FLAGELLATES of this group possess one or more whip like flagella as their organs of locomotion Classification According to their habitat 1. Lumen dwelling • Alimentary canal – Intestinal flagellates • Urogenital tract – Genital flagellattes

2. Hemoflagellates - flagellates found in blood and tissues Pathogenic: Intestinal flagellates - Giardia lamblia Duodenum, Jejunum -Diarrhoea. Genital flagellates - vaginalis Vagina, Urethra -Vaginitis , Urethritis

Non pathogenic: • Trichomonas tenax ( Mouth) • Trichomonas hominis ( Caecum). • Enteromonas hominis ( Colon) • Dientamoeba fragilis( Colon) Giardiasis Leewenhoek discovered Giardia in his own stools • World-wide in distribution

• caused by - Giardia intestinalis / Giardia lamblia. • Habitat: - Duodenum & the upper part of jejunum.

• Morphology: (exists in 2 forms) - Trophozoite. - Cyst. TROPHOZOITE OF GIARDIA LAMBLIA Shape: Viewed from front – Tennis racket shaped Viewed from side – Longitudinally split pear TROPHOZOITE OF GIARDIA LAMBLIA Shape: Viewed from front – Tennis racket shaped Viewed from side – Longitudinally split pear TROPHOZOITE OF GIARDIA LAMBLIA Shape: Viewed from front – Tennis racket shaped Viewed from side – Longitudinally split pear TROPHOZOITE OF GIARDIA LAMBLIA Shape: Viewed from front – Tennis racket shaped Viewed from side – Longitudinally split pear TROPHOZOITE OF GIARDIA LAMBLIA Shape: Viewed from front – Tennis racket shaped Viewed from side – Longitudinally split pear TROPHOZOITE OF GIARDIA LAMBLIA Shape: Viewed from front – Tennis racket shaped Viewed from side – Longitudinally split pear Trophozoite

• 14 u long x 7 u broad • Bilaterally symmetrical • 2 nuclei • 4 pairs of flagella • 2 axostyles • Motility: falling-leaf • The dorsal surface is convex & the ventral surface is concave with a sucking disc. • Concave sucking disc ventrally-used for attachment to surface of intestinal epithelial cells. Cyst • Shape : oval • Size: 12µm x 7µm • Four nuclei displaced to one pole • axostyles lie diagonally across long axis forming a dividing line within cyst wall. • Remnants of flagella • Surrounded by tough hyaline cyst wall. Cyst • Shape : oval • Size: 12µm x 7µm • Four nuclei displaced to one pole • axostyles lie diagonally across long axis forming a dividing line within cyst wall. • Remnants of flagella • Surrounded by tough hyaline cyst wall. Cyst • Shape : oval • Size: 12µm x 7µm • Four nuclei displaced to one pole • axostyles lie diagonally across long axis forming a dividing line within cyst wall. • Remnants of flagella • Surrounded by tough hyaline cyst wall. Cyst • Shape : oval • Size: 12µm x 7µm • Four nuclei displaced to one pole • axostyles lie diagonally across long axis forming a dividing line within cyst wall. • Remnants of flagella • Surrounded by tough hyaline cyst wall. Cyst • Shape : oval • Size: 12µm x 7µm • Four nuclei displaced to one pole • axostyles lie diagonally across long axis forming a dividing line within cyst wall. • Remnants of flagella • Surrounded by tough hyaline cyst wall.

Pathogenesis • Does not penetrate mucosa or invade . • remains tightly attached to surface epithelial cells of duodenum and jejunum by sucking disc. • structure and function of villi of intestines is disturbed causing disturbance of intestinal function, leading to 1. malabsorption of lipids and lipid soluble vitamins 2. diarrhoea Clinical disease • watery diarrhoea • Foul smelling stools, no pus or blood • Flatulence • Abdominal distention • Mal absorption Lab Diagnosis

Microscopic examination of freshly passed stools. Trichomoniasis Caused by

Habitat In females – urethra and vagina In males – urethra and prostate gland Morphology

Occurs only as trophozoite form.

No cystic form. • Ovoid or pear shaped • 13 x7 u • Short undulating membrane reaching upto the middle of body • Single nucleus • Prominent axostyle projects posteriorly • 4 anterior flagella and fifth runs along outer margin of undulating membrane • Motility – rapid, jerky • Ovoid or pear shaped • 13 x7 u • Short undulating membrane reaching upto the middle of body • Single nucleus • Prominent axostyle projects posteriorly • 4 anterior flagella and fifth runs along outer margin of undulating membrane • Motility – rapid, jerky • Ovoid or pear shaped • 13 x7 u • Short undulating membrane reaching upto the middle of body • Single nucleus • Prominent axostyle projects posteriorly • 4 anterior flagella and fifth runs along outer margin of undulating membrane • Motility – rapid, jerky • Ovoid or pear shaped • 13 x7 u • Short undulating membrane reaching upto the middle of body • Single nucleus • Prominent axostyle projects posteriorly • 4 anterior flagella and fifth runs along outer margin of undulating membrane • Motility – rapid, jerky • Ovoid or pear shaped • 13 x7 u • Short undulating membrane reaching upto the middle of body • Single nucleus • Prominent axostyle projects posteriorly • 4 anterior flagella and fifth runs along outer margin of undulating membrane • Motility – rapid, jerky

• Sexually transmitted disease

• In women – leukorrhea, vaginitis.

• In men, usually asymptomatic. May develop urethritis, prostatitis, cystitis. Lab diagnosis Microscopy of : • Vaginal or urethral discharge • Urine sediment

Direct wet mount – actively motile trophozoites seen.