. Caroline B.A.D. - Brent Amateur Dramatics We have the hall, we have the stage, we have the enthusiasm, but we don’t have enough cast. Our membership dwindled over last year and we were unable to put on a performance in 2015. We would love to put on a homemade pantomime this year and are looking for new members to join us either on stage or behind the scenes; also is there an enthusiastic director out there?. We would also really welcome back our old friends: your talent is missed. Don’t worry if you can’t act we are BAD after all, so you will fit in. We plan to hold an informal gathering later in April possibly in the Red Cow (date to be advised in the next BKN) to gauge enthusiasm. Please contact Sarah Joyce on 787 493, or at work 760 601 (option 4), or Liz Bream 760 810. Sarah BRENT KNOLL BAZAAR FARMERS’ MARKET & PARISH CAFÉ SATURDAY 12th March at Brent Knoll Parish Hall - 10.00am to 12 noon Locally produced fresh Beef, Pork, Chicken, Goat’s milk, cheese and meat, Eggs, Cheese, Pickles and Preserves. Vegetable Stall, Speciality Bread, Westcroft , Homemade Cakes and Savouries, Phoenix Cards, Handmade Cards, Silver & beaded jewellery, Children’s Games and Toys, Local Crafts, Dog Treats, Textiles, etc., CDs, DVDs, Books and Bric-a-Brac. Plus Raffle The Parish Café will be serving drinks & light snacks Entrance FREE Good Quality, Clean items for BRIC-A-BRAC stall (No Electrical Goods, please) will be appreciated, (collection or delivery) or to Book a Table (£7 per table) Phone Eddie Fuller (01278 760 308) Proceeds to Brent Knoll Parish Hall 13 CHELSEA FARM CENTRE LTD HARP RD, BRENT KNOLL, SOMERSET TA9 4HQ TEL: 01278 760 480 PLUGS - PLANTS - BULBS - HANGING BASKETS - TUBS - PERENNIALS - SHRUBS ALL PLANTS IN THEIR SEASON CITROEN SPECIALISTS - PARTS, REPAIRS, SERVICING OPEN 7 DAYS PARKING FACILITIES

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THE MANOR LODGE PRACTICE West Road, Lympsham, Nr Weston-s-Mare, Somerset, BS24 0EG Tel: 01934 750 419 Mob: 07815 417 063 Lisa Counsell D.O., Zac Beard B.Ost Registered Osteopaths Musculo-skeletal treatment for backache and joint problems, specialising in the cranial approach to children’s ailments

Holiday Home for Happy Cats MRS PAT PAULSON, WICKNOLL HOUSE, BURTON ROW, BRENT KNOLL, TA9 4BX Tel 01278 769078 - Mobile 07860 404062 Please mention the Brent Knoll News when replying to adverts 15

Skincare Since I was a little girl, it was impressed upon me that if there was absolutely nothing else that I could do to help my skin and complexion stay fine, it was to use a good moisturiser twice a day and drink plenty of water. God rest my beloved Granny; I probably didn’t fully appreciate the wisdom in these words when I was 8 years old, but I stuck by her word and luckily, it’s seen me in good stead ever since. I have often wondered how the women that I come into contact with on a day-to-day basis look after their skin and what products they use. It’s not something that we readily discuss unless of course you’re in the company of a best friend or trusted relative. I’d love to see this change and perhaps with this short article, I can encourage ladies to BE more inquisitive, compliment one another more and start to share what knowledge we have. I have recently discovered a wonderful range of products that I’ve been so impressed about, I’ve literally put my money where my mouth is and started to sell them; beautiful skincare and wonderful makeup. This new enterprise has reminded me something really quite fundamental: when you find that one product that makes you look fabulous, it does something even greater; it gives you confidence. And in today’s fast-paced social media-driven world, which constantly exposes us to perceptions of beauty and ‘ideal’, I applaud ANYTHING that makes us feel better about ourselves, and if we can share, then all the better!! Amy Balcomb. 07740 167703 Brent Knoll Local History Society The next meeting of the Local History Society will take place at 7.30pm on the fourth Monday of February (the 22nd) in the Jubilee Room of the Parish Hall. At that meeting we will not be looking at the early history of Brent Knoll, as I mentioned last month, but will look at some pictures and film of Brent Knoll and of the Royal Ordnance site at Puriton. New members are always welcome to our meetings. We do make an enormous charge, normally £1, to cover the hire of the hall! In January we had a look at the life of the Rajahs of Sarawak, whom I mentioned in my House Histories recently. The first Rajah was quite a swashbuckling character, in fact so much so that Errol Flynn wanted to play him in a film (though he never could get the family to agree the script). The second Rajah, who was the nephew of the first Rajah, was born in Berrow, to a father who was the vicar there and in Brent Knoll (and in two other parishes as well!). He ruled for almost fifty years. His son became the third and last Rajah. Sarawak was an interesting country, originally ruled through Brunei, where head-hunters survived at least to the second world war, when they had a field day with the occupying Japanese. Various members of the family managed to keep the gossip columns of the national papers going for many years. In March, the normal meeting day would be scheduled for Easter Monday, so we are aiming to hold it on the Monday before that, the 21st, when we may have some more local film and pictures. In April, our last meeting for this season, the meeting will be on Monday the 25th, same time, same place, when we may look at some of the early history of Brent Knoll, but, on the other hand, may find more pictures, stories or other items of interest as we have this month! If you have any particular topics you would like to have discussions about during our season, please do let me know and we will do our best to fit them in. If you have done any research into aspects of the village history we would love to hear from you. If you have any photographs, papers or other matters of historical interest and are happy to show and discuss them then please get in touch. John Page FRONT COVER Photo - Thanks to Tony Gilbert and John Page for their pictures reminding us that Spring is on its way. Bob 16

Being one of the coldest days of Winter, the expectation for the January meeting was that most people would stay at home rather than brave the rawness of the day. Expectations were wrong! This meant that tables and chairs had to be taken out of the store as more and more people arrived. Sadly, those expecting to find Ken Eden ready to sing songs as entertainment were to be sadly disappointed as he had contracted laryngitis and so did not attend. No matter, if there is one thing that Good Companions are good at, it is being companionable and, at no notice, it was decided that the meeting would become a “Tea Party”. With the unexpectedly large number of attendees, the supply of cakes and biscuits was modest but sufficient as the members seemed more interesting in having a good old natter rather than a nibble. The next three meetings are as follows:- Next meeting – 16th March - Angie Brooks - Girlguiding trip to India 20th April - Brent Knoll School Choir 18th May - Annual General Meeting We are a very friendly group and we welcome new members of all ages. We meet in the Parish Hall at 2.30pm on the third Wednesday of every month; so just come along to a meeting or contact Joy Collett on 01278 760 458. Chris Robson WI CRAFT GROUP We will meet at 2.30pm in the Methodist Church School room on Monday March 21st. We are a small friendly group which enjoys knitting, chatting and having a cuppa. We knit for ‘Mission to Seafarers’ and ‘Somewhere to Go’. If you would like to join us, you would be most welcome. You don’t have to belong to the WI to do so. For more details. Margaret Smith, 760 691 BRENT KNOLL AND MARK TENNIS CLUB Brent Knoll and Mark Tennis club whist drive will be on Monday 14th March at 7.00pm at Ivyclad Hall. Everyone is welcome and there will be prizes and a raffle. Thank you to Frances James for providing the venue. Chris Outfin BERROW CONSERVATION GROUP The Great Crane Project - Current Status and Future Plans Our next meeting in Berrow Village Hall will be on Tuesday 22nd March at 7.30pm. Our guest Roger Lucken will explain what the project has achieved, how the Cranes are faring, and the plans for future monitoring and ongoing protection of the birds within the frame-work of a new and novel initiative within the RSPB. All are welcome. There is a small charge of £3.00 for non-members, £2.00 for members, light refreshments included. Ann Griffiths Holywell Nursing Home Would like to thank you for your support for the Cystic Fibrosis Coffee Morning. We were able to hand over £150.00. Annette Myers 17

PETER EVERETT Registered Osteopath Misted Up Double Glazed Can now be seen at the addresses below: - Unit Replacement

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Kathryn Talbot Office and Secretarial Services

Secretarial Services - Presentations, proof-reading, day-to-day correspondence, dissertations, leaflets, brochures/fliers, telephone/audio dictation, mailing lists, spreadsheets, invoices, CIS monthly returns, etc. Short/Long Term Office Support - Efficient, reliable, professional service PA Support - Diary management, event planning, travel arrangements, etc. Kennet House, 127 Brent Street, Brent Knoll, Somerset, TA9 4BB Tel/Fax: 01278 760393 Email: [email protected] 'HFLVLRQ3RZHUa:HEVLWH'HVLJQDQG&RQVXOWLQJ 4XDOLW\:HEVLWHVDW5HDOLVWLF3ULFHVIRU &RQVXOWLQJ &RUSRUDWH%XVLQHVV ,7'HYHORSPHQW 3ULYDWH%XVLQHVV  3URFHVV0DSSLQJ 6FKRROVDQG2UJDQLVDWLRQV 3ODQQLQJDQG/RJLVWLFV +ROLGD\+RPHV 'DWDEDVH'HYHORSPHQW %HGDQG%UHDNIDVW+ROLGD\2XWOHWV ,76ROXWLRQV7UDLQLQJ  +REELHVDQG6SHFLDOLVW$FWLYLWLHV :HEVLWH6XSSRUWDQG+RVWLQJ &DOO'DYH0F0LOODQRQ Please mention the Brent Knoll News when replying to adverts 19

Brent Knoll House Histories St Michael’s House – formerly the Vicarage – 7 Until now, all of the building work discussed has been part of the specification, alluding specifically to the masons and bricklayers, but when it comes to the flooring of the building, this becomes divided into two major sections. The utility rooms, including the larder, pantry, beer cellar and wine cellar, with the passageway between them, plus some steps up to the kitchen level (remember the house is built on the side of a hill) and the porch and hall doorways, are all to be constructed of faced Banwell pavement. These are to be laid in mortar, on dry rubble, with a neat close joint. Other areas are also paved in stone, but they are not faced. In the kitchen yard, they are referred to as bunched Banwell stone (which normally means there is a raised portion on the stone) and other external areas have common flag pavement. Finally, the hall had rubbed Banwell stone, which was to be laid in diamonds about 12 or 14 inches square (obviously some imprecision creeping in here!). Exactly what was so special about Banwell stone I am uncertain, although there definitely was a quarry just above the High Street until the 1970s. Of course, stone of any type is unlikely to be used in the main living rooms. There it was the carpenter who was required, and he was to lay 1¼ inch yellow deal half nailed batten floors in the Drawing Room, Dining Room, Living Room and staircase; though, surprisingly, the plan substitutes the title Library for what the specification refers to as the Living Room. Two further rooms, the China Pantry and the Water, are also to be in yellow deal, but only a one-inch measure. Somehow the China Pantry seems a little out of place here, as it is probably not a room where the family or guests are likely to go very often. So far, there has been very little preserved of the former property on the site, but the floor from the East Chamber, which is above both the entrance lobby and two cellars, is to be re-laid in the Servant’s Chamber and Store Room. This may imply that some of the structure is also from the original house, or that some of the materials were retained with a view to re-use. All of the other chambers, Dressing Rooms, Landings, etc. are to be of one-inch yellow deal, but there is also a note that all leading joints are to be ploughed and tongued, or, as modern terminology has it, tongued and grooved. Forty pounds was to be set aside for the “chimney pieces” (fireplaces) in the three main rooms downstairs and they were to be made of marble. As they are such a centre piece in those rooms, with their fires providing the winter warmth, the specific choice was to be left to the vicar. It appears, however, that many of the other rooms may have had fireplaces and grates left over from the previous house. That may also be true for some of the fourteen chimneys, which combine into two, three or five chimneys to a stack. Carpenters are informed that neither pine nor elm are to be used. Good, dry, sound deal is the preferred wood and it should be free of large loose knots (though I always thought that deal was wood from a fir or pine tree – can anyone enlighten me on this?). One traditional house-building wood is to be used, however, for the major rooms noted previously. Continued on page 20 20

Brent Knoll House Histories – Continued They are to have oak joists and sleepers, similar to those in “the present Dining Room”, though, once again, it is in the East Chamber where there are joists which are to be raised, re-fixed and made to fit in with the new dimensions. In an earlier article I mentioned that there was a story that the Revd. Johnson rebuilt the vicarage in Brent Knoll. Now I am beginning to wonder whether, although he did not do a full re-build, he did make some major repairs to the existing building. Some of the re-use already mentioned may hint at this, but, when discussing the roofing, it is suggested that the roof of the main or south part of the building should be reframed and re-fixed, making good all defects and deficiencies. It then says that a new roof should be put over the Servants Chamber, a Dressing Room adjacent and some of the other utility areas. Another area where re-use is mentioned, concerns the internal doors. “Such of the present doors as are suited to the purposes may be used” applies to many of the utility rooms, although “this does not include any doors that open into the best staircase.” So there are already a number of items which are part of the £200 mentioned in the November article as being the value of re-usable materials from the old house. Other doors on the ground floor are to be of six panels made of double moulded, two-inch deal, with pilaster architraves and grounds agreeable to the Drawing. The only example I can find in the drawings I have seen, is the one shown here, but this does not demonstrate the pilaster architraves at all effectively (an architrave is the moulded frame around the door and a pilaster is a rectangular column projecting from a wall). John Page Live at the Cinema La Traviata - Thursday February 4th Just back from the above performance (remembered to take a hankie:). Just as well, I was on my own - Usually someone in our group has tissues and can pass them around. Some of us are good criers and some say ‘oh for goodness sake’. Anyway - Opera. Wonderful singing. The soprano Venera Gimadieva singing Violetta was sublime. Her top ‘C’ was shivers down the spine good. Alfredo sung by Saimir Purgu was very expressive - his solo at the end of Act 2 Scene 1, when Violetta has left him at the behest of his father Giorgio, was heart-rending and started the tears (hadn’t got the hankie out then). Said father, the bass lead, was sung by the wonderful Luca Salsi, lovely rich rounded voice. Act 3 of course, the tragic end as Violetta was dying (how do they sing lying down?). Well, I was done by then - even the lady sat next to me put out a hand of comfort. Oh dear. In the intervals, interviews by the lovely Simon Callow with the Musical Director Antonio Pappano; the Director of Movement; Jane Gibson who told us of Richard Eyre’s original direction, from which this revival came, and also a little gem from Yves Abel the conductor, who took us through various scenes from the first haunting notes to the party dances and bass solos. A wonderful, wonderful evening. I hope that the other Brent Knollians there agree with me - maybe one at least will say so (or not) next month - you know who you are! Pauline Chadwick P.S. Magic Flute is cancelled. Booking now The Hangman - a comedy play Thursday 3rd March: Giselle - Wednesday 6th April. 21

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Women’s Society Thank you again to Janice for inviting us to her house to hear about the charity ‘Wheelie Bugs’. Such a worthwhile cause and we wish Rita all the very best in her mission to raise money to provide more means for an independent mode of transport for disabled children. On Thursday February 25th, we are invited to the home of Janet, at Crimdon, Burton Row, where we will have a Beetle Drive: always a lot of fun and laughter on these evenings. Please do join us. As I mentioned last month, please have your recipe books at the ready as we have our Hot Pot Supper to look forward to on March 31st at Julie’s home, Wick Farm, Wick Lane. It is always great to sample other people’s ideas and culinary skills, so start planning ahead for an appetising evening. On April 28th we have a quiz evening. Ann, 760 148 Women’s Institute The weather on Wednesday 10th January was sunny and dry which was a bonus after the wet and windy weather we have been experiencing. We hold our monthly meetings at 2.30pm in the Brent Knoll Parish Hall. Three ladies, who were new to our WI, attended our meeting. We were very pleased to see some new faces and we would be very pleased to see some more in the near future. It goes without saying, we are always glad to see our regulars. The speaker Sarah Harris brought along hand spindles and historic spinning wheels including a reproduction great wheel, which features the sharp spindle made famous by the tale of Sleeping Beauty. Her presentation traced the long history of hand spinning and its place in textile manufacturing up until the Industrial Revolution. A very good talk. I found it intriguing that spinning is becoming popular to-day and Sarah has a shop called “Spinning Weal” at Clevedon. After the talk, ladies were invited to have a go at spinning. The joint winners of the flower of the month competition were Margaret Smith with a cyclamen and Janet Southwell with a primrose. The next two meetings are:- 9th March when Frances Benton will give a talk on the History of Pearls. 13th April when Pat Pearson will give a talk on the life of a diplomat. Ann Robson “Meet & Eat” Meet and Eat will be held in Brent Knoll Parish Hall on Monday March 21st. Doors open at 12.30pm. Please book with Liz by Friday March 18th. We look forward to seeing our regular Meet and Eaters. New diners are always welcome, if you would like to have lunch and make new friends. Liz, Rosemary, Bella and Weit Royal British Legion Women’s Section – Brent Knoll branch The Brent Knoll branch of the Royal British Legion Women's Section thanks everyone for their support of our recent Pancake event which was enjoyable and successful. Mary Piper Memo from Brent Knoll Post Office From Tuesday 15th March to Friday 18th March the Post Office Counter will only open from 9.00am to 1.00pm. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. Manshu Shah (Sub postmaster) 24

Burns’ Night If you are not Scottish, you might well be forgiven for wondering why people like to celebrate the poet Robert Burns on the anniversary of his birth that took place in a poor cotter’s house on January 25th 1759. Yet each year, you probably sing ‘Auld Lang Syne’ on New Year’s Eve without even realising it was written by this handsome, flirtatious young man, now declared Scotland’s National Bard, who died at the early age of 37 and was buried with full military honours the very day his son was born. This fact alone might entice you to Google his name or perhaps borrow a complete book of his poems from the local library. If so, you will no doubt recognise some poems and perhaps even some sayings that have been passed on through the generations: ‘There’s no such uncertainty as a sure thing!’ or ‘O would some power the gifte gie us to see ourselves as others see us.’ In order to raise funds for St. Michael’s Church, ‘Girls just wanna’ have fun’ celebrated this event and carried it off in great style with a fantastic evening held at the Parish Hall. John Foggarty’s bagpipes were heard afar and an elegant feast was prepared for the ninety people who attended. Their various plaids of scarves, kilts, shawls, sashes and ‘Tam o’ Shanters’ were echoed on table runners, table napkins, together with vases of flowers that were donated and arranged by Lisa King. The red roses, cream rosebuds, eucalyptus stems and eryngium looked particularly attractive set on the freshly laundered white tablecloths. The ‘Girls’, were busy in the kitchen, but later also helped to wait upon the guests to ensure they were enjoying the wonderful spread provided by Paul and Sarah McClean with members of their team at the Woodlands Hotel. First a starter was served: rolls, butter and hot ‘cock a leekie’ soup prepared by Dot and Phil Coles, followed by the arrival of the Haggis – carried in with great ceremony and accompanied by John playing the bagpipes. Then, as is expected on such an occasion, the speeches began. Chris Mills addressed the Haggis with great dramatic gestures, but I quote only the last verse (with English translation!): You powers, who make mankind your care, Ye Pow’rs, wha mak mankind your care, And dish them out their bill of fare, And dish them out their bill o fare, Old Scotland wants no watery stuff, Auld Scotland wants nae skinning ware That splashes in small wooden dishes; That jaups in luggies: But if you wish her grateful prayer, But, if ye wish her grateful prayer, Give her [Scotland] a Haggis! Gie her a Haggis! While each table was being served with generous portions of haggis, neeps, tatties, and broccoli, served on silvery platters, John Morgan gave a fine rendering of Burn’s poem ‘Oh my love is like a red, red rose’, and David Cound followed this with – A Toast to the Lassies: ‘Lift your cup and drain it well, For these are truths that I do tell. No man is whole without his bride, Without companion by his side. A loving hand, an encouraging smile, Someone to stay and bide a while, Someone to keep him on the path, Someone to curb his rising wrath. A partner, loving, true, and good. One he could heed as well he could. A man needs comfort from all strife. A man needs a lassie to be his wife. I give you then, good friends and fair-- To the Lassies! And their constant care.’ Continued on page 27 25

We are a family run Brent Knoll based company .Established in 1989 Services we provide:- Lawn Mowing & Maintenance Strimming / Brushcutting Hedge Cutting All aspects of Tree Work Garden Clearance Regular Garden Maintenance Removal of Garden Waste 'Licensed Carrier - Fully Insured Weed Killing, Fence Treatment Local Authority Work Tel: 01278 760 815 Mob: 07730 435038

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Burns’ Night – Part 2 Then one of the ‘Girls’, Brenda Walker, gave her humorous reply: A Response to the Lads A man needs a lassie? But does a lassie need a man? We who scamper up the Woodland’s path Leave Rugby and food to curb man’s wrath. With a wee glass of wine, a fiver a time, We lassies are ready to dance or to dine. We don fancy dress, or, with little distress Create with our hands, applaud our success. Just once in a while we need Andy or Robbie As we place our bets on a race to raise money. We lassies want fun and we certainly get it. We chatter away, whatever the topic. We sing, we bake, we sew, we debate Whatever is on the political slate, But certainly no ‘ timorous beasties’ are we Whether scoffing beer, coffee or tea, For bat hunting we go, skittling, walking Free as air, painting, talking – Until light fades and torches are lit And like the bats, homewards we flit Leaving the Woodlands and its gorgeous views. Until the next date (advertised in Brent Knoll News). But gentlemen, please never grudge us this night For we come back home – enriched with delight. And as Robbie Burns once said to a lass On her way with friends to a Holy Fair: ‘My name is Fun, your cronie dear , The nearest friend ye hae’ is here – by night or by day’ So for those who love friendship, poetry and rhyme Raise your glass and I will raise mine – for FUN this day! For FUN. A ‘wee dram’ was served with the haggis, so with whisky or the drink of their choice, guests again raised their glasses. A delicious Highland Mess completed the meal – but, the evening was yet young! As soon as the tables were cleared and stored away, the room was ready for dances and reels guided by John and Penelope Morgan, expert teachers from the U3a Scottish Dancing Group. Starting with the ‘Gay Gordons’, much laughter was aroused by our attempts to remember the not too complicated moves in the reels that followed. The dances were interspersed with games and the writing of limericks starting with ‘There was a young man from Fife……’ You can imagine the fun we had when the authors read them aloud. The winner got a bottle of Scotch Whiskey and dancing resumed until late. The evening was a great team effort, and £1,600 was raised for Church funds. However, I cannot close without thanking Caroline, Sarah and the rest of ‘The Girls’ for their ideas, time and hard work that went into producing such a happy event, and a very special ‘thankyou’ must be given to Ged and Rosemary Keele for their energy and enthusiasm which proved infectious. An anonymous Guest 28

Easter Trivia Quiz 1 Easter Island belongs to which South American Country? 2 Pascua is the name for Easter in which Language? 3 The name Easter derives from “Eostre”. Name the Anglo/Saxon God? 4 What is the first public holiday of the year in the UK? 5 Which 19th century clergyman and writer wrote the poem “Easter Week”? 6 The popular dish “Angelino” is enjoyed at Easter each year in Italy, what is it? 7 What bean is eaten at Eastertime – Baked, Runner, Jelly of Soy? 8 “Serge Gates” is an anagram of which presents you may receive at Eastertime? Roy Ainsworth LEBE’s Community Café We would like to Welcome YOU to LEBE’s Community café. Open every Tuesday 10-4.30pm at the Pavilion, Lympsham. Come on in for good company, great coffee/tea and excellent homemade cakes. Make new friends, meet old ones and help to make this the place you want to come! All people, ideas and well behaved dogs welcome. Tel: Lynne Booth on 01934 750 589 and 07914 003 323 or Helen Bretherton on 01934 750 361 and 07740 783 251 for more information. Lympsham, Eastertown, BrentKnoll and EastBrent Community Café Just for Fun The Vicar’s False Teeth A vicar goes to the dentist for a set of false teeth. The first Sunday after he gets his new teeth, he talks for only eight minutes. The second Sunday, he talks for only ten minutes. The following Sunday, he talks for 2 hours and 48 minutes. The congregation had to mob him to get him down from the pulpit and they asked him what happened. The Vicar explains, the first Sunday his gums hurt so badly he couldn’t talk for more than 8 minutes. The second Sunday his gums still hurt, so he could only talk for about 10 minutes. But, the third Sunday, he put his wife’s teeth in by mistake and couldn’t stop talking! Our Foreign Correspondent Cinema – The Danish Girl Starring Eddie Redmayne. This was a Very powerful film. Story:- 1926 - early 1930’s A man, although married for 6 years, really felt he was a woman. A chance event in his life brought this feeling to the fore and he decided to go with surgery to make himself into a woman. This was a true story, the person became a lady called Lili Elbe and lived the last 20 years of her life as a woman. The surgery was in its infancy, though Lili was not the first to have it. The first operation was successful and the marriage was annulled so that Lili, whilst still loving Gerda, the wife, could live a female life completely. Sadly, she had four lots of surgery, each more complicated, and died in 1949 during an operation to construct female inner organs. Eddie Redmayne is an amazing actor and is once again nominated for an Oscar, the second year running, though with Leonardo Di Caprio also nominated, maybe it will not come his way this time. He deserves it though and had wonderful support from Ben Whishaw and Alicia Wikander as friend and wife respectively, both of whom combined to help her through the treatments. See it if you can. Pauline Chadwick 29

WANT TO PLAY THE PIANO or KEYBOARD? Qualified piano and keyboard teacher in Brent Knoll available for friendly, informal lessons Beginners and nervous students a speciality Learn for fun – no pressure to sit exams! For those who do want to work through their grades, the A.B.R.S.M. syllabus is taught. Call Amy on 760 100 / 07740 167703

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PARISH HALL COMMITTEE FORTHCOMING EVENTS for your DIARY 2nd Saturday Bazaar, Farmers’ Market and Parish Café 19th/20th March Book Fair 16th July Music on the Green 9th April “Top Mix” – 60’s/70’s Night featuring “Kick the Cat” 11th June Village Fête Bristol’s Best ‘Blues Brothers’, Soul and Funk Revue Band 22nd Oct Harvest Supper – Lipinski Duo Next Committee meeting – Monday, 14th February, - 8pm, “Jubilee Room” Book Fair March 2016 Every month, at the Brent Knoll Bazaar, we have a book stall, which has always been very popular. We always try to have differing books on sale each month, so that our regular customers have an opportunity to find new works by their favourite authors or can be inspired by different writers or topics. This means we retain a store of books which is larger than that on display in any month and allows us to rotate the offerings. We are also very lucky to have additional volumes supplied to us regularly, which can mean we obtain more than we can comfortably store. To alleviate this, we have an occasional weeding out of books which have been on our hands for some while, or are in a bad condition. Only the last are thrown away; most are recycled at local charity events or shops. Recently we have had a considerable number of good books given to us, which means we do not have space to hold all of our stock; but we thought that many of them could be of interest to people in Brent Knoll or in the surrounding towns and villages, so, before disposing of quite a few, we though it may be a nice idea to have a Book Fair, when all our books could be on display. So we have selected Saturday the 19th and Sunday the 20th of March, from 10.00am to 4.00pm each day, when the hall will be full of books for sale. We are also fortunate in having visits during both days from two local authors, Joy Kenward and Andy Cruikshank, who tell me they are willing to sign copies of their books, chat about the art of writing novels and discuss their inspiration for doing so. Joy Kenward was ten years old when her teacher said, ‘When you write that book, send me a copy’ but she didn’t begin for thirty years! Making up for this early tardiness, she has now written four novels, self-published two, and has another with a main-stream publisher, due out in April 2016. She places her stories in historical settings and enjoys researching them. Joy has won competitions for her short stories and has been teaching creative writing for fifteen years. She says that Brent Knoll is an inspiring place, as much of her most recently published novel was written there! Do come and visit us and bring your family and friends. Also, if you are contemplating having a spring clean and disposing of some books please do let me know (John Page 760 986) and I will happily arrange for them to be collected. John Page Fougere Rouge On Saturday the 13th February, the Parish Hall was alive with dancers doing their best to follow the instructions of Dave, the leader of the Ceilidh band, Fougere Rouge. A few small tables lined the west side of the main hall and some chairs were set against the opposite wall. In between was the dance floor, which was full all evening – in fact it would have been difficult to have had many more people, as they would have found great difficulty in getting on the floor. So much so that, when I entered the main hall, there was no room within the dancing groups, so I was delegated to play the tambourine; in spite of which, the music still sounded good (and I did manage to dance later, to the relief of everyone!). Those who were dancing, however, had a great time, still managing to perform after being filled with Irish Stew, or a vegetarian alternative. Our thanks to Fougere Rouge for making it a fun evening and to all who helped with their excellent contributions. John Page 32

Lympsham Gardening Club February is almost over and Spring is just around the corner. It is the time of year when your thoughts may turn towards your garden. Why not also consider joining the Lympsham Gardening Club? We meet at the Manor Hall in Lympsham, which is attached to the school. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month from March to December except for July and August. We also have Coffee mornings at the Lympsham Pavilion in May and September and an annual outing in June. Come to a meeting as a visitor to see if you enjoy it. Dates of future Meetings at the Manor Hall, Lympsham:- Tuesday 8th March 7.30pm After a short Annual General Meeting, Dan Berry will tell us about Woodland Management. Tuesday 12th April 7.45pm The topic will be ‘The Avalon Marshes’ with Simon Clarke who is Natural ’s Senior Reserve Manager at the marshes. Mariette Denison Experienced Care Staff Required Local lady requires experienced care / nursing staff to support her with personal care at home. Permanent day and night shifts as well as cover for staff holidays and sickness are needed. Apply in writing with CV, scanned DBS and insurance to [email protected]. For more information please call Hilery on 07486 309 132




Let’s Celebrate Cakes by Alison Reliable Professional Driver Long Distance Specialist Wedding and Celebration Cakes Call: 760 592 or 07950 304 196 Cupcakes and Sugarcraft workshops for a quote Alison 07825 233665 www.lets-celebrate.uk.com Licensed for Private Hire by Sedgemoor DC Please mention the Brent Knoll News when replying to adverts 35

Your Easter Sudokus Beginners Sudoku Hard Sudoku (Win a £5 Prize!)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A 9 8 72 A 51

B 2 4 1 B 3 2

C 3 5 8 6 C 6

D 8 6 2 5 D 7 5

E 5 3 9 8 7 E 4 2

F 3 1 4 F 1

G 6 2 1 3 G 2 3

H 7 4 H 9 7 6

J 5 1 9 J 4 9 Comments on last month’s Sudoku were: “This was tricky but managed it” - “I didn't find this easy” – “it took 3 attempts on Sunday”. But 14 people solved it. So congratulations to: - Klaus Brenner, Pauline Chadwick, Tim Cromwell, Mac Hares, Holywell Nursing Home, Christine Hall, Liz Ibrahim, Frankie New, Peter Osborn, Pat Paulson, Margaret Rogers, John Spiers, Ted Toon and Gordon Watson. So your Valentine Sudoku was perhaps a little easier. I wonder how many will solve this month’s? Christine Hall won the ballot. Please send answers to [email protected] or 48, Brent Street. David Filmer Last month’s Sudoku Solutions (by popular request from several competitors) are below:- Valentine’s Easy Sudoku Hard Sudoku 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 2 6 3 8 4 A 9 1 5 A 436512 978

B 1 6 4 5 2 8 3 7 9 B 82 796 4 5 3 1 8 5 7 9 4 C 3 1 2 6 C 1 974 3 8 256

8 9 5 2 6 7 D 4 1 3 D 3 7 184956 2 6 2 4 1 E 7 8 9 3 5 E 96217548 3

F 9 5 3 2 6 7 4 1 8 F 58426 719 3 4 1 2 7 9 G 6 8 5 3 G 758321694 5 3 9 7 6 8 H 1 4 2 H 2 496 87135 3 4 6 5 1 613 482 J 2 7 8 9 J 95 7

Just for Fun – In the Ads! For Sale by Owner: Complete set of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 45 volumes. Excellent condition, £200 or best offer. No longer required, got married, wife knows everything. The Friendly Pharmacist 36

“200+ CLUB” – 2016 Thank You !! The 2016 200+ Club has broken all records, with just short of 350 numbers issued. We will therefore be able to pay out a record 115 prizes totalling a record £1,800. The January and February draws took place at the February Village Bazaar with the numbers drawn by stall holders and shoppers. The winning numbers were:-

January No. Prize Name First Prize 86 £ 20 Mrs P. Mace Brent Street Brent Knoll Second Prize 178 £ 20 Mrs J.M. Clements Brent Road East Brent Third Prize 252 £ 16 Mrs C. Ablitt Station Road Brent Knoll Fourth Prize 254 £ 12 Mrs M.J. Collett Battleborough Lane Brent Knoll Fifth Prize 320 £ 12 Mr D. Camp Brent Street Brent Knoll Sixth Prize 296 £ 10 Mrs K.M. Roberts The Willows Brent Knoll Seventh Prize 203 £ 8 Mr P.B. Stewart Brent Street Brent Knoll Eighth Prize 39 £ 6 Mrs S.M. Veley Brent Street Brent Knoll February No. Prize Name First Prize 101 £ 20 Mr & Mrs A. Castle Brent Street Brent Knoll Second Prize 138 £ 20 Miss J.J. Owen Brent Street Brent Knoll Third Prize 115 £ 16 Mr N.A. Nussey Brent Street Brent Knoll Fourth Prize 176 £ 12 Miss F.M. James Brent Street Brent Knoll Fifth Prize 219 £ 12 Miss C.M. Wildash TonbridgeKent Sixth Prize 39 £ 10 Mrs S.M. Veley Brent Street Brent Knoll Seventh Prize 25 £ 8 Mr & Mrs B.A.C. Purnell Ellisfield Court Taunton Eighth Prize 164 £ 6 Mr B.F. Wharmby Manor Ride Brent Knoll You can see all the “200+ Club” winners on the village website at www.brentknollvillage.co.uk Thank you all for your continued support of the “200+ Club” and our Parish Hall. Bob Filmer, 200+ Club Co-ordinator Brent Banner Team (BBT) Another banner has been completed by the team and will be unfurled at St Mary’s Church in the weeks leading up to Easter. If you want to find out the significance of the words “The Pilgrim’s Way”, “storm tossed “ and “fruitfulness” then why not join the Lent Studies Group? The BBT will be meeting after Easter to plan the next project which might be the development of a pentaptych (5 panels). The BBT meets on an adhoc basis, sometimes at Woodlands Hotel. We do have fun developing our ideas, finding fabrics and threads and swapping useful information. If you would like to find out more about the projects and develop your artistic and creative skills then please contact Rosemary Keele 01278 769 010. Rosemary Brent Knoll Table Tennis Club New members, old and young still welcome!!! We meet every Wednesday evening at the Parish Hall - 9.00pm - 10.00pm for games of doubles and singles - even if you can only play occasionally, please drop in or call :- John Mathews - 07414 868 333. John Mathews ROYAL BRITISH LEGION (Men’s Section) The next meeting of The Royal British Legion will be held on Tuesday 1st March 2016 at the Red Cow Inn, 7.30pm for 7.45pm start. All members are welcome to attend. Eddie Fuller 37

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Bespoke Gates and Garage Doors Limited

Unit 5, Mill Batch Farm, East Brent, Somerset, TA9 4JN Tel : 01278 760068

e-mail: [email protected]

Manufacturers of quality bespoke wooden gates 39



Exhibitions, Raffle IN FIELD OPPOSITE, Activities foor your children thanks to M/s. G. Isgar £2 INCLUDING COFFEE or TEA

“If you see old Charlie, ask him about his hedgehog!” “Why, what’s he been up to then?” “Well, the other evening he found this animal down his garden, so he’s been feeding it.” “Oh yes, sounds good, eh!” “I met his wife and she said she saw a lot of birds pecking where he had been leaving food, so she went down the garden to see what was going on.” “Sounds exciting, go on then!” “When she came back to the house, she called Charlie and said, do you know you’ve been feeding a piece of broom head the last few days!” “Wait ‘til I see him, I’ll just say ‘You should’ve gone to Specsavers’!” 40

History of Nursery Rhymes Following on from the last BKN, re “London Bells”, I now look at the 15 churches in the lyrics of the rhyme. Firstly, “Oranges and lemons say the bells of St. Clements”. St Clements is a small Church in St, Clements Lane, Eastcheap. The third Church on this site, the first in the 11th century mentioned in a confirmation of grants to Westminster Abbey in 1067. Rebuilt in the 15th century but destroyed in 1666 during the great fire of London. The existing church rebuilt in 1687 by Sir Christopher Wren. The “Oranges and Lemons “referred to citrus fruits that were unloaded at the nearby docks on the River Thames. “Bulls eyes and Targets, say the bells of St Margaret’s”. St Margaret’s founded in 1197 but burned down in 1440. Rebuilt, at the expense of Robert Large, Lord Mayor of London, at the time of the disaster. This second church was also destroyed in the great Fire of London and rebuilt by Sir Christopher Wren, in 1690, Wren, obviously a busy man. “Bulls eyes and Targets” refers to the archery, which was practiced in nearby fields. In 1363, King Edward III commanded the obligatory practice of Archery on Sundays and holidays. This tradition continued, insuring the safety of the nation, until replaced with powder and guns. More later. Roger Ward Paradise Pudding (date 1800) If you have a good pudding, pray mind what you’re taught, Take 2 penn’oth of eggs when they are 12 for a groat, Take the same fruit which Eve did once Cozen, Well pared and well chopp’d, at least half a dozen! Six ounces of bread (let the maid eat the crust) The same must be grated as fine as dust. Six ounces of currants, pray pick them quite clean, Or they’ll grate in your teeth, you know what I mean. Six ounces of sugar won’t make it too sweet, Some salt and some nutmeg will make it complete. But still you may add if willing (and it’s handy), Some good lemon peel and a large glass of brandy Three hours’ll boil it, with no bustle and flutter- And then serve it, with a good melted butter. Adam tasted thus pudding and thought it most nice, And Eve cut her husband a second good slice. Margaret Bryant Easter Tea and Egg Cartoon Trail Come and enjoy the view and a delicious Easter tea at St Michael’s Church. In previous years this has been a very happy occasion. There will an Easter Egg Trail in the village depicting cartoon characters on Easter Sunday March 27th and Monday March 28th starting at the church in Brent Knoll between 2pm and 4.30pm. Children who complete the trail will receive a chocolate reward. The wooden eggs will have been decorated by local children, families and artists. Proceeds will go to St Michael’s Church. Rosemary Keele LEBE’s Community Cafe – Events for your diary Tuesday 8th March – Introduction to seated Tai Chi with Jeff Tuesday 15th March – Sing along Beatles, led by Simon our local priest Tuesday 29th March – Easter Bingo Kim Wilcox 41 )ORULGD9LOOD +HDWHG3RRO)RXUEHGURRPV PLQXWHVIURP'LVQH\IURP SHUZHHN $YDLODEOHWKURXJKRXWWKH\HDU &RQWDFW6XHDQG'DYH0F0LOODQ ZZZRXUYLOODIORULGDFRXN RU DQG 6NLDSDUWPHQWLQ)UHQFK$OSVIRUUHQW ZZZSX\VWYLQFHQWFRXN DAVID FORD AERIALS BURNHAM FUNERAL SERVICES LTD All types of TV aerials plus extra points Richard Marsh L.M.B.I.F.D. Dip. F.D. Freesat, Sky and European/Motorised dishes FAMILY RUN FUNERAL DIRECTORS Discreet and careful installations Personal & Caring •'Private Chapels FREE call out and quotations Monumental Masons Quality installations for over 24 years Pre-Paid Funeral Plans Please call A COMPLETE FUNERAL SERVICE DAVID FORD 97 Oxford Street, Burnham-on-Sea, TA8 1EW on either Tel: 01278 795009 or 01278 793666 TEL: 01278 489182 www.burnhamfuneralservices.co.uk or MOBILE: 07740 946385

CASTLE MILL MOT CENTRE LTD WILLIAM PEACH v All Makes Professionally Repaired and Serviced v Latest Diagnostic Equipment v Class 4 and 7 MOT’s v Recovery Service TEL: 01934 750663 Castlehead Sawmills A38, Biddisham, Axbridge, Somerset, BS26 2RE (5 mins from Brent Knoll)

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Secure Caravan Storage Gary and Sarah Bowden G&S Storage Tel: 01934 750298 Mob:07970 950707 Highland Farm, Lympsham, Somerset, BS24 0JQ www.gands-storage.co.uk just 4 miles from Junction 22 or the M5 Insurance approved – CaSSOA (Gold) CCTV Hard standing with easy access Wash facility Storage containers to rent OPEN ALL YEAR Please mention the Brent Knoll News when replying to adverts 43

BRENT KNOLL AND MARK TENNIS CLUB During Winter Sunday mornings, Brent Knoll has played matches against teams from Cleeve, Worle, Wells, Street and Trull near Taunton. Men’s night, on Monday evenings, have been well attended and on Monday mornings, tennis and coffee is on the menu for the ladies. Dean has continued with his coaching on Thursday afternoons and evenings during term time. There are now spaces in the mini group (5 to 6 years) from 15.45 to 16.30. Please contact Dean - [email protected] or Alison - [email protected], if there are children interested in starting tennis. The courts require some fairly major maintenance in the Spring and discussion will be underway to decide the most suitable surface. www.brentknolltennisclub. Alison Hillyer Top 3 reasons to call out the AA Recovery Service Despite my “trade plate” work, I had to call AA recovery out for only the 2nd time in my career. This was a battery failure on my own car on a Sunday afternoon! So I asked the AA man “What are your most frequent call outs?” The answers were : 1. Tyre changing - No surprise, given many of the modern cars have no spare, only a refill kit. 2. Battery failure - These fail without warning at any age. 3. Wrong fuel addition - For me, swopping cars all day, I certainly have to double check! The next IAM Confident Driving Course on “Motorway Skills” on 10th March 7.30pm at Prince of Orange, High Street, Yatton, BS49 4JD. Please book for this free course, 01934 517 524 or email [email protected]. Your local Advanced motoring training charity. Neill Barnaby HAVEAGO! 

atmakinghandbuiltpotteryand North Somerset Branch discoverthedelightsandexcitementof (Reg. Charity No. 205284) workingwithclaywithSheilaHolness. FREE Microchipping for Dogs Clayworkisrelaxing,exciting, From April 2016 it will be a legal therapeutic,creativeandsatisfying. requirement for ALL dogs to be Trysomethingyouneverthought Microchipped and registered to youcoulddoandhaveareally their owners. enjoyabletime! The RSPCA North Somerset is Datesbymutualagreement,10amͲ offering to Microchip 300 dogs 1pm,and2pmͲ5pm,afullday£75, FREE. lunchincluded,£75,or½day£40, To book your appointment phone: pluscostofmaterialsconsumed. 01278 782 671 Tel.01278760016 but hurry – there is a limited supply! Email:[email protected] Terms and Conditions apply 44

Brent Knoll Weather Report – January 2016 By the time you read this, Winter will be over – the meteorological Winter, that is, which is December, January and February. I’m typing this at the beginning of February, though, and, if we go by the thermometer, then I reckon we’ve had about four days of Winter so far. January was another mild month – not as mild as December and not always so gloomy, but still warmer than we would expect. The south-westerly airstream which brought us the mild December continued for the first week or so of January, with daytime temperatures often in double figures. It was wet and blustery too, as the procession of Atlantic lows deposited the moisture they had collected on their way here from the South Atlantic. The rain wasn’t heavy but it was persistent, and the wettest day of the month was the 9th with 10mm (0.4in): more than half of January’s rain had fallen by then. On the 12th January, a high pressure system formed in mid-Atlantic, forcing those low pressure systems a little further north, so that they drew in cold polar air instead of the warm, wet stuff we have seen so much of. Temperatures began to fall, snow could be seen on the Brecon Beacons, and, as the high moved south of the UK, on the 16th we recorded our first air frost of the Winter – the last time the thermometer dropped below freezing was way back on 23rd November. Another high pressure system, very weak this time, formed over the south of the UK on the 19th, bringing a clear day and a cold night. The temperature dropped to -5.9C (21°F) early on the 20th, and the average temperature on the night of the 19th/20th was -3.4°C (26°F). These were proper January temperatures - Winter, it seemed, had finally arrived. It didn’t stay long, though. The weak high drifted away to become part of a large high pressure system covering much of Europe, and a queue of low pressure systems was waiting to our west. Between those lows and the European high, we found ourselves once again in that mild, humid south-westerly airstream straight from the South Atlantic. Temperatures rose rapidly, we were back into double figures by the 22nd and reached a high of 14.7°C (58°F) on the 24th – our second highest reading for January (the highest was 15.2° last year). The month ended as it began – warm, wet and windy. The average temperature for January was 6.8°C (44°F) – not quite a record, we averaged 7.8°C in January 2008, but still well over a degree above normal. Total rainfall was 66.4mm (2.6in), which is in the normal range, and although it was quite a blustery month, there were no exceptional wind speeds. Two-thirds of the way through this Winter, we have recorded an average temperature of 9.0°C (48°F) – that’s about 3.5°C above what we would expect, and it would take a positively arctic February to prevent this from being the warmest Winter we have recorded since the station was set up in 2007. Oh, and the grass is still growing! . Stephen Baggs; www.knollweather.co.uk BRENT KNOLL PARISH SURGERY our Parish Clerk, Owen Cullwick will be holding a Parish Surgery on Wednesday, March 2nd 4pm to 5.30pm Jubilee Room, Brent Knoll Parish Hall Please use this opportunity to meet your Parish Clerk to discuss any issues 45 PLUMBING BY GEORGE! 302969 Brent Knoll · Small Jobs - Dripping Taps - Leaking Toilets, Outside Taps, Shower Replacements, etc. · Gas Boiler replacement, Radiators and System Upgrades, Boiler servicing · Limited time only - up to 7 year extended warranty on all new Worcester Boilers (accredited installer) · Bathroom Design and Installation Tel: 01278 760 543 Or 07813 321 197

Please mention the Brent Knoll News when replying to adverts 46 Shrub Farm Lodge Small Business B&B Accountancy Company Making your Stay 8 Market Street, Highbridge, Somerset Home from Home TA9 3BW Professional and Personal service at Comfortable Bed and Breakfast competitive rates Ground Floor Accommodation - * Self Assessment Tax Returns Self Contained * Annual Accounts Traditional Full English Breakfast * Bookkeeping Contact Angie Lapage at * VAT Shrub Farm, Burton Row * Payroll Tel 01278 769286 ********************** Email: * Sole Traders * Partnerships [email protected] * Limited Companies Website: Contact Ian Robson on 01278 760 067 www.shrubfarmlodge.co.uk Email: [email protected]

Country Retreat Set in the Heart of Somerset Close to Weston-Super-Mare, Burnham-on-Sea and Cheddar Touring Caravans, Motorhomes and Tents Fully Equipped Holiday Cottages also Available for Short Term lets When Moving House etc. Seasonal & Part Seasonal Pitches Available Dulhorn Farm Holiday Park, Weston Road, Lympsham, Somerset, BS24 0JQ Tel: 01934 750298 - Email: [email protected] Website: www.dulhornfarmholidaypark.co.uk

Please mention the Brent Knoll News when replying to adverts 47

More Ramblings of a Rambler Isn’t life a great leveller? In my youth I was happy that my height was six feet, which wasn’t bad for a war baby, but now that I’m in my seventies, I’m not so happy for every time I put on my socks, my feet seem to get further away. One of my readers got to hear that, now I’m not so young, my hands suffer from the cold while out rambling, so she remedied this by knitting me a pair of green fingerless gloves. This was very much appreciated, but she only heard part of my rambling problems, for not only are my hands cold, but my wallet is empty and my hip flask dry. The 25th of January gave me my first Woodcock sighting of the season not far from where I would normally see one; I was fearing it would be season without a sighting. Another treat for me was the frost that came out of the blue and how nice it was to see nature in it’s winter coat: for me it was better than a Yoga session. Each morning, on my way to release the chicken and ducks from their houses, where they are shut in each night for their safety, I am accompanied by my two dogs going here and there at a hundred miles an hour, following their noses on the scent of overnight visitors. On some mornings, the musky smell of the fox reaches my nose. It’s then that I think, how is it that the perfumers can convince women, or men, to put such smells behind their ears? The Rambler Celebrating the Queen’s 90th birthday Plans are developing to have a lantern walk up Brent Knoll starting from St Michael’s Church in the evening on Thursday April 23rd to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday. There is likely to be a brazier being lit at the top of the Knoll at dusk. If you would like to take part in the walk, then please contact Rosemary Keele [email protected] or 01278 769 010. There will be more details in the April Brent Knoll News. Rosemary Keele Affairs – The final part! Jake was dying. His wife sat at the bedside. North Somerset Branch He looked up and said weakly: (Reg. Charity No. 205284) “I have something I must confess.” Come and Join Us “There’s no need to”, his wife replied. for a “No,” he insisted, “I want to die in QUIZ NIGHT at peace. I slept with your sister, your best friend, her best friend, and your Catherine’s Inn, Bleadon Bleadon Road, BS24 0PZ mother!” th “I know, dear” she replied, “Now just Sunday 20 March rest and let the poison do it’s work.” 7.30pm for 8.00pm start The Friendly Pharmacist £50.00 First Prize! (kindly sponsored by Bridge Veterinary Practice) Just for Fun! £6 per persons - includes Hot Food Platter The are on the lookout for a - maximum: 6 per team - Phone or text 07880 850825 to book your table cross-eyed burglar. The police ask you; Popular event so booking advisable “if you see this man, looking at your Proceeds to the RSPCA house,” warn the people next door! Brent Knoll Animal Centre RW 48 USEFUL VILLAGE CONTACTS: PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL, Secretaryy Sandra Hanmer 01934 750076 PARISH ADMINISTRATOR Maryy Ford 769082 CHURCH WARDEN Miss Frances James 760287 Mike Smith 760691 CHURCH CLEANERS Wiet Harperp 760803 CHURCH FLOWERS Mrs g Marion Vining760612 POPPY ORGANISER Mrs Sally Wingate 760610 BRASS CLEANERS METHODIST CHURCH Revd. Steve Bennett 01278 782306 Mrs Maryy Frost 783120 MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT James Heappeypp y 01749 343255 COUNTY COUNCILLOR John Denbee 01934 712304 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR Bob Filmer 760760 Andrew g Gilling01934 750580 PARISH COUNCIL, Clerk Owen Cullwick 794463 Chairman Colin Townsend 760226 Planning enquiries Bella Ward (Brent() Street +) 760528 Brian Freestone (Burton() Row +) 760759 Footpathp Contact Peter Osborn 760839 PARISH HALL, Bookinggyy Secretary Jennyy Butters 760477 Bazaar Eddie Fuller 760308 Secretary Sandra Few 760451 Caretaker Richard Bream 760810 DOCTOR Dr g S L Aung760313 NHS NON-EMERGENCY URGENT MEDICAL HELPLINE 111 WRVS PRESCRIPTION SERVICE 760313 BRENT KNOLL PRIMARY SCHOOL Chris Burman 760546 TODDLERS GROUP Jane Hannah 760629 BRENT KNOLL TADPOLES PRE SCHOOL Cathyyy Hurley 769126 VILLAGE SHOP Caroline Chennells 760225 VILLAGE POST OFFICE Manshu Shah (Sub-Postmaster)() 769281 BRENT KNOLL NEWS, Production Editor Bob Filmer 760760 Distribution Elaine & Eddie Fuller 760308 POLICE NON-EMERGENCY NUMBER 101 RHYNE PROBLEMS Lower Axe Drainingg Board 789906 VILLAGE AGENT Kim Wilcox 07943 555519 NATIONAL TRUST HONORARY RANGER Ged Keele 769010 VILLAGE SOCIETIES: BRENT AMATEUR DRAMATICS (BAD)( Sarah Joyce 787493 CANCER RESEARCH CAMPAIGN t.b.c. CONSERVATIVE BRANCH Bob Filmer 760760 ECUMENICAL GROUP Revd. Margaretg Trapp 760573 GOOD COMPANIONS Mrs Joyy Collett 760458 GUIDES / BROWNIES / RAINBOWS Jane Sinnott 760987 HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY (Burnham)() Mr L Wallis 760550 ROYAL BRITISH LEGION ()(Men’s Section) Rod Southwell 760445 ROYAL BRITISH LEGION ((Women’s Section) Liz Bream 760810 SHORT MAT BOWLING CLUB Alan Castle 760424 TENNIS CLUB Alison Hillyery 01934 815407 WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Janet Southwell 760445 WOMEN’S SOCIETY Julie Baker 751229 ST MICHAELS CHURCH, BRENT KNOLL - REVD. SIMON LEWIS Tel: 01278 760496 METHODIST MINISTER: THE REVD. STEVE BENNETT Tel: 01278 782306 BAPTIST MINISTER: ()(Burnham) THE REVD. STEVE AYERS, Collegeg St. B.O.S. Tel: 783920 CATHOLIC PRIEST FATHER TOM KELLY, Burnham & Bridgwater Joint Parish Tel:01278 422703 E&OE 49 The Red Cow Large Beer Garden FRIDAY NIGHT is Function Room CURRY Night - £6.00p Traditional Food Homemade Chicken Curry Popadom & Chutney Tel: 01278 760 234 OurOur Menu is available as a Take AwAwayay

01278 641516 07866744995 www.markkitchensandmore.co.uk Sandale House, Mark.

 23B Church St,  Highbridge,  Somerset,  TA9 3AG  01278 795556 Re-Upholstery Modern or Antique Furniture Repairs Spring Replacement Foam . . Cut to Size, largest stock in the area All work Guaranteed

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Diary for March 2016 Page 1st Toddlers (Every Tuesday) Methodist Schoolroom 10.30-12 noon 4 1st LEBE’s Community Café (Every Tuesday) Pavilion, Lympsham 10.00-4.30pm 28,40 1st Knoll Group of Ringers (Every Tuesday) St. Michael’s Church 7.30pm-9pm 1st Royal British Legion (Men’s Section) Red Cow 7.30pm 36 2nd SORT IT+ Recycling & Rubbish Your House Early!! 2nd Parish Surgery Jubilee Room 4.00-5.30pm 7,44 2nd Parish Council – Public Session Jubilee Room 7.00pm 7 Parish Council – Meeting [Wednesday] Jubilee Room to follow immediately 2nd Table Tennis Club (Every Wednesday) Parish Hall 9.00-10.00pm 36 3rd Comfort Group Sommerdale Farm 2.30-4.30pm 8 3rd All-Sorts Community Choir (Every Thursday) St Mary’s Church 7.30pm 4th Women’s World Day of Prayer Bleadon Church 10.30am 7 6th Mother’s Day (Mothering Sunday) 3 7th Classical Music Circle (Every Monday) Ball Copse Hall 7.00pm 28 8th Lympsham Gardening Club – AGM Manor Hall, Lympsham 7.30pm 32 9th SORT IT+ Recycling & Green Waste Your House Early!! 9th Women’s Institute “History of Pearls” Parish Hall 2.30pm 23 10th Emmaus Course Methodist Schoolroom 2.30pm 12th Bazaar, Farmers’ Market & Parish Café Parish Hall 10.00-12 noon 12,31 14th Whist Drive (Tennis Club) IvyClad Hall 7.00pm 16 14th Parish Hall Committee Meeting Jubilee Room 8.00pm 31 15th Toddlers – End of Term Methodist Schoolroom 10.30-12 noon 4 15th DEADLINE FOR APRIL BRENT KNOLL NEWS 12.00 noon 50 15th Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Woodlands Hotel 7.30pm 12 16th Easter Coffee Morning Holywell 10.30am 7 16th SORT IT+ Recycling & Rubbish Your House Early!! 16th Good Companions – “Angie Brooks” Parish Hall 2.30pm 16 16th Parish Council – Provisional Planning Meeting Jubilee Room 7.30pm 7 18th Mobile Library [NOTE Friday!!] Village Shop 11.30-12 noon 19/20th Book Fair and signing Parish Hall 10.00am-4.00pm 31 20th RSPCA Quiz Night Catherine’s Inn, Bleadon 7.30pm 47 21st Meet & Eat Nuttall Room 12.30pm 23 21st WI Craft Group Methodist Schoolroom 2.30pm 16 21st Alzheimer & Dementia Carers Group Brentcombe House 4.00pm 8 21st Local History Society Jubilee Room 7.30pm 15 22nd Berrow Conservation Group Berrow Village Hall 7.30pm 16 23rd SORT IT+ Recycling & Green Waste Your House Early!! 24th Emmaus Course Methodist Schoolroom 2.30pm 24th Bereaved Friends Group 87, Brent Street 2.30pm 8 27/28th Fun Easter Tea & Egg Cartoon Trail St Michael’s Church 2.00pm-4.30pm 40 27th British Summertime – Clocks go forward 30th SORT IT+ Recycling & Rubbish Your House Early!! 31st Women’s Society – “Hot Pot supper” ‘Wick Farm 8.00pm 23 Anything missing? Make sure your events are listed in the Monthly Event Diary DEADLINE FOR THE APRIL 2016 ISSUE – All contributions to be received by NOON on Tuesday, 15th March, to:- Bob, e-mail: [email protected] or Wascelyn, 48, Brent Street, Brent Knoll, TA9 4DT The Brent Knoll News welcomes all contributions. Views expressed are those of individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the editor or represent the standpoint of the Brent Knoll News. The Editor reserves the right to edit or amend any contribution. BRENT KNOLL VILLAGE WEBSITE: www.brentknollvillage.co.uk