Lucrări Ştiinţifice – vol. 57 (1) 2014, seria Agronomie


Valeriu MOCA1, Daniel BUCUR1

e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]


The natural conditions from the extra Carpathian region of County have favored the humidity excess at the surface of the agricultural fields and in the superficial layers of the soil profile. In order to eliminate the water excess from the natural field-soil units the following systems have been created: surface drainage, underground drainage, ridged rows, deep harrowing. In the Suceava Plateau, with the following sub-units: Depression, Falticeni Plateau, Dragomirnei Plateau and Radauti. Depression have been created more than 20 large hydroameliorative systems and a series of local systems for regulating the water regime in the soil and for effectively using the land resources. The case study included the framing of in cadastral maps, scale 1: 50,000. Based on these geospatial data the land boundaries of the Baia - Sasca surface draining and underground draining system have been drawn up on 28 trapeziums, scale 1:5,000. The hydrotechnical scheme of the Baia - Sasca hydroameliorative system has been created between 1978 and 1980 on a total surface of 5,500 ha. The territorial distribution of the hydroameliortive system included the following five territorial - administrative units of the communes: Horodniceni, , Radaseni, Baia and . The updating of the cartographic database was made using the coordinates system of the 1970 Stereographic projection for the 28 geodetic trapeziums at scale 1:5,000 that rigorously framed the hydroameliorative system studied, which represents the graphic support of the cadastral records of the land surfaces officially registered in the land register..

Key words: underground pipe drainage, cartographic database, geodetic trapeziums

After performing the measurements at the In Suceava County, surface drainage level of the basic administrative territorial units are systems were set up on 55, 100 ha, tile drainage obtained the primary technical data of the unitary networks on 26, 300 ha and systems of embanking cadastral system and land register on cadastral and protection against floods on 7, 400 ha between sectors and real estate/parcels (Cadastre and Real 1960 - 1990 to remove this excess moisture (Bucur Estate Publicity Law no.7/1996, amended, 2013). D., Moca V., 2012). From the content of the unitary data base of Surface drainage and pipe drainage works the integrated cadastre and land register system, all have contributed on the one hand, to reduce excess the necessary elements for creating the specialty soil moisture and secondly to increase production information cadastre system are extracted by the capacity of these soils. users. From the information systems organized A drainage system reduces the volume of nowadays for various fields of activity, the ones drainage water leaving a field by 20 – 30% on pointed out are those referring to the fields with the average; however, the outflow varies widely, following use categories: agricultural, forestry, depending on the soil type, rainfal, type of water, incorporated, communication paths, natural drainage system and management intensity protected areas and others (Moca V., 2013 et (Ramoska E., et al, 2011). al.).For the fields with agricultural destination and In the last period of time there have been use there are created at national, regional and local expanded the topographic and geodetic level a wide range of information systems on the measurements based on high technologies, with the following categories of land improvement works: help of which there have been drawn up and irrigations, damming and water flow created maps for the flood risk fields. (Coșarcă C. regularization, surface drainage and underground et al. 2013). pipe drainage systems, combating soil erosion, Among the methods frequently used in preventing and combating landslides. cadastral measurements are pointed out the ones

1 “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Iași

43 Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară Iaşi performed with the help of the total stations, the At the same time, there have been set a series digital photogrammetry technique and the GNSS of local systems meant to capture and evacuate the satellite technology and others (Bos N., Iacobescu water excess, being mentioned various works of damming the water courses to prevent flooding and O., 2007). freshet. According to the data of the Direction for MATERIAL AND METHOD Agriculture and Sustainable Development from Suceava, the total surface where surface draining Patrimoniul Suceava’s county land patrimony works and underground pipe draining works have has the total surface of 855,350 ha, of which: 349,502 been performed is of 55,100 ha, and according to the ha agricultural land (41%) and 505,848 ha, non- execution contracts, on 26,300 ha of the total it has agricultural land (59%). Among the use categories of been performed a systematic underground draining the agricultural field, it stands out the arable field with network, consisting in collecting drains and absorbing 177,801 ha, being followed by pastures and natural drains. These works include 20 large systems and a hayfields. The territorial placement of Suceava series of local systems that have been made in all County has determined, according to the natural territorial administrative units. They are positioned in conditions, the distribution of the agricultural field in the extra Carpathian area of Suceava County. three distinct areas: The case study consisted in updating the The plain area, including almost 1/3 of the geospatial database, the works being performed first agricultural surface is placed in the river meadow and for the territory of Suceava County. On the graphic the terraces of the hydrographic basins of Suceava support of the geodetic trapeziums, scale 1:50,000, it and rivers, in the south-eastern part of the was performed the cartographic framing of the Baia - county. Sasca hydroameliorative system that included the The hilly and the plateau areas include the surface draining and underground pipe draining sub-Carpathian hills from the central and the north- system. This hydroameliorative system included the eastern part of the county (Dragomirnei Plateau and water side and the terraces from the left side of the Falticeni Plateau). water course, from the hydrographic basin of Moldova The mountain area is characterized by cold river, respectively. and moist climate in which there are numerous The technical and specialty data of the natural pastures and poorly fertile soils (Oriental agricultural field from the Baia – Sasca system must Carpathians). be registered in the cadastral records of the following In the natural conditions of the agricultural administrative territorial units: Horodniceni, Cornu fields from Suceava County, over the years, it was Luncii, Radaseni, Baia and Vadu Moldovei. recorded the permanent humidity excess that caused For updating the data base from the the soil gleization process and the temporary humidity information system of the cadastre for agricultural excess which contributed to the production of the fields foreseen with surface and underground draining stagnogleization process. it was framed the hydrotechnical scheme of the Baia From the agricultural surfaces with permanent – Sasca system on cadastral maps, scale 1: 50,000 humidity excess there have been pointed out, first of with the nomenclature: L-35-17-C (Baia) and L-35-17- all, the ones from Radauti Depression. The areas with D (Fălticeni). temporary humidity excess have been identified both Depending of the positioning of the in the Dragomirnei Plateau and the Falticeni Plateau. hydrotechnical scheme on the five territorial In these areas there have been performed a series of administrative units, the cartographic framing has works meant to collect and eliminate the water been detailed on map sheets, scale 1:25,000 on the excess. The first works for eliminating the water plan sheets, scale 1: 10,000 and scale 1:5,000. The excess consisting of a systematic network of draining geospatial database calculation and assignment was canals that was afterwards completed by established in the official system of plane rectangular underground pipe draining system are the ones made coordinates of the 1970 Stereographic projection, toward the end of the 19th century and the beginning which included the corners, the dimensions and the of the 20th century in Radauti Depression, by the areas of the 28 geodetic trapeziums, scale 1:5,000. Agricultural Society from Viena (Moca V., et al, 2010). On the graphically georeferentiated fund of the The surface draining works and the trapeziums, scale 1:5,000 there have been placed the underground pipe draining system from Suceava themed layers of the parcel system from the five County were made in several stages. Thus, between administrative territorial units and the hydrotechnical 1950 and 1975 there have been created a series of scheme, respectively. surface draining systems and water regularization The graphic fund of the geospatial distribution systems - damming waterways. In another period that of the hydrotechnical scheme included, according to lasted between 1976 and 1990 new works intended the technical data from the execution contract, a total to eliminate the humidity excess have been surface of 5,527 ha, and on 1,806 ha of them there performed on hydrographic basins. Here there have has been created a systematic underground pipe been included the surfaces from various draining network. administrative territorial units. The stage between 1990 and 2000 included, according to the local requests made, works meant to complete and clean the old systems.

44 Lucrări Ştiinţifice – vol. 57 (1) 2014, seria Agronomie

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS b. Cartographic framing of Suceava’s administrative territory The application of cadastral works at the For the projection of the underground level of the administrative territorial units ensures drainage works it has been used the following the fulfillment of the economic and legal cartographic documentation: cadastral maps scale requirements of the local community. The 1:50,000 and basic topographic plans, scales cadastral information system from an 1:5,000 and 1:2,000. For the surface and administrative area includes the two distinct areas, underground draining works performed in Suceava the incorporated and the unincorporated ones with County, and the general technical projects it was the specific use categories, agricultural and non – used the cadastral map, scale 1:50,000 edited in agricultural. 1982, in the 1970 Stereographic projection system. a. Suceava County’s geographic position At the same time, there have been used basic the The administrative territory of Suceava topographic plans scale 1:5,000, to establish the county is positioned in the North-East of . technical solutions of the execution projects for the Considering the cadastral delimitations, there are surface drainage and underground pipe drainage the following border lines: in the North – the state hydroameliorative systems. border with Ukraine, in the East - Botosani and Iasi For updating the cartographic database of counties, in the South – Neamt and Harghita the hydroameliorative systems, there were Counties, in the West – Mures, Bistrita-Nasaud considered, first of all, the nine map sheets scale 1: and Maramures County. 100,000 (geodetic trapeziums) that frame the The territory expands between the volcanic borders of Suceava’s territory. The geodetic mountains of the Oriental Carpathians (Calimani trapeziums scale 1:100,000 have been divided in Mountains) and Suceava Plateau represented by four equal parts that correspond to the map sheets the following sub units: Dragomirnei Plateau, scale 1:50,000. The cartographic framing scale Falticeni Plateau and Siret Valley. 1:50,000 included 38 geodetic trapeziums. The geographical position of the county’s For solving the case study the following territory is given by the geographic coordinates trapeziums were used L-35-17-C (Baia) and L-35- parallel 47º05’ south and 47º58’ north, and 17-D (Falticeni), which framed the spatial position meridian: 24º53’ west and 26º40’ east (figure 1). of the hydroameliorative system (figure 1).

Figure 1 Cartographic framing of the cadastral territory of Suceava County

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c. Calculation of the cartographic - Coordinates calculation (xtg, ytg) from the database of the geodetic trapeziums scale “tangent plan”, parallel with “the secant unic- 1:5,000 1970 plan” with the formula: For the hydrotechnical scheme of the Baia – 2 3 4 5 6 Sasca surface and underground draining system it xtg = (a00+a10f+a20f +a30f +a40f +a50f +a60f ) 1,00 + 2 3 4 2 has been calculated the cartographic base of the 28 + (a02+a12f+a22f +a32f +a42f +…) l + 2 4 geodetic trapeziums, scale 1:5,000, which frame + (a04+a14f+a24f +…) l + 6 the total surface of 5,527 ha of the territory works + (a06+…) l m have been performed on. 2 3 4 5 Depending of the geographical coordinates ytg = (b01+b11f+b21f +b31f +b41f +b51f ) l + 2 3 3 (φ, λ) of the corners of the geodetic trapeziums + (b03+b13f+b23f +b33f +…) l + 5 from the surface of the Krasovski-1940 reference + (b05+b15f+…) l m ellipsoid there have been determined the plane 1970 - stereographic rectangular coordinates Where: (X<70>, Y<70>). The algorithm used (Moca V., Oniga Ersilia, 2011) included the calculations in f = 10-4Δφ"- the latitude difference between teh the following order: point given (φi) and the projection pole (φ0 = 46°); - Based on the scheme with the spatial l = 10-4Δλ" – the longitude difference between the distribution and the nomenclature of the given point ( λi) and the projection point (λ0= 25°); geodetic trapeziums it has been made the transformation of geographical coordinates into constant coefficients a00, a10, … b01, b11 for the plan stereographic rectangular coordinates using coordinates of hte projection pole and the the method of noticed coefficients (figure 2). geometric parameters of the Krasovski-1940 reference ellipsoid.

Figure 2 Scheme and nomenclature of geodetic trapeziums, scale 1:5,000, from the Baia-Sasca hydroameliorative system

46 Lucrări Ştiinţifice – vol. 57 (1) 2014, seria Agronomie

Calculation of plane rectangular Table 1 coordinates from the secant plan of the 1970 Coordinates and area of geodetic trapeziums Trapezium L-35-17-C-b-4-I Stereographic projection (xsec, ysec), was made by modifying the scale of the tangent plane, in the Point 1970 stereographic coordinates no. secant plane using the coefficient or the constant X<70> (m) Y <70> (m) module: C = 0.999 750 000. 1NV 662 763.049 589 532.925 2NE 662 799.077 591 888.951 xsec = xtg·0.999 750 000 m 3SV 660 447.125 589 567.877 y = y ·0.999 750 000 m sec tg 4SE 660 483.161 591 924.823

Trapezium surface 545.8709 ha -Calculation of plane rectangular coordinates depending of the conventional origin Table 2 that resulted after translating the origin of real axes Coordinates and area of geodetic trapeziums system (XOY) by 500,000 m to the South and Trapezium L-35-17-C-b-4-II 500,000 m to the west. 1970 stereographic coordinates Point no. X<70> (m) Y <70> (m) X<70> = x + 500,000 m sec 1NV 662 799.077 591 888.951 Y<70> = ysec+ 500,000 m 2NE 662 836.042 594 244.969 The values obtained in the case study 3SV 660 483.161 591 924.823 conducted on the points representing the corners of 4SE 660 520.134 594 281.761 the geodetic trapeziums scale 1 : 5,000 (1NV, Trapezium surface 545.8739 ha 2NE, 3SV, 4SE) are presented for the four Table 3 trapeziums situated in the central area of the Coordinates and area of geodetic trapeziums hydroameliorative system, as follows: Trapezium L-35-17-C-b-4-III 1970 stereographic coordinates Point no. L-35-17-C-b-4-I (table 1) X<70> (m) Y<70> (m) L-35-17-C-b-4-II (table 2) 1NV 660 447.125 589 567.877 L-35-17-C-b-4-III (table 3) 2NE 660 483.161 591 924.823 L-35-17-C-b-4-IV (table 4) 3SV 658 131.22 589 602.823

4SE 658 167.264 591 960.689 Depending of the stereographic coordinates Trapezium surface 546.0795 ha (X<70>, Y<70>) of the trapeziums corners, scale 1:5,000 there have been calculated the areas of the Table 4 28 trapeziums that cartographically frame the Coordinates and area of geodetic trapeziums hydrotechnical scheme of surface and underground Trapezium L-35-17-C-b-4-IV draining with the general formulas: Point 1970 stereographic coordinates n no. X<70> (m) Y<70> (m) 2 +2S =  xi yi 1 y i  1  m  1NV 660 483.161 591 924.823 i1 660 520.134 594 281.761 n 2NE 2 3SV 658 167.264 591 960.689 -2S =  yi xi 1 x i  1  m  i1 4SE 658 204.245 594 318.547 The values obtained for the areas of the Trapezium surface 546.0825 ha four trapeziums situated in the central part of the hydroameliorative system are presented in tables, d.Cartographic framing of the 1, 2, 3 and 4, based on the program used. hydroameliorative system on geodetic After making the new cadastral trapeziums measurements at the level of each administrative In the “Baia Depression” which includes the territorial unit and for the basic entities, it results water side and the terraces from the left necessary to compensate and restrict the surfaces watercourse of Moldova River, the first measured on the trapezium’s control area. regularization and draining works have been The reporting of the cadastral basic entities performed in 1959 – 1960. These works have been is going to be performed on the graphic support of redimensioned and expanded based on a new the geodetic trapezium, scale 1:5,000 for both the execution project that was made in 1978 – 1980. agricultural fields on which surface draining and The dimensional elements of the technical underground pipe draining works have been execution project included the following categories performed, and the agricultural fields not included of hydrotechnical arrangements and constructions: in these works.

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Surface draining of 5,527 ha that included visiting holes and the consolidation of evacuation a systematic network of draining canals of holes of the collecting drains in opened canals. different orders, the distance between them ranging The hydrotechnical surface draining and from 300 to 400m. The total length of the draining underground pipe draining scheme created in the canals was of 168.10 km. Baia - Sasca system was rigorously framed on 28 Surface draining of 1,806 ha which geodetic trapeziums, reported on the basis of the consisted in underground ceramic pipe draining 1970 - stereographic trapeziums, scale 1:5,000. network and different orders of plastic materials. For the presentation of the plane rectangular The distance between the absorbing draining lines coordinates of the corners of the geodetic ranged between 15 and 20 m, with the depth of trapeziums it was used the AutoCADMap 2011. 0.80 - 1.10 m (figure 3). The updating of the cadastral plan implies Hydrotechnical constructions performed the use of the graphic entities of the hydrotechnical on the surface draining and evacuating network scheme and their reference based on the points that and, the agricultural roads, respectively have been define the details of the field measured. made through 7 consolidated bridges with With this purpose, it was georeferentiated reinforced concrete slabs and 76 tubular the situation plan of the surface draining and footbridges. underground pipe draining hydroameliorative Hydrotechnical constructions performed system that was created in 1978 - 1980. along the collecting drains network included: 48

Figure 3 Framing of hydroameliorative system on geodetic trapeziums scale 1:5,000

e. Cartographic framing of the identified, measured, described and registered in hydrotechnical scheme on administrative units the official cadastral documents all the real estates; With the cadastral works nowadays there are they are also graphically represented on planes and

48 Lucrări Ştiinţifice – vol. 57 (1) 2014, seria Agronomie cadastral maps. In the case of administrative - and Vadu Moldovei. territorial units where land improvement works For the inventory of these fields that have and/or other territorial systematization works have been organized for surface and underground been made, it is necessary the existence of on field draining works, the boundaries of the total surface measurements and their correlation with the of the hydroameliorative system is established. graphic and textual data from the execution Within the hydroameliorative system, there are projects. The updated cadastral plan must include going to be updated the boundaries of the the graphical representation of the border limits of administrative - territorial units and topographic an administrative territorial unit as well as all the and cadastral measurements are going to be made. limits of the real estates/parcels that are registered From the planimetric details specific to the in the land register. surface draining and underground pipe draining Based on the technical norms for the hydroameliorative systems, there are also introduction of cadastre, cadastral plans are made mentioned the arrangements and the surface and and they are analogically presented as trapeziums underground hydrotechnical constructions. with the official nomenclature of the 1970- As an example, the following are quoted: Stereographic projection (figure 4). network of draining canals, ridge canals, The Baia - Sasca hydroameliorative system evacuation holes of collecting drains, visiting was positioned, according to the execution plan, on holes, consolidated bridges. The surface of the the territory of the following five administrative measured real estates must be framed on the units: Horodniceni, Cornu Luncii, Radaseni, Baia trapezium control area, scale 1:5,000 (figure 4).

Figure 4 Framing of the hydroameliorative system on geodetic trapeziums scale 1:5.000

Depending of the framing of the border geodetic trapeziums, scale 1:5.000 it resulted the limits of the Baia – Sasca hydroameliorative following spatial distribution: system, on the georeferentiated support of the Horodniceni: 4 geodetic trapeziums;

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Cornu Luncii: 8 geodetic trapeziums; CONCLUSIONS Rădăşeni: 7 geodetic trapeziums; Baia: 10 geodetic trapeziums; The graphic and alphanumeric data base Vadu Moldovei:10 geodetic trapeziums. used for the information cadastral system of the In order to analyze the size of the surfaces agricultural fields arranged for surface draining foreseen with surface and underground draining and underground pipe draining has been calculated systems on administrative territorial units, there for 28 trapeziums, scale 1:5.000 in the 1970 – have been considered the control areas of four stereographic projection. trapeziums, scale 1:5,000 (table 5). The Baia – Sasca hydroameliorative system that was set on the total surface of 5,527 ha, from Table 5 which 1,806 ha also include a systematic Dimension of arranged surfaces underground pipe draining network, was on administrative territorial units cartographically framed on the following five Trapezium L-35-17-C-b-4-I administrative territorial units: Horodniceni, Cornu Surface of the Administrative Luncii, Radaseni, Baia and Vadu Moldovei. geodetic trapezium territorial unit The cartographic framing of the surface ha % - draining and the underground pipe draining 35 Cornu Luncii hydroameliorative system rigorously provides the 545.8709 10 Rădăşeni 55 Baia calculation and the borders of the real Trapezium L-35-17-C-b-4-II estates/parcels on the control area of the geodetic 40 Rădăşeni trapezium, at the scale of the graphic 545.8739 60 Baia representation. Trapezium L-35-17-C-b-4-III 546.0795 100 Baia REFERENCES Trapezium L-35-17-C-b-4-IV Boș N., Iacobescu O., 2007 - Topografie modernă, 546.0825 100 Baia Editura C.H. Beck, București. Bucur D., Moca V., 2012 - Tile drainage on agriculture From the analysis of the data included in the lands from North - East Romania - experimental table above, resulted the following framing on variants and technical efficiency in: Drainage cadastral sectors arranged on trapeziums and Systems, javaid M.S. ed., InTech, 211-240. Coșarcă C., Dumitru D., Savu A., Negrilă A., Călin A., administrative territories, respectively. Sărăcin A., Didulescu C., 2013 - Geodesic technical assistance for hazard and flood risk L -35-17-C- b- 4- I: Cornu Luncii (35%), maps in hydrographic space Prut - Bârlad, journal Rădăşeni (10%) şi Baia (55%); of Geodesy and Cadastre, RevCad, No. 15, L -35-17-C- b- 4- II: Rădăşeni (40%) şi Aeternitas Publishing House, Alba Iulia. Moca V., Bucur D., Ilioi D., Curalet A., Huanu C., Baia (60%); 2010 - Soil resources and hydroameliorative L -35-17-C- b- 4- III: Baia (100%); improvments in the agricultural area of Suceava L -35-17-C- b- 4- IV Baia (100%); county; Lucrările celei de-a XIX-a Conferine Naționale pentru Știința Solului, Iași, 23-29 The agricultural fields belonging to the august, 2009, vol. nr. 53(3), p. 75-82, Editura “Ion Ionescu de la Brad”, Iași. private and public domain on which land Moca, V., Oniga Ersilia, 2011 - Analiza deformațiilor improvement works have been performed must be unor proiecii cartografice, în cazul localităților registered in the cadastral register based on the din zonele geografice extreme ale României, technical documentations of execution of these simpozionul “Geodezie prezent și viitor” (GeoPreVi 2011), 12-13 mai 2011, Editura hydroameliorative systems. Conspress, București. From these execution projects are going to Moca V., Radu O., Cârdei M., 2013 - Cadastral be extracted and verified on the field all land information system of the agricultural fields improvement works. foreseen with underground drainage pipes; Lucrări științifice, vol. 56, seria Agronomie, Editura “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iași. Ramoska E., Bastiene N., Saulys V., 2011 - Evaluation of controlled drainage efficiency in Lithuania, Irrigation and drainage, John Wiley & Sons, 60(2): 196-206. xxx - 2013 - Legea cadastrului și a publicității imobiliare nr. 7/1996, republicată în M.O. al României, partea I, nr. 837/7.02.2013, București.